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Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:51 am
by forever*angel13
valentinebaby wrote:
forever*angel13 wrote:hi everyone :P

yesterday evening I went to murder mystery with my two sisters at Doncaster racecourse, we had a great time :D
How was it I always wanted to go to one of those things, but they're so spendy.
it was fun, my sisters and I found all the clues, asked the actors questions, to have fun we asked some stupid questions and some other people did too to have fun and even though I did not win, i got to know some great people and it only cost me £26.00

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:09 pm
by valentinebaby
So I go to Best Buy today to pick up my new laptop, and I'm all excited and happy and pretty much like a kid in a candy store. So we go to get the credit for the old one from the insurance policy and I tell hubby you do it I've never done this before you have. He tells me no you broke it you do it, loud enough for everyone in the costumer service line to hear, and he keeps making cracks about it the whole time we're waiting for the card. So it's like okay whatever screw you.

So we go pick one out, I have the guy get it for me and then he goes to check me out, and I'm like Okay, so we want the two year accidental protection policy. My husband looks at me, smirks, and says "I'm tempted to get a one year with you cause I know we'll just be back in a few months." So the guy who's checking us out looks at me funny and he's like not uh. And my husband because he's so forth coming procedes to tell the guy that in the past year and a half I've destroyed not one but two laptops, and this will be my third.

The guy's all "seriously, she really broke 2?"

"Oh yeah, that's why she's not allowed to have anything expensive."

Just a thought? But maybe just maybe...if I had something that was actually worth something it wouldn't procede to fall apart on me and die!!! Men suck!

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:31 am
by RosDude
Yesterday, I won a fight with my wife, and I don’t know how.

So this week her job moved from downtown in the city to out in this place called Webster Groves, which so happens to be where I went to school. So I get off from work last night and when I turned my cell phone back on I see that I've got a shit load of voice mail messages. So I check them and the first one is from Mack letting me know that she was getting off work early. The second one is about a half an hour later telling me that she got turned around so she'll be a little late. The third one is her pissed as hell telling me that the gps on her car is a POS that it keeps telling her to turn on streets that don't exist. And the last one is her bawling and talking about how she's tired and hates Webster Groves.

So at this point I'm kind of freaked out and like, holy shit is my wife lost in Webster Groves? So I try calling her and I keep getting her voice mail every time. Then to make matters worse, it starts to rain. And when it rains in the city, it fucking monsoons in Webster Groves. So right when I’m about to go try and see if I can find her I hear her car pull up. So she walks in and I’m like, “hi”, and she’s like, “hi.” And I’m like, “um are you okay?” And she’s like, “yeah.” And I’m like, wtf? So I tell her I got her messages, and she’s like, “oh yeah?” So now I’m really like wtf, cuz I’m telling you she was freaking out in the last two messages. So I ask her if her phone is okay. And she tells me yeah she just turned it off. So I’m like, okay, whatever.

So it takes me a while but I finally figure out that she’s mad at me. So I ask her if she’s mad at me. And she’s like, “what do you think?” And I’m like how the hell is it my fault that she was lost in Webster Groves, and she goes, “I kept calling you.” And I’m all like, I was at work. It’s not like I’ve got super human senses that can detect when she’s lost. I make the mistake of saying this to her. So now she’s really pissed at me. So we get into it a little bit and she gets mad and says she going to pick up our son from my mom’s. So I go “Don’t get lost.” Yeah…also the wrong thing to say.

So I’m at my house stewing and next thing I know it’s been like an hour. So I call my mom and ask her if Mack is there. My mom tells me she is. I ask if she’s coming back anytime soon. And my mom just starts laughing. Then she asks me if we’re fighting. So I tell her we are. She just keeps laughing, and tells me Mack will be home soon.

So about another hour later Mack comes home and here comes the plot twist in this story. She apologizes to me. So now I’m really confused, but I’m not stupid, so I accept her apology and apologize too. And for the rest of the night, she acts like nothing ever happened.

So yeah, I’ve got one of two theories about what could have possibly happened. Either A: My mom drugged her. Or B: She was body snatched by aliens on the way home and isn’t my real wife.

But hey, at least I won.


Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:13 am
by Earth2Mama
Chad -

First, I've got to do this ... :lol: Sorry, just had to get that out.

Second, I think your wife explained the situation/fight with your mother. Hopefully, your mother is a voice of reason and pointed out certain things and brought it to your wife's attention that her anger was misplaced. She may have also told her that the entire fight was stupid and pointless. Of course, I could be wrong - but my gut is telling me this might have/may have happened. I don't know your wife or your mom, but as a woman - if my son & daughter-in-law were fighting about this - I'd hope to god that I'd point out the idiocy of the situation.

Third, that was the funniest thing I've read today. Thank you :D

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:55 am
by killjoy
Nope here's what happened :lol:

Some time in between when she was gone to your mom's home she realized she had made a mistake some where.And like most women she won't admitt she made that mistake :lol: .So she's hoping that you're just happy that she's no longer mad at you and will drop the whole won't bring up her mistake :wink: :lol:

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:35 pm
by valentinebaby
killjoy wrote:Nope here's what happened :lol:

Some time in between when she was gone to your mom's home she realized she had made a mistake some where.And like most women she won't admitt she made that mistake :lol: .So she's hoping that you're just happy that she's no longer mad at you and will drop the whole won't bring up her mistake :wink: :lol:
:lol: Hey now!!!! We can admit when we make mistakes! The truth of the matter is, and you guys should really learn this some that we don't make mistakes and we're always right, it's just the way it works. :lol:

As is that was like the best story ever. My honest opinion is she was upset and you were just the easy target. It happens to my husband ALL the time. She probably just calmed down and realized there was nothing you could've really done.

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:05 am
by Sundae

We had a huge storm pass through central/south FL that NO ONE predicted on time or with accuracy. Seriously. So, I get up in the morning, head to work and the sky is DARK. Like heavy, heavy thunderstorms dark with black, blues, and grays, it looked like it was still night time.

Well... throughout the week, most of the weather reports said that we would have fairly sunny weather with a few showers. 30% chance of rain - most of the storms were going to bypass us. :roll:

Yeah, didn't happen. Around noon time, it started pouring and I mean like a freaking monsoon/tornado/hail with like winds up to 80 miles per hour. I mean, you look outside the windows and it's a wall of rain moving sideways. It was crazy.

We also had ten tornado sightings in like a hundred mile radius of where I am. Trees are being knocked down, half the city at this point (including us) are out of power. Half of the traffic lights don't work, and it's just raining and raining. So, we close down our campus and cancel all classes and head home early.

It's about 2 pm at this point and I'm on my way home. Well... we have a local flight school around here that teaches people how to fly one-two-three seater areoplanes. Well, a tornado passed through that general area, destroyed a hanger... and also opened up one of the gates. Two little 2-seater planes by themselves were were pushed down the runway by the winds and out into the city and the main roads.

So here I am driving along and suddenly in the middle of the road is this areoplane and everyone is trying to maneuver around it with another one that is fell straight into a lake. It was hilarious.

But... yeah, lost power at home too. My backyard is a mess, trees are everywhere, but on the upside, at night, all my neighbors and I gathered together, grilled food and had like a big pot luck, built a fire and just talked and watched the storm. By this time, it was dying down, just sort of barely drizzling that we ended up playing cards and just generally had a good time until the power came back on late last night.

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:41 pm
by killjoy
Ohhhhh dear freaking god :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: what a day!

My oldest nephew found out the truth about Santa today :lol: :lol:

He is nine years old,very dramatic and wears his heart out in the open type kid.When he was told (by older kids at school) he confronted my sister about it.My sister told him the truth....but like I said he is VERY dramatic and so after she told him the truth and how all the Santa stuff works,he went.....

"MOM! How could you lie to me for NINE years?!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:40 pm
by valentinebaby
LOL Your poor sister. Bad sad day, that he had to lost the magic.

Re: How was your day/week/weekend?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:05 am
by valentinebaby
So I've been on this kick of making my own beauty products lately. I started with face wash and have been researching body wash. Well the face wash is working so well and exfoliating so well that the rest of my body's been feeling a little neglected, so tonight I made myself a salt and sugar scrub. Mmmm my skin is so soft, I love it, and I gotta say it works better than anything I've ever picked up at the store, and instead of costing almost $10 for a small container, I spent $0 for a large one and it took maybe 10 minutes. Gotta say I'm loving my skin lately.