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Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 5 7/9/15

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:13 pm
by sarammlover
Carrie! GEEZ! Poor Max. My heart is breaking for him. I hope Liz does what she can to get him out of that situation. That doesn't sound very fun at all. Poor guy. Glad Liz has Maria an Alex though. Seems like she will probably need a lot of help with this one. Great update!

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:58 am
by jake17

Thank you for all your fb and support

Chapter six

Max closed his eyes, bracing himself for the speech that was sure to come after the unplanned, unexpected need to hold her.

It was an embrace that neither of them saw coming, but somehow felt as if it their entire lives had been moving them to this point in time all along.

“I-I’m … sorry.”

The emotional break in his voice was heart wrenching in its delivery, a clear hopeless declaration of something that was painfully familiar.

“I’m not.”

Liz’s words were confident, passionate by definition, but still unbelievable to the ears of someone who had been so badly abused his entire life, that to even hope was asking for a world of pain.

His dark eyelashes fluttered open slowly, too afraid to accept what he was hearing, feeling, as she stroked the bandage where the needle had pierced his skin.

Swallowing hard his brain concluded quickly what was happening, it was sympathy, an empathetic response from the sweet girl who’s been overly kind to losers like him her entire life.

Still empathy bordered on agony when it came from the girl who he had secretly loved his entire life.

For whatever reason she had put herself in a place she didn’t belong, a place of danger, not meant for girls that behaved like her, looked like her, he had to get her to leave before something horrible happened.

“Liz… it’s not safe for you to be here, you have to go home before… before - “

“Before what Max?”

Waving his hand towards the window, he did he best to avoid looking at her, he knew with just a glance, one fleeting moment of seeing her so close to him, her beautiful face just inches from him, he’d never be able to tell her to leave.

“It’s just not safe, this part of town, this neighborhood, my life… me.”

Moving her hand from the white stiffness of his bandages to the softness of his palm she did the one thing that she was always afraid to do, to be reckless, to follow her heart.

Taking his hand in hers she caressed the area between his thumb and index finger.

Max felt it throughout his entire body, it was like electricity rushing through his veins, making him feel truly alive for the first time.

His knee unconsciously began to shake, he was beyond nervous, far from the security of his notebook, of the words that set him free, the true extension of a tender heart desperate to speak out.

Liz could feel his anxiety, his innate distrust for anything that resembled anything good, it was a lesson he learned early.

She was careful, but all the same bold in her need to know the truth as she delved heart first into unfamiliar territory without thought or concern of consequences.

“Max I had no idea… that place, those people, I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve been through. I always knew things were hard for you, but this… Max I’m so sorry.”

And there it was, he knew better than to let his mind go to a place where she would feel anything but pity for him.

Getting the courage from somewhere unknown, he looked up to face her, misjudging the distance between them he found himself a mere breath away from her.

Their eyes locked, her dark ebony, to his fiery amber, it was magic.

It fueled a spark of something beyond special, far from the murky waters of ‘what could be’, that was between them all these years.

The feeling was instantaneous cementing a connection that would now be impossible to sever.

Lightning streaked across the sky at that moment, a violent tumultuous sky opened up releasing thundering sheets of rain upon the windows surrounding them as if the unmistakable fire between them had ignited enough electricity in the heavens to light up the universe.

His thoughts were lost in this surreal dreamlike point in time that he would never forget as long as he lived.

Taking a deep breath in, he let his gaze fall to her parted lips, delicate pale pink, like the petals of a rose, soft as satin, more enticing than anything he had ever witnessed before.

Forcing himself to snap back into the reality that was his life, he forced strained words from his hoarse throat, doing his best to resist the closeness of her and all that it entailed.

“Liz, I know you’re here because you’re a good person, and your instinct is to help, but please believe me when I tell you, there is nothing you can do, this isn’t something you want to be involved in. My … situation... is not… solvable.”

Unflinching, Liz remained close to him, it wasn’t a choice but rather a burning need, something she didn’t even know she had until he was there, staring deeply into her heart, her very soul.

The torrential downpour and earth shaking thunder only served to further encapsulate them in the intimate space inside her small car.

It was as if they were the only two people that existed in the world, that nothing, no one could touch them.

“You think I’m here because I feel sorry for you? You honestly believe that I’d risk my volunteer work at the hospital, that I’d drive all the way out here alone, out of sympathy for you?”

Resting the palm of her hand over his heart, she felt a pounding rhythm hammering away in response to her touch.

“Max… I can’t get you out of my head. I don’t know what is happening to me, you haunt my every thought, you make it impossible for me to concentrate during the day… and at night… at night you’re with me, beside me, in every dream.”

Stunned, Max held his breath, her fingertips pressed against his sweatshirt like white hot searing fire penetrating his skin.

Breathless now, she whispered softly, it was a sound so sublime his body responded physically, desperate to touch her.

“I have to know if it’s true, if what I believe you feel… about me, is real.”

He didn’t know what was happening, if she was playing with him, if this was some cruel trick, some scheme the hungry sharks at school had put together to humiliate him.

Shivering now, convinced that this was all a nightmarish prank, his eyes teared deepening his honey glazed color to resembling the burning embers of a fire.

“Liz… please … d-don’t… not you… please.”

Then, as if she had no control, his poetic words flowed from her mouth like sweet music, full of emotion, of something so tender, a passionate plea.

“No one knows what it’s like, you and me, you and I, underneath the night sky,
you and me, you and I …”

Her voice trailed off, quivering with intensity, knowing without doubt that her feelings for him were real, unmistakable, irrevocable.

A gentle gasp escape from his lips, he backed away slightly in disbelief, paralyzed, hearing his own words, his sacred private poem being read back to him by the very girl it was written for.

Liz continued, unable to turn away, knowing she had gone to far, that there could be no turning back.

“It was none of my business, I realize that reading your poems, well... it was wrong, that your feelings, your words are deeply personal, but I couldn’t help myself. Max … they’re so beautiful, they touched me… moved me, it was like they awakened something deep inside that I always felt but never knew... until now.”

Her words echoed along with the pounding rain and crackling lightning that flashed across the windshield, as if they were part of the storm, a force of nature that couldn’t be stopped.

“Max, I know I’m probably being crazy, and I know this is horrible of me to ask, but … the one I recited, ‘Night Sky’… was it written about me?”

For a moment everything was as if time itself had stopped.

In a state of blinding faith he grazed his fingers along her cheek, shaking, unsure, he bravely took a chance, that if he was mistaken could level him to dust.

His velvet tone of heartfelt words wrapped around her, melting her irreversibly, in just a few lines, she belonged to him, forever.

“I get lost, all the time, in my thoughts, in my mind, you come through, like a light, in the dark, give me sight … “

Liz pulled her bottom lip in as she moved closer captured by the sound of his voice, the sincerity of his words, the vulnerability shining in his shy gaze.

“... no one sees what it’s like, you and me, you and I… never go, never hide, you and me, you and I… if you let my soul out, It will come right back to you.”

Whatever nightmare he had come from, however sick he was, none of it mattered, she would be there, the choice was taken from her, a heart stolen by a poet with a beautiful soul.

“It was written for you Liz… they’re mostly all written about you, except for the dark ones, Liz… you really shouldn’t have...“

She knew of the poems he was speaking of, the ones written about death, about the sinister way he had been treated all these years, his loneliness, his despair.

“I know, I’m so sorry, for all of it, for your pain, for reading your private thoughts, I had no right, I promise you that I would never share anything with anyone. I would never hurt you, ever Max, you have to believe that.”

Her breath hitched as she moved towards him, she needed it to happen, it was a pull that was inescapable, a kiss that couldn't be held back, one that Max had been dreaming of for years, for a lifetime.

Terrified, he smoothed his hand along her jaw, lacing his fingers through her silky hair as their eyes slowly closed in breathless anticipation.

It was then that the passenger door suddenly flew open letting in ravaging, prickling ice cold rain.

Liz looked on horrifically, helplessly, while two large hands grabbed Max by the back of his sweatshirt yanking him violently backwards out of the car onto the ground below.

His wide eyes stared at her with a level of sorrow and fear she had never seen before.


Climbing over the seat Liz tried to grab onto him, but it was too late.

Max was on the asphalt writhing in pain as Jim punched him again and again, while his two doberman pinschers barked wildly baring their large teeth on command.

“Fucking around with a girl huh? No one’s going to believe that! I can’t wait to get your ass home. Eleanor’s gonna love this! A loser like you getting laid by some high school slut!”

Tears of shame rushed to Max’s eyes as he flailed helplessly on the ground trying to dodge Jim’s bruising blows.


Looking up into Jim’s dead black eyes, Liz picked up her cell to call 911.

Laughing Jim dove towards her just as a bat from out of nowhere slammed against the back of his head.

Breathless, scared to death, Liz found herself looking up into the rageful eyes of Michael himself.

“What the hell are you doing here? Are you trying to get him killed! I told you to stay away from him!”

Jumping out of the car she ran to Max’s side, while Michael barked a few German commands at the ferocious dogs, causing them to heel immediately.

“Michael help me, put him in my car, he can’t go back there. I’ll take him somewhere safe for now. Is there anyway you can get his things, do you know where he lives?”

Sighing heavily, knowing that Max most likely wouldn’t survive if he were to bring him back to Ellie’s, his foster mother, he reluctantly nodded.

“Yeah, he doesn’t have much, I’ll go get his stuff, he needs his medication, I'll drop it off at your house as soon as I can. Take care of him Liz… he’s not well.”

Nodding she covered him with her jacket, as she secured the seat belt over his unconscious body.

“Yes, I know, he’s very sick - “

Grabbing her attention Michael wiped the blood dripping down from Max’s face with his sleeve.

“He’s not sick Liz… he’s dying.”

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:30 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow I can't believe how everything went for Max and Liz. I really hate Allie and JIM. I hope they will go to jail for what they are doing to Max. I'm glad Michael was there for Max and Liz. Hopefully Liz will be bale to keep Max safe. No please don't let Max die?????

L-J-L 76

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:00 pm
by keepsmiling7
Like Liz, I can't take my mind off of this Max also.
His poems......of course they were written about Liz, except the dark ones.
And the dark ones must reflect the terrible foster situation he was in.
I'm so glad Michael showed up to help Liz take Max away from the foster home, but he just can't die!
Will Liz find the right kind of help for him?
Once again Carrie, you touch a nerve for all concerned.
Thank you,

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:59 pm
by sarammlover
OMG.....I am so glad Michael showed up when he did. I want Max to be safe!! Pretty intense update.

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:42 am
by begonia9508
I can't believe what I read! He is ill and they treat him like dirt!... why all of this violence? I don't believe it sometimes... Ijust hope Liz doesn't let this without an explanation...

EVE :?

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:57 am
by dreamon
Thanks for another awesome part!

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:16 pm
by dreamon
Bump! Missing this!!!

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 6 7/29/15

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:43 am
by mezz
So you seem to have disappeared again. None of your stories are being updated. Hope you come back soon.

Re: Night Sky (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 7 9/3/15

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:43 pm
by jake17
dreamon x2

thank you so much for the fb, I'm so sorry 'again' for the long absence, this summer has been a nightmare, and I think i just got lost for a while. I'm here though, hopefully back to normal with the writing at least.

For those still interested, a little recap:
Liz basically took Max away to talk to him about his horrible foster situation, his illness, and 'them' , they shared an unexpected kiss, before being interrupted by his abusive foster father, beaten unconscious Max's last memory is of 'Jim' going after Liz. He is now waking up, in an unknown location, in much pain, and confusion unaware that Michael had showed up just in time to drag Jim away from Liz, to save them both. (I hope that made sense)

Song: Rhiannon, by Stevie Nicks

chapter seven

Pain shot through him as his gentle eyes gleaming with that ever present golden hue opened to consciousness.

Razor sharp, white hot searing pain - his ribs, face, thighs, back throbbing in rhythm to his increasingly rapid heart beat with fatal increments.

His foggy mind scrambled to put it all together, what was real, or imagined, he could not yet tell.

So much of his tormented life had been a bridge between the two, a survival skill he had learned long ago, always bringing him closer to her and the peace that was just out of reach.

That night sky, to be lost with her, inside, loving her.

That fantasy had kept his heart beating long after the doctors had given up hope.

They called him the miracle boy, but really it was love keeping him alive, love described in earnest words, lines of devotion, the telling of Liz Parker.

Clamoring to put it all together, to discern the real from the poetry that played out repeatedly in his mind's eye, he fought to fully awake.

‘What’s happening… think Max think.’ his staggered thoughts shot about like a pinball game, back and forth, up and down, ranging from elation to horror, unrelated events, confusing detached moments, one making less sense than the last.

Frenzied Panic seized his muscles, foreboding fear thrashed inside him as he struggled to see in the dimly lit room.

‘The hospital, am I still here… did I ever leave? Was this all a drug induced hallucination?’

Running his tongue over his split lip he detected a metallic bitterness, he was finding it hard to breathe with each shallow intake of air from his lungs, then he saw it, felt it washing over him as what only could be described as nirvana.

Lips as sweet honey, softly gliding with exquisite ease against his, feeling the urgency to breathe her in, to taste her, to melt into this unimaginable embrace, this heaven on Earth.

Tap, tap, tap - he could still hear the driving rain upon her windshield encapsulating them inside a protective cocoon, lit by soft blue dashboard lights that shone upon the beauty of her face, and the depth of her stare, inviting, welcoming.

Faint music drifted like mist, the words he would never forget, forever marking the perfection of this kiss, this rare glimpse of Eden.

Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night
And wouldn't you love to love her
She rules her life like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover...

All your life you've never seen
A woman--taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven
Will you ever win...

This was his night sky, his poetry shifting, transforming from mere words to life.

His tattered notebook full of dreams, of moments such as this, of her, were now very real.

Max recalled her words after his fumbling apologies for being so bold in his actions, for just a moment forgetting who he was, and just how undeserving he was of someone like her.

"I'm sorry."

Her response, was quick, defining this private utopia cementing it in stone forever.

“I’m not.”

Were two words ever spoken that held such sublime meaning in all of his short painful life.

He recalled thinking if he died in this moment, if his years of misery led to this unexpected kiss, these two words reflecting the mirror of his heart, than he would be content to surrender, eternally grateful, ready to sleep that peaceful endless slumber that the doctors had condemned him to.

Cold sweat broke out along the tips of his black hair that splayed across his forehead remembering the sudden shift, the shocking rush of cold air hitting his back, the powerful grip twisting his sweatshirt around thick strong hands as he was dragged out of the car.


Wet asphalt, powerful soles of his boots slamming into Max's body, perpetual punishing blows to his face, brutal unforgiving in nature as he slipped in and out, foggy haze, helpless in his effort to protect… her.

‘No, please no.’

Max gasped harshly, he saw it clearly now, his strangled cries, his futile efforts to lift his battered body from the puddles of blood forming the ground beneath him, his state of sheer horror watching Jim lunge with feral rage towards Liz just before blacking out.

‘Please no, oh god, Liz.’

Lips dried with blood shivered nervously, too afraid to speak her name, to know the outcome of an inconceivable nightmare he never could foresee.

Just then he felt it, gentle, warm, her touch comforting him, soothing him back against a stack of pillows.

Her voice sailed lightly across his forehead lifting his dark hair, calming him, whispering in tones so beautiful he was convinced this couldn’t possibly be happening, that he was conjuring her up in his mind like so many times before.

“You’re safe Max, you’re here with me, I promise you… you’re safe now.”

Trying to lift himself up again he body froze, his side burning as if it were on fire, literally taking his breath away.

“Liz ?” hoarsely he whispered in the dark, searching for her through slits of swollen eyes.

He heard her again, louder this time, piercing the veil of fantasy, her face now before him reflecting tears of concern, and yet her voice still wafted over him softly with sublime grace, she was real, she was truly somehow there with him.

“Max, listen to me, you’re hurt, I think your ribs are badly bruised, maybe worse, you have to lay back for me… please, you have to be still.”

Fading in and out Max muttered incoherently, whimpering in pain while his muscles contracted sharply in response to the agony that raked his weak body while his tender heart beat fiercely at an alarming rate.

“He needs to take his medication, it’s been too long, you have to give it to him now Liz!”

Stunned by the familiar deep voice bellowing from across the room, Max jolted awake for good, understanding now what must’ve happened, Michael had yet again saved him, but had he been in time to save Liz.

“Mi - chael … Michael, w-what happened ?”

Like pieces of a puzzle coming together in rapid speed each splintered memory became whole.

Liz outside his foster parents house, the rain, the parking lot, their kiss, Jim pulling him out of the car, beating him, the rain coming in waves sideways.

Jim… depraved, brutal, without conscious or regard for human life rushing towards her...

‘Oh god… oh god… no.’

Seeing it all play out before him once again, he found himself praying to a god that he didn’t believe in.

‘I’ll do anything, just make her safe… please, take my life, take it now… just please.’

Bracing himself, he fought against the excruciating pain he felt with each breath.

“Liz… “

Reaching outward he laced his fingers weakly through her soft hair that swung back and forth over him, skimming his bare chest, leaving him completely at her mercy.

“... did he… are you hurt… oh god… Liz please tell me he didn’t - “

Struck by his blatant lack of concern for himself, she breathed out as tears rushed faster than ever before.

“No, I’m fine, nothing happened, he didn’t touch me Max.”

Worried glances shot back and forth between Michael and Liz while his fingertips grazed her cheek.

Relief washed over him as he expelled a long halting sigh.

“Thank god, I couldn’t live … just the thought… I would die… I would die if … “

Knowing the severity of his heart conditions Michael became impatient.

“Damn it Liz, do it now, he can’t end up in the hospital, Jim and that bitch are probably there waiting for him, and us, they’re his legal guardians, they won’t give him what he needs, fuck knows what they’ll do to him now.”

Covering his hand with hers Liz whispered close to his ear, so sweetly his body gave up the painful fight to sit up.

“Max you need to be calm, Michael was there, he grabbed him before he could touch me. I’m fine, I promise you, but you need to close your eyes for me… please lay back, let me take care of you.”

After that he let go, completely giving himself over to her, so deeply he didn’t even feel the needle pierce his skin.

Pacing back and forth the cluttered room, Michael shook his hand wondering if he broke his knuckles on Jim’s jaw while retrieving Max’s things.

“I have to make sure no one followed me, I’ll text you when I know for sure, until then don’t leave your house Liz… watch him. When he figures out exactly what all this means, he’ll tell you he’s fine, he’ll be worried about you, don’t let him go.”

Nodding she set the empty syringe on a nearby box before pressing two fingers on Max’s wrist to take his pulse.

“I’m fucking serious Liz, they’ll be looking for him, and this time - “

Clearing his dry throat Max forced himself to take a painful breath to speak, worried that Michael was scaring her.

“She understands, it’s alright Michael, I told you... she’s not like the others.”

Huffing in frustration Michael left quickly, wondering how he was going to protect him this time.

Swallowing hard Max’s muscles began to relax as the meds rushed through his veins.

She was out of his sight again, fumbling with something behind him giving Max time to look down at the bandages that were wrapped around his chest.

Through his long eyelashes he could see that he was bare to waist, his feet sticking out of loose grey sweatpants that were not his.

Looking up from her notebook where she had been religiously recording his vitals every half hour, she reached for the powder blue quilt that her grandmother had left her, the one she slept with every night.

Gently laying it over his legs, she shyly glanced up giving him the answers to the questions that were filling his mind.

“Michael changed your clothes, they were soaked. I bandage your ribs, cleaned your wounds, he brought the sweatpants, so I’m guessing they’re his.”

Sweeping his fingers over the loosely applied white gauze he winced forcing himself to turn to look at her.

“Where are we?”

Grabbing a plastic bottle of water Liz sat next to him looking tired and scared.

Her usual perfect hair had dried into unruly waves from the rain that continued to fall outside.

Her makeup was long gone, her cheeks flushed a pale rose, her emotion filled dark eyes were wide with worry.

He couldn’t help but stare, she was so beautiful, so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

Ignoring his question, knowing he’d fight her on the answer, she brought the water to his mouth, urging him to drink.

Lifting his hand to gently push the bottle away he asked again, more seriously this time, lost at to what the answer could be.

“Liz, tell me, where are we… please.”

Averting her eyes, she lowered the bottle placing the palm of her hand over his heart, desperately worried that her answer would supersede the medicine.

“You’re at my house, there’s a room above the garage, the previous owners rented it out, but my dad thought it was too dangerous to have a stranger so close, so they just use it for storage. Please trust me, we had no other choice, you can’t go back there, you need a safe place to heal until we can figure out a way to get you away from those people.”

Tears immediately stung his eyes, he couldn’t believe Michael would be so careless, so god damn stupid.

Breathless now, he pressed his hand against his ribs forcing himself up, throwing his legs over the bed till his feet hit the floor.

“Max! What the hell are you doing - “

Panting hard he cradled her face tenderly.

“You don’t understand, you have no idea what these people are capable of, I can’t be here. You're not safe with me, god Liz, if anything happens to you because of me… no. Your father, he was right, it is too dangerous to have a stranger so close, I am that stranger.”

Shaking her head as silent tears welled within her eyes, Liz let out a shuddered breath before resting her head carefully on his shoulder.

He stilled as she whispered intensely, sweeping her fingers gently down his chest to rest over his heart.

“I know you can feel it, if you just let yourself. I’m with you now, I think in a way I always have been. If you care for me, you’ll stay… please Max… stay with me.”

Taken away by her words, the meaning behind them, lost in her, and everything she was, he heard that song in his mind when they had kissed, lyrics that before were merely a song now seemed to tell the tale of his life.

All your life you've never seen
A woman--taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven
Will you ever win...

She was promising him heaven, if only he'd stay.

Too weak to fight her, too in love to turn her away, he slowly nodded giving in to her... to heaven.