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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:07 pm
by magikhands

I watch Michael closely and see that he's serious. I may have been able to use my powers with greater control than Michael, but he's always been stronger...and rougher. I wasn't the one used as a punching bag most of my life, or being bullied at school for living on the wrong side of the tracks.

"....Besides, if you hadn't noticed, I sealed the door when I locked it as well."

I hadn't noticed. I rubbed the back of my neck and glanced over at the flask.

"You are not expecting anyone tonight, right?" I ask. If I am to do this, the last thing I needed was someone showing up and seeing me in such a drunken shape. Once was enough. Michael shook his head.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. With a trembling hand I reach out and take the flask. Fumbling I remove the cap.

"I'm trusting you Michael." I say as I raise the flask. Quirking an eyebrow I say, "Cheers." right before I take a large gulp of the vile liquid. I felt it burn all the way down my throat and warm my stomach.

Immediately my vision blurred and my head felt light. My body felt strange. Tingling shooting along my nerves. I am forced to close my eyes when the room started spinning.

Yeah...I took a bit more than I should have.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:35 pm
by AntarPrince04
I apologize Magik hon. I had to use Max just a tad, but it's only one line.


Max asks me if I'm expecting anyone tonight, and I just shake my head in response. Max... Max is a bit of a puzzle to me sometimes. He's as predictable as one can be. He worries and sometimes I think his priorities in that reguard are somewhat off....

I shake that line of thought away, now isn't the time. Besides, this should be an interesting spectical. I almost wish I had a camera; Max intentionally doing something like this is one in a million. "I'm trusting you Michael." He says to me - raising the flask. "Cheers."

With that he throws the flask back, taking one big galp. Impressive, I think to myself. Being Max I'd expect a sip, maybe two at best, but he shot the thing back like a pro.

Suddenly he's sputtering and coughing and I let a snort of amusement escape. Nope, definately not big league material. He looks at me glaring half-heartedly. "I'd like to see you try it", he challenges.

That alone tells me that it's already taking effect. God bless Antarian biology. "Who say's I haven't," I grin slyly. "It is my flask after all." Without it being offered to me - without waiting - I take the flask from Max and slide it back in my pocket with the cap tight.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:44 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

He doesn‘t skip a beat before answering enthusiastically , "I think it's a great school. The people there are really first rate," I nod in agreement noticing that he removes his eyes from the road for a quick peak in my direction. Is there any reason I should feel like the air in the car has just heated up ten degrees.? After all it was just a friendly look with no dishonorable intentions behind it. Still he is a very attractive man and it would only be natural for my body to respond at being alone with him.

I wrestle with these conflicting feelings as he continues, "Students and teachers, of course. Although I hear you might not be with us much longer. You're considering taking early graduation? Most impressive, I must say."

How does he know that? Out of instinct or perhaps simply habit suspicion threatens to overwhelm me. I’ve been through this many times before when protecting Max, Michael, and my secret. Without warning my easy going features harden and I prepare myself to give short direct yes and no answers before realizing that the reasonable explanation is the guidance councilor probably told him. She’s been really excited about my early transfer and gushing to every ear that will listen.

Smiling politely but still a bit apprehensive I reply, “Well, I haven’t made up my mind yet. There are still many things to consider.” Such as my brother holding me back because we can’t break up what’s left of the royal four. “I guess at this point I’m just weighing my options.” Not wanting him to notice the conflict behind my tone I amend the subject swiftly to a light air more suitable of a carefree eighteen year old girl.

" I mean what girl would want to miss her senior year of high school." Trying out a fake laugh I cringe at the bitter sound of it. "No Homecoming. No Prom. No Graduation." Just the mention of prom forces me to advert my eyes to the window. I don't want him to witness the pain behind them. Not wanting to discuss me any furthur I question, "So is this your first year of teaching?" No offense but he looks like a newbie. :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:03 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- I didn't think that Max said Isabel shouldn't graduate -- only that he wants her to attend a local school. :)


I notice her tensing up but when she speaks, her relaxed tone has returned. I gotta figure out what made her respond that way. I have to be sure she isn't uncomfortable around me.

She goes on talking about homecoming and the prom and graduation. She sounds normal and cheerful but I can't help but think there has to be something more going on there. Afterall, she went to the prom this year with the Whitman boy and now he's gone.

"So is this your first year of teaching?" she asks.

"Does it show?" I chuckle. I turn and give her a brief smile before turning my attention back to the road. This is my first field assignment for the Bureau. They're risking a lot, but I know I can do it. I do have a teaching certificate, afterall, in addition to the Bureau's training.

"Yeah, it's my first job, but I really like it. As for graduation, if you decide soon enough, you can be in the ceremony this year." I notice that we're soon approaching the nearest turn to get to her house. I wonder if we'll be taking it or if the detour we're taking is going to be even bigger.

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:20 pm
by magikhands

I can't stop the goofy grin that forms on my lips as I look at Michael. The 'sip' of alcohol has already spun my body and mind out of control, but I feel the burdens that weighed so heavily on me slide off my shoulders. I didn’t even care where they went. All I could focus on now was Michael.

Michael. My best friend. My second in Command. The betrothed of my sister…or at least that’s what Tess claims. But he’s more than that. Since we’ve been re-united, he’s been there for me no matter how much we fight, no matter how much we disagree.

“So now what, all mighty Commander?” I ask. I don’t know why I used that title for him but it felt…natural to do so. “You’ve got me locked away in here.” I wave my hand around. Was the movement a bit extravagant? I think to myself as I lean forward seeming to be unable to control my actions, but I don’t fight it. This is what I wanted, right?

“I guess I’m at your mercy Michael.” My grin widens. I hate that smile. I rarely do it…so why now? Ah, yes…the alcohol. Loosening up the joints and muscles. I can’t stop the chuckled that escapes my throat but I know there’s no way to explain the hilarity of thoughts racing through my brain at the moment. “To do with as you please.”

Did I really say that? No, I really didn’t just say that. That’s something that I’d never say in real life…only my dreams.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:31 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Oh that's my bad :oops:


“Does it show?" He gives a sexy chuckle that leads me to examine the intriguing curves of his handsome face. It’s a rather polite study that any female in position would do. After all it is a fact that he’s visually pleasing and I can’t change that by simply not looking. Still convincing myself of that is quite taxing. His warm smiles mends something that was broken deep in my soul even though it’s merely temporary. I know as soon as I step out of this car that ache will return and I’ll be forced to bare it alone.

As I always have. As I will always be. Alone. Well, now that’s a depressing thought. Is this it for me? I’m torn from my own personal pity party when he continues, "Yeah, it's my first job, but I really like it. As for graduation, if you decide soon enough, you can be in the ceremony this year." I nod in agreement as I see the turn coming up. Now if we take it I’ll be home in under five minutes. However if we don’t it will be another fifteen minutes at least. I turn to study is profile hoping to see if there’s any indication that I am deliberately prolonging the ride.

“Yes, the guidance councilor is really pushing for me to.” I admonish with a friendly expression. “I simply haven’t made up my mind yet. I guess I was waiting for some kind of push. An incentive I guess.” I admit while we drive right by the turn. He does seem to notice the extra miles. Thank goodness. That would be so embarrassing. I don’t even know why I want to remain in the vehicle with him. I’m not sure I could explain it to him if it came up. "Do you think I should do it?" I ask for his opinon.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:20 am
by isabelle

She asks my opinion as we slide right past the first turn that would take us to Murray Avenue. Nice. It looks like we're not just taking a little bit of a long way, but maybe a very big detour. Things are going well. I know I shouldn't push it. This has to be her idea -- but maybe if I give her another excuse to spend some time with me tonight?... purely platonically, of course. At least, tonight.

Shopping. Yeah. I'll tell her that I need to buy a gift for my mother. No. My ... neice. Yeah. She loves to shop. She'll help me.

"That has to be your choice. Nobody can make it for you," I say. "High School can be a lot of fun, but College can offer a lot of new opportunties. I have a feeling you'd do really well there, but you shouldn't let anyone push you. Usually, I'd recommend that you make a list of all the benefits of each choice and compare them. But you seem like a really mature girl and I'm guessing you already know exactly what you want."

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:50 am
by FaithfulAngel24

He flashes me a smile that holds more meaning then I can decipher before he replies, “That has to be your choice. Nobody can make it for you," Sometimes I feel like I don‘t really have a choice in anything. I am constantly having to protect my secret that I can‘t be who I really feel like I am. Vilondra is merely a name to me. It holds no recollection in my heart. So why must he guide my every move? I listen intently as he continues,

"High School can be a lot of fun, but College can offer a lot of new opportunities. I have a feeling you'd do really well there, but you shouldn't let anyone push you. Usually, I'd recommend that you make a list of all the benefits of each choice and compare them. But you seem like a really mature girl and I'm guessing you already know exactly what you want.” I do know what I want.

I want to wake up from this nightmare that has become my life and it be the day after Prom. I’d tell Alex not to get in that car and everything would go back to normal. Alas I’ll never have normal again. I might as well make the best out of what I do have. “I’ve actually did make a pros and cons list.” I admonish with a gentle smile.

“Though I doubt it will weigh heavily on my final decision. I guess It all just comes down to what’s best for me and my future and right now I feel like it would be in my best interests to move forward. West Roswell is a wonderful school but there really is no reason to hold myself back.” I know that it’s the truth as I say it. “It’s just a little scary going out into the unknown.” I admit with a half smile. :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:32 pm
by magikhands
ooc: Oh, Christopher....where are you? Isn't it your turn, my dear???

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:58 pm
by AntarPrince04

“I guess I’m at your mercy Michael.”

He grins at me. I smirk to myself at this priceless situation. I could probably do anything I wanted right now and get away with is scott-free.... To do with as I please, he says Oh, for the love a... He leans in toward me and a million thoughts run though my mind, but I push them back.

When our lips meet I sigh. They are soft and warm and I want to give in, I want to take advantage of this because I doubt I can again. What would it hurt anyway, just to do what you want this once? Max asked you to take his trouble away. People expect you to be reckless. Besides, who are you gonna hurt, Liz? Like you really care. Besides, Max won't....

With that thought Max pulls back from me for a breath, a goofy grin still plastered on his face.

"Idiot", I laugh and shake my head in amusement. Still, I'm sightly relieved. "You're lucky no one will find out about that", I tease him. "But, I've got a girlfriend Remember".

With a flick of my wrist I use my power to open the window behind me. It suddenly seems quite warm in here....

Okay chris hun, If you still wanna do what we talked about, I know quite a few good titles if you need referance :wink: