Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 35 3/25/09 *Complete*

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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 30 10/9/08

Post by jake17 »

darkmoon :wink:
Ythaler 2x
orphyfets 2x
forever dreamer
angelina 2x
roswellian love
Lena 2x
roswell 3053

WOW! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all this amazing fb. I have no idea what I did to deserve all of this but I really appreciate it everyone! I hope I don't disappoint you all! :shock:
thanks so much!
Carrie :D

Chapter 30.

“What the hell is going on?”

“I hope it’s alright that I called you Michael. I didn’t know what to do.”

“You did the right thing Adam.”

“Oh my god what happened in here!”

“Maria your guess is as good as mine. Zan came over to borrow something from us then we heard all this noise. It sounded like a train ripped through his apartment. We thought maybe they were fighting but that doesn’t make any sense. He was calm when we saw him, there was no time for a fight. Besides all this damage wouldn’t be over a fight. I have a bad feeling.”

“So do I …where is Liz?”

“I don’t know I opened the door just as Zan was running through the hall. I didn’t see her anywhere.”

Maria looked up at Michael with tears in her eyes.

“Oh my god Michael what if?”

Michael put his arm around Maria and held her close as he looked at he wreckage Zan left behind.

“It’s ok Maria it’s going to be ok.”


“That was really good.”

“Kind of sad though.”

Ava smiled and wrapped her arm around Kyle’s shoulder.

“It’s just a movie Kyle.”

Kyle swallowed hard trying not to react to Ava’s touch.

The two snuggled closer on the couch as the credits rolled across the screen.

“I know. It’s just that they were so in love. And then it all fell apart.”

Ava’s expression saddened. Her thoughts were obviously miles away.

“People change, grow apart. Nothing good ever lasts Kyle. It’s just the way it is.”

Her arm slid back to her side as she looked off into the distance.

“Can I ask you a personal question Ava?”

Her mind still stuck in another time she causally answered him.

“I guess.”

“Was there something between you and Zan? Is that was you look so sad, because he’s with Liz now.”

Ava turned to him completely shocked. Thoughts raced through her mind as to what to say but her silence gave her away quickly.

Kyle nodded and looked at the floor.

“That’s what I thought. I can see it in your eyes when no ones looking. I can feel your pain when you see them together.”


Ava stood and walked to the bedroom. She leaned against the doorway not knowing what to say.

Slowly kyle approached her.

“Ava I’m sorry it’s none of my business. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

She stood completely silent as the tension between them grew to an uncomfortable state.

“Right. Ok I’m going to get some sleep. If there is anything you need …you know where to find me. I’m sorry Ava.”

Kyle laid on the couch and turned off the television. He was quietly beating himself up in his head when suddenly he looked to find her standing in front of him.

He immediately sat up as she took a seat by him.

“He never had … feelings for me. I was always like a sister to him. I think we were more of a comfort to each other actually. I knew he would never see me that way. It was just difficult, I mean… he really loves her.”

“It must be hard for you.”

“It’s cool he’s ok that’s all that matters. I’m just happy to be here Kyle. I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. Finding Zan the way I did and everyone being so nice to me. Taking me in helping me out.”

She moved closer to him as she stressed her next statement.

You have been so nice to me. I didn’t think life could be like this. I didn’t think people really took care of each other like this. Like you have done for me.”

“Can I ask you something else Ava?”


She turned to face him and was taken off guard how close he was to her. Their lips only inches apart.

“How do you feel about me?”

Her violet eyes focused in on his mouth watching as he slowly moved towards her. His hands gently cupped her cheek as he pressed on feeling no hesitation from her.

Ava’s heart was racing at the imminent kiss when a menacing voice shocked her out of his loving embrace.

“Fuck! Answer him Ava Will he be slumming tonight or what?”


A deep chuckled echoed off the walls, as Rath emerged from his seat in the darkened corner of the room.


Kyle immediately stood in front of Ava protectively.

“Kyle no!”

Within a blink of an eye he was flat on his back in a daze.

“If you want the boy alive you’ll put your hand down Ava. You know I can kill him before you even think about touching me.”

“Please don’t hurt him, I’ll do whatever you want.”

Kyle tried to raise himself from the ground and was quickly thrown back to the floor.

“No harm will come to your little toy Ava, as long as he stays where he is.”

“Kyle don’t move.”

Rath grabbed Ava by the arm and hurried toward the door.

Kyle tried desperately to move but was completely paralyzed.

“Please don’t! Don’t hurt her!”

Rath turned and smirked at kyle loving the power that he had over everyone at this point.

“That is entirely up to Zan. I need you to deliver a message for me. Listen up because I am only going to say this once. He has a choice. He can choose to save his sister or his queen. He can only choose one. The other will die a quick and painless death. In five days I will have Liz and Ava at two destinations. Only Zan can come to claim his prize. If anyone else shows up they both die. Since he is the King I am letting him decide who will live. If he comes alone I will release the lucky girl unharmed. Any plan to deceive me in any way and they both die. And believe me I will make sure it’s slow painful.”

Ava stumbled behind Rath looking back at Kyle with tears glistening in her eyes knowing what the obvious decision would have to be.


Maria and Michael stood in horror in Zan’s demolished apartment as Kyle told them of Rath’s devious plan.

“Oh my god Michael he has Liz!”

“What are we going to do? What if Lonnie is with him? Zan can’t be in two places at once. How are we going to save them?”

Kyle frantically paced as he kicked the broken glass out of his way in frustration.

Maria jumped as the wall beneath her hand began to crack and split open.

Everyone looked over at the doorway in silence as Zan quietly entered.

His head hung down towards the ground as his chest heaved with obvious apprehension. He had been searching every abandoned building he knew of for Liz. He decided to come back to the apartment to see if he could pick up on any lingering energy that Rath might have left behind.

He needed to keep moving to keep looking for her. He felt that if he stopped for a second the agony that was temporarily being pushed down by incomprehensible rage would destroy anything in his path. He needed to keep his head focused. The only thing that mattered was getting Liz back and destroying Rath.

He was silent as his mind tried to comprehend what he just heard from Kyle.

He had them both.

“Zan what are we going to do? He is going to kill one of them!”

Slowly Zan lifted his head up to meet all of their waiting faces.

Michael released Maria’s hand and walked up to him with a determined stare.

“You have to let me help you. I have powers. You need me.”

A mixture of pure fury and torturous pain covered Zan's face as he turned to walk away.

His voice was calm but it was clear that a powerful fury loomed just beneath his composed demeanor.

“I have to do this alone. I know them too well. They will be expecting you.”

“They? Do you think that Lonnie’s here too? Zan wait!”

Kyle looked to Michael pleading for him to do something.

Loose plaster fell from the fractured walls in Zan’s wake as he disappeared down the hallway.

“No not this time!”

Michael ran after Zan with Maria and Kyle quickly behind him.

He jumped in front of him blocking his passage.

“Mike you need to let me go.”

“No. I’ve already lost one brother I’m not going to lose another. You can't shut us out, Liz is family to us and now so are you. You can’t take them both on yourself, not in this situation.”

Zan lifted his black eyes to meet Michael's in acceptance.


Slowly Liz turned in the unfamiliar bed. As her body trembled in fear she reached out into the darkness to feel for her surroundings.

Her hand swept across the bare mattress as her heart pounded uncontrollably.

She stiffened as a deep chuckle blew her hair across her sweaty face.

“Looking for me already baby?”

Tears fell from her eyes one by one as the reality of her situation became increasing clear.

“I was going to give you a little time to settle in but hell if your ready...
Last edited by jake17 on Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 31 11/15/08

Post by jake17 »

Lena7 x2
darkmoon x2
angelina x2
forever dreamer
Dexter84 x2

I just found out that the day I posted this update November 15 was Scopio6, (Andrea's) birthday!! So I would like to send out a very special Happy Birthday wish to someone who always leaves me the most amazing supportive feedbacks! You inspire me to keep writing with your incredible kind words and faith in me! Thank you so much Andrea I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!
big hugs to you!
Carrie :D

This update is dedicated to my amazing and talented friend darkmoon. I love you sweetie! Thank you for all the support you've given me with this story, your faith in me is more than I deserve.

To everyone above thank you so much for your overwhelming support and Incredible fb!! Thank you also for voting for me for favorite portrayal of a Dupe. I started out writing this story because I was so fascinated by the complicated character of Zan and how amazing many of the writers above wove him into their
incredible stories. To have won runner - up for him is really a complement to all of you and everything I've learned about this multilayered dangerous but sensitive sexy man. I am honored that you all thought enough of my writing to vote for me. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Carrie :D

Chapter 31

As Ava slowly regained consciousness the first thing she noticed was her lack of mobility. As she tried to move her hands a sharp pain shot through her wrists.

It was pitch black as she tried to feel her way around her surroundings. From the loud sound of the metal clanging against the radiating heat she realized that she was handcuffed to a furnace.

Best she could tell she was in some kind of basement or underground room.

Taking in a deep breath she bellowed across the room yelling for Rath.

“Please talk to me! Please, I-I need some water Rath, please just tell me where I am.”

Silence was her only company as she rested her achy head against the humming sound of the heater.

Knowing that Rath would’ve thought of her powers she decided to try anyway. With great concentration she closed her eyes to no avail.

Her eyes filled with tears with the realization that no matter how bleak things were for her at the moment nothing could compare to the hell she knew Liz was facing.


Rath smirked as he traced the curve of her hip up to her trembling waist.

“Hmm so soft Liz.”

She whimpered as she pressed her face into the filthy pillow under her head.

The thin sheet that covered her body was not much of a barrier between them as he pressed his body against her.

Liz did her best to keep herself from him by curling up into a ball on her side but she could in every way feel Rath’s responding to her.

She squeezed her eyes shut as the stench of cigarettes and red bull drifted across her cheek.

Roughly his calloused hands griped around her ribs right below her breasts.

Liz swallowed deeply and resolved herself to remain quiet. She knew that begging and pleading would only heighten the excitement for Rath and she refused to give him the satisfaction.

Rath licked his lips as he cupped her breast in his hand gripping it roughly.

“You know I always wondered what he saw in you, but now I get it. You have a tight little body sweet thing. Lucky for me I have four more days to discover every inch of it.”

Liz bit through her bottom lip as silent tears swelled in her eyes. She could feel the warm metallic taste of her blood seep into her mouth as he groped her from behind.

When she felt him release her she thought maybe this was all to scare her. Surely he knew what Zan would do to him if he actually raped her.

Her relief was short lived as she heard the metal sound of his belt buckle releasing.

Quickly he turned her so she was lying on her back looking straight into the cold eyes of someone clearly bent on revenge.

Immediately he lifted his shirt over his head and pushed his knee in between her thighs forcing her shaky legs open.

On pure instinct Liz raised her hands and pushed against the dead weight of his chest.

Her stomach sickened as his hard cock pushed against the inside of her thigh. Bile rose in her throat as he ripped the sheet away from her body leaving her exposed to his roaming eyes.

Trying to think of anything to get him to stop she thought back to everything that Zan had told her about Rath and his jealously towards him. How badly he resented him and his power.

The thought of having someone else touch her, be inside her was unimaginable to her. Zan held her heart in his hands. Her body, her heart, her everything belonged to him. To Liz this was something sacred something that she would fight for …fight to the death for if necessary.

She opened her eyes wide glaring back at him with all the hatred and disgust she could muster.

“You’re pathetic!”

Her words hit him like a bolt of lightening. He expected her to be terrified, he expected her to beg for her life. Ordinarily he would’ve ignored her rants and preceded with his business but his curiosity got the best of him.

None of this made sense, this was once the dupes girl. This was the prissy little brain who coward at the sight of them, who held on to the dupe for dear life in the sight of danger.

Who was this fiery eyed woman staring back at him with rage and defiance.

Lifting his body up he looked back at her truly shocked by her behavior.

“Tell me you’re the one who’s pinned down and helpless so how is it exactly that I’m pathetic.”

Liz raised her head off the bed and stared up at him clenching her jaw refusing to show anymore fear.

“Is this the best you can do Rath? Are you so jealous of Zan that you need to pretend to be like him, needing to have what is his. Forcibly taking what is his? What kind of General chases after someone is who doesn't want to fight Rath? What kind of a man needs to force a woman to have sex with him. Are you that hard up that you need to rape a woman to get some sexual gratification? “

Liz shook her head as she lay back down and pulled the sheet back over her body.

“ No wonder you could never be King, No wonder the leaders of the other worlds wouldn’t even meet with you! You ask me why you’re pathetic. Look at yourself; you could never be the man that he is. No one will ever give you respect or care about anything you have to say."

Looking back at him as the pathetic bully he was an obvious sound of pity resonated through her calm voice.

"Yes Rath you are pathetic, a pathetic little boy."

He growled with rage as he fisted the sheets that covered her chest.

"Do what you want with me Rath but your fate will remain the same. In a matter of days if you make it out of this alive you’ll be back scurrying underground living in garbage wasting your life away like the rodent you are.”

“I think it's time you learned a little respect bitch! I’ll show you how jealous I am of him. Let’s just see if he wants his queen when I finish with you.”

Rath’s eyes turned black as he raised his fists in the air. Liz held her breath as she braced herself for the beating she knew was coming. She knew in her heart that bones and muscle would eventually heal but the scares of Rath violating what was special and sacred between her and Zan would be something she could never recover from.

As she felt his fist connect with her jaw she knew her plan had worked. Her thoughts drifted to Zan as the beating continued. She pictured herself safe wrapped in his strong protective loving arms. As blackness took over and she slumped over to her side Rath sat at the end of the bed sweaty and breathless as her blood dripped from his knuckles.

Suddenly the door whipped open and Rath stumbled out of the bed as he looked down at the ground not knowing what to say.


“She’s right you are pathetic.”
Last edited by jake17 on Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:28 am, edited 3 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 32 11/27/08

Post by jake17 »

forever dreamer
Scorpio x2
Vampyrolover86 x2
Jan x2


This update is for Vampy, no one has ever begged for an update from me before, this is here because of you. Hope so much I don't let you down. :)

A huge thank you to everyone for all this amazing fb. You just don't know how much it means to me.

love you d. :)

Chapter 32.

“Where is he?’

Maria looked up at Michael with her tear stained face and little hope.

“He’s on the roof …again”

“How long this time?”

“Four hours…he won’t talk to me Michael. You’re going to have to go up there and try, it’s getting closer we only have three days left.”

Michael brushed the hair away from Maria’s eyes and kissed the top of her head nodding quietly.

“Where’s Kyle?”

Maria rolled her eyes as the tears fell.

“Kyle is a mess, he thinks Ava’s as good as dead… that there’s no way Zan’s going to risk loosing Liz.”


He wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest.

“He’s been home praying for peace in her passing Michael, he won’t talk to me either. Everything is falling apart.”

Michael lifted Maria’s face so she could see the seriousness in his words.

“No one is going to die Maria, we will find a way out of this we always do.”

“Do we Michael? Because last I remember Max and Isabel left with a that bitch and we’ll probably never see them again. We couldn’t fix that problem. I can’t lose Liz… I can’t lose her.”

Michael pulled her in close trying his best to console her.

“That was different Maria. It was his choice to leave, and Isabel’s choice to go with him. No matter how we felt about it no one forced them to go. This is different, did you talk to Liz’s parents?”

“Yes, they think she's staying with me while my moms away, but I can’t put them off forever, I can’t keep making excuses why Liz can’t come to the phone.”

“Just a few more days Maria, then we’ll have her back and all this will be over.”

“And what about Ava Michael? What happens to her?”


They both turned towards the door shocked by the person staring back at them.

“You didn’t answer my question Michael. What happens to Ava!”

Kyle was furious his eyes red and blood shot from lack of sleep, his accusatory tone was obvious, he was certain Liz’s life would be the one spared.

“Kyle it’s Liz we’re talking about!”

“We can’t just let her die! There has to be another way Maria!”

“No one is going to die!”

“Really Michael? How exactly to you know this? Have you and James Dean on the roof figured out a way to save them? Exactly what have you been doing all night?”

Michael’s patience finally snapped as he rushed over to Kyle and fisted his shirt.

“I’ve been out with your dad searching abandoned buildings Kyle! I’m not curled up in the corner praying to some fat statue wasting my fucking time!”

“Stop it you two! This isn’t helping!”

Kyle leaned up against the wall and ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm down.

“I’m sorry, I just…I love her.”

“I know.”

“Where are you going Michael?”

He pointed to the ceiling and gave a weak smile.

“To the roof to talk to James Dean.”


In the darkness Michael could see the light from Zan’s cigarette burning and nothing else.

There were no stars or moon to light the flat roof that rose high over the sleeping town.

Walking slowly towards him he could feel the tension, the complete desolation that wrapped around his silent friend.

As he came closer he could make out the troubled form sitting on a chair bent over with his hands over his eyes. The torment was radiating off of him like steam. He stopped suddenly startled by his deep monotone voice.


“Yeah it’s me.”

“Did you find anything?”

“No, I’m sorry.”

“Wasn’t expecting you to, Rath isn’t that bright but he knows how to survive, he’s not going to make it easy.”

Not wanting to crowd him he kept his distance standing a few feet away.

“When is the last time you slept or had anything to eat?”

“You have to go now.’



“We need to talk Zan.”

“And we will but not now.”


