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Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:34 am
by Icalynn
Thank you, killjoy, Flamehair, alizaleven, Rowedog, and imnotlc for the feedback!!

I'm not really here, cause I should be studying... ;) But, I had to post! Here's a rather shorter part, but very important! And you were all right about Cara....



Kyle groaned, stretching out his arms and legs. He blinked his eyes as he realized there was something taped to his arm. "What the hell?" He grumbled as he stared at the IV in his arm and flicked at it.

"Mr. Valenti!" A voice gasped and he looked up, surprised to see a young women standing before him in crisp navy scrubs.

"Where am I?" He questioned, slightly confused. The last thing he recalled was being at Michael's apartment.

"You are at the hospital," she explained softly as she reached out and touched his arm and then his brow. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel perfectly fine," Kyle shrugged, feeling better than he had in months. "I just needed some rest. Can I go?"

"Let me get the doctor," she replied as he took a second to look around the empty room.

"Where is-" he began as he turned his gaze back to the young women.

"Tess?" She offered, smiling at him. "Her mother forced her to go get something to eat a few minutes ago. She's going to be pissed that she missed this, she's been at your bedside the whole time."

"And you are?" He questioned as she blushed.

"Oh, I'm Cara, your nurse." She smiled and Kyle frowned, something just felt off about her.

"I see," he drawled as he studied her, shocked that he didn't feel any emotions from her, although she was smiling at him with a sappy grin. It was like she was an empty slate, there was nothing there. "Could you get Tess for me?"

"Oh, of course," Cara nodded, smiling at him once more. "I'll page her overhead."

"Thank you," Kyle replied as he watched her leave and he began to play with the buttons on his bed, momentarily enjoying it as he raised and lowered the head of the bed.

The door opened and Kyle turned his head, expecting to see the nurse again, but he was thrilled to see that it was Tess standing there. "Hey," he grinned and her mouth dropped open, her eyes widening as if she didn't believe her eyes.

"Oh, Kyle!" Tess cried out as she shut the door behind her and rushed over to him, tentatively reaching out to him. "Please tell me I'm not dreaming-"

"Nope," he grinned as he reached out to her and pulled her into his lap, she giggled lightly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Kyle," she sighed as she rested her forehead against his. "I was so worried."

"I told you I only needed to rest," he began as he pulled away, his heart skipping a beat as he noticed the blank look on her face.

"Yes, of course." She replied quickly and he stared at her in confusion. "You've been out since Saturday, Kyle. It's Monday morning."

"I would have been fine," he whispered as he ran his hand through her hair and he froze as she stiffened at his touch. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she smiled sweetly, her eyes remaining cold and almost indifferent. "I'm just happy-"

Kyle stared at her as she continued to ramble on, something was wrong, he just couldn't place it. "Tess?" He whispered as he opened his mind to her, immediately opening a connection to an empty void. "Who the-" his voice trailed off as Tess' eyes widened in surprise.

"Ah, so you are quicker than I thought you'd be," Tess drawled, her hands running down his chest and back up, snaking around his neck.

"Get the fuck off me," Kyle growled as he attempted to push her away, but stopped as his whole body began to tingle.

"You're pathetic-" she huffed as she held a hand to the side of his head, her hand continued to glow as she forced his body to relax into a deep sleep. "But, I can use this stupid human emotion called love to my advantage."

"No," he gasped as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"Nighty, night." She smiled as his eyes fluttered close and she climbed off the bed. "Pathetic human freak." She hissed as she smoothed out the sheets of the bed and put the head of the bed down, so no one would suspect that he had moved. "Perfect," she purred as she gazed over Kyle's sleeping form.

She turned to the door as she heard footsteps approaching. She glanced at herself in the bedside mirror and watched as her features shifted once more.

"Oh, Cara," a voice gasped and she turned to face her queen. "Has there been any changes?"

"No," Cara sighed. "I was just fixing his sheets for him-" her voice trailed off as she glanced over at Kyle.

"I guess it was too much to ask," Tess sighed as she crossed over to the bed and reached for Kyle's hand. "It's funny, for a moment I thought he had woken up."

"Ah," Cara nodded. "It's the hope that we have," she smiled as she watched her squeeze Kyle's hand. "You must never lose your hope." She added as she turned to leave, smirking as she opened the door.

"Never," Tess whispered as she reached out to Kyle.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:06 am
by Icalynn
Thank you, alizaleven, Rowedog, kittens, Flamehair, imnotlc, and killjoy for the feedback!
Couldn't Kyle have phased out again??
-He could have, but he took the second he needed to teleport to push away 'Tess'.

I skipped ahead a bit and all will be explained...



Tess walked with Michael through the hospital grounds. "I'm fine," she assured him and they both knew she was lying.

"How's he doing?" He questioned and she shrugged.

"Mom says he is improving," she sighed as she wrapped her arms around her body. "But, it's hard to tell- it's been almost two weeks!"

"Shh," he whispered as he pulled her into a hug. "It's Kyle- he's a fighter."

"I want him back," she whimpered, refusing to cry again. "Why can't Max heal him?"

"It's out of his control." Michael sighed as he pulled away slightly and studied her.

"It's hard to believe he can't," she grumbled. "He's the king- the greatest healer of our land."

"Tess," He snipped and she glared at him. "He can only do so much."

Tess huffed, turning away from him. "We should head back-"

"Don't you think you need a break?" Michael sighed as he reached out to her, worried about her.

"I want to be there when he wakes up," she whispered softly, gazing back at him. "He's going to wake up- he has too."

Michael nodded, leaning in and kissing her brow. "He will- he's a fool not too."

"I love him so much," Tess whimpered.

"I know," he smiled. "He loves you too."

Tess forced a smile to her face as she felt the threat of tears. "Yeah," she nodded as she glanced down at her watch. "I should go, and I know you have to go too- I'll be fine."

"I worry about you-" Michael confessed as he squeezed her hand. "You spend all day and night in this hospital. I wanted you to move back to Roswell, but not like this."

"Me neither," she sighed. "I didn't plan this."

"No one did," he added softly as they started to walk back to Kyle's room. "Call me if you need anything-"

"I know," Tess managed to laugh. "My mother's only a few rooms down- Jim is a heartbeat away and the list goes on-"

"We love you," Michael smiled, hugging her once more.

"I love you too, little brother." She winked and he chuckled. "See you later?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Maria and I will be back later tonight."

"It's a date," She grinned as she opened Kyle's door, waving good bye to her brother as she walked into Kyle's room.

She turned sharply as she caught movement beside Kyle's bedside. She opened her mouth to scream as her gaze locked onto Nasedo's. "I wouldn't do that, dear Ava." He drawled as he raised his hand over Kyle's head and she snapped her mouth shut. "I thought we had a deal."

Tess stiffened as she replayed the deal she agreed to in her mind. "And you said that Kyle wouldn't be harmed."

"I said I wouldn't hurt him," he shrugged. "And I haven't- he did this to himself."

"Because of you!" She cried as he simply raised his brow to her outburst.

"Ah, but here I'd think you'd want me to help him?" Nasedo mused and Tess gasped, her eyes widening.

"Can you?" She gasped as he smirked at her, a soft glow radiated from his hand as Kyle blinked his eyes open. "Kyle!" She cried as he turned to her, a lazy half smile on his face.

"Hey," he croaked, reaching out to her. She reached out, interlocking their fingers together.

"Hey," she smiled as he squeezed her hand and she felt her heart soar. "How do you feel?"

"Like a useless slab of meat," he grumbled as he tried to shift his weight. His eyes widening as he realized that there were tubes and wires attached to him. "Oh, there's a tube in my dick-"

Tess couldn't help but laugh, tears of happiness springing to her eyes. "Yeah, baby. There is-"

Nasedo dropped his hand and Kyle seemed to deflate in front of her eyes- Tess' breathing hitched as she realized just how much power he had. "Make him well-" Tess begged as she turned her attention to him. "I'll do whatever you wish."

"You have until the end of the month," he stated as he placed his hand on Kyle's chest.

"You have my word," Tess whispered and in an instant a bright light engulfed the room. Tess blinked and opened her eyes to see Kyle staring back at her. "Kyle," she gasped as she hopped up on the bed and wrapped her arms around him. She stiffened as he didn't respond to her. "Kyle?"

"Is it really you?" He questioned as he studied her briefly, relaxing as Tess leaned in and kissed him, confirming that it was indeed her. "Oh, Tess." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

"God, Kyle." She gasped, tears burning her eyes. "Don't you ever do that to me again!"

"I didn't plan it," he grumbled as he suddenly stiffened and glanced around the room. "Where is he?" He questioned harshly. "I know he was just here- the fucking bastard."

Tess eyes widened as she realized that he knew about Nasedo. She glanced around the room and realized that he was no longer there. "I don't-"

"What about the nurse?" he questioned as he pulled away from her and yanked out his IV, immediately healing the puncture mark with a wave of his hand. He attempted to get up and groaned as he recalled the catheter tube in his bladder. "Fuck," he muttered as he placed his hand over his penis and forced the catheter out with a burst of his power.

"Kyle," Tess hissed, "you could hurt yourself."

"I doubt it," he grumbled. "No more than what that bastard already did- I'm going to kill him."

"Kyle-" Tess began softly as she tried to help him up, but he wouldn't allow it.

"No, Tess." He sighed. "He hurt you and he kept me bedridden for weeks-"

"Bedridden?" Tess gasped, her eyes widening. "What do you mean? He saved you."

"He forced me back to sleep-" he hissed. "I woke up and he pretended to be you! He has some serious issues-" his voice trailed off as the door opened, revealing the nurse.

"Oh, Cara," Tess smiled. "Could you page my mom and-"

"No," Kyle interrupted. "That won't be necessary."

"But, Kyle-" Tess gasped and Kyle continued to stare at the nurse, the emptiness even more apparent.

He knew without a doubt that Cara was an imposter, she was Nasedo. "Would you excuse us?" He snapped at the nurse. "I'm having a fight with my girlfriend."

Cara's smile widened. "I'll be at the desk if you should need me," she almost purred as she turned and left.

"Kyle!" Tess cried, as she stared at him in confusion. "What the-"

Kyle pulled Tess to him, kissing her as he teleported them to the Valenti's living room. He glanced around, pulling away from her as she blinked at him. "Dad?!" He called out and Tess hit him in the chest.

Kyle turned back at her, and he couldn't help but smile. She huffed, hitting him once more. "Are you crazy?" She gasped. "Didn't you learn your lesson? You are not suppose to teleport-"

He cut her off with a kiss and pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss with a slip of his tongue. "Oh, Buddha," he sighed against her lips. "I've missed this."

"Kyle," Tess whined as she pulled away. "Don't- I'm mad at you-"

"I know," Kyle chuckled. "You're so hot when you're mad."

She slapped him on the arm. "Care to explain why-"

"That nurse, Cara, is Nasedo." He stated. "I didn't feel safe with her that close to us-"

"So you teleported us here," she finished, her eyes widening. "Cara? The nurse? But she's been there the whole time- Are you sure?"

"Positive. It's her, him- oh, you know what I mean." Kyle groaned as he glanced down at his hospital gown. "I so need a shower."

Tess giggled. "Yeah."

"And I'm starving-" he added as he leaned in, kissing her quickly, before he made his way over to the kitchen. "Score," he grinned as he grabbed an apple from the counter and bit into it.

"Some things never change," she sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Hey," He mumbled around the apple.

"Kyle- we have to go back," Tess insisted. "Now Nasedo will know, that we know."

"Damn." Kyle cursed as he grabbed another apple and wrapped his arm around her, teleporting back to the room they just came from. "I ain't getting back into the bed." He continued as he practically devoured the rest of the apple with one bite.

Tess blinked at him, her eyes widening as he started to pace back and forth, he was still full of energy. "It doesn't hurt you anymore."

"What?" Kyle questioned as he tossed the core of the apple into the trash and bit into the second one.

"Teleporting-" she gasped in awe. "Kyle, you just teleported back and forth with me and you're fine."

Kyle smirked. "I told you, I just needed to rest."

Tess rolled her eyes as she smacked him on the arm. She gasped as he leaned in and kissed her, slobbering apple juices all over her face. "Eww, Kyle. That's nasty."

Kyle chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again. "Make me stop," he dared as he kissed her and she responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around him.

"I see we made up," the nurse stated as she entered the room once more. "You do realize, the doctor didn't say you could be up. And you made a mess- we'll have to restart the IV."

"No," Kyle replied as he kept his arms protectively around Tess. "I'm going home."

"That's not for you to decide," Cara bristled. "I'll call the doctor."

"Please, do." Tess smiled and the nurse left the room. "Are you sure that's Nasedo? I know she's been really bitchy, but-"

"It's him." He sneered. "I felt it the first time, but I didn't realize it until he pretended to be you- he has no emotions or their guarded. He's like an empty void."

"Makes sense, I guess." Tess sighed as she rested her head against his chest, holding him close. "He is a shape shifter."

"And before he's always had the upper hand, we couldn't tell- but now, we can." He stated softly.

"What are we going to do?" She questioned.

"You will fulfill the deal you made," he replied and Tess' eyes snapped up to his, shocked laced over her features.

"Tess?" Claire began as she walked into the room, her eyes widening as she spotted the two, standing near the windows. "Oh, my. You're up!"

"Doctor," Kyle smiled as he pulled away from Tess and reached out to her, shaking her outstretched hand. "Thanks and all, but I'd like to go home."

"He's been up a few minutes and he's already being demanding," Tess teased lightly.

Claire blinked. "How?" She began and Tess shook her head. "Oh."

"Can I go home?" He pleaded softly. "I want a real shower, a real bed, and a real meal."

"Wow." Claire gasped, shaking her head. "I'd prefer you'd stick around for some tests- but, I have a feeling they'd be abnormal anyway. Okay, you can go home."

"Oh, thank Buddha." He sighed as he picked up Tess and kissed her, causing her to giggle in response.

"But, I want someone with you at all times," Claire added as Kyle placed Tess back down on the ground.

"I think we have that covered," Kyle chuckled as he winked at Tess. "Even in the shower."

"Kyle!" Tess gasped as she smacked him in the arm, blushing as she glanced up at her mother.

"That's a little too much information," Claire pointed out, shaking her head. "Good to know he's back to himself."

"Hey," Kyle began. "I just needed a little rest, I'm fine."

"I'll get the discharge papers ready," she nodded. "Then you two can go."

"Thank you," they both replied as Claire left the room.

"I think we should go home, get something to eat, shower-" Kyle winked as he pulled Tess into his embrace and kissed her. "Then we'll have to have a little pow wow about you know who."

"Kay," Tess nodded. "Whatever you say."


Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:09 am
by Icalynn
Thank you, alizaleven, Flamehair, imnotlc, killjoy, Rowedog, and katydid for the feedback it really keeps me going!!

I took and passed my exam, so no more studying for me! :) Which means I'll have more time to write. But, my updates may be as often as they were- I had written ahead, which allowed me to post more frequently, but this week I posted all that I have. So, if the muse is talking I'll be able to post more... it that makes any sense.



Kyle belched after he devoured his second cheese burger and grinned as he rubbed his belly.

Tess groaned, shaking her head. "Why I wanted you to wake up, is beyond me," Tess teased as Kyle grinned at her.

"You, love me baby." He winked as he reached for a fry.

"You are going to make yourself sick," she commented as she stole one of his fries.

"Nah," Kyle shrugged. "I'm good."

"Well, I'd hope so after two double cheese burgers with the works, two large fries, and a milkshake." Tess drawled as she stole another one of his fries.

"One fry," he amended as he slapped her fingers away as she attempted to steal another fry. "Mine."

"I don't think so," she challenged as she grabbed for another fry and he tackled her over the table, trying to take it away from her. Tess squealed as they both ended up on the floor. "Ha!" Tess laughed as she managed to pin him to the ground the few remaining fries squashed on the floor beside them.

"Oh, yeah?" Kyle grinned as he tickled her, causing her to lose her grasp and they rolled around on the floor.

"No. Kyle!" She gasped as Kyle finally relented and kissed her. "Oh," she sighed as she wrapped her arms around him and responded eagerly to the kiss.

They pulled apart as they heard a loud cough behind them and they glanced up at their intruder. "Hi, dad," Kyle smiled as got up off the floor and then helped Tess up.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, son." Jim laughed and went to hug him. "I was thrilled to get the call from Claire."

"I feel great," he nodded as he hugged his father. "We were just eating and calling everyone to let them know that I'm all better."

"Correction." Tess piped in. "Kyle ate and I called everyone to tell them that we were officially discharged from the hospital."

"Minor detail," Kyle shrugged.

"And what's the plan now?" Jim asked as both Kyle and Tess froze, neither wanting to vocalize the pain the plan was likely to cause.

"We relax for the night," Kyle stated as he reached out and squeezed Tess' hand. "Because tomorrow everything is going to change, possibly for the worse before everything is revealed."

"We are going to meet at the Crashdown in the morning to celebrate," Tess added softly. "Then we unravel plan A."

"Do I even want to know?" Jim questioned as Kyle glanced at Tess.

"No," Tess replied softly, shaking her head.

"We don't plan on telling everyone," Kyle continued. "For our plan to work, we need everyone's reaction to be true."

"Do you think that's wise?" Jim sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"We can't let Nasedo win," Kyle began as he pulled his hand away from Tess. "We just have to make him think that we are going to play with his terms."

"And the main reason you aren't telling everyone the details," Jim nodded as he reached over and squeezed his son's shoulder. "Please be safe- I don't think we can bear to repeat the last few weeks."

"We will," Tess assured him. "We know his tricks, this time we'll be one step ahead."

"Am I to assume he's the one that attacked Tess?" He asked and Tess stiffened, reaching for Kyle.

"Yes," Kyle growled. "And he's the reason I've been resting for all this time."

"I don't understand," Jim sighed, shaking his head.

"We'll explain everything later." He whispered. "You just have to trust us-"

Jim nodded. "I do."


"I don't want to do this," Tess whispered as she slid into bed with Kyle. "There has to be another way."

"You have to honor your word," Kyle whispered, kissing her softly as he wrapped his arms around her. "Follow your destiny."

"I had no intention of following the stupid deal," she grumbled as she turned away from him. "If I'm going to have anybody's baby, it better be yours." She continued, mumbling under her breath. "I would have said anything to have you in my arms again."

"I know you would have," he sighed as he kissed the nape of her neck. "I know you love me-"

"Do you?" she questioned suddenly, turning back to him. "Do you really?" She asked as her gaze locked with his.

"Of course-" he replied quickly, dropping his gaze and she frowned.

"You've always had a problem with the whole destiny thing," she groaned as she shook her head. "And now you want me to literally throw myself at Max!"

"It's not-" he began as she stared at him, daring him to deny it.

"Can you really watch me do this?" Tess questioned as she ghosted her fingers over his lips.

"I won't like it, but we have no other choice." Kyle stated, kissing her fingers.

"This has the potential to destroy our group, our family." She sighed.

"I don't see any other choice-" he whispered. "Do you?" Tess opened her mouth to reply, but couldn't think of anything to say. "He wants this so bad, that he attacked you, threatened us both with death, and kept me bedridden for two weeks."

"But, why?" Tess gasped. "Why does he want me to have Max's child? What does he gain?"

"I don't know, but we have to find out-" he sighed as he leaned in and kissed her, not wanting to speak any more on it. "Oh, I've so missed this." He exhaled, before deepening the kiss.

She responded eagerly to his kiss as she ran her fingers down his chest. "Make love to me," she whispered as she nibbled on his lips, dipping her fingers into his boxers.

Kyle groaned, his body responding instantly to her questing fingers. "My dad is in the other room-" he hissed under his breath.

"Then I guess you'll have to be really quiet," Tess winked as she wrapped her hand around his penis and stroked him.

"Fuck," Kyle moaned as his hips thrust up into her touch and Tess giggled, leaning in to kiss him once more.

"Want you," she whispered as she stilled her motions and waved her hands, dissolving their garments. "Now."

Kyle chuckled at her urgency, but realized that it had been weeks since they were together. "Fuck, yeah." He whispered, kissing her hard as they rolled over in the bed and found their favorite positions.

He cupped her breast and lazily rubbed his thumb over her nipple, loving how she arched up into his touch. She bit back a moan as she hooked her legs up around his hips and rocked her hips against his.

"Shhh," Kyle whispered as he nipped at her neck and positioned himself to enter her.

"Kyle," she hissed as he slowly entered her, teasing her. He knew she loved it hard and fast, but at the moment he wanted to cherish every moment, every touch, knowing that they wouldn't be together again for awhile.

"Tess," he moaned as he stilled his motions and kissed her.

She groaned, thrusting her hips up to meet his, begging for him to continue. "Kyle," she whined, her breath hitching ever so slightly.

Kyle grinned as he slowly began to move, loving as Tess gasped, closing her eyes in bliss. "Love you," he whispered as he picked up the pace.

"Love you," she smiled as she trailed her nails down his back. "God, so much." She moaned as they continued to rock, the bed squeaking with their movement.

Kyle groaned, glancing toward the door as he placed his hand over his head and touched the headboard. His hand began to glow as he sent his power into the bed frame and stopped the squeaking.

Tess giggled, unable to stop herself. "Crafty," she gasped as she kissed him, running her fingers over his chest, teasing his nipples.

"Yes," he groaned as he placed his hand onto her abdomen, sending a trickle of his powers over her body.

Her eyes widened as every cell in her body responded to the stimuli and she cried out his name in ecstasy. Kyle clamped his mouth over hers, drowning out her cries as her body continued to tremble underneath his. "Oh, god. Oh, god, Oh, god." She mumbled as she grabbed onto his arms, her orgasm washing over her in waves.

Kyle smirked at her and sent her the same burst of power with each thrust, moaning as his orgasm peaked and he quickly followed Tess over the edge.


Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 12:34 pm
by Icalynn
Thank you, Flamehair, imnotlc, Rowedog, and Fehrbaby for the awesome feedback, it really keeps my muse talking!



They got up slowly, neither speaking as they got ready for their breakfast celebration, which didn't seem like much of a celebration to either of them.

Tess glanced at herself in the mirror, catching Kyle watching her in the reflection. "I can't do this." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"You are one of the strongest people I know," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close as they looked into the mirror. "You can do this-"

"Kyle," she gasped, turning to him and wrapping her arms around him. "Please, let's just tell Max-"

"And who will Nasedo attack next?" Kyle drawled, causing Tess to flinch at the very thought.

"I- we- no." Tess stammered as she pushed away from him, tears in her eyes.

"Next time could be worse-" he sighed as he reached out and wiped away her tears. "It's not like you have to sleep with Max or anything, you just have to make Nasedo believe you will- give us some time."

"Yeah, but I still have to throw myself at him and wreck two relationships in the process." Tess snipped.

"Liz will understand-" he supplied as she continued to stare at him.

"But, she may never trust me again," She sighed. "This is wrong-"

"If your powers were stronger, than perhaps you could fool Nasedo but you can't. It'll only be for a short time. And Max will do this, for us, for you-"

Tess bristled, "what is that suppose to mean?"

"Max still loves you," Kyle whispered and Tess gasped in shock. "He loved Ava and every time he sees you, he can't help think how he failed you. He would do anything for you."

"How do you know that?" She questioned, raising a brow at him.

"He told me so," he stated as he ran his fingers through her hair. "And it's not hard to feel it from him-" he continued. "He loves you Tess, maybe not the same way that he loves Liz, but it's there."

Tess sighed. "The point is that he loves Liz and you still want me to waltz over to him and kiss him."

"It's just a kiss-" Kyle groaned. "It's not like you are going to fuck him."

"No, but I'm fucking with him," Tess snapped. "No. I just can't. I love you."

"And I love you," he whispered. "And I want to be able to spend my entire life with you-"

"Do you mean that?" She gasped, suddenly smiling at him.

"Huh?" Kyle frowned, not following her shift in topic.

"Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" She questioned, her gaze locking with his.

"Of course," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. "I want to marry you-"

"You do?" Tess sniffed, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him.

"I do," he grinned as he pulled away and dropped to one knee, holding her hand in his. "Teresa Marie Harding, will you marry me?"

Tess' eyes watered and she gasped, holding her breath, not trusting her voice. "Yes- Oh, yes." She breathed as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you," he sighed as he kissed her softly and suddenly pulled away. "Damn, I wanted to ask your father's permission first."

Tess laughed, shaking her head. "I think it'll be okay." She smiled as she kissed him once more.

"No, I wanted to do this right. And your ring is back in my dorm room-" his voice trailed off and Tess' eyes widen in surprise, her heart skipping a beat.

"You bought me a ring?" She questioned and Kyle flushed, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Like a week after we had moved in- I just knew."

"Oh, Kyle!" She gasped, tears of happiness burning her eyes. "I love you."

"Wait." Kyle paused, pulling away completely and disappearing before her eyes.

"Kyle?" She questioned, panicking slightly when he didn't reappear. "Kyle!"

"I'm here," he smiled as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Kyle," she sighed, reaching out to him, smacking him on the shoulder. "Don't do that!"

"Sorry," he whispered as she continued to glare at him. "It doesn't hurt," he smiled, running his hand down her back and rubbing soothing circles over her back. "I'm fine. It won't happen again- I promise."

She nodded, blinking back tears. "Okay."

"Okay?" he questioned as he kissed her softly and she nodded once more. "Did you know that my dorm room is a complete disaster zone?"

Tess laughed, shaking her head. "Is it?"

"Yeah, dust and crap all over the place," he chuckled. "You'd think it look good with no one there-"

"Kyle," she interrupted and he smiled at her. "You went back to your dorm room? Why would you-" her voice trailed off as Kyle once more dropped to his knee and produced a small black velvet box. "Oh, Kyle!"

"Will you marry me?" He grinned as he opened the box and Tess sniffed back her tears.

"Yes," she gasped, her hands shaking as Kyle took the ring out of the box and placed the ring on her finger. "Oh, Kyle-" she sighed as she gazed at the ring. "It's too big, how could you afford something like-"

"Anything for you," he whispered as he stood up, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her.

"But, Kyle-" she began, shaking her head.

"Not to worry," he chuckled. "I bought a speck of a diamond- I just enhanced it a bit using my latent alien powers."

"Oh, I see." Tess giggled, gazing at the ring on her finger and leaned against him. "It's beautiful."

"As you are," he whispered into her ear. "Love you."

"Love you," she sighed, turning to him and kissing him. "And now we are to be married!"

"Yes," Kyle smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her once more.

"Oh!" Maria interrupted as she opened the door to the bedroom. "Don't mind me- don't you have a room or something?" She teased. "Oh, wait. This is your room."

"I thought you were at Michael's," Tess began, thrusting her left hand quickly into her pocket.

"I was," Maria nodded as she leaned against the door. "I just wanted to see my brother and make sure he was still up and all."

"I'm fine," Kyle grinned. "We were just getting ready to go."

