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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 10:56 am
by Loxyanissa14

I watch from a distance as they place the alien into the Tag cells. Michael, Liz and Max are in there with him. For a moment I walk to the door way. I listen as they interrogate the alien. He’s just a boy. Just an alien. Just an enemy in a time of war. I leave the cells door way. For a moment I wonder where Ava is and I think about going to find her when I get a very bad feeling.

Large explosions begin to fall from the heavens, quaking the earth. The rumbling is causing buildings to shake and objects to go flying. I brace myself up against a building. The screams of the humans around me fill my ears. For a moment the quaking stops then a larger closer one falls upon us and the screams become larger.

“ALL CHILDREN TO THE BOMB SHELTER NOW!” I scream into the ciaos. Mother’s begin to pick up the children and run they to the safe structure built under the ground. “GRAB YOUR WEAPONS. WE PREPARE FOR BATTLE” I say to anyone who can wield a weapon.

At my word men and women grab their weapons and begin to line up into rows 6 by 6, waiting for instructions. I make my way through the explosions to the cells. “Code 8 Michael get your ass out here. Hope get to the cellar. We are under attack.”

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:19 am
by Athenea

Mom and Uncle Michael go into the cell just in time to see Uncle Michael hit Angel in the face. I put my hands over my mouth as he then threatens him. Mom pulls Dad off to the side and they talk in low tones for a moment before she says, “Hope I told you to stay outside.”

And then I am not longer sad or scared but angry. “No!!!” I scream stepping farther into the cell and closer to the boy that saved my life. “He saved me and this is how you treat him!!!”

Before anyone can say anything else the whole room starts shaking as if a earthquake is happening. Large chunks of concrete start to fall from the ceiling and I scream but stop as soon as I feel Angel grab me. Then I’m on the ground with him using his body to shield me from the debris.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 11:47 am
by isabelle

Xavier, eh? I was begining to be fond of calling the boy Andy. I'm wondering if I should let him know that I know his name when Michael returns and starts beating on the prisoner.

"Michael, stop," I start, just as Hope comes in to the cell. Liz starts to scold her and suddenly the place shakes. This is one of the strongest buildings in town. If it's shaking like this, we must have taken a direct hit!

I peer through the rock dust, looking for Hope and I see her leg. She's under Andy and there's a large hunk of concrete on his shoulder.

"Hope!" I shout, pushing aside the concrete and Andy to pull her close. She seems to be safe and whole. My fingers and senses find no injuries. ... that's when I realize the TAG field for this room has gone out. Is it a rescue attempt or just damage from the battle?

I hear Isabel over the radio advising the people to the bomb shelters. This is bad. I'm guessing Michael is going to need Ava in battle. The prisoner can wait, but he can't wait here. This room obviously isn't safe.

"Take her," I say, shoving Hope into Liz's arms. There's a second smaller shaking of the building. I reach for the prisoner, Xavier, to get him out. That's when I notice that his back is bleeding with new injuries. He was protecting her again. Why? Is it just because she's a smaller child than he is? Surely he's seen children before, hasn't he? But then, I have no idea how he was raised.

"Come on, Xavier. We gotta get you somewhere safe," I tell him, helping the boy to his feet and putting one arm over my shoulder. With my other hand on his back, I use some healing ability to help him a little. I don't have time to really heal him, nor can I really risk that, but I need him able to walk.

I have a new idea for getting through to Xavier, but I need him safe and I don't think I want him with the others in the main bomb shelters. "Let's go to the barracks."

The troops at the West Gate (as in other gates) have a secure barracks in the building. It'll be a bit more comfortable than here and empty since everyone will be out fighting. It'll also be safe enough to sort out the problem of the 'prince.' Later, I can make him unconcious and put him in one of the regular cells.

Up the stairs and in a few moments, we're there. "Here," I say, sitting Xavier on one of the cots. "I'm not done talking to you."


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:44 pm
by Athenea

The pain in my back is suddenly not as unbearable as it was. "Come on, Xavier. We gotta get you somewhere safe," Max says and I am stunned to realize he used my real name. I also realize the stifling feeling I had from the room is gone.

Then we are out the door and into another room. "Here," he says sitting me on a cot. "I'm not done talking to you."

“Well, I’m done talking to you.” I say defiantly. If there’s a battle going on it means my father knows where I am and it also means I probably won’t be here much longer. I hope.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:58 pm
by M&M<3

I try to get Hope out of the cell, this isn’t something she needs to see but she pushes me away. “No!!!” She screams stepping farther into the cell and closer to Xavier. “He saved me and this is how you treat him!!!”

I sigh, “Hope I’m not…” I stop us the building starts to shake sending pieces of debris falling around us. Oh God its started. I try to grab Hope but don’t see her at all.

”Hope!” I hear Max calling for her, then running toward Xavier and tossing him aside to reveal Hope curled up underneath him. After holding her for a couple of minute he shoves Hope in to my arms, “take her”. I take Hope from the room and start running down the hall with her. I stop in front of the bomb shelter door a couple hallways down.

“Hope go down to the shelter and stay there this time, ok?” She won't look at me but I need her to understand, so I grab her chin with my fingers, "Hope do you understand? I'm not kidding around, You need to stay here."

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:02 pm
by isabelle

"Well, I’m done talking to you,” Xavier says and it's all I can do to not laugh. He's trying to be defiant but he doesn't realize how easy things have been for him so far. If I were to be really rough, I think that attitude would fade pretty quickly. Still, I feel a little bit of admiration for him that he's even trying.

"That's okay," I tell him conversationally. "I might have started by asking you what you've been told already, but I already know that you won't share, so I'm just going to tell you some things you should know about this war. I'm going to tell you the truth, not the lies Khivar has told you."

I sit down on a nearby chair, one positioned between Xavier and the door. I make myself comfortable, although my senses are sharp and I'm watching him carefully for signs that he might try to go anywhere.

"The seeds of this war started over eighty years ago. That was the year that Khivar, who was nothing but the son of a soldier, managed to marry King Raxel's sister. He seemed to think this made him worthy of being king himself, and he started to plot against Raxel. Within two years, Raxel was dead but nobody knew that Khivar was responsible.

"Raxel had two children. A son named Zan and a daughter called Vilandra. After the suspcious death of Raxel's sister, Khivar continued to plot against Zan and began to woo Vilandra, who was already engaged to the king's second. It wasn't long before he tricked her into letting him into the stronghold, whereby he killed everyone, including Vilandra. That's his idea of love," I add a bit contemptuously. I can only imagine what sort of life he and Tess actually have. I'm often a surprised she's still alive. She must have made him feel she was still useful.

"Khivar stole the throne of Antar but he was not and never will be the rightful king," I say, watching him carefully. "He's a tyrant who has enslaved Antar's people. And if you inherit his stolen throne, it still won't be yours."

"You see, Vilandra wasn't completely dead. The essences of the royal four, Vilandra, Zan, Rath, and the Queen Ava, were rescued and the four were remade as human hybrids here on Earth. Ava was separated from the others and was called Tess. She plotted with Khivar to bring down the king a second time, but it didn't work. She's married Khivar and thinks she can come out on top, but she won't and neither will Khivar. The Royal Four are still here on Earth and they're stronger than Khivar knows. Yes -- all four. There was a duplicate of Ava and she's here with us."

I can see the doubt on Xavier's face. He looks almost amused. I know he doesn't believe a word I'm saying, but I'm going to say it anyway.

"When she left here to go back to Khivar, Tess took the Granolith, but she didn't have the rest of the royal four. She did, however, take Zan's unborn son. My son. I used to be able to feel him, even across the reaches of space. I felt it when he was born and from time-to-time, I knew his fear. It stopped a few years later. I hoped against hope that he was okay but eventually came to realize he was dead. I'm sure Khivar killed him. He killed a child, your own brother, to clear the way for you to take the throne. That's the kind of monster he is."

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:27 pm
by Athenea

This man is claiming to be the legendary King Zan? It takes all my composure not to laugh outright. The stolen throne part pisses me off and I glance down at my wrist in order to hide my anger. I stare at the tattoo and remember the day it started to appear around my fourth birthday.

My mother was proudly showing the new mark on my skin to my father who was meeting with his council. I remember he looked so proud, as if he had won a game I didn’t know he was playing. The council was excited saying, “This proves that the gods sanctify Khivar’s rule, only the true heir can bare that mark.”

I remember not really understanding what that meant but it was later explained to me that the mark meant I would take the throne because I was blessed from above. Supposedly a long line of Antarian rulers got the mark as children and it would fade when they took there Father’s relinquished the throne to them. It also meant that Khivar’s rule couldn’t be overruled.

He goes on talking about this ‘Tess’ who he is insinuating is my mother who is now known as Tesavalyn on Antar. But then his story gets really out of hand when he talks about this ‘brother’ my father supposedly killed and I have had enough of his stories.

“I was the first child in over 50 year to roam the castle halls. There were no others, I would have known. And my Mother has only had one child, it nearly killed her having me so I highly doubt there could even be a chance she had others. It was a lovely story, really it was but you have a few facts to work out.” I say sarcastically

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:47 pm
by M&M<3

I watch Hope go through the door before I start making my way to the courtyard, and allow my thoughts to wonder. Could he be Max’s son? He doesn’t look old enough to be his son but he doesn’t look young enough to be Tess and Khivar’s. Should I tell Max, he thinks his son is dead. I see Jim a couple steps ahead of me and call out to him, he turns around and waits for me to catch up to him. “Did you feel that?”

“Ya Hope almost got hit with some debris.” We continue up the stairs to the courtyard.

“She ok?”

“Xavier covered her, I think she’ll fine.” I see the confusion in his face and answer the question before he has a chance to ask it, “Xavier is the boy’s name.”

Jim nods and a sly smile comes over his face, “so Max got the boy to talk? I thought he might be able too, the kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders; a lot like Max at that age I think. I’m glad they got to talk.”

“No I a … I had a vision, and I saw… Tess and Khivar… they called him Xavier.” I stopped and studied Jims face, he knew. “You think he’s Max’s son, don’t you.”

Jim pauses and nods his head before heading out the doors to the courtyard leaving me standing on the last step breathless. I think I’ll wait to tell Max this new information, at least until after the attack… I push on the door and stand there, staring out at the soldiers preparing for battle. Before I step out my thoughts travel back to Hope, and I prey that this time she stays where she’s safe.

I step into the sunlight and my head automatically goes into battle mode; I look around for the others but only see Michael and Isabel, I make my way towards them preparing myself for a fight.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:03 pm
by isabelle

I see Xavier glancing at the tatoo on his wrist. I'm sure it was put there artificially to make it seem real, but it couldn't be.

“I was the first child in over 50 year to roam the castle halls. There were no others, I would have known. And my Mother has only had one child, it nearly killed her having me so I highly doubt there could even be a chance she had others. It was a lovely story, really it was but you have a few facts to work out.”

I shake my head. "Perhaps she hid my son some other place, I don't know," I say, trying to ignore the fears I've held that he'd spent his whole short life imprisoned somewhere. "But Tess defiantely bore my son. That wasn't a mind-warp. I felt it. Many times, I felt him reaching out to me as an infant -- until it stopped. My son would be seventeen next month if he were alive. He would have earned that mark naturally. It wouldn't have had to be burned onto him."

The only think I've never understood is why Hope never got that mark. Sometimes I took it as a sign that her brother was still alive. Others, I thought it was because Liz isn't Antarian. I don't know. As much as I'd wish my son were still alive, it kills me to imagine the life he would know under Khivar's rule.

"Mine is real," I add. "Mine is on the inside." I use my powers and activate the seal. Five small bright points of light circle the room briefly before coming to rest in the familiar "V" shape above my head.


Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:49 pm
by Athenea

"But Tess defiantely bore my son. That wasn't a mind-warp. I felt it. Many times, I felt him reaching out to me as an infant -- until it stopped. My son would have been seventeen next month if he had lived. He would have earned that mark naturally. It wouldn't have had to be tattooed on him." He says and I know I’ve caught him in his lie. , even if he does show my Antar's symbol. I don't beleive him.

“Oh really so I suppose my Mother was pregnant with me and your son and the same time?” I say standing up quickly in my anger. I almost forgot I was injured. “I will be seventeen next month you LIAR!!!” I scream losing all my composure just as another larger explosion hits sending me to the floor. And then I hear my father’s voice. He must be speaking into a magnifier if we can hear his voice here.

“MAX, YOU HAVE SOMETHING OF MINE AND NOW I HAVE SOMETHING OF YOURS. HOW ABOUT WE MAKE A TRADE.” He says and I wonder what he’s talking about but I hear Hope screaming and I panic. How did he get her?


I do as I’m told although I am still angry at my mom and dad. How come they never listen to me. There is a guard running towards me and I stop as he talks.

“Not that way Hope, I know a shortcut.” He says then leads me through a way I’ve never been but we seem to be getting higher instead of lower. Finally he opens the door and I realize we are on a balcony on top of the wall.

“What…” is all I can say before he picks me up and throws me over the wall. The shield keeps things from getting in but it doesn’t prevent things from going out incase we are under siege and need to fire at out opponents, like right now. Just before I hit the ground though I hit something that feels like a mattress but is actually another kind of alien shield.

“I see you’ve met our inside source, how kind of him to send you over.” A skin says laughing. “Take her to Khivar.”