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Re: How was your day?

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:37 pm
by valentinebaby
Today was boring. I looked at dogs on petfinder that I want for my birthday but most likely won't get cause my husband is a jerk, and to be honest I can't think of anything else I want except this really cool skirt and maybe a pea coat.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:32 am
by valentinebaby
Totally awesome. It started with a bowl of peanut butter crunch, and then it moved on to Baja Fresh with some yummy chicken fajitas, a trip to Target, Fred Meyers. Then I came home, and I finally beat the video game I've owned for forever but haven't been able to beat, then I started a new video game and got my ass repeatedly handed to me, but it was fun. My baby was in a mommy mood which is always better compared to the days he's in his daddy moods, cause let's face it, I gave birth to the kid. And now I'm going to snuggle in my nice warm bed and pass out since I've been up since 7am and it's now 2:30am, oh and tomorrow or today however you want to put it is my turn to sleep in and I plan on sleeping quite awhile. Hope everyone else had fun too.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:06 pm
by valentinebaby
As of now my day is starting off cute. My son is dancing around the house to High School Musical movies, it's like the cutest thing ever, well he's the cutest thing ever.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:17 pm
by Earth2Mama
So, far so good. Haven't done any work really today (not that any really needed to be done) and I spent the better part of my day here reading some old forgotten fan fics.

Oh, and in 43 mins. I'll be heading home for the weekend :mrgreen: Yea!

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:29 pm
by killjoy
I don't's not time for me to go to work yet today :lol:

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:45 pm
by Earth2Mama
Today was a productive one -

1) I bought 4 pairs of dress slacks for work (it was a buy one get one free sale)
2) I also bought a pair of new boots and a pair shoes
3) I did some light grocery shopping for the week

On the downside, I did all this and forgot it was the anniversary of my G-ma's death today. My mother called me up a few hours ago and reminded me. After that phone conversation, I've sunk back into my depression/funk that I've been in since the start of the holidays.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:20 am
by valentinebaby
My day was AWESOME!!! Or it just became awesome. Hubby just came home and I was having fun not giving him kisses like he wanted and then finally he goes I'm giving you a dog and I'm like no you're not you haven't said yes yet, and he goes did you not hear what I said, and needless to say I squeeled and gave him a kiss, so now I'm on the hunt for the perfect puppy, and I can actually look at them and take one home and I'm excited.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:06 pm
by NotYourChick
Congrats Ang!

Running on very little sleep this week. Thanks to my cat. I have to send my Roswell fan-fic to my beta. (It was due a week ago.) I have to write my one part GA fic. I also have to clean up this house and I mean really clean. All of that in 12 hours.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:41 pm
by Earth2Mama
Today ... was boring, as usual. Oh, yeah ... Aunt Mary Flo came a knocking as well :roll: I'm so not in the mood :(

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:46 pm
by killjoy
Earth2Mama wrote:Oh, yeah ... Aunt Mary Flo came a knocking as well :roll: I'm so not in the mood :(
And as a man I was so not in the mood to know that :P :oops: :lol: