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Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:25 pm
by valentinebaby
So I did my grocery shopping online yesterday bought everything for a fabulous Christmas meal and I bought a ham deciding I'd make it in the crockpot so that I can enjoy the smells all day Christmas until dinners done. So I buy a small 3 lb that doesn't say boneless assuming that it's got a bone, it gets here this morning and what do you know? Boneless! Now I'm going to have to buy a whole new ham and figure out what to do with the one that's now sitting in my freezer.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:57 pm
by RosDude
valentinebaby wrote:So I did my grocery shopping online yesterday bought everything for a fabulous Christmas meal and I bought a ham deciding I'd make it in the crockpot so that I can enjoy the smells all day Christmas until dinners done. So I buy a small 3 lb that doesn't say boneless assuming that it's got a bone, it gets here this morning and what do you know? Boneless! Now I'm going to have to buy a whole new ham and figure out what to do with the one that's now sitting in my freezer.
What's wrong with a boneless ham?

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:38 am
by valentinebaby
All the recipes I can find for doing it in the crock pot call for bone in. I talked to my mom and she told me it doesn't matter but I'm still worried I'm going to burn it or over cook or something without the right recipe...I don't know...I may just go ahead and try it.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:18 am
by nibbles2
I didn't know you could buy ham on the bone.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:55 pm
by valentinebaby
Yeah it's suppose to be more flavorful.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:36 am
by killjoy
I'm going to end up that grouchy old man on the block who has never married,plays all the out of date music and hangs out the window yelling things like "Hey! You dern kids stay the hell off my lawn!!" :roll:

I swear there are no...not one....single unattached female around here to date.I have gone every where in between here and Mars.Every female I see/meet has either a ring on her left hand or a boyfriend. I know those of you who live in the 'big' city can't understand this.You have so many people living there.But here in small town USofA it's a freaking nightmare to try and date!

Just for an example to prove it....Although I don't live there now...I'm in a slightly bigger town now...but the town I grew up in my whole life.....had a population of 344 people!

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:28 am
by valentinebaby
killjoy wrote:I'm going to end up that grouchy old man on the block who has never married,plays all the out of date music and hangs out the window yelling things like "Hey! You dern kids stay the hell off my lawn!!" :roll:

I swear there are no...not one....single unattached female around here to date.I have gone every where in between here and Mars.Every female I see/meet has either a ring on her left hand or a boyfriend. I know those of you who live in the 'big' city can't understand this.You have so many people living there.But here in small town USofA it's a freaking nightmare to try and date!

Just for an example to prove it....Although I don't live there now...I'm in a slightly bigger town now...but the town I grew up in my whole life.....had a population of 344 people!
I think those of us in bigger cities can understand it to a certain extent. Just because there's a ton of people doesn't mean it's the right person. But you know I wouldn't give up hope yet. Mrs. KJ might just not be there yet.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:20 pm
by SidneyAce
Killjoy: hang in there!

Here is my complaint:
I hate it when strangers share the really private details of their personal life with you without knowing much about you. It just puts you in an awkward situation because you want to show sympathy and understanding but at the same time you know you shouldn't be part of that conversation and you shouldn't get involved. I find myself in these kinds of situations a lot lately, ever since i got this job and it's so uncomfortable.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:47 pm
by Sundae
Why did Oprah have to buy out Discovery Health and make it her OWN network?

I hate it. Discovery Health used be one of my favorite channels and now all the great medical shows have now been switched out with pansy cooking, backstage Oprah, healthy living shiz I do not find interesting at all.

TV sucks.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:12 pm
by killjoy
A really good friend of mine that I graduated high school with is a GRANDPAW now!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Holy freaking crap!!!

Okay true the woman he married had already had two daughters from a first marraige so they're not his and the woman is a tad bit older than him....but still!

He's a grandfather..someone I graduated with is a grandfather....WOW!! :shock: :cry: