Practical Enchantment (AU, ADULT) Thread #8

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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Isnt it Liz DeLuca :P)
The next thing I know he dips me backwards, old style. I cant help but giggle in delight. He really does love me. We're together for and screw any stupid curse or council or trouble that comes our way. I love him. Thats what matters to me.

And with that his lips capture and I moan softly as he kisses me. I'm in heaven. I'm on cloud nine. As Cinderella would say...."So this is love"

We break apart too soon for my liking, no matter how long we had actually been here like this.

“We should probably get back and see what the others are up to. I want to hurry up and get this business settled so I can take you home, and marry you right and proper.”

I blink. Did he just say what I think he said? Images of the ring hitting the floor hurtle into my mind. What is he saying?

“You are going to be my wife Elizabeth Parker?”

I can feel my lips curve up into a smile. He still wants to marry me?...
He still wants to marry me!!!

Immediately my lips are on his and my tongue teases his mouth open. I move my arms tight around him, pulling him as close to me as I can. Eventually I pull away and see the look in his eyes.

Oops....I didnt actually answer him!
"Yes!" I say grinning at him. "Yes I will marry you"

A fleeting image of Maria passes in my mind and I suddenly wonder if she has recieved any feelings from me over the past hour...because is she has I bet she will have some questions about the rollercoaster of emotions I just put her through!

I quicky push Maria to the back of my mind. Right now all I want to think about is Max...think about how much I love him and how I am going to be his wife.

"I love you Max" I whisper, slightly huskily.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"May be a little.I mean a girl dreams about a big wedding day but..." She trails off and for a split second I fear she may be wanting to cut things off. Instead she surprises me by placing a sweet kiss on my chin. Oh thank the Gods. "I have you and that is what is most important in the long run.Friends and the big gathering are secondary." All the love and devotion encased in her eyes tell me she speaks what is true in her heart. What did I ever do to obtain such a beautiful and wonderous woman? It had to have been something right.

She rests her cheek on my shoulder as she continues,"I admit I would like to have my parents there but I don't think they would understand this impulsiveness no matter how tolerant and liberal they are.We may be can have another ceremony later on to appease them." I nod in understanding. I'll do whatever it takes to keep her satisfied and staying here with me. She means everything to me. She always has, and always will. "Thank you." I bestow upon her forehead and gentle kiss.

"I promise to give you your drean wedding as soon as all this madness is over. I'm not entirely certain of the events going on around us ,but I do know how important it is to OUR future that we don't waste any time. I love you, Isabel. I want you to be my wife. In this life and all others before and after." I reveal with a confident nod.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I wait anxiously fearful that she'll shoot me down. I don't know what I'll do if she won't say she's mine. I need that. I need her. With all that I have I pray to a God I'm certain exists that she grants my fondest wish. Without so much as a peep she grabs me and pulls me to her. Drawing me in for a long slow sensual kiss. Mmm. This is heaven in the purest form. Breaking away she cries enthusiastically. "Yes!" I wide smile covers her features.

I couldn't be happier. "I love you Max" She whispers sending chills down my spine. "I love you too. More than you'll ever know." I reveal while tugging her closer. I need to feel her pressed tightly to me. "I'll do my best to show you each and every day how much I care about you." I promise as I place a chaste kiss across her forehead. "You are the most important thing in my life. Never forget that." I state searching her eyes for understanding. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Of course I will!” I exclaim thrilled beyond belief that they are going to take my advice and elope. Now all I have to do is make sure these two get hitched. “I’ll just go get him.” I admonish refering to Dustin. wonder if he's still in a daze. We need a conscious witness. Of that I'm pretty sure. Bolting from the happy couple I make my way back to my new friend in record time. "Dustin?" I question carefully as I enter the room. "Are you up to catching a wedding?" I look upon him growing quite concerned. What if he just keeps getting worse and worse? I have to get him home before its too late.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." He tugs me closer, our bodies so close I know we cant possibly get closer, but I want to.
"I'll do my best to show you each and every day how much I care about you." He promises as he kisses my forehead. "You are the most important thing in my life. Never forget that." he adds looking deep into my eyes.

Tears spill down my cheeks. How did I ever get so lucky? To have the man of my dreams care about me so deeply. I quickly get on my tiptoes and kiss him hard, wanting him to know I understand and feel the same. Of course in this stupid body my toes dont support me for more than a second so I start to fall over. But as Max is holding me so tightly against him I cant go anywhere. I leave a trail of kisses across his neck, lovingly. "Max" I whisper gently.
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Post by maougha »


"Dustin? Are you up to catching a wedding?" is that Maria?

“How fast is it going?” is my oh so intelligent reply. Well it is isn’t it? Ok I hit my head a little harder then I thought, I think.

I open my eyes, big mistake. “Oh the light it burns.” I grown before I fall back asleep.


Now it’s my turn! I get up stretching leisurely and take in my surroundings. The girl who Dustin calls Maria is there looking at me in concern. What was it she was saying a wedding? I think it would be best to go along with the flow for now until I can send my future self back to wince he came. I can’t believe I become good in the future!

“A wedding? How nice who is the lucky couple?” I ask searching Dustin’s memories there are Max and Liz the couple that is on again off again oh yeah the stupid white lighter who gave up his power. And Lysander who is Alex and Isabel. “Is Max and Liz finally getting hitched? Shouldn’t we wait until we get back to the future?”

There and not a slip either I don’t think she is suspicious at all. I hope.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Lysander listens to me patiently as I reassure him that a quick wedding in no way diminishes my love for him.It's obvious that he will do anything to keep me happy and I know that even if my parents are angry with me for doing this,in the long run they will see that I made the right choice in choosing Lysander.

"I promise to give you your dream wedding as soon as all this madness is over. I'm not entirely certain of the events going on around us ,but I do know how important it is to OUR future that we don't waste any time. I love you, Isabel. I want you to be my wife. In this life and all others before and after."

I hug him tightly and rest my head against his chest,"I want that too and if doing this hasty ceremony is what will ensure that then I am not going to let anything stand in our way.I just wish Maria would hurry up.The longer she takes the more nervous I am getting about all this future drama."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


“How fast is it going?” Dustin replies way too seriously. I think the poor guy has lost his mind. He states “Oh the light it burns.” Before closing his eyes once more. I thought about calling to Max to get him to heal him but what’s the use. He relinquished his power as a white lighter which makes him unable to help us get home. I guess I understand why he did it ,but now he’s stuck in the wrong time and still without the one he loves. At least they were off again the last time I saw her. Geez…

Between my sister and I we really no how to complicate our love lives. Surprisingly enough he opens his eyes and then jumps up as if there was nothing the matter. “A wedding? How nice who is the lucky couple. "He inquires with a too happy expression and I look at him clearly confused. “Is Max and Liz finally getting hitched? Shouldn’t we wait until we get back to the future?” Trying to suppress the concern over his odd behavior I shove it to the back of my mind.

“No. Lysander and Isabel are going to elope so we can save our future.” I announce happy to have done one thing right during this trip. “They need two witnesses and I’m dateless so you have to come.” I assure him with a gentle smile that doesn’t quite reach my eyes. I wonder what Michael is doing right now. Does time pass the same there as it does here or does it go faster? He may have forgotten all about me back in the future. I try not to let those insecurities detour me from my mission. I will meet Michael again once I return home and the maybe we can start again.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


She hugs me tightly and places her head on my chest. I adore the feeling of her wrapped up in my arms. I can't believe all that has come to pass in such a short time. Isabel is going to marry me! I feel like jumping up and down with glee. Sounds silly to you ,but if you've ever truly been in love you know the feeling well. "I want that too and if doing this hasty ceremony is what will ensure that then I am not going to let anything stand in our way.I just wish Maria would hurry up.The longer she takes the more nervous I am getting about all this future drama."

I run my hand through her long silky blonde hair. Hoping to soothe her fears I whisper, "It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you or future you." I promise before raising up her chin so I can kiss her forehead. "Apparently I lost you in one lifetime. I won't be making that mistake again." I conclude with a confident smile.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Tears of joy cascade down her cheeks and she looks up at me with a loving expression. It couldn't be any better than this. She leans forward to kiss me and loses her balance briefly. I steady her with my hands and she glances up at me grateful. Placing feather light kisses all along my neck she mumbles my name under her breath and I feel my entire body respond to her gentle musings. "Max." Trying to keep my whits about me I state,

"We should probably try to find the others. We have to find a way to get back in time so I can marry you right and proper." I announce with a proud grin. "Plus I'm sure your sister is really worried about you." I add slightly curious as to why she hadn't interupted earlier. The Deluca sisters can feel each others pain a mile away. Liz was hurting something awful a mere twenty minutes ago and she didn't some to her rescue. Is there something wrong with their connection? Has the past altered their bond? :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment