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Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 29 6/4/09

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:51 pm
by LittleBit

I just wanted to let you guys know that the next part should be coming soon. I have it done but it's linked to the two after so I don't want to post it just yet. Just in case I change it.

And out of curiousity once Abby is born, we'll go back to the timeline of the prologue and it will be essentially a new story. Would you guys rather I start it as a new thread or keep going on this one?

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 30 8/9

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:15 pm
by LittleBit
Hey guys, as you can see I am finally posting a new part. Hope everyone enjoys.

Part 30
Late 06/2007

“Dean!“ Liz exclaimed, not daring to move as he moved forward, his eyes focused on her mid-section. “I’m surprised to see you.”

“Not half as surprised as I am.” Dean retorted, breaking his silence. “What…how…”

“Come on Dean, I even paid attention during that class in school.” Michael joked before flinching when Liz backhanded him in the chest.

Liz looked back at Dean and saw all of the emotions coursing through his eyes, surprise, anger, happiness, and if she wasn’t wrong, sorrow? “Um…we need to talk.”

“You think?” Dean replied angrily.

“Not here. Let’s go upstairs.” Liz said eyeing the few others who were in the café, starting to stare at them.

Before Dean could follow her, Michael grabbed his arm. “Dude, go easy on her.”

Yet instead of Michael’s words dissipating his anger, Dean only felt it increase. He yanked his arm out of Michael’s grasp and followed his wife up to their apartment, slamming the door behind him. “What the hell is going on Liz?! You’re pregnant!”

“Dean, let me explain.” Liz implored.

“Explain?! Yes, explain to me how you seem to be pregnant but never told me!” Dean bellowed.

“I know you’re mad. I know it’s unexpected.” Liz stated in a rush. She knew that Dean would be mad whenever he found out but facing his anger head on was another story. The baby could tell that something was going on and wouldn’t settle down, making things very uncomfortable for her.

“I’m not mad that you are pregnant, I’m mad that you seem to decide that I didn’t need to know! We said we’d tell each other everything! You know how important family is to me Liz and you kept this from me!” Dean yelled angrily. Things were spinning out of control. She had been at the front of his mind when he had made the deal for Sam; he didn’t want to die and leave her behind but knew that she’d understand. But now that he was going to be a father, things were completely different.

“Because I had to! If I hadn’t kept it from you then you would have stayed here! And as much as I want that, I’ve always known I had to share you or innocent people die!” Liz fired back, cringing when a sharp pain went up her back.

Dean saw the grimace on her face and his anger quickly turned to worry. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Liz said as she rubbed her stomach to try and get the baby to settle down. “Just some back pain and a few cramps.”

“Liz, I don’t have any experience but I do know that if you are having pains that isn’t good.” Dean said as he moved closer, maneuvering her back to the couch.

Liz shook her head. “I was probably just on my feet too much. I don’t think I sat down once all day until Michael and Maria forced me into a booth.”

“I never thought I’d say this but Maria actually had good sense.” Dean commented before he went to the door and yelled for Michael.

His call brought Michael barreling in from the downstairs, as soon as he saw Dean’s panic and Liz’s pain. “What’s wrong?

'“Liz is having pains, she says it’s cramps but I think it’s something else.” Dean stated. “Where’s Maria?”

“She ran to the bank and then home.” Michael answered as he flipped open his cell phone to call her. As it rang, he looked at Liz, “What are you supposed to do if you’re in pain like this?”

“I’m fine.” Liz insisted. “I visited the doctor yesterday. My blood pressure was borderline and she said that I needed to watch if I started getting dizzy or spotting. But I’m not dizzy. Just tired.”

Maria picked up on the other line of Michael’s cell and as he told her the situation, Dean placed his hands on Liz’s belly to try and make her feel better. As he did, he felt his child move for the first time but the enjoyment from it was quickly pushed aside when he felt her belly tighten. “Liz, I don’t know what that is but it didn’t feel normal.”

“Maria’s on her way.” Michael reported. “She said it sounds like Liz is going into labor.”

“I just have a little backache.” Liz argued but neither of them looked convinced. “It’s uncomfortable but not a lot of pain. I am almost seven months pregnant, so being uncomfortable is something I’m used to. Maria’s wrong, I can’t be in labor. I can’t be.”

“Liz...I just...I really, really think you should call your doctor and see if she makes house calls.” Michael stated.

Liz sighed and conceded, because if she looks at it objectively, she would be insisting on the same thing if it were Maria or Isabel. “Alright, I’ll call her. But I need to go to the bathroom. Dean kind of interrupted my trip there earlier.”

Michael nodded before Dean helped her up to head to the bathroom. A few minutes later when Liz came back Maria had arrived and was on the phone with the doctor, trying to explain what was going on without actually saying explaining about the fight.

Liz’s throat felt tight and she did everything she could to keep Dean from seeing her face because she knew he would panic if she did. So she concentrated on the phone that Maria put in her hand. “Listen...if Maria hasn’t already explained the situation, today’s been really stressful. Really stressful. So can you meet us at the hospital? Because I think I might be going into labor.”

others watch Liz as she listens for a minute before saying. “When I say I might be going into labor...I think I’m having contractions and I’m spotting. No, my water hasn’t broken yet.”

Liz still couldn’t bear to face Dean, but it didn’t stop her from holding out her hand to him to assure herself. “So I guess we’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Liz hung up the phone and concentrated to still her trembling hands, not that she was very successful. “Okay...we need to get the hospital now.”

“Impala or ambulance?” Dean asked, holding her up almost completely in case her knees gave out as they traveled down the stairs.

“Depends on which one is fastest.”

“Impala it is.”

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 30 8/9

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:28 pm
by LittleBit
Lizandzackfan, Twilighteyes, alexceasar, Nubantu, Synera, Avalonrose, Dexter84-Thanks for being so patient guys. The fan on my laptop went out and while I had the most recent in progress part with me, I didn’t have the rest of the story so I haven’t been able to post.

Part 31
“Um…Liz. How likely is it that your water will break while we’re on our way to the hospital?” Dean asked as he helped her into the backseat while Maria got in from the other side.

“If this is about your car, so help me Dean…” Liz started to yell but Maria interrupted. “Whatever happens, it can be fixed with a little alien mojo. Let’s breathe a little…come on Liz; I have some soothing oils that can help.”

Liz ignored Maria and looked up at Dean as she tried to keep the panic off her face as another pain hit. “God…this can’t be happening. It’s too soon.”

Deciding that he couldn’t leave Liz’s side, Dean tossed his keys to Michael. “You drive, I’m riding with Liz.”

Michael and Maria stared at the keys in Michael’s hand but jumped into action when Liz moaned again.

“Can you hold on for the five minutes it’ll take us to get there or do we need to call the doctor back?” Michael asked her as he pulled the car out onto Main Street, not wanting the baby to be born in the back of a moving car.

“I think I can hold on…” Liz answered as she felt another contraction. “Though I won’t complain if we get there sooner.”

“Kyle!” Liz exclaimed suddenly, causing Dean to look at her with confusion. “Did anyone call Kyle? Or Isabel?”

“I called them when Dean was getting you out of the apartment.” Maria spoke up. “They are meeting us at the hospital. Don’t worry about it Liz, we’ve got it covered.”

“I have to worry, it’s too soon.” Liz whimpered as she leaned up against Dean. “I am so sorry. I did what I thought I had to but I should have told you.”

“Shh…it’s okay.” Dean said as he kissed her forehead. “Things are going to be fine. You and our…”


“Daughter…are going to be fine.” Dean finished, his mind reeling at the thought of him having a little girl. Sam would say it was ironic that he was having a girl. His thoughts of Sam immediately turned to thoughts of his deal but he shoved them firmly aside as he concentrated on the here and now when he saw the fear coming over Liz’s face again. “Liz…it’s okay.”

“I’m scared Dean. There’s so much you don’t know.” Liz explained as a sharp pain hit her for a minute before decreasing. “Okay, that was a contraction.”

“What don’t I know Liz?” Dean asked her but Maria ended up giving him the answer. “The baby might take after her mother, like the ‘changed’ part of her.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Dean demanded.

Maria shrugged. “We don’t know, exactly. There’ve just been a few ‘differences’ between Liz’s pregnancy and regular ones.”


“Like the fact that I could only be twenty three weeks pregnant but when I went to the doctor yesterday I’m on normal development for thirty four weeks.” Liz explained, huffing through a strained breath.

“Not to argue with the pregnant chick in labor but are you sure you aren’t off on the date?” Dean asked.

“No. Because if I am, then you are better than I thought. Because during that time frame you were out east with Sam.” Liz exclaimed. “I got pregnant in January, the night we got Zan back.”

“What’s the plan once we get to the hospital?” Dean asked, this time his attention to Michael.

“So far except for the accelerated growth, there’s nothing weird.” Michael stated. “Max checked her over early on and couldn’t find anything weird. It’s one of the reasons she’s delivering at the hospital, not that we could get out of that after what happened.”

“What happened?” Dean demanded to know.

“I found out I was pregnant when I passed out at work.” Liz explained. “They called an ambulance and by the time I came to, there was nothing I could do to stop the EMT from looking me over and taking me in. After such a public display, I couldn’t get out of seeking medical help. That was a couple of weeks before your last visit.”

“But if this little girl stirs up a bunch of trouble, we’ll do what we can about damage control.” Michael announced as he caught Dean’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “We won’t let anything happen to them.”

Dean nodded in acknowledgement of the promise just as they arrived at the hospital. Maria hopped out and ran into the emergency room. A moment later, several nurses were coming out with a wheelchair and pulling open the door to the Impala. The one who opened the door took one look at Liz and said. “My gosh...this little one is in a hurry to join the world.”

“Too much of a hurry.” Liz’s breathed out as she was helped out and into the chair. The nurses moved her inside quickly and up to labor and delivery. Dean, Maria and Michael had just stepped out of the room to let the doctor and nurses exam and help Liz change when they heard someone call out to them.
“Dean!” Kyle called out as he and Isabel ran up. “What happened?”

But before they could answer, one of the nurses came out. “Which one of you is the father?”

Dean immediately stepped forward and she directed him inside the room. As he entered he saw Liz sitting propped up in the middle bed looking anything but relaxed. He reached her bed just as a woman dressed in scrubs and white coat approached him. “Mr. Parker? I’m Dr. Kat. I’ve been your wife’s obstetrician over the last several months.”

“Nice to meet you.” Dean replied, slipping into the name easily. He used the surname of Parker whenever he was in Roswell.

“You too. Liz told me you had been traveling a lot for your work.” Dr. Kat replied. “Good to see you could be here for this.”

“How are they?” Dean asked

“According to a preliminary check, she’s at nine centimeters and near to crowning. It won’t be long now.”

“I’m only at thirty four weeks,” Liz disagrees. “I can’t be giving birth. I’m not ready, the nursery isn’t done, I haven’t taken birthing classes or Lamaze…”

“I hate to argue, Liz, but your baby is coming now. Lamaze is for women who have long drawn out births. This baby seems to want to get this done right away.” The doctor stated.

“She gets that from her father.” Liz moaned as a contraction hit her. She slipped her hand out of Dean’s so she could squeeze the railings of the gurney as she managed a few sharp, shallow breaths. While she came down from the pain of the contraction she felt Dean’s hand on her face and she tried to smile up at him.

“Can you give her something for the pain?” Dean asked.

Doctor Kat’s mouth opened but it is Liz that answered. “No. No drugs.”

Dean’s face scrunches in confusion as he looks at her. “Liz, if you don’t have to be in pain…”

“I’m fine. No drugs, Dean. I don’t want to be unable get around on my own after this.” Liz stated, willing with her eyes for him to understand. It only took a moment for him to get her meaning, she wanted to be able to move if they had to leave fast. He nodded in agreement before Liz looked at the doctor. “No drugs.”

The doctor moved away to give them a bit of privacy while he and his staff finished prepping. Liz could hear the noise around her but all she really paid attention to was Dean. He gripped the hand that didn’t have the IV in it while he talked to her quietly, a low babble of useless information while they waited for the arrival of their child.

Sorry if I took the easy way out and made Liz’s changes excelerate her pregnancy but it was the only way that the time line worked out. If I had Liz get pregnant early, then Dean would have found out too soon, and if not then Abby would be too premature. Originally Abby was going to be the product of their first night together, right after the Parkers’ death but my beta and I agreed that Dean would have had a harder time making the deal if he already knew he was a father. So it ended up the way it is.

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 31 9/06

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:32 pm
by LittleBit
Nope your eyes are not deceiving you, I am posting another part after only a week! I couldn't leave you hanging and I have a few parts in reserve so I thought I'd post it. There maybe some errors in it because I don't think I got this to my beta before her computer caught the blue screen of death but I'm not sure.

Anyways, enjoy. This is the last flashback scene. Thanks for stick through all of that for me, I felt I had to show how they got together.

Part 32

He was a dad.

As Dean stared at her little round face surrounded by the pink blanket, it really hit him. He, Dean Winchester, was a dad to a beautiful baby girl.

The rest of the labor had continued to go fast and after another hour, Liz had given birth to a healthy but small baby girl. When the nurses checked her, she had barely been five pounds with a full head of hair. They had been worried about her lungs at first due to the fact that she did not cry when she first came out. However as soon as the pediatrician put a cold stethoscope to her chest, she let an annoyed cry and he confirmed she was fine.

Dean had hovered around the doctor and nurse while they checked out the baby, and took her out of the nurse’s arms as soon as he was given the okay. He took her over to Liz and sat there while Liz fed her for the first time. They were flooded with visitors shortly after but within a couple hours, Dean played the mean card and shooed everyone out when Liz could barely keep her eyes open. Dean took the baby from her, after he assured her that he would watch over them, and she promptly fell asleep.

So for the last few hours, it was just the two of them. Well actually just Dean since the baby was as sound asleep as her mother. But he still felt like they were having some one on one time.

Dean couldn’t remember a time when he had been so unbelievably happy and yet so unbelievably sad. He had a wonderful wife and a new beautiful baby but he would only have a year with them. A year usually seemed like such a long time, but now it only felt like it was no longer than a second. He would see his daughter grow in the next year, see her crawling and walking and maybe hear her first word but he wouldn’t be there to watch her go off to school for the first time, or threaten any boy who even thought of dating her.

His daughter stirring a little in his arms brought his dark thoughts back to the present. When his eyes caught on something by Liz’s bed, he said. “Well little one, we need to call you something besides baby, don’t we?”

Carefully supporting her head, Dean leaned forward, grabbed the book of baby names before sitting back and opening it up. “Well we can skip past all of the boy names, we don’t need them. Actually, that goes for boys too. Boys are bad.”

“Oh I don’t know, not all boys are bad.” Dean heard another voice say; he looked up and saw the smiling tired face of his wife. “If they were, she wouldn’t be here.”

“True, but for her, all boys are off limits until she’s thirty.” Dean stated. Right then his daughter started to stir again only this time she let out a large wail before puckering her lips in an effort to find something to suck on. Liz took her quickly and a minute later her daughter was eating contently.

“Daddy’s just being silly. Although when you are old enough to date, we may have to lock him up in the basement. Your uncles too.” Liz joked to her daughter while she ate. Motioning with her head to the book in Dean’s hands, Liz asked, “Find anything?”

“Maria left it here earlier but I was just starting to look at it when you woke up.” Dean answered as he shook his head. “I’m surprised that you didn’t already have one picked out.”

Dean’s words stung a bit and Liz tried not to cringe but Dean caught it. “I didn’t mean it that way; you just always have everything planned out…”

“I was waiting for you; I didn’t want to name her without her father’s input.” Liz admitted.

Dean smiled at her admission, leaned forward and kissed the top of her head before he reopened the book. “Well let’s get this little one named then shall we?”

“Kyle wanted me to make sure we considered the name Kylie for her. He had some long Buddha quote to rationalize it but I can’t remember it now.” Liz said; a twinkle of humor in her eyes as she remembered Kyle’s long speech about the virtues of naming her first born after him.

“Yeah, well if Sammy was here, he’d be pushing for us to call her Samantha. But I’ll be damned if I’m naming my child after a giant or a dwarf.” Dean retorted as he flipped through the book. It didn’t take him long before he found one that he liked. “What about Abigail?”

“Abigail?” Liz repeated. “It’s pretty but I wouldn’t figure you to go for such as old fashioned name.”

“A couple of the best women in my life have had old fashioned names.” Dean argued though it wasn’t the complete truth. The other reason he had chosen the name was because of it’s meaning, Joy of the Father. “So Abigail it is?”

Liz nodded. “I’m good with that.”

“Well what do you think Abby? You like your new name?” Dean asked.

Whether it was because of Dean’s question or it was just a coincidence, Abby gave her answer in the form of a loud burp. Liz just laughed. “She’s definitely your daughter.”

Liz looked over at him and frowned. He looked like he had his head in the clouds and by the looks of it; they weren’t the pretty white fluffy ones. When his head snapped to look at her, her face grew concerned. “Are you okay? You looked really sad at right then.”

“No, I’m okay.” Dean assured her as he reached over to stroke the baby’s cheek.

“Are you sure? It seems like a dark cloud has been hanging over you.” Liz explained.

“The yellow eyed demon is dead.” Dean announced. “We killed it.”

“Oh my God Dean!” Liz exclaimed. “That’s…that’s…big. That’s beyond big, it’s huge.”

“I know.” Dean agreed.

“So why aren’t you happier about it?” Liz asked. “I mean you guys finally got him, you killed the demon that took your parents.”

“I know, and believe me any other time I’d be grinning like an idiot.”

