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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:02 pm
by Quint
Hey Trude

Yep... I really get bored of writing happy people... angst/comedy is so much more fun for me.

PR stands for Pheonix Rising which is the title of the whole trilogy...



Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:12 pm
by Sternbetrachter
I knew that I read what PR meant!
Angst and comedy? great! ... I love comedy! especially when it's dark, sarcastic humour! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:34 pm
by Biged
give me light fluffy humor any day :) lol


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:41 pm
by Quint
Give me dark humour any day of the week... although I do like the occasional more soft/fluffy stuff...

and sarcasm is always fun.

Black comedies are great.


Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:20 am
by Sternbetrachter
the brits are the best with black humour or sarcastic stuff! ... Monty Phyton, Calendar Girls, Trainspotting, etc.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:44 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
I'm not much for angst myself. I get my minimum daily dose of angst just getting out of bed in the morning. Happy fic has it's place and Roswell, as a show, already suffers from angst overkill. I look for something a little more positive in Rosfic to balance it.


Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:48 pm
by Sternbetrachter
does that mean that "Still Yours" will have a "Happily Ever After" ending? ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 8:14 am
by Kzinti_Killer
Trude I wouldn't have it any other way. I started Still Yours to fix things. I had a very long "to do" list. Things like re-enobling characters that had been run into the ground (all of them)....or in Alex's case, literally put into the ground. In the last 30 years episodic TV has developed a propensity for miserable, or at best ambiguous, endings. Endings where everyone dies (Forever Knight). Stories where the hero turns out to be evil (La Femme Nikita). Or where the story simply goes on out of your sight with no concrete ending (Quantum Leap, BtVS, etc). Many shows get cancelled in mid-angst with no resolution at all. Some don't know when to call it quits (Beauty and the Beast).

Roswell, having taken a serious wrong turn, with loose ends dangling, plot holes gapping, and characters mangled beyond recognition, had to gather what threads it could to present some sort of ending. Which sucked because zero groundwork was laid for it.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

So, I wouldn't entertain any other sort of ending, Trude. There will be twists and turns before it gets here, but it *will* get here. The only people who will be unhappy at the end of this story will be the bad guys.


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:22 pm
by Sternbetrachter
great to know! :D

hm, BtVS didn't have a concrete ending? I mean, the Sunnydale Hellmouth was destroyed (sure there are others and Anya and Tara had to die before :roll: but ...)

I never saw the end of La Femme Nikita ... who is the evil one in the end? Nikita or Michael? (I think Michael but who knows)


Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:53 pm
by Kzinti_Killer
This is getting off topic, but I'll answer this one more time. After this, we move it down to "Other Shows Discussion"....
Sternbetrachter wrote:great to know! :D

hm, BtVS didn't have a concrete ending? I mean, the Sunnydale Hellmouth was destroyed (sure there are others and Anya and Tara had to die before :roll: but ...)
The thing is, it was left with too much "yeah but", as in "Yeah, this or that plot development happened, but....". The destruction of the Hellmouth was impressive, but it was just a plot device, like any other. As I see it, none of the characters got any closure, not even those that died. Anya was brave, but she was also miserable, lonely, frightened and confused. Yeah, that just gave me the warm fuzzies there. And we're left with the impression that the war goes on, without end. Individual soldiers fall, but the battle continues. All well and good, but the individual soldiers are what hooked me on the show to begin with. The grandiose "big picture" stuff was Whedon showing off for his peers in the industry. I was with the show from the beginning, and the fact that they gave Buffy and Angel no closure worth mentioning beyond a vague "see ya again some day when I grow up" made me think that I'd wasted an hour a week for seven years as a fan. Then the story line on Angel that had her taking a new lover in Europe in spite of Spike and Angel just plain pissed me off. Hello to "As the Slayer Turns". *shrugs*
I never saw the end of La Femme Nikita ... who is the evil one in the end? Nikita or Michael? (I think Michael but who knows)
Nikita. It turned out she was a plant. The whole run of the show she'd been planted on "The Section" by the organization that ran it, to look for evidence of weakness and mismanagement. In the end, when she came out in the open, she ran a purge that killed or exiled a lot of people, including the entire leadership. She turned her back on Michael. It was implied that she'd played him for a fool the entire run of the show. The only hint that there might have been something real in her heart was that she let him get away alive in the end.
