Waiting For I Love You - AU M/L ADULT [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Emz80m »

Part 31

Phillip Evans was a man on a mission as he swiftly walked though the palace on the way to his eldest son’s wing. To say that he was furious with his son was an understatement, when he had entered his office this morning he had been greeted with his son’s and fiancée pictures on the front page along with the headline ‘ROYAL ARRANGEMENT GONE SOUR?’ Under it was a picture of Max with Ava all over him like a second skin and another of Liz taking stroll with some boy he had never laid eyes on.

When he got to Max’s door he barged in without knocking, what he didn’t realise was that it wasn’t Max’s room he was walking into but Liz’s. Luckily Liz was standing by the cupboard trying to pack some things for her trip.

‘Elizabeth’ he greeted sternly ‘What are you doing in here?’

‘Um this is my room actually. Are you looking for Max?’ she replied.

‘Yes but now that you are here you should stay’

‘I’ll just get him’ she said and made her way through the bathroom and knocked on the adjoining door, which was shut and had remained so since last night.


Max didn’t answer the door he was sitting on the balcony trying to come to terms with how badly he had stuffed everything up.

‘Max’ he heard her call.

He got up off his seat and went to the door then and opened it.

‘Your father is in my room and wants to speak to us both’ she said and then turned and went back to her room expecting Max to follow her.


‘Father’ Max greeted as he entered Liz’s room the first thing his eyes landed on was the suitcase Liz was packing in.

‘Would the two of you care to explain this’ he yelled throwing the paper down on the table in front of him. Both Max and Liz moved towards the object and gasped when they saw their pictures.

‘At this very moment this paper had been circulated to the whole of Antar and right now the Royal family is the laughing stock’ he roared.

‘Father it’s not what it looks like’ Max tried to explain.

‘Did or did your mother not advise against taking Ava anywhere Maxwell’

‘Yes she did, and I didn’t take her Zan did. Isn’t that why she was here to get to know Zan?’ Max replied getting angry himself now that he was being scolded like a little boy.

‘Phillip that picture was taken when Ava was trying to throw herself at Max like she usually did there was nothing to it, in fact I put her in her place directly afterwards’ Liz interrupted.

‘You’re defending his actions Elizabeth? Well then what about yours’ he asked.

‘Well as far as I’m concerned who I choose to be friends with is no one’s business but my own. If the city of Antar doesn’t like that then I think you should find a more suitable person to marry Max then, someone that will fall into line with orders’ Liz bit back angrily.

‘That’s enough. The two of you will be spending the remainder of this week and next running damage control. You will attend every ball, benefit and party together and will not leave each other’s sides. I have also arranged for you to both have personal security whenever you leave the party to prevent any photos being taken of this nature again.’ He told them.

‘I was actually planning on going home for a few days actually’ Liz replied refusing to back down.

‘I wasn’t requesting it Liz, I’m telling you. I don’t know what’s gotten into the two of you in the past week but I suggest you sort it out now because regardless of this crap’ he pointed to the paper ‘your wedding will take place next weekend’ he didn’t wait for them to respond he turned and walked out of the room without another word.

‘Thank you’ Max said then breaking the silence.

‘For what?’

‘For sticking up for me especially since I don’t deserve it’ he explained.

Liz shrugged. Max moved closer to her then and lifted her chin so that she was looking into his eyes, he saw the tears starting to well.

‘I know you wanted to go away for a few days but I’m glad that you’re not.’ He told her quietly then leant forward and placed a light kiss on her lips. When she didn’t push him away he leant in and gave her another one.

‘I can’t wait to marry you’ he whispered and then left her alone again.
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Part 32

Post by Emz80m »

Part 32

‘Hey’ came a voice from the door and Liz looked up and realised it was Alex and he was carrying a case full of white roses.

‘Hey’ she smiled ‘Thank you they’re beautiful’ she told him and took the vase out of his hands.

‘Well I wish I could take credit for them but I can’t’ he replied with a grin.

Liz noticed the card then and picked it up to read it.

Words can never say how sorry I am or what you mean to me but I plan on trying to show you for the rest of your life if you’ll still have me.

All my love.


Before she knew what she was doing Liz smiled ‘I take it they’re from Max’ Alex asked her then. Liz’s smile faded quickly and she nodded to her brother’s question.

‘So do you want to talk?’ he asked then.

‘Oh Alex I’m so confused’ she cried and threw herself on to the bed.

‘Ok’ he replied taking a seat beside her and pulling out a block of chocolate.

Liz smiled ‘You always know how to make me feel better and when I need to feel better’ she told him ‘Max keeps a permanent stash of that for me too’

‘Hmm well you’re my twin so it’s my job. What’s Max’s excuse’ he asked her slyly.

Liz shrugged ‘He says he loves me’ she told him shyly.

‘Finally’ Alex laughed.

‘What?’ Liz tuned to her brother shocked.

‘Lizzie please don’t tell me you’ve just worked that out’

‘What do you mean? How long have you known?’

‘Oh I think pretty much as long as he has’ he continued to laugh ‘Liz I think Max has been in love with you since he was born everyone can see it so why cant you?’ he added on a more serious note.

‘Really?’ Liz smiled. Even though he declared it to her last night she hadn’t believed it until she heard it from her brother. She realised now where Max may have been coming from when he started this stupid plan with Ava. He had spent years watching her with Zan and when he finally thought he might have had a chance with her she had continued to see Zan.

‘So how about you?’ Alex asked her then.

‘What about me?’

‘When did you finally get your head out of the clouds and realise you loved him too and that Zan was just a poor substitution for what you were to scared to put yourself on the line for’

‘Well maybe I was right to do that I mean look what happened’ she replied.

‘Are you talking about last night with Ava?’

Liz nodded ‘Liz don’t let that bitchy princess come in and steal away the man you love’ he explained.

‘So do you love him?’ he asked her then.

Liz paused for a moment before answering ‘Yes’ she told him.

‘Have you told him?’


‘Why the hell not Liz? Don’t you think that he should know, that it possibly could solve all this confusion?’ Alex asked her.

‘Yes, I was just so angry with him last night Alex, I still am. I don’t want the first time I tell him that I love him to be like that. I want it to be special so I’m going to wait for that moment’ she explained.

‘Liz you might never get that moment’ Alex reasoned with her.

‘Yes I will’ she smiled like she had stumbled upon a secret that no one else knew.

‘Ok then but please promise me you’ll do it? And soon?’

‘I promise and Alex?’

Alex got up and walked to the door ‘Yeah?’

‘Thank you’

‘You welcome I love you’ he told her then.
‘I love you to Alex’

‘Liz’ a voice called to her.

‘Yeah’ she replied not looking up from her book.

‘Um there’s a charity ball on tonight at the town hall and Dad is sending us’ Max told her making his way into the room.

Liz placed her book down then and gestured for him to come and sit with her. She had spent that past hour reading and thinking about everything and although she wasn’t sure if things were going to work out she was determined to try.

‘Ok, what time?’ she smiled.

Max smiled the minute he saw hers he also noticed that she had the roses he had sent her sitting on the lamp table near her bed.

Liz noticed that he was looking at the flowers. ‘Thank you’ she said.

‘You’re welcome’ he smiled.

‘So what time?’ she asked again.

‘Oh seven?’

‘Ok I’ll be ready’

‘Ok well I see you then’ he grinned.

‘Yes you will’ she grinned back as she watched him back out of the room.

He couldn’t help but think that they had crossed a bridge in the past day and he wasn’t sure when it happened but he couldn’t have been happier.
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Part 33

Post by Emz80m »

Part 33

Liz and Max spent the next week attending events all over Antar City, despite the fact that it was meant as a punishment neither could think of it that way. Their time together was precious; it started slow with hand holding but eventually they had begun to share soft kisses. The photographers and newspapers were having a field day, they couldn’t make a move without having their pictures snapped and it was for that reason that Liz was finally putting her foot down and refusing to attend any more public events before their wedding.

‘No more Max’ she told him over breakfast. ‘I feel like we haven’t had a private moment in a week’

‘I agree and I plan on talking to dad about it right after breakfast’ he told her and reached over the small table on their balcony to take her hand and entwine their fingers. He still felt like a nervous schoolboy every time he did it.

‘I can’t believe the rehearsal dinner is tonight’ she smiled.

‘I know and you realise we still have to sort out the fact that we are short a bridesmaid’ he reminded her.

During that planning it had come to their attention that they had one too many groomsmen and not enough bridesmaids. Max had made the decision to be completely honest with Liz and had broken down and told her of his suspicions that Zan and Serena had continued a relationship behind her back. Liz had been angry and wanted to confront him about it but eventually realised it was pointless, she realised that what her and Zan had over and was surprised that the information didn’t upset or hurt her.

It was decided then that Serena certainly wasn’t a candidate to be the fourth bridesmaid and since Liz didn’t really consider any of her other friends from school good enough to stand with her at the wedding they had made the decision to either cut a groomsmen or go with odd numbers.

‘I know’ she sighed ‘Let’s talk about it with everyone tonight that way we wont be upsetting anyone’ she told him.

‘Oh Elizabeth I cant believe you’re getting married in two days’ her mother said to her. They had all had a mock rehearsal for the wedding and had a dinner together and the parents were retiring to the den.

‘Mum you’ve known about this longer than me’ Liz laughed at her sadness.

‘I know’ she said ‘but I still feel like I’m loosing my baby girl’

‘So Lizzie how come Serena isn’t here tonight?’ Maria interrupted.

‘Why would she be here Maria?’ Liz answered.

‘Well you’re short a bridesmaid’

‘I know’ she shrugged.

‘Actually now that you’ve brought that up Maria there’s something that I want to ask’ Max said.

‘Michael I was hoping that you would agree to be my best man?’ Max asked surprising everyone, especially his parents. It had always been assumed that Zan would stand beside Max first but Max had confessed to Liz that he didn’t feel that Zan could do that being happy for them. Zan didn’t loose well. Liz had agreed with him saying that he should have his closest friend beside him, like she was having Maria. It wasn’t that Liz and Maria were better friends that Isabel and her but it was a bond they had formed by always being together.

‘I’d be honoured’ Michael replied.

‘So it will be Michael and Maria, Zan and Isabel, Alex and Tess and Kyle’ Dianne said.

‘Do you mind Kyle?’ Liz asked, concerned he would be upset.

‘No that’s fine Liz’ he replied.

‘Um Liz, Max’ interrupted Zan, he had been fairly quiet for most of the night so to hear him speaking up was a bit of a surprise to the whole room.

‘Well you know Ella Rose?’

‘Um yeah she was in my chem class and we went to school with her for years’ Liz replied.

‘Well I kind of asked her to be my date’ he mumbled ‘so maybe you could ask her, the two of you were always friends’

‘You’re dating Ella Rose’ Maria gasped.

‘We went out the other night’ he replied quietly. It wasn’t as though he was embarrassed it was more as though he was trying to keep the relationship to himself afraid that if he talked about it, it would seem less real.

Liz looked at Max who was standing with a similar look of shock to everyone else in the room. Ella was a beautiful girl but definitely not someone he ever expected his brother to date. She had red curly hair, usually wore a pair of glasses covering her vivid blue eyes and wore respectable clothes.

Max shrugged ‘I think that’s a great idea’ Liz replied ‘Thanks Zan’
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 34

After everyone left or retired to their rooms for the night Liz and Max made their way back to their wing. When they reached Liz’s door she turned to Max.

‘Um I sort of have a surprise for you. Can you give me five minutes and then come in?’ she asked him.

Max was curious but knew he would do as she asked. ‘Sure’ he replied and then went to his own room.

When Liz got inside she quickly made her way into their shared bathroom and shut both doors so that she could put her plan into action. She pulled out the black negligee nightie that she knew Max loved so much and put on her silk robe over the top of it. She brushed her hair and teeth, letting her hair fall freely down her back and then rubbed some perfume in some strategic locations. When she was finished she rushed into her room lit the candles she had set up early on the balcony and checked the CD player.

Max made his way into Liz’s room quietly and gasped when he saw Liz standing on the balcony surrounded by candles.

‘What’s all this?’ he asked her with a small smile and then turned his eyes to the robe and negligee.

‘Well I know we won’t get to see each other after tonight until the wedding so I wanted to spend some time with you. Will you dance with me?’

‘Of course I will, beautiful’ he replied and when she pressed the play to the CD player Max pulled her into his arms.

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take

Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away

I’ve never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

I don’t how you do what you do
I’m so in love with you
Its just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do
Baby I’m amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark

Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart

Oh it feels like the first time
Every time
I wanna spend the whole night
In your arms

I don’t how you do what you do
I’m so in love with you
Its just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do
Baby I’m amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I’m so in love with you
Its just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do
Every little thing that you do
Baby I’m amazed by you

(I’m amazed by you – Lonestar)

When the song finished Max looked down and saw the start of tears in Liz’s eyes and it almost took his breath away, slowly he leant down and brushed his lips over hers. When he went to pull away Liz stopped him by placing a hand on the back of his head and fusing their lips together again.

This time the kiss was more passionate and when they finally pulled away Liz Parker shattered Max Evan’s world.

‘I love you Max. So much’ she told him.

Max felt the air leave his lungs and knew that if he didn’t have a tight hold on Liz he would have fallen over.

‘Max?’ Liz asked, she was starting to become concerned about his reaction.

‘Say it again?’ he asked her.

‘What?’ Liz asked.

‘I want to hear you say it again’ he smiled at her.

‘Say what?’ Liz asked him acting as though she had no idea what he was talking about.

‘You evil woman’ he cried out and started tickling her sides.

‘Max’ she squealed ‘Stop!’

‘Not until you say it’ he replied.

‘Ok ok’ she conceded and when Max stopped she looked up into his eyes and gave him a huge smile.

‘I love you Max and I can’t wait to marry you’ she confessed to him all over again.

‘I love you too baby’ he replied and then pulled her back against him for another passionate kiss. Max quickly sent his tongue over Liz’s lower lip begging her for entrance, which she quickly gave him.

As they kissed Max slowly led them off the balcony and back into Liz’s room.

‘Max’ Liz moaned as Max’s mouth left hers and started trailing down her neck and over her jaw.

‘You are so beautiful’ he told her as he reached out and gently started to draw the silk robe down Liz’s arms and watched as it gently fluttered to the floor. He raised his eyes back to hers then and noticed that she was smirking at him.

His eyes travelled from her tiny feet all the way back up to meet her eyes.

‘Like what you see?’ she asked him huskily.

‘Well I think you already know how much I like that nightie, but the rest? No I don’t like’ he replied with a sly grin.

‘Oh’ Liz’s face fell, she should have realised that he would been disappointed in her. She was very small in all areas certainly nothing compared to some of the girls who threw themselves as Max daily, especially Ava.

She bent down to pick the robe up off the ground so she could cover herself and save herself any further embarrassment but before her hand could reach the robe she was halted by Max’s hand.
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 35

‘What are you doing?’ he asked her.

‘I’m sorry. I should have realised, I…’ she started.

‘I don’t just like what I see baby. I love what I see, I love it quite a lot actually’ he told her then.

Liz turned her huge brown eyes up to his then and was shocked at what she saw. They were no longer the beautiful Amber she was used to they were now black, black with desire for her.

‘Baby you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I can’t believe you’re mine’ he told her and then quickly pulled her to him again.

His hands gently caressed her back as he kissed her with all the passion he had, he wanted to show her how beautiful he thought she was. ‘Max’ she sighed.

‘Do you have any idea what you do to me?’ he groaned as her hands trailed up and down his chest.

‘No’ she replied ‘show me’ she begged.

Max answered with a groan before swooping her up into his arms and carrying her towards her large bed, a bed that would be theirs now for a very long time to come. That thought alone almost caused Max to come.

As soon as her body hit the mattress Max was crawling on top of her. He was still dressed in his dress clothes from dinner and Liz planned on changing that very quickly. While her mouth immediately sought out his her hands went to work undoing all the tiny buttons that domes the silky blue shirt. Once she had it undone and ran her hands up and down his perfectly sculpted chest taking time to pay special attention to his honey brown nipples.

‘God Liz’ he groaned and quickly rolled onto his back pulling her on top of him so she was straddling him. He used the opportunity to his advantage then and started to caress her thighs inching the tight lacy nightie up with his hands. Liz lifted her hips so that Max could pull the material up and over. As the dress inched up higher and higher Max realised that she once again wasn’t wearing anything underneath it and he couldn’t help himself when he lifted his hips against her, the movement caused a glorious sigh from Liz’s lips. And she immediately returned the movement, gyrating herself against his hard erection.

Max knew that if they continued like this he wouldn’t get to the chance to love Liz the way he planned and knew that he should slow everything down. Unfortunately his body had other ideas so with one swift movement he pulled her nightie higher and when she lifted her arms he removed it completely from her body leaving her sitting atop him completely naked.

When her nightie hit the floor Liz reached down and quickly unbuttoned and unzipped Max’s dress pants and then pulled them and his boxers down his legs and discarded them along with her nightie on to the floor.

After his pants were gone Max took the opportunity to flip them back over so that Liz was once again underneath him. ‘That’s a nifty trick’ she sighed when Max’s mouth began to nibble at the flesh behind her ear.

‘I have plenty more’ he whispered huskily into her ear before he began to trail kisses down to her body until he reached her breasts. He brought one hand up to gently caress them before he replaced his hand with his mouth placing kisses all over them before he took each nipple into his mouth.

‘Oh Max’ she moaned at the feeling bringing a smile to Max’s face.

He continued to kiss a trail down her body until he came to her patch of dark curls. He moved his body so that he was lying in between her two beautiful thighs and then reached out and massaged them urging her to open wider for him. When she relaxed she spread her legs wide for him giving him a perfect view of her pink heat.

Max hesitantly reached out and licked her over her lips, the pure pleasure it caused Liz made her raise her hips thrusting herself into Max’s face. Taking this as a sign that what he had done was right Max started to lick and suck Liz some more.

‘Max please’ she cried out after he continued on with his relentless pleasure.

‘What do you want baby?’ he asked her peeping his face out from between her legs, the sight of him with her juices glistening on his face caused Liz to groan and then she reached out and pulled his face back to her heat hard. Realising that she needed more Max immediately thrust his tongue into her opening over and over again harder and faster judging by the sounds of Liz’s moans. When his own body screamed out and told him that it couldn’t take much more Max moved so that he could thrust two fingers into her body and take hold of her bundle of nerves in his mouth.

When his fingers entered her body Liz began thrusting against them as hard as she could and when Max’s mouth touched her bundle of nerves as well she immediately came ‘Oh god Max, yes, yes, yes!’ she screamed.

Max crawled up her body and immediately captured her lips in a very dominating kiss. Liz could taste what she assumed was her own juices when she kissed him and was surprised by how much it turned her on and immediately began thrusting her tongue against Max’s harder.

‘I love you’ he told her when they broke away from their kiss. He was looking into her eyes and the love he saw back in hers was nearly his undoing.

Liz reached down between their bodies and took hold of his erection in her hand. She stroked him a few times familiarising herself with his length. She was scared that he wasn’t going to fit but oh how she wanted to try. Without taking her eyes off his she brought his cock to her opening ‘I love you too’.

Max began to sheath himself inside her one glorious inch at a time, never taking his eyes off her wanting to see every emotion that was there, and wanting her to see every one from him. When he reached her barrier he paused for just a moment before reaching for both of her hands and entwining them with his above their heads.

‘You are my love, my life and my soul. Forever and always’ he swore. Liz knew what he was doing; he was reciting the sacred vows that would bond them together and the tears immediately sprung to her eyes.

‘You are my love, my life and my soul. Forever and always’ she swore too and then Max pulled back the thrust into her breaking her barrier and joining them for eternity.
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 36

Max opened his eyes a couple of hours later and a smile that could have lit up the room emerged on his face when he saw the angel that slept in his arms. He reached out and ran his hand over her arm and then moved some hair that had fallen over her face out of the way.

‘Max’ she sighed in her sleep. He looked out the window and noticed that the suns would rise soon and making a quick decision he gently moved Liz out of his arms and walked out onto the balcony. He moved one of the lounge chairs around and organised a few other things including a blanket before returning to the bed.

‘Liz sweetie’ he whispered.

Hearing his voice Liz gently began to open her eyes and when she did she remembered last night and smiled.

‘Hmm you’re awake’ he said pulling her out of her thought.

‘Hi’ she smiled at him.

‘Hi. Come here’ he replied and waited for her to scoot over to where he was standing on the other side of the bed. When she did he bent down and scooped her into his arms and walked them out to the balcony, he sat down with her in the lawn chair he had prepared earlier before pulling her against him and sharing a sweet kiss with him.

‘Is there a reason why we’re out on our balcony and naked when we could be in bed?’ she asked him then, the smile still not leaving her face.

Max reached down and pulled the blanket up and over them ‘I thought we could watch the suns rise together beautiful’ he replied tucking her head under his chin.

They sat there in silence for the longest time watching as the two suns of Antar rose in the horizon only taking their eyes off the sight to share sweet kisses.

‘I love you’ she sighed as the last star disappeared

There you are
In the early light of day
There you are
In the quiet words I pray
I been blessed by the simple happiness
Of the perfect love we’ve made

Every time I turn around
When I’m lost and when I found
Like an angel standing guard
There you are

Every time take a breath
And when I forget to breathe
You watching over me
There you are

When I’m looking for the light in the middle of the night
Searching for the brightest star
There you are

There you are
Standing in a crowded room
There you are
The earth and I’m the moon
My desire is to stand my the fire
That burns inside of you

Every time I turn around
When I’m lost and when I found
Like an angel standing guard
There you are

Every time take a breath
And when I forget to breathe
You watching over me
There you are

When I’m looking for the light in the middle of the night
Searching for the brightest star
There you are

When I’m looking for the light in the middle of the night
Searching for the brightest star
There you are

There you are


Liz felt like she was floating as she went about organising all the last minute things for the wedding. Dianne kept telling her that there were plenty of servants to do the work but Liz wanted everything to be special for her and Max tomorrow.

‘You’ve had a smile like the cat that caught the canary all day. What gives?’ Isabel asked as she made her way into the ballroom where Liz was.

Liz turned and smiled at her future sister in law ‘What’s not to smile about?’

‘God Liz I can’t believe you’re getting married tomorrow’ she said.

‘I know’


Liz sat on her balcony in quiet contemplation, she knew that the girls would be here soon for her bachelorette party to start, she suspected that the night was going to get a tad bit raucous and was once again happy that she and Max had decided to have a night ceremony. Max, she sighed. She hadn’t seen him all day and was extra happy that he had woken her to watch the suns this morning especially now that she was missing him with all her being. There hadn’t been any signs of the bond immediately but with every moment that passes that they were apart Liz felt it with her entire soul. She was startled out of her thoughts by a knock on the door.

‘Come in’ she called out. She expected either Maria or Isabel to walk through then so it was quite a shock when it was Zan instead.

‘Zan, what are you doing here? I thought you guys had left the palace for the night?’ she asked.

‘Um we’re leaving soon. I wanted to talk to you’ he explained.

Liz walked in and took a seat on the love seat and gestured that he should take a seat opposite her.

‘Ok’ she smiled. Since their break up they hadn’t talked very much, she realised now even though her and Zan had been together for 2 years they had never really been friends.

‘Liz’ he started but stopped abruptly and was looking at her with a strange look on his face.

‘Zan is something wrong?’ she asked concerned.

‘There’s something very different about you. I can’t put my finger on it but it’s definitely there’ he explained.

Liz gulped; she knew exactly what it was. It was her and Max’s bond, she felt like she was glowing and wasn’t surprised that you could see the visible effects on the outside but it was something that she wanted to keep between them until after the wedding. It was very personal, it was the most special night of her life and obviously she didn’t want Zan to be the first person she shared that news with.

‘You were going to say something?’ she prompted trying to change the subject.

‘Yeah I was. I wanted to apologise about everything’ he told her. ‘I didn’t treat you very well when we were together. I shouldn’t have been surprised that you would end up choosing Max, I never deserved the trust and love you gave me and I guess I wanted you to know that I will be sorry for that for a very long time. In fact I’m pretty sure I am going to regret it for the rest of my life’

‘Zan’ Liz sighed. ‘I wasn’t unhappy with you. I was a little upset when I found out about you and Serena but by that point I knew that we were over.’

‘Yeah I know. I should have fought for you Liz and I’m sorry for that. I let father take so much from us. I just hope you won’t resent me for it’

‘Zan why would I resent you for it?’ Liz was confused now.

‘Liz you’re marrying someone you aren’t in love with. I could have prevented that if I was man enough’ he explained a pained expression on his face.

‘Zan, god I don’t know where you’re getting this from but you’re very wrong’ Liz started. ‘Zan I love Max with all my heart. I can’t wait to be married to him’ she said gently waiting for Zan to explode. She didn’t get the reaction she thought she would though.

‘Liz, I know you and Max are best friends but that will be hard down the track. You need more than love, you need passion and—’ he stopped abruptly when he caught sight of her look. Liz had blushed when he had said passion.

‘Zan, Max and I have enough passion to light the whole of Antar. Believe me I don’t have anything to worry about. I don’t think you understand Zan. I’m in love with Max just like he’s in love with me’

‘Oh’ he got up quickly then. ‘Looks like maybe it was you that needed to have this conversation with me instead of the other way around?’ he tried to laugh away the hurt then.

‘Zan I can’t apologise for the way I feel because that would mean that I somehow regret it and I don’t. I do however regret that I have in some way hurt you, but truthfully I don’t think you know what love is.’ She said gently.

‘That’s where you’re wrong Liz. I think it’s quite right though that the future Queen of Antar is so loved, I guess Max and I aren’t so different after all’ he told her and then left the room without another word.
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Part 37

Max rushed into her room without knocking and found her sitting on one of the lawn chairs on the balcony.

‘Liz’ he called to her as he approached and waited for her to turn to him.

‘Max’ she cried and jumped out of the lawn chair into his waiting arms, finally allowing the tears to fall as she let the safety of Max’s arms consume her.

‘Liz sweetie what’s wrong? I can feel you’ he pleaded with her.

Liz pulled back from his embrace and wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes and offered him a smile ‘I’m sorry honey’

‘Don’t be sorry. Just tell me what’s wrong?’ Liz could see the fear in his eyes.

‘God how did I get so lucky to have you?’ she asked him, her love for him shining in her eyes.

‘Hmm it wasn’t luck. It was fate’ he smiled back. ‘Don’t change the subject beautiful’

‘Promise you won’t get angry?’ she asked him.

‘I promise not to get angry at you’ he told her.

‘Zan stopped by and god Max, I, he was so hurt’ she explained.

‘What did he want? And what do you mean hurt?’ he asked confused.

Sighing Liz pulled Max down on to the lawn chair across from her.

‘He came to apologise for not fighting for us. He thought that I was, what I mean was he didn’t know that I was in love with you’ she tried to explain.

‘But I thought he let go of the whole you and him thing? What was he just waiting for the wedding and then come in and claim you back?’ Max was getting angry now.

‘No Max, that wasn’t it at all. He was sad that he thought I wasn’t going to be marrying the love of my life because he gave in. I had to tell him that I was marrying the love of my life and that it wasn’t him. I think I broke his heart’ she cried.

‘Oh sweetie I have no doubt you did’ Max cooed pulling her into his arms. ‘He knows what it’s like with you and without you, just like me and I know that it would end my world if I didn’t have you anymore’

‘That’s the thing Max; I don’t really think Zan ever loved me and certainly not in the devastating way that you do. I want that for him but he can’t see past what he lost right now’

‘Are you worried that he’s going to cause problems tomorrow?’ Max asked then.

‘No. He knows how I feel about you and that’s important to him but if he does please know honey that it’s you, it will only ever be you in here’ she told him placing her hand over her heart.

Max smiled at her then ‘I know, and do you know how I know that?’ he asked her.

Liz shook her head ‘Can’t you feel it beautiful? I feel you with every breath. You’re my mate, forever’ he told her.

Liz closed her eyes and concentrated on the feelings washing over her, he was right she could feel him in every cell in her body and that feeling was a balm for her soul. He was entwined with her heart, the other half her soul. How could someone have known before they knew themselves that they were meant, that they would fit so perfectly. A huge smile broke over Liz’s face and all guilt over hurting Zan instantly vanished.

‘I love you’ she declared.

‘And I adore you’ he added.


The day of Max and Liz’s wedding was a bright and sunny day, the weather warm and inviting and Liz couldn’t have been more delighted. She sat on the balcony outside their suite waiting for the girls to join her for breakfast. It was still early but she had found herself too excited to sleep, so now she found herself sitting they’re thinking about what was to come.

She was going to be a Mrs Max Evans and Princess Elizabeth future Queen after tonight’s ceremony and that thought made her the happiest woman on the whole of Antar.

Last night she had spent the night with her mother, Queen Dianne and her best friends Maria, Isabel and Tess. Even Ella had stopped by to join in the fun for a few hours. The girls had all bought her outrageous gifts of lingerie and a few little toys that they thought the two of them would enjoy on their wedding night. Liz had never been more embarrassed in her life with her Mother and future mother in law watching on in slight amusement.

She could tell that Max’s night was moving in a similar direction, he was happy and embarrassed and all night he had been sending her continual waves of love and happiness causing her to smile.

‘If you keep smiling like that again all day today you’re face is going to be pretty sore by the end of the night’ Isabel joked as she sat down across from Liz on the balcony.

Liz’s grin grew wider if possible ‘Good morning, I didn’t hear you come in’ she greeted.

‘Do you realise that by the end of tonight you and I are going to be sisters’ Isabel squealed then.

‘I know’ Liz sighed. ‘Do you ever think it’s weird that we’re marrying each other’s brother?’ Liz asked then amusement dancing in her eyes.

‘I know, and despite my earlier protests about these betrothals I couldn’t be happier now Liz’ she confessed.

‘Does that mean you’ll be setting a date soon?’ Liz asked excitedly.

‘I hope so’ Isabel replied.

It was Liz’s turn to squeal then and she jumped out of her seat and pulled her sister in law into a hug.

‘So the others should be here any minute, let’s get you ready to marry your soul mate’ Isabel told her.

‘He is you know’ Liz told her then. ‘Without a doubt’

‘I know the two of you are going to be so happy’ tears had began to form in Isabel’s eyes then and before the two could continue with their moment the door burst open again and Maria, Tess and Ella entered the room.

‘Iz you’ve got her crying already?’ Maria laughed.

The girls all laughed and then sat down to enjoy breakfast together one last time as single women.
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Part 38

‘Are you ok?’ Michael asked his best friend as he stood nervously at the altar.

Max turned towards Michael with a huge smile ‘Never been better actually’ he replied.

Michael returned his best friend smile, he knew how long Max had been in love with Liz and that this was a dream come true for his best mate. ‘Ok well it’s almost time so I’m going to head back. See you in a few’ he told him.

‘I’ll be here’ Max replied and when Michael was gone he took the time to look around the beautiful chapel that he and Liz were about to be married in. It had been decorated with Liz’s favourite flower from earth white roses everywhere, with red and pink roses added into match the colours of the bridesmaids. They were wearing red another of Liz’s favourite colours. Only the music beginning brought Max out of his eye tour of the chapel.

The music was royal and Max watched as his Father King Phillip escorted his mother Queen Dianne down the aisle and towards the altar where they would be seated in their thrones. When the music was finished and they were seated another familiar royal song started and Max watched as Kyle walked Ella Rose down the aisle both offering him a small smile as they made their way towards him.

Next were Alex and Tess, polar opposites but they still looked quite a pair as they made their way down the aisle. Tess smiled brightly at Max and Alex patted him on the back as he walked past him and stood in between him and Kyle.

Max’s nerves soared when he heard the song change. It was one of Liz’s most favourite songs and at one of the last balls they went to together she had declared it their song.

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I’ve
Never been this swept away.

Next Zan guided Isabel down the aisle, she grinned at him the entire way never taking her eyes off her nervous brother until they reached him and she took her place in front of Tess and Ella and Zan took his place in front of Alex and Kyle resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder briefly. Max turned and met his eyes and he knew then that Zan was okay with this.

All my thoughts just seem to settle on the breeze
When I’m lying wrapped up in your arms
The whole world just fades away the only thing I hear
Is the beating of your heart

Max turned back towards the aisle where his best friend was now guiding Maria towards the front of the altar. Max tried hard to concentrate as Maria smiled widely at him, happy for him and as his best friend took his place beside him but all he could concentrate on at that very second was his love who he knew was about to step into the chapel where he could see her.

And I can feel you breath
It watching over me
And suddenly I’m melting into you
There’s nothing left to prove
Baby all you need is just to be

Caught up in the touch
A slow and steady rush
Baby isn’t that the way that loves supposed to be

I can feel you breathe

Just breathe

And with that last word in the chorus Max did just that because Liz had just stepped up to the altar on her father’s arm and Max thought he was seeing an Angel and she started to slowly glide towards him.

In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
Closer than I've felt before and I know and you know
There’s no need for words right now

And I can feel you breath
Washing over me
And suddenly I’m melting into you
There’s nothing left to prove
Baby all you need is just to breathe
Caught up in a touch
A slow and steady rush
Baby isn’t that the way that loves supposed to be

I can feel you breath

Just breathe

Liz smiled at Max as she got closer and felt the need to strengthen her hold on her father so that she wouldn’t fall over. The look Max was giving her could have melted an iceberg.

Liz’s dress was strapless and was fitted all the way down to her shins where it then flowed out and had a 5 metre train behind it.

Caught up in the touch
Slow and steady rush
Baby isn’t that way that’s loves supposed to be
I can feel you breath

Just breathe

Jeff Parker handed his daughter’s hand towards Max then and they both continued to smile and stare at each other as the last part of the song drifted out.

I can feel the magic floating in the air
Being with you gets me that way.

(Faith Hill - Breathe)

‘Hi’ he mouthed to her.

‘Hi yourself’ she mouthed back with a huge smile.

‘You look stunning’

Before Liz could respond the minister started speaking

‘His Majesty, Her Highness and ladies and gentlemen of Antar. We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Prince Maxwell Phillip Evans to the Lady Elizabeth Claudia Parker. If anyone here has any reason that this joining should not take place, speak now or forever hold your peace’

When the guests remained silent the minister continued, the whole of Antar were able to watch the wedding on television as it happened so Max and Liz had only invited family and friends and a small number of important people that the King and Queen insisted be present. There were close to 750 people present.

‘Do you Prince Maxwell Phillip Evans take thee Elizabeth Claudia Parker to be your wife, your Queen and your partner for life?’

Max turned to Liz and took hold of both her hands ‘I do’

‘Do you Elizabeth Claudia Parker take thee Prince Maxwell Phillip Evans to be your husband and your partner for life?’

‘I do’ Liz declared her eyes never leaving Max’s

‘The rings please?’ the minister requested and Max turned to accept the rings from Michael placing his in Liz hands.

‘Liz it’s been quite the journey getting here today but it was worth it for me. Every moment of it was. I love you, you’re my best friend, you’re my life, my heart and the other half of my soul and today you’re also making every one of my dreams come true’ Max told her and then gently slipped the ring onto her hand.

‘Max I don’t think there are words to tell you what you mean to me sometimes but I think you might have just said it perfectly before. I love you, you’re my best friend, my life, my heart and my soul and I can’t wait till you’re my husband’ she replied and slipped his ring onto his finger and then raised it to her mouth for a kiss.

‘I now pronounce you husband and wife. His Majesty, Her Highness and ladies and gentlemen of Antar may I present to you Prince Maxwell and Princess Elizabeth. You may kiss the bride’

As soon as the words left the minister’s lips Max pulled Liz into his arms and gave her a kiss that signified all the love he had for her.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hey guys well here is the next part and i apologise for any mistakes because it hasnt been checked by me beta kay_b. This story is almost at an end now too. I only plan on their being another couple of posts before it's over so i hope you've enjoyed it.

Thanx to all my regular readers - Tanya, Omega Ram, con angel, extingman, roswellluver, earth2mama and their are loads more of you you've given me the inspriation to continue with this story and Eccentrin one's threats helped..

Part 39

‘Can I have your attention please’ Michaels voice sounded out over all the conversations in the room, hushing them almost immediately.

‘Part of my duties as best man is to say a speech. For all of those who know me, they would be aware that words have never been my strong point. But I know I don’t have to worry about words tonight because I know without a doubt it’s as obvious to all of you as it is to me how much Max and Liz love each other. I’ve been privileged to be by Max’s side almost out entire lives and for all of that I can remember there’s only ever been one girl for him and tonight I know that every one of his dreams is coming true. So congratulations Max, I love you man and I know that you’re going to be happy for a very long time. Liz, you have his heart I beg you to take care of it because I finally believe the saying ‘behind every great man is a great women’’

‘Thank you’ Max and Liz both mouthed to him as he sat down. Maria then took her turn to stand up.

‘Liz begged me not to do this, because apparently words are my strong point’ she started causing all those who knew her to laugh lovingly at her. ‘But tonight is about you Liz, you and Max and how much you love each other so I wanted to do something special’ Liz and Maria were both crying now as someone appeared from nowhere and handed her a microphone. ‘Go dance with your prince Lizzie’ she told her.

I can’t believe you’re here with me
And now it seems my worlds complete
And I never want this moment to end

I close my eyes and still I see
My dreams become reality
And now I know

Max stood up and held his hand out for Liz to take; when she did he led her to the dance floor and into his strong arms.

I prayed so many nights that you would come my way
An angel from above to light my darkest day
And I think it’s time for you to hear these lines
Because there’s something I want to say

I finally found what I’ve been looking for
And now you know I’m gonna love you more
Hold me tight cause it’s always been you

It’s always been you
To think that you were always there
To be my friend and wipe away my tears
Now it’s clear that it’s always been you

Sometimes you don’t expect that friends
Can become lovers in the end
Only god knows what the future will bring

So hold me close and don’t let go
Cause this is love boy don’t you know
And we’re gonna be together for eternity

I prayed so many nights that you would come my way
An angel from above to light my darkest day
A love so strong it cant be wrong
It’s with you that I belong

I finally found what I’ve been looking for
And now you know I’m gonna love you more
Hold me tight cause it’s always been you

It’s always been you

To think that you were always there
To be my friend and wipe away my tears
Now it’s clear that it’s always been you

Honey – Finally Found

‘I love you my queen’ Max whispered into her ear when the song ended.

‘I love you too’ she replied.

They both made their way over to Maria engulfing her into their arms. ‘Thank you’ Liz whispered to one of her very best friends.

‘You’re more than welcome’ Maria replied through her tears. “Knowing how happy you are is enough thanks. I hope Michael and I will be just as happy as the two of you’ she told them.

‘You will be’ Max told her with a smile. He knew that all of his friends were with their matches just like he was finally with his.


As they reached the door the their room Max swooped down and picked Liz up so that he could carry her across the threshold. He didn’t put her down until he reached the bed and Liz gasped when she took in the site of the room. There were rose petals all over the bed and there were candles of different colours all over the room lighting up the room in a glow.

‘Oh Max it’s beautiful’ she sighed.

‘No you’re the one that’s beautiful’ Max replied before he pulled her to him and gently caressed her lips with his own.

Liz pulled him towards her as she fell back onto the bed with Max now pressed up against her.

When the broke away they were both panting and looking at each other with all the love and desire they felt for each other. ‘Let’s get you out of this beautiful gown’ Max whispered huskily as he peppered her neck with kisses.

Max pulled Liz to a kneeling position as he quickly removed the gown from her body; Liz went to work on Max’s Royal attire removing all the pieces of it until he was left in his black silk boxes and her in her white lace teddy.

‘Love me Max’ she begged as his eyes travelled her body leaving her feeling burning hot in every place that his eyes travelled.

‘Always’ he declared.

Hands began to travel over each others bodies then, both taking the time to stop and caress or kiss the places that they both knew they’re mate loved.

Liz travelled kisses down Max’s chest until she reached the top of his silk boxers she pulled then down over his hips and down his legs, throwing them on to the floor. Max watched her with hooded eyes. She crawled back to his body her head remaining between his thighs her eyes never leaving his as she reached down and stroked his huge erection before leaning down and licking his length. Max groaned at the contact his hips bucking when she took him completely into her mouth. She sucked and licked him until he was screaming her name and spilling his hot seed down her throat. She licked him clean before climbing back up his body.

‘You’re a fucking goddess’ he groaned before pulling her to him for a passionate kiss. Their tongues duelled against each other both taking and giving as much as they could. Liz could feel Max’s member stirring against her again and reached down to stroke him. Before she had a chance to continue though Max flipped her over on her back. He pulled her pouting nipples into his mouth caressing and sucking on them alternatively

‘Oh Max’ she moaned.

Max moved a hand down to her wet folds then and he began to stroke her gently being careful to miss her bundle of nerves. He gently entered one finger and began stroking her slowly.

‘Max please’ she begged and he quickly added another finger. Liz rocked her body against his trying to find her release but when Max felt her muscles tighten around his fingers he would slow the rhythm down again.

‘Don’t tease’ she begged again.

He heard the plea in her voice and he quickly moved his body over her lining his erection up with her core. He rubbed against he gently.

‘Open your eyes baby’ he told her.

Liz opened her eyes like he requested and when she saw his face her breath caught.

‘I want you to see what you do to me. What only you will ever do to me’ he told her as he slowly entered her body.

He pulled back out quickly before entering her again almost as slowly ‘Max’ she moaned.

He continued the slow tortuous pace for a while letting them both enjoy and watch the feelings they were causing in each other. Their connection ensured that they could both feel what the other was feeling but being able to see it as well added an a totally new dimension.

Liz raised her hips to meet his every thrust ‘Harder baby’ she begged and Max quickly obeyed. Thrusting in and out of her swiftly. Liz raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist causing him to sink deeper into her.

‘Oh Liz’ he groaned. He was so close and he could tell that she didn’t need much to join him. He reached a hand down between their bodies and rubbed her clit, she instantly came against him causing him to come too.

‘MAX’ she screamed.

‘LIZ’ he moaned at the same time.

‘I love you’ she whispered when she finally came down from her high.

‘And I adore you’ he replied.

I don’t like to be alone in the night
And I don’t like to hear I’m wrong
When I’m right
And I don’t like to have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you

I don’t like to see the sky painted grey
I don’t like when nothings going my way
And I don’t like to
Be the one with the blues
But I do love you

But I do love you

Love everything about the way you’re loving me
The way you lay you head upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain
I love everything you do oh I do

I don’t like to turn the radio on
Jus to find out I missed my favourite song
And I don’t like to be the last with the blue
But I do love you

But I do love you

Love everything about the way you’re loving me
The way you lay you head upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain
I love everything you do oh I do

I don’t like to be alone in the night
And I don’t like to hear I’m wrong
When I’m right
And I don’t like to have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you

But I do love you

But I do love you

Leanne Rymes - I do love you (Coyote Ugly Soundtrack)
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Part 40

‘Hey beautiful’ Max whispered into her ear as she stood on the balcony looking over the palace grounds.

‘Hey yourself handsome’ she replied with a bright smile as she turned to face her husband.

‘Are you ready?’ he asked her.

Tonight would be the first time that they would go out in public as husband and wife, Crowned Prince and Princess but most importantly as the future King and Queen. They had spent 3 weeks on their honeymoon and had only returned a few days earlier. Max had taken them to a deserted beach off Kathana that his father had given them as a wedding present. They had worked very hard at making many memories while they were there. They had spent endless hours making love and learning each other’s bodies both awed as their bond grew. They could now hear each other’s thoughts most of the time and when they had returned had even started finishing each other’s sentences much to the surprise of their friends and family.

‘You look breathtaking’ Max told her bringing her out of the thoughts with a knowing grin.

‘Sorry I just wish we never had to leave’ she smiled.

‘I know but we have school in a few weeks and as soon as we have our next break we’ll go again’ he promised.

‘So what was this about me being breathtaking?’

‘Oh I did say that didn’t I’ he grinned. Liz had taken a lot of care is choosing her dress tonight it was a very important event. It was a deep blue gown; it had a strapless bodice and then had a flowing shirt. Most of the royal courts from the neighbouring planets would be there tonight and, including Ava and Liz wanted to look good for her first public event.

‘Well you look scrumptious yourself’ she told him. He was dress in his royal tux the sash matched Liz’s dress to perfection she thought.

‘Lets go’ he took hold of her hand and led her out of the room then.


There were lights and people everywhere in the ballroom and Liz couldn’t remember the last time she had seen it look so grand and beautiful for the annual ball.

‘Your highness, her majesty, Ladies and Gentlemen may I present Prince Maxwell and Princess Elizabeth of the house of Antar’ the presenter announced and Max led Liz down the staircase. The room had stopped at the announcement everyone wanting to see the young Prince and his new bride. As they descended the stairs the room erupted in loud gasps as people caught sight of the two together. Their love shone through leaving no doubt in the room that the Prince had found his true soul mate, a beautiful one at that. As they reached the bottom of the stairs they both bowed and curtsied to Phillip and Dianne.

‘I’m glad that’s over’ Liz whispered to her husband as they finally greeted the last of the guests of honour.

‘Yeah I know it gets very boring doesn’t it’ he replied.

Come to me now
Lay your hands over me
Even if it’s a lie
Say it will be all right

‘Dance with me my darling wife?’ he asked her then offering her his hand.

‘I would love to, especially to this song’ she replied and let him lead her to the dance floor.

And I shall believe
Broken in two
And I know you’re on to me
That I only come home
When I so all alone
I do believe

Liz sang the words to Max, whispering them in his ear.

That not everything is gonna
Be the way you think it ought to be
Seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly
You wont give up on me

And I shall believe

Open the door
Show me your faith tonight
I know it’s true
No one heals me like you
You hold the key
Never again
Will I turn away from you
I’m so happy tonight
Cause your love is all right

‘Do you have any idea how much I love you’ Max whispered to her.

Liz smiled against his chest ‘Probably about as much as I love you’ she replied.

And I do believe

That not everything is going to
Be the way you think it ought to be
Seems like every time I try to make it right
It all comes down on me
Please say honestly
You wont give up on me

I shall believe

When the song ended Max led Liz off the dance floor and started towards the balcony he desperately needed a moment with his beautiful wife, to be able to kiss her in a way he knew was inappropriate in public.

‘Oh how sweet’ they were stopped by a sarcastic voice. They turned around and came face to face with Ava. Max felt Liz tense up against him for a moment before she relaxed again and he couldn’t help but smile. Ava thought the smile was for her.

‘How are you Maxwell?’ she cooed and ran her hand up the arm that wasn’t holding onto Liz.

‘I was fabulous until a minute ago’ he replied.

‘Oh and why is that?’ she replied.

‘We ran into you’ Liz answered for him with a smirk. ‘So if you could excuse us we were looking for somewhere to be alone’ Max added

They both burst out laughing as soon as they were a safe distance for her ‘I cant believe her. I mean didn’t she take the hint last time’ Liz said.

‘Yeah I know and you were standing right against me’ he replied.

‘You know I really should have thanked her’ Liz said then surprising them both.

‘WHAT?’ Max yelled ‘Why in hell would you want to do that?’

‘Well if you think about it it’s thanks to her being the way she is that we’re together and so happy.’

Max thought about what she said. In a way she was kind of right that night was the night Max had finally told her how he felt about her. It might have been touch and go for a while but look at the way things worked out.

‘I guess your right’ he replied ‘But I would have told you eventually’ he added sheepishly.

Liz laughed ‘Max Evans you waited almost 10 years it took that two bit hussy princess to get you to finally tell me’

Max shrugged ‘What were you waiting for anyway?’ she asked then.

Max smiled ‘For I love you’ he replied and then pulled her to him for a passionate kiss.