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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 53 - 4/10/16

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:36 am
by Eva
And it finally happened! To have your first time with a man like Michael, is like a dream. He made it so good for both of them. A lot of girls are envying Maria right now. 8)

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 53 - 4/10/16

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:11 am
by sarammlover
WHOA! I whole damn chapter for their sex adventure!!! LOVED IT. OF course!!

Part 54

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:02 am
by Double Trouble
Roswelllostcause: Lol, they sure have!

Eva: It was a long wait, but definitely worth it!

sarammlover: Lol, well, it is M&M... no way were they gonna settle for less!

Part 54

Alex stared out into the darkness as his companion brought the plane in for a relatively smooth landing. They were at an abandoned airstrip nearly twenty miles from their destination, the coordinates provided by Bane at their last checkin. He had waited until the absolute last minute to make contact so they knew where they were going once they landed. He could understand the need for caution and they’d kept the call as brief as possible.

“Keep an eye out for anything that’s outta place,” Val warned as she guided the plane to the old dilapidated hangar that was already open. She followed the lanterns Bane had set up to guide her and within a matter of minutes she was inside and one of the doors creaked as he hurried to roll it shut.

“Let’s move it,” Bane insisted as soon the engine was cut and silence fell over them.

Val turned to grab her gear but Alex had already squeezed between the seats and was getting everything together to hand down to the man impatiently waiting for them. “Be careful with that.”

Alex grunted in response. She was particular about the handling of her equipment, especially her weapons. He handed the case containing the specially designed sniper rifle down to Bane, not surprised when she was there to take it from him before the man even had time to get a good grip on it.

The gear was quickly stowed away in the jeep waiting for them and he climbed in next to Maria where she was waiting in the backseat. “Hey.”

She launched herself at him, hugging him tightly for a moment before releasing him. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” She swallowed hard, trying to avoid the direction her thoughts wanted to take.

He shook his head. “Don’t go there, girl.”

“What’ll those people do to them, Alex? You’ve gotten into the Circle’s files.” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “You must have some idea.”

“Let’s not even think about that until there’s no other choice.” He reached over to squeeze her hands where they were clasped tightly in her lap. “This meeting goes well with Brody and Val thinks we have a better chance.”

“But not a good chance?”

He shook his head. “Better is as close to good as she’s willin’ to get.”

They fell silent as their assassins climbed into the front, carrying on their own conversation without involving them. The drive back to the cabin didn’t take long and after a long list of threats and warnings they were gone again, leaving the civilians on their own while they climbed into the waiting chopper and took off.

There was little conversation as they flew to the destination Bane had chosen for the meet. When they reached it he flew over the area, pointing out the bridge that was used little in the summer and never in the winter due to the heavy snowfall. Once she’d pinpointed the general area that would give her the best vantage point he lowered the chopper, hovering about ten feet above the ground.

Valkyrie jumped out with her gear and disappeared into the trees. She found a spot that would give her a clear shot regardless of which direction Brody approached from and she opened the case that held her rifle, assembling the weapon and selecting the night scope.

There was no movement in the trees yet. “All quiet so far,” she said, her voice hushed.

He grunted in response as he scanned the surrounding trees with his binoculars. They were equipped with night vision but so far there was nothing to indicate that Brody had beaten them to the location.

“Bane.” Her voice bristled with warning when she suddenly registered movement and someone materialized as if out of thin air.

He checked the coordinates on the binoculars’ digital readout, quickly zeroing in on the location she rattled off. “Fuck,” he muttered. The rumors were true, he mused as he lowered the binoculars and stared at the man walking towards him. There was nothing in his posture or his gait that suggested he was uncomfortable or at a disadvantage with this meeting. On the contrary, his movements were steady and confident, and there was no question that he was fully prepared for anything they might throw at him. How had he gotten there first? And he had been, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about that. There were no tracks leading to his position, which meant he’d had time to trek in and cover his tracks. “Find his spotter, Val.”

Brody stopped at the opposite end of the bridge, arms loose at his sides as he faced Bane. “Word is you’ve got somethin’ I want.”

He shrugged coolly. “The message said the truth.”

He nodded, unconvinced. “Email didn’t say much, just that you’ve got somethin’ against the Circle and somethin’ I’d wanna know. You work for the same organization.” His lips turned up in a smirk. “Or at least you did before you went rogue.”

Bane brought his hand to his jacket, keeping his eyes locked on the other man. “Just an envelope, man,” he said when he saw the twitch in Brody’s arm.

He didn’t bother warning him to keep it slow, knowing Bane was smart enough that he wouldn’t make any sudden moves. “Must be good if you think it’s worth takin’ on your meal ticket.”

“You can make up your own mind about it.” He started to cross the bridge slowly.

Brody’s eyes never moved from their target. He shifted slightly, two fingers on his left hand tapping against the gun strapped to his thigh. It was a silent signal to his spotter, communicating his intent to wait until the last possible second in the event that Bane tried to turn on him.

This could either go really good or really bad, Bane thought when they neared and he saw the sign the other man gave his spotter. There was no sign for Val since Brody would’ve seen right through it anyway.

It was barely a movement but as Val searched the forest she caught it and she adjusted the scope, bringing the location into focus. “I’ve got his spotter in my crosshairs. Back away from him so I have a clear shot. He gives the signal to take you out I can drop both of them before he can draw on you.” Her voice was low because she knew it could easily carry as silent as the woods were.

Bane listened without any acknowledgement and stopped when he was face to face with Brody. He handed him the envelope wordlessly.

Brody nodded and accepted the envelope, unclasping it and upending it to drop the contents into his hand. He pulled a flashlight from one of the pockets on his cargo pants and switched it on, scanning over the information compiled in the report. He frowned. “You’re sayin’ we’ve been tagged like wild animals?” he asked for clarification.

“That sums it up, yeah.”

“Trackers that have been created to take us out in the event we go rogue or are of no further use to the Circle.” He continued reading, occasionally glancing up at Bane. “But you don’t know what their ultimate goal is?”

“Not yet.”

“And you and Valkyrie intend to take them down?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Ambitious,” he muttered. “There’s chatter within the network, talk that the two of you have joined forces with civilians.”

“We’re working with a few,” Bane agreed.

“The two they took into custody belong to you?”

“Do you know where they are?”

“Someplace you can’t get to them.” He shook his head. “Word is they’re bein’ held in one of the compounds Janus oversees.”

Bane nodded. He had expected that.

“This file indicates that the trackers have to be removed and destroyed to render them ineffective.”

“That’s true. Our information suggests they situate the trackers along the spine, so you’re gonna need someone who knows what they’re doin’ to remove it.” Bane looked at him meaningfully. “You’ve been in this for a long time so I’m guessing you don’t carry the most developed one either.”

“So what do you want from me, Bane?” Brody asked and his expression remained unaffected.

“We want you on our side to bring the Circle down.”

The other man lifted an eyebrow. “And why do you think I’d be interested in that?”

“Because if nothin’ else, someone in the organization could trip that switch at any time.”

His mind was switching gears constantly; going over his options, sorting and discarding. ”They know you’re in possession of this information?”

“You’re still alive, aren’t you?” He kept his gaze even. ”I don’t have time to fuck around. You’re interested or you’re not. What’s it gonna be?”

Brody stared at him for a full minute before he turned his attention back to the folder in his hand. ”We’d never be able to remove the trackers from the entire network without alerting the Circle.”

“No, but the second they learn that we have that information they’ll wipe the whole thing out.”

“Valkyrie’s drafted a hacker?”

“And if she has?”

“He’d better be damn good.” He sighed and his breath formed a cloud on the icy air that dissipated in moments. “Janus has three compounds that he bounces between, but one of them is his home base. Chances are good we’ll never understand how the kill switches work, but we can get our hands on the override command. They can’t risk sending the signal for a spontaneous detonation of the devices.”

“Even sending the suicide signal’s gonna be risky.”

“Risky, but it could be contained. And if we can get our hands on the override command we can buy some time, save at least some of them. The encryption on it will be more complex than anything you’ve seen before.”

“Our hacker can crack it.”

He nodded. ”I’ll need enough time to remove the tracker and figure out a way to keep it in motion for the duration of the mission. I can bring in a team of mercs to help us get into the compound. They have no association with the Circle. I can’t guarantee your civilians will be in that location though, and we won’t have the time or the resources to hit all three of them. 72 hours with Janus and they won’t be worth saving. Our main objective is the override command, agreed?”

Bane stared at him. “Valkyrie will be at your side for that while I retrieve the civilians.” He shook his head when the other man was about to protest. “I played by your rules and now you’re gonna take one of mine. She can do it and she knows how to handle her hacker.”

“And if they’re not there?”

“They’ll be there.” Evans and Parker had to be there because it looked like it was their only realistic chance. “We go in. You and Val go for the override signal. I’ll get the civilians. We get out. That’s the plan and then we go from there.”

Brody nodded sharply. “Where’s your safe house?”

“We’ll send you the location for a neutral meeting point as soon as we’re outta here.”

The other man grinned. “You’ve never been a trusting person, Bane.”

“Neither have you. We wouldn’t be alive now if we trusted easily.”

He nodded and took a step back. I’ll assemble the team and notify you soon as they’re ready.”

“Same method of contact as before. Everything goes through Val’s hacker.”

“Your call on that,” he agreed.

Michael nodded and watched Brody take his leave. He waited for a long time, still not trusting him completely before he started to retreat as well.

“We got him.” Val’s dull voice echoed in his ear.

“Seems like it,” he agreed and secured the weapon in his hand.

“Good job,” she rolled over when she was sure Brody and his spotter were both gone and she started to pack everything back up. The first step had been made.

So far, so good.


Janus stood back, well away from the prisoner, his gaze assessing. He had yet to break either of them and it was beginning to annoy him. They were civilians and as such should be easy to crush. Physically, he had the upper hand. Subjecting them to pain was not the issue – breaking their bodies was proving to be much simpler than breaking their spirits. His thoughts shifted back to the present moment and he moved closer to the man hanging suspended from the chain mounted to the ceiling.

“You’re running out of time,” he murmured as he took a couple of steps closer to his prisoner. He reached out and grasped the man’s chin, tipping his head back and watching as it drunkenly lolled along his shoulders.

“Sir, we need to give them a break.”

His right hand shot out in an insistent demand for silence. He took his time walking around the prisoner, hands loosely clasped behind his back as he studied him with a clinical eye. The human threshold for pain was something that never ceased to fascinate him. He had been born with congenital analgesia and had lived his entire life without feeling any physical pain. He felt very little of anything, which only increased his interest in the subject.

Lt. Tanner shifted from one foot to the other, the motion barely noticeable, but nothing escaped Janus’ sharp eyes.

“If you can’t handle what needs to be done I will get someone else.”

“No sir, it’s not that. I’m just trying to point out that if they’re dead they’re of little use to us.”

“Very well.” He shook his head in disgust. “Let them rest and we’ll begin again.”

Max glanced at Liz through his swollen left eye. She was barely conscious, having tried to push through the electrified walls over and over while Janus’ thug tore into him. It had cut him to shreds as she’d cried and begged for them to stop hurting him. He’d hoped they would at least torture him without her present, but he should’ve known better. Janus seemed to get some sort of sick pleasure out of watching her hurting herself in an effort to stop his suffering.

Parts of his body were numb and others he just wished were numb. His shoulders and wrists felt like they were on fire, as if the muscles were being torn apart. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was never able to lift his arms again after this. The handcuffs cut into his wrists and he was prevented from supporting himself by holding onto the chain by a short steel rod that kept a six-inch spread between his hands. It was only made worse by the fact that he could feel the tips of his toes brush against the cold floor any time his body moved.

His muscles screamed in protest when he was suddenly released from his restraints and he collapsed, landing on the floor without anyone bothering to ease his fall. He cursed weakly, feeling every agonizing pain in his body as they flared to life. He ordered his body to obey him, silently railed at it when his motor skills failed him. He could hardly move and he just wasn’t able to push himself up so he could crawl over to the glass that separated him from Liz. He didn’t care about the electrical shocks, he just wanted to be close to her, needed it like he needed air to breathe.

“Notify me as soon as the female is conscious. We’ll begin with her when I return.”

“No,” Max rasped. “No, you sadistic motherfucker!” They’d already taken a shot at her and it had taken everything he had to keep a lid on the information he held inside. He’d held on as long as he could though. He couldn’t witness another session, couldn’t allow them to put her through more pain and suffering.

Janus crouched down nearby, careful to keep a safe distance between them. “You have some useful information for me?”

“If I tell you… you’ll leave her alone?”

His lips lifted in a cruel smile. He had him exactly where he wanted him. He’d just revealed the truth. “If you don’t tell me I’ll cut her into little pieces while you watch.”

“I can give you their location, just don’t hurt her anymore.”

He glanced up. “Tanner, take down this information.” His attention shifted back to his target. “If you’re lying to me I’ll take your punishment out on her,” he warned.

“Isn’t it enough that I’m betraying a friend? What more do you want from us?”

Janus considered that for a few moments. “I want both locations. Bane and Valkyrie wouldn’t stay together. Working together, obviously, but for security purposes they wouldn’t stay close together.”

“I only know his location specifically. Her location I can only speculate based on what I heard during their communications.”

“Provide the information and we’ll be able to narrow down the location.” He smirked and stood up again. “Once they’ve been taken into custody perhaps I’ll turn you loose.”

It was a lie. Janus would never release them. He didn’t know what the man’s obsession with pain was, but he knew without a rescue they would likely die in these cells.


Maria watched every move Alex made as he took his gun apart and cleaned it. There was no sign of uncertainty in his motions but she could tell he had something on his mind. He shifted every once in a while, rolling his shoulders, and she had a feeling he was trying to become accustomed to the shoulder holster he was wearing. It was weird seeing him in this mode. She was so used to seeing him with his nose practically pressed to the closest computer monitor.

“I’m sorry you got pulled into this, Alex.”

He lifted his head to look at her. ”Don’t be.”

“But this isn’t your life.” She shook her head.

“Hey, it’s not your life either.” He shrugged. ”Life is what we make of it. Sometimes you get dealt a shitty hand and what makes the difference is how you handle it.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true, but now you’ve had to learn how to use a gun.”

“I already knew how to use a gun, Maria. I’ve known my way around guns for a long time.”

“Maybe so, but paper targets at the shooting range are a lot different than a human being.”

He sighed and nodded as he reassembled the gun. When he was finished he held it in his hands and stared at it, but it was Casper’s lifeless body he saw.

“Alex? Are you okay?”

“Huh?” He shook himself. ”Yeah, fine.”

Her gaze dropped to the gun. ”You had to shoot someone,” she guessed.

“Yeah. It made me sick to my stomach but I’d do it again if I had to. He would’ve put a bullet in her.” His voice was hard when he spoke again. ”I didn’t like doin’ it but I’ll do what’s necessary to protect the people I love.” He looked at the gun again. ”You never know what you’re capable of until your back’s to the wall.”

“I’m sorry, Alex.”

“I told you-”

“No, I’m sorry you were put in a position where you had to take someone’s life.”

“He made that decision a lot easier when he pointed a loaded gun at her.” While taking a life didn’t sit well with him, the combination of fear for her life and rage that someone had tried to end it balanced the guilt out.

“You really like her, don’t you?” Maria ducked her head to look at him, trying to get his attention away from the weapon. He stopped and looked at her, remaining motionless for a few seconds, then shrugged.

“I’m not trying to judge you, Alex, really. And I’m not gonna say anything like: Be careful with her and stuff. You’re smart; you already know the risks as well as the pros and cons.” She sighed and leaned back, looking out the window at the snow-covered landscape. It looked peaceful, like a blanket lay over the world to protect it, but they all knew it was a deceiving sight. “I wonder if we just feel drawn to them because of our current circumstances.”

“Well, we all know you liked him when he was a teenager,” he said with a snort.

Maria chuckled, but it didn’t last long. “Yeah, but that doesn’t count. He’s a totally different person now.” With a sigh she got up to get a coffee. “What if we really make it outta this, Alex? What then? Will they leave and just leave us on our own?”

“I’m sure that’s what they think they’re gonna do, and I can’t speak for you, but I can tell you I don’t intend to let her get away.” He accepted the cup of coffee she handed to him with a nod of thanks. “Maybe the situation has accelerated things, allowed feelings to develop faster than they might’ve under normal circumstances, but I’m not interested in goin’ back.”

“Our lives will never be the same.”

“No, and I don’t want mine to be the way it was before. The simplicity of it would be okay, but with her I have this whole new purpose and it’s like the future’s this big unknown, like there are no boundaries.”

“What do you think the chances are of them sticking around when this’s all over?”

“I think the chances are greater if we don’t just let them go without a fight. Like I said though, I’m not gonna let her go. Runnin’ is what she knows, it’s what she’s used to. She knows how to bury her feelings, how to evade emotional entanglements, but she doesn’t know how to open up or how to let go with someone she trusts.” He shrugged. “Trust is such a foreign concept to her and I wanna be the one to show her that it can be a good thing.”

“Do you even think that’s possible? I mean, they’re so different from us, Alex. I’m sure at some point they trusted others, but after what the Circle’s done to them, can they learn to trust again?”

“Time heals all wounds,” he shrugged. “I do believe that.”

Of course he believed that. Was there ever a time when she had believed the same? “It’s gonna take a lot of time with the two of them.”

“I don’t doubt that.”

“How do you even know where to begin helping them get past something like what they’ve been through? Or maybe that’s the wrong question.” She wasn’t sure getting past it was possible. “Maybe a better question is: how do you help them get through it?”

“It’s not about help,” he denied. “I mean, who helps us? All we can do is support each other because we’re in the same boat.”

She considered his words carefully, not sure if she completely agreed with his assessment. “What’re you gonna do if she just walks away?”

Alex shrugged. “Then there’s not much I can do, but I won’t let her go without a fight.”

He was right. If they chose to walk away there was little they could do to stop them. What was the point of someone staying with you when it wasn’t what they wanted? She shook her head at him. “Sometimes I wonder how you got so smart.”

He shrugged and smirked. “That’s a given.”

“Is it really?” She rolled her eyes. “I think some of your assassin’s overabundance of confidence is rubbing off on you.”

“Are you saying I was boring before?”

She laughed. “No, but you can’t deny you’ve changed since she came into your life.”

“And you haven’t?” He bumped her shoulder with his.

“For the better, I hope.”

“Sure.” He winked.

Maria glanced at the clock. “How do you think the meeting went?”

“We haven’t heard anything, so good I guess.”

“It’s been almost four hours.”

“They should be back soon. The meeting point wasn’t very close.”

“Yeah, Michael wanted to make sure they weren’t close enough to pinpoint our location. Do you think this one guy is really that important to turning the situation around?”

“They sounded pretty sincere about it. Val and Bane don’t strike me as people who would risk anything if they weren’t sure about it.”

“Is she good enough to find that spotter person?”

“She is,” he answered confidently.

She nodded. Of course she was. “That’s good.” She turned her head when she caught a sound from outside. “Do you think that’s them?”

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 54 - 4/17/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:04 am
by Roswelllostcause
Poor Max and Liz! Hope they are rescued soon.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 54 - 4/17/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:20 pm
by Eva
I really like Alex in this story. Maria's right: Val's confidence is rubbing off on him!

The all took the second step in a hope to take the Circle down. Let's hope the other steps will go like a domino: one after the other will fall in the correct order.

Liz & Max's sutuation is something else though: how well in time will the others get to them? Every second is vital, I'm afraid.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 54 - 4/17/16

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:55 am
by sarammlover
I have a feeling Max won't actually give up their location or if he does, it will be an original location he is sure they have vacated...hopefully. And I am glad the meeting with Brody went well but I have a feeling it is not Val and Bane outside where Maria and Alex are....that makes me quite nervous. I hope they are able to get Max and Liz out very soon!!!!

Part 55

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:35 am
by Double Trouble
Roswelllostcause: A rescue plan will be put into place.

Eva: Alex is definitely gaining confidence by leaps and bounds.

The plan’s definitely gonna see the Circle begin to come apart.

Every second counts, that’s for sure.

sarammlover: You could be right... we’ll know for sure soon. As for who’s outside, well, we’ll learn that today. ;)

Part 55

“We’ll see soon enough.” He motioned for her to stay away from the windows.

She watched him as he moved to check and see if they had company. His movements weren’t as sure as Michael’s were, but she could see similarities.

“I can’t see anything so far.”

“He probably cut the motion sensors on the lights until they can get inside.”

“Yeah,” Alex agreed and checked the weapon in his hand before crouching down in front of her, intending to block her from anyone entering the cabin.

She sighed as he put himself between her and potential danger.

“Don’t sigh on me,” he warned in a whisper.

“It’s not like I spit on you,” she hissed just as quietly.

Alex tensed when he heard sounds in the basement. The logical thing was that they were back but he had learned to be careful with making assumptions.

“Don’t shoot your load, Whitman,” Michael called out as he came through the basement door and stepped out into the hallway.

Maria sighed with relief. “It’s you.”

Val purposefully shoved Bane with her shoulder as she passed him. “Told you he’d do fine,” she muttered.

“Because nothing happened,” he muttered.

She rolled her eyes. There was no point in getting into an argument with him over this. “Whatever.”

“How’d the meeting go?” Maria got up.

“Better than expected.” He shrugged and rolled his shoulders. “We have a plan.”

“And what’s the plan?”

“We’re gonna take a team and hit the compound Evans and Parker are most likely bein’ held in. I’ll go for them while the others go for the code we need to take out the tracking network.”

“Most likely?” she echoed.

“It’s the location that makes the most sense but there hasn’t been any chatter so we don’t know for certain they’re there.”

“What if they’re not there?”

“Then we’ve eliminated one of the potential locations. We don’t have the manpower necessary to hit all of the targets so we have to make an educated guess.”

“A guess,” she muttered, on the one hand relieved they were back and on the other disappointed about the guessing part.

“That compound makes the most sense. Brody believes this compound is the most likely where Janus keeps the override code for the trackers. Considering all that’s goin’ on right now it stands to reason Janus would stay close to that location.”

“And what do you think?” She looked at him directly. “Is this a good plan?”

“I think it’s the only chance we’ve got right now to gain the upper hand. If we can get our hands on the override and Whitman can crack it and rewrite the code, we’ll have control of the network.”

Max and Liz were only their secondary goal, she thought bitterly, but bit her lip before she could say it out loud.

He reached out and caught her chin, forcing her disappointed, defiant gaze to him. “If they’re there I’ll get them out.”

“Okay,” she replied weakly.

“I won’t promise somethin’ I can’t deliver.”

“I know.”

“I anticipate us movin’ on the compound in the next 12-18 hours.”

“And this Brody guy will help for sure? No tricks?”

“He’ll help.”

Maria relaxed a bit. “Okay. You hungry?”

His eyes moved over her. “Yeah, I could eat a little somethin’.”

“I was talking about food.”

“Food’s good too,” he said agreeably.

“Come on then,” she dragged him to the kitchen by taking his hand.

Alex watched them for a moment before turning to look at Val. “You’re gonna break into one of their compounds and find an override code that I can hopefully crack and rewrite?” he asked in disbelief.

“That’s the plan.”

“You realize for that to work I’m gonna have to be with you? If I can’t break that code and rewrite it onsite it’ll be too late for the rest of the network.”

“Yes, I’m not stupid.”

“And I would never imply that you are, but if we’re there and he’s there,” he said with a nod at the kitchen doorway, “that leaves Maria without any protection.”

Val looked at him, amused. “You think Bane’s gonna take a risk like that?”

“So?” He lifted an eyebrow. “Kyle and Tess?”

“Probably, yes. We’ll have to contact them and ask for their help.” Her gaze wandered to the kitchen. “He’s not eager to include them again, but he’ll take the risk for Maria’s safety.”

He nodded. “He’s not very good about asking for help.”

“Not exactly something that works well in our line of work.”

“Because asking someone for help requires some level of trust,” he guessed.

“Trust is a risky commodity.”

“But it’s also a good thing if it’s placed in the right hands.”

“But how do you know?” Val looked at him questioningly. “You never know if you can trust a person until they prove themselves one way or the other. It’s risky.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t.”

She shook her head. ”If your everyday individual mistakenly places their trust in the wrong person, they get hurt or disappointed, but as a rule it doesn’t cost them their life.”

“I understand what you’re sayin’ believe me, but not having anyone you can trust to have your back no matter what has to be a sucky way to live.”

“And who do you trust like that?” She waited for his answer. He wasn’t the only one capable of doing research. His parents had divorced when he was young and by all accounts he’d had limited contact with his mother and his father was a task master, never satisfied with anything his son did and constantly pushing him for more than he was already giving.

“Well, I trust you,” he replied without a second thought.


“Sure. You only care about a very few people but you’re loyal to them. I trust Bane almost the same way. Maybe not by all meanings but definitely when it comes to our safety. And I trust Maria. We’ve only known each other for a few years, but she’s never given me a reason for a single doubt.”

He trusted her. Why? Because she hadn’t allowed anyone to take him out? Yeah, sure, keeping him alive was a no brainer. His survival was necessary to the success of the mission. But something in his tone suggested it was more than that.

Alex watched and waited, not pushing for a response and in all honesty, not expecting one.

She had never trusted anyone like that. Bane, sure, but he’d proven himself under fire. Even Valenti and Harding were only trusted to a certain degree. It was... necessary to trust them in order to complete the mission. Her gaze shifted to the gun he wore, her eyes drawn to it when he rolled his shoulders. He wasn’t used to the holster but he was adjusting to it. Just as he’d done with everything she’d thrown at him since they had met.

She was still trying to figure out why she had trusted him like that. Necessity, absolutely, but there was more to it than that. She’d slept with him close by, armed, believing she was safe with him at her back. Why did she trust him? Why did he trust her? ”Why?”

“Why?” He lifted one eyebrow. “Why not?”

“Because you don’t know me.”

Alex chuckled. “I think I know you better than most other people can say, no?” Looking at her he paused, not expecting her to say anything. “Sometimes you only need a little time to decide whether to trust someone or not. You didn’t kill me nor did you let anyone else kill me.”

“And that makes you trust me?”

“That and other things,” he agreed.

“Other things,” she echoed. “What other things?”

He moved closer to her and he could see the determination in her set features, the refusal to back away from him in spite of the instinctual desire to run from a perceived threat.

She didn’t know. It wasn’t a matter of her being coy, playing games with him; she wasn’t wired that way. She wanted the answer; maybe on some level she even needed it.

Val could feel her heart pounding in her chest as a battle raged inside of her. Fear wasn’t an emotion she cared for. As a rule it was an emotion she ignored because she had no need for it. She had no idea what his response would be, had no idea if she was prepared for it, but she couldn’t make herself shut him up.

“Okay, let’s get...” Michael frowned at the two of them as he stood in the doorway, wondering what he had interrupted.

Her gaze snapped up. “What?”

“What?” he echoed, amused.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You were about to say something.”

“It can wait.” He stood in the door way and waited. “Carry on.”

Alex snorted, knowing the moment was gone for now. “Since when are you eager to take a part in a conversation that isn’t about assassins or plans made by assassins?”

He shrugged wordlessly and turned to leave again. “We have food ready for you guys. You should both eat.”

“That guy...” he trailed off and shook his head.

“We should do as he suggested,” Val said. She wasn’t sure what she was feeling at the moment. Relief? Disappointment? The conversation wasn’t one she was comfortable with, but she wanted to know what his answer was.

“Yeah, I guess once we’re on the move again we won’t have much time for stopping.”

“No, we won’t.”

He nodded. ”Will we be able to stay the night or do we need to be on our way after we eat?” They hadn’t discussed it that far in advance so he didn’t know if they would just stay until heading out to infiltrate the compound or if she’d insist on staying on the move. The sun would be coming up soon and he was beat, but he knew if she said they had to keep moving that’s what they’d do.

“We will be,” she assured him. “Brody’s bringing in a team that isn’t related to the Circle. He needs some time though. We’re not sure, but we should be ready in 12 hours, 18 at most.”

“Then we should make the best out of them, huh?”

She smirked at his tone although they both knew it was serious. It could be the last hours of them standing. “Yes, that sounds good to me.”

Maria raised an eyebrow when Michael came back into the kitchen. ”What’d you do?”

He smirked and leaned around her to snatch a slice of bacon, using the opportunity to press her body back against the counter. ”What makes you think I did something?”

“I hope you know that innocent is not a look you do very well.”

He chuckled. “No? Then I guess there’s somethin’ for me to learn.” He relaxed his facial muscles and gave her the softest puppy-eyed look he could come up with. “How ‘bout this?”

“Oh God,” she rolled her eyes while soft laughter escaped her lips. “You might fool someone who doesn’t know you, but not me.”

He studied her amused face while he went over what she had just said. Did she know him? They had only met a few days ago… or weeks? Anyway, it was less time than he’d known Val or Kyle and Tess, but still Maria had found a way to see things about him that the others had never noticed.

Yes, he had to admit that she knew him better in some ways. They shared something and it was not only that fatal moment in their shared past. It was something alive – something here and now.

Maria watched the expressions chasing across his face: realization, shock, and finally acceptance.

“Let’s eat.” Val just smirked at him when he turned his head to scowl at her. ”Payback’s a bitch,” she reminded him without an ounce of remorse.

His eyes narrowed. ”Make sure you remember that,” he growled. His gaze snapped back to Maria when she giggled. ”You think that’s funny?”

She dropped her hand from his side, letting her fingers trail over his zipper as she smiled at him. ”Yes, I do.” What’re you gonna do about it?

His eyebrows lifted at the silent challenge in her laughing eyes.

“We should eat,” she said when his stomach made a growling sound.

“Yes, we should. Bedroom?” he smirked.

Maria rolled her eyes, but laughed. “Kitchen!” She turned to start to serve the food but winked at him. “Bedroom after.”

“Eat fast.”

“I’m not about to wolf my food down just so we can go to bed.”

“I don’t care if we go to bed or not. We can have sex anywhere. Just as long as it’s soon.”

She snorted softly and shook her head at him. “The longer you drag this conversation out, the longer it’s gonna take to get through the meal. And the longer it takes to eat the longer you have to keep him confined.” She leaned into him and gave him a saucy smile as she kissed him.

“That’s supposed to satisfy me?” he griped when she kept it brief.

“Not at all. It’s supposed to make you want more.”

Satisfied with her answer he backed away but as he turned to say something to Val, Maria smacked his ass and pulled his attention right back to her.

“What?” she asked innocently.

“You didn’t do that for nothing,” he growled.

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

Val groaned. “Seriously, guys? Can’t you wait until after dinner and get a room?”

Alex snorted and took a seat at the table. Now that Val was back and he could see for himself that she was alright his appetite had returned with a vengeance, but he wasn’t prepared to risk his life by insinuating himself into the other couple’s space. Nothing about Bane suggested such a move would be appreciated or tolerated.

Before Michael could pop off with what was sure to be a completely rude comment, Maria handed him the first plate and pushed him towards the table. ”Give that to Alex.”

“I don’t serve anyone. I ain’t a damn waiter.”

“You also don’t like mushrooms, smart ass,” she said and waved at the table once more. “Now go.” She didn’t necessarily want to change him, but it wouldn’t hurt for him to work on his nonexistent manners. She watched him and smiled when he did as she’d asked. He wasn’t gracious about it by any means, but he did it and at this point that was the most important thing.

He glared at Val when she snickered. “You got somethin’ to say?”


His eyes narrowed at her, but when Maria sat down and dragged him with her, he ignored his annoyance in favor of his appetite, which only increased with the amazing smell.

“So everything went as planned?” Alex started small talk while digging into his food. “He worked with a spotter like you imagined?”

“Yes, there was one,” Val said.

“Brody was careful,” Bane mumbled around a mouthful of food. “It actually went better than I expected.”

“Do you think the team he’s bringing in will be good enough to do the job?”

“Brody demands perfection.” He nodded. “He wouldn’t work with anything less.”

“What kinda facility is it?”

“R&D,” Michael muttered and took another bite.

R& D? “I’ve only heard of that in relation to research and development.” He paused a moment. “What’s it mean in your world?”

Michael and Val exchanged a look. There was little point in lying about it. But at the same time he didn’t want Maria to have to listen to a bunch of speculation. “Same thing.”

“Janus oversees that facility,” Val said finally, hoping he’d remember what he’d read about the man recently and drop this line of questioning.

“And what trouble are we expecting?” Alex asked, avoiding any further questions based on the looks being exchanged. “How many people will be there?”

“That’s hard to say.” Val leaned back and looked at him. “Maybe you can hack their system and get more information.”

“I can try if you can tell me the location.”

“Brody will give us the necessary info,” Bane grunted.

“I guess you don’t remember anything about the facility you were kept in when they took you.”

“Was there a question in there?”

Maria glanced at Michael when she heard the sharp tone in his voice. He claimed to have no memory of what had been done to him so she could only assume his sudden mood had to do with the fact that they had taken that from him.

“No memory of what they did or where we were held,” Val spoke up to keep the peace.

Maria reached over and cautiously placed her hand on his tense thigh. ”He’s just trying to put the pieces together.”

He wanted to be rid of her touch in that moment. Any kind of emotional reaction was nothing he needed in this moment. He controlled the urge though, exhaling slowly when she seemed to sense it on her own and let go again.

“We’ll get all the necessary information from Brody. I’m positive he’s been there in the past and knows his way around. It’s important for you to study the building blueprints once we get them.” He looked at Alex meaningfully. “Memorize it, Whitman.”

“He’ll be ready in time,” Val interrupted.


“What about me?” Maria asked. “How am I gonna help?”

“You’re gonna sit tight.”

She frowned at him. ”Here? By myself?”

“No, not by yourself. Valenti and Harding are gonna have to be called back in,” he grated out.

“But you said you didn’t want to involve them any further.”

“Yeah, well, sometimes you’ve gotta do things you don’t wanna do.”

She fell silent in response to his biting tone, but after a few moments she shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. ”That’s not news, Michael. You don’t have to cop an attitude with me.”

He exhaled loud enough for everyone to hear, leaned back in his chair and looked at her. “You aren’t coming with us, Maria. And you’re not stayin’ alone. Alex and Val are needed for the mission and Kyle and Tess are the only other people I trust. End of story.”

“He’s right,” Val said before the other woman could speak up. “There are only a few people that can be trusted. We can’t jeopardize the mission by taking you with us or trusting the wrong people with you because we won’t achieve anything if we get in there and lose you.” And Bane wouldn’t be able to concentrate if he had to constantly worry about you, she added in her head because she knew it was true.

It was true because she would feel the same way about Alex Whitman.


“He sounded pleased to ask us for another favor so soon,” Kyle grunted and slouched down in his seat, pushing the sunglasses up higher when the sunlight seemed way too bright on the snow.

“You know him.” Tess shrugged with a smirk. “Good thing we stayed close enough.”

“Bane didn’t sound very pleased about that either.”

“He never sounds pleased about anything unless it’s food or sex, so…” She shifted gears when they turned onto a more snow-covered road, just a few miles away from their destination.

“True.” Kyle turned his head towards the window on his side and watched the passing landscape for a moment. “What if I told you I was gonna go with them into that compound?”

“I don’t think he’d agree,” she said, doing her best to control her wildly beating heart.

“He probably won’t, but that never stopped me before.”

Her left hand was nearly strangling the steering wheel. She’d never tried to change him, never tried to tell him what he could or couldn’t do when it came to things like this, but the thought of him going back into a situation that could cost him his life didn’t sit well with her. She knew she couldn’t hold him back. He was a man of conviction and if he had his mind set on doing this nothing would change it. “There may be a whole team goin’ in, but there’re only a couple you could trust.”

“True.” He turned his head to look at her, only seeing his reflection in her sunglasses though. “Bane an’ I fought side by side more than once. He saved my life more than once and now in this situation...” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

She’d almost lost him to that fucking jungle and Bane had gone in for him, saved his life. Nothing would ever make them even in his eyes and she knew that. The thing was, she felt the same way. She just didn’t want to see that debt paid with his life. “If you feel like you have to do this,” she reached over and took his hand, squeezing it tightly, “you know I’ll back you up.”

He nodded slightly and brought their joined hands up to kiss the back of hers. “Thanks.”

“But, so help me God, if you don’t come back, Valenti...” she shook her head, not bothering to finish the thought.

“I will come back,” he said.

She nodded but they both knew it wasn’t a promise he could control. “See that you do.”

First he had to convince Bane that putting him on the team was a good idea.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 55 - 4/24/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
Well if things go the way they plan then it will be over soon. But I just have this feeling that there is going to be trouble.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 55 - 4/24/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:13 pm
by Eva
Step by step they're on their way! It's more than thrilling! Oh boy, I'm crossing my fingers here!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 55 - 4/24/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:35 pm
by keepsmiling7
so Max and Liz are secondary?
Thanks, Carolyn