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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 11 5/14/17

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:38 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Yes Liz has a major temper. It is true that Liz's father doesn't understand her. This part will tell you a little about Liz's relationship with her parents. As for Max it is a little understandable his not writing about what happened between them. But he didn't even write a note to tell his close friend that he missed her!

L-J-L 76 Liz has been thinking about the last night before she went to school. But she was hurt that he didn't write like he promised.

Part 12

Lord Sean of the house of DeLuca. Was not happy. He had been after Lord Parker's daughter Elizabeth for years. He couldn't believe that stupid prince had gotten the hand of the woman he wanted! Elizabeth was one of the most beautiful young Ladies in the court. He was the head of his family being the only male. He had to take a wife soon. He needed to extended his bloodline. He wished he could find away to break apart Elizabeth and the idiot prince. Sean was twenty seven years old and had to start his family soon. He would marry someone but that didn't mean he would be happy about it. There was only one girl in the kingdom that he would be happy to bury his dick into. One girl that he wanted to pound into so hard that she screamed and he would do it until he dumped enough of his seed into her that she carried his son and heir.


Liz was curled up on her balcony with a book reading when her mother walked out to join her.

"I never agreed with your father about you not knowing Liz."

Liz looked at her mother, Lady Nancy Parker. She had never been close to either of her parents. Liz took after her father in looks, with dark hair and eyes. While Serena looked much like their mother. Chris was a near perfect blend of the two.

"Then why didn't you tell me mother?" Asked Liz
"I couldn't disobey your father."
"You have never voiced anything to him! You have let him treat you like you are only good enough to have children."
"My father was much like Jeffrey. As a woman you just do as you are told."
"Mother, you must know that I in will be moving into the palace."
"Yes I am aware of that."
"You don't seem upset or surprised by the news."
"Liz, you have always been a challenge for your father. Much too independent for him."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Everything. Your Grandmother, his mother was a lot like you. He hated it. Some how it got in his head that women needed to be controlled."
"Do you love him mother?"
"You are a hopeless romantic Liz. Love has nothing to do with marriage for us. All you can hope for is a husband that will treat you well. I believe that the prince is just that kind of man that will be kind to you."
"I know he will."
"Liz, I hope you will forgive your father one day."
"Mother, he has never been happy to have two daughters."
"He may not act like it but he cares about you. The young Lord DeLuca has asked for your hand a number of times. But he refused to break the contract with the King for you to marry the prince."
"Sean is nearly ten years older then me! Max is only two."
"It is not uncommon for an older man to take a younger wife. It becomes even more so when there is no male heir."
"I realize that."
"Liz, I am proud of you for holding your temper during the ball."
"Mother, I would never cause a scene that would be harmful to my King and Queen."
"No you wouldn't."


Isabel slipped out into the garden and made her way to the lake. She was going to meet the man that she was in love with. She knew that there was an arranged marriage in her future that would be officially announced some time after her brother married. But she already knew who she was to marry, and it just so happened to be the man she was in love with. She felt bad that Liz had to learn the way she did about who she would marry. But she also knew that both Max and Liz had deep feelings for each other. She reached the lake and found him waiting for her.

"Hi Princess."
"I thought we agreed when it is just you and me you would drop that Princess crap."
"Anything you say Isabel."
"Alex, I can't wait till we can marry."
"Me either."
"But first Max and Liz must marry."
"So Uncle Jeffrey really pissed off Liz."
"Well last night was when she learned that she was to marry my brother."
"Oh man. The storm was letting him off easy."
"I know. How about we forget your cousin and think about us."
"Good idea."

Alex and Isabel kissed then spent the rest of the day together.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 5/15/17

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 6:39 am
by Natalie36
hopefully sean can't do anything

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 5/15/17

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 7:18 pm
by keepsmiling7
Looks like Alex and Isabel would like for Max and Liz to hurry and marry.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 12 5/15/17

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Max and Liz's engagement is a done deal. Sean can't stop the upcoming marriage.

Carolyn Yes Alex and Isabel would like for Max and Liz to hurry up and get married. But they have to wait.

Part 13

Max walked up to Liz who was in the courtyard of the palace. One of the many places that they had played as children.

"Good afternoon Liz."
"What do you want Max?"
"I thought we could take a walk together."
"Not going to happen. I am still not happy with you."
"Liz, I know that I fucked up. I should have written you."
"Yeah you should have! Look I have accepted that my father is a cold asshole who is stuck in the middle ages. But you were my best friend!"
"How do I make it up to you?"
"Gee Max, I don't know. Think of something!"

Liz walked off, as she did a down pour came down on Max from a clear sky. He wiped the water off his face. He knew that Liz was not going to forgive him easily for treating her like she wasn't important to him. The fact was she was the most important thing to have happened to him. He loved her more then anything.

"Still pissed at you I see."

Max turned to see Isabel. She had the same smile that she had at breakfast.

"Yeah. I fucked up." Said Max
"Yeah you did. You were her best friend and you didn't send her one letter."
"Like I said I fucked up."
"It is even worse after what happened"
"What are you talking about?"
"Please Max, I know what happened between you and Liz the night before she left. You know down at the lake."
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Max, don't lie. Look I am not going to tell anyone what you two did."
"How did you find out? You didn't go dream walking did you?"
"Max, I stopped dream walking you a long time ago. I really don't want to see you dreaming about having sex with Liz."
"How did you find out?"
"I saw the two of you! Let me tell you that was not something I ever want to see again in my life."
"Iz, you know that no one can find out."
"I know that. But I am not keeping quiet for you."
"You are doing it for Liz?"
"Yes. You see I know that once she let's you out of the dog house you will make her very happy."
"I love her."
"You have a funny way of showing it."
"Any ideas on how I fix things?"
"That dear brother is for you to figure out."

Isabel walked off smirking.


Sean smiled as Lord Edward Harding walked into his office. He had twin daughters who had just turned seventeen. He personally didn't give a shit which one he married. All he cared about was that she was young enough to give him a couple of sons to hand his estate to.

"Lord Harding, thank you for coming." Said Sean
"I have read your letter. Now Tess is already promised to Lord Kivar's son Nicholas. If you agree then I will let you take Ava as your wife. Now mind you Ava, is kind of bookish."
"Lord Harding that is agreeable. She only needs to be able to give me a son."
"I am sure that she can."
"Good. Now I don't care for a big fancy wedding. So two months good enough?"
"That will be fine."

The two men signed the papers and the deal was done. In two months time Lady Ava Harding would become the wife of Lord Sean DeLuca.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 5/16/17

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 12:20 pm
by keepsmiling7
It appears Max has a lot to figure out!
He needs to stay in the dog house a lot longer.
All Lord Sean wants is a son/heir.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 13 5/16/17

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz, isn't going to let Max out of the dog house any time soon. Yes Lord Sean only wants a son and heir. But he may not get what he wants.

Part 14

Liz was woke in the morning to her father forcing his way into her bedroom.

"Get out father!" Yelled Liz
"No! You don't get to tell me what to do! You are nothing but an ungrateful brat!"
"No! Father, you are nothing but a cold uncaring asshole!"

Jeffrey, glared at Liz. He grabbed her pulling her from her bed. He threw her to the floor.

"Elizabeth, you will not speak to me like that. I don't give a damn what you want. You are still my child. You will do as I tell you."
"Go fuck yourself."

Jeffrey glared at Liz and then slapped her across the face. Liz couldn't believe that he had hit her!

"You will not speak that way to me! Elizabeth weather you like it or not I am your father and you will do as I say."
"You better listen to me father. You know I am going to report you for striking me! You need to remember that as soon as my engagement started I came under the protection of the Royal Family. It is a crime to strike me!"
"That is a lie. Women need to learn to respect that men know what is right for them."

Liz just stared at her father. She had no idea what was wrong with him.

"Get out father!"

It was then that Liz kicked up a wind in a cyclone that swept up her father and threw him from the room. The door to her room closed and Liz began to cry.


Serena watched as her father hit the wall hard as the wind died down. She closed her eyes and asked the granalith to help her sister to control her anger. She opened her eyes and looked at her father.

"What are you waiting for girl? Help me up!"
"I am sorry father. I am not able to do that. If you noticed I am dressed in my training robe. While dressed in this robe I am not to touch any male. Once I am a guardian I may only touch my mate while dressed in my robe, unless it is to preform a blessing on the royal heir."
"You are nothing but an ungrateful bitch!"
"Father, you need to stop trying to control Liz. You are doing nothing but pushing her away."
"Both you girls have been given to much freedom! A woman's job is just to keep a man's blood line going with sons."

Serena shook her head knowing that her father was not going to change.


Max watched as servants carried in Liz's belongings. While her quarters had been given in the family's private wing of the palace, they were on a different floor from his. In fact he was not even a loud to set foot on her floor. His sister Isabel had her quarters not far from Liz's. He was still trying to come up with a way to make things up to Liz for treating her like she meant nothing to him while she was away.

"Hey Max what's going on?"

Max turned to see his friend and Liz's cousin Alex.

"Oh hi Alex. Uh your cousin is moving into one of the guest quarters." Said Max
"Let me guess she is more pissed with Uncle Jeffrey then you for not writing."
"Yeah. How do I make things right with her?"
"Wish I knew. Liz is not always easy to read. You know sometimes she is an open book. Others nothing can break through her wall. All I know is she is not going to make it easy on you."
"That I know. So far all she has done is opened a couple down pours over my head."
"She will forgive you at some point. But not without a lot of hard work from you."
"I know I messed up. I should have sent her a note at least once a month just to tell her I missed her."
"Yeah you should have." Said Isabel joining them.
"Will you help me Isabel?"
"Why should I?"
"You are my favorite sister?"
"I am your only sister."
"Yeah but will you help?"
"I will think about it."

Isabel and Alex walked off leaving Max alone.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 5/17/17

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:42 am
by Natalie36
still not liking the jeff, hoping he would change

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 5/17/17

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:43 am
by keepsmiling7
Jeff will never learn how to handle Liz......
And it appears neither Isabel or Alex had the magic answers for Max.
He better put on his thinking cap real soon.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 14 5/17/17

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Don't get your hopes up to high on Lord Parker changing.

Carolyn No Lord Parker will understand Liz. Max is not going to find a lot of getting out of the dog house.

Part 15

Liz walked into her new quarters inside the Royal Palace. She watched as maids worked at unpacking her belonging. Her books were lined neatly on the bookshelf in her sitting room. On the table near the French doors that led out to a balcony, was a vase with white roses. She walked over to the table and picked up a card that was near the vase.

*My darling,
I know that I really screwed up. But you need to know that you mean more to then you will ever know. Please accept these roses that are only half as beautiful as you are as a token of how sorry I am. Liz, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Your best friend and future husband,

Liz looked at the flowers then headed out on the balcony. She looked down and saw Max looking up with hopeful eyes. She glared at him and dropped a foot of snow on his head. She then turned and walked back in.


"So Liz still pissed at you for not writing?"

Max turned to see Maria DeLuca. She was the stepdaughter of Lord James Valenti, his father's advisor on security.

"Well that is your own fault Max."
"I know. I am trying to make things right with her. But I am starting to think she is going to make me suffer."
"Of course she is! Max, you were her best friend! You didn't even write her a note to say that you missed her!"
"Yeah I know I screwed up."
"So what are you doing about it?"
"Well I left her white roses in her quarters."
"That is a start. But you need to do more."
"Will you help me?"
"Sorry, prince boy. You are on your own."
"Yeah I kind of figured. Isabel isn't willing to help either."
"Max, you got yourself into this mess you have to get yourself out of it. Besides do you think I want Liz's wrath?"
"Good point. I just wish I knew how to fix things."
"Good luck."

Maria walked off. Max knew that he had to come up with something else to get back in Liz's good graces.


"So Liz what does my idiot of a brother need to do to get back on your good side?" Asked Isabel coming into the sitting room.
"More then send me flowers."
"You love him don't you?"
"Liz, I know what happened between you and Max before you went away. No he didn't tell me. I saw the two of you."
"Oh my god."
"Liz relax, I haven't told anyone other then you and Max. What happened."
"Thanks Isabel."
"Hey, I like you. You and Serena always knew how to keep the boys in line back when we were kids."
"Well they stopped messing with me after I froze the lake with them in it."
"That was great!"
"Isabel, if I tell you what Max has to do will you promise not to tell him?"
"I know that Max loves me. But he has never actually said those words to me."
"So you want him to admit that he loves you?"
"Yeah. I know that it shouldn't be important. But it is."
"Liz, everyone wants to know that someone loves them."
"Yeah. You know I have always have been a little jealous of your family. Your parents are a big part of your life. Mine just dumped Chris, Serena and me off on nannies as kids."
"Max and I were mostly raised by nannies too. But our parents always spent time with us too."
"Yeah well my father lives in the dark ages. Women need a man to tell them what to do according to him. He hit me this morning for not being submissive to him. I healed the mark he left."
"Liz, you should have let my parents see what he did to you."
"I don't want anyone to know."
"I can understand that. But you know that you are now under our protection. That means he can't hurt you any more."
"I know."
"I will leave you to get settled. Think about what I have said."
"I will. Thanks Isabel."


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 15 5/18/17

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:03 am
by keepsmiling7
Loved the snow dumped on Max's head!
He keeps asking Isabel and Maria what he can do to make up.......good for Maria telling him "prince boy" you're on your own.
Now that Isabel knows what Liz needs........will she drop some hints to Max???