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Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)Epil. 7/9/11

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:57 pm
by mary mary
Eve:Lord knows the place is big enough that's for sure... :D
Carolyn: Maria knows about Michael's undercover work at the school but she doesn't know about his work with the DEA...she knows it's safer for Michael if she doesn't know what's going on with his police work so when Liz told her not to ask she just assumed it was best not to know. I hope you aren't disappointed with this part. :)
Natalie36: Well, I think it's time to close the pages on this one...anything else would just bore us all to tears.... :wink:
Lizza: I hope you like the's time. :)
Nitpick23: Well, it looks like Liz might have changed her mind about the reason for a visit to an OBGYN...but on a personal note, it's a good thing to have a check up once a year whether it's for birth control or not. :)

(Watch for "the Little Princess"'s in the works and will be A/U with aliens when it's finished)
“Of course, someday, I hope to find a couple of replacements for what I love best right now”
I said that once and now I have those replacements


I can hear faint giggles through the baby monitor and then I realize that Max is missing from our bed. We now live in the big hacienda and although we don’t have it filled with babies yet we are working on it. Our little angel is now residing in the one time office of the DEA and the equipment, although still on the premises, has been moved to the new building Michael designed for mom.

There go those giggles again and a low, sexy growl follows. Max is changing her…I swear, the man can’t keep his hands off of her; she is beautiful and she is so happy. Why wouldn’t she be? She has a mother who adores her, she has the most handsome, adoring daddy on earth and she has grandparents that spoil her rotten…all of them.

The Evans’ and the Whitmans’ have become regular visitors now that there’s a baby to visit and there is plenty of room for everyone to be comfortable which helps.

“There you go…do you feel better now?” More giggles and chuckles…I can hear them from our room. I swear when she laughs she laughs with her entire body, it’s contagious.

“Let’s go see if mommy is awake yet...I’ll bet she’ll be glad to see you.” And the next thing I know my handsome husband is there standing at the doorway to our bedroom with my little angel nestled in his arms, both of them with big smiles on their faces. I am so happy I want to cry and Max notices the look on my face and immediately rushes over to me and sits on the edge of the bed.

“Liz, what’s wrong baby, are you okay?”

“I’m fine Max…as a matter of fact I am so fine that it makes me want to cry tears of joy. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy in my life.” And I reach up and bring his lips to mine as I place my hand on my baby girl’s little tummy. I get a giggle too and it makes both of us chuckle as she grabs our faces with her little hands. She is three months old today and if you would have asked me a little over a year ago what were the chances of this happening I would have laughed in your face.

It seems that almost twelve years ago a certain Pam Troy saw my husband picking up one Tess Harding after her shift as a candy striper because her boyfriend, Kyle Valenti, had a meeting with the football coach about a certain class he was failing. Pam Troy, being Pam Troy, started a vicious rumor that Liz Parker’s boyfriend, one Max Evans, seemed to be stepping out on her. Well, I never gave Max a chance to explain and I wouldn’t allow Maria to even mention his name in my presence so it took the better part of ten years to straighten the mess out but once it was fixed it was wonderful.

I sometimes think that things happen for the best though. Who knows what would have happened had we continued to date. I try not to think of the past…it’s over and there are no do-overs, only the future and the future is looking pretty good right now.

I still ride the desert and take photos occasionally, only when the satellite leaves me with questions, but I never ride alone. Most of the time my husband is my riding companion or my mother on occasion. Mom still likes to ride and she said she especially likes to ride with me because I tend to get into trouble…this is not true, I’m a very responsible person. I still do analysis for the DEA and everyone seems to be happy… this way I get to spend a lot more time with my baby girl. I will say that our endeavors do result in an awfully lot of arrests and, I’m sad to say that Doug and Vicky were among those arrests, what a waste, greed is such a horrible thing.

I am probably one of the happiest women on earth and God knows my husband seems to be content with our life. I think it terrifies him sometime that I ride in that desert but he has to remain quiet about it, that was part of our deal. I’ll ride as long as my body will allow it.

My folks have moved to Columbus finally and they live in the guest house, I think my mother had it planned this way all along. She bought all new furniture for their two bedrooms, redecorated the entire place and she loves it. Her decorating classes really paid off and yes we did finish the semester, we were there for the birth of Maria and Michael’s little boy and mom took some online courses in decorating because I didn’t want to be driving to Las Cruces with paint swatches anymore. I must admit though the place looks great.

When mom’s not busy with volunteer work she watches little Claudia while Max and I ride. He still can’t jump that gulley but that’s okay. He says it’s a weight thing…I’m lighter so I fly better. I think it’s got more to do with a timing thing but I’m not going to argue with the man…it really is a scary looking gulley when you get right down to it…maybe I should stop trying to show off? What do you think?

Well, that’s my story ladies and gentleman. I’m sure we will be having more babies in the future but as for filling up this hacienda… I’m not so sure about that.

I have to go now, I have a hungry daughter and a beautiful husband to take care of. Good bye until the next time.


The End