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The Story of My Life - Chapter 17 - 12/08/2020

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:40 am
by Parker1947
Silence filled the area. Luckily, they were in a quiet zone, and no one was around them as darkness fell. None of them knew what to say next. Amelia stood fascinated as she rarely seen her mother so angry and so devastated at the same time. She and her brother knew that her brother, Alex got his name from someone who had been someone very meaningful to their mother and who died when their parents were high school, and while they heard some stories, but as Olivia would find out, a lot was skimmed off the tales the children would hear, and now the awful truth was getting out into the air.

“So, you’re blaming everything that ever went wrong on a dead woman?” Zack said as he glared at Maria who simply nodded as both were trying to comprehend history and for Maria it was staring at a ghost almost in how Zack had similarities to yes, a dead woman, and someone who had truly hurt them and betrayed their group “Someone who can’t even defend herself. Wow, that’s low…” Zack whistled. “Amelia, your mother is some women…”

“Watch it,” Amelia glared

“You don’t have to defend me honey,” Maria sighed as she turned to her daughter as she loved how her daughter was a fighter, and was willing to go the mat for anyone, and especially their little family It made her proud “Why don’t you go in and see Olivia?” she asked but Amelia was not going to move, and only returned her patented Guerin wariness Which made her truly Michael’s daughter “Sweetheart, go please, and let me handle this. Olivia was asking for you before I came out, and that is why I came out, to find you”

Amelia nodded turned back at Zack and glared at him one last time, before she went back into the hospital. Which left an exhausted Maria with a very confused teenager. “Look, I know you’re confused, and you don’t deserve my vengeance, but I can’t help it because that time was hell to get through and a lot of it was because of Tess Harding and I will never have fond memories of her…” she sighed. “Honestly, you can’t expect that of me or anyone?”

“And you do have fond memories of a mass murderer, and abuser of woman?” Zack asked. “Who even assaulted you. Isn’t that a double standard you are enacting here?”

“Yes, and I admit to it” Maria asked. “I know what Max has done. I don’t condone what he did to Olivia’s mother, or before to me, but there are factors you can’t even begin to comprehend that are a part of it and therefore I am more lenient towards him because of that” she sighed. “And I am telling you the truth about the other matter…” she sighed. “I know what she was to you, and I am sorry about that because you don’t deserve that burden. I would love to say she was a woman to admire, but she was not, because even if you took out the pain she gave to your father and his later wife. She caused a lot of destruction, and I can’t wipe that away, and I won’t even try because she did take Alex Whitman from us…”

“So, you’re telling me that she was a killer?” Zack muttered.

“Yes,” Maria sighed. “I wish I didn’t have to tell you that but it’s the truth, because she did take a lot from us, and it wasn’t just Alex.”

“Why would she have killed your friend?” Maria asked.

“Because she was pressuring him to do something that fit her agenda and when he started to say no more, she killed him” Maria sighed. “All he wanted was to help out, and she took that willingness to help, and used it to hurt us, by ultimately taking him from us.”

“Why would she have killed everyone at that army base?” Zack muttered.

“Because she felt that was the easier way out than being captured by them” Maria muttered as she knew part of it was her need to protect the baby that would end up being Zack. “So, yes, she took the easy way out. She only thought of herself, and not any of us, and not even you. Going out the way she did, knowing the government would come after us, tells us all we need to know. She was not doing to help us. She was only thinking of herself. The government were our enemies, and she had a right to go after them, but she did in such a way, that it caused chaos, and it led to a lot of sacrifice.”

“She did it on purpose?” Zack asked.

“She committed the crimes on purpose. Whether she truly did not see the unintended consequences, because she never looked on the consequences. She only wanted to act and think later.” Maria muttered. “She created chaos for us, and therefore your father was protecting you by giving you to your parents who he knew could love you. If you had stayed than you would have been down in the mud with the rest of us, and that is no life for you or anyone of the kids. I would not have wished it for Olivia or my own kids, but unfortunately that was the fate that came upon us… Because yes. your father would still have done what he ultimately did to save the rest of us, and you would be living Olivia’s life with her, and I will never recommend that kind of life…”

“So, my father was protecting me?” Zack asked. “That is what you’re really saying?”

“In the end, yes” Maria sighed. “You do not have to admire the man Zack, because he has done his share of rotten things. We all have, as that is part of growing up and having dealt with what we have had to deal with” she asked. “You will never know what it was like to live that kind of life and I wouldn’t recommended it. It has not been easy for Olivia to live down the memory of the sacrifice her father made nor was it for your father to do what he did”

“All I want is answers,” Zack muttered. “You don’t know what it’s like to grow up and find out what I did when I went looking” he sighed. “I am not saying I didn’t have a good life because I did and I do thank him for allowing the parents who raise me but still there is a part of my history I was denied, and when I went searching, I came up with this…”

“I get that,” Maria admitted as she though of her goddaughter “You will find that Olivia is facing those same struggles as it’s never easy to be the next generation and having to live in the shadow of events you had no control of” she sighed. “And we do unfortunately cause a giant shadow…”

“Yeah,” Zack sighed as he started to walk away, as he wanted to get away from the hospital as fast as he could as Maria couldn’t help but watch as the teenager walked away and she made plans to go back into the hospital as she simply nodded as she made plans to go back into the hospital when she spotted as it looked like green energy was starting to come off Zack. Shit she asked herself. I could not have seen what I had seen she asked herself.

But she had, as she saw a white glow come off Zack as he picked up a bird that was on the sidewalk, and moments later, it flew away. Fuck she muttered to herself as she turned and spotted her daughter who had noticed the same thing.

“I thought he was supposed to be human?” Amelia commented as she watched the guy that was so infuriating and yet so attractive What are the chances that he would be like me? she mused to herself. But the wisdom was that he was supposed to be totally human?

“Me too,” Maria muttered. “Let’s go inside” she sighed as she knew she had something else to consider in the coming hours, and days. So, Tess lied yet again. Why should it shock me? It does not she admitted to herself. Oh great, Max allowed a boy with powers to be raised by strangers and away from any source of help.

Max would not like that one.


“Do you want a drive home?” Maria asked a few minutes later as walked into the hospital and saw that a very tired looking Liz was coming down the hallway from the hospital room that had been assigned to Olivia. “You look exhausted. I have been informed that visiting hours just ended… although Amelia is still in there…”

Sighing, Liz nodded but shook her head. “I have my car,” Liz admitted as she looked back down the hall towards her daughter’s room for the night. It would be one of very few times that they had been separated for other than a sleepover or a grandparent visit, and now she would be going home while her daughter stayed in the hospital. “You disappeared there for a minute or two” she asked as she had seen Amelia come in, but Olivia had fallen asleep, and so she had gone back out, only to return with her mother, looking tense.

“I needed some fresh air…” Maria allowed because she did not know whether she should be telling her friend what she had learned about Max’s son.

“Yeah,” Liz sighed as she nodded as she acknowledged that her best friend wasn’t telling her something, and it probably had to do with Max’s son, and she was just fine with it “I need to get home myself and pour myself a stiff drink” she muttered to herself. “Maybe more than one…”

“The baby?” Maria asked as she knew it was subject neither of them really wanted to discuss but it was going to be there for them to deal with “Is she any closer to a decision?”

“The baby is healthy,” Liz admitted. “No issues, and it only seems that stress is what befell by daughter today,” she sighed as she remembered a time when she was petrified and only a few years older than where Olivia was now. “Seeing it on the ultrasound, it made me remember when I was pregnant with her and how it was not the situation I wanted to be under, and yet I was married. Albeit not with my husband next to me or at home waiting. But I also wasn’t sixteen.”

“So, you think she going to be keeping it?” Maria asked.

“Or at least going forth with it. I saw her how she was looking at the monitor. I think it surprised her, with how she was feeling as it’s becoming more real to her, and by delaying it, she was going to have to come to this decision, and she’s facing what the future might be like. You do know that she and Alex are taking a break?”

“Yeah,” Maria murmured. “While I am relieved that they are toning it down, still…”

“I know,” Liz murmured. “It’s not the life we want for our kids,” she sighed. “I think it would be easier to make the decision if she didn’t have to worry about being who she is,” she sighed. “The tapping into the unknown…”

“I feel ya” Maria sighed as it weighed on her that Tess might have lied about her son. It could be that she really did not know but still, with those genes at work, how could the baby not have powers and now she was facing it with her own grandchild. “Do you want to go to Cow Patties and talk, and we call see if Isabel and Kyle want to join?” she asked. “I think we all need to talk?”

“I don’t know,” Liz sighed.

“Olivia’s going to be here tonight, and it’s lonely at home and you’re a mass of confusion and so why not tie one on?” Maria asked.

“Sure, I guess” Liz sighed as she knew she needed to figure things out. “Why don’t I go and say good night to my daughter.”

Maria nodded as she sighed as she went and found her own daughter and told her to take the bus home, and that she was to tell her father than she would be home late, or to meet them at the bar. “You’re going drinking?” Amelia asked surprised.

“Don’t take that as a message for you…” Maria warned. “I have enough on my plate with your brother…”

“Gotcha,” Amelia nodded with a smirk. “I was headed home anyways” as she figured that she had seen enough drama for one night.


Across town Alex was needing to let out some frustration. He knew Olivia was right that they needed time out, and to take a break and step back and assessed their lives. Neither were ready for what was coming. He wished he could unwind with friends, but he could not because Olivia was on his mind. He knew if it was not for being who they were than the choice might be easier for Olivia because she was going places, and none of them were being stuck in their small town with a family before they were ready.

Yet he knew his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend was a mass of confusion and it was not just the baby. But it was because she was sixteen and confronting the father she did not know about. Sure, they had heard the stories, but he sensed they were pretty dressed up to be fairy tales and not the truth. He had long known he and Amelia had been lucky to have the parents they did. Because one only had to look at Olivia and her mother to know that life could be a lot more difficult. And now his maybe ex was in the hospital confronting the future because of the arrival of her mystery half brother that no one had seen in many years, and particularly none of the newest generation. Why did he come so suddenly? Alex muttered to himself and even out loud. Why couldn’t he have stayed away? He asked himself. It’s not even like his father is here to ask those questions he wants answered. It made him wary of the guy and made him stalk out of the hospital when Olivia needed space and knew neither her nor Liz would want there for the ultrasound. He knew chances are the baby would be born. He didn’t feel like a father, but knew he would be one, and it made him feel like taking some responsibility and checking up on this mystery brother, so he used his trusty powers, and let himself into a room that he should be avoiding if he was thinking rationally.

But he was not… thinking or rational for that matter.

Taking an assessing look around. “So, what are you hiding?” Alex muttered as he glanced around and started to do some searching, as the door flung open and he groaned as he focused on the door. “What are you doing here?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking that of you?” Michael asked. “This is not the answer son…” he murmured as his wife had called him when Alex vanished from the hospital and so he eventually found where Zack was staying and knew his son had done the same thing.

“Wouldn’t you want to do this?” Alex asked. “Which makes me why don’t you? He just shows up in this town. I want to know what he’s hiding because he’s hiding something” he muttered as he opened up a drawer but found nothing.

“He could just be someone who wants to know about his father, and his origins?” Michael muttered as he remembered how years ago before everything exploded and nightmares came out of the pandora box that was Liz’s shooting and all he wanted was to know more about himself, and to get off this planet, and he ended up finding a lot more than he had bargain for, or anyone had bargain for, and it made sense for Zack to have that same yearning “That was years ago, me

“Which is fine,” Alex sighed because he and Amelia have been told of their father’s yearning to know more, and how it had only led to events that they had not anticipated at the time. “But worming his way into Olivia’s life and Amelia noticed him around town like he’s been following us, so I want to know if he has ulterior motives” he muttered as he was obviously annoyed about recent events.

“Are you sure this isn’t about Olivia? I know that you two are taking a break” Michael sighed and like Maria, well, there was some relief and yet given what the two had already done, significant changes were already coming to his son’s life. “Needing to put aggression into something?”

“No,” Alex sighed. “Olivia is right. We both need time,” he sighed. “But everything about this Zack is fishy, so I’m curious…” she sighed as she opened a closet and seemed surprised. “Dad, look at this?”

“What is it?” Michael muttered as he didn’t want to know what his son had discovered, “Son, to Zack, Olivia is his half sister, and it’s only natural to want to know more” he thought as he would have given anything to have found family, and how special it was that Max had Isabel, if there had been someone out there here on Earth like them, he would have wanted to know. So, Michael could only shake his head and muse that it was probably something explainable because they were dealing with a teenage boy after all but not all teenage boys have parts of themselves they want to keep hidden because that had been his life as well as Max’s once upon a time.

What he did not expect was to see a safe in the closet. Damn it

“What is the guy doing with a transportable safe that you don’t just find in one of these motel rooms?” Alex asked. “It’s like one you take with you…”

“I don’t know,” Michael murmured. “But let me look, okay, because I am one who is the adult, and the one who has the license even if we don’t have cause to be in this room except to come rescue my mischievous teenage son from doing something dangerous and down right stupid.
Which had been his motto once upon a time and Michael knew it.

Alex stepped back and watched as his father used his powers to get into the safe, and had opened and found file folders, and loose papers and pictures. Michael picked up one and spotted that it was of Max. Of Liz. Of Olivia, basically everyone in their circle including him and his wife, and kids. Shit but then shouldn’t this to be expected if he is Tess’s son? Wouldn’t he be interested in his birth father’s family, and friends?

Michael did not want to know the answer to that to be honest but knew they would have to be found because he held a UPS drive that had the words, “Message from Mom”

“What’s going on here?” came a voice and they turned around and found a furious Zack storming into his room. “What are you doing in my room?”

“What are you doing with this?” Michael asked as he showed the pictures, and the UPS drove. “Who gave you this message?”

“None of your business,” Zack said. “Get out or I call the police.”

“The Sheriff is family, so he’s going to want answers too” Michael said. “Who is this Mom?”

“None of your business,” Zack stammered. “Get out”

“Nope,” Michael muttered. “You have pictures of my family, and a lot more than that don’t you?” he asked as she looked down at the papers. “You have been studying us. Laying in wait as my daughter would say, and probably did say, didn’t she?” he asked his son and Alex nodded.

“I am entitled to privacy,” Zack battled.

“Not when you hold material that relates to my wife, myself and our kids” Michael sighed. “So, what gives?” he asked. “Who is the recording from?”

Are these people in the mob or something? he mused to himself before uttering “Fine,” Zack muttered, “While it’s none of your business but it’s from my birth mother… Tess Harding” he sighed. “It was her dying message to me?”

Fuck Michael muttered. Tess was still messing things up, even from her grave He mused but all he said, was “PLAY IT!”


“Keep them coming,” Liz advised the waitress as she and Maria sat at the bar and waited for Isabel and Kyle to join them. The plan was to drop the kids off at Jim and Amy’s place, and come and join them at Cow Patties as she took a shot glass and slugged it down. “What did we do to deserve this?”

“Well we did have children,” Maria laughed as she took a large swig of the beer that sat in front of her. “They were bound to repeat our greatest hits?”

“But go to the lengths that they did?” Liz muttered as she thought of her daughter in her hospital room.

“Well you almost went there with Max, and if I hadn’t busted you that day” Maria laughed. “Can you tell me you would have stopped yourself?” she asked as Liz glared at Maria who only laughed. “I thought so.”

“I don’t know what I would have done,” Liz muttered as she felt the flash of desire that came as she touched a shirtless Max, and the glow and the passion that had erupted and she knew Maria is right. Could she have stopped that if her friend had not come into the apartment?

She did not know. But somehow, she doubted it. Because they had been swept away.

“So much could have been prevented if we had gone there,” Liz muttered, and Maria laughed. “If only…”

“Yeah, if only is a fun game” Maria sighed. “But I do grant you that if only you had, then maybe Tess might not have happened.”

“And then I go and change the future, and let her reign?” Liz muttered.

“Olivia’s gotten in your head, hasn’t she?” Maria asked. “She’s questioning everyone’s motives?”

“Yeah.” Liz muttered as she watched as the bartender filled her glass and handed her a vodka and beer. “My daughter is not the greatest fan of the future version of Max”

“She has good taste,” Maria muttered. “You’re not to blame you know. You couldn’t have known what going against his word would set off” she sighed as she thought of the possibility of what would have happened if she hadn’t gone down the road, she had. The thought she would have lost Michael or Isabel. She knew Liz had made the right decision. And one she might have made herself, and yet it could not be denied that Tess got a lot out of the deal She got Max. She took his first time from Liz. She got his first born. and then went out in a blaze of fire, which brought them down, and forever changed Max and Liz.

“Alex is dead. Max and Tess, you know what I mean, and to top it off, he’s in prison” Liz muttered as she took a large sip of the beer she was now enjoying.

“You and Max did make it work,” Maria sighed.

“For like a minute,” Liz muttered. “Which is our history. We get something good come our way and then something comes to rain on our parade and this time, it was prison. Max, seeing him, it felt like I was fifteen again”

“Oh dear,” Maria sighed as she thought of herself at that age and how Michael had gotten under her skin. The one thing she would love to do was travel back to that time and experience that again, but then come back because she didn’t want to experience the drama and the angst that came once they came into each other’s lives. “It was that good, huh?”

“Yeah,” Liz nodded. “We’re vastly different people now, nearly seventeen years later, but Maria, looking at him I saw the man I loved. The man I committed unspeakable acts for, and it was like I could do it all again” she sighed. “What am I going to do?”

“You tell me?”

“I love him. He’s my husband, and I love him” Liz asked as she looked down at her wedding ring, and her “Superman” diamond engagement ring. “He’s the only love I have ever had, and I want him to come home to me and Olivia…”

“Then how are you doing to do that?” Maria murmured.

“Hell, if I know,” Liz muttered as she sighed.

“I hope the two of you used an Uber?” came a laugh from behind and they twisted and saw Kyle and Isabel come join them. “We came to join you guys in the land of misery…”

“Good, more the welcome” Liz sighed as they all found themselves at a table. “We need all the company we can get”

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 17 - 12/08/2020

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 3:50 pm
by totallizfan
Message from Tess......what now. Thanks for the update.

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 17 - 12/08/2020

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:58 am
by keepsmiling7
Lots of unanswered questions here....
Yes, Tess took the easy way out, and Zach is finding it hard to understand.
And Tess lied again.....
What is anyone doing with a transportable safe???
Bar scene.......Uber for all!

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 17 - 12/08/2020

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:37 pm
by Superman86
What is Maxs's son up to? And it's looking more and more like Liz will take that offer and see Max alone soon with an overnight pass :D :wink:

The Story of My Life - Chapter 18 - 12/10/2020

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:55 pm
by Parker1947
Max was having a hard time sleeping. He tried to doing push ups, anything to remove the memories from his mind. But his brain was full of Liz. Not the Liz of seventeen years ago on his wedding day. But of the unbelievable feel that it was to have seen her just hours before, and it was not only Liz on his mind.

It was Olivia.

It was his daughter. He hated not knowing what was going on. Being out of the loop was hell. When his daughter had been rushed to the hospital and here, he was trying to sleep, or acting like his life was how it had been earlier this week, when it had been totally been upended.

His daughter was pregnant. God how he wished he were there for her. Given it was me once upon a time. It was hell of an experience to go through but knew this time his daughter would have the support of everyone, and most importantly her mother. Liz. It was the one smart thing he had done in his life.

Loving Liz.

And getting a chance to be her husband. However short their marriage had ended up being. Because it still did not feel real to him that he had seen his wife and seen the love of his life only today.

It felt like a dream. Liz had been his dream girl after all. But no, it had been real…

“Evans wake up” came a guard rattling on his cell door. “I got a message for you…”

“From whom?” Max mumbled as he got off the cold steel cot and walked towards the bars.

“Your lawyer. She will be here on Monday to meet with you, but she wanted me to give you this” the guard said delivering the note between the bars. “Maybe this will get you to go to sleep because lights were out twenty minutes ago, and you’re still restless…”

“Can’t sleep…”

“I don’t care, shut up and go to bed” the guard muttered as he left Max to go find his flashlight, and stare down at the sheet of the paper. It was from Isabel he knew for sure because the writing was familiar…


Olivia is doing fine. Liz told me she told you. But all is well. She was a little stressed and she just needs to rest, and she will be heading home tomorrow. So, stop the freak out…

See you Monday…

Love, Isabel

Immediately it put him at ease. At least on that front at least. Still he could not stop dreaming of his daughter and knowing what she was going through. He should have been able to be there for his daughter, and his wife, and yet he let Tess in, and completely ruin his future. While he knew that he had ultimately made the right decision.

To protect everyone. To put them in more danger would have been indefensible and he had already done that, and he needed to do something to protect everyone. He could not have the government come after them anymore than they did. Giving them a suspect took away from the pressure.

But now he knew he had given up way more than he saved. He had given up on a life with Liz and their daughter.

Still knowing Liz had the ability to be there for their daughter gave him a sense of knowing what he had done was for the best.

He just wished he could erase what they had done wrong, and do it over again, and this time make the right decisions.

And yet knowing he had a chance to love Liz, well. he would not trade that for the world and would rather be in this place if it meant she was safe and sound and raising their daughter.

He just wished he could have experienced it, as he laid down and went into dreamland that gave him a look at what he could have had if Tess Harding had not come into his life and ruined it. “Liz,” he murmured as he fell asleep.


“To the fact I cannot have my husband is far far away, behind cement walls and I cannot even touch him or hold him” Liz muttered as she toasted yet again as she lamented the fact her daughter’s little visit to visit Max had opened a lot of wounds and now her own visit didn’t help matters because seeing Max again brought back so many memories, and those memories had incredible flashes associated to them.

“You’re horny?” Maria giggled as Kyle just shook his head as they both drank their beers and saluted that they had much calmer lives. “You aren’t getting any?”

“Would you if you were touched by the only one capable of giving you everything you ever wanted,” Liz murmured. “Tenderness, and passion…” she sighed. “I miss him. Seeing him behind the glass, I almost wish I could bust through there, you know…”

“Oh, yeah you’re horny” Maria sighed as she took a sip of her drink.

“I am surprised you managed to restrain yourself…” Isabel laughed as she didn’t envy her friend, and hated to see her in such misery, and know her brother had to be facing the same as they had reopened the past, by seeing each other. For nearly seventeen years, they could allow memories to fade a fraction, and now it is all open, and spilling out. “I know the feeling because the glass is restricting, and I fortunately was able to see him and touch him, but not in the way you obviously want to…”

“We would have created a whole new incident if I had done what I dreamt of, or had he,” Liz muttered as she thought of what Jim Valenti had been warning her of. “Your father is right Kyle; I should not have gone…”

“Why” Kyle asked.

“Because it made it real,” Liz moaned. “And it made me miss him even more because, yeah, I had long made peace with what we had done to our lives, and our marriage. Yet seeing him, and seeing him stare at me, it made me feel like a teenager again,” she sighed. “I have too many responsibilities to feel like that, and yet all I wanted to do is hold him, touch him, and I know that is impossible. So, yeah, I should have stayed home…” she took a sip of her drink before slugging it down in one gulp to the amusement and the sadness of her friends.

“Well we can do something about it?” Isabel murmured as they all could see Liz was spinning out, and she hated that for both her brother and for her sister-in-law as she didn’t envy the odd marriage, and she wish she could do something about it, and yet she knew it wouldn’t solve everything at the end of the day.

“What?” Liz asked warily.

“Do what Max originally had asked. Get you permission to see him, alone” Isabel murmured. “You will get to see him without the threat of a guard interrupting” she sighed. “Although you will have to go home at the end of the day and deal with what you’re struggling with tonight. The same was how it was for me. We can go home at the end of the day. But Max cannot, because he is stuck, and there is little chance of that changing.

“He saved my life, and he shouldn’t be where he is” Liz muttered as she did not answer Isabel’s concerns. “All because of Tess Harding…”

“Yeah,” Maria muttered as she thought of the suspicions, she now had of Max’s son, Zack Mason. “And now her son is back?”

“Max’s son is back” Liz murmured as she did not want to have to remember Tess at all, but too much of this week has made her have to face the past. “Why couldn’t he have stayed in the past. Max gave him a chance to have a safe life, so why did he had to come back and make us remember all over again?”

‘It was only natural I guess,” Kyle sighed as he hated thinking about Tess, and how he had helped commit an unspeakable act. “All kids want answers…”

“Yes, they do,” Liz muttered as she thought of her own daughter who was going through a remarkably similar situation to the one that her own father faced once upon a time. “But they will never know what it was to experience that kind of life. So, why does Olivia want to go and mess up her future?”

“Because we’re all human at the end of the day,” Isabel sighed. “We can’t help but make mistakes whether we know we should wait or take different roads. Olivia and Alex will figure it out one day. They just might have to go about it the hard way. Just like Max did…”

“Well Max did it the hard way and he still didn’t get a fair deal in the end” Liz muttered as she feared for her daughter.

“And about that human thing,” Maria muttered as she took a deep sip of her beer. “We have to talk about that one.”


You are Zan. The son of the rightful King of our home planet; Antar. We were sent to earth due to a coup by a rival leader who wanted the power that was held by your father and he took over the planet, and to save our lives, and in order to bring about your birth, we were mixed with human DNA and sent to Earth, where we would grow up with the promise of coming back to Earth with you, and to be able to take back our rightful place on the throne, and to rule over our home.

Your father did not want to come back with me, and so I took you back where you were born, and where you deserve to reign. Events did lead us to return to Earth, and any actions I committed was with you in mind, and to save you. And yet, now my time is expiring, and I am leaving you to a better life…

“What a bunch of hogwash,” Michael muttered as she glanced at the computer screen darkly at the last message Tess had given to her son, hidden away in a little disc sewn into the blanket he had when he showed up in Max’s life, and the blanket given to his adoptive parents. Years later, as a teenager he would find the disc and have it transferred to a UPS stick, and which he carried everywhere. “Only Tess would whitewash the true events…”

“You say she is a liar?” Zack asked.

“A brilliant one,” Michael muttered. “She has been one since day one, and of course she would tell you the clean version of what went down. When what she did led to countless deaths, and sent your father to prison for life…”

“So, what is the truth?” Zack asked.

“They didn’t want us to come back. If we had, we would have had a date with the death chamber. They only wanted you to use as a pawn. You were never going to rule, or if you had, you would have been raised to do it their way, and it was never because you were destined to, when it would have been because they needed you to keep power.”

“So, all of that is true,” Zack asked. “I always thought it was ramblings of someone who was insane.”

“Well she was insane,” Michael muttered. “You’re right about that,” he smirked as she knew he needed to give some background. “Your birth name was indeed Zan. She named you. You were born away from this town…”

“On this Antar?” Zack asked. “Although Roswell is named on my birth certificate?”

“We assume so, but we never saw your birth so who knows where your mother truly was when you were born” Michael muttered. “We couldn’t very say you were born on a different planet than this one, could we? At the end of the day, your birth mother was an accomplish actress, who knew how to play the part, when she had little loyalty, and was a traitor.”

“She says that is my father…” Zack asked. “Because he didn’t go back with her?”

“You shouldn’t believe a thing she says,” Michael muttered. “Your father’s only goal was to protect you and did a lot of harm to himself in that quest. You see, and you might not believe me when I say this but Tess lied to get off this planet, and to take you with her, otherwise if Max had only thought it through a little more then he wouldn’t have. Still, she tended to play all of us and most of all him like a fiddle and knew how to con us. We all believed her act. She was playing the long game and none of us saw it until it was too late” he sighed. “But all you should think about is Max did everything because he was thinking about you, and only you to the determent of his own future at times.”

“Because he wanted someone other than my mother…” Zack asked.

“As it might pain you to hear but unfortunately it’s the truth. It was never Tess for your father. It should never have been him, but she pulled every string possible to make it happened.” Michael sighed as she thought of the love story between his friend and his soulmate. “We didn’t see the truth until it was too late.”

“Olivia says that her mother played a role…” Alex muttered.

“Liz did, and she will forever regret it” Michael muttered. “Tess was only thinking of herself with the actions she committed and as a result, she only caused chaos, and we will never be the same because of what she did…”

“Why would she hurt my father like that?” Zack asked.

“Because she was never the one,” Michael muttered. “From the first day in third grade when your father saw Liz Parker. It was only Liz for Max, and our watcher didn’t like that when as teenagers they actually started to come together, so he engineered some creative manipulation to bring events to their own liking” he sighed as he thought of Nascedo. “All because of a deal to go back to their planet, with you…”

“And my father fell into their trap?” Zack asked.

“No question,” Michael muttered as unbeknownst to the others Alex was picking up some papers that Zack had thrown to the floor. “What is this?” he asked. “I don’t recognize him…”

Michael welcoming any diversion from talking about Tess, picked up the picture from his son and swore when he saw it. “How did you get this?”

“What?” Zack muttered.

“This,” Michael asked as he show the boy a picture of someone they had not seen in many years. “This man?”

“I don’t know,” Zack muttered. “I was sent this, but I don’t know what it meant. I was taking it your friend, Isabel tomorrow. There was a note with it, along with what looked like a plane ticket receipt…

“Take this to Roswell, it said” Zack admitted as Alex passed his father the receipt that showed of a flight that landed near Roswell back in May 2002.

“Son of a bitch, he was here…” Michael muttered “Kal Langley,” Michael cursed “He hated your father, but he was supposed to keep a watch on us, and make sure we made it through in one piece. Nascedo took a more personal role in it because of his own agenda. Kal kept a hands-off approach to us until Max went looking, and found him…”

“What did my father do?” Zack asked.

“Change his life, and made him embrace his hidden side that he had successfully managed to lose through his time here on earth, and he would have a chip on his shoulders even though we never really experienced him again,” Michael muttered. “Unlike his partner, he didn’t really care about keeping a look out…”

“So, this guy had it out for my father?” Zack asked.

“Possible,” Michael admitted. “But he’s dead now, so we’ll never know for sure…” he sighed as he was handed another piece of paper and key. “What’s this?” he asked of Zack.

“Who knows,” Alex muttered.

“Do you know?” Michael as the boy that remained a mystery to him as he couldn’t get a good grip of the boy except that he represented a nightmare for Liz, and that is not what his friend needed on top of what they were all facing with Alex and Olivia.

“I told you that I got sent it, and I don’t know what it means” Zack muttered. “It’s not like this is my hometown or anything. I mean, I don’t come from here, and I obviously don’t know what you know…”

“But you manage to receive his, why?” Michael mumbled as she did not know why someone would seek out this boy for delivery of information when it should have come to them when they had a more pressing invested interest in the case. “So, what gives. Why you?” Michael asked. “You obviously have an agenda because you have an appointment with Isabel tomorrow. So, you’re wanting something…”

“I told you the truth. I am clueless about the larger meaning of all this. I came to this town because I was curious. I mean, I told Olivia the same thing, and your wife” Zack muttered. “Can you imagine growing up and coming into the information about who you are that changes how you look at your life and changes your outlook on life. You can’t imagine.”

“Yes, I can imagine because that was me, years ago” Michael muttered. “Along with your father and his sister,” he muttered as he conceded that Zack had a right to wonder. “I get you’re curious. You did not ask for any of them. None of you kids did. Your father did what was best for you, and you have a right to wonder because that was us once upon a time. Olivia is facing that too, and she has been living this life with us. Michael muttered as he remembered a time where they had been the same, and in the end, they had come to realize that they had been vastly underprepared for what they would walk into… All Max wanted to do was save the girl and love her. None of them had been prepared for what they would experience, for good and for bad.

And now they were facing in the faces of the next generation who had pay for all they had done that was good, and that been bad for them. Choices none of them would have figured they would need to make before the Crashdown shooting. “What I do not get is, why all this was sent to you. You’re not exactly someone in the know…”

“You expect me to understand any of this…” Zack sighed. “I don’t. All I wanted to know about my birth father, and I found this. None of it makes sense. You are telling me not to trust my biological mother, who gave me life and told me I am important, and who died to protect me when I was a baby. And to trust a man who is in prison for murders you people say was really committed by my mother and you expect me to be okay with that…”

“No, we don’t because no one should be okay with it,” Michael conceded. “But it’s what happened, and for some reason someone wants you to mess with the past…”

“If they want to use me, then I am out. This life is too insane for me” Zack muttered as he rebelled against what he had learned already and what was part of the unknown as he stormed out of his own room in the quest for something that made sense.

Michael let him go…

“Be at Isabel’s tomorrow, first thing” he called after the boy before the teenager disappeared from his view. All he could hear was curses in response to his demand and Michael did not much care because he too wanted this to make sense when it made no sense. Yet it did not get us anywhere because it did not exactly help his friend.

“You don’t think he’s going to run?” Alex asked his father as they watched him go off

“Not on your life,” Michael muttered as he knew the truth. “He claims to want to know what is going on, and he’s going to find it too irresistible…” he muttered as they left the pictures, and took the key with them because he wanted to do some searching as he was beginning to wonder what was going on himself. “Plus, this is his room and he’s not going to leave without his stuff.”


Zack’s special Liz thought as she drank another beer when she knew she should be heading home and being responsible and a role model for her daughter who had a mountain to overcome over the next year, and she didn’t know how she could be there for her daughter when she just wanted to run and be with Max, and try to make sense of all this.

Because for so long her life seemed to be on track. Albeit an alarmingly different from the one she dreamt of at fifteen, but the one she settled on with a lot of hard work when she ended up being a single mother at eighteen, with a ring on her finger, and yet no husband. She struggled to make a life for herself, and to keep a roof over her daughter’s head.

And now the past was rearing its old face again, and she did not know how to handle it as she struggled to make sense of it as she gulped down the beer. With adoption, she had always known Max’s son had been out there, but it is not something she expected to have to deal with it.

Maybe she was naïve. The boy had always been out there. And would one day come searching. But with Max in prison and succeeding at pushing his family away; she wondered if all of Max would also stay away.

She figured she came a long way, so why go back to the past. Especially when she had a husband who was in prison for life, and only death would get him out of the prison, and she would not get her dreams of dying with her husband in each other’s arms. That had been a dream nonetheless and something she had succeeded in pushing out of her brain as she struggled through medical school and establishing herself to be a doctor.

And as she raised their daughter. Their only shot at having a child. Her only chance at having a link to the man she loved or having a child at all Liz bristled to herself as she remembered those days.

Through out all that mayhem. She had known he had another child out there, and now he was back in town, and reminding her of the past…

As if her past was not already starting to repeat itself and to stare back at her. All she had wanted to do was raise her daughter and watch as Olivia reached for the stars and was able to accomplish things easier than what she had faced.

She had never imagined her daughter would have different path to go down, one neither of them would have expected.

It was a wakeup call.

“Earth to Liz,” Kyle muttered as he was seriously getting worried for Liz. Too much is on her plate he muttered to himself. She is going to crack one of these days if she has not already.

“I am fine Kyle,” Liz muttered as she put down on the table, I am way to sober despite drinking up a storm. She knew she would feel it in the morning. “I’ve been here before you know, and it’s not like I can’t handle it the same way I did at the time.”

“You didn’t know that maybe Zack has gifts…”

“As my daughter so kindly reminded me. I am human and you know what I can do,” Liz muttered as she was forced to recall that she did have special gifts. Mostly dormant by choice and left for her daughter to torment their lives with, also by choice as she could not exactly ask her daughter to turn off the switch of abilities that made her the person she was. She could ask herself that, but not her daughter, not Max’s daughter. “So, who knows what that truly means for Max’s son.”

“That he allowed someone who had gifts to be raised to be out there in the world…” Isabel asked as she was forced to shutter at the prospect that Zack could have tapped into so much while in insolation from them and unprotected. At the least the rest of the kids are protected.

“The only other alternative was for me to have raised him?” Liz muttered. “If Max were always destined to be where he was…” she mumbled as she drank so more “I would have been raising Tess’s son” she sighed. “After she took Alex from us, and used Max…”

“Would you have wanted to?” Maria wondered.

“Hell no. But back then, I would have done anything for Max…” Liz muttered as almost in a trance she glanced into space as she knew deep down, she still would…

Do anything for Max.

For the simple reason. She loved him.

And she still did.

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 18 - 12/10/2020

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:54 am
by keepsmiling7
Don't we all have regrets with certain decisions??
Tess's lies continue to surface.
And Kal was involved???
Unfortunately the next generation pays for their parents.

Can't wait for Isabel's visit to Max, will Zack be going too???

The Story of My Life - Chapter 19 - 12/12/2020

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:10 pm
by Parker1947
She felt it a few hours later as she dragged herself into the bathroom and found herself throwing up into the toilet. It has been years since I felt like this, she mused to herself. Not unlike those days before she learned she was pregnant, and with Max in jail, she had spent a lot of time at Cow Patties moaning about the fact the love of her life was in jail, by his choice as he had been the one to confess, and now she was separated from him.

Because of that, she had drunk too much. All her friends were trying to get her to stop. Isabel was no help because she was not much better, but she did not turn herself to illegal substances, but instead isolated herself. Refusing to allow any of them in. It was only Kyle who she allowed in, and that bonded them and before long, they would find themselves in love, and would eventually marry.

But alcohol was Liz’s choice of a companion to keep her quiet during the night, when she did no have the one she loved, and risked it all for, by her side, and she did not care that she was risking it all. But then she found out she was pregnant.

By finding out about the baby. Liz felt it was a sign from above, or from Max that she would always have a link to him. Olivia would change everything for her. It made her see that she had something of Max to hold against her chest. One memory to get her through the days, and it got her sober. Therefore, she stayed away from drinking, until last night.

Because raising Olivia had given her purpose, to fight for her daughter, and herself and create a life that mattered and now they were staring at a changed future, together.

Could they both handle it?

She hoped so.

“God, I don’t miss this” she muttered as she puked once more… and felt hung over and wished for Max’s powers to be able to heal instantaneously. But she did miss being pregnant and carrying Max’s child.

And because she did have Max’s child, she knew she had to protect her…

“God, Olivia” Liz muttered as she thought of her daughter in the hospital. She could only pray that the future worked out for them both and especially for her daughter.

“You look like I feel,” came a crack and Liz moaned and looked up and saw her best friend walk in. “We both feel shitty…”

“Yeah,” Liz muttered as she trained her blurry vision at the voice grinning at her. “Who let you in?”

“The door was unlocked,” Maria smiled as she saw the mess in her friend’s bedroom and it made her want to laugh and yet cry because she knew how horrible her friend felt at being separated from the one she loved, and she had used alcohol to try to dull the pain. A better form of it last night than she had done all those years before, but still it made Maria wince to see it as it was a blast from the past. “I see that you barely made it to bed?”

“I don’t know how I did?” Liz muttered as she did not miss the massive headache that we along with being hung over. “I blacked out I think…” she said as she struggled to remember the night before. “Maybe I should have stopped before I did…”

“I came over to check on you before heading to the hospital,” Maria smiled. “I also brought my famous hangover remedy,” she sighed as she showed the thermos in her hands as she surveyed the mess that her best friend was in, and she couldn’t help but remark “I didn’t think you had one of these kind of nights in a long time…”

“Which is true,” Liz admitted as she dragged herself off the floor and tried to stand up straight, and she barely succeeded.

“Which makes sense because the last time you cut loose was because of Max, and now he’s back in the picture, and I knew you couldn’t help yourself” Maria asked. “Which is why I had to come over and check out the damage” she asked as she handled the thermos to her friend who took it gladly.

“Why didn’t you stop me?” Liz mumbled as they struggled into the kitchen as she went searching for a glass to pour the tonic into.

“Because you were my partner in drinking,” Maria cracked. It’s not like I was much better, but I am not a complete mess she reflected “I blame our kids. They did this to us…” she sighed.

“We are going to be grandparents?” she muttered as it was really the first time, she had said it out loud as she poured the thick drink. Grandparents “I am too young to be a grandmother…” she sighed as she always pictured grandparents as older, way older than what she was currently 36 she mused.

“We’re exactly the same age,” Maria cracked as she took her own portion of the tonic. “None of us are exactly prepared…”

“What are we going to do?” Liz asked.

“The only thing we can do. Support them and help them figure out what is going to happen so that it doesn’t ruin their futures.” Maria sighed. “I figure given we went through similar circumstances; we can figure something out.”

“I hope so,” Liz muttered God, I hope so because she did not know how more she could handle, and yet she knew she better prepare herself to handle it.


Meanwhile Olivia was waiting the final check and discharge papers to becoming anytime now and she was inching to get of this hospital room, and head home. Not that she wanted to make any decisions or anything, because she hated knowing her life was full of them, but she knew she did not need this place. Because it was a wakeup call. She was full of stress, and yet she knew she better think of something otherwise they would keep her as a patient, but she was already tired of it, and it was only one night. So, she wanted to get home, and back to her life. Despite not wanting to make any decisions.

But she knew she had to.

“Are you kidding me?” Olivia asked of her best friend Amelia who had stopped in on the way to school as she had taken the long route to the school building. She did not care if she made it to first class on time. She rather wanted to spend it with Olivia. “They did?”

“Mom was looking wrecked this morning when she left to head over to your mothers” Amelia laughed as she handed her friend a biscuit that she had gotten on the way because she knew Olivia hated the food. “And Dad wasn’t much better except he wasn’t near any alcohol according to Alex. Whose mood was also dark…”

“Oh god,” Olivia muttered. “What about?”

“Alex is tight lipped, but I know they met up somehow, and did something, but he was out of the house even before Mom and Dad” Amelia conceded. “He wasn’t exactly in a mood to talk”

“Because of me?” Olivia asked as she thought of their relationship that had recently went on a timeout. “I asked for some time…”

“Which you deserve, and he does too…” Amelia nodded Neither of you need this. “I don’t envy either of you although it’s you with most of the burden due to the nature of things.”

“Mom’s been a saint about this,” Olivia allowed as she thought of her mother.

“She loves you,” Amelia nodded.

“I know she wants to yell at me, but she doesn’t” Olivia muttered. “Some how I think I want her to get mad, and then maybe I wouldn’t feel so guilty…” she sighed. “And some of this stress will lessen itself because I know screwed everything up.”

“It can’t be easy,” Amelia conceded. “But you shouldn’t take it all on yourself. My brother is just as responsible but because of how the cards are dealt, you’re the one who has the shoulder the burden, and deal with it and he can just go off…”

“I want him to go off” Olivia muttered. “It’s not like I want to be dealing with what it means for us. And yet I do,” she sighed. “Then I look at my parents and they are the textbook example of having something good go bad” she sighed. “I don’t want that to be us, and that is why I need time.”

“You’re not them,” Amelia sighed. “I am not my parents. We have our own destiny, apart from them, and just because they got a raw deal doesn’t mean you have to follow their footsteps when they obviously want something different for you…”

“You’re are too wise you know that” Olivia sighed.

“I know it,” Amelia laughed as there was a knock on the door.

“I don’t want to see anyone,” Olivia sighed. “Tell them to go away…” she pleaded with her friend but before she could just command it when she was in the hospital and it cold be liable to be anyone.

“Only you wish,” Amelia laughed as the door opened and both were surprised to see Phillip Evans come into the room. “Grandpa,” came a surprised Olivia as she saw her grandfather walk into the room.

“Girls,” Phillip murmured as he was comforted at the sight of his granddaughter sitting with her legs crossed on the bed like she was at home, and not in the hospital. “Your grandmother and I got a call from your mother last night, and she informed us you were here…”

“Yeah,” Olivia muttered. “I am, but I am getting out at any minute now,” she smiled as she tried to express confidence with her grandfather. “If you’re worried, then don’t be because it was just a little stress…”

Amelia’s eyebrows went up at the comment of little. “I am fine” she said as she pleaded with her friend to stay quiet, which she did. Phillip could sense an undercurrent in the room, but he was not on the scent yet, because all he cared about was his granddaughter’s health. He and his wife had been grateful that Liz had allowed them to be part of their granddaughter’s life, despite giving Olivia the Parker name but they knew it was more out of safety than anything else.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Phillip asked.

“Honest Grandpa, you don’t have to worry about me” Olivia tried. “I am not that important in the large scheme of things…”

“You’re very important Olivia,” Phillip murmured as he was reminded that this was the last memory he had of his son, and that is what made Olivia special to both he and his wife, and they were always grateful to be included in her life. “You will never know how important…”

“I know you miss Dad…” Olivia asked. “I remind you of him…”


“Are you kidding me?” Isabel was murmuring in her office. She had gotten in much too early for someone who had a hangover when she shouldn’t have been drinking given it was folklore that none of the original generation of aliens should be drinking because alcohol tended to have unique side effects. Both Max and Michael had different sides of the drunken experience. Liz despite her human status have yet another one during her time in boarding school. While Isabel had been different. She had always been the model daughter for the most part

She rarely drunk unless it was the anniversary of when they had lost her brother, or on his birthday. But the night before was rare for her, because it was unlike her to drink up a storm on a regular night. But then Liz and Maria were no better, and it didn’t matter that her husband was there with them, as they all drank a little too much but she and Kyle had responded better to it and therefore slightly more human this morning and she had headed off to work as scheduled because they had plans.

Still though she was feeling it but was more human. Now Michael was in her office giving her a report of what he and his son had found the night before “You don’t think Kal sent those things Zack?” she asked as she checked her clock, counting the hours before she could clock out. She did not know if she expected her mysterious long-lost nephew or not or if Zack would hide out and stay away from them?

Michael could be gruff she knew but still everyone was different. “Did we not hear that Kal is dead?”

“Right,” Michael gruffly admitted. “Zack would have been too young for Kal to reach out, and why would he reach out and implicate himself…”

“We don’t know what it implicates him Michael,” Isabel sighed. “Being in this town seventeen years ago does not change for any of us.”

“But it puts him here, at the time of everything” Michael reasoned. “The same time Tess came back to town, and then the army base blew up.”

“Which means?” Isabel asked. “We can’t blame a dead woman. When we have my brother’s confession. They do not want it to be someone dead who they cannot blame. They want someone to hold responsible. They have that in my brother…”

“We can blame a dead woman with proof,” Michael reasoned. “Still, I grant you that they aren’t going to believe it when they have Max’s confession unless we show that there is no way Max could have been near the army base at the time” he sighed “Liz drove Tess…” he murmured. “She saw the explosion, mere minutes after Tess left her car...”

“They aren’t going to believe her,” Isabel sighed “We both know that they are going to say she’s trying to get Max off” she sighed. They will not want anything coming up reflects poorly on how they judged the cases back in the day.

“Kal hated Max there at the end…” Michael sighed as they both remembered that time, and while Max had largely dealt with it alone, still it had reflected on all of them in the end.

“Still though it’s a reach to think that he would go that far. He was supposed to be watching out for us, and not putting us in compromising positions” Isabel muttered and knew she deserved Michael’s laugh of derision because she felt it too, but still she needed to stay it and pray that it wasn’t true because she didn’t want to believe it couldn’t be.

“Since when did he ever look out for us?” Michael muttered. “I mean you and I never even met the man, and it took Max going on a cause completely unrelated for them to meet. Kal was perfectly fine staying in his little bubble in Hollywood. When this future version of Max came and changed all our destinies and Kal did not do anything to protect us. Heck Max admitted that Kal did not seem to know about him and Tess” Some protector we have there Michael muttered. “Nascedo might have been a homicidal manic, but at least one could say he had some kind of vested interest in us, but Kal, no way, so, it stands to reason he might be up for some revenge if Max got in his way, and prevented him from enjoying the life he’s built since the crash…”

“He had a vested interest certainly” Isabel allowed. “But one that went along with his agenda, and to that end, he used us, and Tess and Max to put together chess pieces that allowed him to go back to Antar.”

Which never happened Michael reflected. Only Tess went back “Which tells me neither of them really was looking out for us,” Michael muttered. “At the end of the day. We were alone on this land, and no wonder we messed up. When you look at the situation that way, it is certainly very possible he would have it out for Max after what your brother did to him in Los Angeles in his quest for the spaceship.”

“He had to have understood that Max wanted the spaceship to go searching for his son,” Isabel muttered.

“Kal was forced to make sacrifices for a failed endeavor,” Michael allowed. The spaceship was a lemon, and they certainly failed “That would certainly piss me off if I was in his shoes”

“Good point,” Isabel sighed as she knew how down in the dumps her brother was when he came back from California, and his relationship also at the time was on tender hooks, and Liz almost became fed up, and it led some bumpy times for both her brother and Liz. “He wanted to find his son.”

“He wanted to find me?” came a voice as they looked up and saw Zack at the doorway, quite obviously overhearing their discussion. “Your secretary had I think stepped out, and so I came back…”

“Get in here,” Isabel muttered to the boy. “And close the door will you because you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping because my secretary doesn’t know my secret alter ego,” she sighed as Zack walked into the office, and closed the door.


“You’re actually very much like your mother,” Phillip sighed as he glanced at his granddaughter as she sensed great tension between the girls. Taking comfort in that she was very much like his son but a great deal like the love of his son’s life. He only wished his son could have had some role in Olivia’s life.

“Everyone tells me I am more like Dad?” Olivia muttered.

“You have the best parts of both of them,” Phillip allowed because he missed his son and did not think that life made sense most days, and somehow, he and Diane managed to make it through the days because of their granddaughter in Olivia and Isabel’s kids. The guilt he felt for that investigation into his own son, that led to the legal system accumulating a lot of evidence against his son, and ultimately it lost him their son.

If only he had not convinced Diane to put a camera in Isabel’s room. And even though they had been able to talk themselves out of the suspicions in the public. Still the rumors existed, and still pop up every once awhile, but with Max gone, it never held much weight.

Still it weighed on his conscious. If only his children had confided in him and his wife. Still it did not feel good to live with the fact his son was prison because the prosecution had a lot of incriminating evidence on their side because he collected a large percentage of it.

Although Max’s confession did not help matters but he knew why his son had to do what he did. Once they were brought into the secret. It became clear how saving his sister, Michael and especially his wife would have been paramount. Liz was human, but he knew she had special abilities that would have made her too much of a tempting target for the government.

Thankfully, they had never found the baby. Because his son had acted before they did. Yet it did not make it easy to know his son had confessed and was taken away from them because of actions he had begun. So, while he and Diane were surprised their son chose adoption. They came to realize given the weight of his son’s secret life, that it was the right choice, and they knew it was the right one, for all parties. Unfortunately, their son would be forced to miss out yet another child due to circumstances just months later “You shouldn’t worry about that”

“She went to see him?” Amelia said softly, and Phillip looked at his granddaughter with surprise.

“You did?” Phillip murmured.

“Yeah,” Olivia allowed and while she didn’t want to talk it over with her grandfather for obvious reasons still talking about her father was a great deal better than dealing with the other factor in her life, her pregnancy. “I did…”

“How,” Phillip stammered. “I thought your mother didn’t want it.”

“I didn’t ask her first,” Olivia muttered. “I didn’t get anyone’s permission because I knew what everyone’s opinion would be on the matter” she sighed. “I almost wish I had because then you people would have warned me.”

“What are you talking about?” Phillip asked but when Olivia would not say the words he glanced over to Amelia. “What does she mean?”

“She found out the warts surrounding her father’s arrest,” Amelia allowed. “So, naturally it has thrown her for a loop.”

“Oh my god,” Phillip murmured. “Who told you?” he asked I know your mother would not have told you?

“Not any of you,” Olivia muttered. “You guys glossed up my parent’s love story, and you failed to let me in on some the finer details” she sighed. “Why couldn’t you or Grandma have told me the real truth since you guys were the only ones who ever really talked about him…”

“We didn’t want you to have that kind of picture of your father,” Phillip allowed because he knew he and Diane had been stunned to find out about Vermont as he remembered. “None of us did, and that is why we tried to give the more positive aspects to that time.”

“But shouldn’t I have known?” Olivia asked.

“You should have known, and you were going to find out. But your mother didn’t want you to think badly of your father.”

“He was already in prison,” Olivia murmured “That was already a dicey picture to have in my mind growing up,” she muttered because she remembered back to when she had been told by her mother that she hadn’t been unwanted. She did have a father. They had been married and separated due to circumstance. And that circumstance had because he was in prison. She hadn’t known what that meant until she was old enough to really get it, and she was aghast to really get the implications, despite her mother telling her that he had confessed, but had been innocent. She had grabbed onto it, and unfortunately, she had not known that there was more to the store. A lot more

“Your father loved your mother, and while I do admit those months before your father was arrested was a whirlwind with a lot of confusion for all of us. What mattered at the end of the day was your father would have done anything for your mother, and they loved each other” Phillip muttered. “We never doubted that…”

“How could he have loved her and done that?” Olivia muttered.

“I wasn’t there, and was only told what happened later on, but those years were a ball of confusion for your parents, and I can’t imagine for any of them having to make it through those years, one day at a time, worried what the next day might bring.”

“Dad and Aunt Isabel never told you and Grandma, right, not until the end?”

Phillip nodded.

“Did you believe it?” Amelia asked.

“It was hard not to,” Phillip allowed. “With the federal government on our doorstep. So much made sense when we were told the truth about what kind your father and aunt are Olivia, and the same with your father Amelia. If we wanted to deny it, it was awfully hard not once we had video proof” he cursed of the video that had started the nightmare for his children, and especially his son. “If only…”

“What do you mean?” Olivia asked. “If only what?”

“I am not exactly proud of that time,” Phillip sighed as he was forced to constantly reflect on his actions that took place during his son’s senior year of high school “So much might have been different if we had known earlier than we did”

“What do you mean?” Amelia wondered.

“You might as well tell them,” came a voice and they all turned around and saw that his wife Diane had walked into the room and had been standing behind them and listening the whole time. Sighing Phillip knew that it was a situation that was hard to live down, and did not want their granddaughter, and their only link to their son to hate them.

“Grandma,” Olivia protested as she hated knowing that both of her grandparents had taken time to come down to see her when she was close to be discharged. “You guys really could have waited, because I am due to be released anytime now, so this visit has been meaningless…”

“Nothing is meaningless when it involves family,” Diane said as she came in and saw Amelia and she smiled. “We wanted to check up on you,” she sighed as she focused on her granddaughter. “Are you sure you’re okay sweetheart?”

“Super,” Olivia lied.

“What do you mean by video proof” Amelia asked now fully into the drama and story. She was fascinated even though it hadn’t touched on her parents yet, but of course she had a perfectly intact family, and two parents who loved each other, and were sickening perfect most days together, and she wasn’t like Olivia who had fate separate her parents.

“I rather you not know,” Phillip allowed. “You shouldn’t be taking on this burden.”

“You can try to shield it from me all you want, but it is my burden. Because none of you told me any of this before now” Olivia sighed. “What’s going on?” she sighed as she craved answers. “If Dad and Aunt Isabel were so good at hiding their identities, how did you find out anyways?” she wondered. “I mean I can’t see Dad telling you unless circumstances changed like it did with Mom?” Olivia asked. “Kyle was shot which brought him and his father in, but what about you…”

“Uncle Kyle was shot, Whoa!” Amelia asked as Olivia nodded.

“Your parents know about that time more than we do,” Phillip allowed as it hadn’t been easy to hear about those time when Jeff Parker had received his daughter’s diary, and all the parents had gathered and found some very troubling things about those three years in children’s high school careers. It had changed everything for them as it made them question everything, and then to have to all be destroyed just days later when Max sacrificed himself. “Unfortunately, we started to get suspicious, and we undertook some actions that led to a lot of trouble…”

“What do you mean?” Olivia asked.

“Unfortunately, we provided the ammunition to allow for your father to be arrested,” Phillip muttered to the wide eyes of both girls. “It let the government to a lot of evidence against your father, and I will forever be guilty about that…” he sighed. “It’s something your grandmother will also never forgive me for, despite her sticking it out because your father probably still would have confessed because he believed he was saving everyone, but they might not have found out about Vermont”

“What did you do?” Olivia asked as she asked in fear.


While Phillip and Diane were grappling with how to wiggle out so that their granddaughter would not know they spied on their daughter and put a camera in her room. Along with other actions that Phillip put in place in a way to get more information, and only to see it spin out of control to a point where they lost their son from their lives. Maria was dragging a very tired Liz to the Crashdown for breakfast before they headed to the hospital. She had someone taking the store this morning, and Liz had someone handling her practice.

Neither were prepared for work. As they still felt hungover, and Jeff Parker could see that his daughter and her best friend were not in the greatest of conditions when he spotted them coming through the doors. “Oh god,” Liz said. “I am not prepared for this…”

“You need food, and so do I” Maria laughed even though the laughter brought on a headache. “Before you head to the hospital, you need this…”

“Dad is going to have questions” Liz muttered.

“Any good parent would,” Maria conceded. “So, find a booth and I will go speak to him so you can delay that bit of reality” she sighed as she watched Liz find the last empty booth, and sit down and she walked over to the counter. “Morning Jeff.”

“What’s going on?” Jeff asked. “Why does my daughter look so beat down?”

“She just didn’t sleep well,” Maria conceded Drinking so much to the point of vomiting does that to a person she allowed to herself. “We partied a bit too much last night.”

“Liz went drinking?” Jeff asked. “That is not like my daughter. Isn’t Olivia in the hospital?” he asked. “Nancy just left to head over to check on our granddaughter.”

“Olivia is fine,” Maria promised. “She just allowed herself to get a little stressed out, and she needed some time to relax.”

“Does my daughter need that time to relax?” Jeff asked as they glanced over at Liz who was staring into space. “What’s going on Maria. Why do I think this is more than just anything work related or with Olivia’s latest health concern?”

“Oh, it’s a lot more,” Maria conceded.

“How much more?” Jeff asked.

“A lot” Maria conceded. “She’ll come through it at the end of the day, but it’s a head spinner for sure, and she just needs time to let that sink in, which is why the drinks were needed, but both of us took it to the extreme, but we’ll be fine, if only because of your fantastic hangover breakfast” she laughed. “You always have the best cure for too much…” she sighed as she did not mention her own cure which helped make them both presentable for the public at large.

“I don’t like knowing that” Jeff sighed.

“You do now,” Maria sighed. “I promise Jeff, your daughter and granddaughter will be fine at the end of the day?”

“Why do I sense they are a long way from that,” Jeff asked as he muttered as he did not like the looks of his daughter and knowing his granddaughter had landed in the hospital. “Does this have anything to do with Max?”

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 19 - 12/12/2020

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:43 pm
by totallizfan
A lot going on. Thanks for the update.

The Story of My Life - Chapter 20 - 12/14/2020

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2020 10:08 am
by Parker1947
It has everything to do with Max Maria conceded to herself but didn’t say it to Jeff because it didn’t help the matter because nothing changed where Max was currently, and they had a long path to sanity or for any of it to make sense. “Why do you say that?” Maria murmured as she placed her order to Jeff for both her and Liz. “You can add plenty of fatty bacon and greasy hash browns with the pancakes on mine,” she laughed.

“I don’t know. Isabel was here the other day looking like she’s seen a ghost, and your husband wasn’t that much better at telling me what is going on than how you’re dodging me right now,” Jeff asked. “Now Olivia’s in a hospital?”

“Which is a very different and unrelated action in all this,” Maria allowed Not much of an unrelated part of this she allowed to herself. Because Olivia very much was acting because she had not experienced life with her father, not that she did not think that Liz was a fantastic mother because she was. But too much of mother and daughter was affected by the ability to not have Max in their lives. “Olivia is headed home very shortly…” Maria promised. “You can ask Liz if you don’t believe me, but Olivia will be fine.”

“But what about my daughter?” Jeff asked.

“She’s another story, but she’ll be okay in the end” Maria promised. “You can ask her if you don’t believe me.”

“Which is what I’ll do,” Jeff sighed.

“I figured,” Maria allowed as she picked up his ringing cellphone. “What?” she said irritably, “Yes, I am at the Crashdown. Then go and find your sister and get to school” she asked. “I don’t care if you have electives this morning. You are both supposed to be at school. You will probably find her at the hospital with Olivia” she sighed. “Then call her, because I am not with her, if you’re too scared to go to the hospital” she muttered. “We’ll talk after school” she sighed as she hung up as she saw her stepbrother Kyle getting up from a table.

“What are you doing here. I thought you would be on the road by now…” Maria laughed.

“I am picking up the kids at Amy’s in a little while, and then passing by and picking up the wife. Isabel had to be at the office this morning” Kyle sighed. “I am still amazed she wants to go to the concert with everything. I could have taken the kids myself…”

“It’s a diversion,” Maria smiled. “Those types of things are a wonderful invention,” she allowed. “Although I would have sent Michael to the concert if it were me. Not my type of music.”

“Me either,” Kyle sighed. “But Maxine loves it…”

“Still Max is going to be where he is on Monday, so take the weekend and be a family, because not everyone has that ability” she sighed as she glanced over and saw their friend in a stare down with her own father.

“How is she?” Kyle murmured.

“Looking like death this morning,” Maria confirmed. “I wasn’t much better but at least I have a warm body next to me last night. It’s just Liz…”

“Can I ask, why is this all being dredged up again?” Kyle asked. “It’s not like Max can come home at the end of this thing?”

“The kids are old enough to ask questions and to look at us with judgment over what we did before they were born” Maria muttered as she didn’t like knowing that they had to look into their collection of kid’s eyes and see their judgment over what they had done to get through the days, and to stay alive, long enough for them to be born. A new decade was in the offering, and they were all getting older and having to come to terms with their past.

“Which is why I have a decade before I get that point,” Kyle sighed.

“Something tells me those two will be on your case before you know it, so take the weekend and be glad you have someone at home” Maria sighed. “And that you and Isabel can relish this time because you’re incredibly lucky.”

Kyle nodded.


“Dad, I am fine. I just couldn’t sleep” Liz was saying to be able to placate her concerned father. Jeff had walked over and was even more concerned than he had been in the beginning when he got a glance at his daughter. “Honey, you’re not, so what is going on?” he asked as Liz wanted to curse and duck and go home and crawl into bed and forget her troubles.

But she could not because she had to get over to the hospital and take her daughter home. She did not want to be a concern to her own father. But she was, and she hated it. With Olivia she knew what her parents went through with her, and she prayed that her own daughter did not do even a small fraction of what she had done at her age.

But then Olivia had already done enough, hadn’t she?

“Please don’t tell me the past is stirred up again?” Jeff asked and he did not even know half of it. “You barely made it through the last time?”

“And some of us didn’t,” Liz muttered as she was forced into the darkest recesses of her mind as memories started to flicker, and they memories she would rather that she forgot, and not remember.

“Is this about Max?” Jeff asked as his concern got deeper. “If it is, please honey…”

“Please honey, what?” Liz asked. “And Max wasn’t the only one I am thinking of, because he was not the only collateral damage in our drama we had going when I was a teenager?”

“Alex, oh, I am sorry” Jeff said chastened as he never wanted his daughter to have to remember that time as it had been hell to read in her diary about what had ultimately gone down with Alex, and how he died. Something the hadn’t told the Whitman family so to keep them with the piece of mind that it was an accident which had the official ruling, even if that had never been fully helpful either, but it wouldn’t have helped to know it was murder and there was no chance the murderer could be brought to justice.

“It wasn’t only you Dad, it’s just Olivia is now sixteen and I am seeing that the age is pure hell,” Liz muttered. “And I am only a month into it, and I am not sure I can make it much longer…” she sighed. “How did you guys make it through?”

“I am amazed we did,” Jeff sighed of the countless times where they almost lost their daughter. “We almost lost you there a few more time than we wanted to have counted.”

“And I am sorry about that,” Liz murmured. Although I will never be sorry for loving Max, or taking the chance with him… “I wish so much of that time could be different.”

“Me too,” Jeff said. “But you have experienced it, so you know what to be on the lookout for with your own daughter…”

“I am afraid, having experienced what I did is no refuge for being a mother of a teenager daughter” Liz allowed. “Olivia makes her own choices…” she sighed. “And they come with their own set of challenges.”

“You will find a way,” Jeff promised.

Liz nodded as Maria came with the plates for their table. “You don’t work here,” Jeff laughed as he spotted his daughter’s friend acting like she still worked as one of his waitresses. “I am not paying for this service, am I?”

“Old habits are hard to break on many fronts,” Maria muttered off hand as she laid the tables on the table. She did sometimes miss working the Crashdown. Dealing with the customers and the wondering hands made her hardened for working in the shop, but fortunately her clientele at Glitter was mostly female, but there was occasional male interest. “So, what did I miss?”

“Nothing, just hungry” Liz muttered. “Thanks, Dad, for the pep talk.”

“Tell that daughter of yours to come here sometime, and we can talk…” Jeff sighed. “If she needs any prospective than she should come to her grandmother and me as we were there once.”

“Oh, I know” Liz sighed. “I’ll tell Olivia”

“Do that,” Jeff sighed as he walked away as Maria sat down and the two women just didn’t speak unsure what to say or what to speak of, and after both spent time concentrated on their plates, finally Maria decided to break the ice…

“You want to know something funny if it wasn’t also damn near irritating at the same time,” Maria thought “That son of mine is afraid to see Olivia,” Maria sighed as she took some of the hash browns and ate them. “He’s a winner that one is…”

“It’s no wonder, they are so weak” Liz laughed. “What is it with that whole gender…”

“Too bad they look so good without their shirts on,” Maria sighed. “Otherwise they would be of no use at all” she laughed and it got a smile out of her best friend as they both dug into their breakfasts attempts to get over their hangovers as Liz couldn’t help but laugh but flashes of Max without his shirt on came popping into her mind, and she knew she was in trouble.

A hangover was not helping her forget the love of her life…


“I can’t believe you spied on Dad and Aunt Isabel?” Olivia uttered as she couldn’t comprehend that her grandparents were those types of people as Amelia had rushed off to school when Alex called and basically blackmailed her to get her to go to school otherwise she would have rather stay and hear the engrossing tale, but instead now Olivia sat on her bed, and as she glanced at both of her grandparents. “Didn’t you trust them at all?”

“We trusted them,” Phillip allowed But I guess we did not “But as time went on, it was obvious they were keeping something from us, and we were watching your father slowly change, and do things once thought to be the last thing we would have seen him do, and it confused us, and it forced us to take actions now we wish we could have avoided, or done in different ways.”

“How was Dad different?” Olivia muttered as she was clearly grasping for any information denied to her about her father. Sixteen years of being without a father had clearly left her needing to know more and she could only pray that whatever she was to find her out that it would make her see her father in different ways, and in ways that didn’t hurt her heart.

“It isn’t for us to tell you. It’s on your mother” Diane said as she glared at her husband and Olivia immediately there was tension bubbling under the surface. What’s happening there she mused to herself as she always saw her both sets of grandparents to have great and strong marriages, and especially her Grandparent Parkers because of the pain that had been served to them with the absence of their son There is something there she asked herself.

“Obviously, she’s not telling me, so maybe you should” Olivia sighed. “I need to know. Dad has been a ghost my entire life. Because of circumstances and therefore I cannot help but seek out a better picture on the man. Knowing who he was, and what he did, might make me understand why he did the things he did because I can’t understand the man that Mom loves so much that she could do any of what she has told me, and you obviously think Dad changed?”

“We want you to think of your father as good and kind man who did love your mother and was kind and compassionate” Diane sighed. “We don’t want to ruin that…”

“Grandma, the man I know is a confessed and convicted mass killer, and someone who is convicted of hurting Mom” Olivia sighed. “There is nothing you can tell me that could be any worse that that image burning through my mind because it doesn’t matter how many times Mom tells me that wasn’t the man who is my father or you guys tell me this, because obviously it’s the picture that has been drummed into me because of that footage, and even in the kindness of the media stories written about what happened.”

“Your father is not like what the media says,” Diane said adamantly.

“Then tell me something about the man,” Olivia asked. “Mom tells me her version, and that is peppered by how she feels. The media tells me their version, and I need to know what kind of man my father was…”

“He was kind, and compassionate” Phillip sighed. “That is all you should believe him to be. Because at the end of the day he did what was best more people other than himself because if he was acting selfishly, than he would have taken your mother and run off, but he didn’t, and he ended up saving countless lives.”

“When he’s in prison, it’s kind of hard to have that kind of impression of the man” Olivia muttered as her grandparents felt sorry, she has not been able to know the man in any other way. “Which is why I wanted to see him.”

“We’re happy you were able to,” Diane said sadly as she wished she was able to but then on the other hand she didn’t know if she wanted to see her son in there, and wanted to be in that kind of denial that her son could be anywhere other than where he was. “We wish you hadn’t been told what you were told.”

“I was going to find out” Olivia muttered.

“Which is a shame,” Diane sighed. “We don’t want you to have that image…”

“Well I do,” Olivia sighed. “I know everyone is complicated. We all have our moods, and our different faces but he’s someone I don’t know, and I need to know it all, so I know what I am facing.”


“None of this makes sense,” Zack muttered as he stood in his aunt’s office as the minutes ticked down until Isabel was absolutely going to call an end to the meeting because she had to get going on her weekend getaway with her family. “You people are crazy.”

“We’re that, but you’re one of us” Isabel muttered as she knew for Liz’s sake that it would be easier if they had not had to deal with Max’s firstborn. A boy who wants now back in town, and very much the picture of his parents. As they spent more time with him. It was obvious to Isabel that he was very much like Max, and not in the least like Tess despite the blonde hair. “So, you will be caught up in the craziness soon enough.”

“Why would someone send me the information, if it involved your guys?” Zack asked for it seemed like the millionth time.

“I’ve got no idea,” Michael muttered. “It’s not like any of this helps us because we still don’t have proof”

“Any clue as to where does the key fit?” Isabel asked as she picked up the key and wondered what they would find when they did find where was the home for this thing. “Time is ticking down Michael” she sighed. “I need answers.”

“I know,” Michael sighed as he checked the clock and knew his friend wanted to get going “Unfortunately this does not change Max’s situation. Whether it is today, tomorrow, or Monday. So, Zack and I might as well get going because you do have to get going. We can talk on Monday when you are home.”

“Monday, I am going to be at the prison meeting with my brother” Isabel sighed. “I have to get the papers signed to make it official and battle with some officials along the way, so I give my brother the one thing he has asked for,” she muttered.

“Liz” both Michael and Isabel were thinking together, as Zack only shook his head because none of this was making sense for the boy. He did not know what to think when it was obvious to him that for Michael and Isabel, this was old hat, and not at all that unusual.

“You’re seeing him?” Zack asked as he broke through his inner debate with himself and glanced at the woman who was by birth, his aunt. “Can I go too?”

“No,” Isabel muttered as she shook her head. “I have to go because I am now his lawyer. It is business for me. Otherwise, I probably would not be going,” she lied because nothing would stop her from visiting her brother, especially now that he had opened a door slightly, and was welcoming her. “A prison is the last place for you…”

“Why?” Zack asked as he muttered. “Is it any different for you. You might be his lawyer, but you’re family”

“Because you don’t need that image,” Isabel muttered “Neither does Olivia as she has already has too much on her plate, and she is suffering because of what she knows of her father and probably a bit of actually seeing the man, so yeah, you don’t need it” she muttered as she put her file based on the revelations into her desk, and used her powers to closed her desk drawer, forgetting that they had a beginner in their eye sight.

Seeing the green glow, Zack’s eyes could not help but go wide. Michael knew this was not going to be good. “Oh my god”

“Yes,” Isabel said simply because as much as she knew what she had done as she had done it still Maria’s revelation had rocked what she had previously known of her nephew.

“What are you people?” Zack asked once again blown away by this insight, first with Olivia, and now with Isabel, as Isabel and Michael looked at each other grimly.

“The same thing as you are…” Isabel sighed. “So, all I have to say is, welcome to the family…” she said as she locked her cabinet with an alien enforced lock, that her secretary wouldn’t be able to open as she saw the concern on her brother’s face. “It’s no use Michael, given that he’s one of us… Trying to keep it from him is hopeless at this point. So, he has to know” she sighed. “Your wife and daughter saw enough proof…” she muttered because she did not like that so much of this was now changing. Life had been static for so long, and now everything was different and capable of so much. “So, there is no point lying anymore, is there?””

Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 12/14/2020

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:13 am
by keepsmiling7
Maria came to check on Liz.......she knew she was needed....
Phillip is still feeling guilty. Guess he always will.
Glad he told the truth to Olivia.
I agree......there is no point to lie anymore!