Slowly he lifted his hands from his face and glared at Michael. His eyes were black as coal. His fists were clenched tight as he tossed his cigarette and lowered them to his knees.

Backing away Michael descended the stairs. The warning was clear.

Zan took a deep breath and sat up straight closing his eyes.

He had been trying for hours, he was exhausted but failure was not an option.

His rage was blocking the connection his was fighting to have with her. To find her he would have to push past the useless emotion and tap into the love they shared. It would be the only way she would be able to feel him.

The ground around the apartment building was littered with his many failed attempts at funneling his energy. Windshields were shattered across the parking lot, every street light busted.

Each time he would picture her in his mind, the image of Rath near her, touching her, it would tear down his control. Visions of what he would do to Rath flooded him and severed any attempt at finding her.

If he wanted to get to her he would have to reach deep down inside and find the will to relinquish his need for vengeance, look past the punishment that he knew at one point he would get the pleasure in raining down upon Rath.

After hours of suffering one frustrating attempt after another he finally knew what he had to do.

Reaching back into his memory he searched for that first night. The night he decided that he would find her. He recalled the walk to her balcony, the lamppost he stood by as he lit his cigarette and waited.

Waited for her.

Taking deep breaths he concentrated on this and only this night.

Slowly it was becoming clearer and clearer.

His heart began to pound in his hard chest, his breath quickened. His body was on fire as he noticed her shadow cross her window.

Pulling off his shirt he stood tall on the roof. His chest quickly rose and fell as she pulled the curtain to the side and revealed herself to him. Her choice was made and that was the moment he knew that she would be his forever.

Suddenly a brilliant white light dissipated the scene in front of him. He felt himself pulled to another time, another place.

It was working.

Daring to believe he called out to her hoping against hope that she would hear him.


His deep intense gravely voice drifted over her like the winds across the desert as she raised her bloody face. Unable to open her swollen eyes she cried out to him while desperately reaching out to the empty space in front of her. Beaten and emotionally drained she thought he was really there.

“Zan, you're here. I can't see you but I can feel you. I hear you."

Her voice was strained as she fought to speak past the burning pain of her constricted throat.

"I-I was brave Zan I didn't let him touch me. I am still only yours."

The unimaginable image of Liz lying filthy and seriously bludgeoned was painfully before him.

Tears of relief spilled from her as she once again tried to reach out to him.

Confusion and fear ripped through her when her hands reached out to an empty void once again.

"Zan? I-I don't understand...what-

Realizing what was happening he tried very hard to hold onto the very last of his control. He knew he had to sound calm, but knowing now what Rath had done to her he knew he couldn't hold on much longer.

"Angel, shh please don't cry. If he hears you he'll come back."

"But you're here, you've come for me. It's ok, everythings ok."

Shaking Zan desperately tried to hold on as he struggled to find the words.

"Angel I came to you through the connection we share, the connection that links us together."

"What, no that's not ...possible."

"Angel there isn't much time, do you know where you are!"

Devasted Liz fell against her pilliow, of course it was possible.

"I have no idea."

Her voice was barely audible as she rested in the only comfort she had. The feeling of him close to her, the sound of his voice. She had a feeling it would be the last time she would know him this way again.

"No angel you can't give up. I will find you."

Using the last of her strength she whispered softy to him.

"I was brave Zan, I fought him."

"I was brave."

Blinding light flashed before his eyes as he found himself once again on the black tarred roof.


Falling to his knees he succumed to the horrific pain that tore mercilessly through him.

For the first time in his young life he was unable to hold back the sting of tears that filled his eyes.

Lifting himself up he raised his head up to the sky and let his rage rip from his lungs in a guttural roar.

The waiting was over.
Last edited by jake17 on Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 33 1/01/09

Post by jake17 »

Hunter (Monica)
forever dreamer

OMG Thank you all for all of your bumps and constant reqests for more of this!!! I just can't thank you all enough!
I promise the next chapter is the rescue, so hang in there. :wink:
big love to Jan, lena, angelina, vampy, Monica and especially darkmoon who for some reason are always wanting more of this... love you so much!! I really appreciate the support!
love carrie
Oh just so you all know I'm holding my breath again praying that you all like this! :roll: :)

Chapter 33.

“Michael what’s happening!”

Maria grabbed his arm as she looked up at the ceiling. Bits of plaster fell all around them as the walls cracked and fire sparked from the outlets.

“It’s Zan, shit this can’t be good.”

“No it’s not good.”

“Zan what happen, what do you know?”

“Michael we have to go.”



Maria looked up at Michael scared to death as Kyle when over and held her hand.

“Just go with him, call us when you know anything. I’ll take care of Maria.”

“Thanks Kyle.”

Before Maria could react they were out the door.

“Kyle did you see his face? He knows something and he’s not telling us. It’s bad I know it’s bad!”

Kyle pulled her in for a hug and gave her words of comfort but his expression was racked with fear. For once he almost appreciated Zan’s lack of communication skills, from the look on his face was afraid to know the truth.


Michael chased after Zan as he charged through the parking lot towards his car.

“Tell me what’s going on Zan, where the hell are we going.”


Frustrated at being constantly kept in the dark Michael took the keys out of Zan’s hand.


“Are you fucking crazy? I don’t have time for this shit Liz is … she’s … fuck!”

Zan leaned up against his car and shook his head, it was as if he was trying to shake the horrible images from his memory.

Michael lowered his voice as he approached him trying to stay calm.

“Liz is what?” Resting his hand on his shoulder he lowered his voice trying to make him understand how much he cared. “Zan, please …I …I love her too”

Zan looked up at him with watery eyes then looked back at the ground.


“Get in the car.”

As they drove down the street towards the desert Zan tried desperately to light a cigarette but his hand wouldn’t stop shaking.

Flicking the lighter open and holding it steady Michael helped his distraught friend.


“She’s hurt. She’s hurt bad Michael. I don’t know how much longer she can hold on. I made a connection with her, I could see the blood everywhere, she was so…broken.”

His voice was barely audible as if it was painful to even say the words.

His black eyes stared out into barren starless night as he slammed his boot down hard on the gas peddle and sped down the abandoned road.

“Did he…

”No…but that’s why I think she’s so …hurt. I know Rath. I know he would expect her to be terrified…so terrified that she’d do anything he asked. That she’d just give in just submit to him. Having her that why would be the best way to …get to me. But she fought him, and he made her pay for it.”

A part of Michael was proud of her. He wasn’t so sure the girl that he knew a year ago would’ve been strong enough to go against Rath, It was obvious that Zan had changed her … or she changed herself.

“How bad is she hurt?”


Zan growled as he punched the driver’s side window shattering it instantly.

“I’m going to fucking kill him Michael.”

“Ok I’m all for that but where are we going?”

Zan hesitated taking a long drag off his cigarette.

“I’m not going to let her die Michael. Ava either.”

“Didn’t think you would Zan, again… where are we going?”

“He’s expecting me, said only I can save one of them.”

“Yes I already know that Zan.”

“So I’m going to be there to save them both.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean he’s going to see me rescuing Ava and Liz at the same time.”

“And you’re going to do this how?”


“Who’s there?”

Liz pulled the sheets up to her neck as she tried to see out of her swollen eyes.

“Hmm not so pretty anymore are you … Lizzy is it?”

Liz looked in the direction of the smooth female voice that was approaching her.


“Here drink this. It wouldn’t be much fun if you die before the big day now would it.”

Sitting on the bed Lonnie handed Liz a cup of water.

Liz quickly took the water and groaned as it slid passed her burning throat.

“So I hear you’re the smart one.”

Lonnie looked at Liz with curiosity and suspicion.

“If you’re comparing me to that dumb ass in the next room then yeah I’m the smarter one, don’t see that it makes much difference to you though.”

“Lonnie, what exactly do you think is going to happen after all this is over? You know Zan, do you really think he’s going to just walk away after what Rath has done. He’s not stupid you know that, he’s going to go after the two of you. Even if Rath is responsible, even if he went behind your back and ignored what you told him to do. I-I mean doesn’t it bother you that Rath put you in this position. I-I know this wasn’t your idea…I know that your not dumb enough to plan something so …stupid. That’s the truth … right? I could talk to him… make him see.”

“Hmm trying to play me and Rath against each other? Nice try Lizzy. You’re right I ain’t that stupid. I hate to be the one to tell you this but you’re having just a little too much faith in Zan”

Lonnie tilted her head in amusement and brought her face close to Liz waving her hand in front of her blind eyes.

“Oh yeah he’s doing a real good job rescuing you.”

She whispered close to Liz’s ear as she ran her fingers through her hair.

“You think you know him don’t you? You don’t know shit. Zan cares about Zan. I bet he ain’t even coming for you. Too much trouble, bet you he’s packed his shit and is out of this hellhole already.

“He’s changed.”

“I guess we’ll see won’t we, right now I think the only person coming for you is Rath.”

Liz pulled her face away from Lonnie and bit back her tears.

“If I were you, Id give him what he wants, he doesn’t handle rejection very well… but I guess you already figured that out.”

Liz jumped as the metal door slammed shut leaving her alone in the dark once more.


“Just let her go, she has nothing to do with this Rath.”

“She has everything to do with this!”

“No she doesn’t, what do you think he going to do if you kill her Rath. He loves her, no matter what you do you’re not coming out of this alive.”

Rath grabbed Ava by the back of her head twisting her hair around his fingers in tight fist.

“No Ava I think it’s you who’s not going to make it out of this alive. Tell me how does that make you feel? I think he’d sooner let you die than give up that little princess in there, guess you are just a little piece of trash,”

Rath slammed her head against the wall before walking towards the door.

Ava licked the blood from her mouth and cleared her throat choking out her next words.

“I may be trash, but I have people that care about me Rath. At least I’ll die knowing that, you’re going to die alone…tell me… how does that make you feel?”


As they pulled up to chain of rocks lining the dirt road dawn was breaking through the mountains and onto the faces of the two men that approached their car.

“Riverdog? Zan how is Riverdog going to help us?”

“He made a phone call for me.”

"You're doing the right thing Zan, have faith in the love you share with her."

Zan nodded as he approached the man standing next to Riverdog. He pulled off his sun glasses needing to see the strangers eyes.

“Are you sure you can do this?”

“I said I’d try. There is no guarantee that I’m going to be able to –

Zan fisted his stiff white collared shirt that was under his expensive Gucci suit and slammed him up against the hard stone behind him.

“Let’s put it another way, you do this or you die.”

Zan opened his fist watching as the breathless man regained his balance and straightened out his tie.

“No need for violence Zan. I can’t refuse your request... remember? It's just ...

"What Kal."

"You're sure this is what you want."

Zan looked across the barren desert to the steep rock that peirced the orange sky. Closing his eyes he pictured Liz in his mind beaten and close to death, he knew in his heart that Ava would give up her life in a second to save her ...for him, for his happiness. He understood at that moment what it really meant to love someone. He nodded believing in that love ...believing in Liz.

"I'm sure."
Last edited by jake17 on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 34 2/22/09

Post by jake17 »

angelina x2
forever dreamer
darkmoon x4
Detzer84 x8

OMG I really cannot believe the response I am getting from this story! I have no idea how to thank all of you! I'm so sorry for the long wait, this fic is very hard for me to write for some reason.. I'm praying that I don't let you all down.. I know I promised the rescue in this update but I felt like I would be rushing it.. It will be either in the next, if not definitely the one after that.

This update is dedicated to Detzer84 who bumped me 8 times! You are the reason I wrote today. Thank you so so much! :D :D

Oh and darkmoon Seki promised me sex tapes if I updated ... so um I'll be waiting :wink: :twisted: :D

Chapter 34.

