Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 3/26/10 [WIP]

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When Dean & Liz get their act together, should they...

Poll ended at Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:41 pm

Commit to each other in their hearts but no commitment ceremony
Commit to each other under the law (Legally marry)
Commit to each other spiritally (Married in a church)
Don't care, just get them together
Total votes: 39

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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 22 9/2

Post by LittleBit »

In honor of my beloved beta's birthday, I'm posting a new part. A smut part at that. Happy Birthday Ellie!

Part 23
They barely made it to the door of the hotel room before Dean’s hands were on Liz’s body, pulling her close, trying to mould their bodies together. She responded immediately, running her hands over his sides before reaching for the door knob. With a jolt from her hand it unlocked easily, saving her the time it would have take to retrieve the key. They fell inside, but kept their balance and their holds on each other. Dean kicked the door shut behind him, the thundering noise ignored by the newlyweds.

Pastor Jim had welcomed him into the borrowed church like he always did when his dad dropped him and Sammy off at his place. Pastor Jim’s house, like the Parker’s, had been the only homes he had growing up. And Jim was thrilled to meet Liz. Dean felt like it was the closest thing to bringing a girl home to meet the family as he was going to get any time soon. After an hour of talking to them, Pastor Jim had said that it was time to get things moving before Liz came to her senses.

Now that they were behind closed doors, Dean’s hand came up along her back to undo the tiny buttons of her dress before he slipped the thin cloth over her shoulders, revealing the tan, silky skin underneath. Liz lowered her arms and allowed the dress to slip down to the floor, leaving her only in a pale cream lace bra, panties and her white heels. Dean pulled away to look at her and he didn’t think he’d ever seen a woman look as incredibly sexy as Liz looked especially when he caught a flash of metal glinting off her left hand. The ring he had put on her hand.

Liz felt butterflies in her stomach as she walked down the aisle, making sure that her new shoes didn’t catch on her dress causing her to fall. She raised her head from looking at the floor and focused on Dean. He looked unbelievably handsome in the button down shirt and pants that he had borrowed from Pastor Jim. Liz had used her powers on a dress she had bought nearby while Dean had been ring shopping. It was simple, but exactly what Liz wanted. She didn’t need a big poufy wedding dress, as long as Dean thought she looked beautiful, she didn’t care.
As she drew closer, she saw that he didn’t look a bit nervous. In fact his face broke out into a grin as she reached him before they turned to face the pastor.

Liz slipped off the heels as she reached for Dean’s tie. She loosened it before yanking out the knot and tossing it away. Her hands then moved to his waist band, pulling out the tails of the dress shirt and undoing the buttons. She parted the lapels only to be met with another shirt. Damn it, did the man always have to dress in layers? But Liz didn’t let a shirt stop her and as soon as she lifted it high enough, Dean pulled it over his head.

Dean felt like one of those love struck idiots he always made fun of to Sammy but he couldn’t seem to stop looking at Liz. He always thought she looked beautiful but at that moment, she was the single most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And he had seen a lot of them.

His focus was so much on her that he only realized that Pastor Jim had stopped the ceremony when he felt the man poke him in the side. “Son, I said ‘Repeat after me’.”

“Right.” Dean said as Pastor Jim started the ceremony again. “I, Dean Winchester, take you Elizabeth Parker to be my wife…”

Dean’s lips left a trail of kisses down her neck until he was between her breasts. She gasped with pleasure as his fingers trailed down her back and over her sides. She reached down and undid his belt. Dean quickly started to remove his pants, boxers and socks. When his right dress sock didn’t want to come off, Liz couldn’t help but snigger at his struggle.

Dean glared when he finally got the damn sock off and tossed it over his shoulder. “Think that was funny do you?”

“I think it was hysterical.” Liz replied.

“Through sickness and health. Until death tears us apart.” Liz repeated as she finished her vows and slipped the ring onto his hand. They had decided to use the protection ring she had given him for his wedding band, the sturdy metal ring doing both jobs of protecting him and binding him to her. She knew that he would always wear it, even if on a different hand than the one she was putting it on. She had used her powers to add a protection symbol that she had found in a book to both of their rings and hoped that it would help to always bring him back to her.

Liz was still laughing as Dean maneuvered her back onto the bed. He followed her down until he lay gently on top of his wife. It felt so good to feel her skin against his again. He'd never forgotten how that felt, no matter how much it hurt to remember. They ran their hands all over each other’s bodies, knowing exactly how the other would feel, savoring the familiarity. Dean removed the skimpy undergarments so that she was as naked as he was.

Dean captured a breast in one hand and rubbed the hardened nipple with his thumb before lowering his mouth to the other one. Liz gasped and moaned, writhing with pleasure under his attention.

“You may now kiss your bride.” Pastor Jim announced with a knowing grin.

“Bout time.” Dean said before bringing his hands up to cup Liz’s face and lowering his lips to hers. He knew he was supposed to keep the kiss simple but after going through his wedding, he found that a hard thing to do. His mouth molded over hers eagerly, parting her lips with the thrust of his tongue as he ravished her mouth with his. Liz’s hands trailed up his arms and encircled his neck, as she put all of her energy in the kiss. His hands had just drifted to her hips with the intention of pulling her closer when a loud sound of someone clearing their throat could be heard. The two broke away, both remembering that they were not alone and in a holy building.

“Sorry Pastor.” Dean apologized as he wiped the residue from Liz’s lipstick off of his mouth.

“I understand, I was young once as well.” Pastor Jim stated. “Now go son. Enjoy these few precious moments with your wife.”

Dean grabbed Liz’s hand and pulled her out of the church, yelling over his shoulder to Pastor Jim that they’d catch up with him before leaving town.

“My turn.” Liz said mischievously as she rolled on top of him. Dean growled with surprised pleasure and wrapped his arms around her lithe form. Kissing her way down his chest, Liz made her way down to her husband's stomach. She began kissing and licking his abdomen, and he flexed it involuntarily. She just laughed as she continued to suck and lick, as well as rubbing him all over with her soft hands.

Liz looked up from her ministrations and saw the look of pure ecstasy on his face. Gazing into his eyes, she crawled back up his body until she straddled him. As she lowered herself completely onto his cock, they moaned in unison at the penetration.

Dean flexed inside of her, making his wife cry out from pleasure. Holding her around her slender waist, he repeated the motion, and Liz had to support herself on Dean's shoulders. She moved back and forth, encouraging Dean to do so as well, and their bodies quickly fell back into the well-remembered rhythm. Dean admired the bobbing of Liz's breasts as she bucked on top of him, head thrown back in ecstasy.

Liz felt like her body was turning to jelly as orgasms ripped through her body, one right after another. Each time, she held him tightly, breathing heavily and he groaned at the feeling of her muscles flexing tightly around his cock. Finally, it was too much for Dean and one last time he pushed into her with all of his strength, all of his muscles taught. He cried out her name as he came that time, and she responded with soft murmurs in his ear when she collapsed on top of him.

They stayed like that for quite awhile, catching their breaths, surrounded by their wedding clothes. Liz felt her eyes starting to flutter as she attempted to keep herself awake. The excitement of the day had caught up with her. When she raised her head up from Dean’s chest, she found him asleep. Knowing he had been awake for at least twenty four hours, she simply pulled the sheet up over them and joined her husband in slumber.

The sun had just started to peak through the curtains when Liz woke to a strange beeping sound. It took her a few minutes to realize that it was coming from a phone and not hers. “Dean…Dean wake up. Your phone is ringing.”

“Mmmnn…what?” Dean asked, momentarily disoriented until he snapped awake. He slid out of bed and moved quickly to where his phone was. But it was not a call that had set his phone off. “It’s a text, from Dad.”

“What’s it say?” Liz asked.

“Nothing, just a set of coordinates.” Dean answered. “He’s is trying to tell us where to hunt next.”

Liz saw the conflict in his eyes and knew he was trying to decide what his next move should be. “Do you have a map that we can use to plot them?”

A huge grin blossomed on Dean’s face at Liz’s words. “In the car.”

“Then get it.” Liz ordered. “But put some pants on first. No needs to give the maids a show.”
Dean wiggled his eyebrows at her as he slid on his pants. He retrieved the map from the car and within a few minutes they had found the location.

“Fitchburg, Wisconsin.” Liz announced. “If you leave soon, you can make it by tomorrow evening. Of course you have to go get Sammy wherever you left him so that’s going to add to …”

“Hang on a second, you’re okay with this? We just got married a few hours ago…” Dean said. “I’d like one damn night, our wedding night, with my wife without big uglies interrupting.”

“I do too, believe me. But this is our life.” Liz agreed. “And I knew going into this that this was how life for a hunter would be. How being the wife of a hunter meant being at home and keep the light on.”

Liz smiled at Dean; a smile that Dean noticed didn’t meet the sadness in her eyes and continued. “I’ll catch a flight back to Santa Fe and have Kyle or Maria pick me up.”

Dean’s mouth opened and closed a few times but instead of saying anything, he bent over her sheet covered form and kissed her. “I love you.”

If possible the smile on Liz’s face got even bigger. “I love you too. Now you go do what you do, save some innocents.”

Dean nodded before dialing his phone. “Hey Sammy, I just got our next job. I need you to look up Fitchburg, Wisconsin.”
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 23 10/3

Post by LittleBit »

Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post this sooner but here it is. The new season has inspired my muse but lately I've been either too busy or too tired to do anything but read. My apologies if the next part isn't that good, it is not my favorite part.

This next part’s format is a little different. As I watch the final 3 episodes of S1, I know that I have to have Liz in there somewhere but none of the scenes that I wanted to slide her in warranted a whole part. So instead, I’m going to piece them together. So this part takes place starting at the end of Dead Man’s Blood and goes through the finale of Season 1.

Quotes from the episodes are not mine and belong to Kripke, I’m just borrowing them. The quotes are in bold italics while phone conversations are in italics.

Also, the herbs that Liz mentions comes from the book The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls and are not mine.

Part 24
‘It scares the hell out of me. You two are all I’ve got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So….we go after this damn thing—together.’ John declared.

‘Yes, sir.’ The boys agreed.

After Sam left to get food, Dean started doing inventory of all of their weapons while his dad sat at the desk. He knew that most of their normal weapons would be useless against the Yellow Eyed Demon but there was no way he was going into this fight with just the Colt.

John studied Dean for a moment as the boy cleaned the weapons. He was meticulous and would make any Master of Arms proud. But John was thinking of another possible weapon they could use. “Dean…it’s time that we call Liz in on this.”

The oil rag stopped mid barrel as Dean’s head snapped up at the mention of his wife’s name. “What?”

“You boys said we are stronger as a family that includes Liz now.” John stated. “Her abilities will give us an edge that the demon is not expecting.”

“How did you…?” Dean asked, shocked that his father at all of what his father knew, about Liz and her power but also the two of them. As far as he knew, Dad hadn’t been to Roswell since the Parker’s funeral. Then lightning struck and he suddenly knew. “You were there! Sam and I were looking everywhere for you and you were in Roswell.”

“Yes.” John answered.

“When? Why?” Dean demanded. “Liz never…”

“Liz never told you because I pushed her not to. I didn’t want you boys to know where I was.” John explained. “I didn’t stay around Roswell long, long enough though to find out she might be helpful in tracking where the demon is going to be.”

“No.” Dean replied firmly.

“What did you say?” John asked.

“I said no.” Dean repeated. “I’m not bringing Liz into this. I’ve done everything I can to keep her out of it. I want to kill this thing as much as the two of you but I’m not risking her.”

“Liz will be safe.” John declared.

“No, Liz safe is Liz in Roswell. That bastard has killed all of the other women in this family and you want to dangle Liz right in front of him for easier reach!” Dean exclaimed just as the door swung open to reveal a loaded down Sam. He took a few steps inside before he noticed the tension in the room. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Dean answered before scooping his phone up from the table and headed out the door.

“Dean…your food.” Sam called out, shocked that his brother had passed by a box full of food without even glancing at it.

“Not hungry…I’ll eat it later.” Dean replied before the door slammed behind him. He walked toward the back of the motel, away from his dad and Sam yet not too far away in case they needed him, before flipping open his phone. She picked up on the second ring. “Hey, I was just thinking about you.”

“Were you thinking about how you didn’t tell me that my Dad came to see you in Roswell?” Dean snapped. He could hear Liz swear in the phone before she spoke. “Is he there with you?”

“Yes. Answer my question.” Dean retorted. “I mean, I know I’ve taken a lot of knocks to the head but I think I would have remembered you coming clean to me about this when we were on the drive to Wyoming!”

“Things were so crazy during that time, and you were so focused on Max and Cassie that it just didn’t…didn’t come up.” Liz explained. “I know that it’s a crappy answer but it’s the only one I have.”

“All of those months that Sam and I were looking of him, you knew…you knew where he was.” Dean accused.

“No, I didn’t know where he was Dean I swear.” Liz pleaded. “He came here right after he disappeared from California. I tried to get him to call you…I knew how much his missing was driving you crazy but he wouldn’t listen. He said it was safer for you if you weren’t with him. I wanted you safe so I was selfish and kept my mouth shut and tried to use my visions to help him track the demon.”

“Help him track it?” Dean asked surprised.

“Dean, it was because of John that I had the vision that helped you save Sam that night. After Sam was safe, I tried to use your dad as a link to the demon.” Liz explained.

“Did you get anything?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think so, just random images, cattle deaths, Electrical storms. Your dad wrote it all down but didn’t tell me anything.” Liz replied. “The three of you are using me as a secret keeper but get pissed at me that I keep them for others. You need to sit down and talk.”

“Yeah, I’ll schedule us on Oprah right away.” Dean commented.

“I’m serious.” Liz declared. “The three of you are together…wait a minute…why are the three of you together? What is going on?”

“We ran into Dad while hunting vampires.” Dean replied.

“Seriously? Vampires?”

“Yeah.” Dean couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the disbelief in her voice. “They had a weapon that Dad thinks will kill the demon. We’re going after it.”

The two of them were quiet for a few minutes before Dean broke it. “I need to go, they’ll be waiting for me.”

“Be careful.”
Liz cautioned. “I love you.”

“Me too.” Dean replied before hanging up and heading back to the room.


