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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:15 pm
by Sternbetrachter

Starting the car, I drive slowly down the road, nodding at the guard at the entrance of the mansion before concentrating on the road. Both Isabel and I are silent for a few moments, luckily the silence isn't feeling too uncomfortable.

This is the first time that I take someone with me on my travels whom I've only met and who has never been on such trips before. Hopefully, I haven't made a mistake when offering Isabel to come along with me.

"With a bit of luck, we'll get to see lots of animals during the trip. It would be pretty uneventful if we don't get to see at least one lion."

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:12 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Sorry this took so long. I hope it's ok. If not just let me know and I'll change it.


Life has a funny way of working out sometimes. Not funny ha ha obviously. Funny as in ironic. If a year ago you would have told me that my best friend in the whole world was gonna marry an alien king I would have had you committed for sure. Now that seems to be exactly what’s going on. The last time I spoke to her she was about to break the news to Sean. Let’s just say I do not envy my brunette pal in the least bit. My cousin doesn’t have what you could consider an amenable personality. In fact he’s kind of an ass. I also protested their union in the beginning but now I’d graciously accept their merger if it would keep her from this intergalactic mating ritual she’s set herself up for.

I love Lizzie more then life itself but what could she possibly be thinking? She never mentioned the word Love when she gushed about her impending engagement. Isn’t that a necessary requirement? I guess not. In all honesty I just want her to be happy. Therefore I am reserving all judgment until I meet him. Although let me just state for the record that if he is not entirely up to par I will throw her over my shoulder and haul ass. I won’t have her throwing her life away for something that isn’t absolutely perfect because that’s what she deserves.

I growl in frustration as a new thought enters my mind. I hope she doesn’t ask me to make a toast at the reception. I hate public speaking. Yes… more irony. I can perform an entire set like a professional and I love to belt out karaoke but speeches terrify me to no end. I plop down on the sofa and have just picked up the remote when my cell phone rings. Shit. It’s in my purse. For normal women that wouldn’t be a travesty. I never claimed to be normal. Have you ever seen the Disney version of Mary Poppins? Do you remember her bag? Well, that British chick ain’t got nothing on me.

I sprint over to the discarded satchel and begin rummaging through it. It takes me a good couple of second to locate it and by then the sounds of Def Leopards ‘Pour Some Sugar on me’ are beginning to fade. (That’s my ring tone) I catch it just in the nick of time.

“Whoever this is it better be good because I had just got comfortable and now I won’t be able to find that perfect mushy spot in the couch.”

By the way my mother taught be proper phone etiquette I’ve just never bothered to use it. :D

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:23 am
by Sternbetrachter

I keep quite, looking out of the window, not really in the mood for
idle chatter until Alex pipes up, "With a bit of luck, we'll get to
see lots of animals during the trip. It would be pretty uneventful if
we don't get to see at least one lion."
and I nod my head in
agreement and turn to look at him, "Yes, I quite agree. I have always
wanted to see a wild lion up close and not one in the zoo." I recall a
memory at that son, Ethan crawling around the living
room, with a stuffed toy named Leo, and I smile to myself.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:26 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Yes, I quite agree. I have always wanted to see a wild lion up close and not one in the zoo." Isabel replies with a smile.

Staring straight ahead, I nod, unsure if she can see it or not. "It certainly is different to see one in a zoo from seeing one in the wild where there is no fence to keep the lion away from you. We better hope that the lions won't be too hungry when we see them."

Trying to keep a straight face, I continue, "Lets also hope that they can't smell you are a bit different from me and that they don't have a craving for Antarians."

Sadly, I start grinning when saying that so I'm afraid that Isabel can tell that I'm joking.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:26 am
by Sternbetrachter

"Yes, I quite agree. I have always wanted to see a wild lion up close and not one in the zoo." Isabel replies with a smile.

Staring straight ahead, I nod, unsure if she can see it or not. "It certainly is different to see one in a zoo from seeing one in the wild where there is no fence to keep the lion away from you. We better hope that the lions won't be too hungry when we see them."

Trying to keep a straight face, I continue, "Lets also hope that they can't smell you are a bit different from me and that they don't have a craving for Antarians."

Sadly, I start grinning when saying that so I'm afraid that Isabel can tell that I'm joking.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:41 pm
by littleroswell
Ok, don't hate me guys but I have no access to this site anymore. It takes forever to get on at home and I don't have that much time and it's now being blocked at work. So unfortunately, I'm having to stop all RPG's and not starting any new fics. I will be finishing the one that I have invested a lot of time and work in but it'll be a slow process. (Against My Programming.) I'll miss you all and I'm sorry to have to do this. Believe me that I don't want to. Writing is one of my only stress relievers and I loved the feedback I got here. Sorry again and if anyone would like to take over my RP's please feel free. Bye!

Beth aka littleroswell :cry:

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:28 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Of course we don't hate you. You will be missed greatly. If no one else has any objectIons I'd like to take over this RPG. I think it has so much potential and I'd hate to see it end here. :D