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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 12:32 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for staying with me, school is not too fun at the moment but after Monday I will be fine! Thanks for all of your feedback on the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new one!

Part 40: Forsaken

He watched, it was what he was good at. He stayed to the shadows and was never seen or heard. Silent as the grave he moved with them observing their movements. This reality was different than the one he had escaped from to try and fix what had gone wrong in his timeline. It was interesting to see how things were playing out due to one minor manipulation, now his timeline was slowly coming undone but there were still a few things that had to be taken care of before he would disappear once and for all.

“I have to change things.” He whispered watching Liz laughing with Maria and Isabel as they went to their classes. He was going to make sure that they were all happy in this life time.

She watched them studying all of their movies, learning their patterns and behaviors. They were an interesting bunch and seemed to like shaking things up but from what she had observed the group kept up the appearance of being normal human teenagers which would work to her advantage because it added predictability into the equation. She was good at her job, good at watching and learning. She knew their likes and dislikes and all of their intimate relationships looking for the best angle. Sighing when she saw the teens head into yet another class she shimmered away to report her findings.

Liz giggled when Kyle passed her yet another note in history class. It seems that the two of them were the only ones up to date enough on the Salem Witch Trials that they did not need to pay attention much to the displeasure of the teacher.

“Miss Parker, what seems to be so funny?” Mrs. Landry asked.

“Nothing.” Liz said putting on her most innocent look.

“She has a note Mrs. Landry.” Pam Troy said smirking when she saw the teacher’s face darken making Liz groan and sink lower in the desk chair.

“Hand it here Miss Parker.” Mrs. Landry said and Liz slowly handed over the note not wanting the teacher to do what many teachers in the past had done to her and read the note out loud. She saw the teacher give her a sharp look after looking over the note.

“Miss Parker please see me after class, you too Mr. Valenti.” Mrs. Landry said before she went back to her lesson. Liz sighed and occupied herself with looking out the window. Standing over in a clump of trees she saw a boy standing there staring intently at the school. There was something about him that seemed familiar to Liz but she could not pin point it.

“Miss Parker?” Mrs. Landry called as the class filed out her and Kyle slinked up to the teacher.


“Is this note true?” She asked.

“What part?” Liz asked.

“The part about you being pregnant?” Mrs. Landry asked looking at the two teens before her in distress.

“Yes.” Liz whispered.

“How far along are you?” Mrs. Landry asked.

“Four months.” Liz said.

“Well what do the two of you plan on doing once the baby gets here?” She asked looking between the two students to see how far ahead the two had thought.

“Wait. What?” Liz asked.

“I asked what the two of you planned on doing.” Mrs. Landry said rolling her green eyes.

“Oh no, Kyle is not the…he is not the baby’s father he is just my best friend.” Liz said blushing when Kyle squirmed around not liking that someone thought that he had gotten a girl pregnant even though he knew that it was a reasonable guess because of his reputation.

“Oh sorry I just assumed…”

“Well he is not.” Liz said feeling as though her face was on fire.

“Well then have you and Mr. Evans figured out what you are going to do?”

“Wait Max is not the father either, the two of us have been over for a long time.” Liz said realizing that people around school were going to think either Kyle or Max had gotten her pregnant.

“Mrs. Landry the baby’s father attends Harvard. He and Liz have known each other all of their lives and are going to make this work. They have an amazing support system behind them and the two of them want to finish their schooling knowing that they will be able to better provide for their child.” Kyle said helping Liz out.

“Also no one else knows that I am pregnant so I would appreciate you keeping this to yourself until I tell the school authorities when the pregnancy will become obvious.” Liz said.

“Alright I agree to this but if you need anything Liz I am here for you. This is going to be tough especially since you are still in high school and have two years to go.” Mrs. Landry said.

“I know but I have my friends and my boyfriend I am good.” Liz said before she grabbed Kyle’s hand and pulled him out of the room.

“That was scary.” Kyle said as they headed to lunch.

“I know I am just happy that she did not read the note to the class that is the last thing I needed.” Liz sighed.

“So when are you going to see lover boy or any of the others?” Kyle asked.

“I am going shopping with Gwen after school and then all my time is spent with Tyler.” Liz said making Kyle roll his eyes.

“That boy is so whipped.” Kyle said.

“My boyfriend is not whipped he just knows that if he wants sex he has to work for it…some of the time.” Liz giggled.

“I knew you were easy Parker.” Kyle said wrapping his arm around her shoulder leading her over to Isabel and Alex.

Liz looked over to the clump of trees and saw the same boy standing there watching the students intently, more intently than was normal. “Hey guys who is that over there by the threes?” Liz asked looking back at the trees only to see the boy was gone.

“Ah Liz, no one is there.” Alex said.

“I see that beetle brain.” Liz snapped.

Later that day Liz had not been more glad to see the Simms home before her. She was still not talking to her parents and she had a feeling that was not going to happen for awhile. Her parents were just too stubborn. Sighing Liz made her way into her temporary home and was greeted by Jason and Gwen who had apparently been waiting for her to come home.

“Have a good day at school?” Jason asked ushering Liz into the kitchen.

“Not so much. A teacher of mine found out I was pregnant and then preceded to accuse Kyle and Max of being the father. I am just worried that everyone is going to think the same thing I mean it is not like I can bring Tyler to school with me like a purse and be like oh see it really does exist.” Liz grumbled.

“Oh that is rough.” Gwen said preparing an after school snack for Liz, she had not been able to do this for someone other than her husband for several years.

“Oh apples and peanut butter my favorite!” Liz eagerly dug in.

“Such a girl.” Jason muttered.

“Such a pregnant girl.” Gwen said slapping her husband’s arm making Liz laugh. “I craved that when I was pregnant with Tyler, that and strawberries.” Gwen said her blue eyes sparkling.

“I crave those all the time.” Liz agreed.

“Maybe it is something with having a Simms baby.” Jason said hoping onto the counter pulling his wife closer. Neither of the adults seeing Liz’s small smile at the action.

“I’m home!” Tyler called heading into the kitchen quickly heading over to Liz and kissing her on the cheek before he stole one of her apples.

“Well at least I got a kiss before he stole my food.” Liz grumbled making the others laugh.

“So Liz ready to go shopping?” Gwen asked looking giddy.

“Oh yes!”

“I don’t know if this is such a good idea, maybe dad or I should go with you two.” Tyler said sharing a look with his father.

“Nonsense the two of us will be fine.” Gwen said.

“No I think Tyler is right. One or both of us should come with you.” Jason said.

“I vote both, more people to carry our bags.” Liz said making Gwen grin.

“I love how you think.” Gwen said leading the way out of the house with Liz neither seeing the looks of terror on Jason and Tyler’s faces.

“Daddy I am frightened.” Tyler said gulping as he followed his mother and girlfriend towards the car.

“Be brave son, be brave. Just think, there is only so much they can buy.” Jason said.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:30 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys I am so excited to see so many of you sticking with this! Now I know the last part was a little odd but this part should clear a few things up but for those of you who were wondering there is more than one person watching the teens! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 41: Talk of the Town

Liz and Gwen were like monsters when it came to shopping for the baby. Tyler and Jason did not know that there were that many baby stores on the face of the earth but it seems that the two women were set on proving them wrong. The two rarely asked for the male opion but when it came time to leave the store they wanted to know if they could carry the bags; Tyler not wanting Liz to carry more than a bag was bound to agree but Jason did not see why his wife could not carry more.

“Baby are we done yet?” Tyler whined as they browsed yet another store.

“Soon sweetie.” Liz said giving him a kiss on the cheek for being such a trooper.

“Why do I have to go shopping? I am not the one who got her pregnant my son did…” Jason whined.

“Earlier you wanted to come.” Gwen pointed out.

“But that was like ten stores ago, now I want to eat and pass out.” Jason whined sounding more like Tyler did a moment ago.

“I do not believe I am hearing this.” Gwen said her hands on her slender hips looking between her son and her husband her blue eyes glaring at the two. “Is this how I raised you to act?” Gwen asked eyeing her son, “Is this how Dorothy raised you to act?”

“No.” Both men muttered looking at the ground.

“I did not think so, now the two of you will act like Simms and suck it up.” Gwen said. Liz tried not to laugh at the position her boyfriend was in but it was just too funny seeing two grown men cower at the sight of a small blonde woman.

“Come on Tyler this is the last store today I promise.” Liz said kissing his cheek.

“Really?” He asked looking hopeful.

“Yes, we both have homework.” Liz said before she ventured into the store farther.

“Homework…”He whined.

“Tyler…” Gwen stared at her son and his whining stopped. Tyler looked down at his shopping bags and then looked around the store to see if anyone was looking, seeing everyone else occupied his eyes flashed black as he made the numerous bags he was carrying weightless. Feeling better he went in search of his family.

“What about this?” Liz asked pointing to a cherry wood crib that was almost as tall as her.

“Oh perfect.” Gwen breathed.

“It does look good.” Jason commented.

“Perfect for the Simms heir.” Tyler said startling the other three.

“Hi may I help you?” A tall gorgeous woman asked coming up to the group, eyeing Jason and Tyler.

“Yes I would like to buy this crib.” Gwen said rolling her eyes at yet another woman who hit on her husband, after all of these years she had grown used to the attention her husband received from the opposite sex.

“Oh are you expecting?” The woman asked looking between Gwen and Jason.

“Ah no my son and his girlfriend are.” Jason said pointing to Liz and Tyler.

“Oh how far along are you?” The woman asked putting on a false sugary voice.

“Four months.” Liz said scooting closer to Tyler not liking how the woman was looking at her.

“Oh well congratulations.” She said grabbing the tag off the crib to take it to the back.

“She was rude.” Jason muttered.

“Very.” Tyler said maneuvering his bags so that he could pull Liz closer to him. Liz seeing his dilemma grabbed some bags from him.

“Hey you spelled these.” Liz said making Jason laugh.

“Caught on son did you?” Jason asked motioning to his armful.

“Can we go home now?” Tyler asked.

“Yes.” Gwen said laughing at the elated looks on her son and husband’s faces.

“I want major cuddling for this.” Tyler said looking imploringly at Liz who giggled along with his mother.

“Like father like son.” Gwen muttered.

“Hey I enjoy my cuddle time.” Tyler muttered.

“I do too sweetie.” Liz said kissing his cheek before they left.

Tess sighed before she flopped herself down onto the park bench dejected. Her search for Max was fruitless she could not find him anywhere in Roswell, the desert or the next town over and she was beginning to get worried. It was not like him to not tell her where and what he was doing ever since they had slept together. She knew that his disappearance had to do with Liz Parker but what she did not know.

Liz was a powerful witch that much she knew, but what her role was in the coming events she did not know. Tess knew that she was going to have to watch Liz and her friends very carefully in the coming weeks or they could ruin all of her plans. All that was working for her at the moment was that she seemed to be the only person who knew what was going on and how all of the pieces were fitting together. Sighing Tess left the park. She did not care what the others said she knew that Max was not with some friend of his parents, Max did not trust anyone that much.

She wanted to see what the others were doing but she knew that without Max there they were not going to want anything to do with her. Looking around Tess saw that she was close to Maria’s home. Deciding that a little spying would not hurt her standing Tess made her way to the fiery girls home. Tess looked at the driveway and saw no cars in the driveway but she knew that Maria was not working tonight and Liz was nowhere to be seen in town which meant that Maria was probably home. Looking in the front window Tess gasped at what she saw, there were two of the sons of Ipswich.

Pogue and Reid were on Maria’s couch waiting for the blonde girl to hurry up, they were supposed to have picked her up an hour ago but she still was not ready. “Baby come on.” Reid said getting up to go and find her.

“What I am ready you can’t rush perfection people!” Maria said putting on her shoe as she hopped out of her room.

“I know my mother and Liz tell me the exact same thing, it gets a bit annoying after awhile.” Pogue grumbled.

“Well they are right, now where are we going?” Maria asked.

“Dancing.” Reid said grabbing her hand leading her and Pogue out of the house.

“Blaze?” Maria asked.

“Yup, I wanted to show the place to Pogue, he is hoping to hook up.” Reid said making Maria scowl.

“Just don’t let it be someone I know.” She said poking Pogue in the chest.

“I promise.” Pogue said grabbing her hand as Reid held her around her waist.

“Oh don’t I feel special I have two hotties on my arm tonight.” Maria said in a fake sultry voice.

“Wait you think someone other than me is hot?” Reid asked putting his hand over his heart like he was wounded.

“Oh but you are cuter.” Maria said pinching his cheek. Tess stared after the trio in disdain, they were going to be trouble and she was going to have to do something about them.

He watched them it was what he was good at, he saw Tess and knew that she was up to no good and he wanted to warn the others but he knew that it was too soon for him to make a move. He had to wait, wait for her to move first and then he was ready to let the others know what was going on, it all rested on Tess and her fumbling he was going to make sure she paid for all the pain she had caused. He followed the four of them to club Blaze and watched all of their interactions eagerly wanting to know everything about them. He could already see the differences between them in this time line and the one he came from. These kids were free and looked like they were enjoying life, the people he knew were bitter and soldiers of pain.

As he watched the teens move throughout the club he felt a sudden shift in the air, it was a faint crackle that made the hairs on his arms stand up. He realized what was happening, “Bianca.” He whispered searching the club for her but he could not place her. Letting out a huff of annoyance he left the club never seeing the floating eyes that were next to him the whole time until her feminine form came into view after he was gone.

“Well, well, well it looks like the other side sent someone back as well. I should have known they were going to send him.” She snarled before she stole another glance at the teens and Tess in the corner trying not to be seen.

“Don’t worry darling I will make sure that little plan of yours comes true.” Bianca sang before she shimmered away.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 3:11 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Okay guys I had planned on having this part up by last Thursday but I was in the hospital for a few days due to an alergic reaction. My mom's freind forgot that nine of my family members including myself are VERY alergic to tree nuts. Here the woman thought we were alergic to peanuts not tree nuts so she put almonds in the meal only for all nine of us to break out into hives and worse for three of us. My brother and I were the worst and all nine of us had to be taken to the hospital right away. The lady also did not realize that she had put another thing my brother and I are alergic to in the food so we got a very bad reaction from both so we had to stay in the hospital longer. Sorry this was so late and please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 42: Unfair

Liz sighed and snuggled closer to the large hard body behind her. She loved how she fit so perfectly into his embrace pressed up against his chest tightly, his arm tucked securely under her breast. Right after the two finished their school work they went to bed tired from all of the stress of the day.

“What’s wrong?” His voice rumbled from behind her startling her.

“Sorry did I wake you?” She asked turning to face him slightly looking into his sleepy blue eyes.

“Yeah I felt you shift. You alright?” He asked sighing when he felt her snuggle closer resting her head in the crook of his neck.

“I’m fine.” She said softly kissing his neck.

“Then why are you up?” He asked running his hand down her back sending her into a fit of shivers.

“The baby is moving.” Liz whispered.

“What!” Tyler suddenly sat up knocking the covers off of them.

“Here” Liz said grabbing his large hand she placed it over her small bump on the lower right side. It was a small flutter like movement but they both felt it. Tyler’s blue eyes lit up when he felt his baby kick.

“Wow.” He breathed moving closer to her.

“I woke up because it felt like a fish was swimming around my stomach, it took me a moment to realize what had happened.” Liz said smiling when Tyler did not move his hand.

“Baby this is amazing I can’t believe this is happening.” Tyler said hugging her close peppering her face with kisses.

“I know it feels so weird knowing that the fluttering feeling I am having is our baby, it just makes it so much more real.” Liz said.

“I love you.” Tyler said kissing her soundly.

“I love you too.” She said pulling his face down for a tender kiss before he pulled away pulling on his PJ bottoms.

“What are you doing?” Liz asked seeing him heading for his bedroom door. He turned around and looked at her with a boyish grin.

“I have to go and get my dad he is going to flip!” Tyler said racing out of the room reappearing moments later with his father who looked giddy and bed rumpled.

“Can I feel please?” Jason asked bouncing onto his son’s bed as Gwen came into the room as well looking far more composed but happy none the less.

“Sure.” Liz said bringing his large hand to her stomach, moments later she felt the swimming feeling in her stomach.

“Oh my grandbaby.” Jason said his blue eyes alight with happiness.

“Can I feel?” Gwen asked and soon Liz had her hand on her as well.

“This is so great, my mom and dad in my bed with my girlfriend.” Tyler said before he shook himself realizing his words came out wrong.

“Get over here daddy.” Gwen said to her son with grinned at his mother’s words. Tyler climbed behind Liz pulling her further into his embrace as his parents continued to coo over Liz’s stomach.


Maria bounced around her house darting away from Reid as he searched for her. Pogue left after they left the club, no girl on his arm leaving Maria and Reid all alone in her home since her mom was staying the night at the Valenti’s.

“Marco!” Reid sang from the kitchen making Maria grin form behind the swinging door.

“Polo.” She purred when he finally came through the door his eyes flashing with glee.

“Look at what I found, I found myself a hot girl.” Reid said wrapping his arms around her bending down for a kiss.

“So Mr. Garwin now that you found the girl whatever are you going to do with her?” Maria asked batting her eyelashes.

“I don’t know that depends on what she wants to do after all she is in her house and said boy does not want to do anything to upset her.” Reid said kissing her again.

“Well in that case I want said boy naked and in my bed.” Maria said unbuttoning his shirt slowly. “What do you say to that Mr. Garwin?” Maria asked.

“As my daddy says…ye ha.” Reid said throwing her over his shoulder before he deposited her on her bed.

“Oh I always wanted a cowboy!”

Elsewhere in Roswell

Alex looked nervously at the door in front of him he was now regretting the decision to have dinner with the Evans family. Apparently after his and Isabel’s walk her mother and father had cornered her and drilled her about their relationship and it somehow ended with Alex having to come to dinner so that they could get to know him better.

“Alex?” Isabel asked coming outside giving him a confused look wondering why he had not knocked on the door.

“Is this a good idea?” He asked looking a little on the green side making Isabel smile at his uneasiness.

“It is a great idea Alex, I think my parents have realized that you mean more to me than I was letting on.” Isabel said a small blush tinting her golden cheeks.

“What are you two doing out here?” Mrs. Evans asked seeing the two kids on the front porch.

“I am having last minute jitters here Mrs. Evans.” Alex mumbled making the older woman laugh.

“You have nothing to worry about Alex, come on in.” Diane said leading the lanky kid inside along with a giggling Isabel.

“Philip, Alex is here.” Diane said and a moment later the attorney appeared around the corner. The older man looked over the male teen instinctively knowing that this was the one that was going to stick around, he was going to be a member of the family one day. He could see it in the way Isabel moved around him and the way she glowed, she was never like that with anyone else not even Michael and the Evans had been sure that Isabel and him would get together eventually.

“Welcome Alex.” Philip said grabbing the kids hand in a very firm grip but Alex did not even flinch, Pogue was much worse when it came to Liz.

“Thank you sir.” Alex said grinning when Isabel latched onto his arm.

“Well if only Max and Liz were here this would be the perfect family get together.” Diane said noticing the pained look on Isabel’s face and Alex’s stony look.

“What is it?” Philip asked.

“Max and Liz broke up last year daddy.” Isabel said.

“Oh that’s right he listened to that dreadful music for months. He is with that Tess girl right?” Philip asked.

“Not sure dad there is no telling with Max. He is still trying to get Liz back but at this point it is just stupid to try.” Isabel said.

“Isabel you should be there for your brother he obviously cares for Liz a great deal.” Diane said.

“Ah Mrs. Evans I know that there is no chance that Liz and Max will ever get together again.” Alex said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.


“Liz is pregnant daddy.” Isabel said. The two adults were silent then her father exploded.

“I can’t believe your brother was so irresponsible but Liz has to let him be there for the baby.” Philip raged.

“Ah no Mr. Evans I think you took what Isabel said wrong. Liz is pregnant but Max is definitely not the father.” Alex said. Max’s parents stood there stunned not believing that Liz perfect Parker was pregnant and their son was not the father.

“And before you ask no Kyle is not the father.” Isabel said.

“Then who is?” Philip asked.

“Liz’s boyfriend.” Isabel said.

“The two of them have known each other for years Mr. and Mrs. Evans and when Liz and Max went out the two of them were on a break. Then this past summer the two of them ran into each other again and one thing led to another and they got back together and now she is expecting a baby.” Alex said.

“So Max was a rebound.” Diane said understanding shining in her eyes.

“Liz would never do that, at one point she really did like him but there is no denying the connection between Tyler and Liz.” Isabel said sticking up for her friend.

“Where is Tyler from?” Diane asked.

“Ipswich, Massachusetts.” Alex said not seeing how where Tyler was from was important.

“What is his last name?” Diane asked looking interested.

“Simms mom, but why all the questions?” Isabel asked.

“We are just curious Isabel.” Diane said not seeing her husband’s face pale.

“Daddy?” Isabel asked.

“By any chance his father would not be Jason Simms would it?” Philip asked.

“Yeah actually it is.” Alex said.

“So Liz is carrying the Simms heir?” Philip asked looking even greener.

“How did you…” Alex looked grim. “What faction are you from?” Alex finally asked startling the two women.

“I’m not from a faction but I know a warlock.” Philip explained looking sheepish.

“Bad guys.” Alex said.

“Then again so are the Simms.” Philip said leaving the two women confused.

“No they are not. People just assume that being a member of the Covenant makes them evil but really they are good people who have a lot thrown at them. Sometimes in order to win you have to fight dirty.” Alex said.

“I agree. I met Jason Simms once, scary guy.” Philip said.

“His son is scarier.” Alex said.

“Okay what is going on?” Diane asked.

“Alex?” Isabel asked.

“Isabel it looks like your dad knows more about the supernatural world than he let on.” Alex said looking at her pointedly.

“So you mean he would understand.” Isabel breathed.

“Yeah he would.” Alex said. Diane and Philip watched as their daughter fought an internal battle before looking determinedly at Alex.

“Get Michael here, my parents need to know what is going on.” Isabel said.

“I will let Michael know what has happened tonight Isabel but he deserves a say in if they know or not.” Alex whispered Isabel looked disheartened but nodded in agreement.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:24 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks so much for all of your replies! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 43: Meet the Future

Michael stared hard at Isabel, Alex had told him what had transpired earlier and saying that he was shocked would have been the understatement of the century. Here all of this time Mr. Evans who seemed as normal as possible and the least likeliest person to know anything about the supernatural world just proved him wrong.

“Michael?” Isabel asked he could see the hope shining in her eyes something he had not seen for many years. Letting out a sigh he pressed the heals of his hands into his eye sockets.

“I think that we should tell them Isabel.” He finally relented looking at the girl he considered a sister he could see tears forming in her golden eyes.

“Thank you.” She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I think your dad just proved that he is more understanding then I thought.” Michael said.

“Come on guys, you are making the Evans restless. The sooner you both get this done the better.” Alex said leading the two aliens back into the other room where the two anxious parents were waiting.

“Isabel what is going on?” Diane asked sending her husband a nasty glare. Philip had filled her in on the goings on of the magical world and even though she might like to deny that such things existed too many unexplained happenings in the world said that magic did exist. She could tell from the look on her daughter’s face that what her and Michael had to tell them was important and this frightened her because she knew that whatever it was could change her life and the lives of her family forever.

“Mom, dad we have something to tell you.”

San Francisco

Piper shied staring at the stick in front of her. She knew that this was coming but she did not think it was going to be so soon. She knew that something was off with her body with how sick she had been lately and this stick confirmed her fears, she was pregnant.

“Piper sweetie you okay in there?” Paige asked knocking on the bathroom door. Wiping her eyes Piper opened the bathroom door letting her half sister in. Paige closed the door behind her sensing that Piper wanted privacy. “Piper?” Piper just held the stick out for her sister to see, two pink lines glaring up at the two sisters.

“Your pregnant?” Paige asked.

“Yes.” Piper said wiping her eyes once more as tears continued to leak out the corners of her eyes.

“But sweetie this is a good thing.” Paige said wrapping her arm around her older sister.

“Really?” Piper asked.

“Piper I know that you have been trying to get pregnant, this is a great thing. I know that the timing is never right but this is a good thing, you and Leo are finally going to be parents.” Paige said hugging her sister a huge grin on her face.

“So you are happy about this?” Piper asked looking hopefully at her little sister.

“Of course I am. Also I think Liz is going to be ecstatic about this you know another woman to share her pain with.” Paige said giving her sister another wide grin.

“Actually I think I am going to be looking to Liz for help after all she is farther along than I am. This is just too weird to think about I mean I am over a decade older than Liz and I am going to be looking to her for parenting advice.” Piper let out a wet laugh.

“Piper you know I am here for you right?” Paige asked rubbing her back.

“I know, it’s just with the Source always after us I am just afraid.” Piper cried softly.

“Have you told Leo yet?”

“No not yet I was not sure until now but I suspected something. I still need to go to the doctor but I don’t want to go alone.” Piper said.

“If you want to wait to tell Leo I will go with you.” Paige offered.

“Thanks I think I would prefer to wait to tell him until the doctor confirms it, would you please go with me?” Piper asked.

“You know I will.”


Gorman sighed as the figure in the shadows slowly moved about the room. He was getting rather tired of keeping the secret of this person from the sons, he was going against all that his family stood for, for decades.

“Things are changing Gorman I can feel it. The others are ready to know what I have to tell them. Is there any way to get them here?”

“Yes, it’s called a phone call.” Gorman muttered pulling out a cell phone and waving it in the other person’s face.

“You get cell reception out here?”

“Of course.” Gorman said pressing 2 on his speed dial getting Caleb Gorman told him to call the others and the Charmed Ones and get them to the home immediately. Moments later the front door of the ancestral home of the Covenant burst open as Caleb, Pogue, Tyler, Reid and Liz rushed in followed by Maria, Kyle, Alex, Isabel, Michael, Cole, Paige, Piper, and Phoebe.

“What is the big emergency?” Caleb asked none of them seeing the person in the shadows.

“I am.” He said stepping into the flickering light of the kitchen where everyone was assembled. The teens and Charmed Ones took defensive stances not liking that a stranger was in their midst.

“He is not here to harm you.” Gorman rushed to reassure the people in the room. Caleb looked at the man who kept their families safe all his life and saw that the older man trusted the new person.

“You have been watching us.” Liz said recognizing the guy from school.

“Yeah sorry about that I had to get a feel for how things were going in this timeline before I could do anything else. I had to see if my plan worked or not.” The man said.

“Who are you?” Cole asked as the room took their seats.

“I am Chris, Chris Halliwell I am Piper and Leo’s youngest son.” Chris said looking at the two in question the two seemed to accept this it was as if they could sense that he was really their son.

“What!” Maria screamed.

“Maria I presume.” Chris said with a sigh.

“Yes.” The blonde said appearing anxious.

“I regret that I never met you in my timeline but I heard about you. See things in the future I came from are different than here, very different.” Chris said.

“Different how?” Liz asked.

“Well where to start, how about Ipswich.” Chris said looking at the five sons who nodded each of them wanting to know what happened to them in the future.

“Well things are bad to put it lightly. Liz you did not go to Ipswich this past summer instead you went to Florida like you said you did, you stayed with your dad’s friend you never reconnected with Tyler. Chase came back and fought the four of you, killing Reid in the process.” Chris said seeing the pain cross the sons faces. Liz looked distressed about not ending up with Tyler who wrapped his arm around her pulling her close.

“Chase was eventually killed by Caleb and Pogue but at the expense of yet another son, Tyler.” Chris said stopping when he heard Liz sob. Caleb motioned for him to go on.

“Eventually Pogue and Caleb went on to Harvard and married Sarah and Jessica. For years the two women tried to get pregnant only to learn that they were not meant to be together. Caleb was ambushed by a demon clan and killed and then Pogue was killed by the new Source a few days later. The Covenant no longer exists in my time.” Chris said.

“But there are others out there besides the five of us that make up the Covenant.” Reid said.

“True, but without the five sons the others were not strong enough to go on and were wiped out as well.” Chris said turning to the Charmed Ones.

“Now for my family things were a lot different than they are now. After aunt Prue died things changed a lot within our family besides aunt Paige coming into your lives. All of you killed the Source but at a cost, Cole took the Hive within himself.” Chris said startling the room into silence.

“Wait the Hive?” Caleb asked looking alarmed.

“I would have had to be mad to do something like that.” Cole said looking sick.

“Well you were not exactly in your right mind at the time but you loved the power and did not want to give the Hive up. To make a long story short, Phoebe and Cole got married and became the Source of the underworld and his evil bride and Phoebe got pregnant. Cole was eventually vanished leaving Phoebe pregnant with his evil spawn who was eventually taken by the Seer and then both were vanquished. Then Piper got pregnant with my older brother Wyatt and then me fighting many other beasts along the way splitting up with my dad along the way.” Chris said letting his family take in all that he told them.

“Please tell me that was all.” Leo said looking distressed.

“Not even close. Leo becomes an Elder which led to the separation of my parents. Paige took over magic school and a few of the Elders betrayed my parents since they thought that my older brother should not exist and that he was too powerful. A lot of other crap happened to all of you and then the worst came, the Avatars.” Chris said.

“The what?” Liz asked.

“The Avatars. They are these people who have apparently always existed building up their power biding their time until one day they wiped out all evil making reality perfect.” Chris spat bitterness evident in his eyes.

“That does not sound so bad.” Maria said looking hopeful.

“Maria without bad there is no good.” Kyle said.

“Exactly, but luckily they stopped them but it cost them their freedom.” Chris said.

“No more.” Piper whispered and Chris nodded knowing that all of this was killing his mother.

“What happened to us?” Alex asked he saw pain flash in Chris’s eyes letting the Roswell teens know that their fate was just as brutal.

“Tess happened.” Chris sighed.

“What?” Isabel asked looking alarmed.

“Well let’s see she killed Alex, seduced Max and got pregnant with his baby and then convinced all of you that the baby could not survive on Earth only for Liz to tell all of you about her betrayal keep the three of you on Earth and Max let Tess blast off with his baby. Apparently Tess and Nasedo have a deal with Khivar where she was to get pregnant with Zan’s heir and then deliver the other three royals to him and she almost did.” Chris said stopping when he saw Isabel, Maria, and Liz clinging to Alex who looked lost.

“Why did she kill me?” Alex asked.

“Because you were decoding the destiny book and to get you to do so she had to mind warp you and the continuous sustained mind warps killed you. She made Kyle carry your body to the car and then made it look like a suicide. All of you fought over Alex’s death. Liz was the only one who thought Alex was killed by an alien, it pitted humans against aliens. Then after Tess was gone Max was obsessed with finding his son getting Liz, who was back with Max, into more trouble than was safe and her father forbid her from seeing Max but the two of you continued to do so in secret.” Chris said hating the sick look on Liz’s face as she clung to Tyler who held onto his girlfriend for dear life.

“I don’t know some of the other details that happened to all of you but I do know that by your Senior year the FBI caught up with all of you. Liz developed alien powers and so did Kyle and after graduation all of you went on the run. Liz and Max got married and a few months later Liz got pregnant. Max not wanting to risk having a baby on the run aborted the baby destroying Liz. You never forgave him for that.” Chris said his heart breaking at the sight of the small brunette who was sobbing in Tyler’s arms. Tyler looked disgusted at the thought of Liz pregnant by Max.

“Isabel you married a man named Jessie but you had to separate when you went on the run, you did not know you were pregnant at the time and after seeing what Max did to Liz you and Kyle ran off shortly after Liz ran as well with Michael and Maria and Max got captured by the FBI.” Chris said staring at all of the occupants of the room.

“So you came back to fix things?” Maria asked.


“How?” Alex asked.

“Easy all I had to do was change one little event.” Chris said.

“Which one?” Alex asked.

“Me coming to Ipswich.” Liz whispered.

“Correct, it was this change that fixed the timelines.” Chris said.

“Yes except now my brother is evil and Tess is still around.” Isabel said.

“Yes well I am hoping I have changed enough that the last part of why I came back does not come true.” Chris said looking even more grim.

“What?” Michael asked.

“See after all was said and done the Antrian enemy still existed. Khivar was still around and he eventually took over Earth. Khivar won the war.”

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:15 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for all the replies! Okay so I know some of you are confused by how much info Chris gave because in the show he was so tight liped about just know that while Chris did give a lot of information about the future he left out several key things that come up later, like say his brother :twisted: Chris was the one who told Gorman to tell Max all of those things about the Covenant being evil but the reason will become clear later on, he had Gorman tell those stories for a reason a VERY important reason that has something to do with Liz. Chris is a wild card right now you think you know why he is there and that he has said all he needed to say but...Chris has not gone away yet which means he still has more to do! :twisted:

Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 44: Fixing Mistakes

Tyler sighed as he carried Liz into the Simms room, they all agreed to stay at the ancestral home for the night all needing to digest the latest news. He could feel Liz’s arms wrapped tightly around his neck in her fitful slumber. He tried to set her on the bed but she did not want him to let her go.

“Sh Liz baby I am just going to get changed I am not going to leave you.” Tyler whispered but Liz just whimpered when he tried to remove her hands from around his neck. Sighing he realized Liz was not going to let go he crawled into bed with her, her small arms still around him and he rolled her onto his chest being careful of her small baby bump. He noticed that she was shaking slightly but he knew that it was not from the cold but from fear, fear of the other timeline.

“I’m here baby.” He whispered into her ear smiling slightly when he felt her nuzzle his neck.

“I don’t want that future, it is too terrible to even think about.” Liz whispered.

“I know baby.”

“It is hard to imagine that I was not with you it feels wrong to be without you. To think that I was pregnant by another man makes me sick.” Liz whispered her small frame shuddering slightly. Tyler’s blue eyes flashed with pain, he had not taken that bit of information well. Finding out that he not only died but was never with Liz again cut deep.

“I can’t believe that he killed my child.” Liz whispered, Tyler could feel her tears on his neck and he held her tighter.

“He is not going to harm you or your baby in this life Liz, I am with you and not him. Our baby will protect you he will not be able to hurt our baby.” Tyler whispered kissing the side of her head knowing that all Liz wanted was to be held close.

“One little event changed so much for us.” Liz whispered.

“Liz you coming to Ipswich changed everything you embraced destiny and by doing so changed the lives of everyone, from what I heard it has all been for the better. All of us are happy.” Tyler said smoothing her hair back as she stared into her doe eyes.

“Are you happy?”

“Very.” He said kissing her softly.

Maria stared blankly at the wall in front of her, she remembered Reid herding her into his room sensing her inner turmoil. Chris had told her that she had turned her back on Liz after Alex died, she had gone against her best friend taking the aliens side over Liz. Her heart ached knowing that she had been so easily swayed in the other timeline. She hated that she and Liz had been at odds.

“So I died.” Reid said, Maria looked up at him realizing that she had not even talked to him about what he had learned she could not imagine what Reid was going through, finding out that he had been killed.

“Reid…” Maria said moving over to sit next to him on the bed she could see the fear in his blue eyes and it tugged at her heart.

“Maria I have always been faced with the possibility that I might die one day I mean it comes with being one of the five sons, we have always been targets. I guess until know though I have always in the back of my mind thought that it would not happen that because I am powerful as I am that it would never happen.” Reid said. Maria stood up and stood in front of Reid grabbing his face with her small hands forcing him to look up at her. Reid melted at the sight of her in front of him.

“Things are different now, Reid whether you want to believe it or not, when Chris changed the events of this timeline he also changed you. Admit it Reid you are more cautious now that Liz is pregnant, you have grown up.” Maria said leaning down and kissing his plump lips.

“I guess, but look at what the two of us did not so long ago. The two of us went out in the middle of the night without alerting the others to where we were going in the middle of a very tense and dangerous situation, which does not scream grown up to me.” Reid muttered looking down at the floor.

“Reid the fact that you know what we did was wrong and that you will not do it again proves that you have matured from the last timeline.” Maria said letting g out a yelp when Reid pulled her into his lap so she was straddling him.

“I think you have changed me because I did not have you in the last timeline and look at what happened, the two of us did not have the happily ever after.” Reid said.

“Well I know you have changed me, I have not felt this happy since before the aliens let me in on their little secret.”

Isabel sighed as she slipped away from Alex who was sound asleep on the bed. The two had gone straight to her room and talked for hours after Chris let them in on what happened in the other timeline, she had lost Alex and moved on with another man; the thought chilled her to her core she did not think she would ever be able to move on if something happened to Alex even if the two of them were not dating. Quietly Isabel made her way down to the cellar where her twin brother Max was locked in a crystal cage. In the flickering candle light Isabel saw her brother sit up when he heard her approaching.


“Max.” Her voice sounded cold even to her. She could not believe what he did in the other timeline but then again he was just as terrible in this one.

“What do you want? Want to torture me some more?” He sneered. Isabel stared at her twin through cold golden eyes.

“No. I wanted to run something by you just to show you what kind of a mess you make of people’s lives.” Isabel said circling his magical cage.

“Oh really and what ways have I messed with people’s lives?”

“Earlier tonight we all had a little chat with someone from the other timeline, a person from our future if things had not been changed, if Liz had not been with Tyler. See the person from the future came back to change one event and by doing so change the course of history. The future he came from Max was not pretty no one was happy and in the end the enemy wins on all accounts. You Max were our downfall.” Isabel said.

“How so?” Max asked not believing his sister.

“You fell into Tess’s trap like you are doing in this timeline Max. Max, Tess is working for Khivar, her and Nasedo are working with him they struck a deal a long time ago and you are falling right into it a little easier in this timeline than in the last. See the deal Max was to seduce you into sleeping with her which you have done and for her to get pregnant with your heir and then convince you that your child can not survive on Earth and then con the three of us into following her back to Antar where Khivar will be waiting to execute the three of us.” Isabel said. She did not know what it was, what word or phrase that caught her brother’s attention but she knew that she had and she could tell that her words were hitting deep and that something was waking up inside of him.

“How, how can that be?” He whispered.

“It gets worse.” Isabel said sitting on the floor in front of her brother.

“How can it get worse than being betrayed by one of our own, I imagine Liz hated me for what happened.” Max whispered.

“Oh you bet she did especially after she found out that Tess was the one who killed Alex.” Isabel said she saw the color drain from her brother’s face and she watched in awe as Max shook his head slightly trying to make sense of what was happening.

“Just as Tess was about to leave Earth with us Liz stopped us telling us how Tess killed Alex and she was evil you would not leave Earth but you let Tess get away, none of us really ever forgave you for that. The moment the ship took off you began the search for your son sensing that he was in danger or something. Eventually Tess came back to Earth with your son Zan only for her to tell you that he was human and you gave him up for adoption. You and Liz had a steady relationship going and even after the FBI forced us to go on the run after graduation the two of you got married.” Isabel said sighing sadly when she saw a ghost of a smile on her brother’s face.

“We got married?” He asked.

“Yes, but it was not perfect Max. Liz got pregnant while on the run and you aborted the baby. It destroyed your relationship and our group split up.” Isabel said wincing when she saw tears form in her brother’s eyes.
“I killed my own baby?” He asked in a strangled whisper.

“Yes. Max what you are feeling right now is nothing compared to how Liz and Tyler felt when you tried to abort their baby.” Isabel said before she quickly left the basement never seeing the horrified look on her brother’s face.

Meanwhile in the kitchen the Charmed Ones sat brooding over hot tea. Paige could not believe what had happened to all of their groups in the other timeline. There was so much pain and sadness, darkness and despair. It was hard to believe that none of them even knew each other. Reid and Maria were not together, nor Liz and Tyler, nor her and Caleb. The fact that they were not even friends felt weird.

“I can’t believe I was the Source.” Cole said laying his head on the wooden table. Phoebe stroked the back of his neck feeling his pain, she could not believe that she had been his evil bride and ruled by his side and was carrying his evil spawn. None of them acted normal it was as if they had all given in to their evil desires and led lives of completely different people.

“I was an Elder.”

“I was the head of Magic school and without a man.”

“Our lives sucked.” Phoebe whined.

“Thank god for my son.” Piper said.

“Yeah remind me to thank him in the future.” Cole said.

The next day dawned too early for everyone especially those who had class that day. Tyler had to practically force Liz to go to school that morning, her main problem was that she now had to wear maternity clothes meaning she was now showing and was going to have to talk to the principal that morning before school something she was not looking forward to. Liz sat sulking in the kitchen over her bowl of cereal swirling the milk and cereal around the bowl not taking a bite.

“I can go with you Liz.” Alex said resting his hand on her wrist.

“You don’t have to.” Liz sighed.

“No but I want to.” Alex said squeezing her wrist, she looked up at her best friend giving him a small smile.

“Thanks Alex.” Liz said.

“Why can’t I go?” Tyler asked.

“Because it would look funny.” Kyle said.

“But I am the father.”

“But you don’t go to school with us.” Maria pointed out.

“Face it dude you can’t claim Liz just yet.” Kyle said.

“Yeah I get to.” Alex said ducking when he saw Tyler’s glare. “Hey just joking I am only going to be there for moral support you know so that she does not have to do it alone.” Alex said.

“Which is why I am going to be there as well.” Maria said putting her arm around Liz’s shoulder.

“Same here.” Kyle said.

“Thanks guys.” Liz said giving her friends a small smile.

It was not long before the four friends were sitting in front of their principal looking as if they would all rather be someplace else, especially Liz. “So Miss. Parker what seems to be the problem?” The principal asked taking a seat behind his desk.

“I am pregnant.” Liz said not really knowing what to say but she could tell that this was the last thing her principal expected her to say.

“Well ah what do you ah plan on doing?” He asked.

“I am having the baby and I am going to continue to go to school. I know that it will be hard and that I am going to face some harsh comments by people here at school and in town but I and the father of my baby believe that education is important.” Liz said grabbing Alex’s hand for support.

“Well Miss. Parker, Mr. Whitman I expected better behavior from the two of you but I cannot prevent you from attending school as a matter of fact I commend you Liz for wanting to do so but you know that not all of the students and staff are going to accept this.” The principal said.

“Wait no sir I believe you are mistaken, Alex is not the father. The father does not live in Roswell or New Mexico for that matter.” Liz said a faint blush appearing on her face.

“Oh, sorry. Well Miss. Parker I will inform the staff of this matter and ask that they not make any comments to the students.” The principal said.

“Thank you.” Liz said standing to leave.

“Liz if you need anything please feel free to come to me.” The principal said as the foursome left the office. Liz sighed as she looked down at her stomach which was now slightly noticeable. She just knew that this was not going to go well.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:22 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for all of your reples! I have several things planned for Chris and the gang and here is a hint (Chris's leaving out info is for what he thinks is a good reason it involes baby Zan) Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 45: Revelations

Liz sighed, it had been a week since she told the principal of her baby news and slowly the rest of the school began to notice her ever growing baby bump. She noticed the whispers as she walked past a group of students increased each day and more and more of them were pointing towards her stomach. Most of the students had yet to make any comments to her face but she knew that it was only a matter of time.

“Who is the father?” She heard a girl ask around the corner, the group of senior girls stopped their conversation when they saw her.

“Liz.” Michael said catching up to her, shooting the girls a stone glare as he pulled Liz along to class.

“Hi Michael.” Liz said looking down at the floor.

“You knew people were going to talk Liz. Ignore them, after awhile you get used to people talking about you and you learn to brush off the mean comments.” Michael said hugging her close to his side.

“So far no one has said anything directly to me but I can hear them none the less. They all think Max is the father, I guess it is a good thing that Tyler is not here to hear that otherwise he would blast them all into oblivion.” Liz sighed.

“Well at least they don’t think Kyle is the father.” Michael said laughing as Liz hit him in the stomach.

“Shut up the principal thought Alex was I mean come on Alex of all people. The two of us just don’t scream couple.” Liz said.

“No but then again Kyle and you never screamed couple and yet you were together.” Michael said.

“No Kyle and I were never together that was just an act.” Liz said a faint blush appearing on her cheeks she had forgotten that Michael did not know that.

“Oh really and who was that supposed to make jealous?” Michael asked.

“No one, there was no way I wanted Tyler to find out he would have beaten the crap out of Kyle and he almost did when someone mentioned the two of us dating. Tyler is possessive and it grates on his nerves whenever someone mentions me being with another guy, haven’t you noticed this?” Liz asked raising her eyebrow at her friend making Michael laugh.

“Okay I can get how him not knowing that would be beneficial to Kyle’s health.” Michael laughed.

“It was beneficial for Tyler to not know about the guys I actually went out on dates with I just know that he would take Pogue and the two of them would hunt all the guys down and made them suffer.” Liz said her scandalized expression making Michael laugh.

“Alright I get it Parker, I am so glad that I never dated you.” He muttered only to flinch when Liz hit him hard in the stomach.

“Hey I was joking.” He croaked trailing after a giggling Liz.

San Francisco

Paige sighed as she walked into her room, she could not suppress the smile on her face at the sight of Caleb’s socks on her floor. Piper had told her that she was going to go to the doctor’s later that day and Paige was going to go with her, she could not let her sister go through something like that alone. Paige could not wait to see if her sister was really pregnant if Piper was it would be amazing watching her go through the changes Liz currently was.

“Hey sweetie.” Phoebe said leaning on her sister.


“So is Piper pregnant?” Phoebe asked startling Paige.

“How did you…”

“I found the test in the trash and so I figured I would ask you and based on the expression on your face it is Piper. How come she did not tell me?” Phoebe asked unable to hide her hurt.

“She is really scared sweetie and I guess since I am sort of removed from everything she felt more comfortable telling me that she might be pregnant, it is not for sure yet we are going to the doctors later today. Phoebe she loves you, you are her sister and she has known you all of her life. Me I am more like the friend that lives with her, she does not face the same reactions from me that she would from you.” Paige tried to reason with her sister.

“I get it.” Phoebe said giving her sister a small smile.

“She is really scared here Phoebe. She wants a baby but she is not sure that we are all ready to handle protecting the baby. With all of the dangers we face on a day to day basis Piper is really scared Phoebe. We need to prove to her that we can keep her and her baby safe.” Paige said resting her head against her wall.

“Oh boy this is going to be hard.” Phoebe said.

“If this is how we are feeling imagine how Piper feels.”


Tess stared around the corner at Liz sitting with Maria, Alex, Kyle, Isabel, and Michael. She had heard the rumors of Liz being pregnant but she did not want to believe it she could not believe that Liz was carrying the baby she was supposed to have. She did not want to believe that Max had betrayed her and gotten Liz pregnant. Staring at Liz, Tess studied the human girl closely.

It was more apparent when you studied Liz closer the subtle changes in her body and Tess hated it. Her breast were larger, her cheeks redder, and her lower abdomen more rounded than normal.

“Can you believe it? Saint Parker knocked up by that freak Max Evans.” Tess flinched when she heard the girl speak to her friend not noticing her presence.

“Well we all knew that Max was getting it someplace else, I mean did Tess Harding really think she was going to keep him happy?” Pam Troy asked.

“I think Tess was the only one who did not realize that Max has and always will be head over heels for Parker. He might be screwing Tess but he always goes back to Liz.” Vicky said.

“Poor Tess actually thought she had a shot.” Tess blinked furiously trying to keep back her tears. None of that could be true she knew that Max was only sleeping with her, but Liz was pregnant and no one else could be the father but Max.

“No there is no way that little brat is stealing what is mine.” Tess hissed. “If Liz Parker is pregnant with Max’s baby then I am just going to have to change the plan up a bit, improvise. That baby will be mine even if I have to rip it out of her.” Tess spat.

“Oh really?” Michael asked from behind her. Tess whipped around and saw a glaring Michael and Isabel, glancing back at the table in the lunchroom Tess saw it was empty.

“Michael, Isabel…”

“Cut the crap Tess. So you think you can make threats against Liz and her baby and get away with it?” Michael asked his eyes stone cold.

“That baby should be mine.” Tess growled.

“No that baby should be Liz’s I really don’t think you are her boyfriend’s type.” Isabel said grabbing Tess’s arm.

“What?” Tess asked becoming confused.

“Max is not the father, hell we have him chained up in a basement.” Alex said startling Tess. Tess looked at the lanky teen in front of her, gone was the shy and quiet but goofy persona and in place was a harsh and cold warrior.

“I don’t understand.”

“We found out about him using his powers on us to get us to bend to his will and we also learned that you were the little birdie chirping in his ear telling him to what to do.” Michael said.

“The joke is on you Tess.” Kyle laughed making Tess squeak she had not even heard him approach. She did not like the look in his eyes it was mean and cold and not the Kyle she knew.

“I can make you forget all of this.” She hissed.

“Yeah that is not going to happen.” Maria snapped.

“How do you plan on stopping me?”

“Like this.” Liz said sending a small power blast at Tess knocking the blonde unconscious. The group watched as her form crumpled to the ground, none of them moving to prevent her head from smacking hard on the concrete.

“So should we move her?” Alex asked.

“I got her.” Liz huffed blinking away with Tess. Liz smirked up at the sight of the ancestral home knowing that her gift was going to be a good one. The others had been waiting for them to bring Tess in and here she was.

“Got her?” Cole asked grinning at a struggling Liz.

“Yes” Liz grunted. “She weighs a dang ton.” Liz grunted sighing in relief when Cole threw Tess over his shoulder taking her to the basement and placing her in a crystal circle.

“Tess.” Max spat his eyes red from crying. From what the others had gathered from a rambling Max, Nasedo and Tess put the whammy on him. He had been under their influence since the heat wave in Roswell.

“She will wake up soon.” Liz said, she did not know what to feel about Max she did not know if she could trust him or not. Apparently he broke out of his own warp when he learned of the future in the other timeline, something in the message Isabel told him broke something inside of him enough that he broke free of Tess and Nasedo.

“When am I getting out of here?” Max asked.

“Not until we are sure you are a good doggy.” Kyle snapped appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

“Where am I?” Tess whimpered.

“Good afternoon Tess.” Cole said morphing into Balthazar, Tess screamed at the sight of the black and red upper level demon. “Welcome to hell.” Cole barked baring his razor sharp teeth.

“You are going to be here for awhile.” Kyle said.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:01 am
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys Happy Christmas! Thanks for all of the replies please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 46: The Mind is a Powerful Thing

Tess stared at the basement around her not believing that this was happening to her. She had been captured by her own people and locked away in the cellar. Max was in a cage similar to hers across the room, he kept shooting furious glares at her.

“What?” She snapped at him startled when he looked at her coldly.

“You were going to give us up to our enemy, no wait my enemy he seems to love you. You were going to get pregnant and then hand over your kid. You’re a monster.” Max spat.

“Our people need us, if we give them a baby then Khivar will stop.” Tess said.

“No Tess he will not, he will use the baby to rule. Stop being so naïve.” Max snapped.

“You are pathetic why have you not broken out of here yet?” Tess spat trying to get him away from that line of questioning it was making her uncomfortable.

“They are too powerful Tess and these cages block our powers.” Max explained looking dejected.

“We are royals they are nothing compared to us.” Tess said standing up she moved to hit the barrier. It felt as if thousands of knives were stabbing her all over.

“You learn not to touch the barrier after awhile.” Max sighed Tess looked at him tears brimming in her eyes.

“We are stronger than this.”

“No Tess they are stronger, they have powers we could never match. Liz has powers we could never match.” Max whispered.

“How?” Tess asked.

“Her baby, her baby makes her impossible to kill I have seen it myself. Her and Tyler are apparently part of some prophecy their child is supposed to be really powerful or something.” Max said Tess sneered at the pain she saw in his eyes. Even after they were together he was still in love with Liz Parker.

“So Liz has been sleeping around.” Tess sang.

“No apparently she has always been in love with Tyler, she has always known she was going to have his baby. I saw them together Tess and it was the second most painful moment of my life.” Max whispered.

“What was the first?” She has genuinely interested. Tess was not prepared for the cold laugh that escaped from Max.

“The most painful moment of my life was finding out what my life was like in the other timeline the timeline where we let you destroy us. You got pregnant Tess and convinced me that our baby would not survive on Earth. Little did I know how evil you were, you killed Alex and made Kyle carry his body and then made it look like a suicide. Liz told us what happened as we were about to take off and that was when you showed your true colors and told us about your plans with Khivar. I let you blast off Earth with my son and then I went looking for a way to get him back destroying my relationship with Liz but hey we did eventually get married. I was a monster and when Liz got pregnant I killed my own kid.” Max snarled.

“What?” Tess asked.

“Oh yeah and there is more Tess see you came back to Earth with our son when you found out Khivar is not such a nice guy. Our kid was human and worthless to Khivar, I gave the baby up for adoption. The FBI came after us because of you coming back to Earth and all of us went on the run.” Max said.

“I went on the run with you?” Tess asked not liking the cold laugh Max gave her.

“No Tess you were dead.” Tess shook her head not believing what Max was telling her but in the back of her mind she knew that he was telling her the truth. The two aliens looked towards the stairs when they heard voices approaching.

“It is reasonable to assume that the Source will find new ways to attack. He lost but that does not mean he will give up.” Caleb said Tess watched as he and another teen entered the ghostly basement.

“He does not have many viable options left.” Pogue said.

“Yes he does he has thousands of demons waiting to do his bidding.” Caleb said.

“Yes but none of them can kill Liz.”

“It is not Liz we have to worry about them killing. The Source knows that she is weaker without us so he is going to try and come after us now.” Caleb said.

“Great so like before with Barbas he is going to take us out to try and get to her. What better way to get to Liz than take away the ones she loves the people who protect her.” Pogue said.

“He is going to target you and Tyler first since you two are the most important to her.” Caleb said.

“Then he will go after you and Reid since you are her family as well.”

“We all knew what we were getting into when we told Liz and Tyler that we would be there for them and especially Liz no matter what and I am holding true to that. Liz has been there for me all my life. She is my kid sister in spirit if not by blood and I am not going to let anything happen to her. Besides Tyler would kill me in a heartbeat if by chance Liz even so much as got a paper cut.” Caleb said making Pogue laugh.

“That is true he has become more protective. A few years ago if you asked me if Tyler was going to be a powerful kick some demon butt witch I would have laughed in your face but looking at him now it is apparent he is completely different he is more powerful.” Pogue said.

“That would be Liz’s influence.”

“Oh great more Liz worshipers.” Tess snarled.

“You got a problem with my sister?” Pogue asked folding his arms across his chest as he stared at the blonde alien in front of him.

“Yes. Liz Parker has made my life hell it seems like whenever I want something she has it and will not give it up. She takes what is not hers and does not even realize what she has. She is nothing but a pathetic little human who seems to have everyone convinced she is perfect.” Tess spat.

“That just sounded like a bunch of complaining to me.” Caleb said knowing that his comment was going to irk the blonde girl.

“That was not complaining it was the truth. Max belongs with me but Liz has him and will not give him up even if it is for the good of an entire race.”

“Ah Liz and Max are not together she is happy with Tyler I don’t think she is looking to shack up with a former alien king.” Pogue laughed.

“Then why is Max rejecting me?” Tess asked looking lost.

“Because I don’t love you.” Max said.

“So Nasedo was right.” Tess whispered startling the three guys.

“What?” Max asked.

“Nasedo told me that Max was the defective king that the other one on Earth was the one who was supposed to be with our group. The other three aliens in the other set were defective as well which is why Nicholas killed them all, even the other Zan thinking he was defective. Here Max was the defective.” Tess said.

“I am not defective.” Max growled.

“Yes you are you do not even have memories of your past life. Your powers are stunted, Nasedo and I have tried to unlock your powers but you have nothing. It is like your powers are a fraction of what they are supposed to be. Also your attraction to Liz shows you are defective too human.” Tess said.

“You are lying.” Max snapped.

“Actually I think she is telling the truth.” Caleb said looking startled.

“What?” Pogue asked.

“It makes sense what she is saying, it is possible Max was the defective clone.” Caleb said.

“I am not defective.”

“Is there any way for us to find out if he is or not?” Pogue reluctantly asked Tess.

“If he has the seal or not. If he has the seal then he is the good one if he does not then he is not the true King Zan.” Tess explained.

“How do we get the seal to show?” Caleb asked.

“You need Michael, as the second he should be able to make the seal appear.” Tess said not liking that she was giving information to her enemy.

“Go and get Michael.” Caleb said and Pogue went to fetch the alien second in command.

“What?” Michael grunted coming down the stairs with Pogue and Reid who had just gotten back from class.

“We need you to test Max.” Caleb said grinning at the elated look on Michael’s face.

“What do I need to do?” He asked.


“You need to stand behind Max and place your hand on the back of his skull and then concentrate in your mind on wanting to see the royal seal of Antar then concentrate on having it project itself outside of Max’s mind. It will appear if Max has the seal, you can’t mess this up.” Tess said making Michael growl.

“I know I can’t mess this up.” He snapped. Caleb lifted one of the crystal stones and the crystal cage surrounding Max disappeared Caleb and Pogue lifted their hands in warning letting Max know that if he tried anything they would not hesitate to fire on him. Michael stepped behind the guy he once considered a brother and placed his hand on the back of Max’s head and closed his eyes concentrating. The group waited and nothing popped out of Max’s head. Michael removed his hand sighing.

“He does not have the seal.” Michael said confirming what Tess had told them. Tess smiled viciously at Max who looked both devastated and relieved by the news.

“So we have been following a guy who is not even a king.” Michael said looking annoyed.

“But I am still your queen.” Tess said.

“Yeah right, Tess I don’t like you. Do you really see me following you, ever?” Michael asked.

“Yes.” The others in the room could tell she really did not believe what she was saying.

“Really cause I have known Michael all of a month and I can tell you right now there is no way he would follow you anywhere.” Pogue said and Michael nodded in agreement.

“Sorry Tess you are not my queen, just the annoying little blonde girl who keeps harping on about the destiny of four dead people.” Michael said placing Max’s crystal back in place before he headed upstairs.

“Liz is going to laugh when she hears this.” Caleb said.

“Can I be the one to tell her?” Pogue asked.

“Sure, let’s go.” Caleb said as the two raced upstairs leaving two very grumpy aliens on opposite ends of the basement.

Reid stared at the two aliens forgotten by all. He studied Max and he noticed the changes in the teen since Isabel broke him out of his mindwarp. Max was quiet and his eyes looked lost and confused but there was a kindness present that was not there before. He knew that Tess and their protector were the ones to do this to Max or from what Tess had told them Nasedo was the one to do the damage which got Reid thinking, was it possible that Nasedo had done something to Tess as well.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:14 am
by Ansleyrocks
Thanks guys for the reviews on the last part!

Okay for those of you who are wondering when Pogue is going to get a girl just know that he does I have it written but it is not until near the end of the fic, she has not come into the story yet!

Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 47: Breaking

Caleb, Pogue, and Tyler stared at their friend in awe. They knew Reid was smart but this just proved he was also wise. Reid shuffled back and forth on his feet looking everywhere but at his friends before shoving his hands in his pant pockets.

“I have to say Reid this is…different.” Caleb said pulling a face.

“But a good different.” Tyler quickly added.

“What made you come up with this?” Pogue asked looking baffled.

“Well it was Max actually seeing his reactions to things and finding out how he was warped by Nasedo and Tess but Nasedo first. This led me to believe that it is possible that Tess has been warped as well. Look at her actions they are all over the place; one moment she is nice and then the next she is plotting to turn over the others to Khivar.” Reid said.

“It does fit.” Tyler said rubbing his hands over his face in exhaustion.

“The problem is going to be getting her to break out of it she does not tick like the rest of us, she does not have any real emotional ties like the rest did so she is going to be harder to break.” Caleb said.

“Yeah see I thought of that but I think I have an idea on fixing that little snag.” Reid said.

“How?” Tyler asked.

“A truth potion in her water since both are clear, odorless, and tasteless. We could ask her questions about Nasedo, he is the only one she really has emotional connections to and hopefully our questions will job something in her memory or we can catch something she says and go from there.” Reid explained.

“I love it.” Tyler said and the other two nodded in agreement.

“Who is going to do the truth potion?” Pogue asked and the three looked at Reid who just sighed.

“I knew I was going to have to do it, why did the three of you always blow off your potions lessons?” Reid grumbled.

“I never blew them off I just fell asleep.” Tyler said slapping his friend on the back.

“Besides the three of us are more of the blast first cook later types.” Pogue said knowing that would get a rise out of his friend and only laughed when Reid zapped him in the butt.

“See if I make you dinner ever again.” Reid grumbled.

“Tyler?” Liz called from the bottom of the stairs, seconds later he appeared at the bottom of the steps with his three friends.

“Hey.” Pogue groaned when he saw his cousin and best friend kiss.

“If you don’t like it don’t watch.” Liz sang.

“Kind of hard to miss.” Pogue grumbled.

“Well I came to see if Tyler and you guys wanted to come to the doctor’s appointment today. I have a checkup and then I get to see the baby.” Liz said. Tyler’s blue eyes lit up at the thought of getting to go to the doctor’s to see his baby.

“You know I am going to be there.” Tyler said.

“Can I come too?” Pogue asked.

“Yeah me too?” Caleb asked.

“Same here?” Reid asked.

“I would not have asked if I did not want you there, of course you can come. I had called the nurse and asked her if I could bring the four of you and she said fine they would fit me into a larger room, but you guys can’t all be there for the exam since I am naked.” Liz giggled at Pogue’s horrified look.

“I want to see the baby not my cousin naked.” He said.

“I know which is why the nurse will come out and get the three of you after I am done. Tyler can be there for the exam if he wants to since he has seen me naked.” Liz said laughing at Caleb’s disgruntled look.

“Hey I have seen you naked does that mean I can be there for the exam?” Reid asked ducking as Liz took a swipe at him.

“Yeah right Garwin like I am going to allow you into the same room with my girlfriend when she is in a compromising position.” Tyler said.

“A guy can dream.” Reid said.

“I’m sure Maria would love to know this.” Liz said giving him a falsely sweet smile.

“What Maria does not know will not harm her, besides no one ever said that she was not in my dreams with Liz.”

“Oh eww.” Liz shuddered.

“That was a little too much information.” Caleb said.

“So where is your doctor anyway?”Pogue asked.

“Right upstairs.” Liz said startling the four.

“Come again.” Tyler asked making Liz roll her eyes.

“For years Gorman has been bringing all of you guys into this world, he is going to do the exam here and then we are going to go to General and borrow a sonogram machine since this place has no electricity. The two of us talked about it and I would feel more comfortable with him than any other doctor.” Liz explained.

“I like the idea.” Tyler said kissing the side of her head.

“How come we never thought of that?” Caleb asked.

“Because none of you have pregnant girlfriends and I think you were all just assuming I was going to go to the hospital. I feel comfortable with Gorman and he wants to do this.” Liz said.

“Come on nurse let’s go and get me checked up.” Liz said making Tyler blush.

“So I was the nurse in that equation?” Tyler asked.

“Yeah well I wanted it to be a surprise that Gorman was going to perform the birth so I made it seem like I was going to a hospital.” Liz explained as the two entered the attic. Gorman was at his work table preparing his usual balms and remedies.

“Go ahead and get ready on the bed.” Gorman said knowing that Liz knew what to do.

“What does she need to do.” But apparently Tyler did not know.

“I need to change into my night shirt and shorts.” Liz said. Twenty minutes later Tyler stumbled down the stairs followed by Liz and Gorman who were laughing at his traumatized look.

“That looked painful.” Tyler muttered.

“How many times do I have to tell you it did not hurt!” Liz was beyond exasperated.

“Liz is hurt?” Caleb asked looking worried.

“No Caleb, Tyler just thought that part of my exam looked painful but really it wasn’t.” Liz said.

“Tyler I promise I did not hurt her.” Gorman said finding the whole thing quite funny.

“Come on we have a date with a sonogram machine.” Liz said leading the way to the cars.

“This better not be painful.” Tyler muttered.

“All it is, is a picture.” Liz sighed. Soon the six were in an exam room thanks to their connections and Liz had her shirt up and the cold jell on her stomach as Gorman did the last part of the checkup.

“I remember getting lessons in how to use these things when Jason was born.” Gorman said as he ran the probe over Liz’s stomach, a whooshing noise filled the room.

“What is that?” Reid asked.

“The heartbeat.” Gorman said grinning at the looks of awe on their faces.

“That is so cool.” Pogue said.

“Holy crap that is Tyler’s kid.” Reid said the color draining from his face.

“You okay there Reid.” Liz asked.

“Yeah it’s just I think it kind of just hit me, my best friend is having a baby. The baby of our group is having a baby.” Reid muttered.

“Betcha didn’t think that was going to happen.” Liz said.

“If the prophecy did not exist, no.” Reid said they all turned to Tyler who was just standing there open mouthed.

“Tyler?” Caleb asked.

“HOLY CRAP I AM HAVING A BABY!” The others just stared at him.

“You are just now figuring this out?” Liz asked.

“Well no I knew that but after feeling the baby move and now this it just kind of solidified everything.” Tyler said.

“But you have heard the heartbeat before.” Liz pointed out.

“True but this is different it is like feeling the baby moved proved he is alive.” Tyler said and Liz just nodded.

“Here is your baby now.” Gorman said and a small little deformed looking thing appeared on screen it looked like a baby but just very underdeveloped with a big head.

“Cool.” Pogue said.

“Better than the peanut.” Liz said making the boys laugh.

“Lizzie that is bar far the coolest thing.” Caleb said.

“Everything looks good here.” Gorman said.

“Can we take a picture home?” Liz asked.

“I will have several printed, one for each of you and several extras, let’s just say I have pull around here.” Gorman said after hitting a few buttons. Shortly there later the group of six left the hospital heading back to the ancestral home where the others were sure to be congregated.

“Hey guys where were you?” Phoebe asked as they came in.

“I was so worried.” Maria said flinging herself at Reid.

“We just went for the sonogram.” Tyler said as Liz handed the two girls a picture.

“Oh my word Lizzie!” Maria screamed.

“That was loud.” Caleb said rubbing his ears.

“Sorry.” She said a faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

“Well as exciting as this all is, Reid you have a potion to get working on.” Pogue said.

“Oh man.” Reid said before he stomped his way up to the attic. “I always have the sucky jobs. Tyler is the youngest make him do it.” Reid grumbled.

“Oh we would but the last time we let Tyler make the potion he almost blew us all up.” Caleb said slapping his buddy on the back.

“Yeah that was bad.” Liz said pinching his cheek.

“I swear I thought the ginger root was the mungle root.”

“Right because ginger and a red mushroom look so much alike.” Kyle said.

“Shove it Valenti if I remember correctly you almost killed yourself when you drank wolfs bane thinking it was water.” Tyler said grinning when Kyle turned red.

“I thought we agreed never to tell anyone about that.” Kyle ground out.

“Well I thought we agreed not to tell Liz what an idiot she was dating.” Tyler said.

“Oh sweetie you did not have to hide that.” Liz said kissing Tyler’s cheek making him smile. “I already knew that.” Liz said before walking away leaving a flabbergasted Tyler and a hysterical Caleb, Pogue, and Kyle.

“She is good.” Kyle laughed.

“That she is.” Pogue said.

“I am going to go and help Reid the sooner we get the potion done the sooner we can work on Tess. I hope she breaks quickly.” Caleb said as he headed up to the attic.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:50 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part!

Kate might make a visit in later parts but she is no longer with Pogue. The two of them are not going to be together at the end of this fic I have someone else in mind for Pogue who has not come into the story yet! Don't worry there will be no Michael/Tess that just does not fit into the fic at the moment!

Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 48: Breaking 2

Tess glared at Kyle as he slid the tray through the barrier holding her food and water. “You really expect me to eat this?” She asked raising one of her eyebrows.

“They are not going to poison you Tess.” Max groaned he had to listen to her moaning and groaning all day long and he was sick of her to the point of wanting to strangle her more than ever.

“How do I know that?”

“Because they hate you less than me and yet I am still alive.” Max ground out.

“Just eat the food Tess.” Kyle sighed.

“Fine.” She said eating all of it and washing it all down with her glass of water. “Happy now?” Tess asked.

“Very.” Kyle laughed. “Guys she drank it!” Kyle yelled Tess stared at him in horror a look of betrayal on her pale face. “What like you didn’t see this coming.” Kyle said.

“You poisoned me.” She whispered.

“No we put a truth serum in your water.” Liz said coming down the stairs followed by Caleb.

“How dare you!” Tess screamed throwing herself against the barrier shrieking in pain when she hit its resistance.

“We need answers and you are uncooperative, simple solution.” Liz said.

“I am so going to kill you for this.” Tess spat.

“Wow that was mean.” Kyle shook his head in mock disappointment.

“Tess what are your powers?” Caleb asked he grinned when he saw Tess grit her teeth.

“Mindwarping, astral projection, molecular manipulation, dream walking, healing, blasting, shield, and I get flashes.” Tess ground out.

“How strong are your powers?” Liz asked.

“Mindwarping is my strongest, then molecular manipulation the others are weak but I can do them.” Tess ground out Kyle flinched when he heard her grind her teeth.

“Why did you sleep with Max when you first came to town?” Kyle asked.

“To give him my mindwarping abilities Nasedo said that he needed them for the plan to work.” Tess spat.

“Was he any good?” Liz asked making the three guys in the room whip around to look at her.

“No.” Tess said making Liz giggle.

“I so lucked out on that one, Tyler is amazing I mean he does this thing with…” Kyle slapped a hand over Liz’s mouth.

“Liz too much information.” Kyle said noticing that Liz was done he removed his hand.

“How come Nasedo took you and did not look for the others?” Liz asked.

“He knew where they were the entire time but he wanted to know what happened to the other set so we took off in search of them and found them in New York. He saw that they were alright living on their own so the two of us left to bid our time.” Tess said.

“Why did he go against his programming?” Max asked.

“Well you see that is where you are mistaken. Nasedo is not a protector so he does not have that built in protection thing.” Tess said.

“What is he?” Caleb asked.

“One of the teachers.”

“I thought you all said the teachers all died in the crash.” Kyle pointed out.

“We lied.”

“So when was this deal supposed to go down?” Caleb asked.

“By the end of this year.” Tess ground out tears leaking out of the corner of her eyes.

“What happens if you don’t get pregnant?” Liz asked.

“I die and then Khivar kills the others himself.” Tess spat.

“So good news all around right.” Kyle said.

“Is Nasedo really dead?” Liz asked.

“Yes, some skin killed him they must not have known who he was.” Tess said for the first time she looked confused.

“Why would the skins not know who he was?” Caleb asked.

“I don’t know.” Tess said her blue eyes clouding over slightly.

“How did Nasedo get in contact with them?” Liz asked.

“He never told me…”

“Then how did he make the deal?” Caleb asked.

“I don’t know…”

“When did he make the deal?” Max asked from his cage.

“I don’t remember him telling me that.” Tess said shaking her head slightly.

“Why don’t you remember?” Liz asked.

“I don’t know.” Tess said running her hands through her hair. The others could tell she was frustrated by what they were asking her and she did not know what to make of what she was saying.

“Tess are you alright?” Liz asked.

“Things are fuzzy.” Tess muttered.

“What?” Kyle asked they knew something was happening to Tess her eyes were wild and she shook slightly her movements were jerky.

“Tess?” Liz asked.

“Where am I?” Tess gasped out.

“My house.” Caleb said.

“Who are you?” Tess asked her eyes searching the room frantically.

“Caleb Danvers you know the person you keep calling evil.”

“What I don’t understand?” Tess looked at Liz and relief was visible in the young blonde.

“Liz where are we?” Tess asked.

“She is serious she does not know what is going on how is that possible?” Liz asked.

“When you first break out of a warp everything is fuzzy, she probably does not remember how she ended up here.” Max said.

“Tess we took you from school. Tess were you mindwarped by Nasedo?” Kyle asked. Tess stopped all movement and looked at Liz and Kyle.

“It wasn’t Nasedo.” Tess whispered.

“Then who was it?” Max asked.

Bianca watched as Chris left the Charmed Ones home. She knew that he had been filling Piper, Leo and Paige in on the future or what had been the future. She could not believe that Chris of all people went against her, against them. Lisa had been so sure that Chris was on their side but from the looks of things and his actions Chris was playing for the other side.

“Oh Chris you have been a bad boy.” Bianca said watching as Chris took in his surroundings as if he sensed her watching.

“Bianca.” He whispered sighing she materialized next to him she was impressed when he did not even flinch.

“I always wondered how you could tell it was me.” She said flinging her long brown hair over her shoulder.

“Easy your evil is distinct.” He huffed.

“Oh Chris you did not always think I was evil.” She purred wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Well you did not always follow Lisa or Lisara.” Chris snapped.

“She is my sister.”

“She killed my brother.” Chris ground out.

“He was weak Chris and you know it. All he craved was more power and he did not bother to learn how to use what he had. He was one of the most powerful beings alive but it was not good enough for him.” Bianca snarled.

“That did not give you and the others the right to kill him.” Chris said.

“Oh so who was going to stop him? Paige, she was long dead. Phoebe yeah right she was insane with grief and would not help a fruit fly. Your mother, as if she was killed before Paige she died protecting your saint of a brother. What about your father?” Bianca asked grinning at the rage she saw in Chris’s eyes at the mention of his father. Chris crabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the hood of the car.

“Shut up about him. Bianca you always wanted to know why I never married you that day well listen closely because you really want to know. I never married you because I was in love with someone else. That’s right Bianca someone else and her name was Bianca Lopez not Bianca the demon witch.” Chris said releasing her not caring one bit for the pain in her brown eyes.

“I was not a demon then.”

“Bianca you were born a demon and I did not care about that I loved you because of that, but when Lisa came back into the picture you changed. You went from being loving and compassionate to a cold hearted witch.” Chris sighed.

“That is not true.”

“Yes it is Bianca and you know it. She showed you all of her demon ways and told you all about your father and you followed her like a dog Bianca and ate up every word she fed you.” Chris said.

“She told me the truth.”

“She lied to you!” Chris snarled. “Wyatt and I did some digging of our own. You want to know what your sister is all about? Do the words ‘Power is Life’ mean anything to you?” Chris asked.

“They are a demon slogan, one of the worst factions.” Bianca said.

“Yes well their leader happens to think they are great Bianca. Lisa lacks originality. Lisara is their leader and she always has been. Your father was a demon but your mother was human unlike Lisa’s mother who was a demon. Unlike her you care about people or at least you used to before your sister filled your head with lies.” Chris said before orbing away.

Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt48,p45 12/30/07

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:43 pm
by Ansleyrocks
Hey guys Happy New Year 2008! I hope all of you had a safe new year! Thanks for all of your replies on the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 49: Trouble

Tess sat in her crystal cage hugging her legs to her chest; slowly her memories were coming back. She could not believe some of the things she had done. It was like she was there in her body but she had no control over her actions she was just there doing all of those horrible things.

“Feeling sorry for yourself?”Max asked.

“No, I just hate what I have done. I can’t believe this. How could this have happened. He was supposed to protect us and instead he went against us.” Tess sighed.

“Who?” Max asked.

“Kal our real protector. Nasedo and him are the ones who worked out the deal with Khivar. See Zan had a lot of people who hated him on Antar, there are those who would have you think that he was some great king but he sucked big time. Zan messed up everything he touched including Antar’s government and economy.” Tess said.

“So why did they recreate me?” Max asked.

“They recreated Zan because the people with the technology loved Zan. Also they recreated Zan without the enemy knowing if the enemy had known I can guarantee you and Zan would not have existed.” Tess said giving him a sickly sweet smile.

“Why did Kal mindwarp you?” Max asked.

“It is not technically a mindwarp since that power is only for Antrian’s and Kal is Athiean a sister race but not close enough to have that exact power but something similar. I am not sure how it works but it is similar to mindwarping in that it makes the person believe something is there when it is not but it is more of a possession of the person. Kal put commands into my head and then I carried them out.” Tess explained.

“So it was you doing everything but you had no choice but to do them.” Max said.

“I remember doing all of those things and occasionally it was like I was free but I did not realize it and then suddenly I wanted to do something but my body would not cooperate.” Tess said.

“So when you were sleeping with me…”

“Not of my own will.” Tess said looking disgusted by her actions.

“Thank god.” Max sighed.

“Sorry about Nasedo warping you into sleeping with me.” Tess muttered.

“Not your fault.” Max said.

“I know that the two of us can’t really be friends…yet anyway but I would like for us to at least try and tolerate each other.” Tess said.

“I can do that but it will take time.” Max agreed. Voices carried from at the top of the basement stairs and slowly grew louder until Caleb and Tyler appeared at the bottom of the steps.

“So she is cranky?” Caleb asked.

“That is an understatement man. She yelled at me and then started crying and when I went to comfort her she threw something.” Tyler sighed looking worn out.

“Well what did you exactly say to her this morning to make her so upset?” Caleb asked.

“Nothing I just told her that the baby was getting bigger.” Tyler said not understanding why Caleb hissed in distress.

“What are you stupid suddenly? Did Pogue and I hit you in the head one too many times as kids or something?” Caleb huffed.

“What is wrong?” Tyler looked baffled.

“Tyler when you told Liz the baby was growing that was like implying she was getting fat.” Caleb said.

“Of course she is getting bigger she is pregnant.” Tyler said.

“Oh my god can you just hit him upside the head I don’t think he is getting the picture.” Tess snapped startling the two boys.

“She is right Tyler I do need to tell you this point blank. You called Liz fat or at least that is how she took it and in her emotional state where she is already feeling unattractive because of the changes her body is undergoing she does not need you telling her that. You need to make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.” Caleb said.

“But she is the most beautiful woman in the world.” Tyler said.

“Yes but she does not think so and you need to make sure that she knows that you think so.” Caleb said.

“Basically screw her until she gets the message.” Tess said from her cage.

“Again Tess is right, as much as it kills me to say this you need to do whatever it takes in the bedroom to make her feel like a queen.” Caleb said disgusted that he was talking about Liz having sex.

“I used to make her feel beautiful.” Max sighed.

“Yeah but not the way I do.” Tyler smirked his blue eyes glaring daggers at the alien.

“I found other ways of making Liz feel beautiful besides using my dick.” Max said.

“Yeah mindwarping.” Caleb said.

“Besides who said anything about my dick, if you as Liz I have many talents.” Tyler said.

“Yes apparently he is quite skilled with his…”

“Tess.” Caleb said reprimanding the girl but he could not stop the grin forming on his face, she was spunky like Liz.

“Oh my I see Liz has been talking.” Tyler said going red in the face.

“She might have let a few things slip during my interrogation. If you want a girls perspective on this I suggest a nice warm bath with her favorite salts and candles. You of course have to get in the tub with her but no sex.” Tess said.

“No sex?”

“None, just kiss her and spoil her rotten. Then dry her off yourself and take her to bed and then you can screw her all you like. Just make sure you do little things here and there that make her feel special and wanted. If you two are out make sure that you do not even look at another woman make it all about her, hold her close and make her feel like she has you under her spell.” Tess said.

“Wow that really is good advice.” Paige said coming down the stairs.

“It is?” Max asked.

“Yeah it is. Liz is feeling ugly right now and it does not matter if the rest of us tell her she is gorgeous she only wants to hear it and feel that way from you.” Paige said.

“Well I guess I have some major making up to do here. Where is she?” Tyler asked Paige.

“In the Parry room with Pogue.” Paige said making Tyler groan.

“Great so I have an upset pregnant girlfriend and a probably very angry best friend.” Tyler said shaking himself slightly as if to steel himself for battle.

“She is not going to be that bad.” Caleb said.

“No I am not afraid of Liz, for once. I am afraid of Pogue.” Tyler said as he headed up the stairs.

“So how long have he and Liz been together?” Tess asked.

“Well they were together two summers ago, separated, then got back together last summer and have been together ever since.” Caleb said tired of telling every person they came into contact with the same story.

“That is not very long to be together before getting so serious.” Tess said.

“The two of them have known each other all of their lives, besides they were always close they just decided to move from friendship to lovers then to dating.” Caleb said.

“Go Liz she went from nothing to jumping into bed with him, very nice.” Tess said.

“I don’t even think the two of them went on a proper date until the end of that summer.” Caleb laughed.

“Well as fun as this is Caleb we have a date.” Paige said dragging her boyfriend up the stone steps leaving he aliens alone once more.

Pogue rubbed his cousin’s back calming her down after her crying fit. He felt helpless not being able to make Liz feel better; he knew that at the moment nothing was going to make her feel better.

“Shh it will be alright Lizzie.” He said soothingly.

“Pogue they called me a whore.” She sobbed.

“Liz they are idiots. If getting pregnant makes a person a whore than almost the entire female population on earth is a bunch of whores. They just do not know what to make of your situation Liz, you are a junior in high school, not exactly the standard get pregnant time for girls.” Pogue joked.

“But Vicky said that I got what I deserved and then she started yelling at me for ruining Kyle’s life. I told her the baby was not Kyle’s and then she got even more upset and said that Max’s life was ruined and so I told her it was not Max either and then she called me a whore and all the girls laughed agreeing with her.” Liz cried into her cousin’s chest.

“Liz look at me.” Pogue commanded surprised when she did so, normally she would have punched him and yelled at him. “Liz you knew that people were going to talk and say some pretty crappy things to you and about you. This was just one day Liz, there are going to be good days and bad days and you have the power to decided what kind of day it is going to be. Are you going to let the a#$e$ get to you or are you going to suck it up and move on?” Pogue asked.

“I am going to let them get to me.” She sobbed making him roll his eyes.

“Ah wrong answer Parker.”

“I’m a Parry.” She cried.

“That’s right you’re a Parry, and as a Parry you have to suck it up and not let them get to you. Us Parry’s have thick skin. I mean come on Liz how many people called me names in middle school?”

“Loads.” She mumbled.

“Yeah and then they got over it because I did not let them get to me and then I got hotter and then they adored me.” Pogue said.

“And this pertains to people calling me a whore how?” Liz asked with a small smile.

“You can’t let them get to you Liz. Don’t let them make you feel bad for being pregnant and having the baby you were supposed to have with Tyler.” Pogue said. A loud knock startled the cousin’s.

“Come in.” Pogue said kissing Liz’s forehead. Tyler came in looking nervous, when he spotted Liz on the bed he looked at Pogue alarmed.

“Liz?” Tyler was startled when she started crying harder.

“What is it?” Pogue asked.

“He thinks I’m fat.” Liz sobbed.

“What?” Pogue asked shooting a venomous glare at Tyler.

“Sweetie that is not true I don’t think your fat.”

“So your calling me a liar now?” Liz asked crying harder.

“What? How did you get that?” Tyler asked moving to take her in his arms but she only moved into Pogue more not seeing the anguished look on Tyler’s face at her rejection.

“Liz why do you think Tyler called you fat?” Pogue asked trying to help his friend out.

“He did this morning he said the baby was growing.” Liz shrieked.

“Liz that does not mean you’re fat, Liz you’re not I’m sorry if you thought I was calling you fat.” Tyler said reaching for her hand but she yanked her hand away before she got off the bed and stormed out of the room and headed into the bathroom before she locked the door. Tyler knocked resting his forehead on the door.

“Go away.” Liz said she was hunched over the sink looking into the old mirror. She was only a little mad at Tyler but the comments people at school made about her only added to her distress. She could feel that she was hurting him by not letting him touch her but she needed time to regroup.

“Liz.” Tears sprang to her eyes again when she heard the pain in Tyler’s voice when she would not let him in. Finally it was too much she did not care how mad she was she would let him in if he would stop feeling like that. Flicking her wrist the door swung open. Tyler stood there looking at her shaking form hunched over the sink wanting to pull her close but he did not know if she would let him.

“I need you over here.” She whispered it was all he needed before he was behind her his hands resting on her waist.

“Some girls at school were saying mean things about me.” Liz whispered trying not to melt into him when he pulled her closer. He knew what she was doing and his frustration mounted.

“Liz please stop fighting me.” He whispered.

“I can’t because if I do I am going to break down.” She said in a shaky voice her lips trembled when he pulled her flush against him.

“Then break.”