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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:01 am
by Applebylicious
Suzanne, you should also try her Were-Hunter book! There's only one so far, Sebastian in the compilation Tapestry, but Vane's story is coming out in a few months, so can't WAIT! WHOOHOO!! I love me some SK!



Oh, and yes, Wulf's book kicked booty... but is anyone else depressed that we didn't get to see Nick much in the last two books? I mean, I realize that he isn't the center focus... but I guess I was so spoiled because he was so prominant in NP and NE and then... no sight of him except for the beginning of DWTD and a small mention in KOTN. I need my Nick fix! WAAHH!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:04 pm
by Amber Eyes
Applebylicious wrote:Suzanne, you should also try her Were-Hunter book! There's only one so far, Sebastian in the compilation Tapestry, but Vane's story is coming out in a few months, so can't WAIT! WHOOHOO!! I love me some SK!



Hi Lindsay,

My books finally came the other day! I sat there and vegged out for like 2 days of non-stop reading.

So far I've read fantasy lover which is really good! I'm currently halfway through night pleasures (Kyrian's story). I like the dark-hunter stories, I love the way SK uses humour as well as referencing to buffy and angel, but in a way twisting that concept to suit her story. heehee. Also, there's just something about her writing style that really captures the readers attention. Maybe its also the reference to greek legends and the use of gods and goddesses, but making them modern? like how Cupid is a biker dude! and Aphrodite wearing suits. It's just really different!

I'm not too sure of whether to buy the were-hunter stories.... aren't they about werewolves? I'm not really into that yet. I dunno.... I can get really picky about what i read... :roll: lol :D

take care.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:17 pm
by Anniepoo98

Just wait until you get to Talon's story. You'll get introduced to Vane... and his brother Fang. I bet that once you read just a bit about them, you'll be just dying for Vane's book... which comes out in Augest. Plus, there is a preview of it in Wulf's book and on her site. Just that little bitty bit, and I'm hooked.

As for being a Werewolf.... well, I guess kinda... sorta... maybe??? Were-Hunters are part animal and part human. Some are more human than others and they all can shift forms back and forth between animal and human. They're not all wolves. Vane and Fang are wolves, Sebastian is a dragon, and there are also panthers too.

I hope that helps some!


Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:04 pm
by Zendorox
Amber Eyes:

If you don't mind my elaborating on what Anniepoo98 said (and without giving away too many secrets)...

King Lycaon of Arcadia married an Apollite (Descendents of Apollo) and had 2 children. When his wife dies at 27, he tries to save his children. He combines animal's and the human's life forces. Instead of living only 27 years, they now had life expectancies of close to a thousand years. Thus, Were-Hunters were created.

There are 2 types of Were-Hunters:
Arcadians: Have a Human heart. Live in human form but can shapeshift to their animal.

Katagaria: Have an Animal heart. Live in animal form but can shapeshift to human.

Were-Hunter branches:

Not sure if it has been meantioned yet but there are also those called Dream-Hunters. Together the 3 groups form the Pyramid of Protection.


Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:41 pm
by Amber Eyes
Anniepoo98 and zendorox: thanks for the info. i simply LOVE reading the Dark-Hunter and Dream-Hunter series. Though, I'm still not too sure about the were-hunter one. Is there only one published so far? (according to Lindsey) if not which one would be recommended as a starting point? or perhaps there's a particular one that you found good to read?

Out of the 3 different series, which ones would you recommend or prefer to read? This applies to anyone who's reading this. :wink:

Oh, and I checked out the companion website to the books. All I can say is wow!! :shock: it's the best site I've ever seen!

Just wondering though, I was browsing through the profile/darh-hunter of the month section, and Mmmmm..... :oops: er...anyway, I came across this link in the links section and there's a site dedicated to Nick Gautier, in there there's a profile for him and its Squire of the month. Though its only one page, I thought maybe there's a page that has links to the other squires? Anyone know what the link is? they might've taken it down but I'm not sure....



Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:23 pm
by Zendorox
Is there only one published so far? Out of the 3 different series, which ones would you recommend or prefer to read?
The only Werehunter story out so far is Dragonswan (Tapestry Anthology). The next book out will be a Werehunter story.
Dragonswan is a good story. Talon's book: Night Enbrace really gives you a very good intro to Werehunters as they are in it

They are all one series actually. Each book telling someone else's story. My favorite so far has been a Talon's but I haven't gotten Wulf's book in the mail yet.

As for the website, go check out all 3 areas. I spent probably a month making notes from it and the books to get a clear idea of everything going on. TONS of info to comb through is the main site

There's also a link that's very hard to find if you don't watch closely. It's available on the DarkHunter message board:

About the Squires... one confusing thing on the web site is the Squires' profiles don't necessarily match up with what you'll learn from the books and the HUnters' profiles. I asked about it once and was told that's because they also have a roleplaying group whose member's are listed as Squires. Keeping that in mind, if you click on the Squire's Arena from the DarkHunter site... down toward the bottom you'll see other squires' profiles.

I made a list once of all the current and future titles Sherri has up on her website. I double checked it to make sure it's up-to-date. Listed in recommended reading order (doesn't include the TBA titles). The TBA's I got from the profiles, etc.

Fantasy Lover Julian's Story Feb-2002
The Beginning Dark-Hunter / Acheron Feature online
Dragonswan (Tapestry Anthology) Were-Hunter / Sebastian's Story Aug-2002
Night Pleasures Dark-Hunter / Kyrian's story Oct-2002
Night Embrace Dark-Hunter / Talon's story Jun-2003
Phantom Lover (Midnight Pleasures Anthology) Dream-Hunter / V'Aidan's story Nov-2003
Dance With The Devil. Dark-Hunter / Zarek's story Nov-2003
Dark Hunter Christmas Dark-Hunter / Gallagher Feature online
Kiss of the Night Dark-Hunter / Wulf's story Apr-2004
Night Play Were-Hunter / Vane's story Aug-2004
Winter Born (Stroke of Midnight Anthology) Were-Hunter / Dante's Story Oct-2004
Seize the Night Dark-Hunter / Valerius's story Jan-2005
Sins of Innocence Dark-Hunter / Alexion's story Apr-2005
Dream Lover Dream-Hunter / Nikos-Arik's 2005

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Dream-Hunter / Arikos's story
Body Heat Were-Hunter / Colton TBA
Decadence Dream-Hunter / Solin TBA
Dragon Knight Were-Hunter / Makis Kattalakis TBA
Dragon Song Were-Hunter / Damos Kattalakis TBA
Dream Magic Dream-Hunter / D'Ravyk's story TBA
Dream Weaver Dream-Hunter / TBA
Forbidden Fantasy Dream-Hunter / Seric TBA
Hunter's Pointe Were-Hunter / Jasyn Kallinos TBA
In My Wildest Dreams Dream-Hunter / K'Allon TBA
Night Kiss Were-Hunter / Fang's story TBA
Nightfall Were-Hunter / Lysander Stephanos TBA
Resurrection Were-Hunter / Arion TBA

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 5:22 am
by Amber Eyes
zendorox: wow! thanks for the info! I didn't know there was another site (the link you found in the message board.) I've browsed all the others though.

That is a lot of books to get through..... I'm in heaven!!! I can't wait till more are released.

I haven't read Talon's story yet, though it will be the next book I start on. I've bought most of the other dark-hunter books (including wulf's story) as either new or 2nd hand (but still in good quality) off amazon. The price is cheaper than retail price and it gets delivered within 2 days.

I think I might give the next were-hunter story that comes out a try. :wink: You never know, I might end up gettting addicted to that series too! lol.



Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:02 am
by Applebylicious
Definitely give Dragonswan a chance! Sebastian is sexy... even though it's only a short piece.

I think out of the three, I like the Dark Hunters best. Not only because we learn more about them, but because the characters are just so wonderful. Ash, Kyrian, even Nick... you just fall in love with them.

The DreamHunter story I've read, its okay. I loved it because it is within this little universe I have come to cherish, but I could take them or leave them.

About the websites, yeah some of the profiles don't match up. But the role playing is very fun! If you subscribe to the yahoo! groups you can read and write fanfic and also get the Dark Hunter of the Month stuff, all which is very fun.

Zendorex said everything else pretty well. :D Nothing left for me to add... except that I'm excited that more people are replying on this thread! SK is a wonderfully imaginative author, and I hope everyone takes a chance to check her out.



Just edited to add that I recently got an email from Brynna, one of the main Squires, which stated that Ash's books will be released sometime within the next two to three years! You can imagine I'm doing the happy dance over here. :lol:

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:47 pm
by Zendorox
Amber Eyes: Update for you. I got Wulf's book and finished it.

hehe... Taylon's is still my fav :)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:11 pm
by Amber Eyes
Applebylicious: I'm really happy to hear that Ash's book will be out in the next few years, he really intrigues me! I'd really like to hear his story, plus hopefully he'll find someone to love. Though I wonder if its gonna be Artemis or someone else.....

I've noticed, Since I've finished reading Talon's book, that all our heros have suffered so much in their past. And the way its written makes me wanna cry!!! It's so moving! But at least there's a happy ending for them.

I know these books are dark-hunter stories, but do you think they'll have any squire stories out? I want nick's story!

zendorox: LOL :D I can see why talon's story your fav, after finishing reading it a few days ago, its now my fav too!!

I've started to read Dara Joy's Matrix of Destiny storys, so am abit side track, but I'll get back on the DK books soon. :D Zarek is next!