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chapter 22

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:25 am
by Twilighteyes


"Alec." Elizabeth whisper cries. Reaching out to me.

"Elizabeth?" Taking her outstretch hand.

Room spinning on contact.

Looking around to see I was once more back at the compound. Standing in front of the General and his second.

'So everything is legit? The girl is dead. There are no loose ends. Besides killing everyone at the compound? Alec did everything he was suppose to do?'

'All the reports and evidence looks that way.'

'Are you sure? Something just doesn't feel right. Alec has never disobeyed a direct order before.'

'He did kill those two guards and almost did in Burk. Sir.'

'Getting locked in with that girl really screwed with his head. Granted, Burk had no business doing what he did. Two years worth of research straight down the drain. Not that Pratt wasn't heading towards it. But hell the girl showed amazing stamina. It still amazes me how much she took without cracking. Any way that's why I had Alec take care of this.'

What the hell? What is going on?

Hearing whimpering behind me. Turning around to see Liz sitting against the wall. Legs pulled up tight to her chest. Watching the event unfolding.

"Elizabeth?" Going to kneel beside her. "What is going on?"

Knock on the door.

'Come in.'

Watching me walk through the doors?

What the hell?

Standing up. "Elizabeth?"

This can not be.

'Alec where the hell have you been? Scratch that I don't care. My best man needing a break. First one in your entire career. Fine he gets a break. This last assignment really got under your skin. The girl?'

'Everything is fine sir. You received my report? Everything is in order?'

'Yes I did. Went over and beyond the call of duty didn't we? I think you took things too far don't you?'

'Excuse me sir. I was just following your orders."

'I never told you to emulate the entire staff.'

'I assumed when you said to erase any trace of 252 that meant everything and anyone sir that dealt with 252, Sir.'

'What ever. What's done is done. The question is are you still with us.'

'100 percent. Sir.'

What the hell?

'So I can count on you.'

'Yes sir.'

'Good. Here is your next assignment. You need to leave immediately.' Handing me a folder.

Taking it. 'Yes sir. Any crew sir?'

'No. Solo.'

'Yes sir.'

Watching me turning and walking out of the room.

Hearing Elizabeth whimper once more.

Kneeling once more next to her. "Elizabeth?"

What the hell is going on.

'You really think he can be trusted now?' Second speaking once more.

'No.' General

'Did we ever find out where he was?'

'We are still trying to figure that out sir.'

'I don't like it.' General shaking his head. 'Doesn't really matter much now. That assignment will take care of it. There is no way he will survive. Make sure Burk follows him. Make sure he does what he supposed to do.'

'You don't think he will realize what is going on? Alec has always been smart Sir.'

'The smartest I ever had. I'm losing my best.'

'Why not just take him out now sir?'

'Are you crazy. If Alec just picked up on a hint that we wanted him dead right now it wouldn't be him lying dead on the ground.'

'You don't think he will figure out what you are doing?

"Elizabeth?" Turning towards her. "What is going on. Please talk to me."

"You can't go back." Tears streaming down Elizabeth's face. "You can't go back. You can't leave me."

Room spinning once more back in Elizabeth's bedroom.


"YYYYou..... Can't...." Watching her eyes roll in the back of her head.

Michael catching her effortless. "What the hell?" Michael glaring at me.

"What happened?"

What the hell?

Michael placing her on the bed. "Liz. Liz wake up."

Sitting down on the bed next to Michael. "What the hell was that? Elizabeth? Elizabeth wake up. What was that? What did I just see. How?"

"What the hell happened? Liz?" Max on the other side of the bed. "Alec?"

"I don't know." Not taking my eyes off Elizabeth. "As soon as she touch me we where back at the compound."

"You never left. You just stood there sort of frozen a moment." Michael

"No." Shaking my head. "We were back at the compound."

"Max? I can't really read her." Michael

Max taking Elizabeth face in his hands a moment. "Liz? Baby?" Shaking her a little.

"Max?" Maria

"She seems to be alright. Just sleeping." Max finally letting Liz's face go. Taking her hand. "She doesn't seem to be in distress. Just exhausted."

Watching Max and Micheal nod at each other. Something unspoken between them.

"Someone please tell me what is going on?" Glad that my voice came out calm.

"A memory maybe?" Michael sounding uncertain.

"No. It was of me and the general."

It was like it would be when I would go back. Right?

That's impossible right?

Is it? I mean it wasn't until yesterday you didn't believe in aliens and now look. You know of four of them.

"ALEC!" Max pulling my out of my thoughts.


"What hapenend exactly." Max

"I just told you. We were back at the compound."

"You and Liz." Micheal


"Maybe he just picked up on a flash from Liz?" Maria standing at the end of the bed.


Watching Max frown. "No. He would have to have a connection with Liz."

"What the hell is a flash?"

"It's when you see something from that person past. Like a memory." Max looking at me intensely. As if I held some some answerer that he was looking for.

"Max it could be possible." Maria softly.

"NO. They would have to have an connection." Max shaking his head no. "No. I don't believe it."

"But Michael can....."

Max cutting Maria off. "No. Michael formed the connection when he was helping me heal Liz."

"Max is right I had to insulate the connection. And at that, I had to build off mine with Max's to get to Liz's. I saw stuff from both of them while Max healed Liz but at this point I can only read her emotions."

"Maybe because she change...." Maria

"No...." Max

"Would someone tell me what is going on?"

What the hell. It's like the are talking in code.

"The connection that me and Liz share. We formed it when I healed her when she got shot. I changed her."

"I keep telling you that she was fine before I brought her back her. She never did anything different until you touched her."

Everyone silent for a moment.

"Maybe being with Max awakened something in her or that it was always there. She just controlled and hide it from them while they had her." Michael

"No" Shaking my head. "No one could have stand what they put her through with out tell or showing."

"Then you don't know Liz. She would have died before betrayed her family and friends." Maria.

"This still does not explain what just happened. How we could be at the compound one minute and back here the next."

"It was possible something that Liz remembers?" Michael looking guilty at Max.

"No. I know for a fact that Liz was never at the part of the compound and she sure as hell has never met my general."

"Alec tell me exactly what you saw? Ever detail." Max

Taking a few minutes to tell them what I saw and what was said.

"And Liz and you were just watching it take place." Max


"The future? A premonition?" Michael

"Is that even possible?" Maria

"Is it?"

"But if what Alec is saying is true then it has to be." Max

"Tess. Maybe she would know." Michael

"Call her. Get her here now." Max

chapter 23

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:44 pm
by Twilighteyes


"OK, slow down and tell me exactly what you saw and heard. Every detail from beginning to end. Don't leave anything out." Tess standing in front of Alec. "Everyone else shut up." Tess looking pointedly at Maria.

Alec slowly begins to tell Tess what happened.

Tess, Kyle, Alec, Alex, Michael, Maria and me standing in the hallway around the doorway of Liz's room. Not wanting to be away from Liz but at the same time not wanting to disturb her.

More like have her wake up to hear them talking about her and what happened.

No reason to have her panic because we are.

Looking at Liz.

That's even if she will wake up.

I still feel you. Your calm. That's good right?

God Liz, what is going on with you?

What did I do to you?

I am so sorry....

"So Liz is psychic right?" Maria excitedly jumping up and down just as Alec finishes.

"Maria....." Michael shaking his head.

Maria stops jumping. "What? Don't you think it would be cool?"

"No. That's impossible." Tess shaking her head. "It can't be." Almost too herself.

"So it is impossible for you to tell the future." Alec looking intensely at Tess.

"No. I didn't say that." Tess shaking her head.

"You just said..." Michael

"No. I said it was impossible for Liz to do it." Tess cutting Michael off.

"Then what exactly do you think Elizabeth just did?" Alec starting to pace. "What the hell just happened to me and her then? I know what I saw. It was real. We were there. Both of us. Elizabeth was terrified."

"Alec. You never left." Michael quietly

"Then you tell me what the hell happened." Alec looking around. "Anybody? Because I sure in hell did not make it up." Alec pointing to Liz's room. "Elizabeth being passed out on that bed isn't either."

"I don't know but it can't be Liz telling the future...." Tess

"Tess your not making sense. Either you guys can or you can't." Maria

"Yes it's possible but it's impossible that Liz Parker can tell the future." Tess shaking her head once more. "I won't believe that."

This is getting us no where.

"Tess just tell us what you know?" Taking a step forward.

Tess sighing. "When Nesado first found me, he put me through a bunch of test to see what I could and couldn't do. My strengths and weakness were." Tess looking around. "He wanted to improve and strengthen them to there highest degree possible."

I know this.

"Go on."

"The power of premonition is a highly sought out very rare powerful power. I mean we are talking about one in a 10 billion people in every fifth generations of royal blood can possible process the power. The person to process the power is suppose to have great mental capability. The person powers could be unlimited if trained properly. Nesado was very disappointed that I couldn't do it." Tess looking sadly at her feet.

Ever time Tess talks about the guy I can't help but think it's might not be such a bad thing that he is gone.

"So your saying because you can't, there is no way that Liz could? You have to be kidding me." Maria throwing her hands in the air.

Is she?

"Tess....." Looking at her.

"Liz is not an alien. She's not even a hybrid!" Tess practically shouting. "Especially not royalty. There is no way that Liz could. No."

"Tess..." Me and Kyle say at the same time.

"Oh get over yourself already. We are talking about Liz here. The smartest person that we have ever met. If anyone can do it. It would be Liz."

Frowning at the thought.

So what would that mean for Liz then?

"Maria calm down." Michael placing his arms around Maria.

"No. Tess thinks just because she can't that Liz wouldn't be able too." Maria placing her hands on her hips. "How petty can you be? Come on. Max changed Liz, Tess. Change as in not all human now. So why couldn't she? We all can see your just jealous."

"Maria." Michael

"No. It's true! I'm just the only one that has the balls to say it." Maria

"Enough Maria." Kyle putting his arms around Tess.

"Maria." Pinching my nose. "This is not helping." Opening my eyes. "Tess. If everything Alec said is true. It has to be what is going on. The question is. If Liz did just have a premonition. Why is she unconscious now?"

All that really matters is that Liz is going to be alright.

Tess looking at the floor.

"Tess. If you know something you better start talking." Michael.

"Tess. Answerer them." Kyle

Tess looking up like a deer caught in the head lights. "I really don't know much more..... You will have to ask Liz when she wakes up."

When will that be?

"Do you know why she's unconscious?"

"Nesado said that it takes a great deal of energy to predict the future. So many variables and stuff. It drains the persons powers and life force. Causing them to slip into a semi coma or sleep state until they can recover."

"How long is that?" Michael

"I don't know." Tess shaking her head.

"Is she going to wake up?" Maria

"I don't know. I didn't come with a manual you know." Tess holding out her hands. "I don't know anything else. I don't." Tears in her eyes. "I think she just needs to rest. Think about how tired we were when we first started using our powers. This is suppose to take so much more.... I'm sorry. I don't know anything more than you do."

"Baby." Kyle pulling Tess into a hug.

"It's alright Tess. Thanks." Turning and walking back into the room. Sitting down beside Liz on the bed. Taking her hand.

Feeling the calm of Liz wash over me more.

"Is she scared or in pain?"

Looking up to find Alec standing on the opposite side of the bed.

"You can feel her can't you?" Alec not taking his eyes off Liz.

"Yeah. She's calm."

That's all I feel.

That's good right?

Watching Alec nod his head. Running his hand through his hair. "OK then." Bending down and whispering to Liz. "OK kiddo. Keep fighting you hear me. You come back. I know it's probably easier to stay but you come back. Remember what I told you. Elizabeth. It's going to be alright. I promise you. Don't you worry." Kissing her forehead.

Feeling the jealously course through me.

"Good bye Elizabeth. It was an honor to know you." Alec standing up.

What? He's still leaving.

"Alec?" Standing up. "Your still going?"


"What? You can't."

"I have too. It's the only way."

"Alec. It's not safe."

"It never was."

"You know what I mean. You know what they are planning to do."

"Which just gives me the upper hand."


"He's right Max."

Turning to see Michael.


You can't really agree to this.

"If Alec doesn't go back they are going to look more into Liz's death. It's the only way to guarantee Liz staying safe."

There has to be another way.

"There isn't. Michael is right. To eliminate any doubt, I have to go. It's the only way." Alec reading my thoughts.

"And what about Liz? When she wakes up and finds you gone?"

"The plan was always for me to leave. She knew that."

"But after what you just saw."

"Just made me more prepared. Now I know what to expect. It's going to be OK Max. All that is important is Elizabeth now. I wrote her a note and gave it to Maria. It will help."

I hope Liz thinks so.

"OK then." Running my hands through my hair. "Thank you Alec. Thank you for getting Liz out of there." Shaking Alec hand. "I will never be able to repay you."

"It's the least I can do. I just wish I got her out sooner."

Everyone nodding their heads.

If I would have only found her sooner.

"If you need me Alec for anything......" Michael holding out his hand.

"I know where to find you." Alec taking Michael's hand. "You know how to get a hold of me too. You will be safe there I promise. There is no way they can trace the land to me or you."

"Yeah." Michael nodding.

"Take care of our girl." Alec

"You can count on it." Michael

Liz is not going to understand.

She won't.

"Liz is not going to understand."

I know her. She will blame her self if something happens to Alec.

"Maybe not. But it doesn't change the fact that I have to go."

I really don't think Liz will see it that way.

What else can we do?

Nodding my head.

This is not going to be good.

Liz trust Alec. What is it going to mean when she wakes up and he is gone?

"She has you, Michael and the others. I'm just going to remind her of what happened to her."

"She still trusts you. That goes a long way right now."

"Yeah she does. But I still have to go. You know it and I know it. It's going to take me at least 12 hours to get back. If Elizabeth wakes up in that time. It will be safe for her to call me then."


There has to be another way.

"That's what your here for."

Re: FINDING HOME (M/L mature) CH 23 7/25

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:47 am
by Twilighteyes



Held in a sea of gray matter. Unwilling and unable to break the surface.

'Remember what I said Elizabeth. Don't you give up.'

'Liz is a fighter. She will get through this. I know it.'

'Lizzy. Please wake up. I miss you so much.'

'I love you.'

'Fight Elizabeth. You hear me fight.'

'Liz, I missed you so much.'

'Elizabeth, I know it's easier for you to stay there. But you need to come back.'

'Thank you for everything you have done for us.'

'I have so much to tell you.'

'Never let them put out your light.'

'I don't know what I would do with out you.'

'Maria has been driving me nuts without you.'

'It was an honor knowing you.'

Words and voices occasionally breaking through and float in the sea of gray matter.

No pain.

No fear.



And Max.

Overwhelming need for Max.


Max needs me......

As I finally break the surface.

"Liz. I know you can hear me. I need you. I need you to come back to me. I need you to wake up now. Open your eyes baby. Please. I just got you back. I can't lose you now. Please baby it's been two days. You need to wake up now please. Please wake up. I promise you that it will be alright. I promise. No one will hurt you."

Max surrounding me.

Comforting me.

Needing me.

"Please baby. Come back to me. Please."

Feeling my hand being gently squeeze.

Please please just let me go.

Love. Worry. Fear. Guilt.

Feeling the urge to retreat with the onset of emotions.

"Liz? Baby? Please open your eyes."

Sadness in his voice causing my heart to restrict.

So much easier to stay.


Hearing the tears in Max's voice.


Fighting off the last of the sweet sleep.

Opening my eyes to find Max staring down at me.

"Hey...." Max giving me a tight smile. "There's those beautiful brown eyes." Using his free hand to brush the tears off his face. "I've missed you."

Blinking the last remnant of sleep away.

Looking around the room to find it being night before settling my gaze on Max once more.

"Here." Handing my a glass.

Sitting up and carefully taking it and letting the cool liquid wash down my throat.

Max taking the almost empty glass from me. Filling it and try to hand it back to me.

"Liz you should drink a little more." Eyes pleading with me. "I'll get Michael to make you something to eat in a minute."

A wave of deja view wash over me.

Michael handing me the water telling me to drink.

Alec handing me a glass.

Shaking my head.


Looking at Max once more.


I'm missing something....

"Liz, it's going to be alright." Max squeezing my hand once more. "Alec is going to be OK."


Looking out the window.


'Elizabeth what is going on?'

Watching the seance at the compound unfold.


Unbelievable fear filling me.



You can't go. You can't leave me.


"Liz! Liz look at me." Max's voice pulling me out of my head.


"It's OK. Everything is going to be alright." Holding my face in his hands. "Just take a breathe."

Letting his words fill my head and senses.

Letting my lungs fill with air once more.

"That's it. It's alright."


Trying to push away the fear.

"OK? Liz?" Concern filling his eyes.

Am I?

Filling with the sense of lose.


The unknown.

What is wrong with me?

What happened?

Missing..... Pieces....


Blinding light.

Snap shots of feelings and images.

I was taken....

Hands holding me down.


But I was here with Max too right?

Max lying on the ed talking to me.

Something else.....

What can't I remember?

It was bad.

My parents..... There gone.

Squeezing my eyes shut.

"Liz.... Liz look at me?" Max pulling me out of my thoughts once more. Squeezing my hands. "Hey? Baby?"

Nodding my head. Still not opening my eyes.

It was bad. Really bad.

I don't want to know.

I don't want to know.

I just want everything to go back to the way that it was.....

What was that?


"LIZ! Open your eyes!" Feeling my hands being squeezed once more. "Just look at me. Concentrate on me. Just me."

Max... Safe with Max.

Opening my eyes.


Safe here with Max.

Searching my face.

"What's going on? Can you tell me?"

"I........." Coming out a weak squeak.

"It's alright. Take your time..." Max smiling encouraging.

I'm lost. I'm scared. I'm confused. What is going on? Help me. Everything was suppose to be alright when I came home. Home. Help me! Alec. I need Alec. What am I suppose to do now? I'm scared. Really scared. Hands. What can't I remember? Should I remember? I want my Mom and Dad. It's really bad. Fear. Why else wouldn't I remember? Please! Why is this happening to me? What did I do? What did they do to me? I was taking right? Darkness. Help me. But I was with Max. Safe here with Max. Help me. Blinding Light. I don't understand. I need.... Pain. I need.... What happened? I'm scared. Please!

A stream of emotion and words fill my head.

"Hey.... Hey it's going to be OK....." Rushing the tears off my face. "Do you remember what happen?"


Fear. Pain. Blood. Darkness. Rush through me.

I can't do this. I can't do this.

Help me.

I don't want to remember.

No I don't want to. I can't.


"OK OK."


Sitting on the bed in front of her. Holding her hands in mine carefully.

Watching her fight through the ray of emotion that were bombarding her.


Watching her taking a shaky breath in. Nodded once then hesitantly shake her head no.

Maybe if I gave her some good to hang on too. To remember something good.

"I thought we would maybe start by seeing what you remember?"

Feeling her start to take her hand away. Clearly seeing the panic rise.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait." Holding onto her hand. "Just good memories. What you remember about home. Good stuff. That's all." Reassuring her once more. "Only good."

Biting her bottom lip.


Nodding her head.

"We will go slow."

Nodding her head once more.

"OK. Close your eyes."

Feeling her stiffen.

"It's alright. We can stop at when ever you want."

Nodding her head once more. Feeling her grip tighten as she closed her eyes.

"Do you remember when you were a little girl?"

"Yyyyyyyyes." Soft whisper.

"Your Mom and Dad?"

Feeling her grip tighten a little more. Shaking.

Nodding her head.

Michael shaking his head at the doorway. Silently telling me not to go there.

"It's alright. I know."

Stupid... What the hell was I thinking?

Watching as a tear slips down her cheek.

"How about Maria?"

"Yes." So soft I almost missed it.

"How did you meet?"

Biting her lip once more. "She.... She was always there. Her mom and mine were best friends." Soft whisper

"Good. Your doing good."

"We did everything together. All holidays. Big events and small. She was my best friend. Like a sister."

"What about Alex? How did you meet him?"

Small smiling. "We were on the play ground. Some kids were being mean to him. Me and Maria helped him. I don't know if he was more embarrass that two girls helped him or that he was glad we helped." Turning her head slightly. "We became inseparable after that." Her voice becoming stronger.

Good. This is good.

"OK.... What about Isabel."

"Isabel?" The uncertainty crossing her face.

"When did you first meet her?"

Biting her lip once more. "Umm.. In elementary school. But she really didn't talk to me then...." Unsure.

"When did she start talking to you?"

Squeezing her eyes shut more in concentration. "It wasn't until we were looking for something.... No someone. Maria and.... Michael.. Me you and Isabel where looking for them in the jeep. We found them in a hotel room together..... They were looking for a dome building?" Opening her eyes. "Kyle followed us. There was a fight........."

"Yes...." Smiling at her. "Your doing good."

"I hurt Kyles feelings."

"Yes, maybe you did."

"I was mad... Mad that he followed me."

Nodding my head.

"And upset with you.... Because... You were keeping something from me....."

Nodding my head again. "Yeah, I remember that you said that you and Maria where just as much a part of everything as me, Michael and Isabel were. That you were putting your life at risk too that you deserved to know what was going on....."

Looking away guilty. Swallowing the lump in my throat.

I should have kept you away.

I should have made sure that you were safe.

What did I do to you?


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:58 am
by Twilighteyes


Leaning against the door frame listening to Liz and Max talking about what she could remember. Having been startled awake when I felt the ray of emotions from Liz wash over me from where I slept on the couch with Maria.

It's weird that I spent my whole life feeling only Max and Isabel. Now I can even feel Tess.

No Feeling is not the right word.


Yes. I could sense them. I knew they were different from the moment I saw them. Alien like me. I can always sense them.

But with Liz now.

Ever since I connected with her and Max I have this new sense of bond. I can actually feel Liz's emotions. Max's too sometimes. When they are heighten. Stressed.

Nothing compared to Liz's though. When she is scared or in pain it's like a freight train hits me. Other times it's like Isabel's, Tess's and Max's. I can sense her all the time now. When I touch her a connection opens up immediately. I see things that I never wanted to see. That no one should ever have to go through. Something that has never happened with anyone else before.

It's freaky.

To feel what Liz is feeling.... To have this intense connection.

I don't even feel Maria and I love her with all my heart.

Doubt and fear increasing once more from Liz.

Liz taking her hands out of Max's and pulling back.

Thing were going so good.

Max looking guilty.

Max...... What the hell did you do? You didn't bring up her parents again did you?

This can't be good.

"Liz......" Max voice full of regret and guilt as he reaches out to Liz.

Stop it. Feeling guilty is just going to make it worst.

Walking into the room.

Not that I blame the guy. I would too.

Hell I do....


Liz looking up at me as she slides a little more up the bed. Drawling her knees to her chest.

"Liz.." Max moving closer to Liz.


"I'm sorry....." Liz's voice coming out a broken whisper. Losing what little confidence that it held earlier.

"Liz baby no...." Max shaking his head. "You did nothing wrong. This is all my..."

"Max." Cutting Max off. Shaking my head.

Liz doesn't need to hear or feel his guilt right now too. Liz has enough of her own.

Max nodding in understanding.

"Hey, Why don't you tell me what you remember about me?"

Liz looking uncertain to Max to me back to Max again.

"You do remember me right?"

Biting her bottom lip. "Stonewall." Coming out a whisper.


"Maria called you a stonewall. Never liked to show anything."

"She did hun?" Smiling

Sounds like something she would say.

"I saw you both kissing one night after work. Before... Before I was suppose to know. Anyone was to know." Liz looking from Max to me again.

We used to kiss a lot after hours.

"You saw that?"

Nodding her head.

"Your doing good." Max encouraging.

"You both fight a lot."


"Maria loves you."

"I love her too."

She's my life.

"You took my...." Eyes widening looking up at Max guilty.

"It's alright. Max knows. And thank you for keeping my secret."

Nodding her head uncertain.

"It's hard to let anyone in. To trust people."

Is she talking about me or herself?

"I know..."

"You... Hank he....."

Hit me.


"But you got away from him. You have your own place. An.... Apartment."


"You work at the dinner." Liz's voice becoming stronger again.

Nodding my head.

Looking out the window once more. "You used to come over to dinner a couple times each week."

Mr. and Mrs. Parker insisted.


"And breakfast everyday."

"Your mom insisted. It's the only way I could get her to quit nagging."

Liz smiling. "They worried about you. Not wanting you to be all alone. You stayed the night a couple of times. When.... When my parents were gone."

Feeling Max's heated stare on me.


Can't blame the guy. He never knew I stayed.

Not that it was a secret.

Not that it was any of his business either.

"Yes. Your parents asked me too." Looking at Max. "I slept on the couch."

I promised Mr. Parker that I would look after you and keep you safe.

Feeling Max relax slightly.

I guess I didn't do a very good job.

"One night we both fell asleep out on the balcony."

Feeling Max stiffen once more.

"Yes, do you remember why?"

Don't look at me like that Maxwell. You should know us both better than that.

"We....." Closing her eyes concentrating. "I couldn't sleep..... I had a dream.... One that I didn't have for a very long time... I was lost. So lost in the dark." Liz's hands start to shake slightly. "So dark. So alone. I couldn't find my way home....... So dark..." Reaching out her hand. "Like..... The dark.... So alone..... Like...."

"Liz." Max taking her hands. "Open her eyes baby your safe. Your home."


"I was...... Dark....."

Just like being locked in that cell from days on end.

"Liz, tell me what happened next?"

Think of something else.

"Missing.... So close...."

"Come on baby...." Max touching her face. "Open your eyes, stay with me."

Liz opening her eyes. "Like the bad dream..... I can't. I don't..." Shaking her head.

"You don't have too."

It's too soon and too much to remember right now.

Liz looking from me to Max.

"OK?" Max

Nodding Liz's head.

Max nodding his head before letting go of her face. "We are both right here."

Nodding her head.

"What else do you remember?"

"You were sleeping on the couch down stairs. I startled you when I came down the stairs. I think... I think you were having a bad dream too..."


Nodding my head.

I haven't thought of him in a long time.

"I.. We both didn't feel like being alone...."

Nodding my head.

"We got some pie and went out on the balcony. We stayed up talking about the stars. Maria. Max. What we wanted to do when we grow up..... How one thing can change a person life...."


"You didn't like me much at first."

"Yeah, I can see why you might have that impression. I wasn't exactly nice to you."

I did everything in the world to push you away in the beginning.

"You were just scared for your family." Liz looking out the window once more.

"Yes I was."

Liz's eyes watering. "My Mom and Dad loved you."

"I like to think that."

Feeling my eyes burn.

"My dad thought of you like a son."

Closes thing to a real dad that I had.

Blinking back the tears.

"He... He always wanted a son."

"I don't know about that. He was very proud of you."

"I heard my mom and dad talking about opening up a saving account for you. So you could go to college."

What? They did?

"They never told me."

I can't believe they would do that.

"You would do anything for your family." Liz looking at me intensely.

"Yes. Yes I would."

"Anything to keep them safe."

I would give my life.

"Yes." Coming out a whisper.

Liz looking out the window once more. "Am I...... Am I your family now?"

Feeling the lump form in my throat. Swallowing. "Yes. Yes you are."


Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:00 am
by Twilighteyes


"Yes. Yes you are." Michael

Tears falling down Liz's face.

"I... Don't... I can't... Please." Shaking her head. "Please."

She scared to be alone.

"Come here." Michael holding out his arms to Liz. Beating me too it.

Liz going easy into them.

There just friends. Just friends.

Couldn't help but feel the twinge of jealousy and not for the first time tonight.

Liz knows her parents are gone and she is afraid to be alone.

Of course she does.

Get over myself!

"Please." Coming out a broken sob. Holding tightly to Michael.

Feeling my heart break more.

What did I do to you Liz?

Michael stroking Liz's hair. "It's going to be alright. Your my family now. I'm going to take care of you. I promise you." Michael looking up at me. Tears sliding down his cheeks. Eyes pleading for me to understand.

I understand.

Nodding my head.

Liz need Michael.

"We both are going to take care of you. You will never be alone Liz. Never again. Never." Michael gentle rocking Liz.

Liz needs both of us.

Rubbing Liz's back. "Your not alone Liz. I promise you that I am not going anywhere."

"Promise me. Promise me you won't ever leave me." Liz looking at Michael to me. "Please."

"Liz..." Michael

"Baby.." At the same time.

"Even if.... Even if it's just a lie.... Please. Just promise me....." Liz begging.

"We are never going to leave you again. We promise." Michael looking at me.

"We are not lying baby."

Still clearly feel her fear and desperation.

"Please... Please...."

We aren't getting through to her.

Gently turning Liz in Michael's arms so that her back was to him but his arms were still around her. "Liz I need you to listen to me carefully." Lifting up her face so that she was looking at me.

The fear and sadness in her eyes was bone chilling.

I hope I can get through to you.

Keeping my voice soft but determined. "I really need you to understand me when I say this. Under no certain terms will we ever leave you. I would die before I let anything ever happen to you again. I will not and can not ever leave you. Neither will Michael. I love you Liz more than anything in this world. I was slowly dying when I lost you. I never want to ever go through that again. Your my everything. My life is with you. So no Liz. I swear to you. You will never be alone again. We aren't going anywhere." Squeezing Liz's hand. "Do you understand me? You will never be alone again."

Liz staring at me intensely. "Promise?" Shakily.

"I promise."

"We aren't going anywhere." Michael reassuring rubbing Liz's arms.

Feeling Liz's emotions start to settle down once more as she relaxed into Michael's chest.

"I promise you." Michael kissing the top of Liz's head. "We're your family now. Your my family."

I am so sorry Liz. You shouldn't be going through any of this.

Some how. Some way I am going to make this alright for you.

You are going to be alright. I promise you.

"Is everything alright?"

Looking up to see Maria, Kyle and Alex at the door.

Tears in Maria's eyes.

How long have they been there?

"Yeah." Wiping the tears off my face.

"Is it alright if we come in?" Kyle.


Watching the three hesitatingly coming in.

"Hey honey how are you doing." Alex sitting down across from me. "It's good to see you up again."

Liz nodding her head. Wiping off the tears that were left on her cheek.

"Hey girl. I missed that smile of yours." Kyle stopping at the end of the bed.

Liz giving a small smile in return.

"That's the smile." Kyle

"Hi." Maria sitting hesitantly on the bed beside me.

"Hi." Liz letting go of my hand and shakily placing it on Maria's.

Tears sliding down Maria's cheeks. "God, I missed you." Maria smiling.

"Me... Me too." Liz

Liz's stomach growling.


Nodding her head. Whispering. "That was embarrassing." Looking down.

"Not at all."

"You haven't ate in almost three day." Maria

"How about I go make you something?" Michael looking down at Liz.

Liz stiffening.

"Liz you really need to eat." Alex

"It's alright. Just into the kitchen. You can spend a little time with Maria."

"We aren't going to leave this house without you."

Liz nodding her head. Relaxing.

"What sounds good."

"Pancakes?" Liz

"Pancakes it is." Michael

"Better make enough for the rest of us." Kyle

"Kyle you just ate dinner a couple hours ago." Maria

"What? I'm a growing boy?" Kyle

Causing Liz to giggle.

"Now that's what I wanted to hear." Alex

Yes definitely.

Smiling for what felt like the first time in years.

Watching Michael finish with the pancakes. Leaving Liz alone in her bedroom with Maria, Kyle and Alex a little while ago.

They all needed to be with Liz for a while. Exspecialy Maria.

I needed to talk to Michael without Liz hearing.

Why didn't they tell me?

I don't understand. I know they don't feel that way about each other. I'm glad that Michael found a connection with Liz's family. He never seemed to connect with my parents that well. Michael was always so guarded. Never relaxed. What I don't get is why keep it a secret? Did Maria know? No, she would have mention it right?

Why not tell me?

I know things were complicated with Tess first coming to town and all. But things were started to settle down again. Liz and me were starting to reconnect again.

So I thought.

Why didn't Michael just tell me after all this time?

Why the hell didn't they tell me?


"Not now Maxwell." Putting the last of Liz's pancakes on the plate. Knowing exactly what I wanted.

"I just want to know why you didn't tell me?"

This is driving me crazy!

"Because there was nothing to tell. Can you get out some fruit? I think I saw Amy get grapes, strawberry and cantaloupe."

"Michael...." Going to the frig that Amy stocked days ago and got the fruit out.

I'm not going to let this go.

Facing me. "Because maybe being with the Parker's was like being part of a real family. Because maybe it was something I just wanted for just myself. And because maybe it was none of your business."

"I just never knew you were that close to them." Setting the fruit on the table.

Michael taking the grapes and strawberries to the sink and began rinsing them off. "Well, the Parker's made it a little hard not to be after they found out that I was living on my own. I mean Nancy would bug the shit out of me about eating right. My grades. I mean she even bought me groceries and my backpack." Taking the fruit back to the counter. "Not to mention my comforter and the plants." Michael shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I saw the groceries, plants and bedding but I just figured Iz did it." Going back to the frig and taking out the orange juice.

Iz took care of all the stuff when it came to Michael.

"No, Iz bought the cleaning supplies."


That sounds about right.

Michael was never comfortable with my mom and dad. I just thought it was the whole adult thing.

Getting six glasses out of the cabinet and setting them on the tray with the juice.

What about the nightmare?

"So has Liz had that nightmare a lot?"

"I don't know man. Just the one time I just happened to be here." Michael cutting up the cantaloupe and some bananas that were sitting on the counter. "And I'm not going to lie to you. I'm glad I was there. She was really freaked after. I wasn't sleeping so hot either back then." Scratching his eyebrow. "That's how we ended up on her balcony. We talked until we both fell back to sleep. That's it. End of story."

I didn't really think that anything really did.

Face it. I'm just jealous Liz shares a connection with someone else at all.

Getting out plates.

"Do you think that she was dreaming about the compound?"

Michael sitting down the bowl of fruit on the tray and leaning against the counter. "I've been thinking about that ever since she brought up that night. She didn't want to talk about it back then and I sure in the hell didn't want to talk about mine. So I didn't push. But the way she just described it. I would have to say yes. That's exactly what I get from Liz. Cold, dark, alone, terrified, pain. So lost." Watching Michael psychically shutter. "Being locked in that dam cell. It's all just too close for comfort if you ask me."

Clutching my fist unconsciously.

Damn them all to hell!

Michael shaking his head. "I don't know. I would say yes because of the fact that you changed her when you healed her. She obviously has powers now. We have both felt and experience them. Maybe Liz was having premonitions before she was taken and she just thought they were nightmares. I sure and the hell would have thought they were if it was me having them. Who would have thought that Liz would be kidnapped, tested, experimented on and locked away in the dark. I just don't know." Michael shaking his head. "I was never one for coincidence."

"Maria says she started having a nightmare when she was younger that she was lost alone in the dark and couldn't find her way home. That's where the counting comes from. Her dad told her if she was ever having a bad dream that all she had to do was count. That she would even up safe at home."

"So Liz was.... That's fucked up." Michael shaking his head. "It's just so wrong. Then I don't know man. I don't. I just don't want her to have anymore."

Was it just a dream? And if it was then why would she have it before I even changed her?

Does it even really matter?

No. I just don't want her to not hurt anymore.

"Look Maxwell, I really didn't stay here all that often." Michael pulling me out of my thoughts. "Only sometimes when I worked closed and had to open the next day. The weekend before Liz went missing when the Parker's went to Albuquerque. And one night when we stayed up watching a movie. I crashed on their couch. Sometimes Liz wouldn't even be here most of the night. Max it really wasn't a big deal."

"I just can't believe I didn't know. Why Liz didn't tell me?" Placing the last of the items on the tray.

I mean it's not like she owed me an explanation or anything. Just why did she keep it from me? I thought things were going good between us before I lost her.

Wasn't it?

I just thought Liz would tell me everything and anything.

That she did tell me everything.

"Look Max. It's not like Liz was trying to keep this big secret from you. To tell you the truth I think she did it for me." Michael reading my thoughts.

"How's that?"

"I think Liz knew how much it meant to me. I mean we never talked about it. Not that I would have made it easy for her if she did want to."

Yeah, you have came a long way from the closed off guarded person that you once were.

"Liz has just always had this way of reading me. She knew I didn't want to make a big deal of it and she didn't. That I might stop coming around if you all knew." Shrugging his shoulders. "I probably would have stop. You know how I was. Look, I can't repay her enough for that. It's just. It's just hard to explain man. The only thing I can say is that me and Liz have only brother and sister love of each other. Nothing more. I just want to protect her and make sure nothing bad happens to her again."

"Michael I wasn't implying that at all. I know how you love Liz and how much you are in Love with Maria."

"Yes, I am.

"I just wanted to know why I didn't know. I wasn't accusing you of anything."


"And thank you Michael."

"For what?"

"Being there for Liz when I wasn't."


Holding up my hand. "No Michael it's the truth. I'm really am happy that Liz trusts you. I know Liz really needs you right now. I'm glad it's you. She's lucky to have you as a honorary brother."

I know I am.

Michael silent a moment. Nodding his head. Clearing his throat. "OK, Now that, that is settled lets get this food to Liz before she changes her mind. My first order of being honorary big brother is to put some meat on her bones."

CH 27

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:50 am
by Twilighteyes


"And you should have seen Alex's face when.."

"Mrs. Evans walked in." Interrupting Maria. The scene playing out before my eyes. "He... He started stammering around. Turning so red..... Everyone was laughing so hard. Then you and Michael came out with Isabel's cake. Alex yelled at you. That you should have told him that Iz's parents were coming. Everyone was so happy that night. Dancing around. So happy.... And Max. Max was sitting at the far booth away from everyone else."

"Yes....." Maria looking at me in amazement.

"How did you know?" Shock in Alex's voice.

I was there.

"I was there."

I saw everything.

"Whoa that's just a little too creepy. Even for me." Kyle shaking his head.

"Max said he used to see you all the time. I always hoped and prayed that it was true. I just knew if there was some way for you both to be together, that you two would find it." Tears glistening Maria's eyes.

I was there I saw......

Isabel's birthday party so clearly in my mind. The music. The laughter. Red balloons and streamers.

No. That's wrong.


Bloody hands flashing through my eyes.

No blood...

This isn't right.... I wasn't there.....

Isabel's red dress.

Seeing Isabel laughing once more.

No. That's not right.

Blood and pain.

Hearing myself scream in my head.

I wasn't really there. I was...

Cold. Dark. Beeping..

I was...

"Liz? Liz look at me." Max's soft voice floating through my senses.


Max sitting in front of me. Holding my face.

"Liz?" Searching my eyes for some kind of recognition. Eyes full of concern.


"Your OK. Your OK." Kissing my forehead.

"I... I don't understand....."

What is going on?

"What baby? What don't you understand?"

"I was there... I saw.... But... No... I don't understand."

What happened to me?

"What the hell happened?" Michael growling out.

How can I be at two places at once?

"We were talking about Isabel's birthday party." Kyle explaining.

"Why would you do that." Hearing the irritation easily in Michael's voice.

"I was there." Gripping Max's hands. "I saw the cafe decorated in all the red balloons and streamers. Alec was dressed in police uniform. He was dancing . Striping for Isabel. Maria and Michael made Iz a special cake with.... With Tabasco sauce. And you. You were sitting in the corner booth. Just watching." Coming out in a hurried breath.

He has to believe me.

"Just watching everyone with a sad smile all night. And after... And after you told everyone else to go home. That you cleaned up all by yourself. You talked to me the whole time. About... About.... About how we would celebrate my eighteen birthday. Then... Then you came up to my room... You talked to me.... You talked about all the things we would do together someday. About how much you missed me. You missed me so much." Filling the tears slip down my cheek.

And I missed you.

"Liz." Max whispers.

"You fell asleep in my bed. I watched you..... I watched you.."

You have to believe me. It happened. It happened.

Am I crazy?

"Liz. It's OK..." Using his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheek I didn't realized that I was crying.

"I don't understand. I..." Shaking my head.

I was in the cold dark.

"There was beeping and endless darkness."


"I was cold. So cold. So alone. So dark. It hurt all the time."

"Liz" Max squeezing my hands.

"But I was here. I was safe when I was here. I was safe."

"Liz." Pleading with me.

"I was so scared and alone all the time. It hurt. It hurt to be there. With the light came the pain. They hurt me in the light and the pain lasted in the dark. All alone and lost in the dark. All I wanted was to go home. To go home and be with you again. I wished so much... I wanted it so bad."

"Liz it's alright."

This isn't right.

"I was here though wasn't I? How else would I have known? It wasn't a flash. It wasn't." Shaking my head. "It wasn't."

You have to believe me. I saw....

"I was here but I was there. They took me and they hurt me. Pain and darkness. Love and laughter. I don't understand. But I was here. I was. I saw. What happened to me? How can I be in two places at once? What's happened?"

I'm crazy. I'm going crazy.

"Liz..." Max squeezing my hands. "LIZ LOOK AT ME!" Placing a hand on the side of my face.


"Careful Max...." Michael warning.

I was safe with Max. Max would never hurt me.

It hurt so much to be there. I just wanted to be home safe with Max. I just wanted it so much.

"Liz you need to calm down and listen to me. OK?" Max searching my eyes. "Yes, you were gone. Your not crazy. They took you and I couldn't find you." Shaking his head.

"Max." Michael warning.

"They hurt me. Sometimes it was so bright it hurt. The bright light always brought more pain. They want something from me..."

'Just give me what I want!'

My mind slamming shut at the images that threaten to come forth with the voices.

"I.... I was so scared. Then it was so dark and cold and beeping for so long...."

How could I survive that?

"Yes baby I know. But that's over now." Max's eyes brimming with tears.


"But I was here... I saw.... Two places at once. Two places. In the dark I could reach for you. Focus on you."

It's not possible.

I'm crazy.

Maybe this is all happening in my head. Maybe I'm locked up in a hospital.

Yes. I'm crazy. This isn't real.

"Yes." Max squeezing my hand. "You were with me. I don't know how you did it, but at times you were with me. I could see you. Feel your presence. But no one else could. You never talked. Just watched me. Us. At first you would appear and disappear a lot. Sometime you would show up with new injuries." Tears falling down his cheeks. "Sometimes you would be the same. I would talk to you. Tell you everything that was happening. All the leads that we had. The countless dead ends. I would tell you everything. You would just stay with me. Sometimes even smile at me. You gave me comfort because when I saw you I knew you were still alive. That you were still fighting. That there was still a chance that I would be able to find you. That I hadn't totally failed you yet. That I still had a chance. You kept me going. You gave me strength."

I was with Max.

I wasn't crazy.

With Max. Safe with Max.

"I was with you?"

"Yes. But you weren't really with me."

"Max." Michael once more.

"But I was.."

You just said I was with you.

"Yes, but you were really at the compound. A part of you was with me sometimes but a part of you was always there. Do you understand?"

I was there.

"They took me.."


"But I was with you too sometimes."

"Yes." Max squeezing my hands.

I was at both places.... How?


Max is special. Max an alien. Max has power.

"How did you?" Looking at Max closely. "You did something."

"I didn't." Max shaking his head. "It was you."


"Max." Michael warning once more.

I didn't. I can't. Shaking my head.


No. I'm human.

"Liz. It's all right."

Standing in a concrete window room. Wood chips on a tray sitting on a metal table.
Electrodes attached to my body.
'You will do what I say.'
'I can't please.' Begging the man before me.
I can't do this. I just want to go home. PLEASE!
'Do it! Do it! Do something! Anything!' Man screaming at her. 'People that have less brain power can do it. SHOW ME!'

I can't. I can't.

I won't.

"Liz." Max's voice far away.

"I didn't. I couldn't. I just want to go home. PLEASE! PLEASE JUST LET ME GO HOME!"

"LIZ! LIZ! YOUR HOME! YOUR SAFE! LOOK AT ME!" Max pleading with me.

"Max." Coming out a broken whisper.

"Your OK." Max.

"It's OK." Michael


"I can't do this." Shaking my head.

"Your alright. It's going to be alright."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Max this is too much information right now." Michael whispers harshly.

"I can't do anything. I have no powers, it's not possible. I can't. Please." Shaking my head.

This can't be true.

"Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but you do." Kyle.

"Kyle." Michael growling out.

Looking up at Maria, Kyle and Alex now standing around the bed.

"Well how else are you going to explain the room to her? It's not like she out of it this time. Your not going to be able to fix it without her knowing. Look at the room Liz."

"Kyle shut up!" Micheal glaring at Kyle.

"Sorry Liz. But if anyone can deal with this it's you." Kyle


My room.

Slowly looking around my room.

Pictures were askew on the wall. Desk tops and shelves were empty.

What happened?

"When I healed you. I changed you." Max explaining.

I did this?

"You changed me?"

This is crazy.


"I don't understand." Shaking my head.

This is not happening to me.

It's a trick.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Looking around at all of them. "I can't do this...."

I can't.

It's a trick. This is all a trick.

'I have ways of making you do the things that I want.' Strapping me to the bed. 'I have ways of making you do it without you even knowing.'
'I can't. I won't' Pleading with the man. 'PLEASE! Just let me go.'
Screaming as the burning liquid pours into my veins.
'By the time I'm done with you. You will be begging me to do everything that I ask of you.'



"LIZ! LIZ LOOK AT ME!" Max screaming.

Max coming back into focus once more.

"Your not real. Your dead. They killed you because of me. All of you." Looking around at their shocked faces.

"Liz." Max

"What is she talking about?" Kyle.

Laughing. "Your not real. None of this is real. I'm crazy. This is all in my mind. I'm still there." Turning into a cry. "I can't do anything. I just want to go home. Please. Please just stop. I can't take this anymore. Just kill me please. Please." Pulling my legs up to my chest.

"My god." Maria

"Lizzy." Alex

"Liz." Max and Michael together.

"This is just too fucked up." Kyle.

"Please. Please just let me go. Let me die."

It hurts so much.

"NO!" Max grabbing my arms. "No Liz." Shaking me a little. "Baby. I am here." Touching my face. "You are here. I'm alive. Everyone here is alive. They lied to you. Look at me Liz. Feel me. I love you. I would never lie to you. Feel me. Let me in and feel me."

Feeling the warmth and love of Max wash over me.


"You are alive Liz. Your home safe now. Your not crazy. You been through a horrible experience. You have every right to be scared and confused. But your going to be OK. We are here now. I am here now and I am never going to let you go."

I'm here. They are alive.

"Max...." Coming out a strangled cry.

"It's OK. Your OK. You can do this. It's going to be OK."

This is all too much.

"I don't know it I can."

I am so tired.

"Liz honey just think about it. Just take a step back. Let your scientific mind take over. You can handle this Liz. You can do this." Alex stepping closer to me. Tears matching my own. "Just slow down and think about it. You can do this. I promise. It's alright."

Take a step back.

"You can do this." Maria coming closer and placing her hand on my shoulder. "Your the smartest bravest person I know. You can do this. If anyone can make sense of this it's you."

"It's alright. It's a lot to take in." Michael glaring at everyone else before focusing on me. "We are not going anywhere. Your not alone remember?" Taking my hand in his. "You have me now. You have us. Your going to be alright. I promise you. We are just going to take one day at a time. One problem. One questions. And we are going to face and solve them all together. You really can do this Liz. I promise you. Little steps. That's all."

I can do this.

Can I?

"Your going to be alright." Max wiping the tears off my cheeks once more. "OK?"

I'm so tired.

"I just don't understand."

Why is this happening to me?

"When I healed you. I changed you. Your body now contains something called Cadame X. It's not found on this planet. I don't know how you did it Liz. Maybe it was just the fact of you wanting to be with me and I wanting to be with you. That made it possible. I don't care how. I'm just happy that so part of you was with me. Your home safe now. Nothing is ever going to take you away from me. That's all that matters. The rest we will figure out together later."

Max saved me.

Risked his life for me. Healed me.

Looking at my hands.

Cut on the wrist. An ugly burn on the arm. They were there. I felt the pain. Saw the scars. Gone now. All gone. Gone because of Max.

Max fixed me.

They trusted me with their secret.

"I'm sorry Liz." Coming out a soft whisper full of regret. "I never wanted any of this for you."

Looking up at Max.

I can do this.

Feeling something shift inside of me.

I have too.

"Don't be. I would be dead if it wasn't for you." Looking up and giving Max a weak smile.

I'm sorry. I don't know what happened with my last two post. Thank god that I saved them.... I'm sorry about this chapter. The more I play with it. The worst it gets. I don't know what I was thinking..... Sorry.


Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:21 pm
by Twilighteyes


Standing in the doorway watching Liz stare out the window. Max falling asleep in the chair exhausted after staying up the past couple of days watching over Liz. The others scattered asleep through out the house. Only after I suggested that they gave Liz some space. Iz and Tess still at her parents house.

I don't even want to know what the hell Iz problem is!

I could have kicked every-one's asses for bring up events that happened while Liz was gone. What the hell were they thinking? Liz has had barely a grip on what happened before she was taken. Not to mention what's been going on since she has been back. To bring up what happened while she was locked away and abused. What the hell? What where they thinking?

It took almost an hour of her slipping in and out of memories. Trying to calm, reassure and explain everything before she was able to gain control over her emotions again. For Max to have to quit controlling her out of control powers. Not to mention the freaky green current under her skin to dissipate.

If it wasn't for the fact that I thought it would upset Liz more. I would have kicked them all out.

I could literally feel the shift in Liz when it happened. The intense fear. Pain. Confusion. Pulled back to a controlled calm confusion. As she slowly began to accept and be in control again.

Liz started asking question. Quietly thinking everything through.

It was like having a little of the old Liz was back.

At least something good came of it.

Considering everything that she has been though. Liz is doing really well. Little set backs and all.

I don't think I could do it. At least not as well as her.

Reaching out my connection with Liz.

Feeling a controlled calm wash over me once more.

Feeling myself smile at the fact of how easy it came without us touching now.

You really are my sister now.

Glancing around the now straighten room. Feeling my smile slip from my face at Liz's barely touched plate.

Even after heating and chilling everything again, she barely touched her food. No one could persuade her to eat anymore. Not even me or Max.

I was hoping that she would at least eat the strawberries. Max said they were her favorites.

Walking in and sitting on the ledge next to her.

Still not acknowledging me. Biting her lower lip as she stared at the early morning sky, lost in thought.

After Liz calmed down she just sat there for the longest time. I could literally see the wheels in her head turning. Thinking and trying to figure everything out. The others tried to draw her out in conversation but Liz stayed off in her own world. Some times answering but mostly not.


Nodding her head acknowledging me.

That's good.

"Want to tell me what's going on in that head of yours?" Giving her a smile.

Finally looking at me. "Just processing. Trying to make sense of everything. It's a lot." Softly.

You can say that again.

"You have time. No rush."

Nodding her head. "Everything is just all jumbled up. It's confusing. A little overwhelming."

"Maybe I can help. Want to talk about it?"

Shrugging her shoulder.

"Maybe talking it out will help. I make a good sounding board. Or we can sit here in silence. I'm good at that too."

"I remember." Giving me a slight smile. "You were usually bruiting though."

"Hey we each have our qualities." Scratching my eyebrow.

"I... I remember most of the time growing up... I have some missing pieces. I think it's just mainly the time before it all happened. But I think if I concentrate hard enough that I can remember them easy enough." Giving me a small smile. "I remember you clearly."

"That's good. I think..."

I wasn't exactly the easiest person to get alone with.

"It is." Liz looking back up at the early morning sky. Softer. "I know that when me and Max jumped into the river to get away. I lost him. I think I broke my leg then." Rubbing her leg absentmindedly. "I think... I think it didn't healed right."


Recalling the limp Liz had when she first showed up. Thank god Max healed you.

"I....... I know that I. That they took me. I never knew where I was. I don't think I was ever outside. Just inside. No windows. No sky. No stars. I can't swear to that though."

"Doesn't matter now."

"I know..." Tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "I know they did things to me. That they wanted me to do things." Watching a lone tear slid down her cheek.

I don't want her reliving this.

"Liz..." Reaching out and touching her shoulder.

Feeling her fear and uncertainty peak a moment before she pulled them back under once more.

"You don't need to do this."

I wish I could just make you forget it ever happened.

Shaking her head, taking a deep shaky breath. "I.... I don't know..." Clearing her throat. "I don't remember a lot of it. Just a few flashes here and there. Different events. Mostly just blood. Darkness. Blinding light. My screams. A constant beeping sound. I think they were monitoring my vitals. No real sense of time or events. I remember a few people." Liz shuttering. Squeezing her eyes closed. "Mostly...... Mostly just intense overwhelming feelings. Feelings that make me feel like I can drowning in. Never to break free again."

"Liz." Squeezing her arm. "You don't need to remember that now."

This isn't what I had in mind.

"I know they killed my parents because of me." Opening her eyes and staring out the window. "I saw them, I saw their bodies."

"Liz, it wasn't your fault."

It wasn't your fault. If anything it's mine.

Not acknowledging me. "I know when Max healed me that he changed me. That now I have these powers that I didn't realize that I had or know how to control. Not to mention what they all are. I know I can move things, that obvious. And I guess I can astroproject? If that is what you would call it. If I can be in two places at once. Right? But why can Max only see and feel me? Is it because of the connection that we share? Can I do it now with you?" Looking at me thoughtfully. "Because I can feel you now. Not like what I feel with Max. The connection isn't overwhelming that can flood my senses. It's more like a comforting protective blanket. It's nice." Biting her low lip. Looking at me shyly.


"Yes it is."

"But can I do anything else? Can I do the things you, Max and Isabel can do?"

"We'll work on it. We will figure it all out. We didn't know what all we could do at first. It takes time and lots and lots of practice."

Trust me on the practice part.

Liz nodding her head.

"I know they wanted to know who you guys were." Looking at me once more unsure. "I know I never told them. I never told them your secret." Eyes pleading with me to believe her. "I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't. I couldn't Michael."

"I know. I know. You didn't." Kissing her head. "You never did. Thank you Liz. Thank you."

Pulling back. Nodding her head. "I remember Alec. He saved me." Taking her fist and rubbing her chest.

Do you remember that he killed you to do it?

"I know something bad happened." Voice lower once more. Far away look in her eyes.

"It was all bad Liz. But your home safe now."

I need you to stay with me not to get lost in a memory.

"No something worst. Something." Reaching up her hand at the sky. "Something just out of my reach. I can almost touch it. I have it's memory but I'm so terrified of knowing it. Every time I get close my mind slams shut on it. I'm thankful and intrigued at the same time." Turning her hand over. Whispering. "What ever it was Michael, it was bad. Worst then anything else they ever did to me." Running her fingers along her wrist. "I know that it was so bad that I wanted to die. I couldn't live with it. I needed to die."

Swallowing the lump that formed in my throat.

The rape.

"It doesn't matter now it's over."

"Is it?" Looking up at me. "Because it doesn't feel over." Whispering so softly that I barely heard what she said. "Max healed me but I can still see the cuts and scars. Feel the ache of where they were. Their still there to me."

Feeling as if someone knocked the air out of me.

I never wanted this for you.

I pray to god that you never remember.

It won't always be this way for her will it?

I hope not. No.

"Yes. It's just going to take a little time. But I promise you. It's going to be alright."

Staring at me.

"Your going to be alright Liz." Pulling her against me.

Letting me hold her.

"The question is. Can I live this way without knowing? Would I be able to survive if I did? It nearly killed me the first time."

Don't say that. Please don't say that.

A world without Liz Parker is not a world I want to live in.

Pulling her tighter to me. Saying the only thing that I could. "Your going to be alright Liz. You will be. Your not alone now." Blinking back the tears that stung my eyes. "You will be able to get through anything together. I promise. Your not alone this time. Your the strongest person I know. If anyone can you will."

Please god. Please don't let me be wrong.

"I don't know Michael. I'm just so tired."

"I know. I know." Kissing her forehead. "But your going to make it. You are making it. Come on." Standing up. Easily pulling her up with me. "I have something for you." Pulling myself out of the window. Turning and holding my hand out to her.

Watching her look at my outstretch hand.

Feeling the uncertainty wash over me.

"It's alright."

Shaking her head. "I don't know."

"Hey, I promise you are safe. I wouldn't put you in any danger. Just out on the balcony. No farther."

Not that we could go farther.

Hesitating a moment before shakily taking my hand. Easily helping her out. Feeling her shake slightly as she steadied her feet.


"I can't stay here can I, Michael?"


"On the balcony?"

"Home. Here. I won't be able to stay."

Liz was never dumb.

"No. You can't. I'm sorry."

I'm sorry.

Nodding her head. Looking at the ground.

"But it's going to be alright. We have some place safe to go. Alec set it all up for us. Some place in Montana. Up in mountains. There is suppose to be a lake. We are going to get some horses. There is plenty of security. Fresh mountain air. It's going to be alright."

Liz taking a couple steps back.


"Their still looking for me aren't they? Your not safe with me. None of you are safe." Coming out as a statement not a question. "My parents weren't safe. No one will be safe. I never should have came back I never should have." Shaking her head. "I shouldn't of asked Alec."

Feeling the Liz's fear spring to life.

Taking a step towards her. "Don't Liz. Don't you even think that." Turning her face up to look at me. "Don't ever. You are my family. We have looked for you ever since we knew you were missing. Our lives have been shaped around finding you. Max is a mess with out you. He could hardly function. Liz Parker you don't put us in any more danger then we already were in by who we are. If anything you should be blaming us. We put you in danger."

"No never." Shaking her head.

"No? The truth is Liz you have lost and sacrifice everything by just knowing us."

"No." Shaking her head.

"It's true. If it wasn't for us none of this would have ever happened to you. You should hate us! Scream and yell at us. You should hate us!"

"No! Never!" Shaking her head.

"Why Liz? Why didn't you turn us in? Why did you keep our secret? After everything that they did to you why didn't you just tell them?" Not being able to help asking the question.

"How could I? If it wasn't for Max I would have dead that day in the cafe. I wouldn't have such great friends. I wouldn't have a brother. I don't remember much but I do know one thing. They never would have let me go. Everything they did..... There is... I couldn't let them do that to you too. I couldn't." Shaking her head. "Never."

Pulling her to me.

"I won't let anything happen to you again. I promise you Liz. I am so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't protect you."

I promise.

"It's not safe to be with me. I don't want you to sacrifice yourselves for me." Liz crying.

"You have been sacrificing your life for us all this time Liz. Let us do a little sacrificing for once."

"It's not fair."

"What is? Do you really think for a minute that everyone in there are going to let you go alone? We're going Liz. Nothing and no one can stop us. Besides, I promise you that I would never leave you."

"Michael, It was an unfair promise. I never should have asked you too." Pulling back.

Feeling her regret mix with fear.

Taking her by the arms. "It was a promise that you never had to ask for. I'm not going anywhere without you. I promise you Liz. You will never be alone again. Never!"

"I don't know..." Biting her lower lip.

Feeling her surrendering.

"It's a done deal Liz. End of discussion. It's going to get to the point I'm going to drive you crazy."

"How long do we have?"

"We really should leave today."

We should have left days ago.

Nodding her head. Tears glissening her eyes once more.

"Here." Going to the loose brick in the wall. Pulling it out and the journal that laid hidden behind it. "Thought you might want that."

"My journal." Liz running her fingers over it before pulling it to her chest. "I started writing it right after the shooting. I wanted to remember everything." Looking lovingly down at the book. "But how? How did you know where I hide it? I thought I did a better job after you gave it back." Looking up at me shyly.

"You did. Max got a flash shortly after you went missing."

"Max.... Yes I remember him finding it. He asked me if he could read it." Smiling.

"I thought you might like to put your thoughts and feelings down. It might help."

"Thank you."

"No Liz Parker. Thank you."


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:39 am
by Twilighteyes
Thank you everyone who is still reading this. Special thanks for the few that left feedback....

keepsmiling7- After this next part I feel Max might resent Michael a little.
Timelord31- Thanks!
Liz Parker Evans- Welcome! Thanks!



Coming home. Everyone always comes home. They come home for a lot of different reasons. People come home to remember. They come home to forget. They come home because they are beaten and have no place else to go. They come home to be loved and held close. To have their tears wiped away. They come home to be told that everything will be alright again. To gain strength and courage that they didn't even know that they had or held. They come home to their past and out to their future. They come home to be able to stand on their own two feet again. People come home for a lot of different reasons. Never the same and always different. But the always come home to say goodbye.


Rereading what I just wrote. Closing my journal. Fingering the closed pages once more. Still not being able to bring myself to read past entries.

It's like it all happened to a different person. Like I'm piecing together someone else's life. One that I have no right to belong too. Just feelings......

Feelings that want to drown me in a fairytale world that doesn't or could not no longer exist. To leave me in a place of false hope.

Placing it in the backpack that laid it on the bed.

If it all was just that easy.

To bad the darkness comes back when I close my eyes.

OK, what's next?


I'm saying goodbye.

Opening up my drawers and removing several pairs of underwear, bras, socks and tank tops. Closing the drawers and placing them in the duffel bag I had placed on the bed earlier next to the backpack. Going back to the set of drawers and pulling out two sets of lounge pants and tees as PJ. Placing them in the duffel also.

What else?

"Liz. What are you doing?" Glancing at Max who was now awake sitting up in the chair. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Max. My Max.

No. Focus.

Goodbye. I can do this.

Jeans. I'm going to need jeans.

Going to the closet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Looking back over my shoulder briefly. Avoiding his eyes before focusing on the closet once more.

I was hoping to get this done alone quickly.

"You didn't. What are you doing?"

Isn't that obvious?


"Packing." Shifting through the clothes.

Dress. Dress. Dress. Skirt. Skirt. Skirt. Sweater. Sweater. Sweater. Skirt. Sweatshirt.

Oh, I'm going to need them too.


Because I need to leave.

Jeans. Jeans.

Their they are.

Pulling out my favorite jeans.


"Michael said that I had to leave." Holding them up to me.

"You don't have to do that now."

They're so big. Michael's right. I do need to put meat back on my bones.

That would be great if I didn't feel so nauseated.


Cutting Max off. "I don't? I know Michael will want to leave in the cover of night. I just thought I would get it out of the way." Placing the jeans on the bed.

I'm going to take them anyways.

"Everything seems too big now." Muttering out loud.

Maybe with a belt.

Max standing up. "No. I mean yes. That is when we do go, but we don't have to leave today. We have time. There isn't any rush."

"Isn't there? They are still looking for me." Still not meeting his eyes.

"No not exactly. Alec took care of that. Your safe here."


Rubbing my chest unconsciously.

Where is Alec now anyways?

"Liz? Did you hear me? Your safe here."

"What? Oh yeah for now. As long as I stay in these four walls." Holding out my hands. "As long as no one knows that I exist." Whispering the last part.

One prison for another.

No. This was home. I could live the rest of my life in this room.

What about them?

"What about you? What about the others? Me being here is just putting everyone of you in danger. The quicker I leave. The better" Going back to the closet.

It's better this way. I need to just get it over with.

Shifting through the clothes.

What should I take?

"How do I put a life into a backpack? I'm assuming since we have to hike that I shouldn't bring much. Not that much fits now anyway. Being Montana I assume that it's colder there."

Involuntarily shiver.

Why Montana?

Alec couldn't pick some place warmer?

Whispering. "I really hate the cold."

Pushing past the thought of the cold steel cell.

"Stop. Just stop." Max pulling me too him from behind. "We don't have to leave today." Whispers in my ear.

Feeling the love and warmth of Max soak through me.

Max. It would be so easy.


Stiffening involuntarily.

I can't do this.

"It's just better that I do." Pulling out of Max's arms.

Doesn't he realize how hard this is for me?

How much danger I put him in?


"I thought everything would be alright if I just made it home."

Everything was suppose to be OK.


"It didn't really change anything though did it." Pulling out two sweatshirts and another pair of jeans onto the bed. "Except that now I am putting you all in more danger...."

I never should have came back.


I never should have asked Alec.

"Now you have to give up your homes. Your families....."

It's not fair.


"It's not fair." Shaking my head.


"I should just go alone. It would be better." Whispering to myself.

They would never allow it. Not Michael. Definitely not Max.


Causing me to jump.


"I'm sorry." Taking me once more into his arms

Feeling my body tense once more of the sensation of Max.

This isn't right.

"It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright."

I hope so.

Nodding my head into his chest.

It would be so easy just to stay here. In the safety and warmth of Max. So easy to be a little selfish.

I shouldn't be doing this.

It's not fair.

Pulling out of his reach once more. Ignoring the hurt look in his eyes. The pain it cause in my own chest. "I guess I'm not going to be able to convince you to stay here either. Am I?"

Smiling down at me. "NO. I'm afraid that your stuck with me."

I know.

"I didn't think so. You and Michael? Doesn't seem so bad."

At least not until I find a way to prove to you that I can do this on my own. That your better off without me.

"Don't forget about me." Maria and Alec walking into to the room.

"There was never a question about me." Alec putting his arm around me.

I should have guessed.

"Guys are you sure about this? You really don't have to come." Biting my lower lip.

The more of them that come. The harder it is going to be to get them to come back.

"Chicka your not getting rid of us that easy." Maria

"What about your Mom? You know how she is."

There is no way Amy will let you go.

"Mom is alright with it. Granted she had her melt down. But she is alright now. Besides, it's not like I'm not going to be in contacted with her ever again. Thanks to Alex and Alec it's a piece of cake."

Alec where are you now?

"Don't worry babe. We have all our bases covered. Trust me." Alex smiling hugely.

How can I ask them to do this for me?

"It just doesn't seem very fair to all of you." Sitting on the bed.

They should all have to give up their lives too. It's not fair.

"Liz do you really think I would spend another moment of my life without you." Maria sitting down next to me.

"Yeah we missed you." Alex sitting on the other side. Taking my hand.

"I miss you guys too but that doesn't mean you should have to give up your lives too. What about finishing high school? College? Your music career, Maria?"

Their parents are going to freak.

"High school? Liz, we.." Maria started.

"We don't need to worry about that right now." Max cutting Maria off.

"Yeah.." Alex sounding unsure.

What is going on?

Looking at all of them.

I'm missing something.


This isn't good.

Feeling the panic start to rise.

"It's alright." Max taking a step forward.

"Yeah, you keep saying that. What aren't you telling me?" Looking up at Max's concerned face. Pulling my emotions back in once more.

What else don't I know?

"Nothing." Max

"Maria." Liz looking back at Maria.

She can't lie to me.

"Really Liz. We don't need to get into this right now." Maria looking guilty down at the floor.

Real smooth Maria.

"Maria. Just tell me."


"Please. Someone just tell me." Standing up.

I'm tired of them thinking I'm going to freak over ever little thing.

"You have been gone for over two years." Michael's voice.

Two years.

Looking up to see Kyle and Michael standing at the door.

"Michael." Max glaring at Michael before turning back to me. Liz." Max taking a step towards me. "It's alright."


Holding up my hands and take a step back.

Two years.

"Two years?"

"Liz." Max

"Two years."

Is that even possible?

My journal.

I didn't know the date to put on the top. How long had it been?

"Liz talk to me." Max

"Gone for two years. OK. OK. I was gone for two years. It's not like I could go back to school ever again any ways. But two years?"

"Liz..." Max taking a step closer to me.

"Max." Michael's voice full of warning.

Looking up to see Michael shaking his head.

"Feel." Michael nodding to me.

Feel? What is he talking about?

I've been gone for two years!

"Two years. They had me for two years. OK. OK." Taking a shaky breath in. "I was gone. Lost for two years."

OK. It's OK. I can deal with this.

So I was gone. What does that fact really change? Nothing. Nothing at all. My situation is still the same. Knowing how long I was gone doesn't change that fact. It changes nothing. I still have to leave. I still have to pack. I still have to go. No high school. No college. Just packing. Running and hiding. OK. Think. Just think! One thing at a time. Just one thing. That's all I have to do is take one thing at a time.

Everything was suppose to be alright if I just made it home.

But it's not alright. I went away and I was gone for a very long time. So long. Two years long.

And their lives went on.

"Max do something." Maria's scared voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No. She's fine. Just give her a second." Max voice soft. "She's just working it out." Nodding at me.

"It's alright." Michael coming up and standing behind Maria.



"I'm alright." Smiling reassuring at Maria.

One thing at a time.

I can do this.

I have to do this.

"Of course you are." Michael hugging Maria to him.



Looking up to see a blond standing in the door way.

Her. I know her.

"Hey babe." Kyle going over and kissing her. "When did you get back?"


Tess. I know her.

'Hi! I'm Tess Harding. I'm knew here.'

Max and Tess.

Max and me.

In the cafe. Rain pouring down outside.
I was clearing up and Max knocked on the door.
Opening up the door. 'What is going on Max?'
'I want to talk.'
'About what?' Shutting the door.
'About what Michael said. About Tess. I want you to know that I don't. I don't feel anything for her. I look at you .... and I know you're the person I'm suppose to me with. I've always known it. What happen here that day. When you got shot and how that brought us together. It's fate.' Touching my face. 'Look at me.' Running his thumb over my cheek. 'You're the one Liz. The only one. I could never be with anyone else.' Resting his forehead with mine. Looking into my eyes before kissing me. Pulling me close to him. Holding me.
Holding close. So tight.
Feeling his love for me.
Telling me he loved me once more before leaving.
Locking the door and seeing him kissing Tess.

Unbelievable pain shearing through me.

"Liz what is it." Max's voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

Looking up at Max.

"You?" Searching his face for some kind of answerer.

You are suppose to love me. Just me.

I felt it.

But then how could he....

"What Liz. What is it?" Max

"Your with Tess." Taking a step back away from him.

How could he do this for me?

"What Liz? No." Max shaking his head.

"Me and Max? No, I'm with Kyle." Tess shaking her head.

"No." Shaking my head. "Your lying."

"Liz." Max taking a step forward.

"I saw you kiss her." Stopping Max from moving closer.

Max looking from Tess to me.

Tess shaking her head no.

"Liz, I didn't. I swear to you." Max

Nodding my head yes. "I saw you." Looking out the window. Rain coming down. "It was raining. I locked the door......" Seeing myself once more Locking the door. Max kissing Tess across the street. "You kissed her." Looking once more at Max.

"Liz... I don't know what you are talking about." Max

"Oh Max." Tess covering her mouth. "It's when I first moved here. She's remembering....."

"What?" Maria cutting Tess off. "Someone care to explain what is going on?"

"Shit." Michael.

"Liz, that happened a long time ago. We already talked about this and dealt with it a long time ago." Max

"No." Shaking my head. "You said you loved me. Only me. Then you went and kissed her." Pointing at Tess. "How? How could you?" Tears burning my eyes.

"Liz." Max

"It was a mind warp Liz. I made him do it. Max never would have done that willing." Tess stepping forward.

"No. I saw. I felt. How could you do that to me?"

"Liz. Just take a minute and think about it." Michael

"It hurt.... You hurt me." Feeling the tears spill over my cheeks.

How can I trust anything I feel from him again?

"Liz....." Max and Michael taking a step towards me.

"Liz, didn't you read your journal?" Michael

"Don't. Stay away from me." Taking another step back. Bumping into the wall.

I can't do this. I can't do this. It hurts.

"Liz." Max pleading.

"I'm sorry, I thought she was doing better." Tess

"She is. Everyone just needs to back the hell away. Just give her a minute." Michael.

"This is why you shouldn't fuck with people heads." Maria advancing on Tess.

"Maria this isn't helping." Alex

"I'm sorry." Tess

"It's not your fault." Kyle.

"Like hell it's not." Maria

"None of this is helping. Tess maybe you should go into the other room." Alex

"Tess, come on." Kyle taking Tess hand.

"Liz. Say something please." Max

"Your with Tess." Looking at Max.

How could he do this too me.

All the love I felt from him. It was all a lie.

"No, I can fix this." Tess.

Watching Tess close her eyes.

How can you fix this? How can anyone?

"Liz. Just let me explain." Max

It was all a lie.

Feeling a push in my head.

"Tess what are you doing?" Michael turning towards Tess. "TESS DON'T!"

"Liz. It all happened before they took you. I've never loved...." Hurt clearing in Max's eyes and voice.

Feeling the push more.

Squeezing my eyes shut.

'I can make you do anything I want.'
'By the time I am done with you you will beg me to do what I want.'
'We have ways of making you do what I want.'

No! NO!

Grabbing my head as I fell to my knees.

Get out of my head.


Pushing back with everything I had.

Feeling the pressure and force leave at once.

Hearing screams as I slowly sank in darkness.


NOTE:All right. Sorry that it has taken so long but being without power can do that. Quick note: Part of the journal entry idea and a few sentence came from the movie Taken with my added twist. I don't own it and all credit goes to Taken and rightful to it. Oh and the whole remember part of Max,Liz & Tess is totally Roswell. Don't own that either.

Thanks, Please let me know what you think. Oh, and by the way if Liz sounds a little detected, scattered and crazy. She has been through a lot. Just trying to piece it all back together and feel nothing as she does it scientifically. I hope I did her justice.

ch 30

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:04 am
by Twilighteyes


Liz grabbing her head sinking to her knees.

"TESS STOP NOW! STOP" I hear myself scream as I kneel at Liz's side. "Liz?"

Max following.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Liz screams in pain.

"LIZ!" Max screams as if he was in pain also.

Second later Tess and Liz's screams fill the room as all the glass and mirrors explode.

Causing Maria to cry out too.

Liz's scream suddenly cut off as she slumps forward. Max immediately pulling her onto his lap. "Liz? Liz baby." Max brushing Liz's tangled hair off her white face.

Seeing the blood drip from her nose.

My god. What the hell happened?

Tess's screams turns to crying in the background.

"Liz? Liz open your eyes." Max pleading. "I can't heal you unless you do."

"Tess, Tess baby tell me what's wrong?" Kyle

"What did you do?! WHAT DID YOU DO!" Maria half hysterical.

"Maria calm down it's not helping." Alex

Not even bothering to turn around to the scene taking place behind me as I reach out to Liz.

Feeling nothing.


Looking for the rise and fall of Liz's chest.

Thank god!


His connection is stronger then mine he has to feel something.

"I don't know. Nothing. She's not responding." Max voice full of panic. "Liz baby. Wake up. Open your eyes."

"MAX! Oh Buddha. Tess is bleeding from her ears!" Kyle.

Finally turning to see Kyle holding a crying Tess who was holding her head. Clearly seeing the blood on Tess's hands and nose.

This is not good.

"Your going to be alright Tess. You're going to be alright. MAX!" Kyle

Maria and Alec standing half way in between us. Alex's arm around her. Both looking scared.

"Maria?" Looking at her from head to toe to make sure she was alright.

"I'm fine." Maria voice shaky. "Just make sure Liz is alright." Coming over and kneeling next to me.


Tess is awake. Liz is the priority.

"Liz baby?" Max

Looking back to see Liz's eyes flutter open in confusion.

"Yes baby. That's it. Your alright." Max talking softly to her.

"Liz?" Taking her hand.

Feeling the cool controlled calm confusion wash over me.

Thank god.

"What happened?" Liz blinking in confusing.

"Oh thank god." Maria whispering.

"MAX!" Kyle screaming again.

"It's alright baby. It's alright." Max soothing. Ignoring Kyle's pleads. "You just need to take a deep breath and relax."

Watching the realization dawn in Liz eyes as she looked around the room.

Feel her panic start to rise.

"It's alright."

You need to stay calm.

"MAX! TESS NEEDS YOU NOW!" Kyle shouting.

Tess still crying.

"Liz. It's alright. Just look at me." Max place his hand on Liz's head.

"No." Liz shaking her head. Trying to pull herself off Max's lap as Max held on to her. "Don't please."

Feeling the panic rise further as green electric current once more played havoc under Liz's skin.

"Liz?" Hurt and worry clearly in Max's eyes and voice. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"No." Liz struggling further.

"Max let her go." Maria

"Max let her go." Pulling Max's arm away. "Let her go." Pulling Liz out of Max's grasp. "It's alright." Looking her in the eyes. "Your alright. No one is going to do anything you don't want them too."

Feeling Liz's panic start to subside slightly as she pulled back further next to Maria.

"Liz?" Max standing up and reaching for her.

"No." Liz shaking her head no. Not looking up at him. "Please."

"Max don't."

"Max. Tess needs you." Alex coming up and placing a hand on Max's shoulder.

"It's OK Liz." Maria

"Liz, please." Max attempting once more.

Feeling a sudden shift in Liz.

"Liz?" Looking at her closely.

What the hell?

"Stay away from me." Liz's skin once more becoming normal. As she attempted to stand up.

Steadying her as I helped her up the rest of the way.

Feeling the controlled cool calm wash over my senses as if I was suddenly hit with a bucket of cold water.


This can't be good.

"Liz. Please your bleeding. Your hurt let me heal you." Max standing.

"No. I'm fine." Using the back of her arm to wipe her nose. "I don't want you to touch me." Her voice holding a confidence that I haven't heard in a long time.

"Liz." Tears in Max's eyes.

"Max." Standing in front of Max.

You need to back off.

"Liz." Max trying to side step me.

"Not now Max." Maria

Blocking him. "Max. Max look at me." Taking a step forward. Lowering my voice. "Max. Give her a minute. I really do think that she is fine. Feel her." Searching Max's eyes for understanding. "Just a nose bleed. She's not going anywhere. Just give her a minute. Tess needs you right now."

Liz doesn't need you hovering at the moment.

"Michael." Max



"Tess, Max. Tess is hurt. She is the one that needs you 'right' now."

"Go to her Max." Liz.

Max staring at Liz.

"Go to her." Liz repeats once more.

Max finally looking at Tess.

That's it.

Following Max's line of sight to see Tess still laying in Kyle's arms crying softly. Tears sliding down Kyles cheeks.

"Tess." Max sounding unsure.

"Yeah, Tess needs you."

You need to heal her now.

Noting there was more blood then before.

What the hell happened?

"Yeah." Running his hand over his face. Max looking guilt at Liz before going over and kneeling next to Tess.

Turning back to Liz.


"Tess, look at me. Try to take a deep breath and just try to relax." Max in the background.

"Liz?" Resisting the urge to reach out and comfort her.

Watching Liz watch Max heal Tess.

Seeing a flash of pain across her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Trying to draw her attention. "Liz?"

"I want to see my Mom and Dad." Finally looking up at me. The pain that her eyes just held a moment ago now gone.

She did not just say that.


This can't be good.

"Honey..." Maria stepping forward.

"I know." Wiping her nose again. "I know that they are...... gone." Looking at the ground once more.

"Oh chicka" Maria pulling Liz into a hug.

"Maria." Liz allowing Maria to hold her a moment before pulling back. "I'm getting blood all over you." Taking a step back farther.

Maria laughing. "Who cares. That's the perks of dating an alien. One swipe and it's all gone. Here." Maria holding out a couple of tissues to Liz. "But you could use these before you decided to use my shirt again."

Liz taking the tissues wiping her nose. "Thanks."

"Liz. You alright?" Alex stepping forward.

Nodding her head. "I want to see them, Michael. I know that they are gone." A lone tear slipping down her cheek. Wiping it away. Still not making eye contact. "But I want." Taking a shaking breath in. "No I need to tell them goodbye. Please." Looking down at her feet. "I know we need to leave tonight. And I know I will never be back here again."


"OK?" Liz looking up at me in shock.

"OK." Swiping my hand over Liz's hand and arms erasing any sign of the blood.

It's the least I can do.

"Thanks." Giving me a small trace of a smile.

"What ever you need honey." Maria rubbing Liz's back.

"Liz are you really alright? We don't have to leave tonight. It really would be alright if we stayed a few more days." Alex.

"Yeah." Dabbing her nose again. "I just need to take a shower and change. I'll be as good as knew." Liz's eyes holding none of the confidence that her voice held. "I want to leave tonight. It would be better." Looking around the shattered room.

A few more days here is not going to change how Liz feels.

"We can fix everything." Holding out my hand and repairing the window.

I am so glad that I have control over my powers now.

"I'm sorry." Liz biting her lower lip.

"No Liz. Don't you apologize. It was not your fault." Maria

"No, I'm sorry. Tess shouldn't have done that. It won't happen again. Can you tell me what happened?"

What the hell was she thinking? What the hell did Liz do?

"I don't know. I felt this pressure. Then pain. I remember...." Shaking her head. "I just pushed back. I'm sorry. I did mean to hurt her. I just wanted it to stop." Liz wrapping her arms around herself.

"No! You did what you had to do. Tess should have never tried to mess with your head." Maria

"No she shouldn't have." Max walking hesitantly up to us. "You alright?" Looking at Liz closely.

"I'm fine." Liz

"How is Tess?" Alex

"She's going to be fine. Kyle took her home for awhile. Liz? Will you let me check you?" Max's eyes never leaving Liz.

Feeling a shift in Liz once more.

"No Max." Liz shaking her head. "I need you to just leave me alone." Taking a step back. "Please."

"What Liz? No." Max taking a step forward.

Placing my hand on his chest to stop him. "Max."

Come on Max. Don't make all this harder then it has to be.

"Michael." Max growling out.

"Max. Please, just leave. I just need a little time alone. Please." Liz's voice soft voice sounding strain.

"Liz I don't think that is such a good idea. We should talk about this." Max

"I don't care what you think. I'm done talking. Just stay away from me." Liz voice turning to anger.

"Liz?" Max

"Max, you heard her just back off." Maria standing in front of Liz.

"Max why don't you go home and pack. Were leaving tonight. Just give her a little time. Liz is alright. We got this." Alex

One step forward. Two steps back.

Max staring at Liz for a moment. Nodding his head in surrender. "Michael."

"Not going anywhere."

"I don't need a baby sitter." Liz looking up at me and Max. "I've been alone for over two years. I'm sure I can handle a few hours alone in my own room."


Pain so clearly in Max's eyes.

This isn't good.

Max staring at Liz. "I'm sorry."

"So am I." Liz turning towards the window.

Max staring at Liz a moment before turning and walking away. Stopping at the door. Turning his head around. "Call me if you need me."

Nodding my head.

"We will Max." Alex

"I love you Liz. I always have and always will." Max

Liz's body flinching at Max's words.

Max sighing before slipping out of the door.

"Whoa chicka that was way harsh." Maria placing a hand on Liz's shoulder. "Maybe you should have let him check you out."

I would have felt better if he did.

"It was a nose bleed. It's fine. I'm fine." Liz with more confidence.

"You do understand that Max and Tess aren't together right? That Max only loves you? That what happened between them happened a long time ago?" Alex softly. "Max went through hell while you were gone."

"Not to mention that the skunk had to mind-warp him to do it in the first place." Maria

Maria. That's not helping.

"Yeah, well to me it feels like it just happened." Liz

"Liz, Oh I'm so sorry." Maria reaching out to pull Liz into a hug.

Liz taking a step back. "I'm sorry, I just need a little time alone. I need to think things through."

One step forward. Two steps back.

"Liz I don't think that..." Maria

If Liz wants time alone we should give it.

"OK." Placing a hand on Maria shoulder. Stopping her. "We will just be in the other room."

What's going on in that head of yours Liz?

"Thank you." Liz

"Maybe we should clean up the room first." Alex

"No, I got it." Liz

"Liz..." Maria

"OK then." Cutting Maria off and pulling her towards the door. "Alex."

Liz smiling gracefully at me.

"I'll just be in there." Alex pointing at the door.

"OK, Thanks Alex."

Making our way out of the room.

"Michael." Liz's soft voice stopping me.


"Where's Alec?"

I really don't like this part, but the more I play with it the worst it gets. Sorry. Please let me know what you think!

CH 31

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:04 am
by Twilighteyes



Swallowing back the aspirin with water. Setting down the glass on the sink. Careful not to look into the shattered mirror again. Not baring to see the girl I no longer recognize. As I made my way to the window seat I turn up the sound of the radio. Closing my eyes as the words of the song wash over me.


It's weird to turn on the radio and not have the song sound familiar to me any longer.


Please let this all go away. Opening my eyes.


My head pounding more as I looked around my wrecked room.


At my destroyed life.

Why did you leave me Alec? Not that I really blame you. You never should have took the risk in the first place.


I don't belong here anymore. I never should have came back.

Pulling my journal out of my back pack. Running my hand along the smooth leather of the journal.

What am I doing?


Squeezing my eyes shut. Willing the pounding to stop. Opening them a second later.

What's the point? It hasn't stopped since Tess. No matter how many aspirin I take.

What is this pull to this thing?

Fingering the pages of the journal.

Of the life that once was. That is no more. That could never be again.


Skipping past the fairytale life to the first empty page. Picking up my pen.

Maybe if I just get it out of my head.

How did everything get so messed up?



It all began with Max.

The day that he saved me.

He told me that it wasn't safe. That it would be better that we weren't together.

But I wouldn't listen. I just couldn't let him go. I was relentless. I craved Max Evans. No I needed him. And I believed that he needed and really wanted me.


To find someone to love and look at me the way that he did. Like no one else mattered in the world. To have felt that much love and longing when we connected. To feel whole the first time in my life.

How could I walk away from that? How could I give that up? My life up? My heart up?


Not when it was like finding home for the first time in my life.

So completed. So needed it. So loved. So safe.


But it wasn't was it?


Max was right.

It wasn't safe. For him. For them. For Alex, Kyle and Maria. For my parents. For me.

Everything they had and have to sacrifice. It's not right. It's not fair.


I've lost everything. They are going to lose everything.

Everything because Max Evans saved me.

Because I loved Max Evans.

Because I wouldn't walk away.

It would have been better for everyone, if Max had just let me die that day.


Running my fingers over my words I just wrote.

I should have just died.

They all would have been safe. They all would have been alive.

Closing my eyes.

What have I done? God give me strength.

Opening my eyes.


Placing the strip of pictures of me and Max to hold my place. Shutting my journal and placing it back into my back pack. A long with all the money that I had stashed in my room. Two changes of clothes. Socks and underwear. A brush with a few extra rubber bands that I placed in there after I brushed my misshapen hair in a pony tail. Successfully covering most of the bold spots. Plus a bottle of aspirin.

The only other thing in the back pack was a small picture of all my friends together. My parents and Alec's unopened letter that Michael gave to me, all safely tucked in the back of the journal.


Looking around my shattered room one more time. At the now packed duffel the laid abandon on the bed with my past life before slipping out the window.


Feeling the wave of nausea and dizziness hit me. Along with the throbbing in my head increase slightly.


Closing my eyes.


Go away. Please. I don't need this right now.

Taking a couple of deep slow breaths.


Feeling both sensations pass slightly.

Making my way over and looking quickly down at the dark empty ally before making my way down the fire escape.

Turning to the sound of a revving engine just as my feet touched the ground.

Oh no.

Turning towards the sound. Guy riding a motorcycle stopping in front of me a second later.


Taking a step back.

This is not...

Taking off his helmet.



Letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Thank god.

Wait. What is he doing here? How did he know?

"Get on." Handing me a helmet without questioning what I was doing.

Hastily taking it.

This is not what I had exactly had in mind.

Slipping the helmet on before climbing on behind Michael.

"Your going to have to hold on to me tight I don't want you to fall."

Placing my hands on his waist.

"Might want to hold a little tighter." Michael taking off suddenly. Causing me to lean my body into his and grip tighter so I wouldn't fall.

How did he know?

Where are we going?

This is not what I had in mind.

So much for making a clean break.

Why am I so surprise? I knew they wouldn't just let me walk away.

Where are we going?

How did he know? What are they doing spying on me?

Coming to a stop.

Clearly seeing the headstone of the grave yard in the moonlight.



Slipping easily off the bike and taking off the helmet.

Michael doing the same. Holding out his hand for the helmet.

Handing it to him.

Is this when the lecturing starts?

Leaning back against the bike. Searching my face for an answerer that I'm sure I didn't hold. Scratching his eye brow.
"Um They are over next to your grandma's." Softly



Looking over at the direction I would find them.

Mom and Dad.


Looking back at Michael and his outstretched hand.


"Your backpack. I'll hold on to it for you."


Taking it off and handing it to him.

"If you want.."

Shaking my head.

I need to do this on my own.

Seeing him nod his head before I turned and made my way to my parents.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I have to do this. I can do this. I can do this.

Feeling the pounding increase once more.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.


NANCY PARKER JEFF PARKER LOVING PARENTS AND FREINDS THEY WILL BE MISSED Clearly see in the growing words on the gray marble. Alone with fresh flowers that laid against it.

"Mommy. Daddy. It's me."

The words burring slightly as I knelt down.

"I'm here. I'm here. I made it home. I made it. I'm here." Touching the soft grass beneath me. Staring at the their names.

This is all I have left of them.

Feeling my chest tighten.

"I'm sorry that it took me so long. I'm sorry that I wasn't here." Swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat.

"Alec saved me. He got me out. He brought me home. I tried to be strong. I tried hard to be brave." Closing my eyes. "I tried.... not to give up." My voice breaking.


"My room. My room looked just like I left. It smelled the same. But it felt different... I didn't....

Taking a breath and letting it out slowly.

"Everyone was there. Maria, Alex, Michael, Kyle, Max... I even saw Amy and the Evans..... Their.... Their all being really nice to me...." Voice cracking more.

Wiping the tears that fell down my checks. My body shaking.

"And Michael. Michael is being really great, Dad. He cut his hair short, Mom. He seems really happy. So open and grown up. He finished.... high school. You would be.... really... proud of him...." I cried out.

I'll never finish.

Crying harder. "I'm... sorry. I don't know..... how things got... so messed up. I'm sorry.... I didn't tell you... about the shooting. I'm sorry... that I didn't tell you about... Max. I thought.... I was keeping you safe. I thought...."

I don't know what I thought.

The pounding in my head increasing.

"I don't know... what to do... Daddy. It hurts.. so much.. You lied.. to me.. Daddy.. You promised.... You said.... that everything... would be alright..... if I just made it... home. That I... would.. always wake up.... safe and ..sound. I didn't..... I didn't...."

Feeling the sob rack through my body as I fell to the ground.

"I'm not OK..... I'm not safe... and sound. I'm not... safe.... I can't stay!.... It's not my... home anymore! I don't... feel right now... There is something wrong.... with me. I'm not.... your little girl anymore.... I hurt... someeone... Daddy. I hurt her... bad..... If.. Max.."

Curling myself into a ball.

"I don't know..... what to do...... What... all they did.... I need you..... I need you.... What if.... I... hurt someone else?...... I don't know..... what to do.... I'm .... Sorry..... It's... so hard..... I'm sorry.... Please.. Please.. Come.. back... to.. me.... Please... I'm.....Sorry.... I'm.... sorry... Words coming out a broken mess.

Feeling warm strong arms pick me up.

No. .

Feeling myself pulled against a warm chest. Holding me close.

No. .

Not having the strength to fight.

Just leave me here. Just leave me alone.

"I'm.... please..."

"SHHHHHH..." Whispered in my ear. "It's alright. I'm here. It's going to be alright. I got you." Holding me close.

Song: Lifehouse 'broken'

NOTE- I know Liz seems to be losing it but trust me I had to let her get this out so she can go further. If you know what I mean... Please leave feedback! THANKS!