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Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:43 am
by isabelle

Liz smiles at me and I nod slightly in acknowledgement. Being with her was the greatest thing in my life. I knew it wasn't the right thing, but I wanted so much to make it work. I still love her, but I'm not 'in love' with her -- well, not so much. She's a great friend. We have to find a way to get out of here and back to our semi-normal lives.

I look up at the two across the table as I direct my question at Liz. "Are you okay?" I'm not only asking how she feels after yesterday's tests, but also if she's okay with these two guys. I don't know how I feel about the ones who were here before us. They're being tested, too, so they're obviously captives, victims, but they don't seem to trust us, so it's a little hard to get the information that we need.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:08 pm
by maougha

"So I don't try to set things on fire." She says simply. Ah interesting a fire starter, I wonder if she has tried to get out already and that’s why they have gloved her? Or is it possible that she is so strong that they are afraid of her? And who is she anyway? To tell the truth she seems nice enough but I’m still not so sure about these people.

"Hey," Phillip says in his normal charming way gracefully seating himself in the chair besides me.

Without even thinking. “Hey Pepe.” oh great now I’ve gone and pissed off the guy fo the rest of the day. I’m smiling on the inside.

Then another of the new recruits comes over and sets by the girl I’m talking to, he says something to her but I wasn’t really listening. I’ll let them talk amongst them selves after all if I’m right and they are like us then they must be as weary of us as we are of them. So I go back to reading my book. If the girl wishes to continue speaking she can I must admit I’m curious as to what her name is and what happened to these people and how they got here.

I glance up “how are you this morning Phillip?” see? I can be civil when I want to be.

OOC-Hey Fehr woul you like me to hold off on posting Kyle?

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 9:23 am
by madroswellfan
"Oh, I was just thinking about how I can't see what you're thinking," she says smiling at me. "Hey, maybe tonight you can take a walk with me when I get up to go on my nightly romp,"

I blink, surprised. She's never invited me to stay up with her before. That would mean she would actually see me as I talk to her. That would mean she would see my facial expressions. That would mean she might think Im totally mad and stupid...or worse...
Oh stop being a drama queen. She hasnt ran away when shes seen you sleep, why would she run away when she sees my ugly face talking. I tell myself.

I smile. "Sure, sounds good. Anywhere in particular you want to walk to tonight?" I ask "Because you can't walk into my room and expect to see me sleep if Im walking with you" I joke. "Unless I have a twin, or a second power I dont know about..."

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:43 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming
OCC: Waiting on Fehr with Sarah BIC:


Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:01 pm
by NikkiA

"I'm alright, sore, cranky, ticked off at the idiots who put us in here, but alright." I answer Max. I know he's asking much more then just how I feel physically.

Honestly I'm angry more then anything, and trying desperately to understand WHY they would do this to us. We're no threat and I doubt most of our talents are much more then a genetic deviation. The fact that all of us appeared at the same time and at approixamentaly the same age is most likely mere coincidence. Even when it comes to our favorite aliens it's doubtful, at least in my mind, that their abilities would be passed to any off spring, if offspring are even possible. In nature most hybrids are sterile.

I turn back to the other two boys sitting across from us. "I'm Liz, by the way, this is Max and my surprisingly quiet blond friend is Maria. We're from Roswell. Where are we?" Having an idea of our location would be helpful, knowing how far we are from home or any residential area so that we at least know where we're running to.

((Does Max know Liz can start fires or that the others have powers or are they just assuming they're there because of the Pod Squad?))

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:46 pm
by maougha

"I'm Liz, by the way, this is Max and my surprisingly quiet blond friend is Maria. We're from Roswell. Where are we?" I glance over at the girl. So her name is Liz? The man beside her is Max and the other girl is Maria.

“I’m Xavier.” I point to the guy beside me. “This is Phillip and the guy off in his own little world there is Kieran . I don’t know where we are from and as for where we are now I don’t know. This building is called Experimental Options Incorporated or EOI.”

The truth is I do know where we are I learned it once a while back on one of my little nightly excursions. A town called Ringstead, up in the mountains of North Dakota. But like I have said I do not completely trust these people I don’t feel like telling them anything more until I do. Because as far as I know the scientists are none the wiser about my little excursions and I would like to keep it that way.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 8:41 am
by isabelle
OOC -- I'm going to assume that Max knows about Liz's powers. If that's wrong, please let me know.


Immediately Xavier starts in with the 'Pepe' comments. I can feel my annoyance boiling up towards anger. Maybe I should pick him up and toss him across the room. Yeah, that'd be fun. It would probably also earn me some unpleasant attention from our keepers. I don't want to blow up in front of the newbies, either. Don't know about them, yet. I try to keep the urge in check, but on the shelf behind us, some of the books are beginning to quake...

“How are you this morning Phillip?” Xavier says. He uses my proper name now, maybe trying to avoid a pelting?

"Oh, just dandy," I say, as sarcastically as possible, crossing my arms. The books behind us start to settle themselves.

The girl introduces herself and a pair of her friends. Xavier gives her his name and mine (the right one, imagine that!) and tells her the name of this hell-hole.

"Soon you'll learn to hate it as much as we do," I say, 'pleasantly.'


Liz's answer is pretty much what I expected. I hope she is as okay as she says. Those gloves don't look very comfortable. Xavier's answer doesn't give us any information. We were unconcious for the trip so I don't even have any idea of how long it was. Minutes, hours, days? We could be in another country, for all I know, although I'm guessing we're not. This E.O.I. is probably another FBI project.

This 'Phillip' sitting across from me seems like a winner. He's got the whole anti-social thing going for him pretty strong. Probably a good idea to keep him away from Michael -- I have a feeling that would be more than a bit tense... Xavier isn't exactly Mr. Sunshine, either, although I can hardly blame him.

"We already hate it, thanks," I tell Phillip, as if it were a normal conversation. This is so weird. I look from him to Xavier and back, not sure who to direct our conversation to. Xavier is probably the safer bet.

"What 'options' are they experimenting with? Why are you all here?" I ask. I can guess about myself and the rest of us. Do these guys have powers, too? If so, why? Are they aliens? I can't even ask without sounding like a nut-case. I bet 'they' have this place wired, too.


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:15 am
by NikkiA

EOI? I think. How are we supposed to run if we don't know where we are, where we'll going? The windows are painted in, we could be in the middle of the desert for all we know?!!! And I know I felt the walls shake earlier,so either we're in California on a fault line or not everyone here is restrained as I am. Which means they could fight. And they're not. The docility of it all is maddening.

These two don't exactly seem to be friends, now do they?

I second Max, "Yeah. This place, could defenitly do with out."

And when this is all said and done with I'm going to slag it all, straight down to the ground. Burn it all. Even when I discovered my powers, even when I lost control I was always more afraid of hurting others then of them hurting me. I was human, I had parents who were a respected part of the community, I was an American citizen. I meant no harm.

What a joke.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:03 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:OCC: Waiting on Fehr with Sarah BIC:

repost this!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:35 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooc: Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. I had some relatives come visit unexpectedly this weekend, and they're staying for the week, so I won't be on very often. But I'll try to get posts up soon. Good job so far people. :D