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Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.41 1/11/09

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:49 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
ken_r wrote:OK so kivar's mass assault turned into the loss of Vilandra.

ken r
Hi Ken! Yes, he never expected to lose his long-sought love. The guy was really broken up over it. Still is.
Thanks for your feedback!

Today we will finally see some action. Some are having a good day. Some are not.

41 - Attack on Hanar




Bold Centurion by Janis Ian

The day dawned cold and wet on Antar as the activity on the dock expanded to the hilt. The rain had fallen in steady torrents throughout the night, almost as if the gods were weeping.

Now the blessed sun is beginning to break through the dense cover to start a fresh new day and offer a glimmer of hope that men will come to their senses before it’s too late. The small ship had been retrofitted with the latest in technology and would embark on its vital super-secret mission before the sun’s warming rays reached the glistening walls of the palace on the mountain.

Khivar will share his new plaything with Hanar shortly.

He is so excited; he is practically foaming at the mouth! He’s been waiting a long time for this day.

Far too long.

He thinks back to an unhappy time many solar cycles ago, when Hanar thought he was superior to Kavar and didn’t hesitate to show it.

* * *

Nanny was getting irritated because she’d had to chase him around all week. Tove was down with some childhood illness or other and he constantly got into mischief because he was bored stiff and had nothing to occupy his time.

“Go out and play!”

As he wandered around the grounds, he saw four boys kicking a fhootball around the mowed field next to the Palace. Hanar was the same age as Zan and Rath. But they were letting Sero play too and he was only a few years older than Kavar. Kavar was quite good with the ball since he and Tove constantly practiced at it. He shored up his courage and trotted over.

“Can I play?”

“Get lost, loser!” the burly Hanar reproached him. “Go play with your sizzy friend!”

“Yeah! We don’t want any of your germs!” Sero spit out.

“Sorry! You’re too young.” Zan added.

He was getting desperate for companionship so he stayed and pled his case.
“But, I’m mature for my age. I’m quite good at this, too!” he implored.

“Go sell your wares at the back gate, twerp! You are not wanted here!” Rath yelled loud enough for the entire Palace to hear.

Kavar quickly turned his back and ran away as frustrated tears rolled down his cheeks.
It was the last time he’d ever ASKED to be their friend.

* * *

He shakes off the bitter memory.

Revenge is always best, served cold.

As he enjoys a culinary extravagance ordered in anticipatory celebration, a powerful Antarian Warship advances on his enemy to employ Serena’s “power drill” to evict that terrorist from his bomb shelters.

But he’s sent a little surprise to catch him with his pants down before it arrives.

The first wave of deadly warships was launched last night as they embarked in combat formation to carry out the initial bombardment. They will obliterate both Military and Civilian targets with massive energy rays which will also ionize the skies, engulfing the whole planet in the blazing firestorms of Haydeez. Millions of lives will be snuffed out in the blinding inferno. He isn’t known across the galaxy as “The Dragon” for no reason!

The carnage will be unprecedented.

The entire surface of Hanar’s world will be nothing but charred rubble by the time his new toy arrives to work its magic on the buried targets. Nothing will escape his wrath.

Today, small fighter-kroozers will follow in the wake of his new weapon to clean up any debris ejected from the pit. How can they miss when they are named after him?

He will OWN Hanar’s planet by tonight or his name isn’t Kavar Krooz Khivar.

He and General Tove have gone over the plans ad infinitum and he foresees no problems in execution. The writing is on the chamber wall. Hanar should have raised a white flag whilst he still had the chance.

He anticipates complete success and is quite smug about it.


. . .




Breaking Silence by Janice Ian

Re: Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.40 1/10/09

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:12 am
by paper
ken_r wrote:If every teacher would remember every time they failed to show patience or care for a student no matter how unlikeable, we might have a lot less meanness in the world. Children are mean. but so are their caretakers. there is a lesson here for all to see. ken r
Good and Evil will always be with us. But the heart of a child is a precious thing. Thanks for your feedback, Ken!

It's a day of surprises.

42 - Unexpected Casualty

The Emperor almost lost his breakfast when he learned of the calamity that befell his precious plaything on the way to the front lines of attack on the largest planet in the Whirligig Galaxy.

Most essential Fubarian facilities have been moved underground over the years, to escape the constant threat of new attack.

The Military sirens blared their warnings as soon as the first Antarian ships approached their vector yesterday, and the defense grid trained its high-energy particle beams on the invaders to slow their steady advantage.

Unknown to the aggressors, quiet warnings had raced through every part of Hanar’s realm as soon as the first fighters left their docking clamps.

Citizens were rushed to safety.

There would be few casualties, outside of the fighter pilots killed in direct contact.

The crust of the predominantly agrarian planet held little major constructions as Fubarians built sub-terrarium replacements which sported an innovative new armor coating called Dragonz-kin which is capable of absorbing up to 50 megatons of energy.

Combined with the impact absorbing deep soil cover, the new structures were completely safe from Antar’s current forces.

But that didn’t stop Khivar from taking out whatever surface structures were left.

Hanar’s forces fought valiantly, but they were no match for Khivar’s superior fleet and greater numbers.

General Andasin had pounded the Fubarian defenses for many hours to soften them up for the kill. Victory was on the horizon!
But it was like they KNEW the end was coming and held just enough back to finish off the carrier when it arrived. As the small warship passed one of the far-flung Fubarian moons, a fighter hidden behind it caught them completely unawares.

It advanced quickly and took out the vital instrument with one well placed blow. Fubarian energy beams continued to diminish Khivar’s posse of ships.

Their losses mounting, General Tove decided to “cut and run”. He sounded retreat and brought his remaining troops back with their tails between their legs!

Khivar summoned his idiot sister to the palace to explain her failing but he got no satisfaction.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Wha . . . ? Wha . . . ? WHAT????? Serena sputters in disbelief.

“It’s a MINING TOOL! Of course it doesn’t have defensive capabilities!

Oh! . . . Uhm . . . ehhhh . . . Serena remembers her place and immediately falls to her knees and bows her head in submission as she chants her favorite phrase silently to herself to still her fear of execution for her atypical outburst.

“GET.” “OUT.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All that time and money! Down the drain!

He can’t kill her.

She has to build another one.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.43 1/13/09

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:26 am
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: OMG Paper how the hell did I miss THREE updates? I am so sorry ... my head has been all over the place lately. Anyway I'm all up to date now!!!!
I thought the chapter on Vilandra was just fantastic. I'm glad to see that she didn't intentionally betray her brother but was just naive.
Avaria was able to convince the deluded boy that she would always be there for him and that her love for him knew no bounds. Zan used to say that he would find his dream girl out among the stars and confessed a deep-rooted sense that there was someone else out there waiting for him. Her powerful mindwarps could only nudge his psyche so far, since she couldn’t come on too strong and risk exposure of her treasonous ways. She did finally manage to get him to agree to a partnership, even though he wasn’t quite sure how much he felt for her.
The freakin' evil bitch was upto it on Antar as well!!!! :twisted: :twisted: I'm so glad that you didn't make her an innocent bystander in this fic because it matches what she was like on the show!!! Brilliant!!!!
He anticipates complete success and is quite smug about it.
Well I bet that smile has now been firmly wiped from his face!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I loved the fact that he failed to invade Hanar!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
As always Paper another excellent three updates. I can't wait for more and I apologise for missing these three!!! JAN :D
Hi Jan! I’m so glad to hear from you! I was afraid I’d bored you to tears because this is getting so long!
Khivar missed you so much I could hardly get him to come out of his dressing chamber.
I had to promise some really good news in this part to persuade him to come out.
Thanks for your sweet words!

43 - Unusual Circumstances

Buddy you’re a boy, make a big noise
Playin’ in the street
Gonna be a big man some day

You got mud on yo face
You big disgrace
Kickin’ your can all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you’re a young man, hard man
Shoutin’ in the street
Gonna take on the world some day

You got blood on yo face
You big disgrace
Wavin’ your banner all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you’re an old man, poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes
Gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back in your place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Queens’s We Will Rock You

Khivar continues to ruminate on the failings of his latest enterprise.

Why hadn’t his Advisors warned him to “Let sleeping Gauths lie”?

Now he has a major public relations snafu on top of this Military set-back. Tove and General Andasin have thoroughly debriefed him on the debacle. All they have to offer him is more of the same old excuses.

They are keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of counter-insurgence, but most of Hanar’s warships lie in ruin on the burnt crisp of the planet Fubar’s shell. It would take a while for him to mount a counter-offensive. His energy ray guns do not reach all the way to Antar. Unless he has complete cities hidden under that crust, he must be feeling pretty defeated right now. Who is the loser now?

He vows that those Fubarians will get what’s coming to them, if it’s the last thing he does!

The rest of the day wore on in typical fashion and just as it seemed that nothing of worth would be accomplished, Khivar was informed that Nicholas was on the ComLink.

When he emerged a short while later from his quarters, Khivar ‘s grin was wide and his eyes danced with merriment. The servants surrounding him cowered in fear of what he would do next. They had never seen this type of expression on their leader’s face before.

Nicholas had come through. He’d infiltrated the new “York” set of clones and gathered all sorts of useful information.

He learned that the missing changzling, Kallangle, who was supposed to be their protector, had instead left them to their own devices while he moved across the continent to set up shop in a far nicer environment by the sea. The little urchins never saw him again! They actually WANT to cooperate with Nicholas and would willingly return to Antar with him!!!?

“Unbelievable!” Khivar chortled as he did a little victory dance.

The icing on the frabjous is that his former collaborator, the changzling, Bandersnatch, was included in the security detail of the missing boy king and his merry band. Bandersnatch is now being called “Nacedo” by the gullible space trash who think he is there to protect them!

Why they designate their servant using a word that means “stranger” in Antarian is beyond his comprehension.

The former Royal Guard had been very helpful in undermining the previous regime and now he is in place to be helpful to his master once again. The wily operative has even convinced Zan’s ignorant wife, Avaria, that she would be handsomely rewarded for backstabbing Zan once again and returning him to Antar.

You’d think she would have learned her lesson when she was stabbed in the chest by his guards at the wedding, but he’s not complaining! It’s too good to be true.

He wonders, for one moment, if Nicholas could be pulling his leg?

‘Nah! He wouldn’t dare!’

The servants scattered as he raised his hands in glee and chortled out a loud “Callooh! Callay!”

Things are finally falling into place. The fates are indeed smiling upon him.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.44 1/14/09

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:53 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
Yay I'm so glad I didn't miss this chapter!!! :D
Hi Jan! I’m so glad to hear from you! I was afraid I’d bored you to tears because this is getting so long!
Khivar missed you so much I could hardly get him to come out of his dressing chamber.
I had to promise some really good news in this part to persuade him to come out.
Thanks for your sweet words!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You could never bore me with this story Paper I LOVE IT!!!! I like long stories!!! Awww Khivar missed me did he? Well tell him he can come out of his dressing chamber now! :lol:
“Unbelievable!” Khivar chortled as he did a little victory dance.
:shock: :shock: He actually gets happy sometimes? Well now I've got a picture of him, dancing, firmly placed in my head! :lol: :lol:
The servants scattered as he raised his hands in glee and chortled out a loud “Callooh! Callay!”
Oh I just loved that line!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep he's put the fear of Khivar up them alright!! :lol:
Paper this was another excellent, well written chapter as per usual and I will never get bored reading it. I promise you.
JAN :wink:
Hi Jan! Kavar was quite happy yesterday! The poor servants almost messed themselves trying to keep out of his way because they thought he’d lost his marbles. :shock: I’m glad you still find this interesting! :D Thanks so much for your sweet comments! I hope this chapter doesn’t disappoint because Kavar is tied up in Court. (Not literally! I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. :wink: )
ken_r wrote:
Kavar Krooz Khivar .
KKK interesting i missed this the first time reading. Poor Tess she never learns her lesson. Now to see if Kavar can be thwarted. ken r
Good catch, Ken! I have to do SOMETHING so people don’t like him! The guy is just too loveable.
Poor Tess? She made her bed. Twice. The show gave her a way out with Kyle but she insisted on her original prize. Someone has Khivar in her sights! Thanks for your perceptive feedback!

We won’t be able to look over Khivar’s shoulder today, but the perfect storm is brewing!

44 - An Enemy Unseen

I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.
I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.

I have a blue house with a blue window,
Blue is the color of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too,
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my Corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think,
Blue are the feeling that live inside me.

I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.
I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.

I have a blue house with a blue window,
Blue is the color of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too,
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my Corvette it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think,
Blue are the feeling that live inside me.

I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.
I'm blue!
Da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die, da ba dee, da ba die.

Eiffel 65 - I'm Blue from the album Europop

Queen Kathana smiled in self-assurance as she put her latest plan into motion.

The lowly looking cobalt utility vessel left the dock without fanfare. It will slowly travel to an insignificant port on Antar where it will offload its plain unmarked indigo boxes of armaments disguised as innocuous warehouse machinery bound for Kavaria.

The rebels will have a field day on Antar in the very near future and Emperor Khivar will have no clue as to who is behind it, as usual.

She envisions a wild jubjub chase as he scrambles to recover.

He’ll probably blame his usual suspects, Hanar or Sero, because they often speak with fhorked-tongues in negotiations and they are the most powerful opponents he has left. Larek’s planet lies in ruin and his people have been beaten into submission.

And the Emperor doesn’t see her small navy-blue planet, Cerule (pronounced She-rule), as a threat.

He’s also too arrogant to ever suspect that a former lover would stab him in the back. If he ever found out, it would knock his ample ego down a peg. By then, she expects that it will be too late. She’s consulted her own planet’s Mystics and they foresee imminent changes ahead that will reshape the entire galaxy! She is sure she is on the right path. Her plan is to set in motion events that will bring the political playing field of the entire galaxy to a whole new level for eons to come.

The beautiful blue-blooded Cerulean Queen, Kathana, is known for one thing above all. She always has to have a plan. Specific comprehensive forward-thinking strategies to fuel the momentum of her uncertain existence. Clear cut steps inspire her to accomplish her missions in life. She will hash and rehash every detail to leave nothing to chance.

Failure is not an option.

She had been prepared for the devastation which struck her azure planet when Khivar rained his first vicious storm of energy beams down upon them. His propensity to violence was apparent from the very first time he’d approached her for sexual favors right after he’d killed the boy Zan and his inner circle. He treats his servants like animals and his only care in a lover’s dance is his own satisfaction. A man’s true inclinations are always revealed in the bedchamber.

She knew he was trouble from the first touch.

The situation in the galaxy had been pretty precarious for awhile, as each Head of State vied for position when King Zander died.

It was Gauth eat Gauth.

Khivar’ takeover escalated the violence to radical new levels. He is Evil with a capital “E”.

Although thousands were slain, Khivar’s blood-lust would not be their ultimate demise. The Cerulean people have always been survivors. Her Mystics interpreted the writing on the chamber wall when SHE changed all the rules at the beginning of the Great War.

She brokered a secret deal with the other Heads of State and the Antarian resistance. They approached the war monger as a unified force. A tenuous peace became her prize. With the current attack on Hanar the bhull has once again broken into the china shop.

Because of her quick and forward-thinking actions during the first offensive, many of her fields had been spared the destruction that eroded her major cities. Then she’d squirreled away secret stores of food, medical supplies and armaments locked deep in subterranean safe houses, which she sparingly distributes. Residence and medical facilities were secretly built underground and protected with the new Dragonz-kin formulated in Antarian rebel labs right under Khivar’s nose.

She had pretended to support Khivar so that he would spare her planet. “All hail the mighty Emperor Khivar,” she would whisper in his ear on their many nights together. It seemed to turn him on in a way that nothing else could.

She had other spies in his inner sanctum to report on his activities, also. It’s lucky that Khivar seems predisposed to an attraction for her indigo sisters. Pillow talk can be quite informative, especially when the talker has no fear of reprisal.
And although portions of her planet are now a barren blue wasteland, most areas are finally recovering nicely and production ratios are rising.

Unlike Larek, she feels they have waited long enough for Khivar to become complacent. His planet is a useless wasteland because they delayed too long to band together and attack the first time. When Khivar is done with Fubar, where will he strike next? Can they afford to remain complacent?

Evil flourishes when the noble fail to act. Antar would still have the original Royal line had Khivar not overwhelmed everyone with his compulsion to kill. A power grab is easy when you don’t care who you step on. The entire galaxy let him get away with it. “No more!” We have to find a way to get rid of him.

The time now feels right.

If Antar falls to the rebels, she would finally take HER turn at the helm. The others have been content far too long. Someone with a brain has to step in, after all. And she has been a major player in this undercover operation from the beginning.

A rolling ztone gathers no mhoss and she wants nothing to impede the quest for liberation from this tyrant. She has started the sapphire ztone rolling.

It is now up to the Antarians to divide and conquer.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.45 1/15/09

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:09 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
Wow this is getting more interesting. So Queen Kathana is going to attack Khivar .... hmmmm me thinks he might be aware of this since he has seers on his side ... but knowing you there will be a slight twist to the story. Like I thought Khivar would have destroyed Hanar ... but no ... they were warned and people were taken to safety.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ... It's getting more exciting by the minute. Another excellent update!!! :mrgreen: JAN :D
Thanks Jan! Yes, Khivar has Seers, but the fates have their ways of ensuring chaos. I’ll have to write an explanation into Serena’s coming chapter! Your feedback always gives me such good ideas for expansion! Khivar is kind of testy after his recent (cough) setback.
ken_r: a lover's tryst is a dangerous place from which to plan a revolt. Of course it is dangerous to both parties, according to who discovers first the duplicity. good luck Queeney. ken r
Hi Ken! Thanks for your judicious feedback! Yes, danger lurks around every curve. Kathana’s detailed plans may not serve her the way she wanted. Knock wood. We’ll find out now.

Hold onto your seats. Puke bags are conveniently tucked into the pockets in front of you.

45 - Sneak attack

Khivar growled as he was rudely awakened.

The splat on the wall was testament to the fact that he didn’t appreciate having his good dream interrupted.

His first groggy thought was that he would have to interview new Yeomans in the morning.

He picked up the ComLink to converse with his Adjutant.

What he learned set his blood on fire.

The rebels have struck the Science Complex and various other strongholds throughout his domain. The Incident Investigation Team was stupefied as to how they got in and out without detection by the many guards stationed on almost every block within the Jabber Complex! The Seers claim they foresaw no unusual activity.

Although Serena was found unconscious and painfully hidden in a pile of rubble, they did manage to kidnap many of his top Scientists and they made off with invaluable supplies and equipment. They also had the audacity to raid his weapons vault in the Armory in Capital City. It was supposed to be impenetrable! Even Kavaria had been attacked and damages to his war facilities would mount to millions! The rebels really did a number on him!

Then the scurrying vermin disappeared into the zamn woodwork like the mome raths that they are.

Well, he will have the last laugh.

He will have retribution unlike any have ever seen before!

Those terrorists will rue the day they decided to cross that thin green line!

The dragon has been reawakened.

+ + + + +

I’ve paid my dues -
Time after time -
I’ve done my sentence -
But committed no crime –

And bad mistakes -
I’ve made a few -
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face -
But I’ve come through -

We are the champions - my friends
And well keep on fighting - till the end -
We are the champions -
We are the champions -
No time for losers -
cause we are the champions – of the world -

We are the Champions by Queen

+ + + + +




Even these words were too tame for the deadly assault he unleashed on suspected rebel outposts. The fires still rage in the distance, obliterating all in their path and choking out the sun’s beneficent rays.

At the intelligence briefing he was assured that there would be few insurgents left after this devastating retaliatory strike.

No doubt the kidnapped Scientists were all killed in the wave of destruction carried out on his enemies.

As well as a multitude of civilians.

Rivers of green blood saturated the ground as the anguished wails and blood-curdling screams were heard planet-wide in the aftermath.

‘Bhollocks! It’s a zamn shame there was so much collateral damage. ’

But his message was certainly loud and clear.

These types of attacks on his possessions would not be tolerated.

“Now it is time to ferret out the instigator of this insurgence once and for all.”

“HANAR ! ! !”

The waiting is over.

Re: Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.45 1/15/09

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:19 pm
by paper
Welcome readers!
Janetfl wrote:OMG Paper :shock: ,
The splat on the wall was testament to the fact that he didn’t appreciate having his good dream interrupted.
OMG I LMAO at that line!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I take Khivar isn't a morning person! :twisted: :lol: :lol:
Then the scurrying vermin disappeared into the zamn woodwork like the mome raths that they are.
I'm not freakin' surprised ... I would run a mile if Khivar was in this sort of mood!! :|
Even these words were too tame for the deadly assault he unleashed on suspected rebel outposts. The fires still rage in the distance, obliterating all in their path and choking out the sun’s beneficent rays.
At the intelligence briefing he was assured that there would be few insurgents left after this devastating retaliatory strike.
No doubt the kidnapped Scientists were all killed in the wave of destruction carried out on his enemies.
As well as a multitude of civilians. Rivers of green blood saturated the ground as the anguished wails and blood-curdling screams were heard planet-wide in the aftermath.
You paint a very good picture of a war torn planet Paper ... there are sadly people here who knew nothing about the attack but still suffered for it anyway.
“HANAR ! ! !” The waiting is over.
Uh oh .... I think this is going to be a complete blood bath.
As per usual Paper, another amazing chapter ... I can't wait to see what happens next. JAN :D
I guess the people of Antar have just as much reason to fear their leader as the Fubarians do.
The Antarians are smart enough to know not to disturb Khivar’s beauty rest for ANY reason NOW!
Live and learn. Or die?

Thankfully, no one dies in this part! And since it's Friday night, how about some tunes?

46 - Ace in the hole

I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
and high school girls with clear skinned smiles
who married young and then retired

The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth

And those of us with ravaged faces
lacking in the social graces
desperately remained at home
inventing lovers on the phone

who called to say – come dance with me
and murmured vague obscenities
It isn't all it seems at seventeen

At Seventeen by Janice Ian

He had been warned not to use it.

His most trusted Seers and advisors all set aside their normal prudent discretion to caution him that this ill-advised slaughter of so many innocents would have far-reaching consequences that could not be predicted in advance.

This terrible weapon had been hidden away for eons and was always just meant to be a deterrent. It was inconceivable that it would ever REALLY be put to use. It was unthinkable. No one had known for certain that Khivar had actually gotten his hands on it until he revealed that he decided to utilize it in the current stand-off. He feels as if his entire life has led up to this one defining moment in time.

He remembers Vilandra’s birthday ball when he first came of age.

Coming of age can be a hard thing for anyone.

New privileges.

New responsibilities.

Learning new skills.

Growing in insight.

Trying to find your place in the world.

* * *

He’d used his growing power of influence to weasel a spot for himself and Tove at the head table. Now that they were all a bit older and the two had taken out their aggressions in a series of pranks that never got solved, he thought he’d try to get along with Zan and his crew so he could have more interaction with his crush. If it got him an edge with Vilandra, he would suffer the other Royal Brat’s company. Prince Hanar and Prince Sero, who were closer in age to the Royal twins, always seemed to be at the head of the line to dance with Vilandra and were usually also sitting next to her at the head table.

Everything was going pretty good since he and Tove had hardly opened their mouths, except to eat. When they started talking about a subject he knew well, he’d chimed in to impress Vilandra. “Tove and I play Chezz all the time. We know how to win in 4 moves.”

No one seemed to believe him. Hanar, who was sitting next to Vilandra and trying to monopolize her attention, had never hesitated to show his disdain for Kavar, whom he saw as a rival for the Princess’s affections.

“That’s irrelevant! YOU are irrelevant!”

Everyone at the table laughed thunderously as if Hanar was some hilarious comic. Except for Tove, who tugged at his sleeve as if to say: “Let’s go.” Khivar could not contain his ire and jumped up from his chair, which loudly clamored to the floor as it fell behind him. He clenched his fists and shouted above the din, “You’re a FREAKAZOID!”

