Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature} Complete 4/6

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 30 pg7 5/6

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Authors Note:
Hey everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Mary Mary
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to come. I'm hurrying back. And I'm glad that you like this chapter.

Ken R
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope you will keep reading and keep leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to come. I'm glad you like the chapter and like what is going on. Yeah Liz with powers is cool. Thank you for liking this story and chapter.I don't know about the evil double poster grimlin.

Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to will have to wait and see if Zan and Rath will tell anyone who saved Liz. You will find out soon who helped her. yes Liz has alot of power. you will have to wait and see how Liz will handle Kivar. You will know soon on how powerful Kivar.And you will find out how Liz and friends are together.I'm glad you like the past story.You will know more soon but I can't tell you what you will know as of yet. You will find out soon.
Princess Of Antar
Chapter 31

"The people in the woods must think you have return to help," Zan said.

"Help with what?" Liz asked.

"Whatever happened after we last saw each other," Zan said.

"Why do I have a weird feeling when you ay that?" Liz asked.

"That was the last time anyone saw you or Serena," Zan said.

"Wait I disappeared with Liz?" Serena said.

"You both died. No one knew what happened or where you both went. Rath was worried. He didn't sleep much," Zan said.

Liz and Serena both looked at each other.

"How long were we gone before the war started?" Liz asked.

"I think it was a couple of days before the war hit," Zan said.

"Ok. So between leaving and that one night until 2 days," Liz said.

"Liz what is it?" Serena asked.

"I'm thinking. Something must have went wrong that night to make me and Serena leave,"Liz said.

"Yeah but we don't know what that could have been,"Serena said.

"Lets all get some sleep. We need to be able to figure it out," Larek said.

"Well good night," Liz said before walking to her room.

Liz walked to her room. She walked in and turned and shut the door. Max and friends went to their rooms. Everyone was in their rooms getting ready for bed.

Liz was a sleep in her room when she heard a sound. Liz sat up and looked around. Liz reached over and turned on the light. When he turned on the light she saw a lady walking towards her. Liz wasn't scared, she just looked at the lady. The lady stood at the end of the bed. They looked at each other for a few moments.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Liz asked.

"I'm Milly. I want you to come with me my lady," The lady said.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"Because it is time for you to know the past. And how to change it," Milly said.

"Fine. But I don't understand," Liz said.

"You will. Now come with me before it is to late," Milly said.

Liz stood up and put her cape and hood on. Milly put her hand out. Liz touched hr hand. The both vanished from Liz's room and appeared in the woods. Liz looked around and didn't see anything. Liz walked a little and that is when she saw Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess out in the field. Liz was about to walked up to Max when Milly grabbed Liz by the arm. Liz turned and looked at Milly.

"You can't this is the past. You must watch to see and know how to stop it," Milly said.

Liz turned and looked at the field. She saw Max and Michael tied to a tree. Liz turned and watched Kivar and his men rape Isabel and Tess over and over gain. After the men raped they stabbed them in the stomach. Kivar's men took Isabel and Tess to a tree and hung them. Liz turned away then she turned and watched Kivar take rope and chock Max and Michael with it. When Max and Michael pass out that is when Kivar took a sword and stabbed them in the stomach and hung them with Isabel and Ava. Kivar and his men made sure they were all dead before the left.

After Liz was sure Kivar was gone Liz ran to the tree. When she got to the tree Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess's bodies disappeared. Liz turned and looked at Milly. Milly stood in front of Liz.

"Now you know the past. You should be in bed," Milly said before snapping her fingers.

Liz was in her room. She sat up and looked around. She looked down and saw that she was in her nightgown. Liz checked and everything was ok. Liz turned and looked at her clock. She saw that it was 8am. Liz got out of her bed and ran out of the room.

When she opened the door she saw Max, Isabel, Michael Tess sitting on the couch with Larek and Serena.

Right at that moment Max and friends looked up and saw Liz. They saw she looked like she was about to cry. Max stood up and was about to walk towards her. When Liz ran to Max knocking him off his feet. Max and the other didn't know what was going on. But they knew Liz was scared.

When Liz pulled away she looked at Max.. She started to touch his chest. After Liz was sure Max was ok. She ran to Michael, Isabel and Tess and hugged them. No one knew what is going on.

"Ok. What is going on?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. Liz never acted this way before," Tess said.

"Liz what is going on and what is wrong?" Max asked.

"I I oh god," Liz said before she stood up and ran to the bathroom.

A few minutes later Liz come back in the living room.

"Before I answer. Larek, Serena who is Milly to us?"Liz asked.

"What? How do you?" Serena asked.

"Just answer who is Milly to us?" Liz asked.

"Milly was our caretaker. She took care of the 3 of us from baby until I guess we died why? What does she have to do with this?" Serena asked.

"I meet her. And I I don't know what is going on," Liz asked.

"Liz you can't meet Milly she died when we did,"Serena said.

Yes I did. I know her the minute I saw her,"Liz said.

"Ok. How is it possible for you to meet and see Milly?" Larek asked.

I don't know. All I know is that he came to see me last night," Liz said.

"Last night?" Serena and Larek said at the same time.

"Where did Milly take you?" Larek asked.

"I can't talk about it. I don't want to talk about it," Liz said before walking to her room.

"Whatever Milly made her see must have been really bad," Larek said.

"We need to find out what Milly showed her. If it is bad, Liz won't sleep or anything until she can handle it," Serena said.

"How bad can it be?" Kyle asked.

"Oh you don't want to know," Larek said.

"Well lets keep an eye on Liz and see how everything goes," Alex said.

A few minutes later Liz walked out of her room wearing a ankle length dress and her hair in a ponytail.

"Liz what do you want to do today?" Larek asked.

"I want to find a place I saw in my dream," Liz said.

"Will you know the place when you see it?" Serena asked.

"Serena don't worry everything is going to be good. I just need to find this place. Please come with me?" Liz asked.

"Yes we will come please come to this mysteries place"Serena said
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors Note pg7 5/20

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Authors Note:
Hey everyone
I just wanted to say thank you for reading and or leaving feedback to Princess Of Antar and Romancing The Heart. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of both stories. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Keepsmiling 7
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback to Princess Of Antar. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to come.Yes the visions Liz saw were terrible.
Of coures she went to Max, Isabel, Michael and tess. they were the ones she saw dead. And plus the vision scared Liz.
Princess Of Antar

Chapter 32

"Good. Did you find anything out about Milly?" Liz asked.

"No we didn't," Larek said.

"You know this is weird. No one knows her. But she knows a lot about us," Serena said.

"I think we need to find a grave or a relative," Liz said.

"I agree with Liz. This is weird," Max said.

Zan and Rath appeared and looked at everyone. Everyone looked at Zan and Rath.

"What is going on?" Zan asked.

"We are still trying to figure out who Milly is and what does she want," Larek said.

"Milly. Huh that is weird. I haven't heard that name in a long time," Rath said.

Liz froze and looked at Rath.

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"Milly died the night you and Serena died. The weird thing is everyone said she died of a broken heart. But no one knows why her heart was broken," Rath said.

"That is weird. Hopefully we will find everything out soon," Larek sid.

"Are you ready to go?" Liz asked.

"Where are you going?" Zan asked.

"I saw a place in my dreams and I think it somehow involves Milly and our death and something else," Liz said.

"What else could there be?" Larek asked.

"Who knows But I want to find out," Liz said.

Everyone got everything cleaned up and ready to go. Liz turned and looked at Zan and Rath.

"Are you going to come with us?" Liz asked

"Yeah, we're going to follow you. We want to make sure everything is ok. And nothing weird happens," Rath said.

"Good. Thanks," Liz said.

They walked out of the room and down the hall. They went down the stairs and walked past the kitchen to a door. Rath opens the door and they walked out to the barn. They walked into the barn and got onto a horse. Everyone followed Liz threw the woods. Liz found a tree that seems like she knew it. Liz got off her horse and walked up to the tree. Serena looked around and notice a fog was coming in fast.

"Larek?" Serena asked

"What is it?" Larek asked.

"Something is wrong," Serena said.

"What do you mean?"Max asked.

"The fog is coming in quickly. That has never happened before," Serena said.

When Liz touched the tree she turned and saw the fog. Liz knew she should be scared. But she wasn't scared.

"Milly?" Liz asked.

Max and friends looked around. Max turned and saw Zan and Rath looking at Liz. Max turned and saw a lady standing next to Liz.

"Oh god." Max said.

Michael and friends turned and saw a lady standing next to Liz.

"Who is she?" Max asked.

"I don't know. But this is weird," Larek said.

Liz and Milly both looked at each other.

"How did you die Milly?"Liz asked.

"Why do you ask?" Milly asked.

"Because someone told us you died of a broken heart. So I ask again how did you die?" Liz asked.

"Yes. I did die of a broken heart," Milly said.

"Who broke your heart Milly?" Serena asked.

" You really don't know?" Milly asked.

"No we don't know. So please tell us Milly?" Liz asked.

"Here is the story my dears. When you both are back home you both were worried about something. I didn't know what time at the time was wrong. It was midnight when you and Serena started screaming Zan and Rath's name. You kept crying because you were in pain. You were both really pale. Then you both turned to me and said Zan and Rath. Then you both closed your eyes and died," Milly said.

"Oh god. You felt when we died and you gave up living because of us," Max said.

"Max that was in the past. And I I'm going to tell you now if anything happens to you like in the past. I'll do the same again," Liz said.

"Yeah. I agree with Liz if anything happens to you or Larek I will do the same," Serena said.

Max got off his horse and walked up to Liz. Max and Liz both looked at each other. Their friends watched as Max held Liz's hand.

"If anything happens to you I'll do the same. Liz I love you with all my heart and soul. Your my soul-mate," Max said.

Liz smiled at Max. Max smiled back.

"And I love you with all my heart and soul. you are my soul-mate too," Liz said.

Liz and Max turned and looked at Milly. They saw Milly looking at them with a smile on her face.

"So who are you?" Milly asked.

"I'm Max. I was Zan in my past," Max said.

"Who are you to the princess?" Milly asked.

"I I I'm Liz's husband back home," Max said.

"So you both found each other again?" Milly asked

"Um, Yes. We fell in love in high school and been together since," Max said.

Max leaned in and whispered in Liz's ear.

"Why do I feel so nervous talking to Milly?" Max asked.

What Max didn't realize was Milly heard what Max said. Liz turned and looked at Milly. Max followed Liz's lead and looked at Milly.

"The reason you and I think Larek is so nervous is because I am and was Liz and Serena's Mother and guardian. So I make you both nervous," Milly said.

"Oh, I didn't know," Max said as he took a step back.

"So let me get this straight you died of a broken heart because of Liz and Serena?"Alex asked.

"Yes. That is true. Now why are the ghost of Zan and Rath here?" Milly asked.

"We're here to help Liz and friends with their war. Why are you here Milly?" Zan asked.

"Because I think Liz and Serena need to know about the past and try to help them with the war also," Milly said.

"Um. OK What is going on?" Liz asked.

"Should I tell them or do you want to tell them?" Milly asked.

"I don't know if they should know. I mean it was in the past," Zan said.

"I think they should know. Because they need to know the truth?" Rath said.

"Know the truth about what?" Liz asked

Liz and friends looked between Milly, Zan and Rath. Zan Milly and Rath all but looked at Liz.

"Someone better tell us what the hell is going on?" Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors Notes pg8 7/7

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I just wanted to let everyone know sorry for the mistakes that are in this chapter I don't have a beta again. So I thought I would say sorry ahead of time.

Keepsmilimng 7
thank you for liking the chapter. Don't worry everyone will be finding out the truth soon. And some people will like it and some people won't. You just have to wait and find out what the truth will be.

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 33
"Do you really want to know?" Milly asked.

"Yes I want to know. And I want the truth," Liz said.

"A couple of days before we died. Me and Milly went to s seer. She told us what was going to happen. We thought if we stopped it you and Serena would be safe," Zan said.

"What did the seer tell you?" Liz asked.

"The seer told us that Zan, Lonnie, Rath and Ava will be killed. And the night that they are killed you and Serena will die too. They told us we have a week. But we had less then a week before the deaths," Milly said.

"What did you guys do to try and stop it?" Alex asked.

"We tried to send you and Serena away. But it didn't work," Milly said.

"Oh. What was my name in the pst? And what are me and Zan to eachother?" Liz asked.

"Your name was Rose. You and Zan were lovers and . . .," Milly said.

"And what?" Serena asked.

"We got married in secret. No one knew we were married but us," Zan said.

"Wait your telling me that Zan and Rose got married insecret without anyone knowing. Without Rath and Serena knowing?"Kyle asked.

"Yes. No one knew. That is why I think rose died when Zan did,"Milly said.

"What about me?" Serena asked.

"You had a strong will with your sister and brother. I think because of the bond that is why you died," Milly said.

"And you died because both of your girls died with Zan and Rath," Maria said.

"Ok. Here is what we are going to do. How about we all join forces and get ready for war together?" Liz asked.

Everyone looked at each other then looked at Liz. Liz looked around and hoped they would agree with her.

"Can we all work together and get ready for this war?" Liz asked.

"Yes," Tess said as she stood next to Liz.

Liz turned and smiled at Tess before turning and looking at the others.

"Account me in," Alex said

"Me too," Kyle said.

"I say yes," Isabel said.

"I can't let you do this alone so account me in," Max said.

"I can't let my sisters down," Michael said.

"We're in," Zan and Rath said

"I'm in," Milly said.

"Good. Now we just need to figure out when we're goign to train," Larek said.

"Well why don't you like train everyone now and later you can train me and Serena," Liz asked.

"No that won't work. Because you and Serena train 2 times a day. And everyone is just starting out," Larek said.

"I got it. Do you still have that video camera you took?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, why?" Larek asked.

"Well you can make me and Serena training video before you start everyone eles on training. That way we'll be ready," Liz said.

"That sounds like a perfect. I hope no one will find out about this," Larek said.

"No one is going to find out," Liz said.

"Question how do ghost train? Do they have powers? Sorry I was just wondering," Kyle asked.

"We still have our powers even though we re dead. All we got to do is practice our powers and we will be ready to rock n roll," Zan said.

"Yeah, but praticing is going to be the hard part. When people don't know what to do," Liz said.

"They will need to work harder then the others," Zan said.

"Zan you can't work people to hard. Or they are going to break," Liz said.

"Your crazy," Maria said.

"Yeah, but we need to be ready for anything," Zan said.

"Wait I have an idea that might work," Liz said with a smile on her face.

"What are you up to?" Serena asked.

"Serena, Larek can get Max and friends ready. While we help the people and Zan, Rath can lead off and help Larek and us," Liz said.

"That might work. But we need to start now," Larek said.

"Ok. Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess are the ones with powers. Alex, Maria and Kyle have powers I gave them. So with their powers it should be easy to train them," Liz said.

"Yeah it might be easy for them," Larek said.

Liz and Serena turned and looked at eachother then they turned and looked at Milly. Milly looked at Liz and Serena and nodded her head. Liz and Serena started to walk backwards and apart from Max and friends. Max and friends didn't notice Liz and Serena were backing away from the group. After Liz and Serena were a few feet away from eachother they turned nd looked at each other.

Liz and Serena raised their arms and out infront of them. They slapted their arms together. As they did that a bright light came out of their hands and circled the field. Max and friends looked around and notice the light surrounding them and went up in the air. After the light show was over Liz and Serena turned and looked at Max and friends. Max and friends watched as Liz and Serena walked up to Max and Michael. They touched Max and Michael's hand. As they touched hands Max and Michael saw flashes of all four of their past lives. After the images were gone Liz and Serena stood back and looked at Max and Michael.Max and Michael looked at Liz and Serena. Max and Michael were surprised by what they saw and felt form the flashes. Liz and Serena turned and looked at Tess and Isabel. Liz and Serena walked up to Isabel and Tess. Liz and Serena grabbed Isabel and Tess's hands and they saw flashes.

Isabel and Tess saw flasheds of thier past life. They felt what they saw in the flashes. Isabel and Tess were surprised by what they saw and felt. Liz and Serena took a step back and looked at Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. Alex, Maria and Kyle just watched. No one knew what was going on or what to do. But they knew they would be there for their friends.

A few minutes later Max and Michael walked up to Liz and Serena. When they stood face to face Max and Michael huged them. Then stood back.

"Liz I'm going to train Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess," Zan said.

"Why are you wanting to train them?" Liz asked.

"I figure it might be good to try," Zan said.

"Ok. But don't hurt them," Liz said.

"I won't. I mean not that much," Zan said.

"Zan!" Liz yelled as Zan, Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess walked away.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Authors Pg9 8/11

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar

Chapter 34

Liz walked as the others went across the field to work on their powers and training. She turned and saw Kyle, Maria and Alex standing beside her.

"What is wrong?" Kyle asked.

"All of a sudden I have a bad feeling about them training together," Liz said.

"You know Zan won't do anything to make you mad right?" Kyle asked.

"That is the thing I don't know if Zan will or won't. you never know with Zan," Liz said.

"Liz if anything goes wrong we are here to help them," Alex said.

"I know that. But I still don't trust Zan with all of them," Liz said.

"Liz I'm sure Zan won't hurt them, ok. We need to get ready and start training," Larek said.

"Larek if anything happens to them I'm going to kick your ass. Got it?" Liz asked.

"Yes, I got it," Larek said.

"Good. Now we have an understanding. Let’s practice," Liz said before walking away.

Kyle, Maria and Alex turned and saw a scary look on Larek’s face. The three of them walked up to Liz and she turned to see them looking at her.

"Liz I think you scared Larek," Maria said.

"Good. That will let him know that Liz means business," Serena said.

"Yeah, but scaring your husband is more than business. He thinks she will probably really do it," Alex said.

"No. I will not really hurt him. I just want him to think I will," Liz said.

"Rath can you train Alex, Maria and Kyle with their powers?" Liz asked.

"Sure. What do you want them to work on?' Rath asked.

"I think they need to learn how to use their powers and how to protect themselves and each other," Liz said.

"That sounds like that will be a lot of work but I'm sure we can do it," Kyle said.

"Kyle I'm glad you have faith because I think you are going to need it," Liz said.

"Liz I'm hoping that we can be helpful and be able to fight with you in a war," Alex said.

"Alex, I have faith in you and everyone else. I'm not giving up on anyone," Liz said.

"Thanks for saying that. We're glad to be able to help," Maria said

Right at that moment they all heard an explosion. Liz and everyone else turned and looked where Max and his friends. Liz, Maria and Alex all walked back to where Max and his friends were. When they got to where Max and the others were they saw Max, Michael and Zan on the ground while the others stood by them. Liz ran up to Max and shook him. She turned and saw Maria trying to wake Michael up. No one knew what to say or do. Liz turned and looked back down at Max and saw that Max was still out.

Liz didn't know what she could do to wake Max up. She looked up and saw Maria walking up to Zan. She knew Maria was going to make Zan pay for what he did to Michael and Max. Liz and everyone else listened to what was going to be said.

"You jerk you could have killed Michael and Max," Maria said.

"Maria I wasn't trying to kill them. I was trying to see if they were ready for anything that could happen," Zan said

"Yeah, but you still could have killed them and you know it," Maria said.

"Yeah, so," Zan said.

"So! How could you say that you asshole," Maria said.

"Maria, I can say and do whatever I want to do to get you ready for the war," Zan said.

"Oh yeah, well let’s see how you feel when Max and Michael wake up," Maria said

Meanwhile across the field where Max and Liz were…

"Max please wake up? I need you here with me. So please wake up?" Liz begged…

Liz started to cry as she looked at Max, she lowered her head to Max's chest and continued to cry. A few moments later Liz started to feel something touching her arm. She swatted at whatever it was touching her. She raised her head and saw Max looking at her smiling, she smiled back at him. After they smiled Max pulled Liz down to him and kissed her. The kiss was soft and gentle and after the kiss they both pulled back and looked at each othther.

"Don't ever do that to me again or you'll be sorry," Liz said.

"Liz, I promise to never to do that again as long as you promise to be careful," Max said.

"Max, I promise. please tell me what happened?" She asked.

"Michael and I told Zan to give us his best shot and I guess he did," Max said.

"Don't you ever do that to me again. God I was scared. I thought you both were dead," Liz said.

"Liz don't worry. I don't plan on leaving you just yet,"

"That is good to know, because I'm not ready to get rid of you yet"

Max and Liz both leaned in and kissed again. Again the kiss was sweet and tender. They pulled away and looked at each other and smiled. They both turned and saw Michael and Maria kissing. And when Michael and Maria turned they saw Max and Liz looking at them. Everyone was happy and glad that they were all safe and alive. Liz and Maria helped Max and Michael up and they all looked at each other.

"Zan! What the hell did you do to Max and Michael to knock them out?" Liz asked.

They told me they could protect themselves if I threw a blast. I told them to show me and you saw what happened," Zan said.

"Zan, never do that again. You could have killed them," Liz was terrified.

"Liz, I wasn't trying to kill them. I was trying to see how much they knew and what they needed to be taught.”

"That is still no reason to try and kill them," Liz said, nearing hysteria.

"I'm sorry you thought I was trying to kill them. I'm just trying to see what they know," Zan pleaded.

"You know we did try to protect ourselves," Michael said, trying to defend Zan’s actions.

"Yeah, you did a pretty good job at it. I threw a fire ball at you ," Zan said.

"You both know that is a dangerous thing to do," Liz and Maria said at the same time.

Max and Michael both looked at each other then looked at Liz and Maria. What they saw was how mad both of the girls were and they knew that they were in trouble. Liz and Maria both glared at the guys.

"Liz,all we are trying to do is see what we know how to do." Max said.

"Yeah, and getting yourselves hurt in the process. Is that what you want to do?" Liz asked.

"No. We are trying to learn more about our powers," Max said.

"Yeah, ok. I can understand about the power thing. But still I don't want you to get hurt," Liz said.

"Liz, trust me they will be fine. I want to know what they can do before I train them and teach them new powers," Zan said.

"Fine. But if they get hurt it will be your fault and they can get back at you," Liz said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 34 Pg9 8/13

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Author's Note
Hey everyone I wanted to say thank you for reading Princess Of Antar and Romancing The Heart. I hope everyone will keep reading both stories to see what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Mary Mary
Thank you for being a beta to my stories. Thank you for liking the chapter. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of both stories.

Ken R
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. And yes I agree with you that it should make you stronger.
Princess Of Antar

Keepsmiling 7
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback to the story. I hope you will keep reading to find out what will happen next. And I hope you will like what will happen next for Max, Liz and freinds. Yes Liz does have a good reason to question Zan. She doesn't know if she can trust him. But Liz knows she has to.

Chapter: 35

"Liz I agree and I understand. So don't worry," Zan said reassuringly.

"Zan, can I talk to you over here for a second?" Liz asked, indicating they needed a private conversation.

"Um sure. What do you need?" Zan asked as they walked a few feet away from Max and the rest of the group.

As Zan and Liz looked at each other Max and the others turned and looked toward Liz and Zan.

"What Liz?" Zan asked, as he started to get restless.

"Zan why do I have the feeling that you are going to be tough on them?" Liz asked with concern.

"I'm not going to be tough or nice to them, I want them to learn all they can before the war," Zan said, trying to explain the importance of his tactics.

"I still have a bad feeling about this," Liz said.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. You know Rath and I will help them. And we will not hurt them," Zan said reassuringly.

"You both better not. I know they need to learn but we don't need them to get hurt," Liz said, still concerned.

"I understand and I agree with you. So don't worry," Zan said.

And with that Liz and Zan walked back to Max and the group and everyone just looked at each other.

"What is going on?" Michael asked.

"Nothing… I'm trying to make sure that Rath and Zan are not being too hard on you guys," Liz said.

"Why would Rath and Zan do that?" Alex asked.

"They are trying to get everyone ready more quickly. Which I think is wrong," Liz stated strongly.

"Ok. I agree with Liz on that," Alex said and everyone agreed..

"Liz, Serena come on we need to train," Larek said.

"Fine. But if you do anything to make me mad your going to be very sorry," Liz said.

"Larek you know Liz will do it too," Serena aid.

"Rath take Alex, Maria and Kyle over by the tree... Zan take Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess down the hill to train on their powers," Larek said, taking charge of the situation.

"And where the hell are we supposed to train?" Serena asked.

"We are going to be over there," Larek said as he pointed to a few feet away from Alex, Maria and Kyle.

"Ok. Let's do this," Liz and Serena said.

Liz, Larek and Serena walked a few feet away from Max and his group and while they were walking away Max and that group split up into 2 groups and walked away to train with their powers.

Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess were making their powers stronger and more powerful by training.

Alex, Maria and Kyle were learning how to use their powers and a few hours later they had gained better control of their powers.

Liz and Serena were sword fighting, stick fighting and adding karate and a little street fighting into the mix along with their powers as they trained. While they were training Max and his group walked over to where they were and they watched as Liz and Serena worked. They could also hear what was being said between Liz, Larek and Serena.

"Liz, remember to move your body without thinking. Just do it, ok," Larek said.

Liz nodded her head and did what Larek was telling her to do.

"Serena remember to feel and think when you start anything," Larek said.

Larek, Max and the rest watched as Liz and Serena used their powers along with karate and street fighting all at once. Max and the other three were surprised as they watched Liz and Serena.

After four hours of training everyone took a break and Liz and Serena turned and looked at Larek, Max and the aliens and asked,

"So how did you guys do?"

"Well I got Alex, Maria and Kyle to use their powers in training and to control their powers," Rath said.

"How did you guys do Max?" Liz asked.

"We got to make our powers stronger and more powerful, and we are learning to use each others powers," Max said.

"Wow you guys know more about your powers than we do. That is really great," Liz said.

"So what did you girls do?" Michael asked.

"Larek is getting us to use our powers along with sword fighting, stick fighting, Karate and street fighting," Serena said.

"Wow, that is great," Michael said.

"Yeah, after a few more hours of training we'll be ready for anything," Serena said.

"Um, question… who is training the people?" Tess asked.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you, Ava and Lonnie are training the people to fight. And we heard they are doing great," Serena said.

“That sounds great," Isabel said.

Liz noticed the change in the atmosphere and said,

"We need to get back to the castle. It is getting late,"

"Yes it is getting late," Larek said.

So everyone got on their horses and rode back to the castle. When they got back they all put their horses in the barn before walking into the castle. They headed up the steps and down the hallway to Liz's room where Liz opened the door and let everyone in before entering herself. After they entered the girls went to Liz's bathroom to take a shower and change clothes while the guys went to the room across from Liz’s to take a shower and change their clothes.

After each person had their shower and changed they met in the living room. A few hours later, as everyone sitting around Serena asked,

"So is everyone hungry?"

They all said together,


Serena stood up and walked over to the desk and picked up the phone and touched a number. A few seconds later she ordered hamburgers, fries and drinks. After the food was ordered she went and sat down again and soon there was a knock on the door. Larek went and opened the door and a servant with food was already there Larek took the tray and watched while the servant left, then he shut the door and walked up to the table and set the food down. Everyone grabbed what they wanted and started to eat .

"So how is everyone feeling after their training?" Larek asked.

"We're tired," They all said.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Kyle asked.

"Well, tomorrow you guys are going to learn ball room dancing," Larek said.

Liz and Serena both turned and looked at Larek in surprise.

"Um, Larek, they already know how to dance," Liz said.

"That is good. But here they need to know how to do ballroom dancing," Larek said.

"Who is going to teach them?" Serena asked.

"We are. There is a formal ball in one week. They need to learn before then," Larek said.

"Great.. You know you’re still paying for my last ballroom dancing lesson," Liz said.

"Yeah, I know. I can feel it in my feet every time I teach you to dance," Larek said.

"Good.. I just wanted to make sure you remembered," Liz said.

"Wait. What do you do to make him feel the pain?" Isabel asked.

"Oh, I step on his feet too much every time he tries to teach me dancing," Liz said.

"Oh, that doesn't sound so bad," Tess said.

"It does when you can't walk for a couple of days," Larek said.

"What?" Alex asked
Last edited by L-J-L 76 on Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 36 Pg10 8/30

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter: 36

"I'm just saying that I'm the one that gets sore feet after the dancing," Larek said.

"Who does Liz dance with at these balls?" Max asked.

"Um… she dances with Kivar and me," Larek said with a scared look on his face.

"Oh she does, does she?" Max said as he started to get angry.

"Max, it is nothing to worry about," Liz said.

"Really?" Max said angrily.

"Yes. All he does is have a couple of dances with me and then he talks to Nicholas," Liz said.

"Does Kivar talk to you while you're dancing?" Michael asked.

"No we don't talk to each other unless he wants to find out information about who I'm married to," Liz said.

"You never told him you're married, right?" Tess asked.

"No I didn't tell him," Liz said.

"What does he know?" Isabel asked.

"Well he knows that I'm married and that I'm very much in love with my husband. He some how knows my husband is on earth," Liz said.

"Does he know the names of your family and friends?" Michael asked.

"No, of course not. I didn't tell him anything," Liz said.

"I think it is weird that he knows you and your husband are from earth. I'm still trying to figure out how he knows that," Alex said

"I'm betting it is that asshole Nicholas. He is Kivar's lackey," Serena said.

"Yeah that is true. All I know is that Nicholas and Kivar keep looking at us. And they are also trying to figure out what is going on with us," Liz said.

"Yeah, I know he snoops around and starts asking questions. The thing that scares me is the way he is always watching us. And he is everywhere we are," Serena said.

"Liz, Serena, please stop talking about it," Larek said.

"Why? You know what we’re saying is the truth," Liz said.

"I know it’s the truth but we never know who could be listening to us," Larek said.

"Larek you know you are crazy since you put a thing in here where no one could hear us. I think we are safe," Serena said.

"Yeah, I agree with Serena on this," Liz said.

"I know. But I'm still worried," Larek said.

"Larek try and relax," Liz said.

"You girls know I will relax as soon as all of this is over," Larek said.

"Yeah, I know. But we don't know when the war will be over," Serena said.

"Fine," Larek said.

"Oh, um Larek honey remember you're supposed to teach Liz ballroom dancing again," Serena said.

"Oh, no please!" Larek begged.

Liz and Serena turned and looked at Larek who was looking at them... He could tell that they were getting very angry with him and he knew they were going to make him pay.

"What did you just say Larek?" Liz and Serena asked.

"Um I said that should be fun," Larek said.

"That's my good husband. Remember what I said would happen if you made me mad," Serena said.

"Yes honey," Larek said.

When he turned away he saw Max and the rest of the group looking at him.

"What just happened?" Alex asked.

"Nothing. I just know when to let them win and when I can win," Larek said.

"What does that mean?" Kyle asked.

"See, as of right now Liz and Serena are tired. They have been doing things that make them moody. When they’re moody I know to agree with them," Larek said.

"Wait. What has Liz and Serena been doing?" Michael asked

"Um I don't want to talk about it," Larek said.

"No tell us what Liz and Serena have been doing?" Max asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Larek said.

"Fine. We’ll just ask them what they have been doing?" Michael said.

"What is going on?" Liz asked as she looked at Max, Larek and Michael.

"What have you and Serena been up to?" Max asked.

"Why are you both wanting to know?" Liz asked.

"Larek said that is why you and Serena are moody," Michael said.

"So I ask again what have you and Serena been up to?" Max asked.

"We have been training. When I say training I mean learning to sword fight, stick fighting, karate, street fighting and to use our powers. And we have been trying to find out what Kivar is up to. Oh and we are teaching the people in town to fight. That is what we have been up to," Liz said almost breathlessly.

And every break we get we learn ballroom dancing for the balls that we have to attend," Serena said.

"You do all that? When have you guys had a break?" Alex asked.

"We take a 2 hour break when we are in need of a rest," Serena said

“Ava and Lonnie just came in from their training exercises and Liz said”

"Ava, Lonnie please come to my room?" Liz asked.

When Ava and Lonnie appeared they were dirty from head to toe and their hair was all messed up. Liz and Serena looked at each other and then at Ava and Lonnie.

"Um, what happened?" Liz asked.

"Liz, the people have practiced for hours, even the kids with powers practiced. They are almost ready." Ava told Liz.

"Ok. But what happened to you and Lonnie?" Liz asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Lonnie asked.

"Yeah, sure," Liz said.

"The children with or without powers are really rough on people. I never thought they would do it," Lonnie said.

"what are you talking about?" Serena asked.

"You know how kids sometimes start picking on people if they get in their way," Lonnie said.

"Um, yeah," Liz asked.

"Well, out of no where the kids with and without powers attacked us. I never knew..." Ava said.

"Never knew what?" Serena asked.

"The kids started kicking, punching, pulling hair and biting. Even the kids with powers helped them. The ones with powers were shocking us. I thought kids were supposed to be nice but boy was I wrong," Lonnie said.

Liz and Serena stood there in shock. They couldn't believe that kids could do all of this to Ava and Lonnie.

"How many kids were there that attacked you?" Alex asked.

" I . . . . I um, lost count after they started kicking. I didn't think they would try what they did," Lonnie said.

"I also lost count. I think next time Zan and Rath handle the kids," Ava said.

"Wait a minute, just how many kids did you train before they attacked you both?" Kyle asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 36 Pg10 8/30

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter: 37

Ava and Lonnie started to walk towards Alex and Kyle and Liz and Serena ran and stood in front of them, blocking their way.

"Ava, Lonnie please be calm? They don't know how many children are here. So will you both please calm down?" Liz asked.

"Fine, but if they get me mad let them train the children," Lonnie said.

"Lonnie go sit down, everything is going to be ok. Ava please?" Serena asked

"Fine. I can't feel my body right now anyway," Ava said.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok. Just sit and relax. Everything will be ok," Liz said, repeating herself. She didn’t know whether to laugh or scream.

Liz and Serena watched as Ava and Lonnie went to sit down and they turned and looked at Max and the rest of the group.

"Liz how many kids are their in town?" Maria asked.

"There are 150," Liz said.

"Oh wow. I can't believe that many kids live here," Kyle said.

"How many of them have powers? Alex asked.

"There are 100 kids that have powers that leaves 50 kids who don't," Serena said.

"Wow that is a lot of kids," Maria said.

"Yeah, it is a lot of kids. I guess they know how to fight dirty," Liz said.

"Great. Now the kids are going to hurt a lot people," Larek said.

"No. I think it is great that the kids know how to fight dirty," Liz said.

"Why is that a good thing?" Tess asked.

"Think about it. If Kivar and Nicholas' men come, they will never know what hit them, because they won't think the people will attack them," Liz said.

“Oh, I get it. The people that come to town will never know that the people in town know how to fight to save their homes," Isabel said.

"Right. Kivar and Nicholas’ men think that the people will go into hiding when they attack but the people won't be going into hiding, they will be fighting back," Serena said.

"You know you both are very sneaky and scary when you do that," Larek said.

"What? You’re scared of us Larek?" Liz asked.

"No. I'm not scared of you. I just think that it’s weird is all," Larek said.

"There is nothing weird about us. We are trying to make sure everything is ready for whenever Kivar, Nicholas and his jerks come and attack," Liz said.

"Liz remember you need to dance with Kivar a couple of times at the ball," Larek said.

"Please don't remind me!" Liz begged.

"Liz you know you need to do that. So that way the ghosts can see what they can find out," Larek said.

"Yeah, I know but I still don't have to like it," Liz said.

"Don't worry, hopefully it won't be so bad this time," Larek said.

"We will have to wait and see about that," Liz said.

"Yeah, that is true," Serena said.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

"What?" Serena replied.

"You know your being crazy," Liz said.

"Yeah, so! Come on, it’s 1a.m. and we need to get some sleep, we’ve got a lot of things to do tomorrow," Serena said.

"Fine! But stop being weird," Liz said.

"Sorry dear sister. You have to live with it," Serena said.

"Yeah, I know I do," Liz said.

"Good. Now come on," Serena said as she dragged Liz to her room.

When Liz finally got to her room she shut the door and went over to her bed to lay down but as she pulled the covers over her there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Liz yelled

Max walked into the room and shut the door behind him before walking over to Liz. He sat on the bed and they both looked at each other.

"Max, what is it?"

"I just wanted to do something before I go to bed," he said.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Liz asked with a smile on her face.

"This," Max said before he leaned in.

They both leaned in and kissed. The kiss was soft and tender. As they kissed Liz pulled Max back with her and she laid down. As Liz laid down Max was on top of her. As they were kissing they started to take off each others clothes. Max and Liz pulled back as they took off their shirt and night gown. Liz helped Max take off his pants and Max helped Liz take off her undergarments. After their clothes were all off Max entered Liz in a quick movement. As they were moving against each other they were kissing and touching each other. When they reached the end they both called out each others name. Max rolled off Liz and laid on his back taking Liz with him. They both fell fast a sleep.

Late at night:

Max and Liz both woke up and looked at each other.

"You know I missed you," Max said.

"I missed you too. God Max, I can't believe we have to go through this," Liz said.

"I know. But whatever happens we are going to be there for each other no matter what."

" I know, but you need to remember that I might have to get close to Kivar to find what he is up to.”

"You know I will not like it but I know you are going to have to find out what he's up to," Max said.

"So how do you feel about it?"

Max sat up and turned to look at Liz.

"Just promise me that you will be careful?" Max asked.

"I promise to be careful," Liz said.

"Good. Because I don't want anything to happen to you," Max said as he grabbed Liz's hand and looked at her.

"Max I know you don't want anything to happen to me,"

"Good. Now lets get some rest. I think we are going to need it for tomorrow," Max said.

Max and Liz both fell fast asleep in each others arms.

In the morning:

When Liz woke up and turned over she saw Max was still a sleep. She looked at him and realized he still looked young. She smiled as she realized that even in his sleep he would hold her. She turned and got out of bed and reached for her robe that was on the chair. She stood up and put the robe on and when she turned she saw that Max was still a sleep.

She walked into the bathroom and shut the door,walked up to the shower and turned on the water. She tested the water before getting under the soft spray and while she was under the spray she didn't notice the bathroom door open nor did she notice when the shower door opened and someone walked in and stood in front of her, looking at her
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 37 Pg4 9/5

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess of Antar
Chapter: 38

Liz opened her eyes and saw Max standing in front of her. They looked at each other and Max took a step towards her and leaned in and kissed her. As they were kissing Liz put her arms around his neck and Max wrapped his arms around Liz’s waist and drew her to him. The Kiss started out soft and tender but then, all of a sudden, it became hot and passionate. While they were kissing they never noticed that Max had entered Liz nor did they realize that he had lifted her up to wrap her legs around him. They continued kissing passionately as their movements brought them to the edge and when they went over they called out each others names.

Later Max laid, resting his head on Liz's shoulder as she held him to her. after awhile they pulled back and looked at each other and started to speak…

"Are you ok? I didn't hurt you or anything did I?" Max asked.

"Max I'm fine. You didn't hurt me. I love that you are worried about me like this,"

"I'm always worried about you. I love you," Max said softly.

"I love you too," Liz whispered.

"Say that again," Max said huskily.

"Say what again?" Liz teased

"Tell me you love me," Max said as he nuzzled Liz’s ear.

"I love you Max now and forever," Liz sighed.

"And I love you Liz, now and forever," Max declared.

They both smiled at each other and kissed again and then they pulled away and looked at each other.

"Max what do you think our parents are doing?" Liz wondered.

"Who knows. But hopefully they will keep all of us safe," Max said.

"I hope you’re right, but I'm worried for them," Liz said.

"Don't worry. Jim is there to help them," Max told her.

"You promise that they are safe?" Liz asked.

"Yes. I promise. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine."

"I hope so. You know it seems like it’s getting more and more dangerous," Liz said.

"I know it does. Don't worry everything will be ok," Max repeated.

"Ok. I won’t worry. We’d better get dressed since we have a lot of things to do today," Liz agreed.

"Yeah, that’s true. I wonder what Larek is going to have us do today?" Max asked.

"Who knows. But we better get dressed and find out," Liz said.

When Max and Liz walked out of the bedroom after having showered and gotten dressed they saw Larek and their group of friends looking around for something or someone. Finally Serena turned and saw Max and Liz staring at them…

"Well it is about time! Are you both ready to learn ballroom dancing?" Serena asked.

"Yes. We are ready to learn ballroom dancing!" Liz declared.

"Good. Oh, do Max and you and everyone else have on comfortable shoes?" Serena asked.

"Why?" Max asked.

"Because I have a feeling your feet are going to be sore," Serena said.

"Um, yeah I think all of our shoes are comfortable," Max said.

"Good. This should be fun," Serena said.

"Larek where are we going to go to learn ballroom dancing?" Liz asked.

"We are going to go to the ballroom to learn ballroom dancing, of course. Is everyone ready to go?," Larek asked.

Yes," They all said.

As everyone stood up and walked towards the door Michael stopped in front of Max and Liz and turned to look at them.

"You know I have a feeling this is going to go badly," Michael said.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get the same feeling. Come on, lets get this over with," Max said.

They all walked out of Liz's room and headed down the hall. When they had walked a ways Larek finally took them into a room on the right side of the hallway. When they walked into the room they saw a huge dance floor and a CD player sitting on a table. Larek turned and looked at everyone and said,

"Ok. Liz please come here. You and I are going to start the dance," Larek said.

Liz walked up to Larek, they both looked at each other, Larek bowed to Liz and Liz curtsied to Larek and then they stood up straight and looked at each other.

"Ok. Everyone watch what Liz and I do then you try the dance. Remember before you start the dance you must bow and curtsy to your partners then step forward," Larek said.

Larek put his hand out to Liz, she took it hand and they turned to each other. When they were face to face Larek and Liz each side stepped, then turned to each other and took a step back. As they were dancing everyone noticed that Larek and Liz's hands were the only parts of their bodies that were touching.

After 2 hours of watching they all started to dance. They all smiled and laughed as they danced. Max walked up to Liz and when they were face to face they both smiled at each other.

"So how do you think everyone is doing?' Max asked

"I think it is going fine. How is it going with Serena?" Liz asked.

"I think we’re doing fine but I don't Serena would say the same," Max said.

"Max you never know. Serena could say you are a good dancer but I'm in the middle," Liz said.

Liz turned and saw Max was smiling.

"What?" Liz asked

"Come on," Max said.

"Max what are you up to?" Liz asked as she looked at Max.

Max put his hand out for Liz, she put her hand in his and they both walked out to the dance floor. When they were on the dance floor Max and Liz both looked at each other as they bowed and curtsied. They held hands and stepped back then stepped forward then they stepped back and then they dropped hands. They circled each other then stepped close, then they pulled away from each other. They both faced each other and bowed and curtsied again. Max and Liz held hands again and then stepped side to side, then they spun and turned to each other again. Max and Liz held hands and took a step forward then stepped back.

When the song was over they looked at each other and smiled. Larek, Serena and the rest all watched and were surprised that Max and Liz knew how to dance that style of dancing. When Max and Liz turned they saw their friends looking at them in surprise.

"What?" Max and Liz said together.

"How do you two know how to dance like that?" Larek asked.

"We just feel the music. Why? Did we do something wrong?" Max asked

"No. You were both perfect," Larek said.

"We were? " Max asked

"Yeah, you did it perfect," Larek said.

Max and Liz turned and smiled at each other then smiled at Larek and their friends.

"So what is next?" Max asked
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 38 Pg5 9/10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess Of Antar
Chapter 39

"Well since everyone knows the dance all that is left to do is to get dressed for the ball," Larek said.

"What do you mean dressed?" Michael asked.

"You need to dress like I am a little. And the women need to dress like Liz and Serena," Larek said.

"What?" Maria asked.

"What Larek is trying to say is you need to wear dresses like these to the ball," Serena said.

"Oh, that sounds interesting," Maria said

"Just wait til you see your dresses. Your going to love them," Serena said.

"Yeah, And we have to make sure they can breath in the dresses," Liz said.

"Ok. What is with saying make sure they can breath in the dresses?" Maria asked

"Um, you will find out tonight," Serena said.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry everything is going to be ok," Serena said.

"Yeah, right," Liz said.

"Liz just think what the guys are going to have to go through. Who do you think will have it worse the guys or the girls?" Serena asked.

"I think it’s a toss up," Liz said.

"Why?" Tess asked.

"All I will say is, just wait and see what the guys will be wearing," Liz said.

Liz and Serena just smiled at the thought of the guys wearing their outfits. Isabel, Maria and Tess noticed the looks on Liz and Serena’s face.

"What are you both smiling about?" Isabel asked.

"Isabel, just you wait til you see the guys and you will understand," Liz said.

"Why do I all of a sudden feel sorry for them?” Tess asked.

"You will see," Serena said.

"You better go. We need to do something fun," Serena said.

"What kind of fun?" Liz asked.

"Come on," Serena said.

Serena, Liz and the girls all walked out of the room and down the hall. they had to walk down two sets of stairs, past the kitchen and then through a door and then headed to the barn. When they got to the barn they chose horses, mounted and rode off. They headed out through the woods.

Meanwhile Back in the ballroom Max, Larek and the rest of the guys were still talking. Max suddenly stopped talking and looked around, noticing that the girls were no where to be seen. He turned and looked at Larek surprised.

"What is wrong?" Larek asked.

"Where are the girls?" Max asked.

"They have to be somewhere around here. Lets go check their rooms," Larek said.

They all walked out of the ballroom and headed down the hall. When they got to Liz’s rooms they looked everywhere and saw there was no sign of the girls anywhere.

"Where the hell could they be?" Larek asked.

"Maybe you should ask the servants, maybe they know where they went," Alex said.

"Yeah, maybe you’re right, lets go see if anyone has seen them," Larek said.

They walked out of Liz’s rooms and started to walk down the hallway looking for someone that could help them. They didn't find anyone in the hallways so they walked down the two sets of stairways and down that hallway then they walked into the kitchen and saw some people sitting in there and walked toward them.

"May we help you?" A lady asked.

"Yes please. Have you seen the princess Liz and Serena and some other ladies?" Larek asked

"Oh. Yes sir. They went riding," the lady said.

"Are you sure?" Max asked.

"Yes. We watched them ride off a few minutes ago," The lady said.

"Well thank you for your help," Larek said.

Larek, Max and the rest of the guys all walked out of the kitchen together and walked back up the two sets of stairs and down the hallway to where they came from. They walked past Liz's room and then six more doors down. When they walked into the room Larek shut the door and turned to look at the guys.

They all looked at Larek and Michael asked,

"So what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to see if we can find a way to see what the girls are doing," Larek said.

"How is that going to help us?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry you’ll see," Larek said.

Larek walked up to a mirror and tapped the it three times, he then he took a step back and said,

"Let me see Liz, Serena and the girls,"

The guys stood behind Larek as they watched the mirror show Liz, Serena and the girls riding through the woods, they all stood there watching in surprise.

Meanwhile in the woods:

As they were riding through the woods the girls looked around. When they got to a pond they got off their horses and looked around. Liz started looking around, she felt like someone was watching them. She had this weird look on her face..

"Serena come here for a second," Liz said.

Serena, Maria, Isabel and Tess all walked up to Liz, they could tell something was not right.

"Liz what is it?" Serena asked.

"Do you feel that?" Liz asked.

"Yes. It feels like someone is watching us. But I can't tell where they are," Serena said.

"Isabel, Tess do you feel it too?" Liz asked

"Yeah, what is that?" Tess asked

"Someone is watching us," Liz said.

"Can you tell where they are?" Maria asked.

"No. But they are still watching us," Liz said.

"So, we can't see them but we can feel them," Serena said.

"Liz I think we need to leave. We have to go back and get the guys. This doesn't feel right," Maria said.

"Maria, Serena and I won't let anything happen to you," Liz said.

"Ok. That makes me feel a little better but I still think we need the guys here," Maria said.

"Lets wait and see what whoever it is, is going to do," Tess said.

"Yeah, I agree with Tess. Let them make the first move," Serena said.

"I agree with Tess and Serena," Isabel said.

"Ok. That’s it. Whoever you are come out from hiding. No One is going to hurt you. Show yourself now!!" Liz yelled.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar{CC, Mature}Chapter 39 Pg5 9/14

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I wanted to say thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope everyone will like the chapters to come.

Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope you will like the chapters to come. You will have to wait and find out who it is. You will also have to wait and see if the guys will help the girls or not. Don't feel sorry for the guys. You will hve to wait and ee what everyone will wear to the ball. You will also have to wait and see how the ball will go.

Mary Mary
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading til the end of the story. I hope you will like the chapters to come. Thank you for saying the chapter was very interesting. You will have to wait and read what is going.

Keepsmiling 7
Thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope you will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end.Yes of course something is not right. Now all we have to do is wait and read what will happen next. I hopew you will like the next chapter.
Princess Of Antar
Chapter 40

All of a sudden four people appeared, standing, in front of Liz, Maria, Serena, Isabel and Tess. The four people looked at Liz and the group of girls.

"Who are you? And what do you want from us?" Liz asked.

"Oh, its the princess…we are finally get to see you after all this time, and you’re all still together," The lady said.

"Who are you? And how do you know us? And what do you mean after all this time we are still together?" Serena asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Sarah and standing next to me is Carrie, this is Dave and beside Dave is Paul," Sarah said.

“Nice to meet all of you. Um, where do you come from?" Liz asked.

"Oh, we came from the forest,” Sarah said.

"Wait…the forest? What does that mean?" Tess asked

"We live in the forest. You should know My Ladies," Carrie said.

"What do you mean by we should know that?" Liz asked.

"You should know that because you lived with us there before," Sarah said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"You don't know do you?" Carrie asked

"Know what? Someone please tell us what you are talking about?" Liz yelled

"Princess Liz and Serena you used to live here. This was your home," Sarah said.

"We used to live here. What about our brother Rath?" Serena asked.

"Your brother Rath was with you til you father sent him away when he was 12," Carrie said.

"So our brother was gone from 12 to what?" Serena asked.

"Your brother didn't come back til he was 18. Liz you were 16 and Serena, you were 15 when Rath came back," Sarah said.

"How old were they when they met Zan?" Maria asked.

"That is easy, Liz was 16. The night Rath and Zan came was the night that Liz was turning 17. Serena you turned 16 two months later," Carrie said.

"So Rath and Zan were their for our birthdays?" Liz asked.

"Yes. But no one knew that you and Zan were falling for each other. We never knew til later that Liz and Zan were meeting in secret.," Sarah said.

"How long did Liz and Zan date until they were married?" Isabel asked.

They were together until their death," Sarah said.

"Wow! That sounds so romantic," Tess said.

"Yes it was romantic and sad," Carrie said.

"Did anyone know about Zan and Liz?" Tess asked

"I don't think so. If they did they kept it a secret," Sarah said.

"Who are you guys? And why are you not talking?" Maria asked.

"Our names are Dave and Paul. We are Sarah and Carries husbands," Paul answered.

"Oh, It is so nice that you are all together," Paul said.

"Um, how long have you guys been together?" Serena asked

"We have been together for 10 years now," Carrie replied.

"Wow that is a long time," Liz said.

"So would you like to see your home?" Sarah asked.

Liz and Serena looked at each other. Then they looked at Sarah.

"Yes. We would like to see it," Liz said.

"Ok. Lets go check it out then," Sarah said.

They all walked to what look like a doorway between two trees. Carrie put her stick between the trees and tapped twice in mid air and then she took a step back. There was a bright light then a door appeared. Liz, Serena and the rest of the girls were shocked at what they saw. Carrie, Sarah and their husbands all turned and saw the look on the girls faces…they knew that they were in for a surprise.

"Come and see your home," Sarah said.

The girls took a step towards the doors and when they entered they saw people working, talking and having fun. The girls all looked at each other and then back at the door. All of a sudden Milly appeared and looked at Liz and the rest and they took a step back and stared at Milly.

"What are you girls doing here?" Milly asked.

"We brought them here so they could see where they once lived," Sarah said.

"Sarah, you know you have to be careful. You never know who is around," Milly said.

"I'm sorry my lady," Sarah said.

"Its fine. Please, Liz and Serena come and see your old home and you too ladies," Milly said.

"Um, sure," Liz said.

Liz, Serena and the rest of the girls walked through the door and looked around. The girls saw people laughing and talking. Milly, Liz and the girls then stopped in front of a huge castle in a tree, they were shocked to see a castle embedded there in the tree. Milly turned and looked at Liz, Serena and the girls.

"So what do you think of your home?" Milly asked.

"Wow…it looks great," Liz said.

"This is where we lived?" Serena asked.

"Yes. This was your home. And now that your back you can come and visit," Milly said.

"Um, yeah why not," Liz said.

"Good. Now come and see your room," Milly said.

Milly, Liz, Serena and girls walked up to the tree where Milly opened the bark of the tree and they walked in. Liz and the girls walked up four flights of stairs until they were almost to the top floor. They all noticed that they were four floors up. Milly walked down the hall and the girls all followed her. They walked past three door and stopped when Milly stopped… Milly opened the door and they all looked around in wonder.

There they saw dolls, dresses, make up, jewelry and two CD Players beside two beds, and across the room there were two tv’s. Liz and Serena looked at Milly and Liz stated,

"This was our room."

"How did you know that?" Milly asked.

"Was this our room?" Serena asked.

"Yes. Liz how did you know this was your room?" Milly asked.

"I can feel it. This was our room. And this is where Serena and I died," Liz said.

"Is that true? Did we die in this room?" Serena asked