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Re: My Best Friend, etc. A/U Adult, M/L- Ch.40 11/1/09

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:23 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn: thanks Carolyn...and that cleaning crew of ours,'s called grandchildren! :lol: :lol: Here's the last chapter before the epilogue. You mentioned in your last feed back that the story has changed somewhat and I forgot to reply so yes, it has changed and I hope for the better. I tried to fix it, it's those short and straight to the point business letters we were so used to writing.


Chapter: 40

Max Evans stood in his bathroom shaving and thinking; today was a big day…Fowler’s youngest was going to have some very extensive surgery and he needed to be at 150%.

It has been 16 years since he and Michael had established their medical clinic and the relationship with their fellow doctors had formed a bond that had weathered many storms. They had seen each other through numerous traumatic experiences in the medical theatre but when it came to one of their own it was always more profound.

Fowler has become as big a part of their lives as Michael and Maria have always been. They all seem to be drawn to each other like an invisible force was at work.

As he checked out his image in the mirror he said a silent prayer that things would work out the way they planned…they usually did but there was always the chance of a slight problem here and there…he only hoped they were slight if any reared their ugly heads...

As he left the bathroom, headed for the closet, he heard “IF YOU LIKE PINA COLLADAS” echoing up from the kitchen and he had to laugh and shake his head. Liz and the seventeen-year-old twins had to be packing lunches and singing off key again. Those three were something else. None of them could carry a tune in a bucket and they all loved to sing. What a sight they made. All three…5’2”…long brown hair, bodies that sent young men into wet dreams while wide-awake and smiles that lit up the sun. The only difference between Liz and those girls was their eyes…Liz had those huge brown saucers where as the girls were graced with his honey colored, almond eyes…”honey” being Liz’s description, not his. About that time he heard “DAAAAD”…God, when was that boy going to learn to talk instead of yelling?

“What is it Jake?”

Jake was the 15 year old who was the image of Max in every respect…same hair, same body, same eyes and same smile, but a mouth that would rival thunder. According to his mother he was every 10th grade ‘mothers of daughter’s’ nightmare. He could charm the stripes off a snake.

“Are you going to be able to make it to my game this afternoon?”

Jake was catcher on the High School baseball team and quite good at it as a matter of fact. Max was very proud of him but he had to learn to speak in a much lower voice…it was nerve wracking.

“I don’t know Jake…I definitely want to be there but we’ll have to see how things go at the hospital.”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot for a minute, you tell Doctor Fowler that I will have our team say a prayer for him. If you can’t make it I’ll understand.”

Max smiled and his heart warmed just a little, “Thanks Jake, I appreciate it and I definitely will tell Dr. Fowler he can count on your prayers.”

“S’okay Dad…see ya in the kitchen…oh…and Dad…can you get Mom and the girls singing lessons for Christmas or something?”

Max had to laugh at that one “Jake, you know singing on key is not something you can really teach to someone who is tone deaf.”

“Tone deaf? What’s that?”

“That is when you can’t tell one note from the other, and I think your Mom and sisters all suffer from it…but don’t you dare say I said so, ok?” Max chuckled…

About that time the ten-year-old twins…Allison (Ally) and Alyssa (Lissy) poked their noses into the bedroom to say good morning to their father. They usually waited until Jake’s shouting stopped to make their visit into their parent’s room to give their dad a hug before going downstairs.

They had to be the sweetest little angels Max had ever seen. They were a mixture of Max and Liz…his hair and skin tone and Liz’s big brown eyes and beautiful lips. They

were like two peas in a pod. Sometime, if They were standing together in a crowd, it was impossible to tell them apart, even for Max and Liz.

Erica and Eileen were also identical but they had mannerisms that definitely distinguished their personalities to their individual selves. Erica had a way of turning her head when she laughed and Eileen seemed to be more straightforward. Max had never given it much thought until this very minute…that’s what it was. They were mirrors of each other and yet the tilt of their heads was what gave them their individual traits, interesting, Max wondered if Liz had ever noticed it?

“Well, good morning ladies…don’t we look lovely this morning.” Max said to his younger girls and they giggled at their father and leaped into his lap for their hugs and kisses. It was obvious their mother hadn’t touched their hair yet…they did pretty well with everything but you could bet they would not be leaving the house with those hairdos, neither one of them.

Actually, they worked on each other’s hair this morning and they thought they looked quite “chic.”

Both girls always waited until their Daddy was dressed and ready to visit the baby before making their entrance. This was their time and Max made sure he had an extra fifteen minutes just for them before spending at least another fifteen with Nick.

“Is your brother still in his crib?”

Both girls smiled and said, “Yes”, at the same time and Max scooped them both up in his strong arms and headed toward fourteen-month-old Nicholas’ room.

“Good morning Nick…ready to join the world?”

Nick jumped up from the middle of his crib where he was currently busy playing with a rubber truck and held out his little arms for his daddy. Max immediately scooped up the baby and headed over to the changing table while planting kisses all over his neck…Nick shivered in his father’s embrace and held on with his tiny little arms. .

“Boy Nick, we’re going to have to do something about your diet, you stink.” Max said with a chuckle and proceeded to reach for a clean diaper and the wipes. “Mom changed him before she went downstairs” Lissy said. Max grinned at Lissy and said, “Well he’s been a busy little boy then, hasn’t he?”

Nick wrapped his tiny hands around his daddy’s cheeks and smiled up at him like he was a god. Max melted as he changed his son’s diaper and grabbed a little pair of overalls that were lying next to the changing table.

Liz sat something out every night for Max so he wouldn’t have to go hunting for something to put Nick into when he went through his morning routine. When Max had finished dressing Nick he wrapped his arms around the baby, gave him a big bear hug and told the girls it was time to head downstairs. They all arrived in the kitchen in time to see Liz and the older girls going through a new dance they had seen on TV, they were all in hysterics.

