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Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:26 pm
by magikhands

"Come on, I'll get you home and then find some way to sneak into my house so I don't have to have my father asking me a million questions about the club. I'm certain that he was called out there at some point or something and will be on this grand delusion that aliens were involved again." Kyle sighs and shakes his head. "Then again, with what I've learned tonight about myself, aliens being real wouldn't be that much of a surprise."

I stop in my tracks with Kyle's statement. Yes, he's a 'Son' as our 'new friends' have called the others, but Kyle is still in the dark about what Max, Michael, Isabel, and I are. I don't know why I have the sudden urge to tell him the truth but I do. Don't we owe him the truth? He's been a friend to us for years. He's carried his own secret for all of those years. Can't we trust him with ours?

"Kyle..." I say and wait for him to turn.

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:26 am
by StormWolfstone

Michael does something over my door lock and I hear it open, unable to keep from smiling as I look at him. He's just such a wonderful guy and doesn't even realize it. I've loved him for so long and now... knowing that he loved me I was literally on air. "I hope so too." I hear him respond vaguely.

The expression on his face had me forcing myself, or trying to anyway... to set myself on strong mode so that he could get going even though I wanted nothing more then for him to stay.

"Maria..." I close my eyes, feeling his knuckles trailing softly over my cheek. This was not going to make it easy. Come on, DeLuca... suck it up and put some distance. I tried to give myself a pep talk. "I've got to leave now, or I won't at all."

Opening my eyes, I nod slightly, lifting a hand to hold his for a moment. "And if you don't go now, I won't let you leave at all. Call me, Michael. I know that you have the numbers because of Tess..." I give him a smile and lean up pressing a brief kiss to his lips, knowing if I lingered I'd be going back to his place with him.

Before I could stop myself, chicken out or what have you... I reached for my door and opened it. Though, I still turned back around and gave Michael a smile. "I'll see you definitely tomorrow. If you want to call after you talk to Trevor... or come over... to talk... or... whatever... you can."

I can't help but be tempted to follow him as the invisible molecules in the wind. I've traveled that way before... it's how I've watched him sleep at times.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:42 am
by StormWolfstone
I'm going to be trying to get something out here this week... being ill has really screwed up everything the last few weeks... still don't know what's wrong even after having a CAT scan.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:32 am
by isabelle

Liz agrees that it's time to go, but I'm staring at our hands, still linked together. This is what I want. Her and me, together, for always. Can it be? I hope I don't wake up and find out this was all a dream. It's too perfect. Everything I always wanted...

Okay, so maybe I wasn't wanting a big threat to be after the 'humans' I've been friends with, but I'll take it if I have to. Together, I'm sure we'll find a way.

"Okay," I say again, not moving yet. "I'll be here for you. Help you with your powers, any of it. I promise," I tell her before leaning in for another quick kiss on her lips. I love her so much.

Then, very reluctantly, I pick up my keys with my left hand. It's awkward to use my left to put the keys in the ignition, but I don't want to release Liz. After another moment, I've got the jeep in gear and steering with one hand is a much easier prospect. "I'll get you home."

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:16 am
by magikhands

"I'll see you definitely tomorrow. If you want to call after you talk to Trevor... or come over... to talk... or... whatever... you can."

I can do no other than nod and smile. With one last quick kiss on her lips I turn and start back toward my house. My mind was racing with all that had happened and had been exposed. I'm sure Maria and Tess will be having a long talk tonight so I doubt I will disturb her as much as I crave to be near her. Besides, I still have Trevor to contend with.

I sigh as my thoughts turn to my 'brother'. I can't believe that after all this time, living under the same roof as he, that I didn't realize that he had special abilities. That he hid them from me. But then, I have hid who or rather what I was so it was hard to be totally pissed at him. But if I try to apply reason to it, I hid to save my life. To save it from those who may want to dissect me or experiment on me. Who ever heard of someone hunting one who could do telekenisis? Or maybe he was hunted and that's why he hid it. Trevor never did tell us how his parents died. Maybe it had to do with that?

I shook my head as if to clear it. I'll wait until we talk before making assumptions.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this is okay, sorry for the major delay.


I expect him to drop my hand now, but he doesn't... In fact, its a little comical to watch Max as he tries to put his keys into the ignition, and put the car into gear, all with his left hand. I should probably let go myself, and save him all this trouble, and yet as silly as I know it all is, I can't help loving the fact that he's holding my hand. Such a small thing, and yet it means so much...

After all this time, all the hiding, he knows who I really am, and he's telling me he'll be there. And not just as a friend either... No, those kisses were a lot more than the sort of peck on the cheek that you might give a friend, and I can't help wanting more.

It's like a drug I suppose, when we kiss, it's like everything is alright and nothing else matters. Everything is perfect, and one things for sure, that's a wonderful feeling...

As opposed to having to consider the fact that I could be risking my life in less than twentyfour hours... Aliens, sons, daughters...When did my life get so crazy? - oh yeah right, around about the same time it became wonderful too...

Sighing, I sit back, turning my head slightly to watch Max as he drives us through town and then slows as he pulls up outside at the back of the Crashdown. "Well, I guess this is where I say goodnight..."

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:49 am
by isabelle

"I guess so," I say, agreeing that it's time to say goodnight. Once, that would have meant nothing more than a wave and a 'see ya tomorrow.' But now -- well, maybe things were different. I feel like they're different. I don't want to make assumptions and push but we did share some wonderful kisses before. A 'goodnight kiss' doesn't seem out of place...

I lean over, putting my left hand on her right knee, drawing my face close to hers. "Good night," I say. My voice is soft, barely more than a whisper. I move my face forward just another few inches and my lips meet hers.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:37 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope the flashes are okay Isabelle, if you want me to take them out or change them just say though


As Max agrees that it's time to say goodnight, he seems to hesitate and for a moment I wonder what he's thinking. I find out soon enough, as he leans over, putting his hand on my knee and closing the distance between us. He stops, with only a few inches separating us, whispering 'goodnight' before doing away with the remaining distance as our lips meet once more.

My lips press back against his, and as the kiss deepens as those before have done, it's as though a door opens, filling my head with flashes. I see little boy, stood with Isabel their surroundings are suddenly lit up by headlights which approach. Then he's in the school yard watching something intently. Another flash shows me the scene from his eyes, the day his family left Roswell, as the car moved away, and the figure of me waving on the curb shrank to nothingness. And then a final flash shows me the scene tonight, back in the club, as that 'thing' came at us...

Love swells up in my heart as we break apart, and for one brief moment I lean my head against his chest. "Thank you..." I whisper softly, before forcing myself to press back and sit up. I reach for his hand once more, and find myself leaning forward, brushing my lips against his again, wanting more and yet knowing we can't. "Goodnight..." I murmur against his lips before sitting up and reaching for the door, climbing out before I can reconsider. "I'll see you tomorrow...or rather later today..." I correct myself as I remember the time.

Raising one hand in a sort of wave, I look back once more before heading over the road and round to the ladder which leads up to my room. Putting one foot up after the other, I climb up quickly, turning as I climb over the top and waving again as I see Max hasn't moved as yet. "Love you..." I whisper softly, my words getting lost in the wind as I turn and walk over to the half open window now and pushing it up further to climb inside.

Dropping down to the floor, I'm surprised to find my sister still awake and I give her a slight wave. "Teresa, hey...sorry for just leaving like I did...and not coming back...I didn't really feel like coming straight home after everything, and Max wanted to talk, and well..." I shift awkwardly. "I guess I should have come back earlier...sorry..."

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:15 pm
by magikhands

"Teresa, hey...sorry for just leaving like I did...and not coming back...I didn't really feel like coming straight home after everything, and Max wanted to talk, and well..." She shifts awkwardly. "I guess I should have come back earlier...sorry..."

I shrug my shoulders as if I didn't care. I'd seen her little good-bye to Max and though I was happy for her, I was also worried. After my talk with Trevor earlier, I wonder if she knows the truth about Max. Would she tell me if I ask? Would it change her feelings for him if she didn't know and I told her? Life has suddenly gotten more complicated. Before tonight, the only thing I had to worry about was how to hide my powers from the others, but it seems as if we were all hiding something.

"Did you work things out?" I ask looking up at her. I'm not really sure where to start. We've been hiding things from each other for so long, how do we stop? I mean, we are twins, right? So much alike yet so different.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:51 am
by isabelle

I watch Liz leave, not turning away until she's completely out of sight. Even then, I watch a bit longer, just in case she turns around or decides to come back for some reason. But no. She's in there. Probably talking with her sister. Things are so amazingly different now. I never told her about anyone except me. The others just didn't come up. Will she be mad at me for not mentioning Tess?

When I kissed her, I was wishing she could really know me, wondering how it would change her feelings. She knows what I am and it didn't seem to make any difference, but I can't help but wonder. I'd hate to fall in deep and then have her turn away when she knew the whole truth.

Aw, who am I kidding. I'm already in deep.

When I kissed her, we connected. I saw flashes of her life. Her fear when the strange time-thing happened. How she was too afraid to tell anyone. I know that fear. I've felt it, too, but I had Isabel and Michael and Tess to share it with. I think that Liz was completely alone... I felt my heart go out to her. I opened myself to her, wishing she could see -- but when it was over, she just said good-night and left. I guess it didn't work. Even someone with time-traveling abilities would have thought that seeing flashes was worth mentioning, wouldn't they?

Oh well. I turn my attention back to the road, starting up the car again. Should I go home and talk to Isabel, or should I catch up with Trevor first? Seems to me that he and I have a lot to talk about. Maybe Michael has already gotten some answers...