Practical Enchantment (AU Adult Pt.9)* Max needed

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Just as I make eye contact with Liz there's a loud booming sound and we are all launched backward. Liz's high pitched scream wounds my soul in ways I can't even begin to describe. I wish I could help her. I yearn to save her from the harshness of our situation but I've begun to understand that there is no salvation from The Source. He's just going to keep coming and coming until we are all dead. Once I open my eyes I find that the object of my desire has shifted orbed herself right into my embrace.

I hold her closer enjoying the feel of her pressed tightly to my body. Her deep chocolate brown eyes meet mine and all fear and doubt slowly dissipates. How could I ever feel like the world wsa so tainted? Liz makes me believe in miracles ever single time she gazes up me like that. As if I am her whole world. Her fingertips graze my cheek in a comforting gesture as she whispers my name urgenty as if it were a fevrent prayer.

Our tender moment is ruined by the evil cackle of a mad amn with too much free time on his hands. "Michaelus! Come to me! The clock face in one minute or everyone you love will burn... starting with..." He aims the fireball toward Maria and I move to jump in front of it just as Liz cries out, "MARIA MOVE!" However Michael reaches her first and diverts the weapon into the wall beside of her and without so much as a word shimmies away. Maria looks positively peeved and I almost feel sorry for the poor guy.

Boy is he in trouble. Maria shoots me this look and I anticipate her plans. i don't like her going after him when she doesn't know the danger she's putting herself in. The trouble it would cause her sister and cousin should things go array. There are no Charmed Ones without all the three points of the power. one single missing link breaks the chain. She's got to stop risking herself at least for the sake of her family. "Are you okay?" I question my fiance while running a concerned hand through her long dark locks.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by madroswellfan »

“I swear sometimes I think you just talk to hear yourself speak.”

I whirl around to see a charmed one. DAMNIT! Can't the council ever do anything right?!?!

"Is this really how you get your kicks? Because seriously I’m thinking you might want to get a new hobby. This one’s really wearing on you. Is that a grey hair?”
I snarl at the girl but I know she can't touch me. She loves Michaelus... and she doesn't want him to be evil... so I win.

A icicle hits me squarely in the back and without meaning to I drop Michaelus... and yet not over the side. Damnit! I look round and see her.
"You!" I snarl at Calypso. "You are going to pay for that..." I snarl as I hold my hand out in a grip like motion. I grin as an invisible force starts to choke her. "You cant cant kill me...just give in..." I snarl.

I feel Max's hand run through my hair and I have to try not to purr with contentment at the nice feeling. "Are you okay?"

And thats when I feel it. A silent call for help
From Maria.
My eyes widen and I quickly jump out of Max's arms. I immediately know Max feels hurt, but he'll understand in a second. I look over at Tess with a worried look before grabbing Max's hand and shimmering us to Maria.

I survey the scene quickly and see Isabel in a Sebastians power grasp. But I have the element of surprise.

I quickly use my powers hard to knock Sebastian hard to the floor.


I fall to the floor and I just know another pathetic charmed one just showed up. I look up at Calypso and give an evil smirk to her.

I stand up and move my head side to side, making it click. "You lot may have stopped the apocolypse...for now... but this is not the end..." I turn back to Calypso with a knowing look, thinking of my revenge. As I'm about to shimmer out however I decide I would take a final shot at the one who just knocked me off my feet.

Instead of shimmering away, I go up behind her...

I watch as Sebastian shimmers away and I breath a small sigh of relief...

I quickly use my powers to shove her up in the air and over the edge of the building. Before the others can react I shimmer back to my fortress and plot my revenge.

And then I'm up in the air... and I immediately know what's going to happen. But I didn't look at Max since I arrived on top of the building... so I can't picture myself in his arms.

"MAAAAAAX!" I scream as I plummit towards the floor that is quickly coming up to greet me. I close my eyes fearing the end....
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The love of my life suddenly steps out of my embrace with a worried expression. What’s going on? She takes my hand in hers and orbs us to what appears to be a watch tower. How original. I think sarcastically. The tiny brunette to my side sends the demon to the ground with the flick of her hand. Sometimes I forget how powerful she is. It’s hard to imagine so much built up energy in her tiny form. "ARGH!" He growls clearly not thrilled that we interrupted his plan.

"You lot may have stopped the apocalypse...for now... but this is not the end..." With that he disappears in a puff of smoke. Maria raises up at Michael’s side and mutters, “Overdramatic much?” I turn to Liz about to ask her what she thinks we should do next when she is lifted up into the air and cast effortlessly off the ledge. I don’t even have the time to be surprised. It happens so quickly. Her screams destroy my very world.

Tears fall from my eyes without me even noticing as I try to orb. I find that I can’t. I relinquished my powers in the past and now I can’t use them in the future. What am I going to do? I stand there motionless unable to help in any way. “Liz!” I don't even see all the commotion going on around me. All I know is that if Liz falls I do also. Without thinking I leap off the edge and plummet to the ground below. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Lizzie_Parker17 »

If someone would like to give me a summary of Max so far and where they would like me to go with the character I would happily take Max for you\
Thanks Britt

"Check it out! The watchers back on clock. And just when you were thinking career change. Maybe becoming a "looker" or a "seer"
Classic line from Xander
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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Uh...I guess its a VERY high watch tower..... :lol:)
As I fall I hear Max reply “Liz!”
And its then I remember... he doesn't have powers anymore. I immediately get a pain in my stomach and I look quickly over my shoulder to see Max plummiting as well.

"NO!!!!" I yell loudly and angrily as I use the last of my energy to create a wind to slow Max's descent so he gets a nice soft landing... I shout out an alarm to Tess and Maria to try and get them to help me but I can't help but think they will be too late. I close my eyes once more.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Everything is happening so quickly.At one moment Sebastian is choking me and I was dead scared,not for me but for my baby's life and the next moment Liz had struck him and he stopped his invisible assault on me.

Coughing and trying to regain my breath I relax for a second before Sebastian hurls Liz over the edge of the tower,taking us all by surprise.Max,that crazy whitelighter,I have no clue what use he thinks he is going to be to Liz if he is dead,jumps after her.

All I know is that she inadvertantly saved my child's life as well as my own and I owe her.Shimmering down to the ground,I position myself and hold my arms steady.Luckily I am strong,demonic strength is of some good use at least.Catching her as she falls,I stumble a bit but at least she didn't hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask slightly shaken up by everything that just happened and help steady her on her feet
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: Don't worry about it Ali. I'll keep up with Tess for ya. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


So much happens so quickly that time seems to pass by at warp speed. Sebastion uses his powers in an attempt to choke Isabel but Liz shows up in the nick of time knocking him on his overly ambitious evil ass. Just when I think he’s made his narrow escape I mutter, “Overdramatic much?” There are a few relieved sighs but none of us have long to relax for in the next moment Sebastion uses his wicked devices to push Liz off the ledge. I rush to the banister but there is nothing I can do.

I don’t obtain an active power to save her. Michael is still collapsed on the ground he hasn’t the strength to help himself let alone anyone else. In a stage of deep grief Max flings himself over the banister sending himself to an almost certain death. What the hell is he doing? Shaking my head I pray to the goddess above for a miracle and said whispers of faith are heard and answered. Liz manages to cause Max to float to the ground while Isabel shimmers below and catches my dear sister before she slams into the dirt.

Tears of joy cascade steadily down my cheeks I cling to Michael. Tess orbs in at this moment and looks around in confusion. “What’s going on? Did I miss the showdown?” She questions slightly disappointed. I’m just glad she wasn’t here when all that went on. She could have been wounded or worse killed as Liz almost was. “Tess!” I run to her and throw my arms around her petite form offering a meaningful hug. “Can you orb us down to the ground?” She nods still unsure of the events missed.

I find myself standing in front of my blessed sister and the woman who saved her life. My best friend from another lifetime and my enemy from this one. “Thank you.” I mumble as best I can through the tears. “I will forever be grateful for what you did.” I hope she can sense the honesty in my words. “Lizzie? Are you alright? :D
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by KarenEvans »


“Thank you.I will forever be grateful for what you did.” Maria says somewhat awkwardly to me and I shrug my shoulders and wave it off "It was nothing.She saved my life after all and my baby's.It's the least I could do."

Looking around I realise the danger for the moment has passed and I am free to re-join my husband who is probably going sick with worry back in the manor.

"I have to get back to Alex." I state "If you need me have Michael call me,though I think Sebastian is done for tonight." having said that I shimmer out of there and back in to the living room of the manor

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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Um... TECHNICALLY, the ring was left on the floor in the past... so I'm gonna figure that as the past was fixed its now worked that Liz has it. lol

Also can I say, I cant wait to start rpging with our new Max :D Welcome to the long line of Max rpgers here at PE! I just re-read all this today as I was bored and I worked out we have 8 Max's! POM, FaithfulAngel24, Dreamer393, Corina Star, Dreamer393, Maougha, FaithfulAngel24 and now Lizzie_Parker17!)

And then I feel arms around me. I open my eyes quickly, hoping it to be Max...
But its not. Its Isabel. And I have to say I've never been more grateful to see her in my life. She helps me to stand, which is proving difficult on my shaking legs.
I hear everyone talking around me, but I'm kinda just stunned I'm alive...


Max jumped after me. I look up from the floor to see Isabel has gone. I look at Maria and nod slowly. I grab Maria's hand as I feel my self close to fainting, forgetting that that's my hand with the ring.

"M...Max?" I whisper to her worriedly. Where's Max? Did it work?!
"Max!" I say louder looking around for him.
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