Loves Awakening Revealed (AU, M/L, ADULT) {COMPLETED}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 17 p7 Feb14

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Hi Everyone! I'm back from BAT and Wow was that fun. I got to meet Nick Wechsler (Kyle) we hugged we bowled, we bonded. What can I say? LOL!!! I met Jason Peck (Deputy Hanson) he was great too, and Majandra Delphino (Maria DeLuca) and other celebs. I would've loved to meet one more of our beloved Roswell men named Jason Behr, oh well there's always next time. I got to meet Cherie and we had a blast at BAT great fun with great Roswellians. Okay, this new part is timely being posted on Valentine's Day. I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day and I hope you all will like this new part. It's a long one it's 32 pages worth in word. Let me know what you think, okay. :wink:

Sylvia37- Hi Sylvia! Thanks :wink: . Here's the next part I hope you will like it.

roswellluver- All Hail the Honeymoon!!! LOL!!! :lol:

Frenchkiss70- Thanks! :wink: For reading and your feedback as always. I appreciate your great comments and support. Max and Liz are excited about that part too. :lol:

LoveIsForever- Yep! Here is part I of the Honeymoon. No, I haven't forgotten about Jeff. It'll be rocky with Jeff for a while. Shushh dont' tell anyone. :wink:

AJK001- You're Welcome. Thank you for reading and posting your feedback it keeps me writing. :wink:

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Thank You. I hope you'll like this new part.

Cherie- Hi Cherie! :D It was great to meet you and speak with you at BAT. We had a great time. I hope you'll enjoy this new part. Let me know what you think. :wink:

Part 18

“By the powers vested in me and by the state of New Mexico, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” proclaims the justice of the peace. Max and Liz look at each other with happy tear filled eyes. They embrace and offer a long tender kiss making it official. A cheer erupts from all their friends and family in attendance. Diane and Nancy cry happily at the sight of their two children getting married. Maria and Isabel look on smiling and crying, as they each stand with their arms linked with their own mates.

Michael looks up at his friend / brother and sister-in-law and sees all the love and happiness in their faces and is moved by it. A tear begins to roll down Michael’s smiling face. Maria turns and looks at him in concern and shock. “What? I had something in my eye,” says Michael rubbing his eyes and wiping away the errant tear.

“Michael, I can’t believe you were even moved to tears,” says Maria.

“I was not,” denies Michael.

“You were too,” says Maria grinning.
“Was not”, defends Michael.

“You were so,” says Alex smiling at the idea of catching Michael in a very un-Michael like moment.

“Stay out of this Mr. One Shoe,” says Michael.

“Okay, I’ll stop. No more starring daggers at me then,” says Alex.

“Oh be quiet you two. This is Liz and Max’s wedding day, so put a cork in it already,” Isabel hisses.

“You’re right Princess. We’re both sorry, right Michael,” says Alex.

“Yeah, right. Calm down Iz. I promise to behave,” says Michael.

“Well Mrs. Evans, it looks like were official now. There’s no stopping us,” says Max beaming with joy at Liz.

“You’re absolutely right Mr. Evans. I couldn’t agree more. Somehow I don’t think we’ll be making a clean get away anytime soon. You know our mothers are going to want us to all get together at your house most likely. Your mom made me promise to come over tonight for dinner. So it looks like the next few hours we’ll have to just be cordial to our family and then make a run for it. We just need to figure out where we run to,” says Liz.

“Congratulations Max and Liz. We’re all so happy for you both. Welcome to the family Liz,” says Diane and Philip offering Liz a warm hug.

“I couldn’t agree more. Welcome to the family Max. Take good care of my girl and my grandchildren,” says Nancy welcoming Max in a motherly embrace.

“I have an announcement everyone. Please follow us all back to our house for cutting the cake and then dinner,” says Diane.

“There’s cake? Nobody told me there’d be cake. Count me in for cake and dinner,” says Alex.

“Alex!” exclaims a smiling Isabel.

“Hey! I’m a guy and I like to eat,” says Alex in a mock defense. “What? You don’t think I have to work at keeping my body like this?” says Alex causing an instantaneous out burst of laughter by everyone.

“Don’t pick on Alex you guys. I invited everyone to come and eat and celebrate with us. Of course I expect you to eat,” smiles Diane as she puts one arm around Alex in a slight hug as she winks at Isabel.

Isabel opens her connection to Michael, Maria, Liz, Max and then Alex who is holding her other hand. ‘Oh boy! I think Mom knows or suspects about me and Alex. I can tell from her emotions she thinks I’ll be the next one to . . . get married,’ says Isabel.

“Liz let me look at your rings. I didn’t get to see them yet,” says a happy Isabel.

“Hey, I didn’t get to see them either,” says Maria.

“Wow! That’s a beautiful diamond. Liz aren’t those the symbols from the seals that you and Max have on your palms,” says Maria admiring the intricately engraved symbols on Liz’s band.

“I honestly didn’t look at the rings after we put them on. I didn’t think about it. I have a feeling that Max’s ring will have the same symbols on his too,” says Liz.

“Max, Hun, come here for a minute,” says Liz.

“I’d better go see what my wife wants. I love how that sounds,” says Max as he smiles and excuses himself from his dad, and brother Michael. Max walks over to Liz from behind, and wraps his arms around her. “Hey Babe, what’s going on?” Max asks nestling his face into her neck and resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Hun, have you looked at your ring yet?” Liz asks.

“No. Why?” Max asks. He extends his hand that now wears his wedding band and notices the same symbols on his ring that are on his and Liz’s seal. “Liz! Let me see your ring,” exclaims a surprised Max. I didn’t expect to find anything on our bands since we didn’t have time to have them engraved or anything. Those are the same symbols from our seal. I wonder why they suddenly appeared on there,” says Max.

“Max, remember we are supposed to meet with Cal after school today at the pod chamber. We should call Cal and see if we are still on for today’s meeting and ask him about why the symbols appeared on our bands,” says Liz.

“I know Max. We could call Cal when we get to your parents house. We could each sneak away or make our excuses. We could meet in the bathroom and call Cal,” says Liz.

“I love how your mind works Liz. I like your plan, but we can sneak off to my room. We’re married now remember. I think Michael brought your bag up there anyways. We do need to figure out where we are going to stay at now that we’re married. I love just being able to say that,” says Max.

“I know Babe. I love saying that we are married, too. We don’t have to lie about it anymore either. It’s very liberating. Maybe you could ask your dad if we could stay at the cabin for a few days until we can figure out where we’ll live,” suggests Liz.

“Yeah. I’ll ask Dad about that when we get back to my parent’s house. We had better go and maneuver everyone back to the cars so we can get on with things,” says an anxious Max.

The Evans wedding party convoy makes its way back to the Evan’s home, being lead by Max and Liz. The Evans driveway quickly begins to resemble a new and used car lot. Max and Liz are the first to arrive with Michael acting as their chauffeur. Diane, Phillip, and Nancy Parker stand together talking quietly as if formulating a plan. This gets noticed by Max and Liz as their curiosity and suspicions grow, wondering what their parents have planned for them today.

“Well Hun, it looks like the parental alliances are being forged judging from the looks of things over there. I just hope it’s not anything we need to worry about. Let’s check in with Iz about that. She can read their emotions and tell us if it seems like anything we need to worry about,” says Liz.

“Isabel could you come here for a minute please,” says Liz.

“Hey guys. What’s up Liz?” Isabel asks.

“We were wondering if you could read our parents all huddled up over there in the corner like co- conspirators working on a plan. We just need to know if whatever it is they’re huddled up about is anything bad that we should be concerned about. Could you do your thing Iz and check it out for us,” Liz asks.

“Sure Liz,” says Isabel. Isabel already knows what the huddle up is about, but has to make a good show of it for Liz and Max. Isabel concentrates and reads the parents joy and happiness and something about a surprise for Max and Liz later. Isabel smiles, “Oh it’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a surprise or something that they have planned later, for you two,” says a grinning Isabel.

“Iz! Whatever you know you had better spill it now,” says Liz.

“Liz, you know I can’t tell you what’s going on. It’ll be fine. That’s all you have to know for now. Oh Michael I need to talk to you,” says Isabel making a break away from Liz’s scrutiny and questions.

“Michael help! Liz and Max are very suspicious about what the parents have planned. We had better tell the parents to get things under weigh before Max and Liz get the info out of us,” says Isabel.

“I know, have Maria go over there and talk to them. You know she could talk anyone to death. That’s got to be one of her powers,” says a smiling Michael.

“Michael! How could you say that about Maria? She is your future bonded mate, and how she puts up with you is beyond me. Maria’s a saint if you ask me. You’re lucky to have her Michael. Don’t forget that fact,” says Isabel pointing her finger into his chest.

“You’re right Iz, she is pretty great. I’m a lucky guy to have her. But man can that woman talk,” smirks Michael watching Maria animatedly talking with Alex. “That reminds me that I need to talk with Maria later,” says Michael.

“Yeah. I know what you mean Michael I feel like I need to talk to Alex too. I suppose seeing Max and Liz get married today makes us realize that it is really possible for us to have the life and family we want,” says Isabel.

“Iz, you know Alex loves you. I know he’s a great guy despite our little bickering sessions and he always makes you smile and laugh. It makes me happy to see you that way, and Alex does that for you. Mr. One Shoe has my blessing, not that you’re asking or need it,” says Michael.

“Let’s go see what Mom and Dad are up to now, and see if they need any help,” says a mischievous Isabel.

Liz and Max sneak off separately to rendezvous in his room to be able to call Cal privately. This gives Liz a chance to get off her feet for a little break. Liz listens while Max calls Cal. “Hi Cal, thanks for your best wishes. Liz and I were calling because we forgot to ask earlier about the meeting we had previously agreed to have after school today. We were hoping to skip the meeting today since it’s our wedding day. Okay. We’ll still meet at the pod chamber. When? 8PM? Got it. Let’s make it brief because Liz and I have plans later. Sure Cal, all six of us will be there. This must be important if we can’t do this over the phone. We understand. Okay, I’ll tell everyone and we’ll see you later. Bye, Cal,” shrugs Max.

Liz takes in Max’s visible disappointment and tries to comfort him. “Hun, I know a Destined Six club meeting wasn’t on our list of things we wanted to do today when we woke up together; but it’ll be okay. Come here Babe,” says Liz as she stands to face him offering her loving embrace to soothe his let down mood. Max walks into her welcoming arms and finds solace in her very presence allowing her to soothe his frustration, washing away the remnants of his disappointment.

“I know, I forgot about the meeting. Then when I remembered all I could think about was our wedding night and being alone with you. I guess I’m selfish and don’t want to have to share you with anyone else the rest of the day,” says Max as he gazes at her and gives her a tender brief kiss.

“Hun, I know how you feel. It’s how I feel too, but we do have an obligation as the leaders of the ‘Destined Six’, the Granilith and the future of both planets. Not to mention our twins,” says Liz as she caresses her stomach tenderly feeling her unborn children securely nestled in her womb.
Cheer up; we still have the rest of tonight and the rest of our lives together. Every moment with you is always memorable because I love you, Max,” says Liz.

“Thanks Babe. You always know how to cheer me up. We should get back down there and face everyone before they notice we’re gone and give us a bad time about us sneaking off and being alone together,” says Max.

“Let them. We are married now. We have a license and we are legal. They can tease us, but no one is keeping us apart. Not now or ever,” says Liz. Max and Liz rejoin everyone down stairs enjoying the happy chatter of their family. Max and Liz quietly talk to the other members of the ‘Destined Six’ and let them know about the important meeting tonight the time and place. They continue to enjoy celebrating with their family and friends. After the cake and dinner, Phillip makes an announcement. He gets everyone’s attention by clanging his dinner fork lightly against his glass. “I have an announcement to make to the Bride and Groom. We are all very happy to be a part of your special day and know that it wouldn’t be complete without the two of you having a special place for tonight. So if everyone’s ready, I think it’s time we bring Max and Liz to their surprise. Please bring all the gifts so we can have them open the presents when we get to the secret destination.”

“Do I need to bring anything with me?” Liz asks.

“Yes, but don’t worry. We had yours and Max’s things already packed and out in the cars while you were upstairs earlier,” says Maria.

Michael adds, “Besides we wouldn’t let you carry anything in your delicate condition. You should be resting. You should be lying horizontal,” says Michael innocently. Max raises one eyebrow at Michael’s horizontal comment. Alex opens his mouth to make an Alex type comment. Isabel quickly slaps her hand over his mouth knowing exactly what Alex was going to say using his patented quick wit and humor.

“Oookay, then I think we had better get going before Michael or Alex say anything further to embarrass everyone,” says Maria.

Isabel says, “Yeah, let’s get going. I mean I want to see them open their gifts.” Isabel shoots a warning look at Alex who protests.

“What? I didn’t say it, Iz. Am I in trouble now for what I almost said? It was a gimme. Do I get any points for not actually saying what just sooo was begging to be said,” says Alex.

“You only didn’t say it because I stopped you Alex,” says a playful Isabel.

“Oh yeah.” Alex whispers to Iz. “Princess, I can think of other ways you can…keep me from talking too,” says Alex suggestively wiggling his eyebrows.

“Alex! You are soo bad Sweetie, but I’ll have to take you up on that offer later,” smiles Isabel.

“Promise?” asks a hopeful Alex.

Everyone moves out to their cars. Max and Liz will once again be chauffeured by Michael. Phillip approaches and says, “This is a surprise for you Max and Liz. In keeping with that spirit you have to both put these blind folds on. Wear them until we get to the destination spot. No peaking you two,” warns Phillip. Moments later, while Max and Liz are being driven down the road, they open their connection to each other.

‘Liz, aren’t aliens supposed to be the ones doing the abducting. Here we are being abducted by our family who are both human and aliens alike. There is just something wrong with this picture don’t you think Liz,’ teases Max.

‘Well I’ve been thinking about where they could be taking us. Max it feels like we are moving away from the city. I don’t hear all the traffic noise. I. . . I think I hear the sound of a creek or something near by. Max, this drive feels familiar to me’, Liz telepaths. Liz moves around in her seat and her hand lightly makes contact with a section of her seat. Liz gets a vision of their friends and family happily conspiring to surprise them and talking about the cabin as they pack Max and Liz’s things into the jeep. ‘Max I know where they’re taking us. It’s one of our favorite spots to be together,’ smiles Liz.

‘Babe, where are they taking us?’ Did you figure it out or did you get a flash?’ telepaths Max.

‘Both, I figured it out and I got a flash. They’re taking us to the cabin. There is some other surprise there I don’t know what. I only figured this out because I got a flash when I touched my seat,’ Liz says through their connection.

‘Wow! The surprise is that they’re taking us to the cabin, huh? Great, I forgot to ask Dad about letting us use the cabin for a while,’ telepaths Max.

‘It looks like we’ll have a great wedding night. After we take care of official business that is,’ teases a flirtatious Liz through there connection.

‘I thought our official wedding night was official business. It looks like your favorite tutor will need to teach you how to prioritize things,’ tantalizes Max through their handy telepathic connection.

‘Well if my favorite tutor is going to require some mandatory quality study time later, then we’ll need some serious study food, Babe,’ suggests a seductive Liz. Besides I believe you made me certain promises last night to look forward to. I can’t wait until you make good on your promises to fulfill tonight, and I mean all night Hun,’ flirts Liz. She gently places her hand on his thigh and gives a firm squeeze to emphasize her point. Max blushes and coughs at Liz’s hints.

Michael looks at the rear view mirror when he hears Max cough and sees a blind folded Max and Liz both with big grins on their blushing faces. Michael looks further and sees Liz’s hand on Max’s thigh. Michael smirks, “Gees, even blindfolded sitting side by side you two can’t control yourselves,” teases Michael.

“Michael! Keep your eyes on the road. We are married now by both Earth and Antarian standards. If you thought we were bad before, watch out now. We are legal and no one’s stopping us from being together. So just learn to deal with it,” says a stern Liz.

“Hey we all deal with the two of you. That’s not an issue. Just please don’t get carried away back there with me in the jeep, not to mention all our family is following behind us. We don’t need a sneak preview of coming attractions okay, Liz,” teases Michael.

“Michael, cool it. I don’t need to have you and my beautiful pregnant wife bickering. Gees you two do sound like siblings,” says a smiling Max bugging Michael.

“Liz I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you or the twins. You know how I am,” says Michael.

“It’s okay, Michael. You know in a way you’re like a brother to me. I guess I can love you like a brother and treat you just like Iz does then,” teases Liz.

“Oh boy, now I’m in for it. Thanks Max. Thanks a lot there Bro. As if finding out Isabel was my sister wasn’t bad enough, but now Iz and Liz have free reign to be as bratty as they want. Why is it I feel like the women in our lives are circling the wagons and moving in on us,” teases Michael.

“You have no idea,” laughs Max.

“What is that supposed to mean?” asks a curious and slightly perturbed Michael. Max clears his throat about to answer Michael.

“Max! Don’t you dare say anything to him about it,” states a firm but smiling Liz.

“Michael, I have to plead the fifth on that one Bro. My wife would kill me if I said anything. I’d like to make it to see my second wedding night if you don’t mind, Michael,” says a laughing Max amused by Michael’s bewilderment.

“You’re so whipped,” smirks Michael shaking his head and smiles at Max and Liz.

“I’m not whipped Michael. Unlike you and Maria, Liz and I don’t like to argue or fight as a form of foreplay,” says Max enjoying Michael’s imagined surprised expression.

Michael objects, “What? That’s not true. What do you know about me and Maria?”

“Michael, go sniff some cedar oil or something, okay. You should know by now, our groups’ private life details sometimes become common knowledge amongst the rest of us. You and Maria aren’t exempt from that kind of razzing. Oh don’t look so shocked. You tease us all the time. It’s okay Michael it’s just part of being who we are. Besides, I love teasing my favorite Brother-in-law and making him blush,” says Liz.

“Liz it’s a good thing your family,” smiles Michael looking into the rear view mirror at a blind folded Max and Liz in the back seat. “Hey just because you guys are in the back seat and I’m on driving duty, don’t be getting any ideas.”

“Sorry to disappoint you Michael, no floor show. We’re pulling out all the stops for the honeymoon, which is by invitation only. Don’t look so worried. There are no invitations. None of you are invited. Well, except for . . . the meeting at the pod chamber part. But after that it’s strictly honeymoon here we come,” says Liz trying her best to shame Michael to stop teasing them.

“Gees, I can see your being married isn’t going to help you two from keeping your hands off of each other in public,” teases Michael.

“Is that what you thought Michael? That once we were married we wouldn’t be so affectionate. Think again. We are legal, licensed to touch and everything. Not that we plan on being put on display. We don’t. Of course we’ll keep things in check at school. I’m sure this news of our marriage will cause quite a stir with West Roswell High’s gossip mill. We have Maria for damage control in that area. It’s her area of expertise,” Max smirks.

“Hey, don’t forget Isabel. She and Maria sort of share the crown as the Queen’s of the West Roswell High’s gossip mill. No one dares to cross either of them,” says a smiling Liz.

“Yeah well, if they’re smart they won’t dare cross my Blondie or our sister Isabel. If anyone does they are just begging for a can of alien whoop ass to be unleashed. I’m sure between Maria and Isabel things won’t get too out of hand gossip wise,” says Michael.

“Yeah, we have already braced ourselves. Everyone will most likely shun us and think Max married me because he got me pregnant, which isn’t entirely true. I am pregnant but that’s not why we got married. We love each other and refuse to be separated in this life time together,” says Liz.

“Liz, you are family and no one will dare mess with any of my family, not while I’m around,” says Michael protectively.

“Now see that’s why you’re my favorite Brother-in-law. You like to watch out for the rest of us and some of us who aren’t even here yet,” says Liz as she gently caresses her stomach thinking of the twins.

“Hey nothing’s too good for my sister-in-law, niece, and nephew,” says Michael grinning broadly loving the idea of being an uncle.

“Just remember, I saw her first. She’s mine and I’m not sharing. I called dibs,” teases Max.

“Whoa there Maxwell, I didn’t mean it like that. I know Liz’s your wife, but she is my pregnant Sister-in-law. I was just pointing out that Liz has us all to look out for her and the twins,” says Michael.

The fifteen minute drive from the Evan’s house to the cabin quickly passes with all this chatter and surprisingly from Michael of all people. Max and Liz’s wedding has really got him thinking about things. Michael drives the jeep around the last corner to see the cabin coming into view in the distance. Liz and Max remain blind folded. Max, Liz, and Michael wait for the others to arrive. The rest of the Evan’s wedding caravan were right behind Michael and now caught up. They park their vehicles.

Phillip and Diane walk over to the jeep. “Michael, did the Bride and Groom behave on the way here and keep the blind folds on with no peaking?” Phillip asks.

Michael thinks to himself that he was worried that more than the blind folds would be coming off with Max and Liz in the back seat. “Yeah Mr. Evans, uh…behave…Oh you mean the blind folds. Yeah they are still in place and haven’t budged,” smirks a mischievous Michael.

“Good, then. Keep them here until we give you the signal to bring them in. We need them to keep on the blind folds until they are inside”, Phillip covertly nods his head in the direction of the cabin.

“Hello…we may be blindfolded, but our hearing is just fine. We herd that, Mr. Evans,” says Liz.

Phillip laughs, “Sorry Liz and Max just play along okay. I promise you’ll love this surprise.”

The parents, Maria, Isabel and Alex all scramble quickly to go in the cabin and get things set up and decorated for this surprise and the opening of the gifts. Diane and Nancy both carry in the trays of food and bags of groceries that they picked up earlier and kept in the trunk of Diane’s car. They enjoy stocking the refrigerator and cupboards for Max and Liz. Diane and Nancy have formed a bond as in-laws and grandmothers to be. They work together in making the cabin a cozy and comfortable place for Liz and Max’s stay. Isabel and Maria bring in a bag of things that Liz has especially requested for them to pick up for the wedding night.

“Wow! I had no idea the sorts of things that your mom’s friend had in her store. I can’t wait to try some of them out with Alex,” says a blushing Isabel.


“What? Like I didn’t see you pick out a few things for you and Michael and then say it was for your friend’s honeymoon night. Yeah right, Maria,” smirks an amused Isabel.

“Okay, you got me there Iz. Do not breathe a word of this to anyone. I mean it Iz, I’ll plead the fifth,” says Maria. “Deal? Okay, Isabel? No spilling about our little erotic shopping excursion,” say Maria.

“We need to figure out which bedroom to set up.” states Isabel.

“The obvious choice is Max’s room. But then again with those two I don’t think that’ll necessarily be the only choice. I mean there are 3 bedrooms not to mention various locations in the cabin,” says Maria.

“Let me just say ‘Ewww’ for the record. But this is my brother and my sister-in-law. I really don’t even want to imagine the visuals. I’m just pretending this is a practice run, setting the stage for me and Alex, for future reference of course,” says Isabel.

Maria thinks of Alex as a brother. “Okay, I agree. ‘Ewwww’! Isabel! That is way too much information. “Let’s get back to unloading and figuring out which rooms, besides Max’s, to put these honeymoon party-favors Liz asked about,” says Maria.

Isabel gets out one of her famous lists. “Maria will you check the bags and make sure we have everything as I say the name/or item,” says Isabel.
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 18 p7 Feb 14

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 18 Continued

Maria responds acknowledging the item mentioned. “Candles. . . check, boxes of rose petals…check.

A short while passes. Isabel appears at the cabin’s front porch. She calls out to Phillip and Michael, “Hey guys, where all done in here and ready for the bride and groom”.

Phillip says, “It’s time. You guys can remove the blind folds.”

An eager bride and groom remove the blinds and see the cabin and smile at each other. ‘You were right, Babe,’ telepaths a grinning Max.

‘You should note for future reference that my powers are highly accurate,’ says Liz through there connection.

Phillip who is oblivious to Max and Liz’s telepathic conversations says, “Come on you two. Are you just going to sit there and smile all day; or are you going to come inside and see what the surprise is and open your gifts,” Phillip adds in a proud fatherly tone.

Max smiles and says, “We should get in there before they decide to make us the only newlyweds in the history of mankind to be grounded,” laughs Max. Liz swiftly rises from her seat and stands waiting for Max to get the hint and come around and help her out from the jeep. Max takes her hand to help her out. He then changes his mind and decides to scoop her up in his arms. Max carries her from the jeep, up the stairs over the threshold and into the cabin.

Alex watches Max carry Liz just inside of the cabin. “Hey now! None of that kissing stuff. Please wait to start the honeymoon until after we’re all gone,” wisecracks Alex.

“Alex!” exclaims Maria, as she punches him in the arm.

“Hey watch it there, Blondie. Did you see that, Isabel? I’m not feeling the love here. Iz, help me,” says Alex. Alex looks over to Michael. “Hey Michael, help me out here. Rescue me from Maria. Although, you better watch out. She packs a pretty good punch, but you probably know that part,” smirks Alex.

Michael gives Alex a mock warning look, “Careful Alex, I might just sick her on you,” jokes Michael.

An irritated Maria walks purposefully toward Michael. “What was that, Spaceboy?” says
Maria. Her tone and demeanor sends Michael an unspoken warning.

“I was kidding, Maria. Gees calm down. Can’t I tease you every now and then,” says Michael trying to quickly lighten Maria’s mood. “Sorry, I was just giving Alex a bad time,” says Michael.

“Michael. It’s okay for now. We’ll talk about this later . . . much later,” warns Maria.

Alex can’t resist commenting and leans over to Isabel and whispers “Look whose whipped now!” Isabel can’t resist laughing out loud and turns bright red.

Liz opens her connection to Isabel wondering why Isabel is laughing and blushing. ‘Isabel, what did we miss?’ asks Liz.

Isabel telepaths back to Liz, recounting the exchange and then quotes Alex, ‘Look who’s whipped now!’ Liz and Max both privy to this telepathic conversation start laughing so hard they both turn red and try desperately to regain their composure before they have to explain this to their parents.

Max and Liz walk over to Alex offering him a friendly slap on the back, enjoying his great sense of humor and sharp wit. “Good one, Alex,” says Max still smiling and laughing.

Once inside the cabin, Max and Liz notice the way everyone has decorated it. The next thing they notice is the new makeshift adjustable shower curtain rod with a draped sheet blocking the view of the hallway that leads to the bedrooms, bathrooms, and hot tub. Liz’s naturally curious scientific mind and general inability to wait for surprises, gets to her. “Ah. What’s with the new curtain blocking the hallway, can I take a peak?” asks Liz.

“NO!” Maria and Isabel shout in unison.

“Get away from there Liz. Maria and I promise that later you and Max can check out what lies beyond the curtain for you. Just not now,” winks Isabel.

“Liz, how would you know if that curtain is new or not; unless you’ve been out here before. Have you and Max been out here before?” Nancy asks Liz in a tone of surprise and amusement. Liz and Max both blush, looking nervous and deciding to change the subject.

“Uh… Gee what can we help you guys set up? We’re sure there’s something we can help with. Everyone’s gone to soo much trouble for us today. It would make us feel better if we could help with something at least,” says Liz hoping this will change her mothers focus and not ask any further questions of them.

Diane witnesses the exchange between Liz, Max, and Nancy. Diane decides to help her new daughter-in-law out of this. “Liz, Max could you help me in the kitchen with a few last minute things,” says Diane.

“Yeah, sure Mrs. Evans,” says a relieved Liz.

“Yeah sure, Mom,” says Max.

After stepping in the kitchen Max says, “Thanks Mom for bailing us out of that,” smiles Max.

“Nancy was just having some fun seeing you two get so uncomfortable avoiding answering that one. It’s okay now. Besides it’s safe to say the cat is out of the bag now. It’s nice to know that you two enjoy the cabin,” smirks Diane.

