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Re: Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet, Complete: 4.9.09

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:20 pm
by clash868
Updates BoaB. Goner will be next.

Re: Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet, Updated: 4.9.09

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:10 pm
by clash868
GONER and The Ballad of a Bullet have been updated.

Re: Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet/GONER, Updated: 4.12.09

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:14 pm
by clash868
Long time no see huh?

First things first, I am not a mirage. I just kind of fell out of Roswell fandom and it was hard for me to find my way back in but I'm re-watching the series on netflix and that's helping reawaken my muse.

On the Ballad of a Bullet:
I've revised it and cut off the last three chapters because, well, they weren't good. I wrote them when I was in that, 'let's just finish this already,' head space but I think BB and all the people who read it deserve better than me throwing out whatever. So I've re-posted the re-worked prologue through chapter eight to because I'm not sure how long I'll be between updates and I don't want to have to keep moving the story if it takes me awhile (I'm working really hard on that not happening this time but you never know.) I've already started the new chapter nine and I'm thinking the whole fic will be somewhere around 15-20 parts maybe. When I get to the last chapter, I'll have the story moved from dead and buried and post the last part here first. Here's the link if you don't want to wait: ... f_a_Bullet

Yeah...anybody know where it is? I can't find it here and if it's been deleted I don't have the chapters on my computer. If anyone has them (long shot I know) I'll put that in my to be completed file and I'll work on it when I'm through with BB. If no one does, I'll just give everyone the outline on what was going to happen and how it would've ended if anyone's interested.

-It's been a long time (and I'm really sorry about that) but I'm committed to finishing. :) I guess I'll go get back to work now.

Re: Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet | Pt. 12 | 04/24

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:46 pm
by clash868
The Ballad of a Bullet has been updated. Ch. 12 awaits your presence.

Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet | Pt. 13 | 05/01

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 9:08 pm
by clash868
Chapter 13 of BoaB is up.

Re: Clash's Fics: The Ballad Of A Bullet | Pt. 13 | 05/01

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:56 pm
by sptfire86
You are such an under praised writer. I just got done reading Sin which I have read before but never tracked the author to other works. Bullet is one of my new favorite stories and I wondered over to the Author's forum to see your previous stuff. I was so surprised that you have not written more, because you really are THAT talented. I'm curious as to where GONER is and what would have been it's final out outcome. Anyway, I just really wanted to stop by to let you know I will be following your every move, so I hope you'll give me lots to follow. :mrgreen: