All His Fault (AU,M/L,MATURE) (Complete)

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Chapter 28


“Testosterone sucks.”

“What?” Max reluctantly detached his lips from the small brunette sitting in his lap to regard his best friend.

Maria flopped down next to the flushed couple. “Testosterone, men, your sucky species, sucks.”

“Michael problems?” Liz questioned as she squirmed in Max’s arms trying desperately not to give in to temptation and devour his enticing lips like she had been a few seconds ago. Instead, she played with his finger in her lap, ignoring the way she shivered when she felt his chest rumble from behind her when he spoke.

Unaware of Liz’s unease, Maria ranted on. “The bastard won’t even look at me.”

“Ria, I told you to forget him. He doesn’t deserve you. And if he has something to say, let him come to you.” Max explained.

“And when did you become mister know it all?” Maria snapped.

Max shrugged. “I’m not. I’m just saying what I would do in the situation.”

Maria jumped to her feet, towering over them with her hands planted on her hips. “But, you’re not in my situation are you? You have the person you love right here in your arms!! It’s so easy when you don’t have to experience the problem yourself!! You of all people should know how hard it is to forget!!” She stomped off then, leaving Max dumbfounded and hurt in her fiery wake. She returned a few seconds later, her eyes filled with tears.

“I’m sorry.” She cried as she collapsed next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Max unraveled one arm from around Liz and slung it over Maria’s shoulder. “That was uncalled for. You were just trying to help. But it just hurts, you know?”

“I know. It’s okay Ria.” Max soothed, while thinking that he’d kill Michael for causing Maria’s pain.

“Have you tried talking to him? Maybe it’s all just a misunderstanding.” Liz observed.

Maria shook her head. “I know his bare ass when I see it.” She sighed as her eyes were drawn to Michael who had just entered the courtyard. Her heart broke as she watched him laughing with his friends as if he hadn’t just destroyed her heart two days ago. “I guess he got what he wanted. He doesn’t have to go to prom, but neither am I.” She said, her voice muffled against Max’s chest.

“What do you mean you’re not going?” Liz asked.

Shrugging out of Max’s arms, Maria sat up. “There’s no point. I don’t have a date…”

“You could go with us.” Liz suggested. She looked to Max and he nodded his head in agreement. “Max can handle two dates.”

Maria shook her head in protest. “I wouldn’t want to spoil your night…” She uttered gloomily.

“You’re full of it Ria.” Max insisted. “You know you wouldn’t spoil our night.”

“Yeah, there’s enough of Max to go around.” Liz added.

Max turned to Liz with narrowed eyes. “Are you trying to say that I’m fat?”

Rolling her eyes, Liz pinched his arm and receiving a surprised yelp from him in return. “What I’m saying is, you shouldn’t miss out on your junior prom just because Michael is being an asshole. You can go and have fun without him.”

“Right.” Max agreed while rubbing his arm where Liz had pinched him.

“You wouldn’t mind sharing your boyfriend for the night?” Maria questioned, her features lighting up at the chance that she might be able to go to prom after all.

“No. After all, he was your best friend first.” Liz reminded her. “And it’s not like we all weren’t going to be together anyway.”

Maria threw herself at Max and Liz, hugging the couple tight. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are the best!” She shrieked. “I owe you big time!!” She jumped up and bounced towards the table where Michael sat.

“Ria, where are you going?” Max called after her.

She gave him the are – you – kidding – me look. “To ignore Michael. Duh!!” She said, rolling her eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She then pranced off, leaving Max and Liz alone.

“Thank you for doing that Liz.” Max said as he shifted to seat her between his legs. “You’re too wonderful for words. Even if you did call me fat.” Pressing his lips in her hair, he enveloped her small form in his arms.

Max glanced at his watch for the fifth time that minute. His leg bounced nervously as his grip tightened Liz’s hand. He looked to the exit, considering making a mad dash out the door and never looking back.

Maria, who sat on his other side, placed a hand on his agitated knee. “Relax, chico. Everything’s going to be fine.” Maria assured him.

Though his grip on Liz’s hand increased, he nodded, flashing Maria a shaky smile.

Liz and Maria had dragged him down here, leaving work early so they could be here with him. They’d been at the police station for half an hour, waiting for the sheriff to assist them. Max had reported his father and then the sheriff had disappeared. With each second that passed he was one step closer to fleeing from the station, running as far from this as he could.

Sheriff Valenti walked into the waiting room at that moment, regarding the teens with an intense look as he walked up to them. He had long since apologized to Liz and her father for what his son had done to her, asking for his son’s forgiveness. He had always been gracious to them, even through the high tension during trails.

Max stood as Valenti came to a halt in front of them and Liz and Maria followed. “Mr. Evans,” He nodded to the two girls. “Miss Parker, Miss. Deluca, if you will follow me, we can get started.” He ushered them into his office, offering each of them a seat.

Max immediately grabbed Liz’s hand in a sweaty grip, holding on like a life line.

“I understand that you want to press charges against a Hank Evans.” Max nodded. “You’ll need to make a written statement, you can do that here if you’d like. The charges can not be made until you make a statement. Did you ever have a medical exam?”

“No sir.” Max answered.

“I take it that the bruise on your nose is Hank’s doing?”

Liz gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he choked out a soft, “Yes sir.”

“Well, it’ll be very helpful to your case if you have physical evidence. Get an exam and a doctor can gather that evidence and turn it over to us.” He explained. Max nodded in understanding. “Now, an arrest may be made later or the suspect may be asked to appear in court at a later date if there is enough evidence. You will have a hearing in front of the Grand Jury, they will decide whether the charges a justifiable or not.”

“What if they don’t?” Liz questioned.

The sheriff’s gaze turned to the small girl. “Then the case is dismissed and the suspect is released.”

“And just like that, he’s released, without being punished for what he did to Max?” Maria spoke up, desperate to hide her irritation.

“Yes, but from what has Max told me, he has a strong case and I doubt that it’ll get dismissed.”

“Good.” Maria huffed, sitting back in her seat.

“Now, once the charges are accepted the suspect has to appear in front of the Grand Jury. Max does not have to be here.” Max visibly relaxed, thinking that is was one less time that he’d have to face Hank. “A trail date is set and you’ll be called to testify in court, but if he pleads guilty before the case goes to trail, you won’t have to testify.”

“What will be his sentencing?” Liz asked.

Valenti leaned back in his seat. “Usually for assault, there is a fine of three hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail up to three months or both. For battery there is a fine up to five hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail up to six months. I’d say that if he is convicted, he could get a fine of four hundred or up to eight months in jail.”

“That’s it?!” Maria fumed. “After all the shit he’s put Max through?! He practically strangles Max to death and he only has to pay four hundred dollars?!”

“Ria!!” Max hissed. Seeing Max’s glare, she settled down, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Ms. Deluca that was just an estimate. The judge is the one who decides the sentencing. I have nothing to do with it.” Valenti stood and motioned for the teens to follow them out of the office. He led them down the hall and into an empty room with only a desk and chairs to furnish it.

“You can write your statement in here and then you’re free to leave. If you decide that you want to have a medical exam, have your doctor send over the results to us so that we can file that as evidence. We’ll keep in contact and let you know when the court dates are and so on.”

“Thank you sheriff.” Max said, holding out his hand to shake the older man’s hand.

“I’m just doing my job. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.” Max nodded and settled at the desk to begin.

Maria and Liz followed the sheriff out of the room, stopping him in the hall before he could walk away.

“Sheriff,” Liz called. “We were hoping you could help us with something.” She said, motioning to Maria and herself.

“Well, I could sure try Miss Parker.” He answered, gesturing for them to enter his office to talk privately. “What can I do for you?” He asked once they were seated.

“We were wondering if you knew of any counseling that would be good for Max. He’s been struggling with this thing with his father along with other things and we were thinking that some counseling would help.” Maria explained, not wanting to divulge too much of Max’s past without his consent.

“I do know of some specialists and some group counseling.” He said, reaching into a drawer in his desk and pulling out some flyers.

Maria took the flyers, overlooking them while Liz elaborated on what they were asking for. “Do you know of any one on one sessions? Max is against going to counseling enough as it is and it’d be easier to sell the idea if meant that he didn’t have to tell everything to a group rather than just one person who could help him.”

“There are some one on one sessions on those flyers, but I can tell you that it won’t work if Max is not willing to go to the sessions on his own. He has to want to do this otherwise; it’d be just a waste of time.” The two girls nodded and he continued. “Most assault and battery or rape victims don’t want to deal with it and they’d rather just forget it ever happened. But the ones that have gone to the sessions have reported that they feel better and have come to terms with whatever happened to them. If can get Max to go to a session, then that would be great, but sometimes people just need to work things out on their own.”

Liz shook her head slightly, thinking that Max had been living with this for seventeen years and he had yet to work it out on his own. It had been a couple of mouths since Liz had moved to Roswell and he had first heard that nothing that happened to him was his fault. For all of his life, he had lived thinking that he was a walking disaster… a mistake, but now he had people to tell him he wasn’t, and that was new to him.

“There are phone numbers on the flyers for more information. Don’t force him to go, let him decide whether he wants to get better or not.” He advised.

“Thank you for your help sheriff. It means a lot.” Liz said as she stood to shake the ma’s hand. Maria mimicked her actions.

“No problem.” He tipped his hat to the girls as they walked out, his heart turning at seeing another teenage victim of abuse and cringing at realizing that his son was one of the abusers.

A few hours later the trio returned to Max’s apartment after coming from the hospital where Max had his exam. He’d be lying if he said that he felt any better. He was in more pain now then before he had gone. His nose was fine, healing very nicely, the doctor had said, even though he had poked and prodded at it leaving it throbbing in pain. As it turns out his ribs were slightly bruised and as a precaution, his doctor tightly wrapped his chest to limit any movement of his ribs.

Max staggered towards the couch, exhausted and aching. Liz and Maria trailed in behind him, heading for the kitchen to get plates and utensils for the dinner they’d bought from the Crashdown. Max eased himself down on the sofa, resisting the urge to curl into a ball, close his eyes and never wake up.

“Here Max.” Liz said as she handed him his dinner.

Shooting her a tired smile, he took the offered dinner. “Thanks.” He said as she settled next to him. Maria sat on the recliner, across from them.

The knowing looks being passed from Liz to Maria were lost on Max as he picked at his food, occasionally taking a bit or two before swirling it around on his plate again. Eventually, after eating only half of the contents on his plate, Max gave up and set the plate aside.

“Max, we want to talk to you about something.” Maria said.

Max noticed Liz and Maria’s exchanged look and he swallowed, knowing that whatever they were about to say was something that he wouldn’t like. “What’s going on?” He asked nervously, his eyes darting from Maria to Liz and back again.

“While you were writing your statement, Liz and I had a talk with the sheriff.” Glancing at Liz and receiving a nod to continue she said, “Max, we think that you should go to counseling.” Liz pulled out the flyers and handed them to him. Max only stared at them before turning to Liz in confusion.

“Max, we talked to the sheriff and he agrees with us. We….”

“You told him?” He accused silently.

Liz was quick to try and assure him. “No. No, we didn’t tell him anything other than you had some other things you’re dealing with.”

Max stood, ignoring the tightness of his chest. “You told him. Now he thinks I’m a basket case.” He grumbled, his anger bubbling to the surface. He had no idea what he was angry at, he knew that they were just trying to look out for him, but he couldn’t stop it. “I don’t need therapy.” He insisted as he began to pace in front of the couch.

“Max, we didn’t tell him. We would never do that without you’re consent. But a lot of people think they don’t need therapy, but it does help. Just look at the papers, at least give it a try.” Maria reasoned.

“Try what?!” He exploded. “Pay someone to sit there make me relive everything all over again?! I go through that every night; every fucking time I close my eyes!! Its complete torture and I just want it to go away!!” His face crumpled, but he refused to cry.

Maria came to stand in front of him, grabbing his arms to stop his pacing. “Calm down, we’re not making you go. It’s your choice. We can’t force you to do anything. We’re just suggesting it.”

Max collapsed onto the couch, hiding his face in his hands. “I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know.”

Liz moved to kneel in front of him, gently removing his hands from his face and holding them in between her own. “That’s why you need to go. The therapist can help you confront your problems and fears and help you overcome them. But we can’t make you go. You have to want to go.” She sat next to him, pulling him gently until his head rested against her chest. “Sweetie, I know you don’t want to go through everything again, but you have to deal with this. You have to get over this.” He nodded against her, swiping away a single tear that fell from his eye. “Just think about it.” Again, he nodded, swallowing back the sudden craving for a bottle of alcohol.

“Anybody up for ice cream and a movie?” Maria asked, wanting to raise Max’s spirits. As suspected, he didn’t refuse her offer.

Maria yawned and stretched as the movie ended a few hours later. She snorted out a laugh when she noticed Max knocked out in Liz’s lap. “He is such a guy. He never could stay awake during ‘What Women Want.’”

Liz giggled as she smoothed back Max’s hair. “I think it was the ice cream that did it.” She quipped, pointing to the three bowls of ice cream that he’d had.

Maria laughed as she slipped on her shoes. “I’m gonna head home. Are you staying here?” Liz nodded. “Night chico.” Maria whispered as she leaned over Max’s sleeping form. After kissing him on the cheek, she waved goodbye to Liz and left for home.

Liz slowly eased from under him, replacing her lap for a pillow under his head. She cleared up the living room, rinsing off the plates and bowls they had used before changing into one of Max’s large shirts and joining him on the couch. Curling into his side, she nuzzled her nose against his neck, placing a soft kiss there before resting her head on his chest.

“I never thought that I would be here with you.”

Her eyes snapped open and she looked up to see his gaze fixed upon her. “I thought you were sleeping.”

He propped himself up on his elbow and stared down at her. “I hadn’t realized what I had in you. I was thinking that you’d just stick around for awhile and just like everyone else I loved, you’d leave. But you wouldn’t let me go and you kept me alive.”


Silencing her with a delicate kiss, he moved his hand to caress her cheek. “I want to give you everything Liz Parker. But I don’t know how and I don’t want to hurt you. But, you’re what keeps me alive. I’ve never had someone care for me as you do and I want to give myself to you, because it’s all I have to give. But I’m terrified that my fears will get in the way and I won’t be able to love you like you deserve. And then I’ll lose you.”

Too choked up to speak, she shook her head in protest. “Liz, one day, you’re going to want more than what I have to give to you. And then you’ll look for something else.”

Her eyes fearful of what he was getting at, she asked, “What are you saying Max?”

He laid down and she rolled over to face him. “I’m saying,” He tucked her hand into his, pressing his lips against her knuckles. “I want to be able to give you all of my love and be everything you deserve. I want to be able to give you what you need and want. I want to get over this. I want to be good for you. I want to be all you need. Will you help me become that person Liz?” She nodded, her voice caught in her throat. “I’ll do anything Liz. I just don’t want to lose you.”

She sniffled. “So that means…”

“It means that I want to get better and I’ll go to counseling.”

She smiled through her tears. “I love you.”

He leaned down, pressing his lips to her cheeks, kissing away her tears. Soon, he made his way to her lips, catching them in a slow kiss. He nipped, then rubbed at her lips, drawing them into his mouth as his hands lovingly rubbed up and down her sides. The kiss soon grew more sensual as she parted her lips and he thrust his tongue against hers loving her sweet taste. Liz drew up her arms up and locked them around his neck, careful to keep them from wandering to places they shouldn’t be. Only when their lungs burned for oxygen did they pull apart, panting and lightheaded.

He rolled over, bringing her with him. “I love you.” He breathed, leaning his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes and drifted off and for once, his dreams weren’t of his tortured past, but his brighter future…. With Liz.


Hey guys, so sorry about the wait. :oops: Hope you liked it. Let me know.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Chapter 29


Max and Liz sat in silence in the driveway of the home/office of Dr. Patterson. Sheriff Valenti had recommended her, saying most of her clients were rape and assault victims and that she was the best therapist that Max could afford.

Liz reached across the space between the seats, taking his larger hand in her smaller one. “Are you ready to do this?” She asked as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. He didn’t answer for awhile, knowing he wasn’t ready, but wanting to say he was to ease Liz’s worries. But he couldn’t bring himself to raise his eyes from where they were locked to his lap.

“I’m ready.” He answered, his voice cracking with emotion.

“Oh Max.” She said as she leaned across the seat and took him into her arms. “Everything is going to be okay. She’s going to help you through this and sooner or later, you’ll get better.” She whispered as she soothingly ran her hand up and down his back.

Max pulled away, looking at her with doubtful eyes. “What if I can’t be helped? What if I’m already too deep to get out of this hole? What if she listens to my story and says that it is my fault. Liz, I don’t think I can do this.”

“Max, sweetie if you really don’t think you’re ready for this, then we can just go home and come back whenever you’re sure you are. I’m not going to force you to do this, but you are going to get better. You’re stronger than this Max.” She said as she cupped his face between her hands. “Stop doubting yourself. Believe it or not, you are better than this, I know you can get through this.”

Max pulled her back into a tight embrace. He knew he had to do this if he ever wanted to stop living in the shadow of his past. If he wanted to stop being haunted by his demons.

After a few long moments, Max finally pulled away. “I-I’m ready.” He said after taking a deep breath.

“You’re going to do fine.” She assured him once more before kissing his lips gently. They got out of the car and headed into the house.

“I’ll be waiting out here.” Liz said after checking in with the receptionist. She squeezed his hand once more before disappearing into the living room which was used as a waiting room of some sort.

“You can head right in.” The receptionist told Max. Max nodded his thanks and headed down the hall towards the office.

Dr. Patterson stood as he entered her office, a bright, friendly smile gracing her features. She stepped towards him, her hand outstretched to shake his. Eyes locked to the ground, he took her hand, shaking it quickly before pulling away.

“Welcome, Max. I’m Dr. Patterson as you know and if you’ll just take a seat, we can get started.” She said, taking note to his reluctance to look her in the eye.

Max nodded as he moved over to the overly stuffed couch and eased himself down. Letting his eyes wander the room, he noticed the many photos scattered throughout the office, which Max was assuming to be her family. Her deep, cherry wood desk held pictures of two beautiful children; both girls, and a handsome man, who stood in the back, looking proudly at his family.

His eyes continued to wander the room until Dr. Patterson broke his thoughts.

“Well, how about we get started by getting to know each other a little better?” She suggested. Slowly nodding his head in agreement, his eyes fell to the floor, suddenly finding the beige carpet very interesting.

“So tell me a little bit about yourself. What are your dreams, your goals?” Max remained quiet, unsure of what to say. He had no real dreams or goals. His only goal was to get through the night without being terrified by his dreams.

But still remained silent, unable to open his mouth and tell her that. “Okay, so how about you ask me a question about myself and then I ask you one about you, how’s that sound?”

“Okay.” He answered softly, finally raising his eyes to her. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, her skin fair and wrinkle free, but her eyes wide with wisdom. She had an aura about her that the instant you looked at her, you knew you could trust her and she genuinely cared. But Max resisted.

“You go first?” She insisted, leaning forward, waiting for him to speak.

“Is that your family?” He asked, pointing to the pictures behind her.

She turned to look behind her and her smile brightened when she saw what he was pointing at. “Yes, that’s my family. The man there is my husband, Jim. And the tallest girl is my eldest daughter, Sabrina, and the shorter girl is my daughter, Madison.” She explained, her eyes locked on his face to gauge his reactions. But, his face remained blank, and she continued to ask him a question. “Do you have a family?”

His face crumbled, but he quickly regained control. “No.” He answered softly.

Dr. Patterson jotted down the information before turning back to him. “Why?”

“It’s my turn.”

She smiled. “Right, go on, ask me anything?”

After awhile, he asked, “What made you become a therapist?”

She answered him without hesitation and with complete honesty. “My younger sister was really depressed when we were growing up, and I would always want to help her. I almost lost her to suicide, but she pulled through and eventually got better. I always thought that if I could help someone else out in that kind situation, I could stop someone from going through what my family and I went through.”

“Is she still like that? Depressed, I mean?” Max asked as he wrung his fingers together.

“Sometimes she’s a little sad and down, but she has her family and friends to help lift her spirits. She’s much better than she was.” She narrowed her eyes, as if observing him from squinted vision she could see a different side of him.

“Have you ever felt like that? Like, you wanted to end your life?” She questioned, studying his pained expression.

After a long pause, he looked her straight in the eye and said, “No.” His eyes darted across the room afterwards, his heart twisting painfully, not knowing why he’d lied.

But, Dr. Patterson knew. And she also knew that if he didn’t tell the truth and trust her, she wouldn’t be able to get through to him. “Anything that is said in here is strictly confidential. You know that right?”

“Yes.” Came his quiet answer as he bobbed his head in a nod.

“And you know that I would never judge you or tell anybody anything that is said in here without your consent.” When he nodded, she continued. “Then you have to be honest with me Max. I can’t help you if you’re not honest.”

“I’m not lying.” He insisted, his leg bouncing in a nervous jitter.

Dr. Patterson noticed this and she jotted something down on her notepad. She knew that in fact he was lying, but she knew that it was normal for first time clients to be a little wary of trusting so quickly. Hopefully, Max would start to trust her and tell her the truth sooner than later because she could tell that he had a lot of pain. And whatever it was, it ran too deep.


“Hello?” Liz breathed as answered the phone.

“This is Sheriff Valenti, is Max Evans there?”

“No, he’s not in right now. Can I take a message?” Liz responded as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Miss Parker?”

“Yes. Is something wrong Sheriff?” She asked worriedly.

“I just need to talk to Max. Could you have him call me when he gets in?”

“Yeah, sure. Is Max in trouble?”

“No, he’s not in trouble. Just have him call me as soon as he gets in.”

She nodded, even though he couldn’t see it over the phone. “Okay Sheriff.” He hung up after that and Liz resumed the process of getting ready for her evening shift.

Thirty minutes later, Max walked in his apartment, exhausted from his shift at the UFO Center. He shuffled over to the couch and collapsed in fatigue.

“Hey Max.” Liz greeted as she appeared next to him.

“Hey.” He said as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

Liz smiled sympathetically and she reached to brush his hair back. She knew that he hadn’t been sleeping well, getting no more than three hours of sleep a night. His appetite was shot; he was never hungry and many times, she and Maria would have to force him to eat.

“How was your shift?”

“Busy.” He sighed. “Can I have a kiss?” He said as he poked out his lips in an exaggerated pucker.

Liz laughed and pressed her lips to his, kissing him with a loud smack as they pulled apart. Max opened his eyes and enfolded her in his arms, pulling her in for another kiss. His tongue propelled between her lips as she parted them. Liz faintly noticed him pushing them back onto the couch. His plush lips and large hands running up and down her body drove her crazy. Tilting her head to the side, she moaned in pleasure as he nipped and suckled at the sensitive skin of her neck. His hands wandered over her stomach and up to the side of her breasts, caressing her over her Crashdown uniform. But as soon as he came to his senses and realized what he was doing, he jumped away from her, scooting to the other side of the couch.

“Max?” Liz called as she slowly came out of her haze. “What’s wrong?”

He closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I got a little out of control.” He murmured shamefully.

“Max,” She held out her hand for him to take and she pulled him down next to her. “You didn’t hurt me. I liked what you were doing.” Grabbing his hand, she wrapped his arm around her waist. “I really, really liked what you were doing.” She said with a laugh.

“Y-You did?” He asked as he hesitantly placed his hand over her stomach.

“Yes.” She giggled as he ran his finger over her stomach.

“She’s ticklish.” Max said, a devilish smile forming on his lips. “I wonder what happens if I do this?” Wiggling his fingers against her side, she squirmed in his arms, giggling as she tried to push him away.

“Evil.” Liz muttered when he finally stopped his attack and she lay panting in his arms. “I have to get to work.”

Glancing at his watch, he said, “You’re late. It’s 6:15.” Max watched in amusement as she scrambled to find her shoes and finish doing her hair at the same time.

“My dad is going to kill me.” She mumbled. “Stop laughing at me Max!!” She scolded before she collapsed into a heap on the floor when she tried to hop into her shoe and put her hair into a bun at the same time.

“Liz, are you okay?” He asked, barely able to hide his chortle as he picked her up and carried her to the couch. He sat down and then placed her in his lap. “Liz, it won’t help if you break your neck trying to get there. You’re already late.” He said as he slid her shoe on her foot and tied the laces.

“Smarty pants.” She pouted.

“Now, get out of here.” He said before he kissed her soft lips once more before he pushed her out of his lap.

“Okay, I’m leaving.” Max stood and guided her towards the door, but Liz turned around once she remembered the Sheriff’s phone call. “Max, call the Sheriff. He called here earlier and he wants to talk to you.”

“I will.”

“And eat something will you. Mrs. Evan will get angry if she finds out that you haven’t eaten the lasagna she made for you.”

“I will.” He sighed.

“You’d better.” She reached up to kiss him goodbye. “Bye Max. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” He watched her go until she turned down the hallway, out of his sight. Max stepped back into the apartment and went in search of the phone. He got the number to the Sheriff’s office from the sticky posted on the refrigerator and pulled out the lasagna as it rung.

“Roswell county jail, Sheriff’s office how can I help you?” A woman’s voice sounded on the other line.

“Sheriff Valenti is expecting my call.” He said as he placed the food into the microwave.

“And what is your name sir?” She asked politely.

“Max Evans.”

“Please hold.” Max waited, listening to the annoying beeping sound as he was being kept on hold. The microwave sounded and Max retrieved the hot plate, moving over to the table.

“Hello?” The Sheriff said when he finally answered.

“Sheriff, this is Max Evans, you called earlier?” Max asked as he took a bite of his lasagna.

“Yes. Max, there’s a problem. Your case has been dropped.”

Max closed his eyes, keeping his emotions in check. “What happened? You said that I had enough evidence to have a good case.”

“No, you did, but that’s not the reason it was dropped.”

“Then why was it?” He asked, his irritation growing.

“Max, Hank’s dead.”


“Dad!! I’m leaving!!” Liz called as she rushed down the stairs of their apartment into the back room of the Crashdown.

“Okay. See you later Lizzie!!” Jeff called back.

Liz scurried off towards her car and hopped in. Checking her watch, she once again saw how late for school she was, having hit the snooze button one too many times. She started the car and was just about to pull off when her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. Placing her car in park, she reached in her pocket to answer it.


“Hey Liz, is Max with you?” Maria asked.

“No.” Liz said, once again checking her watch before putting the car in drive and pulling out into traffic. “Wait, he’s not at school?”

“No. He never showed. I called his house and I didn’t get answer. I figured he was with you.” Maria explained. Realizing that Max might have gone AWOL again, Maria started to panic.

“Relax Maria. He probably just overslept. You know he hasn’t been getting any sleep lately. I’ll go over there and see what’s up, okay?” Liz soothed. She wanted to panic, but she realized that it could be something as simple as him not hearing his alarm clock go off. “I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Okay chica. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye.” Liz hung up and turned the corner to go to Max’s house.

She arrived at Max’s ten minutes later. Opening the door, she stepped into the living room. She didn’t know if she was more frightened or relived to see nothing there.

“Max?” She called out into the silence. She received no answer and she hurried into his room, bursting through his door. “Max.” She sighed in semi-relief when she saw him huddled on top of the covers on the bed, his body trembling in the shadows of the dark room. Rushing to his side, she began checking him over for injuries. “Max?”

His eyes were red and swollen, glazed over in an eerie haze and his face was stained with dry tear tracks. “He’s dead.” He murmured in a void, dejected tone. “They’re hurt and he’s dead.”

“What are you talking about? Who’s dead?” She questioned worriedly as she cupped his cheeks in between her hands, trying desperately to get him to focus his clouded gaze on her. She noticed an empty whiskey bottle sitting in its case on the nightstand behind him. Other bottles had been thrown across the room, their contents splattered against the wall. She became aware of the strong, disgusting odor of the alcohol and it was enough to make her gag.

“Max? Please look at me, tell me what’s going on.” She pleaded as she turned her attention back to him.

“Isabel?” He whispered. His eyes flickered with recognition before squinting as if he was trying to tell if she was really there or just another delusion made up in his mind. “Tell me it’s not a dream. You’re really here and I’m safe from myself with you.”

“Max, you’re scaring me.” She whimpered as she tried to shake him out of his trance. “It’s me, Liz.” She climbed onto the bed, settling next to him.

“Dad’s dead Izzy. They shot him. But you’re here now.” He whispered as he reached out to touch Liz’s cheek. “I’m not alone anymore and she can’t hurt me now that you’re here. I’ve missed you.”

Shaking his arm as Liz tried to rouse him, her tears spilled forth, hating to see him stuck in his own tortured mind. “Please snap out of it. Wake up Max!”

“Don’t cry Iz.” Max reached up, wiping her tears, a small serene smile forming on his lips. “We’re safe now. We’ll be okay.” He pulled his hand away and wrapped his arm around her waist, burying his face in her chest.

Liz held him close, her devastation over his pain washing over her. Hank was dead? Was that something that he’d made up in his fantasy to ease the pain, or was it a reality? Max was volleying back and forth from sanity and lunacy and it was hard to tell which one he would call home to next. The line between reality and fantasy was getting too blurry.

His body became lax and his deep breathing could be heard minutes later. It didn’t take her long to realize that he had fallen asleep. But his features were no longer serene. His fingers and legs twitched frequently in an agitated manner, his eyes moving rapidly under his lids. He mumbled incoherently, often his words coming out in a moan or a whimper as a wrinkle appeared on his forehead.

Liz could do nothing but hold him, hoping that when he awoke, he crossed into the side of reality.


Sucks doesn't it? Damn finals. Good news though, Monday is the start of my last week in school, so hopefully I'll have plenty of time to concentrate on writing instead of the pig we have to dissect in science :? especially since I got around to outlining this story all the way to the epilogue. And I swear Max gets better. There are a few speed bumps, but he will eventually get better. Let me know what you think.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Chapter 30


Distant voices floated to his ears as slowly regained consciousness. They started off as soft mumbles before getting louder and more lucid as the fog in his mind lifted and he became aware of his surroundings. There was a dull thump in his head which only increased as he sat up, examining the room with narrowed eyes. He didn’t remember falling asleep in his bed. The last thing he could remember without straining his head was being on the phone with the Sheriff and learning that his father was now dead. After that, everything was a blur and his head pounded every time he tried to pick apart the events that happened last night.

Again, he concentrated on the voices and he recognized one of them to be Liz’s. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he waited for the dizziness to pass before he pushed himself up and staggered towards the door. He walked into the living room and all conversation stopped at his entrance.

“What’s going on?” He questioned the three frozen statues sitting on the couch.

Liz was the first to move, standing up to take his hand and lead him over to the couch. “How do you feel?” She smoothed back his hair, happy to know that he at least seemed to know who they were.

His eyes darted to Maria and Alex who sat still on the love seat then back to Liz. “I’m a little dizzy and my head hurts, but I’m okay.” He was confused as to why they were all here. Shouldn’t they be at school?

“Max, where did this come from?” Maria said as she seemingly magically produced an empty bottle of whiskey.

“I didn’t drink it.” He said quietly, his faced scrunched up into a frown as he tried to remember the events of last night. “At least I don’t remember drinking it.” He bowed his head in shame, knowing he had. He could still taste the remnants of it in his mouth.

“We thought you were done drinking. How could you turn back to alcohol after everything you’ve gone through?” Maria fumed. In a way, she was relived that he had been drinking, which would explain why he was acting weird that morning. But it infuriated her that he still could do these things, knowing that they hurt not only them, but himself.

“I remembered being really shaky and… I had another craving. I just needed something.” Max explained, his frown increasing as he tried to recall what had happened.

“So you went out and bought whiskey!” Maria concluded, her jaw tightening in anger. “How can you keep doing this to yourself? To us?! You scared Liz shitless this morning, because of a nightmare?! You knew you could’ve called any one of us, but instead, you retreated into your old ways!!”

Max shook his head, his eyes full of anguish. “It wasn’t a nightmare.” He said barely above a whisper. But Liz heard him.

“Hank? Is he really dead?” Liz asked in a gentler tone than Maria.

Max nodded after awhile of silence, his emotions flashing between relief and grief.

“Thank God. I hope the stupid bastard goes to hell.” Alex muttered.

“Max what happened?” Liz asked.

A lump formed in his throat, preventing him from swallowing down his emotions. He set his gaze to the floor, hoping the tan carpet would distract his mind from thinking about what he was about to say.

“Hank found out about the charges and that there was a warrant out for his arrest. He went crazy and took his anger out on his family. He… He beat his kids so bad that his wife called the police.” A round of ‘oh nos’ and oh my Gods’ filled the room. Max continued, leaning his head back to stop his tears from flowing.

“When they got there, he had the kids tied up and had covered them with gasoline and was threatening to drop a lighted match on them. He held a gun to his wife’s head and he was about to pull the trigger when they shot him in the chest. He died from loss of blood and they took his family to the hospital. Stephanie, his wife and her son Justin only had a few minor injuries, but… but his daughter is in critical condition from the beatings… they say that she might slip into a coma.” A single tear dripped from his eye, but he caught it before anyone could notice.

“Oh God.” Maria gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

“No, Max. You are not thinking what I think you’re thinking. This is not your fault. Hank was a total bastard. This had nothing to do with you.” She could see the guilt written over his face.

Max shook his head in protest. “Come on Max. You act as if you went and told him to do the things that he did. You’re not responsible for his actions.” Alex said as he comforted Maria.

Max breathed deeply, coming close to believing him, but unable to wrap his mind around it. He kept thinking what if he never pressed charges? What if he’d just kept his mouth shut and let it pass? What if he hadn’t asked Liz to take him out of Roswell in the first place? Those kids would still be okay, that little girl wouldn’t be on the verge of a coma and they’d still have a father.

“It this why you went on your little drinking spree?” Alex questioned.

Max nodded shamefully. “I only drank that one bottle.” He frowned as he tried to remember what he did with it. “I think… I think I poured some of it down the toilet. I-I remember staring at it for the longest time, trying to decide whether to drink it or not. Then I… I got so angry that I started to throw the rest of the bottles against the wall. I just kept throwing them… it helped and I liked the sound of the glass shattering. And then… I-I, I don’t remember what happened after that. The next thing I remember is waking up a few minutes ago.” He looked around to his three friends. “You believe me, don’t you?”

Liz grabbed his hand, gaining Max’s attention. “Yes. And you’re sure you don’t remember me coming over this morning?” He shook his head, confusion marring his features. Liz exchanged a look with Alex and Maria, both of them wore the same look of worry as she did. He might have been intoxicated when she’d come over, but she couldn’t see just one bottle making him act like that. The alcohol might have worn off by the time she’d gotten to him. It was as if his whole mind was gone somewhere else.

“Max, I still don’t understand why you didn’t call one of us. How many times do we have to tell you that we’re here for you for you to believe it? Anytime you need us.” A more calmer Maria said.

“Max, just do this, anytime you feel the urge to go out and get a drink, call one of us instead. We’ll be your anti-drug.” Alex added, giving his friend an encouraging smile.

Max bowed his head in shame, knowing how much it hurt them, but still choosing to do it anyway, and he couldn’t even explain why. He knew he could’ve picked up the phone and called one of them and they’d be there in a second. But he chose to turn to the bottle to avoid facing reality. He chose to hide like he always had done instead of taking what happened head on and dealing with it. Now he realized his mistakes.

“I’ll try.”

“Don’t try. Do it, it’s not hard.” Alex said. “Pretend you’re having a craving now.” Max gave him a funny look. “Just do it.”

Max sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I want a drink.” He said.

“Good.” Alex tossed his he cordless phone. “Now call me. No, wait call me on my cell, cause I’m out getting a double cheeseburger with extra pickles. Oh, and those chicken nuggets with the barbeque sauce and a slurpy with the long twisty straw and th….”

“Alex!! We get the picture. Please, just move on.” Maria said as she rolled her eyes.

Max dialed Alex’s cell phone and he picked it up after a few rings. “Hello?”

“Hey Alex. Could you come over for awhile?”

“Sure. You want anything from Burger King?”

“No thanks Alex.”

Alex shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’ll be right over.” He hung up then, placing his cell phone back in his pocket. “See, easy. You could’ve even gotten a free meal out of it.”

“Max,” Liz started. “What Alex is trying to say it is, is that’s what we’re here for. You don't ned to resort to drinking, you do have us.”

“I realize that now.” Max said, taking her hand and squeezing it gently.

“Do you?”

“Yes.” He replied honestly. Liz leaned into him, pressing her lips softly to his. Stroking his cheek lightly, she smiled as she pulled away. Max on the other hand wasn’t ready to let go and they drifted together, meeting for another kiss, but this time more slow and sensual as he molded his lips to hers.

“Hey! Hey, the kids are still in the room.” Alex commented, affectively making Max and Liz jump apart. “Yeah, remember us?”

Max blushed, the tip of his ears turning red as Liz buried her face in his neck. “Sorry.” He mumbled.

The four teens lazed around, talking about anything while Max rested. And even though the mood seemed laid back, Max couldn’t get his mind off of those two little kids. He could image what they were going through right now, because he’d been there before. Never had he wished his life on someone else and now, those kids were going to be haunted just like he was.

Max awoke later that night, confused as to when he’d drifted off. The room was covered in darkness except for the flicker of the television that had been muted. In the shimmering light, he could see Alex and Maria curled up on the loveseat, her head resting on his shoulder. He wondered where Liz was until he looked up and realized the pillow he was laying on was Liz. She was leaning up against the arm of the couch with Max positioned in between her legs and his head resting on her stomach.

Sitting up, he gazed at his beautiful girlfriend before leaning down to kiss her supple lips. He stood and covered her with the blanket and then went to the hall closet to retrieve a blanket for Alex and Maria.

He headed into his room and got dressed. Scribbling a short note, but hoping that he’d be back before they awoke, Max grabbed his keys and left the apartment. He arrived at his destination two and a half hours later. He sat in the parking lot for awhile, working to suppress his nervousness. Taking a deep breath, he exited his jeep and headed inside the Albuquerque Memorial Hospital.

Max swallowed down his sudden queasiness as he walked up to the front desk. This was the same hospital they’d brought Isabel to. They’d waited for what seemed like hours for the doctor to tell them what they already knew. But it hurt even more when the doctor appeared and crushed his world. Max shook his head free of such thoughts and turned his attention to the women sitting behind the desk.

“Hi. Could you tell me which room Sara Evans is in?” He asked politely.

The woman typed the name into the computer then turned back to Max. “She’s in the pediatric ward. That’s the second floor, room 252.”

“Thank you.” He said before he went off towards the elevators.

All too quickly, the elevators chimed and the doors slid open. Stepping out, he breathed deeply, before making his way down the hall. He passed the waiting room, glancing inside to see if he recognized any of the people as Hank’s wife or his son. Seeing no one, he stared ahead until he came to a stop in front of room 252. He peered through the window, his heart lurching when he saw the small girl lying on the bed, a tube lodged in her throat, and several others attached to her. A boy sat next to her, stroking back her short brown hair.

He waited and stepped away from the window, giving them their privacy. After a few minutes of debating, he cautiously knocked on the door before pushing it open.

The boy look up as Max walked into the room. “Hi.” The boy whispered.

“Hi. Um… I…”

“What’s going on in here?” A blond teary eyed woman said as she walked into the room. She immediately checked the little girl on the bed before eyeing Max closely. “Who are you?”

“I’m Max. Max Evans. Look, I just…” Before he could finish his sentence, the woman engulfed Max in a tight embrace. Once the shock finally gave way, he brought his arms around her, hugging her back until she pulled away.

“Oh you poor boy. I’m so sorry about what Hank did to you. If I had known what type of person he was, I would have never married him. I’m so sorry.” She cried.

“You’re the guy the pressed charges against my dad?” The boy interrupted, his tone neutral. Max nodded slowly, not knowing how the boy would react. “Then you’re his son?” Again, Max nodded, keeping himself close to the door. “I’ve always wanted a big brother. I’m Justin.” He exclamied happily. Justin pointed to his sister, lying motionless on the bed. “That’s my sister Sara. She's sick, but mommy says that she'll wake up soon."

“Big brother?” He’d never thought of that before. He never thought that hw would have a family- not blood family. But, this was his brother, half brother anyway. And Sara was his sister and he’d done this to her.

“I’m Stephanie Evans, Hank’s wife.” The blond woman said.

Max nodded, again too shocked to speak. He didn’t know what to say. He turned his gaze to the girl lying helplessly on the bed. His sister. Slowly, he inched himself towards her, again his heart wrenching in his chest. His watery eyes met Stephanie’s and he could image how she felt. Having to sit her and watch her daughter slipping away right before her eyes.

“I am so sorry.” He said. “I-I never meant for this to happen. I never would have pressed charges if…”

“No,” She said, stopping him in mid-apology. “It’s not your fault. You did what you had to do and Hank was… he wasn’t what I thought he was. He would never talk about his past and I knew he was hiding something.”

“But he did this because he found out about the charges.” Max protested.

Stephanie shook her head, making her way back to her daughter’s side. “It wasn’t that that pushed him over the edge. After I’d found out about the charges, I told him that he either told me the truth or I’d take the kids and leave. He chose to stay quiet so I was in the mist of trying to find an apartment that I could afford when he went off.” She took her daughter’s hand into her own, squeezing it gently. “I was so blind when I met him. I couldn’t see past his perfect façade that he put up. I didn’t see the controlling side of him until after the kids were born. And even then I didn’t know what kind of danger we were in. I thought he was just being protective of them.”

“I’m sorry.” He said, not knowing what else to say. He wanted to comfort her, bring her to some kind of peace. But he couldn’t do that when his own mind was in turmoil.

Justin came to stand in front of him, gazing up at him with innocent eyes. “Did he ever hit you too?” He asked, unaware of how the simple question violently twisted Max’s heart.

“Justin that’s enough.” His mother said softly. “Why don’t you go out to the waiting room? Grandma is out there waiting for you.” Justin nodded vigorously before fleeing out of the room. Max stared after the boy, seeing so much of himself in him. And he felt himself already being drawn to him, regardless if he wanted to be or not.

“How old is he?” Max asked softly, still staring at the door.

“Six. He’ll turn seven in two months.” Stephanie answered.

Justin was a young Max, about to go down the same path as he did because of Hank.

Stephanie saw the pain in his eyes, anyone who wasn’t blind could see it. “Are you okay?”

Max snapped out of his thoughts and turned to her. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He nervously stuffed his hands into his pockets. “So… um, I just wanted to come and make sure you guys were okay and to tell you how sorry I am about this whole thing.” He lowered his eyes, staring at the white tiles of the floor. When she didn’t answer, backed towards the door. “I’m sorry to bother you Mrs. Evans, I’ll just… go now.”

Max turned to leave, but stopped when she spoke. “Did he ever hit you? Was he ever this violent with you?”

Max kept his back to her, heaving in a deep breath before turning around. “That day in the park was the first time he’d actually hit me. When I was younger, he’d always threaten to do it, but he never did. He was just so cold to me, never caring about what happened to me and I guess that hurt more than the beatings ever could.” Max had no idea why he was telling her this. But she had known Hank. She had seen what he was capable of and it helped to talk to her.

“I’m sorry. I wish I could do something for you.” She noticed that he kept glancing at Sara, but never keeping his gaze for too long. “The doctors say that she might slip into a coma.” She said. “But she’s a strong little girl, I know she’ll pull through.”

“How?” He questioned. “How can you put so much faith in these people here? How can you just trust people you don’t even know?” He whispered, angry at himself for doing this. His fist clenched as he thought of Isabel and now this innocent little girl laying there now.

She just shrugged, turning her eyes back to her daughter. “You just have to have faith. It’s the only thing you can do in situations like this.” Max bobbed his head, wondering how she had the strength to have faith. Having faith never helped him, but that was because he’d never tried. He’d always looked for the worst and that was what he got. That was all he knew how to do.

“Um… I should go.” He said, wanting to get back before Liz and the others awoke.

“Hey Max.” Stephanie called before he could leave the room. “Could you maybe come back sometime? I think Justin has taken a liking to you. He’s always wanted a big brother and I know Sara would love to meet you.” She proposed, her eyes hopeful that he’d agree. She’d do anything just to see her kids happy.

“Sure I’ll come back.” He agreed. He gave her a small smile before walking out of the room. He stopped in the waiting room to say goodbye to Justin, only to have him crushing Max into a tight embrace. “I’ll be back soon.” Max had told him. And he really wanted to, after all, he had a family now. A real family. And this time he wasn’t going to screw it up.


Eh. I hope you like it. Let me know.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Chapter 31

Tuesday Night

“Hi Sara.” Max whispered, glancing across the room at Justin’s small form curled up on the couch.

Max sat next to her bed, her small hand pressed into his. This was the first time he’d actually had the chance to talk to her. Every time he’d come, Stephanie was always by her side, and Max never got the chance to be alone with her. But, Max had convinced Stephanie to get for a while and get some fresh air while Max stayed and watched Justin and Sara. She’d reluctantly agreed and left Max alone with them.

Max had told Liz and his friends about Justin and Sara and they understood his need to get to know them. Max had been back to see Justin and Sara many times since the first time he came three nights ago. He’d make the two hour drive to and from the hospital, just to spend an hour with them before heading back to another restless night of sleep. But, while he was there, he’d made a promise to himself, that he’d get better so that he could be the best boyfriend, friend and big brother to the best of his ability. He was tired of the pity looks and being the weak one. Most of all, he was tired of the gnawing pain inside of him.

“I don’t know if you know me or heard about what happened or if you can even hear me, but I’m Max Evans. You’re big brother.” He chuckled at that, it sounded so strange yet it felt right. “You have to wake up Sara. You’re only four and you have so much to look forward to. I was thinking that when you woke up, you, Justin and I could go to the movies or something… to get to know each other better. Don’t you want to do that? Your brother told me how much you love Shrek." He stared down at her, thinking that he's get a reaction.

"We could go see Shrek 2. And then I could introduce you to my friends and brag about how I’ve got such a beautiful little sister. Liz and Maria would just love you. I bet they would take you shopping. And then you’d come back with bags and bags of shoes and clothes. Do you know how much they’d spoil you and your brother? Wouldn’t you like that?” He looked down into her innocent features and waited for her to move. Waited for a sign that she would wake up and be better. But none came.

“Sara you have to wake up… please. I can’t lose you. And I know that we’ve only just meet, but you and your brother mean so much to me. And I already love the both of you so much.” He cried, his tears dropping onto the sheets next to her. “God,” He laughed tearfully. “It’s not everyday I confess my love to a four year old. Do you see why you need to come back?” She still didn’t respond and he wrapped an arm around her waist, resting his head next to hers. “Please wake up Sara… please… please…”

“Max?” Stephanie called as she shook his shoulder.

“Mmm. Five more minutes Liz.” He mumbled as he settled back into sleep.

“Max, honey wake up.” His eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him. “Hey.”

Max jerked up in panic, disoriented and confused as to where he was. Once his mind cleared a little, he recognized Stephanie standing next to him, holding out a coffee cup for him to take.

Max smiled in return, taking the steaming Styrofoam cup from her. “Thank you.” He said. “How long have I been asleep?” He asked. It couldn’t have been long, he still felt exhausted.

Stephanie shrugged as she made her way to the couch, sitting herself next to Justin. “I just got back in.” She watched him watching Sara and she knew that he was feeling guilty about the whole thing. No matter how many times she told him it wasn’t his fault, he seemed to find another way to blame himself.

“So, who’s this Liz girl?” She asked, wanting to take his mind off the guilt.

Max blushed. “Um… She’s my girlfriend.” He said softly, smiling into his cup as he thought about Liz.

She smiled knowingly. “Oh. So you never told me about her. Come to think of it, in the last week you’ve been coming here, you’ve never talked about anything but Hank and your childhood.” She reasoned.

“Well, considering the situation…”

“Hank’s dead.” She interrupted, catching him by surprise. “He can’t hurt us anymore, so why dwell on it? Let’s talk about something else.” She said. “What about this Liz girl? You’ve told me a little bit about Maria and Alex. And I see you hiding your smile in your cup. You must really like her.”

Max nodded, dipping his head to hide his blush. “I love her. She’s been behind me through everything. I owe her my life.” He said sincerely.

“She sounds like a great girl. How’d you meet her?”

“She’s Maria’s cousin and she was new to town a couple of months back and she became my lab partner. I guess everything just started from there. She was my first kiss… well willing kiss and she’s my first girlfriend, but I don’t think I could be with anyone else if I tried. At first I was scared to let her in, but she’s everything to me. I don’t think I could survive without her.” He looked up to see Stephanie looking at him intently. “Sorry. I got a little carried away.” He chuckled.

“No. No, its okay, I was just thinking about how you’re eyes light up when you talk about her. You know, this is he first time I’ve actually seen you smile.” She said.

“I’ve smiled before.” He protested.

“Not like that.” She smiled. “Why haven’t I met her yet?”

“She’s been working a lot and you know how late I stay out here and I wouldn’t want to keep her up.” He explained. She nodded in understanding and Max glanced at his watch, noticing how late it was getting. “I should get going.” He said as he got to his feet. Grabbing Sara’s hand, he squeezed it gently, hoping that she’d squeeze it back. Her limp hand fell from his and he nodded in acceptance. She wasn’t going to wake up. Hoping was worthless and it only made it worse in the long run. You spend all of your time hoping and it ends in heartache anyway.

“Bye Sara.” He whispered as he leaned down to kiss her cheek. Max made his way over to Justin’s sleeping form, kissing his cheek and smoothing back his hair. “Bye Justin.”

“Drive safely.” Stephanie said as Max kissed her cheek.

“I will.” With one last wave, he was on his way out the door.


“Hey Maxwell.”

Max looked up from the plastic alien to find none other than Michael Guerin standing in front of him. Michael hadn’t spoken to Max, Liz or Maria in the weeks following the incident with that nameless girl from the party. He affectively avoided all of them, not wanting to get into conflict with any of them. He’d gotten tons of lectures from Alex, telling him how stupid he was being, but he wanted to wait until Maria calmed down a little to approach her. But now that she had, he had no idea how to talk to her. He didn’t know how she’d respond, so his next best bet was to go to the person who knew her best, her best friend – Max.

“What are you doing here?” Max asked just as he finished stuffing the plastic alien.

“I need to talk to you. I kind of need your advice.” He said, fidgeting with his hands nervously.

Max narrowed his eyes. “Advice? Michael Guerin, senior, asking underclassman, Max Evans, for advice?” Max mocked. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

Michael walked up behind him, his voice desperate for Max to understand. “I’m serious Max. I want… no I need to get back with Maria.”

Max whirled around to face him, his fist clenching in anger. “Oh so you want her now?! You get tired of her, so you blow her off and then you start fucking around with another girl!! You get tired of her then come running back to Maria!! What the fuck do you want from her?! Why are you playing these games with her?” Max shouted, unaware of all the tourists who’d stop to witness the exchange between the two.

“Listen Maxwell, before you start throwing punches, listen to what I have to say first.” Michael pleaded. It took awhile for Max to relax and he made his way into the backroom. Michael followed and closed the door behind him. “Look, I know you’re pissed at me for what I did to Maria and I hate that I did it, but what happened with that girl was a mistake. I was really trashed and I didn’t know what I was doing. It just happened.”

“That’s your excuse? ‘It just happened?’ What the fuck is that?! Do you even realize how much you hurt her? What you put her through?! Do you have any idea how much she loves you?! Do you…” Max stopped his rant abruptly, when something dawned on him. It hit him like a ton of bricks and he stumbled back from the impact, bringing in a deep, slow breath. Everything he was berating Michael for, he should have been telling himself. He’d been doing the same things to not only Maria, but Liz, Alex and everyone around him.

“You okay Maxwell?” Michael said as he reached out to steady him.

Max nodded. “So you want advice on how to get back with Maria.” Max concluded, settling down in he nearest chair.

“Right. I know you’d just love to wring my neck right now, but I do love her and I need her back.”

Max let a long sigh. “Michael…”

“Max, just tell me what to say to her. You know her best, what do I do?” Max softened at that, realizing that Michael was being sincere.

“Beg.” He said simply. “Grovel like there’s no tomorrow.”

“She’s not going to make this easy on me is she?” Michael groaned.

“No. And I wouldn’t either. She does love you, but it’s going to take time for her to forgive you. Maybe you can start off by doing something nice for her.” Max suggested.

“You mean, go to the prom this Saturday?” At Max’s nod Michael cursed to himself softly. “Why is it that she wants to go to this thing so much?”

“Michael, for one, it’s your last year in high school and she just wants you to be at her junior prom. You only get one junior prom and it’s special to her. And if you love her like you say you do, you should respect that and go with her, because it’d make her happy.”

Michael nodded even though the pained expression on his face told otherwise. “Yeah, I’ll… I’ll do that Max.” He said, scratching his eyebrow, uncomfortable in this situation. “So uh… thanks… for… you know…”

“The advice?” Max finished for him, his lips twitching up in a small smile.

“Yeah.” Michael backed away before turning towards the door. “And Max, don’t tell her I came to you.”

“Michael, don’t hurt her again.” Max said seriously. Michael nodded in understanding before walking out of the door.

An hour later, Liz came strolling into the museum, carrying two Styrofoam takeout trays. “Hey sweetie.” She greeted with a bright smile.

“Hey.” He returned, leaning down to peck her on her lips. “Milton, I’m going on break.” Max announced to Milton who stood a few feet away, repairing an exhibit that a group of kids practically destroyed. Milton nodded, throwing a knowing smirk to Liz as they made their way into the back room.

As soon as they were behind closed doors, Liz pounced, quickly sitting their lunch aside before tangling her arms around him, kissing him as if she hadn’t seen him just a few hours ago at school. Her tongue darted out to meet his, tangling together before retreating back into her mouth.

“Hi.” She breathed again, once they pulled away.

“Hi.” He smiled, kissing her lips again quickly. “Guess who was in here a while ago.” Max said as he lead her over to the small couch.

“Who?” She asked, a look of curiosity forming on her pretty features.

“Michael.” Liz look surprised, her jaw dropping in amazement.

“What did he want? He’s been avoiding us for weeks now. What made him show up all of a sudden?” She questioned as she reached for her lunch.

“Maria.” He said as he took his own lunch, nipping at his fries. “He wants her back and he came to me for advice. I think he’s even going to make an appearance at prom.”

“Oh. Maria’s going to be furious.” Liz exclaimed.

“Yeah, but she’ll love him for it. Don’t tell her he came to me. Michael wants to keep it a secret. Either that, or he’s embarrassed that he had to come to me for advice.” He laughed.

“That’s probably it.” She laughed. “God, I can’t wait till Saturday. We’re going to have so much fun at prom.” She squealed.

“And afterwards.” Max added quietly, stuffing his mouth full of fries.

“What was that?” She asked, her eyes lighting as her smile grew. “What do you mean afterwards?”

Max simply pointed to his mouth which was full of food. He shook his head and shrugged.

“Is it a surprise?” A mischievous smirk formed on his lips and Liz grew more excited by the minute. “Tell me Max!! Tell me, tell me, tell me.” She said, bouncing on the couch like a child.

Max only chewed his food, that smirk plastered on his face as he reached for his pop, taking a sip from the straw. “Do you want to know?” He asked. Liz nodded excitedly. “Do you really want to now?” He drew out slowly. Again, she nodded crazyily. “Okay.” He said before he continued to nibble on his lunch.

“Well.” She shrieked impatiently.

“Well, what?” He smiled, knowing he was getting to her.

“Well, you were about to tell me what the surprise was.” She elaborated.

“No.” He said, shaking his head negatively. “I only asked you if you wanted to know. And you said you did. But I said nothing about telling you.”

“You’re mean.” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Max laughed at her little girl expression. “Yeah, but I know you love me.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“You like to see me squirm don’t you?” She laughed as she leaned against him, laying her head on his shoulder.

Max nodded in agreement. “Makes it more fun.”

Max watched her as she laughed, his heart swelling with love and adoration. She truly was a wonder to him. How she managed to endure everything they’d gone through and still be right here, making him smile just because she was here was lost on him.

“What?” She asked when she noticed him staring. “Do I have sauce on my mou….”

Max kissed her then, pouring everything he had into one intense kiss. Surprised, it took a second for Liz to respond. Once the shock wore off, her poor, forgotten sandwich went tumbling to the floor as she wrapped her arms around his neck. One of his hands crept around her, cupping the back of her head to keep her steady as his tongue dove into her mouth, seeking out hers. The other cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her silky flesh. They were unaware that they were falling back onto the couch as Max teased her with his tongue, dipping it in and out of her mouth.

Liz moaned into him, her mind going blank, forgetting that they were in the backroom of a public museum as she spread her legs and allowed him to settle in between them. If there was any sauce on her lips, it was gone now as Max nipped at her swollen lips.

The sudden ringing of Max’s cell phone in his pocket went unnoticed as Max let his hands travel south. Slowly moving down her body, they came to a stop at her waist before moving back up again. Liz on the other hand, kept her arms around his neck, burying her hands in his thick hair, tugging gently at the dark strands. The ringing soon stopped, the caller obviously giving up on trying to get an answer.

“Max?” She breathed as they stopped for air. “What are we doing?”

“I believe the humans call it… making out.” He mumbled against her as his lips wandered to her neck and then the underside of her jaw. “You okay?” He asked, stopping to look her over.

She nodded eagerly, smiling as she untangled one of her hands from his hair to cup his cheek. “You okay?”

He mimicked her, nodding as he rolled off of her, brining her with him so that they faced each other. “I love you” She said.

“I love you.” He returned before they drifted back together. This time the kiss was slow and sensual as they both moaned in satisfaction. But the kiss was short lived when the door opened and yelp of shock broke through their sexual haze.

“Evans,” Milton said with his back turned to the couple. “If you could untangle yourself from Miss Parker for awhile, there’s a phone call for you in my office.” He announced.

“I’ll be right back.” Max whispered to Liz. He climbed over her and made his way to Milton’s office.

“Milton, you can turn around.” Liz laughed. “We were just kissing.”

“Oh.” He peeked over his shoulder, before turning around fully. “Just keep it to a minimum, will you?”

Liz nodded, ducking her head as her cheeks reddened. Milton smirked, almost running into Max as he came charging into the room.

“Liz, Sara’s awake.”


I know! I know I'm evil for stopping it there. :roll: You'll get the next part soon. Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

A/N: Hey guys. I see that there have been a few new people that have started to read this and I just what to say welcome and I appreciate your feedback and those of you who have always been here.

Now, on with the story.

Chapter 32


“Max!!” Justin shouted as Max and Liz walked down the hall towards Sara’s room. Justin tore from his mother’s side and straight into Max’s awaiting arms. “Guess what?” He beamed excitedly.

“What?” Max beamed just as brightly as he hoisted Justin up on his hip.

“Sara’s awake!” He exclaimed as he turned to smile at his mother who stood a few feet away.

“I know. That’s why we’re here.” Max said. “Hi Stephanie.” He greeted as she made her way towards them.

“Hi Max. And who might this lovely lady be?” She questioned with a smile as her gaze flickered to Liz who stood off to Max’s side.

Max smiled. “Liz, this is Justin and Stephanie. Guys, this is my girlfriend Liz.” He introduced.

Liz held out her hand for the other woman to take. “Hi Mrs. Ev…”

“It’s Jameson now. But, please, call me Stephanie.” She insisted. “So, this is the girl that has Max so smitten.” Stephanie said, giving Liz an approving nod. “I must say that Max has great taste. I see why he’s always smiling when he talks about you.”

Liz blushed, biting her lip as she ducked her head. “Thank you.” She mumbled softly. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Ever since the first night he came here, Max has been going on and on about you guys.”

“I hope it was all good.” Stephanie smiled.

Liz laughed. “Yes, it was very good actually.”

Justin’s eyes darted from Liz to Max. “You have a girlfriend? Don’t ya get cooties when you kiss?” He asked in a childlike amazement.

“Liz doesn’t have cooties Justin.” Max laughed.

“I take it you don’t like girls yet.” Liz concluded as she ruffled Justin’s brown hair.

“No. They spread their yucky cooties all over the place.” He scratched his brow as it wrinkled as if he was in deep thought. “My mom and my sister are the only girls who don’t have them. But you seem pretty cool for a girl. I think the cootie bug must have missed you.”

Liz laughed at his explanation and she couldn’t help but think that he was the perfect little clone of Max. From their dark chocolate hair and honey colored eyes which they both had inherited from their father, considering that Stephanie had light blond hair and blue eyes. Both boys seemed to hold a certain amount of intensity in their eyes. Justin’s was more visible, his eyes wide with naiveté, while Max’s was more restrained, his eyes shielded, hiding his emotions from the world. Half or whole, they were definite brothers.

“One day you’re going to like girls.” Max told him. “You’d better get used to them.” Justin only scrunched his face in disgust, shaking his head vigorously. “So, how is Sara?” He asked, his smile faltering a little. Max let Justin slid to the floor as he gave his attention Stephanie.

“She’s doing fine. Her doctor is just with her now. She was complaining of a headache so they’re going to give her a sedative and it might put her to sleep. She just wanted me to come out here and find you before she went to sleep.”

“She asked about you Max.” Justin cut in.

“S-She did? But how…”

Stephanie shrugged. “She must have heard you when you were with her that last time.” But her smile faded when she noticed that he wasn’t excited about this as she expected him to be. “Max, she’s just a little girl. She’ll love you.” She assured him.

Max shook his head, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. “Max, what’s the matter?” Liz asked as she squeezed his hand gently.

“I don’t know it’s… I just wasn’t…” Max stammered as he struggled to express what was going on in his jumbled mind.

“Uh… Justin why don’t you go and sit with your sister? We’ll join you in a second.” Stephanie said, gently pushing her son off towards her daughter’s room. Once Justin was safely in the room, she ushered Max and Liz to the empty waiting room.

Max and Liz eased down onto to one of the couches, his grip on her hand tightened. “I’m sorry.” Max apologized. “We should be celebrating that Sara’s awake. I…”

“Max, you can’t help how you feel. And there’s obviously something troubling you.” Stephanie reasoned.

“I never… I never thought that she’d wake up. I never hoped… I mean I wanted her to, but I never had faith that she would get better. I knew if I did, it would just hurt even more if she… if…” He trailed off, not even wanting to think about losing another sister. Liz wrapped him in his arms, realizing what he was getting at.

“Max, you’re not going to lose her. She’s okay now.” Liz told him as she rubbed his back.

“I know, but I can’t help but think of Isabel and how I lost her in this same hospital.” He cried as he lowered his head into his hands. “They couldn’t save her from what I had done. And now I can’t go through that again. I know that Sara’s going to be okay, but what if she doesn’t like me? What if she blames me for all of this? I couldn’t handle it if I lost her too.”

Stephanie looked on as Liz proceeded to comfort Max, telling him, she was sure for the hundredth time, that it wasn’t his fault. Because of what Max had been through, she now saw that he had a way of looking for the bad in every situation. He looked for the worst and he expected it. And he had the ability to make, what should have been a happy occasion for him into something totally negative and he tortured himself with it. It was almost as if he was trapped inside his own tortured mind with blinders that only saw the worst in his self and every situation he was thrown into.

“Max, Sara asked for you. She wants to see you and she doesn’t blame you for anything. I know you’re not used to letting new people into your life, but Justin’s already crazy about you and I know Sara’s going to be the same. They’ll be attached to your hip and you won’t be able to get rid of them if you tried.” She saw Max crack a smile from where his face was hidden in Liz’s hair. “Don’t look for the wrongs in the right. Look for the rights in the wrong and just be their big brother Max. That’s all they want.”

“But what if…”

“Max.” Liz cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say. “Stop underestimating yourself. You need to stop believing that you’re not good enough. No one is expecting you to be the perfect brother… or person for that matter. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to be anyone you’re not, being you and just being there with them is enough. Okay?”

A moment passed before he was able to answer. “Okay.”

“You ready to go met your sister?” Liz said as she stood and offered her hand to him. Hesitantly, he took her hand and they all made their way towards Sara’s room.

Max didn’t know what it was that made him so nervous to finally meet her. After Justin and Stephanie accepted him so easily and Justin already wedging himself deep into his heart, Max didn’t know why he was so afraid of Sara’s reaction. He didn’t think he’d actually be doing this. This reality was new to him. In his world, they’d be mourning over Sara’s death by now, and he would be alone while everyone pointed a finger at him. It would be his fault.

But Sara was awake. She was going to be okay. And everyone was accepting him and there was no blame being pointed his way. It was all new to him. It seems like everything was just waiting to crash and burn. He didn’t have a family who loved him. He didn’t have a wonderful girlfriend who stood by his side through everything and loved him even though he was flawed. He didn’t have friends who cared whether he was wasting himself away in a bottle of alcohol or wanting to protect him from his demons. That wasn’t his world. It wasn’t what he knew. It just felt too good to be true and just like everything else in his life, he was waiting to screw it up.

The three of them entered the room, Max being the last to cross the threshold. Sara immediately caught his eye and she smiled a small smile. Max could always tell that she was a gorgeous little girl. The tubes and wires that once had obstructed total view of her were now absent, only the IV remained. He was able to take in the girl’s beauty… his sister. Her brown hair, from what he could tell, stopped just as they barely touched her shoulders and she'd gained her mother’s bright blue eyes.

“Are you Max?” Sara asked, her eyes drooping into tired slits.

Max looked to Stephanie in concern. “It’s the sedative.” Stephanie explained.

Max nodded in understanding as he rounded the bed, his hand hovering over Sara’s, afraid of her reaction from his touch. “I heard you.” She whispered, rolling her eyes to meet his. “I heard you talkin ‘bout somebody named Liz and Maria. You said that they would take us shopping. And you said that we could go see Shrek 2.”

Max smiled, his eyes filling with tears as he sunk into the chair next to her bed. Liz was by his side, and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He was glad that she was here.

“We can go see it if you want.” He offered a teary smile forming at the corner of his lips. "This is Liz." He said, snaking an arm around Liz's waist. "She's the one I was telling you about."

"Hi Liz." Sara said shyly.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Liz grabbed the young girl's hand for a quick squeeze, before pulling away.

"I'm fine." She answered with a sleepy smile. Sara swung her eyes back to Max. “My mommy said that you’re my big brother. And then I heard you say it. I have two big brothers now.” She smiled as her eyes drifted close and Max’s eyes widened in panic.

“She’s just sleeping Max.” Liz reminded him. Max laid his hand over Sara’s squeezing it gently, he relaxed when she squeezed it back and he realized that she really was going to be okay.

“I think I’m already falling in love with your kids.” Liz said as she and Stephanie made their way out of the hospital. They had left Max with the kids a couple of minutes ago, after Sara had woken up so that he could have some time with them while Liz and Stephanie got some fresh air.

“They’ve seemed to take quite a liking to you too. It seems that Max isn’t the only one who’s smitten with you. I think Justin has his first crush.” Stephanie laughed.

Liz joined in with her own laughter. “He’s the sweetest thing. Both of them are. Justin just reminds me of a younger Max. He’s already acting so much like him.”

“There is quite a resemblance.” But her smiled wavered as they walked out of the building and found a seat in front of the hospital. “How has Max been doing? From what I saw earlier, he carries a lot of weight on his shoulders.”

Liz nodded, her smile also fading. “He’s better than he was when I first moved to Roswell. At least I think you could call it better. And it’s like he can’t ever get a moments peace. If he isn’t torturing himself with guilt, he’s reliving everything that happened to him in his nightmares. It’s hard seeing him so broken… you know?”

Stephanie nodded in understanding. “I think being with Justin and Sara gives him a break from everything. Just in the days that I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him smile as much as he does when he’s around them… or when he’s talking about you.” Stephanie looked towards Liz and smiled when she saw the younger girl’s blush. “You have rather the impact on him.”

“Same for me though. It still amazes me how he turned out the way he has considering what he’s been through. I never knew I could be this in love with someone and I fell so fast.” Liz said.

“Ahh, young love. Was it love at first sight?”

A wistful smile spread across Liz’s face as she remembered the first months when she had just moved here and she and Max first started going out. They just had fun and he seemed carefree. The perfect love. “I guess it was. I saw his eyes and I knew he was hiding something, but I fell anyway. And even through all of this drama, I still love him and more than willing to stick by him.”

Stephanie smiled a bittersweet smile. There once was a time when she felt like that. But the man she thought she loved was just an illusion. And the feelings she thought she felt were a delusion. To her, Hank was flawless. He was the perfect man. And while she thought she was falling for someone genuine, she never got the chance to see the real man. Unlike Liz and Max, when Hank’s flaws started to show, she never learned to love them, because he wouldn’t let her and he wanted to still but the perfect man in her eyes.

“So… do you mind telling how you and Hank met?” Liz asked cautiously. “I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t want to pry.”

“No. It’s alright.” Stephanie insisted. “I was a waitress at a diner in Carlsbad trying to gain a little extra money for veterinary college. And one day, Hank came into the diner. Something just clicked and I was attracted to him. We started talking and he asked me out, but I didn’t want to because he was twenty eight and I was only twenty, plus he had told me that he was just passing through. Now I’m thinking that I met him the same year he left Max and that was back in ‘94’.”

“And he didn’t even mention that he had a child being abused back home?” Liz questioned in amazement, her anger realizing at the man that he caused so much hurt.

Stephanie shook her head in sad recollection. “He seemed like the perfect man. And we dated for two years before we got married and moved back to Albuquerque so that I could start school. I was studying veterinary medicine.”

Liz looked up in interest. “So you’re a veterinarian?”

“No, not yet. I just graduated from veterinary college a few weeks ago and I have to take my medical board exam and then in order to practice in this state, I have to pass a state board exam.”

“Congratulations.” But her smiled turned as she calculated the years in her head. “What held you back?”

“Those two rascals in there.” She smiled, gesturing towards the hospital. “I was a junior in veterinary college when Justin was born and I had to drop out to stay at home with him. And then four years later, Sara was born. I never got around to going back, but once Sara turned three last year, I started thinking about going back. That’s when Hank started to lash out.”

“He didn’t want you to go back.” Liz concluded.

Stephanie nodded in confirmation. “He wanted me to be at home all day everyday, which I could understand because we had a six and three year old at home. But Hank was at home most of the time and he wanted me to be the perfect housewife. I went back to school anyway and started my residency at a local animal hospital. He didn’t like that at all.” She said with a bitter laugh. “But I couldn’t understand why because I was always able to be there for my kids. His true color started showing and we were on the verge of separating. Learning about Max only fueled the fire. The day I filed for divorce was the day he… he did what he did.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz reached over and grabbed the older woman’s hand in a supporting grip.

Stephanie nodded in gratitude. “I’m just glad that he’s out of our lives and he can’t hurt my babies anymore.”

“They seem like they’re handling it pretty well.” Liz commented.

“As well as I expected. But Justin still has nightmares about it sometimes and Sara doesn’t even remember what happen. He’d hit her the hardest and with her being so small…” Stephanie closed her eyes to calm herself. “That’s why she’d been the most hurt out of all of us.”

Liz didn’t know what to say. She admired Stephanie for handling the situation like she was - with strength and poise. No wonder why he children were handling at well as they were. They took after their mother.

“Why don’t we head inside?” Stephanie suggested. Liz agreed, and the two women made their way back into the hospital. Once they reached Sara’s room, Stephanie opened the door and her heart melted at the sight that greeted her.

Max, Justin and Sara, all three of them were spread out on Sara’s bed, fast asleep. Max sat propped up against the pillows, with Justin in his lap, Sara leaning against Max’s side and a story book lying loosely in his hands. Liz smiled at how right he looked, and she didn’t have the heart to wake him, it was the first time in a long time that he actually looked peaceful.

“They’re too sweet.” Stephanie mumbled as she stepped forward to smooth back her son’s hair.

“Yeah.” Liz smiled as she gazed at Max’s serene features. It had been a long time since she’d seen him like that and it truly as refreshing. He was beautiful and it just made her love him even more. “But I better get him home, it’s getting late.” Stephanie nodded in agreement and started to remove Justin from Max’s lap and lay him on the sofa on the other side of the room.

Liz appeared at Max’s side, shaking his shoulder to wake him. “Max?”

“Hmmm…” He stirred as his eyes fluttered open before falling closed against and he settled back into sleep.

Liz smiled, knowing he had to be exhausted, considering that he had had a night’s sleep in months. “Wake up sweetie. It’s time to go.” She said as she continued to shake him, jolting him out of his sleep.

“It was nice meeting you Liz.” Stephanie said, pulling her into a tight embrace.

“You too.” She replied. Liz said her goodbyes, kissing both Sara and Justin on their cheeks.

“Bye Max.” Stephanie called and she laughed when he seemed to still be half asleep. He turned to wave before letting Liz guide him out of the room.

“So, what’d you think? It wasn’t as bad as you expected huh?” Liz said as they walked towards the elevators.

“It went well. She’s an angel and I don’t regret coming to see her.” He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Thank you for being her with me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He leaned down and captured her lips in a tender kiss. But the kiss was cut short by his deep yawn. “Sorry.” He mumbled.

She giggled as he stifled another yawn. “I better drive back, you can rest in the car.” It didn’t take much for him to agree and he handed his keys over to her as they headed towards the car. And she was aware of how he shifted restlessly in his seat as she pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. She was about to suggest that he climb into the back and rest when he released his seatbelt and cuddled into her lap, her thigh pillowing his head. He was dead to the world before she could scold him for not wearing his seatbelt.

But she couldn’t deny the peace that had settled over him as he slept and she only buried her fingers in his hair, and thanked God that Max Evans was finally coming out of his shell.

The End

Just Kidding! I have about ten chapters left plus an epilogue, but chapters keep getting added so it may be a little longer than that. I hope you guys can stick with me until then. Let me know what you think.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Hey guys, if there are any errors in this part please excuse them I didn't have time to go over and edit this. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 33


Max collapsed onto his couch in exhaustion, closing his eyes and basking in the few minutes of silence he had. It was the morning of prom and Maria had him running around like a chicken with its head cut off for her last minute preparations. As it turns out, suddenly, her shoes didn’t match her dress the way it was supposed to, so she’d dragged Max and Liz to numerous shoe stores trying to find the perfect pair. Once she had, she decided that the dress just wasn’t up to par. And considering that most of the shops that carried the prom dresses were out of the good stuff and they wound up almost leaving the city just to look for another dress. But luckily, Max and Liz had managed to talk her down from her shopping high and convinced her that her original dress was the right one for the evening.

On top of grudgingly accompanying Maria and Liz all around town, he had to deal with a panicked Michael who was desperately trying to find the best way to worm his way back into Maria’s heart. Michael had called hundreds of times while they were out, asking what he should say and what he should wear. They gang was going to dinner before the dance, but Michael decided to just meet them at the prom afterward. Knowing that sharp utensils and an enraged Maria didn’t mix, he’d opted to skip out.

Just as he started to relax, Liz appeared above him. He smiled and gladly opened his arms as she dropped next to him and rested her head against his chest. “Shouldn’t you be home getting ready for tonight?” He pressed his lip against her neck.

“I just wanted to stay and talk to you.” She sighed as she leaned her head back to give him greater access to her neck.

“Talk to me about what?” He asked against her.

She shivered as her hand traveled up the front of her shirt and rested on her stomach. “Um… you know stuff.”

Max stopped his attack on her neck to regard her with a knowing gaze. “This “stuff” wouldn’t have to do with my surprise for you tonight would it?”

“Come on Max, I’m dying here. Just give me a little hint.” Liz whined, adding a small pout to top it all off. Ever since she had found out that he was planning a surprise for her, she had been doing her best to try and worm it out of him, but he wouldn’t budge. Liz had even been desperate enough to try and bribe Maria with a box of ice cream sandwiches into telling what she knew of it, but being as loyal as Maria is, Liz came up empty again.

“No can do. I don’t want you figuring it out until we get there.” He stated.

Her eyes lit up and she turned in his arms, straddling his lap. “Get where? Where are we going? Max tell me!”

Max laughed at her enthusiasm. “Okay, I’ll tell you that after we leave prom, I’m taking you someplace to have my evil way with you.” He smiled.

Liz squealed in delight, even though she knew that was the only information she was going to get from him. But she didn’t care. She loved seeing him like this. It seemed like ever since Hank died, a huge weight had been lifted. And since he’d found out he had siblings, he seemed almost carefree. With all the nightmares and the guilt and everything crashing down on him, it seemed as if some of that had been lifted. And the Max that was here before all this was out in the open was back and on his way to getting better. And the thought that one day, he would actually understand the reasons why she loved him so much and forgive himself for whatever wrong he thought he’d done, filled her heart with so much joy. And she acted on it, catching him off guard as she crashed her lips to his, kissing him with all the love she had for him.

“What was that for?” He breathed minutes later when she finally pulled away.

“Because I love you. And I’m glad that you chose me out of all the ogling masses of girls that fall over you everyday.” She said as she unraveled one of her arms from around his neck to brush back the hair that had fallen over his forehead. She watched as it fell back into place, right above his eyes. She couldn’t get enough of this guy and looking back on everything they’d been through, she felt blessed to still have him with her.

“What are you staring at?” Max asked, a little unnerved by her intense scrutiny.

“My gorgeous boyfriend.” She answered, leaning forward to kiss him. And in no time, the kiss turned as her tongue searched out his, dipping into his mouth to taste all that was Max. She felt his hands running down her back and up the back of her shirt, caressing her skin in smooth motions. His hands felt so warm against her and she yearned to feel his body. She wanted to touch him and make him feel what she felt when he touched her.

Liz deepened the kiss, leaning into him as she nibbled on his bottom lip, catching it between her teeth before crashing her lips to his again. As she occupied him with her kiss, she slipped her arms from around his neck and slowly down his sides and around to his back. Liz continued her journey as she let her hands slide lower until they meet the hem of his shirt. Cautiously, her hands eased under his shirt, feeling his soft, hot skin. He tensed immediately, pulling away from her, breaking their intense kiss.

“Max?” She said as she stared into his clouded gaze.

Closing his eyes, he leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers. It took him a while to catch his breath as he tried to hide his slight trembles. He hated that just that simple touch could evoke such a reaction out of him. “I’m fine.” He whispered, relaxing as her small hands cradled the back of his head, massaging his scalp with her fingers.

Liz sighed, hating that she couldn’t even touch him without him being reminded of the horrible things that were done to him. But just as the thought came, an idea popped into her head. She hoped that tonight, she would be able to replace some of those bad memories with good ones.

“So, Michael, what do you actually plan to say to Maria?” Max questioned as he straightened his tie.

Michael shrugged from where he slouched on the couch. “I have no idea. I just know that I’m going to beg forgiveness and grovel like there’s no tomorrow.” Michael had dropped by the apartment just as Max and Alex were putting their finishing touches on their tuxes. He had been nervous about the whole thing and wanted to rant and rave one last time before Max and Alex left to pick up the girls at Maria’s.

Alex snorted a laugh as he adjusted the cuffs on his jacket. “You know she’s going to be pissed.” He said.

“Yeah, but, I think it’s worth it.” He sighed, rubbing a weary hand down his face.

“You ready?” Max asked Alex as he did one more check to make sure he had everything.

“Yeah. I think we’re lookin’ good.” Alex said with a nod of approval. Alex wore a stylish white tux, complete with black vest, bow tie and a white top hat, while Max opted to sport a classic black tux with a midnight blue shirt to match Liz’s dress. Max grabbed the girls’ corsages out of the refrigerator and tucked them safely at his side. He and Alex had gotten the corsages days ago, but Maria had found them in Max’s refrigerator and decided that they just weren’t acceptable. She made him buy new ones while they were out that morning.

Max rolled his eyes at the thought of his feisty friend. He hoped to God that Michael was able to at least break the ice between him and Maria. Maybe then all of Maria’s nagging would be directed towards Michael… just like old times.

Just as the three guys were about to walk out of the door, Michael stopped, grabbing Max’s arm and pulling him back into the apartment. Max looked to him in question.

“Look Maxwell, I know we haven’t been on the best terms for awhile now.” He started, gesturing between the two of them. “Maria’s not the only one I need to apologize to. I know I haven’t been there for you like I should have while you were going through all of this. I ignored you when you needed friends the most and that was some fucked up shit. Just because Maria and I weren’t speaking… I’m sorry man.” He scratched his eyebrow, not really good at this type of thing. But he felt it was long overdue. He’d treated Max like crap when he didn’t deserve it and he’d ditched him when he needed support. After all of that talk about Max being his second little brother, he should have done better.

Max clamped his hand onto Michael’s shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. “It’s okay Michael. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.” Max pulled him into a brotherly hug.

“Nice tender moment.” Alex commented from the door. “But, if we don’t get to Maria’s soon, she going to have a heart attack and before she does, she’s going to kill us all.” Max chuckled, but made his way out the door, knowing what he said was true.

Max, Alex and Michael headed out of the apartment, each to their own vehicles. Knowing that Max and Liz would probably leave the dance early, they decided on driving in separate cars. Max and Alex headed towards Maria’s while Michael drove home, trying his best to prepare himself for the begging he’d have to do later on tonight.

Max and Alex arrived at Maria’s a few minutes later and as soon as they stepped onto the porch, cameras were flashed, blinding the two boys.

“Ohhh, you two look so handsome.” Amy cooed. “Come in!!” She said as she pulled the two inside of the house while Diane stood off to the side flashing her camera like crazy.

“Hi Mr… eh Jeff.” Max greeted when he spotted him sitting off to the side, rolling his eyes at the hysterical women.

“Hey Max, Alex. You guys look great.” He complimented.

“Thanks.” They mumbled in unison.

“Mom! You’re going to run out of film.” Alex stated as Diane continued to take pictures. But he quickly shut his mouth when she gestured to the five other disposable cameras that had yet to be opened.

“Girls, Max and Alex are here!!” Amy called down the hall. “Prepare yourselves guys, these girls are stunning.”

“So, Max Lizzie told me about this surprise you have for her.” Max nodded, his nervousness about it showing its ugly head. “I know what goes on with teenagers after prom. You just be good to my daughter.”

“I will sir.” Max replied.

Jeff smiled. He knew that Max was no where near ready to be intimate with anyone right now and he didn’t know if it was right, but he was comforted by that fact. He had always told Liz that he preferred knowing what she was doing rather then her sneaking behind his back. That including sex. He thought that Liz was too young to even be thinking about it, but he knew what he did when he was younger and when you’re ready, you’re ready. He’d rather his daughter know to protect herself.

Jeff was broken out of his thoughts as Serena made her appearance in the living room. Diane and Amy wanted the girls to come out one by one so they could get each girl walking out on a separate camera. The two mothers turned their flashing cameras to her as she headed towards the Alex.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Serena said as she stood in front of Alex. Serena wore an elegant white strapless gown. It fit her curves perfectly and then flared out at her waist. Her hair was done in a simple ponytail with a few of her brown curls falling around her face and small white flowers scattered in her dark hair. “I take it that your speechlessness is a good sign.” She said when he continued to do nothing but stare.

“Um… Wow!” He exclaimed.

“Same here.” She murmured as she took in Alex’s well dressed form.

Once he got his bearings, Alex leaned forward and whispered, “You wanna just skip prom and go right to the after party?”

“Alex!!” Diane yelled.

“Okay, okay.” He sighed, not knowing how she could have heard him. He took her hand and slid her corsage around her wrist.

Maria was the next to come out, her long dress swishing around her as she sauntered towards Max. Her dress was deep red, flaring slightly at the waist. The thin rhinestone covered straps crossed over her low back line and the neckline plunged low into a heart shape, covering her up in the right places. Her normally soft curls were straightened out and slightly curled at the ends.

“You look gorgeous Ria.” Max murmured before kissing her cheek.

“You don’t look half bad yourself.” She retorted as he slipped her corsage around her wrist.

“Come on out Liz!” Amy called.

Maria saw the look of anticipation in Max’s eyes and leaned over and whispered, “Don’t drool when she comes.” She smiled when his jaw dropped as Liz emerged out of the room and into the living room.

“You look beautiful.” A stunned Max whispered to Liz as she came to stand in front of him.

“Thank you. You look just as handsome.” She responded softly. She blushed as he continued to stare. Her midnight blue dress fit her to a tee and her hair was curled and done up in an intricate fashion. The cameras flashed as he gently grabbed her hand and slipped on her corsage.

“Just a few more pictures and then you can leave.” Diane promised. Those few pictures took a half an hour to take. And only after a whole lot of begging, they were able to slip out of the house.

Max watched Liz out the corner of his eye as they drove towards the restaurant. She and Maria were talking up a storm, but he couldn’t bring himself to participate in the conversation. He was entirely too nervous about his surprise for Liz to have a civilized conversation. Liz was his everything and he just wanted to give her the best. And after everything that he’d put her through, the best still didn’t seem enough. He wanted to please her and from the way she was touching him earlier, Liz was ready to move their relationship to the next level. He couldn’t blame her, he wanted to touch her… really touch her, but then that would mean that she would want to touch him in return and he wasn’t ready for that. But he ached for her, he wanted to make her feel good but he was so afraid of her touch triggering his memories.

“Max, are you okay?” Liz asked when she noticed his absence in their conversation.

Max shot her a quick glance, giving her a soft smile before returning his eyes back to the road. “I’m fine. Just thinking.”

“About how lucky you are to have two gorgeous women grace your presence?” Maria teased.

“Exactly.” Max chuckled, very aware of how true that statement really was. What did he ever do to deserve them? They were the greatest gift he could ever receive and he thanked God that they never gave up on him even when he’d given up on himself. After all that he had… He stopped mid-thought, feeling his mood taking a quick nose dive. He knew he had the ability to bring everyone down with him and he was desperate to avoid that happening.

“Max, where are you going?” Liz, shrieked, completely breaking him out of his thoughts.

He looked at her in confusion. “What?”

“Sweetie, you just passed the restaurant.” She said, looking at him as if she was trying to see through him.

“Oh. Sorry.” He mumbled before making a u-turn and pulling up in the parking lot of the restaurant. He shot her a sheepish grin before climbing out and jogging around her side to help Liz and Maria out.

Liz watched him out the corner of her eye as he ushered them towards the entrance where Alex and Serena were waiting. Something was bothering him, that much she knew. And she wondered if it had anything to do with the way she touched him this afternoon when they were at his apartment. She’d seen the look of anguish on his face when he pulled away and it tore her apart. Max needed to understand that there is a difference between her touching him and that crazed bitch violating him. And she hoped that tonight, she was able to make a dent in that variation.

“Let’s chow down.” Alex stated with excitement as they all made their way into the restaurant. The restaurant itself was bustling with life. It was one of the finest restaurants in Roswell and most of the prom goers came here. The room was dimly lit, but with just enough light to scope out what everyone else was wearing. And that was just what the group did. On top of eating their hearts out, they talked about and/or made fun of the attire some of these people chose to wear. One in particular that tickled, Liz, Maria and Serena to tears was Pam Troy. It was obvious that everyone knew she was pregnant but her, considering that she came dressed in a tight black dress, with four inch heels. How she expected to waddle around on the dance floor with her protruding belly and those heels was lost on them.

“Hey! No kissing at the table.” Maria admonished Alex and Serena who were engaged in some serious lip locking. “I’m trying to eat my dessert here.” The two pulled apart, leaving Serena blushing and Alex grinning like an idiot. “And don’t you two start.” She said, turning to Max and Liz who had gravitated toward each other and stopped in mid kiss at Maria’s comment.

“We weren’t doing anything.” Max said, his eyes wide with innocence.

“Liar.” She growled. “No kissing in front of the boyfriend disabled. It’s like dangling a piece of meat in front of a starving woman.” She sighed as she returned to her dessert, picking at it with lessening interest. She completely missed the knowing looks being passed from the other four at the table. She just wished Michael was there with her, even though she was so pissed at him right now. It didn’t matter how mad she was at him, she still loved him and it was hard seeing that he didn’t love her enough to do this one thing that meant so much to her. And because of that, he went out and slept with another woman.

Max frowned when he saw that Maria was starting to stab her ice cream with her spoon. Along with her pensive expression, it was a tell tale sign that she was thinking about Michael. Reaching under the table, he grabbed her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. Maria gave him a grateful look in return squeezing his hand back before lacing their fingers together. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile on her face as she tuned into the current conversation about what everyone was going to do over summer vacation. She was not going to let Michael ruin her night… especially if he wasn’t even there.

“Come on girls. Let’s go to the ladies room before we leave.” Liz suggested. All three girls agreed, leaving Max and Alex alone at the table.

“So, should we go to the little boy’s room?” Alex asked.

“Why? Do you have to go?” Max replied.

“No. Do you?” Max shook his head negatively. “Well, I just thought it would a type of bonding experience.”

“Bonding experience.” Max reiterated carefully. “Walking two feet to the bathroom would be a bonding experience.”

Alex shrugged as he took a sip of his drink. “Why do you think girls do it all the time? They go in the bathroom and they bond. They talk about how cute or ugly their date is, borrow each other makeup, and if somebody is taking a dump and falls in, her friends are there to help her out and dry her off. They have a few laughs and come out the best of friends.”

“Or they could just have to go to the bathroom and don’t want to go in alone.”

Alex nodded in agreement. “That too.” He responded. Max rolled his eyes, chuckling at his friend as he called for a check.

Once the girls came back, Alex and Max paid the check before ushering their dates outside. At Maria’s insistence, they had to stop for pictures which had in turn caused Liz and Serena to pull out their own cameras.

Finally making it to prom, the girls immediately headed to the dance floor, while Max and Alex headed towards the punch bowl.

“You’re not dancing?” Max said to Alex, but he kept his eyes on Liz, who was shimming and gyrating with Maria and Serena.

“I’m trying to look cool and suave. You know giving the ladies around here a chance to see what they missed out on before I go dance with my girl.” He explained confidently.

“And these girls that you speak of are supposed to fall madly in love with you since they know you’re unavailable now?”

“Yes. And because I look so damn good.” He said before pushing himself away from the table and making his way to Serena.

Max rolled his eyes, but smiled when he saw Liz coming his way. “Dance with me.” She said, as she grabbed his hand and pulled him out onto the floor. The first slow song of the night played and he wrapped her tightly in his arms, swaying with her to the music.

“You look breathtaking tonight Liz.” He told her after they were silent for a while.

Her blush made him smile and he dipped his head, kissing her lightly on her cheek before she lifted herself on her toes to meet his lips.

“Mmmm. Strawberry lip gloss. I like.” He mumbled against her lips.

“I bet you do.” She teased back. Max laughed, but stopped when he spotted Maria sitting alone at their table. Liz must have saw her too because she pulled away from him. “I’m going to get some punch.”

Max watched her walk away before he headed towards Maria. “May I have this dance Ms. DeLuca?” He asked as he bowed in front of her, holding out his hand for her to take.

A smile brightened her face and Max beamed inside. “Yes you may Mr. Evans.” He pulled her onto the floor and rocked to the music, happy that he could do something to make his friend happy.

After the song was over, Max and Maria met the rest of the group over at their table.

“Michael’s about to make an entrance.” Alex whispered to Max.

“What’s he going to do?”

Alex shrugged and just as the current song ended and the disc jockey made his way onto the stage.

“This next song was made by special request. This is dedicated to a special blond pixie from a very sorry hair boy.” Maria gasped and looked towards her friends in question. They all just shrugged in answer. “And it goes a little something like this.” He put on a record and the music started. She felt a tap on her shoulder and even before she turned to knew who it was.

Yeah, oh yeah
Alright, oh, oh, oh

“Would you like to dance?” Michael asked. Maria looked him up and down, taking in his strong figure. He was wearing a tux similar to Max’s only he wore a deep red shirt to match her dress.

Maria had a mind to punch his lights out for having the audacity to think that she would just all of a sudden forget how had treated her and her friends and dance with him. But as she turned around, she caught Max’s eye. He smiled and nodded for her to go. She smiled. There would be enough time to bash Michael’s head in later.


It's amazing how you knock me off my feet, hmm
Everytime you come around me I get weak, oh yeah
Nobody ever made me feel this way, oh
You kiss my lips and then you take my breath away
So I wanna know

I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile

Girl he never understood what you were worth, hmm no
And he never took the time to make it work
(You deserve more loving, girl)
Baby I'm the type of man to show concern, yes I do, oh
Anyway that I can please you let me learn
So I wanna know

I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile

I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile

Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true

Tell me what I gotta do to please you
Baby anything you say I'll do
Cause I only wanna make you happy
From the bottom of my heart, it's true

I wish that I could take a journey through your mind, alright
And find emotions that you always try to hide babe, oh
I do believe that there's a love you wanna share, oh, oh
I'll take good care of you lady, have no fear, oh
So I wanna know

I wanna know what turns you on
So I can be all that and more
I'd like to know what makes you cry
So I can be the one who always makes you smile

Maria pulled away once the song ended, her gaze falling to her feet.

“Look Maria, I know I fucked up and I know I deserve to be kicked in the balls right now… which I’m thinking you already want to do right now. But I’m different now. I know what I did wrong and please if you just give me another try…” He trailed off once he realized that she wasn’t going to look up at him. “What do I have to do?” He bent down to try and catch her eye. “You want me to get on my knees and beg?” He asked, jokingly but was surprise when she finally looked up.

“Yes,” She said, her green gaze sparkling with anger. “Michael, you hurt me, you slept with another woman. I know we weren’t together, but God… it still hurt. A song and dance is not going to make up for that. And not to mention that you’ve been a complete asshole to the rest of your friends. I’m not the only one you need to be apologizing to.”

Michael nodded in understanding. “What do you want me to do?” Her eyes fell to something behind him and he turned to see what she was looking at. “No, please. I’ll do anything but that.”

A few minutes later, Michael stood on stage, microphone in hand, singing the Backstreet Boys’ “Shape of My Heart” to the crowd. Maria knew Michael hated that kind of music and everyone knew it. He had to be sorry to get up and sing that in front of everybody.

Lookin' back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone
I played my part and kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Michael walked off the stage bright red from the humiliation. Stomping straight over to the table where his friends were laughing, he crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.

“Am I forgiven now?” He grumbled.

“No.” Maria said, trying to swallow her laugh long enough to take in a much needed breath. “But I’ll let you sit with me for getting up there and doing that.”

Michael shrugged and took a seat next to her, figuring it was better than nothing.


"I Wanna Know" By Joe
Excerpts from "Shape of my Heart" by the Backstreet Boys

I'll be back in a few days with more. Let me know what you think.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Chapter 34


“Max, where are we going?”

He gave her that secretive smile that made her heart skip a beat and it suddenly didn’t matter where they were going, as long as she was with him. She snuggled closer to him, feeling safe and content in his arms. Much to Max’s many protests, she had long since abandoned her seatbelt so that she could close the distance between them and cuddle to his side. He’d throw his arm around her, holding her tight against him.

“You’ll see. We’re almost there.” It had been a long time since she’d seen that twinkle in his eye and she savored it, knowing it made a rare appearance.

The air was cool and the sky was clear, the bright stars twinkled with wondrous brilliance. Max had taken off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders to keep her warm. It was the perfect night and Liz felt as if she was on top of the world. Max on the other hand was a nervous wreck. Throughout prom, he was able to calm himself down enough to actually have a good time. But once Liz had whisked him away, saying that she couldn’t take the anticipation, he couldn’t help but think that what he’d set up wasn’t good enough. That it wasn’t up to her standards. That he wasn’t up to her standards. It was obvious that he kept his feelings well hidden, because Liz had no idea he felt this way, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Liz shifted beside him, pulling out of his embrace. He glanced down to see her working on the straps of her shoes. She slid them off her small feet, rubbing them for a short while before tucking them under her and cuddling back into his aide. Max made a mental note to rub her feet later.

“Liz, don’t fall asleep on me now. We’re almost there. We have the whole night ahead of us.” Max chuckled when he glanced down to see her eyes closed.

Liz smiled, but kept her eyes closed. “And what, Mr. Evans, does this night consist of?” She replied sweetly.

“Good try Parker, you’ll just have to wait and see.”

A few minutes later, Max turned off the road onto a dirt trail, leading into of one of the few woodsy areas in Roswell. Pulling the jeep to a stop, he untangled his arm from around her.

Liz took in her surroundings. She couldn’t see much in the dark, but up ahead, she thought she spotted a light in the distance. “Where are we Max?” Max only smiled in answer, before taking a calming breath to settle his nerves. While Liz was tugging on her shoes, Max hopped out of the jeep and jogged to her side.

“What are you doing?” She giggled when he swung her into his arms.

He jerked his head towards the uneven earth beneath them. “I couldn’t let you hurt yourself walking in those heels.” Max cradled her close to his chest as he started towards the distant light. She felt light in his arms and he wished that he could run away with her. Run from everything and just be with her and spend his life pleasing her.

He heard her gasp as they came closer to the light. It was coming from a lamp which sat in the window of a quaint, little, log cabin. He gently let her slide to her feet before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a key. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and stepped aside, letting her walk in first.

Max gauged her reaction, and when she did nothing but stare, his heart dropped and he thought of bolting from the scene. She didn’t like it. He felt the heavy weight of defeat crushing him and before he could turn away, Liz turned towards him, flinging herself into his arms. He held onto her, his shock clouding his senses.

“Oh Max, this is beautiful.” She kissed his lips, her eyes shining with love for him.

“Y-You like it?” He stammered in amazement.

She nodded franticly, her grin growing a mile long. “I love it. And I love you.”

She kissed him again before examining the room more closely. They were standing in a small living room. Its only furnishing included an overstuffed couch in the middle of the room, and a bear skin rug in front of it. Facing the couch was a large stone fireplace, ready to be lit. Straight ahead was a long counter bar, separating the living room from the fully equipped kitchen.

Liz turned to Max in awe. “Max, how did you find this place and can you afford all this?”

Suddenly shy, Max stuck his hands inside his pants pocket. “Um… Stephanie’s grandfather built this place years ago. He left it to her in his will and she let me use it for as long as I like.” Max told her. “You wanna see the rest of the place?” He asked, bringing his shy gaze to her eager eyes.

She nodded vigorously, taking his hand and letting him lead her down a short hallway. He showed her the full bathroom before leading her to the bedroom.

“Oh Max.” She sighed as she took in the sight of the white rose peddles that were scattered across the floor. Her eyes were drawn to the king sized canopy bed where a box of chocolates and a single white rose lay. She stepped into the room, but her unshed tears blurred her vision and her hand came to her mouth as she choked back a sob.

“Liz…” He whispered, his own voice wavering with emotion. He hadn’t meant to make her cry. A few quick strides and she was in his arms, crying against his chest. He picked her up and settled them both onto the bed, holding her close.

“I’m sorry Liz.”

“No. No Max.” She sniffled, realizing that he probably thought that she didn’t like it. “I love it. It’s just… No one’s ever done anything like this for me before. I just got a little too emotional.” She explained, satisfied when he visibly relaxed a little. “I mean it’s enough to give a girl chocolate, but throw in her favorite roses, the cabin and the sweetest boyfriend, its just… wow!” She stated with a shaky laugh.

Max let out a nervous laugh of his own, breathing deeply as he wiped away her tears. He had been so sure that what he’d planned wasn’t good enough for her. And in his worst nightmares, she would take one look at everything and then at him and realize that she was wasting her time with him and he would lose her forever. Now he just felt silly that he could think that Liz would ever do something like that.

“So you don’t completely hate it?”

“Max I love it.” She assured him. “When did you do all of this?” She asked, turning sparkling eyes on him.

“Um, after you left this afternoon, I came out here and set everything up.”

“You’ve been busy today, haven’t you?” She teased, making him blush. “Let’s make out.” She blurted out. Her tears were gone now and she felt giddy to be here with him. Before he could answer, she launched herself at him, kissing him with such passion and love it almost knocked him over. It took Max a second to first get over the fact that she said it like that – so bluntly. And after he gotten over that shock, he responded to her just as fiercely, burying himself in the feel of her. In the mist of his Liz induced haze, he had almost forgotten that there was more to show her. He began to push her away, but his attempt faltered when Liz swiped her tongue across his lip, wanting entrance into his mouth. Max parted his lips and she moaned into his mouth at the taste of him. It sent her head spinning and she felt her desire taking control over her.

Max wanted to feel the soft skin of her back, but her long dress hindered that desire and he settled for burying his fingers into her hair. He was vaguely aware of them falling back onto the bed. But as his back hit the sheets, his lust filled mind cleared and he recognized Liz lying on top of him, kissing a trail down his neck. He shut his eyes tight, concentrating on her and the feel of her small body against his, her soft lips touching his skin, her hands tugging and combing through his hair…

“Liz… we have to stop.” He pleaded, feeling himself slipping back into that place in his mind where Lauren was. “Liz...”

She stopped immediately, realizing what she was doing. She slid off of him and he rolled to his side to face her. “I’m sorry Max. I just…”

Max cut her off with a gentle finger pressed against her lips. “I know. I just… Just give me a minute.” He breathed, burying his face in her hair.

“Max, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have jumped you like that.” She sighed.

“No Liz. I um… I liked it, but I just can’t….” Leaving his statement hanging seemed like the best thing to do. He didn’t know how to express the way she made him feel and then to have that feeling ripped away by horrible memories that he couldn’t control. How do you explain why a simple kiss or the feel of her hands against his skin triggered a rush of the many times that he’d been… used? He felt so dirty and he pushed away from her, not wanting to taint her with his flaws.

Liz watched him, seemingly fighting a battle within himself. And her heart broke a little bit more when he pulled away from her, trying to hide the anguish on his features. Placing a supporting hand on his shoulder, she gave it a slight squeeze, willing him to look at her. And when he did, she swallowed the gasp that threatened to sound when she saw a flesh of agony before he masked it, his lips slowly drawing together in a smile.

She could only smile back, knowing that when he didn’t want to talk about something, he didn’t. He’d come to her when he was ready.

“Max, what’s all that?” Liz asked, noticing a bag sitting on the dresser across from the bed.

He moved to his feet to retrieve the bag. “I um… There’s a TV and VCR in the hall closet that I didn’t get around to hooking up. I figured we could watch a few movies and relax if you wanted.” He handed her the bag and let her peek inside.

“Let’s get changed.” She raised an eyebrow when Max opened a drawer full of clothes. “I um didn’t know what you wanted to wear so I just brought everything that was in your drawer at my apartment.” He mumbled shyly.

Liz laughed before kicking him out of the room so that she could change. Max changed in the bathroom.

“Are you hungry?” Max asked from the kitchen when she emerged from the bedroom in her pajamas and flopped down on the bear skin rug.

She shrugged, as she rolled on her stomach, loving the feel of the rug. “I could use a snack.” Liz rolled around on the rug, giggling when the fur tickled her nose.

“Having fun?” She looked up to see Max hovering above her, his lips pursed in amusement.

“Shut up.” He chuckled and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. Max placed a bowl of fruit and other snacks next to her and moved to start a fire in the fire place. Once it got going, he dimmed the lights and joined her on the rug.

Liz sighed in wonder as she took in his features, his beauty only enhanced by the glow of the fire. How this person thought so little of himself when he was so much more was beyond her. She couldn’t imagine someone not being able to love this wonderful person. In her eyes, it was inevitable.

Max leaned up against the couch, spreading his legs so that Liz could slide in between them. “You, Max Evans, are spoiling me.” She teased lightly when he fed her a strawberry dipped in chocolate.

“Well you deserve to be spoiled Liz Parker.” He surrounded her in his arms, pulling her close against him. “You deserve it all.”

“I love you.” She whispered as she reached up to peck his lips with hers.

“I love you too.”

For hours, the couple remained there, talking and laughing while they fed each other the snacks that Max laid out. The conversation was lighthearted, kept to the lighter side of their hectic lives. It had been a long time since they had actually sat down and really just enjoyed each other’s company without it turning sour. Liz was captivated by Max. Seeing him laughing and joking with her and genuinely enjoying himself could lift any grey cloud. His laugh was so rare and she cherished it whenever she had the pleasure to hear it.


Thanks for the feedback. The rest of the date will be finished in the next chapter. Let me know what you think.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I posted this part before RF went down the first time but I had to rewrite it, so if you've already read this part you really don't have to read it again. And for those of you who missed it, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 35

The fire had long since dwindled down and the young couple remained relaxed in the others embrace. Soft kisses and gentle caresses where exchanged as the two basked in the other’s company, too lazy to move from their space on the bearskin rug.

“Are you sleeping?” Liz questioned Max when his caress on her hip slowed to a halt.

“No. Are you?”

“No. I’m not sleepy.” She replied.

“Me either.” He smiled a mischievous smile as he crept his hand up her body and tangled his fingers in her silky hair. “Wanna fool around then?” He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Max! You’re such a guy!” She exclaimed, giggling as he leaned in to nibble on her neck.

“Well would you prefer it if I were a girl?” He mumbled against her.


She laughed when his eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped to the ground. “Liz!!”

“Kiss me.” She commanded and Max wasted no time complying.

“Max!! Ahh… wait.” Liz hissed as she clutched her back in pain.

Max scrambled off of her as quickly as he could. “What? What is it? I didn’t hurt you did I?” He said, concern and fear etched over his features.

“No. My back. I got a crick in my back.” She clarified. “We must have been lying on the floor for too long. Max, help me up.” She raised her hand, expecting him to pull her to her feet. But before she could say another word, Max swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom and gently laid her on the soft mattress.

“Roll over. Let me give you a massage.”

Liz shook her head in protest. “No you don’t have to Max. I’m fine now.” She said as she tried to pull him down next to her.

“I want to. I’ve been meaning to give you one all night anyway.” He insisted.

Liz complied with his wishes when he stuck out his bottom lip in a small pout. She smiled to herself. After all, it wouldn’t be so bad feeling his hands all over her body. She waited in anticipation as he rubbed a little lotion on his hands before climbing onto the bed and leaning over her. At first contact, Liz shivered involuntarily at his warm hands meeting her soft flesh. She melted into the mattress as he began to knead her lower back in small circles, leaving a burning trail as his hands traveled upwards.

Feeling bold, Max let his hands slide under Liz’s thin top under the guise of massaging her back. Her moans and soft sighs were slowing eating away at him and the desire to touch her was stronger than ever before. And before he could control himself, he was flipping her over, devouring her lips with such fierceness it took Liz a good few seconds before she realized what hit her. Her normally gentle, cautious boyfriend was now thrusting his tongue into her mouth, his hands creeping up the front of her shirt. It drove her crazy that she could feel every outline of his body as he climbed fully on top of her.

“Oh Max.” She sighed when he pulled a way for a split second before moving his lips down her jaw and attaching them to her neck. His tongue dipped out to taste her soft flesh and he sucked and nipped at her skin, surely leaving a mark. Pushing the need for air aside, Max crashed his lips against hers once more in a searing kiss. Only when the lack of air became too much, Max pulled away and lay panting as he buried his face in her hair.

“Wow.” Liz sighed when Max finally rolled off of her, pulling her on her side to face him. “Have I ever told you what a great kisser you are Max Evans?” She was met with Max’s shy smile before he ducked his head in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry Liz. I just….” His apology was cut short when Liz placed a firm kiss to his lips.

“Max, stop apologizing. I said I liked it didn’t it?” At his nod, she placed another kiss against his lips, wishing that Max wasn’t so uncertain about himself all the time.

“Liz, I want to ask you something. And I just want you to know that you don’t have to agree to it if you don’t want to.” He clarified hesitantly.

Liz nodded as she brushed back his bangs that she adored so much and ran a hand down the length of his arm for support. “Go ahead. I’m all ears.” She said receptively. He seemed nervous and she had a hint as to what he was going to ask her.

“Okay… um do you think it would be okay if I… um I mean would you mind if I….”

“If you what?” She encouraged.

He stared at her neck, afraid of what he might see if he looked into her eyes. “Would it be okay if… if I saw… you?” He briefly raised his eyes to hers to gauge her reaction. “I mean if you don’t want to do it then that’s okay too. You may not be ready to expose yourself to me yet and I’m okay with that.”


“You can just tell me no if you want and I’ll totally understand because you may not be ready for that part of our relationship and I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.” He rambled. “So it doesn’t matter… I mean it does matter but, it’s okay if you don’t. Because it doesn’t really matter, you know? So…”

“Max!” She shouted, successfully cutting off his persistent rambling. “It’s okay. I told you before that I was yours and I’m ready whenever you are okay?” At his nod, Liz sat up, raising her arms so that he could lift her shirt.

After looking to her in reassurance once more, Max sat up and shakily placed his hands on the hem on her shirt and lifted it up and over her head. A gasp left his lips and his eyes widen at her beauty. She was perfect.

“Wh… What do I do?” He asked softly, bringing his glossy eyes to hers.

Liz took his hands in hers and cupped them around her warm breasts. “Whatever you want Max.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He protested.

“You won’t. I trust you.” Her soft smile seemed to give him the courage to go on and he leaned forward and gently touched her lips with hers. The kisses started out sweet and slow as the two fell back onto the mattress. But as the kiss grew much fiercer, Liz couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement at the feel of Max’s hands on her. They cupped her perfectly, as if his hands were made just for her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing him firmly against her.

Max on the other hand was at lost on what to do. He pulled away from her sweet lips and looked to where her hands lay frozen on her breasts. He squeezed them gently, feeling their firmness. Her puckered nipples strained against his palms and Max took them between his fingers and squeezed gently, watching in fascination as Liz moaned in pleasure. He rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, pleased with himself as Liz threw her head back and let out a throaty moan. In a bold move, Max leaned down and swirled his tongue around her taut nipple while his other hand kneaded her tender breast.

“Max.” Liz breathed as he closed his mouth around her, his teeth scraping against her sensitive flesh. He switched breast, nipping and sucking at her nipple, enjoying hearing Liz’s moans and sighs of pleasure. He could feel her fingers digging through his thick hair, begging for more. But he must have bitten too hard when she yelped in pain. Max mumbled a quick apology before returning to her breast, nibbling gentler this time.

Max kissed a trail from her breast up to her neck, kissing the underside of her jaw before returning to her lips. His hands took over on her breast, massaging her tender molds as he kissed her breathless.

“Wow!” She breathed when he pulled away.

Max slid off of her, pulling her so that she faced him. “Did I do I right?” He asked, looking like a little boy who just learned something new.

“You definitely did it right.” Liz bit her lip as Max moved to brush his lips against her shoulder before burying his face in her neck. “Max?”


“Max, I want to try something.” He lifted his head to meet her gaze, and he could do nothing but trust her. He nodded, and let Liz push him onto his back, his eyes widening when she climbed on top of him and straddled his stomach.


“Do you trust me Max?” He nodded without hesitation, his wide eyes locked on hers as her hands trailed underneath his shirt and rested against his chest. His muscles tensed beneath her palms. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. Just look at me. Feel me.”

Max nodded, forcing himself to relax when she bent down and placed her lips over his. He could trust Liz. She would never hurt him. He repeated that over in his head as Liz’s small hands ran up and down his arms. Involuntarily, his muscles tensed and his breathing accelerated. He concentrated on Liz. Just her, he could trust her. Her soft hands traveled up his arms and then over his chest. She wouldn’t hurt him, it’s just Liz, he reminded himself.

He felt nails dragging down his chest, clawing and scrapping at his flesh and he let out a soft whimper. His eyes fell shut and he lost his grip.

Liz stopped her movements immediately, climbing off of him and cupping his cheeks in her hands. “It’s okay Max. Look at me.” She told him as he continued to whimper helplessly.

Max felt the sticky red liquid running down his chest as his shorts were yanked down to his ankles. He couldn’t stop the cry from escaping his lips. “Please stop.”

“Open your eyes Max.” Liz urged as Max started to kick his legs, trying to fight off some invisible monster. “It’s not real.”

He felt the sting from a hit of a rough hand against his cheek as horrifying blue eyes appeared above him. The eyes sparked monstrously and he shivered in fear. “Somebody help me. Please.” He cried. He heard a familiar voice, soft and sweet, urging him to open his eyes. “I can’t.” He moaned miserably, afraid of what he might find. He needed his angel.

“I’m here Max. Everything’s going to be okay. Just open your eyes.” The voice couched. He couldn’t deny it and he complied, meeting the most beautiful brown eyes he’d ever seen. He choked back a sob in relief as she pulled him into her arms, making the blue eyes that haunted him disappear from mind. “Shhh. I’m sorry Max. I’m here.” She whispered in his ear.

“I can’t do it. I want to, but I can’t.” He cried as he buried his face in her neck.

“Shhh. Just rest now.” She whispered as she rubbed his back, hoping to calm him into a restful sleep.

Max forced himself to relax, forced his breathing to even out as he let his body sag against Liz’s. He felt her leaving his side to flick off the light, thinking that he’d finally fell asleep. She pulled the covers over him and took him into her arms again, kissing his brow and whispering her love. Max cuddled into her side, squeezing her tight. He knew he wouldn’t sleep tonight.

Be at Peace MJ
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Location: The gloved one (Michigan)

Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Finally, new part! :D

Chapter 36

“Max, could you tell me about your childhood?”

Max lowered his eyes, figuring if he’d just ignored her, she’d go away. For over twenty minutes, Dr. Patterson had been trying to get Max to talk to her. He had been to visit her numerous times, but every time it felt less comfortable than the last.

It had been two weeks since prom night. And Max and Liz barely touched each other since then. Liz was afraid of triggering one of his attacks, while Max was afraid of hurting her. They were both careful to exchange only light kisses and the few time they did make out, they’d stop every so often to check if the other was okay. Even though Liz didn’t show it, he knew she was frustrated. She wanted more, she wanted to take their relationship to the next level, and he did too, but he couldn’t stop these attacks from taking control.

“Did you have a good childhood?” Dr. Patterson asked, snapping Max out of his thoughts.

Max wanted to laugh out loud at that question. In his dreams he didn’t even have good childhood. Max only shook his head in answer and kept his eyes low.

“What are about your parents?” When she saw him flinch, she knew she’d hit something. “What happened to them?”

His knee bounced restlessly and he tried to suppress the amazing amount of grief that washed over him just then. He clasped his hands together, feeling them starting to shake. Not now, he thought. He felt a craving creping up on him and he forced himself to calm down.

“Max, you know I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. I want you to try and tell me everything that’s bothering you. It can only help you Max.” She coached gently. “What happened to your parents?” She asked again, willing him to answer.

He rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans as he tried to calm his nerves. “Th-They’re dead.” He murmured.

“What happened to them?” She asked, leaning forward to hear him. He spoke so softly that she had to strain to hear him.

Max glanced at the door, wanting to bolt out of there right into the safety of Liz’s arms. But he had to do this. He had to get better, if not at least for him, but for Liz and his brother and sister.

“M-My mother died from birth complications. And my father… uh… he uh was just recently shot and killed.” He explained.

“How recently?”

“Couple of weeks ago.”

Dr. Patterson sat back in shock. She wasn’t expecting it to be that recently. But in the way he said it, it almost seemed like he was relieved.

“I’m sorry.” She said, really feeling sympathy for the scarred boy in front of her. “What happened?” She questioned, while writing down his reactions and answers in her notebook.

Max ran a shaky hand through his hair as he fell back against the couch. “He… He was gunned down by the police. He was abusing his wife and kids. They shot him in the chest and he died.” A tear escaped his eyes, not because of his father, but because of Sara and Justin, who had gotten hurt because of all this. And that familiar pain in his heart started when he thought about them. Another sibling, hurt because of him. Sure their mother insisted he had nothing to do with it, he couldn’t shake it off.

“Did he ever abuse you?”

Max sniffled as he shook his head. “No.”

“Was he a good father to you?”

Max snorted aloud, trying to think of one time his father was ever less than callous towards him. As expected, he came up with nothing. “He never paid any attention to me. He always thought that my mother’s death was my fault.” He sniffled, wiping his eyes as he stared at the ceiling.

“And do you believe that?” She already knew the answer. His guilt was written all over his face. “So what was your childhood like?”

Max was silent for awhile, searching for the right words to express how he felt, but the only word that came to him was, “Lonely.”

“You never had any friends?” She asked as she wrote the new information down. “No one to play with when you were younger?”

He shook his head. “I had… um my older step-sister. She was my best friend. She was all I had.”

“Was? What happened to her?”

Max took in a deep breath, readying himself to relive everything he desperately wanted to forget. And as much as it hurt, he told her everything, from his biological mother, to his inability to be intimate with Liz. He felt completely drained when he finished.

“Can you tell me what happens when you and Liz are intimate?”

Max nodded, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment. Up until now, Max found that it was easy to talk to Dr. Patterson, but talking about this was so uncomfortable. “When Liz and I… um… are together… I mean just kissing, everything’s fine. But if she’s… touching me I just… I don’t know… freak out.”

Dr. Patterson frowned as she listened to Max speak. “Okay, when you freak out, are these like flashbacks to when you were with Lauren?” Max nodded solemnly. “Max, I think you might have PTSD. Have you heard of that?”

“I’ve heard of it, but I don’t really know what it is.”

“It’s Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. When people are subjected to traumas, such as sudden death of a loved one, abuse or rape, sometimes people just get overwhelmed by it and the memories take over. I believe that’s what’s happening to you.”

“How can I stop it?” He asked desperately, feeling a small piece of the weight he’d been carrying lifting now that he knew exactly what was going on.

“Well, there’s therapy.” She said, as she gestured around her. “And then there’s medication that you can take. Max, you can get over this. You just have to let yourself heal.”


Maria looked up from where she was sulking by the punch bowl to find Max’s standing next to her. He smiled warmly and she returned it. “Hey chico.”

“You okay?” He asked as he threw his arm around her shoulder. Michael had just graduated high school and they were celebrating with a graduation party at the Crashdown. Most of the graduates showed up and it had turned into a full blown party.

“I’m fine.” Maria lied as Max guided her into the back room, and onto the couch.

“You don’t look fine. You look horrible actually.” He said causally, trying to get a rise out of her.

“Have I ever told you I love your honesty Max? Cause I really do.” She mocked.

“I like to keep it real.” He smiled as Maria laughed next to her.

“You’re a real crack up Max.” She giggled. “But what brings you over here? Taking a break from dancing the night away with your girlfriend while your miserable best friend works her ass off, serving the hungry masses and slips slowly into insanity?” She expressed dramatically.

Max gave her a funny look, scratching his eyebrow with his finger. “Um, I think you’re already at the point of insanity.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that when I actually got excited about reorganizing my closet this weekend.” She let out a helpless whimper as her head fell onto Max’s shoulder. “Help me Max.” She whined.

“What’s wrong?”

“Michael just graduated, Max. He’s leaving for college in a few months and I’m not ready to let him go. I mean I know we’ve had our problems, but I actually love the guy.” She cried. “I’m going to miss not fighting with him everyday.”

Max chuckled as he wrapped his distressed friend in his arms. “You’ll be fine Ria. He’s not going far and you know he’ll be by to bug you every weekend. And when you feel like you need to pick a fight with someone, I’m always here.”

She smiled as she threw her arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “And you know I’m always here for you too right?”

Max smiled, softly, knowing it was true. He knew that no matter what the situation was, Maria would still be Maria. No matter what, he could always count on her and he chastised himself for not realizing that sooner. How could he ever doubt such great friends, even after everything? How could he not see their loyalty? Why couldn’t he see that they were there for him and that no matter what he did when he was younger, they’d always be there for him?

“So PTSD huh?” Maria started once they pulled out of their embrace. “How do you feel?”

It had been a few days since Max had been told that he had PTSD. Dr. Patterson had recommended a psychiatrist for him and he immediately went and sure enough, he was diagnosed. “I don’t know. I mean it’s great that I know what’s wrong now and I know that I’m not going insane…”


He sighed as he laid his head back against the back of the couch. “But what if I never get over this? What if I’m stuck like this forever?”

Maria pulled him into her arms, letting him rest her head on her shoulder. She didn’t know what to do for him and she wanted to help him so badly. “Max, I don’t know how long it’s going to take before you can really get over this, but it’s going to happen. I have faith in you.”

“They want to put me on medication; anti-depressants, anti-anxiety and something about a beta blocker which is supposed to control adrenaline rushes during these attacks that I have.”

“You don’t sound too happy about that.” She said as she stroked his arm.

“I’m just afraid that I’ll get addicted to this stuff. I mean I’m barely staying away from the alcohol, I don’t need to become dependant on another drug.”

“And you won’t. You just have to control your doses. You’ll be okay, Max. I know you will. It’s your time to be happy.”

Max nodded against her, not ready to believe her yet, but hoping with all he had that she was right.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Finally!! After soooo long! Well I hope somebody's still out there and still reading. :lol:

lizard_queen: Don't be embarassed because Max and Liz was the first people I created when I got the game. I guess we're both obsessed. :lol:
Bixie: Welcome to the story and sorry and the lack of tissue warning. :lol:
Behrsgirl77: Tanya! I actually focused and got this done!! Aren't you proud? :D
Everyone Else: Thanks a billion for the bumps and feeback. You guys are the best and I soooo sorry for keeping you waiting.

Now on with the new part... Sorry if it sucks....

Chapter 37

“We’re free.” Liz sighed as she and Max cuddled together on his couch.

Max only rubbed her arm up and down in response, kissing the top of her head as he held her tight in his embrace.

“No more school!! Two months of freedom!!” She shouted in excitement before reaching up to kiss Max’s lips.

Max could only wish that he felt at least a ounce of enthusiasm that she felt. He had always dreaded summer vacation. It wasn’t because he enjoyed school, which wasn’t the case. It was because he had nothing to occupy his time, which left a lot of room for him to slip further into his depression.

“Max? You okay?” She asked as she leaned her head back to study his face. She picked up his hand that wasn’t stroking her arm and sandwiched it between her own. “Your hand is shaking.” Max sighed wearily, leaning back to rest his head against the back of the couch.

“I’m sorry. I’m a little out of it.” He explained as he rubbed at his forehead. “I just took that Zoloft stuff and it’s making me a little jittery and drowsy. I’m fine Liz, really.”

Liz frowned and turned around to face him. “Is that normal? To feel this way I mean?”

Max nodded, leaning into her caress when her small hand lifted to stroke his fatigued features. “The psychiatrist said that it’s completely normal, but it’ll take about four weeks for the stuff to start working.” He explained, his tone showing his obvious frustration.

“Oh Max.” She let him pull her back into his embrace. “You wanna go lay down for awhile?”

Max immediately protested, knowing that sleeping was the last thing he wanted to do. If he could avoid sleep until he was completely over this thing, Max would be a happy camper. As always, his nightmares and lack of appetite were taking its toll on him and Max didn’t know how much longer he could go on. Still fearful of getting too intimate with Liz, they hadn’t been able to do anything but have a few kisses here and there and cuddle as they were at the moment. Max knew, as much as she tried to hide it, that Liz wanted so much more and Max wanted to give it to her. He wanted the same thing. But he couldn’t let go.

“I’m fine Liz. I just wanna sit here and be with you.” He mumbled against her hair.

“But you can barely keep your eyes open.” She laughed, staring at his drooping eyes.

“It’ll pass, Liz. I’m fine.” He reiterated, pressing his lips to hers to stop her oncoming protest. “So, you were telling me that your aunt called. What did she want?” He asked, trying to turn the subject away from him.

Liz shrugged, busying herself with playing with his fingers which were sprawled over her stomach. “She wants me to come out and visit her in Florida this summer. She’s been trying to get me to come out there for a while, but I just never got around to it, you know?” She said, looking up at him for so sort of advice.

“Well, what’s the problem? Do you want to go?”


“Well, then go. Have fun in the sun and bring me back a tee shirt.”

Liz laughed as she turned around to straddle his lap. “I really want to go. I haven’t seen her in ages. But…”

Max frowned when she averted her eyes. “But what?”

“She wants me to stay for the whole summer.” She said uneasily, not knowing how Max would respond. She knew the timing was terrible; just as Max was starting his treatment, she was going away for the summer. But she knew one thing, if Max wanted her to stay, there would be no argument from her. She’d told him she would be there by his side through all of it and she meant every word.

Max’s response was what surprised her the most. When he shrugged his shoulders and threw out a nonchalant “so,” Liz could admit she was beyond confused. “What do you mean “so”? I’ll be away from you for two whole months.”

“I know that. You should go and have fun. You’ve never had a summer here in Roswell and I can tell you that there is nothing to do.” Max said, trying to sound as if the long time apart didn’t bother him. He’d been a burden to Liz ever since he’d met her and keeping her from doing something she really wanted to do was the last thing Max wanted.

“So, you sound like you’re not going to even miss me.” She said, having the suspicious feeling that what Max was saying wasn’t genuine.

Max pulled her in close for a sweet kiss. “You know I’ll miss you like crazy. I just don’t know why you shouldn’t go if you really want to go.”

“But I’ll miss you.” She pouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “And I don’t think I should leave when you’re just starting out with your meds.”

“Liz, that has nothing to do with it. It’s not like you have to stand over me when I take it.”


“Liz.” He said sternly, daring her to throw out another protest.

“Max, are you sure? I mean what if something happens?” She said worriedly, tightening her arms around his neck. Max suddenly knew what she was talking about and he felt ashamed of himself for making her having to worry about that.

Max touched her cheek in a gentle caress. “I’m not going to hurt myself Liz. I’ll be right here when you get back, I promise.” Liz nodded as she moved to bury her face in his neck. “You believe me right?”

She breathed deeply, her warm puffs tickling his neck. “Yeah. But I just don’t want to leave you. It’ll be the first time we’re apart.”

“I know.” He mumbled against her forehead where he placed a tender kiss.

“How about we don’t talk about this right now. If I do go, it won’t be for another week so we have that long to decide.” Max agreed, caught between wanting to insist that she stay with him and giving her support on going and having a good time. Either way, Max knew it was going to be a long summer.

“Max!!” Max spun around just in time to see the two young children barreling towards him. He crouched down and opened his arms wide, almost falling over when the two enthused children ran into his embrace.

“We missed ya Max!” Sara squealed as she clung to Max’s neck, refusing to let go. Max ruffled Justin’s hair before wrapping his arms about his little sister and settling her on his hip.

“You did? I saw you guys few days ago.” He smiled, as he carried the small girl into the house with Justin bouncing anxiously around him. Today was his seventh birthday and they’d been planning this party for about a week and a half now. The Guerin’s had been nice enough to let them have the party at their home so that everyone could cool off from the intense heat in the pool.

“Where’s your mom?” Max asked as he headed out towards the backyard.

Sara leaned in close to Max’s ear so that Justin wouldn’t hear. “She went to da store to get Justin’s cake. Shhh, don’t tell Justin, cause he don’t know it yet.” She whispered. “It’s a secwet Max. Don’t tell.”

“I won’t.” Max laughed. As soon as they stepped out into the backyard an amazing amount of heat swept over them. It was like walking into an oven and right now, taking a long cool swim didn’t sound so bad. He set Sara down and watched her run off towards Maria who was currently chatting with Liz. Maria sent a wink his way while Liz blew him a kiss. He sent them both warm smiles in return.

“Max, guess what?” Justin said as he bounced in front of Max. “Mom said that I may be getting a bike today and a Superman cake. You still gonna teach me how to play basketball right?”

Max smiled at his enthusiasm. “Of course. You and I can team up and beat Michael and Alex.”

“Dream on Evans!” Alex called as he and Michael suddenly appeared next to the two Evans boys. “Michael and I are gonna take you down.”

“You’re not going to take nobody down with that piece of crap jump shot of yours.” Michael retorts. “I’m sure the little guy here could beat you with his arms tied behind his back.” He said as he ruffled Justin’s hair.

“I wouldn’t talk if I were you mister mile away from the backboard.” Max wiped the sweat off his brow as he watched the two boys bicker back and forth. Eventually, the bickering turned into a wrestling match and he laughed as Justin managed to wiggle himself into the middle of it, wrestling right along with him.

Max rolled his eyes at their antics and opted to join Liz on the lounger beside the pool instead. She had just stripped off her clothes, revealing her sleek black tankini. This was the first time he’d ever seen her in a swimming suit and he thought that she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

Liz opened her eyes as a shadow fell over her and she found hazel eyes staring back at her. She smiled and held out her hand to him. “Hi.”

Max returned her smile as he sank down beside her. “Hi.” He leaned over her to reach her lips. They met slowly at first, but then turned as Liz parted her lips, allowing Max entrance. Just as he was about to deepen the kiss, he felt a splash of water against his back and he was pulled from his Liz filled daze.

“Stop sucking face in come in!” Maria shouted from in the pool.

“Come on Max, teach me ta swim!!” Sara called from the other side of the pool. He spotted Justin doing a canon ball, causing the water to splash on the couple.

“You getting in?” Max asked Liz before he stripped off his tee-shirt.

Liz stared in awe at his sculpted chest. Even with his weight loss, he still looked well defined to her and she couldn’t help but gape at him. “I’ll watch.” Liz answered as Max leaned to peck her lips once more.

“Come on Liz!! The water feels great!” Maria shouted.

“I’m fine right here.” Liz protested. But Max wasn’t having it and he scooped Liz into his arms, heaving her over his shoulder before strutting to the edge of the pool. “Max!! Put me down!!” She half laughed, half screamed. Max ignored her, laughing as he jumped into the water with Liz hanging on to him. “Max!!” She screamed when she surfaced. She struggled to keep the smile off her face as she watched him swim to the opposite end of the pool to get away from her. She just loved to see him smiling after everything he’d been through.

With Sara on his shoulders, Max and the rest of the gang enjoyed an afternoon of swimming, splashing around and being normal teens which was completely new to Max. Never had he been able to just enjoy himself and be with his friends. There was always a sense of impending doom and depression hanging onto him and for once, that was lifted and he felt normal.

After Stephanie returned and the gang got hungry, hamburgers were served and the Superman cake was cut. Max was successful with eating half of his burger before he snuck off to throw the rest away. He returned to the group just as they started to open the presents.

As the afternoon wore on, the heat barely diminished. But after taking another quick dip in the pool, the guys decided that they would play a round of basketball. Liz watched from the sidelines as Max lifted Justin over his head to dunk the ball. She laughed as they celebrated, gloating as they caught the lead in the game.

“Stop drooling.” Maria giggled beside her as she watched Max float up to the basket to make a lay up. She watched in fascination at how beautiful he was, but her daze was broken however when Max stumbled as he dribbled to the hoop. He fell to his knees and she sat up in her seat, her brow creasing in worry. He began to sway on his knees and before she knew it, he collapsed onto the ground.


Be at Peace MJ