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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 12/3/16

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:42 am
by L-J-L 76
Max should have never called Liz a bitch. Wow that was one hell of a slap for Liz to give Max. Maybe Max will remember to never get Liz upset again. Agree with Serena about Max melting Liz's heart. Maybe soon Liz will open up to Max.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 12 12/3/16

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 6:54 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz is going to have a hard time trusting but Max may have just cracked the wall Liz built around herself.

L-J-L 76 No Max shouldn't have called Liz a bitch. But it may also be what Liz needed to stop closing herself off.

Part 13

Ryan walked into Gomez's office. He knew better then not to show when the boss sent for him.

"You wanted to see me boss?" Asked Ryan
"Sit boy. Tell me everything you know about Elizabeth Parker."
"Not much to tell. Her parents were killed when she was real young. She went to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin Serena. Though from what I have heard the aunt and uncle were killed by a drunk a few years ago."
"You dated her?"
"Yes sir."
"Screw her?"
"Yes I had sex with her. I was her first."
"You spoken to her since high school?"
"No sir."
"I see."
"Sir, what does this have to do with anything?"
"Well the bitch is the only one that came name Victor Kivar as the killer of Sanchez. I thought about just having killed. But I came up with a better idea. She will be my wife and hopefully pump out a few more kids."
"Sir, what I remember about her is that she won't have sex with just anyone."
"Boy I have a way to make her do what I want. She will marry me and willing have sex with me or she gets to watch her cousin die a very slow and painful death."

Ryan knew that he would do it. He had fucked up his life but there was no way in hell he would let this monster hurt either Liz or Serena.


Serena walked into the bedroom and found Liz on the bed. She had the covers wrapped tightly around her.

"Liz, you really need to eat something."
"I'm not hungry."
"Liz, you need your strength if you are going to heal."
"Serena, I am not hungry."
"I don't believe you. I think you are scared to be near Max."
"Max is just an asshole like every other guy."
"Not all guys are assholes."
"Yeah right. Tell me something if they aren't assholes then why don't you date?"
"Haven't found a guy I want to go out with."
"What happened with Randy?"
"Randy? I dated him in high school."
"Yeah so?"
"We broke up and went our own ways."
"He break up with you because you wouldn't have sex with him. Or was after you let him fuck you?"

Serena glared at Liz.

"Liz, just because Ryan hurt you does not give you the right to be such a bitch to everyone."
"Don't call me a bitch!"
"You think I am afraid of you? I'm not! I know deep down that you are still that scared little girl that the cops brought to my parents front door twenty years ago."
"I am not scared."
"Yeah right. You are scared. From everything I have heard Max has not left you since you came out of surgery to remove that bullet. Do you have any clue how close you really came to dying? That killer is good. He missed both your heart and lungs by less than an inch! The fact that you woke up as quick as you did is a miracle! You lost nearly a third of your blood! Liz to me you aren't just my cousin or best friend. Your my sister! I love you and it hurts to see you in this much emotional pain all the time. You will never be happy if you don't open yourself up to people. Yes you might get hurt again, but you also might find that everlasting once in a lifetime kind of love."
"Serena just leave me alone."
"No! Now get your ass out of this bed and eat something!"

Liz sighed and did what Serena told her.

Max and Kyle watched as Liz came out of the bedroom. She looked just as pissed as when she went in. Serena came out not looking to happy.

"She OK?" Asked Kyle
"Just didn't want to hear what I said to her."


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 12/4/16

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:18 am
by keepsmiling7
Once again Liz is lucky to have Serena as a friend/cousin.
I don't like the plans the Gomez family have underway.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 12/4/16

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:44 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz got hit with some truth by her friend/cousin. Hopefully Liz will take what Serena said to heart. Serena is right Max has been with Liz since she woke up in the hospital. So Ryan doesn't want Liz and Serena hurt by his boss. Well Ryan better think of something and get some help.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 12/4/16

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:30 pm
by SmileeUk
Way to go Serena!! :D Liz needs you to point her to the right direction! Living in the past will not help her to move on. Life is too short for it :wink: :wink:

Glad that Max has slowly broken Liz's wall :wink:

I don't like this Kivar guy :twisted: Danger is in the air :twisted: :twisted:

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 13 12/4/16

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:58 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz is very lucky to have Serena. As for the Gomez family I wouldn't count on them getting far with their plans.

L-J-L 76 Deep down Liz knows that Serena is right. Oh there is someone who is working to bring Gomez down and Ryan will have no choice.

SmileeUk Serena, knows Liz better then anyone. She will always put her in place. Kivar is very bad news!

Part 14

Kivar cursed as the snow kept falling. He hated snow! He needed to retire to where there was no snow. Maybe a nice tropical beach somewhere that he could hide out. Somewhere he had multiple women to fuck. He saw a small cabin. It was dark so he knew that it wasn't the one where the stupid cops were hiding the bitch that could put him in prison. He couldn't understand why Gomez wouldn't let him just kill the bitch. But that wasn't his business. His was to bring the girl to his boss. He parked his truck in front of the cabin got out and broke in. He would hide out here until the storm passed then he would get the girl killing anyone in his way and taking her back to Gomez. Then he would get out of this place forever.


Kyle watched Serena by the window. He had to admit in the few days he had known her, that she was the type of girl he would go out with. Much better than that psyco Tess he had gone out with. He knew she had gotten out of the hospital but she had to stay away. He had taken a restraining order out on her. It was the one time he had wished he had listened to his stepsister Maria. Maria was a bit wacky but at least she was sane. Last he heard about Tess she was working at Dino's bar. A bar that was linked to the Gomez family. He knew that his dad liked Serena's spunk. But Kyle couldn't tell if things were different if Serena would go out with him if they had met in another way if she would go out with him.

"You know she does like you."

Kyle turned to see Liz next to him.

"How can you tell?"
"I know Serena. She is the only person I fully trust."
"Liz, Serena has told me a little about you. Max is a good guy. He won't hurt you. In fact he asked to be the one to protect you. He felt he had to do it from the moment he saw you bleeding to death on the floor of that store."
"You both seem to be not to bad. But I trusted the wrong guy before. I just can't risk it."
"You know they say you got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince."
"Not going to happen."

Liz headed for the bedroom. Kyle came up with a plan then. He wanted to get closer to Serena and he would help bring Max closer to Liz, and hopefully knock that wall around her heart down.


Maria DeLuca walked into the office of her Captain and stepfather. She sat on the edge of his desk and smiled.

"Maria what do you want?" Asked Jim
"How much do you love me Jim?"
"Maria, how many times do I have to tell you at the station it's captain?"
"Well I got some information that you might want. So how much do you love me?"
"If what you got is good then you won't have to work vice any more."
"Good. So I have a lead on the leak in the department."
"What leak?"
"Jim, don't play dumb with me. You know what leak. The one that has cost us every witness against Gomez we had so far."
"What do you got?"
"Well my idiot cousin has been seen hanging around Dino's a lot lately. In fact he has been passing notes to a waitress that use to go out with Kyle. This waitress then passes the notes to men who work for Gomez. The latest being to a man that fits the description of the killer of Hector Sanchez."
"Who is your source?"
"A hooker that works for Gomez. Now she didn't choose to be a hooker. She was kidnapped from another city. Brought to a house where she claims that Gomez and his men raped her repeatedly for a little over two months. Then she was forced out on the street. Told she had to bring in two hundred or more a night."
"Her story fits with most of the other girls that have been brought in that work for Gomez. There is more but when they are arrested they got a week to earn back the bail money on top of the standard two hundred."
"So what do you want me to do?"
"If Tess Harding is in the employment of Gomez then somewhere she will have a tattoo of a G with wings in red. The hookers and escorts all have it on the back of their neck. Tess might have it on her arm or something. He would want here more visible to identify her as the go between for his police informant."
"You want proof that Sean is the one passing on the info?"
"Yes. If you get that I will let you and Guerin arrest him personally."
"Great. Catch you later."

Maria left and Jim shook his head. Maria was so much like her mother it was scary. Though he had to admit that Amy threw a fit when Maria entered the police academy. But he also never liked Sean DeLuca. He was the son of Amy's brother and caused trouble as a kid. Never anything illegal. But still trouble.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 12/5/16

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:53 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh hell no Kivar is in the mountains. Now that is not a good thing. So Kyle is trying to come up with away for Max and Liz to spend time together and him to get to know Serena better. Hopefully whatever Kyle has planned will work. Loved how Maria is with Jim. Maria is still a funny person.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 12/5/16

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:10 pm
by keepsmiling7
Kyle is playing match maker.......but also taking care of himself.
This is going to get interesting with everyone snowed in........

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 14 12/5/16

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:32 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Kyle is trying to come up with away to get Max and Liz together and spend time alone with Serena. Maria will always be Maria.

Carolyn Things may just start heating up in that snow covered cabin.

Part 15

Liz looked up when the door to the bedroom opened and Max walked in.

"Get out!"
"Not a chance. Your cousin and Kyle are in the other bedroom talking. I ain't sleeping on the couch. You can't with your injury. So we are going to share this bed. You will not hog the covers like you did with Serena. See she was nice and let you get away with it. I won't."
"Get out!"
"Told you ain't going to happen."

Max then removed his shrit and jeans leaving only his boxers. He smirked when he saw Liz checking him out. He looked at the bed.

"Right or left side?" He asked

Liz climbed into bed on the left and Max took the right. He laid on his back staring up at the cecling. Liz was curled up as far from him as possible.

"Liz, nothing is going to happen other than sleep."
"Just don't touch me."

Max nodded and watched as sleep claimed Liz. He fell to sleep a short time later. Max was woken from his sleep by a scream. He sat up and found Liz thrashing in her sleep. He placed a gentle hand on her and called her name.

"Liz wake up. It's just a dream. You are safe." Said Max softly

Liz woke sweating and crying. She saw Max next to her with a concern look on his face. He opened his arms and Liz fell into them. She never spoke just let him hold her. It wasn't long before they fell to sleep with Max holding Liz close.


Both Serena and Kyle had been awaken by Liz's scream. But had silently agreed to let Max try to calm her. Serena snuggled closer to Kyle and soon they were asleep again.


Liz woke early to a pair of strong arms holding her. She looked at the clock and could see that it was nearly seven in the morning. She looked at Max and her memory of the nightmare came back. He calmed her and held her as she fell back to sleep.

"Max, wake up please."

Max stired and looked at her in his arms.

"Morning." Mumbled Max
"Morning. Uh could you let go of me please? I kind of have to uh...."

Max smiled and nodded. He released her and she got out of bed and headed out of the room to the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later and climbed back into bed.

"Cold?" Asked Max
"Yeah. I have small vains. So I get cold easily."
"Hence you being a covers hog as Serena calls you."
"Yeah. Max, thank you for holding me after the nightmare."
"Liz do you remember it?"

Liz looked away and nodded.

"Want to talk about it?"
"Not really. But I should."
"The killer finds me and Serena. But he doesn't kill us right away. He ties us both up and forces me to watch as he first rapes and then he kills Serena. But he doesn't shoot her. He take a knife and cuts her open. He cuts her from the top of her chest all the way down to her feminine area. He then pulls out her heart throws it on the floor and stomps on it."
"Liz, Kyle and I will do everything we can to prevent anything from happening to you and Serena."
"I know."
"But you still can't bring yourself to trust either of us."
"Trust can't just be given."
"I know. You trusted someone and you got hurt. So it's very hard for you trust."
"Max, I know I have been acting like a bitch. I'm sorry."
"Just work on it, and know I will call you on it when you become unbearable."
"I'm going to go see if Serena is up. I want to shower and will need her help to change the bandage."
"Sure, I just want to use the bathroom before you shower."

Liz went to find her cousin and Max went to the bathroom.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 12/6/16

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:54 am
by L-J-L 76
So Max and Liz shared a bed together. So glad that Max was there when Liz had her nightmares. Wow Liz's nightmare was a really bad one. Glad Max held Liz to calm her down. Finally Max and Liz talked and Max understands Liz's trust issues.

L-J-L 76