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Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:45 pm
by valentinebaby
nibbles2 wrote:I'm not jealous.
sure you're not :P

It was awesome by the way. I'd recommend it. Okay going back to my cake now.

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:39 pm
by killjoy
valentinebaby wrote:
nibbles2 wrote:I'm not jealous.
sure you're not :P

It was awesome by the way. I'd recommend it. Okay going back to my cake now.
I heard a review that it was anti military.....was it? For exmilitary myself I won't go watch it if it was.

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:52 pm
by valentinebaby
Yeah, in a way...but I would more call it anti that group, it's not like it was the military as a whole, but they do do some pretty screwed up. Granted they believe it's for the purpose of national security.

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:42 pm
by RosDude
So for my birthday this past Wednesday we went to see The Hangover Part 2. I loved the first one and was pretty excited to see this one. Suffice it to say I was slightly disappointed. But unlike some people my problem with the movie wasn't that it was exactly like the first one. I've got no problem with that,and the movie did a pretty decent job of setting up a clear"It happened again" vibe. My problem was with how freaking raunchy it was.

I am by no means a prude, and I like a dirty joke as well as the next guy, but this thing was on raunch overload, and it wasn't even for the purpose of being funny. It was just nasty. The first one had some dirty stuff too, but none of it overshadowed the comedy. I'm not saying none of the dirty stuff was funny, I just found myself a lot of times being more grossed out than entertained. And I had no idea a movie could show so many penises and not get an NC-17 rating.

My second issue with the movie was how the characters under-reacted to some pretty outrageous stuff. I won't give anything away but there were several things that happened in the movie that either gained no reaction at all, or were just let go of way too easily.

Overall the movie was okay. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one.


Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:00 pm
by killjoy
I was/am a comic book geek growing I am waiting like hell for this one to come out!!

LOVE Tony Stark's last line in the trailer :lol:

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:04 am
by SidneyAce
I am looking forward to this movie "Dark Shadows" but i'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD:

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:21 am
by RosDude
I went to see The Hunger Games last night. First of all let me start by saying I only read the book because my little sister is obsessed with it and made me promise her that I would read it before the movie came out. The book wasn't bad, and it was well written, however, to be honest, I'm really not sure what the big deal is. But my opinion of the book may be a little biased because it is a book I would never have read on my own, as I find the subject matter a little too over the top in it's extremism on desensitization for my liking.

That being said, I think it was a solid adaption...if you read the book. I'm actually really glad that I did read the book first, because I think if I had not this movie would have confused the hell out of me. I think that in it's attempt to remain faithful to the book, too much happened too fast with very little explanation. Also, because so much was happening so fast some of the things that were very dramatic in the book lost their impact. Also I like some of the adjustments that they made and even understand them, but some of them, such as the exclusion of certain characters, and one major event at the end left me a little confused as to why these things were left out.

The other gripe I have about this movie is that they should have let it be rated R. Because in my opinion the book sure as shit is. It completely befuddles me to begin with that the book is considered young adult. But going back to the rated R thing, there were some seriously heavy parts in the book that seemed watered down in the movie in order to honor the PG-13 rating. I understand that it's supposed to be kids doing all of this so they don't want things to be too graphic, but isn't that the point of the book to begin with?

All in all I highly recommend you either read the book before going to see this movie, or go see it with someone who has read it who can better explain the importance of stuff to you.

And on a final note. Seneca Crane has an epic beard!


Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 2:44 am
by killjoy
Avengers! GO SEE IT! GO SEE IT! GO SEE IT!! I sat there and watched it and would have sat there again for another showing had they let me!

That's all I can say!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:16 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
^ Killjoy I read it has blasted all kinds of records! It earned over $207 Million in 3 days :D It was even given a rare A+ score from movie goers so word of mouth will keep this movie on top for weeks :D

Re: Movie discussions

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 8:50 pm
by Earth2Mama
La'Shon - except for the first 15-20 mins of the film, the rest was non-stop action! I'm going to see it again this weekend. This time, without the niece and my father.


Yes ... it was THAT good!