"That's so not what it looked like to me." Maria winked. "Anyway, we should head out if we want to meet everyone on time."

"Of course," Tess nodded. "We'll be right down."

Maria laughed. "I'm guessing that's my clue to leave?"

"You are so quick on the uptake," Kyle winked and closed the door behind her, turning back to Tess. "Ready?"

"No," she sighed as she pulled her hand out of her pocket and glanced down at her ring. "But, I think I've found my courage."

"Good," he sighed as he leaned in and kissed her.

"I don't want to take it off," she whispered as she studied the ring on her finger.

"Then don't," Kyle smiled as he waved his hand over the ring and it disappeared from their sight.

"How'd you do that?" Tess gasped in awe, still feeling the weight of the ring on her hand. "Amazing."

"The reason we see things," he began with a shrug. "Is because the light reflects off them- but if the light can't-"

"We can't see it," she continued. "You distorted the light."

"Exactly- and they made me take remedial science." He huffed, pouting.

Tess giggled. "Remedial science or not, I still love you."

"At least someone does," Kyle winked as they both heard Maria calling for them from downstairs. "Guess we should go."

"Yeah," Tess nodded as she reached for his hand and squeezed it. "Let's go."


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:35 am
by Icalynn
Thank you, alizaleven, katydid, Fehrbaby, Flamehair, and Rowedog for the awesome feedback, it really keeps me going!!

I'm happy to announce that I've bypassed 50,000 words and I'm still writing! :)

I'm not sure if I need to put a warning or not, but there is a kiss between Max and Tess... but, it's only a part of the plan. Trust me.



As soon as Kyle entered the Crashdown he was accosted by his 'alien' family- he had to admit that it felt good to be loved. He glanced over at Tess who stood silently by his side, giving her support.

The commotion died down and they all finally made it to the table to sit down. "Unfortunately," Liz began. "I'm also our waitress for today."

"Liz," Maria sighed. "You have to learn to say no."

"But, it's my dad," Liz shrugged, looking around the diner. "And for some reason we're really busy this morning."

"Everyone is here to see me," Kyle winked and they all laughed.

"It's not too bad," Liz smiled. "I'm just covering our table- and eight more mouths are a bit too much for the two covering this morning."

"That's nice of you Liz," Tess nodded. "I'll make it easy- I'll have the special and some orange juice."

"Me too," Kyle and Michael replied in unison.

Liz laughed, "That's easy enough. Anyone else?"

"I'll have the fruit platter," Maria added as she glanced over the menu. "And a small stack of pancakes and some orange juice as well."

"I'll have the special and OJ too," Alex nodded as he placed the menu down and glanced at Isabel.

"Um, is the yogurt parfait any good?" Isabel mused as she flicked the menu with her nails.

"I like it," Tess added before Liz was able to respond. "Especially with a dash of Tabasco and a little sugar," she winked and Isabel grinned.

"I'll have the yogurt parfait and a cup of coffee," Isabel stated as she handed the menu to Liz.

"And I'll have my usual," Max smiled, reaching out and squeezing Liz's hand.

"Okay, I think that's everyone," Liz smiled. "Thanks guys."

"No problem," Kyle began as the other chimed in with similar acknowledgements.

They all broke off, talking amongst themselves as Kyle shared a glance with Tess and closed his eyes. He lifted his barrier and scanned everyone around them, freezing as he found their mark. He opened his eyes and stared briefly at Nasedo, who had taken the form of a younger boy, seemingly a high school student eating breakfast at the bar.

'He's here', Kyle projected to Tess' mind and she stiffened, immediately reaching out for his hand and paused as Kyle shook his head. 'No.'

'Who?' She questioned as she yanked her hand back, already dreading their plan.

'The boy at the bar,' he explained and she quickly glanced over, trying not to make it seem obvious that she was looking at him.

'I had hoped he wouldn't be here,' she projected after a short pause, a wave of sadness washing over Kyle at the thought.

'I know,' Kyle added, wanting more than anything to wrap his arms around her. 'Me too.'

They sighed, sharing a heated glance. 'It's time.'

"So," Michael began as he turned his attention to the two. "You guys are kinda quite."

"It's been a long night," Kyle bristled and Michael's eye widened in suspicion.

"Is there something wrong?" He questioned as Tess shook her head no.

"No, we're fine." She seemed to stress a little too much and Michael frowned.

"Of course you are," Maria prompted, noticing that Kyle and Tess both seemed a little off. "No- there is something going on."

"Just drop it," Kyle snapped and Maria gasped at his tone of voice.

"Geez, Kyle. What's got into you?" She grumbled. "I know you got some- you two were all over each other this morning."

"Things change," Kyle shrugged. "I'm kinda tired- Tess."

"What?" Tess snipped, challenging him.

"Let's go." He ordered and Tess stared at him.

"Don't you dare order me," she replied with a regal grace that Michael was familiar with, but shocked to hear it.

"Fine." Kyle grunted and stood up, causing most of the group to take notice.

"Where are you going?" Max stated as he noticed the commotion.

"He's leaving," Tess supplied, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Did we enter the twilight zone or something?" Maria questioned as she stared at the two.

"It's really none of your business," Tess drawled as she glanced between her and Kyle, standing up. "You promised," she hissed at him.

"I did no such thing," he shrugged as everyone at the table stared at them.

"What's going on?" Max demanded and Kyle glared at him.

"Why don't you ask your queen," he growled. "I'm tired of this- stupid fucking dreams."

"Kyle!" Tess cried as she slapped his arm.

"Don't." He hissed as he turned sharply and left the Crashdown before anyone could add anything.

He stopped out of sight, his heart aching as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. It hurt to yell at her, to even suggest that they were having problems. He took one more second to calm himself and then he quickly ran around to the back door. He sighed as he took his place, absentmindedly rubbing his neck. "I hope this works," He sighed as he closed his eyes and waited for Tess' cue.


"That's it." Tess whispered as she sat back down, tears apparent in her eyes. "I spent two weeks at his bedside- and he dismissed me like I'm some dog."

"He's just being cranky," Maria offered as Tess rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"No, it's my fault." Tess whispered after a slight pause.

"It is not," Michael was quick to defend, standing up. "I'm going after him."

"What's the point," She grumbled. "He'll just teleport away from you."

"He wouldn't think of it," Max jumped in. "After everything-"

"Oh," Tess sighed. "He has jumped a few times- usually in a middle of a fight. And every time I think it'll be his last." She sniffed. "He just doesn't see-"

"We'll talk to him," Max offered as Tess stiffened.

"No, you can't. Not you." Tess cried reaching out to Max. "You don't understand."

"We've had our problems," he shrugged. "But, I don't see what that-"

"I've been having dreams," she admitted softly, shaking her head. "I don't want to talk about this-"

"Anyone want to clue us in down here?" Alex called from the end of the table. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Tess hissed. "I just need a moment." She snapped as she stood up and quickly crossed to the back room.

Max and Michael shared a concerned glance. "I'll go," Max insisted. "It's obviously something related to me."

"Tess?" Liz questioned as she brushed by her and she glanced confused at the bewildered table. "What did I miss?"

"Not sure," Max whispered. "I'm going to talk to her- something's up."

Liz blinked and watched as Max followed Tess into the back room. "What happened?"

"Kyle and Tess had a fight of sorts- he stormed out and she mumbled something about dreams." Maria explained as she helped Liz with the drinks she was carrying.

"What dreams?" Liz questioned, suddenly concerned.

Maria shrugged. "She wouldn't say."

"Miss?" A voice called out from Liz's side and she turned to stare at the boy sitting at the bar.

"Yes?" Liz asked with slight annoyance.

"Is there a bathroom?" He asked and she nodded, pointing to the back room.

"It's right back-" she began as he quickly stood up.

"Thanks," he smiled and darted to the back room, instantly melting into the background as he spied Tess and Max sitting on the couch.


Tess heart skipped a beat as she pushed past the doors and stepped into the employee lounge area. Her heart ached over the look Kyle had given her and she rubbed the ring on her finger. "I can do this," she whispered to herself as she sat down on the couch.

She concentrated her thoughts and focused her mind on Kyle. 'Love you'. She held her breath as she waited for his response, hoping that their plan would work.

'Love you too,' she heard his thoughts in her head and she sighed with relief, glancing up as Max followed after her. 'Max there?'

'Yes,' she added quickly as she closed her mind off to him, everything was working eerily as planned.

"Care to tell me what's going on?" Max whispered as he sat down next to her.

"Not really," she sighed, wiping away her tears as she focused her gaze on him. "Do you believe in destiny?"

"I- well- what?" Max stammered as he stared at her. "I thought you were against it-"

"Not really," she whispered as she scooted closer to him. "I'm having all these dreams about us- about Zan and Ava."

"Oh," Max gasped as he studied her. "But, I'm with Liz and you're-"

"What if I wasn't?" Tess questioned as the doors opened and they glanced up to see who had followed them in, but no one was there when the doors swung close.

'He's there,' Kyle whispered in her mind and she knew instantly that their intruder was Nasedo. She hadn't realized he could blend into the background as well as take any shape. The thought had shaken her slightly as she turned her attention back to Max.

She took a deep breath as she touched Max's face. "Until we try, I'll never know for sure if I'm meant to be with Kyle or not- you feel it too, don't you? Our destiny."

Max was about to protest when he felt another presence in his mind. 'Kiss her,' Kyle's voice rang out loud and clear. 'Protect her.'

"Tess?" Max began, confused as his gaze locked with hers. He was overwhelmed by the fear in her eyes, she was pleading with him. 'Why?' He questioned with his thoughts, needing answers before he took the next step.

'Nasedo,' was all that he received and he closed his eyes briefly.

"Zan," Tess whispered and he opened his eyes to her.

"I understand," he whispered as he leaned in and they kissed.

Max was overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of images that Tess projected to him. He saw everything and immediately understood their plan. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

"Oh, god!" Liz gasped, breaking the spell and they pulled apart quickly.

"It's not-" Max began as Liz cut him off with a slap and ran out the back door.


Kyle grabbed Liz at the door, almost expecting her reaction. "Don't." He stated and she stared at him in shock.

"What's going on?" She questioned as she watched him close his eyes and then sigh with relief.

"It worked." He smiled and Liz pulled away from him.

"What worked?" She gasped, her eyes widening. "Did you plan this?"

"Yes," he nodded as he ushered her back into the back room to see Tess and Max still in their spots.

"I take it, that he's gone?" Tess whispered and Kyle nodded. "Step two?" She gulped.

"Step two," he nodded and Tess stiffened, he reached out to her hand and squeezed it. "I know you can do this."

"I'm glad someone thinks I can-" her voice trailed off and she glanced over at Liz. "I'm sorry we couldn't tell you before, it had to look real- it must have been a shock."

"You have no idea," Liz grumbled, glaring at Max and Tess. "What the hell is going on?"

"Something regarding Nasedo and a deal," Max clarified as he reached out to Liz. She studied him for a moment and sighed, reluctantly taking his hand in hers.

"I'll explain," Kyle whispered as he released Tess' hand. "Good luck."

"I need it," she sighed as she turned and quickly left using the back door, before she could talk herself out of the rest of the plan.

"Explain," Max ordered and Kyle nodded, knowing that they both deserved the truth.


Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:54 am
by Icalynn
Thank you, Rowedog, Flamehair, Fehrbaby, alizaleven, katydid, killjoy, and imnotlc for the awesome feedback!



"Step two," Tess gulped as she knocked on the door and waited for Nasedo to answer. After a short pause, the door opened and Tess forced a smile to her face.

"Ava," he smiled as he opened the door further to let her in. "Why are you here?"

"I didn't have anywhere else to go," she offered as she entered and crossed over to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. "Kyle and I are no longer speaking and I was staying with him- I simply can't face my brother, and Max-" she sighed dramatically. "We shared a kiss."

Nasedo smiled. "As it should be."

"If I'm to follow this deal of yours-" she began, staring directly at him. "I want to know why. Why is it so important for you to have the heir?"

"Ah, so the queen has found her backbone," he chuckled as he sat down across from her, a look of longing in his eyes. "What do you remember of Antar?"

Tess studied him for a second, trying to figure out why he wished to know. "It was beautiful," she sighed, shaking her head. "But, I don't see why that matters-"

"Antar is no longer the place you remember, but it's the only home I knew." He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I want to go home."

"All of this is because you want to go home?" She gasped. "I don't understand."

"I was sent here to guard over you- the plan was for you to be raised by the four of us and return back when you had come of age to lead the rebellion as the Royal Four." He began to explain. "But, when our ship crashed our plans crumbled with it."

"But we were fine," Tess whispered. "What happened?"

"Our people were sent a message when the ship crashed and they assumed we were dead. When we weren't able to reply to their hail, they knew their assumption was correct. The rebellion lost its steam, its heart, and they eventually fell to Khivar's rule. And he has ruled ever since-" he sighed. "Once I was able to send word home, they had mostly forgotten about us, they no longer cared."

"If they no longer cared, why do you need me to do this?" She groaned, shaking her head.

"Because our only way home was destroyed with the ship," He continued. "And I have no idea where Traithen hid the granolith."

"Who's Traithen? And what's a granolith?" Tess questioned, rubbing the side of her head. "None of this makes sense."

"There were four protectors, two died on impact and Traithen and I were left to save the four of you-" he sighed. "The military quickly swept into the scene and took the pods and the remains of our ship. I stayed within the military structure- attempting to distract them so that Traithen could relocate your pods and keep you hidden in the process."

"Okay," she nodded, skeptically of his answers. "So Traithen hid us, blah, blah, blah- and now you want to go home and the only way you can is for them to send a ship- so, what? You made some deal with Khivar to get a ship home?"

"Yes," he smiled, nodding.

"Why our child, if our power is no longer remembered?" She asked, raising her brow.

"Khivar has not been able to have a child- and the strongest heir he could ask for is the true heir to the throne." He explained as if it was nothing at all.

Tess stared at him, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of a killer raising her baby. "And you expect me just to give up my own child- and let Khivar raise him?" She cried, standing up. "No. This was not part of the deal. I can't."

"I don't expect you to," he stated as she suddenly realized his true intentions.

"You expect me to go with you," she hissed. "Are you insane? My family is here- I have no intention of leaving."


"You sent Tess by herself to Nasedo's?" Max questioned, his voice rising with alarm.

"Nasedo won't do anything to hurt her, he needs her." Kyle replied quickly. "She's the only one that can get the answers that we need."

"And what if he doesn't think this little charade of yours was legit?" Liz added as Maria burst through the doors.

"Liz, there you are!" Maria gasped. "We were going a little stir crazy-" her voice trailed off as she caught sight of Kyle, standing to the side. "When did you come back?" She questioned as she took a step back and gazed at the three. "Okay, what's going on?"

"Why don't we go back in and eat?" Liz offered, forcing a smile to her face.

"Wait," she gasped, looking around the back room. "Where's Tess?"

"She had to go," Kyle replied. "Her mom called."

"Oh," Maria nodded, staring at him. "And why are you here? Did you come to make up with her? That was a stupid fight."

"Yeah, something like that." He agreed as he ushered her back into the Crashdown to the surprise of the others still at the table.

"Look who's joining us, again," Maria laughed as she sat back down beside Michael.

"Where's Tess?" Michael questioned as he glanced between Kyle and Max.

"She had to go see her mom," Kyle quickly responded. "She'll be back soon."


"You can't have a child here on Earth," Nasedo sneered. "You weren't manufactured that way, you are too alien."

"I'd have no choice," Tess gasped, clutching her chest, her plans for her future suddenly dissolving into thin air.

"You would have no choice," he reiterated, grinning at her. "And you will have his baby and I will go home."

"Is there no other way?" She asked, hoping that there was something else.

"The granolith," He replied smoothly and Tess blinked at him.

"What is the granolith?" She questioned once more, suddenly realizing he didn't answer her earlier. "I don't remember such a thing."

"It's a fairly religious item to the Antarians and it holds great power- even a way home. I'm surprised you don't remember it." Nasedo supplied as he stood. "I've not been able to find it- it's keyed to your genetic material. It's only operational by the king and queen."

"So, if I find this granolith-" Tess offered, almost regretting it as his eyes lit up with excitement, the first true emotion she'd ever see in him.

"I would let you be." He nodded, confirming what she thought, but at the moment she wasn't sure it was worth it.


Kyle kept glancing at his watch, waiting to hear from Tess. He avoided the pointed glares from both Max and Liz and ignored the rest.

"So what are you planning to do now?" Maria asked and Kyle blinked at her.

"What?" He gasped, trying to force his attention to her.

"You know, school? I heard they were going to revoke your scholarship- so you going to come home and go to school with us, or are you going to fight it?" She questioned and Kyle stared at her.

"Um, I don't know." He shrugged, realizing he never even thought about school with everything going on. "I haven't had time to think about it- with everything."

"Everything?" Michael repeated as he turned his attention back to him. "What is going on?" He demanded as he glanced toward Max and Liz. "Cause something is going on."

Kyle opened his mouth to reply, when his cell phone rang. He quickly grabbed for it, instinctively knowing that it was Tess. "Hey," he smiled as he answered the phone.

"Meet me at the pod chamber," she whispered into the phone and Kyle stiffened.

"I'll be there," he replied and hung up. He glanced up at the expectant faces at the table, knowing that they all wanted an explanation, but at Tess' instance, he didn't think he had the time to supply it. "I'm sorry," he rushed as he stood up and quickly walked to the bathroom, Michael and Max following closely behind him.

"Kyle," Max began as they entered the bathroom. "What is going on? Was that Tess?"

"She's fine," Kyle stated quickly, flashing them a smile as he teleported away.

"What the fuck?" Michael growled. "What the hell is going on, Maxwell?"

Max sighed. "I'm not sure. All I know is that Tess and Kyle are waging a potential war against Nasedo-"

"Nasedo?" Michael gasped as he rubbed his eyebrow. "This so isn't good."

"I know," Max sighed.


Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 1:55 pm
by Icalynn
Thank you, alizaleven, killjoy, Rowedog, and Flamehair for the great feedback!

I totally tweaked the granolith- it will have different powers and functions that will work best for my fic, the wonders of AUs!



Tess wiped away tears as she climbed the rocky incline and stopped as she felt his presence. She turned around quickly to see Kyle appear in front of her. "Oh, Kyle!" She cried as she flung her arms around him.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Kyle questioned as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"I can't have your baby," she sniffed and Kyle stiffened slightly before he started to laugh. "Hey!" Tess groaned as she hit him.

"Ouch," Kyle grumbled rubbing his chest. "I'm sorry- I just wasn't expecting, that, of all things. It's kinda the last thing on my mind."

Tess sighed, shaking her head. "Nasedo said our bodies can't handle a pregnancy on Earth-"

"I don't see why you couldn't," he mused. "The question is, was he telling you the truth? Maybe he wants you to think that."

"You think?" Tess whispered a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I didn't think of that."

"And your mother would make sure you and our baby would be healthy," he added as Tess flashed him a bright smile.

"Yeah, she would." She grinned. "Oh, I love you."

Kyle chuckled. "I wouldn't have it any other way," he teased as he leaned in and kissed her. "Now, what else did Nasedo say?"

"Oh! Um, we need to find the granolith." She replied as she glanced at the entrance to the pod chamber. "And that's why we are here."

"The gran-o-what?" Kyle questioned as Tess laughed pulling him toward the chamber door and triggering it with a wave of her hand.

"The granolith." She repeated with a smile as they entered into the pod chamber, the heavy door closing behind them as they entered.

"What's the granolith?" He asked as he watched Tess glance around the pod chamber. "I've never heard Nasedo mention it before."

"No clue, really- it's some religious item or something. All I know is Nasedo wants it and if I can find it, he'll leave us alone and go back to Antar."

"Wait," Kyle paused, studying her briefly. "Do you think it's a good idea just to hand this over to him? We have no idea what the hell it is and if he's even telling us the truth."

"That's why we have to find it and see." Tess nodded.

"So, why are we here?" He questioned as he glanced around the pod chamber. "It's kinda creepy."

Tess shrugged, "I don't know. It seemed the perfect place to start- apparently the one that hid us, Traithen, created this chamber for us. And according to Nasedo, he also hid the granolith."

"Okay," Kyle drawled. "Maybe we should call Max and-"

"Now you want to talk to Max?" She laughed, shaking her head. "I just don't get you sometimes."

"Eh," he shrugged. "I have issues, so sue me."

"Nah," she grinned as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

Kyle responded to the kiss and then pulled away sharply. "Are we going to look for this thing or make out?"

"Making out sounds so much better then searching for some stupid artifact," Tess sighed as she kicked at a rock and gasped in shock as it went through the pod lining. "Oh, my god!"

Kyle stared at the hole, immediately dropping to his knees to investigate as a blue light flickered behind it. "It's hollow." He stated in awe as he poked at the rest of the pod lining and pulled it down.

"What's back there?" She questioned as he shrugged.

"Let's find out," he grinned as he crawled through the hole. "Wow," he gasped as he stared at the pendulum of sorts hanging in the chamber. "Tess!"

"Coming," she replied as she too crawled through the hole and ended up on the other side. "Oh, my!" She gasped as she stood beside Kyle and stared at the object. "What is it?"

Kyle shrugged as he began to circle around it. "You think that's it?" He questioned as she frowned.

"The granolith?" She mused as she tentatively reached out and touched it. "No, it can't be that easy."

"Why do I get the lingering feeling that Nasedo is setting us up?" He grumbled as he turned to her.

"How could he not know it was here?" Tess gasped, shaking her head. "At that rate, how come none of us has found it before?"

Kyle shrugged as he tentatively reached out and touched the smooth surface. "Amazing."

"Nasedo said that Max and I could unlock it-" she whispered as she reached out and touched it once more. "He also mentioned something about only the king and queen can operate it."

"I wonder what it does," Kyle mused as he suddenly felt a tingling sensation at the tip of his fingers. "Weird," He exhaled as he snapped his hand back, examining his fingertips.

Tess' eyes widened as she felt a similar sensation and then suddenly everything went black.

Kyle glanced at Tess, about to speak as he noticed her eyes flicker close and started to fall. "Tess!" Kyle cried as he reached out and caught her before she hit the ground. "Tess?" He questioned once more as he cradled her in his arms. Kyle's heart lunged as she remained motionless in her arms. "Oh, Buddha, not again," he exhaled sharply as he felt for her pulse and sighed with relief as he felt the steady pulse under his fingertips.

Kyle glared at what they assumed was the Granolith and was about to teleport when he noticed Tess' gazing back at him from the middle of the Granolith. "Tess?" He called out as he tentatively reached out to her.

He could see her calling out to him, but he couldn't make out what she was saying. "Oh, this is fucked up." He groaned as he laid Tess' body gently onto the ground, quickly taking off his jean jacket and placed it under her head.

He stood back up and tentatively reached out to her, pausing when she shook her head no. "What am I supposed to do?" He questioned harshly, his heart aching. "Max. I'll get Max." Tess visibly sighed with relief and he knew then, that's what she was asking for.

Kyle closed his eyes and teleported to Michael's apartment, hoping that Max and the rest of the gang was present.

"Kyle!" Maria gasped as he found himself in the middle of Michael's apartment, standing right next to her. "You scared the crap out of me!"

Kyle disregarded her comment and glanced around the room. "Where's Max?" He demanded. "Michael?"

"Looking for you and Tess," Maria responded with a shrug. "Where have you been?"

"The pod chamber," he replied as he took out his phone and dialed Max's number.

"Valenti, where the hell have you been?" Michael answered and Kyle blinked, not expecting him on the other end.

"Where are you?" Kyle questioned, blatantly ignoring Michael's comment.

"Isn't that what I just asked you?" He grumbled. "Where's Tess? I just felt a weird-"

"The pod chamber." Kyle growled, not wanting to delay care for Tess.

"The pod chamber?" He repeated, much to Kyle's annoyance. "But our phones don't get reception-"

"I'm not there- I came to your place. I need Max. Tess is, um, hell, I don't know. Get Max and meet me at the chamber." Kyle demanded and hung up the phone, turning to see Maria staring at him.

"What's going on?" Maria questioned as she reached out to him. "What's wrong with Tess? Is she hurt?"

"I don't know-" Kyle whispered, sighing. "She's stuck." He chuckled, shaking his head, not knowing how else to explain it.

"What?" Maria drawled, staring at him. "Kyle?"

"Look, I don't have time for this- Tess needs me," He stated as he closed eyes and teleported back to the cliffs.

He sighed, leaning momentarily against the cliff wall, feeling a little drained. Regaining his composure he took a deep breath and continued up to the chamber.


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 7:47 pm
by Icalynn
Thank you, alizaleven, katydid, killjoy, Rowedog, and Flamehair for the feedback- it really keeps me going, especially when work rears it's ugly head!!


~ 38~

Kyle paced back and forth, glancing at his watch every few seconds as he waited for Max and Michael to appear. It was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours.

Kyle sighed with relief as the pod chamber door slid open and Michael and Max walked in.

"Where's Tess?" Michael growled as he crossed over to Kyle.

"She's here," Kyle began as they both glanced around the immediate chamber and frowned. "Long story short- we found a second chamber which contains what we assume is the granolith, she touched it and passed out-"

"Wait." Max interrupted. "The granolith?"

"According to Tess it's a religious device of sorts that contains great power," Kyle explained as they both stared at him in confusion. "Nasedo wants it, he is even willing to renege on the deal if she produces it for him- thus why we began searching for it."

"Where is it?" Michael questioned and Kyle turned, pointing to the broken pod. "Holy shit-"

"Yeah," Kyle agreed. "But, wait until you see the granolith- uh, forewarning, don't touch it." He continued as he crossed over to the opening. "Tess is waiting for us," Kyle stated as he crawled through the hole once more.

Kyle glanced up to see Tess' image in the smooth center- he reached out, his fingers ghosting over the smooth surface. His heart aching as he stared into her sad eyes, her fingers so close but so far away.

"How-" Max began as he tentatively reached out to the granolith. "Tess?"

"She touched it and then passed out," Kyle explained. "I was about to teleport her back to Michael's when I noticed her in there. She's stuck or something."

"But, how?" Michael questioned.

"How the hell would I know?" Kyle grumbled as he crossed his arms across his chest. "That's why I got you two- do you remember anything about this thing?"

"No, not at all," Max whispered as he circled around the granolith and then knelt beside Tess' supine body.

Kyle watched intently as Max placed a hand on her forehead and closed his eyes- he knew Max was attempting to heal her. "Well?" He prompted. "Can you fix this?"

Michael watched silently and then reached out and touched the granolith. He sighed as Tess stared back at him. She began to speak to him but he couldn't hear her. "We have to get her out-"

"Michael, don't touch it!" Kyle snapped as he turned his attention to him.

"Why not?" Michael shrugged, pulling his hand away. "Not like anything happened."

"Nothing?" Kyle questioned. "Didn't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Michael asked as he reached out and touched the granolith once more. "It just feels like smooth metal-"

"But," Kyle gasped as he tentatively touched it again, instantly feeling the spark and tingling feeling he felt earlier.

"No, Kyle!" He heard Tess' voice and he snapped his hand back in shock, quickly turning to look at Tess' lifeless form, still lying on the cool ground. He blinked, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

"I can't reach her," Max whispered as he turned his attention back to them. "It's like she's not even there-"

"We know that," Kyle grunted. "She's in there- somehow."

"Maybe she broke off the process too soon," Michael mused, rubbing the back of his neck. "What if the process is incomplete? That's why she's kinda split in two."

Kyle stared at him and then turned glanced at Tess. "You know Guerin, maybe you're right."

"Well, geez, Valenti." Michael rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid, regardless of what you may think."

"I think no such thing," Kyle snorted as he picked up Tess' body. "Well, it's worth a try," He sighed, kissing the top of her head and then placed the palm of her hand against the cool metallic surface.

"Love you." Tess' voice washed over him and he gasped in shock as her body dissolved into nothing.


"Love you," she heard Kyle's voice echo around her as she felt completely weightless before she plunged to the ground. She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground, her hands scrapping against the rocky terrain.

She blinked up at the bright lights and attempted to pull herself up from the ground. She groaned as she managed to stand up, immediately feeling a tightness in her chest.

Tess placed a hand to her chest and tried to suck in another quick breath, the air was dense and it felt like she was breathing in a mouthful of smoke, but the air was clear. "Kyle," she exhaled sharply, her breathing hitching ever so slightly. The only thing she could think of was that she needed him-

"Oh, god," she coughed as she quickly scanned the area, realizing that she wasn't in the pod chamber anymore. She didn't recognize the immediate area, although it felt eerily familiar to her. "Oh, no. No." She groaned as she noted why it looked so familiar. "Antar."

She felt tears burn her eyes as she struggled to breathe. "Oh, Kyle," she whimpered as she sank to the ground and gazed up at the structure that was set in the center of the room- it looked exactly like the granolith, but it was made up of some sort of red stone.

Tess closed her eyes as her lungs began to ache- her lungs were too human to breathe in the atmosphere. She reached out to the granolith and trailed her fingers over it, hoping for a similar reaction- to go home.


"Tess?" Kyle called out taking a step back, alarmed when he no longer could see her in the surface.

"What just happened?" Max questioned sharply as he glanced around.

"I don't know!" Kyle growled. "I just did what Michael suggested."

"Hey," Michael snapped. "Don't blame me- it wasn't my fault!"

"You're the one that suggested it!" He countered as he took a threatening step toward him.

"Well, it worked." Michael grumbled. "She's not in two anymore-"

"Yeah?" Kyle gasped. "But, where is she?"

"This is getting us nowhere," Max sighed as he shot a glare at the two. "Let's think this over for a second. You are both connected to her- do you feel anything?"

"No," Michael shrugged.

"No," Kyle whispered, shaking his head. "I haven't felt her since she disappeared."

"Okay," Max drawled as he circled the granolith. "Tell me again what happened."

Kyle sighed as his fingers ghosted over the smooth surface, retelling the story in full detail. "And that's what happened- you were here for the rest."

"Maybe you and Tess triggered it-" Max mused. "Maybe, it only needed the King or Queen and not both. You are her chosen mate here on Earth, and maybe it sensed that bond. So, when you touched it together you activated it."

"You think?" Kyle gasped as he studied the granolith once more.

"Yes," Max nodded reaching out to touch it. "There's no reaction to my touch- but, I theorize that if Liz was here it would."

"It's incomplete-" Michael added as they both turned to him. "Whatever you did, you were supposed to do it together."

"And she's waiting, wherever she is," Max continued. "And she may not be able to come back until you are there."

"So you want me to touch it?" Kyle gasped. "What if it doesn't work?"

"Would you rather leave Tess alone?" Michael questioned and Kyle froze, his eyes glazing over.

"No, of course not," Kyle sighed, shaking his head. "I vowed to love her forever." Kyle whispered as he brushed his fingers against the granolith, instantly feeling the tingling sensation in his fingers.

"Then join her-" Max urged. "We'll be waiting for you here."


Tess sniffed, pulling herself up off the ground and walked out of the dome shaped building. "Hello?" She called out as she continued to cough. "Please? Is anyone there?"

She waited for a response and was about to continue on when she heard a muffle cry behind her. She paused and turned around, seeking out the noise.

"Fuck," a familiar voice grunted from within and it took her a second to realize it was Kyle.

"Kyle?" She gasped as she heard him start to cough and she quickly made her way back into the dome. "Oh, Kyle!" She cried as saw him lying on the ground, clutching at his chest.

"Tessa-" Kyle exhaled as he reached out to her, happy to see her.

"Baby," she smiled as she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around him. "I was so scared."

He kissed her, holding her close. "Don't disappear on me again."

"Deal," Tess grinned, feeling a little better. "I was so scared, I didn't know-"

"I'm here," Kyle whispered, faltering slightly as he was unable to catch his breath. "Where. Are. We?"

Tess' eyes widened as she glanced around once more. "Antar."

"What?" He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. "Not possible."

"Look around us Kyle." She urged and he drew in a shaky breath and glanced around, taking in his immediate surroundings.

"Oh, shit." He gasped as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Buddha." He hissed as he Tess helped him stand up. "Can't. Breathe."

"Too human," she added quickly as they walked toward the open window and they glanced out at the countryside.

"It's. Beautiful." Kyle managed to say as he was starting to feel dizzy, disorientated. "We need. To go. Can't."

"Breathe," she finished for him. "But, how?"

"Granolith." He huffed as they walked back toward the center of the room. "Touch. Together-" he tried to explain in between breaths. "Home."

Tess nodded, her eyes widening in shock as she noticed the coloring of Kyle's face.
"Kyle!" She cried out as he reached out to his lip. "Your lips are so blue."

Kyle grunted, unable to respond. He shook his head and placed his hand on the Granolith as Tess followed his lead and quickly added her hand to it. They closed their eyes and waited, but nothing happened.

"Fuck." Kyle gasped and dropped to his knees, trying to drag in another breath. He clutched onto Tess' hand as his eyes flickered closed, his breathing hitching to a dangerous level.

"We need help," Tess cried as she realized she could breathe a little easier. She took a deep breath and sighed with relief, apparently her alien genetics were helping her. "I'll get help."

Kyle opened his eyes, briefly. "Hurry."

"Love you," she whispered, kissing him softly before she jumped up and made her way out of the chamber, needing to find help. She didn't even want to consider the option if she didn't, she feared that Kyle didn't have that long.


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:03 pm
by Icalynn
Thank you, katydid, killjoy, Rowedog, Flamehair, and alizaleven for the feedback.

And I'm so sorry to hear about your cat Flamehair, I know how that feels. *hugs*

Also, sorry for the lack of updates, I've kinda hit a writers block- :(



Max stared at the granolith and then glanced back at his watch. "It's taking too long," he sighed as he reached out to the granolith. "If we were right, they should have been back by now."

"If," Michael stressed, "it worked."

"We should call the others, go over everything again-"

"We should go to Nasedo," Michael insisted. "He knows more about this thing then we do."

"We can't afford to go to him." Max groaned. "Not yet- let's give them some time- maybe it needs so long to regenerate."

Michael scowled. "Fine. You do that, I'm staying here."

Max nodded, instantly understanding his need to stay. He would've done the same if it was his sister. "I won't be long."

"Whatever," Michael grumbled as he reached out and touched the granolith with fingers.


Tess wrapped her arms around herself as she studied the rolling landscape before her. It was more beautiful than she remembered. She smiled as she noticed a small path that led down the hill side, seemingly into the village town below. She looked back at the dome once more and then continued down the path, hoping to find help for Kyle.

She froze in her spot as she felt someone staring at her. She spun around, but didn't see anyone. Her heart skipped a beat and she took a shuddering breath in. "Hello?" She tentatively called out and paused, waiting for something, anything.

"Ava," a voice whispered in the air and she stiffened.

"Who's there?" She demanded. "Show yourself."

She blinked as a man appeared in front of her. He was tall and lanky, a dark gray robe hung over his broad shoulders. His face was kind and she immediately trusted him. "Ava," he repeated once more, bowing before her as he started to speak rapidly in a language she vaguely remembered.

"Please," she began. "I don't understand you."

He paused, frowning as he clicked a few buttons on a band on his wrist. "I am sorry my queen."

Tess bristled, shocked at his words. "My queen," she gasped, staring at him in shock. "Who are you?"

"I am the watcher of the granolith, a guardian of the stars." He smiled. "We stand guard, hoping that the royal four will return one day."

Tess' eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat. His comment contradicted what Nasedo had told her only an hour before. "I don't understand. Nasedo said you didn't want us back- that you had moved on."

He paused, frowning as he bowed his head. "I am sorry my queen, I do not know of this Nasedo you speak of."

"Nasedo," Tess sighed. "He- he's our protector, he never mentioned his real name."

"I see," the man nodded.

"I have so many questions," Tess began as she glanced back at the dome. "But Kyle- he's hurt, he can't breathe. We need to help him!"

"Of course, my queen," he nodded once more and then turned sharply, walking back into the doom that housed the granolith.

Tess quickly followed him and knelt down beside Kyle. "Oh, Kyle," Tess began as she tried to push back her tears. He looked even worse- he was doubled over on his side, his breath coming in short hollow gasps. It hurt to watch him take in each agonizing breath. "Hold on," Tess whispered as she ran her hands through his damp hair.

Kyle blinked up at her, grunting slightly at her words, his eyes darting between her and the man behind her. "He will help us," Tess reassured him, trying to soothe him. He nodded, as the man knelt down beside them.

"He can't breathe," he stated and Kyle grunted, rolling his eyes.

"No." Kyle grated, "shit." He gasped, agitated as he tried to take another breath.

"Love you," Tess whispered as she squeezed Kyle's shoulder, leaning into kiss him. "Can you help him?" Tess asked, gazing hopefully up at the guardian.

"Naturally," he smiled as the stone granolith hummed to life beside them and it began to glow.

Tess watched in amazement as a beam of light shot out and encompassed Kyle like a cocoon. She took a step back as it raised him off the ground and Kyle disappeared in a flash of a light. Tess rapidly blinked her eyes, hoping he would return as her eyesight cleared.

"Kyle!" Tess cried out as she turned to the man beside her and yanked on his robes, scrunching up the material in her hands. "Where is he? What did you do to him?" She growled and the man paled ever so slightly.

"He is safe my queen." He replied quickly and she let go of him.

"Where is he?" She demanded. "I want to see him."

"Very well, my queen." He nodded and waved his hand to the opening. "We must walk to the healing chambers in the village."

Tess sighed, calming at his words. "The healing chambers?"

"Yes, my queen." He smiled. "He is now in the hands of our healers, they will help him."

"Thank you," she sighed with relief.

"Anything for you my queen," he nodded.

Tess paused studying him, realizing she never asked his name. "What is your name?"

"Enai," he replied, bowing down to her once more. "My queen."

Tess sighed, rolling her eyes. "Will you quit with the 'my queen' business?" She drawled, shaking her head. "I'm not your queen- I haven't been for years."

He tensed slightly, shaking his head sadly. "If that is what you wish my-" he paused as she shot him a glare. "What do you wish for me to call you?"

"Tess," she smiled. "You can call me Tess," She nodded as she began to walk to the opening. "Now where are these healing chambers?"


Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:49 pm
by Icalynn
Thank you, Ali, Alison, killjoy, imnotlc, Christina, and Flamehair for the awesome feedback, it really keeps me going. :)



Kyle jolted awake, attempting to sit up, his thoughts were foggy and his body ached. He immediately felt hands restrain him and he cried out in confusion, fighting them.

Voices echoed around him, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. "Tess!" He gasped as he pushed the men away from him with an energy burst, flinging them across the room. "Tess?" He questioned as he stood up, not recognizing the room he was in, or where Tess had gone. He began pacing the small length of the white room, unable to remember what had just happened.

"You," He grunted as he turned to one of the men. "Where is she? What have you done with her?"

The man he was addressing opened his mouth and replied in the language he had never heard before. "Stop." Kyle demanded. "I don't understand you."

The man nodded and pressed a few buttons on a wrist band. "I'm sorry my king."

Kyle blinked, staring at him in confusion. "Whoa, wait- king? I'm not-"

"You have the mark of the king," he replied with a short bow. "And you are with our queen- does that not make you our king?"

Kyle gaped at him, not knowing what to say to that. He vaguely realized that a door slid open and he glanced over, sighing with relief as he saw Tess out of the corner of his eyes.

"Oh, Kyle!" Tess' voice rang out and Kyle turned to her as she flung her arms around him and he swung her off her feet. "You're okay!" She gasped as he wrapped his arms around her and they kissed.

"What's going on?" Kyle whispered as the kissed ended and he noticed the tears in her eyes. "Hey, I'm okay. See."

"I was so worried," she whispered as she ran her fingers through his hair. "You were so blue- I thought I was going to lose you."

"Never," he smiled as he kissed her once more.

"It is true," a voice gasped and they turned to see a young man enter the room in flowing silver robes. "Ava, my queen, when I heard that you had returned, I had to see- I had given up hope that you would return."

Tess blinked at him, squeezing Kyle's hand. "And you're not Zan," he continued as he noticed Kyle by her side. He studied him briefly before gasping in awe. "But, you have the mark of the king- how is that possible."

"What is going on with the king thing?" Kyle groaned. "First the guy in the white robe, and now you- who are you?"

The man frowned, looking down at the ground. "Do you not remember me?" He whispered and Tess sighed, shaking her head. "I am prince regent of the lands-"

"So, you're the prince?" Kyle gasped, raising a brow. "Aren't you a little young to be ruling?"

"It was to be temporary," he supplied. "The Royal Four was to return," He stated as he glanced at Tess once more. "What has come of you, why have you not returned?"

"I-" Tess gasped, glancing at him and then turning to Kyle. "We didn't know."

"But, you have return," he smiled. "We must rejoice-"

"No," Tess whispered, shaking her head. "We aren't staying we must go."

"That is not possible," the man in white spoke up and they turned their attention to him. "You cannot go."

"What do you mean we can't go?" Tess snapped, her voice rising sharply. "You can't make us stay."

"That is correct my queen," the man in white nodded. "You may go if you wish, but we would prefer if you would stay-"

"So we can go?" Kyle interrupted.

"No, my king, she may go, you must stay." He clarified as Kyle and Tess shared a confused glance.

"What do you mean I can't go?" Kyle question dryly. "I have to go."

The healer glanced at the prince as he pressed a button on his wrist band. He began speaking once more, in what Tess and Kyle assumed was Antarian. They shared a glanced as the two continued to speak in a language they did not understand.

The prince sighed, shaking his head. "It seems that in order to save you, my king, they had to alter your DNA so you could breathe our air. You are essentially more Antarian than human."

Kyle blinked, staring at him in shock. "So? Tess is a hybrid- and she can breathe the air just fine, isn't it the same thing?"

"You may return," the price continued. "But, you may not be able to breathe Earth's atmosphere as you did before-"

"Can't you change it back?" Kyle gasped. "I- no. I have to go home."

"Can Zan heal him?" Tess questioned and the prince shrugged, glancing at the healer.

"He might," the healer nodded. "There may be a chance it would not work- I am afraid you would die if he could not."

"Die?" Kyle choked, paling ever so slightly as he squeezed Tess' hand. "Can't we just return?"

"I am afraid not," Enai spoke up. "It takes one cycle for the granolith to recharge."

"One cycle of what?" Tess questioned as she wrapped her arms around Kyle, offering the support that he needed.

"A full Antarian day," Enai smiled. "I believe it equates to 48 hours on Earth."

"Oh," Tess gasped as she turned to Kyle. "So, if we returned, we'd have to wait 48 hours to reactivate it- that's why it didn't work when we tried to go back earlier."

"Yes," Enai nodded. "You may try again in the morning if you wish, Tess."

Tess grinned, "Thank you."

"I must return to my post," Enai bowed as he glanced over at the prince. "I leave them in your hands, my prince."

"Wait," Tess called out as he started to leave. "Is there a way to leave a message- I'm sure the others must be worried about us."

Enai paused, tilting his head to the side as if in deep concentration. "Yes," he replied after a slight pause. "You can use the granolith as a conduit, but the signal would be very weak. Your bother must be the one to receive it or it shall not work."

Tess glanced at Kyle. "Knowing Michael he's still there waiting-" Tess smile fondly. "I wish to speak to him, to let them know we'll be back once the granolith is fully charged."

"As you wish," Enai nodded waving his hand to the door. "After you."


Michael sighed, turning away from the granolith as it began to glow. "Tess? Kyle?" He called out, stepping closer to the metal surface. Instinctually he reached out and touched it, shocked by the instant connection he felt with his sister. "Tess," he sighed.

"Michael," Tess gasped, her voice full of laughter. "I just knew you'd be there."

"Yeah," he nodded as he glanced around the empty chamber. "Max left to get the others-"

"No need," Tess replied. "We won't be back until 48 hours have passed, so in, um. Kyle?"

Michael strained to hear Kyle, but he couldn't. "Uh, Tess?"

"Sorry," she stammered. "Okay, so in about 45 hours we'll return back to Earth. Make sure Max is present when we do- we have a complication."

"A complication?" Michael repeated. "Why do I not like the sound of that?"

"It's um, complicated," Tess sighed. "And we don't have much time- can you tell my mom and Kyle's dad where we are-"

"Where are you?" He questioned.

"Antar," She responded softly and Michael sucked in a quick breath, his heart skipping a beat.

"Home," he whispered, his eyes widening. "How- we can go back?" He gasped, his heart aching.

"Yes," she replied. "I'll explain everything once I return- oh, and don't mention this to Nasedo. Something's fishy."

Michael snorted. "Right."

"I don't have much longer," she added quickly. "Love you."

Before Michael could respond the connection broke off. "Love you, too." He whispered as he pulled his hand away.