Michael stood confused by the seemly secret conversation that streamed between Kal and Zan, once again he was in the dark.


“Well that’s going to be hard to predict-

“We’ve only got two days left, it has to be done by tomorrow night.”

“I’ll do my best Zan-

Zan punched the stone beside Kal’s face sending bits of rock in all directions, he turned and walked away glaring out into the vast desert.

“We have until midnight… you have until midnight Kal.”

Michael stared at Riverdog then at Kal in confusion.

“What does he want you to do? What does he have to be so sure of?”

Kal raised his eyebrows at Michael and adjusted his suit.

“Kid I feel your frustration but I think you need to talk Zan. I can’t …address this topic with anyone …if you know what I mean. Strict orders from the King, you might want to do him a favor and try to talk him out of it though, there is no science to this. This could all go horribly wrong. If it were me I would find another way, but of course it’s never up to me, no I have to run around answering to a twenty year old with tattoos and a tongue ring...

Michael looked back towards the car as the horn blared with Zan’s impatience.


“Go and talk with your brother, he needs you now, he is running on pure fury this will not get them back you must keep reminding him that love is the only way to save them.”


“Yes my son.”

More perplexed then ever Michael turned away and ran towards the car.

As soon as the door shut Zan took off down the road.

“Where are we going?”

“Back to my apartment, we need to talk to the others.”

“Talk …as in you tell us what the hell is going on?”

“We need to prepare.”

“We, as in Maria too?” Michael shook his head defiantly. “No, I don’t want her anywhere near them, she can’t be involved in this.”

“She won’t be in any danger, she's going.”

“That’s it stop the car.”

Just then Zan’s head fell back and his hands went limp falling from the steering wheel.


Michael immediately grabbed the wheel as the car swerved from lane to lane.

“Zan what’s wrong! Zan wake up!”


“So you think I’m stupid huh?”

Liz remained silent as she concentrated hard on Zan in her mind.

Rath hovered over her as he dug the dirt out of his fingernails with a switchblade

He lowered the blade to her throat and pressed his lips against her cheek.

“I think the real issue here is just how smart you are Liz.”

She squeezed her eyes harder closed as he grabbed her thigh and spread her legs apart.

Zan can you hear me?

Rath removed his hands only to bring them to his belt buckle.

She felt him smile against her face.

Zan I love you …but I can’t hold on …I can’t do this anymore…please I need you!

He could see everything. Rath’s body resting between her legs, the dirty blade as it pressed against her delicate skin, Liz’s tears as they spilled down the side of her face.

He knew what she was thinking, what she wanted to do.

No, don’t do it Liz!

She smiled as he finally came through to her. She could hear his desperate pleading voice begging her.

I need you Liz! Please just hold on till tomorrow! I will come for you…. I love you!

Liz opened her eyes and looked up at Rath.

A look of surprising calmness and strength covered her tearstained face as she felt his hard cock pressing against her bruised thigh.

Feeling the steel sharp edge scrape against her skin she knew what she had to do.

Liz please don’t!

Zan could see her hand begin to rise off the bed as she prepared to grab the knife and end her torment.

Michael sat helplessly as he watched Zan scream and claw at the air in desperation.

Liz! I love you!

Liz smiled softy as she returned his sincere words. I love you Zan...always.

Rath lowered his head taking his eyes off her just as he was about to thrust into her.

Liz raised her knee up as hard as she could and slammed it between Rath’s legs.

Grabbing the handle of the knife she slid out from beneath him as he curled up on the bed and growled in pain.


As quick as she could she grabbed the knife and shoved it into Rath’s back.

Zan gasped for air as his eyes flew open.

“What! What happened? What did you see?”

Zan’s head fell into his hands as he worked to catch his breath.

“Zan! Talk to me!”

He took a deep breath and raised his weary head back against the seat rubbing his eyes in agony feeling completely helpless.

“Is she ok?” Michael punched the seat grabbing Zan’s attention as his patience withered away. “Zan answer me! Is she still alive!”

“Yeah…I guess…I don’t know.”

Each word seemed to take the life out of him as he looked up at Michael.

“I thought she was going to kill herself …but…

“But what?”

“She fought him off again… Michael …she stabbed him.”

“Is he dead?”

“I don’t know.’

“Is she ok?”

“I don’t know.”


“Kyle what did Rath say?”

Kyle put the phone down and sat catatonically on the kitchen chair.

Maria sat beside him and rested her hands on his arm giving him time to digest whatever was just said to him.

“Just take it slow and tell me everything he said.”

“You really don’t want to know Maria.”

“Tell us Kyle.”

Maria let go of Kyle and threw herself into Michael’s arms.

“Michael I was so worried.”

Zan stepped closer to Kyle and impatiently asked him again.

“What did he say?”

Kyle looked straight ahead avoiding everyone’s eye contact as he repeated Rath’s words.

“He told me the location of where they’re going to be tomorrow night. He’s going to be at Sherman ridge, he’ll have Liz at the east end and Lonnie will have Ava on the west side. They will be there at midnight. You have to choose one. If anyone but you shows up ...they both die.”

“Well that’s pretty much what we already knew right?”

Maria tried to sound hopeful feeling the tension in the air.

“There’s more.”

Kyle put his head in his hands as he looked down at the table.

“What Kyle.”

“Well it wasn’t exactly what he said it was more what I heard in the background.”

Zan slammed his fist on the table forcing Kyle to look at him.

“Spit it out Kyle!”

“It was Liz …she was…. screaming. She was screaming for help Zan.”


“It’s my heart… please take me to the hospital. The ambulance will take too long.”

“But sir I think we should really wait-

“Young man I know your parents I am an elder what would they think if you defied me?”

“Fine, here lean on me and I’ll drive you.”

As soon as the employee of the quickie mart escorted Riverdog out the door Kal emerged from behind a display of snack food.

After feeling the wall for the entrance to the basement he ran down the stairs before momentarily stopping in his tracks.

He stumbled back as he looked at the enormous craft that was standing before him.

“A Spielberg movie in the pipe and I’m chasing down aliens.”
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Reckless (UC,L/Z, Adult) Chpt 35 3/25/09

Post by jake17 »

forever dreamer
DaleStateShorty x2

I want to send a huge thank you out to everyone above and all the lurkers out there who followed this story for so long. Thank you for the nominations and the tremendous support... you have no idea how much I appreciate all your amazing funny incredible fb. I hope no one is upset with how I ended this... it was always my intention to come full circle with this story...showing just how much Liz and Zan had grown.

thank you especially to angelina, Lena, Jan, Monica and my are all so special to me and I love you to pieces. :wink:

Chapter 35.

Riverdog looked up from his hospital bed at Kal who was profusely sweating and gasping for air.

“Is it done?”

Falling down on his knees Kal struggled against the bile that was rising up from his throat. Making a cringing gurgling sound he crawled towards Riverdog as the last of his alien breath seeped from his human mouth.

“It is.”

Riverdog sighed as he fell against his pillow and reached for the phone.

“You have one chance Zan, the window will only remain open for ten minutes, nothing can be guaranteed after that. You must arrive precisely at midnight. Too early and you run the risk of the both of you being seen at once. Too late and they will think you have chosen Ava and Liz will die. You must work in unison with him. Forget foolish pride and think of the love you feel for Liz. Most of all you must have no doubt in your heart for the love she feels for you. It will be your connection that will save all of you in the end.”

“I understand.”

“Remember you are not the scared little boy that hid in the sewers afraid and alone. Gather strength from the ties that keep you here, that made you the man you are today. I have faith in you, remember you are the true King whether you live your life as a human or reign over your kingdom that honors you to this day.”

Zan stared across the night sky as he closed his cell and took a deep breath. Since he could remember he lived his life looking out for himself pushing everyone else away. Afraid of getting hurt, afraid of trusting, now in order to save her he will have to have faith in the people around him. The people he has grown to know as his family and the stranger who shares his name.

Stepping onto the roof Michael quietly walked up to Zan. “You ok?”

“I’ll be ok when this is over and they’re back.”

Michael brushed his hand over his spiked hair and nodded.

Sensing Zan’s anxiety he turned and started to make his way down the steps.

“Everyone’s all set…just come down when you’re ready.”

Snapping out of his worried daze Zan called out to Michael stopping him before he disappeared.

Zan looked down at the ground feeling uncomfortable with what he was about to say.

“Are you going to be able to do what needs to be done if this goes south?”

Michael looked up at Zan without hesitation.

“I can do it Zan …just make sure I don’t have to …ok?”


When they reached the parking lot Maria and Kyle were just getting back.

“Is everything set?”

Kyle nodded catatonically as he brushed by Zan hitting his shoulder on his way back to the apartment.

Zan stood for a moment clearly receiving Kyle’s message.

With growing concern Maria clutched Michael by the arm and pleaded with him.

“I don’t like this plan … it’s too risky …what if they don’t buy it? I mean look at him! He’s going to know!”

Zan looked straight ahead as he got in the car and waited for Michael.

“Did Kyle and his dad rig the explosives Maria?”

With a defeated soft voice she answered him still pleading for Michael to change his mind with her watery green eyes.

Holding her steady in his arms he leaned down and gently kissed her as Zan started the car.

“It’s the only way. Don’t worry we’ll be back soon, everything will be ok Maria.”

Before she could argue Michael jumped in the old black Pontiac leaving her alone outside of the old apartment building. Wrapping her arms around herself she silently prayed for their safe return.


Looking at his watch Zan signaled for Michael to get under the seat.

“Remember if I don’t come out in ten minutes hit the switch-“

“Zan are you sure?”

Grabbing him roughly by the arm Zan drove his point home knowing that he couldn’t allow her to suffer any more and he would not allow Rath to just walk away.

One way or another he was going to pay.

“I’m not taking any chances Michael… if he kills her –“

Zan took a deep breath letting Michael’s shoulder go shaken by the very thought.

“I know Zan but I still don’t think it’s worth throwing your life away.”

“Michael …I’m not letting him walk out of this alive… I can’t do that. This is the only way I can be sure he pays for what he has done.”

“I understand.”

Michael nodded pulling the blanket over himself.

As Zan approached the east side of the mountain range he parked the car far enough so as not to spook Rath but close enough to be in Michael’s earshot.

“Remember ten minutes.”

“Just have faith Zan … he’ll come through I know he will.”

Getting out of the car Zan kept a calm out ward appearance but inside he was struggling to keep his emotions in check. Being this close to Rath was difficult for him …he wanted retribution; he wanted to make sure Rath felt the pain of a thousand deaths.

Raising his shaky wrist up he glanced at his watch again.

11:58 pm

Taking several deep breaths he began to walk towards the opening of the cave.

Coyotes in the distance howled against the starry dark sky. Zan looked all around him sensitive to every little noise as he prepared for anything to happen.

His muscles were flexed, his hands down by his sides in tight fists. Gaining control over his temper would be harder then he originally imagined.

Off in the distance he heard scuffling and a muffled cry.

Feelings of unspeakable rage began to fill his mind. His need for revenge was pumping threw his veins like fire. His usual amber eyes turned black as the night that surrounded him.

Taking several deep breaths he desperately tried to remember Riverdog’s words.

Again he glanced down at his watch

12:00 am

It was time.

Walking faster now he approached the dark opening, he stood only a few feet from the entrance.

His deep commanding voice echoed through the desert as he called Rath out.

“Rath! Come out! I’ve made my choice… bring her to me!”

He stared intensely into the black hole desperate for any sign of her.

Silently he kept having to convince himself to stick to the plan and not rush in and look for her.

Clenching his fists tighter he felt that something was off. It was taking too long. A decision had to be made soon.

Just as he was about to turn and look back towards the car he heard a soft whimpering noise. It almost sounded like an animal. To his horror he watched as Liz came stumbling out of the darkness bound and gagged, covered in blood.

His eyes widened as he ran to her just in time before her shaky legs gave out and she was brought to her knees.

Taking her in his arms he immediately made a silent connection with her telling her to be calm that everything was going to be ok.

Trust me
I love you

Nodding she collapsed against his chest while he carefully worked to untie her wrists and remove her gag.

Zan concentrated hard looking for any sign of Rath but found nothing.

Pulling her gag she took a deep breath as tears rolled down her face.


“Where is he Liz? Where is Rath?”

“I-I don’t know…he pushed me out but I heard him running… I don’t know where he is.”

Worried that Rath could hear and knowing had little time he scooped her up in his arms and went to turn to run back to the car.

He got twenty feet away before he felt a paralyzing pain grab him from behind his skull.

Falling to his knees he struggled to keep Liz close to his chest but she fell out of his arms and onto the hard desert floor.

Slowly Rath emerged from the cave with his hand held high in the air. A self-gratifying smile was plastered across his face as he chuckled softly.

“Did you really think I’d just let you go?”

Zan kept his back towards him staring in the direction of the car.

Carefully he looked down at his watch.

12:05 am

Faith Zan… you have to have faith.

Taking a deep breath he used all the strength he had left and threw his body over Liz shielding her from the blast.


Breaking his glare with Zan, Rath lowered his hand and began to back into the cave.

Now released from his grip Zan lowered his head and wrapped his arms securely around Liz.

The massive explosion was visible for miles, it managed to destroy the two large caves crushing everything and everyone inside.

Zan and Liz were thrown flat to the ground as the mountainside blew apart.

With debris still flying threw the air Michael ran for them quickly covering Zan’s back with the blanket from the car.

Although he was covered with severe burns, all Zan’s concern turned towards Liz.

He struggled to rise from the ground as his burnt shirt fell from his charcoaled back.

Gasping for air he looked up at Michael with relief and gratitude.

A slight nod spoke volumes as he raised his hand to his shoulder.

"Thank you.”

Raising Liz off the ground he gently covered her shivering body with the blanket.

Softly he whispered words of love in her ear as he held her close to him.

“I’ve got you Liz …and I ‘m never going to let you go again.”

Liz raised her hand brushing it against his blackened stained face as tears of relief streamed down her cheeks.

“I knew you would come for me. I always knew.”

The three of them leaned against the car watching, as the rumble crumbled in front of them.

Suddenly Liz raised her hands over her face and began to cry.

“Ava! What about Ava!”

“What about Ava?”

The three of them stood in shock as two familiar forms appeared in the car headlights.


Michael walked slowly up to him not believing his eyes.

“You came.”

While Max and Michael quietly spoke, Zan looked over at Ava with concern “You ok?”

“Yeah you know me Zan, I can survive almost anything. It’s Liz you should be proud of; Rath was no match for her. You’ve got a real fighter here.”

Zan looked at Liz who was still staring speechless at Max.

“What happened to Lonnie?”

“Max pulled me away from the cave just in time …Lonnie heard the first explosion and ran inside. She’s gone.”

Holding Liz close to him Zan held out his hand to Max. No longer did he need to be insecure or jealous, believing in the love they shared he knew nothing could ever come between them. He also knew the risk that Max took in coming to help them and figured it was part of his journey to make amends for the pain he had caused. It was like they had all come full circle.

Max held Zan’s eyes before letting his hand go.

“Take care of her.”

Max gave Liz a knowing smile that gave her a strange sense of relief. No longer did she have the burden of betrayal and loss in her heart. She held only sweet memories of a time that made her the woman she was today. She recognized that same peace in him as his eyes drifted away from her.

Max nodded calmly to all of them before backing away into the darkness. Within seconds he was gone.

“I don’t know about you guys but I’m starving.”

Michael grabbed the keys before helping Ava in the front seat. “And another thing I’m driving so sit back and relax.”

An exhausted laughter over took them all as Zan reached for the door to help Liz into the backseat.

Suddenly Liz turned white as shock and terror filled her eyes.

Reaching in back of him Zan placed his hand directly over Rath’s heart causing him to fall to the ground.

Within seconds the air was sucked from his lungs as his hands reached out pathetically still trying to fight.

With a guttural growl Zan pressed his hand into his chest imprinting his body into the hard New Mexico dirt.

Falling back Zan watched as Rath took his last strangled breath.

Finally it was over.


“So it’s been a whole week already.”

Zan pulled Liz into his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips.

“Yes it has. Liz I need to ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“When you saw him …I mean it must have been a shock.”

“Yes it was.”

“Did you …I mean…”

Liz lifted her skirt above her hips and straddled his hard muscular thighs.

“Did I?”

Zan pulled her mouth away from his neck and cupped her face.

“Did you …feel anything?”

Liz sat back and cocked her head to the side looking over Zan’s beautiful sexy face.

“Well …I was grateful I guess.”


Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her lips against his soft mouth.

She smiled as she felt his hands smooth over the bare skin along the inside of her thighs.

“Well I realized if it wasn’t for him I never would’ve met …you.”

Brushing his fingertips along her lower lips Liz shivered breathlessly as she pressed herself against his hard cock.

Bringing his mouth to her ear he smiled as she rocked back and forth against him.

“Good answer.”

Seizing her lips he flipped her onto her back and hovered over her.

“I think we should celebrate.”

“You do?”

“Yeah we should do something crazy… wild… maybe a little …reckless.”

Liz bit her bottom lip and ran her fingers over his tattooed chest.

“Sounds great. What did you have in mind?”

Slowly he slipped inside her causing her to moan breathlessly.

“Road trip.”

“Road trip? Where?”

Pulling his hot mouth away from her neck he gently kissed her lips and pulled a small delicate diamond ring from behind her head.


~The end~

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare