Practical Enchantment (AU, ADULT) Thread #8

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Post by madroswellfan »

"We should probably try to find the others. We have to find a way to get back in time so I can marry you right and proper."
I can't help but giggle at that, even as I pepper his neck with kisses. It sounds like a good plan, but I don't want to move right now...

"Plus I'm sure your sister is really worried about you."
And thats when I stop and move back slightly. Why hadn't Maria come running when I was pain like she always did? It had to mean either she was in trouble...or our bond was changing.
"Oh god" I mutter, realising how selfish I had been moments ago. I grab Max's hand and try to pull him as I run/waddle back inside. Of course I keep tripping, and at this rate we will never get there.

"MARIA?!?!" I yell out as I try to run. And just then I trip so badly I end up lying on the ground, my face in the mud. "ARGH!" I yell out standing up quickly. GOD I hate this body!!!
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Post by KarenEvans »


"It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you or future you." Lysander says soothingly and I take comfort from his strength.He kisses my forehead tenderly and I close my eyes,a smile on my lips knowing that I can trust him completely,"Apparently I lost you in one lifetime. I won't be making that mistake again."

Resting my forehead on his shoulder I shudder when I think of what Rosa,I mean Maria...or whatever her name is,had told me...I had become a demon.How awful!!Just thinking about what kind of evil I might have committed makes me feel ill.Rosa where are you?
Last edited by KarenEvans on Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I am drawn out of my intense thoughts when I hear a familar voice calling my name. "Maria?!" Narrowing my eyebrows in confusion I state. "Liz." Is something the matter? Surely I would ahve felt her pain if it was really awful. Concentrating on our connection I gasp when I realize it is no longer there. Huh? What happened to break our bond? Unable to supress the over riding emotion I search frantically for the voice that seeks me.

"Liz!" We must have been in the past too long. "Dustin, I think something is wrong. We have to get those two to the church and fast." I announce with a worried tone. Running out of the room I find Liz face down in a mud puddle with Max trying in vain to help her up. "What's going on?" I question unsure as to how to bring up to my sister and my best firiend in the whole world that we are no longer linked. Our strength comes with our unity without it we are powerless. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

(sorry this is short, I have no idea what to put :S)
"What's going on?"
I look up at Maria whos just appeared. "You didn't feel any of that did you? What's going on? You haven't changed the past have you?!" I demand immediately. I am not losing my connection with my sister. I'm not losing Max as my white lighter and as my fiance. What happened? And whatever it is, please let her tell me its NOT what I'm thinking!
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"You didn't feel any of that did you? What's going on? You haven't changed the past have you?!" She questions clearly frantic and I offer her my hand so I can lift her out of the muck. "I don't think so.. I'm not sure." I answer honestly. "We need to hurry up and get Isabel and Lysander to the chapel before we do any more damage." I reveal not liking the separation I feel from my sister. "Liz, I'm scared." I admit reluctantly. I need my big sister to reassure me that everything is gonna be alright. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

"I don't think so.. I'm not sure." She answers. Oh God this CANT be good. "We need to hurry up and get Isabel and Lysander to the chapel before we do any more damage."

Oh god...did they get married in the past? Why the rush? She's changing things isn't she? Oh God....
"Liz, I'm scared."

Yeah well so am I now shes rushing them to marry! "Show me where" I demand. "And as we run, your telling me everything. Did they marry before? Or did you meddle?" I ask.
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Post by maougha »


“No. Lysander and Isabel are going to elope so we can save our future.” Wait how does that save their future? I rack Dustin’s mind for the information I need. Isabel right the demon in his time who fell in love with and married Alex. Wait they are having a baby! Uh oh and these are suppose to be the saviors of all that is good? I have to say the charmed one’s are very disappointing. But before I can voice my concerns.

"Liz." she says out of the blue. What? I thought this boy was Dustin, don’t tell me I’m good and gender confused in the future too! "Dustin, I think something is wrong. We have to get those two to the church and fast." she is frantic now. Like getting to people hitched is going to fix what ever is wrong with her.

But again before I can get a word in edge wise Maria bolts. “what is it with these people?” I ask out loud and fallow her in time to hear.

"What's going on?"

"You didn't feel any of that did you? What's going on? You haven't changed the past have you?!" Liz I guess, oh what a looker. Not!

"I don't think so.. I'm not sure. We need to hurry up and get Isabel and Lysander to the chapel before we do any more damage. Liz, I'm scared."

How sad and pathetic why does my future self ally him self with these people surly the source or some other low life demon should have been able to take them out by now. So saying I decide to get my two cents in now. “Uh Maria can I point out that by getting Lysander and Isabel together now means they can’t be together in your time.” oh a slip damn but I continue anyway. “So that means no future baby no demon Isabel to meet Alex and that means you wont meet Michael since he was friends with Isabel.” ok I don’t know if the last part is true but anyway.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Show me where" Liz demands emphatically. "And as we run, your telling me everything. Did they marry before? Or did you meddle?" She questions and I fail miserably to hide my guilty expression. I'm about to pipe in when Dustin throws his knowledge of the situation in for consideration. “Uh Maria can I point out that by getting Lysander and Isabel together now means they can’t be together in your time.” Isn't that we were sent back here? To right a past wrong?

Everything points to them. Could I be wrong? I ponder intently over this while he continues. “So that means no future baby no demon Isabel to meet Alex and that means you wont meet Michael since he was friends with Isabel.” I so do not like the sound of that. I pause in my track and try to figure out what I'm supposed to do. There's only two beings that are powerful enough and that can reveal the answers I am seeking. The Powers that Be and The Source.

Max was the only link I had to those up there and now he has renounced his position damning us all. Remind me to slap his hand later. "I have no choice." I stammer realzing what I must do. "I have to go to Sebastion." The others look at me like I've gone mad. "We can't make the wrong decision here. It is vital that we accomplish our mission so that we can return home to the place we belong. There's no one else in this world that even knows we have abilities. We are gonna have to have his help."

I shudder at the thought of having to bargain with the devil. He'll surely want some kind of compensation for enlisting his talents... if you can call them that. "Tell me if there's another way." I plead with my friends as they stare at me blankly. Max hangs his head in shame. I know he feels bad. If he hadn't thrown away his title he would just orb to The Elders and find out what we need to know. I finally know what I have to do. I guess now the only problem is finding the courage to do what must be done.

"Liz, I'll take you, Dustin, and Max to Isabel and Lysander and you can go with them to the Chapel. They'll need witnesses. If the union is not meant to be... it will not be." :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: I'm sorry if this sucks, my muse is away with the fairies... I wasnt sure if Liz would know it was Dustin so I haven't commented on that...hop thats ok...Faith if theres something you think I can change/add please say!!!)

"Liz, I'll take you, Dustin, and Max to Isabel and Lysander and you can go with them to the Chapel. They'll need witnesses. If the union is not meant to be... it will not be."

I sigh. "You had better be right Maria" I murmur. I really want to tell her about our engagement, but that SOO has to wait right now.

I walk over to her and put my arms around her. "It should be me going to see him....this blows" I growl. I sigh before slowly releasing her. "But I can' on...lets get this done"
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: That was a great post


She sighs as if she's tired of this whole mess and I couldn't agree more. I just want to get back home to my life. "You had better be right Maria" Liz relents and I nod my head in acknowledgement. I sure do hope I'm right otherwise we are stuck here forever. My big sister erases the distance between us and encircles her arms around me. I need the comfort that only a close sibling can provide. Since our parents died it has always came back to me and Liz.

We had nothing else but each other. It caused us to forge a bond that has now been compromised. Out of all the things I have at stake this is the most important. "It should be me going to see him....this blows" As always she's trying to protect me. I appreciate it more than I can ever express so I hug her tightly and then flash her a warm smile before she releases me. "But I can' on...lets get this done" She's right. "Let's do this." I state before leading her, Max, and Dustin over to where I left Isabel and Lysander.

They looked relived at my appearance. Now to drop the bomb. "Hey guys. I'm sorry ,but I'm not gonna make the Wedding." Isabel raises a confused eyebrow. "I know. I know I said I'd be there ,but there is something I have to go and do ,and it can't be postponed. Go... be happy. I hope to see you in another life." Turning to Isabel I tell her how I really feel. "I've really enjoyed getting to know you better. I know you saw flashes of a time when we hated each other ,and from what you've heard of what I was to do to you is horrendous.

I have no excuse to better it, but I really do think you are a wondeful person and an exceptional friend. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Thanks."
I finish before giving the others a wave. Now I have to find Sebastion. If I was the ultimate sourse of all evil where would I be?
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment