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Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:34 am
by StormWolfstone
I am making this note on many boards. Those I am members of because I'm not certain that some of the creators have had the chance to be on and see this as well as my own games. There has been a new ruling made. If you are in a Mature or Adult rated game, you have to check in ... 04&start=0

Only 17 years of age or older are by ruling allowed to be in games with those two ratings. For my games, I will be checking this thread regularly and if I don't see a name on that list within two weeks of a player in my game, characters will be reassigned. If for some reason you have not been on the boards within that matter of time but you do get added to the list, you can PM me to let me know. However, as of right now in my games which will be listed below, a person can not post until they are on that list and if they post without being on the list, it will be reported to Mods. Players in my games have until July 8th to either have checked in on that thread and be posting, or to inform me that you are under 17 and will need to give up your characters.

My games are as follows: Pirate's Bounty, Masquerade, Future's Visitation, Preternatural Curses, Choosing Grounds, Sons and Daughters, Roswell Magick Legacy, Matches Made In Heaven, Crossing Distances, Roswell Next Generation (used to be Anna-Liisa's), Dormroom Diaries (used to be Lizzie_Parker_17's), , Shadowed Dawn.

I co-run the following: The Fifth, Darkened Doorways, World Of Change

Games I'm In: Destined Mates, Soul Mates by Madroswellfan, Three's a Party by Madroswellfan, A new day...every day by Madroswellfan, Land of Hope, by Anna-Liisa, Change of Heart by Anna-Liisa, Happily Ever After by Buffsteraddict, Where the Stars Don't Shine by Isabelle, A Baby Story by Isabelle, The Missing Piece by katnotkath, Fleeing Roswell by AlexEvans, Sacrifice by Anna-Liisa, Deny My Heart and Dangerous Intensions by Zanssoulmate08, Age of Ulyssa by isabelle (formerly by emmylala), Deceptive Appearances by Katnotkath, Second Generation by Zanssoulmate08,

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:28 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works


Teresa shrugs, as though she doesn't care, but I can't help thinking that's probably not right... In fact, I'm pretty sure that something is bothering her, although after the stuff that Medina told us earlier that's not exactly surprising...

"Did you work things out...?"

"Yeah...I think so..." I smile softly and nod. "We talked through a lot..." And a bit more...

I wish I could tell Teresa more about what happened, but then I can't tell her about Max, and giving some information without the rest is just likely to result in more questions that I can't answer.

So, instead of giving details, I keep it simple. "I really like him..."

More secrets from my sister... How I hate lying to her, she's my twin, we're supposed to tell each other everything, and yet in some ways I feel as though she hardly even knows me... I never told her what I could do, and I can't tell her about Max now...

Biting my lip, I drop down onto my bed and look back up at her. We need to talk, that much is for certain, it's just a case of how we start...

Well, how about just jumping right in... "I'm sorry sis...I never wanted to lie to you before...I guess maybe you would think I was crazy if I said I could...I don't know, travel through time..."

Trailing off, I shake my head, considering a moment and trying again. "I wanted to tell you...I guess I was just scared..."

Whatever I say doesn't really make it better I guess, but I hope she realises how hard it was to keep something like that from her... As hard as not telling her about Max right now, although that isn't my secret to tell I guess.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:04 pm
by magikhands

"I'm sorry sis...I never wanted to lie to you before...I guess maybe you would think I was crazy if I said I could...I don't know, travel through time..." She shakes her head. "I wanted to tell you...I guess I was just scared..."

I sigh and nod in understanding. "I know what you mean. I can freeze time. The times I've done it on accident no one remembered me doing it so I was scared to. I mean really...what would you have said if I told you that I could stop time for a few moments? That is, if you didn't have your own powers." I shake my head and lood down at my fingers that are twisting together in my lap. "It's a scary power to have. I didn't know why I had it or even how I got it."

I look up and meet her eyes. I see her pain visible there and it looks like the way I feel. How could I have kept something so important from her. Fear. That's the only reason. I was scared she would see me as a freak. I was scared of losing her because of some freaky ability that I possessed.

