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Post by Zansgirl »

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Post by KarenEvans »

OOC-Can we like move to the night so that the vampires can actually wake up and move about freely instead of being confined to their rooms?
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Post by Zansgirl »

(yeah, sure)


I made myself out of Master Maxwells room and to the Maids courters. Slipping into my room and laying on the bed, remembering his touch. His cold, yet soft touch.

My lord, if my parents knew what I was thinking, I would surely be called a sinful daughter. Only, I have escaped them and there madness. I am now free, well of them at least.

I remember coming to the plantation with I was young, Mary and Jethro, a maid and a horse keeper, took me in and I became part of there family, they became my new parents and then they, died. Leaving me on the plantation, which i'm grateful for, because I have never had a home like I have here. I'm mostly grateful to Master Maxwell, Master Michael and Mistress Isabel, because they could throw me out at any given time, but don't.

I can't seem to keep the thought of my Master out of my head. I know it is a sin for what I am thinking and desiring, but part of me doesn't care. Part of me wants me to go back to my masters bed chambers and tell him how I feel. But, I won't. I'm going to sit here, for I've been working all night and I think a nap is in order.


I sit up suddenly and look out the window and see only darkness, oh, lord I slept the dat away. What is wrong with me? I get up and fix myself up. Straightening my apron and making sure my hair is in place, before gitting up and walking out of my room.

I walk into the library and start cleaning. Dusting the bookshelves, I come across a book, 'Vampyr' And I am awfully interested. I sit down only for a moment to look threw it.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


I listen to Maria's story intently, and wonder how she was really able to deal with everything, from the forced marriage to the teasing, and wonder how she was allowed to grow up as she did. Not that it's taken away from her manners or work ethic at all. From what I've seen of the house, it's always clean, and she's being very polite now.

"As you know men in business don't take women seriously. That's why I work as a maid. I earn an honest person's work, I'm good at what I do. I am very thankful for this job. It gave Liz and I a place to lay our head down at night." She concludes, and I nod, smiling.

"Well, we are happy to have your help around this huge empty house," I tell her, to show my gratitude for the great job the two of them do. Then, I catch a glimpse of sun on the wall beyond us, and tense up.

"I'm sorry to end this so abrubtly, but I'm tiring and need my rest. Thank you for your company," I tell her, standing, and I watch as she nods and leaves the room, before laying down to sleep.


When my eyes next open, all is dark, and I throw some clothes on before venturing to the shut door. Once that is opened, I can see the moon through the window, and I walk out, heading towards Max and Isabel's bedrooms.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Well, we are happy to have your help around this huge empty house," He seems entirely grateful for what I and the other maids do .and it's his sincerity that surprises me. Most Masters never take the time to thank their staff for their hard work. This man is not like the rest. He's different. Special. His eyes look up at the window and he seems more than a little worried."I'm sorry to end this so abrubtly, but I'm tiring and need my rest. Thank you for your company,"

I smile and knod politely before leaving him to rest. Why is it that our Masters all go to sleep just as the sun rises. It's quite odd. I go about the house cleaning and pondering on this very thing all day. It's not until the sun slips silently into the returning night that I realize I haven't seen Liz all day. Where could she be? I answer my own question when I find her looking at a book in the library. "Liz, what are you doing?" I inquire while analyzing the worn ancient book in her hands. "What is that you are reading?" :wink:
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Post by KarenEvans »


After a long dreamless sleep I awaken when the sun has sunk below the horizon,my stomach growls loudly as I slip out of bed.I must feed soon else I am going to be very cranky.I chuckle to myself as I get ready to go downstairs.

Tonight I must go to the field workers quarters,Milly should be about due to deliver any day now.I promised her that I would check in on her.Also I must go over the accounts with Michael later on.As I pass the window I happen to look out and catch sight of Alexander,talking to some of the stable boys.That man is always working.

Quietly without making a sound I make my way to the foyeur,no sign of Michael or Max yet so I might as well go over to see Milly right now and come back and discuss business with them.The men at the stables scatter when they see me emerge out of the house,going back to whatever they had been doing.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I was just discussing some rather vivid semantics of horse shoeing when Isabel walks steadly towards us. My men take this as their cue to leave. Each scatters about back to what they were doing before as she approaches. I tilt my hat at her as a sign of politeness. "Good Evening, Isabel." Taking a few steps in her general direction I question, "How are you doing?" :wink:
Last edited by FaithfulAngel24 on Tue May 23, 2006 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »

OOC-Err...Faith,she walked to the towards the stables.I figured she'd have to go across the property to see Milly.
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Post by Zansgirl »


"Liz, what are you doing?" I hear Maria's voice and look up worried, hoping that none of our Masters had followed her into the library, "What is that you are reading?" She askes. I stand up and hold the book to where we both and look at it. "It is about Vampyr's" I say interested it what this book had to say, "And it is very interesting Maria. It tells all about them." I say maybe a little, too interested.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: Sorry Karen. I fixed it. :oops:


Liz looks a little startled at my entrance ,but relieved to see that is me. Well, I should hope so. If one of the masters catches her reading a private book out of their collection they will surely be mad. My small brunette friend rises from her seat so that can get a better look at the novel's etchings. "It is about Vampyr's" I tilt my head slightly to the left examing the seeming old hand writing. It does in fact seem important. Almost as if there is power radiating off the book itself, but I'm just being silly. Books don't pocess power do they?

"It is about Vampyr's" She continues, and my eyebrows raise up at her curiocity. I can already tell she's gonna get me in trouble. "Liz, perhaps we shouldn't be snooping." I hear myself say. Normally I would be all gung ho about discovering a revealing book on myths ,but after that talk Michael and I had I'd rather stay on his good side. Still, there is something hauntingly inviting about the yellow worn pages. As if they know something I don't, and all I have to do to find out is to read.

Leaning in closer my interest in obviously peeked, "Ohh look at this." I point to the section that reads Sires. There is a lovely picture of a handsome man wrapped around a woman with his mouth faste ned to her neck. She seems to be enjoying his ministrations for there is a content expression across her lovely face. "Wow." That's all I can say. I've never seen anything like this in my life. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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