All Bets Off (Adult/CC) Thread 4!

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Post by KarenEvans »


Before Alex can say anything about food the doorbell rings and I cluck my tongue in annoyance, "You expecting anyone?" Alex asks me and I shake my head, "No I'm not. It's probably one of my neighbours come to tell me about some building society meeting. Do you mind answering it? I have much more to put on." I tell him with a grin "You only have to pull on your shorts. Tell whoever it is I am in the bathroom or something."
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I raise an eyebrow when Isabel asks me to answer her door but hey, if anyone has to be boss me around, I'd love it to be her. "Bathroom or something, okay dear."

With a nod I move off of Isabel, discard the condom in a basket next to Isabel's bed and reach for my pants, putting them on as I stand up, very much aware of Isabel watching me do so.

Walking towards the front door, I gracefully walk past Misty, hoping that whoever's on the other side of the door, has a VERY good reason for this interruption and if it's one of Isabel's exes then ... he'll regret coming here!

I quickly throw the door open, mentally cursing my parens for my good upbringing as I - more or less - politely ask, "Yes? Can I help you?"

The man opposite me seems around his fifties and I remember Isabel talking about an older guy in high school but then I remember her saying that that guy was only 10 years older, not twice her age.

Hm, weird, he does seem familar, like I've already seen him before but I have no idea when or where that could have been.

"Sorry, I thought this is my daughter's appartement," the guy tells me after a long moment and my eyes widen in shock. "guess i'm wrong."

Shit! Shit! Shit! Now I remember, I once saw him with Max on campus - shit, he's Isabel's father and ... shit! Thank God, I'm wearing my pants and not just the boxers. But still ... I'm half naked, might even have a bite mark somewhere ... shit!

"Uh, ... why don't you come in ... Mr. Evans." I stammer, quickly moving aside to make room for him, "I'll go and ... fetch Isabel."

After I closed the door again - blushing furiously and certainly dead if looks could kill - I motion to the couch before dashing away from Isabel's dad. Isabel's dad! Shit!

Rushing back into the bedroom, I find Isabel still on the bed, on top of the covers, just like I left her but sadly, my libido is nonexistent right now. Quietly closing the door, I rest against it, taking a few calming breaths with closed eyes.

"Iz, your dad's waiting in the living room for you."
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Post by KarenEvans »


I watch Alex get dressed, thoroughly enjoying the view. Once he leaves the room I stretch out lazily and hug one of the pillows, mentally going over the evenings events in my mind, smiling at the naughty bits.

He's wonderful!

I wonder what's taking him so long? Must be Mrs. Tillman. Nosy old lady that she is. She must be trying to pump Alex for information as to who he is etc etc. I hope he gets rid of her quickly.

I hear voices again, this time in the apartment. Oh don't tell me he invited whoever it is in. Just then the object of my affections comes flying in to the room, panic written all over his face,

"Iz, your dad's waiting in the living room for you."
"WHAT!!" I jump up "You're not kidding are you?" I ask him hoping that he is but he shakes his head, "Shit!" Why do I feel like a school kid all of a sudden? "You better put your shirt on." I tell him, thankful that he hadn't answered the door in just his boxers.

Hurriedly I get out of the bed and look around for my clothes but what am I thinking, I was wearing skimpy little shorts and a vest with no bra before. I need to find something else. Racing to my cupboard, I yank out a wrap around skirt, bra and a t-shirt and put them on.

Can one get rid of the 'just had sex' look by splashing the face with water? I don't know but I can try. After combing my hair and splashing my face with water I tell Alex, "You can come out once you've freshened up a bit or you can come out with me right now. Up to you." and then I walk out in to the living room, trying not to look embarrassed

"Hi Dad!" I greet my father a little to cheerily who is seated on the sofa "What brings you by?" I ask as I decide whether or not to sit down while keeping eye contact with him

"What...I can't drop in to say hello to my only daughter?"
Is that sarcasm I detect? "I was passing by so thought I'd find out how you've been since you haven't called your mother for some days."
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I almost smile when I hear Isabel curse, reliefed that I'm not the only one using that word in this situation. But ... only almost.

"You better put your shirt on."

Oh really? I think but don't say anything and instead just watch Isabel race round her room, yanking some clothes out of her closet. Am I a horrible person because - even though Isabel's father is in the next room, most likely ready to kill me - watching her run around naked is exciting me?

"You can come out once you've freshened up a bit or you can come out with me right now. Up to you."

Before I can reply, Isabel is past me and out in the living room, greeting her father while I'm just finished buttoning my shirt all the way up. Running a hand through my hair, I walk into the bathroom, quickly washing my hands and face and comb my hair slightly with my hands.

When I walk out towards the living room where I can hear the two Evans talk, I stop, briefly wondering if I really want to go in there. Then I spot Misty a few feet away from me, watching me, her tail moving quickly from one side to the other.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I whisper to the cat before standing up straighter and walking into the room where Isabel and her dad are seated on the couch.

"Mr. Evans." I greet Isabel's father politely, grateful that there are no knives near him, "I'm Alex Whitman, it's nice to meet you."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"I know I haven't but I've been really busy that's why I haven't called. Did you know that I bumped in to Max?" I ask him trying to change the subject
"Mr. Evans." I hear Alex's voice and I inwardly cringe when I notice the look on my father's face "I'm Alex Whitman, it's nice to meet you."

Who does this young stud think he is? Walking around my daughter's apartment half naked, answering her door, introducing himself like he owns the place. I am going to crush him!

"Good Evening Alex! Haven't we met somewhere before. You seem very familiar."

Can you try to sound any more suspicious Dad? He isn't some hobo I picked up off the street, he's your brilliant son's best friend. I look nervously at both the men I love the most in the world, hoping that everything goes smoothly.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Good Evening Alex! Haven't we met somewhere before. You seem very familiar."

I smile weakly, trying to not appear as nervous as I feel under Mr. Evans' gaze but ... really, I can understand him. If I had a daughter ... hm, have to make sure that I live in a country where I can keep a gun!

"Yes, we actually have but I'm surprised you remember." I reply politely, barely - just barely - managing to keep myself from saying 'yes, five minutes ago when I opened the door.

I react with jokes when I'm nervous.

"I never forget a face, Alex."

Was that a threat? Nah, I'm just overreacting.

"Uh okay, it was at Max's college - he and I went to the same college and we are friends actually, that's how I met Isabel." Uh oh, I better not mention Isabel right now - not when he starts glaring like that.

"Well, you and your wife were visiting Max and I think we met briefly when I was bringing Max's roommate his history notes. I was thinner and my hair was a lot different back then, that's why I was surprised that you remembered me, sir."

I briefly glance at Isabel, hoping for any sign of whether I'm doing good or bad.
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: Wonderful posts, guys! Sorry I haven't been around much. The house situation isn't going on schedule, surprise surprise, and I've been extremely depressed, not to mention a cold and work. My muse and time have also worked against me. I'll try to post in the morning. For now, I'm going to bed.
Just call me Phoenix...cause I'm back from the dead!
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Post by KarenEvans »


Could this situation be any worse? Oh father could have walked in on Alex and me having sex! Thank god I took away that duplicate key from them last year and gave it to Liz.

My palms feel slightly sweaty as I watch Alex and my father interact and unconsciously I wipe them on my skirt, looking from one to the other.

Please let him not take an instant dislike to Alex just because he has met him this way. My poor darling Alex! What an awful way to meet your girlfriend's father. But he seems to be holding his own. My father can be quite formidable.

He isn't making an silly jokes which is a blessing though I can make out he is a little nervous but who wouldn't be. Deciding to step and rescue him I speak up, "Can I get you anything Daddy?" Please say no and leave!

"Yes please Izzy, I'd like an Iced tea. So Alex what is it that you do for a living? Are you a doctor as well?" Damn it! The interrogation is now going to start. I hope he drinks the damn thing quickly. "I'll be right back." I say and look at Alex reassuringly before hurrying to the kitchen
Last edited by KarenEvans on Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Yes please Izzy, I'd like an Iced tea. So Alex what is it that you do for a living? Are you a doctor as well?"

I watch Isabel leave the room, wishing I could go with her but I better face this like a man, not a mouse.

"No, sir I'm not. I'm a tax accountancy, working for the Caven Corp. - well, for their business in this town. You are a lawyer if I remember correctly, aren't you"?
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Post by KarenEvans »


A tax accountant eh! Not bad but this fellow is not my daughter's usual type. She generally picks older guys or guy who are more macho from what I have seen but as long it's not someone like that last ass/neanderthal...Grant. "Yes, I am a lawyer. My wife and I have our own little firm. May be you could help me with my taxes some time."

As quick as I can move I get the iced tea ready and race back in to the living room. I don't want to leave Alex at my father's mercy for too long. "Here you go." I hand my father his drink and sit down next to Alex, "Alex is really good at his job Daddy, I'm sure he'll be happy to help you and mum at the end of year." I smile at Alex, making eyes at him so he gets the hint, to agree.
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