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Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 53 p 8 5/13/08

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 3:02 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey everyone thanks so much for reading this and those of you who have been reviewing thanks. Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 54


We are just pulling into the base when I spot my unit coming in from their morning aerobics to wake them up. Max, Alec, and I quickly yelled goodbye to the others and caught up to our unit.

“Hey guys miss us?” I asked only to barley have time to steady myself before Blaze jumped into my arms and squealed.

“Okay I have never heard her do that before.” Ryan said looking scared.

“She just missed them that’s all.” Faith said and Crystal and Sara nodded in agreement.

“Okay so what is next?” Max asked as Alec and I stretched a little.

“We are on our way to the pool to do our morning laps and pool exercises.” Ice said leading the way to our designated area.

“Everyone listen up I want three laps warm up but first I want you to treed water for three minutes. GO!” the Commander yelled blowing his whistle. We all begin treading water making the pool look like a sea of white foam. I look around and see that Max is less then thrilled I know that she like me hates the water. I look over at Blaze and see she is less then thrilled at being in the water. All of the sudden Blaze’s eyes get red and then she starts sniffling loudly.

“Oh no.” I said which got Ice’s attention. He turned and looked at Blaze then back at the other girls and me and started to panic.

“What is wrong with her?” He asked Sara who is closest to him.

“How would I know?” Sara asked a fearful look on her face. Then all of the sudden Blaze stopped and went back to normal. I think it really spooked the others because not a one of the have taken their eyes off her since.

“Okay three laps go!” The Commander yelled blowing his whistle. I do have to admit that swimming is one of the best workouts because you use all of your muscles. I have not done this in ages and it feels good.

“Okay now that you have completed those we are going to do three laps breath stroke, three backstroke, three butterfly, three freestyle, three backstroke, three butterfly, and three breath stroke. GO!” The Commander yelled and we are off. I can feel the water rushing past me in splashes from the others around me. In front of me I can see Blaze already doing the backstroke and getting ready to start the butterfly. When I was going on lap eighteen I started to get tired and cramp like, which was not fun. Eventually though I did get done and the rest of the unit congratulated Max and I for it.

“Not many can have been gone for so long and then come back and do all those laps let alone in the time you did them. Nicely done.” Ice said as we all jumped back in the water.

“Okay as many of you have found out on missions fighting does occur in the water so we need to train you all to stay strong and deadly in the water like you are on land. Now I want you all to pair up male and female. And no 277 and 666 you can’t be paired together.” The Commander said much to Blaze’s dislike.

“Okay Liz go with Ice and Max with me.” Blaze said her eyes getting red again much to Ice’s horror.

“What is wrong with her?” Ice asked. I look over at Blaze who whiped furiously towards Ice.

“THE CHLORINE IS BOTHERING MY EYES!” Blaze yelled getting everyone’s attention.

“Oh.” Ice said before the two of us being sparing. I looked over at Max quickly and saw her getting wailed on by Blaze who seemed to be releasing some of her anger on my sister.

“Stupid males they think they are so special.” I heard Blaze mutter sending a look of fear onto Max’s face as Blaze sends her flying towards the other end of the pool. All of the transgenic folk in the pool, and the trainers, we all just stared at Blaze who looked scared and at Max who slowly got up shocked that Blaze had done that.

“452 are you alright?” Blaze asked swimming quickly towards Max.

“Yes thanks. Gee that was powerful. How did you do that?” Max asked as all of us piled out of the pool.

“I don’t know I just reacted it was an instinct.” Blaze said. Ice came behind her and hovered protectively. He actually growled at one of the trainers who were coming to check on her to see if she was all right. The guard persisted not getting the fact that when you approach a female cat you should make sure that your approach is not seen as a threat to his mate and given the current situation his babies. Ice not liking how close this stranger was to his mate lunged at the trainer. I growled out of frustration causing the other trainers to back away out of fear knowing from their training that when a transgenic is riled up enough they are extremely dangerous and that a growl is a good warning to back off.

“Hey!” I yelled coming up to the pair fighting. More like Ice sitting on the trainer and pounding him into a sticky paste.

“He is new 277 and did not know he was threatening her.” I said not so loudly, but I knew it would catch his attention; Max is standing next to me worried about Ice. He must have really thought that the trainer was a threat to Blaze to go off and pulverize him the way he is.

Ice reluctantly backed off the trainer and allowed the other trainers to take the wounded man to the medical center. Silently Ice walked over to Blaze and she wrapped her arms around him and he almost seemed to melt into her. It was so sweet to watch, but I soon turned away like the others feeling like I was invading a personal moment. Not many have seen them intimate with each other I remember Blaze telling me that they are not ones for PDA’s but I guess Ice felt strongly enough to let his emotions show in front of the others. Suddenly Donald Lydecker and Renfro walked into the room looking worried.

“Are you alright 666?” Renfro asked looking genuinely worried.

“Yes ma’em just got a little spooked when the trainer did not stay away. Sorry.” Blaze said.

“No need to apologize 666 actually we need to apologize to all of you. The trainer Tom is new and we had not sat him down yet and told him not to approach a transgenic like that or how to back away when one growls. 277 I am sorry that he threatened your mate and all of us do realize that you just reacted. Please try not to get carried away again.” Lydecker said.

“Yes sir.” Ice said. This entire conversation feels odd to me like Lydecker and Renfro are being a little too nice. When Lydecker and Renfro left the units started to leave to go to their other classes.

“Why did Lydecker let you off the hook?” Max asked.

“He and Renfro are worried about the babies safety and well being. I mean all the children that are created especially the ones between transgenics’ they realize just how dangerous the situation is. They realize that when they allowed us to breed that their would be certain effects to go along with it like the extreme possessiveness, the protective instincts, and the general want for all others to leave the others mate alone.” Hawk said and I nodded starting to get why the big bad directors are suddenly letting all of us get away with murder.

“When you and Alec keep at it for a while you will experience this as well. It only increases when offspring are involved then everything multiplies tenfold.” Sara said.

“So why did Ice feel like Blaze was threatened?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Hawk said as Blaze and Ice rejoin the group. Ryan quickly hugged his twin sister. I steal a quick glance at Ice and see he is still not too sure about leaving Blaze alone. Alec looked slightly worried as well but I did not know if it was for Blaze, the situation or if he was worried that with time that might be us.

“Ice what set you off?” I asked blurting out the question I am dying to know the answer to. Ice looked startled for a second before it suddenly dawned on him what I am asking.

“I know everyone around here and their scent this guy was un-familiar to me and was approaching Blaze fast and would not give me time to process him. I wanted to check on Blaze as well, but he was getting too close and I did not know him so I just reacted.” Ice said a sheepish look on his face. Hawk comes up to Ice and pats him on the back laughing before shaking his head sending beads of water everywhere and getting us all wet, Ice seemed to find this funny so Crystal went up to him and looked at Blaze quickly who only nodded; before Ice knew what hit him he was back in the water as the rest of us walked away. Hawk stood there laughing at his CO only for Sara to come up behind him and push him in as well. Alec I could tell wanted to stay and laugh but quickly left with us not wanting that to happen to him.

Next up was another master class, but this time it was outside in the stifling hot desert and with all series there. The poor X8’s looked so lost, but I know that they have to learn some way even if it seems cruel to me. It pains me to know I am starting to think like the monsters.

“Left kick!” The commander yelled as a collective yell riped through the lines of transgenics who all flexed their left leg.

“Left leg and right combo!” The trainer yelled. After about twenty minutes of this, each time the combinations getting more complex, eventually we did a long series of maneuvers and had to perform them one by one in front of the thousands of others before we were allowed to break off into spring partners. I remember Alec up there and how swift and deadly his motions were and how he just glided through them. Maria was surprisingly good, but she did mess up once and had to start from the begging. Michael did extremely well as did Ava, but the others who were not transgenic need a great deal of work. As we were all sparing I noticed that Max choose to pair up with Biggs much to my delight. I really like Biggs he is so great from what I have seen and heard and I know he will be great for my sister and on the plus side I can see Max is warming up to him even more.

“Ow hey watch it.” X5 716 said as Hawk landed an bizarre hit to her hip. X5 716 is the blonde from the showers yesterday and it was only a few moments ago when I found out her designation. Apparently she is in Biggs and Krit’s unit and is the 2IC seeing as how Biggs is the CO. She is an amazing fighter but she does not have the precision that Biggs does which is why she is below him.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 54 p 9 5/28/08

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:41 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part. Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 55


“Well why don’t you come to my room tonight and find out.” I said.

Knowing my words was having the desired effect when Biggs gulped. I have been thinking about Biggs a great deal the last couple of days and I am finding I like him a lot. I did mean it when I said he was going to be the father of my children because he will! Not only is he genetically perfect for me, but also he has so much that I desire in a guy, and he is everything Logan is not.

“Oh you know I will be there.” Biggs said. Suddenly I hear Liz talking and Biggs and I turn and listen.

“Yeah there is this girl at school, whom the others have met, Pam Troy and she has danced on my last nerve and I want to do something that will put her in her place.” Liz said getting my full attention.

“Oh do I sense a plan baby sister?” I asked with a wicked smile, which was eagerly returned by the other females even Blaze and the other female members of our unit.

“Well I will need all of you to help, but yes I do have something in mind.” Liz said with a lethal look in her eyes. Many people on the outside think my sister is just some door mat that they can walk all over, but if they only knew how vengeful she was they would think twice about messing with her, and with my help they will never think of messing with my baby sister again.

By the end of lunch all of us had it worked out to a T and we were going to put it into action when school started again. I was pleasantly surprised at how vindictive 716, now known as Petal, was. Ice said that when someone messed with a person that his sister cared about that they would be on the receiving end of her rage.

“Thanks for the help guys when we go back to school Pam will not know what hit her.” Liz said smiling. It was not going to physically harm Pam because Liz could never do that, but it would mess the girl up for a while and make her regret ever-thinking mean thoughts about Liz.

“Well we have to go do the obstacle course.” Liz said I hug Biggs and whisper goodbye in his ear. We all say good-bye to the others and head out with our separate units. Blaze was just filling the rest of us in on her latest baby news.

“Renfro wants me to get a check up everyday because of the physical work I need to do and since I am having twins the stress on my body will be greater.” Blaze said causing Ice to suddenly stop making a few of the unit members run into him.

“What will you be okay will they be okay? Do you need to cut out some physical excursive? Do you want to tone things down?” Ice kept firing questions at the poor girl who looked lost.

“I am fine, they are fine, no, and no.” Blaze said as she continues to walk shaking her head at her mate. Ryan looked at Blaze worried; he is a really protective brother, but I guess he is closer to her then normal because she is his twin and in the same unit as him making them closer.

“Are you sure? Just incase can you take it easy?” Ryan asked.

“Sure I will not try and push myself overly hard.” Blaze said with a huff.
Ice suddenly pulled Blaze down the hall and away from us; I shoot the others a questioning look.

“Oh that is Ice’s room.” Faith said as we all head out to the course a while. I hope everything is all right with those two.

“Don’t worry Max he is probably just giving her a lecture or she is probably yelling at him not a lot of damage will be done, I hope.” Hawk said.

“Either that or they are having sex.” Alec said making the unit groan not wanting to think of their leaders that way. I do have to admit though I was thinking the exact same thing.

“Okay guys let’s stretch again while we wait for the other two to get here.” Jack said as he lead us through the stretches. About ten minutes later Ice came back out alone and looking worried.

“Hey man what is it?” Hawk asked and Ryan looked antsy.

“Its Blaze something is wrong and I had to rush her to the medical wing. One minute she was laughing and the next she was doubled over in pain.” Ice said. Suddenly we all dart to the medical wing knowing it was where we were needed. When we got there we saw Blaze sitting on an exam table looking like she wanted to cry, but we knew she would not because she never has. Ice ran to her and engulfed her in his arms.

“Blaze?” Faith asked worried.

“The doctors say that there was some minor problem and that I need to stay here the rest of the day. That my age is causing problems for the pregnancy because even though I am more developed anatomy wise then most fifteen year olds that my body is still only about that of an eighteen year olds and that it was risky. Apparently my blood vessels are getting blocked or something like that because of the babies and my body is not handling the pregnancy well. ” Blaze said looking extremely close to crying.

“Why did they not say anything before?” I asked as Blaze clutched Ice who looked scared which scared the rest of us.

“They did not think it was a problem before.” Blaze said before kicking the tray holding a bunch of instruments sending razorblades and clamps everywhere.

“Once again my age gets in the way!” Blaze yelled only for Ice to hiss at her to calm down.

“Guys go run the course I am going to stay here with Blaze.” Ice said we all nodded and left. On the way out I hear Blaze crying and Ice purring to her. For the first time I fear for the twins, before I thought they would be safe and now I can only hope and pray to the blue lady.

We ran the course and completed the obstacles with a record speed and precision. Before we had started Jack told us that we had to work hard so as not to worry our CO and 2IC and do the course like it would make all of the trouble go away. Naturally we all tried our hardest and broke records. Hawk and Liz did the best in the swimming department much to our surprise. The unit was heading to the weight room when we ran into Ice.

“Hey Ice is Blaze alright?” Ryan asked. Ice smiles brightly startling all of us.

“The doctor who looked Blaze over was an idiot and got fired for scaring an X5 mother. Apparently Blaze’s age will not affect her pregnancy too much just slightly and now her age is not a factor.” Ice said happily.

“That is great, but what caused her pain?” Sara asked.

“Heart burn.” Ice said walking with us to the gym.

“Oh thank the stars.” Faith said leaning against the gray wall in relief.

“Yes the two of us were happy about that or more like I was, where Blaze was upset that her eating would cause her pain.” Ice said.

“Just like every other pregnant chick then.” Alec said as Liz swiftly smacked him upside the head making me proud. Ice did not seem to mind though because he just laughed and agreed with the blonde lady killer.

“So are you doing the weight room with us?” Liz asked.

“Yes Blaze nearly threw me out of the hospital room and told me that I had a choice I could either be with all of you or that she would injure me and give me a good reason to be in the medical wing.” Ice said with a shudder leading me to believe Blaze had been more specific with what she would break.

“Hey guys. Where is Blaze?” Biggs asked as our unit entered the weight room only to find Biggs unit in there. He looked amazing with this thin sheen of sweat on him making his golden skin shine.

“She is in the medical wing for a while.” Sara said unfortunately what happens in the unit stays in the unit no matter how much I want to tell Biggs.

“Oh no is she okay?” Biggs asked sending me a worried look, which I try to disarm.

“She is fine just a little worry, but Lydecker wants her to stay in there just to be on the safe side.” Ice said as we all start off on a machine. Biggs’s unit soon left and another unit joined ours, and much to my surprise Michael was in that unit. He came in with Ava and Tess laughing about something and Isabel came in behind giggling.

“Hey all.” Isabel said stepping onto a treadmill and punching in her program code.

“Hey Isabel how goes the work out?” Liz asked laughing.

“Very funny Liz, but I just got done swimming thirty laps so please excuse me I am in a bad mood.” Isabel said with a scowl.

“Oh sorry Iz, but you will get used to it soon. Just drink lots of fluids to get the acid out of your muscles and the muscles will heal faster. In time your body will be used to healing and be able to repair the damage faster.” Liz said with a sympathetic look.

“I know it’s just that I hate the water.” Isabel said making the rest of us laugh.

“We are with you on that one after all we are more cat then anything.” I said and the others nodded in agreement.

“Oh yeah I forgot about that.” Isabel said with a loud laugh.

“So I heard about Blaze when will she get released?” Ava asked.

“Tomorrow morning.” Ice said as he lifted the dumbbell up again and again. He is really strong not that, that is surprising it is just neat to see. I guess all X series are stronger then normal it is just that now I am noticing it. After twenty minutes on the stair master I am really starting to feel the burn and I can see Tess is as well because she is really huffing and puffing.

“Alec how goes the rope?” Hawk asked seeing the blonde nearly four stories up.

“It sucks I have a burn already.” He grumbled.

As my unit was on its way to the track we passed by the medical wing again to check in on Blaze, but what we were not expecting was to run into Logan who was occupying the room next to Blaze’s. It was as we were about to turn into Blaze’s room when Liz suddenly stopped and jumped away from the cell door on the left. I looked at her oddly for a second before she pointed to the window on the cell door where Logan’s old face was looking out the circular window.

“How creepy is that?” I asked Sara who is looking at the cell door in disgust. The others apparently had a previous run in with Logan and he left a really bad taste in their mouths especially because he upset Blaze.

“I knew they were keeping him somewhere in the base I was just not expecting him to be right here.” Hawk said looking as Logan recognized that there were people in front of his cell door; the window was too small for him to be able to make out whom anyone was.

“Hey can somebody please let me out of here? I am being held in here against my will. Please someone go and get my girlfriend and tell her where I am so she can come and get me out her name is Max. Also tell her I love her and that I forgive her for her demented state of mind I know she wants me to be the father of her children.” Logan said causing me to growl out of anger because he is really going to far this time.

“He just called me crazy!” I whispered loudly.

“What a basket case.” Liz said and the others nodded in agreement.

“Hey Logan old buddy how are you doing in there?” Hawk asks.

“Hey who is there?” Logan asked.

“I am a member of Max’s unit. The X7’s said they heard you and called me to check things out. What do you want?” Hawk asked putting his hand over his mouth to stifle his laugh like the rest of us.

“Please get Max and have her let me out of here!” Logan yelled hitting the door for emphasis.

“I am afraid I cannot do that Logan you see she is a little busy at the moment.” Hawk said controlling his voice so that he did not let on that he found the whole situation funny.

“Doing what? I am sure that if you told her I was in need of some help she would gladly stop what she was doing and come and help me.” Logan said in a serious tone.

“Can you believe him?” I asked Liz in a whisper that only another transgenic could hear.

“He is so out of it.” Liz said.

“Acutely she is with 566.” Hawk said trying desperately to not laugh when he sees my mortified face.

“Who is that?” Logan asked in an angry voice.

“Ah you probably know him as Biggs you know Max’s breeding partner.” Hawk said his face now beat red from holding in his laughter.

“Her what?” Logan asked in a yell causing a few of the passing doctors to give us questioning looks.

“You know the guy who will father her offspring. The seed to her egg.” Hawk said getting crude enough that Sara hit him in the arm. Hawk turned to me with puppy dog eyes asking for permission to continue.

“Hey guys what is with all the yelling?” Blaze asked coming out of her room. Ice points to the window and pulls her to him. Blaze then looks on interested.

“He will not touch her she is mine and only loves me!” Logan spit out with venom.

“Oh really because when I went by there cell on my way here all I heard was loud moaning and a bunch of oh Max’s.” Hawk said the last part and octave higher then his usual voice trying unsuccessfully to sound like Biggs who had a somewhat deep voice.

“You are lying.” Logan yelled ramming up against the door.

“No man I wish I was because I am going to have bad dreams now of Max riding Biggs.” Hawk said and I slap him in the arm. I look to my right and see Blaze is practically on the ground laughing hysterically with no sound. Seeing her red face made me laugh and I hand to slap a hand over my mouth so Logan would not hear me. Then out of nowhere Ice waves his hands getting Hawk’s attention and after several hand signals Ice gets across the message that he wants to play as well.

“Solider what are you doing inside I had the unit wait twenty minutes for you and you never came they are now thirty laps behind and to make up for your behavior you will be running an extra thirty!” Ice yelled with a smile on his face.

“Sorry sir! Sir detainee Logan sir is asking for 452 sir! I thought I would straighten him out sir!” Hawk yelled in an official manner. If I did not see their faces I would have thought the two were serious, but the two looked ready to bust out laughing.

“Very good solider I will take it from here.” Ice said with a sinful tone of voice.

“Mr. Cale what seems to be the problem?” Ice drawled in a slow manner. Blaze is watching the whole exchange with a smirk, I guess she finds the whole situation funny and who can blame her because even I find it funny.

“That little brat will not get Max for me.” Logan said in a calm voice sensing that he was talking to a person of much higher rank then the man he was previously talking with.

“Ah yes 452 is currently other wise occupied and has been told that under no circumstance is she to be anywhere near you unless I or another commanding officer is present with her.” Ice said with an eye roll.

“Well can you please get her because I really need to talk with her.” Logan said his voice laced with desperation.

“I am sorry, but I do not believe I can pull her away at the moment and I feel her breeding partner would not be to happy if I did.” Ice said with a smirk knowing that the term breeding partner that was being continuously used was getting to the man on the other side of the door.

“Well try dang it!” Logan yelled clearly getting fed up with all the pleasantries.

“Sir what is the problem?” I asked pretending I just came up. I did a bunch of hand motions trying to get across what I wanted to happen. The others seemed to understand and all relayed that they understood.

“Nothing 452 I was just on my way to see 666 who is in the next room over.” Ice said leaning against the wall.

“Max hey Max it’s me Logan help!” Logan yelled banging against the door.

“What was that?” I asked pretending I could not clearly hear Logan banging on his cell door.

“Oh just some loony they captured and locked up. So how were things with 566?” Ice asked with a smirk.

“Oh you know the best. I am pretty sure that this time I am pregnant for sure. Biggs was really excited at the thought so I came down here to schedule a test.” I said hearing the smack on the other side of the door and the now shallow breathing. Ice slowly opens the door to reveal Logan passed out on the floor.

“Nice.” Liz said smiling.

“Good work everyone.” I said as Ice closed the cell door and we all headed into Blaze’s hospital room where Ice ordered her back into bed much to her displeasure. I have found that Blaze hates getting ordered around and that one of the only reasons she worked so hard to be 2IC was so that she would give out more orders then receive.

“So what brings you all by other then to torture Logan?” Blaze asked popping herself up on the hospital bed looking really bummed about being cooped up in the sickbay.

“Well we came to see you of course.” Sara said sitting on the hospital bed and pushing Ryan off who had been previously sitting by his sister.

“Ah gee thanks, but sadly all of you get to be outside running while I have to sit here with all of this pent up energy.” Blaze griped causing Crystal to laugh.

“Leave it to you to rather be running laps then sitting in a bed relaxing.” Crystal said poking Blaze in the side.

“Well you would feel the same way if you had the energy of a Duracell battery and were kept off the entire time.” Blaze said using a funny analogy that would surely stick in my head now.

“Well I hate to say it but we have laps to run so see you later.” Ice said as we all piled out of the room.

“Max baby its me Logan please answer me I love you baby answer me I know you are out there and I forgive you.” Logan said rambling on. Jack motions for us to hide around the corner and he opened up the cell door.

“Dude what is your problem this hall has been deserted for the past ten minutes and you have yet to stop your annoying chatter. Shut up!” Jack yelled before slamming the cell door shut.

“Love you.” I said slapping the older boy in the back as we head out to the track.

“Did you see his face he actually thought you were going to be on the other side of the door. No wonder they have him locked up.” Jack said laughing. Alec and Liz were clutching each other they were laughing so hard at the end of the hall out of Logan’s range of hearing. I looked at Sara and saw she had tears running down her cheeks from laughing so hard. It was moments like this when all of my friends were laughing and acting carefree that just for a moment I forget that we are in the middle of a military base and on the brink of war.

It took us until dinnertime to finish all of our laps, when we showed up almost an hour late the senior officer in charge yelled at us and gave us each fifty extra laps much to our displeasure. After lap seventy I was ready to pass out, but I knew I had to keep going. By the end I was so thirsty and tired that I thought I would die and the only reason I made it into the mess hall was the thought of seeing Biggs and the others.

“What happened to all of you?” Biggs asked as Liz crashed into the seat next to Alec and I plop into the seat next to Biggs who looked at me worried and I cannot blame him because I probably look like crap. Man my throat feels like it is on fire.

“Well we visited Blaze in the medical wing, had fun playing with Logan and showed up about an hour late for the track.” Liz said.

“Oh bad luck guys, how many extra laps did you have to run?” Petal asked.

“Fifty and that was on top of the fifty we already had to do.” I said groaning.

“Yeah commander Brings can be a pain in the butt.” Biggs said putting his arm around me as I lean into him from exhaustion.

“Finally humanity.” Blaze said running over to our table.

“Hey hun what are you doing here?” I asked as she plopped down next to me and not Ice, which surprised me.

“The doctor who was in charge of me told me that since I was such a good little X5 that I could come to dinner but right afterward I have to go back to the hospital bed of doom.” Blaze said before she dug into her massive plate of food that was chalked full of vitamins.

“That is good.” Liz said patting Blaze on the back while we all ate. I do not know why it surprises me but after eating I now have more energy. I guess it really is all the vitamins in the food that Manticore serves us. After I was done I curled into Biggs side further knowing I still had target practice before I was allowed to turn in for the night.

“Well I am off to the medical wing bye.” Blaze said quickly rushing away.

“That is one weird girl.” Krit said laughing.

“You get used to her after awhile and come to love her corks.” Ryan said popping a carrot into his mouth.

“She seems to have multiple personalities.” Zack said laughing as he too popped a carrot into his mouth.

“Yeah that is something new, normally she is more laid back and less…perky.” Ice said looking confused.

“Hey big man what is it?” I asked startling him.

“She did not sit by me.” Ice said sounding even more confused.

“And this is why you look all put off.” Alec said not understanding, but I could not blame him because I am confused as well.

“What our CO is trying to say is that it is just unusual for her to not sit by him, she always has.” Ryan said as he ate his lime Jell-O.

“Well maybe she felt like a change.” I offered trying to be helpful.

“Yeah maybe, but I don’t like it.” Ice said whining.

“Oh poor baby.” Liz said in a baby talk voice.

“Hey I just don’t like my mate not sitting by me.” Ice said pouting.

“Well why don’t you stop by her hospital room tonight and make sure she is comfy.” I said.

“Good idea Max. Okay guys lets go out to the shooting range the sooner we get out there the sooner we can get done and the sooner I can get to Blaze’s hospital room.” Ice said as he hurried us out of the mess hall.

“Well Biggs see you at my room when you are done.” I said leaving with my unit.

“Oh yeah she wants me.” I heard Biggs tell Alec as Alec got up to follow us.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 55 p 9 6/8/08

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:41 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part I love reading what all you have to say. Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 56

Maria POV

Target practice the part of the day I loathe the most; I hate weapons they are the root of all evil. I know that they are a valuable tool in protecting oneself from danger because unlike my friends I am not genetically engendered or some alien hybrid. No I am just normal and sometimes it really bites the big one knowing that I can contribute nothing valuable to the group and that all I am good for is a good rant and an oh Maria shut up once in a while. Opposing what people commonly believe about me I do realize that I am a motor mouth and that I do tend to get carried away when discussing topics I feel strongly about.

“Hey Ria you okay?” Kyle asked as we walked to the target range.

“I don’t know. Kyle am I good at anything?” I asked causing Kyle to falter for a second.

“Maria of course you are good at something actually you are great at many things like singing, dancing, talking, comforting friends, waiting tables, controlling Michael, hand to hand combat, and a great deal of other things Maria. Where is this all coming from?” Kyle asked standing still for a minute. He is looking at me with concern, which is unusual normally he is so in control and cocky.

“I cannot help but feel that I am of no use to the group like I am a burden and that I only get in the way. I mean I don’t have any neat powers or abilities all I do is take up space and make lame comments.” I said leaning against the wall and boy is this deep stuff making me feel like crap.

“Maria incase you have forgotten I too have no powers or special abilities and like you I feel useless at times, but I know I also contribute to the group. Face it Maria we are normal, but without us the group would be lost and I know that Michael would be lost with out you.” Kyle said as we start walking again.

“Okay I guess you are right and thanks Kyle I really needed the cheering up.” I said. We enter the target range and see six other units out there including Liz’. Kyle and I walk over to our unit who was waiting for the open spaces.

“Hey guys.” X6 223 said as Kyle and I came up to them.

“Hi, so what are we doing?” Kyle asked.

“Three clips each gun. The last gun we have to put together ourselves before we do the clips, and plans are provided.” X6 223 said as the spots clear and we begin. I guess it is a good thing that the bullets are fake and not real and that the rubber bullets can be re used.

“Nice Maria just a little off keep up the good work.” My Co said as he made the rounds checking up on all of the members of the unit. He is a cool Co and does not play favorites. I like that he is trying to make sure that Kyle and I are caught up and even though it is sometimes weird having a twelve year old boss you around I am getting used to it. Besides it was even worse when I found out that next year when most of the X6’s turn fifteen that they will start the breeding program as well. These guys in my unit are all ten to thirteen which when thinking about them in a breeding program well it makes me sick. These kids are the age of people I baby-sit in Roswell and the thought of them having kids makes my stomach turn and not in a good way.

“Come on Maria you can do this you are a little to the left fix it.” My Co said. Soon I got the shots closer to the desired point and then I moved onto putting the final gun together. I quickly found that putting a gun together is much harder then it looks in the movies and that it can sometimes even hurt, but eventually I did it.

“Oh I am done finally.” Kyle said coming up to me as I was cleaning up the guns I used.

“I know I cannot wait to get to my room.” I said as I put the guns on the rack.

“Hey guys.” Liz said as she walked with Kyle and me.

“Hi Liz, wait are you still here? I saw you guys were here even before my unit started as a matter of fact your unit was here when other units were still eating” I said.

“Yeah we just got done. I was off by a millimeter and had to do three extra clips on that gun and then we had to test this new gun to see how well we can handle it and well lets just say it took me at least twelve clips before I got a good feel for the gun and then I was off considerably on aim so I had to do six extra clips and that is what took us so long.” Liz said as we enter the hall leading to our rooms.

“Night Liz, night Kyle.” I said heading into my room as they both say goodnight to me. When I closed the door I saw Michael laying in bed waiting for me and he looked worn out.

“Rough day?” I asked and he just grunted. I quickly undress and get into bed next to him even though the bunk really is only big enough for one person. Michael put his arm around me and I snuggled in close.

“You okay spaceboy?” I asked getting worried when all he did is burry his head into my neck.

“Yes just missed you.” He said showing a rare moment of affection. He never does in front of the others, but when we are alone sometimes he lets go and shows me what he is really feeling; like now.

“Michael do you really want kids?” I asked scooting down on the bed so I could look him in the eyes.

“Promise not to tell the others?” He asked.

“Promise I will not blab.” I said causing him to laugh.

“Yes I want kids Maria it’s just that before I never thought it was going to happen. I always thought that someday I would have to leave, or that it was not possible physically because I am an alien, and because I thought no one loved me enough to give me the chance to be a father.” Michael said.

“You know I love you right?” I asked him.

“Yes I know that and I also know that with you I can have kids and yes Maria I want kids…with you.” Michael said kissing me softly.

“You know that goes both ways right. Before you I thought I would never settle down because I have seen too many people get their hearts broken and I never wanted that to be me. When I thought you were going to leave me and go to Antar my heart broke and then when you came back to me it was well indescribable.” I said curling into Michael and resting my head on his chest. Sometimes I just want to melt into him and be as close as possible to him. Michael wraps his arms around me tighter bring me closer to him. I turn my face into his chest and breath his sent in, all I can say is that it is unique and very Michael. He always smells like peaches with a hint of cinnamon and spice and I have no idea why he smells this way.

“Night Maria.” Michael said.

“Night Michael.” I said as sleep soon engulfs us.


I am not as worn out as I was earlier but I am still a bit sleepy. When I enter my room the first thing I notice is Biggs in the corner looking worse for wear.

“Hey you okay?” I asked plopping down next to him. All he does is rest his head on my shoulder.

“No I have to go to school.” He said making me laugh.

“Wait how old are you?” I asked trying not to laugh.

“Twenty-seven.” Biggs said startling me he does not look a day over twenty.

“Then why would you have to go to school?” I asked confused.

“Lydecker wants me to pose as a teacher so that I can keep an eye on the others and make sure that no harm comes to them. They are also thinking about having Hawk, Sara, and a few other X5’s pose as members of the faculty.” Biggs said.

“Oh tough break you get to deal with moody teenagers all day.” I said laughing.

“That is right and from what I have been told they are nothing like teens here at Manticore, here the teens are not overly moody, but on the outside world they are.” Biggs said with a shudder.

“Well look on the bright side you will most likely have Liz, Kyle, Maria, Tess, Ava, Michael, Isabel, Blaze and Petal in your classes.” I offered hoping to make him feel better.

“Well that might be a perk although from what I hear Michael is a less then stellar student.” Biggs said with a pout causing me to laugh.

“Well you could just pull him aside and tell him that if he does not pass your class and show to every class that you will whip his butt and then feed him to the transgenic folk in the basement and for the added affect take him to the basement and show him.” I said.

“Oh great idea Max I think I will.” Biggs said.

“Now about earlier, yes I was serious when I said I wanted you to be the father of my little hellions but the question is do you want to be?” I asked him turning to face him better.


“Really?” I asked uncertainly.

“Yes Max, when I first saw you I fell hard for you…literally.” Biggs said making me laugh.

“Too much information.” I said laughing.

“Well come on how was I supposed to react to you and then on top of you being well hot I found out you were my breeding partner well lets just say my sex drive went on overload.” Biggs said making me giggle yes actually giggle.

“Well in that case what do you say we actually make you my breeding partner and let us get right down to business?” I asked slowly crawling around him on the floor like a predator circling their pray.

“I say giddy up.” Biggs said as I launch myself at him only for him to flip us so that he is on top, and has my arms pinned above my head.

“Wow Biggs I take it you have had practice doing that move.” I said as I wiggle under him causing him to groan.

“Sure, but you know that was just practice for you.” Biggs said with a smirk when he bites the column of my throat leaving a mark.

“Oh sure.” I said flipping us over so that now I am on top and I can have my fun now.

I rip off Biggs black shirt and start kissing my way up his chest and I am pleased when he growls in response. I get up to his mouth and he captures my lips in a fierce kiss unlike anything I have ever had before. Our positions change again and I am back on the bottom and I guess this is where Biggs wants me I think it is the whole alpha male thing. He kisses his way down my neck to my chest, he has my shirt off and is about to take my braw off when…

“452, 566 come out here quick we have an emergency.” Renfro said on the other side of the door causing Biggs and I both to growl as we slowly get up. I swing the door open and I see the others coming out of their rooms looking less then thrilled.

“Sorry to interrupt all of you but we have a situation come with me.” Renfro said as we all follow her to a conference room where Maria’s unit is, Biggs’ unit, and my unit are all waiting. We all sit down waiting for the explanation. Suddenly the doors burst open and in come Blaze and Ice who seem a little ticked off and I feel like shouting I feel your pain.

“Okay good everyone is here.” Renfro said as Lydecker took over.

“As you all know 513 has been on the outside world for a long time and while on the outside she had a fling with a boy named Max Evens who like Michael, Isabel, Ava, and Tess is an alien hybrid. Unfortunately when Liz broke the relationship off Max turned and now has taken to stalking her.” Lydecker said making Alec growl and Ice and other male members of our unit look pissed as well as every other male in the room.

“He has been parked out front of the base all day with binoculars and we feel he has seen too much and is sticking his nose where it does not belong.” Renfro said.

“What do you want us to do?” Biggs asked it looked as if all of the males in the room wanted to make it clear that Liz was their territory and that she was mated with Alec and not Max Evan’s.

“Madam Renfro and I want you to mess with him and teach him a lesson about what happens when he plays with the big dogs.” Lydecker said.

“He already thinks 666 is agent Pierce’s little sister and this can work to our advantage.” Renfro said.

“Isabel, Michael, Tess, and Ava we do not expect you to participate in this because he is your family.” Lydecker said.

“I will participate it is time Maxi boy learned his lesson.” Michael said.

“Yo I am in.” Ava said.

“Same here.” Tess said.

“I guess I will help as well although I do not want to directly confront him.” Isabel said and I can not blame the girl after all it is her brother we are messing with and no matter how close all of us get to each other we are not her blood like Max is.

“Fair enough.” Renfro said with a smile.

“So what do we need to do first?” I asked with a cat like grin.

“We need to put on a show of course.” Liz said and Renfro nodded evilly.

“Oh let the fun begin.” Alec said with a growl baring his teeth.

“What do you mean?” Maria asked.

“Tell her madam Renfro I think I know what you have in mind.” Alec said with a smirk. Renfro smirked back giving me the creeps because I even think I know what she has in mind and that scares me.

“Well Max seems to think he has some claim on 513 and I want to get rid of that and Alec I need Liz to give off the impression that she is with child.” Renfro said with an evil smirk, I hear Biggs gulp beside me knowing that the worse has yet to come.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 56 p 10 6/16/08

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:50 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part I know it was mean of me to leave it there but you will all see what will happen! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 57


Oh no why do I suddenly get a very bad feeling about all of this. I look at Alec to see what he thinks of all this only to see a wicked smile on his face leading me to believe he is all for this.

“Well that will not be a problem seeing as how we have several belly suits from the mommy training class we have here. We have one for each stage of the pregnancy.” Lydecker said and I get a funny feeling that the two of them are enjoying this.

“At first Liz will not need to wear anything but after about two months we want you to show a little not too much, but enough to get his attention. No one will tell him about Liz’s supposed pregnancy, but let him put the pieces together on his own it will be more fun for us this way.” Renfro said.

“Now as for 666’s part in all of this you will be attending school with Max and I want you to make comments to716 when Max is around about missing your older brother and about how you are sad about his sudden
disappearance and that you believe he was murdered.” Lydecker said.

“Are you okay with this Michael?” Renfro asked.

“Yes ma’em.” Michael said.

“Also I want to introduce 665 into this after all the two of you are twins.” Renfro said.

“It can be done.” 665 said with a laugh full of malevolence.

“Good, but when 666 starts showing we will have problems.” Lydecker said.

“We can work with it.” Max said.

“What about 513 showing during school it could pose problems.” Biggs said.

“Good point, 513 would you be willing to ruin your reputation for this?” Lydecker asked I actually had to think about this one for a second. I grew up in this town and it still upset me that I was going to disappoint the people I had come to love in my life such as teachers and parents as well as school friends, but I knew that in order for me to finally be rid of Max and to please my unit that I had to do this.

“I am willing.”

“Good. We need to put on a show let him believe that this really is a military base, which should not be to hard.” Renfro said.

“We can make it look like 513 and the others turned on him and are now working with the special unit.” Ice said.

“That should not be too hard because my brother really is the head of the special unit.” I said giving the others a start.

“Ames White is the head of the special unit?” Renfro asked.

“Yes ma’em and he is in Roswell where they are setting up.” Max said.

“Oh dear a Familiar in the special unit this could work very well for us. With his strength and other abilities we will have no problem putting Max Evens in his place.” Renfro said with a dreamy smile.

“Max is deeply afraid of the FBI.” Isabel said giving more useful information.

“He scares easily and has this obsession with thinking he can have both Tess and Liz and with Tess and Ava being clones we can use this to our advantage.” Maria said shocking me at how good she is with planning. I always knew she was smart, but it is cool to see her using her brain in front of other people besides me.

“Very good.” Lydecker said.

“Is he still outside?” I asked worried. Alec and I were in the middle of something and I really want to get back to my fun, but the thought of him outside thinking of me is ruining my fun.

“Yes he has been camped out there all day the X7’s saw him and reported it to us.” Lydecker said.

“Gee that is creepy.” Krit said and the rest of us nodded.

“If you want a couple of us can make the rounds and do a few things to spook him.” One of the X6’s said and they have a very mischievous look on their faces.

“What exactly are you thinking 223?” Renfro asked.

“Well the X7’s have whacked out eyes that can scare the best of us what better way to mess with the guy then to show him what kind of beasts are pent up here.” 223 said.

“Good.” Renfro said.

“So when do we being?” Ice asked.

“How about now?” Lydecker asked.

“Great just tell us what we need to do.” Isabel said.

“Well first I need unit seven.” Lydecker said.

The unit of X6’s was instructed to take the back way out of the base and come up behind Max’s Jeep. From there they would casually walk toward the base acting like they were coming back from a mission, and they would be standing close enough to Max to let him hear all that they were saying. Those of us not out there will be watching the whole skit from the security room where we could get the visual and sound of all the action.
“Hey did you check out that hot new alien?” X6 169 asked with a laugh as the small group approached the jeep, I can see Max duck low in the seat so no one will see him.

The group stops just in front of the jeep.
“Oh yeah that one alien called her Ava and man oh man is she fine. I am going to talk to one of the guards to see if he can get me some time with her.” Another X6 male said. This all sounds so funny coming from a bunch of twelve year old kids.

“Dude you know Alec will not let you near her.” X6 223 said.

“So he has Liz let us have some fun.” X6 169 said pushing the other girl slightly.

“Well none of us will be having any fun if we do not report back to Colonel Lydecker and Madam Renfro with our data.” X6 223 said.

“Yeah when those two are mad they sure do let it be known. I remember last time we all got into trouble we had to spend a week in solitary and that is an experience I do not want to relive.” Another X6 said with a grumble.

“The sad part is they were actually in solitary last month.” Lydecker said. The rest of us just stare at him in shock.

“What?” He asked.

“Why were they there?” I asked feeling bold and hoping I will not get punished for being bold.

“They failed to complete a mission and then a few of them refused to take orders.” Renfo said and can it be…no I think I sense remorse in her voice.

“What are they supposed to do next?” I asked.

“You will see.” Lydecker said as we all re-focus our attention on the screen.

“So did you hear the latest news?” another X6 female asked sounding excited.

“No what?” 223 asked sounding equally as excited.

“Well it seems the special unit is up and running again and that they have recruited several people from our base and our sister bases.” The other female said.

“Really like who?” 223 asked.

“Well the commanders are not letting out many names, but I have a feeling Major Liz Parker might be one of them and General Alec McDonald.” The other female said shocking me…they called me Major.

“That is so cool Liz is one of the best after all she did bring in the aliens.” 223 said proudly.

“Stop your gabbing you two we need to get back.” 169 said as the small group heads back into the base. When the group is a safe distance away we see Max slowly sit up looking frightened.

“I think we did a good job.” I said when Max starts to mutter to himself. I really like Blaze’s idea of putting microphones in the Jeep so we can hear what all he is saying.

“What is he mumbling? Biggs please turn up the volume.” Alec said.

“She loves me I know she does those kids have no idea what they were talking about. Alec is responsible for all of this he took away my Lizzie oh how I love my Liz she is so perfect.” Max said causing Krit to laugh as well as my sister and I hit them both.

“What? Oh come on Liz the guy is like three notches away from going completely around the bend.” Max said laughing.

“Still I like that he thinks I am perfect.” I said knowing it will get to Alec.

“Sure, but you are mine not his.” Alec said kissing my forehead.

“That is a given.”

“Okay guys back to your rooms tomorrow we will work out a surveillance schedule that we have been slacking on sine we set up shop here. We have several transgenics’ that specialize in surveillance and this will give them something to do.” Lydecker said as we all piled out of the room.

All of us head back to our receptive corroders and I had to laugh at Blaze who was yelling at Ice to put her down. Apparently he did not want her to walk around at the moment and endanger her and his kids to which she replied she was a revved up super freak, who was capable of walking, but then he whispered something in her ear and she let him carry her. Also, I was happy to see Biggs go back into Max’s room with her and I know Alec was as well. It was so good to get back into bed with Alec and to let him wash over me.

“Hey Liz you okay?” Alec asked, in the dark I can see the concern in his eyes.

“No, I keep thinking of Max and how deluded he is. Then there is me wanting you like crazy and too grossed out about Max sitting outside to act on my want.” I said snuggling closer to him.

