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Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 7:46 pm
by nicola

Kylie had been waiting for the right moment to speak to Liz. Finally, she pulled her aside as the band packed up after a short rehearsal. With her hand hiding her mouth she whispered, “Liz. I think Kyle wants to have sex with me.”

Liz looked at her red cheeks and tried to keep from smiling. “Oh…don’t worry. I’ll talk to him. He’ll stop bothering you now.”

“What?” Kylie shook her head and held up her hands. “No!”

Liz’s face showed her surprise.

“I mean…” Kylie was nearly the colour of a tomato. “I think I want to as well.”

“Really?” Liz raised her eyebrows. “You don’t want to wait for someone who actually cares about you or somethin’?”

Kylie shrugged. “He’s a rock star! Who better to have my first time with?”

Liz laughed dryly. “Whatever you say. Just…don’t let him”—she realized she didn’t know what else to say—“never mind.”

Max came over and picked her up around her waist. “Let’s get out of here,” he said and tossed her over his shoulder. “Coming Kylie?”

“Ah…” Liz glanced at her. “No…she’s going to stay here. You’re going to have to put up with just me.”

“How horrible,” he pinched her bottom and headed off towards the door. He called back a dramatic ‘BYE!’ to the guys. “Do not interrupt me for the rest of the night or I will kill you.”

Michael laughed and whistled.

They went for a walk but Max got stopped for autographs so ended up back at his place. They made dinner together in his—surprisingly well equipped—kitchen. Liz did most of the work. “Everything I’ve learnt,” she said, “Is from Rita.”

“Rita’s food was delicious,” Max commented, licking some pasta sauce off the tip of his finger.

“Do you think Kylie will be alright with Kyle?” she asked. She worried about leaving her all alone with him. “Do you think he’ll be…gentle?”

Max burst out laughing. “How the hell should I know? Fuck!”

Liz rolled her eyes. “She’s a virgin and…”

“Well that’s pretty obvious,” Max said.

They sat on the couch and ate with their food on their laps. Liz had a glass of red wine. The good stuff, too. He’d got it especially.

Afterwards she asked Max to sing her a song so he went and grabbed his guitar.

The tune he chose was soft and romantic—nothing she’d heard from him before. His voice low and meaningful. The lyrics filled her heart.

I know we gotta work our jobs and make some money to get by in this expensive world.
Don't let that overtake the fact that before all that, you are still my girl.

He sat on the coffee table and whereas he stared at her she stared at his hands magically shifting back and forth on the strings. She was concentrating on what he was saying—just like always.

Basically the song expressed that even though he was away he was thinking about her.

She wished she had something to record his voice so she could hear it all again when she felt unsure about them.

He sounded beautiful and (like usual) she wondered at his talent.

After he was done she took the guitar from him and placed it carefully on the carpet. They kissed and Liz grasped his wrists, tugging him onto her.

Once embraced on the couch Max began rubbing his crotch suggestively against hers. To let him know how good it felt she let out a loud erotic moan and clenched her fingers around the neck of his shirt. He pulled her dress over her head so she was bare except her underwear. Soon they were gone too.

“Max…” she breathed, feeling his desire. “Please…”

He dropped his hand to her inner thigh and traced the curves of her lips up and down. It drove Liz crazy with desire to feel the tip of his finger, barely brushing her wetness teasing and probing…

Finally she watched, biting her lip, as he unbuckled his belt with one hand and unzipped his jeans. Her legs were bent and spread open as far as the couch would allow.

He prepared himself and was just brushing her entrance when the phone rang. At first he considered ignoring it but Liz propped herself up on her elbows expectantly.

“That might be important,” she said.

With a sigh he tucked himself back into his pants and got up.

It was Kylie. She wanted to speak to Liz.

“You have to come and get me,” she said. “Like…now.”

“What? Why?” Liz sat up and tucked her hair behind her ears. “What happened?”

“I chickened out!” Kylie cried. “And now I need you to rescue me. Come get me from his place please.”

“Alright, alright. I’ll leave now.”

Max’s face fell when she hung up. “Where are you going?” he asked.

“I have to go get her.”

She grabbed her dress and tugged it over her head. “Sorry. I’ll be back soon. Where is my underwear?” she looked around frantically.

He looked devilish. “I have no idea. You’ll have to go without them.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine. We’ll”—she kissed his mouth sensually—“Finish when I get back. Promise…”

“You bet we will.”

Only Kylie wanted to talk all about it when they got back. She was extremely embarrassed and needed a hug and shoulder from a good friend.

While waiting Max cleaned the dinner dishes and put them away. He got Liz a mug of tea and himself some ice cream… but they still they continued. He wondered what there could possibly be to say. His ice cream gone, and still waiting, he went and had a shower.

Unbelievably, they were still talking after he’d dressed and taken his old clothes to the washing basket.

Every time he walked past she gave him a sympathetic ‘knowing’ look.

Eventually he gave up and melted into bed around eleven. The lamp stayed on and he read a magazine while he waited…and waited…and waited…

When she finally came in and closed the door she wasted no time. He’d barely looked up and she’d striped her dress and was before him on her hands and knee’s and looking gorgeous.

“Thank you…” she murmured kissing his mouth repetitively. “I love you.”

He laughed against her lips and wrapped his arms around her. “Come here…lie down…”

“No,” she grinned and pushed him backwards, “you lie down and feel. I need to give you a treat after your being so wonderfully patient and wonderful.”

“A treat huh?”

She crawled under the blankets and rested in between his thighs. He didn’t even twitch when she took him into her mouth and used her tongue to drive him insane with pleasure. She did everything she could to satisfy him. Including rubbing her breasts on him and grasping his sacks with her hand.

It did not take long until he yelped in satisfaction and shuddered in release.

She rubbed her lips against the hair under his navel and licked the warm, dry skin of his chest. Finally she sat up and straddled his hips.

She was moving against him when suddenly she noticed the page in the magazine he’d been reading earlier. She stopped. “Who’s that?”

He panted. “What?”

“That girl. It’s a picture of you and a girl.” She leaned over and picked it up. She showed him. “It’s says it was taken in June.”

He couldn’t believe she’d just stopped all of a sudden. As if he could answer questions right now. As if he could think coherently… He moaned. “I don’t know…Liz…fuck…”

“You two look cosy…” she raised her eye brows. The girl had her arms around his waist and was grinning suggestively. The picture was taken in the middle of the day and he had sunglasses on so she couldn’t tell his expression. He wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t angry either. Neutral.

He moaned again. “I don’t know her. Christ almighty Liz…please…”

She finished him off but didn’t take anything for herself. She wouldn’t be able to enjoy relief until she had answers.

Her hips grinded purposefully up and down and her back arched. Her perky breasts were thrust upwards. Everything Max loved to feel and watch she gave him.

He panted loudly and held her thighs tightly with his hands.

He came when sweat was just forming on her inner thighs. The friction from the clenching against his sides.

He took a moment to recover. His arms went to his head where they grasped his hair. “Fuck,” he mumbled.

Liz looked at him expectantly. Not moving.

“Well?” she said.

He looked at her. “What?”

She picked up the magazine again and showed him.

He somehow managed to sit up so his chest was against hers. She tried to move away but he wrapped his arms around her. “The truth is,” he said, kissing the corner of her mouth, “I don’t know. Just some fan I think. Are you worried about this? You shouldn’t be.”

She rubbed her eyes. “Yeah I know.”

He moved his mouth to her neck. “There’s going to be photo’s of me with girls Brownie. There’s going to be stories in tabloids…” he kissed her jaw and she tilted her head back, “You’re going to have to trust me. If you ask, I’m going to tell you the truth.” He lowered his arms to her waist so he could lean down and kiss her breasts, “A magazine…” he continued, “it’s written to make money and sell copies. Would you rather trust that?”

“I trust you,” she said breathlessly.

“Good,” he smiled and kissed her mouth, “Because I trust you.”

One of his hands came down her hip and she felt it dip inwards. His fingers found her warm centre and started rubbing—just like she’d shown him she liked.

Her eyes drifted closed and he whispered (with amusement), “Is that good?”

Her mouth opened partially and she nodded. Her breathing grew harsher and he buried his face in her arched neck, kissing and nibbling.

It was clear to him when she came. She began mumbling, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yesssss,” repetitively and then her whole body stiffened against his. Her eyes were glistening with happiness when she opened them again.

“Kylie probably heard that,” Max joked.

Liz laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I hope not,” she said.


It was raining on and off on August 15th—the day Woodstock was scheduled to begin. Crowds flooded in and the roads were blocked for twenty miles. The turn out was amazing. The city and state officials of Bethel thought they knew what to expect but more people came then they could ever have imagined.

The band was supposed to be performing as apart of the Saturday night bill. Other bands that night included The Who, the Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Grateful Dead and Canned Heat. Throughout Friday the band heard countless stories of how the festival was going. Apparently most of the performers were staying at a Holiday Inn in Monticello and they couldn’t travel to the venue by car because of the traffic. Helicopters were the only mode of transport.

Sure enough, Devils Gold was contacted by the Woodstock promoters on Saturday morning and told where they could catch their helicopter from. Liz and Kylie were told they weren’t allowed to come but Max put his foot down and said, ‘If they’re not going. I’m not going.’

The producers were desperate and needed more music so they gave in. The planned strategy for the evening (music start at 7pm on Saturday and continue until midnight) had already been canned and now deemed that acts should start later and play until dawn.

The helicopter was late and the one that finally turned up was on loan from the army. Liz found that amusing considering the Woodstock festival was supposed to promote peace.

The flight wasn’t long and the sight of the crowds from up in the air was amazing. Kylie couldn’t stop talking about it.

Liz could just imagine all the teenagers that had lied to their parents about where they were this weekend. If it were a couple of years earlier she might have been doing the same thing. Instead she was getting off a helicopter and walking towards the back stage entrance with a handful of rock stars. And Max had his arm around her shoulders.

“Max, who paid for all of this?” Kylie asked. She was sticking close by, trying not to get in the way.

“Um,” Max scratched his head. “I heard of four guys: John, Joel, Artie and Michael. When they originally planned it, it was supposed to be a concert for about fifty-thousand. I’m guessing there are more than a couple of hundred thousand people down there right now.”

It was still raining and they were ushered off to the dressing rooms—which were actually tepee-sized tents. A producer begged them to perform longer than they’d originally planned and the band agreed.

Liz saw that they were digging a mini-trench behind the tents to stop the rain from flooding everything. There were hospital tents near-by and people continuously milled around, in and out. It was absolute chaos. Max held her hand and tugged her along and she held Kylie’s hand—terrified of loosing her.

The chaos by the tents was nothing compared to the bustle in front of the stages. It was raining and muddy and people were stretched out for miles in dirty sleeping bags. There were clothes and rubbish everywhere and at the back, free food vans and toilet facilities.

Musicians were getting stoned backstage. Apparently, by the time they got on stage, they broke with song orders and played whatever came to them. The crowd didn’t seem to mind.

Liz met Janis Joplin (who’d just come off and was exhausted) and the guys from Grateful Dead. Kylie was hyperventilating from excitement.

Michael lit a joint and shared it with Alex. Max had to have a puff to calm down.

“This is the biggest crowd we’ve ever performed for,” Kyle said. “Holy shit.”

Alex mumbled fuck over and over. They lit another joint.

Liz had a hit with them. She was just as nervous and excited as they were.

It was just before midnight when they were to go on. Tens of thousands of fans lit candles in the darkness.


Hellllllllllo. Thanks for everything guys. Hope you liked this,


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:19 am
by nicola

Pretty much everyone was stoned when it was time to go on stage. Liz and Kylie stood anxiously by, watching the guys prepare. Then they followed them as far as they were allowed and got sent back to the tents by an angry woman with a clipboard. Max looked out for them but there was nothing he could do now. He gave Liz a quick wave and then disappeared through the milling bodies.

“What are we gonna do now?” Kylie asked Liz, clinging to her arm. Both knew it would be so easy to get separated and didn’t loosen their grip for a second.

“I want to see them perform,” Liz said. She was stoned for the first time in months and found everything a little unusual. “But if we join the crowd….we might not be able to get back here again.”

“We will,” Kylie argued. “Don’t worry. Let’s go.”

When they made their way through the swarms of people Liz fleetingly thought again how glad she was that she wasn’t alone. Despite a few hiccups it was good Kylie was there.

One of the guys from Creedence Clearwater Revival said he liked her t-shirt as she walked past. She had to look down to remember what she was wearing. When she saw the ‘I’m with the band’ typed across her chest she smiled.

Devils Gold began to play and she hurried her footsteps, overtaking Kylie. It became harder and harder to move through the horde the closer they got to the front of the stage but Liz stepped over people and made her way through anyway. Some were standing and dancing but a lot were stretched out on the ground under the stars. Liz saw every type of person you could imagine.

She saw Anti-War Protesters, Rednecks, Anti-Gays, Gays/Lesbians, Legalize Drugs advocates, Ban Drugs advocates, Anti-Government advocates, Pro-Government advocates and people just there for the music.

Finally they were near the front and she could see the band performing. They found a free spot and sat down, watching in awe.

“They’re so great, don’t you think?” Liz yelled breathlessly. When Kylie didn’t reply she tore her gaze away to check on her. She could figure out what was on her mind. “Don’t worry,” she put her arm around her shoulders, “he’s probably already forgotten about it.”

Kylie shrugged as if she wasn’t convinced.

The speakers were so loud nobody was allowed within ten feet of them. There were guards lining the bottom of the stage to stop crazy fans from doing something stupid. Liz watched the distant figure of Max as he sung and felt her heart beating fast. It had to be evident what she was feeling by the expression on her face. Her eyes were wide and adoring and her lips parted—mouthing the lyrics she knew.

There were flashing coloured lights but they weren’t as effective as the gold flickering candles in the crowd. The muggy-wet atmosphere of the field and damp smell of drying bodies created an unforgettable impression on Liz. She looked around at the happy, laughing faces of every person—different in every way but still here together enjoying one thing. She felt exhilarated and apart of something wonderful.

Devils Gold performed for over two hours, Liz and Kylie, such big fans, never tired of their hits and were sad when it was over. No one jumped to their feet to applaud them before they did.

They watched (gaped) as Max waved goodbye and told them to enjoy the rest of their night. He was such a star—the crowd adored him and couldn’t look away.
Finally he left the stage while everyone was still applauding and whistling. Liz looked down and saw the crushed imprint of her backside on the grass. She was once again shocked by its size.

They made their way to the dressing rooms but once there the security guard wouldn’t let them back through.

“But we’re with Devils Gold,” Liz moaned.

“Don’t you remember us? We were in there earlier,” Kylie said.

The guy just laughed at them and turned away.

“Ass hole,” Liz gave him the finger and then put her hands on her hips.

“What now?” Kylie asked.

“I guess…” Liz started to back away. “We go watch the rest of the show.”

“But it’s nearly three-thirty AM.”

Liz smiled and took her arm. “Go crazy. Live a little Kylie.”


Kylie didn’t live at all. They went and found seats on the grass again and she fell asleep with her head on Liz’s lap. Liz watched the show and asked a guy near by for a cigarette. He gave her one and they chatted for a while.

Hours later and Liz thought Kylie would like to see the sun rise but she wouldn’t open her eyes and just grumbled. Liz watched it on her own and couldn’t recall a time she’d ever seen it before. The music stopped and everywhere lay sleeping bodies covered in the suns yellow blanket. The air warmed up and came with it an unpleasant smell of dirtiness. It didn’t ruin the mood.

Her stomach grumbled and after closing her eyes for five minutes she went and lined up for some food. It took an hour and a half and she got a cold hot dog in a stale bun.

They decided they didn’t want to stick around there all day and spend another night in the swarm of people. They wanted to let Max know where they were.

“You want to walk into town?” Kylie said passing up on the hot dog. “Maybe we can make our own way back to Brooklyn from there.”

Liz thought about it while she chewed. “Let’s go try get backstage again.”

It was no use. No one remembered them and their attempts to sneak through were unsuccessful. They had to walk.

The exit was a downed wire fence, crushed into the mud by thousands of people walking over it. They were just over when someone called Liz’s name. She spun around and saw an old friend running in her direction.

“MARIA!” she screamed.

Maria jumped on her and they spun around, holding each other tight. It felt like a million years had passed since they’d last seen each together. So much had happened that they didn’t know what to say. Maria looked different with longer hair and a brown-ish body. She said she was living with her current boyfriend in California now.

They promised to catch up more before she headed back.

Again Liz marvelled at how different her life was from two years ago. Maria had been her closest friend and now she didn’t know a thing about her.

It was quiet walking down the road. The fields on either side of them were filled with cars. They ran into people having sex or getting high on back-seats. By the fifth time Liz quit covering Kylie’s eyes.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asked wiping the sweat from her top lip. It was really warming up a lot.

“Shoot,” Liz said.

During the early hours of the morning her denim mini skirt had been a nuisance. Now she was glad she was wearing it instead of something longer. She took off her baggy knitted cardigan and cowboy boots and walked bare foot. She wanted to remove her belt and heavy dangly earrings too but she didn’t want to have to carry them.

“Why don’t you live with Max, here in Brooklyn?” Kylie asked.

Liz looked at her silently.

“If I had a rock star following me around, especially someone as gorgeous as Max—I’d never let him go.” Kylie may have blushed but it could have been the heat. “I mean…what’s in Vegas that you haven’t got in Brooklyn?”

Liz stared straight a head of her and thought of what “reasons” she had but they sounded silly and so she didn’t say them.

Kylie kicked a piece of gravel. “But what do I know?” she said.

As it turned out, she knew a lot. A lot more than Liz.

Once they reached town it was just after midday. They found a telephone booth and tried calling Max’s apartment but got no answer. Then they tried the rest of the band but they weren’t there either.

“Let’s go get something to eat,” Kylie suggested. “And then we can figure out what to do.”

“They’re probably looking for us,” Liz said with a sigh. “Max might be worried.”

It was a good thing Kylie had thought to bring a bag and money, Liz didn’t have anything and it would have been much worse without them. It was too hot now so they sat inside under a spinning fan and had burgers and milkshakes.

“Maybe we can hitch a ride,” Liz wondered aloud, “There’s traffic coming in but hardly any going out.”

“Hitchhike?” Kylie gasped. “I’ve never done that!”

“This weekend you have done a lot of things you normally wouldn’t have done,” Liz grinned. “Don’t panic on me now.”

They asked shoppers but had no luck so they walked to the road leaving town. Liz was feeling very tired and groggy. Kylie was too chicken to stick her thumb out so she did, recalling that fateful day she got picked up by the band. She was so dead beat and lost in thought remembering everything that she didn’t see a car slow down next to them.

“Where ya headed?” a middle-aged woman asked.

“Brooklyn,” Liz answered, “Or somewhere near by.”

“Hop in.”

Kylie took the back seat and Liz could see she was both horrified and delighted at what they were doing. The woman felt like chatting and Liz rested her elbow on the window sill and her head in her hand. Maybe talking would keep her for sleeping.

On the way they saw helicopters going back and forth in the sky. Their driver told them most were carrying food in now. There was worry that some of the young ins’ would get heatstroke.

She took them all the way to Brooklyn and dropped them off outside Max’s place. Apparently she was going somewhere near by anyway but Liz knew she was just being nice. She made Kylie give her some money.

“Do you think they’re back?” she asked.

“No,” Liz said, “Probably won’t be until tomorrow.”

Luckily the doorman let them in without too much hassle. He’d seen Liz entering and exiting the building with Max several times and didn’t need convincing that she was a friend.

“I’m going to have a bath,” Liz announced, “A long one and then I’m going to bed. Can you entertain yourself for a while?”

“I’m going to sleep too.”

Liz was lying in the bath with her eyes closed when Max walked into the room. She was so tired she hadn’t even heard the front door.

“What happened to you?” he asked with amusement.

Her eyes popped open and she sat up. “Hi!” she said.


He grabbed a towel for her and she got out and dried herself. Then she leapt on him and gave him a big hug. “You were great!” she said, “We watched the whole thing from the audience! It was amazing.”

He laughed. “It was pretty fucking great, wasn’t it? But where did you go afterwards?”

Liz told him about the security guard and how they had to walk the long way into town. He was kind and carried her to his bed.

“Hmm…” She sighed when he tucked her naked body under the covers. She was so exhausted that she didn’t think to ask him if he’d had a good night.

He kissed the top of her head. “I love you,” he said and then she was gone.


Kylie left the next morning and Liz remained for an extra week. It wasn’t too busy so she and Max got to spend quite a lot of time together in between magazine interviews and album signings. They slept late a couple of days and then did whatever they wanted until the afternoon.

There were a couple of parties but they left them whenever. Max continued to look after her, bringing her breakfast and taking her out to dinner. Life with him in his new place seemed perfect.

That was why when it was time to go back to Vegas and they stood in front of the departure gate she was fighting with herself.

“You’ll be coming in a week tops?” she grasped his arms. “After the radio interview you’ll come to Vegas?”

He nodded. “A week tops, promise.”

They stared at each other for a long moment, smiling.

When they first met they hadn’t even liked each other very much. Now Liz couldn’t bear not being in the same bed with him at the end of each day.

She gave his mouth a meaningful kiss. “I’ll miss you until then.”

“Yeah, yeah. Fuck off now.”

“Max!” she shook her head at him.

He laughed. “Fine, I’ll fucking miss you too.”

As she turned and walked away she couldn’t help thinking, What have you got in Vegas that you don’t have here? The only answer she had to that question now was the weather. She liked the warm…was the warm more important? Did she love the desert more than she loved Max?

Right now she didn’t love anything more than Max.

“Wait,” he said quietly behind her. He raised his voice a notch, “Liz!”

She spun around and came marching back. “I know,” she said cupping his face, “What am I doing?”

“Don’t go.” He swallowed. “Babe…I’ve done everything I can to get you to stay. I’ve turned my fucking life around. Can’t you see I’ve turned my life around?” his eyes were roaming her face avidly. “I’ve done everything except outright ask you to stay.”

She nodded breathlessly.

“Last time you left …” he trailed off, “But you don’t have a reason to leave anymore. Move in with me here. I promise it’ll be great. I want to share this ride to fame with you. Not as a groupie…as you know, my fucking girlfriend. Or whatever.”

Liz bit her lip and glanced around her. He was right—he’d finally done it. He’d gotten rid of all of her reasons to leave.

“Okay,” she said simply.



Well, that was supposed to be the end. And in is the end. But I'm thinking about continuing writing a few extra parts because I just love writing this story. It would kind of be a sequel I suppose...but I don't know. We'll see.

Anyway, if that is the last I write of this thank you so much for everything. It's been a wonderful ride. I can't believe I won awards. thank you again,
