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Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:55 am
by dreamer19
At times I very much disliked Max as a character. For the second half or season 2 and all of season 3, I just did not like him at all. Even though I hate Tess, I didn't hate her as a character. If that makes any sense.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:02 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
For me it's gotta be Max by far. There are moments with every character when they weren't on my 'I like you list' but Max always stays in my top dislike slot.

The thing that bugged me a whole lot was the whole watching Liz thing all the time. Screamed stalker, which is an instant turn off for me, then as the seasons continued the dislike grew and never went away. :roll:

Although I wasn't upset when he slept with Tess. :? That was a brief moment when I didn't dislike him. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:28 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
I didn't like Tess at all. She was annoying and when she killed Alex, she was definitely at the point of no return in my book.

Maria, I didn't hate but like a few people already mentioned, I felt she didn't deserve Michael's love. She was too busy comparing him to Max and not accepting him for who he was. He did try to please her, but somehow it was never enough for her. I felt that Michael had his good qualities and should have been respected for them.

Max is and always will be my favorite character. :D Yes he made mistakes but I blamed the idiot writers not him, he was just a character they chose to twist and bend in all these different ways :roll: He was put through a hell of a lot, and no one would blame him for having major Post Traumatic Stress for the things he had to endure in the White Room. He too had good qualities that made him endearing in my book :D

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:34 am
by Queen Fee
Isabel. I thought how she treated Alex was appalling one minute telling him she can't date anyone then two seconds later fluttering her eyelashes at Grant. I didn't mind Jesse but i just didn't buy them falling in love and getting married so quickly if Max had done that with Liz she'd have ripped him a new one! And your right about Nicholas, creepy *shudders*