“Sam’s okay right?” Liz asked. “Please tell me Sam’s okay.”

“Sammy’s fine. I left him at Bobby’s.” Dean assured her but he could tell she was still wigging out. “Why?”

“I had a vision Dean.” Liz confessed.

“Now?” Dean asked.

“No, on the night I was going to tell you I was pregnant. It showed you staying with me and giving up hunting because I was pregnant. Sam kept going and was killed while hunting the yellow eyed demon. You left and went after it. You became obsessed until you couldn’t think of anything else and eventually it killed you too.” Liz explained. “I know not knowing about the baby hurt you, but now that you tell me that the yellow eyed demon is dead, I can’t regret not telling you. We’re safe now; everything is going to be fine.”

Dean wished he could tell her that she was right, that everything was fine and that things would be normal now. That he could stay at home with her and Abby and they could live out their lives together and raise their daughter and it actually happen but wishes didn’t come true. “Liz, there’s something else.”

“What?” Liz asked.

But he couldn’t do it. Dean couldn’t crush the look on her beautiful face. “Um…when we killed the yellow eyed demon, he was opening a door to hell. Some demons got out. Sam and I…we’re responsible for them and need to put them back.”

Liz nodded in understanding. “It’s okay. We’ll be here when you get back.”

“I know.” Dean said as he put his arm around her and kissed her temple.

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 32 9/14

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:28 pm
by LittleBit
Hey guys, glad you liked the last part. This next part starts off just like the prologue 33 parts ago (Didn't plan for the flashbacks to be that long) but will have a lot more. Hope you like.

Part 33
Lubbock, Texas
January 2008
Mama, I’m coming Home by Ozzy Osbourne

“Are you sure you want to give up Dean?” Sam Winchester asked his brother who sat across the motel room from him. They had stayed in the room for more then a month, which was apparent by the stacks of books and fast food containers that were piled about, while Sam had tried to find something to help Dean get out of his deal with the Crossroads Demon.

“I’m not giving up Sammy,” Dean argued as he tried to get his brother to understand the demand he made of him without having to give him a complete explanation. “But all of this research has not gotten us anywhere. We’ve hunted down a lot of the demons that got out of the gateway but I’ve got to take the time I’ve got left to take care of some stuff.”

“Does this have anything to do with where you’ve been disappearing to?” Sam asked curiously. Over the past several months, Dean had disappeared quite a bit. At first, Sam hadn’t questioned him about it when he had reappeared. He had just figured that Dean needed to let off steam and was probably seeking female companionship, but every time that Dean had returned he was completely sober and more depressed then he was when he left.

Instead of giving him an answer, Dean stood up and started gathering his stuff into his bag. “Pack your shit; we’ve got a drive to make.”

Within an hour, the room was empty and the Impala packed. When Dean turned the car west to hit Highway 380, Sam plotted their direction and saw that they were headed into New Mexico. Sam couldn’t be positive of their destination but there was only one person that they knew in New Mexico and when his finger hit the town, he knew that it had to be Dean’s destination. It had been a long time since they had been there. During their childhood, they have made the trip many times with their dad. Sam had visited with Jess a few months before she died and he knew of one other trip that his father and Dean had made there but he didn’t know if it had been the last time Dean had visited. If he had visited there since, Sam had never been told about it.

From the corner of his eye, Dean could see that Sam had figured out where he was planning to go but he did nothing to confirm the information to his brother. Instead, he pulled out his phone and hit the number he wanted on speed dial. It only rang twice before he heard her pick up. “Hey, it’s me. I’m on my way. Sammy’s with me.”

“Really?” The excitement evident in her voice.

“Yeah, we’ll be there in an hour or so.” Dean declared before hanging up. He didn’t like being so curt but didn’t want to give away too much to Sam. Not yet. An hour after, they passed the ‘Welcome to Roswell’ and made their way into town. They headed straight to the café with the large UFO stuck into it and parked in front.

Sam didn’t even have his door closed before he heard his name being shouted. He turned around and saw the smiling face of Liz Parker as she approached him with her arms wide for a welcome hug. “Liz, hey.”

“Hey yourself.” Liz said as she hugged him tight. “It’s been way too long. What, three years?”

Sam nodded before Liz smiled again. She released him before she moved over to Dean. Sam expected Liz to hug his brother just as she did him but was stunned when Dean cupped Liz’s face and kissed her deeply. It shocked Sam to see Dean kissing one of their oldest friends but since Liz kissed him back, as enthusiastically in greeting, Sam knew that it must be a common thing. “Hey, do one of you want to tell me what the hell is going on?”

When the two broke apart, Dean glared at Sam while Liz only smiled. But instead of answering Sam’s question, Dean asked Liz one of his own. “Where is she?”

“Abby’s in her room sleeping.” Liz answered.

“Who’s Abby?” Dean heard Sam ask them. He had known that the question would be the first thing out of Sam’s mouth the moment she was brought up. Dean knew that there was only one answer and he hoped that Sam wouldn’t be too pissed at him. “Abby is my daughter.”

Dean could tell that his words shocked his brother and he was pretty sure that at that moment, Hell could have opened up in front of him and Sam wouldn’t have noticed. He just stood in front of them staring, his mouth opening and closing without sound so Dean thought he’d try and bring out of his traced. “Well actually our daughter but I think she’s more Winchester then Parker personally.”

As always, the comment earned him a slap on the shoulder from Liz but he just brushed it off as Sam finally found his voice. “You have a kid?”

“Um…yeah. Surprise!”

“How the hell did that happen?” Sam asked furiously.

Dean couldn’t help but grin at Sam’s question. “Dude, we had that talk when you were nine. I thought my visual aids explained everything.”

“It was a Playboy Dean.” Sam stated. “And you know what I meant, jerk. I’m your brother Dean; I should have damn well known I was also an uncle before now!”

“As nice as this little get-together is, we need to move this inside. We don’t really need to have in the middle of Main Street.” Liz said cutting Sam’s rant off before he could really get going. “Sam, come with me up to the apartment while Dean grabs your bags.”

“Why do I have to carry the bags? Why can’t Bigfoot carry his own crap?” Dean complained.

“Because you’re the one who decided to spring this on him with no warning,” Liz shot back before she looped her arm through Sam’s and tugged him towards the restaurant. Luckily, it was just before the dinner rush so there was hardly anyone inside. Sam recognized Liz’s friends, Michael, Maria and Isabel looking at them warily and it hit him why. “I guess I’m the only one who didn’t know about you guys?”

Liz followed his line of sight. “Don’t feel bad Sam, I can almost count on one hand the number of people who know about us and none of them are outside the town limits.”

“I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or not.” Sam stated as he followed his brother and Liz up the stairs to her apartment, or could it be ‘their’ apartment? He had so many questions and he hoped to get some answers soon. Once inside, he noticed how Dean seemed to relax the moment he walked through the door. Like he was home. And after Sam took a look around, he could see that it was his brother’s home as much as his car was.

The last time that Sam had been in the apartment had been three years ago. Liz had been in the process of redecorating it, gradually changing the apartment from her parents’ taste to her own, and now it looked like Dean’s as well. Against one wall was a large flat screen TV that was surrounded by cabinets full of movies and framed movie posters hung on walls in warm Earth colors. Sam thought he saw the outlines of a couple various video game systems along with a guitar. The thought of his brother playing Guitar Hero made him want to laugh but it made an odd kind of sense.

“I made up the guest room; it’s my parents’ old room.” Liz stated as Dean took his bag down the hallway towards the rooms Sam knew had once been Liz’s parents’ room.

Sam held his questions in until his brother returned. “How long?”

Knowing what he was asking, Liz answered. “Since my parents died.”

Sam’s eyes widened in shock before he looked at his brother. “So this is where you’ve been disappearing to? All this time you’ve been leading some kind of secret apple pie life!”

“Well not exactly.” Dean stated.

“Sam…” Liz tried to interrupt but Sam kept going.

“You’ve been giving me crap for years about wanting normal and here you are having that exact same thing!” Sam bellowed.

“Before you say something that you’re going to regret…” Liz started again, her anger growing at her brother in law, only to be cut off by her husband. “Let me handle this.”

“NO.” Liz snapped back at Dean. “I will not let Sam sit there and call you a hypocrite when he has no idea what he is talking about. I know that isn’t his fault but I still won’t let him treat you like that.”

Sam sat up a little straighter when Liz turned her fury back on him. “Before you sit there and judge your brother’s life, you need to know what you’re talking about.”

However, Liz’s rant was cut off by the high pitch wail of her daughter. She started to get up to go to her when Dean put his hand up for her to stay. “I’ll get her; you’ll just keep her going.”

Dean then glared at Sam before pointing at him. “Leave her alone. If you’ve got issues with how I handled things then you deal with me. I don’t need you upsetting my girls anymore than they have been already.”

Dean disappeared down the hall leaving Sam staring after him. He realized that he had let his anger and hurt get the better of him and looked at one of his oldest friends. “Sorry Liz. It’s just all of this…it’s a shock.”

“I know it is. And I’m sorry about it. We’ve wanted to tell you for years but it just never seemed to be the time.” Liz relented as she breathed deep, trying to calm herself down. She saw Sam looking at her curiously and figured that if they were coming clean with him, she might as well do it all. “And Dean wouldn’t be so mad at your reaction if it didn’t upset Abby so much. She can feel when my emotions go on overload. It’s why she woke up.”

“She feels your emotions?” Sam asked thinking of his own gift and how his niece could have been targeted. Dean and Liz hadn’t mentioned how old Abby was, still young enough to be taking a nap, so it was possible that she was like Rosie and the second generation of the Yellow Eyed Demons’ special kids.

“Not all of the time. Only when they are really strong.” Liz explained. “If I’m just hungry or anything else there’s nothing there but when it’s something that gets my adrenaline going, she feels it.”

“But why…could it be because?” Sam asked, not sure how to broach the subject.

“She gets it from her mother.” Dean said as he entered, saving Sam from asking. When he looked at him, Sam was struck dumb. Knowing about his brother’s daughter was something completely different then seeing her. She sat in the crook of her father’s arm, her head of short dark curls against his shoulder, staring at him with wide hazel eyes that matched Dean’s with her thumb in her mouth.

“Sam, meet your niece Abigail Parker Winchester.”

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 33 10/4

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:53 pm
by LittleBit
So things have been crazy for me, sick kids, busy work, and in laws moving in. I haven't had a chance to do much writing but I thought some feedback might inspire me.

Part 34

“Sam, meet your niece Abigail Parker Winchester.” Liz said when she saw the awe on Sam’s face directed at her daughter. She watched as Sam reached out tentatively to touch her cheek. She didn’t cry or act scared at the strange man in front of her and Liz didn’t know if it was because she knew she was safe in her Daddy’s arms or because she just recognized family when she saw it. It wouldn’t surprise her if she did.

“Big name for a little girl.” Sam commented with a smile.

“Wait until she gets her lungs working overtime, then you won’t think she’s so little.” Dean teased.

Sam looked up at whispered. “Dean…you’re a dad.”

A stupid goofy grin appeared on Dean’s face. “Hard to believe isn’t it?”

“After all the women you’ve charmed, someone up there has a sense of humor giving you a little girl.” Sam joked as he thought about all of his brother’s exploits on the road. Realizing what he said, he turned his attention from Abby to Liz with wide eyes. “I mean…”

“It’s okay Sam. Dean’s history is not a huge secret to me. And you might be surprised to find that I know a lot more about it than you do.” Liz could only smile at Sam as she headed to the kitchen.

Sam’s brow furrowed as he looked at his brother. “Dean?”

“Not like that dude, I have a little bit of class.” Dean just rolled his eyes, “She meant that my exploits over the last few years aren’t what you think they are. All smoke and mirrors.”

“So the two reality TV girls?”

“Dreamt of their fifteen minutes of fame, alone.”

“And the movie star?”

“Scored in a completely different way.” Dean confessed. “Got her autograph and phone number for a friend of mine while getting a tally mark on my karma or some crap like that.”

“And Cassie?”

Dean cringed at the name. “Okay, you got me there. But it was during a rough patch and Liz knows all about it.”

They dropped their conversation when Abby started to fuss. Dean moved her around and Sam watched as he tried to comfort her but to no avail. “She only gets like this when she’s hungry. Come on little girl, let’s go find Mommy and get you something to eat.”

“Dean, how old is she?” Sam asked.

“Just over seven months old, why?”

A quick mental calculation of the calendar and Sam figured out Abby’s birth date. “So she was born after…”

“Yes.” Dean said quickly. “I didn’t know Liz was pregnant at the time.”

“But Liz knows…right?” Sam asked but Dean’s face gave him the answer. “You mean you haven’t told her? Dean, you only have five months go to.”

“I know that!” Dean snapped. “I just haven’t told her. I didn’t want the deadline hanging over her head.”

“So instead you want her to know nothing until the hell hounds come and drag you off?” Sam whispered.

“I am going to tell her, I just haven’t yet.” Dean explained before walking away and taking her into the kitchen.

Sam followed the two of them and was met with the very domestic sight of his brother putting Abby in her high chair. As soon as she was strapped in, Liz sat down in front of her with a small spoon and a bowl full of something that looked like slop. “What is that stuff?”

“Baby cereal. I know it looks bad but Abby loves it.” Liz answered.

“Sounds like she has her father’s stomach.” Sam joked; it was well known that Dean never turned down food.

“And his manners.” Liz teased as Abby grabbed the spoon from her mother and used it to make a mess. “How long are you guys going to be in town?”

“However long it takes before you get sick of us.” Dean answered. Guilt hit him square in the chest when he noticed the happiness in Liz’s eyes when she smiled at him. However a noise from the front door diverted his attention. He saw Sam go on alert as well but when the new arrival appeared in the door, Dean relaxed.

“Please tell me that you’re in town for a few days.”

“Hello Kyle, nice to see you too.” Liz retorted. “You know, Dean is my husband and not just your playmate.”

“Hey!” Dean yelled.

“You know what I mean.” Liz retorted. Just then Abby noticed her uncle’s entrance and started to squeal as she swung her spoon around in a wave. Liz grabbed the spoon before too much of a mess could be made as she said. “Kyle, you remember Dean’s brother Sam right? It’s been awhile since you saw him.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Kyle nodded to Sam before looking at Dean. “Don’t mean to be rude…”

“But it won’t stop him.” Liz teased.

“But I’m short handed at the shop.” Kyle finished, as he glared at Liz. “I’ve got one out sick and another on vacation and I’m up to my eyeballs in cars. Can you work for a few hours? I’m not above begging.”

“Normal rate, plus three cases of beer and two nights of babysitting.” Dean proposed.

Sam watched as Dean and Kyle continued to haggle and felt a little resentful of the easy manor the two of them had. It was obvious to him by the way they talked and threw insults at each other that this kind of thing was very ordinary to them. Dean had made himself a home in Roswell, with a family and friends and Sam had not known a thing about it.

“Normal rate, one case of beer and one night of babysitting,” Dean stated. “And I’ll work whenever you need me for the next few months.”

Kyle’s eyebrows rose at the mention of how long Dean was planning to stick around but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. “Sold. You coming now?”

“I just got into town…” Dean declared but Liz cut him off. “Go. Kyle needs you and I can catch up with Sam. I think it will be better if he hears everything from me.”

Dean caught the look his wife threw him and got the message loud and clear. She was going to tell Sam everything about the two of them, not to mention the aliens, and her powers. He knew his brother was going nuts knowing he didn’t have the full story, hell he didn’t even have a good Cliff Notes version of the story and Liz would be the best one to talk to him about it. Plus it bought him more time to figure out how to tell her about the deal, not that it hadn’t plagued his thoughts for the last seven months.

After kissing Liz and Abby goodbye, Dean left with Kyle. Abby finished her cereal and Liz figured cleaning her up would be the best way to break the ice with Sam. With a swipe of her hand, all of the cereal disappeared from Abby’s face and tray and Sam’s eyes wide eyed. She smiled at him as she picked Abby up. “Let’s go in the living room and talk shall we?”

So I'd love to hear what you all think Sam's reaction to the knowledge of the existence of aliens would be. Hit me.

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Part 34 10/30

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:44 pm
by LittleBit

Hey guys, just wanted to drop a note and apologize for my lack of posting. I've been really busy at work, life has been busy and stressful, and now the holidays are here so I don't know when I'll be posting regularly again but I hope to soon.

If I don't talk to you guys before then, Happy Holidays!

Re: Always Saying Goodbye (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 12/5

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:04 pm
by LittleBit

Hey guys, I just wanted to come and apologize for not posting anything recently. I haven't abandoned the story, but I've had other priorities and stress. My husband was laid off a month before Christmas and wasn't able to find a new job until the end of February. And when he did, it was complete change for him.

With teachers getting laid off everywhere, my husband decided to follow in my family's footsteps and become a cop. It's going well so far and he will be in the academy for months. I was raised around cops but I don't remember them going through the academy, plus the training is more intense now than 30 years ago so it's been an adjustment. While I've always got the kids' stuff ready for the next day, Jon always got at least one kid up in the morning and ready to go. But now he leaves too early and I'm now doing his stuff too because he comes home with hours of studying to do. I don't mind but it takes up a lot of my time. And I'm expecting Spring Sports for both of my kids to start any day. Oh, and let's not forget the side business I have to earn some extra money.

So you can see why I haven't done any writing. I hope to get back to it as soon as I can. I still want to finish this story.

Sorry again for being MIA. Hope to post soon.

PS. Those of you who were reading my Oliver/Liz story, there were supposed to be two more stories but RL interrupted it too. I hope to work on it as well.