‘Jim Murphy is dead.’

‘Pastor Jim?’ Sam asked ‘How?

‘Throat was slashed—he bled out. Caleb said they found traces of sulfur at Jim’s place.’

‘The demon.’ Dean stated. ‘The demon?’

‘I don’t know. Could be he just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we’re gettin’ close.’
Howdy, John. I’m Meg. I’m a friend of your boys. I’m also the one who watched Jim Murphy choke on his own blood…Still there, John boy?’

‘I’m here.’

‘ Well, that was yesterday. Today, I’m in Lincoln….visiting another old friend of yours. He wants to say hi.’

‘John, whatever they do, don’t give—‘

‘Caleb? Caleb. You listen to me. He’s got nothing to do with anything. You let him go.’

‘We know you have the Colt, John.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

‘Oh. Okay. So, listen to this.’

‘Caleb? Caleb!’

‘Can you hear that? That’s the sound of your friend dying, now let’s try this again. We know you have the gun, John. Word travels fast. So, as far as we’re concerned, you just declared war. And this is what war looks like—it has casualties.’

‘I’m gonna kill you, you know that?’

‘Oh, John, please. Mind your blood pressure. So, this is the thing—we’re gonna keep doing what we’re doing, and your friends, anyone who has ever helped you, gave you shelter, anyone you ever loved—they’ll all die unless you give us that gun.


“Come on pick up.” Dean said to himself as he sped down the road towards the antique shop. It rang once more before Liz picked up. “Liz!”

“Dean? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Liz asked frantically.

“Yeah but I need you to listen to me. Grab a bag and get out of Roswell.” Dean ordered. “Things are getting really hot and I need to know that you are safe.”

“Of course I’m safe.” Liz insisted. “All of the protections are up, I check them every night. I even had Maria help me replace the blueberry and mistletoe last week. “

“It might not be enough. The regular stuff doesn’t seem to work with the demons we are dealing with. Even holy ground is useless.” Dean stated.

“But why would the demon come looking for me?” Liz asked.

Dean was silent for a minute, as the weight of the words his father told him earlier really hit him. “Pastor Jim is dead.”

“What?” Liz said; voice barely above a whisper. “The demon?”

“No, but one working with him.” Dean explained. “She killed Caleb too. We’re working on stopping her but there’s always a chance that she knows about you.”

“I’m not leaving Dean.” Liz said firmly. “If she comes after me, there’s nothing to say she won’t lash out at someone else when I’m gone. But I will be more careful and I’ll let the others know, just in case.”

Dean wanted to argue more with her, tell her to run and hide but he knew that she wouldn’t listen. She wouldn’t risk the people she cared about just to ensure her own safety. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz replied. “And Dean? Be careful, I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Bad feeling like your husband is going into danger or a bad feeling at the beginning of a vision?”

“I don’t know.” Liz admitted. “But please, come home to me.”
If you like Liz and Dean, check out this community on lj:

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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 24 11/9

Post by LittleBit »

Author's Note:

I hope to post again shortly but Supernatural is currently crapping on my muse. I like the angel storyline but I don't like Anna. She's screwing up other story ideas.
If you like Liz and Dean, check out this community on lj:

Drifter Love

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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 25 12/21

Post by LittleBit »

Here's a Christmas present for you guys. This next episode happens right after In My Time of Dying and has some dialogue from that episode as well as others that are not mine. I hope I do this part justice since it's after such a huge loss for the boys.

Part 25
November 2006
Laugh I Nearly Died by the Rolling Stones

‘Liz, this is John. There’s been an accident…Dean’s hurt pretty bad. The doctors aren’t sure that…but I know that he will be okay. But you should probably get here as soon as you can; he’s going to need you. We’re in South Dakota…’

Liz hated flying. Not because she shared Dean’s fear of it but because of the amount of time that was could be wasted in traveling. After getting John’s call about Dean, she had been out the door and on her way to the Santa Fe airport. From the car she called various airlines trying to get a flight. Most of them were booked and she was half way to Santa Fe before she was able to get a flight. It wasn’t a direct one into Boise, instead taking her to Denver then Minneapolis and then South Dakota and it didn’t leave for a few hours but it was the best she could do. She called work next and spun a tale about a sick family member who she had to go see. She rarely took any time off so they didn’t doubt her. She hadn’t had to lie in a long time but wasn’t surprised at how easily it rolled off her tongue.

Liz finished her last call as she parked her car at the long term parking, unclear of exactly how long she might be gone. Security went quick, she only has her purse and emergency bag with her after all, and before she knew it she was in the air. She tried to read but after she read the same page three times, she knew she is too focused on Dean. The only information she had was the message that John left her since she hadn’t been able to reach any of them after. She had even tried to dreamwalk them but the results only made her more nervous. Sam and John had been awake but all she got from Dean was blackness.

She finally landed in Boise twelve hours after she left Roswell due to the layovers and delays. There had been a freak lightning storm in the area a few hours before her plane landed that had taken out some equipment so the plane had to circle the airport until it was safe to land. Liz had been driving in her rental car for a couple of hours before she was finally able to get Dean on the phone. “Dean? Thank God…what’s going on? I’ve been trying to reach you, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” Dean declared. Liz could hear the weariness in his voice and knew that he was anything but okay.

“What happened? Last time I talked to you, you guys were going after the demon then I get a voicemail from your dad…”

“Dad called you?” Dean asked in surprise. “What did he say?”

“That there was an accident, that you were hurt and where you were.” Liz explained. “I’m heading there now.”

“You’re here? As in South Dakota?”

“I’m not far away.” Liz answered. “Are you still in the hospital?”

“No. I checked out an hour ago.”

“What is going on?” Liz asked, the fear in her voice was evident. “Is Sam okay? Your dad?”

She could hear the deep sigh through the phone and her fear hitched up a notched. “Dean, please.”

‘Sam and I are heading to Bobby’s after…well we’re heading to Bobby’s. There’s a motel a mile or so down the road. Check in there and I’ll meet you there in a few hours.’

Liz wanted to argue, to ask why but the tone of Dean’s voice told her differently. Less than an hour later, she arrived at the motel and got herself a room. It’s small and old but clean. As she unpacked her car, Liz could smell a faint trace of something burning. It was faint and she knew she could only smell it because it was upwind of her but it made her curious as to who would be burning such a large fire that night.

Days seemed to pass before Liz heard a knock. She practically flew to the door but stopped in her tracks when she saw Dean on the other side. He looked like he’d aged five years since the last time she had seen him. He was covered in dirt and soot and smelled like the sickening sweet scent of burned wood. It was then that Liz realized that he had been at the fire that she had smelled earlier. Neither of them spoke as she pulled him close and hugged him. He stiffened in her embrace for a few seconds, then leaned into her, his chin on top of her head. His breath whispered past her ear and she concentrated on the steady thrum of his heartbeat against her cheek.

Liz knew that they needed to get inside so she broke their embrace and pulled Dean in by his shirt to the bed. They barely sit down before Dean spoke. “Dad is dead.”

“What?” Liz asked startled.

“Dad is dead.” Dean repeated. “I just came from his funeral pyre.”

“How?” Liz whispered.

“We don’t know.” Dean replied.

“You don’t know?” Liz said in surprise. “How…”

“All we know is that one minute I was in coma, not expected to pull through with Dad and Sammy fine. Then I’m awake with no injuries and a few hours later Dad’s dead on the floor.” Dean explained harshly as he stood and began to pace the floor in front of her bed.

“That doesn’t make sense.” Liz admitted.

“I think that Dad died so I could live.” Dean confessed, momentarily pausing in his pacing. “Sam said that while I was under, I talked to him through an Ouija board and I told him that I was hunting something. But I can’t remember any of it.”

“If you talked to him through a board, then that means you were dead.” Liz muttered, her voice choking on the last word.

“Or close enough. But the last thing I remember is being in the car with Dad and Sam...” Dean trailed off. “That freaky alien mind reading thing that you do.”

“You mean flashes?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, the memory flashes” Dean answered. “You can make them come right? If you need to?”

“I have a couple of times, not always. Just like my visions.” Liz answered before she got what Dean was thinking. “I’ll try if you want me to but Dean, I can’t guarantee what I’ll see. I could see what happened or I could see nothing. I’ve never gotten flashes from someone while they were in a coma.”

“I don’t care. I have to try; it’s driving me crazy not knowing.” Dean replied.

“Dean, you realize that if I do get flashes, it might not be about that time. It could be about anything…” Liz said trailing off at the look in his eyes. It wasn’t that she thought he was hiding anything; it was other parts of his life that were before ‘them’ that Liz was worried about seeing. But she saw the desperation in his eyes and knew she couldn’t refuse him. She caught his hand and pulled him to the bed. “I need you to sit still for a minute and relax.”

Dean sat down to face her but he was far from relaxed. “Dean, you’re too tense. I can’t get into your head if you’re all twisted up.”

Dean opened his mouth to argue but was cut off by the lips of his wife as she planted a kiss on them. As always, he reacted to her touch and temporarily forgot the outside world. It gave Liz the opening she was looking for and just before his eyes slid shut, she was able to open a connection.

‘It scares the hell out of me. You two are all I’ve got. But I guess we are stronger as a family. So….we go after this damn thing—together.’ John declared.
‘Yes, sir.’


‘Funny. But that’s all part of your M.O., isn’t it? Mask all that nasty pain. Mask the truth.’ A yellowed eyed John stated.

‘Oh, yeah? What’s that?’ Dean asked.

‘You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is….they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam—he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight. It’s more concern than he’s ever shown you.’

‘I bet you’re real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh, wait, I forgot. I wasted ‘em.’ Dean stated through clenched teeth a minute before yellowed eyed John ripped apart his chest from the inside.

‘Dean! No!’ Sam cried as blood poured out of Dean’s chest.

‘Dad! Dad, don’t you let it kill me!'


‘Just hold on, all right? Hospital’s only ten minutes away.’ Sam’s voice said to Dean through pain.


‘ You know, when you were a kid…I’d come home from a hunt. And after what I’d seen, I’d be…I’d be wrecked. And you’d…come up to me, and you’d put your hand on my shoulder, and you’d look me in the eye, and you’d… say, “It’s okay, Dad.” Dean…I’m sorry.’

‘For what?’

‘You shouldn’t have had to say that to me. I should’ve been sayin’ that to you. You know, I put…I put too much on your shoulders, I made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sammy, and you took care of me. You did that. And you didn’t complain, not once. I just want you to know…that I am so proud of you.’

‘Is this really you talkin’?’

‘Yeah. Yeah, it’s really me.’

‘Why are you sayin’ this stuff? ‘ Dean asked as his dad put his hand on his shoulder.
‘I want you to watch out for Sammy, okay?’

‘Yeah, Dad, you know I will. You’re scarin’ me.’

‘Don’t be scared, Dean.’ John said before leaning forward.


Liz felt the tears falling down her cheeks as the connection ended and she realized she had started to cry. She pulled her lips away from Dean’s and looked at his anxious eyes. “I saw your run in with the demon, and you waking up in the hospital but nothing else. I’m…I’m sorry.”

Disappointment flooded Dean’s eyes but he tried to mask how much with a sad grin. “You warned me that it might not work. It’s okay.”

Despite his reassurances, Liz could tell that it was anything but okay. Dean had always been an expert at hiding his emotions, usually behind laughter and sarcasm but the grief he was feeling rolled off him likes waves. He sat on the bed, staring into space as she held his hand. When an hour had passed and Dean had not said a word, Liz spoke up. “Dean, I know you are hurting but talk to me.”

“What do you want me to say Liz?” Dean snapped as he rose from the bed. “I’m not exactly Doctor Phil, going around talking about my ‘feelings’.”

“When my parents died, you didn’t leave me alone. You let me cry in your arms until I was okay.” Liz retorted. “I’m not saying you have to cry, but you can’t let it stay bottled up.”

For a moment, Dean looked like he wanted to argue but then just as quickly, his shoulders slumped. “I don’t want to talk about anything right now, I just want to sleep.”

Liz nodded before standing as well. In silence the two of them stripped down to the basics but sex was the last thing on their minds as they climbed into bed. Liz cradled Dean to her chest and held him until his exhaustion took over his grief and he fell asleep.
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 25 12/21

Post by LittleBit »

Author's Note:

Just wanted to let you guys know that I am still here and writing. We've been busy with basketball, wrapping up cub scouts for Boy scouts and I've been taking cake decorating classes once a week so it's been crazy. But I have sent stuff off to my beta and I will post soon.
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 1/28

Post by LittleBit »

Hey guys, here's a new part. My beta kicked ass last night and read through a bunch of stuff that I had sent her. So you guys get to reap the benefits. And just so you guys know, the flashback parts of the story are almost over. Then we get onto the story that started in the prologue.

Feedback is always appreciated, I need the pick me up badly.

Part 26
After Croatan
January 2007

Liz felt as if something big, a car, or animal, possibly even a crashing space ship, had hit her. She knew the aching she felt was going to feel a lot worse soon and the scraps would burn like a bitch when she got into the shower. Maria had said something about having Max heal them for her but after what had happened; her injuries seemed too minor to worry about.

The first thing Liz wanted to do was bathe. A shower or bath didn’t mean anything as long as it was hot and she could get clean. She was covered in ash, sand, and blood, and she was pretty sure that most of it wasn’t her own. In addition to the scrapes, she knew her lip was split and her jaw hurt like hell. If she didn’t know better she’d swear it was broken. Lonnie might have been more apt to use her powers in a fight but after growing up on the streets, she had known how to throw a mean right hook.

As she approached the door to her apartment, Liz found it unlocked and immediately went on the defensive. She knew that it couldn’t be Lonnie or Rath but after the evening she had, she wasn’t taking any chances. She pulled her gun out of the back of her waistband before pushing the door open with her foot. She immediately swung the gun barrel around the door and into the face of her surprised husband. “Dean?”
Dean’s attention immediately shifted from the gun aimed at him to Liz. Her clothes were tattered and covered in sand or ash, and sporting all kind of bruises. “What the hell happened to you?”

Liz ignored his question as she moved forward to hug him. At the moment, things felt a little better with his warmth wrapped around her. She felt his arms come up to hug her back. “Hey, what is it?”

But Liz just shook her head; she didn’t feel like talking yet. She knew that Dean would leave it alone. And she was right; he didn’t ask her for more, just kept holding her, and rubbing her back softly. “I was…worried about you. I got into town and couldn’t find you. You weren’t answering your cell…”

“I killed him.” Liz mumbled

“And no one else was answering theirs. I was just about to call Sheriff Valenti when you came through the door.” Dean finished before what she said sunk in. “What did you say?”

“I killed him, Rath... um, Michael’s dupe.” Liz answered nervously.

Dean pulled back a little so that he could look down at her face. She couldn’t have said what he thought she said could she? But looking at her face, at her eyes, and he knew she was speaking the truth. “Liz, I need you to tell me what happened but first I need you to tell me where the body is. I need to make sure there’s nothing that can be led back to you…”
“We took care of it.” Liz replied as she pulled away from him and brushed her clothes. Suddenly Dean understood where the ash had came from. “When they…the hybrids die their bodies disintegrate and catch fire. Michael, Kyle, Valenti, and I covered up the evidence in the desert.”

“Why the hell did they have you stay there to do that?” Dean asked angrily.

“Because I wanted to. I did it; I needed to be there to clean it up.” Liz retorted as she pushed a strand of hair back from her face.

Dean noticed that Liz’s hand was shaking as she spoke. “Two days ago, Max went to pick up Zan from his mom’s. But Diane said that Isabel had already picked him up. She was confused because Isabel had said that Max had sent her over to do it. Max knew right away that something was wrong but he called Isabel. She didn’t know what he was talking about; she hadn’t seen her mom since the day before. She didn’t have Zan.”

“Max called everyone in a panic. No one had seen Zan.” Liz continued. “He had Isabel try to dreamwalk Zan but she found something blocking her. A day went by before we found out anything.”

“And it was this Rath guy?” Dean asked, searching his memories for what Liz had told him years ago about the dupes. They were copies of the Roswell aliens but with more psychotic tendencies.

“Rath and Lonnie, Isabel’s dupe. That’s how she got Zan away from Diane.” Liz explained. “They hate Max; they see him as the reason why they are stuck on Earth. Somehow they found out about Zan and decided to use him as leverage against Max. His son for the Granolith. But they didn’t know that Max didn’t have the Granolith anymore. We knew that they wouldn’t listen to reason but he agreed to meet with them at the quarry.”

Liz sucked in a deep breath and was quiet for a minute. Too quiet for his taste. Dean was about to say something when she spoke. “Isabel, Michael, and Max went to meet them. The Sheriff, Kyle, and I were hiding close by. Lonnie was waiting where she was supposed to be, Rath and Zan were no where to be seen at first. When we showed her the granolith crystal or what she thought was the crystal she had him bring Zan. But they weren’t alone. Nicholas was with them along with a couple of his men. Their skins had died but they were possessing humans. I don’t know how to explain it, except that it made me think of how you’ve told me a demon possess a human. A fight broke out. Lonnie grabbed Zan and tried to run for it while Nicholas and Rath fought off the others. The dupes have always been more powerful, they grew up being more in tuned to their alien side, plus they don’t have any morals.”

“When I saw Lonnie grab Zan, I started running. I didn’t even know that anyone had noticed until I heard yelling behind me. But I still ran after them. My gun was loaded but I didn’t want to risk hitting Zan. I was lucky though, Lonnie didn’t seem to be an exercise kind of girl, and with Zan dragging her down, I could easily catch up. I grabbed rock and threw it at her feet. She tripped and they both went down. Zan broke away from her and ran to me. I told him to keep running and pushed him towards where Kyle had been before I got hit from behind. I went flying and when I landed, Lonnie was on top of me. I knew better than to try and use my powers so I got my feet under her and kicked her off. We started fighting then; no powers or weapons just knock down drag out. She got me in the jaw but I had more training.” Liz explained and when she glanced at Dean, he knew that she meant the training from him and Sam.

“When she knew that she couldn't physically beat me in a fight, Lonnie decided to use her powers.” Liz said getting back to her tale. “I was able to block most of the rocks but one got me in the head and I went down. She tried to throw a large rock at me to finish the job but went down before she could. Michael had gotten her with an energy blast and killed her.”

“After watching Lonnie die, Rath went nuts. He broke away from Nicholas and his men and starting running towards us, firing off blasts at Michael. And before I knew it, I fired off half a clip into him. He was dead before he hit the ground. ” Liz stated. “ I just reacted.”

“Liz…it was self defense.” Dean reasoned.

“I know it was and I’m okay with that. I killed him before he could kill one of us.” Liz replied firmly. “And I’m not sorry about it; I’d do it again if someone I loved was in danger.”

Dean pulled her back into his arms at her statement. He had thought that the reaction of what had happened was making her feel guilty but he’d been wrong. She was in shock of what had happened however she would be able to live with what she had done. She was strong. “Hey, how about you get cleaned up?”

Liz nodded before she headed to the bedroom. But before she got there, she looked back at him. “It’s kind of funny, the alien front has been so quiet the last few years that you never had the tables turned on you like this. You were the one sitting home worrying while I was out in the field.”

Before Dean could reply, Liz had disappeared into the hall. He planned to follow her when there was a knock at the door. Dean went to answer it and found a surprised Kyle on the other side. “Dean? Didn’t know you were in town.”

“Just got in.” Dean answered. “What did you need?”

“I wanted to see how Liz was.” Kyle explained. “I don’t know if she had a chance to tell you…”

“She did.”

“ Good.” Kyle said as he ran a hand through his hair.

“She’s in the shower at the moment.” Dean informed him as he motioned for Kyle to come inside. “Want a beer?”

“More than air at the moment.” Kyle accepted as he followed him into the kitchen. He watched as Dean retrieved two beers from the fridge, showing such an air of familiarity with the well stocked fridge that told anyone watching that while Liz’s husband wasn’t in Roswell a lot, it was his home.

While everyone else in the group over the years wondered how Liz could be happy in her relationship with Dean that had them separated so much, Kyle could see that it didn’t matter how much they were together as long as they were together. They just fit together. Kyle saw it the first time he saw the two of them together after her parents died. With Max and Liz, they had never shown each other their faults. Max had always had Liz on a pedestal and Liz had never been able to deal with Max not wanting to accept who he was. But Dean and Liz were different. They had known each other for so long that they simply accepted everything about each other. They might not like it, but they didn’t try to change things like Maria and Michael and they didn’t pretend like they were anything but what they were like Isabel and Jessie. Kyle was happy for Liz and he prayed to Buddha every night that he might find something like what his friend had.

Dean looked over his bottle at Kyle and saw him staring at him. “What?”

“Nothing. Long night.” Kyle answered as he shook his head to clear it. “I was worried about her but now that I know you’re here, I know she’s not alone.”

Dean knew what Kyle was talking about without the man saying the words. “I think it’s weighing on her, but she said she wouldn’t have done anything differently. That will help her deal with it.”

“Speaking from experience?” Kyle questioned but only received silence from Dean’s end. “Sorry to hear about your dad.”


Kyle noticed how uncomfortable Dean was now so he downed the rest of his beer. “Well since I know that Liz is in your capable hands, I’ll just get out of here.”

After saying goodbye to Kyle and walking him to the door, Dean went to their bedroom to check on Liz. As he walked through the door, he heard the shower turn off. He held himself back from going in, deciding to give her a little space and plopped down on the bed. When he did, he noticed something bounce around on the bed. He made a grab for it and realized that it was a small wrapped present.

“It was a surprise I was planning to give you for your birthday when you made it home again.” Liz announced for her spot at the bathroom door. “Open it.”

Dean wasn’t surprised that Liz had remembered his birthday when he himself hadn’t. She remembered everything while he had problems remembering what day it was. He was surprised when he got through the paper and opened the box. “A phone?”

“Not just a phone.” Liz stated as she pulled the small black and red unit from the box along with headphones. She tapped a couple of buttons before handing Dean one of the ear buds. As he pressed it to his ear, he heard the first beats of ACDC Back in Black playing.

Dean’s eyebrows furrowed. “It plays music.”

“It’s an MP3 player. I know you already have a phone but this can be a backup or something plus I downloaded all of your favorite music into it.” Liz explained. “I thought it was time to bring you into this century, kicking and screaming if I had to.”

“But how am I going to wake Sammy up while I’m driving and he’s sawing a whole forest?” Dean asked.

“I didn’t plan for this to take the place of your tapes in the Impala, but now you can listen to it in the hotel.” Liz explained. She bit her lip apprehensively, she knew Dean wasn’t opposed to technology, but he was sensitive about his music. “Do you like it?”

Dean looked up from where he was playing with the buttons and shook his head. “Yeah. I do.”

Liz saw the small smile on Dean’s face and she suddenly felt better than she had in days. All of the worry and fear for Zan and the others had taken a toll on her and all she wanted to do was feel safe again.

Liz reached over and kissed Dean full on the mouth as she plunked the phone out of his hands. Dean put up no fight as she straddled his waist and slide her hands under his shirt except to whisper against her lips. “Are you sure?”

“I need you.” Was the last words either of them spoke for the next few hours

Also, I don't know if I've ever said but the flashbacks shown in this story are only some of the times that Liz & Dean saw each other. There were others of course too, more every day stuff and the part I show are the big things. I only bring it up because in this past part, I showed a bit more of a friendship between Kyle & Dean and didn't want anyone confused.
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 26 1/31

Post by LittleBit »


Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm not leaving you hanging on purpose. RL has been crazy this last month. Besides working I've been shuttling my kids around, doing catering and cake design jobs as well as planning a birthday party and banquet for my kids. But things should be calmer now because all of those events are over now. Once I can think again, I'll start working on my stories. Thanks for sticking around.
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 3/3

Post by LittleBit »

Here's a new part for you guys, not exactly Liz and Dean but still with a favored Supernatural character.

Thanks everyone for sticking around to read this. Enthusiastic Roswellian, I'm happy that you have enjoyed the story so much and it means a lot to me when people can see the amount of work I've put into the story. When I write a crossover, I like for the two to mesh as much as I can and if something, like an idea or something that doesn't feel like it meshes well despite it being a good idea, I won't use it. You can ask Ellie about that.

The friendship between Liz & Dean is based on two relationships I had with the opposite sex growing up and their romantic one is based on my husband and I. Now I'm rambling so I'll leave you to read.

Part 27
March 2007, after Nightshifter

The first thing that Viktor noticed as he walked in the door was that the sign out front of the crashed UFO was tame compared to the décor of the café. The walls were covered in paintings of UFOs and space men, the waitresses were dressed in antennas, and alien inspired uniforms that Viktor knew probably drove the alien abduction fanatics crazy. It seemed like just the place that an insane family like the Winchesters would come.

Viktor looked around for a minute before he saw a woman in her mid twenties at the counter, dressed in a black polo with a small neon colored alien head on the pocket. Since she was sans uniform, Victor assumed she was in charge. As he approached, she smiled brightly at him. “Hello, welcome to the Crashdown. I’m Maria, what can I get you?”

“I’m Special Agent Viktor Hendrickson,” Viktor stated. “I’m looking for the owner, Elizabeth Parker.”

“Well I’m the manager; can I help you with something?”

“Just need to ask her some questions…” Viktor answered attempting to appear nonchalant. It was past the dinner rush so the café was only half full with high school kids and only the cook in the back seemed to be paying any notice to his entrance. He pulled out the mug shots of the Winchesters and slid them across the counter. “Have you ever seen these two men?”

Maria looked down at the sheet and instantly recognized the pictures. “No, they don’t look familiar. Course we get a ton of people through here during the tourist season and the Crashdown festival. Maybe Michael, the head cook might have seen them though he doesn’t get out of the kitchen much.”

“Just Elizabeth Parker is fine.” Viktor requested.

Maria replied. “I think she’s back in her office, I’ll go get her.”

Maria disappeared behind the swinging doors only to reappear a few minutes later with a short brunette. If Viktor didn’t know the history behind the restaurant, he would have thought her to be too young to own her own restaurant. And if she was concerned about having an FBI agent asking to speak with her, she didn’t show it.

Liz walked right to the agent she’d heard a lot about and stuck out her hand. “I’m Elizabeth Parker.”

“Special Agent Viktor Hendrickson.”

“Can I see some ID?” Liz asked.

Viktor appreciated her caution as he pulled his ID out. She studied it for a minute before saying, “Now can I see your Driver’s License or some other form of ID?”

This request surprised Viktor but he acquiesced and retrieved his driver’s license from his wallet. After she studied it, she nodded her head in acceptance before saying, “We can go back to my office, would you like anything first? Something to drink?”

When he declined, Liz motioned for him to follow her to the back. As they passed the kitchen, Liz asked Hendrickson to stop for a minute. “Michael, can you call our security company and let them know about the false alarm? I want to make sure that they are aware of it just in case.”

“Sure thing, Liz.” The burly cook who Viktor assumed was Michael replied.

Once in her office, Liz motioned to the extra chair for Hendrickson to sit. “Please have a seat so you can tell me what I can do for you.”

“Very paranoid about strangers aren’t you?”

“Only ones who come in stating that they are FBI agents. We get a lot of people who come into town wanting to see the Crash site and like to believe that they are Mulder and Scully. And with computers being what they are, allowing people to make fake ID, it helps to weed through the crackpots.” Liz explained. “Now what can I do for you?”

“Dean and Sam Winchester.” Hendrickson announced as he showed her the file he had brought along with him.

“What about them?” Liz asked casually. At first when Maria had come into her office to say that there was an FBI agent asking for her, the first thing Liz thought of was it had to be something to do with the aliens. However, once Maria mentioned the agent’s name, she knew right away that it had to do with the hunting activities of her husband and brother in law.

“You know them?” Viktor confirmed.

“Their dad and mine served in the Marines together, years before I was born.” Liz answered though she knew that Hendrickson would already have made the connection. It was the most likely reason why the agent was sitting in her office considering that there was no other link between the two families, at least not on paper. “The men and their families would catch up with each other at reunions and such.”

“Have you seen them recently?”

“I vaguely remember them visiting Roswell but I was little then so about twenty or so years ago.” Liz answered with a shrug. “Can I ask why you are looking for them?”

“They are wanted for multiple crimes,

“I have to say, I’m surprised.” Liz stated. “My dad always said that John Winchester was a good man who cared about his family and doing his duty to protect people, figured his sons would be about the same.”

“Your father died a couple of years ago didn’t he?” Viktor asked recalling the information he had found in his search.

“Yes, he and my mother were killed on a campout a few years ago.” Liz replied, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.

“A wild animal attack right?”

“Yes.” Liz answered. “I’m not sure why you are asking about this Agent Hendrickson but the Medical Examiner’s office found nothing suspicious about their death. We do get mountain lions in this area and unfortunately when their food supply is compromised, they start attacking humans.”

Viktor studied the young woman in front of him. Everything he had read about her in his search had shown nothing but a young intelligent woman who was trying to run her family’s business while still pursuing a career in science. Except for her parents’ death and a small spot on her record for an arrest in Utah, she was clean. Not the type of girl he’d think would hang out with the Winchesters but after their escape from the bank, Viktor had begun following up on any kind of connection to the Winchesters that he could find in hopes of finding some kind of information. “Well I think you’ve answered all of my questions Ms. Parker. Thank you for your time.”

Liz smiled warmly before showing the agent back out into the café. Liz stayed at the swinging doors and watched him leave. Once he was out the door and in his car, she looked at Michael. “Did you reach him?”

Michael nodded. “Yep, Valenti is in his office right now, waiting to see if he comes by.”

“He will. Dean said he’s very methodical.” Liz said as she reached for the chain around her neck and pulled out her wedding ring, playing with it as she always did when she was deep in thought. Special Agent Viktor Hendrickson would not find anything to link the Winchesters to Roswell; their group done too good of a job making sure that Dean’s tracks were covered.
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 27 3/20

Post by LittleBit »

Hey guys! Remember me?

I'm happy to leave this note today because originally I was going to post this and tell you guys that it was the last part I have and didn't know when I would be able to post a new one. But today, I was suddenly able to finish up a part that has been bothering me for weeks. It's amazing what changing your playlist does for you.

Part 28
April 2007
Set after Heart

Dean rolled over and in the moonlight that filtered through the window, and he studied his wife. Her skin had grown lighter during the winter months but as he ran his hand down her bare back as she slept it felt just as smooth as always. Her long thick dark hair fanned out behind her on the pillowcase, framing the face he always thought of when he thought of going home. When she was awake, her eyes showed him everything she was thinking at that time, her happiness when he came home, as well as her worry and sadness when he left. But she never let the weight of those emotions show; instead she’d smile and kept going.

His eyes moved down her body, one that he knew so well but also seemed different. She had always had curves despite her slim body but they seemed to be more pronounced lately. Not that he was complaining one bit, it had just been something he had noticed.

Liz kept her body completely still so not to give away the fact that she was awake, and slowly opened her eyes to look at Dean. In spite of the late hour he was wide awake and his eyes were roaming over her. She wondered if he had noticed the changes and knew that she needed to tell him. However, considering what had just happened, she wasn’t sure if now was the right time.

“Penny for your thoughts…” Liz’s voice drifted up to him. Dean’s eyes moved back to her face and he saw a small smile on her face.

“I doubt they are worth that much.” Dean retorted, his voice strained even though he was attempting to tease her.

It had been late when he got into town, Liz had already been in bed when Dean had let himself into the apartment and crept to their room. She had been surprised but happy to see him until she had seen his face and the anguish that was there. She asked him what had happened, if Sam was okay. He didn’t answer her; instead he crawled into bed and kissed her deeply.

After they made love, Dean told her what had happened. He told her that Sam was safe but that the last hunt had been a bad one. They had been hunting a werewolf when Sam met a girl. Her name was Madison and she had a link to the victims and suspected werewolf. Her and Sam had hit it off, romantically.

However it turned out that she wasn’t only connected to the attacker but that she was also a werewolf. The guys had thought they were able to ‘cure’ her of the problem but in the end they couldn’t. Choosing to do what needed to be done to make sure she didn’t hurt anyone else; Madison had asked Sam to kill her. Dean had not wanted his little brother to have to go through that and offered. Nevertheless, Sam had refused.

Instead he had gone into Madison’s room and shot her through the heart. Afterwards, Sam had asked for some time. Just a few days but he said he needed some time. Time away from hunting and Dean just to clear his head. Dean hadn’t wanted to leave but knew he had to. So after dropping him at a place in Arizona, Dean had set off to see Liz. After what had happened, he needed to see Liz.

“Hey,” Liz said, brushing her fingertips along his jaw. “They are worth way more to me.”

Dean brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them before saying. “One of the first things Dad taught me about hunting was not to get attached to the job. Once it’s done it’s done and you can’t think about what ifs or those you couldn’t save. That it would drive a hunter crazy. Normally, I can do that. But this time…”

“You can’t. Dean, it’s not surprising. This hunt ripped up Sam pretty good; he lost someone he cared about not just because he couldn’t save them but because he had to make sure he had to choose to do it to keep people safe. Even if Madison was the one that talked him into it.” Liz stated. “It’s no wonder you can’t stop thinking about it.”

“It’s not that.” Dean confessed. “Well not completely that.”

“Then what is it?”

“When I offered to kill Madison, I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do and didn’t want Sam to have to do it himself. But if things were switched, I wouldn’t have let Sam do it.” Dean explained as he looked her in the eyes. “If it had been you I would have done everything I could to stop anyone who hurt you. Dangerous or not.”

“No Dean, you know I wouldn’t want that.” Liz argued. “If anything ever happened to me that made me dangerous to anyone around me, and there was no hope then I’d want you to do exactly what Sam did. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I hurt anyone especially my family.”

Liz knew that Dean would be stubborn and not listen to her. So maybe once she told him what she’d been wanting to tell him for weeks, he’d understand a little more.

Liz sat up, pulling the sheet up with her as she sat facing her husband. As she began her announcement, she reached out to touch him. “Dean…”

But the moment her skin touched his again, Liz was sucked into a vision.


Dean lying next to her on their bed, putting a set of headphones on her very large stomach. As he did it, he told her how the baby needed to learn early what good music was so that he could teach Uncle Sammy what ‘good music’ is.


Dean and her laughing with their friends in the café, her stomach a little larger, when the bell over the door chimed and an older rugged looking man walked in.

“What’s up Bobby?” Dean said in greeting, before he noticed the somber look in the old Hunter’s face. The laughter and smile dropped in an instant from his face.

“It’s Sam.” Bobby answered.


Liz coming to the door to their bedroom and seeing Dean rushing around their bedroom, grabbing clothes and shoving them into his old duffle. She stayed silent until she sees him pulling weapons out of the hidey hole in the closet. “Dean…please don’t go. Not right now.”

“How can you ask me that Liz?” Dean demanded. “I have to do this, before the trail gets cold.”

“I know you want who is responsible for Sam’s death, I loved Sam too but you need to think this out Dean.” Liz stated as she brought his hand to her large stomach. “Please.”


Dean holed up in a dark filthy motel room, his dad & Sam’s journals in front of him, maps, and paper stuck to the walls. Red bloodshot sunken eyes stare at the information as his hand rubs the dark stubble covered his face. “Where are you, you yellow eyed bastard?”


The impala pulling up in front of the café, Bobby getting out of the driver’s seat and looking at her, before hands her Dean’s ring and charm. “I’m sorry.”

Liz collapsing in tears on the ground, her baby crying in Maria’s arms nearby.

Liz gasped for air as she came out of the flash.

“Liz? Liz, what did you see?” Dean asked, recognizing his wife’s reactions when her powers took over.

“Water…” Liz whispered hoarsely, the wailing from the vision still fresh in her throat. As Dean refilled the empty bottle of water that she had left by the bedside, Liz processed what she saw. In her vision, she had told Dean she was pregnant and he had stayed in Roswell with her. Somehow she knew that Sam was killed by the yellow eyed demon if the later flash was anything to go by because Dean had not been there with him.

Liz shuddered a little at the memory of Dean’s face as he studied the wall of his hotel room. He looked nothing like the man who was now getting her water and looking at her with concerned eyes. She took a small sip before throwing her head back to down half the water. Once she was done, Liz did what she had promised them both they wouldn’t do, she lied. “It wasn’t a vision, it was flashes. I saw the whole thing with Madison.”

So what do you guys think? Was Liz wrong to lie? What do you think Dean's reaction is going to be when finds out Liz lied?
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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 28 5/1

Post by LittleBit »

Part 29
Late 06/2007


Night time in the middle of nowhere. Sam in the distance, yelling to Dean before a stranger in army fatigues stabs him from behind. Dean yelling as he runs forward. “NO!”


Dean hugging Sam, tears running out of his eyes. “Sam!”


Brunette woman, wicked smile, red eyes


Dean coming in a room, amazed to see Sam


Dean shooting an antique gun, yellow sparks erupting from the wound


Liz bolted up right in her bed as she came out of the dream. It took her a moment to catch her breath and when she did, Liz realized that she was shivering. Something very uncommon during June in the desert and she knew it had to do with the dream that was quickly fading from her memory. Usually she remembered her dreams in detail but this one was very hazy and all that remained was a feeling of extreme uneasiness.

Knowing she wasn’t going to go back to sleep, Liz eased her legs over the side of the mattress before reaching over to turn on the light. Tonight the room felt more empty than usual when Dean wasn’t with her. She missed him and felt the usual wave of guilt that hit her whenever she thought of him and what she had done. He would be there with her if she’d been honest with him.

As she thought of her husband, another chill pass through Liz. She had a feeling that something was going on with him and she prayed that he was safe. She thought about calling him but it was the middle of the night and didn’t want to take a chance on waking Sam up if they were asleep. Instead Liz went to her desk and pulled up their mobile phone user. After a few minutes, she was logged in and activating the mobile tracker that was in the phone she had given him.

“Cold Oaks, South Dakota.” Liz read aloud to herself. She brought up another window and typed the town’s name into the search engine. When the screen came up with the hits and the nickname of the town, Liz drew in a deep breath. “Please be safe, Dean.”


Two Days later and Liz still couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach. She had become so tense that she didn’t want to be by herself in the apartment or in the office so she had come out to work in the café. Of course that had lasted all of five minutes before Michael and Maria had interfered, and insisted that she stay off of her feet. So to get Maria to leave to go home, Liz set up herself in the back booth of the café with the books and supply lists and went over the ordering with Michael.

Michael looked up from the order sheet and noticed Liz wasn’t paying attention to what she was looking at. That in itself was uncommon but more so today because Michael had seen her do it a few other times. There was something up with Liz, all of them had seen it but she had avoided talking to them about it. “Liz?”

The sound of her name seemed to snap her out of her trance. “Yeah, Michael?”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?” Liz inquired as her hand came to her protruding stomach and tried to soothe the active child within.

“Because you’ve been staring at the front windows for the last five minutes.” Michael answered. “Are you trying to tell me the closing staff needs to do a better job at washing the windows?”

Liz smiled at him. “No, the café looks good.”

“Then what is it?” Michael asked. “The last couple of days, you’ve been off. You come down to the café as soon as you get off work and stay until after closing, making Maria nag over how you should be sitting down more and resting…”

“I’m fine.” Liz insisted, just as she felt the baby kick her again and a small pain started in her back.

“Yeah, well Kyle’s last report from the doctor yesterday didn’t say that. He said your blood pressure is high and you and the baby are showing signs of stress.” Michael declared as he watched her try to shift around in the booth to get more comfortable.

Liz rolled her eyes. “Kyle needs to stop being such a snitch, he’s worse than Isabel.”

“He’s just keeping an eye on you, you know since you refuse to tell your husband that you caught preggers…” Michael stated.

“Michael…” Liz griped but he cut her off.

“I know why you did it Liz, and out of everyone you know I support you the most in that.” Michael declared truthfully. Ever since Liz had first started to get her visions, he had trusted them. They had kept them out of hot water with the Feds after Tess’s disastrous return and many times after so when she had a vision, Michael listened.

When she had announced to the group that she was pregnant followed up by the add-on that Dean did not know and she had no immediate plans to tell him, Michael had been the only one to not jump down her throat as to why. He could tell by her face that there was good reason and waited for her explanation. After her description of the vision she had seen Maria and the others had stopped arguing with her about telling Dean, knowing that she was doing what she had to to hopefully save the lives of her brother in law and husband. Even if it meant lying to him and Dean missing out on the baby for a little while.

“I know Michael, and you don’t know how much I appreciate it.” Liz replied.

“So then tell me what’s going on now.” Michael commanded. “And don’t tell me nothing because I see it on your face every time you hear that bell ring over the door. You’re waiting for Dean to show up.”

Liz opened her mouth to argue but instead switched to the truth. “Two nights ago, I woke up in a cold sweat after a dream. I don’t know what it was about, which is weird because I always remember at least something of my dreams, but not this one.”

“That’s not all that strange.”

“No, but the feeling I had after it is. It was like I was on the edge of a vision but nothing ever came.” Liz explained. “However ever since that night, I can’t shake the feeling that something big is going on. Something with Dean.”

“Did you call him?” Michael asked.

Liz nodded. “Sam too. But neither one of them have answered my calls. The locator on Dean’s phone was broadcasting a signal the night that it happened, but hasn’t moved since then.”

“Did you call the backup? That hunter Dean told you to call.” Michael questioned knowing that Dean and Liz had contingency plans in place for if something happened and had to get a hold of each other but were unable to.

“Bobby? No. But if Isabel is still unable to dreamwalk Dean tonight, I will.” Liz stated as she began to slid out of the booth only to be stopped by Michael’s hand. “What do you need Liz, I’ll get it for you?”

“Well I need to pee; can you do that for me?” Liz answered and then couldn’t help but laugh at the Michael’s face at her answer. He moved out of the way and she made her way into the restroom.

A few minutes later as Liz came back through swinging doors, the bell over the front caught her ear and she looked over just in time to see the very surprised face of Dean.

So I hope that was worth the wait. May was beyond crazy for me.

So did you guys notice the change in Liz's visions? I'm sure you guys have already figured out why.
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