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Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 5:33 pm
by Applebylicious
Amber Eyes: Sherri has promised that Ash will NOT end up with Artemis :!: YAY! :lol: In fact, his heroine is supposed to make an appearance in one of the Dream Hunter's anthologies... Sweet Dreams Are Made of These. Of course, she won't tell us WHO she'll be, just that her name starts with an A. :roll: Writers. Sheesh. I have my own theries of who she will be, and that we may have already met her. But I don't want to spoil anything. Sherri never said that it wasn't someone in a previous book... just that it wasn't Artemis.

Also, Nick is supposed to have his own story. Don't know when it will be, but that has been promised on the bbs, too. And there is also a squire who turns Dark-Hunter who has a story... but maybe that will be Nick. I personally think it will be Otto. Did anyone else catch that little thing he had goin with the Female DH in DWTD?



Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 3:36 am
by Zendorox
[quote="Amber Eyes]
I've started to read Dara Joy's Matrix of Destiny storys, so am abit side track, but I'll get back on the DK books soon. Zarek is next![/quote]

I read the first and 3rd book of that series. I laughed my arse off in the 1st one at the heroine. I had mixed feelings after the 1st but the 3rd is really pretty good. That series may not continue... some legal battle going on.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 4:03 am
by Amber Eyes
Abblebylicious: Oh thank god for that! I really hate Artie!! she's such a bitch to Ash always trying to manipulate him. Grr... :mad:

About the squire who turns into a dark-hunter, it might not be Nick, cos didn't he say (I think it was in Kyrian's story) that he didn't want to be come a dark-hunter? that he was happy as a squire? But hey, who knows, things could change. :wink: I haven't read DWTD yet, so have no idea who otto is! lol! :mrgreen:

zendorox: I think I bought the first and third book too. Though, am still trying to figure out the order of it! Is it:

1) Night of a trillion stars
2) Rejar
3) Mine to take

I started reading Mine to take first. I'm kinda going backwards, which is really weird cos in the story it mentions the previous characters and they've all had a happy ending and I'm wondering how they met etc. lol. I really do hope the series continues, they're such interesting books, but when big corporate companies try to screw you over, everyone suffers. :roll:

Take care.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 12:29 pm
by Amber Eyes
Ok, I've finally finished reading Dance With the Devil, and Kiss of the night. I thought KTN was ok, I prefered the previous stories more. Before I read Zareks story, I thought I might not really like it, he wasn't a character I really liked since he gave all the other dark hunters major grief!!! But boy was I surprised! The book really touched me, and I really felt for him, all that he had gone through and endured.

I totally LOVE Simi!!! she's sooo cute and funny in an innocent yet deadly child-like sorta way. I love the bit where she quotes Ash telling her not to make artie bald. LOL :mrgreen: And how Zarek had given her a can opener so she didn't need to use her fangs to open the tin of popcicle beans!

I can't wait till Vane's story come out, I think there's another one released in October? and there's a new dark-hunter story out in January..... too far away!!! there's a book cover for it on the hunter sites.

Hmm, this thread seems really quiet..... how about we all post someof our fav quotes, scenes etc, you knowm liven this place up a bit?

take care!


Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:37 pm
by starlady
I'm in the process of reading DWTD and I have to say that it's killing me to read of all the suffering that he has gone through!!

I just can't take it!

At the moment... Kyrian's story is my favorite but Zarek is definitely wiggling his way into my heart!!!

I'm such a sucker for a tortured hero.


Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:18 am
by Anniepoo98
Howdy all~

Since we have a little over a month before the next DH novel is released, I've been searching for other authors to read... and I think I've stumbled onto a good one. Has anyone else ever tried the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong? The first book is called "Bitten" and is about the only female werewolf and her stuggles to deal with it when her pack is threatened. Good stuff. The second is called "Stolen". Elena gets kidnap by crazy scientists that are trying to figure out what makes the things that go bump in the night tick. Here she meets Paige, who gets her own story in the third book... "Dime Store Magic." The fourth book is set to be released in November.

Trust me... give these books a shot.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:34 am
by Applebylicious
Hi Annie! :)

I read Bitten at my friend Elena (JBehrsGurl)'s suggestion, and yeah I liked it. I thought Clay was a definite hottie, but I didn't like the second book as much. :? Am I the only one? I was glad to see Clay and Elena in it... but I kept wishing the book was solely about them, lol.



Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:41 am
by Anniepoo98
Hey Linds~

I did think that the second book dragged on a bit more than the first, but I still like it. Especially meeting all the new characters in it. I just can't wait for some of their stories. Have you tried "Dime Store Magic" yet? Part of that book had me laughing so hard. Paige was just too funny. And Lucus... what a cutie.

Also, if you want more on Elena and Clay... Kelley has a website, where she's posted shorter stories with them....

Plus, she actually supports fanfiction based on her stuff. I've never heard of that before.


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:56 pm
by CandyDreamQueen

Why didn’t someone tell me that this thread was here? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dark Hunter series. Oh my god. As a matter of fact I just got the new book Night Play, yesterday. I haven’t even started it yet because my sister, who is also a DH lover is currently reading it, but I can not wait to read it.

My absolute favorite Dark Hunter, or should I say ex-Dark Hunter is Zarek. My sister’s favorite is the ever omnipotent Acheron. But I also love Kyrian’s smart assness.

I also love the Brotherhood of the sword books. (The picture of Stryder on the website is soooo cutie So far I think that there have only been two, but I know that the third one is coming out soon. I have read every single book or novella that has anything to do with the Dark Hunters or Dream Hunters, or Were Hunters. They are all just so great. Even though Zarek is my favorite DH my favorite book is definitely Night Embrace. I really liked Sunshine.

I also love Dara Joy’s books as well. But I need more. Dose anyone know if there have been ant new books published besides Night of a trillion Stars, Rejar and Mine to Take?

Anyway I just want to say that I am just so excited that there are some people in the world that LOVE the DHs as much as I do.

Oh and one last thing.I’m not sure if anyone else has noticed this but I just thought of this. Valarious is going to be hooking up with Tabby, who is Amanda’s twin sister, who is married to Kyrian, who was crucified by Valarious’s grandfather. So dose that mean that Val and Kyrian are going to be brother-in-laws. I smell trouble.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:48 pm
by CandyDreamQueen

Hey you guys. My name is Candice and I love the Dark Hunters I was just wondering who all your favorite Dark Hunters are.

Favorite Dark Hunter: Zarek of Moesia
Favorite Dark Hunter Novel: Night Embrace, (Night Play is a close second.)
Favorite Dark Hunter Novel Heroin: Sunshine Runningwolf
Favorite Dark Hunter quote: “Respect this. (flips off) ” (Talon to Valarious, Night Embrace)