“Yeah well the guy has lost it.” Alec said still hovering above me looking me in the eye.

“So where did we leave off?” I asked with a very Alec like smirk.

“Well you were calling out my name when Renfro pounded on the door.” Alec said kissing my neck.

“Oh really and what were we doing that would make me call out your name like that?” I asked playing with him as I nipped at his ear knowing he loved when I did that and if his growl is any indication he did love it.

“Oh a little of this and a little of that mostly me getting you off.” Alec said which earned him a bite in the neck.

“That is right now is it not your turn?” I asked turning over so that I was now on top. I looked down at Alec and I could see his desire and I know by now he can smell mine. Slowly I kiss my way down his chest and across his hard stomach muscles and running my nails across his chest and stomach making him hiss. I had quick work of his pants and was soon nipping my way across his thighs.

“You know for someone who is so new at this you sure are good at it.” Alec said before groaning as I touch him where he has desired me. At first I hold him in my hands working him in a fast pace, but I soon replace my hands with my mouth apparently much to his delight because I can feel a small amount of liquid on his tip. Soon Alec comes in my mouth and after a second of recovery Alec has me on my back again with my arms pinned above my head. He has an animal look in his eyes that I love.

“So you still thinking of Max?” Alec asked kissing me and I know he can taste himself when he massages my tongue with his.

“No, but then again would you want me to?” I challenged making him growl.

“No, but it was me you were thinking about earlier when I was getting you off right?” Alec asked some of the animal gone. I can see in his eyes that he has doubts as to whether I am completely his or not and I want to do something fast to take away those doubts.

“Alec do you see me with Max? I am here with you and I only want to be here with you. Of course I was thinking about you how could I not, besides Max will never give me kids and I never would want him to because seriously the thought grosses me out.” I said making him laugh.

“So what do you say we seriously get started on that kids thing?” Alec asked.

“Well I say that we better start thinking about what we are going to tell my parents when they find out they are going to be grandparents.” I said when Alec claimed again and again what is his. I could have sworn that at one point I heard him mumble, “I would like to see Max do this.” Which is funny too think about.

I can hear the bugle over the intercom and I feel like shoving it up the poor kids butt. Slowly Alec and I get out of bed and clumsily we make our way into the hall where the others are. The other girls and I make our way to the female showers. I look over at my sister and see she is walking funny.

“You okay there Max?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes but man Biggs has a sexual appetite that rivals a female transgenic in heat.” Max said stepping under the warm spray.

“Wow Liz love the love bites.” Tess said making me look down at my body. All over me I see purple marks and I mean all over they start and my ankles and go over my thighs to my neck.

“Well looks like Liz had fun.” Maria said.

“Oh and look who is talking Maria there are several on you looks like Michael had a good ole time.” I said smirking as my best friend flushed slightly.

“So Max can I expect nieces or nephews any time soon and please say yes.” I asked.

“I hope so and boy when Biggs wants something he works for it.” Max said with a purr when Blaze stumbled into the showers walking funnier then the rest of us.

“Have a good night?” I asked with a giggle.

“That man can go forever and never stops!” Blaze exclaimed stepping under the showers spray and letting out a contented sigh when the heat of the water sooths her sore muscles.

“Oh we feel your pain.” Max said and I nodded knowing exactly how my sister and friend felt.

“Hey Blaze.” Petal said coming in and greeting the rest of us and she too has a slight limp.

“Was there something in the air last night because all of us are walking funny?” I asked laughing.

“No it’s just my breeding partner decided to have a little fun.” Petal said.

“Who is your breeding partner?” Max asked.

“My brother.” Blaze said laughing and I have to say I did not see that one coming.

“Oh that is odd no matter what you and Ice are going to have a niece or nephew because your brothers breeding partner is your breeding partners sister.” I said laughing.

“Well it is rather odd but what can I say we like keeping it all in the family.” Blaze said making the rest of us laugh.

“Oh this water feels so good.” I said.

“I don’t feel so good.” Blaze said leaning against the tile wall of the shower. I go over to her to see what the problem is when she goes running towards the toilets and several of us run with her only to hear her loosing the contents of her stomach.

“Hey Blaze you okay?” Max asked.

“Do I…” Blaze stopped talking because she was throwing up. “Sound Okay?” She asked.

“Um no.” Tess said.

“Do you think we should get someone?” I asked.

“No just let her be we can tell Renfro and she will be excused from her morning activates and she can join in when she feels better.” Petal said.

“Oh should we tell Ice?” I asked.

“That would be the safest rout because if we don’t and he finds out we knew she was in here heaving then we would pay big time.” Petal said with a shudder.

“So he has always been protective?” Isabel asked.

“Yes especially of those in his unit, her and me. He is an alpha male and makes others aware of it and if you mess with anything that is his you can be sure you will pay oh so dearly.” Petal said as we get changed into our clean fatigues. As we enter the mess hall I noticed that all of the guys have silly grins on their faces and I have a feeling that last nights activates are responsible for them.

“Hey Ice, Blaze is in the girls bathroom heaving.” Petal said and Ice quickly got up and left without another word.

“Is she okay?” Ryan asked. When I look closer at Ryan’s actions toward Petal it is blindingly apparent that they are mates and I have no idea why I did not notice it sooner. The two always send each other these looks or find some reason to touch it is so cute.

“Just morning sickness it is rare in a transgenic, but happens.” Petal said.

“Well good morning all.” Krit said making his entrance.

“Hey big brother what have you been up to on this fine morning?” I asked.

“Well baby sis I stopped by the surveillance room and guess what I saw and believe me it was enough to make me heave.” Krit said.

“What?” We all asked simultaneously.

“Max Evens in the Jeep getting friendly with his hand.” Krit said laughing.

“Ewe that is my brother and I am never going in that Jeep again.” Isabel said a sour look on her face.

“Why do we need to know this?” I asked feeling entirely grossed out.

“Well thanks to the microphones in the Jeep I was able to hear what he was saying and it was a Liz oh Liz baby that feels so good kind of thing and let me say for the record I wanted to rip his head off for thinking those thoughts about my little sister.” Krit said and I heard Alec growl next to me. I turn around and hugged him letting him know that he is the one who has me and not Max.

“Will he ever get the fact that Liz is not his?” Zack asked sounding disgusted.

“It is creepy to think that he is thinking of me that way.” I said shuddering.

“Guys I think we have a problem on our hands I think it might be at the point where Max might actually hurt Liz.” Krit said making my stomach drop. Alec put his arms around me and held me close making me feel safer.

“Don’t worry baby I will not let him touch you, you are mine and not his.” Alec said kissing the top of my head.

“Krit do you really think Max would hurt Liz?” Tess asked sounding scared and I for one cannot blame her.

“He has this image in his head that Liz should be his and his alone and he is willing to do anything to make sure that it happens. If Max were to find out that Liz was no longer his and that she was physically claimed by another then there is a good chance he will get upset and take his anger out on Liz.” Krit said making me sick.

“Krit is right and there is always the possibility that he might try and forcefully take what he wants.” Zack said making me burrow into Alec farther. Alec pulled me into his lap and purred in my ear to calm me down.

“I will not let him touch you.” Alec whispered in my ear so that only I can hear him.

“What can we do about this I mean Liz can take care of herself?” Hawk asked.

“Well don’t forget Max has powers and he has already proven he will use them on Liz if it will get him what he wants.” Michael said.

“So we keep a close eye on him and when school starts up the two of you are not to be in a room alone together.” Maria said sounding very military in that moment.

“I agree and I think I will talk to Lydecker and Renfro about having the shadows follow Max.” Alec said sending a shiver down my spine at the thought of those people.

The shadows are trangenics’ with the ability to go unnoticed by everyone. They are commonly used for data retrieval or assassinations where there will be a great deal of people around. They all have very distinct features like the eyes that glow in the dark and the extra pointy teeth because they are cannibals.

“Do you really think that is necessary?” I asked Alec.

“At this point I do not know, but I am not going to risk the fact that he might try something with you so I rather be safe then sorry later.” Alec said.

“Well we will discuss this more later right now we need to get started with our classes.” Jack said making me groan knowing that first up was geography, which I loathed.

“Hey guys.” Ice said sitting down behind Max, Alec and I, I look back and see Blaze is sitting next to him looking really pale.

“You doing better?” I asked and she shakes her head no. The teacher came in and began the dull lesson or was about to any way when she saw Blaze looking ready to die.

“666 is something wrong?” the teacher asked worried.

“Yes.” Blaze said running from the room only for Ice to go running after her.

“What is going on?” The teacher asked looking upset. She is a nice enough lady, but clearly un-informed.

“Morning sickness.” We all said and the teacher nodded then began the tedious lesson. Three hours we all spent in that small classroom looking at map after map after map and the worst part is that after the three hours we got tested to see if we have been paying attention and if we got one wrong we had to sit through the entire lesson again.

“Alright now here is the test.” The teacher said passing out the packet of paper. “There are a hundred questions and on the multiple choice questions you need to pick the answer that is right or as close to the right answer as possible. Now I will have these tests graded by next class session and if you miss one you will stay after for a repeat of this class. Now 294 and 293 please stay after today for a repeat of the last class because you both missed a question.” The teacher said before going back to her desk.

The test is long and it all has to do with maps and the relationships geographically that places share. We had to know what every city in Mongolia was called, their location, temperature, rainy season, and the reason for certain population spurts in certain areas we had to know main crops and soil analysis. It was a challenging test and made all the tests I have taken at Roswell High School look like first grade work. It took me an hour to do the stupid test and that was as long as we were aloud to take. Poor Blaze has to sit though this lesson all alone, Ice came right back when he left at the beginning of the class.

“Alright the three of you stay behind and I will see the rest of you later.” The teacher said before she pulled down the map and goes into her lesson again for Blaze.

“I thought I was going to cry I was so board.” Max said as we made our way to our next class.

“I know and that test was hard.” I said groaning as we came to the math class we all have to take. It is a combination of the math divisions so that we can figure out the best way to get to our target and when under cover at some geek convention we can be smart enough to fit in. Today was three hours of calculus, which I know is no fun.

“Take notes and study them outside of class because they test you on the same things.” Ryan said.

“Okay you do realize you are like the only fifteen year old I know who is actually good at calculus.” I said looking at Ryan’s papers; they are so neat and organized.

“I hate you.” I said looking at his work, which only makes him laugh fueling my anger towards the boy.

“Now Liz be nice I know Ryan is a neat freak but he is helpful on missions.” Sara said slapping Ryan on the back.

“You are just saying that because my math skills saved your ass on a mission once.” Ryan said.

“You bet.” Sara said smiling.

“Wow there is a story there and I want to hear it later.” I said, making Ryan laugh and Sara blush.

The math class, much like the geography class, went by excruciatingly slow and when it was done it was time for lunch. When we got to the mess hall the others are there waiting for us talking heatedly.

“No the poison goes through the digestive tract leaking into the blood stream through the walls of the stomach I mean the poison can get through the thin mucus membrane.” Zack argued slamming his fist on the table.

“No it is an inhalant.” Krit said.

“You guys are both right it can be taken orally or sniffed, but it still gets the job done. You need to use more when you sniff but less when you swallow.” Biggs said letting out an exasperated sigh.

“So what are you three talking about?” I asked sitting down.

“Oh do not even get them started they have been going at it since the medical class about poisons.” Biggs said.

“Was it as boring as geography and math?” Max asked.

“Oh you had those already? Tough break those classes can bore a person to death.” Biggs said as Blaze came in looking worn out.

“That had to be the worst test ever.” Blaze said hitting her head on the table repeatedly.

“Oh I feel your pain.” I said patting her on the back.

“Hey Ryan can I borrow your math notes please? I have to take the test after my last class today.” Blaze asked.

“Sure.” Ryan said handing them over.

“Hey you feeling any better?” Maria asked Blaze.

“Not really, but I am not going to let heaving my intestines up prevent me from completing to days tasks.” Blaze said looking over the math notes.

“That right there ladies and gentlemen is why Blaze is in the top unit.” Alec said laughing.

“Well she does tend to over achieve.” Ice said laughing, which got him a hit in the stomach making him double over.

“Hey what is that smell?” Biggs asked and the rest of us sniffed the air.

“Oh no.” Blaze said when we all recognize the sent some female in heat.

“Do we have anything to worry about?” Zack asked looking panicked.

“You all don’t, but Krit does he is the only one without a mate present.” Sara said. I look around the mess hall and see several of the males reacting to the pheromones, but none of the guys at the table are.

“Wait why is Krit not acting like the others?” I asked and we all look at Krit.

“Okay I give I have a mate now please help find the girl before something goes bad.” Krit said.

“Fine but we are talking later.” I said leaving no room to argue. All of us use our noses and found that it was an X5 at the table across from ours. The females of the table all get up and run over to her as the non-mated males begin to fight each other.

“Grab her!” I yelled as we come up to her. She sees us coming and uses the table as leverage to flip over to us to our table where the guys are standing dumbfounded.

“Hey there.” The X5 said to Ice who is looking at her confused.

“Oh hell no!” Blaze yelled blurring over to the table where she stands in front of Ice only making Ice more confused.

“Do you really want to fight me little girl?” The other X5 asked making me laugh when I finally catch on to what is happening. Apparently this girl wants to fight Blaze for Ice, which is not a smart thing.

“No the question should be are YOU ready to fight her?” I asked as the other females in the mess hall break apart the males, some having to use trank guns. The other X5 female lunges at Blaze who with no trouble throws the other girl to the ground. Blaze quickly pins the girls’ hands behind her back and sits on her legs making it so the other girl could not move.

“Okay ladies lets get her to solitary, grab tranquilizer guns.” Blaze said as I help Blaze pick the girl up as about twelve other females pick up guns. I look around the mess hall and see around twenty X5 males unconscious on the ground, several still fighting and many just looking confused.

“What just happened?” Alec asked.

“Ice’s mate just staked her claim.” Krit said laughing at the dumbfounded look on Ice’s face.

As we approach solitary the female in heat decides to do some more damage.

“You are not good enough for him you are to young he needs a woman and not some kid.” The stupid X5 said. I did not like the girl messing with Blaze’s emotions so I decided to put her in her place.

“First off 666 is in the top unit and not you, second did you not notice how 277 did not fight for you? Also 666 is the one carrying 277’s offspring not you.” I said throwing the girl in solitary and slamming the door shut.

“Thanks Liz.” Blaze said smiling.

“No problem.” I said putting my arm around her and leading the way back to the mess hall to clean up the chaos.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 57 p 10 6/24/08

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:40 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part I love reading what all you have to say it keeps me writing! I know there are a ton of characters in this fic and most of them have a number they go by and that is getting crazy to keep track of so there is a list of characters that have a designation and their name and number in the first post as well as here. If you have any questions about who is who let me know and I will try to clear it up, in later chapters there is less number usage and more names. Thanks...

Touch of the Wind
you are right there are a ton of numbers I have a list in the first post now of who is who and one below, I hope this helps.

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

X5 566 = Biggs
X5 277 = Ice
X5 513 = Liz
X5 452 = Max
X5 494 = Alex
X5 698 = Zack
X5 499 = Krit
X5 666 = Blaze
X5 665 = Ryan
X5 293 = Faith
X5 294 = Hawk
X5 362 = Sara
X5 299 = Jack
X5 332 = Crystal
X5 716 = Petal
X5 372 = Fauna
X5 788 = Babette
X6 223 = Rose

Part 58


This is some messed up shit gonin on around here. That one girl just went physco and then Blaze knocked her right out of the air it was sweet. Poor Ice man has no idea what just went on and it took him until the other girls got back that he figured it all out. All of us look at the returning females in question.

“We put her in her place.” Liz said going over to an unconscious male and smacking him awake before going over to the next one.

“Is Liz okay?” I asked seeing her kick a guy when he would not wake up it was so…not Liz.

“She is just a little mad, but it is not her you need to worry about.” Petal said when I hear flesh hitting flesh and I look to see Blaze punch a guy in the gut that had just woken up.

“Oh she looks mad.” I said laughing when the guy started to argue with her about being abused when he saw Blaze’s glare and quickly shut up.

“Go to medical I cracked a rib.” Blaze snapped before moving on to the next person. This one she was much gentler with that was until they started moaning and that is when she slapped them, effectively waking them up.

“Uh Blaze why are you hitting them?” Kyle asked as Liz shook another guy awake.

“Because they are stupid and forgot their training and because that witch was stupid and she forgot her training.” Blaze said shaking another male awake, but this time she only shook.

“What is she talking about?” I asked Krit.

“We were taught early on that if you are around a female in heat and she is not your mate run as fast and as far away as possible before you are affected. Also the females are taught to notice the symptoms so that they can go into isolation.” Krit said.

“Blaze maybe you should take it easy.” Liz said as the fifteen year old pregnant girl carried a full grown X5 over to one of the stretchers brought in.

“NO!” Blaze yelled defiantly.

“Was she an insubordinate child?” Alec asked laughing as Blaze gingerly placed the guy on the stretcher.

“Oh yeah!” Her unit all yelled and several others.

“Man when she was five a commander would not let her use one of the big guns because he thought she would hurt herself. To get back at him she rigged this booby trap and let’s just say the guy ended up in medical for a month.” Biggs said laughing so hard tears were leaking out the corners of his eyes.

“So do you think yous kids are gonna be like dat?” I asked Ice who shuddered.

“Most likely.” He said.

“Oh and like you were a perfect child.” Blaze said coming up to our table.

“I did not get into nearly as much trouble as you did.” Ice said with a smirk.

“Is that a nice way of saying you jus didn’t get caught?” I asked.

“Are you kidding?” Ryan asked.

“Where do you think I got the idea to rig those doors the way I did?” Blaze asked.

“That was you?” Sara asked laughing as Ice nodded.

“He even helped Ryan and I build it.” Blaze said.

“Yeah he got all the supplies we could not get without getting into trouble.” Ran said.

“Oh like the barbed wire.” Blaze said laughing.

“Just what exactly was the booby trap?” Liz asked.

“Well we were at the Michigan base at the time and we decided to use our barracks as the location. In front of the doors we had placed a line of fishing wire about a meter off the ground. When the commander opened the doors he was greeted by a spray of extremely diluted hydrochloric acid so that the only damage it would do was burn him slightly. As he stumbled around he hit the wire that released a net made of barbed wire.” Blaze said proudly.

“Oh yeah that had Ice written all over it.” Hawk said laughing.

“Face it we all pulled pranks and still do.” Ice said.

“Of course my favorite pass time is pin the tale on the guard and then run away so he will not know who did it.” Ryan said.

“Yeah too bad we always get caught.” Petal said.

“What did you expect this place is loaded with cameras?” I asked.

“Well it never used to be. They only put the cameras in recently because we were all playing nasty pranks.” Faith said.

“Yeah Lydecker got tired of replacing the guards because they were too scared to work here anymore so they put harsh punishments in place and started training the guards.” Jack said.

“Ah now the rest of us can’t have fun.” Liz said with a pout.

“Oh Tess and I can let you all have fun.” I said looking at Tess who nodded with a smile.

“Really?” Blaze asked looking hopeful.

“Really we just recently learned we can warp cameras to make them see what we want.” I said grinning at the thought of having some fun. My old crew and I used to pull all kinds of shit…well that was before my brother and best friend killed my boyfriend and king. The thought of having fun with my new family was great and I knew with all the abilities of this group combined we could get into some serious shit…bring it on!

“We are so going to have fun.” Liz said squealing making Alec do a double take.

“Also, this allows us to play with my brother.” Isabel said a vengeful smile on her face much like Lonies when she was about to pull something.

“I know dat look Iz what are yous thinking?” I asked.

“Well it would be a waste of resources if we did not use what skills we all have.” Isabel said sounding innocent when I know from experience that the evil was brewing.

“So what is the plan?” I asked

Isabel told us in detail what she has planned for us and we are to put the plan into action tonight and according to Liz it was originally part of the trouble some triplets plan, but it now works so much better with others to help. Sadly the fun will have to wait because right now I have a level one geography class. After the first half hour of the class I felt like crying because one it was boring and two I did not know most of it. I look over at Michael and see he is just as lost as I am. Oh this really bites I need this to be over soon before I die from being bored.

“Finally the torture ends!” Maria yelled as we exit the class.

“I just about cried when dat twerp went on about how fascinating the physical characteristics of Afghanistan were.” I said laughing.

“I know god I did not know a person could talk so much.” Isabel said. We are all happy to be out of that class because it was so dull and dry.

“So where to next?” I asked dreading the answer.

The end of the day was a welcome event for all of us after the long torturous classes we had to suffer through. See this crap was the reason I never went to school because all you do is sit there and learn about really boring garbage that I will never use. Zan used to say that someday the information would help us out and to that Rath always said we didn’t need to learn about some planet that we don’t belong on seeing as how we would get off the rock the first chance we got.

“So about earlier Ava who do you think Krit’s mate is?” Maria asked making me laugh even though I secretly want to breakdown and tell her.

“I have no idea.” I said.

“I thought he was with Syl?” Isabel asked.

“He was.” Maria said.

“So who is this new girl and why is he not with Syl?” Tess asked.

“That my dear is something we must find out.” Maria said with a mock evil laugh. I really want to tell them but I know I cannot, at least not yet.

Krit POV

I know that my family and friends were shocked earlier when I said I had a mate and that some of them assumed it was Syl, but it is not. The sad thing is, is that I have not told them about Syl dumping me and running off with a stockbroker to Germany. It hurts still, but I know that the two of us were not really in love it was more out of convenience that we were together. Syl was cruel in the way she called our relationship off, she sent me a dear John letter saying she was in love with this other guy and was going away with him.

“Hey Krit.” Liz said sitting down next to me for dinner.

“Hey babe.” I said putting my arm around my sister, that is until Alec came in shooting death glares at me for touching Liz even though she is my sister, but I guess that is what saved me from getting killed because if I was not family I would be dead right now.

“Krit don’t touch my woman.” Alec said.

“She is my sister.” I pointed out.

“So?” Alec asked.

“So I have had rights to touch her long before you.” I said laughing when Alec stuck his tongue out at me.

“Gee I feel loved you two are fighting over who can touch me.” Liz said smiling. Eventually the others had trickled in and we were all sitting down and I was just waiting for the inevitable question.

“So Krit who is your mate and if it is not Syl what happened to her?” Zack asked and there is the question.

“Well Syl sent me a letter telling me she was running away to Germany with her new boyfriend effectively ending our relationship.” I said.

“Oh Krit why did you not say anything?” Max asked looking hurt.

“Because I did not want to deal with it and eventually I came to realize that I was not making a big deal about it because I was not in love with her. At one time I think I was but she soon lost her appeal when she turned out to be snotty and stuck on herself, not to mention the constant cheating I mean come on she would have to be stupid not to think that I could not smell the other guys on her.” I said.

“I cannot believe she would do that to you, well I guess that shows how well I knew Syl.” Liz said and I pat her on the back knowing what I said was shocking and possibly running the image of her older sister that she held.

“So who is your new mate?” Zack asked his face a mask not showing any emotion.

“Ava.” I said causing my friends and family to just stare at me and Blaze to laugh.

“What?” Liz asked.

“I knew it.” Blaze said when the other members of her unit including Max, Alec and Liz all fork over cash or a possession.

“How?” I asked.

“I could smell you on her.” Blaze said counting her profits to make sure they were all there.

“What?” Ava asked looking freaked.

“Pregnancy increases the sense of smell and honey mine was already good and add the new boost and I can smell everything. Speaking of Kyle I love the new aftershave.” Blaze said making Kyle blush before muttering a thanks.

“So why did you not tell me?” Tess asked her twin with a hurt frown.

“Sorry hun but I did not know where it was going originally and then it was just about waiting for the right time to tell the rest of yous.” Ava said making me smile.

“Okay forgiven, but no more secrets from your favorite twin.” Tess said.

“You know we are much closer then twins Tess we are clones.” Ava said.

“Wait so the two of you are exact replicas?” Sara asked.

“Yup right down to the fingerprints.” Ava said.

“Neat are our clone’s like that?” Blaze asked and Ice nodded his head.

“Wait you all have clones?” Michael asked.

“Yes, see right there that was what I looked like when I was five.” Blaze said pointing to an X7 who was eating soup and laughing their head off about something one of the members of her unit said. She had the same hair color as Blaze, but the little one had curly hair.

“Her hair is curly.” Michael said.

“Mine is too, but my hair is so thick and long it weighs the curls down.” Blaze said eating her soup like her clone and smiling exactly like the little girl.

“Okay so we all have clones except for Maria and Kyle.” I said making the others laugh.

“For that I am thankful because one Maria is a handful let alone two.” Kyle said shivering.

“Hey!” Maria yelled.

“See over there next to the small blonde is my clone, is he not the cutest.” I said.

“Hey that small blonde is my clone!” Zack yelled.

“Awe look how cute Zack and Krit are.” Isabel said as the two little boys laughed about something.

“Look there is my clone next to Sara’s clone.” Ryan said and I do have to admit that Ryan’s clone is rather adorable. Sara’s clone is staring down at her food not looking at anyone.

“Hey is she okay?” I asked Sara figuring she would know.

“Oh she is just shy and quiet she will open up eventually.” Sara said and sure enough when Ryan’s clone started talking to her she spoke back and then some.

“Oh Max there is your clone.” Liz said pointing to a twelve-year old girl who just walked in.

“Nice.” Max said.

“Hey where is yours Liz?” I asked.

“I don’t think I have one.” Liz said.

“Yes you do she just does not have the same abilities as you and won’t, see she is over there next to Alec’s clone.” Ice said pointing to a little blonde boy and brunette girl who just walked in.

“Hey give it back!” Blaze’s clone yelled suddenly when a fifteen-year old boy dangled a spoon high above the little girls head.

“Hey why is your clone harassing my clone?” Blaze asked Ice angry.

“What?” Ice asked laughing when Blaze suddenly got up followed by Ice.
Blaze grabbed the spoon out of the guys hand even though he is the same age as her, she gave the spoon back to the little girl.

“Well look it is my mate.” Ice’s clone said.

“That would be my mate.” Ice said from behind the boy.

“Well she should be mine.” Ice’s clone said and gosh it is creepy to watch.

“No 277 is the best and my clone is the second best so she belongs with him.” Blaze’s clone said and that’s when I noticed she is missing her two front teeth.

“So she should be with me!” Ice’s clone yelled at Blaze’s clone.

“Dude we are not even the same series, but you two are.” Blaze said with a wink before she returned to the table followed by Ice who looked mad.

“You wouldn’t have ended up with him right?” Ice asked.

“No like I said different series are not allowed to breed together.” Blaze said and Ice nodded happy with the answer.

“So you two could have ended up together even if you were not in the same unit?” I asked.

“It is a possibility, but the age difference would have been a factor unlike now. Also there is still a great chance we would have been paired together because of our genes and the compatibility the two of us have a strange DNA makeup and since we are similar we would be put together most likely.” Ice said.

“So is there a chance your clones will be placed together?” Liz asked.

“No because they switched abilities when they did the clones and my clone has different ones then Ice’s clone.” Blaze said.

“So the stupid boy was way off thinking that the two of you would get together?” Maria asked.

“Basically and over there I just told him that our clones could end up together just to shut him up but really it could never happen.” Blaze said eyeing my pickle.

“Want it?” I asked and she dived for it mumbling thanks as she wolfed down the salty treat.

“She likes pickles?” Ava asked.

“She likes the salt in them.” I said and Ava nodded.

“Why?” Kyle asked.

“Something about pregnant woman liking it.” Ice said.

“The docs all say it is just a phase, but I cannot see my thing for salt going away anytime soon.” Blaze said as she ate Liz’s pickle as well.

“So that is why they started serving pickles.” Ryan said and Blaze nodded.

“That and strawberries.” Ice said.

The tables short bliss was shattered when Renfro came running into the mess hall and ran over to our table.

“566 and 277 get your units and meet me in conference room A we have a situation.” Renfro said and suddenly it was like auto pilot Biggs and Ice yelled to the others and we all move out blurring, feeling like we had to get there fast.

“Sit down quickly.” Lydecker said as all of us rush to a seat.

“At roughly o’eighthunded this morning an attempt on the prime minister of Russia was made. This new minister as most of you know is a good guy and we need to protect him because this is the sixth attempt on his life and the president is calling out the big guns. All of you will be posing as members of his staff from secretaries to bodyguards.” Renfro said passing out the files containing our alias’s and needed information.

“Any suspects behind these attempts?” Ice asked in full commander mode it is easy to see why he is the leader of his unit.

“Several yes and we want you all to do some digging because this looks like an inside job. You need to find the traitors and not get caught which will be tricky but your units are the best.” Lydecker said.

“In your files the suspects are listed as well as all the other members of his staff. The prime minister knows you are all coming and only knows who four of you are just to be on the safe side, he knows he can trust a transgenic.” Renfro said.

“Who does he know?” Alec asked looking over the file.

“You, 716, 277 and 299. Sorry 666 but in your current state we cannot have you taking too many bullets besides you are needed to pull off the cover.” Renfro said and Blaze nodded I could tell though that she was upset about not being one of the key players.

“Why did they choose Jack?” I asked Sara.

“Because when 666 cannot do something for some reason Jack is next in line.” Sara said.

“Jack is a great second in command and will do well by you just follow his lead and you will not be lead astray.” Blaze said and I nodded feeling more comfortable with the situation.

“666 you, 513, 452, 293, 362, and 294 are the Prime Ministers advisors you all will be allowed to go any where and everywhere the Prime Minister goes. 332 you are one of his secretaries there are six, and 499 you are his publicist and communications rep.” Renfo said and that is just saying that I am the media guy I let the public in on what is happening and I arrange all the public speaking and arrange the security for those as well, but lucky for me this allows me to be with the Prime Minister all the time.

“The rest of you are body guards as well as 494, 277, 299, and 716 this way all of you will always be around the Prime Minister. Soldiers we want this person or persons found they have gone too far and we want them stopped and we want to send a message that if anyone tries again they will face a firing squad am I clear?” Lydecker asked looking very stern.

“Yes sir.” We all yelled.

“I want all of you in the screening room stat.” Lydecker said as we all head over to the room with the huge TV screen and several smaller ones as well as computers displaying the same image. This gives us different views of the same tape in hopes that our transgenic eyes will catch something that a thousand other people did not.

“There is nothing there.” Liz said exasperated after watching the video footage from all six assassination attempts at least four times each.

“Each time there are different people, different staff, locations change, time of the attempt changes, position of the Prime Minister changes, the people who organized the gathering changes, attire worn by the people changes; everything is different.” I said rubbing my worn out eyes. Staring at TV monitors for eight hours is tiring.

“Well we have to get down to medical before we can go to bed lets go people.” Ice said as we all head down to the medical wing where we would get the mandatory pre mission checkup to make sure we are stable enough to do the mission.

“What time to we leave in the morning?” Max asked.

“Around five.” I said and she groaned. It is easy to tell when you have entered the medical wing because the smell of bleach and other intense cleaning products fill the air. I hate the medical wing because everything is so white and clean and it brings up all the bad memories of the experiments that I had to undergo as a child and all the tortures my body went through.

“Well about time all of you got here we have been waiting for three hours.” The head nurse barked pulling on Blaze’s arm and leading her to an exam table.

“Director Renfro wants you to receive all your prenatal shots before you leave and wants us to do a baby checkup so get on the table.”
The head nurse snapped at Blaze.

“Edna please be nicer to her and the others they are trained killers and have no fear of killing us.” An older male doctor said. The doctor appears to be in his fifties with a balding head and glasses, but he some how seems different then most of the Manticore doctors.

“Harry they know that if they try anything with us that they will be severely punished.” Edna said with a smile before she begins Blaze’s exam and the rest of us are put on other exam tables or are taken to another exam room by other doctors.

“Yes but I can do anything I want so you better be nice to me.” Blaze snapped at Edna who looked startled.

“What do you mean?” Edna asked trying to appear innocent but we can all see through her.

“All of us have super hearing Edna and we all heard what you said but let me tell you we are the best of Manticores’ best and seeing as how many of us are in the breeding program you would be the one in trouble for miss treating us.” Blaze said sticking her arm out so the assisting nurse could take her blood pressure.

“How did she hear what we were saying?” Harry the doctor asked looking freaked.

“Is he new?” I asked Edna as my doctor is checking my reflexes.

“Is it that obvious?” She asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Does he know what we are?” Blaze asked looking amused.

“He knows most of the Intel on all of you but he does not know what all you can do and some creepy factors.” My doctor said laughing.

“Am I missing something?” Harry asked.

“They have heightened hearing and could hear even the faintest of whispers a mile away.” Edna said pricking Blaze with a needle. So this guy was new, that would explain why he does not know about our hearing and why the majority of the staff hates us.

“Hey vampire please leave some blood in me!” Blaze yelled starling me, but it is not like anyone can tell.

“These are for tests 666 and mind yourself.” Edna said.

“Sorry ma’em but I should not have that much blood drawn in my state.” Blaze said pointing to her stomach.

“Wait you all were serious when you said she was pregnant?” Harry asked looking appalled.

“Yes she and another member of her unit had a little fun after hours.” Edna said with a cackle.

“She is only fifteen.” Harry said leading me to believe that this guy does not know about the breeding program.

“Hey are you done we need to discuss the plans of the building we are staying in.” Ice said coming into our exam room.

“Speaking of the devil there is the daddy right now.” Edna said pointing to Ice. The look on Harry’s face is priceless he looks like he is going to be sick and this only makes Blaze laugh.

“He is twice her age.” Harry said in a whisper.

“Well they say love is blind.” Edna said shooting the rest of us a look saying not to say anything.

“More like 666 had the hots for her Co and decided to…” I am cut off by Ice’s hand over my mouth making the rest come out in a mumble, but I guess Blaze understood because she puts a mock hurt look on her face.

“Oh please like you are any better when it comes to ET’s kid sister.” Blaze said making me laugh.

“Oh yeah baby.”

“Alright you two are done.” Edna said and Blaze, Ice and I run out of the medical wing to the small conference room where the others were waiting for us.

“Hey you two what took you so long?” Liz asked and I can see she is leaning over blueprints that are spread across the large rectangular table.

“The vampire strikes again.” Blaze said and a few others nod in understanding.

“Do they all know her as that?” I asked Ice and he nodded.

“Edna is the head nurse so she does a great deal of the blood drawing and then received the label vampire.” Jack said laughing.

“She is a witch at times.” Blaze said.

“Yeah but that is only because she is jealous of you.” Sara said laughing.

“Oh I sense a story please tell.” I said sitting in one of the chairs.

“Well Edna when she first started had Ice as a patient and well let us just say she did not know about the breeding program. Anyway she flirted with him to no end and she was shameless about it.” Faith said.

“She did not realize of course that I had a breeding partner at the time so of course I did not take notice of her all that much she only freaked me out.” Ice said laughing his blue eyes flashing with glee.

“So finally one day when we were all getting tested for a mission she practically through herself at Ice making the rest of us silently laugh at the bemused look on our CO’s face.” Jack said.

“We all knew what she was doing so we decided to straighten the lady out. When Edna was working on Ice we all decided to ask him a big question.” Hawk said laughing so hard now that Ice had to take over the story.

“They asked me if I was a daddy yet effectively stopping Edna’s jabbering. I looked Blaze and asked her if I was and she said she got the test back that morning and it was negative. Edna demanded to know what was going on and wanted to know why Blaze, a then fourteen year old girl, would know if I was going to be a father. So I told her because I am Blaze’s breeding partner and that ladies and gentlemen started the resentment toward Blaze.” Ice said.

“Every time I am near her she throws snide remarks my way and like today she seemed so upset that she had to check and see how my babies were doing.” Blaze said in a huff.

“She is just an old hag.” Ryan said patting Blaze on the back not noticing the others glaring at him that is until he looked up.

“What?” Ryan asked.

“I am older then Edna.” Ice ground out looking put off.

“Man you do have to admit she looks old.” I said. Edna was about five feet six inches and slightly plump, with bleach blonde hair, and a fake orange tan. She was what I liked to call a California blonde, and I have no respect for her kind. She is one of the girls who thinks bigger is better, thin is in, and that blonde was the only way to go. I prefer natural blondes with no tan any day.

“Probably from all the tanning beds she has used.” Ryan said.

“You all sound so bitter.” I said laughing.

“We are.” They all said making me laugh before we all get back to work we don’t have a lot of time.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 58 p 11 7/6/08

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:33 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind- The Clones will have a a small story line in this as the fic goes on

Added Note: Italics in this part imply that the person is speaking Russian

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 59

Biggs POV

After hours of looking at the blueprints we are all tired and can officially say we all know where every room is in the buildings we will be in is located and what is in them. Ice and I made sure the others knew all the locations and wirings we even quizzed I. I knew that this mission had to be a success I was not stupid.

“Hey guys lets get some sleep we need to be ready to go by four-fifty because we leave at five.” I said as we all break off into smaller groups and head off to our desired locations.

“Hey there you all are.” Isabel said and, is closely followed by Michael, Ava, and Tess.

“Sorry we have been absent all night we were working things out for the mission.” Liz said sounding tired.

“Well we understand that this mission will keep you away for more then the week making it so that you will not be able to start school with us. We have talked with Kyle and Maria and came up with the cover story for Liz.” Michael said.

“What is it?” I asked needing to know this since I will be her teacher.

“Well we will tell those who ask that Liz, Maria, and Kyle went on a vacation and that it just went longer then normal and that you all should be back soon.” Tess said.

“When you get back the three of you should sit down to get the story straight you know the place, what you did, who you met, and so on.” Ava said.

“Wow thanks guys for taking care of this that is a huge help this mission is going to be hard and dangerous and I do not need to be worrying about school.” Liz said.

“If you need any help just ask me after all I am going to be your teacher.” I said with a smirk.

“Now that is a scary thought you as my teacher.” Michael said as he heads into Maria’s room.

“Is it that scary that I could possibly be a teacher and instill knowledge upon the youths of Roswell?” I asked in mock hurt.

“Oh yeah.” Max said dragging me into her room.

“I love it when you get rough.” I said as Max pulled me into her room.

“Well since we were so rudely interrupted last time before we got to the good part of the bedroom boogie I think we should get right to it.” Max said jumping on her bed and yes she actually jumped. My mate is actually jumping on the bed right now and man does she look hot. Max stops her bouncing on the bed thank some higher power and gets off the bed before slowly strutting towards me.

“So Biggs what do you say this time we really work on that baby thing?” Max asked with a little growl.

“You know no one has ever said that to me and it sounds great.” I said laughing as I put my hands around Max’s middle and bring her closer to me.

“Well if I have anything to say about it I will be the only one who will ever say that to you.” Max said as she stands on her tippy toes to get a kiss. I cannot resist her so I lean into her as she nips at my lips. I pull off her black top ad throw it in the corner needing to feel her skin.

“Biggs.” Max moaned driving me up the wall so I decide to move things over to the bed. I lay her down so that she is beneath me while she pulls my black shirt off and throws it over where hers is. I nip at her neck making her purr and that is the sound I love. I move down her neck more working towards her breasts. The farther down I went the louder Max’s purrs got until I suddenly found myself on my back. I love a domineering woman.

“Need more.” Max mumbled as she removed her pants and mine. Her skin feels great she feels great. As her hands roam over my chest I rub my hands over her legs and I can feel the heat coming off of her. I roll the two of us back over so that I am on top again and I slowly enter Max when she least expects it. She pulls my head down to her for a kiss and she soon starts moving her hips with mine, it is a slow pace at first but gradually increases. I know I soon will come and if the nail marks on my back are any indication I know Max will soon so I pick up the speed more making her purrs turn into low growls. Damn the girl is drawing blood but the pain is soo worth it. When I feel Max’s walls tighten around me I know she is there so I let go as well. It was like reaching the top of the mountain and then jumping off of it.

“Do you think we did it?” Max asked with a smile. I rolled us over so that she was laying half on my chest and half on the bed. We really do need to have larger beds for this sort of thing.

“Well we can certainly go again just to be sure.” I said and I feel Max straddle me.

“I think we should go again.” Max said and we did. Just to be on the safe side we went three more times before the two of us were so tired that we fell asleep instantly. The next thing I remember is the sound of a bugle over the loud speaker.

“Ah too early.” I mumbled burring my head in Max’s neck making her laugh.

“Come on Biggs we have to get to the showers and I will yet again have to explain why I am walking funny.” Max said making me laugh.

“So they noticed before?” I asked laughing at the waddle Max is doing thanks to last nights activities.

“My sister and our friends are very perceptive.” She sighed.

“Ah my back hurts.” I said pouting and Max came over to look at my back.

“Oh Biggs I am so sorry I did that.” Max said hugging me.

“What did you do?” I asked confused.

“I tore up your back last night you should see it, it looks really bad and painful.” Max said.

“Well it was fun at the time but I know you did not mean to make it hurt and I will live. Besides it is kind of like a marker saying Max is my mate and this is what she did to me and if you mess with me she will do something a thousand times worse because if this is what you do when you like someone it is obvious that you will kill anyone who is your enemy.” I said trying to stand up without causing myself even more pain.

“Well it will really send a warning to my enemies because you are not just someone I like you are someone I love.” Max said making me stumble and run into the wall.

“Love?” I asked trying not to sound hopeful.

“Yes love.” Max said putting her arms around me neck as I pulled her closer.

“Good because I love you.” I said kissing her.

“Lets go before the others get worried.” Max said putting her shirt on. As the two us exit Max’s room we see Isabel and Zack leave her room. Max and I stop and lean against the door frame of her room.

“Have a nice night?” I asked startling the two. Just then Liz’s door opened to reveal her and Alec looking at Zack and Isabel with interest.

“Why were you in my sisters room?” Zack asked me looking angry.

“She is my mate, why were you in Isabel’s room?” I asked making Isabel blush.

“Oh no way this is too weird I do not want to know about my brothers sex life.” Liz said and Max nodded.

“Liz why is Alec coming out of your room?” Zack asked looking angrier by the second.

“He is my mate.” Liz said. Zack stopped for a second and then looked sheepish because he already knew that.

“So you and Isabel are joining the program?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes we just decided to start last night.” Isabel said and the girls scream.

“So what are the odds that we will all have babies at the same time?” Liz asked linking her arms with the other two girls as they walk away from the three of us.

“Oh no man we are in serious trouble.” I said and the other two nodded in agreement.

“So who wants to place a bet on who can get their mate pregnant first?” Alec asked as we entered the male showers.

“Oh I will so take that bet.” I said and Zack said he was in as well.

“Anyone else?” Alec asked the males in the showers.

“Dude I already won my mate is pregnant with twins.” Ice said laughing.

“No fair we don’t have one yet and you get two.” Ryan said shaking his head.

“But hey man you are the uncle.” Zack said.

“The what?” Ryan asked looking confused.

“Uncle is a term used on the outside it is the brother of a persons father or mother or the husband of an aunt who would be the sister of the father or mother.” Ice said and Ryan nodded in understanding.

“Sorry man it is still hard to grasp that you don’t know everything from the outside world.” Zack said.

“So will you Ryan take the bet?” I asked knowing full well that the young wiper snapper was going to take the bet.

“Oh yeah.” Ryan said.

“He does not know what a family relation is and yet he knows how to gamble.” Zack said laughing.

“You will find that I am phenomenal at black jack.” Ryan said.

“So Jack, Hawk, Michael, Kyle, and Krit are the five of you in?” Alec asked.

“Yes!” They all said looking happy.

“Great!” I said smiling.

“Gee man what happened to your back?” Alec asked with a whistle as he gently touched my back.

“That would be Max she got a little rough.” I said laughing.

“I know, what is it with these women? They are all so animal.” Hawk asked before he receives a hit in the arm from Ice.

“Oh come on man don’t tell me Blaze is not an animal she has to be, the fire in that girl.” Hawk said and I see Ryan twitch slightly.

“Okay so she gets a little rougher then your normal female but don’t forget the girls are not exactly normal.” Ice said trying not to come right out and say his mate is wild in the sack.

“Do you think it is the cat?” I asked.

“It could be the female cat in the girls reacting to the cat in us.” Jack said.

“It could also just be animal instinct you know being rough to leave marks to you know mark territory.” Ryan said.

“Your right I like his idea better then mine.” I said making the other guys laugh.

“Hey guys hurry up we have to leave soon.” Blaze said coming into the showers making Michael and Kyle yell.

“Why is she allowed to just walk in here?” Kyle asked covering himself up.

“Hun its not like I am looking at you besides the other girls voted for me to come in here and get you because you all take too long.” Blaze said.

“Around here privacy is not really a common word, we are used to walking in on each other.” I tried to explain.

“So like you all have seen each other naked and this does not bother you?” Michael asked looking shocked.

“So like you all have seen her naked?” Kyle asked.

“Yes.” I said I know this is going to be tough for the norm to grasp.

“I have not and neither has Zack or Krit but we probably will it is not a big deal guys we know we are gorgeous and have nothing to hide.” Alec said turning off his water.

“Don’t sweat it you guys look great.” Blaze said patting Kyle on the back as he was going to grab a towel.

“Okay this is too weird.” Kyle muttered.

“Will it make you feel better if you see her?” I asked.

“Not really but maybe a little.” Kyle said looking hopeful.

“So not going to happen.” Ice growled.

“Man we saw her naked before she was mated, now that she is there is not a chance in hell we are going to get to see her. See males have this whole thing about other guys seeing their mate they get all possessive. The girls really do not care too much if another mated girl sees us naked it only matters when the girl is unmated.” I tried to explain as Tess walked in.

“What is taking them so long?” Tess asked.

“Oh sorry we got involved in a conversation.” Blaze said looking sheepish.

“Guys what is taking so long we sent Tess in to get Blaze out who was sent in to get the guys out.” Isabel said.

“Oh dear God Isabel is not seeing me naked.” Kyle said and Michael pressed against the wall so that the girl who was like his sister would not see him.

“Okay I am coming in.” Liz said followed by Maria, Ava, Max and a few other girls from my unit.

“Too many girls!” Kyle said looking ready to cry.

“All of you get done fast!” Max said looking me over making me smile.

“We will be out in a second.” Ice said laughing and Blaze nodded before leaving followed by the other girls.

“That was all it took to get rid of them?” Kyle asked looking amazed.

“Yes.” Ryan said.

“Why did you not say something sooner?” Michael asked looking appalled.

“Because it was fun watching you and Kyle get all bashful.” Ice said.

Less then a minute later we were done and came out to find the girls impatiently waiting. “Maria why are you not yelling at your friends they saw me naked?” Michael asked.

“Because I know they have no interest in you.” Maria said and I try not to laugh at the puzzled look on Michael’s face.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Michael asked.

“Nothing.” Maria said rolling her eyes.

“So Blaze what were all of those marks on your chest and stomach?” Max asked with a smile.

“Oh I don’t know you should ask Ice.” Blaze said laughing and Ice laughed as well with a guilty smile.

“Someone had a little too much fun.” I said receiving a smack from Max.

“You should talk.” Alec said as we stopped in front of Lydecker’s office.

“Well this is our stop guys. Oh Maria, Tess, Ava, Iz I will miss you all so much.” Liz said as she and Max gave out hugs and what surprised me is that they even hug Kyle and Michael.

“We will miss you too.” Michael said as he gave Liz a big bear hug.

“Take care guys and be safe. Ice if anything happens to Blaze, even a small little scratch so help me god I will feed you to the things in the basement.” Maria said with a deadly look making all of us gulp.

“Don’t worry hun he knows if anything happens to me I will kick his ass.” Blaze said as the rest of my unit joined us and we head into the office leaving our friends behind with sad looks on their faces.

“All right soldiers you will be moving out in five minutes pick up your folders and change into the outfit with your designation on it and get in line to have your barcode lazed off.” Renfro snapped as we all rushed around to get ready.

My outfit is a simple black suite with a maroon collared shirt and a shiny black tie with leather black shoes. The outfit was simple and yet fancy and radiated money. The look would be perfect for my job. Others had on more simple outfits, but like me Max, Krit, Blaze and Liz had on expensive looking suits. Blaze was wearing a red pant suit that made her hair look like it was on fire, and it was decorated with gold jewelry and shoes. Max had on a gray blazer and skirt with diamonds dripping off of her screaming sophistication. Krit was in a black suit like me except the shirt he wore underneath was midnight blue and he had diamond cufflinks on. All of us looked sharp and gorgeous.

“Ah I forgot how much that laser hurts.” Liz said rubbing the back of neck where the barcode used to be.

“All right soldiers move out to the helicopter pad. There all of you will get a ride to the airport.” Lydecker said as we all stauncher out of his office knowing we looked hot.

“I just hope I do not run into anyone I know I mean how will I explain this?” Liz asked me.

“Well if you do see someone we will cover for you.” I said smiling at the sister of my mate.

Soon we were all in helicopters and sitting there silently mainly because we could not talk, no headsets were given out so we can not hear each other, and because we are all nervous and yet excited about the mission. I can imagine Max Evan’s surprise at seeing a fleet of helicopters leaving the base it must have been some sight. I look to my left and see Blaze with a frosty look on her face, which granted is not so unusual but right now she should be happy, I know she loves to fly. I tap her on her shoulder and do several hand motions asking her what is wrong. She does several motions back telling me she has morning sickness so I decide to leave it at that. Now that I look at her more closely I can see that her cold look was her just trying not to heave. Normally I would have laughed but the look on her face told me she was not in a good mood so I thought better of it. It took us about fifteen minutes for us to touch down again at an airport helicopter pad and we all got out. Poor Blaze actually stumbled so I went up to her and put my arm around her to keep her steady, she gave me a weary smile.
“I need to make a stop to them bathroom before the plane.” Blaze said and several people shoot her a weird look and I glare at them telling them to lay off.

“Okay why don’t we all go.” Max said knowing that Blaze must not be feeling well. Max is a good friend and is perceptive enough to know when something is wrong making her easy to get along with for the most part. Right when I let go of Blaze she bolted into the bathroom and the other girls ran after her word getting around that she had morning sickness.

“Is she okay?” Hawk asked not catching on much like the other guys excluding Ice who looked worried.

“Maybe I should go in there and check on how she is doing.” Ice said rubbing his gelled head worriedly.

“Man we are in the outside world and going into the girls bathroom is frowned upon.” Alec said looking at the door the girls disappeared into with worry.

“Well is she going to be done soon?” Ice asked looking concerned still.

“What is going on?” Hawk asked as the door swung open.

“I was just getting a glimpse at what my insides look like.” Blaze said as she and the other girls start walking toward the international terminal leaving us males no choice but to follow them. As we pass by people look at our group in wonder because I know we look cool all of us carrying briefcases or rolling suit cases.

“Who are they mommy?” A little girl asked her mom as we stood in line for security checks. I pull out my badge and the others do, we show them to the soldiers and they quickly snap to attention.

“Please ma’em stand back and let these people through.” The guard said receiving a great deal of grumbling from the people in line. One jerk even had the gull to speak up.

“Why do they get special permission to cut when we all have been waiting here for an hour and they do not even have to get their bags checked?” The old man asked and the others chorused along with him in agreement.

“Because sir they are diplomats.” The guard said.

“Well from the way they dressed they are obviously earning too much.” A lady said making Blaze laugh.

“Lady here is why we don’t get our bags checked.” Blaze said opening her briefcase and the rest of us do the same revealing a bunch of weapons.

“We are here to fly off to another country for diplomatic reasons and deliver weapons please go back to what you were doing.” Blaze said in a very controlled voice unlike before. The others in line instantly shut up and stay quiet.

“You all may go through.” The guard said with a smile.

“Thanks.” Liz said flashing the guard one of her killer smiles making the guard blush and Alec to see red.

“Don’t worry man he has nothing on you.” I said making Alec smirk.

“Yes man you are right.” Alec said.

“Oh aren’t we cocky.” Liz said with a laugh.

“This way guys.” Ice said as we head for terminal E14.

We did not have to wait long before we got to board the plane and sadly there were other people on board and in first class with us. It was all for appearances we could not sit in any other class being the advisors and secretaries to the Prime Minister of Russia. Okay so maybe we could but it would get more attention if we sat back there because people dressed like us do not sit back in coach very often.

“So young man is this your first trip to Russia?” A lady in her mid fifties with gray hair, blue eyes, and a purple sweat suit on asked me.

“No I liv in Russia.” I said putting on my Russian accent that I would be using for the rest of the mission.

“Oh really how is that? I always wanted to live in Russia.” The lady said wistfully making me smile.

“It es good.” I said making her grin.

“So what do you do young man?” The lady asked.

“Please call me Sacha and I am an entertainment organizer.” I said making the lady smile and bat her eyes as she let out what she thought was a girlish giggle.

“That must be so amazing.” The lady said in a breathy voice.

“He es that es why I love em.” Max said from next to me her smile was warm but her eyes were anything but. Apparently the lady next to me was none the wiser to Max’s hostility because she just kept on talking.

“Oh and who might this be?” The lady asked with a wink my way.

“Dis es my vife Marina.” I said and the woman eagerly shook Max’s hand.

“Oh how sweet you two make a cute couple.” The woman said smiling at Max and me making me feel more then a little uncomfortable.

“Sacha hey man what are you and that lady going on about and why does my sister look so uncomfortable?” Liz asked in her perfect Russian with a heavy accent giving off the impression that she was a native.

“She was getting all into me then Marina saw the way the woman was looking at me and decided to get into the conversation.” I said in Russian using Max’s alias like we are supposed to.

“Okay just wondering.” Liz said.

“Oh and who is this?” The lady asked turning to look at Liz who was in the seat behind Max.

“Dis es my ah sister in law Lida.” I said and the lady looked shocked.

“Are all of you related?” The lady asked noticing that most of the people in first class were watching us.

“Ah I know mos of dem ve vork together.” I said making the lady smile.

“Oh really?” She asked and I shook my head.

“Excuse me ma’em your boss is on the phone.” The flight attendant said to Blaze who is sitting in the aisle across from mine where there are only two seats.

“Hello?” Blaze asked.

“Ah is this 666?” The Russian Prime Minister asked in a whisper knowing that Blaze can hear him.

“Yes sir how can I help you?” Blaze asked and the rest of us listen in.

“I was wondering if all of you were doing alright on the plane?” The Prime Minister asked.

“Yes we are comfortable thanks. We have each other to pass the time and this odd woman sitting next to 566 and 452 who loves Russia but is American. I was wondering if we could have her come by the events that we will have or come and see you at work?” Blaze asked.

“Sure anything you all want you can have. Well I will talk to you all later have a good flight.” The Prime Minister said hanging up.

“Thank you ma’em.” Blaze said handing the phone back to the annoyed flight attendant.

“Please tell your boss that the phone use costs money.” The flight attendant said sharply.

“Vell it Vas important business vat de Prime Minister and I had to speak about.” Blaze said and the flight attendants and the lady next to me their eyes went wide with shock.

“You all work for the Prime Minister?” The woman asked in awe.

“Yes but please do not tell anyone.” Blaze said and the women both nod their heads understanding that we can make their lives hell if they tell anyone.

“Your English is so good.” The lady said.

“Vell we do vork in de UK and the United States so ve had to learn de language.” Ice said.

The flight took an insanely long time normally it would have taken around 16 to 17 hours to get to Russia from Roswell Industrial Airport but we ran into some traffic around Moscow and the flight ended up taking 18 hours and 55 minutes.

“Oh my legs kill.” Liz said in English now that we are all gathered in our command central or the family room.

“Oh I am so going to be sick.” Blaze said running off to the bathroom.

“Man that flight was rough on her she had to get up every other minute.” Liz said her voice laced with sympathy for her friend.

“Yeah Ellen the lady sitting next to me asked me what was wrong with her and I had to explain that Blaze or Galina was pregnant and morning sickness was a hassle.” I said.

“Oh that hurt.” Blaze said with a pained face.

“When was the last time you ate?” I asked.

“On the plane.” She said looking pale which was not good for a transgenic.

“That is why throwing up on an empty stomach hurts.” I said and she nods before laying her head in Ice’s lap startling the rest of us. We all watched as he stroked her head gently and smiled down at her.

“So Ice does have a soft spot.” Alec said quietly smiling and that is when Ice and Blaze realized that they had an audience and they quickly apologized but she made no move to get up. I looked more closely at her and saw how pale she was getting. I went over to the fridge and pulled out some ginger ale and then pulled some saltines out of the cupboard and handed them to Blaze who gave me a weak smile before popping a cracker into her mouth.

“Okay let us get to work.” Blaze said slowly sitting up, but she had to grab Ice to steady herself.

“Are you okay?” Max asked.

“Yes just tired.” Blaze said and then we got down to work setting up cameras and placing them in our outfits and then setting up communications with Eagle Rock Military Base or as I so lovingly call it Manticore the nightmare I love and call home.

“Hey hun maybe you should go lay down for a while.” Faith said as Blaze swayed on her feet.

“I know okay I will night everyone.” Blaze said heading to her and Ice’s room.

“I hope she gets enough sleep this mission is going to be hard on her.” Liz said looking worried. Poor Liz like my Max she has this habit of worrying about everyone but herself and because of that she suffers. She never thinks of putting herself first it is all of us and then her, she always wants us to be okay. At times when she thinks no one is looking I can see her pain and I know Alec can see it as well but he will never push her. Max has that same pain in her eyes and more then anything I want to make the pain go away.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 59 p 12 7/23/08

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:41 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

Touch of the Wind

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 60

Blaze POV

Oh my insides hurt so badly from all the throwing up I did today and now I feel drained of energy. I take a gulp of ginger ale and try to keep it down and it stays down so I take another gulp, but smaller so as not to tempt fate. I lay down on the bed and instantly sit up not liking how it smelled, it did not smell clean or like Ice. I like my bed at Manticore I know it is clean and it smells like my mate. I hug my stomach curling into the fetal position knowing I might get sick soon. Right now all I want is Ice and he is down stairs doing his job, but I want him with me. I look around the room and see the peeling red paint on the walls and it makes me want to gag. I miss Manticore. Unlike the others, Manticore is all I have ever known I mean yes I do go out on missions but the outside world is so messed up and Manticore shields me away from it all. There will always be food, a bed, and a routine there for me and it is stable.

“Hey you okay?” Ice asked coming in. I look into his pale blue eyes and see his true concern for me.

“I miss Manticore. I know it is dumb but I do.” I said not moving from my current position.

“No it is not stupid it is a safe haven for us and yes sometimes I miss it as well, but that is only when I am on an away mission and you are back at Manticore. If you tell anyone that I will deprive you for a week…no that will not work because then I will be punishing myself…” Ice continued his ramblings to himself for a while making me laugh.

“Okay I get the picture I cannot let the others know that their CO is a big kitten.” I said making him smile.

“Good then I will not have to tell them how much of a whip you really are.” Ice said.

“Okay that was one time and there was a lot of blood.” I said.

“The bullet just grazed you and you burst into tears.” Ice said laughing.

“So I remember a time about five years ago when we were out on a mission and I got shot…again, that you started to cry.” I said and Ice laid down behind me and wrapped his arms around me curling to fit me against him.

“I JUST ABOUT cried because you were hurt. Even then I had feelings for you albeit they were different more friendship then anything but it hurt seeing a kid I knew getting hurt because I was off my game.” Ice said and I can hear the pain in his voice.

“It was my fault I was too slow and got the bullet you told me to move and I did not.” I said.

“But still I should have…” I cut him off with a kiss.

“It happened and you are not to blame.” I said now turned so I am completely facing him. Sometimes I forget how much of an age difference there is between the two of us because to me age is not an issue. Sometimes Ice can act so innocent and childish that I forget that he is thirty.

“I could not live with myself if anything happened to you.” Ice said rubbing my tummy that was a bit more firm then it used to be and more fleshed out.

“The same goes for you.” I said before curling into him and giving into the dark.

I feel a wave of nausea come over me and I bolt out of bed and into the bathroom just barely making it. I hear Ice softly come in after me, and he flopped down on the floor next to me.

“Oh now this is going to be fun.” I said when another wave of nausea hit me.

“I hear ya but alas I have no idea what you are going through.” Ice said rubbing my back.

“How did you know to do that?” I asked laying in his lap after flushing the toilet.

“One day I “freaked” as Max would say, and I ran to Lydecker because you were throwing up. He said rubbing your back might help a little but then I feel too much might annoy you.” Ice said.

“Good thinking.” I said.

“Hey you okay?” Ryan asked standing in the door of the bathroom rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Just a little sick.” I said crawling back to the toilet in time for another wave of sickness.

“Is this normal? Are you okay?” Ryan asked sitting on the floor next to Ice.

“I think I am okay and yes I am told this is normal.” I said leaning against the wall feeling so tired and worn out.

“Well I should get back to bed I hope you feel better.” Ryan said getting up and leaving.

“Oh I hope I feel better as well because this is no fun.” I said as another wave of nausea hits me.

Tess POV

Man this place is creepy with the others gone. I have to admit I felt safer having the others, people I know, around. Now there is no one to help us if we run into trouble. I hate that I have to sit here and watch Max Evan’s be pathetic as usual but since I have a free hour it is my turn to watch him. I hate watching him because he is so boring and every time I watch him my mind wanders and I end up thinking about how scared I am which is not a good thing. I can tell that the others are scared as well. Maria told me that she is afraid because her and Kyle have no powers to defend themselves with whereas Michael, Isabel, Ava and I do and since the others are not around we are all afraid that Manticore might try something with us.

“So anything new happening?” Michael asked taking a seat next to me in the surveillance room.

“No he is just sitting there watching us, it is a little creepy. Also he is now writing things down.” I said pointing to the small black and white TV screen where the picture is of Max sitting in a jeep and writing in what appears to be a journal.

“When will he get smart and realize that sitting out front means we can see him?” Michael asked shaking his head at his former best friends stupidity.

“I have no idea, but hey he makes you look great. After all those times of him telling you to think and be wise here he is sitting in plain sight not knowing that we are watching him and that he has made a very powerful enemy while doing so.” I said making Michael laugh. Some of the techs keep looking at us.

“I thought they would have a transgenic looking at these monitors.” Michael said looking at the people a little older then us staring at the TV screens that show images of the entire building and all of its grounds.

“They do.” A gangly guy said from next to us.

“Really where?” I asked.

“I am one and so are the rest of the people in here with you. We are not X series, which is why you did not know who we were.” The guy said.

“Wait if you are not X series then what are you?” Michael asked.

“We are the know-how transgenics. Basically we go on missions and do the observations and surveillance. We also put together all those little gadgets the X series use on the missions like bombs in pens, poison in necklaces and so on.” The gangly guy said.

“Wait you mean there are other series besides the X series?” I asked.

“Yes besides my series there are the Psy-Ops, nomilies, battle processers, shadows, underwater infiltration, and many more.” A girl who looked like your average book worm said from behind me.

“Wow and the X series are what?” Michael asked.

“They are soldiers on the front line who can do the under cover stuff. They are the ones who actually see the mission through.” The gangly boy said.

“You two are part of the special projects series where you have a special ability.” The girl said.

“Are there others like us?” I asked hopeful.

“No aliens but at other bases there are a few that are part of the special projects.” The girl said.

“Actually you Tess, and yes I know your name, are similar in abilities to those in Psy-Ops because they are all about messing with the mind.” The guy said with a shudder.

“It sounds like no one likes these Psy-Ops people.” Michael said.

“They are nice and all but they are used for reconditioning and to get us all to do what the head honchos want.” The guy said and he and the other girl go back to what they were doing indicating that the conversation was over.

“What is he doing now?” Michael asked pointing at the screen. Max appeared to be getting out of the jeep and coming over to the fence to get a better look.

“Oh bad idea.” I said, panic rising within me.

“Hey can someone go out there and stop him from getting to the gate?” Michael asked the guy next to us. He nodded and picked up a red phone.

“Lydecker sir we have a problem at the northern gate with Max Evens.” The guy said and then hung up.

“A team is going out to retrieve him they feel that this is too bold a move for him and that he needs to be apprehended.” The guy said before going back to his previous task.

“Oh nice going Max.” I said watching a team of four X5’s go towards Max, who tried to make a run for it.

“When will he learn” Michael asked as a girl tackled Max to the ground. Max put up a fight but even with his powers he was no match for an X5. The group dragged the now unconscious Max into the building and down some corridor leading him to the basement. I would be lying if I did not admit that I felt bad for the poor guy he has no idea what he has in store for him.

“Max is going to experience something far worse than the white room I think.” I said. Soon three X6’s came in to tell us that watching the cameras was no longer necessary and that we were free for the day. Michael and quickly left the room and made our way towards our rooms where we would meet Ava, Isabel, Maria and Kyle. The four of them were in Maria’s room and it looked like she was having a meltdown of sorts. There the blonde was on her bed with tears running down the sides of her rosy cheeks looking worse for the wear.

Michael went running over to Maria to see if she was all right. She just cried harder. “Isabel care to fill me in here as to why my girlfriend is crying?” Michael asked.

“Well we were in the gym exercising when one of the X5’s mentioned that she was pregnant, then all of the sudden Maria burst out crying so we took her back here and this is how you found her.” Isabel said.

“Maria?” I asked hoping she would open up to us and tell us what is bothering her.

“It is stupid.” She mumbled between sobs.

“What?” Kyle asked.

“Guys don’t you ever think it is weird that we are all okay with the fact that we are teenagers thinking about having children I mean come on kids our age are worried about SAT scores and applying for university they are not worried about national security and how long it will take them to get pregnant. I mean I took one look at the girl today and I saw that she was pretty much the same age as me and she was excited about having a kid and then I thought wow it is a kid having a kid. Then I thought hey that is going to be me and I am a kid also I mean come on guys this is so not normal.” Maria said I looked at Michael and I saw how hurt he was.

“Maria we are not normal our lives have never been normal. For us this next step is a good step but maybe it is not the one for you.” I said hating the look of fear and pain that flashed across Michael’s face. I knew that all he really wanted was a family.

“No but you see that is the thing. I want to have a kid now and that is so not normal I mean I look into the future and all I can see is a bunch of babies with Michael and a dog I mean come on most girls my age do not know who they are going to end up with in the future let alone who is going to father their children.” Maria sobbed. Michael looked so relieved that Maria wanted kids still and that she was just worried that her lifestyle was not normal.

“Maria we are different and ever since you joined our group you have become like us and your life is moving in a different direction then most kids our age. Look at Blaze she is younger than us and is farther ahead in the family race then we are.” Isabel said Maria gave her a watery smile.

“Maria when I was dating Liz I never saw myself as having kids with her I thought it was going to be one of those relationships where we would date through high school and college and then call it quits but then I met Tess and I learned her secret and then all of the sudden it was wow we would have some cute kids.” Kyle said.

“Really you thought that?” I asked feeling both happy and embarrassed.

“Yes, but my point is that when I met Tess I knew that my life was going to go in a different direction than that of most kids our age I mean it just comes with the territory.” Kyle said. Maria just hugged Kyle thanking him for seeing her side in all of this, I guess out of everyone Kyle is the one person who can see things from Maria’s point of view after all he is the only other human in our group.

“The thing is I want kids so bad I mean my dad bailed on me and my mom is there for me some of the time but the only person there for me always has been Liz and now she is moving on with her family and I want my own. With Michael I can have that family and the fact that I can is what scares me it is like suddenly the option of getting everything I want is right in front of me. I get Michael and kids and it is just overwhelming when I am not even out of high school. I got jealous that the X5 was going to have a baby when I want one. It is just not normal.” Maria cried reaching for Michael who gladly pulled her into his arms.

My heart broke for them I could see how much Maria was struggling with this. So much has been thrown at her so fast. For the rest of us minus Kyle we are used to life throwing us for a fast one but Maria was not ready for this she was used to knowing secrets not being one and her life was moving at a rate she was not used to. It kind of makes me wonder if Kyle is having similar thoughts I mean I know he said he was seeing a future with me but that did not mean he was seeing the future happening now I mean come on we are still in high school.

“I know what you are thinking Tess and it is not true, I am ready for this my life has moved in a different direction then most teenagers and I accept that.” Kyle said pulling me out of Maria’s room and into mine closing the door behind us.

“But are you sure you are not making all of these decisions because I want you to are these the things you really want in your life?” I asked Kyle framed my face with his large hands. He leaned forward and kissed my eyes, cheeks, forehead, chin, nose and finally my lips. His kisses were so gentle they were like little tickles across my face.

“Baby this is what I want in my life yes you were part of my decision but I like the rest of you have not had a perfect family growing up and I know that the perfect family is something I may never have but with you I know I can get damn close I mean a family with you is my perfect family.” Kyle said I felt as though I was floating in mid air warmth just spread through me.

“Good because with you is my perfect family and a couple kids like oh say 12.” I giggled. The look of horror on his face was priceless he looked ready to drop dead.

“Tess 12 that is a lot of kids where would we put them how would we pay for them how would we watch them.” Kyle mumbled sitting down on my bed. I went over and sat beside him.

“Kyle I was joking we will see how many kids we want as we go along for now one is enough.” I said.

“Thank the stars.” He mumbled making me smile.

“I love you Kyle James.” I whispered into his neck as he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel so safe and secure.

“I love you too Tess.” He whispered as he kissed my head and buried his face in my hair, I could feel him breathing in. He once told me that I smelled like the rain and apples a combination that he loved and I would often catch him sniffing the air around me, at first I found it disturbing but now I just find it cute.

He reached down and pulled my face up to his for a kiss, it was slow and deep like he was trying to memorize the feel of my lips on his. He tasted so sweet, so perfect. His lips were not overly soft but they were not hard they were just perfect. I sucked on his bottom lip running my tongue below his lip a little eliciting a moan. That is one of his favorite spots, that and right behind his ear. He pulled me onto his lap as our kiss deepened. His large hands started to wander over my back as they found their way under my baby blue top gently rubbing my back. I raised my arms as he pulled my top over me head leaving me in my sports braw.

“You know I hate sports braws they are so hard to get off.” Kyle muttered. I took pity on him and pulled it off. He looked like a kid in a candy store as he took in my now exposed chest.

“Kyle, Tess what are you guys doing in there?” Michael asked as he banged on the door. Kyle and I just glared at the door.

“Michael just open the door they are not doing anything.” Isabel said it was like slow motion for me the door started to open as Kyle threw me onto the bed to cover me up. I was shocked I had forgotten that the doors here do not lock only at night do the directors lock the doors. I peaked out from behind Kyle’s shoulder since he was on top of me to cover me up. Michael, Ava, Maria, and Isabel all stood there shocked as well Maria looking at my discarded clothes, her face turning red.

“Oh my god!” Michael yelled his hands flying to his eyes.

“Uh guys please give us a minute to get changed.” I chocked out as Ava and Maria pulled Isabel and Michael out. Kyle quickly got off of me as he realized he was crushing me but it was rather sweet that he did not want anyone to see me.

“Could you please pass me my clothes.” I said feeling my cheeks heating up as Kyle passed me my braw and top. The two of us quickly left my room and went to Maria’s room where the others were. Michael still looked a little put off but Isabel looked embarresed.

“Tess, Kyle we are so sorry.” Isabel said.

“Wez did not know you were having fun.” Ava said with a smirk.

“We understand we knew that the doors did not lock.” Kyle said rubbing the back of his neck. It was true we started something knowing we could be interrupted.

“Still we are sorry.” Maria said.

“I just saw Kyle on top of my sister this is so wrong.” Michael mumbled rubbing his eyes.

“Well you knew they were having sex.” Maria said.

“I did not want to see it.” Michael mumbled.

“I feel so stupid I am so sorry for walking in on the two of you it never even crossed my mind that the two of you were up to anything it was just…I am sorry.” Isabel said looking me in my eyes, I gave her a smile I knew she really did not mean to walk in on us.

“It is okay really it is not like any of you really saw anything I mean Kyle covered me when we heard you walk in.” I said.

“True but we still feel bad.” Isabel said.

“Well next time we know to wait for an answer after the knock before we even try to enter.” Ava said making Kyle laugh.

“Well what did you want when you came to my room?” I asked plopping down next to Maria on her bed. Maria was still rubbing Michael’s back trying to get him to look Kyle and I in the face.

“We wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with us?” Michael asked finally looking up.

“I am starving.” Kyle said.

“Yeah sex has a tendency to do that to a person.” Ava said making Kyle go pink. I pinched her arm giving her a smile for hassling my boyfriend.

“Alright everyone let’s go and get some food after all you interrupted my wonderful foreplay for this.” I said making Michael groan.

“Yes you pulled me away from Tess’s pointy lips and pouty breasts.” Kyle said making the others stop.

“I think you got it backwards there Kyle.” Maria said.


“It is pouty lips and pointy breasts.” Maria explained.

“Opps.” He said his face turning pink. I patted him on the back as we walked to the mess hall. The whole way down I could not take my eyes off of Kyle I loved watching how his muscles flexed under his tight shirt, he noticed my staring and put and arm around me pulling me to his side so as we walked I could not only see but feel his muscles moving. I would be lying if I did not say that just standing next to him was not turning me on. He felt so warm and strong I just wanted to be surrounded by him, I wanted him to hold me closer but I knew he could not in such a public place after all it was not just ten minutes ago when we gave our friends a show.

“Break it up you two we are not looking for a repeat performance.” Michael said and Kyle and I stepped apart. There was always tonight for being close.


This day has been one of the longest of my life. Not only was the plane ride long but our work has been mind numbing. After six hours of non stop arrangements we were finally able to retire. Alec pulled me into our room and we fell onto the bed with a thump. He pulled me close right away and buried his face in my neck nuzzling it as he purred low in his throat.

“You alright?” I asked as he rested his head on my chest. I held him close running my hands over his upper back.

“Just tired and I want you close.” He whispered moving up to kiss me soundly I smiled into the kiss knowing he has wanted to do that for awhile now. Earlier we were all worried about Blaze apparently she is sick enough that she has to remain in bed, the only problem is that this is a strange place and she is in need of her mate who also has a job to do. The whole situation is making everyone upset since we all care about her.

“You still thinking about Blaze?” I asked.

“Yeah I just hate that she is not doing well, the plane ride was definetly not good for her I am worried that another plane ride will do some serious damage to her.” Alec whispered.

“She will be fine Alec she is a tough girl she was built for this sort of thing. She is just young and pregnant which is not always a good thing. I know in my heart that Blaze is going to be fine she is too tough to give up.” I said licking the shell of his ear making him purr okay so the move was not just to get him to calm down because if anything it excited him even more then he already was.
“I know she will be fine it is just hard seeing her like that. I will feel better when we are all back in Roswell and she is safe in the base.” Alec said.

“Well she will not be in the base for long she is going to go to school with us undercover.” I said arching into his now openly wandering hands.

“Just what Biggs wants, Blaze as a student.” Alec laughed but he stopped suddenly when he felt my legs wrap around him. He bent down and captured my lips in a strong demanding kiss as I slowly rubbed the small of his back. He ground into me slightly showing that he was no lingering thinking of Blaze but of other matters. I grinned at him before I reached over and turned off the night table lamp, it’s not like we need the light to see.

The week went by quickly with press meetings and major conferences. So far no one had made an attempt on the Prime Minister’s life which many people took to be a good thing but it put us on edge knowing that the striking time was probably going to come soon. We had every detail of our planes worked out and we all agreed that the next attempt was probably going to be at the charity ball on Friday. Many of the worlds most influential and powerful were going to be there which only complicated our job. It was a busy day for us as well all dressed in our finest to mingle with the guests. The body guards were of course on duty but we were invited as supposed guests of the Minister’s. Blaze who was now doing much better looked absolutely amazing in her emerald green floor length gown with her long red hair up in a bun with a few curls hanging down. I clipped on my last earring and the two of us left my room to meet the others. We took the longest because we had to go into work today so we had to get dressed later then the others.

“Wow you two look wow.” Biggs said as Blaze and I joined the waiting group. My floor length sapphire gown made of silk looked gorgeous I do have to admit. Alec just stood there with his mouth open.

“If you think Liz looks hot in that gown wait until prom.” Max giggled in her yellow gown. Alec swept towards me and brought me close to him as Ice just stood there with his mouth open staring at his mate who was now blushing as everyone stared at her.

“Gee if I look that bad I can go and change.” She mumbled.

“Bad no way Blaze more like knock out.” Max said.

“Look at Ice he is speechless.” Alec said pointing to his CO who was openly looking his mate up and down.

“Now why is it that on none of our previous missions you were given the job of dressing up?” Hawk asked.

“No there is no way she is going out there like that.” Ice finally spoke. “Every guy in the room is going to stare at her and they are going to be undressing her with their eyes and I cannot be with her every second to send them nasty looks.” Ice cried looking lost as everyone around him laughed. So that is what had him all funny he was afraid of other guys looking at his mate. He should have realized long ago that this was bound to happen since his mate was pretty.

Blaze looked relieved as she hugged her mate. “You have nothing to worry about sir it is not like they will come and do anything about the looks and if they do make a pass at me I will break whatever appendage touches me.” Blaze said flashing our CO one of her dazzling smiles making the big guy melt.

“Well alright everyone let’s get a move on.” Ice said leading the way out of the hotel into the waiting cabs, most of us got into limos and armored cars while others jumped into small black cars heading to their pre arranged spots.

I could not help playing with my dress and smoothing it out, tonight was a very important night and we had to be at our best as well as look our best. When we arrived flashes were going off everywhere but our drivers pulled around to another entrance for employees of the Prime Minister after all this event was not about them and it was best if the whole world did not have their picture after all they could not risk any of their past associations recognizing them or even worse one of her friends from school.

“Right this way ladies and gentalmen. The Prime Minister will be arriving shortly and will be making his entrance from the following location.” The organizer went on and on for several minutes expecting us to hang on her every word not realizing that we were the ones who came up with the plan for the Prime Minister’s arrival and where every person was going to be located. The evening started off perfectly there were no snags in the arrival of the honored guest and those who donated money to the charities. Blaze and I strolled around the room making small talk with all of the ladies and wowing the gentlemen with our beauty and intellect keeping to the outskirts so we could keep a hawks eye on the party going on around us as we tried to blend in.

“DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?” An American patron shouted at the two of us startling us both.

“Of Coars Ve Du we hav studied in many a country that speak English.” Blaze said giving her most charming smile as the man seemed to relax and a conversation was started.

“Who is the bald man?” Ice asked over the com that we have skillfully hidden.

“An American looking for someone to talk to it seems most of the party guests do not speak English most speak French or Russian.” I supplied to my CO knowing he was getting a bit jealous. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a woman in a short black cocktail dress rummaging through her purse. I looked closer at her upper lip and noticed a thin sheen of sweat.

“Guys we have a woman next to G site approximately three meters to the right in the black cocktail dress. She appears agitated and is stressed rummaging through her purse. There is a man approaching her from N direction.” I said into my com I noticed Blaze’s eyes shift over to the woman as well as several body guards and staff members.

“Hawk moving to intercept.”

“Nice and easy Hawk don’t cause a panic.” Alec instructed. I could see Hawk gentaly touch the woman on the wrist appearing to be concerned for her. I could see her and several others around the room tense suddenly.

“We have multiple suspects several others tensed up when she was approached. A side the man with the blue tie and diamond cufflinks, B side woman in long blue gown, C side woman in green emerald dress standing next to man in green shirt with black tie, D side man in yellow tie and man in red tie two meters left, E side three meters north west man in maroon tie with jacket over arm.” I relayed through the com. The others moved as one approaching the targets Blaze and I journeyed towards the podium to get a better view.

“THIS IS THE HJR EVERYONE GET DOWN!” a man yelled getting onto a table holding a high power rifle

“All units hold positions wait for my word to make a move on anyone.” Ice instructed.

“You people are so sick thinking that you all have done a good job well you are all brain washed. The governments of your countries are all sick and are using you to milk you for every hard earned dollar so that they can pay this sick bastard to murder his people.” The man said pointing to the Russian Prime Minister surrounded by three X5’s.

“We want him to pay for all of his murders that he has covered up.” The woman Hawk went to investigate spoke up and those whom had stiffened earlier pulled out rifles as well.

“Now there is no one to stop us all.” The man standing on the table said as he cocked his gone.

“Now.” Ice said and it was like a scene right out of a Jackie Chan or Jet Lee movie. Blaze and I flew into the air and landed on the table with the man as the others charged at the others and pulled the Prime Minister to safety. I snapped the mans wrist and he dropped the gun and Blaze caught it. He moved to hit me but I elbowed him in the nose breaking it and subduing him. I looked around the room and saw that the others were taken care of as well.

I haled the leader to his feet and gave him to Ice who had handcuffs on him. “What are you people? You do not move like normal people.” The man asked as we dragged the prisoners to cars while some stayed to keep order.

“We are the future.” Blaze said slamming the door shut.

“Well that was slightly anti climatic. I was expecting more of a fight.” Blaze said.

“Sweetie they are norms they are a half cocked group of people who felt that the government owed them something they had no chance since we were so well prepared.” Max said as we all went back inside. The guests were leaving now that the Prime Minister was gone so the room was fairly empty.

“So we head back to temporary base and wait for orders now.” Ice said. We all headed to our waiting cars and went silently back to the hotel I know that all of us are hoping that now that we stopped the attack, a major one at that, that we can finally go home.

I felt Alec shift in the back seat next to me to rest his head on my shoulder, his breath tickling the side of my neck. I turned and kissed him on his temple. “You two kids married?” The driver asked as Hawk chuckled on her other side.

“Yes.” Alec said making me blush. I could feel Hawk silently laughing next to me. “Well we practically are.” Alec whispered just loud enough for Hawk and I to hear him.

“Ah sleep at last.” Blaze mumbled as all of us got out of our cars. Krit, Max and I looked at each other knowing that we were not going to get any sleep that night.

“I am maxed out for the week I had two hours last night.” Krit said.

“I had four.” I said.

“Wow you must have been exhausted to get four.” Max said.

“I was it was all of that running around and then preparing for tonight’s event it took its toll on me.”

“Well what are we going to do the rest of the night? The others need sleep.” Krit pointed out.

“How about Biggs and I take a room and all of you can stay in Max’s room.” Alec suggested.

“Oh that is a great idea.” I said kissing him.
“Well of course it is I suggested it.” Alec said straightening out his tie in a cocky manner.

“So Alec and I are sleeping together again?” Biggs asked with a pout.

“Yes, don’t you get in trouble now.” Max spoke as if he was a toddler spending the night at a friends house.

“We won’t.” They said at the same time racing to go to bed.

“Mind if I use your show Max to get this crap out of my hair?” I asked.

“Not at all I am going to take one after you.” Max said.

“Yeah I need one as well.” Krit said. The hotel staff stared as we all walked past in our formal best looking even more stunning then we normally did.

“Liz are you going to come and grab your night clothes?” Alec asked putting his arm around me.

“No I thought I would sit naked with my sister and brother.” I replied laughing as Alec groaned.

“Alright stupid question. I am going to miss having you in bed next to me.” Alec whispered so only I could hear it.

“Well I am going to miss having you hold me but you really do need your sleep and I don’t think I could sleep if I was forced to.” I said.

“I know but I am still going to miss you.” He said as I grabbed my clothes for tonight and tomorrow.

“Night babe.” Biggs said kissing Max deeply before he went into the bathroom to shower.

“He is way more tired then I thought. He did not even try to grab my ass.” Max said.

“I can grab it for you if you like.” Krit said flexing his hands as if he was grabbing invisible buns.

“Yes because I always wanted my brother to take the place of my boyfriend and play grab the butt.” Max grumbled as we walked over to her room. She jumped into the shower first leaving Krit and I in our formal wear.

“So Lizzie I have a question for you.” Krit said.

“Oh really, what?” I asked.

“If Tess and Ava are clones does that mean that they have the same body like the exact same eight down to birth marks?” Krit asked.

“Um I have no idea.” I said not really having thought about this before.

“Well I was wondering if Tess had the same freckles as my Ava and if so does that mean our clones look like us anatomy wise I mean does my clone’s little solider look like mine?” Krit asked.

“Oh my word this is so not a conversation I want to have with my brother but since you are more of a girl then Zack I am going to go along with this topic of conversation. A lot of how we look is determined by genes so in most senses all clones are exact replicas but a lot is also determined by how we grew up. Like if you had an illness that your clone did not he could look different and function differently and your diets have been different so you have been altered somewhat by that it is the same with Tess and Ava. Tess has lived a pampered life compared to Ava who has lived on the streets most of her life. Ava has been out in the sun more so her skin has taken more of a beating. She has had more stress in her life so her face and body are going to show it more.” I tried to explain.

“Also remember that with us the scientists messed with our clones a little so that we were all a little different. At first glance we are exact replicas of each other but we have different strengths and different jobs.” Krit nodded in understanding.

“I get it now.”

“So what did I miss?” Max asked plopping down between us her hair all curly form her shower.

“Krit wanted to know if the woman he had sex with was the same as her clone I think it has something to do with a weird fantasy of his involving Tess and Ava.” I said getting up to take my shower.

“No.” Krit said his face beat red, wow I really did hit it on the money with that guess.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 60 p 13 7/31/08

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:13 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks to the following people who reviewed!

Touch of the Wind

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 61

Max E. POV

He was trapped and he knew it, there were white walls around him and that is when he realized that he was back, back in the white room. He could hear the steady hum of machines around him and the only source of darkness was a small circular window on the door. Sitting up I went over to the window and looked out to see if anyone was out there, I came face to face with two beady little eyes with glasses.

“Hello can you hear me?” I asked.

“Yes, who are you?” The person with the eyes asked I am guessing that it is a guy based on the deep voice.

“I am Max Evan’s, listen I am in trouble and I need to get out of here and I think my sister and friends are in trouble as well, you need to go and get help.” I yelled to the guy.

“No can do Max I am trapped like you. I think we have met before at the Crashdown I am Logan Cale, Max’s boyfriend. She has been brainwashed like the others to think that I am the enemy and I am guessing they have done the same with Liz. They are trying to take the women we love away from us.” Logan said and now that I think back to the day when those new people arrived in Roswell I do remember the older guy.

“Logan where are we?”

“We are in Manticore Max at the center of the evil that created the women we love.”

“What?” I asked.

“Oh that’s right I forgot that you have no idea what Liz is.” Logan said.

“That is enough Mr. Cale.” A cold voice rang throughout the room I turned around and saw a blonde man and woman standing there in black suits looking harsh and dangerous.

“Who are you?” I asked and how the heck did they get into my room.

“Your worst nightmare Mr. Evan’s.” the woman said moving towards me. She had a small smirk on her face it was instinctive fear that swept over me I knew that this woman was going to be far worse then Agent Pierce.

“You have been sticking your nose where it does not belong Max. Liz is no longer your concern and neither are the others. When you attempted to approach our base we knew we needed to apprehend you.” The Man said he had a pinched look to his face like he had a hard and dangerous life and was used to being listened to and respected. His eyes were small almost like slits which made him even more terrifying.

“I want to see my sister, and the others and make sure they are okay.” I tried to sound braver than I felt. The woman just chuckled looking at the other man who looked entertained.

“Oh Liz is off in Russia at the moment enjoying some alone time with Alec. The two of them have become quite close and are even thinking of starting a family. I cannot tell you how often I have walked by their rooms hearing all of their moans the two rarely come up for air when they are alone.” The woman said in a simpering voice I could tell she was enjoying the pain that this new information was causing me. She stood up and went over to the man and spoke softly to him for a moment.

“You see here at Manticore we encourage our sexually charged soldiers to let off all of that pent up energy through sexually activity. You see it provides us with a win, win situation, you see our soldiers are less stressed and work much better when they feel better. Also, with their coupling we get to breed more soldiers to our base and as you can see it is a win, win situation.” The man said with a slight sneer.

“Liz is not a solider she is an innocent victim like Logan said Liz has been brainwashed by you people.” I said but after it slipped out I knew that was the wrong thing to say.

“Max, Max, Max, we stopped brainwashing our people years ago well the older ones any way after twelve we stop the conditioning. Liz and the others are acting of their own free will.” The man said.

“Now I believe introductions are in order, I am Renfro and this is my colleague Lydecker. We work for the United States government as the heads of a secret operation called project Manticore.” Renfro said.

“It was our job to put together a team of the worlds best doctors and scientists and create a race of super soldiers who were faster, stronger, more intelligent, had more endurance, and were all around perfect. We combined animal and human DNA and created the best killing machines.” Lydecker told me and I knew from his tone that the two were completely serious.

“Our first attempts were, well the best term is a catastrophe. Series X1-4 were defective and all but a few had to be terminated. Then with the X5 series we struck gold.” She said her blue eyes glowing with pride.

“They were perfect, all we hoped for and more. We molded them from babies, they had been the products of the worlds greatest minds some of the series have DNA from Albert Einstein, Socrates, Plato, Shakespeare, Aristotle, President Kennedy, President Roosevelt, President Washington, President Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Stalin, Natchez, and many others. It did not matter how cruel they were, if they played a major role in history we took their DNA no matter how hard it was to come by.” Lydecker said.

“We also created special operative groups for desert work, marine work, diggers and many more with less then human features. Our X series were created to blend in with the human population. This is where your friends come in.” Renfro said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Liz, she is a very special girl. She is the product of not only this facility’s hard work but the work of thousands of years of special breeding.” Renfro said.

“She is something special all right.” Lydecker said it was as if my world was crashing down around me. Liz, my Liz had lied to me all of these years. She was a hybrid like me but she was an operative of the governments and even worse she has lied to me all of the time we have been together.

“See Maria, Kyle, Isabel, Michael, and Ava were let in on her secret as well as that of her sister and brothers. They told them all about us and asked if they wanted in knowing that aliens would be great help to our cause and would be worth more than you could possibly understand. The others wanted in and soon they were training here with us and became part of our little government family but there was a little snag in all of our happy ending, you.” Renfro said.


“Yes you see with you hanging around here poor Alec has had to cheer Liz up quite a bit it seems she has been hoping to get rid of you but apparently you will just not take the hint that you are no longer wanted.” Renfro said.

“You it is instinct on her part to want someone like her, someone who can match her in strength and power and in Alec she has found that.” Lydecker explained to me enjoying my pain.

“The two of them really are perfect for each other anyone could see that but if a person wanted more proof all they would have to do is look at their DNA and they would see that their DNA in a child would be amazing.” Renfro said in a breathy voice looking flushed she quickly cleared her throat.

“All of my children are perfect.” Lydecker said.

“Wait you are so not Mr. Parker.” I pointed out. The other two just laughed.

“Mr. Parker adopted her as did Nancy, I am not even Liz’s biological father but I raised her from a baby. No her father is a much more powerful man, he created this project he is the father of Manticore and ironically Liz’s biological father.” Lydecker said.

“I know Michael he is like a brother to me he would never help the government and he would never let himself be used.” I cried, a panel in the wall swung open and a small little girl around six walked in she looked like Liz did when he first met her.

“Sir, X5 716 on the line mission accomplished waiting for orders sir.” The little girl said standing at attention, her eyes were trained perfectly forward.

“I will take this.” Renfro said leaving the room with the girl and then the wall became seamless again.

“Why is that Logan guy in here, he was friends with Liz’s sister?” I asked.

“He made some bad decisions like you did and his cost him his sanity and freedom. Now he has to live with the knowledge that his former lover is now in the arms of another just like yours is.” Lydecker said.

“How many times do I have to tell you people, Liz and I love each other and were made for each other. She and I are soul mates and will be together.” I said.

“Right I really believe you.” Lydecker said before he turned and left me alone in the white room, my only company was Logan’s watery eyes peering through the small circular window.

Ames White POV

How I hate these meetings let me count the ways. Number one the people who lead these things are green and bald and creep the hell out of me. Number two the room the meetings are held in smell like urine and cabbage, not at all pleasant. Number three the chairs are rock hard, probably because they are in fact rocks. Number four the room is cold and the only source of light is the moon through the window. Number five the company sucks.

“So brothers and sisters we must join together and kill all who oppose us, all who are unclean, all who do not possess the skills of our careful breeding and thousands of years of work. The plan will go off as planned and with Brother White in charge of the special unit the threat of those half breed aliens will no longer exist.” The Priestess sang I slunk down farther on my rock so the room would stop looking at me.

“Everything is going to plan we are moving at the desired pace and of course due to our careful and perfect planning we have hit no snags along the way.” The Priest next to her said.

“But your Graces what of the transgenic’s? Do they still not pose a threat to all of our hard work?” A man behind me asked. I really want to turn around and knock this guy around a bit I mean come on was it really necessary to bring my father’s mistake up at yet another meeting I mean can I not have at least one meeting where I do not have to be ridiculed for my father’s foolishness.

“They are to be taken care of at a later time, we have great plans for the abominations destruction.” The Priest said with a small cackle, I really hate these meetings.

After a few more endless rounds of what next and when do we kill again we were all able to leave and my ass was never happier. One would think that after thousands of years of improving our race they would improve the chairs. I hopped into my car and sped off toward Roswell, New Mexico where Renfro, Lydecker, and I were going to have a little talk.

The journey from D.C. to Roswell was going to be long so I of course needed company on my trip and that is why Otto is currently babbling at me about his son the monkey, no wait his son wants a monkey or something like that. “So I told Alex that he had to be good for mommy and then I would buy him a monkey of course it will only be a stuffed animal but a monkey none the less.” Otto said taking in a huge gulp of air.

“When my son wanted a monkey I shipped him off to boarding school.” I said, Otto shut up the rest of the way or more like until the next rest stop when he started talking about his wife.

“So then Jenna slapped me and I just walked away to cool off.” Otto said.

I turned and looked at my partner with a cold look, “When my wife went looking for my son and tried to fight me I killed her.” Yup that shut him up until we reached Roswell.

Slowly the two of us pulled up to the gates of Eagle Rock Military Base, which looked alive and active. The guards asked for our badges and we showed them to him and he checked his list and obviously saw that we were on it so he graciously allowed our car in. Look at all the little spawns out there running around like little drones it is pathetic but then again not too long ago that was my sister so I cannot be too hard on the little brats after all it is that bitch Renfro’s fault they do all of this, Lydecker is just the man who gives out the orders most of the time and Renfro thinks them up.

“Sir?” Otto asked as we came upon three people in suits waiting for us surrounded by X6’s from the looks of things.

“Lisimba, Renfro, and Lydecker. My three favorite people.” I told him knowing that he was going to pick up on my sarcasm and hopefully take the hint that these were people not to be messed with.

“Well, well, well if it isn’t Ames White.” Lisimba simpered, gosh I hate that guy.

“Well if it isn’t the pain in my ass Limps a lot.” I shot back making the other man go red in the face, if it was from anger or embarrassment I did not really care I was only amused by the fact that I could still make his face go funny colors.

“What do you want Ames?” Renfro asked.

“I want to strike a deal.” I deadpanned and based on their expressions, that was not the reply they were expecting.

“Well than come inside we have much to discuss.” Renfro recovered nicely.

“You will be happy to know Mr. White that Liz and her unit will be arriving here tomorrow. They have just completed a mission and are on their way home.” Lisimba said to me probably trying to butter me up, yeah that is really going to get me to want to kill him any less.

“It is a matter I care little for.” I said hoping to make Lisimba think that Liz was not important to me because it seems like every time the guy learns that someone else has someone special he wants to do all in his power to destroy them.

“Gentlemen in here please we have a great deal to work out.” Renfro said and as the office door clinked shut it was the sound of my life being thrown away, all for Liz.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 61 p 13 8/12/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:47 am
by Ansleyrocks
Part 62

Isabel POV

We all knew they were coming back today, but when was a different story. The airlines were so bad this year that the arrival times were all mixed up and consequently all of us were stuck here in our rooms after lights out waiting for our friends and loved ones to arrive. It had been a long week for all of us; training was getting longer and harder. There was not a day that went by now that her muscles did not burn after a workout in the gym. It was only a week but to her it had felt like a lifetime.

She missed Zack so much, the dreams of him in bed next to her were no longer enough to keep her calm at night and now she needed him badly. She felt like her skin was not her own and that bugs were crawling all over her in her sleep without him. “Hey Isabel.” A voice whispered from the door. I turned quickly and sat up in bed, there in front of me was Zack looking tired but very good.

“Hey you.” I whispered in the now dark room since the door was closed. He threw his small bag down and came over to me, as he neared me I could see a small beard on his face from at least two days of neglect. I ran my hand across his chin and smiled as he turned into my touch.

“So not fair the others got to be with each other and you were here.” He mumbled as he pulled me suddenly into his lap. The cool air shocked my skin into goose bumps as the covers moved away. He felt so warm and sold as he held me close his face in my neck obviously breathing me in.

“I know but at least you are here now.” I whispered running my hands through his blonde locks. Zack suddenly shifted me on his lap so that I was straddling his lap, his face in my chest breathing deeply.

“Need you.” He mumbled as he nuzzled my chest, I needed him as well and I knew he could smell my need which is why he quickly pulled off my shirt, his head instantly back on my chest his tongue darting out of his mouth roaming over my chest.

“Oh god!” I could not help but cry as he worked my chest, I grabbed fistfuls of his hair pulling on it roughly, he did like it rough.

“Mine, all mine.” He mumbled as he kissed me deeply laying me back on our bed, the warm sheets feeling good against my bare flesh. I wrapped my legs around him bringing him closer to me much to his delight, I could not help the smile that crossed my face when he placed a tender kiss on my nose before he rid himself of his clothes and joined me again. The sex that followed was mind blowing and as we lay there after, tired from all of our activates I could not help but say…

“I love it when you don’t shave.”


Damn here I thought the walls of this base were supposed to be thick as hell, but since I can hear Isabel’s screams I think they are a little too thin. I knew Krit would be coming here soon since Zack was already back and man he better hurry up, Iz need sumthin to tune her out. Just then the door unlocked and a groggy looking Krit stumbled in. “Hey.” I whispered as his eyes landed on me. I could not help but grin when his brown eyes lit up in their sleep when he saw me.

“You have no idea how good it is to see you.” Krit said sitting down next to me resting his head on my shoulder.

“I missed you.” I said kissing the top of his head, he reached out and pulled me closer to him so my back was to his chest.

“It was no fair that Liz and Max got sex all the time and I was not even able to smell you let alone sleep with you.” He mumbled into my neck.

“You transgenic’s and your sense of smell.” I murmured as he lightly bit my neck. I knew he was not up for sex and frankly I did not care all that mattered at that moment was that he was back and safe in bed with me.

“Smell is a powerful thing. One whiff of something and it can trigger a long buried memory, comfort, alert someone to danger, or even save a life. For us smell is a wonderful thing and powerful amongst mates. Your sent is something I crave and due to our mating your sent is always on me letting other females know I am mated and my sent will be on you letting other males know you are taken and that if they even so much as approach you they are going to be on the receiving end of a pissed off X5’s furry.” Krit said.


“Yeah and back in the days of old Manticore it was also a way to recognize members of your unit since we all had similar scents letting other units know who belonged where. It is also a territory thing, we get it from the cats.” He mumbled I could tell he was embarrassed about his ability. I turned so I was looking him in the eye.

“There iz nothin wrong wit your ability neva be ashamed of it. It iz a part of yous and Iz love it.” I said in my sleep my accent getting worse.

“I love you.” He mumbled kissing the apple of my cheek.

“Love yous too.” I whispered giving him a slight peck before I laid back down letting him know that it was okay that he wanted to sleep that tonight no sex was needed only his presence.

“OH GOD ZACK!” Isabel screamed and then Krit’s eyes were wide open.

“Damn how long has that been going on?”

“For about a half hour.” I replied as loud grunts were heard.

“I do not want to hear this.” He said his eyes wide with panic.

“Oh that is right you have super hearing so it is much clearer for you.” I giggled.

“You have no idea. Ava, their room is down the hall they are not even right next to us, Liz’s room is next to us and then Isabel’s. Poor Liz has to hear this.” Krit said.

“No, more like poor Michael. His room is right across from Liz’s and he can hear all of this. Nothing worse then hearing your sister being screwed senseless.” I said.

“I know I had the unfortunate experience of hearing Maxie and Biggs on the mission, I am scarred for life.” He mumbled.

“ISABEL!” Rang through the halls.

“Damn Zack quiet down.” Krit said covering his ears making me laugh at how silly he looked.

“HARDER, HARDER, FASTER, NOW FASTER, MORE, I NEED MORE NOW OH GOD ZACK MORE FASTER, FASTER, FASTER, AHHH!” Rang out the two of us just stared at the wall next to us where we knew Liz and Alec were looking bewildered at the opposite wall as well.

“Oh this is too much.” Krit muttered.

“One would think that Zack would realize that if it sounds super loud to him then others can hear it regardless of super hearing.” I said.

“Well sometimes when you are in the heat of the moment you forget that you are in a military base and now a sound proof box.” Krit said when finally the screams stopped.

“I think they are done.” I whispered.

“Me too.”

“FINALLY!” Numerous people shouted throughout the hall. Krit and I just looked at each other and busted out laughing knowing that everyone on this floor of the base had heard the two lovers going at it.

“Man they are so going to get it tomorrow.” Krit muttered before we both lay down and crashed.

The damn bugle over the com woke us up shortly after we fell asleep, I hate waking up to the damn horn. Krit stirred next to me, pulling me closer. I looked over and saw him bright eyed and awake. “You’re awake.” I said.

“Yeah I only need a few hours sleep and then I am good for the rest of the week.” He said sitting up and pulling out clean clothes to take with him to the shower.

“Great DNA you have there Krit.” I said as I slowly got out of bed.

“It is the best.” He said before he pecked me on the lips and ran out of the room to the showers.

“Damn soldiers.” I mumbled as I made my way to the girls shower where they were all laughing and giggling. Liz looked beat red and was apparently deflecting questions.

“Morning Ava.” Tess said with a broad grin.

“I feel like I just fell asleep.” I grumbled.

“Yeah Zack and Isabel kept most of us up.” Blaze said coming into the showers, I looked and smiled as I saw her little puff of a stomach. She looked slightly fuller since I last saw her.

“They kept the entire floor up.” Liz mumbled.

“Yeah Krit and I felt bad for you and Alec having to be right next to them.” I said making Liz groan.

“Oh it was nowhere near as bad as being with Michael while they were at it, he was ready to rip the door of the hinges and beat Zack to death.” Maria said I could see dark circles under her eyes from her restless night of keeping Michael calm.

“Yeah I mean it’s like I know they missed each other but seriously put a sock in the mouth.” Petal grumbled.

“Morning everyone.” Isabel said coming into the shower with a broad grin on her face.

“Better for some of us.” Maria mumbled.


“Nothing.” Maria said her cheeks reddening slightly.

Everyone in the shower was oddly quiet after Isabel entered the showers. She kept looking at us funny wondering why no one was looking at her and if they did they all had sheepish looks on their faces. “Alright what the hell is going on? You are all acting like a bunch of psychos?” She asked Liz finally took pity on her.

“Ah well you see Isabel last night all of us sort of well really heard you and Zack going at it.” Liz stumbled out as she rinsed the soap out of her hair.

“What?” She whispered.

“The entire base heard you and Zack going at it.” Crystal said.

“You two sure do have a set of lungs.” I said.

“Yeah it was on the loud side and I don’t even have super hearing like the rest of them.” Maria said. Isabel looked mortified.

“You all heard us? Everyone heard us?” She asked her face oddly pale for her usually golden and sunny face.

“Yup.” Tess said.

“Oh god this is so embarrassing.” Isabel said.

“Yeah for everyone.” Blaze said with a smirk.

“Isabel I had to practically pin Michael down so he would not kill Zack in cold blood.” Maria said.

“Krit and I just laughed.” I supplied.

“Ice and I tried to tune you out.” Blaze said.

“Same with Kyle and me we tried the whole using my powers thing but it did not help at all.” Tess said.

“Alec and I just stared at the wall in horror.” Liz said.

“I cried wishing for sleep.” Petal said and other supplied how they coped.

“So everyone knows now.” Isabel said.

“Yup.” A little ten year old said wrapping a white towel around her.

“Imagine how bad Zack is getting it right now I mean Michael is probably beating the stuffing out of him at this very moment.” Maria said sounding very pleased with the idea of Zack hurt.

“Maria.” Isabel said sounding scandalized.

“I had no sleep last night Isabel and no sex and had to listen to you two.” Maria growled before shutting off her water and leaving.

“Poor Zack.” Liz said.

“No more like poor Michael.” Max said leaving the showers as well followed by Liz and a grumpy Blaze.

“Do they hate me or something?” Isabel asked quietly.

“No Isabel no one hates you it is just not the most pleasant thing in the world to hear two people you are close to going at it.” I explained.

“Next time we will so be more quiet.” Isabel mumbled as we left the bathroom.

“Isabel you are not the first pair of mates that have been that vocal, it is just you are the first pair to scream out your names letting everyone know who you are. Otherwise only those who really knew you and your location would have known that it was you two humping like bunnies.” Crystal said.

When they entered the hall freshly changed people seemed to just ignore Isabel. “I was expecting whispering.” Isabel said as people appeared to be going about their normal business.

“Why?” Sara asked.

“Well all of you were acting weird in the showers.” Isabel said.

“That was because we were on our own time, now we are on Manticore time and other things are important. Besides what you two were up to is natural and not something we relentlessly tease people about since all of us do it.” Sara said.

“So I am not in for a day of torture.” Isabel said.

“Well not from the rest of the base, but your friends on the other hand…hell yeah.” Sara said with a giggle as she bounced away.

“Hey Isabel.” Hawk said as we sat down at the table with our trays, he had a silly grin on his face.

“Hi there Hawk.” She said as Zack sat down next to her, the whole table was staring at them with little smirks.

“Alright we had loud sex get over it.” Zack said going about eating his food, not looking Max, Krit, or Liz in the eye.

“And here he was making fun of Liz and me, last night we did not even have a chance to get busy since poor Liz was so traumatized from hearing her brother and her best friend having hot monkey sex.” Alec said with a slight scowl.

“Don’t remind me. I was looking to get some but the horror of hearing my brother screaming his pleasure was enough to make me swear off sex for life.” Liz said Alec threw down his fork looking disgusted.

“Nice going Zack, I am not going to get sex because of you. Liz come on baby please you need to reconsider here.” Alec begged.

“Of course I will still have sex with you, my swearing off sex only lasted until this morning. As long as I never have to hear them again I am good.” Liz said kissing Alec on the cheek.

“All is right in the world again.” Max said patting Alec on the back. Blaze suddenly started sniffing like crazy.

“You okay?” I asked the girl she just shook her head, her shoulders shaking.

“Y y yess.” She said but it was not that convincing.

“What is wrong?” Ice asked his mate who was looking down at her plate.

“They did not give me any strawberries this morning.” She cried everyone just looked at her.

“Is that your problem?” Kyle asked handing over his bowl, the young girl looked up with blurry gray eyes a look of utter joy on her face.

“Thanks.” She said in a breathy voice before she devoured the bowl. Ice just laughed hugging her close and when Tess kissed Kyle on the cheek for being so nice he turned red rubbing the back of his neck.

“Gee Kyle you are going to be great when our Tess is pregnant.” I said making him go an even deeper shade of red.

“Alright guys we need to go and get back on schedule. After the debrief last night Renfro told us to get right back on track.” Ice said and the units split up and we all went on our way. Isabel, a glowering Michael, Tess and I went toward the area in the desert where we are supposed to go and practice our powers.

“Tomorrow we go back to school.” Tess said.

“Yup tomorrow hell starts all over again.” Michael said.

“Later today we have a briefing those of us involved.” Isabel said.

“I hear Ice is less than thrilled about his mate being away from him for days at a time and that she will be surrounded by hormone driven teen males.” I said.

“She already is here.” Michael grunted.

“No here she is surrounded by hormone driven males that are way too scared and have instincts telling them that if they even so much as look at her twice her mate will kill them.” Tess said.

“It will be weird going to school.” I finally told them.

“I keep forgetting you have never actually gone to school. You will do fine, we will all make sure you do well and get on great.” Isabel told me putting one of her arms around me, kind of making me uncomfortable. I do not really do the whole Lifetime movie of the week moment thing.

“Well at least Krit and I will be a little closer then Blaze and Ice.” I said.

“Yeah since he is working at the Crashdown. They thought it would be weird having Liz’s brother as a teacher.” Michael said.

“Especially since Pam Troy has probably told the entire town by now who he is.” Isabel said sounding less than thrilled.

“I wonder what grade they are going to place Blaze in.” Isabel said.

“With the size of her brain probably in ours.” Michael said still sounding sulky.

“What is it big guy?” I asked grabbing him by the elbow, he turned to me with big sad eyes.

“My sister is having sex with a guy I barely know but I know I can trust but still I barely know him and I had to hear them going at it all night long. To make matters worse I now know that Isabel is having sex.” Michael said with a huff.

“Is that all?” Tess asked Isabel looked down at the desert floor in embarrassment.

“I mean I knew they were involved but never did I have to think about it nor was it thrown in my face.” Michael said.

“Michael I am sorry you had to hear that.” Isabel whispered.

“No you are not, not really anyway. You guys just don’t get it I mean if you asked Zack, Isabel how he would feel if he heard Liz and Alec or Max and Biggs going at it he would tell you he feels the same way I do right now. Come on let’s get to work.” Michael said walking away ahead of us. Isabel went to move towards him but I grabbed her wrist holding her back.

“He needs to process things right now. It haz to be weird hearing the girl he considers a sister having sex with her boyfriend.” I said.

“Just give him time to adjust, he is not mad or anything Isabel more like weirded out.” Tess said. I could see how upset Isabel was by this but sadly there was nothing I could do, it was something that only time would be able to take care of.

It felt so good to be back here and training, it was no fun sitting around in Russia waiting for something to happen. My unit is about to go into the tank again, a guard is going around and attaching chains to our legs. They are going to yank us into the water and hold us under there for a specified amount of time, today it is six minutes. Blaze is sitting off to the side looking thankful that she does not have to do this exercise. No one likes the dunk tank, as a matter of fact this is one of the parts of Manticore that still haunts my dreams, being held underwater until I start to suffocate. I have seen too many of my unit members die in the dunk tank to feel anything but loathe for the box.

“Alright let them down.” The guard yelled, we all start taking shallow breaths to hyperventilate and then with one final gulp of air we are under. It is a weird sight to see a bunch of people sinking to the bottom of a body of water at the same time all looking less than thrilled.

All ready I could feel my lungs hurt and the pressure of the gallons of water pressing every inch of my body hurt like a sledgehammer grinding my bones; but I knew that I would have to get through this. If we do not stay under for the specified amount of time then we have to go down again for that amount of time and then half a minute longer another time until we get it right. I could feel my lungs getting tighter begging for air but my training is telling my body to shut the hell up and focus on the task in front of me.

A yellow light flicked on in front of us letting us know that we were halfway there. To the left of me Max was perfectly still it was apparent that this was her least favorite thing in the world, she hates water and even more so she hates holding her breath under water. The blurry vision is coming on since I am so out of practice when it comes to holding my breath underwater, my body is begging for oxygen. The yellow light is now flashing that means we have a minute left. Slowly as the seconds tick on we start ascending until the green light flashes and we break the surface of the water all of us gasping for breath.

“I hate that.” Alec groaned as he lay on the cement. Max looked like a drowned rat and I knew I looked the same.

“Sucks.” Max muttered.

“Soldiers on your feet!” The officer yelled and we all jumped up, my body screaming in protest. “That was terrible, many of you were already starting to pass out. We are going to do this again soldiers and then another time after that and another time after that.” The officer barked. My blood froze at his words; I was going back in the dunk tank.

The chains started moving again and we all started the hyperventilating process again before we were once again pulled under. Now I remember why I hated this place so much.

Two hours and twenty-nine dunks later my unit was in the mess hall laying over our lunch. Blaze looked at all of us worriedly as none of us had enough energy to lift our forks.

“What happened to them?” Michael asked Blaze who was rubbing Ice’s back.

“Dunk tank. They got it bad.” Blaze said.

“How bad?” Zack asked I know he was looking at Max and I checking to see if the two of us were alright. I did not have the energy to tell him I was fine and that I was just too tired to care.

“Well you guys have to get moving, you have obstacle course next.” Krit whispered feeling bad for us. I feel bad for myself at the moment I do not want to run all of those clicks today and there is no telling what barriers we are going to hit along the way but all I can do is pray that there is no water.

“Eat up guys.” Ice commanded gently sitting up. I somehow managed to summon up enough strength to sit up and eat a few bites knowing that I would be kicking myself later if I did not eat something.

In no time at all, my entire unit was at the starting point of the obstacle course already we could see three huge walls we had to climb and one body of water, there was no telling what else was out there. “Alright soldiers listen up we are going to do this and we are going to give it our all.” Ice said glaring at each of us daring us to challenge him. “We are going to do as well as we normally do if not better. You do not feel pain, you feel nothing at all!” Ice roared at us. It was as if my body was going on autopilot, I could feel my blood pumping faster preparing my body to work harder and faster.

“Unit get ready!” The officer yelled and we then at the sounding of a gun we were off. The running was my favorite part, there was just something about the way my feet hit the ground as I blurred around that gave me a rush. In no time at all I found myself at the wall and unlike the others who began to climb I vaulted three quarters of the way up and then climbed the rest, after all there were no rules that said I was not allowed to use my abilities to get ahead. I saw that Blaze had done the same and the girl appeared ahead of me. I watched as Blaze reached the top before jumping down off the four-story wall and landed in a crouch. I worked hard and got to the top as well and followed my 2IC’s example and landed smoothly on my feet before I took off running again trying to catch up to Blaze, Ice and Alec who were well ahead of the rest of us.

Something inside me started to roar and another burst of energy came to me and spurred me on faster towards the next wall the others were climbing. It was a higher wall than the last one by about two floors. As I was about ten feet away from the wall I used all my strength and pushed off with my feet launching myself into the air kicking as I went to propel myself farther. It worked and I landed on top of the wall next to Blaze who looked at me with wide eyes before the two of us jumped and started running again. Oh yeah this feels good.

Re: Lost With Out You (DA XO, Adult, UC) Part 61 p 13 8/12/08

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:49 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the reply to the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new one!

Part 63

Maria POV

We were waiting in the conference room for the others to show up. So far Krit’s unit was there as well as the aliens but Liz’s was still showering. Michael is sitting next to me looking ready to fall asleep, he is sitting as far away from Isabel as possible it looks like. The door opened and in walked Ice followed by a limping Alec, some girl named Petal, Hawk, and Blaze. I looked at them in confusion wondering where everyone else was but moments later the door opened again and the rest walked in. Liz went and sat in-between Max and Alec all of them looking ready to keel over.

“You all are looking well.” Renfro said looking pointedly at unit three.

“You have all received your files detailing your mission. The enemy is moving in on us and soon they are going to make a play.” Lydecker said.

“We have two enemies from what we have gathered and they are going to be coming at us on two different fronts and using different tactics. We have the skins and the familiars two very powerful enemies and we need to keep our ground covered. Having all of you pose as civilians in Roswell is the best way to ensure tactical advantage on our part.” Renfro said.

I did not like the sound of that. I have no idea who I picked up on it but I knew that there was fear in their voices, they knew that there was no way we could be protected on all fronts and they had no idea what we were really going to be facing. It is scary knowing that these people who make it their life mission to scare the life out of other people are scared of this enemy. Oh I really need to talk to Michael later.

“566 you will be posing as a biology teacher, through your position you will have access to large numbers of the student body and access to teacher privileged information. 666, 716, and 665 will be joining the others in the student body. 294 you will be the new guidance counselor where you will have access to student files, look for any new students or unexplained instances.” Renfro said.

“The rest of you will be assuming jobs within the community of Roswell and the two neighboring towns to keep an eye on who is coming in and out and if there have been any drastic changes in the population. Others will be making sweeps of the desert and streets. All of you need to remain vigilant.” Lydecker said.

I hate the word vigilant it sounds so dirty. “Maria?” Michael asked I snapped back to attention and saw the room emptying out.

“Oops.” I mumbled quickly getting up and following the others out the door. I could tell Michael and Ava were laughing at my lack of paying attention but at the moment I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

“Thinking about anything special?” Michael whispered into my ear as we were heading towards our cars so we could head to Roswell tonight.

“Yeah, what the hell am I going to wear tomorrow?” I said before bouncing away knowing that was not the answer he was looking for. I bounced over to Liz who was looking at me with an evil glare.

“What?” I asked.

“You have too much energy.” She grumbled as I linked arms with her and Isabel.

“Oh Lizzie I am more tired than I have ever been in my life and tonight I get to sleep in my own bed!” I sang and Isabel grinned at the thought.

“Hey your right.” Liz said perking up.

“This is not good for us men this means we have to go back to sleeping in our own beds.” Zack said and I heard Michael whimper slightly.

“Oh no!” Liz whined suddenly.

“What?” I asked my best friend who looked as if her world was ending all of the sudden.

“My parents are going to be home and they are going to be so pissed when they find out I was at Manticore and they are going to be even more angry when they find out I am sleeping with Alec in their house.” Liz said.

“Okay we need to fix this.” Isabel said not wanting to get her friend in trouble.

“Alec do you want to stay with me?” Michael asked.

“Sure, is that alright Liz?” He asked I could not help but roll my eyes at how whipped this boy was.

“It is perfect. This way Zack, Krit, and Max can stay with me still.” Liz said and Zack groaned again.

“Isabel.” He whined.

“No Zack there is no way my parents are going to be okay with my older boyfriend sleeping in my bed let alone my house. You need to stay with Liz because when daddy is angry he is quite scary.” Isabel said and Zack visibly tensed.

“I don’t do well with father’s never have taken to me.” Zack grumbled.

“Same here.” Alec said.

“Mom’s are my enemy.” Michael said.

“Well it may have something to do with all of them finding you in the beds of their daughters.” I said and had to grin when Michael had to grace to blush.

“Hey if it makes you feel any better Liz here does not do well with mom’s or well my mother.” Isabel said making Liz blush deeply.

“Oh and why is that?” Alec asked as we got into a van.

“Her and my brother stayed out all night once in the desert and well my mom thought that her little boy had been deflowered.” Isabel laughed and I had to giggle at how embarrassed Liz was.

“We just fell asleep I mean nothing I said got through to your mother.” Liz said and Alec laughed pulling her best friend into his lap kissing her neck.

“Awe it looks like we all have embarrassing parent stories.” I said.

“Deluca women are scary when they are pissed.” Michael muttered.

“Might have something to do with you being caught in bed with her sixteen year old daughter.” Liz said.

“She hit me with a newspaper.” Michael grumbled. “She thought I was a dog.” Michael grunted.

I occupied myself by looking out the window watching the bleak desert pass us by as we made our way back to Roswell where we were sure to get lectures from some of the parents. I knew that Liz wanted to face her parents head on by herself with her siblings so all I had to do was go home, but I knew that at night I was going to miss Michael like crazy.


Max, Krit, and Zack stood behind me as we entered the closed café. I was a solider trained to kill and yet the thought of facing my parents scared the crap out of me, not exactly something I am proud of. Krit gave me a little nudge and I got moving opening the door. I saw my dad sitting with his head in his hands at the counter, he looked up startled when the bell rang over the door.

“Liz?” He asked as I came in more, the other three were going to stay outside for a moment. “Where the hell have you been young lady?” He roared and it was then that Zack, Max and Krit made their entrance. My dad stopped cold when he saw who was behind me.

“What is going on here?” He asked looking at Zack fearfully. My dad was a smart man and he knew that whenever Zack showed up something bad was about to go down and that once again his world was going to be thrown off course.

“Dad we have something to tell you and you are not going to like it.” I said and my dad sat down looking sick.

“What is it Lizzie?” He asked in a strangled voice.

“Sir Manticore is operational again and they have a base at Eagle Rock. We are effectively back in the fold as of about a month ago.” Zack said I could tell from the look on my father’s face that this was not what he was expecting, it was worse.

“Back in the fold what does that mean?” My dad asked looking furious.

“It means Mr. Parker that we are working with Manticore.” Krit said.

“Dad we needed to get on their good side again. There is a war coming and we need help and they are our best chance of survival. We are facing two enemies that have powers and abilities unlike anything we have seen before.” I tried to get my father to ease up. I knew that he was going to blame Zack for all of this, he always did. Sure my dad always pretended to be alright with my older brother but years of training on how to read people made me more aware of the fact that my father flinched every time Zack was near him.

“How bad is it?” Jeff asked.

“Bad.” Max said in her pained voice.

“They are moving transgenics in around Roswell to keep an eye on things, we know that someone is going to make a move soon and we know that we need to be prepared.” Zack said.

“They are placing some of the younger series in school with me and having some of the older ones pose as teachers.” I said trying to get my dad to see that my rejoining the people who tortured me all my childhood was a good thing.

“Others are taking up jobs around town.” Max said “I am getting a job at the real-estate office. Manticore lined one up for me.” Max explained.

“Dad I know this is a lot to take in and I know that I had you and mom worried when you came home and I was not here, I was actually in Russia.” I mumbled.

“Wait Russia.” Jeff looked shocked which is becoming a common look on my dad’s face tonight.

“We had a mission.” Krit explained to my dad.

“Dad there are a few things we need to go over with you and I know that a lot of it is a lot to ask of you but please just hear us out. A lot of lives are depending on us right now.” I said grabbing my dad’s hands in my smaller ones. I led him over to a large booth and we all sat down to talk.

“Alright I am willing to hear you all out, I know that in order to protect my daughter I am going to need to work with you three.” Jeff said and I gave my dad a small smile.

“Ah and my boyfriend.” I mumbled.

“Max?” My dad asked and I recoiled slightly.

“Ah no daddy Max is way out of the picture, so out of the picture that he is currently locked in a cell at Eagle Rock.” I said my dad looked shocked and horrified.

“What the hell gave those people the right to do something like that?” My dad roared.

“When he went insane and started stalking Liz putting her and this nation and planet at risk.” Zack said in his deep commanding voice.

“Wait that boy stalked you?” My dad asked looking murderous, if me was a transgenic I would be worried.

“Yes and he did not take well to me dating another guy.” I said.

“Who is this other guy and if I hear the words Kyle, or Michael I will hurt both.” My dad said.

“Eww no it is neither of them. His name is Alec.” I said.

“I have never heard of him.”

“Mr. Parker he is a friend of mine and a Manticore alumni.” Max said but I could tell from my father’s expression that he was less than pleased by this news.

“So I take it then that he is your age.” My dad said glaring at my older sister who did not back down.

“No.” Max said and my dad seemed to visibly relax. “He is older.”

“How much older?” My dad breathed out an angry breath.

“He is twenty four.” I mumbled.

“24 Liz are you insane!” Jeff yelled.

“My point exactly.” Zack said looking very happy that my dad was on his side.

“Yeah Zack remember when we had this conversation and I pointed out the fact that your girlfriend is 18.” I bit out.

“So you are my sister and I am not dating you.” Zack said.

“No but you are dating one of my best friends.” I pointed out.

“So where is this Alec?” My dad asked breaking up our pending argument.

“He is staying with Michael.” Krit said.

“Alright now what else do I need to know?” My dad asked.

“Well I was wondering if Krit could get a job here dad? He has experience and is a great cook and it would help us keep track of who is coming and going in Roswell.” I said and my dad appeared to be pondering her request.

“Alright I agree we do need another cook. Now are the three of you staying here with us?” Jeff asked.

“Please daddy?” I asked I really wanted to spend more time with my family and I could tell that he was starting to cave when I gave him a puppy dog face.

“Fine you can stay with us we would be happy to have you. There are going to be ground rules though.” My dad said and I groaned audibly not liking the sound of that.

“We expected that sir.” Krit said and my dad gave him small smile.

“Rule number one is that you three call me dad.” My dad said startling me and the others as well. “You three are my baby girls siblings and as such you are like my kids and it will raise less questions.” Jeff said.

“Agreed.” Max said giving my dad a small smile, I knew that she was happy that for a while she was going to have a dad. My dad gave her a small smile as well probably seeing me in her.

“Rule number two no having any significant others sleeping over. I know that all of you are legal but I don’t want to know about your sex lives.” My dad said and the three nodded in understanding.

“We accept that.” Krit said.

“Alright and I also want to know what exactly you all are up against and what all my wife and I have missed while we were gone.” Jeff said. I let out a deep sigh and with the help of the three filled my dad in on all the details.

That night Max and I eagerly crawled into my bed, shark DNA be damned the two of us are dead tired from all of that work so we are probably going to get a few hours of sleep. The next thing I knew it was morning and my mom came in to wake us up letting me know that I needed to get to school. I grudgingly made my way into my shower, the only positive aspect of going to school was being able to see my friends. I wonder how Blaze is going to take going to school, she has never been there and is not used to all of the drama.

“Liz honey there is some guy outside that says he is here to drive you to school.” My mom said coming into my room as Max and I pulled on our clothes. I sniffed the air and grinned, it was Alec.

“Tell Alec I will be down in a second mom.” I said flashing her a winning grin and my mom nodded before scurrying away to deliver my message.

“I bet your dad is going to flip when he meets Alec.” Max laughed.

“My mom is probably going off right now to go tell him that some older guy is here for me. Imagine what they would say if they saw Blaze and Ice together.” I laughed and my sister did as well as the two of us left my room, I grabbed my backpack on the way out.

“So your name is Alec.” I hear my dad say in the café and I run down the stairs trying to save Alec from questioning.

“Hey ready to go? Thanks for picking me up. By mom and dad see you after school.” I shout before dragging Alec out the front door towards his bike.

“Your dad is scary.” Alec muttered.

“No he is only like that to boys who show an interest in me, otherwise he is a big teddy bear.” I said climbing on the back of his bike wrapping my arms tightly around his waist.

“Oh sure a real teddy bear, Liz the guy looked ready to rip me a new one when he saw me. It’s like I have this stamp on my forehead that says I slept with your daughter.” Alec grumbled making me laugh.

“Oh you poor baby do you want me to protect you from my big mean daddy?” I asked nibbling his ear slightly.

“Yes.” Alec groaned before starting the engine and taking me to school. We pulled up to school and I reluctantly got off the back of his bike.

“I will see you after school Lizzie, no worries.” Alec said kissing me before he took off. I stood there for a moment before I went in search of my friends. I saw Maria and Michael at the end of the hall and endured the whispers as I made my way towards them.

“Hello lovebirds what is the latest gossip?” I asked slinging my arm around Maria who was laughing.

“Well apparently we have a new bio teacher who is one hell of a hottie and there are four new girls, one who happens to be Tess’s twin sister.” Maria laughed.

“So what are they going by?” I asked.

“Well Tina said that their names are Blaze and her twin brother Ryan, Petal Pearl, and Ava.” Maria said laughing I do have to admit it is funny that Manticore is letting them use the names we gave them on this mission.

“Oh there is Ryan, does he always look that surly?” Maria asked and I saw my unit mate walking down the hall glaring at everyone in his path. His eyes landed on me and I could see relief briefly flash over his features.

“I think I am going to go and see if our new students need some help.” I said with a giggle as I made my way over to him.

“Hey there you must be one of the new kids everyone is talking about. I’m Liz Parker.” I said sticking out my hand for him to shake he gave me a small smirk before shaking my hand.

“Ryan Knight.” He said.

“Well Ryan why don’t you hang out whit my friends and I? I know that Maria and Michael are dying to meet you.” I said trying to contain a laugh that wants to erupt at the silly situation.

“Thanks but I have to wait for my sister, do you mind?” He asked giving me a sheepish smile. He really is a good actor, Manticore taught him well.

“OMG Ryan some guy just hit on me.” A red mess of a girl flew down the hall towards them in her low slung jeans and flowing green top.

“Hey Blaze.” Ryan said catching his sister’s attention. Blaze stopped and stared at me before extending her hand. “Hello there the name’s Blaze Knight and who might you be?” She asked me. It is really funny introducing yourself to people you already know pretty well.

“Liz Parker, now come on you two my friends want to meet the new kids.” I said dragging them along.

Down the hall I spotted Petal getting along with the cheerleaders, she would fit better with them. Besides they did need to spread out a bit but that did not mean she wanted Blaze and Ryan going too far away.

“So would you all mind showing us to our classes?” Blaze asked suddenly looking nervous.

“Sure let me see your time table.” Maria said and the red head handed over the slip of paper.

“Wow these are advanced classes.” Maria said. “You have all your classes with Liz.” Maria grumbled.

“What about me?” Ryan asked handing the blonde his card. Maria took one look at it and snorted her amusement.

“Hope you like Kyle because you have all your classes with him.” Maria giggled and Ryan looked pained.

“Cool.” Kyle said not noticing the look on Ryan’s face.

“Don’t worry the classes are easy and people mostly goof off in them. I have no idea why Kyle was placed in those classes since he is smart but it gives you a chance to mingle with different groups here.” Isabel said and Ryan apparently felt a little better about that then.

“Come on Knight let’s go to woodshop.” Kyle said and Ryan gave one last fearful look to Blaze and I before he disappeared.

“I am so sick right now.” Blaze muttered just loud enough for me to hear as the two of us made our way to AP U.S. History, not exactly the best class to have first hour.

“Oh man are you going to be alright?” I asked not wanting my friend to hurl in the middle of class.

“I should be fine as long as no one smells too offensive. It is weird being around so many human teens at once, their smell is rather strong.” Blaze grumbled.

“I know you should stay away from the gym, when I was younger it was hard even stepping into the locker rooms, it was times like that when I cursed my sense of smell.” I laughed all eyes went to Blaze as we entered the room. She whispered something to the teacher and then came and sat down near me shifting uncomfortably under the stares of the entire class.

“Don’t worry they will stop soon.” I whispered this was going to be funny.