“So does this mean we are busted then?” asks Max.

“Yes, but since you’re married now, and starting out together with a family, I think we can all let you slide by on that now. We’ll just all choose to remain blissfully ignorant on that one, Max,” says Diane with a wink.

“All Right! Let’s gather in the living room and see about Max and Liz opening there wedding gifts,” says an excited and beaming Diane. Max and Liz take the two chairs from the kitchen table and bring them into the living room. They sit next to the gifts on the coffee table that’s in front of the couch.

Isabel and Maria are excited for Liz and Max to open their gift. “Here open ours, open ours!” exclaims a beaming Maria and Isabel.

“What’s this?” Liz asks smiling curiously at her friends, wondering what this gift could be. She opens the decorative box with the bow and ribbons. She finds an ornately decorated card embossed with the same symbols as Max and Liz’s rings and seals. The letters and design stand out on the parchment paper with its beautifully written calligraphy it says, “Max and Liz, it was always your destiny to find your soul mate in each other. Now that you have done that, you are an inspiration to us all of what can be. We wanted your wedding night to be special so we took the liberty of arranging special surprises for you to find later. You’ll have to follow the rose petal path to find your surprises Maria and I arranged.” Isabel and Maria blush.

Alex and Michael’s ears perk up after hearing about special surprises. Alex and Michael both nod their heads. They try to sneak a peak by rubber neck looking at the new makeshift curtain blocking the hallway entrance to the bedrooms and bathrooms. Alex says, “Oooh, I love surprises. Let’s go take a look.”

“Oh no, you don’t,” says Isabel warning. “Are you and Michael suddenly Max and Liz?” teases Isabel.

“NO!” Michael says, emphatically.

“NO!” Alex, says embarrassed. “We were just curious about what kind of surprises you left for Max and Liz to find.”

“It’s none of your business,” says Maria sternly issuing her warning with her glare.

“Sorry, we didn’t realize it was a matter of national security,” says Michael shrugging his shoulders.

Liz shakes her head and says, “And to think men think women are the nosey ones.” Isabel, Maria, Nancy, and Diane all laugh and nod their heads in agreement.

Phillip walks over to Max and says, “Get used to it. Never forget women will always back their kind. Don’t cross them, it’s a word of advice, be smart and take it from me.”

“Paying attention, Michael?” Maria smirks.

Alex says to Michael, “Learn well young grasshopper and heed Phillips words; or learn to duck and out run Maria. Take your pick Michael.” Everyone laughs at Alex’s funny comment. All but Michael, does anyways.

Michael gives Alex a look and says, “Don’t push your luck Mr. One Shoe,” says Michael.

“Just chill Michael,” says Isabel as she walks over and stands next to Alex.

“Sorry, Iz,” says Michael.

“It’s okay Michael, just learn to take a little bit of teasing from time to time. After all, we are family so play nice okay, my other favorite brother,” says Isabel with a smile.

Alex can’t resist, “Okay after the sibling group hugs, can we get on with the opening of presents. The suspense is killing me. At least this way I’ll get to know about some of their presents,” says Alex.

Michael hands Max and Liz his gift. “I’m sensing a theme here,” says Liz as she picks up another envelope. Liz opens the envelope and hands it to Max to do the rest of the honors. Max removes the contents. “It’s a gift coupon. Michael gave us a coupon redeemable any time, for him to come over and make us dinner with all the trimmings,” says Max smiling. “Thanks Bro, we’ll be sure to use that coupon,” says Max.

“Michael, that was very sweet. I’ve seen you cook and believe me, I’ll be redeeming that coupon soon,” says Liz offering Michael a hug of thanks.

“Michael cooks, really?” asks Phillip.

Diane lightly elbows Phillip in the ribs. “Watch it Phillip,” says Diane.

“What? I was just thinking that Max will be moving out now, and maybe Michael could have Max’s old room and we could sample some of Michael’s fine cuisine,” says Phillip. Isabel and Max have to bite their tongues to stop their laughter. Their mother’s cooking is a long running joke in the family. Diane bless her soul, is not a cook by any stretch of the imagination.

“Thanks Mr. Evans, but I think I’d like to get a place of my own,” says Michael. Phillip looks heartbroken and says damn to himself.

Alex is next with his envelope as he hands it to Max. “Here you go, and I really want you to feel free to redeem it when the time comes,” says Alex cryptically before Max opens the envelope.

Max opens it, smiles then laughs. He shows it to Liz and they both laugh. They look at Michael and react with a mixture of concern about Michael’s anticipated reaction. Alex grins like he finally got one over on Michael.

“Alex this is very sweet, thank you. But something tells me you’ll have to share the honors with Iz, and Michael, and Maria. I don’t want to create any family feuds here. You and Michael need to learn how to play nice and get along and share. Max and I will take you up on the gift coupon, but you’ll have to trade off with Michael, Iz, and Maria. That’s if the rest of you want to get in on this,” says Liz. Alex is still grinning, at Michael’s bewildered look on his face as to what is being discussed.

“Alex, you had better explain what your gift is exactly,” says Liz.

Alex says, “I gave them a coupon for me to baby-sit its redeemable whenever they could use a break or whatever,” says Alex avoiding eye contact with Michael. Alex finds the ground suddenly fascinating.

“What! Alex, you’ve crossed the line there Pal, messing with my family like that. My niece and nephew mean a lot to me already and I will not be excluded from babysitting them. You got it Alex!” Michael says in a hurt and angry tone.

“Sorry, Michael if it helps we could all just agree that the gift was supposed to be from both of us future uncles. Besides with twins it might just take the two of us to handle them not to mention possibly needing Maria and Isabel’s help too,” says Alex. “Let’s shake on it then Michael, okay,” says Alex.

Michael shakes Alex’s hand and says, “So it’s agreed we share the babysitting duties then. We’re good now Alex,” states a serious Michael.

“Guys, you know that we love you both and our twin’s are two very lucky little people to have two very devoted uncles to be ready and anxiously awaiting their baby sitting services to be called upon. Please don’t fight over it. We’ll need both of you along with Isabel and Maria,” says Liz.

“Hey!” Shouts Diane and Nancy.

“What about us?” Nancy says.

“Well of course grandparents are already factored into the equation,” says Liz and Max reassuring their mothers.

“Well, whose gift is next?” asks Liz enjoying opening presents.

“Michael and Alex could you come with me please I’ll need your help bringing in Liz and Max’s wedding gift,” says Nancy. Alex and Michael follow her out to her car parked outside. Alex and Michael come back in the cabin carrying a large box marked fragile. They carefully put it on the floor in front of Liz and Max. “Sorry I didn’t have time to get it wrapped but I know it’s something you’ll love and use. Go ahead and open it,” urges a smiling Nancy.

Liz looks at Max and asks him through their connection, ‘What could be in that old box that would make Mom so excited to give us as a wedding present,’ asks Liz.

‘I don’t know Babe. Let’s open it and find out,’ says Max as he gives her a quick peck on the lips.

Liz and Max kneel beside the box and open it. She finds only old newspaper inside the flaps of the box. She removes them, and her eyes tear up and she begins to cry. Liz removes the last remnants of newspaper from the items safely housed inside the box. She unveils that this is her Grandmother Claudia’s china. Max looks at Liz and wipes away the tears rolling down her delicate cheek. Max uses with his thumb to gently brush her tears from her beautiful glowing face.

‘Max these were Grandma Claudia’s. Look there’s a note on the top of the next plate’, says Liz. Liz picks up the note, ‘Max this is written in Antarian. Look at the symbols’. Liz begins to read it. ‘Dear Liz, if you’re reading this now I have a feeling your Max is right beside you and this is your wedding day. When I came to visit you, I knew that you had found where you belong and found your soul mate. I have the gift of precognition, seeing events before they happen. I know that I don’t have much time left. I’m sorry if I die before I get the chance to speak with you about any of this. Basically, I was friends with River Dog and he came to me when he found you on the reservation shortly after you emerged from your pod. We knew of your true origins, but never worried about telling you because you had no memory of that night. I know about Max, you, Isabel, Michael, Maria, and Alex. River Dog told me of the ‘Destined ones’. Believe in the prophecy, Liz. P.S. Don’t worry too much about Jeff he’ll have a huge temper tantrum but he’ll get over it. I love you Liz, you go and have a happy long life with that handsome soul mate of yours. You have something that is priceless. Savor it and treasure it always…Love Grandma Claudia.’ Max just finished reading the hidden note. Max passes his hand over the note to alter its appearance as he sees Nancy approaching puzzled by Liz’s demeanor.

“Liz Honey. Are you okay?” asks a concerned Max. Liz smiles and looks at Max and wipes away the last of her tears. “I’m fine. I just didn’t expect to see Grandma Claudia’s china or finding her note she wrote to me about us,” says Liz.

“In a way, it’s like having her here with us today, Liz,” says a thoughtful loving Max.

“Yes, it is. Thanks for saying that, Hun,” says Liz offering him a demure kiss on the lips in the presence of their family.

“Liz is everything okay? What are you reading?” Nancy asks.

“I found a note from Grandma Claudia in with the china plates,” says Liz.

“You did, really? I think I remember Grandma Claudia telling me one time that she was in a mood to write down who she wanted to have what when she passed away. I told her she’d more than likely out live us all,” smiles Nancy recalling the conversations she had with the vivacious and spunky Claudia.

Nancy takes the note from Liz. Nancy begins to read it, “Dear Honey Bear, I know how much you always admired my china when you were younger and I thought you’d enjoy these being passed on to you. Think of it as a little bit of me that still remains with you. I assume that Nancy would break these out for your wedding day, as I made her promise to do years ago, just in case I couldn’t be at your wedding due to my archeological digs or travels. Liz, promise me you’ll be happy and let love lead you to where you belong and with whom you belong. Loves Always, Grandma Claudia. Liz, I forgot all about that note, until this morning. I remembered my promise to her to give you these on your wedding day. I didn’t realize that Claudia had stuck a note in with the china. I hope this didn’t upset you, Honey,” says Nancy.

“No, Mom it didn’t upset me. I just miss Grandma Claudia, finding her note kind of feels like she’s here to share this with us in a way. I’m not upset,” says Liz. Max puts his arm around Liz and pulls her close to him.

“You okay, Babe,” says Max.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” says Liz.

Max asks, “Is that all the presents everyone has for us?”

“No! There’s one more. It’s from your mother and me. I hope you’ll accept our gift and enjoy it,” says Phillip.

“Max is it me or was that another cryptic comment about yet another gift in an envelope,” teases Liz.

Max takes the envelope from his father and sees the look his mother and father are giving each other. Max realizes this must be something big to cause them to react in such a way. Max opens the thick long envelope. Max asks, “What is all this for Dad?”

“Just take everything out of the envelope and look at the page on top it should explain things,” says Phillip again in a cryptic manner.

Max quickly complies removing the contents of the envelope. He looks at the paper on top, and realizes this is about the cabin. “Why are you giving us this about the cabin?” says a clueless Max. Max looks at the next page and it sees the words deed written across the top.

Max’s eyes get huge, “Mom? Dad? Is this the deed to the cabin… does this mean you’re giving us the cabin?” asks an excited Max.

“Not exactly, if you give me one dollar it makes it a legal tender sale; therefore, avoiding a gift tax. It’s completely legal. I checked over everything myself. The cabin is your wedding gift from us if you would like to have it as your home that is,” says Phillip. Max and Liz embrace each other and jump up and down and grab both of the Evans parents and hug them frantically.

“Thank you both so very much. This cabin is very special and means a lot to us. Thank you, Thank you!” says an excited Liz kissing her father-in-laws cheek, and then hugging Diane tightly offering her exuberant gratitude.

“Max says out loud, “This cabin is really mine and Liz’s new home.”

“It will be as soon as you pay me one dollar and sign where indicated. It requires both of your signatures. Liz, remember to sign your new last name, assuming your going with Evans,” says Phillip.

“Of course my new last name is Evans. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” says Liz giving Max a wink. Liz and Max pay Phillip the one dollar and sign the papers in the presence of their family. Everyone shouts, “Congratulations” to Max and Liz.

Liz quickly sits down feeling a little bit dizzy. She opens her connection to Max and Isabel and Michael knowing she’ll need them to understand what’s going on. ‘I think I need to eat and sit down for a while. Can everyone help me so I don’t freak out the parents please?’ Liz asks.

Max telepaths back, ‘Sure. Come and sit on my lap by the table and we’ll just nibble on some of the feast our mom’s brought here,’ says Max.

‘Okay,’ says Liz. She quickly takes Max’s hand as he helps her over to the table he sits first. Then Liz sits in Max’s Lap with one arm around his neck. They take turns feeding each other from the assorted deli fruit, cheese, and meat trays that are spread out on the table.

Alex says, “Uh…guys remember no corndog action okay,” teases Alex.

“Gees, Alex! Give us a break; as if we aren’t aware of where we are and who is here,” says Liz.

Max says, “Yeah Alex, quit picking on my wife,” smiles Max.

“You just love saying that out loud don’t you,” says Alex.

“Yes, I do. So get used to it,” says a happy and smiling Max.

“ Kids it looks like everything is under control here, it’s about time we should all go and leave you two alone,” says Diane and Nancy.

“Come along Phillip. Isabel do you need a ride back with us?” asks Diane.

“Oh. No thanks Mom. I’ll get a ride with Maria or Alex,” says Isabel.

“Iz, don’t hang around too long. Remember this is Liz and Max’s honeymoon and I’m sure they have plans,” says Phillip.

“I know Dad. Not to worry. No one wants to hang around and see any of that,” teases Isabel causing Phillip to blush.

“Okay then. On that note you kids might want to think about saying your good byes soon,” says Phillip.

“We’ll leave in a few minutes Mr. Evans,” says Michael.

“Definitely we’ll leave very soon. We just needed to say a few things to Max and Liz before we leave, then we’ll be on our way,” says Alex.

“Okay, bye kids. See you all later. . . Max and Liz don’t be strangers, be sure to stop by,” says Diane.

“I’d say the same thing, but I think Jeff’s not going to be a happy camper about your marriage at first. He’ll come around, don’t worry. It probably would be a good idea to schedule stuff with me if you need more of your things packed and moved out here. We can work something out. I’ll handle Jeff. He may not be happy with any of us. As his wife I’ve learned a few things over the years to make him change his mind to my way of thinking,” says a confident Nancy. Liz and Max hug their parents and say their good byes waving to their parents, watching them drive away.

“Hey guys. We just wanted to double check with you about the meeting tonight. It’s still at 8 PM at the pod chamber right?” Michael asks.

“Yes, it’s still on for 8 PM,” says Max.

“Bummer that we had to go to this meeting tonight guys,” says Michael.

“Yeah, I can’t disagree with you there,” says Liz.

“We sort of had other plans, but Cal said it was important and that he’d keep it brief. He did ask that we all be present. So we’ll see you guys there later. Bye guys,” says Max.

“Boy, I think we’re being told to leave in Max’s own subtle way,” says Alex.

“Would I throw out my family, just so I could be alone with my wife on our wedding night? It’s bad enough we have to cut it short for a mandatory meeting, then hurry back. In a word, YES!! Look guys, we love you all but we need some time alone. We’ll see you in approximately 7 and 3/4 hours from now. Drive safely and we’ll see you there. Bye,” says Max and Liz as they wave and shut the door of the cabin using their powers to seal the door shut. Alex, Isabel, Maria and Michael are left with their mouths hanging open at Max’s unusually abrupt behavior leaving them staring at a now closed door of the cabin.

“Wait a minute. Did I just see Max Evans kick us out of the cabin to be alone with Liz?” says Alex. The others nod, still with their mouths open in shock.

Max and Liz sigh, and look at each other. “I love our family I do, but I couldn’t wait for them to leave,” says Max.

“I know what you mean, Hun. Alone at last, thank goodness. I didn’t think I could hang in there much longer,” says Liz in a playful sexy tone.

“Well my beautiful wife. Just what would you suggest we do between now and when we have to leave for the meeting later,” teases Max.

“Well, let me think…I know we could go and see what kind of special surprises Maria and Isabel left for us. They did say that we needed to follow the path of rose petals to find them. Think of this as a fun treasure hunt,” says an excited Liz hoping they got everything she suggested on her list.

“Liz, the only treasure I’m interested in hunting on our official wedding night is you,” says Max.

“Hun, you are soo going to get lucky if you keep talking like that,” giggles Liz.

“What do you mean I’ll get lucky on my wedding night if I keep talking like that?” Max questions.

“Liz! Get back here,” demands Max.

“What’s wrong? You know you look really cute when you get upset and pout,” says Liz depositing a sweet kiss on his lips. She walks a few steps away leans against the loveseat and takes off her sandals that Isabel made for her. Liz walks past him into the kitchen with a huge grin on her face knowing that she’s driving him insane with desire hoping Caveman will make an appearance tonight if she pushes it. Liz quickly wipes the grin from her face before she turns to see him staring at her. He’s stunned that on their official wedding night and alone she wants to clean up, rather than par take in other activities with him. Liz continues to put away the deli trays and carefully wraps them in plastic wrap and makes room for them in the refrigerator taking her sweet time. Liz wipes off the countertops in the kitchen.

“Max? Would you help me with the trash?” Liz asks.

“NO! I most certainly will not. Not on our wedding night Liz!” Max says in a grumpy tone.

“Oh Hun, did you think I was ignoring you? Trust me Max, of all the things I can think of doing right now with you not one of them includes ignoring you,” teases a flirtatious Liz.

Max’s face visibly brightens, “Really?” Max asks.

“Really. We do sort of need to pick things up first,” says Liz.

“Liz, couldn’t we just leave it until later?” asks Max.

“No, Max. I hate leaving things a mess. Just knowing that things were a mess in here would bother me and I wouldn’t be able to focus on other things,” says Liz with a feral smile.

“Fine! I’ll help you then. I certainly don’t want you to be preoccupied with kitchen clean up tonight,” says Max growing more frustrated by the minute. Max’s constant thoughts of longing and desire for Liz torment his every thought and action.*********************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 18 p7 Feb 14

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Conclusion to part 18 continued

Liz can sense through their connection that Max’s famous control is just about had it. She grins to herself. Liz thinks, ‘well my plan is working then’.

Liz gets a trash bag for each of them. She walks in front of Max brushing against him as she bends over to pick up a plate that was left on the floor earlier. Liz positions herself to brush her backside against his front as she picks up the used disposable dishes their family had left. Liz in a particularly feral playful mood continues to torture Max like this.

“Liz,” groans Max. “You little vixen your torturing me on purpose aren’t you?” Max asks.

“Little me? Torture you?” a teasing Liz asks in innocence.

Liz brushes against him and turns and walks away to the kitchen. Liz smiles with a huge grin enjoying every minute of this.

Max follows, shadowing her every movement and step as if to trap her. Max smiles. “I got you now, Liz,” says Max feeling victorious.

“Oh yeah, think again,” says Liz as she ducks under his arms place on each side of her against the wall and moves away.

“Hey! Why did you do that for?” Max asks.

“Max, you want me? Come and get me,” says Liz.

“You’re soo going to pay for teasing me,” says Max.

“Promise?” says a giggling Liz.

“Okay, that’s it Babe!” declares Max. He moves towards her like a sleek panther ready to stalk and pounce on his prey.

Liz’s giggling stops and she begins to look nervous. “I was kidding, Max,” says Liz.

“I’m not,” says Max almost in a growling tone. He moves purposefully toward Liz and pushes his body against hers and pins her arms to the wall with his powerful hands. “I think it’s time we have some alone time. No more excuses,” says Max. He seals his intentions with a passion filled kiss leaving a breathless Liz when they break away from each other only for air.

“Max, but…”

“No more talk, Liz,” says Max.

“Max, you’re not the boss of me just because we’re married by both Antarian and Earth standards,” says Liz as her resolve weakens to his kiss and the feel of his touch on her skin.

“You won’t make this easy will you”. He grabs her and throws her over his shoulder and walks to the new curtain that leads to the bedrooms and bathrooms and out back to the hot tub.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Liz. Teasing your husband like that,” says Max as he spanks her butt.

“So which Max is this that has abducted me this time?” Liz asks playfully. “Is this my loving husband Max, or is this ‘Caveman Max’? Both work for me. I’m a big fan of ‘Caveman Max’ though,” says Liz grinning like a cat about to get the cream.

“Max, remember Isabel and Maria said for us to follow the rose petal path to find our special surprises. I hope they purchased all the stuff I asked about,” says Liz.

“Only if it works with my plans for you,” says Max knowing this will peak her curiosity.

“Wait a minute, did you put Michael and Alex up to helping you get some stuff?” asks Liz.

“I plead the fifth on that, Liz. You trust me don’t you?” Max asks.

“Max! Of course I trust and love you beyond what words could ever express,” says Liz.

“Good, I was hoping you’d say that,” says Max.

“Max, I hope you don’t plan on carrying me around all night on your shoulders. I realize we aren’t exactly normal or typical, but this is our wedding night and I was hoping that we’d be some what traditional on that part. Max you’d better put me down soon. I’m getting a little dizzy,” says Liz.

“I’m sorry Liz. I didn’t think that you’d get dizzy. Max quickly enters their room still carrying her. He begins to lower her down onto her own feet. They open the door to find his former room transformed to a honeymoon suite. The bed is decked out in white satin sheets turned down and covered lightly with white rose petals. The bed side lamp has been replaced by pillar candles. The draperies are satin and lace. On the other side of the bed a new night stand sits with a fruit basket from Alex and Michael, and a metal bucket filled with ice chilling a bottle of sparkling cider rather than champagne.

“Wow! It looks like Isabel and Maria went all out for us,” says Max.

“I have a feeling this is only the beginning of their surprises for us,” says Liz smiling marveling at the transformation in this room. “Remind me to send Iz and Maria a nice thank you card for doing all this for us,” says Liz.

“Definitely,” say Max. “Do you want to go and see what else they’ve done for us by following the rose petal path?” asks Max.

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me,” says a smiling flirtatiously Liz. She’s fully aware of the implications of her words right now and his response to them.

“Right now all I want is to make love to my beautiful sexy little tease of a wife,” says Max.

“I’m not sure if you mean that as a compliment or not,” ponders Liz.

“Oh, it’s definitely a compliment. Why don’t I show you what I mean,” says Max looking at her drinking in her love and beauty that stands witness infront of him. Max takes her in his arms and kisses her passionately. “Liz, this is my dream to love you and for us to be together as a couple. Now it seems all the things I was afraid to allow myself to dream about are all coming true because of you. We’re really married, we have our own home, and we are going to start a family. Liz you’ve made all my dreams come true with your acceptance, love, trust, and unshakable faith in me and us. I love you Liz, and our little family,” says Max gently touching her organza covered stomach.

“I love you to, Max. You know you’ve made all my dreams come true too. You’re all I ever wanted even in our past life. This is our chance to love each other and to share a life and family together. Now as I recall you did mention something about showing me what you meant and something else about a promise earlier,” teases Liz.

“I just wish we didn’t have to stop later and get ready for that meeting. I guess it’ll be a quickie,” says Max.

Liz frowns, “A quickie?” asks Liz.

Max smiles, “Babe, I meant the meeting, not us. Never,” says Max.

“Phew! I was going to say then we’re headed for our first fight if you think you can slide by with a quickie, Mr. Evans,” warns Liz smiling at him.

“Along that same train of thought. I see a big problem here. We both are extremely over dressed for what I have in mind,” says Max whispering in her ear as he begins to kiss her neck savoring her warmth, touch, and scent.

Liz moans, “I missed you all day,” says Liz.

“I missed you too, Liz. It’s time we do some catching up,” says Max as he begins to remove her flower hair wreath carefully, then runs his fingers through her long silken chocolate tresses.

“My turn Max,” says Liz. She looks into his amber eyes and sees only his complete love and desire for her. Liz is spellbound by his amber colored eyes always telling her more than his words can adequately say. She remembers her plan to slowly seduce him. Liz begins to slowly unbutton his white dress shirt one painstaking button at a time. Finally she gets his shirt completely unbuttoned. Liz removes it quickly and carefully lays it on the night stand with the fruit basket. She turns her attention back to her beloved.

“Liz it’s my turn now,” says Max. He stands infront of her and wraps her in his arms and kisses her fervently once again. He breaks off the kiss for air. Max reaches around to the back of Liz’s wedding dress, and finds the zipper and slowly unzips it. Liz’s face lights up with a huge smile.

“Max I kind of have a surprise for you,” says Liz biting her lip nervously in habit.

“What surprise?” Max asks.

Liz’s dress fully unzipped she feels it wanting to slip from her body, and she steps out of it allowing the dress to fall to the floor. Liz smiles at Max, “Surprise!” As she reveals she’s wearing a bustier and garter belt with hosiery that she had on underneath her dress. “Judging from the expression on your face, I did surprise you. Was it a nice surprise or not,” asks Liz. Max still stares at her speechless.

“I didn’t expect that to be under your dress. I was kind of disappointed that there were more layers of clothes but then again this looks soo hot on you. I bet you’ll look even hotter without it,” says Max amorously eyeing his wife with pleasure. “This is way better than opening Christmas presents on Christmas morning as a kid. You’re one present I’ll never tire of opening to reveal what lies under the wrappings,” says Max.

“So you like your surprise, then?” Liz asks.

“Oh yeah, definitely. It’s a good thing I don’t have a weak heart, because that surprise nearly game me a heart attack,” says Max.

“Really?” Liz asks still biting her lip.

“Yes, Babe. You’re hot, beautiful, sexy, smart, and most importantly my wife and mother of my children,” says Max brimming with love and adoration for her. “As your loving husband, I order you to lots of bed rest starting now. Let me help you out of what you’re wearing. Not that I didn’t enjoy it, I did. I just want to see all of you and touch your delicate flawless skin,” says a truthful and very turned on Max. After removing the remainder of Liz’s clothing Max tells her, “Liz I ordered you to bed rest remember”.

“I remember, but I won’t go to bed without you,” says Liz standing before him in only her birthday suit. “Fine you won’t go to bed with me. I’ll just go and take a shower then,” says Liz in mock anger acting upset.

“Babe, don’t be upset. I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that I’d be there in a minute. I promise I’ll join you. I just need to take care of something first,” says Max.

“What is this payback for teasing you earlier?” shouts Liz just after Max left their bedroom.

“No. Liz, you’ll find out in just a minute. I’ll be right there. While you’re waiting, keep the bed warm for me, okay,” says Max.

“I wonder what that husband of mine is up to now,” ponders Liz. “If he doesn’t get back here in the next 5 minutes I’m putting on my robe and going after him,” decides Liz crossing her arms in determination.

Max enters their bedroom with his arms behind his back. “I have a little something for you Liz. I hope you like it,” says Max.

“Oh Max, you are so sweet. All I want is you. Since you do have a present or something for me Hun, are you going to hand over the goods or do I have to do a strip search to find it,” teases Liz.

“Damn I didn’t think about hiding it like that. See I knew I should’ve given it more thought to your gift,” teases Max.

“Max! I love you, but you had better hand over the gift,” says Liz.

“Gees Liz. Getting feisty already. I can tell I’m really in for it now,” says Max.

“Okay, here you go, Liz. I hope you like it,” says Max handing her a little black jewelry box.

“Max,” gasps Liz. “I didn’t think you meant this kind of gift. I told you before, all I really want or need is you. Hun, just so you know. You mean more to me than any material thing ever could,” says Liz leaning forward to give Max a kiss filled with all her love and desire for him.

“Open it Liz,” says Max smiling from ear to ear anticipating her reaction. She opens the lid of the box and finds a heart shaped locket on a chain engraved with the same symbols as their seals and wedding bands. Inside the locket are their names and both wedding dates. It also has a special inscription from Max. “You make all my dreams come true. Forever bonded and destined soul mates. Love always, Max.”

Liz eyes fill with unshed tears, and she looks up at him. “Max you are soo going to get lucky tonight,” smiles Liz. “I love this locket, it’s so beautiful. Thank you, Hun. Would you put it on me,” asks Liz.

“I have a gift for you too, but I’m not sure if you’ll like it our not. If you want, you could wait a day or two and give me time to find something better than what I got you,” says Liz.

“Sweetheart, you’ve already given me so much more than I ever thought I’d ever deserve in this life. Liz I have you, our twins, and our family. What more could I ever want or desire that I haven’t already been blessed with?” Max asks.

Liz gets up and finds her purse and finds the box she was looking for. “Here Max, this is for you. I hope you like it. We sort of were on the same wave length on our gifts,” says Liz biting her lower lip eager to gauge Max’s reaction.

Max opens his long rectangular box. “Wow, Babe! Thank you, that’s a beautiful watch.” Max looks it over realizing this is a very expensive watch.

“Turn it over Max and read the inscription,” urges an excited Liz.

Max turns the watch over to read the inscription, “Max, my love. I have given you my heart, my soul, and all that I am. I’ll love you for eternity, your bonded wife. Love always, Liz. Liz, that’s really beautiful,” says Max touched by Liz’s expression of love and her amazing gift.

“Turn it back over Max, face up,” instructs Liz. Max complies and she points out the edge of the watches metal frame has their wedding date engraved in it with miniatures of the symbols of their wedding bands on it. “Liz, you are right. We were on the same wave length with the engraving,” smiles Max.

“I love you Liz. Thank you for the beautiful watch,” says Max as he carefully puts it on the night stand beside the bed.

“I believe we have some official honeymoon duties to attend to,” says Max.

“Hey, don’t look at me. You’re the one still wearing clothes,” smirks Liz.

“Let’s do something about that then,” says Max urging Liz to do something about it.

“Did I tell you how incredibly hot you looked today in that suit. It was a good thing I had Isabel and Maria to keep me busy. Otherwise, I might have embarrassed us both at the shop,” says Liz.

“I have to admit Liz, seeing you in that dress drove me insane all day,” admits Max.

“Well what’s stopping you now? Hun, certainly not my dress as you can see I’m not wearing anything,” smiles Liz.

“Not a thing, Babe. Come on; let’s take care of some our much needed honeymoon duties. After all, who are we to go against tradition on something like this,” smirks Max.

Max helps Liz into bed by holding back the covers then follows her and covers them both.

“Let’s see if I can remember anything from this morning…Oh yes, something like this,” says Max. He pulls Liz to his side and wraps his arms around her and takes her lips to his in an unrestrained passionate kiss.

“God I missed doing that all day,” says Max resting his forehead against hers.

“I know what you mean, me too,” says Liz.

“We were way over due for our dose of each other. At least now we don’t have to sneak around anymore and we can go to sleep and wake up in each others arms and spend our spare time making love if we want, ” laughs Liz.

“I think I found a new hobby, making love to my wife. What can I say, I’m very passionate about my favorite hobby. I’m willing to spend endless hours on my hobby and my obsession, my wife,” says Max.

“Hun, it’s our honeymoon. Are you going to talk about it all day and night or are you going to do something about it?” Liz asks knowing this will challenge him.

Max quickly rolls Liz on to her back pinning her down on the bed with his hands holding hers above her head against the bed. “You’re all mine now, Babe,” says Max.

“And you’re all mine too, Max,” says Liz. That was all it took for Max to take charge and begin his sensual assault on his beloved wife. Max begins kissing and sucking on her sensitive spot behind her ear.

Liz senses their connection open widely, as is normal for them at times like this. ‘Mmm Max’ moans Liz. She puts her arms around his neck and pulls his body flush with hers.

‘I missed you Babe, and I need you now,’ says Max.

‘I need you too, Hun. Mark me and claim me as yours Max,’ murmurs Liz consumed by the pleasure of his magical touch.

Max takes Liz’s lips in heated forceful kisses as their tongues begin an erotic dance that imitates the act of lovemaking. Liz moves her hands from his neck down his muscular back to feel his powerful masculine form pressing closer into hers as if requesting permission. Liz put her hands on either side of his hips and rocks hers up making contact with his hips and lower region, answering his unspoken request.

“I need you Liz. I need all of you, my love. Now!” growls, Max. He lowers his head and sucks and nips at her, creating a silvery trail of glowing marks down to her breasts. Max looks at his love with profound love tempered with unbridled passions ready to be unleashed. It’s as if they are the only two lovers in the world. He tenderly caresses and suckles at her breasts cherishing each as a sacred treasure known only to him. Liz responds to this by arching her back off the bed allowing Max to suckle more of her breast in his hot and talented mouth. She moans helplessly under his expert touch.

“Max I need to feel you inside me. I need to feel all of your love,” says Liz now panting with desire. Liz reaches and feels his hard erect manhood. She begins to use her hand to stroke his length back and forth.

Max halts her hands. “Babe, don’t. I want to be inside you, too,” says Max nearly drunk with desire.

“Anything you want Max,” says Liz still panting at this incredibly vigorous foreplay.

“Anything Liz?” asks Max.

“Yes, anything for you my love,” says Liz.

“I love you Liz, you mean the world to me,” says Max. “Will you get on all fours for me?” asks Max.

Max reluctantly breaks body contact with her as he kneels and sits back on his toes. Liz lifts up from their bed and gets on all fours knowing what Max has in mind. ‘Like this Love,’ Liz says through their ever present connection.

‘Yeah, Babe’. Max expertly positions himself behind her straddled legs. He places a hand on each of her small shapely hips. Max moves Liz’s long silky hair from her back and moves it aside. He molds his body around hers and kisses her neck and works down to the middle of her back. Max pulls her hips in closer to him. Max guides himself inside her.

“Liz! Damn, you always feel so incredible,” pants Max with his eyes closed taken a back by the powerful sensation of their initial intimate physical union of their bodies.

“Max, you feel so amazing. You fill me completely, Love,” gasps Liz equally swept up in the power of their initial intimate contact.

Max calls upon his connection to Liz, ‘I Love You,’ says Max. He begins his movements, slow and gentle, as he rocks into her. Max shifts his weight from both arms to one as he begins to stroke her wet heat back and forth with his fingers. They establish a new rhythm taking their time to enjoy every moment they are together.

Liz, unable to speak, ‘Max, oh Babe. I need you and want you now,’ telepaths Liz. She rocks her hips upwards into his as they both moan with unspeakable pleasure.

Max starts a slightly faster pace. He moves with Liz perfectly as their bodies mesh together as one, as do their souls. They telepath to each other, ‘Home, you’re my home, and I’ll love you forever,’ both feeling the power of their release building and building. Max suddenly stops his movements. “Liz, would you lay on your back for me?” Max asks.

“Why?” asks a puzzled Liz by his request.

“So I can look into your beautiful face while I make love to you,” admits Max. Liz hates losing contact with him even for a moment as she turns around and lies on her back per his request. He looks at her cherishing everything she means to him. He then reaches down and touches her face with reverence and bestows hot fervent kisses on her waiting and welcoming lips.

“I need more of you Max,” says Liz. Liz puts her arms around him. She pulls him to her once again needing, wanting, and craving the feel of his body flush with hers. Max senses her frustration with the loss of their intimate touch. Max moves swiftly to correct that loss as he enters her warm, moist, tight passage as he completely sheathes himself in her. They both relish in the exquisite awareness of their soul mates every touch and presence. They close their eyes savoring the moment.

“Babe, you’re amazing,” gasps Max.

“So are you, Hun,” pants a grinning Liz.

Max initiates rhythmic movements rocking and thrusting slowly at first into Liz. She meets his hip thrusts, silently urging him to increase the pace. Through their connection Max senses her feelings and knows exactly what Liz wants, and increases his pace. Liz moans helplessly, “Yes, Max. Max, I love you,” says Liz.

Liz’s moaning of Max’s name has driven him to the point of no return in terms of his control. Max moves more frantically grinding urgently pumping into his love’s passage. He has now set the pace that guides them to their eminent zenith.

“Max, Max, oh Max” repeats Liz.

“Liz, my Liz,” chants Max. ‘Liz you’re the answer to all of my prayers,’ telepaths Max.

Max feels Liz’s response to his words as she reaches her own completion. Max let’s the few shreds of control fall away and quickly follows Liz, tumbling over the edge. They find their own ecstasy and blissful oblivion that they share in each others arms. Their unique ability to actually sense and feel the others sensations are particularly useful knowledge, especially while making love.

“Sorry to keep sounding like a broken record here; but that was Wow! Max,” says a sweaty breathless, and happy Liz. They lay contentedly in each others arms holding, caressing, and talking quietly to each other.

“No. I know what you mean. It definitely was a Wow!” says a sweaty and breathless Max smiling happily while looking into Liz’s beautiful face. “Liz, it seems every time we make love its better than the last. At this rate we’ll probably kill each other,” jokes Max.

“Was that a complaint I just heard from you?” Liz teases.

“NO! God, no. Definitely no complaints here, just absolute bliss this side of heaven,” grins a beaming Max.

“Good! I’d hate to think I left you with complaints or unsatisfied,” grins Liz.

“Max, I just had a thought. Our family knows that we’re married and that we’ve been making love for a while now. You know how they always tease us about us looking so happy and glowing. The whole school will know now,” says Liz.

“Yeah, so. Let all the guys at West Roswell High have Max envy that you’re my wife. Their imaginations won’t even come close…not that I’d be sharing any details cause I won’t,” teases Max.

“Well I could say the same thing about you too, but I won’t. I don’t need the competition setting their sights on my husband,” says Liz.

“Liz, you’re the only one for me forever, you know that. We’re married and I love it, no regrets. Do I look like I’m regretting us being married; look at the huge grin on my face Liz. I’m happily married to my soul mate and love of my life. I’m 100% all yours. No others need apply,” Max reassures Liz.

“Hun, I already know that. Just checking that you knew that too,” says Liz.

“Max, what time is it?” Liz asks. Max lifts his head from his her chest and looks away from Liz who is wrapped up in his arms.

“No way, that clock can’t be right,” says a puzzled Max.

“What’s wrong, Hun. What time is it?” Liz asks.

“Liz it’s almost 6PM,” says Max. He reaches for the night stand to find his new watch.

“Babe did you set this watch before you gave it to me?” asks Max.

“Yes, of course. Why?” asks Liz.

“We’ve been in bed since our family left around 1:45 PM or so. Max grins, “We’ve been making love for approximately 4 hours.”

“Oh would you stop. You are soo bad gloating like that. Besides we can do better than 4 hours. We still have to re-christen the cabin like we did on our other honeymoon. You did promise me an all niter last night,” teases Liz.

“God I love the way my brilliant wife thinks,” grins Max.

“Max, the clock is right. We had better get ready to leave soon. We’ll need to take a shower, but before that we should check in on the twins,” says Liz.

Max takes her tattooed palm to his lips and gives it a kiss and pairs it with his as their joined tattooed palms touch Liz’s lower abdomen. “Hi, little one’s how’s our favorite little boy and girl,” says a beaming Max. “This is Daddy. Look I got to warn you it’s going to be a crowded and rocky night for you two. That’s just Mommy and Daddy loving each other and enjoying our honeymoon, nothing for you two to worry about. We love you two soo much. We even have a house to make our home now. We’ll need to turn one of those extra rooms into your nursery. I can’t wait to do that, it’ll be fun,” says Max enjoying these moments of bonding with his unborn children.

“Max! You do not need to share those details of our activities,” says Liz shaking her finger at him.

“Oh and I got to warn you two. Your beautiful hot mother has a temper so don’t cross her,” teases Max.

“Hi little ones, this is Mommy. We love you both so much. I hope you two are getting along in there. No fighting okay. Play nice,” says Liz. Mommy and Daddy got married a second time today so rest assured we’ll all have the same last name now. Oh both of your grandma’s are ready to go out when I give the word and buy you guys half of Roswell’s baby things. Knowing how they both love to shop they’ll have to branch out to other parts of New Mexico or the 49 remaining states,” jokes Liz. “We love you both so very much. Be good and I’ll do everything I can to take good care of you. Daddy will be taking good care of me while your Aunt Isabel, and Uncles Alex and Michael do there fair share of hovering and making sure we are doing good. Mommy and Daddy love you both. You guys might want to go take a nap now, I can’t make any promises about how much sleep you’ll get tonight with everything going on with Mommy and Daddy, so rest now,” teases Liz. Liz and Max telepathically send the images of their getting married at the courthouse and their friends and family’s happy smiling faces. They also send images of Max and Liz sharing thoughts about how happy they are about their twins. Sending lots of happy and love filled moments of Max and Liz and their family members.

The twins telepath back, sending the same images back to them as an acknowledgement. Then the twins send images of them sleeping and sucking their little thumbs.

“Liz ! Did you see that? They are so cute, Liz”, says Max excited about the images his children just sent he and Liz.

“Max they sent the image of them sleeping. They can hear us when we talk to them and they understood when I told them to take a nap now. Our twins are simply brilliant. What can we say?” Liz brags as a proud Mommy to be. This is the first time that Liz and Max received confirmation that the twins can actually hear and understand them when they talk to them.

“Max, as much as I love lying in bed with you. I hate to say that we need to stop enjoying our honeymoon and get ready for the meeting. We can both use a shower,” pouts Liz.

“Liz, why the cute pout? If this is about us going to this meeting, don’t worry, Babe. This doesn’t stop our honeymoon. It only pauses it for an hour, hopefully less,” says Max.

“I know, but it’s just not fair Max. Other people go on their honeymoon and they don’t have to take meetings. But with us, none of the standard rules apply for obvious reasons. I’m depressed now,” says Liz.

“Babe, we don’t have to be there until two more hours. If we hurry we might have time to get a quick shower, too,” grins Max.

“Max it doesn’t take us two hours to shower,” says Liz not getting his comment. She thinks about it. “Max! But we…you don’t mean…your good to go then? Okay, if you think we have time,” smiles Liz.

“Hey, don’t worry about us going to this meeting. Just think of it as putting our honeymoon on pause. I like to think of it as a ‘to be continued’” Max suggestively wiggles his eyes brows.

“Sounds like you have big plans for us tonight, then… I’ll hold you to them, Hun”, says Liz.
I guess I can live with a ‘to be continued’ until after we get back from the meeting. Then watch out, Max,” teases Liz.

“Promise?” a playful Max asks……………TO BE CONTINUED . . . NEXT WEEK
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 19 p8 Feb 21

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thank you to all of my readers that post feedback and to those who haven't yet. I'm greatful to all who read my story regardless. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.

out of this world- Hey Carol! It was nice to met you. BAT was fun wasn't it. I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful. Yeah, that part last week was a long one. This week is shorter 16 pages worth. So it should be a shorter but action packed read.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Thanks! I'm glad you liked part 18 last week. About the meeting...gotta read this new part. :wink: I think that will cover it.

LoveIsForever- Hey! Gold star for you on the cabin being a wedding gift form the Evan's. I'm glad you enjoyed the antics of Michael and Alex wanting to know about the suprise Iz and Maria left. Ah, the Nancy and Jeff situation well all I can say is you have to read this weeks part 19, okay :wink: . Then let me know what you think. :wink:

podsquad rocks- Thanks! Welcome. Keep reading. :D

roswellluver- HI thanks, for reading and your feedback. I'm glad you liked their wedding night.

Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! I'm glad you liked the wedding night stuff I wrote. Hope you like the next part. Loved your updates I got caught up on for ILWME. Great stuff. :D

Cherie- Hi Cherie! :wink: Thanks so much for all your kind words and feedback on the story. I'm soo glad you liked my Valentine's Day post. I hope you'll like this post too.

AJK001- Hi! Thanks for reading and posting. Both are very much appreciated. I hope you'll like this next part as well.

Part 19

Max and Liz greet everyone just outside the pod chamber entrance. “Hi Guys!”

“You’re here,” teases Michael.

Alex notices the blissful glow on both Max and Liz’s faces. Alex asks, “Well? Did you two break the bed again? What? Like the rest of you weren’t wondering the same thing,” says Alex innocently shrugging his shoulders as if he said nothing wrong.

“Alex, how could you say that to them!” exclaims Isabel.

“Good one Alex,” says Michael receiving an evil glare from Isabel. “Chill Iz, okay,” says Michael.

“All right everyone, if you’re through making your comments about me and Liz, we have a meeting to attend to so let’s get going,” says Max asserting command of the situation. Max waves his hand to reveal the secret panel. He and Liz press their tattooed palms onto the rock as it scans their tattooed palm prints and verifies that they are authorized to enter. The rock wall slides aside granting them access as they and their group enter the pod chamber. Once entering they find that no one is there.

“I thought Cal was going to be here. We did call and confirm with him about the meeting earlier today and he insisted that we all be here,” says Max.

“Max, should we be worried about Cal not being here. Maybe he’s in the Granilith chamber waiting for us there,” says Liz calmly hoping that’s where Cal is waiting for them.

The group moves cautiously eyeing the pod chamber. Michael, Max, and Alex use gestures to silently move around like soldiers checking out the pod chamber making sure no one was hiding in there and that it’s secure. They rejoin the girls still waiting just inside the entrance of the pod chamber. Each couple holds hands as they move about. They prepare to crawl through the abandoned former pods of their mates to enter the hidden Granilith chamber. Isabel, while holding Alex’s hand, stops in mid step and freezes. She immediately opens her connection to the others and warns them that they are not alone here.

‘Max, Liz, Guys! We are not alone. Someone else is here. They are hiding from us’.

Instantly, everyone moves toward Max and Liz with Michael on point. Maria is ready to blast anything that moves towards any of them. Max and Liz hold their tattooed palms allowing their connection to deepen instantly coupled with their combined increasing alien energy and they immediately deploy their shield. Max and Liz telepath to the others to form a defensive circle and get inside the shield.

Max telepaths, ‘Iz, where are they?’

‘I can’t see them but they are definitely here. I can read emotion from someone other than us present. We need to be ready for them to make their move’ says Isabel through their connection.

Meanwhile, Michael and Maria hold hands and raise their free hand in front of them ready to blast whatever being that dares to attack their family. Michael and Maria back their way over to where Max and Liz stand with their shield deployed. When close enough, Max and Liz allow them entrance inside their shield. Now everyone is within the safety of Max and Liz’s powered green transparent tube like shield. Everyone relaxes a little as they wearily keep a watch out and wait for the intruding being.

Suddenly, over by the entrance of the pod chamber, a visual distortion appears making a large area of rock wall appear blurry, like a mirage. Isabel, Alex, Michael and Maria take hands as a group. Max and Liz can’t hold the others hands as theirs are occupied with combining their powers and keeping the shield up, their free hands are ready to blast if needed. The blurry mirage like image changes again and transforms into the shape of a man and in a matter of seconds they realize it is Cal. Still weary Max, Liz, and the others remain within the safety of the shield with raised palms extended ready to blast.

“I’m very impressed with the ‘Destined Six’. This was a very impressive display of your combined powers working together to encounter an unknown enemy and ready to strike to defend yourselves. Very good work there kids; I’m glad you could make it tonight. You all passed this test. I wanted to show you what a shape shifter could do and what they’re capable of doing. I have news that your enemies Tess and Nasedo are very near Roswell and heading this way. This is according to my detectives. Be ready. They’ll make their move very soon. I can see the shock in all your faces. Yes, I too am a shape shifter like our enemy Nasedo. I wanted you kids to see what a shape shifter can do so you’ll be ready and find out how to detect a shape shifters presence. Bravo on using your empathic powers to detect me, Isabel. Max and Liz, that was a truly unique and powerful shield the two of you deployed to protect yourselves and the others. Michael and Maria, most intriguing that you two are able to work together as a formidable force with your blasting abilities,” says Cal making his keen observations to the group. “Go ahead ask me a question and see if I’m really Cal or not,” challenges Cal.

‘Isabel, use your powers and see if you can sense anything to indicate it’s Cal,’ says Max
through their connection. Isabel gives a brief nod, acknowledging Max’s order. Isabel reads the person proclaiming to be Cal very carefully and finds that he is Cal. Her empathic abilities are highly attuned now to other people’s emotions.

‘Max that is Cal,’ says Isabel through their sibling connection.

‘Wait Iz, let’s double check,’ says Liz opening up a connection to the Granilith.

‘Granilith, we need your help. There is someone with us out in the pod chamber. He is a shape shifter who claims that he is Cal. Could you please let us know if he is really Cal that he appears to be?’ Liz asks.

‘Of course Liz, just one moment’ says Granilith.

‘What did you’re instincts tell you about the threat?’ asks Cal.

“My instincts told me that it was you; but not to trust what I see. So I guess I’d have to go with trust but verify,” says Liz.

“A wise decision, Liz. Everyone should learn from this example. And remember that,” says Cal.

‘Liz, this is who he appears to be. This is your protector Cal,’ says Granilith.

Liz and Max, agree to lower their shield silently between them. Michael and Maria stand down lowering their raised palms. Isabel and Alex move closer to Maria and Michael.

“Cal, why all the theatrics with the meeting then?” Max asks.

“I needed you six to understand what a shape shifter is and what they can do. You needed to see it for yourselves to understand the potential of Nasedo. The reason for the must have meeting tonight is that I have acquired information that they are just outside Roswell. You need to be ready for Tess and Nasedo to make their move very soon probably between now and the next several days. Nasedo typically likes to strike fast and hard at his enemy. My knowing his strategy can be useful to us. Remember the images of these people they will approach you all soon. Be ready and most importantly beware. You work effectively as a team, practice doing that. Remember Smitak is coming too. Ironically Tess and Nasedo are leading him right to you since Smitak is chasing after them. Tess and Nasedo won’t hesitate to exploit that angle to save themselves from Smitak’s wrath,” informs Cal.

“Let’s all go into the Granilith chamber to talk,” suggests Max.

“So what are our tactical advantages here?” asks Michael.

“Actually your advantages are quite good. Tess and Nasedo have no idea that you four, Max, Liz, Isabel, and Michael are reunited now. Your enemy won’t realize that the bonding of Max and Liz has taken place revealing your past lives knowledge. They have no idea about Alex and Maria being apart of this. Nor do they know about the Granilith vowing its help and resources to assist you. All of these things, along with your combined powers is really very formidable,” says Cal.

“Granilith, is there anything that you’d like to share to help us to defeat our mutual enemies?” asks Max.

“No, that’s pretty much it plus there’s always me. They may not anticipate me being here,” says Granilith

Cal says, “I just wanted to show all of you what you will be up against with Nasedo. He can be very deceitful and prefers to ambush his enemies. He has great blasting ability so stay together, or with your chosen mates. It’s important to do so. You are more powerful in pairs than as individuals and as a group you are extremely formidable. Now Max and Liz I told you I’d make the meeting brief. As far as I’m concerned, if that’s all, this meeting is concluded. I will be shadowing you guys now that we know about Tess and Nasedo’s proximity to us. It’s important as your protector that I do this,” says Cal.

“Uh…Cal, when you mean shadow our movements what exactly do you mean by that,” asks a concerned and blushing Max.

“I promise to keep an eye on you from a close distance, but not too close if you know what I mean. Don’t worry. I understand that this is your honeymoon and the last thing you need is me sticking to the two of you like glue. I’ll be close by, but not crowding or invading your personal space,” says an amused Cal.

“Oh that’s a relief,” says Liz with a sigh.

“So does that mean we’re all done here,” say a hopeful smiling Max.

“Gees, Max could you be a little more obvious,” smiles a teasing Isabel shaking her head at Max.

“Oh Isabel that reminds me, we owe you a big thank you for our room. Everything looks so amazing it doesn’t even look like Max’s room anymore. Great job chica’s,” says Liz winking at them.

“Did you find the other things we left for you yet?” asks a blushing but shamelessly curious Maria.

“No. We didn’t have a lot of time before we had to leave come here,” says Liz biting her lip and grinning.

“Liz you guys had like four hours or something like that I would’ve thought you guys would have found all of our surprises by then…oh. . .Oh!” says a now blushing Maria. “Wow! Really?” Teases Maria.

“Okay enough with the Max and Liz Q & A. Leave them alone. It’s their honeymoon,” defends Alex.

“Thank you Alex,” says Liz.

“Yeah thanks Mr. One shoe,” smiles Max giving Alex a nod of appreciation.

Isabel walks over to Alex and touches his forehead, “Funny you don’t feel sick. That didn’t sound like you Alex. I’m surprised you weren’t joining in on teasing them,” says Isabel curiously reading his expression.

“Iz it’s not that, I’m just trying to be good,” says Alex.

“Well guys, Cal, if everything Ha been discussed, can we then adjourn this meeting? ” asks an anxious Max.

“Yes, that was everything I wanted to address with you all. Remember to stay close to your mate and be watchful of everyone and everything around you,” says Cal.

“Okay, well good bye guys, we’re out of here, see you guys tomorrow at the school dance,” says Max grinning and grabbing Liz’s hand as they both run to the entrance of the pod chamber. Their family stands shaking their heads laughing at the spectacle of Max and Liz anxious to resume their honeymoon. Max and Liz gleefully run down to the jeep making their way back to the cabin.

The driving time from the pod chamber seems to take forever for Max and Liz. Liz opens her connection to Max. ‘Hun I wonder what other surprises Iz and Maria had left for us at the cabin?’ Liz ponders.

‘I don’t know, but we can take our time exploring and seeing what there is to see,’ says Max with a sexy smile upon his handsome face.

‘I love the way my husband thinks,’ Liz smiles back at him melting his concentration on his driving. Max! Watch where you going,’ says Liz.

‘Huh, oh sorry, Babe’, says Max now startled out of his day dream.

They approach the cabin and park the jeep. Max runs around to Liz’s side of the jeep and scoops her up into his arms and carries her all the way to the front door of the cabin. Liz uses her powers to open the door and shut it securely behind them.

Max sets her gently on her feet and gives her a tender loving kiss. “Max, I think I’m hungry or at least the twins might be,” says Liz caressing her stomach.

Max sighs in frustration banging his head lightly on the wall. “Darn it! No you’re right our twins need to be taken care of first, Babe. What would you, or they, like to eat?” asks Max.

“Let’s see what our mothers stocked in the refrigerator and cupboards for us. Can you believe all the stuff that our mom’s brought to stock our cupboards,” smiles Liz realizing she just referred to the cabin’s kitchen cupboards as ‘our’. “Max can you believe this cabin is really all ours now. It’s our home. This has been the most amazing day for us; first our getting married at the courthouse and then all the wonderful gifts from our family. The really big wedding gift was your parents giving us the cabin for $1 as their wedding gift to us. I’m afraid this has all been a dream and I don’t want to wake up,” smiles Liz thoughtfully in reflection of this incredible day.

“I know what you mean. No Babe. This is not a dream, this is our wedding day and the beginning of the rest of our lives together,” says Max as he moves behind Liz and holds her in his loving embrace and kisses her. “I’d better stop that now and make sure you get something to eat. I don’t want any more fainting or dizzy spells. Now that we can be together all the time I can take better care of my beautiful wife and our unborn twins by making sure you all are well cared for,” says an affectionate Max.

“Liz, tell me what you want to eat. I’ll see what I can fix for us. You can sit at the kitchen table while I get something to eat for us,” says Max.

“Gees, marry the love of your life and be pregnant with his children and all the sudden you get bossed around,” teases Liz.

“Liz, I don’t mean to boss you around. I love you and want to take care of you and be the one to take care of your every need,” says a heartfelt Max.

“Max, I know. I was teasing you about it. I’m not complaining about your wanting to care of me and us,” says Liz gently rubbing her stomach thinking of their twins. I think I’m hungry for some of the goodies on the deli trays your mom brought over earlier,” says Liz.

“You got it, Babe. Go sit down at the table and I’ll bring it over to you. I’ll bring you a big glass of milk with Tabasco sauce to drink with it,” says Max. He dutifully brings Liz her food and milk and makes himself something to eat and sits next to her while they eat enjoying their new home. “If you’re hungry for desert there is lots of cake left,” says Max.

“I’m surprised there’s any cake left with Michael and Alex earlier,” smirks Liz. “No, I wasn’t in the mood for cake. I was thinking about having you make a fire for us. I was feeling nostalgic for some smore’s,” says Liz with a sexy grin upon her happy face.

Max stops in mid bite. “Smore’s? You want smore’s?” says an excited Max remembering the last time that they ate smores. “YES!” Max exclaims excitedly raising his fist in the air in a victorious manner.

“Hun, you act like you just won the lottery. Calm down,” says Liz amused by Max’s exuberant behavior.

“Babe, I did win the lottery. You see, you’re my wife now and we are going to live our dreams and start our family. This is better than the lottery Liz,” says Max speaking from the heart.

“Max, I love you and you are going to get soo lucky tonight. You better eat, I have a feeling you’ll need it,” smiles an amorous Liz.

“Promise?” says a knowing and hopeful Max.

“Hun, it’s my personal guarantee to my loving husband,” says Liz as she gets up from the kitchen table. She puts away the food and straightens up the kitchen.

Max quickly finishes eating and decides to get started on bringing in the firewood to build that fire. ‘The sooner the better,’ Max thinks to himself grinning.

“Max you’re terrible. Hurrying in with the firewood and grinning from ear to ear, you are soo bad. What happened to my sweet shy Max?” Liz teases him lightly slapping his arm.

“What? Am I that obvious?” asks Max as he assembles the wood in the fireplace and lights it with a match.

“In a word Hun, Yes!” Laughs Liz.

“Oh, like I’m the only one who’s bad here. You’ve been grinning ever since you mentioned the smores,” says Max. “As if my sweet innocent Bride wouldn’t dare think of seducing me or spending the rest of the night here in the cabin with me making love until we both collapse from exhaustion,” says Max.

Liz bats her eyelashes at him, “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that,” says Liz trying to sound so innocent yet, beguiling.

“You are so going to get it,” says Max lustfully eyeing Liz.

“Mmmm… I hope so,” says Liz. “The fire I mean. It’s hard to make smores without roasting the marshmallows over the fire. Which reminds me, Hun did you happen to get us roasting stick for the marshmallows?” Liz asks.

“No, darn it. I’ll be right back,” says a slightly disappointed Max. He thought he’d taken care of everything as he hurries back out to the wood shed to find something usable for roasting sticks.

Liz takes this opportunity to rush to their bedroom and find her satin short nightie and her matching silk red robe. Liz rushes down to the bathroom and brushes her teeth and does her nightly regimen getting ready for bed. This time though she adds perfume and some lip gloss and brushes her long chocolate colored hair all silky smooth. Liz gives her self the once over in the mirror and approves. She runs straight to the loveseat in the living room in front of the fireplace and sits taking the blanket off the back of the loveseat. She wraps it around her hiding the nightie and robe. Liz sighs, “Phew! I did it,” says Liz as she gets comfortable on the loveseat and tries to look innocent to hide her surprise that she’s wearing for Max, until she’s ready to reveal it to him.

Max returns with the roasting sticks in hand. “Here we go Liz. It took a while to find them.” says Max looking up to see Liz’s back to him sitting on the loveseat.

“Oh great. Thanks Hun,” says Liz getting up from the love seat moving toward Max to take the roasting stick from him, forgetting to hide her surprise.

“Wow! Liz, what is all this,” says Max appreciatively taking in her change of clothing.

“This is supposed to be a surprise for you but I forgot to keep it covered up with the blanket. So do you like your surprise?” asks a hopeful Liz.

“Yes, of course. You know I’d love you, no matter what you wear… or rather didn’t wear,” smiles Max.

“Thank you, Max,” blushes Liz. “We should gather all the smore fixings. What? I really was serious about the smores, Babe. Don’t worry, we can still have fun with the smores by the fire place,” reassures Liz as she stands on her tip toes to offer him a kiss on the lips then turns and walks past him into the kitchen gather smores supplies carrying them on a plate. Liz finds what she needs. She walks into the living room and sits by the fire talking with Max. In the presence of the fire’s warm welcoming glow they enjoy recounting the funny moments of getting ready for their wedding and then Alex and Michael earlier at the cabin. Their laughter fills the cabin with joyous sounds creating happy memories. Their future promises more happy memories to come for them and their family. Max and Liz begin to playfully feed each other smores, teasing each other by squishing the smore all over each others face.

“Max don’t you dare get that all over me,” says Liz in a playful warning.

“Liz, you just got me. It’s all over my mouth and chin. No fair,” says Max as he playfully decides to exact his form of revenge. Liz just giggles and stands up trying to dodge the love seat and get away from him. “Liz! Get back here. Why do you always seem to want to race?” Max teases. “Fine! You want to play an adult version of keep away. Watch out Babe, here I come,” says Max in a very rambunctious mood.

“Max! You wouldn’t dare chase me down would you?” Liz asks. She doubts that her sweet gentle Max would do such a thing; but notices the look in his eyes.

“Liz, Honey, you think your sweet loving husband would do that? Me?” Max says innocently.

“Normally Hun, I’d have to go with No on that answer. Tonight, you’re just so wound up and full of mischief I don’t know,” says Liz.

Liz tries to fake him out lunging left then right and just runs past Max. She runs down the hall laughing and smiling. “You can’t catch me Max, I’m still too fast for you,” says Liz.

“That sounds like a challenge to me Liz. Are you challenging me?” asks Max.

“What do you think Max? Can you handle it?” Liz asks in a teasing manner.

“You know I can handle it just fine,” says Max with a smirk.

“Hun we never did check out the other rooms to see what other goodies Maria and Iz left for us to find. What do you say? Let’s go and sneak a peak…truce,” says Liz.

“What about the smores we were making earlier?” Max asks.

“Hun, we can go back and make smores if you want. I was just thinking that you might want to make something else instead,” says Liz eyeing her beloved with lustful admiration. “But that’s okay if you don’t want to, no pressure,” teases Liz.

“Liz! Fine, now you’re in for it,” says Max with steal determination in his voice.

“Uh oh,” says a smiling Liz. She tries to fake Max out again, then realizes, wait a minute. Why am I trying to get away from him?’ thinks Liz to herself.

Max moves swiftly toward her. He then picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. “I win” proclaims Max.

“Actually Hun, I think it’s a win, win sort of a thing,” grins Liz.

Max carries Liz back to in front of the fire in the living room reminding her that she mentioned wanting to re-christen the cabin like they did on their other honeymoon.

“Max, you can put me down now, okay. I promise not to run anywhere except into your arms okay,” says Liz. Max lowers Liz from his shoulder down into his waiting arms and begins to kiss and cherish her with his kiss.

“Liz I’ll love and treasure you forever. I want to show you how much I love you Liz,” says Max gazing at her with love filled eyes. “Will you let me love you and show you?” asks Max.

Liz touches his face reverently, and looks into his beautiful amber colored eyes. “I’ve always been yours to love, Max. I will never tire of your love or the way that you show me your love in every way and in everyday that we share together,” says Liz as she kisses him answering his question and sealing their vow of love.

Max scoops her up in his arms once again, and moves with her over to the bear skin rug infront of the fire. Max lowers her carefully down to the floor. He handles Liz as if she’s priceless treasure. Max’s arms comfortably wrap around her. He gently moves making them both more comfortable. They bask in the warmth and glow of the newly built fire. They stare into each others eyes mesmerized by the unmistakable intense glow of pure love and desire they find reflected there. Their love and passion has ignited generating its own consuming heat.

Max pulls her closer to him and kisses her lips and then offers small tender magical kisses trailing down her neck and on to her shoulder where the red silky robe slips from her shoulder. He gives a tender kiss on her exposed shoulder and lowers the strap of her nightie. Liz lets her hands roam freely over his shirt clad muscular torso. She begins to pull at his shirt trying to remove his tucked in shirt from his pants unable to free it she turns her focus to the buttons. Liz unbuttons his shirt and kisses her way down as each button exposes more of Max’s soon to be bare chest. She becomes frustrated trying to undress Max. “Hun could you help me out here,” smiles Liz.

“Sure, Babe. Anything else I can do for you,” smiles Max as he stands to remove his shirt and unzips his pants. Liz stands and helps him remove his shirt and places it on the loveseat.

“I’m sure I’ll think of something,” says Liz while she looks into his eyes offering him a sexy smile. She moves closer to him and lovingly caresses his abs and chest. She touches his face adoringly with her wandering hand. Max leans his cheek into her palm and then kisses it. Liz begins to kiss and nibble at his neck.

Max moans, “Babe, if you’re trying to seduce me, I have to say that it’s working,” smiles Max.
“I don’t think I can take much more of this Liz,” says Max clearly turned on. “It’s your turn, Babe,” declares Max. He tugs on the sleeves of Liz’s red silk robe allowing it to freely slip down her arms and off on to the floor. Leaving Liz in her red silk nightie to hold up to Max’s heated gaze at her. He moves closer into her so that he can hold her. He kisses her and places his hands on each shoulder and places his thumbs under the straps of her silk nightie and slides it off of her shoulders as it falls in a puddle of red silk on the floor. Max drinks in her beauty. “Liz, you’re so beautiful and my wife,” says a spellbound Max. “I know I’ve seen you like this before, but the effect you have on me is always the same. I’m always awestruck by your beauty and even more by your love, desire, and trust in me. You are my bonded soul mate and wife and you mean the world to me. You and our children,” says Max as he lovingly caresses her bare lower abdomen.

“Max, I love you too, and you’re my world,” says Liz. “My beloved husband don’t you think there’s something wrong with this picture,” says Liz gesturing to his remaining clothes. “Something tells me it works better with out the clothes,” says a mischievous Liz.

“Very funny, Liz. Now is that any way to treat your husband on our official wedding night?” Max asks rhetorically.

“If you don’t take off those pants and boxers right now, I swear I’ll use my powers and rip them right off of your hot sexy body,” says Liz seriously considering doing just that as she grins.

“Liz do not rip the clothes. We still need to return those intact. I’ll just take them off,” says Max.

“Good Max, then hurry up. Either way works for me as so long as you understand that they are coming off,” says Liz in a feisty demanding tone.

“Gees Liz, and I thought I was bad,” smirks Max.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Max,” feigns an innocent Liz.

“Oh like I didn’t notice my little temptress earlier after our family finally left. You totally teased and tortured me, and frustrated me nearly beyond reason,” states Max.

“Oh you noticed that, huh,” says Liz biting her lip. “I just love seeing my always so controlled Max totally loose control and let loose on me. I admit it; it’s a turn on my Love. I don’t recall hearing too much complaining on your part,” says Liz.

“Come hear you wicked, wicked wife of mine,” says Max with a gleam in his eyes. Liz walks into his welcoming embrace and he kisses her forehead. Max extends his hand to her and she takes it. He escorts her over to a comfortable spot infront of the fire once again. He uses his powers to remove his clothes and joins her on the floor in front of the fire. Their loving movements begin with long slow deep kisses that become more hungry and needy by the moment. Their hands roam freely over each other with the practiced expertise of lovers that know how to touch and please each other through their unique connection and experience.

“Liz, I need you now, Babe,” says Max.

“Max, I love you. Make love to me now,” smiles a breathless Liz.
**************************To Be Continued in just a second*************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 19 p8 Feb. 21

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Max positions himself on top of Liz carefully not wanting to put too much of his weight on her small delicate frame. He rests some of his weight on his forearms which are placed one on each side of Liz. Max looks into her passion filled eyes knowing that his own eyes mirror hers in their intensity of emotion. Liz puts her arms around Max and kisses him fervently. She pulls his body closer flush to hers craving as much contact with him as possible. Max reaches down and strokes her feminine heat before he guides himself gently and slowly being sheathed completely. Liz envelops and welcomes him. A very aroused Max begins to rock gently into her, reading and cherishing her beautiful face for any indications of discomfort. Finding none, Max begins a slow erotic rhythm taking their time to enjoy every moment that they are together. Now that they are married and have their own home, they no longer are inhibited by worries that they will get caught by their parents or concerns about being too loud. They find this new feeling very liberating and makes their experience even more extraordinary. Max and Liz loose themselves in each other while they make love in a marriage of their souls and bodies in this intimate union of complete serenity and bliss. Max and Liz move in tandem to their lovers dance as they pick up the pace rocking and thrusting into one another. They feel an awareness of their impending release moving closer with each exquisite thrust, touch, kiss, and nuzzle. Like valiant warriors they do their best to hold off their surrender to their release, wanting and needing to completely satisfy their lover and spouse. At the moment of their surrender they each cry out and tumble over the edge together in contented ecstasy.

“Max, oh Max, I love you,” pants a breathless Liz.

“Liz, my Liz, my love, my wife,” says a winded but smiling Max.

“That was . . . amazing,” says Liz still out of breath.

“I’ll have to second that, Liz,” says Max gasping for air.

“I think I just want to lay here for a few minutes and catch my breath before I move,” says Max.

“Max, I think it’s safe to say that we’ll definitely need a shower, when were ready to move that is,” says Liz with a smile.

“Yeah, I know. A shower definitely is in order. We earned it,” says Max with a proud smile.

“Max you are soo bad,” says Liz laughing and lightly slapping his arm. “Men! Is that all you think about,” teases Liz.

“Babe you know that’s not true. I maybe a hybrid, but when it comes to you I’m still a guy and you make me crazy for you. Am I forgiven?” says Max.

“Hun, you were never in trouble with me, I was just teasing you. Besides, I have nothing to complain about,” says Liz with a sweet sexy smile.

Max lies in Liz’s arms talking quietly by the fires light. “Liz, we never did explore the other rooms that the path of rose petals leads too,” says Max.

“Hun, it is our honeymoon, but we don’t have to do everything everywhere in one night you know. We can pace ourselves, Max,” says Liz grinning.

“You’re right Babe, but I’m greedy,” smiles Max.

“Hun we still have the rest of tonight and tomorrow and this weekend before we have to settle back into going to school and a normal routine living here,” says Liz.

“Come on Babe, let’s go take that shower then maybe we should make sure you eat something Liz. I don’t want you fainting or not feeling well from lack of food or rest. Let me know if you want to rest some,” says a thoughtful Max.

“I will, and you’re right. I need to make sure to eat and rest enough for the twins, but you don’t make it easy for me my hot hybrid husband,” says Liz.

“Hey, who are you calling a hot hybrid, Liz? You are one too, my Love. Come, let me help you up and I’ll carry you upstairs to the shower up there,” says a loving Max.

“Max, oooh you said upstairs. Hmmm. I wonder what Maria and Iz left for us up there,” says Liz with a mixture of curiosity and glee. “Let’s got see what’s up there, Hun,” says an excited Liz.

“Let’s go find out, Love. We can take our time checking out the rest of our surprises we haven’t discovered yet,” says Max.

“I wonder how Mom is doing breaking the news to Dad about our getting married,” says Liz.

“I imagine he’s not going to be happy with either of us. He’ll probably want to hunt me down,” says Max half joking.

“Hun, don’t worry about my dad. First of all, Mom’s handling him. Second of all, he doesn’t know where we live and we are legally married so there isn’t anything he can do about it. Lastly, we have alien powers and can deploy our shields if we run into my Dad. He’ll come around, but he won’t make it easy for us,” states Liz.

“Nancy, where is Liz? It’s getting late and she’s not home yet?” Jeff Parker asks.

“Jeff, we need to talk. Come here and sit down on the couch,” says Nancy.

“Okay, what’s this all about, Nancy,” says Jeff.

“Remember the other day when I told you that Max and Liz were very serious about each other. Well, this has to do with that. Liz isn’t coming home, Jeff. She’s with Max. They got married today.”

“What? Is this some kind of joke, Nancy?” Jeff asks. “Their marriage can’t be legal. They are both still minors. We’ll just get their marriage annulled then,” says a defiant Jeff.

“Their marriage is legal. I gave my consent as did both of the Evans. Max and Liz got married this morning at the court house by the justice of the peace,” says Nancy bracing herself for her husband’s temper to erupt any second.

“Nancy! How could you let them get married like that? What were you thinking? How could you do this to me shutting me out like this?” Jeff explodes in anger and outrage.

“Jeff calm down and I’ll try and answer your questions. How could I let them get married? How could I not. Our daughter is deeply in love with Max and it’s mutual and they are expecting twins. They explained that they wanted consent to marry right away. If I didn’t give consent they’d still get married this summer when they both turn 18 and not require parental consent. Liz needs Max to help take care of her and the twins. They both were very determined to be together and married, refusing to be separated. Liz told me that she and Max would leave Roswell together if it came to that. They’d go start their life together elsewhere, if consent became an issue. Jeff they told me everything. They were very honest with me. Max and Liz still plan to graduate high school and go on to college. Max has recently inherited some money. He has enough to take care of Liz, the babies when they get here, and college. I refuse to sever my relationship with Liz and her new family by giving her and Max problems. Jeff we are going to be grandparents of twins, isn’t that amazing. Liz is very well taken care of by Max. Their friends all look out for Liz, too. I know their getting married at this age is alarming. I’ve talked at length to Max and Liz about this situation and they have thought through all of this very carefully and responsibly,” says Nancy.

“Responsibly? How could you say that? They are 17 years old! Liz is pregnant and Max is the father! I can’t believe how you could say any of that was responsible,” says Jeff angrily.

“Jeff, I did think of reacting much the way you are now, at first. I asked them about protection. Liz said that they did use protection but it simply didn’t work. Liz and Max are happy about their twin’s. No, it wasn’t a planned thing, but they are so happy about the babies and so am I,” says Nancy.

Jeff slams his fist against the wall putting a big hole in the dry wall, “I can’t believe you! I need some time to absorb all this.” Jeff grabs his jacket and storms out the front door of the Parkers apartment. “I’ll be back later, don’t wait up,” says a red faced and angry Jeff.

“Jeff, where are you going?” Nancy asks watching her husband storm off down the stairs and to their parked car below. Jeff refuses to answer or acknowledge her.

Nancy runs to the phone and calls Diane and Phillip. “Hi Diane, I told Jeff. He’s really angry and just stormed out of here. I have a feeling he’ll show up at your house demanding answers. I just wanted to warn you,” says Nancy.

“Are you all right? Do you need me to come over there and keep you company until Jeff gets back?” a concerned Diane asks. “I’ll tell Phillip and Isabel. Okay, thanks for the call Nancy,” says Diane.

Ten minutes later there is a loud pounding on the Evan’s front door. Phillip answers the door, “Hi Jeff, we’ve been expecting you. Why don’t you come in and sit down. I’m sure you have questions and we’ll try and answer them for you,” says Phillip.

Jeff moves swiftly passed Phillip, “Where’s Liz? I’m here to take my daughter home,” says a determined Jeff.

“Jeff, I know you’re more than a little upset about this. Liz is fine. She’s not here. She and Max are on their honeymoon,” says Phillip keeping his cool.

“How can you be so calm and accepting of all this, Phillip? My god your son is 17 years old and just married my daughter and their having twins! Did the world just go insane and this is suddenly okay with everybody!” Shouts Jeff.

“Jeff calm down now, shouting and screaming isn’t going to change a thing. Our kids will still be married and still be having a family no matter how much you yell or scream about it,” says Phillip being the calming influence on Jeff.

Jeff takes a big breath and lets it out. “Okay, how did all this happen? Please somebody fill me in,” states a calmer Jeff ready to listen.

“I can appreciate your reaction, but yelling at the kids isn’t going to help anything. You weren’t told because of how you would react. They were determined to get married one way or the other. Liz is pregnant and needs Max to look after her. Liz didn’t need the added stress of dealing with your anticipated reaction and no doubt trying to separate them,” says Phillip.

“So that’s it! I don’t get to give my daughter away at her own wedding?” asks an upset Jeff.

“No, this was just a justice of the peace at the courthouse type wedding. The kids still want a regular wedding this summer. Liz was hoping that by then maybe you’d be ready to accept their marriage and walk her down the isle,” says Phillip.

“Why didn’t they just wait then? What was the hurry?” asks Jeff.

“Well if you’re this upset now, how would you react to find out that Liz is pregnant and find my son sleeping over at your house with Liz. Some how, I don’t see you being okay with that and accepting them carrying on like that until their wedding this summer. Do you?” asks Phillip.

“Well No! Of course not,”says Jeff.

“Well, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that Liz is pregnant. She isn’t adjusting to being pregnant very well and needs Max to take care of her. He’s the only one she listens to about taking care of herself. Max won’t let her get away with not resting properly or eating like she should. Max has been taking very good care of Liz. They are very happy and excited about the twins. Please don’t go around and make trouble for them. They need their parents now more than ever. They need our help, guidance and acceptance not an all out war,” says Phillip.

Jeff replies, “I understand that they need our help. But tell me more what’s wrong with Liz and the pregnancy?” asks a concerned Jeff.

“Liz has dizzy spells from not eating or resting properly. Max makes sure that she rests and eats. She listens to him. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how stubborn daughters can get about things,” says Phillip. “Liz is a very bright girl and just hasn’t realized that she can’t get away with skipping meals or not getting enough rest. She just refused to believe that any of that would make a difference after finding out she’s pregnant. Max and she spend a lot of time together obviously. He loves and cherishes her completely. He makes sure she eats and won’t accept any of her stubborn excuses. Nancy told me she couldn’t get Liz to eat dinner. Max brought her dinner and sat with her and made sure she ate every bite and took a nap with her to make sure she slept. He’s very loving and dutiful where Liz is concerned. They are truly deeply in love; it’s the real thing, Jeff. Diane and I think Liz is a very special girl. You and Nancy have raised a wonderful young woman. We have eagerly welcomed her into our family with open arms. We’re hoping that you would do the same for our Max inspite of the situation,” says Phillip.

“Yeah, but they’re 17 years old,” says Jeff. “Okay, so what do we do now?” asks Jeff.

“Jeff you have to understand Max and Liz were going to be together whether we gave our consent or not. At least this way they stayed in Roswell. This way we’ll still have our kids and our grandchildren here. Jeff, they were very serious about leaving and even talked about doing it if things came down to that. Giving consent to their marriage was the best alternative given the situation. We did what we thought was best. So can they count on your support?” asks Phillip.

“I still think 17 years old is too young to get married, but I don’t see any alternative. I’m impressed that Max is so caring and loving of Liz. Most teenage boys in this situation wouldn’t want anything to do with getting married or having children. Max, by all counts I’ve heard, is happily embracing both. I have to say I admire Max for taking responsibility for his actions and wanting to do the right thing.

“It’s more than just doing the right thing. Max said that he wanted to marry Liz before they found out about her pregnancy. Our kids are truly in love. What they have is beyond the normal teenage infatuation, Jeff,” says Phillip.

“I’m beginning to understand that now. Sorry about my storming in here earlier demanding my daughter, and answers,” says Jeff, a now calm and more understanding father.

“So it looks like we’re family now and going to be grandparents, got a beer?” asks Jeff.

“Sure thing, Jeff. We are family now, so lets’ celebrate that we have two great kids who are now married. We are going to be grandparents! Twins! Can you believe it? You realize Diane and Nancy are chomping at the bit to start buying baby things. I have a feeling my credit card will be smoking,” laughs Phillip.

Jeff groans, “Oh god, you’re right,” laughs Jeff. “Do you have anything stronger than a beer?”
Both Grandpa’s to be share a bonding moment.

Later that night, back at the cabin...“Oh god Max that was fantastic,” says Liz after yet another round of lovemaking. “Max, I don’t think I’ll ever look at the kitchen table the same way again,” says Liz still gasping to catch her breath.

“Liz, don’t forget there was the shower and tub upstairs, in front of the fire, our bed, and the hot tub. Darn we almost christened every room tonight. We missed two,” says Max. “We can always correct that,” says Max grinning proudly. Max eagerly reaches for the nearby fruit basket. “We need to keep our strength up. I’ll race you upstairs,” says Max anxiously anticipating a clean sweep on their christening every room. Liz springs up with lightening speed and dashes past Max.

“Liz Honey, wait up. Damn that woman is fast,” says Max smiling appreciatively at her departing view.

To Be Continued**************************************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 20 p5 Feb 28

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Hi Everyone! Welcome! :D This weeks part has some interesting developments happening. I hope you like it. Thank you and cyber hugs to everyone out there that is reading my story. I appreciate all of you who read my story. I love to read everyone's feed back so feel free to leave some. Thanks again for reading. :D

roswellluver- Thanks soo much for reading and your feedback. I'm hapy that your are enjoying my story. Thanks for reading.

Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! :D I'm so thrilled that you're reading my story. The last part I posted last week. You thought it was fun and and hot. I think it was too, but this is my baby so I'm biased. Thanks for reading. :wink: Loving your story BTW I have to read your most recent update. I'm loving ILWME It's a keeper. Thanks for writing it. :wink:

Cherie- Hi :D Yeah Jeff realizes there isn't much he can do about things now with Max and Liz. He might as well offer them his love and support. Being as they are married at 17 years old, they will most likely need his help.

Out of this world- Hi Carol! :D Yep! It was an aciton packed part last week. I hope you' would've liked it. This weeks part will also be action packed. Let me know what you think. Thanks so much for reading and your feedback.

Love Is Forever- I'm glad that Jeff realized that accepting Max and Liz's marriage was the best way to stay apart of Liz's life. Besides Max is a good guy. He's a keeper.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! I have made reference to Smitak and who he is in previous parts. He is the big bad from Antar he sort of likes to go around and kill and destroy and lude planets and take what he wants. He is an evil alien that is consumed with ruthless power and exerting it on the masses. He is the one that's chasing after Tess and Nasedo. They were attempting to steal Antar out from under him as the traitors they are. They too are consumed with power and exerting it on others. There is no respect given to humnan life or even made a part of it! It'll become more clear when he makes his appearance in the future. Stay tuned. You just know that this Smitak is bad Arianna has mentioned him in previous parts as well when she talk to the kids about their past lives and warns them about what is yet to come. Smitak is out to take Earth and Antar as his latest conquests. I hope that answers your question as to who Smitak is. There also an inside joke about him. I'm hoping someone will get it and mention it in a post. No one has so far. Oh well.
Thanks for reading and your feedback. :D

Frenchkiss70- Welcome back! :D I'm really gld to hear form you. Thanks, you like the honeymoon. Hang in there. I have some more action packed and interesting things coming up with them.

AJK001- Great, I'm very happy to hear that you liked it. You're very welcome. Thank you for reading and leaving your feedback. It's all very appreciated. :D

Part 20

Liz wakes the next morning in a strange bed. Liz slowly opens her eyes, and squints them closed again allowing her eyes to adjust to the light peaking through the curtains in the bedroom. Liz stirs and reaches for Max and startles when she can’t feel him next to her in bed. Liz bolts out of bed, alarmed. “Max? Honey, where are you?” shouts Liz. She hears the sounds of running water and Max’s muffled voice. She realizes it’s coming from the bathroom. Liz looks around and recalls that this bedroom used to be his parents room. She smiles, thinking about the incredible night she and Max spent in each others arms. Liz walks into the master bathroom just off the master bedroom. She finds Max shaving, looking at her appreciatively in the mirror as she stands behind him. She puts her arms around his bare chest and kisses his neck while standing on tip toe. “Good morning Max,” smiles Liz.

“Good morning Sweetheart,” greets Max giving her a kiss and getting a bit of shaving cream on her nose. “Did you sleep well, my Love?” asks Max.

“Yes and no. I did until I reached over and felt that you weren’t in bed with me. It scared me. That was the first time since our bonding that I hadn’t woke up in your arms. It kind of made me panic, so don’t ever do that again. It almost gave me a heart attack,” says Liz half joking.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to get up first to shave and brush my teeth. I thought I could climb back in bed with you or I could go down stairs and make my beautiful bride breakfast. I could bring it up to you. Any preferences?” asks Max.

“Well let me think about this. . .so either way I get you coming back to bed with me,” smiles Liz. “I like both options, but after the scare of waking up without you. . . I have to opt for your coming back to bed with me now. Max, why didn’t you just use your powers to shave and brush your teeth?” asks Liz.

“Liz, I love the way you think,” says Max giving her another kiss, this one a little hungrier than his first kiss. “I just wanted to shave the old fashioned way. It gives me time to think and absorb that this is real. We are really married. I was enjoying that this is our home and that we spent an amazing night here in our home as husband and wife. I was just thinking about all of that before you came in. Could my life get any better than this, I asked myself. Then I thought about your Dad. Liz, I don’t want there to be hard feelings concerning our marriage and your dad. Sweetheart, I was wondering if you wanted to call your mom and see how things went last night when she told him. I’m sure she would’ve told him last night since you never came back there. I just want us all to get along and be happy about our marriage and our little ones on the way,” says Max. He takes Liz’s hand in his and touches her stomach lovingly, thinking of their twins nestled in the safety of Liz’s womb.

“Max, I should call Mom this morning and see how things went. I’ve been sort of dreading Dad’s reaction. Honey, don’t think for a minute I regret our being married. I don’t regret any of it. I have no doubt you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me because we are meant to be”, says Liz looking at him with love filled eyes and the hint of a kiss on her lips. Her eyes lock on his lips, moving in for an embrace. Liz reaches for the cell phone and calls her mom.

“Hi Mom, I just wanted to call and see how things went with Dad last night. That is assuming you told him last night,” says Liz. “Wow! I did expect Dad’s famous temper, but he went to the Evan’s looking for us and an explanation? It’s good he wasn’t as angry when he came back later. You haven’t talked to Daddy yet today? Maybe you could talk to him after he’s done with that errand and opening up the Crash Down. It would be a relief if Dad accepts our marriage and not give us any troubles. Yeah I imagine he’s not happy about me getting married at seventeen, but you said he’d live with it. Oh mom, that’s such great news. I feel better now. Oh, I wanted to ask when would be a good time for Max and me to come over and get some of my things. Tonight’s that dance at school and we plan to go, but I’ll need some of my stuff that I didn’t think to pack. Okay, Mom we’ll stop by this afternoon sometime then, okay. Love you too, Mom. Bye,” says a relieved and even blissfully happier Liz.

“So everything went as well as can be expected with your dad then?” asks a hopeful Max.

“Yes, pretty much. He’s accepts that we are married, but isn’t thrilled about us being 17 years old and parents to be. Mom said your mom called her last night after Dad left your parents house and told her what was said about it all,” says Liz. “Max, Honey, maybe you should call your parents too?” asks Liz.

“Yeah, I should. Can you hand me the cell phone please, Babe?” asks Max. Max calls his mom and talks for a few minutes. He hangs up. “Well Liz, the consensus is just what your mom told you. Jeff accepts our marriage and the twins but doesn’t like the idea of us being 17 years old. I guess our Dads sort of became better friends last night over beer while talking about everything. So I think things are going to be okay,” smiles Max.

“Now where were we? Oh that’s right, I was going to go back to bed with my wife. We are even skipping school today. That reminds me. We should call Iz and remind her to pick up our assignments for yesterday and today,” says Max thinking out loud.

“Max, I definitely want us to go back to bed for a while, but I think I’d better eat soon,” says Liz feeling a little dizzy reaching for Max to steady her.

“Sure Babe. Why don’t you stay here and I’ll go make us breakfast and bring it up to you, okay. This is probably my fault your feeling dizzy. I did kind of go crazy last night and into the early hours of the morning making love to my wife. You need your rest, Sweetheart; I should’ve remembered that. I’m sorry,” says Max. “Let me help you back to bed. You can rest while I get us some breakfast,” says Max. He lovingly helps her into bed, and makes sure she’s comfortable.

“Max, what do you mean my dizzy spell is your entire fault? As I recall I was there too, and had a little to do with it. Honey, it was our wedding night of course we are going to make love a lot. Don’t ever apologize for our incredible second wedding night. I know I’ve got no regrets. Do you have any regrets Max?” asks Liz.

“No! Absolutely not. I’d never regret our wedding night or making love to you ever, okay Liz. Don’t ever think otherwise,” says a concerned Max.

“Okay then, no more silly talk. We know we both loved every minute of last night and this morning. Hurry back with that breakfast. According to the clock Max, there’ still plenty of morning left,” winks Liz.

“Liz, you need to rest first then we’ll talk about what activities we will engage in after that. Now, my sweet wicked sexy bride, get in bed. I’ll be back with breakfast in a few minutes,” orders Max leaning over to tuck her in and give her a sweet tender kiss.

“Gees, Max you can be one of those bossy husbands can’t you?” teases Liz. “I was just kidding Max, I love that you want to take such good care of me and the twins all the time. I love you for it,” smiles Liz.

Max returns with a large breakfast tray full of fruit, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, and coffee. “Hey there Sleeping Beauty; ready for some breakfast, my Love,” says Max.

“Wow! You did all this for me. I’ll have to remember to let you make me breakfast in bed again. I warn you Max this kind of spoiling I could get very used to,” teases Liz.

“I think I can handle spoiling you the rest of our lives,” smiles Max. He sits beside her on the bed after carefully placing the tray on top of the bed.

“What are you thinking about Liz? You looked kind of deep in thought when I came in,” says Max.

“I was just thinking about tonight and wondering what I am going to wear to the dance. I have some dresses at my parent’s house that I stuck in the closet and haven’t worn yet,” smiles Liz.

“What’s got you smiling about that?” asks Max.

“It’s just I caught myself referring to my parents house that way instead of saying my house. I definitely think I’m taking to the idea of us being married. My parent’s house is no longer my house; I never thought I’d be saying that,” says Liz. “Max, do you think that this afternoon we could go over to my parent’s house? I need to pick up some things for the dance tonight and pack a few boxes of my stuff to take home with us,” smiles Liz.

“Liz, that sounds so right hearing you say that this cabin is our home,” smiles Max. “Sure Babe, we can go to your parents’ house later and pick up whatever you need and bring it back here. That’s no problem. Oh Liz, what about your dad? Is he going to be there? He may still want to wring my neck,” says a still weary Max.

“No Max. I asked mom. She mentioned Dad had a bunch of errands to do today. After that he’d be working at the Crash Down until closing. Jose called in sick so Dad’s working the grill. Remember my mom and your dad both said Dad has accepted our being married. He won’t wring your neck. I won’t let him wring my husband’s neck, father of my unborn children. I got your back, Max,” reassures Liz while she rubs Max’s back.

“Babe, you need to eat your breakfast. Come on . . . for me. The twins need for their Mommy to eat so they can eat. Okay Liz,” pleads Max.

“Okay, I promise I’ll eat, but only if you stay here and help me eat, okay. I’m not used to eating like this. I’m no longer eating just for me, so I have to force myself to eat this much food at breakfast. Hun, you can put away the puppy dog eyes. You know I can’t resist that look, it always makes me cave,” says Liz.

“Liz I’m just looking out for you and our twins. If you’re a good girl after eating we can talk about those other activities we could engage in,” grins Max. Max is successful in getting Liz to eat all her breakfast and take a nap. Max takes the breakfast tray and dishes down stairs to the kitchen and returns and joins Liz in taking a nap. Max cuddles Liz in his arms as they both fall off to sleep peacefully resting in each others arms. After waking from their nap, Max and Liz decide to christen the new day in their usual way, and then take a shower. They emerge from their bathroom and talk about the dance at school that night. They wonder how everyone will react at school Monday, realizing that by then the news of their marriage will be circulating like wild fire at the West Roswell High rumor mill.

“I suppose we should think about going to my parent’s house to choose a dress and box up some of my other things to bring back with us,” says Liz.

“Yeah, sure Babe. I’m ready whenever you are. I think we should stop by my parent’s house. I’ll need to pick up a suit for the dance and probably bring some of my stuff home with us too,” smiles Max.

Liz smiles at him with a special smile only meant for him. “I love you, Max and our new life together. I just love saying this . . . lets go visit our parent’s houses and then come back home. I want to get back early enough to have plenty of time to fix something to eat and get ready for the dance. If we do really well on time and get things done today, we might just have time for other things before getting ready for the dance,” teases Liz flirtatiously moving closely and brushing against Max, then walking away.

“Liz Honey, you’re killing me here with the implications and anticipation,” laughs Max.

“What? You’re my husband now. It’s not like we can’t make love whenever we want to now. This way there’s something to look forward to tonight after the dance,” smiles Liz brightly enjoying his unwavering stare of love and longing in his eyes.

Max and Liz leave their cabin and drive to the Crash Down and park around back finding a spot closer to the stairs that lead to the Parker’s apartment just above the Crash Down Café. Liz and Max walk up to her parent’s front door and knock. They wait nervously for someone to answer the door.

Nancy Parker, Liz’s mom, opens the door, and greets them. “Hi kids. So tell me. How is my favorite new son-in-law doing?” says Nancy. She then turns to Liz. “Liz honey, you look wonderful, I can see that married life is already agreeing with you,” says Nancy giving Liz a fierce hug. “Now where are my manners? Come in you two. So you two are here to pick up some of Liz’s things and take them home with you,” says Nancy shaking her head. “I can’t believe I’m hearing myself say that. My daughter is married now and has her own home. Wow! It’s amazing. Speaking of amazing. How are you feeling Liz? Any more dizzy spells or anything? How are the babies doing?” Nancy, an already devoted and excited grandmother to be, rambles with her numerous questions.

“Mom, I’m fine. Max is taking very good care of me. In fact, he made me eat and take a nap before we came over. Max is very devoted to me and the twins making sure we are all doing great,” says Liz proudly beaming up at Max. She realizes she’s lucky to have such a man for a husband. So loving and caring and most importantly completely in love with and devoted to her.

“I’m very happy to hear that my son-in-law is doing an excellent job as your husband and taking care of all of you,” says Nancy offering Max a hug. “Thank you Max, for taking such good care of her,” says Nancy.

“I love Liz. Taking care of her and the twins is my pleasure. I’d do anything for her or them,” says Max with his words ringing truth by the expressions of love on both his and Liz’s face.

Jeff enters the room unnoticed by Nancy, Liz, or Max. “It’s reassuring to hear you say that, Max,” says Jeff. Max moves to stand in front of Liz with his arm extended out to his side protectively scooting her behind him to shield her physically from any onslaught from her father.

“Jeffrey, don’t you dare turn this into a war zone attacking Max or Liz. Do you understand?” warns Nancy.

“Look, I have to say this. I’m stunned to find out that you two got married yesterday and I had no clue until your mother told me last night, Liz. I’m hurt that you didn’t tell me about this. But I realize that I would’ve reacted the way you predicted I would. I’m sure you’ve talked to Nancy and your parents by now Max, and know about what happened last night. I won’t lie to you. I have serious reservations about the two of you being married at 17 years old. I also realize that you’re marriage is legal and that you have decided to start a life and family together, so I want to offer my support. I’m not thrilled that at 17 years old you two kids are married and starting a family, but at the same time I’m not going to stand in your way and make things any harder than they already will be. Max, I’m impressed that you are taking on the responsibility of Liz and the twins. Not many teenage guys in your situation would do the same. I’m told that this marriage was never about your assuming your responsibility to Liz because of the pregnancy. I’ve been told that you wanted to marry Liz before you found out about Liz being pregnant with the twins. Is that true Max?” asks Jeff.

“Mr. Parker, I’ve always loved Liz. I did propose to her before we even knew that she was pregnant. Her being pregnant with my children has no bearing on my reasons for loving her or wanting to marry her. We truly love each other. I know our age is a concern for you, but I promise to love, protect, and provide for both Liz and our twins when they arrive. We are a packaged deal, Mr. Parker. I hope that in time you can find it in your heart to forgive us for not having you at the courthouse yesterday. We were thinking that this summer perhaps, if Liz is up to it, we could have a regular wedding and you could walk her down the isle.

“Mr. Parker, I can take your not caring for me, but it’s hard on Liz and I won’t let her be hurt or subjected to any yelling or screaming because of this. She needs both of her parents support and love. We know this isn’t your ideal of what you’d want for Liz. We are happy together and I’ll take very good care of her. That’s a promise I make to you here and now, Mr. Parker. I will love her and our children and take very good care of my family. This really is a marriage for both of us. We understand the responsibility and importance of this. We aren’t your typical teenagers as you know. Please, Mr. Parker for Liz’s sake, don’t be harsh or hurtful towards her. She’s my wife and I won’t allow anyone to mistreat her, not even you Mr. Parker,” says Max truthfully laying his cards on the table.

“Max I think we understand each other just fine. You love my Liz and you married her and you’re expecting twins. I’m okay with it. Just make good on your promise and you’ll get no grief from me just so long as you love my Liz and make her happy. The rest will take care of it’s self,” says Jeff. “Oh heck, welcome to the family, Max,” says Jeff offering his hand. They shake hands and Jeff gives Max a fatherly hug.

“Mr. Parker, you mean it? You’ll accept our marriage . . . and me as your son-in-law,” says a hopeful Max.

“Yes Max, I mean it. I’ve known for sometime now that you and Liz were in love with each other over the years, sneaking looks while at the Crash Down. I just didn’t realize that you both had caught on to it. You’re a good kid Max. I like you. Do rights by my Liz. Keep her happy and you’ll have no worries with me,” smiles Jeff. “Nancy tells me that Liz hasn’t been adjusting to all the changes that first happen early in pregnancy. I suppose I should warn you that Liz has a stubborn streak and doesn’t always listen sometimes,” smiles Jeff as if he’s giving away a secret about Liz to Max.

“I know all about her stubborn streak, Mr. Parker. I don’t let her get away with anything that matters,” says Max grinning at Liz.

“Hello, I’m standing here and heard everything you two just said. Men!” says Liz shaking her head with a smile. Liz steps out from behind Max and loops one arm through her fathers and the other through Max’s. “It’s a good thing I love both of you,” says Liz beaming happily that her father has accepted their marriage and welcomed Max into the family. “Thank you Daddy, this means the world to me,” says Liz standing on her tip toes giving her father a kiss on the cheek. “You two better promise me that you won’t repeat that to Michael or Alex how much I love you two. Their feelings would be hurt. Not that I don’t love them too, it’s just more of a sisterly brotherly love kind of thing,” says Liz

“Mr. Parker, Liz and I stopped by so she could pickup some things from her room to pack and take home with us,” says Max smiling.

“I heard about the cabin from Diane and Phillip last night. How do you like living there?” asks Jeff.

“We love it. It’s really beautiful and peaceful out there. The cabin is really great Dad, and it’s our home,” says a happy and smiling Liz.

“Liz, we should get moving with picking up the stuff you want to pack for now, and don’t forget the dresses you mentioned or any shoes you might need for them,” says Max. Jeff and Nancy look at Max. “What? I have a sister I know this stuff because of her scaring me for life about it,” says Max in a joking tone.

“You’re way a head of the game Max if you understand even that much about women. Your sister has enlightened you, that’s going to help a lot,” jokes Jeff. This earns Jeff a slap on the arm from Nancy and Liz.

Liz and Max go to her old room. Liz quickly goes through her mental check list of what she’ll need to take back with her to the cabin. She quickly takes the box from Max and puts everything she needs in there, including her dresses. She couldn’t choose just one dress, so she took all three with her and grabbed a couple of pairs of shoes. Liz did all this in 15 minutes. Max just quietly sits on her bed and watches her.

“Babe, I’m impressed you took hardly any time getting what you wanted gathered up to take home with us,” smiles Max. “If it were Isabel it would be more like 2 hours and 15 minutes just to pick out the clothes”. There’s a knock on Liz’s former bedroom door. “Come in,” says Liz.

“Hi Dad, we’re just about done here. Then we need to go to the Evan’s house and pick up some of Max’s things as well,” says Liz. “What’s up Dad?” asks Liz.

“I just wanted to say that you could invite Isabel, Alex, Michael and Maria over after the dance after closing. I’d let you guys use the Crash Down for a post dance celebration spot as long as it doesn’t get too loud,” says Jeff offering his own olive branch.

“That sounds like fun”. Liz walks over and gives him a hug. “Thanks Dad,” says a joyful Liz.

“Of course you guys can have any fountain drinks you want. Just clean and lock up when you’re through okay,” says Jeff offering acceptance by this gesture.

“Okay. We got all I need for now. Max and I are leaving. We still need to pick up some stuff from his parents house too. We’ll see you tonight after the dance, after you close the Crash Down. You’re the best, Dad,” says Liz giving her father a happy hug. Jeff and Nancy watch from their front door and wave good bye to Max and Liz.

“When did she grow up on us, and become a woman?” asks Jeff. “It seems like just yesterday that we drove out to the Indian reservation. I’ll never forget when Claudia’s Friend, River Dog, called us about a private adoption of this abandoned little girl, and of how her parents just left her there. That was such a memorable day when we picked up Liz. She’s been such a special blessing to us over the years”, says a tearful Nancy.

“Yes, she certainly has. I’ve always thought it was sort of odd that Liz has never recalled any childhood memories of anything before we made that trip to the reservation and picked up our daughter,” says Jeff.

“Jeff, it’s probably better that she doesn’t remember anything of what happened before we got her. I’m not so sure I want to know what did happen to her. All I know is that I’ve never seen her look happier or more loved than she does with Max,” says Nancy.

Max and Liz next drive over to the Evan’s house. “That went well with my Dad, much better than I expected. Thank goodness things seem to be settling with all of our parents accepting our marriage,” says Liz gently touching her stomach.

Max and Liz arrive at the Evan’s house. They find Diane tending to her roses out front of the house. Diane looks up from her gardening to see Max and Liz pull into the driveway. She immediately stops what she’s doing and runs over to greet Liz and Max. “Max, Liz you’re here. Is everything okay?” asks Diane. “Liz how are you feeling?” asks an excited and hovering Diane.

“Oh we’re fine, Mom. Liz and I stopped by so I could pick up some of my things to take home to our cabin,” says Max with a smile.

“Come on in kids. Let’s go inside. Liz, are you hungry?” asks Diane. Max instantly opens his connection to Liz. ‘Liz, Honey, I don’t think you want to be eating my Mother’s cooking. I love my mother, but her cooking is another story,’ warns Max.

Liz smiles at Max’s admission about Diane’s cooking. ‘You’re afraid your Mom would poison me and the Babies, huh?’ Liz giggles through their connection.

‘Babe, it’s not that. Mom’s cooking isn’t poisonous; but it is criminal as far as taste goes. It packs its own punch,’ jokes Max. ‘I wouldn’t want you to eat something that could disagree with you or the twins. Mom’s cooking definitely has a history of disagreeing with peoples stomachs, take it from me,’ Max assures. Liz’s smile cracks and breaks into laughter looking into Max’s eyes. Then Max quickly looses it and begins to laugh with Liz.

“Newlyweds, go figure,” says Diane. “I’m sure I don’t even want to know what that was all about,” teases Diane.

Liz shacks her head and smiles, “No Mrs. Evans, you don’t want to know what that was about. Please forgive us, we are just in a silly mood today thinking about something we said earlier,” says Liz trying to cover for their outburst from their telepathic connection.

“You don’t need to explain. I was a newlywed once. Phillip and I did a lot of silly things on our honeymoon, in retrospect,” smiles Diane feeling nostalgic.

“Uh, Mom. Please feel free to NOT share any of that information about your and Dad’s honeymoon with us,” says Max mortified at the thought.

“Max!” smiles Diane noting the funny expression on her son’s face. “I hate to shatter the myth, but even your parents have been on a honeymoon. Shocking isn’t it? A word of advice is to keep the magic of your honeymoon alive as time goes on,” says Diane.

“Thanks for the advice Mrs. Evans,” says Liz amused by Max’s embarrassment. “It’s okay, Max. You look so cute in that shade of red,” teases Liz.

“Now my sweet wife is making fun of me. You’re going to pay for that one,” says Max as he gives her a look filled with mischief and stalks towards her.

“Uh, oh. Max, Honey, I was just teasing you. Excuse me Mrs. Evans. I gotta run,” says Liz running up the stairs towards the direction of Max’s old bedroom with Max in hot pursuit chasing her down the hall. Diane just stands and laughs at their antics. This reminds her of her and Phillip in earlier years before they adopted Max and Isabel. Diane sighs, and decides to start on some kitchen chores.

Max and Liz finish gathering some of Max’s things into a large box. He remembers his suit, dress shirt, and shoes. Max and Liz emerge from his room and go downstairs. “Hey Mom, I picked up some of my stuff to take to the cabin. Has Isabel got home from school yet?” asks Max.

“No Honey, Iz hasn’t come home yet. I expect her anytime now. Why don’t you two hang around a few more minutes and I’m sure she’ll be here by then,” suggests Diane. Max and Liz walk into the family room and sit on the couch and wait for Isabel’s return from school. Liz slips off her shoes, tucks her feet around her, and snuggles into Max’s welcoming arm wrapped around her shoulders.

“What’s wrong Babe, are you tired?” Max asks.

“Yeah, a little. I usually don’t get tired during the day. Maybe it’s just the twins draining me a little more than usual. Other than that I feel fine,” says Liz.

“You’re sure that’s all it is,” asks a concerned Max.

“Mom, Liz and I will be resting on the couch. Liz is feeling a little tired,” says Max.

“Okay, kids. Can I get you anything to drink,” asks Diane.

“No we’re fine, thanks Mom,” says Max.

Diane walks by a few minutes later with a basket full of laundry and spots Max lying down on the couch on his back with Liz cuddled up closely with her head resting on his chest. They both rest comfortably in each others arms on the couch with their eyes closed taking a little nap. Fifteen minutes later Isabel and Alex arrive at the Evan’s home. Iz and Alex are startled to find Max and Liz asleep on the couch in each other’s arms. Isabel turns to Alex and says, “Look at how cute they are together.”

“Yeah, they are. Hey Snow White, you and Prince Charming need to wake up,” whispers Alex. “Iz and I picked up all your homework assignments for yesterday and today guys”, says Alex.

Max stirs and pulls Liz closer to him. Max subconsciously reads that Isabel and Alex are present in the room with them. Max opens his eyes. “Isabel, Alex, I’m glad you’re here. Liz and I wanted to talk to you about the dance tonight.”

“Sure, Max. What’s up?” says Isabel. “But make it quick because I only have like six hours to figure out what to wear for later.”

“Six hours? You sure that’s enough time?” teases Max.

Alex laughs “You’re telling me. How long does it take Liz to get ready?”

“Oh, she can pack a bag in fifteen minutes.” brags Max.

“Do you think she could teach Isabel that trick? Maybe that’s one of Liz’s latent powers?” teases Alex. Isabel shoots both guys a dirty look. “Now Princess, I was just teasing.”

“Anyways,” says Isabel trying to change the subject, “what time should we all go the dance?”

Max replies, “Let’s just all meet there around 8:00 P.M. We’ll meet out front,” asserts Max.

“Sure. Sounds like a plan,” states Isabel. “Alex, you can help me choose what to wear. Who knows? It might just expedite things and we’ll have all this extra time on our hands. I’m sure we can figure out some way to occupy our time. You want to help me pick something to wear tonight, Alex? Meet me upstairs, if you know what I mean . . .” Isabel turns and hears her mom in the kitchen. “Mom’s here! Max you didn’t tell me Mom was home. Oh, hi Mom. I didn’t know you were home!” states a nervous Isabel. Uh . . . Mom, Alex was just going to help me figure out what to wear tonight for the dance. Well, usually Max gives his opinion, but he now lives elsewhere.

“Sure Honey, you and Alex go on ahead up to your room. Oh and what was it you said you were going to do? . . . Oh yes, pick out an outfit for tonight,” winks Diane.

Alex, not being one to stand around and wait for Mrs. Evans to change her mind, grabs Isabel’s hand and makes a bee-line for the stairs, leading a dazed Isabel up to her room.

Liz stirs listening to this whole exchange. Isabel opens her connection to Max and Liz, and Alex.
‘God, I know Mom knows about Alex and me. What are we going to do?’ asks a panicked Isabel.

‘Isabel welcome to the club. Now you know how Max and I felt,’ giggles Liz.

‘That doesn’t help. It doesn’t answer my question about what are we going to do.’ says Isabel even more freaked.

‘Well, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be asking me or your brother that. I think you and Alex already know what to do, so no pointers from us,’ states Liz.
***********************To Be Continued in a sec******************************************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 20 p5 Feb 28

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

‘We’ll see you tonight at the dance at 8PM. Oh and keep the noise down. How’s that for a tip?’ teases Max.

Isabel, Alex, Maria, and Michael wait patiently outside the school waiting for Max and Liz to show up. Maria says, “Where are those two? They should’ve been here already.”

“How much do you want to bet that they haven’t even left the cabin yet? Think about it. They’re all dressed up. They take one look at each other and that’s all it would take. No Max and Liz sightings tonight. I’m sure they have better things to do than show up at a high school dance. After all, it is their honeymoon,” smirks Michael.

Kyle walks past the group and can’t help but over hear things. His curiosity gets the better of him and he just has to stop and ask. “Honeymoon? Who’s honeymoon? Who got married? I heard that Liz and Max were gone again today, attending a family wedding. I don’t understand that. I mean, you were here today at school. But yesterday all of you were gone,” says Kyle. Kyle looks around. “Hey, where are Max and Liz? I thought you guys all hung out together. So whose honeymoon is it?” asks Kyle as he puzzles all this. Kyle notices the way Isabel, Alex, Maria and Michael all exchange concerned guarded glances. “What? What’s with the looks you guys are giving me,” says Kyle. “It’s not like it was Max and Liz that got married, so what gives… Oh God! That’s it. Isn’t it? Max and Liz got married. Didn’t they?” asserts a stunned Kyle trying to get answers.

Max and Liz pull up in the jeep and park. Max hurries around to help Liz out from her side of the jeep. Max and Liz exchange longing stares of appreciation as they look at their beloved. Max opens his connection to Liz. ‘Babe, we definitely will have to continue this later when we’re alone at home,’ smiles Max.

‘I was hoping you’d say that Max. I take it that means you like my dress,’ says Liz.

‘Babe, you look especially beautiful tonight, but you always look beautiful to me. I definitely think you look amazing in that dress, but I can’t help thinking how much fun it would be to see you out of that dress,’ smiles Max with a sexy smile.

‘You look very hot and handsome yourself in that suit. I’ll have to concentrate really hard to behave myself at this dance and refrain from attacking you. If we didn’t already have plans with the others we could’ve spent the night at home just the two of us,’ teases Liz.

Max groans, ‘Liz you’re really pushing it here. You know that, right? You just wait until later, Babe,’ grins Max. He picks her up in his arms lifting her from the jeep and lowers her onto her feet. Max takes Liz’s lips in a long heated kiss filled with all his love. Max gives Liz an unspoken promise to show her later, again how much he loves her. They reluctantly come back to reality realizing where they are and that they had better cool it. Max and Liz, still lost looking into each others eyes, take a moment before acknowledging the approaching footsteps and finally look around them to see Kyle walking towards them as if he’s a man on a mission.