"Can you ever forgive me?" I want to promise never to keep a secret from her again but my thoughts stray to Trevor and what I found out tonight. They were aliens. Did my sister know that the love of her life wasn't from this planet? Had he confessed it as Trevor did to me? And what about the others? No, I couldn't make that promise because I may have to break it.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:12 am
by isabelle

As I leave Liz's place, I'm still torn between talking to Isabel about all that's just happened and figuring out what's up with Trevor. Trevor probably takes priority. Afterall, I can wake Isabel and talk to her at four in the morning -- she won't be happy, but there you go. Besides, I'm sure Isabel is just as curious about him. She may already be there. My talk with Liz did take quite some time.

It is rather late, but I don't think I can wait. I turn and head towards Michael's house. If Isabel isn't there, I'll give her a call next.

Pulling up at the curb, I'm not surprised to see the light on in Michael's room. I'm sure they're doing a lot of talking. Maybe Michael already has most of the answers that I'm seeking. Hopping out, go up the walk and knock on the door. The bell, I figure, is more likely to wake his dad, but if Michael and Trevor are up, they should hear my knock.


Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:22 pm
by KatnotKath

"What would you have said if I told you that I could stop time for a few moments?"

Quite possibly jumped for joy at the knowledge I wasn't the only one...

"That is if you didn't have your own powers. It's a scary power to have. I didn't know why I had it or even how I got it..."

As I listen to Teresa explaining about her own powers, I see a lot of similarities between our experiences... If only we had known about one another, if only we hadn't been forced to deal with this alone... People say that sometimes we appear so alike, and when she looks up, meeting my gaze, I can't help but think that her expression and the look in her eyes is familiar - familiar because that's exactly the way that I feel. Scared, uncertain and hurting...

"Can you forgive me?"

Her question makes me smile despite everything. "Can you forgive me...?" I echo the question before nodding in response to her own. Of course I forgive her, she's my sister, my twin.

Offering her a small smile, I open my arms, inviting her for a hug. "I'm so sorry...I just wish..." I trail off, shaking my head. I wish that I could tell her everything, not only about me, but about Max and the others. I wish that I could open up to her and promise never to keep anything from her again. I wish I could make the same pledge that we made when we were younger, that there would be no secrets from her, and yet I guess that's something you promise in the innocence of your childhood, but when you get older realise isn't so simple... I can't open up to her fully, and I can't make that pledge knowing I could be forced to break it within moments of making it...

"It's in the past! Let's just leave it there..." I state softly. Afterall, we have plenty more to think about in the present don't we...?

Sighing, I look down, twidling my thumbs but look back as a question occurs to me. "So who brought you home...? Have you been back long?" It's a simple, safe question, or so I hope, and I think that's what we both need right now. Something normal...

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:32 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: Here's something... hopefully I can get others done soon too.


"Night Trev." Tree says as she pushes away from the car and I simply drive off. I wasn’t looking forward to going home, but I knew I needed to get there. I knew that I had to talk to Michael and get some things aired between us. I’d spent the last couple years lying without really speaking. I needed to tell him that I’m really his brother and this time despite what it could mean, I’ll do it. He will probably end up hating me for having kept it from him for so long, especially when I knew he had to have been going crazy wanting to know if he had real family out there somewhere. Yet, he would probably be angry learning that he did but that I couldn’t save him from the life he’s been living. I couldn’t take him away from it, not yet. Once I find the other stones, I can take him back home with me if he wants to go, but I think he’d be happier here with Maria and the others.

Just as I’m beginning to think I could never return home and feel happiness. Through the brief ride home, I picture Tree and think about how it felt having her lips beneath mine, having her held against me and how much more I’d like to experience with her. Some warrior I am. The others back in the academy would probably laugh me right out of the door if they were to see me now. Making it home, I park my car and head to my room, getting changed and trying to decide just how I’ll bring things up. I’d been as silent as I could in case Michael wasn’t awake or in case he wasn’t in the mood, but I couldn’t let him put it off any more that I could put it off for myself. So, with a shake of my head, I walked out of my room with the intention of going to Michael’s and had just begun knocking on the door when I heard a knock at our front door.

Hank was out, probably getting drunk. Since Mirium Guerin left nine months earlier, Hank was rarely home anymore, thankfully. Sighing, I started walking toward the door, opening it only to find Max standing there. “Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’d show up?” I step back from the door and walk back toward the door leading to Michael’s room, calling out, “Mike, Max is here.” Looked like my talk with Michael was going to be interrupted so that those two can have their conversation. I should have known that Max wouldn’t be able to wait until tomorrow to talk to my brother about everything. Though, I won’t be surprised if I end up having questions asked of me by them both eventually here.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 10:40 pm
by magikhands

Just as I'm at the door to my house, its door wide open, I hear Trevor call out to me.

“Mike, Max is here.”

"You don't have to yell." I say with a scowl on my face as I walk through the doorway and stand between Trevor and Max. I think Trevor loved yelling at me, even if was to tell me someone was at the door. I always felt as if he took a little hidden pleasure being able to raise his voice at me. I don't know why, but that' just how it's felt since he became my brother.

I had seen Max's jeep outside and knew he was here. Just like Max not to wait til the morning to talk things out. As much as I wanted to sigh in frustration, I didn't. I had wanted to talk to Trevor first before Max came along, but I guess it looks like he wants answers too.

"I took Maria home." I looked from Trevor to Max. "I guess a talk is in order, huh?" This time I did sigh and walked toward the kitchen. "Want a snapple?" I ask getting one from the fridge knowing that this would take some time, but not knowing where to start.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:11 am
by isabelle

Trevor answers the door and I really don't know what to say to him. Is he teleknetic or is he more? I can't ask why he never told us, because we never told anyone, either. I understand about not being able to tell. But now we know and now I want to know the rest of it.

Strangely, Trevor doesn't seem to act like anything's weird. It's like any other time I might have come over in the afternoon although this time it's the middle of the night and he's seen me use my powers and I've seen him, too. No, he just calls for Michael and moves off into another area.

Stunned, I just stand there for a moment until Michael arrives. He says he took Maria home and offers me a snapple. "Uh sure. I'll have one," I say, following him towards the kitchen. For a second, I'm not sure why he mentioned Maria although the two of them certain did seem to be 'close' at the end of the meeting. Or does that somehow explain the oddly 'normal' atmosphere here? Nobody's talked so they're pretending, still? Or have they sorted it out already and agreed to ignore it? Michael doesn't even seem mad about me using my powers at the dance or anything.

"Did I just walk into the Twilight Zone here?" I ask. "Everythings so ... " I don't know how to finish that so I start over. "Did you and Trevor talk?"

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:01 pm
by magikhands

"Did I just walk into the Twilight Zone here?" Max asks as I hand him the Snapple. I tilt my head and my brows draw together questioningly. "Everythings so ... Did you and Trevor talk?"

I sighed and shook my head. "No. I just got home. He must have gotten here while I was taking Maria home." I looked at Max trying to read what he was thinking but I couldn't. "You just got here too?"

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:10 pm
by magikhands

"It's in the past! Let's just leave it there..." She says softly and I nod in aggreement.

"So who brought you home...? Have you been back long?"

Now I got really nervous. What do I tell her about Trevor? Can I play it off like it was no big deal? That sure he has abilities but that we didn't talk about it? And I knew that Liz knew I had a crush on him. Ever since he showed up in town, the first time I saw him, I knew that I was drawn to him. That he was something special...somone special.

I shook my head. "No not long at all. Trevor insisted that he drive me home instead of walking. Max brought you home, huh?" I asked trying to divert her attention from Trevor. I wasn't ready to talk about him just yet. I had told him that he needed to tell Michael and the others who he was, but would he? I hadn't thought asking him how much to say to Liz.