Eternal seconds of shocked silence erupted into even more raucous laughter as he and Tove marched out in humiliation.

“Run ‘fraidy fhes!”
“Run and cry to your Nanny!”
Hanar and Rath had to get their last digs in.

There were no frustrated tears in response to their laughter THAT night.

Instead, the practical jokes and pranks stepped up in ferocity from then on.

* * *

Khivar knew what he wanted.

He knew his own mind.

HE would decide whether or not it would be worth the risk.

The coin stops here. After all, it has HIS picture on both sides!

And if there is one overriding rule in his Empire, it is that “Khivar is NEVER WRONG”.

‘I want what I want when I want it!’

“No more waiting!”

He had the ancient device loaded upon his most magnificent warship and it headed out to deploy the single-use planet killer which would solve all his problems with that terrorist Hanar once and for all.

He takes no prisoners.

We come into this world
And we all are the same
In that moment there's no one to blame

But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told

And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we've seen . . . seen

. . . We're living in this world
Growing colder everyday
Nothing can stay perfect now I see

But the world is black
And hearts are cold
And there's no hope
That's what we're told

And we can't go back
It won't be the same
Forever changed
By the things we've seen, seen, seen

. . . Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing
it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening

Excerpts from Good Charlotte’s “The World is Black”

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.47 1/17/09

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:17 pm
by paper
47 - The Annihilation is Complete

As the dust settled around the now-shattered planet, the hollow ring of victory cascaded through the din.

Hanar’s Kingdom was no more.

It had been the largest planet in the solar system and was populated with peace-loving people.

Six billion lives were snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

The entire galaxy shuddered in dismay.

The sight of the immense planet Fubar disintegrating before their eyes was horrendously terrifying.

It made every one of them feel exceedingly small.

The intrepid warship had to make time to beat the debris field that was rapidly encroaching on their position. But they were never in any immediate danger.

The subdued crew made their way back to prepare for the victory celebration in their honor.

Re: Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.48 1/19/09

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:26 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers to the continuing saga of Emperor Khivar.

Thanks to Janetfl for your feedback support! Please see response in previous post.
ken_r: I believe the term is "He has shot his wad."
He unleashed his weapon and now he must live by the results of that weapon.
. . . Robert Heinlein once explained that force was not to destroy but to control.
. . . is it now for Kivar to simply eradicate that which disagrees with him. This will be a singularly unsatisfactory action.
He will end with only visions of himself showed in all that remain alive . . . ken r
Hi Ken! Yes, he shot his wad all right! Now he will reap his just rewards.
He will try to control his world but forces of nature must have their reckoning, also. The tragic loss of life will have its effects.

The watchwords for today are “cause” and “effect”.

48 – The Road to Victory is Never Smooth

In a highly unusual move, Serena has asked for an emergency audience with him. Khivar was sorely tempted to just ignore her, but he was curious as to what her motives could possibly be in light of the monumental occurrence yesterday.

His staff warned him that she had tried numerous times to have his sleep interrupted.

Whatever it is, he isn’t going to let it get to him. News of the missing Scientists and the other unfortunate mishaps engendered by the rebel attacks have been all but eclipsed by the awed praise of his victory over the Fubarians.

Accolades of an adoring public are flowing in from every quarter. He is riding high!

She knows better than to bother him with insignificant trivia at a time like this.

Then when his advisors told him Serena had issued a planet-wide alert, he was NOT amused! How dare she presume to have such authority! He gave her the first slot in the agenda to explain her blatant disregard for protocol!

Raucous crowds were just being called to order as guards opened the door and she made her solemn entrance.

The mood changed quickly as interest peaked when Antar’s most renowned scientist took center stage at the Emperor’s feet.

She had looked so pale when she arrived in the Court Chamber at the appointed time. He wondered just how much celebrating she had done the night before. The revelry went on and on at the tremendous victory celebration in defeat of Hanar.

Come to think of it, he doesn’t even remember seeing her at the party. ‘Odd.’

One would have thought that she was walking that final few steps to the gallows by her demeanor.

The sleep-deprived zombie that stumbled into the Court Chamber looked like the fhe had dragged her there!

His skin crawled when he saw the look of fear in her eyes.

Her news had rocked the room.

. . . I want the truth from you
Give me the truth, even if it hurts me

I want the truth from you
Give me the truth, even if it hurts me

. . . I know that this will break me
I know that this might make me cry
Gotta say what’s on your mind, on your mind

I know that this will hurt me
And break my heart and soul inside
I don’t wanna live this lie

I want the truth from you
Give me the truth, even if it hurts me

I want the truth from you
Give me the truth, even if it hurts
I don’t care no more, no

Give me the truth
Give me the truth
'Cause I don’t care no more

Give me the truth
'Cause I don’t care no more, no

Give me the truth
Give me the truth
Give me the truth
Give me the truth

'Cause I don’t care no more, no
Give me the truth

The Truth by Good Charlotte

Deafening silence was her response as she tearfully expounded upon what she’d just discovered.

The galleries were full after the earth-shattering events of the previous day, and everyone was already on edge because the docket was changed at the last minute.

Serena didn’t see anyone else as she kept her focus on her brother to keep her grounded.

At first she just stuttered and hemmed and hawed.

Just when it seemed she couldn’t go on, she finally appeared to collect her wits and willed herself to explain their predicament.

She revealed to the entire collective that a horrific confluence of events was brought into fruition after the Fubarian planet was blown to smithereens.

“We’ve all crossed a threshold of no return,” she said as she looked him in the eye, willing her defiant brother to believe her incredible revelation.

It seems their blessed ruby sun that has long brought life and happiness to all it shone upon had suddenly turned on them all.

Using the planet killer so close to the red giant’s epicenter has destabilized its compact inner core, causing the little reserve of fuel it had left to leak out into the cosmos more rapidly.

Serena says this is a crisis of cataclysmic proportions.

The devastating consequences would be unparalleled in Antarian history.

The entire galaxy will be affected and they will start to feel the untold effects very soon.

Serena was predicting that their sun would start to steadily grow hotter, then go Supernova within the next decon if a solution wasn’t found soon.

To add insult to injury, the horrendous explosion has also interrupted the smooth synchronicity between the orbits of the sun and the surrounding planets. Not only have most planets developed a slightly exaggerated wobble from the explosion’s immense shock-wave, but the elliptical paths which had served them well since time began were now in disarray.

Although the new orbits are only slightly different in trajectory, she feels that it is statistically possible that one or more planets could collide in the not too distant future, causing mass extinctions.

Even a near miss would cause tragic consequences.

This abrupt demise of their galaxy would make them all orphans of the Universe.

There is only one thing that could reverse the ill effects of this catastrophic event.

The Granolith.

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.49 1/20/09

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:53 pm
by paper
Welcome Readers!
ken_r wrote:that is what he has scientist for. But, he has to listen to them. Khivar's glory has now destabilized everything. thing is natural balance is difficult to restablish. ken r
Right you are, Ken! Perhaps the Granolith can fix everything.
But it’s kind of a moot point right now. Since no one seems to know where it is. :shock:
Khivar isn't very good at listening. What's that old saying? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
Thanks for your feedback! Sorry I haven't been doing any reading lately. January is turning out to be a "bear". :shock:

49 - A New Day – A New Perspective

The next day dawned bright and beautiful as reason started to seep back into the collective conscious.

Khivar rose from the bed and went to the window to enjoy the bright sun’s glorious rays and he breathed a tremendous sigh of relief when he observed the usual orderly flow of traffic in Capital City below.

It had been a fitful night.

After Serena’s little public flight of fancy yesterday, the VidScreens spread the news like wildfire and then lambasted his victory like a bunch of vultures circling their roadkill!

What should have been a second day of celebration was turned into a mind-numbing madhouse as confidential meetings with Seers and Advisors hastily convened and everyone hashed over Serena’s tearful proclamation and possible outcomes. No one could agree on a course of action as they all debated the next step.

His most trusted Advisors know that the Granolith is missing but everyone with that key piece of information outside of his inner circle had met with some sort of unfortunate accident or unexpected illness and they suddenly expired. These things just happen sometimes. (He shrugs his shoulders and quirks his lips forward as if he had nothing to do with it.) Now they will have to stem the flow of demands that he produce the relic before it’ too late. What else can he do to calm their fears? That womyn is a real troublemaker!

She’s just trying to rain on his Parhade!

‘Very funny!’ They can all have a good laugh at Serena’s wild, crazy imagination now. The womyn is a loon! She’s gone off the deep end! She’s lost her marbles! Her grey matter has gone on vacation!

Maybe for the first time in her life, she is just plain WRONG. Perhaps her responsibilities at the Jabber have gone to her head and she can no longer handle her current lofty position?

Now that he’s had a little time for quiet contemplation, he can see the error of her ways.

It’s a good thing he’s come to HIS senses. To think he almost believed her wild wacky delusions! What an imagination! But he isn’t so gullible that he will swallow it without some sort of proof! Does she think he is a dunce? He is going to see to it that she pays for trying to make a fool out of him in front of the entire Court and now even the entire galaxy!

Maybe he can play the whole thing off as a practical joke on the media that he was in on, from the very beginning?

These know-it-all Scientists are always spouting their doom and gloom scenarios!

They are just like the troublemaker in the story of the boy who cried “Gauth”. Their end-of-the-world scenarios never come to pass! Usually they are trying to pull the Gauth skin over your eyes for some unsavory benefit of their own.

He should know! He and Tove are experts when it comes to “bait and switch”.

He’s read about phrophets who caused hordes of people to sell everything they own, give up their money to his collection plate and then wait on the top of some mountain for the end-of-time to take them. The next day they were begging in the streets and their wily guru is off living the good life in his secret hideaway and spending his ill-gotten gains!

Another psychopath had his entire flock drink poison to avoid some terrible tragedy destined to befall the Antarian race.

Even the Order of Zofya tout their “love of others before self” philosophy to avoid some terrible retribution. Bah! Humzug!

Everyday some crackpot is carrying around a ridiculous sign to protest people’s actions and warning dire consequences if they don’t follow the gods and mend their ways. Are we just supposed to just turn out the lights and wait for death to redeem us?

Now that he’s had this epiphany, Khivar contacts his Adjutant and orders a press conference. It’s time to nip this insanity in the bud.

+ + + + +

The Queen Dowager had been secretly moved to safety at the Womban Monastery as soon as the dangers became apparent to Serena, who was the first to notice the anomaly. Rebel forces spirited away the Queen and her entourage within minutes of the call and delivered their precious cargo into the Order’s care under cover of darkness.

It was the first call she made after she determined what had happened.

Serena had rushed to the observatory after witnessing a bright flash in the night sky from her window at Jabbers.

What she saw made her blood run cold. It was unthinkable!

The far-reaching implications stunned her whirring grey matter to the point that she found herself on the floor when she came to. She began to look immediately for the consequences she feared would be forthcoming and the impending doom was already confirmed by the time their once-friendly sun made its debut in the new day.

His staff would not allow her to disturb Kavar’s sleep, but Serena had immediately sent out a planet wide request to evacuate low-lying areas where mud slides or immense wave action could cause loss of life and limb. Other planets were notified of impending danger also.

Most of the Scientists on Antar were gone, but her back channels were still open. She had conversed the rest of the night with her colleagues on other planets and they all agreed that caution was the watchword of the day as the entire galaxy could suffer major consequences!

+ + +

On his way to the press conference, Khivar had to stop and grab onto the wall as the palace floor suddenly shook back and forth beneath his feet. Unique works of art fell from their wall displays and expensive statues tumbled to the floor and shattered. The tremors only lasted about 20 seconds, but the damage would turn out to be major. The very foundation of Crystal Palace was loosened from its mooring and could tumble down the mountain to bury part of Capital City if the supports aren’t reinforced quickly.

“What in the blazes is happening?”

+ + + + +

Incident reports flooded in from the North Provinces where the epicenter of the quake was located. A huge new rock formation now juts up out of the North Sea. Serena has asked him to evacuate everyone on the adjacent shore and all islands within the North Sea immediately.

She wants him to command everyone in low-lying areas planet-wide to evacuate, also.

‘Is the womyn mad? This is just an isolated problem!’

How dare you say that my behavior’s unacceptable
So condescending unnecessarily critical
I have the tendency of getting very physical
So watch your step ‘cause if I do you’ll need a miracle.

You drain me dry and make me wonder why I’m even here
This double vision I was seeing is finally clear
You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone
Not fit to funkin’ tread the ground I’m walking on

What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head
You should know better you never listened to a work I said
Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat
Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did

Does it kill? Does it burn?
Is it painful to learn, that It’s me that has all the control?
Does it thrill? Does it sting?
When you feel what I bring and you wish that you had me to hold.

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You’ll understand what I mean when I say
There’s no way we’re gonna give up

And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there ‘cause it’s getting harder and harder to breath.
Is there anyone out there ‘cause it’s getting harder and harder to breath.

Harder to Breath by Maroon 5

Rumors of Reincarnation (CC, Khivar/Mature) Pt.50 1/21/09

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:18 am
by paper
Welcome Readers.
Janetfl wrote:Hi Paper :D ,
Once again I have to apologise for missing an update but I've been a little busy over the last two days and haven't even been on the board. But I'm all caught up now!!!
Paper this is just getting better and better!!!! I'm glad that Serena has realised that there are drastic consequenses for what Khivar has done but yet again he is completely deluding himself!!! This is getting tense now and the only thing that can save them is the granilith ... this now explains why he is so desperate to get his hands on it ... other than the obvious power he would gain from it. I JUST LOVE THIS!!!!! JAN :D
Hi Jan! I completely understand. I haven’t been able to read anything at all lately. Posting everyday is a major undertaking and RL is infringing on my fun! I’m so glad you still think this is good. I know it is getting unwieldy. But unfortunately, I find I have a lot to say! :lol: Thanks for your support!

Things are still heating up.

Today’s episode is brought to you by the letters “KKK” and the word “consequences”.

50 - Descent into madness

Fear is rampant galaxy-wide as the news of Serena’s predictions has spread like wildfire.

It looks like King Larek’s planet Zhatchar was the closest to ground zero at the time of the blast.

Larek’s planet is already facing major climate change as a result of obit irregularities and their close ties to the Antarian people are fueling added fear here. They have experienced massive upheaval and their temperatures have plummeted dramatically as their orbit swings wildly away from the sun. King Larek immediately issued a formal request for sanctuary for the people of his drifting planet and displaced victims are fleeing to the safety of Antar as quickly as the ships can be loaded. Refugees have been pouring in as fast as they find a spare seat on one of the fleeing kroozers as one disaster after another cause the Zhatcharians to lose their homes and livelihoods.

Public shelters are full and the administration has made a general plea to Antarians to take their neighbors in and provide sanctuary. Many of Larek’s people have already lost their lives as the sudden frigid temperatures and choked supply lines did a number on a population already suffering from the encumbrances of an extended war.

Antar’s Jabber Science Complex has donated special cold-weather environmental suits to protect those left behind who are trying to salvage what can be saved from the drifting planet.

Sero’s planet, Zinder, is too small and too close to the sun to accept any of the refugees from Zhatchar and they too are asking for aid. While accustomed to the hotter temperatures already, the Zinderians do have their limits. Their tiny world has also suffered from the ground tremors and food shortages. Endless bulletins are flooding in from Zinder now describing major volcanic eruptions with deadly pyroclastic landslides of burning ash, and deadly lightning, which have caught even the flame-loving Zinderians in their deadly carnage.

Massive drought has combined with the suffocating ash to covers and dry out fields of crops eliminating all food production on the planet and Zinderians must try to import enough to feed their entire population. Supply sources have literally dried up, overnight. Dehydration and starvation is rampant. The death toll from burns and suffocation may reach millions and Zinder survivors are also fleeing en mass to Antar.

Cerule is the only planet that hasn’t been cut off at the knees from the galactic boondoggle. Although Kathana’s blue planet wobbled a bit from the explosion, they were pretty far away from Fubar when it disintegrated and their orbit has remained relatively stable. Their atmosphere deflects much of the increased heat provoking fires and heat stress on their neighbor’s spheres. Although supply lines have dried up, they seem to be weathering the shortages ok. Because much of their infrastructure is underground and they escaped the massive ground shaking, damages are minimal so far. It was announced that Cerule is unable to accept refugees at this time due to their precarious obit irregularities.

The temperature is beginning to rise here on Antar, as well.

All hell is breaking loose on Antar’s beautiful orange sphere also, due to the overcrowding, food shortages, and new natural disasters cropping up every day. Long lines form quickly at grocery and supply stores. People have started to hoard food and supplies. Store shelves are almost bare and new products are snapped up as soon as they hit the shelves. Something must be done soon.

Earth tremors are becoming a common occurrence across the globe. Luckily damage from the shaking has been minor, but a major tsunami which developed from the North Sea quake has scoured its islands and surrounding beaches clean and millions of lives were lost.

Desperate Antarians riot in the streets leaving a trail of blood from savage hostility and careless accidents alike. Looting and arson plague the metropolitan areas as they convulse with spasms of violence.

All day staring at the ceiling making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices tellin’ me that I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for somethin’
Hold on, feelin’ like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why

Is that sweat on my brow and under my arms?


I have to stop letting things get to me this way.

If anyone notices, it could undermine everything I have worked so hard to build. Ergo, my whole empire could unravel into ineffectual pockets of vulnerable assets ripe for plunder by anyone passing by.

“This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. This can’t be happening to ME!”

“I’ve got to do something. Something. Anything!”

“Come on. Come on! THINK!”

“What should I do?”

But I’m not crazy; I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay a while and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be, me

‘The whole zamn galaxy is unraveling right before my eyes. And they all want to move here because of it!

It’s a nightmare of logistics.
Thank the gods I’ve got so many advisors and competent Generals for that sort of thing!
I haven’t seen Tove in days. I’ve heard his hair is turning white.

At least I don’t have to worry about that old biddy anymore. That ground-quake did me a big favor. I hope she saw it coming! I hope she thought about me with her last gasping breath before the tidal wave swallowed her and all her cohorts. She can rot in Haydeez!’

I’m talkin’ to myself in public, dodging glances on the train
And I know, I know they’ve all been talkin’ about me
I can hear them whisper, and it makes me think
There must be somethin’ wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinkin’, somehow, I’ve lost my mind

‘I’ve got major disasters everywhere I turn.

People are flocking to Antar from every zamn planet in the Universe! Maybe I should cut that off. No more refugees! Let Larek, Sero and Kathana take care of their own problems!’

‘If they had just given in to my initial demands, NONE of this would have ever happened in the first place!’

Khivar paces the room like a caged Gauth. ‘Yes. That’s what I’ll do. No more Mr. Nice Guy! What was I thinking, allowing all those undesirables to come here in the first place? This is War!’

“They think they can just dump all their problems off onto me? It stops NOW!”

But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay a while and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

His constant headache is testament to the monumental strain he is under.

It feels like the walls are closing in on him.

He wonders what calamity will be next to topple onto his head. He feels paralyzed with impotence.

He wonders where it will all end. Will he be able to survive it?

But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be, me

‘If I don’t watch out, I’ll have no one but changzlings left to rule over. Those zamn things are the least affected by all of this. They can survive anything! If their zamn planet hadn’t been swallowed by the sun, they would probably have overrun the whole zamn galaxy.’

‘Me, on the other hand. . . I wonder if I should check out of this mountain death-trap before it decides to slide down the hill. I need to find something a little more stable in a ground-quake. Serena thinks they are going to continue and will probably get even worse. What did she say? Magmatude? Magna? She’s been spouting so many scientific terms at me lately; I can’t understand a word she says!

I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

I hardly even know my own name any more!

How am I supposed to think?

How am I supposed to come up with a solution to this galactic dilemma when everyone is pullin’ at me and pushing their own agendas? The world’s gone mad!

I just want to curl up and hide under the covers. I haven’t had any decent sleep in . . . I can’t even remember when!

I haven’t had sex since that zamn girl started all of this commotion!

Maybe that’s what’s wrong with me! I need to relax. Unwind.’

“I need to have a little fun . . . while my entire gods zamn empire is BURNING TO THE ZAMN GROUND!”


I’ve been talkin’ in my sleep
Pretty soon they’ll come to get me
Yeah, they’re takin’ me away

I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know, right now you can’t tell
But stay a while and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

‘All right. All right. Calm down. Calm down. Calmness. Feel the calm.

I can do this. I just have to think. I just have to come up with some way to get that Granolith.

To get Nicholas to DO HIS ZAMN JOB!!!

Breathe! Calming, soothing breaths. In. Out.

I’m just gonna have to do his job for him.
But how can I, when I’m here and it’s there? On that zlug-infested rath hole.
Come on. Come on. THINK! How can I get to Terran and find the Granolith before the whole galaxy flushes down the sewer?

Zan knows where it is. Why hasn’t Nicholas gotten it out of him yet? If I was there . . . I’d wring his scrawny neck!!!
He’s supposed to be able to mind-walk someone and TAKE what he wants! There aren’t many left who can do that sort of thing. I can’t do it! I don’t even know anyone else who can, now. I’d have sunk his boat a long time ago if he didn’t have that valuable skill! Why hasn’t he used it? I’m going to tear him limb from limb when I get my hands on him. I’m gonna peel his skin off piece by piece with my fingernails till he drowns in his own tears. I’m gonna feed his ashes to the Vultures!

When I get that Granolith back, I’m gonna blow up their whole fraking planet! That will teach those Terran’s for harboring those criminals! I’ll take out the whole zamn Universe!’

“Ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, HA HAAAAAAAA!

Khivar collapses onto the floor and slumps against the hard wall. “Who am I trying to kid? Zan has defeated me.

Without lifting a finger. Maybe they were all right about me? I am a ‘fraidy fhe’ loser.”

But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little impaired
I know, right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna think of me
And how I used to be, yeah, how I used to be

How I used to be
Well, I’m just a little unwell
How I used to be, how I used to be
I’m just a little unwell

‘Don’t be ridiculous! Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

YOU are a leader.

Get up off your zamn ass and get to work!

There must be something I can do.

Zan knows where it is. I need to get inside his head and find out for myself!

I’ve got all these Seers everywhere. Not one of them warned me about this impending disaster! I should boil them all in oil! I should hang them in the courtyard!

Every last one of them!

But Serena says they don’t really “see” future events. They just get vague notions and gut feelings. They need to “interpret the signs” to prognosticate. She says it isn’t an exact science. They may have thought trouble was on the horizon, but they have no way of knowing exactly what would happen.

They’d probably take ME out if they did!

Their most useful skill is being able to tell when someone is lying. That is what makes them so valuable a commodity.
That’s why I keep them on the payroll.
To cover my assets. They do a zamn fine job of that, as far as it goes.

Serena says I should have consulted someone who knows astro-physics before using the bomb.’

‘Now she tells me! She couldn’t have mentioned this before . . . oh I don’t know . . . before the ships left dock?’

‘Why didn’t she stop me before I blew the whole zamn galaxy to Haydeez? Some good she is!

I don’t even think we’re really related.’

He purses his lips in distate. ‘She always thought Zan was such a prize. I’ll bet she even had a crush on that slug. He thought he was THE MAN. Bastard! How did he get away with the Granolith right under my nose? Someone else helped him.

Someone. Someone. But who?

Probably his fracking Momma. I’m so glad I never have to see HER fugly face again.

But Zan is another story. There must be some way for me to get to Terran and take care of business. A summit, perhaps? We’ll inhabit some of those human vermin and trick Zan into giving us the Granolith!

Maybe I should gather all those good-for-nothing Seers and use them to inhabit Rath, then use the drone to kick Zan’s ass. And Nicholas’s too!

Maybe I’ll just drop in on Zan, himself. Surprise!’

“At last. A workable plan!”

He contacts his Adjutant to call in the clowns.

Unwell by Matchbox 20