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Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:14 pm
by StormWolfstone

With a smile, I listen to his words, "Danni, nothing could make me stop right now." He says and I feel my pulse jumping as he shifts his body above me. When he leaned dow, his lips brushing across my neck I can't help but sigh even as I wrap my arms around him.

"Then don't." I tell him softly, "I've been wanting this for too long." I closed my eyes and leaned my head back enough to allow him better access. I can't keep myself from arching my body up to meet him even as I slide my hands down along his shirt, wanting it off, wanting to do things I'd only dreamed of for the last few years.

I just hoped that neither my brother or sister would make their way in, maybe they'd realize that I'd locked the door for a reason. I want him. I want this and I will not stand for my family interfering. It's only around Talan that I have ever managed to allow myself to drop the strong facade that I showed everyone else and be myself. Now, years later I'm doing something else I've always wanted to do.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:21 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Then don't. I've been wanting this for too long." She says, and I give in, no longer thinking about consequences later, just what's going on right now. I've wanted her for years, and now it's all happening so fast.

She closes her eyes, and with her arms wrapped around me, leans her head back, as I continue to trail the kisses down her neck, stopping to rest my lips on her collarbone. Her hands are sliding down my shirt, and I get her meaning, and lean up on one hand for a moment to pull it off, before crashing my lips back down right above her chest.

"Tell me Danni, what have you dreamed of doing to me," I whisper against her skin, trying, craving to get a rise out of her, even as her body arches up into mine.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 8:56 pm
by StormWolfstone

When Talan's lips travel down over my neck a small moan escapes my lips. It just felt so good to me. Then, before I can think, he slides back and begins lifting his shirt off which causes me to automatically sigh as I watch him. As soon as he returns to me and his lips are again on my skin, just above the line of my black leather chemise style top.

Instantly, my fingers slide over his skin, nails lightly trailing as I begin exploring the texture of his skin beneath my hand. I reveled in the feel of it.

"Tell me Danni, what have you dreamed of doing to me," His breath whispers over me as he speaks and I can't help but smile at his words. Does he really think that I'm wanting to take the time to tell him everything.

"What haven't I dreamed?" I ask softly, giggling softly. "I have dreamed of many things, Talan. I have dreamed of touching you in every way possible. Of, tasting you. But, we're not getting into what I want to do..." I tease, "I've already said that you can show me what you've dreamed of doing."

As I speak, I run a hand over his chest and lower, trailing down until my hands reached his pants, only to stop as I press my hand across the length of him. "Show me, Talan... and I promise, later I will show you."

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:01 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"What haven't I dreamed? I have dreamed of many things, Talan. I have dreamed of touching you in every way possible. Of, tasting you. But, we're not getting into what I want to do..." Danni says softly, giggling "I've already said that you can show me what you've dreamed of doing." Images of her doing things to me that I've only imagined flash across my eyes, and I can't do anything but smile wordlessly at her. And to think, all of this started because I tried to calm her down.

She runs her hands across my chest, trailing lower, until she presses her hand across my crotch, bringing blood rushing to where it hadn't been before. As she does so, I arch into her hand, moaning out her name through clenched teeth. "Show me, Talan... and I promise, later I will show you." Oh god will I show her, even if it takes me all night.

"God, Danni, you don't know what you're doing to me," I whisper out, bringing both hands up under her top to lift it off her as I watch her chest rise and fall. She moves to help me, and when it's off, I just gaze down at her chest, now only covered by a thin bra, and draw in a sharp breath. She's beautiful, more beautiful than in my dreams.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:18 pm
by StormWolfstone

"God, Danni, you don't know what you're doing to me," I hear him reply, feeling him pressing against my hand. His hands slide up to lift my top off of me and staring down at me. I saw him seem to suck in a sharp breath and couldn't believe the expression on his face as I looked at him.

I smiled at him, breathing deeply as I find myself wanting nothing more then to feel his hands completely on my body. "I know what you have begun doing to me. I want to you." I shifted my hand to rub against him and used my free hand to reach behind my back and undo the clasp on my bra, not wanting that small piece of fabric to be in the way.

"Show me, Talan." I say softly, continuing to massage his shaft through the fabric of his clothing. "Please." I didn't want to waist a moment that we had. I knew that my luck would run out eventually and Jake would show up to interrupt.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:23 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"I know what you have begun doing to me. I want to you." Danni says quietly, breathing in deeply as she unhooks her bra with one hand and massages me with the other.

"Show me, Talan. Please." Hearing her beg me to do the things I've been fantasizing about only helps to arouse me more, so I obey, leaning forward to press our skin together as I capture her lips in another searing kiss.

Moving my hands upwards, I gently massage her breasts, feeling her nipples harden beneath my touch. I'm so aroused that it's hard to think, so I poor out all the old pent up frustration into the kiss, moving down once more to kiss her neck, sucking on the skin gently. There will be a mark there tomorrow, but only I will know who put it there.

Her skin is cool below me, but the contact is causing my body to feel like electric currents are passing through it. In the back of my mind, while I know this is real, I still can't believe this is happening, that I'm no longer just dreaming it.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:49 pm
by magikhands

I nod at Marcus's words knowing that they are true. Looking around I feel the room so full of emotion and thoughts that it is starting to make my head ache. I try to turn down the volume and concentrate on the strongest one in my head...Max. I chuckle silently. Once I disliked the man so much long ago, but now, here many years later, I'm tuning in and actually taking comfort in his guilt and worry. They were familiar to me while these others, the emotions from our children were not. I remember a time when I felt similiar but Liz had gotten her abilities before me, giving me a heads up.

Max turns and gives me a disapproving look and I know he heard my laugh.

"Sorry Majesty." I say still amused and his brows draw tighter together.

'Not funny.' He says through the damn connection.

I sigh. "Fine." I notice the others are watching us and feel my cheeks redden. It's been years since I've blushed. I clear my throat. "Sorry guys."

"Is everything ok, Kyle?" Erik asks.

I nod and clear my throat again. "Yes, I'm sorry. I just got off track which is easy to do when I'm many different things. But back to powers. Is there anyone who hasn't shown signs of abilities? With the exception of Max and Liz, none of us married others with powers so maybe there's still a chance that not all of you have these abilities."

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:58 pm
by magikhands

"Andrew and I, we're always looking for friends to hang out with on campus, you know, when the parties get boring. Right Andrew?" Brad winks at me.

I sigh inwardly and nod my head smiling at the girls. "New friends are always welcomed." I try to relax though my stomach starts to tighten. The feeling is familiar, I've had it off and on for most of my life. Mainly when something is going on with my family. I remember the night my mother went into labor with my sisters a few weeks early. I woke up screaming and my stomach was so knotted and cramped that I could only cry out in pain. Poor Dad didn't know who to go to first as Mom's scream sounded with my own.

I ignored the feeling in my stomach, wanting to let Brad have an uneventful night. We were headed home the next day so maybe it wasn't such a big deal.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 2:11 am
by madroswellfan
I get to the end of the periodic table in my head. Please please let them have finished this now. I want to get out of here. I want to put my locks on my door. I put my head up very slightly and carefully tune back into the conversation.
"But back to powers. Is there anyone who hasn't shown signs of abilities?"
Quickly I decide I need something else to distract me. So I quickly start to count sheep.

I carefully lie down on the booths chair and then curl my self in.

(ooc: Having trouble with Alex....hope this is ok. :S)
I cant imagine how there all feeling right now. I know we all wish they had found out some other way. But wishing doesnt change the past. It doesnt help. Now all we can do is be there for the kids. There powers...there so... intense. In my mind I always thought that if they got them... that they would be the same as Max, Liz, Michael, Isabel, Kyle and Tess.

Clearly not.

I put an arm around Isabel, hoping she knows Im here. I look over at Erik and Sabrina. My children... I hope they know we only did what we thought was best at the time.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 4:47 am
by ~Ruby~
Just a quick post before I head out.


“I don’t have any powers.” I say softly, knowing that by admitting this I am going to become a even bigger outsider where the group is concerned. I look at Christina and Lily and try not to cry. Now they are going to have one more thing that I cannot be apart of.

I wrap my arms around myself and try to banish all the horrible thoughts that are whirling around my mind. I shouldn’t be wallowing in self pity. I should be focusing on how my friends feel. They’ve just discovered this huge life changing secret.