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Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:17 am
by darkmoon
OMG! I got the next part of Through the Looking Glass done. And it looks like I'll be completing it soon. Shock! Lol.

I need to work on DiP, because I'm feeling a little better.

I'm working on DoZ... sorta. It's stalled and I don't know why. Maybe because I promised an arc. And I know what I want to do, instead of just writing a go with the flow fic. I feel slightly trapped... I don't know. I have the next part mostly written. I'm just trying to figure out how to end it. Darn thing doesn't want to write itself. Maybe it's Zan's fault. I'd blame Seki... but he's not in the next part. He's the best character to blame if something goes wrong... because honestly... It's usually his fault anyways.

Well, that's all to update.

Hopefully I'll have more for you! ^.^

P.S. You are the best fans anyone could ever possibly have. You are made of AWESOME!!!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:45 pm
by darkmoon
I've posted a new DoZ called 'Telling Daddy'

^.^ Thank you to everyone who reads any of my stories!!!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:53 pm
by darkmoon
Hey people! I wrote CC again. It was for Carrie's b-day!!!! It's called Dating Games. And it features Seki... LOL.

And yesterday was DiP day!! YAY!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:03 pm
by darkmoon
So it's Friday and not Thursday. But DiP is posted. It was Xmas, and I had a sprained ankle. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!! LOL!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:53 pm
by darkmoon
I just posted a new fic. It's called No Clue. It's an Awaken Dreamer. It has nothing to do with any of my other fics. ^.^

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:55 pm
by darkmoon
Posted part 2 of No Clue.

Posted a little porn ficlet based in the DiP world with Rath/FLiz.

Later on today, since it's 12:41 AM, I will be posting DiP. YAY~!!!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:11 pm
by darkmoon
New Chapter of No Clue is up!

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:49 pm
by darkmoon
So my time away from DiP has done me good. Actually time away from writing has been a great thing. Because sleep was possible. I'm still working 9-11 hour days, but I'm down to only 5 days a week. This job is killing me, but I've found that writing makes me happier. I'm half away through the last chapter of Through the Looking Glass. I have Ava's part of No Clue, and working on Liz's part. I am posting DiP today!!! DoZ isn't dead and it isn't forgotten. I'm not leaving Liz and Ava pregnant forever. It's just I needed to get out other things, plus the parts where I need to write Seki... He hasn't been really helpful since my creativity dried up for a while as the lack of sleep grew.

I want everyone to know that I'm thankful for the support and the bumps and such that has made me really want to go back and give you another fantastic chapter. Have a fantastic night.

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:46 pm
by darkmoon
OMG! I WROTE ANOTHER DOZ!!!! YAY!!! I've been worried since I started the arch that I can't seem to write the series. Maybe because I don't think people want to read it anymore. But I had an idea and it didn't go away and I wrote it. And it's now called All Things Dead and Blue.

Re: Fics of Darkmoon

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:54 pm
by melissa05
Hi, I was just wondering how far you were on your Traitor fic and when you were gonna start posting it.
