Specimen (AU T/K Adult) (Complete)

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Post by greywolf »

The icy draft from the ventilators caused goose bumps on his arms and back, but it wasn’t himself that he was worried about as he looked quickly back to the teenaged girl on the mat. It was her. He figured she’d only barely gotten out of shock from the drugs….her body wouldn’t tolerate the cold well. Kyle had gotten a merit badge in survival skills, and knew the dangers of hypothermia…and that the risk was increased by drugs like the tranquilizers they’d both been given. But Kyle was larger and awake…capable of moving around and generating heat by muscle activity. But the girl was spread out flat…maximum surface area for cooling…. And with the drugs on board, she probably wouldn’t even be able to shiver. The creeps who ran this place had already almost killed her…now they were putting her life at risk again.

“Alright guys….this is NOT funny. Turn the heat back on. It’s getting cold in here and you’re going to put her back into shock.”

In the control room Higby turned toward Carlson, the question obvious on his face. “Let’s see if proximity can affect the young man, even if reason can’t,” said Carlson with a smile. “We really have nothing to lose. Her ability to regenerate should keep her safe from the cold. Perhaps the biological urges of the boy will be stronger if we can force them together…”

Kyle looked around the room desperately for a blanket…a towel…for anything. But the only thing that wasn’t cold metal…and getting colder by the minute….was the pad she was on and the girl herself. The only thing that was …except for him.

Tess had endured the touch of her captors through the vinyl suits for years…controlling her terror through sheer force of will so they wouldn't realize she was feigning unconsciousness.

But her willpower almost failed her when her mate grabbed her right wrist and left ankle and pulled her onto her side...not because of terror but simply because his closeness felt so pleasant. Even though his hands were starting to get cold they somehow warmed her to her very core.

She was unsure exactly what he was doing at first although in the review of dictionary entries associated with mating she’d found some truly fascinating cross references….and it was hardly like she wasn’t willing….

As Kyle rolled her over on her side he positioned her knees near her chest….decreasing her exposed body area as much as possible. The survival text had said shared body warmth but as he started to spoon around her he was pretty sure that the boy scout manual had not contemplated the exact circumstances of THIS survival situation.

At least he wasn’t face to face with her…he’d found that more than a little disconcerting. He’d always considered himself an honorable guy but ….'Good Lord the gal was sexy…'.his body was hard to control when he looked at her.

The twin imperatives of life are to survive and to reproduce and he wanted her to survive. Even so, as he pressed his chest against her back and curled up around her he was having difficulty keeping his mind on just the survival part. And as he spooned up to her back it was like the cold suddenly vanished. He realized suddenly he’d never felt quite so comfortable. ‘That’ll change,’ he told himself. ‘When she does wake up and feel a naked guy cuddled up to her back….’ No…Kyle wasn’t looking forward to that scene….not a bit.

Tess figured it out as he brought himself near her…and wasn’t even disappointed really. He didn’t yet know she had chosen him…and yet he was still trying to protect her from the cold. That was the second kind thing anyone had ever done for her…and Kyle had done them both. She quickly extended the envelope of her warmth to include him...after all, he was hers now.

You’ve chosen well…’ Tess told herself. Of course…she’d also have to tell him, otherwise he seemed too honorable to ever start the mating process….
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Post by greywolf »

  • eight and a half years earlier

    Physiologically she was over seven years old, but then she’d started at six and spent almost a whole year in a drug-induced coma. It was her sixth chess game played against an observer…she could tell because their timing was different from that of the computer. They tended to move quickly at first…she assumed from a memorized series of opening moves, and then slower once the game developed.

    Tess had sacrificed several power pieces to move a knight and a rook into a position of advantage, and she was two moves away from checkmate, when the opponent simultaneously moved both the king and the rook. It would still be a year before she would see the dictionary and know the name of the move….castling. It was a move rarely done…and she’d simply never encountered it before.

    To move the king in chess from its own square two empty squares to one side and then, in the same move, bring the rook from that side to the square immediately past the new position of the king.

    All at once she found herself down several major pieces and in a position of considerable disadvantage. Perhaps the ordinary seven year old would have quit the game…declaring it unfair. But life to Tess had never been fair…not from her very first moment of consciousness as the scalpel blade had sliced from the bottom of her sternum to the top of her pubic bone.

    Perhaps it was because she didn’t know that life was supposed to be fair that she battled back in 15 moves to parity and to checkmate her opponent in seven more.

Kyle didn’t immediately notice that the cold had gone away completely, his mind was on other things. Like how to keep close enough to the girl to keep her warm but not do anything that would further encourage his body to react to her….and it really was an accident that as he was maneuvering his pelvis to kind of keep it from getting too close to her, his right hand slipped down onto her breast. He felt the change in her breathing rhythm immediately and knew she was awaking. As he struggled to think of something to say to explain all this…that they’d both been drugged and abducted…and that the present situation of the two of them naked on the pad cuddled up with his hand on second base was actually completely innocent…something he wasn’t completely sure of himself…he heard the voice in his head…not just the words…but the emotion that went with the words….

*I choose you KyleValenti for my mate. Do you wish to mate now…or must we first perform rituals?*

Kyle was probably no more xenophobic than most humans…but that can be pretty xenophobic indeed. But when you are an almost sixteen year old male, snuggled up to the most beautiful creature you have ever seen…when you have held her in your arms and covered her lips with yours…and when she indicates a desire to mate with you...and when you can tell from the feelings that come with the words that she REALLY means it….somehow screaming in horror and running away isn’t the first thing that comes to your mind.

*How much of what they told me was true, Tess?*

*Well…I am artificial…..and not entirely human…but I don’t think they created me. And I don’t think they will let you leave here alive if they can prevent it. So do we mate now KyleValenti…or perform rituals.*

Kyle gritted his teeth. A teenage boy's dream come true...and he couldn't bring himself to take advantage of her. Talking to Tess was like talking to a child…there was so very much she didn’t understand. And he figured it might be best to break it to her slowly….

*Uh….we have rather a lot of rituals to perform, Tess. Some…well, I’m not sure we can even do some of them here…and I guess under the circumstances…well you might as well call me Kyle.*

Tess was too happy with the moment to let the delay in mating bother her. She still didn’t want the observers to know she was conscious, so she contented herself with a telekinetic push against Kyle’s back bringing him somewhat more firmly against her.

The force from in back surprised Kyle as it pushed him gently against her back and buttocks. The feeling that came from her mind did too. Tess loved him...or at least thought she did. Soon, in his mind, it sounded like Tess was….purring. It was twenty minutes before he realized she had fallen asleep cuddled against him.

Kyle carefully extricated his right hand from where it had managed to lodge itself and just held her softly. He'd seen into her soul and there was no threat there...but the innocence was almost as frightening...given the circumstances....
Tess was indeed a child and Kyle was determined not to take advantage of her...
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Post by greywolf »

The small window on the computer screen in the Specimen holding facility said Hour 1 Day 3647 as Kyle awakened in the darkened room and he again felt instantly guilty. Twice during his sleep he had awakened to find his body snuggling against hers...his right hand cupping her breast. It wasn't like he'd been trying to grope the girl...but somehow his body had just worked itself around during the night and apparently found the position...comfortable.

Each time he'd slowly withdrawn his hand to place it against his own side...but somehow in his sleep his body just seemed to instinctively want to get closer to her. This morning it was a different sort of problem. Her left leg had somehow pushed back in her sleep and he had awakened to find his right leg on top of it...their thighs in contact in an erotic closeness like he'd never known...a closeness that was threatening to drive his body wild if he didn't terminate it. He slowly moved his leg off hers...back on top of his own. His right arm was around her protectively...at least that hadn't decided to cop a feel this time.

He knew it was'nt really him doing this...that somehow the warmth of her...the smell of her...maybe even the residual of the drug in his system was somehow stimulating his body to act like this in his sleep...but even so...he felt guilty. Perhaps it was the pleasure he felt in those few moments before he was completely awake and realized what he was doing that caused the guilt. If so....well, he had to admit it was worth it.

As she felt his leg pull away from hers Tess felt a brief sense of loss...but quickly resigned herself to it. She'd known that it wouldn't last forever. In fact...she felt a little guilty about what she'd done during the night...but it had been worth it.

She'd sensed that Kyle had been unwilling to mate with her and had she not felt the feelings that came with that rejection it probably would have devastated her. His body did want her...as did most of his mind....there were just details she really didn't yet understand. But the feeling was like when he had tried to help her breathe and tried to keep her warm...he'd believed he was protecting her....this time protecting her from himself. It was an amazing...and an amusing...notion to Tess, but he was her mate and so she'd decided to indulge it...at least for now. Like castling in chess, there was much she needed to learn about the mating rituals.

The guilt was there...but the enjoyment had been great. For years she'd practiced on the people who had come to do the medical procedures on her...she called it mindwarping. She knew she could compel them to do things. She'd never made them do anything really out of the realm of their normal activity....she couldn't with the observers watching...but she knew that she could play them like puppets if she ever got the opportunity to do that unobserved.

Of course, she'd never do that with Kyle. Forcing him to mate with her....well, she'd caught how he felt when he'd said the word rape...she'd never MAKE him do that.

Still...encouraging his sleeping body to hold hers....to move his leg against hers....she couldn't believe the happiness she'd felt...
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Post by greywolf »

In the control room....a mile away.

'Hour 1 Day 3647,' thought Dr. Carlson. 'I wonder just how many minutes that boy has left?'

The monitor didn't show a very good picture...the infrared cameras never did. The wavelength had relatively poor resolution, even normally. But by turning down the heat Carlson had greatly increased the contrast between the cold metal of the room and the two figures on the bed and that made this picture particularly bad...little more than two formless blurs. Even the pad they were on didn't help much....too damn much contrast even with that. Because of that, the warm glow from the two figures on the bed seemed to merge even more than usual for infrared imaging...

Carlson realized his irritation at the boy was unreasonable...hell, he was only a pawn in this game...a bit player to be used and discarded. He just wished the kid would have been more...cooperative. But at least Carlson was going to be there to watch the coming...interaction.

Carlson wondered what form that interaction would take. He'd seen the old videotapes dozens of times...the staff exploding away from the small body during the vivisection....and later the guards being driven insane by the creature. Carlson wasn't a medical doctor..he was a shrink...and he had been queasy himself when he'd seen the scalpel cut in to the creatures living flesh...exposing her internal organs.

But what it had done to the guards....they'd had nothing but nonlethal weapons...trank guns and TASERs...and she'd practically driven them all insane. But even they were bit players, he had to admit. It had been simpler to dispose of them than to cure them and in fairness they probably were as well off dead as in quarantine for life. But even so....he held the creature responsible. But the only way to learn about its power was to observe. He'd waited all night for the attack to come...wondering if it would be physical or mental. He was hoping for the latter actually...it was more in his field....but either way, it would help them understand how the creature thought and help them decide how to train the creatures offspring and there WOULD be offspring, Higby had made that clear.

Although the creature would undoubtedly make quick work of this boy and he'd likely be in a body bag in the contaminated holding area up on level two in a few hours, the creature WAS going to have offspring, even though they'd probably wait until her next fertile period to artificially inseminate her. Carlson looked at the monitor again.

"Too bad, kid. You had your chance....but you had to be an Eagle Scout..."

Even with the degraded resolution of the infrared cameras, Carlson could see some movement occurring in the room. He wondered if he should speed things up by turning on the room lights a few minutes early...then decided he wouldn't bother. It wouldn't be long now...
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Post by greywolf »

It was the end of a long miserable night for Jim Valenti. He’d been at his desk the whole night and dozed off once for about a half hour…awakened by a nightmare that hadn’t stopped when he woke up. Although it was still early in New Mexico, FBI headquarters was on East Coast time, and he’d made the call to ask about the GAO contract on the darts. He’d gotten through but sort of been given the run around. While there was sometimes friction between the local police and the FBI in kidnapping cases, he really hadn’t expected it this time. But it almost seemed like they were slow-rolling him. He was uneasy as he hung up the phone …hesitating for several minutes before looking up the number in his address book. The phone rang five times before the voicemail picked up….

“Hello, this is Alan Freemore at the Ogden Air Logistics Center Procurement Office. The office is currently closed but your call is important to us. Please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as the office is open.”

Jim felt kind of foolish. Utah was on the same time zone as New Mexico, and it was far too early for Alan to be at work. They’d met in Junior College and been good friends once. He’d last seen Alan when he’d gone to a law enforcement seminar in Salt Lake City two years ago. He’d done a favor for Alan once…hopefully he remembered it.

“Alan…Jim Valenti out in Roswell New Mexico. I’d appreciate your help looking something up….A GAO contract number 26467 to Pney-dart company. I’d like a list of all the government agencies that bought using that contract if I could get it….it has to do with a case we have going on out here….” He finished with the Fax number for the office….and then the intercom buzzed.

“Sheriff…you have a call on line three….the FBI.”

Jim was surprised that they’d gotten back to him so fast, the first man had sounded like bureaucracy in inaction…but this FBI agent couldn’t be more helpful. The man said he was sending him a copy of all purchases made on that account and expressed his condolences over Kyle’s apparent abduction…he seemed genuinely concerned. He stayed on the line even as the fax machine spit out the requested information, but as Jim scanned it, he was pretty sure the list wasn’t going to be helpful. A lot of purchases by zoos and fish and wildlife people…but none within 500 miles of Roswell. The agent agreed with him…it looked like a dead end…but said they’d keep looking….as long as it took.

“Thanks Agent Price. I---I really appreciate that,” said Jim Valenti.

Ten minutes later Alan Freemore entered his office and hit the button to play the messages…surprised to hear Jim Valenti’s voice. He owed Jim a favor…a big one. He’d get to that first thing…
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Post by greywolf »

Hour 1 Day 3647

Yesterday had been a nightmare. He’d been drugged…abducted… lectured to by lunatics…encouraged to commit a terrible crime. But Kyle had a hard time considering it a nightmare as he woke up with his arms around her…bizarre as the situation was the night had been pleasant enough in a guilty sort of way.

*Tess…are you awake?*

*Mmmmm…yes, Kyle* she said, her body moving softly backwards into his.

He noted the mental purring was back for a second as she did so, wondering if it were some sort of reflex action. He was having trouble controlling some of his own reflex actions as well. ‘She’s not being seductive,’ Kyle reminded himself, ‘..just innocent.’

*Tess, ….what can you tell me about this place? The people who have us locked up?*

Tess felt his body respond to her presence and smiled in the darkness. That wasn’t actually something she’d ever done before choosing him for a mate…smile, that is. She was starting to like it.

It was normal that he’d have a lot of questions and she realized he wasn’t really ignorant…he knew far more than she did…but she also wasn’t sure he appreciated yet just how ruthless their captors were.

Tess wanted to respect the traditions of her mate….she really did….but it was pretty plain that the observers had erred in thinking he would mate without her choosing him….that he would force her. But she feared for what would happen to him if she didn’t at least give the observers some hope that he might. Besides…she kind of enjoyed seeing him fighting to control his body’s attraction to her….in a guilty sort of way that was…

*We are being observed…all the time…the noises we make monitored as well* she thought...feeling the warmth of him at her back...snuggling softly against him.

*I saw the microphone and the camera at the computer…do you know what parts of the cell it can’t reach?”

*It’s not just those…there are cameras in each corner of the ceiling…visual light and infrared…directional microphones with them as well. They can see everything we do…night and day….and hear every word we speak. The only privacy we have is being able to communicate when we are connected.* she thought, as she felt his body start to respond to her touch.....

As the lights went on a horrified Kyle looked at the camera lenses in the corner staring down at him, pushed himself away from Tess and suddenly went flaccid.

“Peeping-tom son’s of bitches…” he muttered looking up at the lenses.

Tess thought the statement over briefly before deciding that his comment was an epithet. She thought it highly unlikely Kyle really thought the observers were partly of the species canis….

She tried to not visibly smile. It was fun having a mate….even if they still had rituals to do before it was finalized. It was going to be a wonderful day.
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Post by greywolf »

Kyle had been on athletic teams since Little League and Pee Wee football but even in gym locker rooms there are vestiges of privacy. While you may shower with a few dozen others…and perhaps worry about the occasional rolled up wet towel snapping you in the butt…they were at least all of the same gender. But even there you had stalls around the commodes, and you pretty much kept your eyes front at the urinal. But as Tess got out of bed and went to the commode, Kyle had to wonder what kind of perverts would watch her constantly…from all four corners…or so it appeared from the lenses in the ceiling. He looked away, trying to give her some privacy even as he realized that other eyes were watching her…hell, they probably had years of video on her. He saw out of the corner of her eye as she used the bidet…embarrassed to think that he was probably going to have to get her to explain THAT particular fixture to him, before going to the shower.

It was sort of like an old National Geographic Magazine he thought, where the natives ran around without clothes because that was their custom. The girl was totally innocent…that is she was without even modesty…most likely because she’d never had any privacy in her whole life.

Kyle turned his back to her as he used the toilet, but as he went to wash in the small sink he found himself facing her…
My God she’s beautiful,’ he thought. With the exception of the time that Pamela Troy had lost her bikini top in a jump from the high dive at the Roswell municipal pool, he’s not ACTUALLY seen a girl bare-chested before coming here..and even then she’d stayed in the water until she’d gotten it back on. Oh sure, he had his collection of Playboy’s amd Maxim’s stuffed between the box spring and his mattress of his bed at home…but even those images that he’d lusted over from time to time since sixth grade didn’t begin to compare with Tess…

Kyle had a hard time forcing his eyes away from her…she couldn’t have looked more seductive if she was trying. ‘Not going to happen…,’ he told himself….trying to keep certain parts of his body from believing it. He looked up at the lenses…well that certainly helped him keep his impulses under control…the thought of those bastards looking down at them. He looked at Tess and shook his head…. ‘Poor kid…No wonder she thinks she loves me. I’m the only one she’s ever met except for some of those assholes. It doesn’t take much to look good when THAT’S the only competition.

He looked at her again…then quickly looked away. ‘God…she IS beautiful,’ he thought again. The shower didn’t seem to have any method of turning it on other than standing in the center of it, he noticed. He was hoping you could at least adjust the temperature. He was feeling a sudden need for a very cold shower….

Arousal….that was the word…,’ Tess remembered as she watched Kyle out of the corner of her eye…
  • ’Cortical vigilance or readiness of tone, presumed to be in response to sensory stimulation via the reticular activating system’.

…and in this case sexual arousal
  • Sexual arousal noun
    the arousal of sexual desires in preparation for sexual behavior

As she felt the warm water trickle over her breasts and down her abdomen she was certain that was the dictionary entry that was applicable. She fought back the urge to grin as Kyle’s arousal was becoming substantially more obvious that the nose on his face….as the saying went.

She’d started this because she was afraid….afraid of what the observers might do to Kyle once they discovered he was not only unwilling to attempt to force her to mate, but that he wanted all the appropriate rituals completed before they did mate. Tess wanted that too…at least she thought she did…but the observers were ruthless…Kyle had yet to understand just how ruthless…and she wanted to make the observers think there was at least some chance that a mating would occur before too long.

As she rubbed the water over her body to cleanse herself she looked again at Kyle…pleased that he was attracted to her…and briefly dreamed that the hands touching her were Kyle’s…

Oh….,’ she thought…, ‘…apparently arousal works both ways….,’ She didn’t want to stop…seeing how it affected him….but she felt a warmth and tension growing in her…a tension seeking a relief she couldn’t give it without her mate’s help. Quickly she pulled heat from the water and dissipated it into the cold metal beneath her, cooling down the stream of the water. That helped…a little, anyway.

As she stepped out of the shower area her hand touched Kyle’s shoulder lightly for just a second… *Your turn in the shower, Kyle*
Last edited by greywolf on Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by greywolf »

The desire that flared in him from her brief touch frightened Kyle. 'She's just a child, Kyle,' he told himself. 'Even if she is as old as you, being raised in a cage...isolated for her entire life.... You thought it was bad when SHE left...' the memory of that day still bringing a surge of pain, even after 11 years, 'Hell, Tess didn't EVER have a mother, didn't have a father to care for her, just these assholes who tossed you on her like she was some prize Heifer they wanted serviced. She's a human being, Kyle...far more human than they are. And she deserves a choice.'

And it wasn't that he really wouldn't want to be that choice, Kyle admitted to himself at last...it was rather that he wasn't her choice. He was merely all she had and that was far different from being her choice.

There were probably three billion guys in the world and the captors had simply picked the first clown they found cutting through a park on the way home from a baseball game, drugged him and dragged him off. The odds of him actually being the one for Tess, if she'd had a normal life, were infinitesmally small.

Kyle was honest with himself. Eagle Scout or not, had Tess been a freshman at West Roswell....if she'd had any sort of a normal life, he'd probably be doing anything he could to provoke in her the feelings she thought she had for him now. But that wasn't the case, and wishing it was so wouldn't make it the case. He wouldn't....couldn't....take advantage of her innocence like that.

'But God, she is beautiful...' he thought watching her pull some sort of food out of a small cubicle whose door had slid open when she'd touched the button above it. He looked away quickly...wishing the damn shower had a valve to lower the temperature. The water was, as nearly as he could tell, body temperature....that is, the same as Tess's. Not exactly the thought he needed right now. So instead he looked up at the lens in the nearest corner of the room, trying to visualize the face of the person looking at them through it. Then he visualized his fist smacking in to that face time and time again. It seemed to help.
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Post by greywolf »


The phone was called a STU-III, and it used 128 bit encryption technology. It wasn't the latest in secure communications gear, but it was plenty good enough. No doubt the super computers at the NSA could crack a conversation over this phone...with only a day or two's diligent effort, but there was certainly no one else that was going to hear this conversation...no one that is without the appropriate key.

"Hello..." Dr Higby answered, barely awake. He'd gotten to bed late last night after a pretty lousy day....thanks in large part to the two oafs who'd clearly picked the wrong kid.

"Dr. Higby...," the voice, Higby recognized, was that of Dr. Carlson. He tended to be excitable at times...and this was apparently one of those times.


"About the boy...the Valenti boy..."

"Yes, that was an unfortunate choice. Make sure those idiots secure his remains in the contaminated materiel holding facility...I'll autopsy his body and review the tapes of his death later. Perhaps we can at least get some information about the creature from determining how the lad was killed..."

"Uh...Tess hasn't killed him yet...."

Higby winced in annoyance at the use of T.E.S.S. as a name, but he sometimes did it himself. "She hasn't awakened...?" he asked, still not quite sure how he'd overdosed her so badly.

"Oh, she's awake enough..."

"And she hasn't yet attacked him? Does she appear to still be under the influence of the drug?'

'No...actually. I'm not sure what she's doing. If I thought she was human...well...I'd suspect she was flirting with him...."

"I'll be right there..."
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Post by greywolf »

It was actually almost an hour later before a skeptical Dr. Higby was at the monitor screen in the observations room.

"Well, I must admit I'm surprised she hasn't killed him, but chess is hardly what I would call ...foreplay."

An excited Dr. Carlson shook his head. "You didn't see her trying to attract himn in the shower...helping him learn how to get food from the machine...and even the chess...she put it on manual manual mode...she's never done that...to teach him how to play. They've played six games and he'd won two...and they appear to be headed toward a stalemate on this one."

"So he's not altogether an idiot...surprising for a high school athlete I suppose, but he's still wasn't bright enough to inseminate her when he had the chance. There's no telling what she'll do if he tries it now."

"You don't understand...," said Carlson. He looked at one of the observers on duty and asked, "Can you tell me how many games of chess Tess has played in her lifetime?"

The man punched the keyboard for several seconds retrieving the data. "That would be 47,128 chess games, Dr. Carlson. 42,407 against the computer, 4721 against humans....not counting the current one, of course."

"And how many of those games has she lost?" asked Carlson.

"Counting the two today?"

"Yes, yes, of course, counting the two today..."

"Well, that would be two.."

Carlson looked at Higby with a grin. "She's letting him win...stroking his ego. I tell you...Tess is attracted to him. It's only a matter of time."

Higby watched the two play chess for several more seconds...it did appear this game was going to be a stalemate. "Well...it's probably too late in her cycle for her to be fertile right now anyway...we can give them a month...see if our specimen can bring the young fool around. It will be interesting to watch at that..."

In the room, Tess was trying hard not to let Kyle get the stalemate. He was a fast learner...but not really THIS fast. She'd let him win the one game...trying to motivate him. The second one he'd won because she'd made a truly stupid move....he was so.....distracting. This game was almost as bad...she'd spent so much time just lost looking in his eyes....dreaming about the life they'd have together...that he'd gotten several of her most powerful pieces. She had concentrated and was coming back, but he'd gotten her into a war of attrition that was going to leave her with only a pawn and a king, and him just with a king. She pressed the attack, but he retreated in to a corner where she could not put his king in check, and he could not move it without going in to check. Though she had an apparent advantage...it wasn't real.

"Stalemate," said the computer.

And that's what Tess knew it was. If something didn't change, she wasn't sure they'd ever mate. She needed to learn more about the rituals he needed.

'Maybe tonight, when we can communicate in private...,' she thought.
Last edited by greywolf on Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.