“Hi, Liz and Max. I’ve been kicking around a bizarre idea about the two of you and just need you two to set me straight here, okay. I have questions . . . You two never miss school. You were both gone yesterday and today. Rumor has it that you were gone attending a family wedding. Isabel, Michael, Maria, and Alex were also gone yesterday. Today they’re all back at school, except for you two. Now I have this funny idea here that the two of you were out because you eloped or something. Isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard? What? You’re not laughing. Guys?” says Kyle.

“Kyle, we did get married yesterday morning. That was the family wedding we were attending. It was our wedding, that’s why we weren’t here. As for today, we are still on our honeymoon. We’ll be in school Monday though,” says Liz.

“It’s true Kyle. Liz and I are really married. Go ask Isabel and the others. They were there when we said our vows,” says a happy and unashamed Max.

“You’re serious about this, then. You can’t tell me that your marriage is legal. You’re both minors and I know that you’d have to have parental consent. I doubt either of your parents gave their okay. They probably don’t even know about this, do they?” Kyle asks.

“Kyle our marriage is 100% legal and binding. It included parental consent and came complete with the trimmings of a wedding dress, suit, wedding cake, and flowers,” says Liz with a proud smile on her blissful face. Liz and Max show Kyle their wedding rings proudly exhibiting the evidence of their words.

“Wow! What can I say? I feel like an idiot the way I continued to pursue Liz even after I could tell that she clearly was in love with you. I guess my ego wouldn’t let go of the big man on campus jock image I have, and allow me to see the truth. Well guys, I have to say this is a bit of a surprise but I’m happy for you both. I’m sorry I’ve been acting like the jealous jilted ex boyfriend. Obviously you make each other happy and I can see that now. I can’t believe that I was telling myself that Liz needed to be protected from you. I admit I have been following you both around. I know that you saw me that time when my car suddenly got a flat tire. I really feel stupid about it now. Can we all please just pretend that didn’t happen? I’m sorry. I was concerned for Liz. She’s special and I didn’t want her to be taken advantage of,” confesses Kyle.

Max grabs Kyle by the shoulder with one hand. “Kyle you’re a good guy. I appreciate that you were looking out for Liz. I understand that. You’re right; she’s very special, especially to me. I’d like it if we could bury the hatchet and just be friends,” suggests Max. Liz smiles looking up at Max and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

“Sure. I’d be happy to count you both as my friends,” says Kyle. “Clearly, the better man won. Congratulations are in order here. Kyle smiles and extends his hand out to Max and they shake on it accepting both their friendship and the congratulations. “Hey can I kiss the bride?” asks Kyle.

“I’ll happily accept your offer of friendship. But watch it on kissing my Bride. She’s mine and I’m not into sharing,” warns a smiling Max.

Kyle looks over his shoulder noticing Max stare off behind him. Kyle turns around to see Michael, and Alex glaring at him as if a issuing a silent warning. Kyle swallows nervously and gives Liz a hug of congratulations and a quick kiss on the cheek and promptly hands her back over to Max. “It looks like the gang was standing by there ready to stone me if I tried anything,” laughs Kyle pointing over his shoulder at their group of friends and family. They are currently glaring in his direction ready to spring into action if Kyle tries to start anything with Max and Liz.

“Thanks Kyle, I’m happy that you accept Max and me as a couple now, a married one at that. It would mean a lot to me to be able to count you among one of our friends. When news of our marriage hits West Roswell High’s rumor mill I imagine some ugly things will be said and spread around,” says Liz.

“Liz, I count the both of you as my friends now. I won’t allow anyone I know spread any gossip or garbage around about the two of you. Max, you’re a lucky guy. I hope you know that,” says Kyle looking from Max to Liz. “Take good care of her,” says Kyle with a smile and a nod. “Well if I’m not mistaken, I believe there are some blonde jock groupies around by the punch bowl just begging for me to go ask one of the lucky ladies to dance. If you’ll excuse me, I hate to keep my groupies waiting,” says Kyle as he straightens his tie and puts on his charming smile. He turns back to Liz and Max and says, “Seriously guys, congratulations. Oh and I want to reserve one dance with the bride unless your hubby here objects,” says Kyle.

Liz smiles, “Thanks Kyle. Sure I think I can save one dance for you. That’s assuming Max won’t get too jealous. Now go on. It wouldn’t be right to keep you from your waiting groupies,” teases Liz.

“I know it’s a burden having my own groupies, but it’s the cross I’m forced to bear in life. Duty calls,” jokes Kyle as he walks toward the punch bowl and the giggling girls there. Liz and Max just wave to Kyle and laugh.

“You know Kyle is a good guy. I’m glad he accepts our news,” says Max.

“You sound relieved, Max. Don’t tell me you were ever jealous of Kyle with me, were you?” Liz asks.

“Yes, for a little while. But I think it all worked out just great. Don’t you?” answers Max.

“Oh yeah, I love the way things worked out. You have nothing to be worried about with Kyle or anyone else. You’re the only one for me,” says Liz sealing her heart felt words with a fervent kiss.

“Come on my beautiful wife, we need to go say hi to our family. You know Maria and Iz are just dying to find out what was said with Kyle,” says Max.

“Yeah. You know them. If we don’t volunteer the information they’ll trick it out of us. We should go over there and spill before anyone gets hurt,” jokes Liz.

Max and Liz walk with their arms linked around each other. “Hi guys, we made it. I hope no one was betting on that tonight,” jokes Liz.

“Does thinking about betting on it count?” teases Alex. Isabel gives Alex a slap on the arm.

“Alex!” Exclaims Isabel.

“What? I didn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t actually bet the money. Me and Michael talked about it though,” says Alex.

“Hey guys. Glad you could make it. So no delays or anything?” asks Michael as if prompting for information. You both are looking very happy and glowing. “This is killing me. I have to ask this so you can settle something between me and Alex.” “Did you two break the bed again?” Michael asks.

“Liz looks and Max and smiles. Which bed? We have three in our cabin, plus a hideaway fold out bed. You really need to learn to be more specific,” teases Liz causing Michael and Alex both to blush. Liz opens her connection to Max, ‘That’ll teach them to ask any more embarrassing questions and betting on our private activities,’ says Liz with a glint of satisfaction in her eyes.

Maria and Isabel were ready to zap Michael for asking them that question. They decided that Liz handled Michael beautifully. Isabel and Maria laugh at Michael and Alex’s defeated and embarrassed expressions on their faces. Maria and Isabel have to ask Max and Liz their own burning question. “Liz and Max, Maria and I were wondering if you ever got around to finding our other surprises we left for you,” says Isabel.

“Yes we did. Thank you for all of those wonderful surprises. We’ll definitely have to go and restock many of those items,” says Liz smiling broadly at Max.

“Yes, we will and soon too,” says Max adding his own appreciation of Isabel and Maria’s surprises.

Isabel tries to change the subject. “I’m thirsty, is anyone else thirsty?” asks Isabel.

“Yeah, I could use some punch,” says Max. Everyone walks together over to the punch bowl and enjoys seeing their classmates dancing and having a good time.

“Max, we should be careful about the punch. You know some of the jocks were over here earlier and they love to spike the punch at the dances. We don’t know what affect alcohol would have on us. How about if Alex where to be our official taste tester. Besides it wouldn’t be good for Liz to be drinking any of that in her condition, if it’s spiked,” says Michael.

“Okay, gees thank you, Michael. I’ll do it. But let the record show that it was Uncle Alex that took this precautionary measure to protect Liz, the twins, and the rest of you,” smirks Alex proudly knowing this would get to Michael and he’d have to just take it.

“I’ll get you back for that one Mr. One Shoe,” says Michael with a defeated nod on this round of their spirited one up man’s ship on their being Uncle’s to be.

The DJ puts on another song. It’s Dido’s “Here With Me.” Liz grabs Max, “Let’s dance, come on Honey. I love this song,” says Liz smiling and pleading with her big brown love filled eyes penetrating his resolve.

“Sure Babe, anything you want,” says Max with a sexy smile on his handsome face. Liz takes Max’s hand as he leads them out on to the dance floor. They find a spot and they stop walking. Max and Liz embrace. They dance and let there body’s sway to the rhythm of the music as they look into each others eyes seeing volumes of emotions written there. This defies the adequacy of the written or spoken word. The mellow sounds of Dido’s music and vocals fills the gym and seems to fit perfectly to serve as a compliment to the mood that Liz and Max have created in their own little world, that is found in each others arms.

“You have to be careful telling me anything I want. That could get us both embarrassed at the very least or even worse in trouble on school property,” says Liz in a sexy tone. “I’ll have to ask for a rain check on the anything I want. I warn you. I plan to redeem that later when we get home,” teases Liz looking at Max dressed in his suit and licking her lips.

“Liz, Honey you had better stop looking at me like that; or our evening is over now and we go home,” says Max with a tone of certainty that says he’s not kidding either.

“Okay, I’ll be good, then . . . for now. Later, I make no promises,” says Liz grinning mischievously at Max.

Liz looks around her to see that Alex and Isabel have joined them on the dance floor, as well as Michael and Maria. Liz smiles at her family. “You know Max, we are lucky that our friends are our family by choice and by blood. I have a feeling that Isabel’s revelation about what your mom was thinking yesterday about Alex and Iz being the next ones to get married might just be happening sometime in the very near future. Look at them Max, they are so cute together and I know for a fact Alex is head over heels in love with Iz,” says Liz smiling at Iz and Alex.

I know Iz feels the same way about Alex. I think they are headed for the big talk about completing the bonding ceremony. I like Alex. He’s a good guy and a great friend. I’m sure he’s the right guy for Iz. She needs someone with who she can totally be herself. Someone who knows our secret and is an ally and as much a part of this as we are,” says Max. “I’m happy for Iz and Alex. Have you noticed Michael and Maria lately?” Max asks.

“No, why?” Liz asks.

“It’s just that I get this feeling that Michael and Maria have been trying to work up the nerve to talk to each other about going through with the bonding ceremony. I know Michael keeps telling me that he needs to get Maria alone to talk to her, but things keep happening preventing that from happening just yet,” says Max.

Interesting, I’ve noticed changes in Michael too lately. Michael was especially acting very strangely at the bridal/tux shop. He acted really nervous and stole Maria’s cedar oil and was sniffing that stuff like crazy. I know Maria is thinking about completing the bonding ceremony but is afraid to bring it up to Michael. She’s afraid it would make him freak out and shut her out,” says Liz. “I told her that Michael probably is feeling some of what she is feeling and needs to talk to her about it and not to think it has to be a bad thing. She just needs to relax and listen to her heart. It’s what I did. I’ve never regretted taking that advice from my grandmother”, says Liz looking up at Max. He leans in and kisses her breathlessly. Suddenly, the song ends and they see Maria and Isabel walk up on the stage grinning ear from ear and whisper to the disc jockey about something. The disc jockey nods and gives them the thumbs up. He hands Isabel the microphone.

“Hi everyone, I just wanted to dedicate this song to a very special couple. You all will find this out anyways, so I’m just going to tell you. This song is dedicated to my newly married brother and my sister-in-law Liz. Please join me in offering congratulations with applause as they dance to their song.

Maria takes the microphone and says, “Don’t you two dare leave. This is your song,” says Maria handing the microphone back to the DJ. She then walks back and takes the microphone again. Come on, make with the applause,” says Maria starting the applause. A pleased Maria hands the microphone to the DJ and follows Isabel off the stage, and back down to Alex and Michael.

Max and Liz are the only couple on the dance floor. The spotlight is on them as their song begins, “I Shall Believe”, by Sheryl Crow. Max and Liz look around them seeing all their classmates some looking stunned, others looking at them and smiling. They look over to see Kyle encouraging more people to clap. Liz and Max smile and look at each other. They begin to move to the music and talk quietly to each other, and exchange tender kisses. Max and Liz ignore everyone staring at them. They simply get lost in each other as they so often do especially while they hold each other while they slow dance to their song. The song slowly fades and ends. The students shower them with more applause and congratulations. Max and Liz leave the dance floor and walk over to the others.

“Did you guys like dancing to your song?” asks Isabel carefully reading their faces.

“Come here the both of you right now,” says Liz. Maria and Isabel exchange nervous looks and cringe.

They take a couple of steps over to stand infront of Max and Liz. Liz and Max open their arms and give both of them hugs. “Thank you, you guys are the best. That meant so much to us,” says Liz and Max. “Don’t worry about telling the student body about our wedding, they’d find out Monday if not before,” says Max with Liz nodding in agreement. “This way everyone heard the same thing at once by you two rather than the gossip mill which can distort facts. This doesn’t mean that the gossip won’t happen. I’m sure it will, but at least the truth was told by Isabel and Maria first,” says Liz and Max in complete agreement.

Michael sees a commotion near the entrance of the gym. He sees Kyle yelling at some guys. One of them said something that set Kyle off. Kyle’s got the guy in a head lock and just tossed him out the door. “Maybe we should go see what that was all about,” says a concerned Michael. The group agrees and walks over to where Kyle is at. “Kyle, what is going on?” Michael asks.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” Kyle says evasively.

“Come on Valenti, you can tell me,” says Michael.

“Okay, but I only tell you and Alex. Don’t say anything to Max or Liz. I don’t want them getting upset. They don’t need to deal with this crap on their honeymoon,” says Kyle trying to shelter Max and Liz from what he’s about to tell Michael and Alex.

“We agree,” says Alex accepting the terms for both he and Michael. “So what’s going on Kyle? It’s not like you to start a fight,” says Alex.

“Tommy and those other jerks over there were making comments and wanting to place bets as to why Max Evans would marry Liz Parker in their junior year in high school. They seemed to think that Max had got her pregnant or some other guy did,” says an enraged Kyle even to have to repeat the words.

“Where did they go Kyle?” asks an angry Michael.

“Yeah, where did the jerks go?” adds Alex with his fists clenched.

“They left I think,” says Kyle.

“Let’s go make sure that they have left,” says Michael.

“Yeah, let’s go check on that. Come on guys,” adds Alex.

Alex and Michael turn back to Max, Liz, Maria, and Isabel. “We’ll be back in a minute. Kyle needs our help with something,” says Alex trying hard to make his voice sound calm. Kyle smiles, and waits for Alex and Michael to make their excuses and the three guys walk with determination in the direction of the parking lot looking for the jerks trashing Liz and Max.

Kyle, Alex, and Michael find there targets of interest, and approach them. “Hey guys! What’s this crap you’re saying about my sister-in-law, Liz and my brother Max?

“Uh. . . oh you mean that she must have put out to Max or maybe Kyle or some other guy no one knows about,” says Tommy, clearly egging on Michael, Kyle and Alex. “Who would’ve thought that West Roswell High’s two honor students would be in this situation? Liz must be something else in the sack for Max to go ahead and marry her, assuming he already sampled the goods”, says Tommy with his buddies applauding his comments and adding more crude ones of there own. That was all it took, to set off Kyle, Michael and Alex. They sprung into action making their stand against these jerks. Michael hits Tommy, and the sheer force not only knocked Tommy off of his feet but also knocked out his fillings. Alex takes on one of Tommy’s other friends while Kyle takes on another.

Tommy and his jerk friends realize it’s no fun bullying and ruining people’s reputations, if you get your asses kicked. The troublemaking jerks slowly stand up and dust themselves off, getting ready to leave.

Michael, Kyle, and Alex warn, “Don’t let us hear any more of this crap from any of you about Max or Liz. We had better not even so much as see any of you bothering them at all, in any way. Is that clear or do you three brainiacs need more memory reinforcement,” says Kyle with his raised clenched fist.

“Damn, I was looking forward to repeating myself,” says Michael also with his fist clinched and ready for action.

“I agree with Michael. Who says learning can’t be fun? It’s nice to be on the delivering end of these situations for a change. I have a lot of pent up anger at guys like you. You have the nerve to mess with two people who haven’t bothered any of you. Max and Liz are family to us. Leave them alone; or you’ll have more to worry about than just the three of us ready to kick your sorry jock asses,” says Alex. Kyle and Michael step forward to stand on each side of Alex, intimidating the other guys into leaving and that the message was received. Tommy and his two idiot friends decide they had enough getting their butts kicked, and left in shame.

Michael, Kyle, and Alex watch them walk to Tommy’s car and then drive away. “Well, that was fun. Shall we go back to the dance? There’s nothing quite like doing your good deed and kicking butt to make one’s day complete,” says Kyle.

“Yeah, we should go back before Maria and Isabel get too curious about why we left with you Kyle,” says Michael.

Maria, Isabel, Max, and Liz were all waiting just outside the entrance of the gym anxiously waiting for their return. “Why is it that I feel like we’re going to get our butts kicked now,” says Alex looking up seeing Maria and Isabel both with their arms crossed. Michael, we may need to take cover from our girls. They don’t look too happy,” teases Alex.

“Man they can sure scare the crap out of a guy when they want to,” says Kyle with sympathy for Alex and Michael. “Good luck with that,” says Kyle giving them pats on the back.

“Michael, Alex, and Kyle just where have you been?” Isabel asks.

“Well, that’s my cue to leave. Bye,” says Kyle thinking he should be able to make a break for it.

“Kyle, wait! Why don’t you come with us over to the Crash Down. My Dad said that we could have the place to ourselves after closing time. Come on Kyle, it would be fun to hang out. What do you say?” Liz asks.

“Yeah, Kyle. Why don’t you come with the rest of us,” says Michael with Alex also offering a nod of support.

“I’m afraid it’s a groupie free offer Kyle, but it’ll still be fun to hang out and unwind,” says Max.

“Oh, okay sure. I’ll go with you to the Crash Down. I’d say the dance pretty much died out. Hey, I never got to dance with the bride. Evans you still owe me a dance with your Bride,” teases Kyle.

“Kyle, I’ll let you dance with her one dance only. But I pick the song,” says Max.

“Gees Max, we already established that you won already. Liz is your wife. It’s not like we were going to share her or anything right?” says Kyle.

“Kyle! Don’t push your luck where Liz is concerned,” warns Max.

“Easy there Max. I don’t think I really want to see what kind of temper you have. I recall a while ago you threatened me about Liz. You were admirably scary I have to say. I didn’t think you shy quiet intellectual types had it in you, but you certainly do. I have no desire to tangle with you,” says Kyle.

“Max, Honey, you know you have nothing to worry about. I’m totally yours,” says Liz as she wraps her arms around him. Liz stands on her tip toes and gives him a particularly some what short kiss laced with heated promises to come later.

“God! Are they always like that?” Kyle asks shocked by Liz and Max’s open display of affection. Kyle’s not used to seeing Liz like this.

“Yes, and this is there “G” rated behavior. Count yourself lucky to not have been privy to some of their antics. It’s embarrassing, but what can you do. They are my family”, says Michael.

“I second that,” says Isabel.

“Me too,” says Alex and Maria at the same time.

“Okay, then lead on to the Crash Down. I’ll just go get my car and follow you guys over, okay”, says Kyle

Everyone agrees to meet up at the Crash Down. They form their own little caravan lead by Max and Liz in the jeep. They are followed by Maria and Michael in the Jetta, Alex and Isabel in his car, then Kyle bringing up the rear in his red mustang. Once they all park, Liz and Max use Liz’s dad’s key to open the front door of the Crash Down. They could obviously unlock the door without a key, but Kyle is with them. Just inside Liz finds her dad cleaning up in the kitchen.

“Hey Dad, how did it go tonight?” Liz asks.

“Fine. I might ask the same of you and Max,” replies Jeff. “You wouldn’t tell me if something did go badly, Liz. I’ll ask your husband. Max? How did things go at the dance tonight? Did you guys have a good time? Did all of you have a nice time tonight?” asks Jeff addressing his question to the entire group.

“Everything was really great Mr. Parker. I know Liz and I had a great time. I’m sure everyone else did,” says Max.

Kyle can’t help but to blurt out his own usual sarcastic sense of humor. “Well everyone did except for maybe Tommy and his two loser buddies, but other than that it was a fun evening had by all,” says Kyle in a particularly cheery tone.

“Oh what happened with Tommy and his friends?” Jeff Parker asks.

“Oh that,” Michael interjects. “Just some dumb jerks saying stupid stuff and spiking the punch bowl sort of thing,” says Michael.

What about you Isabel, Michael, Alex and Maria? I assume that you guys had a fun time at the dance as well,” says Jeff Parker.

“Yes, we all had a great time. No problem there. Thanks for asking Mr. Parker,” replies a smiling Isabel.

“Okay, well kids. I only have a few requests. Please do not allow any more kids in here since we are closed. Please do clean up any dirty dishes before leaving and lock up when you leave,” says Jeff. “Goodnight Liz. Take good care of her, Max,” says Jeff offering the newlyweds a partial hug. “Good night kids. You guys have fun, but keep it down to a dull roar okay. It’s been a long day and I need to sleep. Bye,” says Jeff making his hasty retreat up the back stairs that lead to the Parkers apartment.

“Liz your Dad is really cool about everything,” smiles Kyle.

“Yeah, what can I say I have pretty good luck with quality men in my life,” smiles Liz looking up at Max. “Present company included in that Michael, Alex, and Kyle. Max you know that covers you with out my saying it,” teases Liz.

“I think we need some tunes, Liz. Anybody got change for the jukebox?” Isabel asks. Kyle, Michael, and Alex immediately start to dig for any change they might have.

“Here you go, Sis,” says Michael.

“Whoa! I thought I didn’t hear you right earlier that Max is your family. Are you saying that Isabel and Max are your sister and brother?” Kyle asks.

“That’s news to me. Not surprising. You guys seem to gravitate towards each other anyways. So you guys are family. Now that comment about Liz being your sister-in-law makes sense now. It’s nice to know that Liz has so many good family and friends looking out for both her and Max,” says Kyle.

“Awww…Group hug,” says Alex with his usual sharp wit.

“Alex, you hug me your dead. You got me,” says Michael.

“Isabel did you hear your brother talk to me like that,” says Alex in mock fear.

“Kyle, you’ll have to ignore them. We have this whole one big happy family thing going on when we are all together. Alex and Michael are sort of our bickering brothers in the group,” teases Liz.

“Does anybody want any sodas?” asks Liz.

“Sure, sounds good. Everyone orders their usual soda. “Maria, Isabel can you guys help me in the kitchen please,” shouts Liz over the music.

Liz, Maria, and Isabel return from the kitchen with a tray of beverages for their group. Liz reaches for the straws and puts them on the counter of the booth she and Max are sitting at. Liz gets a far off look in her eyes, and zones out. She gets a flash of disturbing images and realizes she has to snap out of it fast. Liz immediately looks up at Max and opens their connection to the group. ‘Guys I just got a flash that something is going to happen tonight, here. That’s all I know. Be on guard guys. Stay in pairs with our mates as Cal suggested. Cal said that we should try to stay together in one big group and in touching distance with each other. I saw Kyle there in my flash. He’s going to be a part of this secret, too. There’s not going to be enough time to get Kyle out of here before things happen. Isabel, remember in the cave with Cal last night. Can you sense anyone else besides the seven of us here?’ Liz asks through her connection.

Isabel quickly, reads everyone’s emotions. She now senses a terrible feeling of foreboding come over her mixed with a sinister blood thirsty glee. Isabel’s head bolts up and she tries to smile as if it’s nothing. She opens her connection to everyone, except Kyle. ‘Liz, Max, guys. We are not alone.’

To Be Continued***********************************************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 21 p6 March 6

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thank you Mia Nora for the awesome banner! Cyber hugs!!

Hi everyone!! So I bet you're wondering who was it in the Diner and why the evil vibes, huh??? Well, you have to read this weeks post to answer those questions. I will say this is a shorter part than some I've written,but it is very action packed. It's a must read. I hope you'll enjoy it. Please let me know what you think.

I do read all my feedback. I appreciate each and every one of you that reads my story even if you haven't left feedback yet. You're among friends here so feel free to leave feedback. I know I'd love to read any and all of your feedback and comments... Well I have some feedbackers to address so here we go....

Ansleyrocks- Hey Ansely :D I think this next part wll answer who is with them pretty quickly. Kyle really has accepted Max and Liz's news of their marriage and now even Jeff has come on board with it... Happy Dances all a round. Kyle is definitely going to be a part of the group. Thanks for reading. I love reading your comments. Take Care!

LoveIsForever- Kyle's one of the good guys that's for sure. As for those jerks. They really deserved getting the crap beat out of them courtesy of our Michael, Alex, and new friend Kyle. Go Kyle!!! Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading your comments. Thanks! :wink:

roswellluver- You're worried about who the evil lurker is at the diner, huh. I can't tell you that now. You'll have to read this weeks post part 21. It should alleviate your concerns and questions. I promise. Thanks so much for reading and leaving feedback both are humbly and greatfully accepted with glee.

Sylvia37- Hi Sylvia! :D I'm back with a new part. I swear I wouldn't leave things hanging like that. I'm not a huge fan of prolonged cliff hangers either. I think you will enjoy this very action packed post. I thank you for reading and posting your comments. :wink: They do mean a great deal to me. :wink: :D

Frenchkiss70- Hi! Thanks for all the great comments. I'm blushing with embarrassment now :oops:. You like my Max and Liz. :D My Max and Liz are they way I always thought they'd be or would've been. Jeff and Kyle have both changed their opinions of Max which is good. Oh about the evil lurker??? You'll have to read this part it should exlain all that.

Snoopie13- Hi and Welcome~ :D :D Thanks, I thrilled to hear from a new reader as well as all of my readers. You mentioned that you were enjoying my story and the unique and funny interactions of Michael and Alex and the rest of the gang. Yep! Max and Liz are cute, hot, and very much in love and committed to each other.

Cherie- Hey Girlfriend! :D Jeff's okay with Max & Liz's being married. Kyle's even accepted it. Kyle will be come a part of the group. I think You'll enjoy some of the BAT references in this weeks part. Remember, Nick Wechsler bowled with me and my team at BAT. :D Anyways, this is sort of my nod to Kyle. I hope you like it. As always thank you so much for your reading and leaving feedback it's extremely appreciated. Cyber hugs!

AJK001- Oh my. You've made me blush :oops:. Wow!!! Now it looks like I had better work hard to live up to your expectations of my writing. Thank you so much for saying that. I'm thrilled you're enjoying my story story. Take care and thanks sooo much... Cyber hugs to you :wink:

Podsquad rocks- welcome and thanks. Please do keep reading this week's part is action packed. Thanks again.

Part 21

We left off last time with this….

Isabel quickly, reads everyone’s emotions. She now senses a terrible feeling of foreboding come over her mixed with a sinister blood thirsty glee. Isabel’s head bolts up and she tries to smile as if it’s nothing. She opens her connection to everyone, except Kyle. ‘Liz, Max, guys. We are not alone.’


‘Play it cool. Act as if we don’t know that they are here, at least for the moment.’ Isabel urges through her telepathic connection with the others.

‘Let’s think of a plan quick in which we all get out of this alive. Let’s not freak Kyle just yet,’ says Liz.

‘So…Liz, what’s your plan?’ Michael asks.

‘Wait until they show themselves before we make our move,’ states Liz quickly calculating a plausible battle strategy.

‘Then what?’ Alex asks.

‘Should we do what we practiced with our abilities like at the quarry?’ Michael asks.

‘No. We need to remember what Cal taught us last night and use what we learned,’ states a confident Maria via her physical connection to Michael holding his hand.

‘Yes. We need to wait. Then stand ready for the fighting to begin. Remember Nasedo is a shape shifter and can morph into any person or thing he wants. Let’s not forget that Tess too can alter our reality by using her skills as a mind warper…making us see things that aren’t really there. So don’t trust what we can see with our eyes,’ informs Max.

‘Exactly! We need to use our powers and skills. Remember how to detect and block mind warping. We know each others energy signatures and can sense when it’s one of us. Anyone else’s presence pushing against your mind is Tess, use your mental shields. We are stronger in pairs and as a group than as individuals. So everyone stays in touching distance of each other and keep Kyle behind us,’ Liz reminds their group of that point from last night at the pod chamber with Cal.

“So the dance was really fun. Did you guys see the jocks spiking that punch,” laughs Alex. He opens a connection to the group. ‘Play along here guys; they don’t know that we know they are here or that we are the destined six. This is an advantage. So make with the teenage conversation already,’ asserts Alex.

“Yeah, you’d think those guys could come up with something inventive but nooo,” teases Maria.

“You’re right, that would require some thinking ability and they just don’t have the combined wattage to light a light bulb,” jokes Isabel.

“Ouch! Hey, I’m a jock. I didn’t spike the punch though. It was those idiots Tommy, Paulie, and Steve. Don’t lump me in with the likes of those jerks,” exclaims Kyle.

“Calm down Kyle, no one is including you with those degenerates,” defends Liz.

“Thanks Liz. How about that dance with the bride now,” asks Kyle?

“Now is not a good time, Kyle. How about a rain check on that dance?” smiles Liz trying to lighten Kyle’s semi-defeated mood.

“Why not dance now, Liz?” asks Kyle

“I think Max is feeling a little bit jealous. I don’t need my husband feeling jealous on our honeymoon. You can understand that, can’t you Kyle?” urges Liz getting him to back off the promised dance with her.

“Liz is right. Now isn’t a good time,” says a stern Max.

“Okay, calm down there Max. I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to hand her over to another guy either,” says Kyle.

“So what really happened when you, Michael and Alex went off in the direction of the parking lot earlier at the dance?” Max asks.

Kyle, Michael, and Alex’s faces all light up with a guilty evasive expression on their faces. “Uh… Oh that. Well, that’s a long story and I doubt you guys need to hear it now,” says Michael obviously skirting the issue.

“Michael, you had better start talking now, you got me mister,” says Maria. She straightens up and squares her shoulders and gives him a determined look to get to the bottom of whatever Michael doesn’t want to talk about.

“Yeah Michael, we want to hear about this story. It must be a good one when you, Alex and Kyle all want to clam up,” says Isabel.

“Michael you had better tell us about what happened. The dance is over and we are here now so it’s not like it will ruin anything, whatever it maybe,” says Liz.

“Michael come on, you know you can tell us,” says Max as he holds Liz close beside him in the booth.

“Well, we should probably tell them before they get hit with it Monday at school,” suggests Alex.

“You really want to know what happened and why the three of us went out to the parking lot? Okay, here goes nothing,” says Kyle.

“Give them the cliff notes version,” says Michael.

“Fine! Tommy, Paulie, and Steve were talking trash about Liz and making crude conclusions as to why you married her. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty what they were saying so we straightened them out and made them see the light to keep their mouths shut. They decided that it wasn’t a good idea to bully someone who’s family and friends will stand up for them. We proved we were prepared to kick their asses, and we did. That’s when Tommy and the other two, Dumb and Dumber, decided to leave and lick their wounds,” says Kyle beaming with pride for doing a good thing.

“Nice punch you got their Michael. You too, Alex. I was very impressed,” says Kyle offering them a high five and a smile.

“You guys got into a fight defending Liz and I. You wouldn’t care to clarify to me later exactly what was said about my Liz would you?” Max asks very concerned.

“Max! It doesn’t matter. Those guys saying that stuff will not want to tangle with Michael, Alex or Kyle again so let’s just not worry about it for now, okay,” says Liz calming Max’s irritation by holding his hand and a giving a gentle squeeze to his thigh with the other.

“Don’t worry Max, it’s been handled. They won’t dare say anything or pull any stunts,” assures Michael with accompanying nods from Alex and Kyle.

“By the way, thank you Kyle for telling us what happened. Also for defending Liz and mine’s good name. You’re a good friend Kyle,” says Max.

“Those jerks said stuff about Max and Liz! I can imagine exactly what they said. Sounds like those boys need a lesson in manners. Maria and I are just the ones to educate them on the West Roswell High’s gossip mill and about ruining reputations,” smiles Isabel with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“Oh yes, definitely include me in on this. It’ll be fun teaching those three a lesson”, smirks Maria rubbing her hands together eagerly awaiting the chance to mess with those guys. “They shall pay and pay for messing with our family,” says Maria sporting a vengeful grin.

“Gees, Michael. If I were you I’d watch your step. You don’t want to get on her bad side from the sounds of it. But, I just have to say if you need a male perspective or help on this plan you’re concocting, let me know. Kyle Valenti at your service,” says Kyle with a sarcastic smile.

“Thanks Kyle we just might take you up on that. We’ll see how things go Monday at school,” says Isabel.

“Let it be known that men everywhere should fear crossing the likes of: Liz, Maria or Isabel or all three of them. I have a feeling I might wind up almost feeling sorry for them,” says Kyle.

“Kyle! They aren’t worth your sympathy or pity,” says Maria.

“I know, Maria. You’re right. I was just saying it was all. Down girl, I’m on your guy’s side. I promise,” defends Kyle.

“It’s a good thing you’re on our side, Kyle. It’s good to be able to count you among our friends,” says Michael.

“Yeah, I agree. Let’s all just hope he’ll still feel that way later,” says a cryptic Alex. This earns him a slap on the arm by Isabel.

“Alex! You should think before you speak,” warns Isabel.

“Sorry Princess,” says Alex regretting his words that seemingly slipped out his mouth.

“Come on guys, let’s keep the mood light here,” says Liz.

Liz and Max look up, directing their attention to a short blonde girl with penetrating blue ice cold manipulative eyes who approaches the locked front door of the Crash Down Café.

“Sorry we’re closed,” says Kyle pointing to the sign indicating as such. The girl moves her hand infront of the lock, and easily enters.

Everyone’s face falls from their animated normal chatter to see this blonde who has so presumptuously imposed her presence into the closed and locked café.

“How the hell did she unlock the door by waving her hand over the lock?” asks an alarmed Kyle.

“Who are you?” asks Alex.

“I’m Tess. I’m here to reclaim my rightful destiny. Which includes you,” says Tess with her gaze fixed on Max. Tess approaches Max, zeroing all her attention on him and dismissing the others as of no importance to her. She walks like a cat stalking her prey and tries using her sexuality to lure him under her spell. She rubs up against Max and reaches out to touch him.

“Well, Tess. I suggest that you turn around and leave now. I’m not interested in what you’re selling so leave, now!” Max says in a very enraged tone of voice.

“Come on baby, it doesn’t have to go down like this. We could have fun first,” says Tess as she reaches for his shirt.

“Get your hands off of me, Ho. What do you want? Why are you here?” Max asks trying to pry information out of her unwittingly.

“I’ve told you I’ve come here in search of you and our destiny that awaits us,” says Tess visually scanning his physique.

Liz opens her connection to Max and the others. ‘Max, be careful. She’ll try to mind warp you and the rest of us, too. Don’t get to close to her,’ warns Liz. The others come around to stand at Max and Liz’s side, watching this exchange.

Alex looks over at the booth they were sitting at and notices something weird going on with the alien themed mural on the wall of the crash down above their booth. Alex squeezes Isabel’s hand, and opens his connection to her and the others. ‘We have some shape shifting company on the wall above the booth. He hasn’t materialized yet, but I can see the mirage like image there. Get ready, for them to make their move. Max, forget about getting any useful info out of her. She clearly has another agenda. There’s no need to draw this out any longer,’ says Alex watching the fury build in Liz’s face and eyes, ready to strike at a moments notice.

“You got to be kidding me! Right!” Max laughs. “You’re trying to mind warp me and the others right now. How pathetic Tess,” Max sneers at her with utter contempt.

“What?!! You can tell that I was trying to mind warp you. But that’s not supposed to be possible…” says Tess alarmed and frightened by this development. “How is that possible?” Tess asks.

“Let’s just say that’s for us to know and for you to never find out,” says Max with a determined stare that shows his loathing of her.

“Who’s this supposed to be…this little puny insignificant human,” says Tess pointing at Liz and smirking.

“Come on. I have so much more to offer you than she does,” says a slutty and obvious Tess.

“Okay, that’s it. I’ve had enough of her,” says Liz. Max holds Liz’s tattooed palm in his.

“I couldn’t agree more with you, my love,” says Max. He is not taking his eyes off of Tess, the murdering traitor from their past life who is now trying to repeat history.

“It’s time to take out the trash. Don’t you think Max,” says Liz with a fiery stare riveted like the cross-hairs on a snipers rifle, ready to strike her target down with practiced skill and ease.

“Oh shit, you’ve done it now,” says Michael who’s never seen Liz this angry before.

“Liz I’ve got your back,” says Maria squeezing Michael’s hand, indicating a readiness to blast.

Isabel and Alex remain silent, watching this entire exchange. Isabel carefully watches for the murderous shape-shifting partner-in-crime to this blonde slut. This slutty twit actually thinks she’s a threat to Max and Liz. Yeah right!” smirks Isabel to herself.

Isabel uses her open connection to the others, ‘guys, our invisible man is about to become visible,’ says Isabel firmly holding Alex’s hand, standing ready to blast the enemy like she did the boulders at the quarry.

‘Do you want us to blast him immediately or what?’ Alex asks.

‘No Alex! Wait. We need everyone by Liz and me so we can deploy our shield and encompass all of us the split second after we blast this alien space debris to oblivion,’ Max says.

Everyone moves toward Max and Liz and stand behind them. Kyle moves to stand with the others, but not swiftly enough. Tess grabs him.

“No. Kyle! You had better let go of him, Bitch, if you know what is good for you,” says Liz.
Michael and Maria prepare to create a distraction. ‘Do not aim for Tess. She’s mine,’ telepaths Liz.

“Oh, like I’m afraid of a lowly subspecies like you, please. You’re beginning to get on my nerves,” says Tess, mocking Liz and dismissing her with the wave of her hand. Tess instantly changes her focus and addresses Max.

“It looks like you have a choice to make here, Max. You come with me, and I’ll let go of this human you call Kyle? Or don’t come with me, and I kill him first,” Tess grins maniacally pleased with her threat and ultimatum.

“You know, it’s funny that you don’t recognize me Tess; but then again you are a blonde slut. Having a brain cell or two really isn’t your thing, now is it?” Liz says as she provokes an immediate reaction of anger out of Tess.

Max telepaths ‘Guys get ready. Isabel and Alex, don’t let that shape-shifter get the drop on us. Michael Maria, be there to back up Liz if she should need it’.

Liz adds ‘Do not kill the bitch. She’s mine. I owe her some pay back for all of us. The gang each sound off their readiness, telepathically, to defend themselves and acknowledge that they will let Liz take care of the slutty blonde haired trash.

Tess stares at Liz. “Do I know you from somewhere?” asks Tess of Liz.

“Gees, talk about dim witted. “Hello! You killed me in my past life. I was Max’s, or Zan as you knew him, betrothed bonded mate. Recognize me now, Bitch,” says Liz gleaming with sheer rage in her eyes.

“Oh my God! It can’t be you. You must just look like her. That could explain Max’s attraction to you.

“Wrong again, Genius. You messed with the wrong family, and now it’s time for your payback. DIE BITCH!” Liz shouts. Tess still holds Kyle by the neck and throat in a head lock using her powers to help hold him in place.

Tess turns and sees Liz sending a laser-like beam blast at her. Tess throws Kyle to the side and jumps out of the way. Tess returns Liz’s blast of fire with one of her own. Liz quickly deploys her shield deflecting the energy blast back at Tess.

“Back at ya, Bitch,” says Liz.

Max rushes to Liz’s side instinctively to protect her. Max’s sudden movement distracts Liz and she drops her shield for a split second, just as Tess fires another blast. Liz is struck on her upper left shoulder. Liz slumps to the ground, wounded and bleeding. Tess lets loose another blast, fully prepared to finish Liz. Liz’s shield activates as if on automatic. Tess’s blast is deflected and harmlessly dissipates. Isabel and Alex hold their focus because they understand the importance of not letting Nasedo materialize to attack. Also, Isabel and Alex know that Michael and Maria are about to blast Tess. Isabel senses the great anger coming from her family. Max out-draws the combined Michael and Maria blast. Max, full of great primal rage, sends a blast fully into the bitch’s side. The devious blonde haired bitch whore immediately explodes into a spectacular cloud of dust.

Max screams, “NO!!! Liz, I can’t loose you”, panics Max as he runs to Liz’s side.

The wall above Isabel and Alex screams “NO!! This can’t be!”

Max divides his focus and trains his energy on shielding any attack from Nasedo’s direction and runs to Liz’s side. Kyle stands and cautiously approaches. “What? Uh what the hell just happened here?” Kyle asks bewildered. He’s stunned as to all he just witnessed and struggles to wrap his mind around all that he’s seen.

Isabel telepaths to Max, ‘Max, I’m sensing another shape shifter. . . Wait! It’s Cal, don’t blast at him. Cal’s right behind you,’ warns Isabel. Cal comes to Max’s aid to help him with Liz and her injuries.

“Cal! Liz is hurt. I need to heal her, but I can’t with one of our enemies still around. Nasedo’s still a threat. I can’t lower my shield to heal Liz. Please Cal, I need your help. I can’t bear for anything to happen to Liz or the twins,” says Max.

“You won’t need to lower your shield. It appears that someone else is taking care of Liz’s healing,” says Cal.

“What? How can that be?” Max asks puzzled by this development.

“Look at her stomach. There’s gold light illuminating from her womb making a trail of light up to her injured shoulder as the alien healing magic begins,” says Cal. Kyle looks on in disbelief and rubs his eyes hoping that he’s got something in his eyes or that his eyes are playing tricks on him.

“Now might not be the time, but soon, Very soon we need to talk about all of this,” stammers Kyle as he runs his hand nervously through his hair.

“What the hell is going on with that wall over there with Isabel and Alex?” asks an alarmed Kyle.

“Uh, Guys! One down, one to go. Should I blast this one now, or what? We need to decide before this creep solidifies.” pleads Isabel.

“Max”, says Cal “Let me have the honor. Like Liz, I too have an old debt to settle.” Max extends his shield to now include Isabel and Alex. They were not included in the shield earlier because they would not have been able to blast through Max’s green protective barrier. Cal is the only good guy not protected by Max’s shield. Nasedo solidifies and turns to run. Cal reaches out with his energy and ensnares Nasedo before the coward could leave. Nasedo can not run, as if he is paralyzed. Cal gloats “How do like it to have your bonded mate killed in front of your very eyes. Consider that payback for when you committed your acts of evil so long ago. Using your bonded mate, as a distraction for the ‘destined six’, to help you establish an ambush shows your true character. You are so predictable.”

Nasedo speaks, “The destined six? No, this can’t be happening. You’re all dead!”

Cal smiles “Yes, it is happening! Let’s just say you’re screwed. Your luck just ran out, Nasedo. Now the prophecy will be fulfilled . . . And now you will die”. Cal increases his energy flow and watches with pleasure as Nasedo’s form begins to glow. Within seconds, Nasedo begins to shake; and explodes into a crimson flow of brilliant ash.

“Liz, you okay?” Alex asks concerned about his friend.

“I’m fine Alex. See, good as new,” says Liz smiling at her family and friends as she stands up with Max’s help.

“Liz we saw you getting wounded and bleeding. How can your wounds be gone,” asks Kyle

“Uh... Kyle we really need to have all of us sit down and explain all of this to you. Could you please stay until we get this mess cleaned up so we can discuss this. We really need to tell you, and you really deserve some answers. So please Kyle, what do you say?” Liz pleads with Kyle and working her sad brown puppy dog eyes for maximum effect, coaxing him to stay.

“Okay, I’ll stay. It’s no fair bringing out the puppy dog eyes like that,” smiles Kyle.

“Tell me about it. My wife uses that weapon on me all the time…well that along with other even more effective motivators,” blushes Max causing everyone to laugh.

Isabel clears her throat, “Okay, thank you Max for the daily Max and Liz embarrassing mental image imprinted on my mind for the day. You know my day just isn’t complete without that little memento of the day”, teases Isabel enjoying see Max squirm a little bit in his embarrassment.

“Wow! What a floor show, complete with special effects to make Speilberg proud. I hate to bring this up gang, but it’s time for clean up at table 5,” jokes Alex wiping the dust from his clothes.
“Guys, I’d really like to talk about this now. I need for you to reassure me that I’m not going crazy,” says Kyle.

“Yes, sure Kyle. Let’s go sit at a different booth so we can calmly discuss this with you,” suggests Liz.

“You go ahead and talk to Kyle you two. I’ll make sure everything is cleaned up and put in there rightful place,” smiles Maria with an evil twinkle in her eyes.

“Right, I’ll help you with that,” says Isabel grinning and looking for the dust pan and broom.

“Isabel, Chica! Come on, this is not your ordinary dust here. We need something more . . . appropriate,” says Maria.

“Oh I know just the thing, wait a sec. I saw one of those around here somewhere. Oh there it is,” smiles Isabel.

Isabel proudly presents Maria with the Dust Buster, “here you go”, says Isabel handing over the coveted object.

“Who gets to do the honors?” squeals Maria in delight.

“Kyle can you give me just two seconds and then I’ll happily have Max and I answer your questions,” says Liz.

“Uh…Sure Liz,” offers Kyle lost on her meaning.

“I get the honors,” says Liz. “Don’t even think about fighting me on this point”. Moments later Liz completes her clean up task with the dust buster vacuuming up the remains of both enemies. She then walks past everyone to dispose of Tess and Nasedo by dumping there aliens dust remains into the gutter of the street. “There, finally you find your rightful place in this world. Good riddance to you both,” says Liz filled with a sense of closure and happiness. Everyone looks on in astonishment watching Liz do this task.

“Gees, I haven’t seen this side of Liz. Now that I have, note to everyone: do not cross Liz, our family, or friends,” says Michael.

“I’ll second that one. Hey, is it me or did that Tess chick look like a gerbil?” Jokes Alex. “I guess she is now playing in that Habit Trail in the sky.” He lightens the mood of the group with his quick wit and humor causing the friends to relax and laugh.

“Next issue to deal with… Kyle,” says Max. Everyone shifts their focus to Kyle. Kyle looks around. He can feel and see all of their eyes on him. He nervously shifts from one foot to the other and appears nervous.

“Uh . . . guys. I’m one of the good guys here, remember. You’re not going to tell me that you guys are aliens are you? So what’s with the special effects?” asks a curious but cautiously nervous Kyle.

“Kyle, we are the good guys too. Yes, we are aliens. Actually, we are alien hybrids to be exact. We were cloned and recreated with both human and alien DNA. Those other two aliens were the evil ones. They would’ve killed you and us without any hesitation whatsoever. We were sent here to protect Earth and our home planet Antar. We don’t wish to abduct or take over Earth at all,” says Max. The ‘destined six’ and Kyle exchange rounds of questions and answers until he feels satisfied. Kyle now realizes these are the same people he’s known since grade school. He has nothing to fear from them. They even saved his life and exposed their life threatening secret.

“We need to understand your position on this? Are we cool or what?” Michael asks.

“What?” Kyle asks, reeling from all this information and knowledge that yes aliens do exist. They are alive and well in Roswell New Mexico and attend West Roswell High School. This just sounds soo insane. “Of course I’m cool with this. You guys just saved my ass. If you were the killing and invasion type of aliens, I would’ve been toast along time ago. Especially where certain people are concerned,” says Kyle smiling lopsided and looking from Max to Liz.

“You realize that this is a secret you can not share with anyone, ever. The only ones that know of this secret here in Roswell are those of us here in this room. The fewer people that know our secret, the safer it is for everyone involved. Kyle, you realize this now includes you as well. Kyle we really need your solemn word that you’ll keep this secret, for everyone’s sake.” says Liz.

“Liz, Max, guy’s you have my solemn word,” smiles Kyle much more at ease. So. . . do I get to learn the secret alien handshake and get a decoder ring,” teases Kyle. “What? I’m serious. If I’m now part of this I want to know the secret handshake for this secret club. We really should come up with a name and learn to talk in special code,” suggests Kyle dryly with his apparent dry sense of humor.

“He’s right!” Alex exclaims. “We do need a name…I know we started out with just you four and then Maria and I joined in. Now we are the ‘Destined Six.’ I got it! We can call ourselves the ‘Destined 6.1,’” suggests Alex an obvious fan of computers. Everyone breaks out in laughter. They all laugh so hard that tears start to form.

“Okay, just for you and Alex. If it’ll make you feel better Kyle, we can call ourselves the Destined 6.1. Happy now?” teases Michael. Kyle and Alex stand aside and confer with each other being the cut ups that they are. They nod in agreement and walk back to the group to let them know what they decided.

“Well I have conferred with my colleague here and we came to this one conclusion. . .Yeah, were okay with the ‘Destined 6.1,” says Alex, reveling in irritating Michael as a favorite past time of late.
****************************To Be Continued in just a sec.***********************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 21 p6 March 6

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 21 continued here.....................

“Phew! Thank goodness all of that has been worked out,” says Liz. “Max, I feel like I really need to go home and rest. Can we please finish the clean up? I really need to rest up after all this.”

“Liz, how are you and the twin’s holding up?” a concerned Isabel asks.

“We’re all fine. This show down at the Crash Down Café did take its toll on me. The twins’ seem to feel unaffected by it. They did heal me, but other than that I’m fine. Just tired,” reassures Liz.

“What? Did I just hear you right? Liz, are you pregnant?” Kyle asks.

“Not that it’s everyone’s business, but yes I’m pregnant. Max and I are expecting twins,” says Liz beaming proudly at sharing the news.

“Okay, anything else you’d care to tell me, since you seem to be on a roll tonight,” jokes Kyle.

“Let me think . . . Max and I are married, we are alien hybrids, enemies to fight, pregnancy, oh and Max and I have our own home now. Other than that, no nothing that I can think of,” says Liz.

“It sounds like Liz and Max are ducking out for the rest of the evening. What about the rest of you? What are your plans for the rest of the night? We did leave the dance early and we still have until midnight before everything in town closes up completely,” says Kyle. “I’m still feeling like I’m too keyed up to go home just yet,” says Kyle.

“Hey, how about we go bowling?” suggests Alex.

“You know that does sort of sound like fun,” says Isabel smiling and warming up to the idea. “Alex and I would love to bowl with everyone,” says a beaming Isabel.

“Maria and Michael, how about you two, want to go bowling?” Kyle asks. “Come on, I’m the newest member of our exclusive club. Give me a break here. Okay guys, lets go do something really normal and go bowling. After what’s happened tonight, I really need this and I’m sure you do too,” says Kyle.

“Yes, I think we could enjoy doing something normal to unwind. We could even call it our victory celebration bowl. We did kick ass on the enemies, of course with a welcomed assist by Cal,” says Kyle trying to persuade the others. Kyle turns to Max and Liz and asks one last time to come and join the fun bowling with the others.

“Thanks Kyle, but we’ll have to take a rain check on that. Maybe next time,” says Max.

“Don’t mind them Kyle, they are just looking to break another bed,” says Alex grinning with mischief.

“Break a bed? I don’t get it. How?” Kyle asks puzzled by the comment.

“Kyle, don’t listen to him. Let’s just say Liz has had a very big day and needs her rest. Also she and Max are still on their honeymoon so I think we can understand why they’d pass on the bowling,” winks Maria.

“Oh yeah, I can certainly understand that,” blushes Kyle. Liz and Max give the Crash Down Café one last look making sure it’s all clean before they lock up, leave, and go home.

“Hey guys, have fun bowling,” says Liz and Max waving goodbye.

“We will. We’d say you too, but we already know the answer to that,” says Michael doing his best to embarrass Liz and Max.

“Bye, Michael… Have fun later with Maria,” laughs Liz cryptically.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Liz? . . . Liz! Wait! Damn it. She always has to get the last word,” sulks Michael. Maria suddenly looks nervous and turns her attention to Liz giving her a wag of the finger,” Liz laughs at her and Michael as she and Max drive off in the direction of the cabin.

“Well, kids. You’ve done well tonight. Learn each time and adapt from each experience you face in battle against our enemies. Rely on your training, instincts, and each other’s talents. You’ll be fine. Go have fun bowling kids. Good night and bye,” says Cal.

“Cal, thank you for being there for us and stepping in when we needed you,” says Isabel giving Cal a parting hug causing Cal to blush with embarrassment.

“Yeah, we second everything Isabel just said. Thank you Cal. You’re the best,” says Michael.
The remaining members of the ‘Destined 6.1’ still present, offer there thanks and say their good nights to Cal.

The others meet up at the “Roswell’s Rocket Lane’s” bowling alley. They go inside and get their shoes etc… Isabel can’t resist commenting, “They got to be kidding me. Those are the world’s ugliest shoes. They expect me to put my feet in those and be seen in them,” says a disgusted Isabel, grimacing at the very sight of the multi colored bowling shoes.

“I know what you mean Iz. They are screaming don’t, as far as foot wear is concerned,” says Maria offering her friend there own brand of humor and comfort.

“Not a problem, I can fix that,” says Isabel. She looks around making sure it’s safe, and crouches down to touch her bowling shoes. She changes the bowling shoes color from multi colored to monotone color. Once done, Isabel also does the same to Maria’s bowling shoes.

“Thank Iz,” says Maria.

“No problem Chica,” says Isabel.

Max and Liz arrive back at their cabin. Max hurries from the jeep to Liz’s side and chooses to carry her up the steps into their new home. “Okay, my Love we are home at last. What can I get for you?” asks Max as he carefully carries her over to their loveseat and lowers her down onto it. “It’s cold in here. I’ll go make us a fire, okay Babe,” says Max. “I’ll fix us something to eat after I build the fire,” says Max.

“Okay, thanks Hun,” smiles Liz. She sits on her loveseat and watches Max hovering around her doing whatever he thinks she might need. “Max, Honey, I think we need to talk about what happened tonight when you get back from the wood shed,” says Liz.

“Sure Babe, I’ll be right back with a nice warm fire, and then we can do dinner and talk,” says Max feeling very upset at the sight earlier of seeing Liz wounded and bleeding. This terrifies Max realizing that Liz could’ve easily died today. He refuses to ever let anything happen to his wife and unborn children. Max makes a solemn vow to himself to never again leave her side for even an instant, especially in battle facing their enemies. Max continues to work all this out in his head concerning how to talk about all of this with Liz. Feeling confident he has a handle on the conversation he walks purposefully into the cabin with his arms full of fire wood, kindling, and roasting sticks for possible smores later. “Liz, Honey, I remembered the roasting sticks this time,” says Max smiling. He looks up alarmed that Liz didn’t respond to him. Max finds her sound asleep on the love seat. He sighs disappointedly. Max puts the fire wood on the hearth infront of the fire place. He scoops her up in his arms and decides to carry her to the upstairs bedroom. He smiles thinking that after their usual 3 hours of sleep, Liz just might want to take a bath or shower, or do whatever. Max uses his powers to turn down the bed and carries her to the bed and lowers her like priceless china, gently and softly depositing her on the bed. Max uses his powers again to remove her clothes. Max carefully drapes her dress and other items over a nearby chair located in the bedroom. He lovingly covers her with the comforter and vows to join her in bed shortly. Max returns to the fireplace and builds the fire in hopes of taking the chill off the house. Making sure the fire is secured he checks and locks the front and back doors. Max returns to Liz’s side. He quickly removes his clothes and slides under the covers with Liz. Upon making physical contact with her, Max molds his powerful form around her smaller frame wrapping her in his arms. They snuggle in a loving embrace falling asleep in each others arms. Max grins fervently reminding himself of the possibilities after Liz wakes up in a couple 2-3 hours. Liz will probably want to spend some quality time catching up on their honeymoon fun. They enter into a deep sleep while in their lover’s arms, peaceful and secure.

Liz awakens to find that Max is not only there but has her completely wrapped up in his arms. She watches his handsome face as he still sleeps. Liz thinks about how fortunate they are to have each other again in this life and able to live as husband and wife. This is how it was meant to be. Liz peaks under the sheets. Giving her approval, she snuggles closer to Max and begins to kiss him and he reacts positively to her loving caresses. . . She leans in and gently blows in his ear. Her warm breath bathes his senses. “Max? Wake up, Love,” says Liz.

To Be Continued***************************************************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC 17 part 22 pg7 March 13

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Hi Everyone! :D

Intense action packed part last time huh. Glad to see that from some of your feedback responses that you enjoyed the humor wove into it as well.
I hope you'll enjoy this part too. Let me know okay :wink:

Sylvia 37- Hi! I'm glad that you enjoyed the dustbuster scene. I though it was very theraputic for us dreamer couple fans. It was really fun to write. Thanks for reading. :wink:

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Thank you! Yeah Liz and Cal got to settle old issues with Tess and Nasedo. Kyle's now an official member of their group and knows there secret. Thanks for your comments. :wink:

roswellluver- Hi! I like your attitude :D. It's kind of how Liz and I felt, too. Kyle's a good guy and a nice addition to their group. Thanks for reading and your comments.

Ash_maxliz- Hi! You know your forgiven, no problem. I'm glad you're still out there reading my story. I appreciate it tons. I'm happy you liked that part and to see that Kyle knows and a part of their group.

out of this world- Hi Carol! Yeah! You liked the last part. I worked really hard on that one. It was an intense part with lots of action. Cal is really living up to his role as their protector. Go Cal! Yes, the twins are very powerful already. Where Liz is concerned Max is always ready to spend quiet time with her. I hope you'll like this next part too. Thanks so much for reading and posting your feedback. It really does mean a lot to me. :wink:

Cherie- Hi Cherie! I was really looking forward to reaidng your feedback as always. Especially, with this part. I made you laugh out loud really? Thanks! Well, the dustbuster just seemed so fitting for Tess and Nasedo. The 'Destined 6.1'seemed to be a perfect fit when they renamed the group. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it. It means a lot to me. Thanks for reading ! :D

AJK001- I'm glad you're enjoying my story so far. I like my Kyle, too. He's taking to it all very extremely well. Yep! No more pesky Tess or Nasedo. I'm happy to know that you're enjoying the story. Thank you for reading and leaving your feedback.

Frenchkiss 70 - Hey Girl! I was tickled to read your feedback. I agree with you. My reaction was right in step with yours in regards to Tess and Nasedo. I hope you'll enjoy this next part too. I look forward to and read all of my feedback each week. I love to read yours and enjoy reading your thoughts on the new part. Thank you for doing that. :wink:

KitKat405- Hi Welcome! Thanks, I'm glad you like it . I hope you'll like this next part too. Thanks for your feedback and for reading. :D

Love Is Forever- Hi! I hope your weekend away went well. I'm glad you liked what happened to Tess. Thanks for reading and leaving feedback. :wink:

Podsquad rocks- Thank You for your feedback and generous compliments. I hope this weeks post won't disappoint as well. Thanks again! :wink:

max and liz believer- Hi Josephin! No worries, as our Aussie friends say. You're swamped right now getting used to school and everything. I'm flattered you're printing out my story. I hope when you have time to get caugt up reading it that you won't be disappointed. A lots' been happening in my little Roswell world in this story. It's really great to hear from you. Cyber hugs and I hope things are going great for you "Down Under."

Part 22

Liz leans into Max’s still sleeping form and once again gently blows in his ear. Her warm breath stirs his senses. Max instinctively holds her tighter and begins to mumble something in his sleep.

“No, I won’t let her take you from me again,” shouts Max as he begins to toss and turn. Max’s eyes are still closed and asleep.

“Max, Honey, it’s okay. I’m here and I don’t ever want to leave your side, ever. I’m here Max. Open your eyes, Love.” Liz begins to tenderly touch his face as he opens his amber eyes and looks at her as his eyes fill with unshed tears.

“Oh God, Liz. Thank God, you here. You’re alive. Don’t ever leave me again, Liz! Promise me. Liz, promise me, here and now!” He instinctively reaches for her already close form and pulls her flush, driven by his own worst nightmares. Max is filled with a blend of fear and blessing. Fear that he came close to loosing her and their twins. The blessing part is that Liz is his wife, and pregnant with their twins and all very much alive and lying beside him in their wedding bed. The reality of all that he cherishes and holds most dear to him could’ve easily been taken savagely from him, cheating him and Liz again, in this new life. “Seeing you lying there wounded and bleeding made me remember the images we were shown at our bonding ceremony. Liz, I couldn’t bear to loose you. Not now, not ever. Liz you are what I want and dream of. You’re my wife and we are expecting our twins. You and our family are so precious to me. If anything happened to you my Love, or our children, I just wouldn’t have the will to go on. Liz we are living our dream life now together in this life, the one we were always meant to live. When I saw that bitch aim and blast at you and . . .”

“Max! Listen to me. I love you and I do not ever plan to leave your side.” Liz gently wipes away the tears that have begun to fall from his beautiful eyes. Max’s eyes so clearly speak of what’s in his heart without ever uttering a single word. “We are so blessed to have this second chance to live our lives with each other. This time around we are married, with our twins on the way,” says Liz caressing her lower abdomen. “Plus our family and faithful friends are here to enjoy this life with us. I do not plan on throwing any of that away. Max we’ve already paid too high a price in our last life, and I refuse to do it again. You’re stuck with me Mr. Evans, and I have a legal document that says so,” smiles Liz as she leans in and takes his lips in a gesture of love and reaffirmation of her words. Liz opens her connection to Max. ‘Max it’s always been you for me. You are the love of my life, and I want no other. I love you,’ says Liz. ‘Besides, this life we are building together with our family is worth the fight any day. I’ll always fight for our love, and our family. Okay, Max. Don’t ever doubt my love for you. You can look into my soul and see how I really feel about you, us, our babies, and our family. I have nothing to hide from you,’ smiles Liz getting an amused look on her face. Liz looks down at the sheet that covers her and Max’s bodies. “I especially have nothing to hide from you like this lying naked in bed, in your arms in our home. Did I mention that we can be as loud as we want and not even have to sneak around to be together?” Liz bites her lower lip nervously and looks down at Max’s hands. “That is unless you’re getting bored with me already,” says Liz.

“Liz, Sweetheart. I can honestly say that I could never get bored of you, not in this life time or any other. Believe me it’s all I can do to stop myself from putting a full page ad in the paper announcing that you’re my wife, and for the rest of the single male population in New Mexico to just eat their hearts out. Bored is a word I’d never use to describe how I feel about you. In fact, I’ve decided words are a completely inadequate means of communication when it comes to describing my feelings for you. I think showing you is much more effective. Don’t you?” Asks Max as his heated and sexy stare penetrates her every fiber. Liz weakens and becomes hot willing putty in his arms.

Max fixes his eyes on her lips, and then he looks into her beautiful eyes and face. Just the very nature of his stare speaks of the enormity of his love for her, as if he’s drinking in her essence and drawing it to him magnetically and effortlessly. The power of their love is extraordinary. Every look they exchange speaks volumes. Nothing could ever hold a candle to the power or the presence of the pure magic that is their love. Max and Liz’s love can be captured in simply a look or a caress. It’s the simplicity and the enormity of it that amazes their friends and family. Max and Liz have set a high standard of what love is or should look like.

Max opens his connection to her as he cherishes her with his eyes. ‘Liz you’re the part of me that gives me breath and life. I love you for all eternity. I plan to spend the rest of our lives showing you that,’ says a heartfelt Max. He takes her lips to his and passionately imparts his burning passion and love for her, sealing his vow and promise to her. They continue to kiss fervently and touch reverently claiming each other with their touches, allowing their love to take them where ever it leads. They end the kiss to reclaim precious breath and to speak. “Liz this is the way it’s supposed to happen. We are married now. Things are as they should be, you and I alone in our home, and waking up in each others arms. Now we have two special little people on the way too. Liz you’ve made me the happiest and the richest man alive, alien or not. I love you Liz,” says Max softly.

“I love you to Max, with all my heart and soul, but you already know that,” says Liz smiling tenderly at him. “Max you’re not the only one who feels like making a big announcement to the world, or at least our own little part of it in New Mexico, that yes we are in fact married. I married the most incredible Man and I’m never letting him go. This is sad news for all of New Mexico’s single female population. I think I can somehow live with the guilt,” says Liz as she kisses his lips, and moves on to his neck and lightly blows her warm breath into his ear.

Max groans, “Oh God Liz. If you’re trying to seduce me, you had me with a look, and a kiss, and feeling your touch on my skin,” says Max. “I need you now Liz,” says Max as he rolls her on to her back and pins her hands on either side of her head. “Mine now,” growls Max.

“Max your eyes are darker than normal. Are you feeling okay, Honey?” says a concerned Liz reading his face for any cause for concern. Finding none Liz relaxes.

“What? I thought you liked this side of me. The caveman side,” says Max.

“Oh I do. I just didn’t think you knew how to turn it on and off like that,” says Liz. “You’ve been holding out on me,” teases a grinning Liz.

“What about the rest of me?” Max asks.

“Babe, I love all of you. I fell in love with the total person that you are. Okay, so the caveman thing is another cool alien perk, but I’m not complaining. It’s all a part of the man that has won my heart and soul. I love everything about you. Sounds like we both may need to devote some time to showing each other how we feel about the other. Think you’re up to the task?” An innocent Liz asks. She’s unaware of the double meaning of her words. Max smiles and lifts the sheet to show her and says, “I think the answer to that one is a definite Yes!”

“Max! You are so bad. I didn’t mean it like that,” says a blushing Liz.

“Honey, it’s okay. It’s just the natural affect you have on me. Especially with you lying in bed naked next to me. Liz, after all we’ve shared, I’m surprised you’re embarrassed about that. Don’t worry, my innocent Bride. I promise not to embarrass you again,” says Max.

Liz looks at the mischief dancing in his amber eyes. “Max! What’s going on behind those beautiful amber eyes of yours?” Liz asks eyeing him suspiciously.

“I have a plan, Liz. Do you trust me?” Max asks.

“Yes, of course you know that I do,” says Liz curious by Max’s demeanor.

“Where’s your cell phone, Babe?” Max asks.

“Uh…I think it’s down stairs in my purse from last night. Did you bring it up when you carried me to bed last night? Liz asks.

“No, I didn’t. It must be down stairs then,” says Max.

“Honey where are you going?” says Liz watching his retreating figure go down stairs. Hurry back Max, before I get cold and start missing you,” adds Liz.

“I’ll be right back Babe,” shouts Max. He returns victoriously with both their cell phones. “Ah ha I found both of them. Now, to make my plan complete, I’m putting both phones on voice messaging only,” smiles Max proudly after doing just that.

“Max? Why did you do that?” Liz asks.

“I have plans to spend Maximum time with my bride without any interruptions via our friends or family. Liz this is our honeymoon, and I plan to enjoy every moment of it that we have together. That reminds me, we need to block Izzy and Michael from getting a hold of us via teleconferencing,” states Max thinking of the possibilities of how they could be interrupted.

“So you want me all to yourself, then. Hmmm. You’re idea sounds interesting. Are you sure it’s wise to shut everybody out like that, after last night,” says Liz.

“Yes, it is Liz. This is our honeymoon, Damnit! I love our family and friends as much as you do, but Honey we need us time. You know without the spectators and the refereeing we usually wind up doing. I won’t do it this weekend. I need quality time with my beautiful bride,” says a very forth right and determined Max.

“But Max, we should maybe not close our connection to the others completely, just in case they need our help. Please Max,” asks Liz.

“Liz, I’m putting my foot down on this one. I need you to understand that we deserve to make us a priority okay,” says Max. He reaches out and touches her face willing her to understand. Liz understands and backs down on this issue agreeing with him in the end.

“Well, my husband. Just what did you have in mind for me this remainder of our weekend and honeymoon,” says a flirtatious Liz.

“What?” asks a puzzled Max.

“What exactly are your intentions for this weekend Max?” Liz teasingly asks.

“My beloved wife, if you must know. My plans are for us to spend the rest of our time this weekend in our new home spending time making love and just enjoying our new lives. That’s unless you can think of something better to do,” adds Max.

“What’s not to love about that plan? What can I say? My hot husband has a great mind, too.” Liz smiles at him with a wicked sexy smile.

“Liz, don’t look at me like that unless you’re ready to back it up,” says Max.

“Max, Sweetheart, do you think I’d do something like that to you, my loving husband. I tease you mercilessly,” scoffs Liz. “I’m hurt you’d even think that, Max,” says Liz batting her eyelashes at him. Standing next to Max, Liz lightly caresses him as she walks around him in a circular motion. Liz makes him visibly shudder with ecstasy at every touch on his bare skin.

“That’s it. You’re mine, and I want you now,” declares Max. He picks her up and carries her back to bed. He first makes sure she’s comfortable then joins her and shifts his weight to carefully lie on top of her. He quickly begins his assault on her with his lips as his hands tenderly roam and caress her. Liz initiates her own assault. She begins to explore with her own wandering hands over Max’s form appreciatively lingering on his nicely sculpted sinewy physique. Unable to withstand any further playful assaults, Max wraps his arms around her in a gesture that claims and worships her. His heated passionate gaze ignites the fire within her, barely contained. Liz sense’s that Max is experiencing the same undeniable feelings of needing to make love now. He looks down into her beautiful face. Liz looks into his handsome face and reads all of the emotions she finds there.

“I know, Love. I want you too. I need you. I’ll always feel this way about you. Your mine and I’m yours. Make love to me, my husband,” states Liz with her eyes filled with such love and desire for him.

Max wastes no time in joining and uniting them physically. They each shudder at this initial intimate touch, and take a moment to compose themselves. Max sets a very gentle pace as he tenderly thrusts into her, never loosing eye contact with each other. She meets his thrusts in perfect time. She puts her arms around his waist and pulls his hips more deeply into hers.

‘Oh God, Liz. I’m going to love making love to you the rest of our lives, each and every day,’ promises Max through their connection.

‘I love making love with you too. You make me so crazy for you, Max. I’m addicted to you. I’ll always need my daily dose of your love,’ says Liz telepathically.

‘I will always need my daily dose of you too, my Love. Forever…’ says Max. His loving admission spurs both of them to increase their pace, feeling the power of their desire becoming a more present force. The once gentle movements become faster, like an insatiable craving, needing more to make each other see the stars in the others eyes. This new pace is tenuously controlled at best. The married lovers, struggle to not let this incredible feeling end too soon. As if by agreement they manage to continue this sweet torture. They continue to move in tandem, thrusting and grinding into each other. They become totally lost in each other. Emotions permeate through their connection. They unselfishly strive to fulfill their feelings of love, pleasure, and unspoken passions desire for each other. They claim each other over and over with fervent kisses and nuzzles as they roam each other’s body. They continue in their lovers dance with a force that exceeds any that they have experienced before. Looking into each others eyes, their passion consumes their love. Their release nears and grows with each magical thrust and kiss. They become unable to hold on any longer. Like a damn breaking under extreme force, so does their resolve. Their mutual release burst forth like a fire works display, allowing them to see the stars in each others arms. Both look at each other contentedly and collapse into each others embrace. It is here that they find their safe harbor. They struggle to catch their breath and hold each other for what seems like several moments.

“Max, you realize if our love making gets any more incredible, our family will find us just like this; in bed looking very contented in each others arms, but dead from our own lovemaking efforts,” teases Liz.

“I know. Shameful, but what a way to go,” jokes Max.

“I can just see it now. Michael and Alex making a wager on something like that. Those two are so bad, adorable, but soo bad,” teases Liz.

“What? You think Michael and Alex are adorable,” feigns a hurt Max.

“Max, I didn’t mean that they are even close to holding a candle to my wonderful, sexy, hot husband. Believe me I think of Alex and Michael as my brothers. They are family to me, nothing else. As for Kyle, in case you’re wondering, I think of him sort of like a brother or a friend. So no need for jealousy on that front either, my Love,” says Liz. “Although it does look like the twins are getting another uncle to add to the mix,” laughs Liz. “Oh God, another male to hover over me and wait on me hand and foot, give me strength. Oh wait, what am I saying, this is kind of cool. I could get into this and let you all carry me around on a barge like Cleopatra. Not a bad idea. I’ll just have to settle for you doing all that for me. That’s if you don’t mind,” teases Liz.

“Speaking of the twins, we should see how they are doing. Since they helped their mommy by healing you earlier,” says Max as he lovingly caresses her stomach.

“You’re right, let’s check in with them,” smiles Liz excitedly. Max lifts himself up from Liz’s chest and rests his weight on his elbows as he takes Liz’s tattooed palm in his. They jointly touch her lower abdomen forming a connection to their unborn twins.

‘Hi, little one’s. Thank you for helping Mommy out earlier. I’m glad you are both okay after doing that for me?” asks Liz. “I’m okay now. Thank you. I’m supposed to take care of and protect you from harm, and you protected me. You are both incredible little people, just like your Daddy. He’s very good at healing people, too. I’m sure you get that from him. Well, Daddy wants to talk to you too. Talk to you later my little ones. We love you,’ telepaths Liz.

‘Hi, how’s my favorite little boy and girl,’ says Max beaming with parental pride at his connection with his unborn children. ‘Thanks guys for the assist with Mommy earlier. I could’ve healed her but you were already there and reacted faster. Thanks guys. Your mommy and you two mean the world to me. I love all of you so much and I don’t want anything happening to any of you or our extended family. You know your uncles, aunts, and grandparent’s. Oh there’s a new person that is our friend that you’ll probably recall from the diner or heard him talking to us. He’s Kyle Valenti he’s a good guy, and a good friend to us. So don’t worry about him. He’ll probably be known as Uncle Kyle to you both by the time you get here,’ says Max.

Max and Liz both join in the conversation with the twins. ‘We just wanted to let you know we are both okay. Your Aunts, Uncles, and our friend are all okay. Those two bad people you sensed at the diner won’t be coming around to hurt us or our family anymore. We are safe from them,’ says Liz. “Max, let’s send them images of all of us at the dance last night having a good time, and of everyone at the courthouse and how my Dad is now okay with everything and even excited about the twins”. Liz and Max concentrate and send those selected images telepathically to them. The twins respond by sending images of them playing with each others foot safely tucked with in Liz’s womb. The twins send them images of peaceful contentment at seeing images of Max and Liz getting married at the courthouse with much family present. The twins sent images of Alex and Michael acting goofy, and Isabel helping Liz getting dressed along with Maria. The twins project images and feelings of love, family, and happiness. Then the twins sent back the images that Max and Liz just sent them. There was one final image they sent Max and Liz. The image of Max and Liz cuddling in bed and caressing Liz’s abdomen talking to the twin’s happily explaining how there day went or recounting a funny account that happened to them or their family.

“Max ! Our twins are so amazing. I mean we already knew that; but I can feel them growing more powerful and strong,” beams a proud Liz.

‘Okay little ones, Mommy and Daddy want you two to go to sleep now, okay. It might be a busy night and you’ll need your rest,’ grins a sheepish Max.

“Max! Don’t tell them that.” ‘Gees, never mind what Daddy just said. He’s just being silly. We both love you so very much. Go rest now little ones. Mommy and Daddy may be pretty active this weekend so rest while you can. Just know that we love you. Go rest now little ones. We’ll talk to you later. Good night we love you,’ says Liz and Max.

The next morning, after Max and Liz spent several hours talking and making love, they decide to shower, throw on their bathrobes, and find something to eat for Breakfast. They survey their choices in the refrigerator, and choose fruit and juice. They sit at the table with Liz sitting on Max’s lap taking turns feeding each other. Max and Liz hear some shuffling and whispered voices coming from outside the cabin door. Max and Liz listen carefully and smile, recognizing the voices. Max grins and gets up walking over to the window. He carefully sneaks a peak to see who is there. Max signals Liz to wait, and whispers for her to be quite and play along. Liz whispers, “Max, don’t do anything too embarrassing for us or for them okay, Honey,” says Liz.

Max whispers and motions for her, “Liz, come here and sit on my lap.” Max opens his connection to her. ‘We will teach them to show up unannounced and on our honeymoon no less. No, they need to be taught a lesson. They’re our family and friends and we do love them, but we need our time. We are a family now too, and not just apart of an extended family,’ says Max.

Liz opens here connection to him as well. ‘Max, Honey, this is a huge transition for everyone to start seeing us not just as high school sweethearts, but as a newly married couple. We need to ease them into this. They are our family, friends, and allies. We have become a very tightly knit group of people who share secrets and have abilities and duties that surpass our years and maturity level. Okay, that being said, what did you have in mind, Love?’ asks Liz with a glint of mischief in her eyes. She leans in and gives him a tender kiss on the lips from her comfortable seat on his lap.

‘You had better stop that right now, or our friends will see a little more of us than there used to,’ warns Max with a devilish smile.

‘Oh I love it when you dare me,’ smiles Liz.

‘Liz! That wasn’t a dare. Well at least not now, not with everyone outside our door,’ says Max.

‘Oh Hun, where’s your sense of adventure and spontaneity,’ says Liz.

‘I’ll show you later, Liz. Definitely later,’ says Max hungrily looking at her.

‘I’ll be sure to hold you to that later,’ grins Liz flirtatiously. Max shakes his head trying to remove the Liz induced sexual haze, to focus his attention on other things. In this case, their family and friends currently on the front step of their cabin.

‘Liz, just play along and follow my lead, okay,’ says Max.

‘Sure, anything for my husband,’ says Liz grinning.

‘Yeah? We’ll talk about that later,’ smiles Max.

Seconds later they hear a knock on their cabin door. Liz and Max look at each other and smile and whisper “Show time.”

Max helps Liz off of his lap and has her sit back down. He walks over to the door and waits for them to keep on knocking for a while. “Who is it?” Max asks knowing full well it’s his family and friends.

“Uh. . . It’s your friendly neighborhood breakfast welcome wagon,” says Kyle.

“Kyle? Is that you? What are you doing here?” Max asks through the closed door.

“Max! It’s Isabel. Come on let us in. We come bearing hot breakfast and goodies. Max you’d better let us in. I don’t know for how much longer I can hold off Alex and Michael with all this food,” teases Isabel.

“Exactly who’s out there with you?” Max asks.

“Well, there’s me, Alex, Michael, Maria, and Kyle of course,” says Isabel getting impatient.

“Max, Bro, come on. You two can stop doing whatever it was you were doing long enough to eat, can’t you?” Michael asks.

“Guys this is our honeymoon and we sort of were in the middle of something. Let’s just say we aren’t dressed for company,” smiles Max. He looks over at Liz with her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

‘Babe you are so bad, saying that to them,’ teases Liz.

“Oh okay, give me a minute to find something to put on,” says Max trying hard to keep a straight face imagining the expressions on everyone’s faces on the other side of the door.

“Oh god! Did you hear that? This was a really bad idea. We should go,” says a blushing Kyle.

“No, we’re not leaving. Come on, Kyle. If you’re going to be a part of this group you’re going to see and hear a lot of embarrassing Max and Liz moments so you better get used to it now,” says Michael.

“Yeah Kyle, be a man and suck it up. What? We’ve all had to learn to stomach those moments and learn to look away,” says Alex.

“Come on, I doubt that Max and Liz would be all over each other in front of their family and everything,” says Kyle in disbelief.

Michael, Alex, Isabel, and Maria all exchange knowing looks. “You just keep thinking that Kyle,” says Maria patting him on the head.

“Are you trying to tell me that West Roswell High’s top honor students, the shy and quiet Max and Liz are total sex maniacs with each other?” Kyle asks.

“Well I don’t know I’d put it quite like that; but yes they are, to answer you’re question Kyle,” says Isabel.

“No way is Liz Parker…I mean Liz Evans like that… I can’t picture Max and Liz like that either. Frankly, I’d prefer not to if you know what I mean,” says Kyle.

“Great my new powerful kick ass alien friends, who are married and attend my high school, are total sex maniacs. Gees Isabel, thanks! Now I’ll be plagued all day with that image in my mind,” says an exasperated Kyle.

“Just remember you’re not alone. We all feel your pain. Oh and welcome to our club,” says a smiling Alex.

Max tells Liz to keep it together so they can pull this off. Liz takes a few deep breaths and wipes the remnants of her tears of laughter away.

“Okay, I’m ready Max. Go ahead,” whispers Liz smiling nodding her head.

Max takes one last moment and closes his eyes and takes a deep breath trying to get into a serious mood to answer the door and go forward with his plan. Max opens the front door of the cabin as everyone on his front door step all collectively gasp and cover their eyes with one hand.

“Michael you go first,” says Isabel removing her hand from her eyes. She grabs Michael and pushes him closer to the front door. All the while she keeps her eyes closed tightly.

“Uh…Max, I hope you’re decent,” says Michael as he bravely squints and peaks with one eye.

“Of course I’m decent Michael,” says Max. He pretends to adjust his bath robe as if he just now put it on.

“Oh that’s a relief. So can we come in or what?” Michael asks.

“Wait! I just need to make sure Liz gets covered up,” says Max as he looks over his shoulder towards Liz. He now all but closes the door in Michaels face.

“Liz, Honey, the gang is here. Get some clothes on. They want to come in,” grins a mischievous Max.

“Max, what did you do with my dress last night? I can’t find any of my clothes,” grins Liz valiantly containing her laughter.

“Oh wait! I have this towel,” says Liz holding up a dish towel waving it at Max. He nods and gives her the thumbs up sign.

“Okay, I’m covered. Go ahead and let them in,” says a nonchalant Liz. Max opens the door part way and greets his family and friends anxiously awaiting entrance to the cabin to visit them. Max suddenly gets hit with a flying dish towel in the face.

“Oops. So much for keeping things under wraps,” says Liz.

“Liz!” Max says pretending to be shocked.

The last of their group now inside the cabin are all stunned and shocked by this. Max steps aside to reveal Liz sitting demurely at their kitchen table all wrapped up in her bath robe that matches Max’s exactly.

“Gotcha!” Liz shouts. Everyone looks on with a mixture of shock and relief. Laughter registers on their faces.

“You guys are the worst,” says Isabel lightly punching Max in the arm.

“We were all so worried about you, Liz, and the twins after all that happened last night at the Crash Down,” explains Isabel.

“Yeah, I know Alex and I both called this morning and there was no answer on either of your cell phones”, says Michael.

“Hey I tried Liz’s phone too. You’re right. There was no answer, only voice messaging,” complains Maria.

“Okay, talk you two. What’s with the phones switched to voice messaging. You never use voice messaging on your cell phones,” says a determined Isabel.

“Iz, guys, come on in and lets get breakfast divvied up,” says Liz grinning still from the shock on their faces for their prank.

Liz, Isabel, and Maria work together quickly to grab plates and utensils for everyone, then gather around Liz and Max’s dining room table. “Okay, you want to know why our phones were set for voice messaging. Hello! It’s our honeymoon still, enough said,” says Max.

“Okay that explains the phones. What about not responding to my telepathic communications?” asks Isabel with her hands on her hips?

“Well, uh… That we did because well…it is our honeymoon, and didn’t want to share our thoughts with anyone else but ourselves,” says Liz.
***************************To Be Continued In a Sec*******************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:21 am, edited 2 times in total.