“Well, can anyone join the party or is it a private affair?” Max asked from behind them.

“Oh Dad, don’t be silly.” They answered back in unison…Liz just turned around and smiled at the man who made everyday of her life worth living. She was rewarded with the same smile he saved just for her and then he reached over and grabbed her around the waist and planted a great big noisy kiss on her lips. The girls all “ewwwwed” at that and Max and Liz both laughed into each other’s mouths.

Liz took notice of the younger girls hair and asked if they had brought their brushes down with them.

“No…” they said in unison, looking a little disappointed as Liz pointed to the back stairs and they went back up to retrieve the brushes…Max just smiled…what a group.

Then Liz went over and wrapped her arms around her youngest who shivered and giggled with glee when his Mommy came near him. He giggled and clapped and couldn’t wait for her to hold him as Liz lowered her head and stuck it right into Nick’s little tummy and roared like a cartoon teddy bear. Max stood back and watched in awe of this little woman that he loved so deeply, he couldn’t believe the happiness she brought to this family. She was simply joy all wrapped up in this tiny little package and she seemed to radiate love and kindness everywhere she went.

About that time they heard “MOMMMMM”

Liz must have jumped three feet and Max grabbed for Nick, afraid she might drop him.

“What is it Jake?” Liz calmly asked her son, rolling her eyes at Max.

“Have you seen my catchers mitt?”

“It’s not my mitt Jake…where did you have it last?”

“With my uniform…where is it?”

“Jacob Michael Evans, where do you think it is?”

“In my duffle bag?”

“That would be my first guess Jake…now get yourself together and get in here for breakfast.”

Soon the dining room was filled with the laughter of children and parents as they prepared for another busy day of school, work and fun. Liz looked lovingly over at her husband who was listening intently to Erica explain that she thought she might want to do a foreign exchange program next semester and Max raised an eyebrow toward Liz who just shrugged…something to talk about later she thought, but she was sure he would want to discuss the surprise she left on his morning e-mail first.

She didn’t know if she should have gone with the flying storks, or just a couple of blue baby buggies, she chose the blue baby buggies. These would make eight and she wasn’t sure if the house was big enough for two more babies…something to think about tonight after the kids went to bed. Maybe they should never have repaired her uterus so many years ago she thought to herself but she was just kidding, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyway, Max had a successful surgery that morning…headed back to his office across the street and as he said good morning to the crew Michael passed him in the lobby and nodded good morning and Max could have sworn he heard him chuckle. Max gave his old friend a nod and headed to his office. He opened his computer…took a sip of the coffee he had brought in with him and noticed an e-mail from Liz. What could that be? He immediately opened it and sat there and stared…NAH…it’s a joke! Right? Then he reached up and scratched behind his ear and got a great big smile on his face. ‘More babies…that woman is a reproducing miracle…that’s what she is, a reproducing miracle.’ Life was beautiful at Evansville.


My Best Friend, Epilogue, Adult 11/2/09

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:54 pm
by mary mary
Carolyn, thank you for all of your fb. And here's the big finale...the great big difference so to speak. Enjoy.



My Life


Lissy walked into the quiet hospital room where her father was sitting, watching over her mother, and asked in a very quiet voice…

“Dad, can one of us give you a break? We are all out in the waiting room and I would be more than glad to sit with her.”

Max looked up into his beautiful daughter’s brown eyes, the image of her mother
and smiled…

“No sweetheart. I want to be here with her. I’ve been with her for her entire life and I will be with her when it’s over. Thank you…go sit with the others. I love you.”

“I love you too Dad and we’ll be here.”

“I know…now go, I’ll be fine.” And Max smiled at her as she leaned over and kissed her father’s cheek, pressed her mother’s hand and left the room.

He felt a stirring under his hand and Liz was moving…He immediately turned his eyes back to hers and she smiled and nodded. Max lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm and she smiled again as she took her last breath.

Max raised her hand to his lips as he had done so many years ago. She had him remove the engagement ring many months ago but the wide gold band was still on her frail hand with it’s engraving still intact “MY BEST FRIEND, MY LOVE MY LIFE” and he smiled.

Max felt his heart tighten and he stood and leaned over the bed and kissed his dear wife’s cheek and sat back down in the chair as he stifled the sobs. He took her hand in his and laid his head on the side of her bed and whispered…”I’ll see you soon my love…soon.” And Max Evans drew his final breath.

When the nurse at the nurses station looked up at the heart monitor she immediately called the doctor on staff and headed to Liz’s room…The Evans children and grand children all stood and waited anxiously for any word.

The nurse stepped into the room and immediately thought that Dr. Evans had fallen asleep and when she went over to arouse him he didn’t move. She reached down and took his pulse and couldn’t believe it…he had expired as well. How would she ever tell his family, how would they ever cope with this. They expected their mother’s death but certainly not their fathers.

Out in the waiting room Jake grabbed hold of his wife’s hand. He knew, and then he smiled. Dad would never want to live without Mom…it was a given and he knew, he just knew that they were both gone. He looked at his siblings and none of them had to be told what had happened…they all knew.

Their father and mother were together in death as they were in life. Their love was that deep and everlasting, and their children did not mourn their parents in the usual way.

When they held their celebration of life it was a celebration of love as well and the story of their parents would live on forever in their hearts.

And at the end of the bright light two young happy souls reunited for all eternity.

“My best friend” Max said to his lovely Liz as he took her hand and looked into her young face and smiled.

“My Love” Liz answered, looking at him adoringly, and they both said

“My Life” and they walked into the light together

The End