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Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:51 pm
by Earth2Mama
I guess I'm alone once again in my extreme dislike of Lux. I don't feel sorry for her, she's an opportunistic, immature bitch! Selfish? Hell yes! Self destructive? Again ... Hell yes! :x

Well, at least she has that in common with Cate. :roll:

According to next week's clip, it looks like she was beaten repeatedly by her foster mom's husband/boyfriend - thus explaining her learning disability - and I can still find no sympathy or understanding for her attitude towards others. To put Tasha in that situation? For the sake of 'never having felt that way before in her entire life'? Of course you haven't you nit wit!

You're only friggin' 16 yrs old!!!

Do you even know how many more times you are going to fall in lust with some hot looking dude before you actually find the one? And every single one you do find is going to make your panties squeeze that much tighter, but sheesh! :oops: To get your friend to lie and take the blame for you? Reprehensible! What kind of person, let alone friend, does that make you? She ... sickens me. Her and Cate are in need of some serious therapy. :twisted:

I was utterly disgusted by last night's episode. It's no wonder why the show isn't getting more than 13 episodes and is in serious danger of being canceled. With the subject matter that the show's writers are tackling - in a society where you hear every few months that a teacher has slept with a student? Who the hell is going to wanna watch it on TV for entertainment? Ugh ... not me!

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:56 pm
by twilight
So I'm watching tonight's episode right now and I don't think I'm going to even finish watching it. It cannot get any worse than it already is. I tried to stay positive about it since I was really hoping Shiri would have a great show but its just not gonna happen. Lux is one screwed up kid and I really don't like her the only reason I've stayed so far is because of maybe a Cate and Baze reuniting but even that's not worth watching anymore with all that happens with Lux.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:03 pm
by Earth2Mama
I'm with you Twilight. I did watch the entire mess ... yes, I said MESS!

This show deserves to be canceled - sorry Shiri, you were great but the stuff they gave you to work with ... not so much.

And I just saw the preview for next week - Cate's pregnant? Really? REALLY? Fix a marriage that should have NEVER taken placed ... by having Cate be pregnant? Oy vey ... I'm done. I just can't bare to watch it anymore. :roll:

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:21 am
by Roswellian117
Although it seemed like a mess it really wasn't... I learned some interesting things... 1: Abuse is horrible and affects people horribly... Lux is 16!! She's messed up in the head... possibly having PTSD.
2: Tasha is absolutely like the best friend ever... 3: That man totally hit Lux I mean how can you NOT feel bad!! This stuff happens in foster care and for those of you who have NEVER been through anything like that have no right to try to figure Lux out or to even judge her! That's like judging kids actually living like her and dealing with those problems on top of the many other problems facing youth today... We have no right to judge and reading all this judging just disgusts me! Especially since I know exactly what Lux is going through... It saddens me that we live in a society that judges people because they have problems mentally or their living situations.

Cate is the parent and she is only trying to help Lux but Lux is a teenage girl who on top of what she is already going through has PSYCHOLOGICAL problems! She needs help... she needs to see a shrink, go through intense therapy, medication if need be... The problems she has if kept repressed could cause her to kill herself. Cate and Baze and Ryan need to band together and get her the mental help she needs and guess what it'll take YEARS for her to overcome all these problems.

She's selfish and blah blah blah... Not to be rude! BUT YES SHE IS!!! Alot of people with mental disorders act just like she does! The writers of this show are being true to a CHILD in that situation. I will not get into my personal life but I see Lux as who I was before intensive therapy and I see her in my cousin's who are adopted and who for a VERY long time still lied and didn't feel safe and who are also in therapy and 1 is the same age as Lux and looks like her too... It's just very disheartening when people can't take into account that it is a first class case of PSYCHOLOGICAL problems...

Please people be more understanding...

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:50 am
by Earth2Mama
Roswellian117 wrote:Although it seemed like a mess it really wasn't... I learned some interesting things... 1: Abuse is horrible and affects people horribly... Lux is 16!! She's messed up in the head... possibly having PTSD.
Seriously? So, you are saying that she can't distinguish between right and wrong because of PTSD? All because she's 16? :?:
2: Tasha is absolutely like the best friend ever...
I agree and disagree with that statement.

I agree that she is a good friend - she's stuck by her throughout all the sh*t that Lux has done - and she's done plenty! - but at a certain point you've got to call your best bud on it ... for their own good. Even if it means you hurt their feelings and risk loosing their friendship. By Tasha allowing Lux to get away with stuff, she's becoming an enabler. And in the end, no matter how you spin it - for Lux, she'll always go to Tasha with her latest crisis because she'll be able to walk all over her and get her way - all in the name of friendship. And that's not doing either one of them any good, nor does it value the true meaning of friendship. So, there ... I disagree.
3: That man totally hit Lux I mean how can you NOT feel bad!! This stuff happens in foster care and for those of you who have NEVER been through anything like that have no right to try to figure Lux out or to even judge her! That's like judging kids actually living like her and dealing with those problems on top of the many other problems facing youth today... We have no right to judge and reading all this judging just disgusts me! Especially since I know exactly what Lux is going through... It saddens me that we live in a society that judges people because they have problems mentally or their living situations.
Believe me, I know what goes on in the foster care system - even though I haven't been in one. Sometime though throughout my childhood - I wish I had. My home life with my biological parents wasn't the best as I suffered abuse at their hands and at the hand of one of their spouses. So believe me, I get where Lux is coming from. Still, I don't excuse her bad decisions and behavior.
Cate is the parent and she is only trying to help Lux but Lux is a teenage girl who on top of what she is already going through has PSYCHOLOGICAL problems! She needs help... she needs to see a shrink, go through intense therapy, medication if need be... The problems she has if kept repressed could cause her to kill herself. Cate and Baze and Ryan need to band together and get her the mental help she needs and guess what it'll take YEARS for her to overcome all these problems.
O.k. Cate and Baze are still new parents - it's like they've been handed a nearly grown newborn, so they are still learning the ropes. However, even with that being said ... as a woman coming from a messed up background like Cate did - and being thrust into this new role as overnight Mama to a teenager whose not had the easiest life (as Lux has said this herself to Cate) - I WOULD HAVE PUT HER ASS IN THERAPY FROM DAY 1 OF HAVING HAD HER BACK IN MY LIFE. Going from the foster care system to overnight extended family is daunting for anyone, let alone for a teenager like Lux to deal with, especially on top of the abandonment issues, the physical abuse she's suffered, the trauma of her many surgeries at a such a young age, the emotional issues she has towards Cate and Base, and her self-destructive behavior.

What really has shocked or rather surprised me is that the social worker didn't suggest it in the first place from day one of Baze and Cate having her back. Mandatory counseling for all those involved (Lux, Cate and Baze) should be a condition and we the audience should be seeing these sessions as well - I saw one and then no more. Serious error there writers and producers!
She's selfish and blah blah blah... Not to be rude! BUT YES SHE IS!!! Alot of people with mental disorders act just like she does! The writers of this show are being true to a CHILD in that situation. I will not get into my personal life but I see Lux as who I was before intensive therapy and I see her in my cousin's who are adopted and who for a VERY long time still lied and didn't feel safe and who are also in therapy and 1 is the same age as Lux and looks like her too... It's just very disheartening when people can't take into account that it is a first class case of PSYCHOLOGICAL problems...

Please people be more understanding...
Nope ... sorry. She has the opportunity to change her life now. She's in a much more stable environment with caring people and she still chooses to hide, lie and manipulate people for her own benefit. I'm sorry, but using your friend for her new apartment to hook up with your boyfriend/teacher? Having said best friend lie and hide it from your parents - all because the boyfriend/teacher could loose his job ... and Oh! I've never felt this way before? Come the on ... are you for real? Your 16 yrs old ... you are going to have that 'feeling' how many more times? Seriously? Uh no. Not going to excuse her as she obviously does know right from wrong but chooses to ignore it all for the sake of having/getting what she wants because she wants it - and feels entitled to have it.

So, yeah I get where Lux is coming from - but you know what - we've all got issues. It's how we choose to deal with them that makes and/or breaks us. And she's just setting herself and everyone around her up for a big fall - and it looks like it's coming next week (THANK GOD for the secret of her and that teacher looks like it will be revealed!). Cate and Baze will be horrified, hurt and angry at the deceitfulness, this teacher will in fact loose his job (and I seriously hope that charges are filed and Baze at least gets to punch his lights out - well him, Ryan or Math even would be nice :lol: ), and Lux will become more of a social outcast. End result - badness ensues.

Lux does need a good therapist for her countless and endless issues, but you know what - she also needs to take responsibility for her own actions as well. I'm tired of hearing people say she's so grown up or mature for having gone thru what she went thru. Puh-leze! :roll: Everyone on that show is blind, ignores and is all about themselves rather than see whats really going on with her. But, it does look like Cate may finally be the only one to have woken up to it - for like half a minute and then it became about putting her new family (Lux, Ryan, and Cate) back together again to 'fix it'. Oy vey! :x

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:40 am
by Roswellian117
Nope ... sorry. She has the opportunity to change her life now. She's in a much more stable environment with caring people and she still chooses to hide, lie and manipulate people for her own benefit. I'm sorry, but using your friend for her new apartment to hook up with your boyfriend/teacher? Having said best friend lie and hide it from your parents - all because the boyfriend/teacher could loose his job ... and Oh! I've never felt this way before? Come the on ... are you for real? Your 16 yrs old ... you are going to have that 'feeling' how many more times? Seriously? Uh no. Not going to excuse her as she obviously does know right from wrong but chooses to ignore it all for the sake of having/getting what she wants because she wants it - and feels entitled to have it.
Do you know how hard it is to just change your life in a snap after 16 years of dealing with crap? It's extremely difficult without therapy. People only change because they want to... Some people honestly can't and the more screwed up part of Lux is coming out. Cate and Baze are new parents so they think she's like perfectly healthy mentally but obviously she isn't.

As for distinuising right from wrong... there are lots of people out there that do stupid things... My brother has a problem with the whole right and wrong thing because he has PSYCHOLOGICAL problems.

Just because she is in a more stable enviornment doesn't mean she's going to be more stable herself. It is just really sad that they are probably going to throw her in some kind of a mental institutuion and you know maybe that's what she needs.

I'm not taking Lux's side just showing the opposite side of how you all feel. It was a bit extreme LOL so I was a little bit LOL extreme with the opposite side of it. I just think she needs some serious help and the first person Lux needs to be truthful with is herself.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:43 pm
by twilight
Earth2Mama wrote:I'm with you Twilight. I did watch the entire mess ... yes, I said MESS!

This show deserves to be canceled - sorry Shiri, you were great but the stuff they gave you to work with ... not so much.

And I just saw the preview for next week - Cate's pregnant? Really? REALLY? Fix a marriage that should have NEVER taken placed ... by having Cate be pregnant? Oy vey ... I'm done. I just can't bare to watch it anymore. :roll:
Cate's pregnant! Great the icing on this cake that it didn't need! I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt that is show is just not working. It really is sad because I think this show could have been really good unless they manage to make something in the remaining episodes but I don't think I can watch it.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:55 am
by SidneyAce
Roswellian117: I love your posts! They were great! Thanks for that.

I actually loved this episode. And I loved Lux in this episode. I love when they tell us more about her past and why she is the way she is. It's the most interesting part to me in the show. I really hope they continue doing that.

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:13 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
A New episode of LUX airs tonight @ 9pm EST, titled 'Thanks, Ungiven' :)

Re: Life UneXpected - 2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:43 pm
by Earth2Mama
Yeah ... these are the last of the episodes - thank goodness - I hear (just 4 til the end - or maybe they'll fix the mess they've made of the show?). So ... let's see what they do with the Lux/Teacher romance, Cate's pregnancy, and Tasha's secret past.

I something on - check this out: Does Kristoffer Polaha's New CBS Deal Spell Doom for Life Unexpected?

So, if it gets renewed (which I highly doubt, unless something drastic happens!), its good that at least he's gonna have something to fall back on. I just wish I knew if Shiri had something else in the works. It was great seeing her back on Tv again.