If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Luvya »


I take a deep breath- wondering breifly how he's going to react. I've never told anyone this so I don't know what's going to happen.

"I'm... not from around here..."

Corny but true.
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Post by isabelle »


Not from around here?

Didn't I have this exact same conversation with Liz last night? Is Kyle trying to tell me that he is one, too? My best friend, and my sister, and the girl I've been in love with? It's got to be some sort of cosmic joke. I frown, wondering if Kyle is pulling my leg. But no, he seems to serious.

Maybe I can jump ahead here. Afterall, he did open the conversation with a question about aliens, which is more than Liz did....

I smile broadly, as if I'm in on the joke, just in case it is a joke. "You're not trying to tell me you're some kinda alien, are you?"
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Post by Luvya »


How did He.... I ask myself breifly then realise he's joking I nod my head slowly, waiting for the reaction- is it going to be disbelief?

"I.. needed to tell someone..." I mutter to myself
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Post by isabelle »


My eyes widen in disbelieve as I hear Kyle's reaction. It's true. It's really true. He's one too.

"Wow. You really are," I say softly. "That's incredible." I hear the late bell ringing, but this is way more important than a tardy slip. I put my hand on his shoulder to show him we're still on the same side, still friends. From my brief glimpse inside of Liz's memories and feelings, I'm sure that he's worried about being feared or rejected. I don't want him to think that's happening.

"And nobody-else knows?" I ask.
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Post by Luvya »


I shook my head

"I figured I wanted you to be the first to know if anyone... your my best friend Max... always have been" I woundered how sappy I was being and then forced a quick smile

"So you think we better get to class? We can talk more after school if you want"
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Post by isabelle »


I shake my head as Kyle mentions going back to class. "Not yet. You can't just say something like that to me and then let it go. Talk to me for a moment." We're already late. A few more minutes isn't going to change anything.

Kyle hesitates and then nods. "Okay,"

"Tom," I say. "He's not like you?" I know Tom was adopted, too.

"No. And he doesn't know," Kyle explains.

I nod, thoughtfully, almost disappointed. If he had been one, it might explain why he's suddenly interested in Serena, but I guess that's something-else. There are so many things I want to know. Things Serena and Liz haven't explained yet. Assuming, of course, that they're all three the same kind of alien...

"Where are you from, then?" I ask. "Why are you here? On Earth, I mean."
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Post by Liz_Parker »


"Morning Serena how are you today", I hear from behind me so I turn around and see Tom.

Tess smiles at me and I roll my eyes. "Morning Tom, I'm fine", I nod at him and go to class which he so happens to be in.

"Just friends huh?", I hear Tess whisper and I elbow her to make her shut up.

After sitting down I look over at Tom. "Sorry about not being able to go out to dinner with you last night, it's just it was late and my parents would have freaked out".

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Post by destinysucks »


*She says she's fine and we headd too class together*

"Sorry about not being able to go out to dinner with you last night, it's just it was late and my parents would have freaked out". she says

"Oh dont worry it's moe than okay........I should of realy checked the time before I asked aso it would of been eaarlier if my dork of a brother hadint been on the phone sso long...........mayby some other time?

*Just then the teacher catches wind of their conversation*

"Mr Valenti do you think that prehaps you can keep your hormones in check just for the 45 minutes of this lessson......*puases as the door creaks open* nice of you too join us Mr Whitman hurry up take a seat"


"nice of you too join us Mr Whitman hurry up take a seat"

"Sorry sir alarm didint go off"

*He looks round the classroom looking for a seat the only one left is right next too Tess he figures she did that puposefully he wants too say Hi but figures it would be better left for later when there isint a teacher listening intently for the sllightest bit of noise.*
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Post by M »


I start to smile as soon as Tom approaches us, when he greets Serena and practically ignores me it becomes a grin. When they talk about why they didn't have dinner together last night I start to giggle. When the teacher starts talking about Tom's hormones I almost lose it with laughter.
I manage to write 'friends who dine?' on a note and pass it to Serena.

I check the empty seat on my other side. I hoped Alex would fill it, but he doesn't seem to be here. Just then he walks through the door.
As he slides in the seat he gives me a grateful smile.

'sleep much?' is the note to him, also accompanied by a giggle.

But back to more serious things;
1) Friday night
2) My (and possibly others) alien status and what we plan to do about it

Friday: Max? Maybe. Alex? Maybe, but hanging out with your brother on date night is not only sad but also a little creepy. But then its not like I've known he was my brother forever. Ok so Alex has possibilities.
Girls night? Maybe, but then Serena will probably going out with Tom (if he can get his tongue off the floor when he looks at her.
Then I have an epiphany- Group night out- Crashdown and Bowling! We can all go together, the best of all possible worlds.

I write notes explaining my plan and pass them to Serena and Alex along with pleading puppy-dog faces.

On Alex's note I include the fact that I'd like to talk to Serena at lunch about our 'discovery' yesterday, but only if its ok with him. I give him extra puppy-dog eyes hoping he'll cave.
The problem with changing the world is that it makes any life beyond that impossible...
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Post by isabelle »

Do we still have an Isabel? She might take note that Max has failed to show up for class since they both have the same homeroom. :wink: And is the Tess plan still on? Where Tess is with Max and the others, and they all wander away, leaving him alone with her? Any idea what night was that set up for?


"Fine, go clothes-shopping, if that's what you want," I tell Liz as Maria pulls up to the school. "But no bathing suits."

I don't bother to wait to hear Liz's response, as I see we're nearly late. We were right on time when we left the Crashdown, but who knew they'd be a construction delay on Maple?

I jump out of the car and wait one more second for Maria. "Come on, we're late!" I tell her, and we both hurry towards our homeroom.

When Maria and I go in, I look ardound for Kyle. Max is in Liz's class, but I can start by checking out Kyle. Trouble is, he's not here.

"He's not here!" I whisper to Maria. She knows exactly who I'm talking about.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he's fine," Maria says.

I grit my teeth and nod, going back to my seat. I sure hope he turns up soon. I pass the next few minutes looking alternately at the back of Maria's head and at the door. Maria doesn't turn around, and Kyle doesn't show up by the time the bell rings. This sucks big time.

Then I notice that Tess and Alex seem to be looking at each other a lot. Alex was acting suspcious yesterday and he and Tess are both on Liz's list. Along with Kyle and Serena. With Kyle missing, I spend some time watching the three of them, wondering what they might know...