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Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 3:32 am
by Luvya
OOC- I'm putting Isabel up again.



I smile slightly.

"I'll go to the movies Mikey" I say teasingly, "That way we'll be in a dark movie theatre all alone...." I trail off and I walk off wondering what Michael would think. As I get to home room I notice that Max isn't there yet and wonder where he is.


I'm slightly suprised at Max's question. I hadn't really thought about it before...

"I don't know... to be honest I just know I'm not from around here... I know it sounds cheesy but yeah"

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:18 am
by isabelle

"Wow," I say, thoughtfully, wondering what my next question should be. "Are there others? Like you?"

"No," he says. "Not that I know about."

"Sounds lonely," I tell him. "But I'll always be your friend. I promise." I wish I could tell him about Serena and Liz and Michael, but I promised. And then, I still don't know if they're from the same place, anyway. Maybe I'll be able to tell them about Kyle...

"Do you have any cool alien powers, like in the movies? Like Superman can see through walls or ET could do that whole glowing finger thing to cure cuts and stuff," I ask.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 1:32 am
by Luvya

"I've been known to uh... blow things up when I'm a little angry at times.... normally I manage to keep it under control" I see Max's face change slightly.

"Small things like a glass or something... that's about all I know what to do though..." I state quickly not wanting him to change his mind about sticking by me.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:52 am
by destinysucks

*Tess keeps passing notes too me most of them I can ignore except two of them one says that she wants too tell Serena the secret ands the other is asking if I wana go out with the rest of her friends I hurridly scribble no too telling Serena....theres no way that could ever be a good idea and I tell her I'll think abvout the going out with the rest of her friends*

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:23 pm
by isabelle

blow things up... Wow. Liz didn't mention anything like that. Serena showed me moving stuff through the air, and I think I saw something like that in Liz's memories, too. But not blowing stuff up. What does it all mean?

"Wow, that's ... amazing," I tell him. "There are so many things I'd like to ask you, I hardly know where to begin." Did you crawl out of some gooey pod when you were five years old? How did you end up with the Valentis? Are you sure you can't heal or use telekneisis? Have you ever tried? If I knew about any others, would it be okay for me to tell them about you? But all that will have to wait, at least a little bit longer.

"I'm really glad you finally told me. Um. Was there any reason you decided to tell me now?"



This is so strange. Almost everyone on Liz's list is right here in class with me, except for Tom Valenti and Kyle. Well, Kyle's supposed to be here, but he's still out. I watch them, wondering if I should approach one of them, and which one it should be.

I shouldn't. I should watch and wait. But who do I watch and what do I wait for?

Maybe Alex. He was the one with the strange comments yesterday. Maybe he's actually going to say something to me on his own. I'll wait and see what he does.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 5:47 am
by FallenMagic
Sorry for the long absence but finals are finally over :D! The story is coming along very nicely! Great posts everyone! Isabelle thanks for covering for me!

~* Maria *~

My inital excitement over the bet finally dwindles away as Michael and I head to homeroom. Michael looks worried as he glances around class, obviously looking to see who is here.

I don't want him to do anything rash while he's in such a troubled state. Sometimes it's just better to wait things out. Trying to pull Michael away from his thoughts, I lean over and cover his hand with mine.

When he turns to look at me, I give him a smile. "Don't start jumping to conclusions, Michael. Let's just get through this period, okay?" I whisper. "Maybe they're just late."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:40 pm
by Luvya

"I just... needed someone to know" I finished lamley... truth was I wasn't about to show any sap and thought that Max might reveal something about Liz....


I enter chemistry and notice immediatly that Max isnt there. Where is he?

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:49 pm
by isabelle
OOC - Chemistry? What period is this? Is homeroom over?


"Sorry for all the questions," I ask feeling embarrassed. I hope I haven't made him feel like a freak or something. "I hope you understand how this would make me curious. There's so much I'd love to know, if you're willing to share."

Kyle actually smiles, "Yeah, I bet. But we really should get back into class, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess so. We'll talk more later?"

"Sure," Kyle agrees easily. I remember that he'd actually suggested that earlier, before we were late. With a shrug, I pat him on the shoulder and we both start to walk towards the building.

"Kyle? I actually had something-else I was going to ask you before you, uh, distracted me with- well, your news. I'm not really sure if I should ask you now."



I head into my next class, noticing that Max and Kyle are still missing. Kyle I'm not really worried about. Yeah, He and Tom are on Liz's list and I am interested in seeing him and if there seems to be anything strange. But Max is the one who knows about us now. Only the second human we let in on our secet. I'm still waiting to see him myself and know if he looks like he can handle the truth.

Maria's been the best. She's stayed close to me, and touched me. It's hard to feel nervous about all the rest of it when she's around. She makes me feel a whole different way. A little like nervous, but mostly just glad. Unfortunately, we're not in too many of the same classes.

I wish I knew where Evans was.

He might not be here, but Alex still is. I turn and catch him looking my way before he suddenly re-directs his attention to his books. He is watching me. I know he is.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:42 am
by Luvya
OOC- Nope I had no idea what period we where in lol sorry :-S



I stop. "What do you want to know?" I ask suddenly wondering if I could find out if Liz and Michael Parker are what I think they are.

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:39 am
by isabelle

I shrug my shoulders, still not sure if I can proceed. I know my 'theoreticall' question, but I don't want him to guess what I'm talking about. Still, I need advice from someone and who better than your best friend?

Taking a deep breath, I decide to try. "Okay, it's like this. You remember that O'Henry story we read a couple years ago in English? The Gift of the Magi?"

Kyle nods, slowly.

I go on, reviewing it for him. "They were both really poor but they wanted to give the other a gift for the holidays. The husband sold his pocket-watch to buy something for his wife's hair, because it was the only thing he had of value. The wife cut off her hair ahd sold it to buy a fob for her husband's watch. So both gifts were kinda negated."

"Yeah. So?" Kyle asks. I'm sure he's wondering where this is going.

"Well," I say. "Suppose you were a friend of both these people. And both of them told you what they were doing and swore you to secrecy. You can't tell either of them about the other, because you promised. But both of them should really know. How would you go about getting one of them to let you tell?"

"What's this about?" Kyle asks slowly.

I can feel myself turning red. "I can't tell you that, Kyle. I told you. It's secret." With an effort, I give a little shrug to show that it's not important. "It's nothing, really. When you're living in a house with two sisters, sometimes you know things that - well, maybe you don't want to know." I pinch my lips together, at that. It's true. I do know some things about them. Of course, it really has nothing to do with the problem I'm asking Kyle about.... "What do you think? How could I get them to let me tell? Or would it be better to just let it go? I mean, I guess it's not really hurting anything. I just think they should know..."