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Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) AN 5/23

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:39 pm
by sprayadhesive
Thank you to EVERYONE for the feedback. And thank you so, so much for all of the patience. I know I've been a terrible author lately, but I am still here and I'm chugging out chapters as fast as possible. My feedback for the previous chapter has been pruned, so I'm not going to respond to you individually. Sorry! I DO read every ounce of feedback and I do, seriously, love all of it.

Thank you for sticking with me. You guys are amazing.

PS Keep feeling better, Laira. You're the best. GO WITH YOUR HEART!

Part 33

“Max? Are you alright, dear?” Diane called out to him in concern. She had received a phone call from Jim Valenti a few minutes ago about Max and his health, and she was anxious to find out if anything was wrong with him. After all, the doctors hadn’t wanted to release him so early from the hospital. Maybe he needed additional treatment…

Max came around the corner and into the kitchen. He leaned heavily against the wall, “Yes, I’m fine.”

Diane and Phillip were seated at the kitchen table, some papers in front of them. Diane smiled up at him, “I’m glad to hear it. You will let me know if you don’t feel up to your normal level, won’t you?”

“Of course.” He reassured her with a weak smile before leaving the room entirely.

Phillip looked back down at the papers, “I don’t know what we’re going to do, Diane. The bills are out of control…”

“Can’t the state do anything? The bills are the result of them placing Max with that monster. It was their fault.”

“I think so, since technically we have become Max’s foster family and the state covers the financial cost of having a foster child in the home. I’ll have to call some people when I get back into work. What I’m really concerned about, though, is what’s going to happen to Max. We’re his foster family now, but for how long? It’s possible that the state might intervene because of his case’s extremity. I think there’s a good chance of that. I don’t like it, but it’s a definite possibility that they will feel that our home isn’t suitable enough to help Max recuperate.”

“Phillip, I’m so tired.” Diane looked up at her husband, interlocking her fingers in his. “I want for this to be over, so, so much. Max needs it to be. We all do. We can’t let them take him away from here.”

“I know, Diane.” He sighed, “I know.”

Max entered the kitchen, having heard the last half of the conversation. Diane and Phillip looked like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Max shook his head, “You don’t have to hide things from me. I can handle them.”

“We know you can, Max.” Diane smiled lightly, “We’re just doing our job as parents and trying to make your life easier.”

She talked like she was his mother and Phillip was his father. The notion warmed his heart slightly. Then he remembered what he was talking about. He went against his better judgment and told them exactly what he was thinking, “I uh… I couldn’t help but overhearing… and I think that it might be a good thing if I didn’t stay here. I mean, I can call that social worker, Mr. Baum, and he can figure out some other arrangement for me. I feel bad, being here. I know that I’m complicating your lives…,” he talked over Diane’s protests, “and I don’t want to impose anymore than I already have. It’s only for a year, anyways, and then I can get my own place. In the meantime, I could stay at Isabel’s or something…”

“Max, you can’t be serious?” Diane’s voice was thick with worry. “We love having you here. The last thing we want is for you to leave. Unless, of course, you’re not happy here?”

He was quick to reassure her, “No, no. I’m happy. I like it here. But I don’t want to impose…”

“You’re not doing anything of the sort.” Phillip shook his head.

“Okay.” Max nodded, not fully believing them. He would look into other options later. He wasn’t exactly sure what his place was here in the Evans’ home. Sure, they were nice and hospitable… but they weren’t his parents to have. They were Michael’s.

He dreaded going to bed that night. Liz and Isabel were going to dreamwalk him. He told Liz that they could. He didn’t really want them to. But they were going to.

Michael was waiting for him in his room when he got there. He moved from his spot on the bed, turned off the TV and stood. “Where have you been? You left The Crash way before me and I beat you back here.”

“I was walking around. Clearing my head.” Max responded warily.

Michael got straight to the point. “So, the Parkers know we’re aliens. Valenti, too.”

“Liz told you?” Max cursed. He knew that he would have to tell Isabel and Michael eventually, but he wanted to have a plan of attack first. “And no, not ‘we’. He knows that I’m an alien. Not you two.”

“Yeah.” Michael didn’t seem all that mad. In fact, he didn’t seem mad at all. “I wish you’d been able to tell us right after it happened, but there was a lot going on, I guess. We’re family, Max. Isabel and I would never turn our backs on you. We’re supposed to stick together and get stronger through all of this, you know?”

“I’m sorry.” Max hung his head.

Michael stopped him, “Before you get too cut-up over it, I have to tell you something. I told Maria.”

“What?!” Max’s head shot up. “When?!”

“About a week ago. I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you and Isabel about it first. It slipped out. She had just finished telling me about her dad and how he left when she was seven…. And I just blurted out that I was an alien. Something came over me and I wanted her to know everything. I’m in love with her, Max.”

Max laughed lightly, “We’re quite a pair, aren’t we? Have you told Isabel?”

“No. I wanted to tell you first.”

“I uh… I handled Valenti today. He talked to me about it. I don’t think he’s going to tell anyone. And I can talk to the Parkers soon.”

Michael nodded, “I’ll do it with you. Liz says that she’s going to, but I think it’ll be easier for them to understand if we do it ourselves.”

“Isabel’s going to want to tell Alex.” Max laughed loudly at Michael’s look. “Michael, you knew she had to find a boyfriend eventually. And Alex it good for her.”

Michael looked at him incredulously, “Max, you were giving the kid death threats when they started dating. Who’re you to talk?’

Max crossed his arms, “Yeah, well, I changed my mind.”

Michael rolled his eyes, “Okay, fine. We’ll tell her that I’ve told Maria and then leave it up to her to tell Alex if she wants. And Max? I didn’t just tell Maria ‘cause I’m dating her. I’ve been talking to her to help me get through a lot, and I just… she’s a good friend to all of us. I thought she deserved to know.”

“I understand.” Max nodded. He got a small smile on his face, “How’d Maria take it?”

“Let’s say that the shit hit the fan, and leave it at that.” Michael’s eyes got huge and he ran his fingers through his hair. That hadn’t been an easy conversation.

Max laughed. He was glad to have his friendship with Michael back to relatively normal, even if he himself had changed a lot. The constant chatter took his mind off of Sean and Liz. He didn’t even have time to think about Isabel and Liz dreamwalking him later that night until he and Michael had finished viewing Gladiator for the thousandth time and retreated to their rooms for bed.

His body involuntarily shook with nerves. He wasn’t sure if he had given Liz the right answer when he had told her she could dreamwalk him in his anger.
- - -
Liz and Isabel talked quietly in a booth at the Crashdown. They had already closed and the place was empty. Sean, Maria and Alex were all at Amy’s house, visiting. Liz and Isabel had invented a reason to stay behind.

Liz looked at Isabel seriously, “Max said that we could dreamwalk him tonight. We were arguing about Sean, and I asked him what he was afraid of. He said if I wanted to know we could find out for ourselves.”

“So, we have the go-ahead?” Isabel reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. From it, she removed a picture of Max. She turned the picture over and over in her fingers.

Liz watched her, “Is that how you do it?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “I kind of… focus on them. And then… I get sucked in. It’s hard to explain.”

“Have you ever done it with someone else before?”

“Once. Max and I dream walked Michael to see if he really was an alien, like us.”

“Is it weird?”

“Kind of. You can’t control anything that’s happening, cause it’s the other person’s subconscious.”

Liz nodded. She winced slightly, “Does it hurt?”

Isabel laughed, “Absolutely painless.” She checked her watch. It was midnight, “I think we can start trying to dreamwalk him, if you want. I don’t know what his sleep schedule’s been like lately. Diane says that he doesn’t sleep much. But maybe he’ll have passed out. Michael said that they were going to hang out tonight. So… that means watch Gladiator and have an early night.”

Liz quirked an eyebrow.

“Majority of the times they hang out, they end up watching Gladiator. After that’s over, Diane’s usually gets a snack for them in the kitchen. They use the eating time to reminisce about the movie and decide whether or not they could have been as awesome in it. Then, Michael gets tired and Max will probably follow him to his bed.” Isabel smirked, “Men. They’re so predictable.”

“Alright.” Liz nodded, “Let’s do this.”
- - -
He stood alone in his room in the trailer, his heart beating erratically. There was a pounding on the door. He heard Hank’s slurs coming from the other side. He couldn’t bring himself to move. He was paralyzed.

The door burst open and Hank stumbled through. His eyes found Max and his face lit up in a maniacal grin. He pointed to him, “You… You’re mine, you piece of shit.”

Max walked backwards, only to find a wall blocking his exit. Hank had him trapped. There was nowhere to go. He was cornered. Hank came ever closer. In seconds, he was hovering over him. Hank undid his belt and held it in his hand, “You think that you’re worth something?”

Max shook his head feverishly. If he agreed, maybe Hank wouldn’t hurt him.

“I think you do. I see you all of the time, talking to Isabel about your so-called friends. They’re not your friends. They don’t even like you. They HATE you.”

“NO!” Max shouted, his anger getting the best of him. He couldn’t help but lashing out as a picture of Liz floated through his mind. She didn’t even like him as a person. How could he have deluded himself into thinking that?

Hank started hitting Max with the belt, the thin strap cutting into every piece of flesh it touched. Max cried out and sunk to his knees, his head in his hands as Hank continued his tirade.

Meanwhile, Liz and Isabel were off to the side, tears in their eyes and a sickening feeling in their stomach. Liz called out, “Max, stop it! Stop! This isn’t real! It’s not happening!”

Max didn’t hear her. They watched painfully as Hank continued to beat Max and then, when Max’s strength was sapped, start to remove Max’s pants. Max looked to the side and realized everyone he cared for was standing in the room – Isabel, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Tess, Kyle, Diane, Phillip, Amy, Valenti… everyone. They were staring at him like he was some kind of freak.

He watched as one by one, they all turned their backs until only Dream Michael, Dream Liz and Dream Isabel remained.

Michael spat at him, “You’re nothing, Max.”

“You deserve this.” Dream Isabel shook her head, turning and leaving with Michael.

Only Dream Liz remained. Hank was still fumbling with Max’s pants and his own. She laughed and eerie, cold laugh. She, too, shook her head. “You could never have me. Don’t you see, Max? Hank is the only person that would ever want you. And now that I’ve seen what you really are…” She looked him square in the eyes. “I hate you.”

Max felt tears surfacing after this.

Liz and Isabel fought back their own tears. Isabel took Liz’s hand, seeing that Max’s dream wasn’t going to stop at Hank removing Max’s pants. It was going to continue. “I can’t watch this, Liz. We have to go.”

Liz tried to call out to Max, to tell him that it wasn’t real and that something like that wouldn’t happen
, but it was too late. She and Isabel were already back.

Liz felt faint. She didn’t know what to do. Was this what he thought about all of them? Did he dream things like this every night?

She pulled Isabel into a hug. They would find a way to cure Max of his nightmares. She had to have faith.
- - -
Max was screaming when Michael went into his room to wake him up. Tears ran down both of his cheeks. He was covered in sweat.

Michael shook him awake, “Max! Max, man, are you okay?!”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I’m sorry.” Max sat up, wiping his forehead.

Michael looked concerned, “Are you sure? That seemed like a pretty intense nightmare…” He rocked awkwardly from foot to foot. Michael wasn’t good at the personal stuff like Isabel was. “Do you uh…” He scratched his eyebrow, “Do you want to talk about it or anything?”

“No. It wasn’t anything major, Michael.”


“Ask Isabel if you want proof, okay?!?” Max snapped out. He could vaguely recall, now that he was out of the dream, Isabel and Liz standing off to the side, observing. He didn’t remember anything about their expressions or the looks in their eye or what they were saying, but he probably had an idea. They probably agreed with their dream personas. He didn’t know if he could handle seeing them after this. He had made a mistake telling Liz that they could dreamwalk him. It had been out of anger, nothing more.

Then again, maybe they finally had their push to get away from him. They deserved the normalcy in their lives. He was only messing that up.

Michael stared at him strangely, “You let Isabel dreamwalk you?” The thought of that had always been strange to him. Max’s dreams were taboo. No one talked about them, thought about them… anything.

“Liz and Isabel.” Max nodded. “Whatever, it’s not a big deal. Maybe now they’ll get off my back about it.”

Michael wasn’t sure what to say. He could hear the resentment in Max’s voice. He tried desperately to find the words, “I’m sure that… uh…”

Max laughed, “Michael, I’m fine.” He saw Michael about to protest. “Really. It was just a bad dream. Everyone has them.”

“Okay.” Michael nodded. He took a few steps back, “I’m gonna go down and get a drink of water before I head back to sleep. Do you want anything?”

“No, thanks.”

Michael left and Max lay, face up on his bed. He couldn’t get back to sleep after that. A half hour later, there was a knock on his window. He jumped. It was Liz. He had no idea how she had climbed up to it, but she had.

Max helped her through the window. He grimaced. She was here to tell him everything that she had said in the dram. That she hated him. That she wanted him to stay away from her.

“Max…” She started.

He shrugged, “Liz, listen, it’s okay. You don’t have to come here and try to explain anything. I understand.”

She was confused, “Explain what?”

“How you don’t want me around you anymore.” The words left his lips a mere whisper, his voice cracking with emotion. Liz had always been his one hope of normalcy. In his mind, if he ever was with her, he knew that it was going to be okay. And now he was losing any future hope for more days at the lake like they had had together.

“I didn’t come here to tell you that.” Her heart broke. Did he really believe in those dreams? Her voice gained strength, “I came here to tell you that what happened in your dream… that would never happen. None of us think that of you. You didn’t deserve anything of what Hank did to you. He was a sick, twisted man that preyed on an innocent child. He was the one in the wrong, not you.”

“You keep saying that.” Max said in a flat voice, “And yet, if that was the case, why would fate allow me to choose Hank as a guardian for Isabel and I? Why would Hank get sent to prison and be allowed to escape?”

“It wasn’t your fault, Max. I don’t know why these things happen to you – I really, really don’t – but you need to understand that they are going to make you a stronger person, not a weaker one. I’m amazed by you, because you could go through all of what you went through because of your brother and sister. You did it to protect them. That says more about you than anything that Hank ever did to you.”


“No, Max.” She stepped closer to him, he tried to take a step back but the bed was in the way. She looked him straight in the eyes, “I understand if you’re hesitant about a relationship with me. I’m not going to push you. But, I want you to know that no matter what, no one around you could ever hate you. You are the most strong, beautiful, amazing person I know. And I swear I’m going to help you realize that.”

He simply nodded, too tired of the argument.

She continued, “If you’re really serious about going to therapy, Max, you need to tell her about your dreams. You need to really want to get better for it to work. It’s not going to happen overnight and it’s not going to be easy. But I swear it will be worth it in the end.”

He nodded again.

She leaned forward, stood on her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. She smiled sadly when she saw him wince, “And, hopefully, one day you’ll be able to tell me why you hate it when I kiss you… and why you aren’t able to kiss me.”

He hated her dejected tone. He watched as she turned to leave. “Liz, I…”

He couldn’t tell her.

She would laugh at him. She would tell him that he was right. He wouldn’t be able to stand that.

“Never mind.” He shook his head.

Liz nodded to him. She perched herself in the window, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. “Goodnight, Max.”

- - -
“How are you feeling since the other night, Max?” Dr. Richfield asked, her hands folded in her lap. Max had told her how he felt uncomfortable when she took notes during the sessions. So she stopped doing it. She would do anything to get him to open up and reveal his problems to her.

Max shook his head. “I can’t do this.”

“What? Max, you’ve been doing such a good job in our sessions…”

He wrung his hands restlessly, staring at her with pleading eyes, “No, you don’t understand. Everywhere I turn, I can’t escape it. I see him and what he did to me everywhere I turn. There are memories around every corner in this damn town. I hate it. I think about it when I sleep. I think about it when I’m awake. I can’t stop. You have to help me stop.”

“I’m trying, Max. Tell me what happens when you sleep?”

“E-everyone I care about is there.” His voice was breaking with every word. “T-they w-watch a-as H… Hank hits m-me and then he starts to… he starts to… and t-they just t-turn away. Mi-Michael and Is… t-they t-tell me I deserve it. Liz tells me… that she hates me.”

He could feel the pressure of the dreams lessening slightly, if any.
- - -
Max tried to ignore the fact that Liz and Sean were sitting in a booth together in the Crashdown sharing an ice cream sundae when he walked in. So, instead, he walked straight to the booth with Michael in it. He was, assumingly, waiting for Maria. That’s why Max was shocked when he saw Isabel exit the bathroom and walk towards them.

Max sat down opposite Michael, greeting him. Isabel did the same when she sat down. Max had things that he wanted to tell them… but he had to get the courage to do it. He needed time to think it through.

Surprisingly, Michael was the one who started talking first. “Isabel, I have something to tell you.”

He gave her the speech he gave Max about loving Maria and wanting her to know what was going on since she had been so supportive. Isabel was strangely okay with it all. Max suspected that it was because she wanted to tell Alex herself, anyways.

Max zoned out for their entire conversation. He was too busy trying to find the courage.

Finally, after thirty minutes of not knowing what was going on, he blurted out, “I’m leaving.”

Michael and Isabel stopped mid-conversation.

Isabel turned her head to him, “What?”

“Max…” Michael started.

Max shook his head, “Dr. Richfield and I have been talking. She wants me to get out of Roswell this summer. There’s this retreat for kids… like me… during July and August. It’s a two month thing. I’m going to go. There are sessions that are sooner, but I want to finish up this year of high school first.”

“Max, are you sure?” Isabel’s voice with soft, almost hesitant.

“I’m surer than I’ll ever be. I can’t stay here anymore, Isabel. It kills me being in Roswell. Listen, it’s all taken care of. She says the state will pay for it, because of my case’s history.”

“Okay.” Michael said firmly. He looked between the two of them, “If this is what you need to do to get better, Max, you should definitely do it. You deserve it.”

Those three words sounded odd to his ears. Someone was telling him that he deserved something positively. It didn’t make any sense.

“I’m leaving the day after school gets out, though.” He said softly.

“What?!” Michael’s brow was furrowed, “Where the hell are you going to go if that camp doesn’t start until July?!”

“I’m just gonna… go. I have to. I can’t stay here anymore, Michael. I need to get my shit together before I can stand to be in these streets.”

“You’re going to have to take this up with everyone else.” Isabel said pointedly.

“I know.” Max nodded. “Believe me, I know.” Michael and Isabel noticed the way Max’s eyes kept straying to Liz and Sean’s booth.
- - -
Two nights later, Max was playing a board game with Diane, Phillip and Michael. It was fun to sit around and pretend to be a normal family. He liked to imagine, sometimes, that Diane was his mother and Phillip was his father and Michael was his brother. He got a warm feeling in his heart when he imagined that. Usually, though, the feeling was replaced with a sense of inferiority because he would never actually have that. Tonight, though, he was filled with a sense of calm when he thought about it.

He still hadn’t told Diane or Phillip his plans for the summer. He hadn’t told anyone else.

“Max, the school called today.” Diane said off-hand.

“Why?” Max jumped.

“Apparently you’ve been getting better and better grades since you’ve moved in here and you’ve been nominated by some of your teachers for Honors Night up at the school.”

“What?” He frowned.

“It’s a good thing, Max.” Diane smiled at him.

He nodded. He guessed it was a good feeling, being acknowledged. He wasn’t used to it, though.

The front door banged open and Isabel ran into the room with a letter in her hand. She was shaking, but she had the biggest smile on her face that Max had ever seen.

“I got in! I got in to UCLA!”

The entire room jumped to their feet, drawing Isabel into a giant hug. Max couldn’t help but think that this was his family… but that thought was quickly replaced with the sinking feeling that he would never actually have a family, much less be a part of this one.

“And they gave me a good package! I can afford to go!” She positively beamed.

Max hugged her tightly as everyone else pulled back. “I’m so proud of you, Izzie.”

“Max, you don’t have to pay for me to go to college. I’ll be able to do it myself. So you have all of that extra money that you’ve been setting aside, now! Isn’t that great?!?!” Isabel was so excited at the prospect.

Max remained neutral. “We’ll talk about that later, Iz.”

Diane and Phillip were grinning. Phillip smiled at Isabel, “Well, this is a special occasion. Tonight, we’re celebrating. I’m taking everyone out to eat. And ice cream afterwards.”

A few minutes passed and the plans were set. As they were walking out of the door, Diane and Isabel were chatting happily about all of Isabel’s college plans.

Max felt another sense of satisfaction wash over him. Isabel had gotten into a great college. She was going to go. She got what he had always wanted her to get.

Maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t a complete screw up.

He hadn’t held her back from getting into college.

She was in.

He was happy.


Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) AN 7/09

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:18 pm
by sprayadhesive
Hunter wrote:I hope this doesn't sound stupid but what is a beta? I've only been around for a couple of months here and not quite sure what a beta is? :? I'm so confused lol.
A beta's someone who edits your stories, basically. They're there for you to bounce ideas off of and make your story come together, in a way.

Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) Pt 33 p5 7/9

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:55 am
by sprayadhesive
I'm an awful, awful updater. I lack any consistency in my life at this point lol. I honestly can say, however, that now that I'm in the routine of school, I'm going to try to get more writing in. I've recently been watching some episodes of Roswell to renew the love and get some of that inspiration that I've been looking for, so let's hope that lights a fire underneath me.

Thank you immensely to everyone who still sticks around for the sparse updates of this fic, and thank you to everyone who nominated it for the awards this round. It's currently nominated for Best Villain (Hank, obviously) and Favorite Lead Portrayal of Max Evans. These noms mean as much to me, if not more so, than any I've gotten.

Without further ado, except another insane thank you to everyone for staying with me, here's the part that you guys have been waiting all-too-patiently for.

Part 34

Max hated the month of June. It was his least favorite – hands down - of all of the months. There were a few reasons for his hatred of the month, but the main one was one that normal people would love: his birthday.

The past few months had been a rollercoaster of him trying to collect his emotions and his self-esteem. He was nowhere near normal, but he was better. Much better. His nightmares came less frequently, only every other night as opposed to every night. It was much easier to get sleep and to concentrate on normal things. But still, his past haunted him.

And the month of June was proving to be a bigger distraction from his past than he had counted on. Weeks before his birthday, Isabel had started pestering him about it. He found it completely unfair. He had gone his entire life being able to hide his birthday from friends and acquaintances so no one would ever make a fuss over him.

He still didn’t know if Isabel was going to blow his secret, and his birthday was in two days.

He slowly packed clothes and scattered belongings into a bag. He was leaving at the end of the week - the day after school ended. He’d shocked himself by making the principal’s honors roll this term. He had never been able to do that before. He was always good at school, but circumstances made him adequate. He didn’t know how to react to the fact that he was actually looking forward to school ending. As tiresome as it was, it was an excuse to get away from Hank for eight hours of the day. And without it, he had always had to invent things to do.

He paused and stared out of the window. Roswell was changing, that much he was sure of. Spring was long fading and summer had begun to take its toll on the desert city. The cement was intolerable to touch with bare feet. The grass was yellowed and the entire state of New Mexico had been declared in a severe drought.

Yet another reason he didn’t like the month of June. When he had lived with Hank, June was always the month that signified the complete disappearance of conservative clothing. It was simply too hot to cover excess amounts of skin. So, he had always had to waste his energy to heal himself daily. It was tiresome and draining, but he had always dealt with it.

The month of June was definitely not the month for Max.

Diane and Phillip had been fussing over him constantly the last few weeks. When he had finally broken the news to them of his departure, their feelings had been mixed. Both had been overjoyed that he was going out of his way to find something to make him move past the past, but they were anxious to let him leave town.

It seemed everyone was. Liz, especially. When he had finally told her, just under a month ago, she had broken down into tears. It tore at his heart to see her cry. He almost called the trip off then and there. But then she told him her reasons for crying. She was overjoyed that he was getting help, and at the same time, she was afraid that he would never come back. Apparently she and the Evans’ saw eye to eye.

He didn’t have many possessions, but he felt like if he packed, the trip would be more definite and more real. He had been using the trip as a beacon of hope for the last few months, using it to get him through each day. He had built it up to be a safe place in his mind, a place where he was going to be able to go to get away from it all.

A knock on the doorway distracted him from his packing. He absent-mindedly told them to come in.

At once, he knew who had entered his room. He knew her presence from anywhere. He enjoyed it and feared it at the same time. He took a moment to calm himself. For some reason, despite the progress he had been making at therapy, he found himself virtually unable to talk about Liz or anything to do with her. He was hoping that finally, after the three months away this summer, he would be able to have a conversation with her without completely feeling, well, like shit. It was his deepest desire. And his most unattainable one.

Liz gave him a soft smile, “Hey, what’s up?”

“Packing.” Max responded softly, not meeting her eyes. He still wasn’t sure how to act around her. She was an anomaly. He was now able to have conversations with Alex, Maria, Kyle and Tess without feeling as if they pitied him. They were slowly starting to become somewhat of friends to him.

Besides, he hadn’t worked up the courage to ask her if there was anything going on between her and Sean yet. Sean seemed to be hanging around the Crashdown a lot lately. Max had simply accepted his presence.

After all, why would Liz ever want to be with him?

He saw her face falter, but she recovered quickly, “Oh, cool. You’re leaving at the end of this week, right?”

Max nodded. “Yeah. I’m still not sure how I’m going to leave, though. I guess I’ll just bus hop my way there. See where my feet take me.”

“Oh.” Liz was staring at him, her eyes searching. She moved further into his room and sat gingerly on his bed. She saw the way Max stiffened when she did so, and quickly moved off of it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything…”

“No.” Max stopped her. “You didn’t offend me. I just… it’s fine. You can sit there. If you want, that is.” Why would she want to sit on his bed? He was filthy. Knowing that her beautiful, pure body was even touching the sheets that his befouled body slept in made her shudder.

He had made some progress, that was certain, but his self-esteem and self-worth were still dirt. He simply couldn’t control it. He still didn’t see any value in himself.

Liz sat back down on the bed, looking his stuff over. “You’re packing all that you have.”

Max nodded, “I don’t have much, and I’ll be gone close to three months. I figure it would be better that way.”

“How would you bring all of that on a bus?” She wondered openly. Even if he didn’t have enough, it was still enough to be inconvenient to lug around from bus to bus.

Max gave her a half smile, all the while still packing his belongings, “I’m shipping off a box to the camp. They’ve said that they’d be able to hold onto it for me until I get there. That way I’ll only have to carry a bag with me. It won’t be very bad.”

“You’re really going, aren’t you?” Her response came before she could stop it.

He heard the hurt in her voice, but he didn’t understand it. He nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to be a counselor, of sorts. Help all of the little kids with art projects and outdoor activities. But, at the same time, there’s going to be a group session for the rest of the kids like me… the older ones, I mean. And private counseling sessions. It’ll be good, I hope.”

Liz had to hold back her tears at the earnest longing in his voice. She could practically feel how much he wanted to better himself, and it broke her heart that he had ever gotten to a point where he would need to. He was her savior, and now, it seemed, he was working as hard as he could to save himself. She wanted to help him so badly, but she simply didn’t know how. She smiled as best she could. “That’s good, Max. That’s great. I’m really happy for you.”

“What’s wrong?” He asked tentatively. He knew something was wrong with her. He could feel it. His insides clenched at the thought. It would be just his luck for Hank to have come back from his grave. There were worse alternatives, too. He didn’t want to think about them.

“I… Are you coming back? To Roswell.” Her voice was small, almost that of a scared child.

Max pondered her question a while before he answered. “I honestly can’t answer you, Liz. Right now, I want to say yes. I really do. But I can’t speak for myself once I actually leave. I don’t know how it will feel to be away from Roswell or Michael or Isabel or anyone else I know. But I think I will be back.”

“Will you promise me something?” A hint of a smirk played on her lips.

Max nodded, “Anything.”

“Stay clear of Antarctica.”

He almost laughed at her reference to his previous mishap with marijuana. But he held back. Instead, he smiled at her, “Will do.”

“Good.” Liz’s smile grew, “Are you up for another movie night?”

Max shrugged, “I guess I am. But aren’t you sick of just sitting around here?”

“We can do something else if you want.”

Max shrugged, “It’s up to you. I really don’t care.” He had to admit that he was surprised that Liz was here tonight. They hadn’t hung out as much recently as they had once started to. It seemed that he had finally made her hit a point where she realized that he wasn’t worth all of the effort she was making. He was glad. He shouldn’t be able to have Liz. She was way out of his league. And far, far too good for him.

“Okay. Then let’s watch a movie. Something funny. And are you hungry? I brought some money, so we can order in…” Liz stared speculating. Michael had let her in on his way out for a date with Maria, telling her that his parents were gone to a client’s house for the night on a mini-vacation. So, essentially, they were alone for the night. She knew it was her duty to make sure Max ate. He’d been eating more lately, but not enough for a teenage boy.

“I’ll make something.” Max offered, cleaning up his packing and then leading Liz downstairs towards the kitchen. “We’ve got everything we need to make a pizza, if you want.”

Liz beamed at him, “Why, Maxwell Guerin, you can cook, too? I had no idea. You never cease to amaze me.”

He rolled his eyes at her, but bashfully accepted her praise. He collected all of the materials (store bought pizza dough, leftover tomato sauce from dinner the other night, cheese and pepperoni). He smirked at Liz, “I never said it was going to be from scratch.”

“I reserve the right to keep the compliment out there until I taste the final product.” Liz lifted an eyebrow.

They spent the next ten minutes assembling the pizza and rolling out dough. It wasn’t long before it was baking on the baking stone at the bottom of the oven. Max then led Liz into the living room.

The surveyed the movies coming on TV that night before raiding Michael’s collection. They were settling down to Animal House when Max casually flicked his eyes at Liz. She was so amazingly beautiful.

Liz felt his stare and blushed. She tried to distract herself from the things that she felt when he did anything as simple as look at her, “Why haven’t we been hanging out lately, Max? We were on a roll for a while there…”

He shrugged, “Things happen. I don’t expect to see my friends every day. It wouldn’t be fair to keep you away from other things… other people.”

Liz frowned. She wasn’t sure what he meant. “But I like hanging out with you. For a while I thought…” She trailed off.

Max averted his eyes to the TV screen, “Thought what?”

“That we were becoming… something more than friends,” she said quietly.

“We can’t. Liz.” He looked to her, his eyes pleading. “I’ve already told you that you are far, far too good for me. There are so many other boys in Roswell, all with their eyes on you. You need to get with one of them, not me.”

“I don’t want any of them,” she said, her voice still quiet and hesitant.

“What about Sean?” The words came out before he could stop them. “You two hang out all of the time. There’s definitely something going on.”

“There’s nothing going on with the two of us!” Liz exhaled, frustrated completely. “How many times do I have to tell you this? Sean and I are just friends. He’s like my older brother. I could never see him as anything more than that. I’ve been trying so hard to take a step back from you and give you space, Max, but it’s so hard when every fiber of my being tells me to go to you and be with you. And I know that I shouldn’t push you, but I can’t help it. It hurts so much when you tell me that we can’t be together because, in my mind and in my heart, you are the only guy for me. You’re the only one that I see.”

Max breathed deeply trying to take it all in. “Liz…”

She shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes before they can fall, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring that up. I don’t want to pressure you or anything. We’re friends. We can hang out as just friends. I’m sorry.”

There was an awkward silence between them for a few minutes. Max wasn’t sure what to do. Liz was his dream, but an unreachable dream at that. He couldn’t do anything about it. He wasn’t fit for her. He cleared his throat, “Maybe… maybe after I get back this summer, Liz, we could try to be more than friends.” There were butterflies fluttering in his stomach, “If you want that still. But I want you to promise me something.”

“What’s that?” Liz’s hope was soaring. Where was this coming from?

Max thought that maybe, just maybe, with the thought of Liz in the distance, he would be able to get through the camp and even make progress. She would be something to work towards. He couldn’t promise that he would agree with her even after camp, but he could try to get to be the person that Liz deserved. “Promise me that you’ll try to meet other guys while I’m gone. Date some people. I don’t want you to fool yourself into thinking that I’m all that’s out there.”

“Okay, May.” Liz nodded. “Whatever you say.” She paused, thinking. “But I want you to know that I WILL be waiting for you when you get back.” She smiled lightly, “Don’t leave me waiting for long, okay?”

“Okay.” Max returned her smile. They settled back down to the movie, more content now. The oven timer rang and Max went to get the pizza out.
* * *
Two days later, Max had gone the entire day at school without anyone bringing up his birthday. Still, he didn’t feel quite right. Isabel had a glint in her eye that he didn’t quite understand and the others were acting very fishy. He was more than suspicious. He wanted to be able to get back to his room and sleep until the day was over. It seemed like the only safe alternative.

When he got home, though, a familiar scent wafted to him. Ribs. Diane’s ribs were by far his favorite food in the entire world. He was a sucker for those ribs. She knew it, too. His suspicions were intensified. What was going on?

He went against his better judgment and went into the kitchen rather than straight up to his bedroom. There was a tomato and mozzarella salad sitting on the counter. Diane greeted him with a smile, “Hey, Max. How was school?”

“It was good.” He hedged, “What’s the occasion?”

“Oh nothing, nothing.” She smiled, a hint of a laugh on her lips, “Can’t I cook a nice meal for everyone once in a while?”

“Diane, there’s enough food here to feed an army.” The more he looked at it, the more food he saw. This definitely wasn’t going to be a dinner with the four of them.

“Can’t a woman want to have leftovers?” She smiled more broadly now.

Yep, there definitely was something weird going on. Max shrugged, “Okay, well, I’m just gonna… go up to my room.”

He smelt something. Something sweet. But he couldn’t find the source of the smell anywhere. It was unnerving.

Diane nodded, humming happily.

Max was up in his room lying stiffly on his bed for two hours when the doorbell started to ring. Voices came from downstairs, telling him that the kitchen and living room were filling up with people. It startled him. What was going on?

Diane called his name for dinner. He wasn’t sure he wanted to go downstairs. The allure of ribs finally won him over and he cautiously made his way down to the kitchen.

It was filled. The whole gang was there, sitting in various seats. Isabel gave him a sheepish smile, “Happy birthday, little brother.”

Max groaned, covering his eyes with his hands.

Diane clapped a hand on his shoulder. Max jumped slightly. Diane withdrew her hand quickly. Max shook his head, giving her a soft smile, “No, you’re fine. I just didn’t see you there.”

Diane smiled at him, “You didn’t think we’d let your birthday pass by unnoticed, did you?”

“I was hoping so.” Max grimaced, shooting Isabel a glare.

Diane laughed lightly, “Don’t blame her. I’ve been pestering her about it since Christmas.”

“You really shouldn’t have made a big deal about this…” Max protested.

“Too late for that now, Max.” Liz smiled lightly at him.

Maria laughed, “Yeah. And you have no idea how incredibly hard for me it was to not say anything to you all day today. So suck it up and get over it!”

Max laughed despite himself.

In seconds, Diane was hurrying them all to sit around the table and dig into the food. To Max’s embarrassment, she made sure he got the first serving of each dish. He hated the extra attention, but he went with it because it was clearly making the others so happy. He was polite and made small talk with Phillip and Diane. When someone engaged him in conversation, he made sure to be animated and genuinely interested in what they were saying.

He was surer of his social capabilities – to an extent. Liz was still an anomaly for him.

“Finals are officially over!” someone shouted out. Max wasn’t sure whom; he’d been temporarily distracted when he thought of Liz.

All of the kids cheered their enthusiasm. The next two days of school were going to be filled with superfluous, celebratory end of the year activities. They counted as a normal school day and students were expected to attend, but no actual work was done.

After an hour, Michael and Kyle were finally done picking at the food left on the dinner table. Diane got up to clear the dishes and Max immediately jumped to his feet to help. She admonished him, “Max, it’s your birthday! Sit back down!”

He protested, but she repeatedly stopped him. He sunk back into his seat, clearly frustrated and mumbling nonsensical sentences about not wanting a fuss to be made over him. Instead, he was forced to sit around while every cleared the dishes around him. He grew unhappier by the second.

He was staring at his feet past his crossed arms when a hand touched his arm. He jumped, almost predictably. Liz’s soft voice washed over him, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” He attempted to assure her, embarrassed at his reaction. He’d been trying so hard to stop that from happening. The second someone touched him and he hadn’t fully prepared himself for it… he shuddered at the thought of the conclusions his mind jumped to.

She gingerly sat in the seat next ho him, “How’re you holding up?” She gestured around the room, towards everyone else.

Max shrugged, “I’m holding. I’m not exactly happy about it, though.”

“I knew you wouldn’t be.” She half-smiled. “But you’re going to have to get used to it. Now that we know when your birthday is, we’re not going to forget it.”

“Remind me to make Isabel miserable for a good year?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in a teasing manner.

“Promise.” Liz smiled at him.

Diane and the others walked into the room at that instant. In her arms was Max’s first ever, real birthday cake. Hank had never bothered. Why would he? And he had forbidden Isabel from celebrating it, really. They sang happy birthday, and he blew out the candles. Max made the first cut. His wish was for one thing and one thing only. For a few moments, he felt like he was amongst his real family.

Phillip grinned at him from across the table, “Now, Max, we all collectively pitched in to get your present.”

Max immediately froze. “I didn’t want anything from any of you. You’ve already given me so much. I can’t accept anything…”

“Stop it, Max.” Isabel interjected, “We wanted to do this for you. Don’t shove it back in our faces. You deserve something nice for your birthday.”

Diane nodded, “Which is why I think you should go outside and look and see what it is.”

Max was reluctant to rise from his seat. He moved only when he literally felt Michael and Kyle pulling on each of his arms. He stumbled his way out to the front yard, and his eyes fell on his birthday present.

A motorcycle.

Not Michael’s motorcycle, seeing as he had sold his to buy his new car, but one very similar. Max stood away from it at first, judging it from afar. He couldn’t accept this. It was far too much. He didn’t deserve anything like it.

Diane started rambling, “You can go on your trip this summer on the motorcycle instead of the bus. You’ll be able to go wherever you want!”

Phillip pushed the keys into his hand, “Don’t you want to try it out, Max?”

It seemed like they were all speaking in rapid succession so he couldn’t get a word in edgewise. It wasn’t fair. Why did they have to be so doting? He was already taking so much from all of them.

In the midst of Kyle and Michael pushing him towards it, however, Max broke their grasp. He turned to face everyone and their bright, expectant faces. He threw the keys back to Phillip, “I can’t accept this.”

“Max…” The all started, each having prepared reasons for him keeping it, he was sure.

He held up his hands, “This is too much. You honestly shouldn’t have.”

“Take the damn bike, Maxwell.” Michael all but growled at him, “You have no idea how sick I am of the girls in this group carrying on about what to get you for your birthday. If you take this, I won’t have to hear it for another year.”

“C’mon, Max.” Liz interjected, “If you don’t take it, what will you do with this helmet we all got you?” He hadn’t noticed the helmet in her arms until now.

Tess pushed further, “Yeah, and that leather jacket the Evans’s got you for Christmas will be perfect for your persona…”

He could tell that they weren’t going to give it up. “I want to pay everyone back for at least half of it.” Half, he could probably justify. He could live with it, at least.

“We’ll talk about it later, Max.” Phillip hedged, “Why don’t you take it for a spin, for now?”

Max nodded and almost numbly turned towards the bike. He got closer for an inspection. It took him a few minutes to realize that the group had turned their attention away from him, trying to give him some privacy for the moment.

Max didn’t know what he did to deserve people like them in his life.
* * *
A few days later, Michael and Max had securely strapped his suitcase to the back of the motorcycle. The helmet lay in wait on the seat. Max was dressed in jeans and his leather jacket. He didn’t want a big sendoff. That was why he had sprung it on the Evans’s that he was leaving immediately after dinner, instead of tomorrow morning like he had planned. He figured it was easiest that way.

Diane had insisted that he at least call Isabel and wait until she could come to tell her goodbye. Max figured he owed her that. He was, after all, leaving her for her last summer before college. He wished he could stay, but he couldn’t. Not if he was ever going to get better. For once, he had to do the selfish thing.

He hugged Isabel, Michael, Diane and Phillip goodbye individually.

Isabel and Diane had tears in their eyes, but Max did his best to ignore that. He couldn’t be deterred now. He needed this trip more than he had ever needed anything in his entire life. He was putting a lot of his emotional strength into it.

Without once looking back, he turned towards the motorcycle, turned it on, and drove away from the house that he had begun to view as the closest thing to a home he had ever had.

It was both one of the hardest and easiest things he’d ever had to do.


Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) Pt 34 p7 9/29

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:59 am
by sprayadhesive
kay_b wrote: Are we close to the end here? Just wondering...
You know, I can confidently say that, yes, we're near the end.

Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) Pt 34 p7 9/29

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:29 pm
by sprayadhesive
Thanks everyone! Hope this part doesn't disappoint.

Lairabehr4: Happy birthday!!!! :) Thanks for being so awesome all of the time and always having my back with my nonsense! hahaha
Alien614: I'm sorry it wasn't sooner! These happy parts taken me so much longer.
Alien_Friend: You know you suck at updating when your parts come as a surprise ;).
kay_b: Yes, close. I'm not sure how many parts, but we're definitely in the falling action.
Morning Dreamgirl
: No tears! I was planning on parts like that...

Part 35
Two Months, Three Weeks Later…

Liz was bussing tables. Her heart jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She hadn’t realized anyone was there. She spun around quickly.

The two glasses she was holding shattered at her feet.

Without a thought, she threw her arms around the interrupter. A million questions zoomed through her mind. When she managed to slow them down, she realized her mistake and tried to withdraw from the embrace. She hadn’t noticed that he was holding her back, hugging her just as tightly. When he felt her back off, he held onto her even tighter. Liz was taken aback, but accepted it.

After a few seconds, his warm arms left her. She looked up to his honey eyes in a daze, “What’re you doing here, Max?”

“Not exactly the welcome I was expecting,” he replied sheepishly, but offered her a wink.

The diner was relatively tame. It was mid-afternoon on a Wednesday, after all.

“I just…” She was so overwhelmed. She didn’t know what to say. “You were supposed to be home in a week, not today. Diane said you called her last night and told her so…” She was rambling. She didn’t care. She was trying to wrap her mind around the manner.

“Surprise?” The smile was still tugging at his lips.

In an instant, tears were streaming down her face.

His smile fell off of his face, an earnest expression replacing it. He took her face in his hands and futilely tried to wipe the tears away, “Liz? Are you okay? I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you.”

She laughed, now.

Max furrowed his brow and scratched at his eyebrow, “Did you go insane while I was gone?”

The tears and laughter increased. She threw her arms back around him, even kissing him on the cheek.

He didn’t flinch.

She took a few more moments to calm down. She pulled back from him, placing her hands on his upper arms as if to get a better look at him, “It’s really you?”

He laughed a genuine laugh, “Of course it’s me. You act like I died or something.”

Liz felt like she was looking at a completely different person. Max had a healthy glow to him. He was tanner than he’d ever been before in his life. He looked healthier in general. And his eyes… they had a spark in them that she had never seen before. She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m just really… surprised. Max, you look… amazing.”

“Thanks.” He blushed. No retort. No protest. He smiled softly, “You look better than anything I’ve remembered in the last few months.”

“Thanks.” Liz smiled earnestly. “So you’ve been thinking about me?”

“You bet.” He grinned. He looked around the diner. It wasn’t very busy, and two other waitresses were on duty. “Do you think you could sneak off for a little bit? I was thinking we could go to the lake or do something…”

“Yeah, definitely. I’ll even bring us some lunch. Let me just go tell my dad…” Her heart was racing. This Max was nothing like the Max she knew. And she thought she liked this one even more, if possible.

“Hey, Liz? Don’t tell him it’s because of me. I haven’t exactly been back to see Diane or Phillip or Michael… or Isabel, even. They’d have my head if they knew I was already back and hadn’t said anything to them…”

Liz nodded, her smile growing. She was the first person that he had come to see? Her heart skipped a beat for the second time in less than ten minutes, but for a completely different reason.

She left and returned; only to find Max waiting outside the Crashdown on his already started motorcycle. She went outside quickly. A helmet was waiting for her on the seat. As soon as she had hopped on and wrapped herself around him, they took off.

Liz’s head was buzzing with possibilities. She had initially been so surprised by his presence that she hadn’t been able to think straight. Now, however, she remembered to at least be a little mad at him for not saying goodbye when he left. She had been close to crushed when he’d left and she hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye. She had to find out from Isabel that he was gone. That had hurt her more than she thought it would. She had just assumed that Max would tell her if the plans had changed. Apparently not.

She had tried to act like it hadn’t bothered her at the time. Michael and Isabel weren’t making a big deal of it. She couldn’t help it, though.

Besides, at the time she’d been seriously debating whether or not Max would ever come back. She had never been reassured that he would. A small voice in the back of her mind constantly told her that she would never see him again. She hadn’t had a chance to memorize his face one last time before he left. She hadn’t had a chance to tell him goodbye.

So, when the motorcycle came to a stop on the shore of the deserted lake, Liz had a purpose.

Max smiled at her, “Hi.”

“Hey, Max.” She bit her lip. She wasn’t sure what to do. Should she talk first or should he? She couldn’t be mad at him, not really. He had done what he needed to do. But she could at least mention it, right? “You left without saying goodbye.”

“I know.” Max’s voice became softer than it had been since she’d seen him today. “I’m sorry. But I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to you. I didn’t think it was going to be worth the pain and confusion.”

“Not worth it?” Liz repeated, tears in her eyes.

“Not worth it because I was never planning on saying goodbye to you like you thought, Liz. Not for forever. I would have found my way back to you eventually. I had a certainty of that.”

Liz smiled at him.

“I came home early, though. I kind of lied when I told everyone when the camp was. It was a few weeks earlier than I said… I just wanted the freedom to be able to do what I wanted. I still went and all, but I wanted to be able to do whatever before and after it… not just before. I’m rambling. How’re you doing, Liz?”

“I’m good. I managed to make it through the summer without a single sunburn.” She laughed. “First time for everything, I guess.”

“Awesome. Did you have fun?”

“Yeah, of course. Maria and Michael broke up once in the course of it, but they’re back together now. That relationship’s so volatile I’m afraid to try and keep up.”

“That’s good.” He hesitated slightly, shifting his feet in the sand. Liz was kind of glad that that hadn’t changed. This Max was so new to her. She knew that he probably seemed very different because of his long absence and his initial attempt at rekindling friendships and relationships with everyone, but it was still weird. She was also curious as to how much of the old Max remained. It was the one question she was scared to know the answer to. “You’re probably wondering why I came to you first…”

“Kinda. Not that I’m not glad you did…”

“I needed someone to talk to first. Everyone’s going to immediately bombard me with questions, and I guess… I just wanted to give it a dry run? Plus, I wasn’t really planning out my return. I woke up this morning, started driving, and ended up at the Crashdown. I think I just… wanted to come see you before anyone. I trust you, Liz.”

“How was your summer, then?” Hope soared through her. She was the first person he wanted to see?

“Good. I wove my way through the Western states. I never went too far, though. I realized at some point that I like the desert the best; because you can see so far… you can see everything around you for miles and miles. So I stuck to flat terrain, mostly.”

“Diane will be relieved. She kept going on about you driving off a mountain on accident.”

Max laughed. “No, no mountains for me. And definitely no accidents.”

“That’s good. How was camp?” She asked this tentatively. She wasn’t sure if it was something Max was going to be readily willing to talk about.

His voice went soft again, “It was good. I think it helped a lot.”

“By the looks of you, it did.” Liz tried to ease the mood that had suddenly gotten more subdued, “You could definitely start selling tickets to that gun show.” She winked at him, blushing awkwardly nevertheless.

Max blushed with her, “The camp had a really good gym… and I tried to keep it up after I left. They taught us how to work off our… anger… in healthy ways, and, well, I went to weight lifting.”

“It shows.”

“Are you hungry?” Max was eyeing the food poking out from Liz’s bag. He licked his lips without knowing he had done so.

“Pretty.” Liz admitted. “I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning.”

“I’m starved.” Max smiled at her. “Let’s go sit out at one of the picnic tables and eat?”

“Sounds good to me.”

They walked leisurely to the picnic tables and set up the meal. Liz watched in awe as Max devoured his Galaxy Sub before she had finished a half. Max looked up when he felt her bewildered gaze on him, “What?”

He looked between her sub and his absence of one, “Oh. I’m sorry. That was rude, wasn’t it?” He bowed his head forward bashfully, a small smile on his lips.

“I’m just in shock. When you left… Max, you were withering away before everyone’s eyes. We couldn’t do anything to stop it. And now? You’re healthy looking. You’ve got the appetite of… well, of a teenage boy.”

“Oh.” Max was at a loss for words. He realized where Liz was coming from. To him, the changes in him had been gradual and a long, hard process. The days at camp had been tiring and draining. With emotional breakdown after emotional breakthrough, he had been completely wiped out at the end of each day to the point where he would virtually collapse onto his bed.

This is why he had come to Liz first. He needed a game plan on how he was going to approach the others. He didn’t know how, though. He sheepishly looked up at Liz as she finished chewing a bite, “I don’t know what to tell them.”

“Tell them the truth.” Liz shrugged, “If they’re anything like me, they’re going to want to know about your trip, but mostly how things went at camp. What you did, how you’re feeling, you know… those sorts of things. Everyone’s concerned about YOUR wellbeing, Max. No one’s going to judge you or push you.”

Liz finished eating, and together they cleaned up their trash. Max smiled at her, “What do you want to do?”

“Well…” She looked back towards the motorcycle, “I’ve never really… I mean, that was my first time on one of those…”

He laughed, “Alright, let’s go.”

He helped put the helmet back on her head, and they were off. It was true that Liz was anxious to get back on the motorcycle again, but it was also true that she enjoyed the close proximity to Max that it allowed. It was strange to her that he allowed it. Never before had she been able to get so close to him. It gave her strange feelings in the pit of her stomach, things she had only before felt when she was by him. She didn’t quite understand them, but she knew enough to know that Max was the cause.

They drove around the perimeter of the city, making a giant loop. Max was taking his time, trying to make up his mind as to what he wanted to say to everyone. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to tell them; it was an intimidating topic. And he didn’t want to disappoint them. Sure, parts of him were very different, but there were also many parts that were still the same. He still occasionally fought the same internal battles that he always had. He had the tools to deal with these feelings since he had gone to the camp, but it wasn’t a miraculous recovery. It would still take years for him to recover full, if he would do that at all.

As the sun was setting, Max finally decided that it was time to face everyone. They entered the city and, to Liz’s surprise, passed the Crashdown and pulled up outside the Evans home. They dismounted and Max turned to Liz, “You wouldn’t mind, would you? Coming with me, that is.”

“Not at all.” She smiled, placing a reassuring hand on his arm without thinking. He didn’t move it. “I want to hear, anyways.”

He was hoping that Isabel was over here. In their brief, limited phone calls, she had mentioned how she was coming here almost nightly for dinner. Max was glad that she had found something so close to a family.

The explosion was enormous. Max could hardly register what was going on around him. There were tears and the occasional interjection of surprise. When things had settled and he had explained his abrupt return, Diane had somehow managed to sit every around the coffee table with cold glasses of lemonade and a platter of cookies.

“How’d everything go, Max?”

Max smiled more to himself than anything. It was just like Isabel to cut straight to the point on a subject like that.

“Good.” His smile grew the more he talked. “Everything went really well. Much better than I anticipated.”

He could tell that everyone was waiting for more than simply that, so he took a breath and continued. “It was hard to adjust to, at first. There were ten teens there, the rest were kids… around thirty of them. We all sort of helped out the counselors with the younger kids, lent hands when they needed us.”

Diane smiled kindly, “That sounds nice, Max.”

“It was. They eased us into group activities and some trust building exercises. After that they eased into the harder stuff… individual and group counseling sessions, that type of thing.

“Was it much help?” Michael hedged. They were all nervous to jump to any conclusions about Max. They had tried their hardest to not have any expectations.

“At first, not really. The counseling sessions were hard to open up during. But then, we started sitting in on the group sessions with the younger kids. It was…” He shuddered visibly, “Their stories were all scary as hell. It was hard imagining them going through what they did, you know?”

He seemed more at peace. “That’s when I started to realize that… I was that kid in the past. And if they seemed so innocent to me for what they went through, stories that were or weren’t so much like mine, then wasn’t I not to blame for what H-Hank did to me? He was wrong for… doing what he did to me. Once I realized that, the counseling sessions got easier.”

His hesitation to say Hank’s name and abuse did not go unnoticed by any. He seemed to realize it. He was much more perceptive now that he wasn’t busy trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. “I was never planning of a full recovery in two months. But, I’m done blaming myself for what happened, and my self-confidence is more than I ever thought it would be. There’s not a doubt in my mind about that.”

He grew more reserved, “I’m still working on the rest of it... I’ll get there eventually. I hope.”

The frenzy began again. Everyone talked at once, overwhelming him with hugs and affection.

A warm feeling filled Max. He suddenly felt something that he hadn’t felt his entire life: a sense of home.

It was possible that he had been ignoring what was right in front of him for ages. Then again, hadn’t he ignored a lot of blatant things in the past? He was beginning to see what was right in front of him.

He finally focused in on one person sitting in front of him. Liz Parker was sitting on the chair across the room, smiling at him, almost laughing. Max didn’t know if he had ever seen a more beautiful sight.


He meant, he had never seen a more beautiful sight than everyone he cared about around him like this. Yeah, that was it. Liz was an added bonus, not the main reason. She couldn’t be. He didn’t have feelings like that for anyone.

Did he? Could he?

He couldn’t let that bring him down right now. He needed to stay positive.

The next few hours were spent giving and receiving stories of what happened over the summer. Plans then shifted to what they would do during Isabel’s last week in town. She was going to college next Monday. Max could feel her excitement bubbling from her. He was glad. Going to college out of state was what she had always desired. She’d achieved that goal – on scholarship, no less. He was so proud.

Liz checked her watch. “Oh, wow, it’s late. I didn’t realize the time.”

Max rose to his feet. “I’ll take you back.”

“I can walk, if you want to continue catching up. It’s not too far.”

“Liz, it’s clear across town and it’s one in the morning. How that could ever be safe behooves me,” Michael frowned at her.

Max nodded, “Yeah, I’ll take you. It’s no problem.”

Liz said her goodbyes, and everyone else said their goodnights. A few minutes later they were standing outside her door. She looked up at him sheepishly, “Uh, I’ll uh, do you… Max, do you want to meet me up on my balcony?”

Max gulped, but nodded. “I guess I could do that. But I don’t know how long I should stay. I think Diane’s secretly worried that I’m not coming back.”

Liz laughed, “Yeah, I got that vibe, too. I’ll meet you up there. I should go in the normal way…”

They parted. Max climbed the all-too-familiar ladder to the balcony. He had never wanted to become familiar with it. He had, actually, but he hadn’t at the same time. His self-confidence had grown, but this… this was Liz.

The balcony had hardly changed. Some of the candles had been burned past use and replaced. Some were dwindling to about that point. There was a vase of fresh flowers in the corner. Max couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous and suspect that they were from another boy. He shook his head. He didn’t understand the feelings.

He stood tentatively away from the lawn chairs. He didn’t want to invite himself to sit down. Instead, he stood awkwardly, one of his hands grabbing the inside of the other arm’s elbow. His attention was diverted to the stars above him.

Liz found him standing like this. She couldn’t help but smile. She was still in shock over the fact that he had recovered so well. He had incredible, amazing, drool-worthy, defined muscles. His shirt was tighter than it would normally be in the past, showing the definition off easily. He was tanned, no doubt from the countless sports they had done at that camp. He’d never looked more…

She shook the thoughts from her head. She was suddenly feeling very flushed. She took a moment to compose herself before she cleared her throat to catch his attention.

Max turned to her at the sound. He gave her a soft smile.

“I’m glad you’re back. I know I told you that already, but… I feel the need to keep repeating it. It’s almost too good to be true.”

“I’m glad I’m back, too, Liz.”

“Max, I didn’t really want to rush into this, but I don’t want to have to wait any longer.”

“What is it? Is everything okay?” A sense of panic seized him. Was Liz in trouble?

Liz nodded. “Everything’s fine, Max. It’s simply… do you remember our deal? The one we made right before you left?”

“Uh… yeah.” He nodded. He wouldn’t have been able to forget it if he’d wanted to.

“I was wondering if it still stood.”

“I think it went both ways, Liz.”

“What do you mean?”

“You promised me something in return, didn’t you?” Max hated that the words left his mouth. He was already jealous of an innocent vase of flowers in the corner of the balcony, and yet he was practically asking if Liz had dated anyone over summer break. He stopped himself. He had told her to. Practically forced her to. He had wanted this, right?

“Yeah. I did.” Liz was quieter now.

“How’d it go?”

“I dated someone.”

“Oh.” His heart fell. He didn’t know why. He’d wanted this.

“One date. He was in town for the summer, visiting his grandparents. The only reason I accepted was because I promised you that I would. And do you know what?”


“I’m only more reassured that you are the person that I want to be with.”


“Max, it’s okay if you don’t want to pursue anything right now, I just wanted you to know that I held up my end of things.”

He nodded.

Liz stood there awkwardly. “Okay, then. I guess that’s all there is to say.”

“I think I should get going.” Max pointed over his shoulder.

“Yeah.” Liz nodded, her heart sinking. She bit her lip, “Okay, then. I’ll talk to you later, I guess.”

“Guess so.”

Max began to move towards the ladder while Liz moved towards her window.

He stopped.

He turned around, moving towards her faster than she could make it to the window. He spun her around, his heart beating wildly.

Their heads moved closer together. At the last second, he seemed to regain his senses and moved away from her, “Liz, do you want to get dinner on Friday?”

“Like a date?” She perked up.

Max nodded. “Yeah. If that’s okay…”

“It’s perfect. I’ll see you at eight?”

“Eight. Yeah, good.”

She went to move away from him, but he grabbed her arm and held her there. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. It was the most he would allow himself… for now.


Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) Pt 35 p9 11/1

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:10 pm
by sprayadhesive
I'm working, I'm working. Promise!

I've been really, really busy lately. I'm trying really hard to get it done.

Re: Confidential (M/L - Mature) a/n 1/29

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:06 pm
by sprayadhesive
I know, I know, I suck. But school got out of hand, as did life, and... all of the sudden it's May. Who knew? Haha

But it's summer now, and I'm working on the story. I hope to be back very soon!