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Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:33 pm
by Lessie
I'm not really into the UC realm, but there are some couples I don't mind and I actually like them.

Zan/Liz (I tell myself that Zan is Max whenever I doubt my liking of these two :D )
Isabel/Jesse (I love Stargazer, but I get these Iz/J leanings sometimes.
Kyle/Isabel (only if Jesse and Alex aren't in the picture.)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 7:09 pm
by ladyjr15
usually i'm a max/liz fan but when i get mad a t max i go toward:
Alex/liz (but i cannot seem to find any fics with this pairing)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 9:22 pm
by Behr-y-Apple-y-
For me, my UC couples would have to be Kyle/Ava, Kyle/Tess. Simply love them. Also am an Awakened Dreamer. There;s something about Zan that's just so different. I know he's Max, but even, then they're different, with different personalities. :D Zan is just so raw. Not that Max isn't, but I know what I'm trying to say. lol :lol:

Now that I think about it, I also like Isabel and Kyle. Not as much as Lamptrimmer but still :D

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:03 pm
by AmberEyed51
Im pretty CC, no polar or GroundZero for me.

But I am a bit of AwakenedDreamer.

There's just something about Zan that just screams 'Liquid Sex'
know what I mean? ;)
There's something about Zan that's just so different. I know he's Max, but even, then they're different, with different personalities. Very Happy Zan is just so raw. Not that Max isn't, but I know what I'm trying to say. lol

Believe me girl, I get it ;)

Oh what I would give to just be alone with Max and Zan, just give me a few hours....or days.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:55 pm
by Spacegirl04
I love any couples that aren't the norm, except slash, there only a few slash fics that i will read and they are mostly clex, Lex/clark from smallville..

Alex/with anyone except Liz

Isabel/with anyone but Michael/Max

oh yeah Liz/Alec (DA)

Zan/Liz but it has to be written really order for me to like it...

I'm sure I'm forgetting people..

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:28 pm
by Ariadne
Liz/Alec (lately there are so many good fics but it was dare to dream who got me hooked, awesome piece of writing!!!)

Liz/Khivar, I liked the idea of it, but I don't really know a lot of good fics :(

Liz/Kyle, Kyle is just hot, and sweet, always so protective and and (my latest moviecrush as I like to call it)

Liz/Pierce, I only know of the fics that RELA has written (they can be found in the archives) and they were good!!! ( but never finished :(). And Pierce was also kind of a hottie...

Perhaps also Liz/Chris or Liz/Clark or Liz/Lex, it depends a bit on how well the fics are written, I'm not yet sure about thouse couples

I almost forgot Sean/Liz and Cole/Liz, not that there are a lot of such fics :(

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:16 pm
by Kes_ALF
:lol: funny subject
My favorite couples? That's a good question, easy one:
Michael/ no matter who except Liz.
but if it's threesome than Liz is allowed :lol:

I'm just michael obsessed... but you can red that in my signature :wink:

Oh I forgot!
Rath/ no matter who except Liz

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 1:29 pm
by rigel
Definitely Max/Maria.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:15 pm
by Earth2Mama
rigel wrote:Definitely Max/Maria.

Them first, then Michael and Liz.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 5:57 pm
by Ninlil
Kath7 wrote:
Midwest Max wrote:
LizzyBug wrote: My guess on why they're called GZ is b/c it's an explosive combination...

"Ground Zero" is usually a term used for the spot on which a bomb has fallen and where there is the most devastation. I thought Max and Maria were called that because at the end of S1, they both had bombs dropped on them that left them totally destroyed.

Then again, maybe I don't have a clue :lol:
Being someone who knows the person who came up with this shipper term (I have been around TOO long. lol :lol: ) I will just clarify. Ground Zero came from the estimation that Max and Maria together would be an explosive combination, although I like Midwest Max's better. lol
I always thought of "ground zero" as a starting point. Like if you're starting something fresh you go back to ground zero to start again. So, that's where I always thought it came from - that they were starting something new after the devastation of being abandoned by their respective partners (end of S1). But, I like the "explosive" explanation as well.

Either way, Max and Maria are definitely my favorite UC ship closely followed by Liz/Sean and Alex/Tess (or Ava).