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Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 30 28/Dec/10

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 5:12 am
by Janetfl
Wow I was amazed at the feed back for the last chapter. Thanks to everyone that reads this story.

Ellie: Wow Ellie, everyone feels the same way you do! You'll get an inkling of what's going on with Liz and her parents over the next few chapters.

Clari: Welcome! Thanks for leaving feed back. Yeah that chapter was a little shocking but there is a reason why this is happening to Liz. All shall be revealed, eventually.

Courtney: Well what can I say? This brilliant idea came from you in the first place. I'm just playing with it a little. Everything you requested will be in the story but I thought I'd add a little spice! :wink: :lol:

Ginger: You're right ... We would never do anything like this to our kids, or maybe we would depending on the reasons we are doing it. :wink:

XAF RU208: Thank you for leaving feed back. I'm hoping to keep posting on a regular basis now.

Natalie36: Oh don't worry about Tess just yet. She's got her hands full with what Max has just thrown at her, but then Tess has never been the kind of person to take things lying down, has she? :wink:

Carolyn: Don't worry, Max is about to find out everything but as Ellie stated in her feed back, what could he possibly do to help?

Eve: Yep, it certainly is creepy. It is very sad that poor Liz has had to put up with this for so long but trust me, there is a very good reason they are doing this. All shall be revealed in later chapters.

Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Chapter 30

Liz slowly came out of her deep sleep to feel something warm under her cheek. She couldn’t quite remember what happened last night. She felt someone stroke her hair and it all came rushing back.

Liz would have groaned if she could but she just slowly sat up.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” said Maria, as she stretched her aching legs.

“I’m sorry Maria, I slept on you all night?” signed Liz.

“The fact that you slept peacefully Liz made it all worthwhile believe me,” replied Maria.

A steaming hot cup of coffee was thrust in both Maria’s and Liz’s face.

They both looked up to Isabel with gratefulness.

“I’ve got breakfast on the go,” said Isabel, going back into the kitchen.

“Wow, that smells delicious Isabel!” shouted Maria.

“Blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon!”

Liz’s stomach suddenly made a loud growling noise and Liz’s cheeks turned bright red.

“I think Liz’s stomach agrees with your choice Isabel,” chuckled Maria.

As they all sat down to breakfast it was Maria that brought up the conversation everyone had been dreading.

“I think we should finish up here and then head over to Michael’s. We can fill them in on what went on last night and see if they can think of anything that could help.”

There was no way Maria was going to let Liz back out of this now.

“I think that’s a good idea,” said Isabel, backing up Maria.

Liz stopped eating as a sudden wave a nausea hit. How could she tell Max let alone Michael? She suddenly scraped her chair across the kitchen floor and ran towards the toilet.

“I guess that answers the question on whether she’s nervous about telling Max,” said Isabel, as they listened to Liz throw up in the toilet.

“We have to be strong Isabel. She has to tell someone, someone that might actually be able to do something about it.”

“Maria, what makes you think Max can do anything. We both saw that there was something ... god I don’t know ... supernatural going on.”

“Isabel, twice now Liz has spoken when Max has been around and my guess is whatever barrier is stopping her talking, he’s slowly breaking through. When he first kissed her the other day she spoke Isabel.”

“WHAT? Why the hell didn’t Max tell me?”

Maria shrugged her shoulders. “I guess sharing the fact that he had his first kiss ever with a girl wasn’t something he wanted to talk to his sister about.”

“I’m going to check on Liz, hold her hair up or something,” said Isabel.


A loud incessant knocking finally permeated his sleep befuddled brain.

“Alright, I’m coming. This better be good,” said Max, as he swung the door to Michael’s apartment open, only to find the three most important women in his life looking like a freight train had hit them.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Erm Max, I think you’d better put some clothes on,” said Maria, pointing to his boxer shorts.

Max eye’s nearly popped out of their sockets. He blushed profusely and stole a glance towards Liz before slamming the door in their faces and running to his room to get dressed.

“YOU COULD HAVE LET US IN FIRST!” yelled Maria, laughing.

As Maria turned to look at Liz she laughed even harder. Liz was standing with a shocked look on her face, blushing and her mouth hanging open.

“Honey, don’t drool on the carpet. Michael will complain about it for the rest of the week,” teased Maria and then whispered “Never knew he had such a hot body on him, did you?”

“Maria! Please,” whined Isabel. “That’s my brother you’re talking about.”

Max had already put on his trousers and was frantically searching for his shirt. Where the hell was it? And then he remembered the heated look in Liz’s eyes, as she perused his body, when he glanced in her direction.

“What the hell,” said Max, out loud, as he made his way towards the front door.

“Sorry about that,” said Max, as he reopened the door. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Obviously,” smiled Maria, as she breezed past Max. She couldn’t help noticing that he didn't have a shirt on and wondered if it was because he couldn’t find it or if it was for Liz’s benefit.

“So what are you doing here?” asked Max. “Not that I’m not happy about it, but you look like you’ve been through hell.”

“Max we need to talk to you but I’m going to get Michael,” said Maria, as she made her way towards his room.

“Maria, we didn’t get to bed until late. I don’t think you’ll get much out of him.”

“Honey, we didn’t get ANY sleep last night and if I can handle it, then so can he.”

A little while later, and a few heated voices from behind the door, Maria finally managed to drag Michael out of his bedroom.

“This better be good,” he said, and then stopped dead in his tracks as he saw how bad the girls looked. “What happened?”

“Okay this is going to sound really weird and you might have questions, but please let us explain everything that happened and then you can ask okay?” asked Maria.

“I thought I heard a noise,” said Alex, as he rubbed a hand over his sleepy face.

Liz shot her head up and then shook it hard.

“I can’t do this Maria, I can’t,” signed Liz.

“Liz, it’s Alex. There’s nothing you can say that would make him turn away from you as a friend. Please you have to trust us,” said Isabel.

“Hey look, whatever it is, if Liz is uncomfortable then I’ll leave,” said Alex.

Liz looked up and took a big, steadying breath. “No Alex, I’m sorry it’s not you. I ... well ... god why is this so hard,” signed Liz.

Maria patted Liz on the knee and Max immediately went over to Liz, scooped her up, walked back to the sofa and plopped her down on his lap. He gently cupped her face.

“Whatever it is Liz, you can trust us. We’ll do our best to help, I promise.”

She simply nodded, placed her face in Max’s neck and signalled Maria to continue.

“Okay, Alex this is going to sound weird and if you have any questions just wait until we’ve finished.”

Alex nodded his head in understanding.

Maria started telling them everything that happened that night from when she first woke up to Liz thrashing about. As Isabel took over the story, when Maria reached the bit where she went into overload and screamed, Max tightened his arms around Liz.

“Oh god, I couldn’t believe my eyes but I swear it was there Max. It was ... god it was awful. It was gripping hold of Liz’s leg and then it just sort of shimmered and disappeared when Liz sat bolt upright and started to scream.”

“So let me get this straight. You saw ... the ghost, for want of a better word, of one of Liz’s dead parents grab hold of her leg and then it just shimmered and disappeared?” asked Michael, not believing his ears.

“I almost vomited Michael. The smell of burnt flesh was overwhelming,” said Isabel.

“I ... I don’t know what to say, except whatever you were smoking last night I wouldn’t mind some.”

Michael really thought that they had just had one of those weird collective dreams or that they had definitely done something illegal last night.

“THIS ISN’T FUNNY MICHAEL,” yelled Maria. “It scared the living crap out of me, so much so that both Isabel and I kept vigil over Liz the entire night!”

“You’re being serious,” asked Michael, in shock. Surely they were just yanking their chain.

“Show them Liz,” said Isabel.

Liz shook her head. She knew that people wouldn’t believe it and now she felt so embarrassed.

“SHOW THEM,” insisted Maria.

Liz slowly raised one of her trouser legs and Max saw the angry red mark around her ankle, then she moved her hands to her wrists and raised each sleeve.

“Holy crap,” said Michael, as he clearly saw the outline of four boney looking finger marks across Liz’s wrist.

“Now do you believe us?” asked Maria.

“I’m sorry Liz; it’s just kind of hard to ...”

“Take in?” said Alex, finishing Michael’s sentence.

“Tell me about it,” said Isabel. “Try being there while it was happening.”

As the conversation went on around her, Liz found herself slowly drifting off to sleep. She couldn’t help feeling safe in Max’s arms, with his warm skin touching her face and that smell that was uniquely his, sort of soapy but manly.

Max had noticed Liz’s breathing even out and he picked her up and carried her to his room. He placed her gently on the bed and covered her. He kissed her on the cheek and then returned to the living room.

“Max, there’s something else,” said Maria.


“While we tried to console Liz, she was sobbing, she was talking.”


“She was talking Max,” said Isabel. “I don’t think she realised it because when we mentioned it to her she suddenly went mute again, but I swear she spoke. She confirmed that her parents had been badly burned during the car accident.”

“So it’s not something physical stopping Liz from talking. It’s the only way her brain can cope with what happened to her parents and the fact that they keep on coming back to haunt her,” said Alex, deep in thought.

“That’s what I think.”

“So what do we do now?” asked Max, feeling hopeless.

“You help her heal Max,” said Maria.

He looked up at Maria like she’d grown a second head.

“What do you mean, I help her heal? How the hell can I do that Maria? I'm not a expert on the paranormal, hell I don't even freaking believe in ghosts or whatever it was you saw!”

“Remember what you told me the other day?”

Max started to blush and nodded.

“She spoke Max, she talked for you. She did it in the hospital and she did it the other day.”

“It can’t be that simple Maria.”

“No it’s not Max. She has to exorcise those demons that have been haunting her since the accident and that’s not going to be easy.”

“I’m going to just ... um,” Max said, pointing towards his room.

“Go on Max. She needs you right now, we can discuss this later.”

Max slowly entered his room so as not to wake Liz. He pulled back the covers, lay down gently beside her and then pulled her into his arms. There was no way this girl was going to be hurt anymore. He couldn’t stand it. He could still see one of the angry red finger marks peaking from beneath her sleeved arm.

He had no idea what to do next to help her but he would die trying if necessary. She’d been through too much already. He still couldn’t process the fact that both Isabel and Maria had witnessed it but he believed them. He knew by the pallor of their skin that something had scared the living day lights out of them last night.

He just wondered how Liz had held on for so long without telling anyone.

He decided that the plan, to surprise the girls, he and the boys had come up with last night was going to happen.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 31 06/Jan/11

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:49 am
by Janetfl
Well I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful start to the New Year!!!! Thanks to everyone that left feed back for the previous chapter!


Chapter 31

Liz tried to turn over to snuggle deeper in to the warmth that she could feel there until that warmth started to move.

Liz suddenly shot open her eyes and was a little disorientated to wake up in a bedroom she didn’t recognise. Then she heard a mumble next to her ear. She slowly turned her head to see Max’s gorgeous face, relaxed with sleep. She took her time to take in his features as gentle puffs of air came out of his nose.

God he was handsome. How could she not have noticed his awesome body before? Oh she knew he had fantastic muscular arms but never did she think what could be under those shirts of his, until he came to the door almost naked this morning. She couldn’t help the little giggle that came out when she remembered how red he became when he glanced at her and then slammed the door in their faces.

“What’s so funny?” asked Max, in a husky voice, popping one eye open to look at the angel lying next to him.

Liz jumped at the sound and blushed because she’d been caught staring.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” signed Liz.

Max chuckled at how sweet she looked when she blushed.

“You didn’t. How are you feeling Liz?”

“A little weird. I’ve been hiding all of this for so long Max, thinking that people wouldn’t believe me. I thought if I told anyone then they would commit me for a while and I didn’t want that. The strangest thing, is that I never believed that anyone else would be able to see them. I really thought it was just all in my head,” signed Liz.

“So you’ve gone through this since the accident, without telling anyone?” asked Max.

“Well yeah. It’s not something you really bring up in conversation. Oh yeah, by the way, I see the burnt remains of my dead parents, every night, when they come and grab me. I mean how crazy does that sound? Even I don’t believe it and it’s actually happening to me. I also thought people would think I was doing some sort of self harming because of the bruises they leave behind.”

“I know this is going to be difficult for you but can you tell me about your parents? What happened that fateful night?”

“I’ve never talked to anyone about this Max and I would appreciate it if this could stay between the two of us.”

“I promise.”

“I don’t remember much Max, but I’ll try. We were coming home from somewhere and I needed the toilet. We’d been stuck in the car for a long time and my dad was really angry at my mom. I think it was because she had given the wrong directions or something. Anyway, I told my dad that I wanted to pee but he wasn’t very happy about it. I think he said something about me going before we set off in the car. He was turning around and looking at me. Then all I remember is my mother screaming and then this awful loud noise.

I woke up in the hospital three weeks later. They told me that my parents had died in the car accident. I tried to speak but I couldn’t. They ran numerous tests on me to find out what was wrong. That’s when I got diagnosed with Aphasia. I will never forget the first time I had that dream about those bodies.

At first I didn’t understand it but I had this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. When I asked the doctors about what happened to my parents they explained it to me. I had to ask if their bodies had been burnt, which they had sadly replied ‘yes’. That’s when I knew the dreams where about them.”

“So you’ve been living with this since you were four? How often do they come and ‘visit’ Liz?” asked Max, concerned.

“Almost every night,” signed Liz.

Max was shocked at that revelation.

“What is it they want?”

“If I knew that Max, I would have put an end to this torture years ago,” signed Liz.

“Okay, I have an idea.”

Liz had a fearful look on her face.

“I think you should tell your therapist about this.”

“What? Max, if I could yell or shriek right now you would know that, that idea fills me with pure dread,” signed Liz.

“No listen, hear me out okay?”

Liz just nodded her head.

“Okay, tell her all about your dreams. Don’t say that you see them during the day or that they really grab at your limbs. Just tell her that you have this recurring nightmare about your parents and see what she makes of it. I’m sure she’s better equipped to handle it than any of us are. Maybe it has something to do with your subconscious.”

“I don’t think that’s wise Max. What if I say something wrong?”

“Okay, how about this? Why don’t you wait until I’m with you in the sessions to tell her? That way if you head towards dangerous ground I can run interference.”

“Well, I guess that could work. Max, are you sure you’re okay about this? I mean, it’s a lot to take in. Hell, I don’t even believe in ghosts,” signed Liz.

“Honestly Liz, if you’d have told me this yourself, before Maria and Isabel saw that thing grab your leg, I wouldn’t have thought you crazy. I perhaps would have suggested that maybe your mind thought the dreams were so real that it actually left marks on your skin. Now though, hell I can’t even get my mind around the fact that Maria and Isabel actually witnessed something. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but maybe there is a reason they are visiting you. It doesn’t make sense that your parents would put you through that hell each night knowing it scared you shitless. Is there anything that happens that doesn’t make sense?”

“What apart from the fact that my dead parents keep haunting me?”

“Yeah, apart from that.”

“Well there was one thing that wasn’t normal. Remember I’ve had exactly the same dream for years but when I was in the hospital something changed.”

“Changed, how?”

“When I was unconscious I could hear your voice. At that time my parents were scraping their bodies along the cold concrete floor heading towards me. Oh god it was horrible Max, their mouths or rather skeletal jaws were snapping as if they were trying to tell me something. Anyway, I could hear you and I called out to you asking for your help. The bodies started to retreat back into the darkness but I could see that some parts of their bodies had flesh on them, as if that part had never been burnt.”

“Then what happened Liz?”

“Well, I couldn’t feel you anymore and this horrible coldness overtook me. I yelled for you not to leave me but it went unheard,” signed Liz.

“Shit, that must have been when I ran to get Jeff and Nancy. I’m sorry Liz.”

“It’s okay Max. You didn’t know what was going on. You just ran to get my parents, I understand that. The bodies started towards me again and they were back to their original state, totally burnt with no flesh on.”

Liz shudders at the memory and this is when Max tightens his embrace and gently places Liz’s head on his chest.

“Then what happened?”

“You returned. I could feel your hand in mine. I couldn’t see you but I knew you were there. When you asked me to give your hand a squeeze, I did, but I could also hear where your voice was coming from and followed it. The next thing I woke up.”

Max was about to say something when they heard a gentle knock on the door.

“Is everything okay?” asked Maria, through the door.

“Yes Maria. Sorry we were just talking. We’ll be out in a second, okay?”

“Alright, we have a few things to discuss.”

About five minutes later both Max and Liz exited the bedroom.

“Thanks guys, for letting me sleep, I’ve not had much lately,” signed Liz.

“Liz, I can’t even start to comprehend what it’s been like for you but just know that we are all here to help you. We know what’s going on now, although I’m not sure what we can do about it,” said Alex, a little perplexed.

“Max thinks it’s a good idea to tell the therapist about it,” signed Liz.

“WHAT? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND MAX!” yelled Maria, smacking Max on the back of the head as she came out of the kitchen. “THEY’LL PUT HER AWAY FOR SURE IF SHE SAYS SHE SEES DEAD PEOPLE!”

“I’m not suggesting she does that Maria,” replied Max, rubbing his very sore head.

“Oh, then what are you suggesting,” asked Maria, calming slightly.

“I think it would be good for Liz to tell the therapist about the nightmares, not that she sees them during the day or the fact that they manifest and grab hold of her, just the nightmare part. Maybe the therapist can see what we can’t.”

“Why the dreams are haunting her?” asked Alex.

“Exactly, there has to be a reason for it. I could imagine my father coming back to haunt me but my mother, not a chance, so there must be a reason for it. Well, that’s the only thing I can come up with at the moment. It’s not a typical problem we’re dealing with here and I think we need help.”

“You know Max, that’s not such a bad idea. If the therapist can help Liz through her thought process on the accident then maybe something there will trigger them to go away. Wow, how bazaar does all this sound?” said Isabel.

“Now you know why I kept it a secret,” signed Liz.

“So are you going to discuss this with the therapist?” asked Maria.

“Yeah, I think so. It’s worth a try,” signed Liz.

“Well on that note, I’m freaking starving so how about I whip us up an awesome breakfast?” asked Michael.

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Alex.

Everyone nodded and made their way towards the kitchen to help.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 32 10/Jan/11

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:04 pm
by Janetfl
Thanks to everyone who left feed back.


Chapter 32

Tommy stood there watching the people around the gravesites sobbing as their loved ones were lowered into the ground. His heart went out to them. It was tragic really, a family totally wiped out thanks to a drunk driver overshooting a red light. He removed his hat out of respect and placed it over his heart.

“God forgive me for the disrespect I’ve shown these people here today,” he prayed.

He couldn’t believe his luck when he had spotted it in the obituaries. He was wondering what he could do with the three dead men that where now buried deep under the ones that were currently being lowered into the ground. It was a perfect solution.

He felt strange watching a funeral for people he didn’t even know but he had to make sure nothing went wrong before they filled in the graves. As the onlookers started to sprinkle earth over the caskets he decided it was time to leave. Once all the family members had left, someone would be by to fill the gaping holes in the ground, the bodies of the Andrew brothers never to be found.

“You can sleep easy at night now my friend,” he said to himself, thinking about Max.

If Max had found out the reason Liz was so savagely beaten, he would never have forgiven himself. The Andrew brothers were the ones that were arrested on that fateful night, instead of himself and his gang, thanks to Max’s timely phone call.

Somehow the Andrew brothers had found this out and were carrying out their plan to get revenge against Max. It started with Liz but then it would have been his family, friends and then finally Max himself. Tommy wasn’t going to let that happen so he took care of it. He knew Max would never have made that kind of decision; he would have wanted the proper authorities to deal with it. Tommy was aware of the Andrew brothers’ top notch lawyer, always getting them a substantially reduced sentence or acquittal so there was no other option than to dispose of them.

That wasn’t the only reason. One of the brothers had turned into a police informer and it was him that had given the tip to the police on that night in the first place. That way Tommy was killing two birds with one stone so to speak. He would never tell Max the outcome of his investigation and he knew that Max would never ask.

Yes, this had been a good day all around.
Liz had been attending her regular Tuesday sessions for the past few weeks. Dr. Ray had tried to approach the subject of her parents’ death on the last session but Liz wasn’t quite ready to discuss it. That was when Dr. Ray had decided it was time to invite her boyfriend into the sessions. Maybe he could get her to open up.

“Liz, you’re shaking,” said Max, as he gently wrapped his hand around hers.

“I know. I guess I’m just a little nervous about what we’re going to discuss in there,” signed Liz, then pointed towards Dr. Ray’s office door.

“Liz, are you sure you want me here? Wouldn’t you rather speak to Dr. Ray about the accident on your own first?”

“I don’t think she will talk to me about the accident unless you’re here Max,” said Dr. Ray, as she stepped out of her office and overheard the tail end of the couple’s conversation.

Liz blushed at this comment because it was true.

“Hi Max, Dr. Ray,” said Jennifer, as she offered her hand in greeting.

“I hope you don’t mind Liz asking me to come along,” said Max, taking her hand and shaking it.

“Not at all Max. I think this might actually be good for Liz. She obviously trusts you. Why don’t you both come in the office and we can get started. Please take the seat opposite Liz and I’ll sit here,” Jennifer said, as she sat down behind her desk.

“Okay, thanks.”

“At our last session I spoke to Liz about what would be acceptable to talk about in front of you. As you are aware there is the doctor/patient confidentiality to think about. Liz has given her permission for us to speak freely in front of you, but I must stress that whatever goes on in this room should stay that way.”

“Understood,” replied Max.

“Okay, Liz is there anything specific you would like to start with?”

Liz looked at Max and he gently nodded his head.

“Yes. This has to do with my parents’ accident so why don’t I start with what happened that night and then I can explain the other issue.”

“Alright, go ahead,” said Jennifer.

“My mom had given my dad the wrong directions. At the time, I didn’t realize why the journey was taking so long until, of course, I grew up. Anyway, Dad was totally frustrated and tired. I asked if we were close to home and my mom told me it would be a little while. I told them that I really needed the toilet and my dad lost his temper. He was shouting at me about always going to the toilet before we left for a long journey. The thing is, I actually did go to the toilet but because of the time taken to find our way home I needed to go again,” Liz signed, getting slightly distressed at remembering that awful night.

“You’re doing really well Liz, carry on,” encouraged Jennifer.

“My dad was looking at me when he started shouting and then all I really remember is my mom shouting at Dad to look out and then she screamed. After that, there was this awful loud noise and then everything went black, then I woke up in the hospital.”

“So that’s all you remember?”


“Okay, what about the other thing you wanted to discuss with me?” asked Jennifer.

For a moment Liz was a little confused. She thought that Dr. Ray would want to talk about the accident more; after all, this is the part she’d been waiting for. Liz started to squirm a little and Max immediately noticed. As she looked at him, he slightly nodded his head in support.

“When I was still recovering I started to have nightmares about these bodies coming towards me. They were burnt beyond recognition and there was flesh hanging off the bones. There was also this awful smell of burnt flesh.”

“So these bodies just walk towards you?”

“No, their bodies scrape along the floor and reach out for me. That’s when I normally wake up.”

“When did this start?”

“Ever since the accident.”

“So you’ve been living with this nightmare since then?”


“So do you have any idea why you dream of these dead bodies?” asked Jennifer.

“I didn’t know what happened in the accident because I was removed from the car and taken to hospital. I started having that dream before I woke up in the hospital. When I asked the doctors about my parents they told me that the car had exploded not long after I was removed. My parents weren’t so lucky.”

“So you believe that these are your dead parents, in your dreams I mean?”

“Honestly, I don’t know anything anymore. I’ve been living with this for so long now.”

“Are the dreams exactly the same all the time?”

“They have been, until recently,” signed Liz.

“What happened to make it different?” asked Jennifer.

Liz explained the dream she had when she was in a coma resulting from the attack.

“So when you were talking, shouting at them to go away, their bodies seemed to repair themselves?” asked Jennifer.

“It seems so,” replied Liz.

“Was this the same time she was actually talking?” Jennifer asked Max.

“I believe so. I was sitting next to Liz, talking to her about the support she had, when I suddenly heard Liz asking for help. At first I thought I was going crazy because I knew Liz hadn’t spoken since the accident but she then spoke again.”

“So she was actually talking for real, while having this nightmare?”

“It seems so.”

Jennifer looked at her watch and sighed. She really wanted to investigate this more but the hour was up and she had another patient on the way.

“I’m sorry Liz. The hour is up but I would really like to discuss this more at our next session. I would like Max to attend if that’s okay with you?”

“That’s fine,” signed Liz, relieved that she wouldn’t have to discuss this anymore today.

“Are you free next Tuesday Max?” asked Jennifer.

“I can make it next Tuesday Dr. Ray,” replied Max.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Max and it’s good to see that Liz has her friends to support her through this difficult time. I look forward to seeing you both next week.”

Max and Liz stood and made their way out of the office. As they approached the jeep, Max suddenly remembered something.

“Damn it. Liz, I think I left my wallet in the office. Here, take my keys and get into the jeep. I’ll be right back,” he said, running back into the building after giving Liz his keys.

“I left my wallet in Dr. Ray’s office. Is it alright if I go and get it?” Max asked the receptionist.

“Of course, her next client isn’t due for another ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” replied Max, as he went and gently knocked on Dr. Ray’s office door.

“Come in!”

“Dr. Ray, I’m sorry to disturb you but I was hoping to take Liz away next week so we won’t be able to make the appointment. She doesn’t know about it yet because it’s going to be a surprise. Is that okay?”

“Oh Max, that’s fine. I think her going away for a little while might do her some good. She’s had a tough time lately.”

Max smiled.

“Great, thanks Dr. Ray. I’m sure Liz or I will phone you to make another appointment when we return. We’ll be away for just under two weeks. I’ll attend the next appointment when we’re back though.”

“That’s great Max, thanks.”

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 33 17/Jan/11

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:35 pm
by Janetfl
Thanks to everyone who left feed back for the last chapter.


Chapter 33

She had taken a few days off since her confrontation with Max but now she was seething. Nobody, NOBODY ever dared go against her because they knew what she was capable of and now Max had drawn the line.

She paced her room like a feral animal. She could hear the voices in her head telling her what to do but she tried her hardest to ignore them. She kept on getting flashbacks of that god awful place they sent her to the last time. She couldn’t go through that again. It had taken her a long time to become normal again but the stares and whispers had become too much for her to handle. That’s why they had moved to this shitty little town and now it was all ruined.

She had been happy here for the last few years. It had taken her a while to get into the popular crowd but she had managed it with a few skilful rumours. If she was caught this time, her daddy couldn’t do anything to save her; she wasn’t a minor anymore and this one would be a little harder to explain.

She started to bang her fist against her head to get the voices to stop, but the more she did the worse they got. She had placed her heart in his hands and he’d shoved it back in her face. Her sister had done the exact same thing and was now paying the price.

“No, stop it,” she whispered, yanking at her blonde curls.

How could she let him get away with it? She couldn’t believe all her plans had been ruined.

Why did everyone she loved and trusted always turn their back on her?

Her mother had done it not long after she’d turned fifteen. She had her first sexual experience then and she loved the power it gave her over men. She soon found they would do almost anything to get a quick romp in the hay with her. She wasn’t too fussy either, as long as they could help her cause, which was to get away from her controlling mother as much as possible.

She would never forget the look of horror and disgust on her god fearing mother’s face as she rode the young virile stable boy to completion, her ample breasts bouncing with the force of her slamming down on him, a thin film of sweat covering their bodies.

She could tell he was close but she wasn’t quite there yet so she moved her hand to her sensitive nub and brought herself closer.

“YESSSSS, TRACY I’M CUMMING!” he yelled, as his body went rigid and his hot seed spilled inside her.

“OH GOD YOU ARE SO HOT!” yelled Tracy, as she finally came, milking the boy for all he was worth.

Tess, or rather Tracy as she was known then, simply turned and smiled at her mother.

“Enjoying the show? Do you want a turn?” she asked, as a giggle escaped her mouth.

Her mother visibly paled and ran from the barn. She couldn’t believe that this vixen slut was her very own precious daughter. How could all her teachings have fallen on deaf ears! She couldn’t shake that disgusting image from her mind and she knew what she had to do.

A few hours later, Tess had found her mother floating in a bath full of water mixed with blood. She screamed as she saw the massive gashes in her mother’s arms, after seeing that something snapped within her mind and she wasn’t quite the same ever again. As far as Tess was concerned it was her mother’s fault, it had nothing to do with the sexual display she took pleasure in taunting her mother with. No, because in her mind she hadn’t done that. She was the innocent victim in all of this.

Then a year later it was her sister who betrayed her by sleeping with her then boyfriend. Tracy, or was it Tess, everything was now getting muddled in her brain. Tracy did not like the feeling of losing control over her man but it wasn’t his fault, no, she knew how the female mind worked and blamed her sister for throwing herself at him. After all, what man could resist?

That was when the voices had started in her head and her sister was now severely paying the price for her betrayal. Tess and her father never went to see the girl anymore; she was left in the care home where she belonged.

And now Max had done it to her too. She thought he would be different because he’d never shown any interest in the hot girls at school. She had become his friend in order to eventually seduce him into her bed and finally capturing his heart and attention, but after all her hard work he had simply thrown her to one side for that little brown haired mute freak.

“No, this is not going to happen. I won’t allow it! I’m going to make her suffer in the worst possible way and that blonde ice bitch he calls a sister!” she yelled, her face turning a blotchy red.

A sudden calm came over her confused brain as an image ran through her mind’s eye. This time she wouldn’t fail. This time she would be successful.

She casually applied a little lip gloss to her lips, combed her hair and then grabbed her car keys from her bedside table.

“Daddy, I’m off to college, I’ll see you later!”

“Okay sweetie, be on your best behavior!” shouted Ed from his study.

“As always Daddy!” yelled Tess, as she slammed her front door closed.

Ed watched as his daughter left the house. He knew she was on a downward spiral again, he could see the madness in her eyes, but he couldn’t think of putting her in that place again. He knew how much her mother had battled with a mental disorder, no thanks to her father molesting her when she was a child.

It had taken a long time for Ed to win his wife’s trust and once she explained why he could totally understand. He thought he’d done a good job of convincing his wife that not all men where that way and he put up with her god fearing ways and teachings because he knew it was the only thing that was keeping her going.

He never really realized how fanatical she was though, because his wife had hidden it from him. She never told him how during the day she would preach to the girls about the evil of men and sex. She also never told him the reason she was so upset the day she took her own life.

His daughter, Rebecca had tried. She had told Ed the real reason that her mom had took her own life. She explained that she had witnessed her sister, Tracy, having sex with the stable boy and so had her mother.

When Rebecca told Ed, he immediately got mad at his daughter. Asking her how could she say all of those horrible things about her sister? Didn’t she realize what those kinds of lies could do to a family. When Rebecca denied that it was a lie Ed had lost his temper and had banned her to her room for the rest of the day. Rebecca learned that her father would never see Tracy for what she really was.

It was a year later that Rebecca learned just how far Tracy would go if you betrayed her. She hadn’t meant to fall in love with Robert, her sister’s boyfriend but they had spent a lot of time together. He’d told her that day that he was going leave Tracy for her.

Tracy overheard the conversation and then watched as her boyfriend made love with her sister. The way he touched her, so gentle and revering, was nothing like when he had sex with her. It was always, hard, fast and angry. Then she heard him whisper the words she had never heard from his mouth ... “I love you Rebecca,” before he fell asleep holding her in his arms.

That was when she had decided to get even with her sister.


Isabel and Michael were waiting by their lockers for the rest of the group to arrive when Michael noticed Tess coming towards them.

“Hey, you don’t happen to know what the confrontation between Max and Tess was about the other day do you?”

“No, why?” asked Isabel.

“I’m not sure if I should say anything Isabel.”

“Michael, you can’t start off a conversation like that and then not tell me. What happened?”

“He physically attacked her Isabel.”

A look of horror came across Isabel’s face.

“But, but he abhors violence, especially against women,” said Isabel.

“Well not this one, not when she’s threatening Liz. He didn’t punch her or anything Isabel but I did witness him with his hand around her throat and afterwards she ran out of the school and she hasn’t been back until now,” he said, pointing in Tess’ general direction.

“I can’t believe Max would do that Michael,” said Isabel.

“Yeah, well he did but spent the rest of the break throwing his guts up in the toilet. He said something really weird though.”

“Like what?”

“When I told him I saw what happened with Tess I asked him what the hell was going on. His exact response was, it’s best if you don’t know Michael, believe me, I wish I didn’t.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out. There’s some big shit going down here Isabel and Max is in the thick of it.”

“God Michael, she’s freaking unstable! What the hell does he think he’s doing taking her on like that?”

“If I know Max, he knows exactly what he’s getting himself into.”

“That’s what worries me Michael. He’s not the same person when he’s protecting the ones he loves. He tends to take it personally and I have a feeling that Liz is at the very top of that list.”

“Then we have to find out what’s going on,” said Michael.

They both went quiet when Tess made her way towards them.

“Well, if it isn’t little Lizzie’s entourage! How are you all doing?” she asked, in that annoying sickly voice.

“So, you’ve finally shown your face. That’s a shame. We honestly thought we’d got rid of you,” said Isabel, in her best Ice Princess voice.

“Oh, I’m not so easily influenced Isabel. Tell that brother of yours that he’s just messed with the wrong person!”

“Why don’t you tell him yourself, since I’m standing right behind you Tess,” said Max, as he walked in on the tail end of her tirade.

Isabel and Michael watched as a rabid look came across Tess’ face and her skin turned an angry red. Isabel looked up at her brother and shook her head, when Tess suddenly spun around.

“Did you think that little threat you gave me the other day would make me run and hide? I hate to tell you this Max but it’s only made your situation worse,” said Tess, controlling her anger. Right now she really just wanted to rip his damn face off.

Max’s voice became dangerously low and calm, his whole body rigid as he stood tall over Tess.

As Isabel heard his words they sent a shiver down her spine.

“That wasn’t a ‘little’ threat Tess, it was a promise. If you come near me, Liz, my family or friends again, I’ll show you just how serious I was. I will destroy you and I won’t think twice about it. Do you get it now?”

“You wouldn’t dare! You would have to explain how you got hold of them,” said Tess, not backing down but also not giving away too much information to the others that were standing close by.

Max leaned even closer to Tess and whispered in her ear.

“HOW do you think I got hold of those files in the first place Tracy? Can you imagine what the reaction is going to be when everyone finds out how you crippled your own sister because she fell in love with the wrong guy? You’ll be a pariah,” whispered Max.

He straightened up again and watched all the color drain out of Tess’ face.

“Like I said, you have a chance here Tess, don’t blow it,” said Max, in a normal tone.

Tess shook from pure fury but decided it was best to hold her tongue. She stormed off not saying a word to anyone.

Max turned to go to his next class when his arm was grabbed by Michael.

“What the fuck was all that about Max?” he asked.

“It’s nothing for either of you to be concerned about,” said Max, turning to leave.

“That’s bullshit Max,” said Isabel, grabbing hold of his other arm so he couldn’t leave. “You have to tell us what’s going on here. This isn’t like you Max. You’re not a violent person and you certainly never normally threaten people. What’s going on?”

“You don’t know what she’s capable of, I do. That’s all you need to know,” said Max, forcefully pulling his arm free.

“But Max,”

“Just leave it alone,” said Max, as he walked off to his next class.

“See what I mean Isabel,” said Michael.

“Oh yeah, something big is definitely going down and I’m going to find out what!” replied Isabel.

“Just be careful. If Max is worried about Tess enough to threaten her then it’s serious.”

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 34 23/Jan/11

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:53 pm
by Janetfl
Hi, thanks to everyone who left feed back. It inspires me to write more with my hectic schedule.


Chapter 34

As Liz walked into the final class, before their two week vacation started, she couldn’t help smiling at the look on Maria’s face.

“Hey girl,” signed Liz.

“Oh I am so looking forward to the next two weeks,” whispered Maria.

“Yeah, me to. I think Max and I will be able to spend more time together. It’s been hard since I came out of the hospital, I had to catch up on all the work and of course Mom and Dad are hovering around me like I’m going to disappear at any moment. It’s been kind of frustrating to be honest,” signed Liz.

“Ah, I see the problem here. You’ve not really had a minute to yourselves, have you?”

Liz shook her head.

“Well if that kiss he gave you at the jeep is anything to go by I’m sure he’s feeling just as frustrated as you,” laughed Maria, as she watched a dreamy look come into her friend’s eyes.

“Hey, do you know where Isabel is?” signed Liz, noticing that her chair was empty, just as the dean walked into class.

Meanwhile back at Max’s apartment...

“I don’t like this Isabel,” stated Michael.

“It’s the only way we are going to find anything out Michael. It must be here!” she said, as she continued to rummage through her brothers things.

“He’s going to be furious if he finds out.”

“Are you going to help me or not!” asked Isabel, placing her hands on her hips and giving Michael a hard stare.

“We’re invading his privacy just being in the room,” Michael tried to explain. He knew how he would feel if he found out Max had gone through his stuff.

“I know! Don’t you think I know that! I don’t want to do this anymore than you do, he’s my brother, but do you really think he’s left us with a choice? We have to find out what is going on Michael. Tess isn’t firing on all cylinders. You saw the look in her eyes this morning. We have to know what we are dealing with here,” yelled Isabel, practically hysterical.

“Okay, okay. You’re right. I just don’t feel right going through his stuff but you’re right we do have to know what we are dealing with here, so let’s finish what we started,” said Michael, as he started opening drawers.

After ten minutes of searching, Isabel found what she was looking for.

“Michael, I think I found it,” she said, holding up the file in her shaking hands.

Michael gently pried the file out of Isabel’s hand.

“Perhaps I should look at it Isabel. The way Max is acting I’m not sure he’d want you to look at this,” said Michael.

“No, I wouldn’t,” said Max, walking in on their conversation and looking at the file Michael was currently holding.

“MAX!” yelled Isabel, looking contrite.

“Max, we can explain,” Michael started to say before Max held up his hand to silence him.

“I understand why you did it, really I do, but if this ever happens again we won’t be friends anymore. I can’t have people around me I don’t trust,” said Max.

“That goes both ways Max,” said Isabel. “We’ve been asking you for weeks what was going on with Tess and you wouldn’t tell us. I’m your sister Max, and Michael is your friend. You should have trusted us enough to let us help, but as per usual, you took it upon yourself to deal with everything. I don’t need protecting anymore.”

“The reason I didn’t want anyone involved isn’t because I don’t trust you to help, it’s because having that file is illegal. The less you knew the better. I do trust both of you but I couldn’t drag you into this mess. It could get worse and I’m not about to take you guys down with me.”

“Don’t you think that’s our choice to make though Max?” asked Michael. “I can’t count the amount of times you’ve got me out of a jam and right now I think you are in way over your head. You didn’t see the feral look on Tess’ face this morning. She’s unhinged Max and you taunting her isn’t going to help.”

“Oh believe me; I know Tess is insane. Read the file and I think you’ll understand my actions,” said Max, moving out of the room.

Michael opened the file and started to read, when Isabel joined him. She gasped when she saw the photo’s in the file.

“What ... what the hell is that Michael?” asked Isabel, pointing the bloody mess

“That was Tess’ sister just after she ran her over with an SUV,” said Michael, as he read the report.

“WHAT!” shrieked Isabel.

“Yeah, because she was a minor they ruled it an accident but in the police report it states that when Rebecca, Tess’ sister, woke up she told the police that Tess had done it on purpose. There wasn’t enough evidence to charge her and she was a minor so her father agreed to commit her,” explained Michael.

“And they let her out, after she’d done that to her own sister?”

“They couldn’t prove anything. It was her word against Tess’. Apparently she spent three years in the hospital before she was deemed fit for release. Not long after that they moved here and left Rebecca in a care home. Here look at this,” said Michael, handing her another picture.

Isabel cried when she saw the pretty brown haired girl in the picture.

“Oh my god Michael, she’s a quadriplegic!”

“Yeah, she had a spinal cord injury thanks to Tess running her over,” said Michael, trying to control his own emotions as he read more of the file. He couldn’t believe the lengths Tess would go to.

“How the hell could Tess do this to her own sister?” asked Isabel.

“Her name isn’t Tess,” said Michael.

“What?” asked Isabel, a little confused.

“Her real name is Tracy Harding, she must have changed her name when she moved here,” said Michael.

“Well what the hell made Tracy do this to her own sister?”

“In the police report it mentions a boy named Robert. They took a statement from him as well. Apparently, he fell in love with Rebecca while dating Tracy. He started to suspect that there was something wrong with her, it doesn’t explain why here, but it does state that he thought she was unbalanced. He started to pull away from Tess, I mean Tracy and that’s when he spoke to her sister about his concerns. From there it grew into a full blown relationship where he admitted that he was in love with Rebecca. The statement finishes off by stating that Robert didn’t doubt Rebecca’s version of events.”

“So she maimed her own sister because she fell in love with her boyfriend?”

“Seems so,” said Michael, finally closing the file.

“Oh my god Michael, you know what this means?”

“Liz,” was all Michael could say.

“In that sick and twisted brain of hers, she’s going to believe that Liz took Max away from her!”

“Come on, I think we need to talk to Max,” said Michael.


As the bell finally rang there was a cheer from the students. It was now the official start of their two week vacation.

Liz and Maria swiped everything off their desk, into their back packs and hurried out of the classroom.

“Finally, two weeks of pure freedom,” yelled Maria.

“What are you up to tonight Maria?” signed Liz.

“I think we’re all meeting at Michael’s dorm room. Didn’t Max tell you?”

“We haven’t really had much time to talk since the session with Dr. Ray on Tuesday,” signed Liz.

“Shall we wait for him before we leave?” asked Maria.

“He’s not here Maria. He told me he had some personal stuff to deal with and left campus right after,” signed Liz.

“Hmmm, that’s odd. He missed his last class?”

“It must have been important,” signed Liz.

“I guess. Okay, so do you want a ride home?” asked Maria.

“Yeah, that would be great, thanks,” signed Liz.


Michael and Isabel approached Max carefully. They were still worried about his reaction to them going through his room.

“So, now you know,” said Max.

“Max, I can’t believe that Tess, or rather Tracy would do something like that to her own sister. I mean I know if I had a sister, and she cheated with my boyfriend, I’d be hopping mad but there is no way I would do something like that.”

“Was she responsible for the attack on Liz?” asked Michael. It had been on his mind since he saw the brown haired girl, Rebecca.

“No,” replied Max.

“How can you be so sure?” asked Michael.

“I just know.”

“That’s not good enough Max,” said Michael.

Max sighed. He knew there was no point in hiding anything anymore.

“The people who got me that file told me that it wasn’t Tess,” replied Max.

“How do you know that you can trust them?” asked Michael.

“He just does,” replied Isabel, knowing who her brother had contacted for the information.

Michael turned quickly towards Isabel.

“You know how he got hold of the file don’t you?”

“Look Michael, I am asking you to trust me on this one. I have contacts, ones that I trust. There is a reason behind it but I’m not going to discuss it with anyone. Just know that both Isabel and I trust the source, that should be enough,” said Max.

“Okay,” said Michael, holding up his hands. “I get it. Don’t ask questions, but what’s to stop them from doing it to Liz again?”

“That won’t happen,” said Max, firmly.

It was now Isabel’s turn to look at Max.

“W...what exactly does that mean Max?”

“Honestly, I don’t really know and I don’t want to either,” replied Max.

Michael just whistled.

“Okay, so that’s been taken care of but we still have the threat of Tess or Tracy or whatever the hell her name is. Damn this is confusing!”

“Oh believe me I’ve had to hold myself in check a few times. I’ve almost called Tess, Tracy, twice now.”

“Max, does Liz know anything about this stuff?” asked Michael.


“She’ll be pissed if you don’t tell her Max,” said Isabel.

“I’m coming clean tonight,” replied Max.

“Do you think that’s such a good idea before we tell them what we have planned?” asked Michael.

“What do you mean by what you have planned?” asked Isabel.

Michael slapped his hand over his mouth and shook his head.

“Sorry Max, I didn’t think.”

“It’s okay Michael. We were going to surprise you tonight. Alex, Michael and I have planned a little vacation for us all to go on. We thought it would be good for you girls to get away and get some R & R. We weren’t going to tell you until tonight,” explained Max.

“We’re going on a vacation!” yelled Isabel. “Oh my god, I have to pack. What about our parents?”

“We’re adults Isabel, we don’t have to ask their permission, but we’ve taken care of it anyway,” replied Max.

“Oh the girls are going to be so happy about this!”

“Yeah, well that’s if Liz still wants to be around me once I’ve told her the truth,” said Max, with a sad tone to his voice.

“I honestly think it’s best if you tell her Max. I know Liz might be angry at first but she’ll come around,” said Isabel.

“I hope so Isabel, because I couldn’t bear to lose her.”

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 35 11/Feb/11

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:57 am
by Janetfl
Hi everyone. Sorry it took so long for this next chapter. I've finally found out what is wrong with my hip. I've got a trapped nerve which is extremely painful. I now have extra strong painkillers which knock me out!! The boys are finally back to normal (I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not :lol: ). Thanks for your patience.

Thanks to everyone that left feedback and well wishes.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story. I always love it when new readers and authors come along.

Chapter 35

Max, Michael and Alex had arranged to meet the girls at Michael’s dorm room. They told them about the trip and the girls were excited. They explained that they would leave Albuquerque at 8:10am, stopping over at Denver International for approximately thirty minutes and then heading out to Las Vegas. They should arrive at McCarran International around eleven am. That gave them most of the first day to get settled into the hotel and do some sightseeing.

“Wait a minute, we’re leaving on Sunday?” asked Isabel.

“Yep,” replied Max.

“Oh my god, that means we’ve only got tonight and tomorrow to pack everything!” shrieked Isabel.

“We’re only going for ten days Isabel,” said Michael, which earned him a slap around the head from Maria.

“Don’t you realize that we need to plan these things. We have to know where we’re going in advance so that we can pack the right clothes, makeup and many other things!” said Maria.

“Maybe we should just cancel the trip,” said Alex, with a smile on his face.

“NO!” shouted Maria and Isabel at the same time. “We’ll manage.”

“I thought that’s what you would say.”

“Liz, I need to talk to you. Can we go for a walk around campus?” asked Max.

“Sure,” signed Liz.

Max had decided to bite the bullet and admit to Liz what he’d done to protect her against Tess. They had been getting closer over the last few weeks, especially after Liz admitted the problem with her dreams, or whatever they were. Max still couldn’t quite get his head around what Isabel and Maria had witnessed.

Liz was strong, Max knew this, but after hearing what she’d been dealing with since her parents’ death just made him love her all the more. She never held a grudge and always seemed to cope with whatever life seemed to throw at her.

To Max, she was strong, beautiful and selfless.

As they walked around the campus he started to get nervous.

“Max, I thought you wanted to talk,” signed Liz.

“I do Liz, it’s just this is really hard for me to admit.”

“I don’t like the sound of that,” signed Liz.

“Shall we sit down?” asked Max, pointing to a wooden bench set in the campus gardens.

Liz sat down and waited for Max to begin.

“Max, you’re starting to freak me out here,” signed Liz.

“Why didn’t you tell me Liz?” asked Max.

“Sorry, tell you what?” asked Liz, confused. “You know why I didn’t tell you about the dreams Max because they made me sound insane.”

“I’m not talking about that Liz. I’m talking about the fact that Tess has made your life a living hell over the last few months.”

“Who told you?”

“Does it really matter Liz?”

“Who told you?” signed Liz, again. She was beyond pissed that someone had betrayed her confidence.

“They all did, in the end.”

Liz got up from the bench and started to pace and sign.

“I don’t believe this. The one time I let my guard down and actually trust my friends they go behind my back.”

“That’s not fair Liz. They kept it quiet as long as they could.”

“I told them I could handle it Max. It wasn’t for them to decide.”

Now Max was the one who was getting annoyed.

“You could handle it? So you let her punch you in the stomach or wrap her hands around your throat, enough to leave a mark? That’s what you call handling it? What the hell is wrong with you Liz? Why can’t you ask for help when you need it?”

This sent Liz’s anger skyrocketing. She started signing so fast Max had a hard time keeping up with what she was so obviously yelling with her actions.

“What, just because I can’t speak that means that I can’t handle situations! I’ve dealt with this my whole life! I don’t need other people getting involved; it only makes the situation worse!”

Max couldn’t really disagree with that statement since things had already taken that turn.

“How difficult do you think that was for them not to tell me Liz? They know how much you mean to me.”

“Oh don’t you dare use that against me! You may be my boyfriend Max but that doesn’t give you the right to meddle in something that doesn’t concern you!”


This stopped Liz in her tracks.

“Do you think Tess was responsible?” asked Liz.

“I did at the time. Don’t you see Liz? Alex, Isabel and Maria had all witnessed your run-ins with Tess. What were they supposed to think when you ended up in hospital? If it makes a difference none of them wanted to tell me. Alex let something slip in conversation which alerted Michael. He had to practically drag it out of them. They didn’t want to betray your confidence but the severity of the beating, and their worry about your safety, overrode what they promised you. It’s not something they decided lightly.”

“You have to understand something Max. Every person I’ve ever loved or trusted has either been taken away from me, or has turned away from me because I became too bothersome to deal with. Trust is something I don’t give out lightly. I understand why they told you, I do, but that was for me to decide, when the time was right for me. They wouldn’t even have known about it had they not witnessed it with their own eyes.”

“So you’re saying that you wouldn’t have told any of us?”

“Not unless it got totally out of hand, no I wouldn’t have. Can you honestly say that you’ve been completely up front with me Max?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you’ve got something in your past that you don’t like to talk about. In fact every time I bring up the subject of your father you quickly change it. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? It’s not just me that keeps secrets Max.”

“Touché Liz.”

“Look, let’s not fight about this anymore. I understand that you don’t want to talk about your father. That’s why I’ve never pushed for information but I think you owe me the same courtesy.”

“I do. You’re right, I’m sorry Liz. This is going to make what I say next even harder,” said Max.

Liz would have groaned if the noise was possible to make.

“What did you do Max?”

Liz wasn’t stupid. She knew there was a reason behind everything they had discussed tonight and it sounded like that reason was about to be exposed.

“You have to understand that I was worried about you. I thought Tess was behind the attack also. I called in a few favors, asked for her background to be searched.”

“Max, that’s like a total invasion of privacy.”

“I know but I had to find out if she was behind the attack.”

“So what did you find out?” signed Liz.

Max pulled out the envelope and gave it to Liz.

“I’m not even sure that all of us put together can deal with this one Liz. Tess is positively deranged. To be honest I think even I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.”

“She knows you have this doesn’t she? That’s why she’s been avoiding me, why she hasn’t been at school?”

Max just nodded his head.

“I take it this information wasn’t easy to get hold of?”

Max shook his head.

“You were right about one thing Liz,” said Max.

“What’s that?” signed Liz.

“I might have just made the situation worse,” said Max, standing up and heading towards the dorm.

“I’ll let you read it in private. I only did it for your protection but if you don’t want to go away with me, I’ll understand.”


Meanwhile back at the dorm room....

“So do you think Liz is going hate us all?” asked Isabel.

“I don’t think she is going to be pleased that we told Max about Tess. I’m just hoping Max will be able to make her understand the reasons we did,” said Maria.

The door to the dorm room opened.

“I tried, the rest is up to Liz,” said Max, as he came into the room.

“Why didn’t she tell us Max?” asked Alex.

“I think that’s only something Liz can explain,” said Max.

“Doesn’t she trust us?” asked Maria.

The door to the dorm room opened again, revealing Liz.

“LIZ!” yelled Maria, jumping up and heading towards Liz.

Liz raised her hand to stop Maria coming closer.

“Max, can I talk to you outside for a moment please,” signed Liz.

Isabel looked at Max, worried. She knew that whatever Liz’s reaction was to that file would make or break her brother. Max had always been the protector, especially to those that he loved deeply. He always tried to protect both her and her mother from the beatings, taking the brunt of it himself but her father would always go after Diane after Max couldn’t take anymore, that he never forgave himself for, even though he was only a small boy.

If Liz turned her back on Max now, she knew it would hurt her brother more than her father ever could with his fists. It would hurt him to the very core of his being and that she didn’t think he would ever recover from.

“Sure,” Max signed. Not saying anything to the rest of the group and leading Liz outside.

“Max, I need to know how you got hold of this file. I know enough about law to know that the file should have been sealed,” signed Liz.

“I called in a few favors,” replied Max.

“What kind of favors Max?”

“In order for me to explain that I have to tell you about my father Liz. It’s not a pretty story, are you sure you want to hear all of it? It might change your opinion of me,” explained Max.

“I want; no I need to know Max.”

So Max told her everything, from the first time his father beat him right up to giving the file to Liz. He told her all about Tommy, and why he owed him a favor. The only information he left out was about Tommy dealing with whoever had caused the beating to Liz.

“I, I don’t know what to say Max. I need some time to process all of this,” signed Liz.

“I thought you might,” replied Max, feeling a little dejected. He knew Liz was a good person and some of the things he had done of late were far from being acceptable. He wondered if he would ever see Liz again as she simply turned and walked away without another word.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 36 26/Feb/11

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:44 am
by Janetfl
Thanks to everyone that left feedback for the last chapter.


Jessie: Thank you so much for your very kind comments!

Chapter 36

Liz lay in bed trying to decide whether or not she would go on vacation tomorrow. She had taken the long way home so she could get things straight in her head. She understood why Max had tried to protect her, especially after everything he’d told her about his father, but did that excuse using illegal ways to get hold of the information on Tess?

It was something she would never have expected from Max. Did she really know him at all? She thought she did, but maybe she was clinging to that memory of an innocent boy she met at the hospital all those years ago.

As Liz’s frustration grew she turned and started thumping her pillow. Why did everything in her life have to be so difficult? Liz heard the doorbell and wondered who it was. She didn’t have the energy to go and find out so left her parents to deal with it. It was probably for them anyway.

Liz heard some voices downstairs and assumed her mother had answered the door. She heard a gentle knock on her bedroom door a few minutes later and then her mother entered.

“Liz honey, there’s someone here to see you,” said Nancy, with a smile on her face. She was so glad that Liz seemed to be getting on well at college, having made friends that seemed to care about her.

Liz sighed, got off her bed and followed her Mom downstairs. She expected to see Max and wasn’t sure if she was ready to face him just yet. As she turned towards the living room, the person standing there shocked her. The look that crossed Liz’s face didn’t go unnoticed by her guest.

“I guess you’re wondering what I’m doing here?”

Liz just nodded.

“Can we talk, in private?” asked Isabel.

Liz pointed upstairs and Isabel understood her meaning.

“Thanks Liz.”

Liz walked up the stairs with Isabel following her. She entered her room and motioned for Isabel to sit on the chair by her desk, which Isabel did. Then she shut the door.

She watched as Isabel sat in the chair and started to wring her hands in a nervous gesture. Liz moved in front of Isabel to get her attention.

“Erm, I’m not sure me being here is the right thing to do, to be honest Liz, but I had to try. I know what Max did was wrong, getting the file on Tess and the way he got hold of it, but you have to understand something.”

Isabel was interrupted by Liz holding up her hand. She went to get her laptop off the bedside cabinet, sat on the bed and started typing.

Isabel came to sit next to Liz understanding that this was the only way she could communicate with Liz until she learned to sign properly. She watched as the words came up on the screen.

“Isabel, I really appreciate you coming here. Max has told me everything about your father even though he wasn’t ready to.”

“So you know about all about our sordid past then? I’m glad Max was honest with you Liz. It takes a lot for him to open up about that, in fact, other than Maria and his closest friends nobody knows about it.”

“I understand that it was difficult for him to talk about it Isabel,” Liz typed.

“When my father knew he had a son he decided that Max would live out a dream that he never achieved. My father always wanted to be a professional basket ball player but a serious knee injury left him unable to play.”

Although Max had been honest about his father, he never told Liz this part of the story so she listened carefully to Isabel.

“Because his dream had been destroyed he decided to start working in the judicial system, eventually working his way up to a judge. He held a lot of power Liz, still does. Anyway when Max turned four, my father decided to coach the little league at his school. That’s when the beatings started. My father always played basket ball with Max and he had a natural talent for it, but when Dad took that job at Max’s school, everything changed. If Max screwed up in any way he would come home black and blue, always in places that you couldn’t see unless he was in a state of undress.

I remember the first time I saw him coming out of the bathroom. Oh god Liz, it was awful,” cried Isabel, raising her hand to her mouth to contain the sob. “His whole little torso was covered in purple bruises. I remember the look in his eyes as he watched my little brain process what those bruises meant and then I started to cry. He immediately cuddled me and told me everything was going to be okay, that he would never let Dad hurt me and I believed him Liz. I called them boo boos because that’s the only term I knew at the time. I asked Max why Dad would give him so many boo boos and he told me it was because he deserved them, can you believe that?

That day he saw you in the hospital was because his arm was broken in two places Liz. Everyone thought it was because he tripped over one of the players. He did do that during the game but he never broke his arm. That was done later, by my Dad. To keep up appearances my father even shouted at Max in the hospital and yet even through all of that his main priority was making sure that you were okay. He came home and told me all about you. How beautiful but lost you looked. He cried that night. It was the only time I’d ever seen him cry. I asked him what was wrong and he told me it was because he couldn’t protect you, couldn’t get you a new Mom and he was worried what would happen to you.

After that, he became even more protective of me. When my father went on a rampage beating both him and my mother, do you know what he did?”

Liz shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

“He came into my room, lay down right next to the door and went to sleep. He thought that if my father came for me then at least he would be a distraction long enough for me to get away,” whispered Isabel.

Liz was openly sobbing now at what Max and his family had endured all these years. Isabel immediately put her arms around Liz and hugged her tightly.

“I’m so sorry Liz, but you had to understand Max. He couldn’t protect you back then, when you needed him the most. He’s never forgiven himself for it but he held on to the belief that someday your paths would cross again. Sometimes, it was the only thing that kept him going. I don’t know what he would do if he lost you now,” whispered Isabel.

Liz gently pulled away from Isabel and wiped her tears. She turned back to her laptop and started to type again.

“So that’s why he went as far as he did to obtain those files?”

Isabel nodded.

“He can protect you now Liz. When Max loves someone it’s unconditional and ardently. It’s a little frightening, I know, but he would never harm one of us, NEVER. When he turned eighteen my father went to punch him in the face. Max caught his fist and that was the last time my father ever laid a finger on him. He didn’t use violence, even though my father had, he simply pointed out the fact that he was younger and stronger than him now.”

Isabel felt exhausted. She’d never told anyone that story, not even Alex. All of Max’s friends knew that he’d not had a happy childhood but none of them except Maria, truly knew the extent of his suffering.

Liz was trying to process everything that Isabel had told her and then it hit her like a ton of bricks. She suddenly started typing like a mad woman.

“I have to go Isabel. Where is he?”

“He’s back at the house, but please don’t tell him I told you all of this.”

Liz shook her head and then grabbed her keys from the bedside cabinet. She ran down the stairs and bumped straight into her mother.

“Sorry,” signed Liz.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Nancy asked, as she watched Isabel coming down the stairs.

“I’ve got to go and see Max,” signed Liz.

“Is something wrong sweetie?”

“No, I just need to talk to him about...” Liz stopped suddenly. She hadn’t even explained to her parents yet that Max had arranged a vacation for them all.

“The vacation?” Nancy said, enjoying the look of surprise on Liz’s face.

“He’s a gentleman Liz. He asked our permission, even though he didn’t need it. He wanted to make sure we were okay with it first. He wanted it to be a surprise.”

Liz couldn’t help the tears that started forming in her eyes. How could she have ever doubted this wonderful man?

“I’ve got to go,” signed Liz, as she ran out of the front door and towards the one man she would only ever truly love.

As Liz’s feet beat a steady pace against the pavement she couldn’t help letting her mind drift to everything Isabel had told her. She now finally understood what pushed Max to get that file on Tess. The thought of him crying over the fact that he couldn’t protect her all those years ago made something open in her very guarded heart.

When she finally reached her destination she was completely out of breath and had a cramp that was almost crippling her but she wasn’t going to back down now. She raised her fist and pounded the door, like her life depended on it.

Max was sitting in his room, with nothing on except a pair of sweatpants, listening to his favorite Counting Crows CD. He knew he shouldn’t wallow in self pity but right now it was the only thing he could do. What if Liz decided she didn’t want a relationship with him anymore? The pain that shot through his heart was intense and he knew then that it would destroy him. After holding her, kissing her and having her acceptance he couldn’t imagine never feeling that way again. Liz held the power to do what his father never managed, to break his spirit, and it scared the living shit out of him.

An incessant banging at the front door made him jump out of the chair, switch off his CD player and start running down the stairs in annoyance.

“Alright, ALRIGHT I’M COMING!” he yelled at whoever was at the door, still pounding on it.

“Isabel, if you’ve forgotten your keys again,” he said as he opened the door, but the rest got stuck in his throat as Liz stood before him looking like she’d run a marathon.

Liz was doubled over, breathing hard and holding her side where the excruciating pain of the cramp was.

“Liz, are you alright?”

“Yep, fine, just ran all the way over here and I’ve got one hell of a cramp,” signed Liz.

“Come on in and sit down, I’ll get you a glass of water,” said Max, leading her towards the sofa.

He quickly grabbed a chilled bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen, poured it into a glass, sat down next to Liz and handed it to her.

Liz gulped down the water and then placed the glass on the coffee table.

“Thanks Max,” signed Liz.

“What made you run all the way here? Was someone chasing you?” asked Max, concerned.

“No, it’s a little embarrassing actually. Look Max, I’ve been thinking about everything that happened tonight. I’m sorry I just walked away like that but I needed time to think.”

“I know that Liz.”

“I’m sorry I just walked away Max. I understand why you did what you did, and I appreciate the fact that you’ve been honest about it. I should have told you about Tess sooner and I’m sorry that I didn’t. I find it hard to open up to people but I am trying. I realized tonight that for the first time in my life I have a group of friends that support me, without judging me. I know that Isabel, Maria and Alex tried to keep it quiet for as long as they could and I feel bad for putting them in that situation.”

“I’m sure they understand Liz and I know the only reason they told me was because they thought you were in danger.”

“I know and I owe them an apology for my actions tonight as well. What’s going to happen now Max?” asked Liz.

“Tess isn’t exactly stable so we’re all going to have to be on the lookout for her. I doubt we’ve heard or seen the last of her. I’m sorry if I’ve made things worse Liz, I just wanted her to leave you alone. You’ve been through so much and I ...”

Liz gently placed her finger against his lips.

“It doesn’t matter anymore Max, because I have you,” signed Liz.

“God I love you, do you know that?” said Max.

Liz just froze.

“You love me?” signed Liz.

“More and more everyday Liz,” whispered Max.

Liz’s mouth immediately attacked his with a pent up passion that had been begging to explode for the last few weeks. As she glided her lips over his, she gently swiped her tongue across his lips, asking for permission to plunder his mouth.

As he opened to her onslaught she felt Max’s tongue reach out to hers and then he grabbed her lower lip, between his teeth, and gently pulled the plump flesh.

Liz couldn’t explain why but she found it totally erotic and a deep moan escaped her throat. She manoeuvred her body so she could sit across his lap and she wrapped her legs around his waist, kissing him harder, deeper than ever before, fisting the hair at the nape of his neck so he didn’t dare pull away from her.

Max felt like he’d died and gone to heaven. He was completely surrounded by Liz. Her unique aroma which was a mixture of something fruity and floral permeated his nose. She was wrapped so tightly around him that he didn’t know where he began and she ended. It was as if she was trying to get inside his skin and he loved it. It was erotic, thrilling and totally consuming all at the same time.

He was acutely aware of the feel of her creamy legs wrapped around his naked torso. That iron clad control over his emotions, Max was famous for, was slipping fast. His whole body was on fire, waves of desire ripped through his body igniting a burning need to become one with Liz.

Liz was completely dizzy with the lust he’d created with his talented mouth. God if she felt this way when he kissed her god only knows what it would feel like when he actually joined with her. The thought excited her and a rush of warmth pooled between her legs.

Max ripped his lips away from Liz’s and left a blazing trail with his lips as he kissed down her neck, slightly nipping and sucking on the skin at her pulse point, marking her as his. He could hear Liz’s breathing hitch before a small moan escaped. She tipped her neck to allow him better access as he continued to suck lightly on the skin. Then he bit down slightly harder, swiping his tongue across to take the sting away.

As soon as Liz felt him bite her neck she arched backwards in pure longing making Max’s eyes level to her heaving chest. He couldn’t help but raise his hands slowly up her sides, brushing the slight bulge with his thumbs. When she didn’t freeze or pull away he hoped it was a sign that it was okay for him to continue. He gently moved one hand around to cup the roundness of her firm breast, teasing her nipple through the silk blouse she was wearing, with his thumb.

When she arched her back further her hot, wet, panty covered core came into contact with his raging hard on and he released an agonizing groan. That simple contact was enough to awaken his senses. He gently pulled away from Liz and lowered her head to his so he could look into her eyes.

“Oh god Liz, you can’t even begin to imagine how much I want this, but we can’t, not here, not now. My Mom is due home soon and I don’t want her walking in on anything. When we share this I don’t want it to be tainted in any way. Believe me this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, pulling away from you, my whole body is screaming to be with you but I won’t risk it, it’s too important to me.”

Tears had pooled in Liz’s eyes. She understood that he wasn’t rejecting her; he just wanted it to be perfect. No interruptions.

Liz gently nodded and gave him a quick passionate kiss on the lips before removing herself from his body. Max instantly felt the loss and it took all of his control not to grab her body and surround himself with her again, but he knew this was for the best. Their first time together, as far as Max was concerned, had to be perfect. He intended spending the rest of his life with her, if she agreed of course, and in no way did he want their first time as something they would forever regret but something that would always be cherished.

“So I guess this means you’re coming on vacation with us?” asked Max, nervously.

“Yes, definitely,” signed Liz, earning her a huge smile from Max.

They were so wrapped up in each other, neither of them noticed the flash of blonde curls as Tess turned and ran, after peeping through the living room window. She’d never felt fury like this, not even with her sister, it was like her whole body had become possessed with hatred, the whole sickening scene playing through head, like it was stuck in a loop and it finally snapped what little control she had left. Oh Liz and Isabel where going to pay for their interference and she knew how to cause them the most pain. She smiled as her plan finally cemented in her brain.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 37 07/Mar/11

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:52 pm
by Janetfl
Yay, time for another update. Thank you to everyone for leaving feed back and well wishes!! You know I appreciate it!

Avalon Rose

Chapter 37

Isabel, Maria and Liz had decided to spend Saturday morning shopping for some new items for their vacation.

“I owe you two an apology,” Liz signed, while Maria translated for Isabel.

“What for?” asked Isabel.

“I put both of you and Alex in an awkward position. You had to lie to Max and Michael and that wasn’t right,” explained Liz.

“No it wasn’t, but we understood. We wouldn’t have told Michael or Max only for the fact that we believed Tess was behind your attack. It was a slip of the tongue that actually drew Michael’s attention.”

“You don’t have to explain. I should have been honest with Max. I’ve not had many people that I could trust in my life, the ones I did trust turned their back on me. I realized last night that I don’t have to worry about that with any of you,” explained Liz.

Maria couldn’t help but put her arm around Liz and give her a hard but brief squeeze.

“You’ve got that right girl. We’ve got your back, no matter what.”

“I think that moving here was the best thing my parents could have done,” signed Liz, smiling.

“Okay, so now that’s all cleared up let’s get shopping!” beamed Isabel.

They spent over three hours at the mall, picking up new dresses, tops, trousers and shoes. Isabel gave Maria a secret smile and motioned to Liz as they approached Victoria Secrets.

“Oh I love shopping here! Michael ALWAYS enjoys the fruits of my shopping adventure!” said Maria, making Liz blush.

“Come on Liz, we can pick something out for you that’ll knock Max’s socks off,” laughed Maria, at the look of horror and embarrassment on Liz’s face.

“I’ll be over at the bathing suit section. I’ll meet you there once you’ve finished,” said Isabel, heading to a different part of the store.

“I can’t believe you just said that Maria, in front of Isabel!” signed Liz.

Maria giggled.

“Honey, it was her idea to bring you to this store. She doesn’t want to see what you choose because, well because that would be icky, but she knows the score!”

Maria couldn’t believe that Liz’s cheeks flashed two shades redder.

“Oh honey, this will be your first time won’t it?” asked Maria.

“I can’t believe you just asked me that Maria,” signed Liz, frantically.

“Are you nervous?”

“Yes, no, I don’t know. Just because I’m going on this vacation doesn’t mean I’m going to have sex with Max,” signed Liz, getting slightly annoyed.

“I know that but it doesn’t harm having some sexy underwear just in case,” smiled Maria. She didn’t really want to make Liz feel uncomfortable but she also wanted Liz to loosen up a little. “Trust me on this Liz. Let me choose a few sets for you and I’ll bring them to the changing room.”

“Okay,” signed Liz, relaxing slightly. She realized that Maria and Isabel weren’t trying to embarrass her or force her into anything. They were just trying to be good girlfriends.

When Maria finally came into the changing room she looked like she’d chosen almost everything in the store. She had an armful of garments clutched to her chest.

“Here, try these. I’ve taken the liberty of choosing a few bathing suits and nightwear for you. Don’t worry I made sure I had you in mind when I chose them,” said Maria, handing the garments to Liz.

Liz got undressed and started the arduous task of trying everything on. She was impressed with Maria’s choices. She decided to buy the peach, emerald green, black and white lacy bra and hip hugging panty sets. Then she tried on the night gowns Maria had picked out.

“Hey, are you okay back here?” asked Maria.

Liz popped her head out of the changing room.

“Seriously Maria, this?” signed Liz, pointing down to the garment she was currently trying on. It was a spaghetti strapped, white lace, full length night gown with a split on the right hand side, up to the thigh. It clung to every curve of her body. If Liz wasn’t currently wearing her underwear beneath it she would be giving Maria a peep show.

“Wow, Max will blow a gasket when he sees you in that,” said Maria, in all seriousness.

“Maria! You can see practically everything through this!” signed Liz.

“Yep, that’s the point.”

When Maria saw Liz starting to squirm a little she jumped in to explain.

“If you’re not comfortable being bare underneath it Liz, you don’t have to be. Wear a pair of lacy panties or something. It would still be incredibly sexy.”

“You would be able to see my nipples through this,” signed Liz, blushing profusely.

“Uh huh, but just imagine Max’s reaction to it!”

Liz rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling either.

“Okay, I’ll get this one and the black one I think. At least that way I can have one night gown that leaves something to the imagination.”

Maria couldn’t help the full bellied laugh that erupted from within her.

“I’m just going to get dressed and then we can grab something to eat before we head home,” signed Liz.

“We’ll meet you by the food court. You want me to order you something?” asked Maria.

“Yeah, I’ll just have a skinny latte and a Caesar salad, no croutons please.”


“We come bearing gifts,” said Michael, holding up a six pack of beer and a box of pizza.

“A six pack, it’s only midday,” said Max.

Alex popped his head around Michael.

“Well we thought you’d either be drowning your sorrows or celebrating, either way it calls for a six pack and pizza!”

Max threw his head back and laughed.

“Well alright then, come on in!”

“So what’s the news?” asked Alex.

“I thought you would have known by now, knowing how Maria and Isabel can’t keep out of my private life,” said Max, smiling.

“Nope, never got a word out of them this morning except that they were going shopping,” explained Michael.

“Liz is with them?” asked Max.

“Yeah, why is that a problem?” asked Alex, slightly perplexed at the look on Max’s face.

“Oh crap. I’m never going to survive this vacation,” said Max, groaning and rubbing his hand over his face.

Michael and Alex looked at one another, shrugged and turned to face Max again.

“What are you talking about?” asked Michael.

“Michael, what’s Maria’s favorite shop?”

“How the hell should I know?”

“Think Michael,” said Max, with a pointed look.

It suddenly dawned on Michael what Max was thinking about.


“Yep, oh. By the time those two have finished with Liz she’s either going to think this vacation was a very bad idea or be the death of me.”

“Hey, what the hell are you talking about?” asked Alex, still confused why this was such a big deal.

“Two words Alex,” said Max.

“Victoria Secrets,” said Max and Michael in unison.

“Oh, OH now I get it. Hey wait a minute, so that means that Liz is coming with us then? So everything is okay between you two?”

“Yeah, she came round last night and we talked it through.”

Michael slapped Max on the back. “I’m happy for you man. You’ve been through enough and deserve a break.”

“Yeah well, so has Liz.”

“Well, this definitely calls for beer and pizza then. Come on let’s eat and wait for the girls to get back,” said Alex.


“Remind me NEVER to go shopping with you guys again. Not only do my feet suffer but so does my credit card,” signed Liz, after rubbing one of her sore feet.

Maria and Isabel sniggered.

“You’ve enjoyed yourself though right?” asked Maria, munching on her salad.

“Yeah, it’s been great, thanks,” signed Liz.

“So Michael told me all about the villa last night,” said Maria.

“We’re staying at a villa?” signed Liz, again with Maria translating so Isabel could be included in the conversation.

“Yeah, it’s the one my father usually rents. As soon as we told them our name we got the same villa,” explained Isabel.

“This must be costing the guys a fortune,” signed Liz. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with them paying for it all.”

“Liz, although my brother didn’t want any money from my father he’d already set up a trust fund for us both. When we turned eighteen we were granted access to it. Michael and Alex don’t do too bad either. Believe me they can afford this vacation,” explained Isabel.

“That’s not the point,” signed Liz.

“Oh Liz, please don’t fight us on this. The guys wanted to do something special for us, isn’t that enough? Does everything have to be an issue?” begged Maria.

“No, it’s just, well I, oh what the hell we’re going to Vegas baby,” signed Liz.

Isabel and Maria burst out laughing at the exuberant look on Liz’s face.

None of them noticed the disguised icy blue eyed, brown haired, woman sitting a few tables away, listening to their conversation. Nor did they notice another set of eyes watching everything that was going on from afar.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 38 31/Mar/11

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:53 pm
by Janetfl
I would like to say a special thank you to Ellie (earth2mama) for without her help this chapter would not have been posted yet. Thanks!!!!

Thank you to everyone who leaves feed back and votes for us authors in the awards. I can't tell you how much it is appreciated!!!


Chapter 38

The Spanish villa they were staying at was jaw dropping beautiful. The girls couldn’t believe it as they checked out their home for the next ten days.

It was only five minutes away from the main strip and you had a view of it from the Master bedroom balcony. It had a dining room with leather chairs overlooking the pool area, three bedrooms; a living room with an open fireplace overlooking the patio and yard, a sparkling pool, spa and waterfall, a barbeque outside, a good sized kitchen and was located inside a private community with a Park.

“Wow, this place is gorgeous!” squealed Maria.

“I can’t believe we’re going to be staying here!” said Isabel.

Liz took in a deep, relaxing breath and then slowly let it out. Already this place was having a calming effect on her.

“It’s amazing,” signed Liz.

“I’m glad you think so,” said Max, coming up to the girls after lugging in four suitcases from outside.

“What are we doing about the sleeping arrangements?” asked Michael.

“Trust you to be so direct Michael,” replied Isabel.

“I just want to know where to put these freaking heavy bags,” he grumbled.

“I think you and Liz should take the Master bedroom since I know you put up most of the money for this vacation,” Maria said to Max.

“Does anyone have any objections?” asked Max.

“Nope,” said everyone in unison.

Liz of course squirmed and blushed.

Noticing the awkward silence that had suddenly appeared Michael and Alex went out to get more bags while Isabel and Maria went off to choose their rooms.

“I don’t expect you to have sex with me,” blurted Max, and then noticed the look of amusement on Liz’s face.

Max could not believe he’d just blurted that out loud. It took all of his control not to smack his hand across his mouth so he didn’t say anything more monumentally stupid. Why the hell could Liz reduce him to a quivering mass? Max knew that Liz was squirming a little under the scrutiny of their friends when they were discussing the sleeping arrangements. The tension in the air was so thick, you could have cut it with a knife. The fact that their friends had left them to have a private conversation to ‘discuss it’ made it even worse, at least in Max’s mind.

Shaking his head at his blunder and feeling a little relaxed at Liz’s amusement, he attempted to explain.

“No, I mean, sorry that didn’t come out right. What I meant to say was that all I expect from you on this vacation is for you to have a good time, okay? You’ve been through so much lately. I just want you to relax and enjoy yourself. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable with the sleeping arrangements so I ordered a fold down bed, just in case,” explained Max.

After that explanation he felt like groaning. What the hell was wrong with him? Yes he wanted to take his relationship with Liz to the next level but why was he acting like a bumbling thirteen year old instead of the confident man he was? Absolutely horrified, Max felt a full blown blush creep up his face and neck. Would the shame never end?

And then it hit him. He was nervous. He was so in love with Liz, more than he even realised. She had the power to crush him like no other and that absolutely terrified him.

Liz watched as an array of emotions flittered across Max’s face. The cute blush and the ‘deer caught in headlights’ look to his eyes Liz found simply adorable. She knew Max would never push her into something that she wasn’t ready for, that’s one of the many things she loved about him. She thought back to the night when they’d almost got carried away, only for Max to pull away because his mother was due home any minute.

If she remembered correctly, she was the one who attacked him. Surely that would have suggested to Max that she was definitely comfortable with taking their relationship to the next level. Obviously Max wasn’t on the same wavelength. Maybe a little push in the right direction might help.

A sudden look of fear entered those beautiful eyes of his and it pulled Liz out of her internal musings. Maybe she’d been too quiet for too long and now Max doubted her feelings for him. Liz had never been the aggressor in any of her relationships, so this was something new for her but there was no way she was going to allow Max to pull back after the other night.

She knew the arsenal she had purchased was for this very reason. Although she hotly denied it to Maria, she kept in mind that night when she had purchased those sexy little outfits. Oh yes, Liz Parker was definitely going after her man. She wanted him to lose that iron clad control and ravish her until she couldn’t even think straight any more.

With a predatory gleam in her eyes, she slowly circled Max running her finger across his chest, arm and back, removing it quickly to give him a sharp pinch on the butt. The small yelp and jump from Max made her smile. She then proceeded around the rest of his body, gliding her hand across the firm ridges of his muscles until she finally faced him.

“That was very considerate of you Max but by the end of this vacation I intend to make full use of that master bed, with you in it of course. Now which way is our room?” signed Liz.

Max was completely gobsmacked. How quickly had she turned the tables on him? How could she be so innocent one moment and then a little sex kitten the next? Max was definitely interested in peeling away all of the fascinating layers to her personality.


After all the bags had been brought in and placed in the relevant rooms, the group weren’t quite sure what to do next. It was Liz who eventually suggested that they check out the amenities in the complex first; pointing out that they needed supplies for breakfast and lunch.

As they walked through the complex they couldn’t help being impressed by the amount of thought that went into it. There were only six villas, each strategically placed so that one couldn’t overlook the other. In the centre there was a small but picturesque park, with a small play ground for children if needed.

As you ventured further away from the villas there were enough shops to sell all the essentials you would probably need, plus a bar, restaurant, beauty salon, pharmacy, pool hall and anything else you could possibly need if you didn’t want to venture away from the complex.

By the time they returned to the villa, after shopping for breakfast the following morning and lunch today, they were hungry. They had decided on a light lunch of fillet steak salad with Thousand Island dressing, simply because they planned to spend time in pool.

The men went straight to their rooms to get changed since they were going to BBQ the steaks and set the table outside by the pool, while the women chopped the vegetables and prepared the drinks in the kitchen.

Isabel, Maria and Liz brought out two large bowls of salad tossed in Thousand Island dressing, a pitcher of sweet, iced tea and any other condiments they might need. Once they were placed on the table they disappeared into the villa to get changed.

“So Max, are you going to tell us what happened?” asked Michael, as soon as the women disappeared.

Max groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Oh man, that bad?” asked Alex.

“I can’t believe how I reacted around her!”

“What did you do?” asked Alex.

Max groaned again and shook his head.

“I blurted out that I didn’t expect to have sex with her,” said Max, mortified.

“You said that?” demanded Michael.

Max nodded. “I don’t know why Michael. I felt the tension in the room and when you all left us it got worse. I just wanted her to feel comfortable and understand that I wasn’t expecting anything.”

“So you panicked,” said Alex, understanding.

“Well yeah. After everything that’s happened between us I don’t want any misunderstandings.”

“And you blurted out that? Way to go Max. If I’d said that to Maria I would be hitting a dry spell for quite some time,” replied Michael.

“Yeah, I’m sure Isabel wouldn’t be pleased either,” said Alex.

Max scrunched up his nose in disgust.

“That’s my sister you’re talking about Alex. I don’t want to have that kind of picture in my brain.”

Alex held up his hands in a placating manner.

“I know. I’m just saying...”

“Well don’t,” gritted out Max.

“So, you’re definitely sleeping on the fold down bed from now on,” said Michael, quickly changing the subject.

“Actually, no.”

Both friends’ heads whipped around to look at him. He shrugged his shoulders.

“Liz turned the tables on me,” replied Max, enigmatically.

“What does that mean?” asked Michael.

“Nothing! It’s none of your business,” replied Max, focusing his attention back on the steaks.

Michael was about to question Max further but stopped as soon as he caught sight of Maria. She was currently setting up her IPod with speakers so they could have some music outside.

She was wearing a yellow bikini that made her already golden tan look deeper. The tiny triangles of fabric covering her breasts were held in place by what could only be described as a piece of string, left nothing to the imagination. Maria was never ashamed of her body and had been around Max and Alex enough to feel comfortable.

Michael couldn’t help himself. He stalked towards Maria, grabbed her around the waist, spun her around and placed a hard but passionate kiss on her surprised lips.

“You looking gorgeous,” whispered Michael.

Exactly the response she was looking for. She smiled at Michael, placing a cool hand against his sun hot chest.

“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself handsome.”

Another brief kiss and Michael decided it would be wise to put a little space between them otherwise he would go caveman on Maria, toss her over his shoulder and carry her to the bedroom.

“Keep that thought for later,” whispered Maria, as Michael pulled away from her.

Maria sorted through the list of albums on her IPod and chose one to play.

As Isabel stepped out onto the patio Alex nearly spat out his iced tea. The girls had definitely dressed to impress today. Isabel was wearing an emerald green, shiny bikini. The upper half supported her ample breasts but left enough exposed to get a decent tan, whereas the bottoms covered her essential bits with a fairly large triangle of fabric tied together with a bow on each side.

“Wow, you look stunning,” whispered Alex as he placed a brief but passionate kiss on her lips, being respectful that her brother was nearby.

As Liz stepped outside, feeling a little self conscious, both men’s jaws nearly hit the floor. Now normally this would have offended Maria and Isabel but they just couldn’t be angry. Liz looked absolutely stunning in her bikini which was almost identical to the one Ursula Andress wore in the James Bond movie Dr No. Besides they were interested in what Max’s reaction would be to their obvious ogling of his girlfriend.

“Oh this is going to be fun,” whispered Isabel. Maria nodded.

“I told Liz that bikini would make Max lose his control,” whispered Mara.

“Let’s just see how much,” grinned Isabel.

Liz was starting to feel a little uncomfortable when both Alex and Michael just stood there staring at her.

“Maria, Isabel,” signed Liz, frantically.

“Chill out honey, were having fun here. Let’s see what Max does,” signed Maria, translating for Isabel’s benefit.

Michael quickly nudged Max in the ribs.

“What the hell was that ...” the words died in his throat as he looked at his friends face. Turning to look what had caught his attention Max dropped the tongs he was using to turn the steaks.

“Holy fucking shit,” whispered Max.

Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Chpt 39 10/Apr/11

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:23 pm
by Janetfl
Again, I have to thank Ellie (Earth2mama) for checking out this chapter for me!
Thanks to everyone who left feedback for me. I love writing this story and love the responses you all give.

Courtney: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! And thanks for the awesome idea in the first place! :wink:

Ginger: NOBODY could take your fluff title! :lol: :wink:

Pandas2001: Thanks for leaving feedback. It's good to see you again. I think the last time was when you used to leave feedback for I'm Lost Without you. Thanks for reading this one!

Ellie: Hun, your the best. I wouldn't be able to post this without you! Thanks for taking the time and I always look forward to your feedback.

Eve: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, I think Max wants to peel away other layers as well! :twisted: It's coming.

Natalie36: WOW, I just loved that response! Short but so sweet! Thank you!

Carolyn: I hope this is soon enough for you! Thank you for always supporting me!

zaneri1: All shall be revealed over the next few chapters! Thanks!

AvalonRose: Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin! I hope you find this chapter funny too.

RoswellMyHeart: Wow, thank you for your wonderful comments. It really makes me feel like the work I put into fics is appreciated. I think you are right, they have been pointing out when Liz talks and then she clams up again ... there is a reason for this though which will become clear over the next few chapters. :wink:

A/N: The meals ordered in this chapter are from the Zizzi’s menu which can be found here

Chapter 39

Max took in the sight of the angel of silence standing before him. God she looked so innocent and yet such a temptress at the same time. He could feel himself growing hard just looking at her.

Max growled as he slapped the back of Michael’s head, hard, for the way he was looking at Liz.

Maria giggled at the look of shock on Michael’s face. “Did Max just growl?” she asked Isabel.

“Uh huh, I believe he did. Watch this,” she said, as Max stalked towards Liz looking like she was his last meal.

“Close you damn mouth,” hissed Max, as he walked past Alex. He placed a finger under his chin unceremoniously snapping his gaping jaw shut.

Liz watched as Max stalked his way towards her, his graceful movements reminding her of a powerful black panther getting ready to strike at its prey. His intense gaze felt like it was burning her skin as he perused her body. Liz gulped.

“Do you think this was the little push Liz was talking about upstairs?” asked Maria, thinking back to their earlier conversation.

“Uh, I think she might have got more than she bargained for,” said Isabel, pointing to her brother who was now walking so close to Liz that she took a few involuntary steps back, her eyes wide.

“O-kayyyy,” said Maria, grabbing everyone towards the grill so they didn’t get an eyeful. “Let’s get these steaks off the grill before they burn.”

“Max?” signed Liz, as he towered above her small frame, the intensity in his dark eyes making her gasp, his breath coming out in short, sharp bursts.

“Mine,” was all he growled before his mouth came crashing down on hers, his tongue demanding entrance not asking it. As Liz returned his kiss ardently Max lost what little control he had left. He immediately lifted her off the floor so she had no other option than to wrap her creamy thighs around his waist and entered the villa so they would have some semblance of privacy.

Max gently pushed Liz up against the wall while he continued to plunder her mouth. His body was taut with the strain of trying to keep his desires in check. One touch of Liz’s skin was normally enough to send him in to orbit but now she was firmly wrapped around him and her small soft hands were roaming his naked muscular back and his body was consumed with intense waves of desire.

As the burning in his lungs increased he ripped his mouth from Liz’s and continued to feast on the sweet skin of her neck. God this woman could drive him insane with want and need. Just as he was about to dip his finger under the sensual bikini she was wearing he heard a noise just outside the double doors to the patio.

“LUNCH IS READY!” shouted Maria, in a sing song voice, breaking the sexual haze both Max and Liz had succumbed to.

With chests heaving, Max slowly lowered Liz to the floor and made her a promise.

“We will continue this,” his voice husky with need, as he turned to go outside.

The couples sitting around the table were amused when Max came out muttering to himself.

“Stupid freaking lunch ... rather stay ... that bikini ... be the death of me ... Victoria Secrets ... I warned them!” he muttered, before diving into the pool to cool off.

“It seems like Max is feeling the heat,” sniggered Michael, knowing exactly the reason why Max went for a swim.

“Oh, I don’t think Liz is fairing much better,” said Maria, taking in the ravaged look along with the slightly glazed eyes of her friend.

“TMI before I eat. Please remember this is my brother,” stated Isabel.

“You’re the one that picked out that bikini!” laughed Maria.

“A mistake I’m never going to make again. Or if I do, I’m staying away from them when she wears it!”

“He deserves to be happy,” said Alex, quietly.

The table suddenly went quiet.

“They both do,” whispered Maria, as Liz sat down.

Liz watched as Max’s muscles rippled through the water as he swam the length of the pool. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Once Max had finished ‘cooling down’ in the pool he joined them for an enjoyable lunch with lots of chatter. The girls cleared the table while the men stacked the dishwasher.

They spent the rest of the day just relaxing around the pool, playing shoulder wars which ended with Maria and Michael getting dunked when Isabel and Liz teamed up against them. After the fun filled day they were all pretty tired but decided to go out for dinner on the complex.

After viewing a few of the outside menus the group decided on a small, family run Italian restaurant. The furniture was made of some dark wood and was covered with a red and white chequered cloth. The centrepiece of the table was a bulbous empty wine bottle with a lit red candle sticking out of the neck of the bottle, giving the restaurant a homely feel. There were a few couples and families sitting in the restaurant but it wasn’t full.

A young bubbly red head came and introduced herself as Serena and then pulled two tables together in order to seat the six guests.

“Did you get a chance to look at the menu outside and decide or would you like a little more time?” asked Serena.

“Um, we did look but we need more time to decide. How about we put in our drinks order first and then we can decide what we want to eat?” suggested Isabel.

“Sounds like a plan,” replied Michael.

The group placed their drinks order with Max translating for Liz, and then perused the menu when Serena left.

They all decided on a starter and a main course leaving the decision for a dessert later. Once Serena had delivered their drinks the group ordered their meal.

Liz ordered the Calamari with a Lemon wedge and Basil and Garlic Mayonnaise dipping sauce as her starter, followed by Penne Vodka for her main.

Max ordered the same starter as Liz but went with the Linguine Gamberi for his main.

Alex and Isabel both ordered the Angelo’s Mussels and then the Rigatoni Con Pollo E Funghi.

Maria and Michael both ordered the Bruschetta Al Pomodoro for their starter with Spaghetti Alla Bolognese for Maria’s main and the Chitarra Alla Pescatora for Michael’s.

The group chatted all through the course of dinner, some telling funny tales from their childhood, which had most of the table howling in laughter.

“I swear, when Maria found that worm in her pocket she literally screamed the whole block down,” laughed Alex, wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Oh my god, I remember that!” laughed Max.

Liz sat there with a smile on her face, watching and listening to the interaction between the group of friends.

“Yeah, that’s right, laugh it up at my expense but just remember I have incriminating evidence against most of you!” said Maria, pointing her fork around the table.

“Oh, she didn’t speak to Alex again until he started dating Isabel,” explained Max, to Liz.

“That’s not entirely true,” said Maria, a sudden laugh exploding from her lips.

Alex shrank in his chair and groaned.

“Don’t you dare Maria!” warned Alex.

“Oh, why the hell not? You decided to have fun at my expense Alexis.”

“Alexis?” asked Michael, looking a little confused.

“MARIA!” growled Alex.

“Do you remember when we used to play house Max?” asked Maria, with an innocent look on her face.

Alex buried his face in his hands, knowing what was to follow.

“Yep, I remember. You used to have this doll that was supposed to be our child. The fact that you kept dropping it on its head was mildly disturbing!”

Maria waved away his comment as if she hadn’t heard him.

“Well, you weren’t around to play house with me because you had ... other issues,” Maria said.

Max understood what she was hinting at. It was one of the many times he’d missed because of his father’s so called punishment.

“So, Alex was walking past the gate when I grabbed him and pulled him into the back garden. I was so fed up with being the Mom. As Max said, I kept on dropping the baby so I insisted Alex had to do it,” explained Maria.

Michael started to snicker.

“Please tell me you didn’t make him dress up?” asked Michael.

A smug smile appeared on Maria’s face.

“Oh yeah I did. I made him dress up and his new name was Alexis. I think I have a photo somewhere!” said Maria, trying to remember.

“Whitman? You dressed as a woman?” asked Max. “Maria was always trying to get me to do that but I refused!”

“HEY! In my defence I was only six!”

“So what did you make him wear Maria?” signed Liz, highly amused by the bright blush on Alex’s cheeks.

“Well, the only thing I had that would fit Alex at the time,” said Maria, smirking.

“Which was?” asked Isabel, interested.

“HEY! You’re supposed to be on my side!” said Alex, looking at his girlfriend through his fingers.

“A pink ballerina’s outfit with matching tights and tutu!” laughed Maria, practically falling off her chair.

“That’s one image I would rather not be imprinted on my brain,” said Michael in disgust.

Isabel was doubled over, her stomach aching with the force of her laugh.

“You just had to do it, didn’t you Maria?” said Alex, disgusted that his secret was finally out.

“Well what did you expect after that worm story!”

Serena had been watching the table of six, in her section, closely. They all seemed to have such a close relationship with one another. She had overheard the stories they were telling which caused her to snicker behind her hand.

She missed this kind of interaction. She had only moved here a few months back, since her cousin had become too ill to help out in the restaurant and she missed her friends. Once she realised that they had finished their food she carefully approached the table again.

“I hope everything was to your satisfaction?” asked Serena, as she cleared the plates away.

“It was delicious, thank you,” said Max.

“Would you like any dessert?”

The girls looked at one another and then shook their heads.

“We’re stuffed,” replied Maria. “I don’t think I could eat another thing.”

“I enjoyed the Calamari though. My compliments to the chef,” signed Liz, which Maria translated.

“Oh, my father will be so pleased!” said Serena, with a genuine smile on her face.

“Your father owns the restaurant?” asked Isabel.

“The family does, but dad does all the cooking,” explained Serena.

“So how often do you work here?” asked Maria.

“Um, well I’ve not long moved here. My cousin got sick so I stepped in to cover until she’s better.”

“That’s good of you,” said Alex.

“Maybe, but I miss my friends,” replied Serena.

Liz understood exactly where Serena was coming from. She had moved so many times during her life that she noticed a kindred spirit in Serena. She knew what it felt like to leave your friends behind and start a new life.

She looked at Max and he instantly understood what she was asking with her eyes. The slight nod of his head made Liz smile.

“We’re staying on the complex here. We are only here for ten days but why don’t you join us for a barbeque?” asked Max.

“Really? You guys wouldn’t mind?” asked Serena, getting excited.

“The more the merrier!” replied Maria. “I don’t mean to be rude but do you have a boyfriend?”

“Yeah, his name is Daniel. He moved here with me when he realised that it could be long term.”

“Then invite him too,” replied Maria. “We’re all kind of coupled off so I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

“Um, I’ve got a day off on Wednesday, would that be okay?” asked Serena.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” replied Isabel.

Liz quickly scribbled her mobile number down on the napkin and handed it to Serena.

“We’re staying at villa number six,” explained Max. “But call that number if you can’t make it for any reason.”

“I will. Thank you so much. I’ll just go and get your bill,” replied Serena, walking away with a smile on her face.

“She seemed really nice,” said Michael.

“Yeah, I know what it’s like to be in a town where you don’t have any friends,” signed Liz.

Serena finally came back with bill, after serving some other customers. Once the group had paid and left her a hefty tip she waved bye to the six people who had made such an immediate impression on her.

She stiffened when she felt the presence behind her.

“You did real good Serena. I want you to keep a close eye on all of them, especially the little brunette and Max.”

“I don’t like lying to them. They’re really nice people.”

“I’m afraid it’s the only way. Are you sure he didn’t recognise you?”

“I’m sure.”

“Good, keep me posted.”

Serena shivered as the man retreated. She hoped she was doing the right thing.
The group returned to the villa completely exhausted after the flight, fun at the pool and being completely full after the meal. They all headed to their rooms with mumbled good nights.

Max had decided to take a quick shower before joining Liz in bed. When he returned to the room he watched her small frame rise and fall with her breathing. She was fast asleep, looking beautiful with her hair spread across the pillow. He gently removed her shoes but decided not to remove her jeans or top in case he woke her up. She looked so peaceful.

He manoeuvred the sheets from underneath her and gently tucked her in before donning a pair of boxer shorts and joining her in the bed. She subconsciously moved closer to him in her sleep and he placed his arm around her waist pulling her plush against his body. It didn’t take him long to follow her into a deep slumber.