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Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 11:07 am
by greywolf
31.7 miles from the Facility, The Crashdown Café, Roswell, NM

Maria DeLuca brought back an order from a couple in booth three and placed it on the order carousel for Jose to prepare down as soon as he got room on the grill. It was a busy Saturday night, and she and Liz had been working hard all evening. And that was a good thing, she decided. It kept their mind off of Kyle.

In a town like Roswell, where a stolen bicycle would often make front page news, the kidnapping of a teenager was big news. Even working hard all day, people had been talking to them about it, since Kyle was one of their classmates in their year at West Roswell. And they were worried too, even though they knew they could do nothing about it. Working seemed to help keep their mind off of it.

Maria was surprised to see her mother in the back area…until she saw the pies. She’d almost forgotten that Saturday evening was pie night, to prepare for dessert for Sunday dinners.

“Hi Mom.”

“Oh, …Hi dear,” said Amy “Uh…I noticed that not much is gone from the Men in Blackberry pie. I left a fresh one anyway.”

Oh…,’ thought Maria, ‘THAT’S what this is all about.’

“No…our regular customer for that hasn’t been in for two days now….I think he has other things on his mind.”
Maria’s eyes went to Liz’s face and noticed she too had the same sort of a sad smile. No doubt she too was remembering their conversation at their last sleepover three weeks ago.
  • three weeks previously, above the Crashdown

    ”I tell you Liz,” said Maria…sticking a spoon of Martian Blast Sundae in her mouth to drag out her statement for dramatic effect, "’s positively embarrassing. Every time she sees him she talks about the time she was arrested by him at the sit-in… terrible it was that he picked her of all those people.”

    “Well if she was acting according to her conscience, she shouldn’t be upset that she got arrested. That’s what civil disobedience is all about..”

    “Are you kidding, Liz? Didn’t you read your Shakespeare? ‘Methinks the lady doth protest too much,’ and in this case, WAY TOO much. She practically salivates over the man. I can practically tell that she’s undressing him with her eyes…almost as bad as you and your lab partner.”

    “MARIA…, I DO NOT undress Max with my eyes, we are friends, that’s all. Besides, he doesn’t think about me that way at all.”

    “Right…well that’s a subject for another sleepover maybe. But whatever the case, my mom is gaga about the Sheriff, or at least she would be if she ever got past him being ‘a willing tool of the neo-fascist establishment.’ Even at that, I think she likes the uniform….or maybe it’s just the handcuffs….I have nightmares of coming home some night and finding one of them handcuffed to a couple of bedposts….”

    “RIAAA…stop! I so don’t want to see that picture in my mind.”

    “Well you’re lucky, Liz. You have both your parents…and while you might not want to think about what’s going on downstairs…heck, even now it might be happening.”

    Liz shuddered…then both girls giggled. “Well, if they are doing it, at least they’re discrete.”

    “Yeah, well my mother hasn’t done it in at least twelve years. I really wish she would…you know, find someone. And the Sheriff is really a pretty good guy. Kyle isn’t even all that bad…for a jock.”

“You know,” said Amy DeLuca, “..the Sheriff needs to keep up his strength if he’s going to find Kyle. Could I get a couple of Will Smith burgers to go…and an order of Saturn ring fries as well.”

Liz looked sidewise at Maria before saying, “Sure Mrs. DeLuca. It’s on the house. You want some dessert with that too?”

“That’s OK. I have a spare blackberry pie in the car…”

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:37 am
by greywolf
He'd been at the desk for ten hours, making phone calls, studying evidence, looking for records of similar cases...doing everything he could think to do...everything that seventeen years of being in law enforcement had taught him to do, trying to discern something...anything...that would let him crack THIS case...let him find his son. And he was just about at the end of his rope....with nothing but dead ends wherever he looked. Then he heard the commotion from the front desk.

"I'm sorry ma'm, you can't go back there. That's not a public area."

"Not a public area? It's paid for with taxes, isn't it? With MY taxes? The same taxes that pay YOUR salary? That makes it a public area.."


As the door to his office opened abruptly, Jim Valenti looked up to see Amy DeLuca with a rather large Crashdown to-go sack in one hand, a blackberry pie in the other, and an expression on her face that said she was going to take no guff whatever from Deputy Garcia, the officer on the front desk.

"That's OK Jorge," said the Sheriff. "I'll handle it."

"Ms. DeLuca, this really isn't a public will have to leave."

Her face changed as it looked at him. "Sheriff...I'm not trying to cause trouble. I heard about Kyle....and I'm so sorry. But we single parents have to stick together. Maria and Liz said you haven't been around the restaurant since this happened, and I thought you might like a hot meal."

"Well, I guess I can't live indefinitely on hot coffee and stale donuts...that's very kind of you Ms. DeLuca."

"That would be Amy, Sheriff. Remember? It was on the mug shot. DeLuca, comma, Amy."

"You were warned that you were trespassing...three times. And anyway the judge let you off with a warning."

"And five hours of public service..."

"Which you served by reading books on civil disobedience to all the kids in Junior High School, if I recall. They subsequently had three sit-ins protesting the school lunch menu."

"Well all that unhealthy salted food......I'm sorry, Sheriff. I didn't come here to fight old battles...just to make sure you got a decent meal."

"Well me Jim...if I'm going to call you Amy."

He ate quickly...anxious to get back to his work, but perhaps the food helped a little. Or maybe it was that having someone to explain what he was doing clarified it in his own mind. He explained about the darts...and that the contract had been a dead end. But then she picked up the list....

" about these thirty darts here at this address? That's close. I take pies to a cafe right across the street from there..."


"This address here. It's up in Corona. As a matter of fact, I know the place. It's one of those small private mailbox outfits in a little strip mall, right across from Rosa's cafe."

Jim looked at the paper in disbelief...then picked the other one up from the desk. "That's got to be some sort of mistake. This one from the doesn't show that. I need to call agent Price"

"Oh...the FBI...they wouldn't lie to us or anything."

"Amy, your paranoia about the government..."

"Paranoia? See here...the numbers on theirs don't add up. The total at the bottom is thirty more than the individual orders they list. Someone intentionally left this one off..."

Jim looked at the two pages in disbelief. There were hundreds of orders there, and all the others were there.....all except the only one that would have been of interest to him. For all her antigovernment paranoia, Amy was right. Seventeen years in law enforcement told him that this was no mere coincidence.

"You're right. I need to check this out."

"Oh, the place is closed tonight. But I take pies to Rosa's at seven tomorrow morning. You want to come along? I think the mailbox opens at eight...but only for a half day because it's Sunday."

Jim thought for a second. A couple...with him in civilian clothes...would attract less attention than the County Sheriff in uniform in a police car. "Would you mind?"

"Sheriff....I'd be happy to help. I'll pick you up in my Jetta at seven sharp. Us single parents DO need to stick together after all..."

As Amy left, Jim Valenti turned back to the computer to see just what he could learn about Agent Price.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:19 pm
by greywolf
Hour 20 Day 3647

She lay on the edge of the mat in the darkness, huddled in a fetal far as she could get from him. He'd gotten on the mat reluctantly, and only after the controllers had lowered the temperaturte to where contact with the bare metal caused an aching coldness.... and even then he kept away from her...huddled on the other side of the mat.

Tess was what had happened, and what was worse...she had no idea why it had happened. The day had gonee so well...up until two hours ago...clearly the best day of her life. They had been playing games on the computer...her showing him her life...or at least what little there was of it. But still, having sdomeone to share it sit beside her on the small bench in front of the have her side sometimes brush against his...savoring the closeness of had all seemed so wonderful.

He'd seemed to enjoy it least up until two hours ago. She'd felt him pull away then...and she didn't understand why...didn't understand what she might have done that could have caused him to suddenly get so cold as the numbing grey walls around them.

She'd felt him close himself off to her..right in the middle of the chess game. It had come without warning or explanation. Kyle had simply got up and walked away...just as she was nine moves away from checkmate. She'd tried to talk to him...frankly tried to arouse him, but he'd retreated into a corner of the room to do physical exercises...ignoring her altogether.

Even now, he was as far away from her as the mat would allow, curled into his own fetal position facing away from her. He was shivering with the cold, and she wanted nothing more than to envelope him with her warmth, she felt she wanted and needed his closeness as well. But every feeling emanating from him said her presence was unwelcome.

Tess didn't understand why....and as the tears silently fell in the darkness, she realized that there was so much she didn't times she thought she understood nothing. Nothing but the pain of his sudden rejection of her.

In the control room the observer shook his head and turned to his partner. "Well, I'll keep turning down the Carlson said.... but I'll be damned if I can see what good it's doing..."

Two hours previously.....
Kyle was losing the game...he knew that but he didn't care. He'd allowed himself to become distracted, it was easy to do sitting next to her...feeling their bodies sometimes touch each other as they moved...sneaking glances at her breasts as they moved in and out with her breathing.

'Sometimes, Valenti,' he told himself, 'you can be such an idiot.' She was stunningly attractive and would have been even if less exposed. If she'd been at West Roswell High she'd have no end of guys competing for her attention...and he'd certainly be one of them. But they weren't at West Roswell High...that was the problem.

She wore her nudity with an easy grace that he knew he'd never have....because she'd never known anything else....and it was this ignorance...this naivete...this innocence, that was the problem. He just couldn't bring himself to take advantage of that innocence, but if she had led a normal life......

'Hell, Valenti...,' he told himself, 'she's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen...and she wants you. But if she were at West Roswell, she'd probably be in the Ice Princess Posse...right up there with Isabel Evans. She wouldn't give you a second look.'

Kyle winced as she took his rook...he'd paid the price for his distraction...and without the support of the rook, he lost a pawn too pulling back too late and having to sacrifice it to save his bishop.

'Now she's going to checkmate you in six or seven moves,' he decided. Then he noticed the small window ticking up the hours slowly and his curiosity got the best of him.

"Tess, what's this box mean?"

"That's my life...the clock has been ticking there since the day I was born....and Kyle, you're in check by the way..."

All at once Kyle lost interest in the game as his world seemed to spin dizzyingly around him. He'd been sitting next to her all day...fighting back fantasy after fantasy imagining what it would be like if that could ever really happen, all the time fighting back his own arousal at her presence...never knowing...never even thinking...Tess wasn't even ten years old..

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:53 pm
by greywolf
She heard his breathing pattern slow and become regular, and despite his shivering decided he was asleep. She was confused and hurt and angry...but he was still her mate and she cared for him...and didn't want him to be cold. She slowly reached out her hand and touched his back...enveloping him in the warmth she generated with her powers. But as she touched him...the flash hit her.

  • Kyle was only three, and it was well past his bedtime, but the angry voices of his parents had awakened him and he'd toddled down the hall in his footed pajamas toward the kitchen. But he stopped before he got to the doorway...peering in from the darkness as his world started to come apart.

    "How can you do this, Arlene?"

    "How? It's easy, Jim. I pack and I simple as that. I just can't take it anymore...this small town.....the boring life of a junior deputy's wife. I need more than this"

    " are the one that pushed for us to get married right out of high school, before I'd even gone to the police academy...."

    "Well I was WRONG, Jim. Does that make you happy? Wrong wrong wrong! It was only what I thought I wanted. Hell, I'd spent my whole life in Roswell...I didn't know any better. But that doesn't mean I have to live with the mistake. I'm going to Los Angeles, Jim. To the bright lights...and the excitement. There has got to be something better than Roswell New Mexico."

    "But what about us? What about our son?"

    "Kyle...Kyle was a mistake, Jim. I thought by having him I could make Roswell exciting...but it didn't work. It's still boring...and dirty diapers and the 'terrible twos' and staying up nights with a kid vomiting and crying didn't make it any more exciting...just more tedious. I think I knew Kyle was a mistake...even before he was born. I almost went to El Paso for an abortion..I wish now I had. But I'm not going to be trapped here by Kyle. It's not too late for us, Jim, even now. Come with me...we can make a great life in California. We could call an adoption agency...find a home for Kyle, somewhere they'd care for him well."

    "Kyle's my son, I'm not going to leave him...I love him."

    "Well I don't...and I'm not going to stay here any longer...."

    Kyle ran back to his room, hiding in the closet. His father found him there the next morning. He had never seen his mother again.

She heard him sobbing, saw him roll over to face her. She saw the tears trickling down his cheeks, even in his sleep.... and suddenly Tess felt her heart breaking thinking of him back then. She had never had a mother but even so she knew, if she ever carried Kyle's child inside her she could never allow anyone to hurt it as badly as he had been hurt that night. Their child would never doubt that its mother loved it. For all that Tess had been through, all she had endured, she'd never been rejected by someone she loved, ...even if that was only because she'd never been loved at all.

Tess pulled herself over to him, kissing the top of his head as she buried his face in her breasts. This wasn't about arousal, either his or was about caring....caring for the three year old boy who'd never admitted to anyone...not even his father...that he'd seen them fight that night.

Kyle awoke shaken from the recurring nightmare....even after all these years. But it was different this time, as he felt the warmth against his cheeks and the gentle lips caressing his hair. He opened his eyes and found himself buried in her breasts and knew he should pull away.... that this wasn't fair to her. But it wasn't lust he was feeling...and the tenderness of her fingers in his hair made him want to hold on to this least for a little while. Finally he pushed himself away, his arms still resting on her shoulders.

*Why, Kyle? What happened today? I don't understand.*

*Tess, I didn't realize...I knew you were inexperienced...innocent.... but you are aren't even ten years old. It was wrong of me to think of you the way I was starting to...or to let you think of me that way...*

*I can't help my age, Kyle. I was never a baby....never had a father or mother. But I'm not a child. I became sexually mature five years ago..* She shuddered as the memory came back to her.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 5:12 pm
by greywolf
Kyle got the flash...and was instantly horrified.

  • They had brought a special rolling exam table and other equipment she noticed, stealing a quick peek as they lifted her onto it and secured her legs with straps to the cold metal. She didn't understand....this had never happened before. She thought of trying to resist...but the memory of the four lenses looking down at her stopped her. She had to conceal her capabilities...she had to endure whatever they planned, if she had any chance at all of ever being free. Even so, their was a wrongness she felt as Higby touched her there... As he started to insert the instrument she wanted to scream...

    Higby was annoyed that the colposcope was meeting with such resistance...annoyed at himself for not remembering to bring the lubricant..and annoyed at the creature for being so tight down there. The menstrual blood itself was not exactly slippery, but with persistence and force he tore his way past the hymen with the colposcope to get a good look at the cervix.

    "Well I'll be is menstrual blood...the damn thing is menstruating... We need to come back in two a laparoscopic exam. Even if the first few cycles ar anovulatory...eventually we ought to be able to get some of its eggs..."

    Tess lay on the bed where they had placed her after they were gone. She wasn't bleeding externally anymore...they'd left something pushed up ... there. And she knew she should have been planning...deciding what she could do with this new she might use it against them...but she couldn't.

    For two weeks she lived and relived that memory...fighting back the tears. Somehow she knew that something had been taken from her...something that it was not their right to take...but only hers to give.
She felt his horror....his mind reeling from the vision he'd seen in her mind as he pulled away from her in shocked disbelief. She wnated to tell him that it wasn't her fault...that she had to lay there and let it happen...that she couldn't let them know that she wasn't anesthetized...but as he pulled the connection away she realized how the knowledge of what had been done to her had affected him. She turned away...not wanting him to see the tears that fell from her eyes...choking back the sobs that were forming deep inside her.

Anger flared in Kyle Valenti...anger like he'd never experienced. He'd heard the voice on the computer speaker....Doctor Higby. Kyle wanted to meet the man...if that's what he was.....and he wanted to pound his fist in Higby's face until the blood flew everywhere...until it blotted out the memory of what had happened to poor little Tess. He'd kill the man if he got the chance....squash him like a bug. He wanted to hug her...hold her...but he was afraid to put his hands on her...even to communicate. She'd been through enough already. He lay there watching her back, ignoring even the cold in the room. He didn't know what to say....

The best day of her life had become a nightmare to Tess long before she finally fell asleep. But it became a nightmare then as well, the recurring dream coming back again.
  • Tess felt the pain as the large needle went in to her femoral vein near her groin…her eyes fluttering open as she woke. She was looking up at a bright light…the surgical light, and in it’s reflector she saw her body stretched out before her. The men on either side were dressed in orange protective suits, their faces clearly visible through the faceshields.

    “And we’ll need some bone marrow….take some from her iliac crest…”

    She knew no words, but as the huge needle was plunged into the side of her pelvis she tried to scream…the oxygen mask choking it off. The man administering the oxygen noticed the change in the breathing pattern and looked down. She pleaded to him with her eyes to make it stop…please make it stop.

    “Well….I’ll be damned…I think it’s waking up…”

    “Probably just some sort of an agonal breathing….don’t worry about it…,” said Hauptman.

    Hauptman grabbed the scalpel and with a single smooth stroke, opened the specimen’s abdomen from the xiphoid to the pubis, “Keep the camera’s rolling, we want pictures…lots and lots of pictures. Interior anatomy looks much like human…”

    “Doctor Hauptman…I really think it’s waking up…”

    “That doesn’t matter….science is far more important than the discomfort of a specimen…”

    The incision through her abdomen had been like a streak of fire…but the real pain began when Hauptman began manipulating her intestines….pulling them to the side to give room to examine her kidneys…her ovaries..her uterus. She cried silent tears…unable to scream…unable to pull her hands from their restraints….
When he heard the whimpers he put his hand out automatically...unconsciously trying to reassure her. The flash that hit him was totally unexpected.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 10:45 am
by greywolf
Kyle had felt it in the flash….all that Tess had been through. Not in realtime, fortunately, and not as severe as the pain she’d experienced…but he’d gotten more than he wanted of the pain and loneliness and spirit-crushing hopelessness that she had endured for these ten years.

Kyle had thought he had experienced pain when his parents had broken up…that he’d too quickly had to grow up …. but he wasn’t even in the same league as Tess. She hadn’t had a loving father…family…friends. And she hadn’t been merely abandoned, she had been vivisected…used for biological experiments…poked, probed, drugged, tortured….never even considered a person by animals that would never have a fraction of the humanity that she did. And their final indignity was to throw him in with her to rape her and yet despite all that…despite how she’d been treated…what they’d done to her…she was still more human than they were. More resilient…stronger. Kyle knew that he’d have been driven insane by that treatment…almost anyone would have. But Tess had come through it…somehow been strengthened by it.

It was unfair, Kyle knew, to consider her a child. Whatever her age in years, she had reached a maturity that few people ever had. Her powers were simply amazing and that she’d accept him at all and not just kill him when given the opportunity to do so was proof of that maturity…that despite being that terrified, she’d only bounced him around a little bit…and that even then she’d had the maturity to realize her mistake…to change her mind…to come to love him…..and that was what was most amazing to Kyle, that after all the things humans had put her through she could be that loving…that accepting of someone who she barely knew…but who she at least knew wasn’t her enemy. That wasn’t immaturity, in its own way it was incredibly mature…incredibly forgiving.

He couldn’t…wouldn’t take advantage of her naivete, as much as he might like to. But neither could he disrespect the honor she’d given him. He had come to care for Tess, he realized. Much as she cared for him. But this was too much…too fast…too soon, and the wrong time and place.

In most ways Tess was the answer to a not quitesixteen year old boy’s dreams. She was beautiful…carrying….certain in her love for him, however naïve that was. Even the powers….there was something to recommend a girl who could control you if she wanted to, he realized. Dating was a minefield for a 15 year old boy. Girls seemed to be kind of…volatile…at that age. You were as inexperienced and uncertain as they were, and you got in almost as much trouble if you were insufficiently intimate with them as you did when you misinterpreted the signals and tried to push the relationship too far. That wouldn’t be a problem with Tess. When she wanted you to stop, she could simply stop you. The problem was that right now it seemed like she had no intention of stopping him until after the third or fourth child, and this wasn’t the time or place for that, even if it hadn’t been unfair to take advantage of the fact that he was her choice only because she’s never had one.

But he couldn’t treat her like a child either, he realized. Because she was as mature as he was.

*Tess…the mating isn’t going to happen…not here…not now…not with these perverts watching and probably filming everything. And not….not before you’ve seen the outside world…seen other guys…had the chance to decide that I really am the one you choose…not just the only one you’ve ever met. And you need to know that it is your choice….even if you were to choose someone else…I’d still be your friend…still care about you…still love you for how you felt about me*

And even as her body felt disappointment Tess’s mind soared. He’d used the L-word. The most complicated and wonderful word in the dictionary.

love - Show Spelled Pronunciation[luhv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, loved, lov•ing.
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. sexual passion or desire.
4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?
6. a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.
7. sexual intercourse; copulation.
8. (initial capital letter ) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.

9. affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
10. strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything: her love of books.
11. the object or thing so liked: The theater was her great love.
12. the benevolent affection of God for His creatures, or the reverent affection due from them to God.
13. Chiefly Tennis. a score of zero; nothing.
14. a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter L.
–verb (used with object)
15. to have love or affection for: All her pupils love her.
16. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
17. to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in: to love music.
18. to need or require; benefit greatly from: Plants love sunlight.
19. to embrace and kiss (someone), as a lover.
20. to have sexual intercourse with.
–verb (used without object)
21. to have love or affection for another person; be in love.
—Verb phrase
22. love up, to hug and cuddle: She loves him up every chance she gets.
23. for love,
a. out of affection or liking; for pleasure.
b. without compensation; gratuitously: He took care of the poor for love.

24. for the love of, in consideration of; for the sake of: For the love of mercy, stop that noise.
25. in love, infused with or feeling deep affection or passion: a youth always in love.
26. in love with, feeling deep affection or passion for (a person, idea, occupation, etc.); enamored of: in love with the girl next door; in love with one's work.
27. make love,
a. to embrace and kiss as lovers.
b. to engage in sexual activity.

Tess’s mind soared. Kyle’s parents had mated but he wanted something more than that with her. He wanted forever. The last time she had cried this hard had been when they had started to vivisect her…but the tears came in the darkness tonight…only these were tears of joy.

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:35 am
by greywolf
They lay on their backs on the mat, looking up at the dimly lit ceiling, Kyle trying to pretend the cameras weren’t watching…Tess less self conscious, having never known anything else. They were holding hands, sort of, the fingertips of her right hand resting lightly in his left palm, his own fingers softly gripping them in the darkness. But the light contact served its purpose…allowing her to include him in the envelope of warmth generated by her molecular manipulation and allowing both to communicate privately…not just the words, but at least a hint at the emotions each had as they thought the words to each other.

*Are you angry with me?*

*No Kyle,* she thought, the gentle smile on her lips somehow reflected in the feelings that came to him as he heard her. *It’s not your fault…or mine…that I’m ignorant about the world. It’s our captors….they have gone to some length to keep me that way. I am a little…well disappointed I suppose…no, maybe impatient is more accurate. So what can you tell me about these pre-mating rituals I must do for experience? *

*Dating you mean? I’m not sure I’m any authority really, I’ve only dated a few girls…and only got to first base a couple of times...*

*Base? A military fortification is involved in dating?*

*No…not that kind of base….like first base, second base, third base, home plate…, THAT kind of base?”

*A sports game?*

*Well…not exactly. It’s a euphemism…*

Tess understood euphemisms…talking about some things between the sexes were sort of taboo…and apparently mating…and pre-mating…rituals were among such things. She could sort of feel that Kyle normally wouldn’t have discussed this subject with any female…apparently the norm was for the older females to explain it to the younger females. She could feel the emotion he felt…she was pretty sure it was something called embarrassment…something he was uncomfortable with emotionally. She was grateful that her mate…well mate-to-be… would nonetheless share his knowledge with her.

*You see, first base….well that’s like kissing…*

Tess had to smile..remembering the feel of his lips on hers when he thought she had stopped breathing…she was already fond of kissing.

*…and second base…well that’s when the boy puts his hand on the girl's breast…*

She remembered the feel of his chest against hers…that had certainly been nice…., she imagined his hand would feel comfortable there as well…as a matter of fact…she could feel her nipples harden just thinking of it.

*and third base….well third base…*

She smiled as she felt the embarrassment grow in him….felt his mind rebel at verbalizing the picture his mind was forming. ‘My poor dear…,’ she thought, '..I think I may have to help him on that one..'

*Uh Kyle…is third base where your private parts sort of become semi-private parts?*

*Uh yeah, sort of…* he thought, seething with embarrassment.

*And home plate would be the actual mating?*

It took awhile for Kyle to realize that blushing and nodding his head didn’t carry enough weight to work the telepathy. He was glad he couldn’t see her face ...and that she couldn't see he finally subvocalized *Uh…yes, that’s pretty much right.*

*So you want me to have pre-mate…uh…to have dates with a half dozen other eligible males before we have our own mating rituals?*

Well, …no. Really he didn’t…but it was the only fair thing to do…give her a choice. *That’s right*

She felt the flavor of his thoughts as he said that. Intellectually he believed that to be true…but there was open warfare going on his mind over her actually doing what he asked. She wondered if this could be the emotion…jealousy..?

*So you want me to get to first base with each of these six unmated males?*

She felt the anxiousness in his mind….she was almost sure it was the emotion jealousy.

*Uh no…I mean…yes…I mean this is about your choice, I mean if you choose to let them kiss you…well, I guess that would be up to you…*

*..and second base? What if I wanted to go to second base with them…all six of them?* she asked, trying to avoid giggling in the darkness as she could feel the anxiety grow in him…this was jealousy alright.

*Well….if that’s the kind of girl you want to be* he started, then caught himself…..*Uh….well I mean, Tess, this is about you learning enough to make an informed choice. If that’s what you need…well, I guess that’s what you would need to do…*

*…and if I decided to go to third.*

*LET’S FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO THINK ABOUT, OK? That is…I think you have the general idea about dating.*

Tess struggled not to giggle, even though tears of happiness were coming down her face in the darkness. He was jealous, that was certain....and she was just as certain he wouldn't accept an offer to become someone else's mate while she went through these silly rituals. It would take a while...but he was as good as hers. He was worth it...she could afford to wait.

So she changed the subject to what the outside world was like, and she listened in fascination for several hours until they drifted off to sleep, still hand in hand.

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:21 am
by greywolf
It was 5 AM and Maria was awakened by the sound of the shower running. She looked at the clock in disbelief…then at her wristwatch…and finally the face of her cellphone. It was pretty undeniably five AM. ‘Why on earth is mom up at this hour? She doesn’t need to deliver those pies to the restaurant in Corona until they open at 8AM. What’s going on?’ She rolled over and buried her head in the pillow, trying to go to sleep.

But when the hairdryer started ten minutes later, she realized that sleep wasn’t going to come…at least not until her mother got done in the bathroom But she tried her best, burying her head under the pillow and trying her best to ignore the wailof the hairdryer which, combined with the shower blower was giving a waa-waa-waa-waa, rhythmic cacophony of irritation. At last she could stand it no longer, and decided to go see what was going on.

As Maria entered the bathroom she saw her mother clad in a towel, one foot up on the counter, holding a hairdryer to her hair with her left hand while applying a sensual dark red nailpolish to the toenails of her right foot with her right hand. If it wasn’t 5:15 AM and if it wasn’t for the fact that her mother hadn’t gone out on a date …ever, Maria would have thought that she had one now.

“Uh…Mom….isn’t it a little early for breakfast?”

“Oh…I’m sorry dear. You’ll have to fix your own breakfast. I have to go make a delivery to Corona, but I have to go pick up Jim first.”


“Yes. Jim Valenti. You know, the Sheriff? I’m sort of working undercover with him. We are looking for his son, Kyle.”

“Sheriff Valenti?”

“Yes…the poor man. He’s worried sick about Kyle. We think the FBI may have kidnapped him, but you can’t tell anyone…OK?”

“Uh…Yeah, Mom,…you can count on that…” ‘Not that they would have believed it anyway..’

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:58 pm
by greywolf
As the Jetta pulled up in the driveway, Jim wnt out the back door into the carport area. He was wearing civilian clothes, his service automatic in a holster under his right arm covered by the light jacket.

"Thank's for doing this, Ms. DeLuca"

"That would be Amy, Sheriff.."

"Call me Jim, then. So you know where this place is in Corona?"

"Yeah, It'll take us about a half hour. The pies for the restaurant are in boxes in the trunk. We can drop them off first, then...I guess you would say, 'case the joint.' "

Jim smiled at the thought of one of the most anti-establishment young ladies in Roswell being involved in police work. Even though he was worried about Kyle it was difficult to ignore how attractive she looked. She had a somewhat musky odor...he thought possibly sandalwood. It suited her well. Had things been different.... 'But things aren't different, he told himself. Kyle is kidnapped... missing, and God alone knows what terrible things are happening to him right now.'

At the same time, slightly over thirty miles away and about 140 feet deeper in the earth, Kyle was laying on his left side, looking at the riot of blonde curls that were in front of him. He wasn't sure exactly how he'd wound up this way, tossing and turning in his sleep, or just exactly how he was going to extricate himself without awakening Tess, and perhaps giving her the wrong idea. He had no conscious memory of cuddling over to the center of the mat, or spooning against her, but that was how he'd found himself when he'd awakened 20 minutes ago. But it wasn't just that he was spooned up against her...or that somehow her right leg had come back to push his backwards so the inner surface of her right thigh was resting on the inner surface of his left thigh, pinning him close against was that somehow during the night his right hand had reached across her to gently cup her right breast. He'd been trying to figure out how to extricate himself for most of that 20 minutes. In fairness, he could have probably let go of the breast at anytime...but the feel of her against him...the closeness...the smell of her tell the truth, he'd been pretty much just enjoying the moment for most of the time. It wasn't like she would actually object, he rationalized to himself, in fact Tess had seemed more than willing...even with the cameras focused on every detail.

The fact is that he really did care about her...too much to do anything that would interfere with her ability to really chose...once they'd gotten out of this, And he didn't want to do anything that would encourage her to think that he'd weaken...that he'd...well take advantage of her innocence, before she'd really had an opportunity to learn about the outside world.

The sad fact was that he really didn't think her love of him would survive the freedom of that world. His mother's love hadn't. She'd taken off for the bright lights, without so much as a birthday card in all the years since. Still, this closeness...this moment of had to be one of the best moments of his life. He knew it couldn't last, but unless she least until the lights came on, Kyle decided to stay just like he was. He fought to keep his body from responding any more to her closeness...not wanting to wake her. Right now the closeness..the tenderness...this, he decided, was the best morning of his life.

Tess kept her eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. It really wasn't like rape, she rationalized, if she mind-warped him before he was really awake. She'd enjoyed holding hands with him...drifting off to sleep. But this morning she had wanted something closer. No, she wouldn't mate with him against his will...she cared too much for him to do that. But if she mindwarped his sleeping body to cuddle closer...spooned against it. Intertwining their legs had been her idea...the hand coming over to hold her against him as well. That it had landed against her breast...well perhaps it was what the dictionary called a Freudian slip on her part or....hopefully...on his. 'But whoever's idea that had been, Tess thought with a smile, had been a damn good one..

So she lay there in the darkness, enjoying every second of the closeness, feeling her thigh against his, feeling his hand softly cupping her breast....wishing it could be more, but thankful for this. She fought to keep her body from responding more to his closeness...fought to not move and possibly awaken him. Right now the closeness..the tenderness...this, she decided, was the best morning of her 3648 days of life.

Thirty minutes later in Corona, Jim Valenti got his first look at the address to which the anesthetic darts had been sent. As Amy delivered her pies, he sat there waiting for the place to open.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:35 pm
by greywolf
As he opened the small commercial mailbox store the owner anticipated another routine day. It probably wouldn't really get busy for another hour, giving him time to sort the delivery from last night and get it into the appropriate boxes before people started showing up. He had no illusions about his least the ones that rented the boxes. While it was handy for the business community in the small town to use his store for packages to Fedex and UPS, his customers for rental mailboxes tended to be a distinctly different crowd...people with something to hide.

Most were merely illegals, hard working people who had crossed the Rio Grande by the dark of the moon, and were now working hard at minimum wage jobs, living cheaply and using his mailboxes to get letterd from home and his money orders to send their hard-earned cash to their families south of the border. A couple of people, he was reasonably sure, manufactured and sold drugs, and used their rented boxes as a means of getting raw materials mailed to them and collecting money from internet customers. A few of the locals simply didn't want friends, family, or neighbors to know what they were up to. Several customers did a lot of business with x-rated DVD sellers, and one customer...somewhat of a recluse had received enough anatomically correct life-sized sex dolls to have a small harem in his house on the edge of town. The proprietor actually considered himself somewhat like a Swiss banker, providing a desired service, and that service was to protect the PRIVACY of his clients. He had guaranteed this to all of them, that without a court order he'd tell nobody anything about what went on here...and he'd fight the court order as long as he could, to give them time to destroy evidence or get out of town.

As the couple walked in, the proprietor really didn't think much about them. They seemed kind of average...a middle aged man and an attractive woman fast approaching middle age. They seemed harmless enough...until the man opened his mouth, that was...

"Hi..uh, my name is John...John Jones. I'd like to ask you about the person that rents mail box 228."

"Well Mr. Jones...let me tell you, ...I don't talk about my customers...not to you...not to anyone."

"Well, I understand your reluctance...but this is really important. You see...."

"Hey fellow, it may be important to you...but it sure ain't important to me. I'm not saying anything."

"But all I'm asking for...."

"I don't care shit what you are asking for, John, you ain't going to get it. Get out of I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing."

As Jim turned to leave he felt Amy's hand go into his back pocket. The pocket where he'd hid his handcuffs as they'd gotten out of the car. She'd looked at the handcuffs strangely...but then she always did. He turned in surprise, wondering what she was up to.

The proprietor was taken aback when the woman put the handcuff on her wrist...then handcuffed herself to the radiator and sat on the floor, starting to sing.

"Lady...what in Hell you think you are doing. I'm going to call the cops..."

"You call the cops...and the TV and radio station too. I'm going to stay here and protest what you are doing. My poor little daughter Jami sent a letter to that address, answering an ad to become a teen model....and now she's disappeared. I want everyone to know what kond of a place you are running...what kind of people you are protecting. By the time I get done, your face will be on TV from coast to coast...."

Jim couldn't believe the look of horror on the man's face.
"Uh...lady, let's not do that. I'm sure we can work something out. Mailbox 228 you say? That's rented by some company...I'm not sure where they are. They send a guy by Tuesday and Friday nights, just before close-up to pick up there mail. One of the guy's name is Ormsby...I swear to God lady, that's all I know. Now please...I'm just trying to make a living here...I don't want any trouble with anyone..."

Ten minutes later they were back in the car, both nibbling on a slice of blackberry pie.

"Well, that went well,' said Amy. "So...I guess I'll see you back here tomorrow night. I'll pack us a dinner..."

"That would be....well, that would be real nice, Amy..."

Seven miles away...and 140 feet down in the ground, Tess was showering...occasionally turning toward Kyle with the smile still on her face. Today would be spent with more computer games and innocent conversation out loud. Tonight would be the serious planning when the others couldn't overhear. That and more least she hoped there would be.

Kyle looked at her in the shower...the water trickling over her. She had no modesty...none at all, but how could she when she'd never known a moment's privacy in her life? He wondered briefly what would happen if he joined her in the shower...he had no doubt he'd be welcome. His mind went back to the moment that the lights had come on.

As the lights came on and he realized she was waking, he'd suddenly remembered where his hand was. He tried to slide it away as inconspicuously as possible, but her hand had somehow found his first and held it. She'd pushed his hand against her...he'd felt the nipple harden under his palm, before taking his hand, turning toward him and giving him a soft kiss. The message was plain through the plain as anything could be....'My beloved is mine...and I am his...' Kyle wondered if Tess had somehow read the Song of Solomon somewhere...or was that just how his mind chose to interpret what her thoughts were?
Either way, he'd never felt more loved.